#lyrics by lord of the lost - one last song
gay-edwardian · 6 months
Performances below the cut because I know that practically nobody's heard her sing most of these
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tidemoonchild · 6 months
. For the 𝔯𝔢𝔟𝔢𝔩𝔰 & the 𝔟𝔯𝔞𝔳𝔢 . . The 𝔯𝔲𝔫𝔞𝔴𝔞𝔶𝔰, the 𝔯𝔢𝔫𝔢𝔤𝔞𝔡𝔢𝔰 . . For those 𝔩𝔦𝔳𝔦𝔫𝔤 by the 𝔰𝔴𝔬𝔯𝔡 . . The 𝔣𝔬𝔯𝔤𝔬𝔱𝔱𝔢𝔫 & 𝔦𝔤𝔫𝔬𝔯𝔢𝔡 . . For the 𝔳𝔦𝔠𝔱𝔦𝔪𝔰 standing 𝔭𝔯𝔬𝔲𝔡 . . All the 𝔩𝔬𝔫𝔢𝔰𝔬𝔪𝔢 in the 𝔠𝔯𝔬𝔴𝔡 . . For all my 𝔨𝔦𝔫𝔤𝔰 & all my 𝔮𝔲𝔢𝔢𝔫𝔰 . . And for 𝔢𝔳𝔢𝔯𝔶𝔬𝔫𝔢 between .
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>> She was like the 𝓂𝑜𝑜𝓃 She was like the 𝓈𝓊𝓃 << - & - > always hiding in the 𝒹𝒶𝓇𝓀 always shining oh so 𝒷𝓇𝒾𝑔𝒽𝓉 <
. . . A part of her was always 𝓉𝒽𝑒𝓇𝑒, the other one 𝒻𝒶𝓇 𝒶𝓌𝒶𝓎 . . .
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brideormonster · 4 months
If I could sing one last song
To show my love was endless...
One Last Song. Lord of the Lost.
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thisblogisaboutabook · 3 months
Rainy Season - Part 6
If You Told Me To
Azriel Eris x Reader
Eris has a little chat with Azriel. As Y/N braces herself to face her mate for the first time since leaving him - she calls in reinforcements. Eris calls in one of his own.
A/n: This is the second to last chapter of the series. Chapter 7 will be the final chapter followed by an epilogue. I have been excited to share this chapter as, lyrically, the song it’s titled after is one of my favorites. Enjoy!
Part 5 Part 7
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Warnings: Language
The Shadowsinger sat chained in a cell beneath the Autumn Keep. Comfortably lit, temperature regulated, nothing egregious. There was a dark, selfish part of Eris that would not have minded a bit of suffering to befall the male, a little seemed fair given the hell he’d put Y/N through. But Eris couldn’t do that to her. Certainly there was a small part of the mating instinct that would have left her in pain to see her mate - a title he didn’t deserve - hurting.
Eris begrudgingly placed a glamour over her scent that clung to his skin like fine perfume, such a waste to cover it with his own autumnal blend. It was not his place to explain or unveil anything regarding the relationship between them, Eris would have to tread carefully in his questioning.
He almost, almost said “fuck the glamour” and let that intoxicating-as-hell summer storm scent of hers fill the air and marched straight to the dungeons in his sweats and a linen tee, let him see exactly what Eris had been up to all morning. The look on the Shadowsinger’s face would have been so damned satisfying.
Alas, he chose to play the part of pompous High Lord, dressing in the most lordly of attire.
“Well, well, well, what brings you to my humble abode, Shadowsinger? You could have just knocked.”
Azriel snarled through his gag, nose flaring. To put it lightly, he looked rough. His once golden skin paled, dark circles prominent beneath his eyes, and multiple large purple bruises littered his skin.
“Ah, right.” Eris cleared his throat, giving the tattered male before him a disapproving stare. With a quick flick of his wrist the gag disappeared.
“Just let me fucking talk to her.” Azriel growled, his shadows darkening the cell.
Eris inspected his cuticles, refusing to drop the air of irreverence he’d intentionally given off. “Who would you like to speak with, Shadowsinger?”
“You fucking know.” He growled, rage limning each word.
“Say her name.” Eris replied cooly. Needing to make a point to himself.
And in that moment Eris realized just how far gone he was in his desire for Y/N. It was dangerous, the fiery rage that burned through his chest at the sacrilege of her sacred name falling from his desecrated lips.
Though Eris refrained from any external display of that inferno blazing inside of him, the slight tick in his jaw must have given him away to the awaiting Spymaster.
Azriel pulled and jerked with all of his might against the chains and Eris was well aware of his power, the entire Autumn Court was. Eris had backup measures in place that - even with his contempt toward the male - he did not wish to use.
“Stop pulling on the chains, Azriel.” Eris commanded.
The use of his given name instead of Eris’ typical “Shadowsinger” caught Azriel’s attention and the look alone on the his face could have killed a lesser male as Azriel’s furious gaze met Eris’
“If you fucking hurt her, I will rip you apart limb by limb. I will make it slow-“
Eris cut him off. “Was it those theatrics that won her heart, Shadowsinger? Truly, you bore me.” Eris returned to examining his nails.
“Fuck you.” Azriel growled.
Eris would ask Y/N’s forgiveness later for what he was about to say. At least he’d made an honest effort to keep his feelings for her separate from the situation at hand.
Without missing a beat, the High Lord goaded, “Funny you should say that. Was it not your fucking around that put you in this position in the first place?”
Azriel lost it. Eris couldn’t recall a time in his centuries of living that he’d seen such display of rage. He yanked at the chains with all of his might, his centuries of strength training apparent as the sounds of the rage and the grinding of stone on metal filled the cell. His efforts nearly successful in ripping free from the wall.
“I’ve asked you once to quit pulling, Shadowsinger. You are in here with just cause and will answer as such. You can behave like a civil being or continue the brute act and I will be forced to take matters into my own hands.” With that, fire sparked and was contained within his palm.
Azriel banked slightly at the display and for a moment Eris felt a twinge of remorse as his eyes landed on those scarred hands.
“Spare me your pity, High Lord.” Azriel spat the title with venom.
Eris shook his head, pacing alongside the cell. “Oh but I do pity you, Shadowsinger. Not in the way I hold back my fire given your past circumstances, that is basic decency on my part.”
With a mock bow, he continued,
“What I pity is how you wage such concern over Y/N’s well-being within my palace walls while blatantly disregarding the fact that you are the one who broke her with your own two hands. And now that she has built herself back up shard by fractured shard into something far stronger, even more rare than the shining gem she already was, you appear like a thief in the night. What is your plan, Azriel? Are you here to break her again?
Eris stepped closer to the cell. Flame igniting those amber eyes as he crouched down face to face with the bound Shadowsinger, grounding out in a low, predatory tone. “Because you won’t this time. Diamonds don’t crush under pressure.”
And with that, Eris stood back up, placed his hands in his pockets, that casual irreverence once again masking his features. “And I find diamonds to be quite precious, so I’ll be sure to cherish mine with the tender, loving care that she deserves.”
Azriel seethed, shadows raging violently within the cell. And Eris wasn’t certain but he could have sworn that anger was directed at their master himself.
Eris waited for more violence, for the filth that would spill from his mouth but the Shadowsinger only hung his head low, and to Eris’ surprise, large, salty tears began falling from his face.
Eris said nothing as Azriel sobbed. Why kick the male when he’d already downed himself? So Eris stood and waited. Eventually Azriel looked up again, “Please, just let me talk to her.”
Eris paused, taking stock of the broken male before him.
Just when it appeared to Azriel that he’d deny him, Eris replied. “You are fortunate that your mate is far more benevolent than I, she has agreed to speak with you.”
Azriel let out a large, broken sigh of relief.
Eris only smirked. “But she has conditions.”
I don’t want to look back on these days, knowing all the things you’d never know if I never said a word and let you go.
“You don’t have to do this, Y/N.” Eris spoke softly.
“I do, Eris. What he did, it’s too much. Too far. If you weren’t the ruler that you are, this might have been treated as an act of war.”
Eris shook his head. “You’re right. What he did is not acceptable by any means. But you, you shouldn’t have to deal with this after all you’ve been through.”
“It’s the right thing to do.” She spoke firmly.
He pulled her in closely, resting his chin on her head, those warm arms wrapped tightly around her easing the bitter cold threatening to frost her heart. “He never deserved you.”
Eris knew a mask when he saw one. Knew them far too well. Beneath the strong exterior she was presenting, his brave girl was nervous as hell.
I don't want to steal you away or make you change the things that you believe.
Eris escorted Y/N to a large meeting space by a roaring fire, sitting her at the head of the table, he to her right. One with a lesser sense of hearing might have missed the increase of her heart rate. That mask beginning to slip.
“Look at me, minx.”
Her glassy eyes met his as he reached forward, his hands enveloping hers. “You owe nothing to anyone. Nobody. Not to the Night Court, to my Court, or even to the Summer Court beyond what Tarquin has contracted you to do, and you especially owe nothing to the Shadowsinger.”
Her lip quivered and he spared her the discomfort of replying right away by continuing, “If it is your choice to hear him out, I commend you. You are far more brave and strong than you realize, and the fact that you are giving him your time today is an act of kindness in itself. Do not feel that you are obligated to comfort him or give your forgiveness.”
Eris lightly placed a broad palm on her chest. “What’s in there points true. Follow your heart, little fox. Do not do or say anything for anyone’s benefit but your own.”
Eris gave her the time she needed to collect her thoughts. His thumb brushed soothing strokes over the back of her hand as she composed herself.
Her voice cracked only slightly when she asked, “Is what I’m doing wrong? Are my conditions too harsh?”
Eris took a moment. Her heart racing like the best of a hummingbird’s wings as she awaited his response. He didn’t want to steer her any particular direction. Obviously, he wanted her by his side. Hell, he needed her by his side, she was as essential as water to him at this point. But her happiness and well-being mattered more than his needs.
He didn’t want her to go back to the Night Court as he knew Azriel would try convincing her to do. A selfish part of him begged to take her hand and bow on his knees before her. He was at her will and would serve her for the rest of his days should she only ask. But she needed to make this choice for herself. She was a summer storm, his little fox, who was he to stop her from flowing whatever direction she willed its winds to take her.
So, he wouldn’t ask her to stay or think of him at all during this meeting with her mate. However, he would emphasize what she likely already knew, that he had already fallen in love with her. That he fell in love with her spirit the moment that filthy string of curses fell from her pretty mouth when they met that first day. He wouldn’t pressure her by speaking those words aloud just yet, but he could show her in the best way he knew how given the circumstances, by empowering her.
“Y/N,” he broke the silence. “I meant what I told you. What you are doing today is brave. You are strong. To face a male who has not earned your time or presence in front of his own family to hear out his side of things, or whatever it is he wishes to say - you are so much stronger than you realize. Do not worry about what he or anyone at this table will think or feel. You hear him out and you choose what is right for you. The only person owed anything today is you and what you’re owed is peace. You deserve the world, fox.”
Those shining eyes of hers welled up. He lifted her chin with a long finger, “No tears, little one. You go in there and you take your power back. I will be out there.” He nodded toward a corridor to the eastern wing of the keep. “If you need anything at all, I’ll be waiting for you.”
She placed a delicate hand on Eris’ muscled bicep. “Eris…”
“Yes, fox?”
“I don’t want to do this alone.”
I want to drink from the words you say and be everything you need.
The creak of an oak door captured their attention. A sentry entered the room, his steps echoing throughout. “High Lord, Lady, the guests are arriving.” The sentry looked to Eris, “along with the guest you personally requested.”
Y/N turned toward Eris, her brows furrowing in confusion.
“Bring her in.” He replied to the sentry, turning to face Y/N. “I thought you may want someone in your corner for this meeting.”
Camila, Y/N’s sister, burst through the door, all bronze skin, bouncing black curls, and smiles. “Sister!!!” She squealed.
Y/N looked to Eris. Immense gratitude radiating from her lovely face. He nodded toward Camila, gesturing to go to her. The sisters ran to eachother, nearly tackling one another to the floor.
Camila giggled, gasping as she fought to catch her breath. “I saw a red-headed male outside with long hair, gorgeous tan skin, a wicked smile, and-“ she whispered not-so-subtly in her sisters ear “worship worthy thighs, handcrafted by the gods themselves.” She dropped the whisper act, continuing, “Oh my gods, Y/N, and a scar over his eye! Giving him that sexy mysterious look that you only ever read about in smutty novels.”
Eris choked as he realized who she was talking about, capturing the attention of Camila. “If I’d known what you were hiding here, High Lord, I’d have ventured over from the Summer Court much sooner.”
“I hate to disappoint you, Camila, but Lucien lives in the Day Court when he’s not at his apartment in Velaris.”
Camila’s mouth dropped into an “O” as she realized who the male was. “Well, onto the next one then. Who else are you hiding around here for me to fall in love with?”
The laughter was broken when the Oak Door opened again, a sentry announcing the next guests. “the High Lord of the Night Court and his general.”
Darkness suddenly overtook the room, and an instinctual part of Y/N caused her to pale. She’d very rarely seen Rhysand’s darkness so adamant, and it was never a good thing. Cassian kept a straight, stoic face, warrior’s stance on full display. This male, this was the Lord of Bloodshed and not the lovable giant she’d known for decades.
She remained frozen, Camila gasping in horror before deciding that she’d rather stare daggers at the brothers of the male who cheated on her little sister. Rhysand took in the room, paying no mind to Camila’s violent glare. When he realized Azriel was not in the room, his eyes landed on Y/N and the darkness immediately faded away. Rhys’ expression softened as he directed his footsteps toward her, opening his mouth to speak, but it was Cassian who yelled, “Y/N babygirl! Look at you!”
The giant male bound right past Rhys, running to her. Leaving no time for Y/N to brace herself as he whisked her up into a bone crushing hug, spinning her in circles. “Fuck, I’ve missed you. Never leave without saying goodbye again.”
As soon as Cassian said it, he faltered, gently setting her back down with his eyes downcast. “I had no idea, Y/N. We only found out the real reason why you left yesterday.”
Eris gave distance to the trio so she could speak with the males, Camila coming to his side. Eris couldn’t help smirking at the glare she gave to the Night Court’s High Lord and Cassian. He leaned in to her ear, his low voice barely a rumble, “I’d never admit this to them but while they are brutes, they’re not so bad.”
Camila only scoffed, waiving a dismissive hand in his direction.
It was true. Rhysand had given her space to heal but regularly sent check-in’s to the Summer and Autumn Court High Lords to ensure her well-being. Both Tarquin and Eris had to swear not to tell her, but Rhysand had contributed significantly to Y/N’s extremely generous salary as emissary between the courts. She didn’t know what emissary’s typically made so she never thought about it, but it certainly was not the substantial amount that she was being paid.
Once Cassian was finished fawning over his “favorite little ass-kicker” Rhys stepped forward.
“Y/N” he said. Eyes roaming up and down her body. She was more filled in and fit than she had been when he last saw her, the radiance had returned to her skin, the light in her eyes shone bright as the stars of Velaris. Gods, he’d forgotten the way his brother’s mate rivaled even the most vibrant of summer sunsets.
She held her chin high, meeting her former High Lord’s violet gaze. Rhys pulled her close and she melted into his arms. Not just her former High Lord but her friend. She knew this. And the warmth of his strong arms embracing her reminded her of exactly that.
That stinging rejection of Azriel’s betrayal had somewhat tainted her view of the Inner Circle’s love for her. They had accepted her into their little family immediately when she and Azriel mated and she thought they’d dismiss her just as quickly when she left.
His breaking of what they had did not change that the inner circle cared for her. Rhys held her close for nearly a minute, burying his face into the top of her head, whispering how sorry he was for not realizing just how awry things had gone with Azriel and Elain. She felt guilty for leaving them.
“Don’t you for one moment regret this, Y/N. You will always have a place in my home but there are bigger things in this world for you.” He nodded toward Eris briefly with a cheeky expression that felt a lot like understanding, approval even.
She swatted at him. “Get out of my head, busybody.”
“It was written all over your face, darling.” He shrugged.
Cassian cut in. “We wanted to come in first to assess the situation. Everyone else is in the entry hall. Are you sure about this, Y/N? You don’t have to see him if you’re not ready.”
Darkness flared around Rhys again as he nodded in agreement.
She stepped to Eris’ side with renewed confidence. “I’m ready.”
Eris commanded his sentries. “Go ahead and bring them in.”
Resisting the urge to press a parting kiss to her forehead, he gave a reassuring brush of his hand against hers and began to step away.
She grabbed his wrist. “Please, stay.”
Her pleading eyes spoke what she couldn’t “I can’t do this without you.”
So, he stayed by her side as they waited for the impending shit show to unfold.
I could be so good at loving you, but only if you told me to.
Tags: @going-through-shit @kalulakunundrum @lisanna2000 @fxckmiup @sheblogs @emryb @one-big-fangirl @historygeekqueen @isa1b2h3 @bigcreatorwombatdreamer @theravenphoenix26 @sidthedollface2 @i-am-infinite @caraaaaugh @evergreenlark @darkbloodsly @piceous21 @anxious-study @chessebookgirl @starswholistenanddreamsanswered @crazylokonugget @mysticalfuncollectorus @starsinyourseyes @b0xerdancer-writes @inloveallthetime @thegirlinshadows101 @viistrength @grunchwench @starryhiraeth @macimads @feiwelinchen @acourtofbatboydreams @nebarious @haechansleafblower @melsunshine @thegirlintheshadows101 @plsfckmern
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lady-phasma · 2 months
In the fading light
Daemon Targaryen x fem Dornish!reader
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Warnings: 18+ MDNI, smut, but I was going for soft!Daemon so I don't think there are that many warnings this time.
Summary: Daemon comes to visit you at Godsgrace, the seat of House Allyrion, in Dorne. Kind of an AU in the sense that Rhaenyra isn't the object of his love, nor his motivation for "ending his marriage" to Rhea. 2.6k words
From the request here - romantic Daemon inspired by the song "kalam eineh" (Words of his eyes) by Sherine. I was able to work in a few lyrics as well ("the one whose eyes the moon envied" and "get lost in his beauty").
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a/n: Dorne is a very big place and all of the houses are as different as the Northern houses. So as I write more Dornish!reader fics I start to see them uniquely in my headcanon. Godgrace is on a river from what my research tells me, so I think it worked out perfectly that Sherine is Egyptian. I've dropped some Egyptian elements into Godsgrace and that's how it is in my head now. (If there was a face claim for a location think Thebes/Luxor landscape.)
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A warm breeze wafted onto the balcony where you and Daemon sat. The sun sank low against the horizon. The river in the distance shone with golds and pinks. A falcon screeched nearby. You turned from the gorgeous view of the Godsgrace river oasis to look at your Prince. He sat, reclined, opposite you. You slid your toes up the inside of his leg, teasing him. He stroked the top of your foot, your ankle, up your shin. Your smooth skin reflected the light of the setting sun much as the river did. Daemon slipped his fingertips under the hem of your thin skirt. The contrast of his pale hand under the bronze fabric was delightful to you. This Northern prince, so accustomed to clouds and darkness. Such a dreary land he came from.
You watched him as he looked out over the Greenblood river. It would be so easy to get lost in his beauty. His hair, his eyes, his mouth, everything about him was entrancing to you. You glanced back out at the river, the people going about their evening paying no attention to the lords and ladies so high above them. Birds circled above fishing boats as the nets were pulled in. Lights began to flicker in windows across the city. You smelled roasted meat and fresh baked bread on the warm air. You would have to dress for the evening meal, if you didn’t request it in your quarters.
“Did you come only because the fool Prince Martell forbade it?” You were genuinely curious. “Or because of your brother?”
“You know that is not the reason,” he spoke softly and continued to stroke your leg. “Their approval means less to me than you think.”
“You risk much coming to Godsgrace.” You wiggled your toes against his thigh.
“It is a fair price,” Daemon replied.
“Surely you are quite rested now, my love,” you goaded. “It is a long journey up the Greenblood, but not so tiring that you would ignore me.” You flashed your eyes at him. They were nearly the color of burnt umber in the fading light. Soon your maids would light torches and candles in your chambers. You would hear them through the diaphanous curtains that hung in the entry of the balcony. Though they would never dare to disturb you, even if you had your Targaryen on the floor in front of them.
Daemon turned his violet eyes toward you, finally pulled from his thoughts. Gods, you thought, even the moon could envy those eyes! The last pink of the sunset caught on his silver hair as it swung freely about his face, tendrils caught in the breeze.
“Quite rested,” he smirked as he spoke. He slipped his hand behind your knee and, reaching forward, grabbed your other leg and pulled you, bodily, to him. Your chair legs screeched against the stone floor as you threw your head back and laughed. When he had you where he wanted you, he smoothed his palms up the inside of your thighs. You rested your bare feet on the seat of his chair on either side of his legs. He pushed your skirt all the way up to your waist as he stared into your eyes. His thumbs grazed the creases of your thighs and you sighed.
“The journey was too long, but certain hindrances are now resolved,” his voice was low and quiet. “I am no longer married.”
You raised an eyebrow at these words. You trailed your fingertips down one of his forearms.
“I hope that it was painless, my prince,” you both knew the mocking of his title was not malicious. He was not your prince and you enjoyed reminding him of that. “You know, you could have stayed in Godsgrace and I could have sent one of my women to dispatch the issue quickly.” Your grin was knowing, yet seductive. Daemon’s response to Northern morality was curious to you. He didn’t want his wife, but could not bring himself to have another while she lived.
“I did not say I did the deed,” he tried not to smile. “Only that it was resolved.” Oh, he was deliciously vile when it suited him. You chuckled at this.
“Well, I had no trouble with the situation,” you grazed his thigh with one foot. “I needed only your devotion, not your marriage.”
“That you will always have, my lady,” he replied as he sank to his knees in front of you. You moved your foot to his shoulder, the other still in his chair, as you languidly spread your legs to make room for him. He looked up at you again, catching your eyes with his as he kissed your thigh, then your belly. You stroked one hand over his silky head as he lowered it and kissed the dark hair between your legs. You heard him inhale, smelling you, and you became even wetter.
Daemon licked the full length of your slit and paused at your pearl. He circled it with the tip of his tongue and you gripped the arms of your chair. He slid an arm around one thigh to steady you. Then he grazed a finger through your folds, finding your entrance quickly, as if he knew your geography by heart. He teased and didn’t slide inside you yet. He used two fingers to circle your opening, almost matching the rhythm of his tongue on your clit. Your hips rocked. You tried, and failed, to get his fingers inside. He stilled you as much as he could and continued for a moment that felt like an eternity.
When he finally slipped his fingers into your wet heat he sucked on your clit and your hands flew to the back of his head. You moaned and pushed against his mouth. You thought you felt him chuckle. You didn’t care. You ground your hips on his mouth and fingers.
“Daemon,” you whispered, as that was as loud as you could manage. “That’s it, just there. Please.”
He rubbed his fingertips against the spot that drove you wild, fighting against your clenching muscles. His tongue resumed its circling movements, but with a slightly quicker pace. Your breathing was becoming shallow and the sounds you made came deep from your chest. He pumped his fingers harder into you, knowing the pressure you needed to reach your climax. Your toes curled on his shoulder. You let go of his head, gripped the arms of your chair again, and your body curled forward as your climax overwhelmed you. You yelled his name, moaned incoherently, and then laughed. He hadn’t stopped, tongue still lapping causing your thighs to twitch. You playfully pushed at his forehead to give you peace.
You leaned forward and cupped his face in your hands. His expression wasn’t playful, as yours was. The look was full of something akin to admiration. You kissed him, roughly. You licked yourself from his lips, his tongue, and moaned into his mouth. He reached up and tangled his fingers into your hair at the nape of your neck, letting some of it loose from the pins that held it in place. Without much grace, he blindly began to release your hair from its confines.
Daemon broke your kiss and began to stand up. You let your fingers trail down his body as he did. You grazed your fingers over his pants, deliberately avoiding the hardness straining the fabric. He pulled pins and a comb from your hair, tossing them on the floor with abandon. You looked up at him, a playfully displeased look on your face for the carelessness he showed for your jewelry, and shook out your hair. It fell in near-black waves down your shoulders and back.
“I need you,” Daemon breathed. His eyes were dark with lust. Still looking up at him from your chair, you pressed your palm over his erection. His eyes nearly closed. His chest rose and fell, trying to maintain his composure. You pressed just a little harder. He grabbed your wrists. It didn’t hurt but made it evident that he couldn’t be teased this evening. You stood, your wrists still in his hands. You raised to tiptoes and pulled at his bottom lip with your teeth. Your eyes narrowed in defiance against being so restrained.
“That’s enough!” He threw you over his shoulder. You squealed and laughed, kicking your feet and pounding your fists lightly against his back. Your laughter bounced off the stone walls as he carried you through the curtains into your chambers. You pushed against him, raising your head to look at the two startled maids, and laughed harder.
“Let me go!” You giggled and kicked your feet but he only held your ankles as he walked you to the bed. You heard the two girls scamper from the room, giggling and twittering.
Daemon dropped you lightly on the bed. You were breathless from laughing. He smiled down at you, but that look was back. What had changed since he had gone North? Your laughter faded into giggles, which in turn faded into quick breaths as he knelt on the bed and kissed his way up your feet, calves, and thighs. He began to unfasten the ties of your skirt at your waist and you helped him with the small buttons of your delicate top.
He licked and kissed the curves of your exposed belly. He nuzzled his nose between your breasts, then kissed each of your nipples. You played with his silky hair, enjoying watching him worship you. When he reached your neck and jaw you began tugging on his shirt, pulling it toward his shoulders. He straightened long enough pull it over his head, then bent down to your mouth again. You kissed him back, hands gripping his neck, stroking his shoulders, down his biceps.
Daemon moved with you, still kissing, as you began to sit up. You gently pressed his shoulders back and guided him to lay down. You straddled his thighs and began pulling at the laces of his pants. He groaned at the pressure of your fingers. You stroked his freed cock, watching your hands move slowly. You enjoyed making him wait but you couldn’t wait any longer. You released him and begin to remove his breeches. Once you had both struggled with that for a moment, you trying not to giggle during the endeavor, you climbed up him and placed yourself on his belly. You could feel his cock pressing against your buttocks. You leaned forward and kissed him and he cupped both of your breasts in his hands.
You lifted your hips enough to reach between you and guide him into your wetness. He growled and squeezed your breasts a bit harder. Slowly, you took him inside you. You raised up, allowing him to keep his hands on you, and pressed your hands against his stomach as you rocked your hips. You took his cock as deep as you could. Gradually, at first, then setting a gentle pace that brought sweet sounds from Daemon’s lips. You leaned forward slightly, finding the angle you needed. He moved his hands, one to your neck, one to your hip. As you settled on a rhythm, he began to match you, thrusting upward slightly each time you rocked back on his cock.
You let your head fall forward, you hair sweeping forward, framing your face and his. Your fingers curled against his chest. You kept this pace as long as you could before your cunt began to ache with the beginnings of your climax. You slowed and Daemon took over. Gripping both of your hips, he fucked up into you, harder than you had been able to manage. His grunts made you squeeze around his cock. They were wonderful sounds that only increased your need for him.
You rested your face against his, pressing your cheeks together. Neither of you could stay quiet. Your name fell from his lips as fluidly as the curses he uttered. His fingers dug into your hips as he pulled you down onto each of his upward thrusts. The sound of flesh against flesh, lewd and satisfying. Your bodies glistened with sweat in the torch light. You wanted to open your eyes and look at him but the pleasure was too great.
“Yes, please, Daemon,” you whined in his ear. Your lips drug across his cheek as you searched for his mouth. You tried to kiss him. Instead you panted and moaned against his mouth. As your climax began the wave that would drown you, you heard his voice, much calmer than yours could have been in that moment.
“Look at me.” You did. He didn’t stop fucking you, but he held your gaze with those perfect eyes. “I love you. I would kill for you. I would kill anyone who kept us apart.”
Something in his eyes, not just his words, was your undoing. Your climax spread over you at the same time as it curled up inside you. You squeezed your thighs against his hips, almost stopping his movements entirely. You bent to him and kissed him, moaning and sighing, as you came.
Suddenly Daemon’s large arms encircled you and in your delirium you could hardly notice that he was moving you. You clung to his shoulders as he somehow, and gracefully, managed to lay you on your back. He had not pulled out. You wrapped your legs around his hips and ran your hands into his hair.
Daemon fucked you without restraint. You were coming down from your climax but your cunt gripped him tight and he grunted with each deep thrust. He shifted his weight to one hand and deftly scooped one of your legs into the crook of his arm. You bit your lower lip and looked up at him. He was watching you.
“Touch yourself,” he panted. “Come on my cock again.” His smile was enough to convince you, if his words hadn’t been.
So you did. You rubbed your fingers quickly, and in time with his strokes. When you were close again, you arched under him, head thrown back, Daemon’s mouth on your exposed neck. Then he pressed his hips against you as hard as he could. His cock buried completely inside you as he came. Your cunt spasmed around him and you both felt his seed fill you as your climax peaked. He cursed and tried to gently lower your leg. Your body shook and you were unable to help him. He chuckled and kissed your forehead.
As he slowly pulled out and away from you, you mewled and groaned, closing your thighs and squeezing them together. Daemon lowered himself down next to you, on his side. He rested his head on your chest. You smoothed his hair away from his forehead in a long stroke down to his back and sighed. You let your hand rest on his shoulder. He held you close to him.
The cool night breeze wicked the sweat off your skin. The torches guttered slightly. You wrapped one leg over Daemon’s. You wanted every part of your body touching his. You breathed in his smell mixed with your own and the dusty sweetness of Godsgrace coming in through the curtains.
“No one will come between us,” Daemon whispered against you.
“I know, my love, my dragon” you replied, lips brushing against the top of his head.
The sun had set and, perhaps, the dark was what he needed. In the light of day The Rogue Prince was rakish and disreputable. But at night, with you, he could shed that facade.
Tags: @black-dread
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patrickztump · 1 month
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oh i looked for your name on the ouija board and your naked magic, oh dear lord..
i didn't want to bulk up the post with multiple paragraphs or add it in a reblog but i wanted to talk about this a little :)
i was thinking about the gif i made last year for where did the party go and still love how it turned out. it gives me lost tapes vibes and i've also been into a lot of throwback/retro themed art, so wanted to tap into that with a stack of tvs.
there are clear references to the music video with the disco ball, that abandoned hospital wall color, spray painted symbol, and The Cord. but the tvs also tie back to the album cover, mirroring the clothing colors. and if you take a peek at the runtime on the tv, it's to where the lyrics start in the song (minus the milliseconds, itunes didn't provide it so i just threw a couple to the end).
i know the machete didn't come in until the end half of death valley and guitar not until save rock and roll, but last summer i made another version of that and have been trying to use it in something since, but never found the right idea to incorporate it. so i figured add it to this piece because so many associate lyrics of love and comparisons to pete and patrick's relationship, so why no put the two together? they were brought together by music, torn apart by it, then made whole again from it.
also, since i started using procreate i've been able to do about 60-70% (of large projects, like this) in the program before having to eventually move it into photoshop to finish it up. but this one is 99% procreate! the only thing that's ps is the "and the love on tv / love on tv" text because i couldn't quite replicate it the same way i did in ps (skill issue as of right now lol). but i a quite proud of that! because the learning curve has been a slow and steady climb.
anyways, there you go! if you read this, thank you <3 and i hope you enjoyed this little scene my brain plopped out :)
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starsandhughes · 9 months
Penalty Box Series— Imagines Edition: Little Bird
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totaalllyyy not projecting a little bit here! (this is a lie. i cried for two hours straight over this song.)
here’s a little wedding planning fic! happy ending! i promise!
warnings: crying, mentions of a rough childhood, particularly absent fathers
word count: ~1.8k
22-23 Season/Summer Series Masterlist
The last thing you wanted while starting to plan your wedding was to have a mental breakdown in front of everyone.
And by everyone, you mean everyone. Trevor, Jack, Quinn, Luke, Cole, Alex, and your essentially adoptive parents Ellen and Jim.
You had your music on shuffle as you started looking at color schemes and flower arrangements. It was great at first— the speaker played Taylor, early 2000s pop music, Morgan Wallen and other country songs, 5SOS, and even some One Direction.
And then Little Bird by The Jonas Brothers came on.
You barely noticed it at first, treating it more like background music. Until the chorus. And the second verse. And the rest of the song.
'Cause I know if I'm doin' my job correct
Nights like these will happen less
So please just keep me in your heart
When you fly into somebody else's arms, little bird
Yeah, yeah
Walked down the aisle, breakin' my heart
Lay down my pride, I know I gotta let you go
'Cause he's gonna love you when I gotta leave you
Gotta believe it when the Lord takes me home
You got a little emotional at the chorus and decided to push past it. It was just a song. But when Joe started singing about a father walking his daughter down the aisle, you lost it.
Trevor was quick to jump out of his seat and wrap his arms around you. He was standing while you were still sitting, cradling your head into his chest and rubbing your back.
“Turn it off,” Trevor said softly, but urgently, to Jack.
Jack ushered to the speaker and unplugged it, ceasing the music in the middle of the next chorus. Trevor and Quinn shared a panicked look. Everyone was dead silent and still, no one knew what to do. The lyrics that got to you were wedding and father related. The whole song is about a father’s love for his daughter, something that your biological father didn’t have for you.
“I won’t be offended if you need Quinn, sweet girl,” Trevor whispered to you. “Just nod your head if it’s him you need.”
“B-both,” you choked out.
That took your fiancé off guard. He wasn’t sure if there was ever a moment where you needed both of the two most important people to you during a breakdown.
“Let’s go upstairs,” Quinn said.
Trevor slowly released his hold and held out both of his hands for you to take. He pulled you up and threw one arm around your shoulder and used his other to place a comforting hand on your upper arm.
You bit back your sobs as you left the kitchen to go upstairs into your and Trevor’s room in the lake house. The second the door closed behind you, you threw yourself into Quinn’s arms, who was sitting on the edge of the bed.
Quinn wrapped you up tight, and Trevor sat down close to you and Quinn and returned to rubbing your back in soothing circles.
“It’s alright, Sissy,” Quinn cooed. “We got you. You’re safe. Let it all out.”
You violently sobbed into your best friend’s chest. Your entire body was shaking; there was no way that the rest of your loved ones downstairs couldn’t hear you.
“Why didn’t he want me?!” you shouted through your cries. Then, softer, “Why didn’t he love me?”
“He didn’t deserve you,” Quinn answered low.
“He still doesn’t deserve you,” Trevor elaborated on Quinn’s words.
You continued to bawl. You sobbed so hard that your head was starting to pound. You sobbed so loud that your throat was burning. The boys stayed mostly quiet, only occasionally offering assuring whispers of “it’s alright,” and “let it out” variations.
Your sobs, over half an hour later, eventually died down into a silent cry with only sniffles as a tell.
“He doesn’t deserve me,” you said weakly.
“That’s right, Quinn agreed. “You decide who deserves you. And I think five year old you made the decision that your biological parents don’t the first time they forgot to pick you up from our house.”
“I always liked it better there.”
Quinn kisses the top of your head, “We liked it better when you were there. We worried when you weren’t.”
At some point during your breakdown, you had laid down in Quinn’s lap. You slowly sat up and turned slightly to dive into Trevor’s chest. You wrapped your arms around his waist and he pulled your legs over so that you were sitting between his legs, turning you towards Quinn so that you could see him and he could still place his hand on you. Trevor put his arms around you and started to stroke your hair while his cheek rested on top of your head.
“You deserve me,” Trevor whispered. “You deserve everything and I plan to give it to you.”
“You already have,” you told him, hugging him tighter.
“Then I’ll give you everything and more. And I’ll tell you every day that you deserve me. And Quinn. And Jack. And Luke, Cole, Alex, Jamie, Ellen, Jim, all our teammates, and every single hockey player that you’ve deemed your son.”
Trevor’s words brought more cries from you, but in a good way this time. Quinn lifted your legs and scooted closer to Trevor so that he could lay your legs across his lap. You kept one arm tightly around Trevor, but you held your other hand out for Quinn to hold.
Quinn grabbed it and squeezed it gently, “I’ve never met anyone more loved than you.”
“You’d probably explode with any more love,” Trevor quipped. He smiled when he got a small chuckle out of you. He always knew when it was okay to lightly joke to help get you feeling better. You love that about him.
“Yeah, Sissy?”
“I know I originally asked you to walk me down the aisle, but would you be offended if I asked Jim to?”
Quinn broke out into a smile at your question.
“Not at all. I think it’s a great idea,” he answered.
“How about you officiate us?” Trevor suggested. “And I’ll finally cave and let Y/N have Cole as her Man of Honor instead.”
“I’d be honored,” Quinn said.
You didn’t say it out loud yet, but something about Trevor asking Quinn’s permission to ask you out on a date and then asking him to marry you two brought you immense joy. It felt like your story together was coming full circle. It was perfect.
You held on to Trevor’s hand as the three of you made your way back downstairs. Everyone’s eyes were immediately directed towards you, all of them filled with either worry or sympathy.
Jack got up off the couch and walked over to you, “Want a hug? Or do you want Trevor?”
You gave your brother a soft smile and wrapped your arm that wasn’t attached to Trevor around his waist. Jack’s arms slid around your shoulders as he held you in a firm hug.
“How do you want to ask this?” Trevor asked you.
“Ask what?” Cole asked. “Are you eloping? Are you asking for permission to elope?”
“No, dumbass,” you laughed lightly. “We do have something to ask of you, though. You and um… Dad.”
The room stilled. It had been addressed multiple times that Quinn was walking you down the aisle.
Cole and Jim moved so that they were sitting next to each other on the couch; you and Trevor took a seat on the ottoman.
You turned your attention to Jim, “I’ve already talked to Quinn, and he’s not offended or anything. But Trevor and I— well, I guess mainly me, decided to ask if you’d like to walk me down the aisle instead? You’ve been a dad to me for almost all my life. Not just a father, but a dad, too. And I’d—“
You started to get choked up. Everyone now knew what you were going to ask, but it was clear that you wanted to get it out. Trevor rubbed your back for some encouragement and to help calm you.
“I’d like you to walk me down the aisle,” you said.
Ellen was crying, and Jim had the happiest face on him that you’ve ever seen.
He took your hands in his as his eyes started to water a bit as well, “I’d like nothing more.”
You got up and hugged him, really hugged him. Quinn means so much to you, but you weren’t really sure why you didn’t go with the most obvious and important father figure in your life in the beginning of planning. Hell, you’ve been calling him “dad” since you were in middle school and really started to understand things about life.
You wiped some tears as you pulled away and forced out a fake laugh to shake off some of the intense emotions you were still feeling. You sat back down and faced Cole this time to ask him your next question.
“I know Trevor and I originally asked you to marry us, but since Quinn isn’t walking me anymore, Trevor had the idea of him marrying us instead. He asked Quinn’s permission to date me in the first place, which obviously later turned into us being boyfriend and girlfriend, so I thought it was a perfect idea that he’d be the one making us husband and wife.
“I was originally going to ask Taryn, but I haven’t yet so she doesn’t even have to know. So, Cole?”
“Yes?” he smiled. He knew what was coming.
“Would you be my Man of Honor?”
Cole dived towards you and tackled you into a hug, “I would be HONORED to be your Man of Honor, best friend number two!”
You let out a real laugh as Cole snuggled himself against you even harder to where his face was practically making a permanent indent in the ottoman cushion.
“Alright! Tell me how you really feel,” you teased.
“Nothing else has changed, right?” Jack asked. “I’m still one of Trevor’s best men?”
“Yeah, bud,” Trevor assured him. “I’ve got my groom party set in stone.”
You were really happy with your decision. Yeah, sometimes your past comes back to you with a vengeance, but you just have to take a step back and remember all the good that the bad brought.
Your fucked up family brought you a real family.
A family that every one of your school classmates thought you were apart of anyways.
A family that showed you what a family should be.
A family that showed you what love was.
A family that still shows you what love is.
A family that brought you the love of your life.
A family that brought you the best people in your life.
A family that brought you back to life.
It wasn’t that day, but eventually you were able to listen to Little Bird with a smile. You sing along to it with so much heart and emotion every time; all because of Jim Hughes.
All because of your real dad.
You’ve been a Hughes for seventeen years. And soon, you’ll be Mrs. Zegras-Hughes to finally, legally, solidify that.
You can’t wait.
reblogs appreciated! it helps spread the fic <3
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thelov3lybookworm · 10 months
Nothing Like I Do
Summary: Y/n and Azriel have been friends for centuries now, having run away together during his escape from his father's house. She had been his neighbour's daughter, whose father wasn't much better. They had talked and met on various occasions before, having understood each others pain.
As she returned from the last mission that Cassian had given her in the stead of Rhys, she had decided that she was going to confess her feelings for the Shadowsinger. But when she returns, she realises that even though he has moved on from Mor, he isn't without someone. As she tries to navigate her way to telling him of her feelings, she wonders if she's risking her friendship with him.
A/n: I really like how this came out, feedback is always appreciated. Also, this is my first time writing Y/n instead of a name, so let me know if theres some need of correction.
And the lines written in blue are the lyrics which made me want to write this. I've honestly been waiting to write this since the song came out, but as i was writing you deserve better, I wanted to wait. And the lyrics aren't in chronological order, just placed where convenient.
As she flew over the glittering Sidra and the colourful lights lighting the shops, Y/n took a deep breath in an attempt to settle her nerves. She'd be returning home after almost a decade and she'd finally be meeting her friends.
She was half Illyrian just like Rhys, her father being the one with the wings. He and her mother had wed when his father had arranged a marriage for them.
As she landed on one of the balconies of the House of Wind and vanished her wings away, the nervousness came back with a vengeance. Walking in, she heard noises coming from a nearby sitting room. She smiled. They hadn't changed one bit, being as noisy as ever.
Y/n knew that the High Lord had found his mate, and that, after the war, the they had been blessed with a son. Other than that, she knew nothing about what had happened during the time she had been away.
Her heart beating in her ears, she slowly pushed the door open, poking her head in. Rhys was already staring at her, having known someone had entered the shield around the house. But this, he hadn't expected.
"Hello." Y/n squeaked, before clearing her throat and entering fully.
Hit me like a shot in the heart
Never should have played you so hard
Guess I played myself, that's my fault
Azriel was out of his chair and tackling her in a hug before she could blink. The breath was knocked out of her from the force of his body colliding with hers. It took her a moment to wrap her arms around him as well, mindful of his wings. She smiled at the ceiling.
She had missed this.
When he finally pulled away, grinning, she was yet again pulled into another hug, this time by a laughing Cassian. She nearly lost her footing. When he let go, Rhys smiled at her, giving her a far more gentler hug than his brothers.
As she finished hugging him, her eyes found that of Mor's, shooting an instant spike of self consciousness through her.
As always, Mor was dressed immaculately, with her hair done as if she was attending some celebration. While Y/n looked just out of a battle. In her fighting leathers, her hair almost completely out of the loose braid hanging down her back.
And all of that reminded her of the fact that the male she had always been in love with was in love with Mor.
Hit me like a poisonous dart
You wеre trouble right from the start
Should havе ran, I guess it's my fault
Her spirits were already down as Rhys introduced her to the new additions to the family. She excused herself, saying she wanted to take a bath, but before she left, Y/n crouched in front of Feyre and baby Nyx, who was trying to grab a piece of her hair.
As he babbled at her, she babbled right back, making him exclaim in happiness, trying to jump around on his mother's lap. When he started making grabby hands at her, she was shocked because as far as she knew, it takes quite some time for babies to get used to strangers, let alone pick them up.
She stared helplessly at Nyx. Sure, she was good with kids, but only when she wasn't holding them, never really having held a baby. The one time she did, everything went wrong.
She stared at her new baby brother with wide eyes, before looking up at her mother. "Can I hold him?"
"Yes Y/n." Her mother instructed her how to sit on the bed,placing the little bundle in her lap. Little Y/n couldn't look away, her jaw open in awe.
"He's so small." Y/n mumbled when the door flew open, loudly crashing against the wall, making her jump, jostling her brother in the process. She turned to look at who it was, the colour draining from her face.
Her father.
He looked furious. He had wanted her to stay away from the little boy, and when she had begged to know why, he had hit her. She still didn't understand why her father had wanted that. She also didn't understand why he hated her so much. Maybe it was because she asked too many questions? Whatever the reason, he didn't like her and had told her she was to stay away.
In her haste to get off the bed, she forgot, for a moment, that a baby was in her lap. Before he could get hurt, though, both her parents were there, her mother cradling the baby to her chest, trying to get Y/n behind her. It didn't help as Y/n's father had already grabbed hold of her arm, dragging her out of the bedroom and the main door, out in the cold. When she realised where he was taking her, she started crying and screaming, begging to be forgiven this one time.
It was obviously useless. Later on she would wonder why she even bothered, but at the moment, she would have done anything to be spared from the darkness.
She was dragged into the neighboring house, where a man was staring at her in disgust. She didn't hear anything that the two Illyrians talked about, the sobbing mess that she was. Then as suddenly as her father had stopped, he began dragging her towards the stairs leading down, before she was shoved into the dungeon and the door was slammed shut, leaving her in the darkness.
It was quite some time before she could breath without hiccups, finally quieting down.
A small body settled next to hers. "What happened this time?"
Y/n said nothing for some time, wondering how just wanting to hold her brother for some time could incense her father so.
"I was holding baby brother. He didn't want me to."
She couldn't see him, but she knew he nodded.
He was her only friend, Azriel. She was often times put here with him, both their fathers being friends and taking some sick pleasure in torturing the small children, locking them up in dark places. This wasn't the first time her father had done this. The sad part was that, as far as she could remember, this had been happening forever.
Y/n felt Azriel tugging her closer, hugging her close as they tried to go to sleep on the cold and hard ground. He was her only comfortin times as this, and he will be the only one, for quite some time.
Now, after centuries, she understood why he hated her. She was a female. No other reason. And the reason he didn't want her near her brother was because he didn't want her tainting him. Atleast, that's what he said when she and Azriel had gone near there for a mission.
Y/n took a deep breath, shaking those dark thoughts away and focusing on the happy baby in front of her. She won't let those memories ruin this happy moment.
She gently picked him up, looking to Feyre for guidance. As she stood with Nyx, her eyes connected with hazel ones, full of understanding. And when Azriel smiled, it didn't seem so bad.
Sometime later in the evening, after Y/n had already changed and freshen up, she found herself sitting next to the Shadowsinger with Nyx again in her lap, shaking and waving a stuffed bat toy.
As the night wore on, Y/n found her mind wandeing to her decision to confess her feelings to the Spymaster, and how she could do it. But then, soon enough she realised, with a burst of excitement, that Azriel had already moved on from his crush on Mor.
That happiness didn't last long as she realised that the subject of those longing glances and lingering touches had been changed to the middle Archeron sister, sitting on the other side of him.
I don't even know how to think
'Cause now she got your heart, so I feel stupid, foolish
'Fraid I'm losin' everything I thought I couldn't
My whole world is fallin' apart
And she couldn't help but wonder, would she again be too late?
As she stared at them from her place on rhe first floor balcony of the River House, Y/n couldn't help the ugly feeling of jealousy that reared its head. She didn't want to feel that way, especially as the person who held her heart looked so happy.
Azriel was standing behind Elain, who was tending to a few plants in her beautiful garden.
Azriel's head swivelled towards her, his mouth open as if he had looked up mid-sentence. He smiled at her before turning back to Elain.
"You should talk to him." Nesta murmured from behind her, making Y/n jump. While she was busy wallowing in self pity and jealousy, Nesta had somehow snuck up on her.
The two of them had become fast friends, finding they had similar interests. Especially those novels. And despite Y/n not telling Nesta about her feelings towards the Spymaster, Nesta had found out.
"I don't know what to say." Her voice wavered with barely controlled emotions.
Nesta leaned against the railing next to her. "I know. But try atleast. If possible, before the party tonight. If all goes well, you can have fun with him. If not... we can find someone for you tonight. Probably try to make him jealous."
It had been two weeks since Y/n had returned, and tonight was the party Rhys had decided to host in honour of her return.
Y/n nodded. It was time. To move on with him, or without. She couldn't waste her life trying to squeeze herself into other peoples lives, hoping someone would give her some affection.
Y/n bit her lip, wondering how to approach the topic. But no elaborate words found her, especially with the Shadowsinger's full attention on her.
Don't you go fallin' in love
Trust me, she's not the one
She won't ever love you like I do
Hold you like I do, know you like I do
There was no soft and subtle way to approach this, so she jumped right in.
"Do you like Elain?"
He blinked, taken aback. "Of course I like her. I like you too." There was something in his eyes that Y/n couldn't decipher as he said the last part.
"No like– like lovers kind of like. Are you interested in her?"
His eyes shuttered as soon as he heard the question. "That's none of your business."
"Oh? And since when did the two of us have different–"
"We're both grown up now, Y/n. You have your personal matters, I have mine. Don't snoop in my life. You are a friend. Act like a friend."
Y/n couldn't help but gape at him, wondering what the hell had gone wrong between them to make him so mad at her. It was a few moments before she could speak again. And when she did, she wished she hadn't.
"Forget her Azriel. Don't go falling in love with her. Trust me she's not the one. She'll never–" Y/nstopped herself from speaking, know if she continued speaking, she won't stop and confess, and then end up most probably rejected.
"She'll never what Y/n?" He stepped closer, so close that she could feel his breath, his voice dropping dangerously. When she said nothing, he continued. "And if she's not the one, who is?" Again, there was that thing in his eyes that she couldn't understand. He searched her eyes before stepping back, shaking his head. "Don't try to control my life Y/n. It doesn't suit you."
Tears brimmed in her eyes as she watched him step out of the room she had pulled him into. Just a few moments later, Nesta poked her head in, as if she had been waiting here all this time.
"Let's get you dressed and make him regret." She murmured, tugging Y/n out of the room.
Y/n swallowed her nerves as best as she could as she stepped into the ball room, her eyes trying to find the Spymaster without her permission. But before she could see him, Nesta called out to her.
The night fared on without any issues, accept for the fact that she still hadn't found the Spymaster, good at hiding that he was. Sometime ago, a fae male had asked her to dance with him, which she was forced to accept after feeling Nesta and Mor's glares on her.
"Looks like it's time to change partners." A deep voice from behind Y/n said, sending shivers down her spine. The male glanced up, packing a little before making his exit. Finally, she turned to look at her friend, understanding why the male looked scared. Azriel looked like he was ready to do someone's head off. Or probably chew it off. His wings were slightly flared behind him in a show of power and possession, his signature scowl on his face, making him look all the more scary.
Y/n frowned at him, pissed that he had yelled at her just a few hours ago and then had the audacity to scare people away from her.
"What?" He asked after he had tugged her closer and begun swaying, still staring after the male.
"What's your problem?"
He glanced at her before again his eyes began tracking the male. "You didn't know him. He could've been a secret murderer."
Y/n gaped at him. "And what if he was? You had no right to scare him away."
"I'm just looking out for you. Were you interested in him?"
"That's none of your business." She parroted his earlier words, but he didn't seem to notice.
Don't you go falling in love
'Cause I'ma break that shit up
I won't let her love you like I do
Touch you like I do, nothing like I do
Nothing like I do
"He's not the one, trust me." Finally, he looked down at her.
Y/n had to take a deep breath to stop herself from screaming in frustration. "Don't snoop in my life, Azriel. You're friend, act like one."
A muscle ticked in his jaw as she pulled her hand away from his and stepped back. "Don't try to control my life. Doesn't suit you." Y/n whirled, her dress swishing around her legs as she walked away with barley restrained anger.
She walked out into the balcony nearest to her, leaning against it, taking deep gulps of the fresh night air.
Some time had passed before she felt Azriel's presence behing her and she sighed.
He silently came to stand beside her. It was quite a few moments before he cleared his throat. "I– I'm sorry. I was being an asshole. But did you see him? The way he was looking at you– it made me want to rip his head off him. I'm sorry."
He was looking at her now, but she stared straight ahead. When she didn't say anything for a long time, he continued. "What– what were you going to say, when we talked before the party? She'll never what?"
"It doesn't matter."
"It matters to me."
"She'll never love you... like I do." She needed to know, Y/n decided. If he rejected her, she could atleast have no regrets when moving on.
He started laughing, and she squeezed her eyes shut. "No way. You don't love me. You don't, do you?"
She pushed back from the railing, turning away fro him. "If you don't want me –which I know you don't– atleast don't invalidate my feelings by laughing–"
"Who said i don't? Hmm?" He caught her wrist, tugging a frozen Y/n back, flush against him. "I love you too, you dumb female. Have been in love for almost my whole life now."
"But– but you loved Mor–" She sputtered, turning her head to look at him.
"That was me trying to accept the fact that an amazing female like you would never want a bastard like me."
"You're mad if you thought that. Why would you even think that!" She turned to look at him fully, her wrist still clasped in his hand. He just smiled and shrugged, staring at her intently. "You're such an idiot."
"But–" He said after a moments hesitation, "I'm your idiot now?"
She grinned, the tension bleeding from her shoulders as she buried her face in the place connecting his neck and shoulder, his arms instantly going around her waist.
"You're my idiot now."
Little did they know then, that soon they'll realise he was her mate too.
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cod-z · 2 months
Your media consumption isn't my responsibility | TW: Angst/No Comfort (possible comfort if I make a part 2), Abuse(non-physical), Cheating(?), FwB, Too late.
Pairing(s): (Choose)141 x Reader
| One-shots | Pt. 2 | A/N: Had 'Lonely' by Akon on loop for the past 6 hours (still am, for no reason)
It's been who knows how long since you've left, ever since the night you told him you were done, not because of the lonely nights but the constant pernicious words that were thrown constantly at your direction, the nights where he left you the next morning.
A player. That's what he was, emotionally detached whenever his sat next to you at those restaurants that you suggested, paying for your own tickets whenever he invites you the movies and getting individual seats, being there as a imitation of a couple though that wasn't the case.
Friends with benefits. Lack the friends part and where the stage was, it was probably for his own benefits rather than yours.
At first it was just sex, never ending, heated intercourse. No emotions were attached till he started acting different, showing a different light to his playboy side, he showed you that he was, as what people called 'Boyfriend Material'.
Since then your sleepless nights were more than once a week, dates were fun, visiting places that you've never been, then all of that came crashing down. New side piece that walked through those doors. His eyes sparkling at the sight of her bodice, fresh meat for the taking and did he take it quite quick.
It would've hurt less if he didn't treat her so right unlike when he was with you, more expensive, more loving, more thought out and did that hurt. Though it didn't last long but the peace didn't stay calm at all. Back to his style of a players.
You stayed by his side.
Got that one good girl, lord, that's always been there, man like, took all the bullshit. But then one day, she can't take it no more and decided to leave.
He's been in his desolate apartment, the bedside empty now that you had gone before he woke up, a sob stuck in his throat though he blamed it on the whiskey. The song in his room stuck on loop, words mocking him for his life, the precious creature that he had lost because he fucked around.
And like the lyrics that continued to replay for the nth time that morning? Afternoon? He doesn't know. It just dug into his heart, eyes shut tightly, letting the tears stream down his cheeks as he imprints the lyrics into his body and his soul.
Sobs rang out his dim, dirtied room.
No messages, no calls, nothing from you. Just the replay of the music.
Lonely, I'm Mr. Lonely I have nobody for my own~ I'm so lonely, I'm Mr. Lonely I have nobody for my own~
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barrenclan · 29 days
unsure if this has been said before but please let me get what i want (the deftones vers specifically) feels very fitting for pinepaw or maybe even rainhaze. the family guys who are almost foils to each other when they're both going through a messy rough time 🤝
I really like this suggestion, because Morrissey is my current voiceclaim for Pinepaw so he's very Smiths-coded in my mind.
Haven't had a dream in a long time See, the life I've had Could make a good man bad
So for once in my life Let me get what I want Lord knows it would be the last time Lord knows it would be the first time
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Oh my friend, British men screeching is just about my favorite musical styling.
Want land in the valley There's pieces of you breaking off (Pieces of you breaking off)
Big money's in the basin, you don't come back without it He's killing with abandon to get over the mountain Got darkest rum from Mama, seething in the liver Blood disease from Papi, poisoning the river
Friends on the Other Side works pretty well for Ranger, at the very least his attitude. Rainhaze's deal came from desperation rather than greed, but I do like things that speak to his thoughtless self-centeredness and hero complex.
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That's a Rainhaze song if I ever heard one!
Stuck in the middle of a forest made of Flesh and bones and they're all scared of A lost little boy who has lost his heart Fear's not enough, they have to Tear him apart
Follow the scent of iron sinking Deeper into corpses rotting But they can't hear you talk, talk, talk About every little thing
And the Hound Is humming you A lie, a lullaby
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Ohh, yeah... I can see it.
I wonder who I'd be If all these bad things Didn't happen to me
I must be The Virgin Mary To create a son Who will suffer so much <- the sloug.......
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The tone of the song is pretty light, but I can see the lyrics working! Especially drawing parallels between the original great destruction and the current onslaught.
Oh god, come quickly The execution of all things Let's start with the bears and the air And mountains, rivers and streams Then we'll murder what matters to you And move on to your neighbors and kids Crush all hopes of happiness with disease 'Cause of what you did
And lastly, you're all alone with nothing left but sleep But sleep never comes to you It's the guilt and forever wakefulness of the weak It's just you and me
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Ah, that musical is on my watchlist but I haven't gotten around to it yet. I've heard pretty good things, though!
I roar! And you cry! I'm the reason You run and hide!
You better leave your hopes behind No one's gonna stop him You better hope he's out of sight Or you're doomed to be a victim
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Objectively wild pull, but I do love Johnny Cash, and his voice reminds me a lot of what Mallowstar's would be like. I like this song a lot with him. :,]
Well, I won't back down, no I won't back down You can stand me up at the gates of Hell But I won't back down
Well, I know what's right, I got just one life In a world that keeps on pushin' me around But I stand my ground and I won't back down <- wahh mallowstar...
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I'd definitely this has big Slugpelt energy.
Dear, I fear we're facing a problem You love me no longer, I know And maybe there is nothing That I can do to make you do Mama tells me I shouldn't bother
Lately I have desperately pondered, Spent my nights awake and I wonder What I could have done in another way To make you stay
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It's a pretty good song!
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YAY Queen song! This is interesting; I can see it very well with characters that are still a spoiler to talk about.
So much ado, my lover So many games we played Through every fleeted summer Through every precious day
All dead, all dead All the dreams we had And I wonder why I still live on All dead, all dead And alone, I'm spared My sweeter half instead All dead and gone
Damn I ran out of video links
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chvoswxtch · 9 months
Ok I've been trying to figure out what I wanted to request so of course I'm trying to get these in on the last day.
So I'm thinking Red (but if you're more inspired by Midnights, I wouldn't complain) for our Saint Matthew with the lyrics
I had all and then most of you Some and now none of you
from The Night We Met by Lord Huron.
Idk I'm feeling like I want the pain!
ughhhhh I fucking love this song so much and I never thought about it before but this is definitely a saint matthew song
I went with red (I feel like it hurts more when it's shorter) and packed in all the angst and pain I could manage in a few short sad words 💔
drabble below the cut
the night we met (matt's version)
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I had all and then most of you / some and now none of you
It had all been so perfect, until Matt let you slip through his fingers like delicate sand through the eye of an hourglass. He hadn’t been paying attention to anything but his own distorted and haunted reflection. He realized too late that your time had run out, and that you weren’t willing to start over again. In the midst of his self righteous crusade, he missed that you had already restarted the hour a thousand times already.
And with every grain of sand that fell, a piece of you was lost along with it.
He was always pushing it. Just one more rescheduled dinner to win this case. Just one more sleepless night alone in bed to bust this drug trafficking ring. Matt was constantly bargaining, trading recycled apologies and empty promises for just a little more time. In the back of his mind he knew that eventually, time would run out.
He just never thought it would be tonight.
He didn’t think he’d be able to tell from three blocks away that every trace of you, every tangible shred of evidence that you had been there, would be gone. That the apartment would feel colder without the warmth of your affection. That his pillow would smell like stale fabric instead of your apple scented shampoo. That there would be nothing to sleep next to tonight except the consequences of his own mistakes. That the only thing he could taste of you was the saltwater that stained the threshold in front of the door where you had finally reached the limit he had pushed you away to.
Matt wished he could’ve done it all differently.
He wished he could go back to the night you met.
Maybe he would’ve saved you from himself.
Or maybe he would’ve let you save him.
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malisorn · 1 year
♫ || 𝐒𝐨𝐧𝐠𝐛𝐢𝐫𝐝 𝐨𝐟 𝐭𝐡𝐞 𝐂𝐨𝐮𝐫𝐭𝐫𝐨𝐨𝐦
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Pairings | Aemond Targaryen x Fem!Reader
Summary | You are a new court singer performing the first time at the royal feast, everything seems fine except the strained look on the prince's face ๋࣭ ⭑
Warnings & Suggestions | Aegon II, Physical Harassment, Fluff, Angst, No Physical Description of Reader, Reader being anxious, Very Cheesyyyyyyy
For all your life, you have always been fascinated with songs and poetry. All the love stories and sweet melodies filled your head with hopeless fantasy. That's how it brings you here, singing at the feast for the prince of the realm, Prince Aemond of House Targaryen. You have heard a stories of him claiming the largest dragon then lost his left eye as an exchange, you even wrote a song about him. From where you stand, he is close to what you have imagined, with the blood of the dragon and their notable looks, he bears the same silver hair and lilac eye.
Everyone at the feast are enjoying themselves, lords and ladies are dancing around to the sound of your voice and the tune of the band. You couldn't help but notice the prince, it is the his name day so why is he sitting there, all stern and bored? Is it because of your voice? Are you not singing well? Perhaps these types of songs are not his taste? You look at your bandmate and he gives you an encouraging look. This is your first time performing in front of the court, you are anxious and just wished to do your best to entertain them all. You returned to look at the main table again and see the prince looking directly at you. Nervous, you quickly avoid his gaze and return to the nobles who are having the times of their lives.
Once the feast ended, you returned to your chamber, all exhausted, and think of how today has done you well, except for the prince. He is a complex man but you couldn't help and worried that you did not do your part well enough, it is his name day and all you wished is to bring him joy despite the fact that you never knew him personally. After cleaning yourself and changing to your nightwear. You laid on your bed and thought of what caused him to act that way on such joyous event.
“What if he hates the sound of my voice?”
“What if he hates the way I worded my lyrics?”
“What if I got replaced before I even get a chance to sing at my second performance?”
The next day, a handmaiden of Princess Helaena informed you that she wanted to have you occupied her times at noon. You dressed yourself in a simple gown of blue and silver, the royal house was kind enough to present you with proper gowns for occasions, many of them are fine silks with detailed embroidery. When you arrive at the chamber, the princess noticed you and quickly told you to sit on a chair next to her, “My princess, what would you like to hear?” you asked her, she looked up to you with kind eyes and smiled “Anything really, I enjoyed your voice at the feast, it's really lovely.”. Her sweet words make you feel relieved, you sit next to her as you start playing and singing about the conquest. You thought that maybe she wanted to hear about her house's stories and the conquest has always been one of your favorite choice to sing.
From time to time, she would ask you about your life like where you came from, how did you started singing and you started to relax until the chamber's door opened and you saw him. You turn to sit straight and look down at your lute, how can he intimidated you so well? you think to yourself, Aemond walked in and sat himself opposite of his sister. “How have you been?" Helaena asked him, you stopped playing to let the conversation flows freely while you listened quietly. “Good, and you, sister?” you like the sound of his voice, wondering what he would sound like when he sings. “Good as well, you remember the singer from the feast last night? Her voice is very beautiful, don't you think?” she looked at you and turned to look at him. He simply hummed, nothing more, he is stressing you out again, you go back to playing and singing while he simply sits there the whole time.
When you returned to your chamber, you let out a huge sigh, it was awkward and you haven't settled well for life at court. How you missed the life as a wandering singer, traveling through towns to towns, every day and night are stories of endless journey. It's good for a time but it's just as dangerous as it could be. Men do not know boundaries when it comes to entertainers so when the gold cloaks came to you and took you to Red Keep, you were quite uneasy. You met the Hand who was in charge of the small council, future of the realm and all of those parts including an upcoming celebration of the King's second son. You were known for your talents, not only did you sing, you also played instruments like your favorites, lute and harp. Your name was praised through streets of King's Landing, though you mostly performed at Flea Bottom, many won't expect to find you there since it's a dangerous place filled with crimes, foul men and rats. The Hand told you that being a court singer came with its benefits, a safe place to sleep, foods to eat, gifts if you did your duty well, all the goods and comforts, after hearing those offerings, you agreed.
Now, you look out through the window to the view of the city. If you wanted to taste freedom again even for a night, who could stop you? without a second thought, you put on a cloak and find your way to Flea Bottom. The hours are getting late once you arrived and the fun has just begun. Walking down the street, many recognized you, the women of the brothel especially, smiled as they called out your name.
You walked into a local winesink where your fellow singer had sung at, and took a seat as you enjoyed the show alone until a man sat next to you and ruined all the fun with his grip on your arm. You ignored him but once you felt his hand, you tried to push him away until you laid your eyes on him, instantly recognized those silvery hair and purple gaze. This must be Prince Aegon, you have heard about him through the women at the brothels. He is clearly drunk and might be mistaken you for a whore, mumbling words out but you couldn't understand a thing. “Get off of me!” you told him, it is wrong to spoke that way to a prince but he was clearly drunk and didn't seem to mind, he gripped you even tighter and took you to sit on his lap. You struggle to break free from his force until someone takes him from you. A man, wearing a cloak, except that he is older with dark hair and dark eyes, calling for his prince as he tried to keep everything calm as much as possible, Prince Aegon continued his mumbling. Another man followed and you instantly recognized this one, Prince Aemond. They came to rescue Prince Aegon back, you think. Aemond saw you and he said something to another man before giving each other a nod as that man returned with Prince Aegon.
Aemond stood still and look at you while you try to look anywhere but him, he came closer and took your arm, “What are you doing here?” He sounds furious but why? “I simply wanted to enjoy a peaceful night, my prince" you answered him and look down to the floor, it seems to make him sound even more furious. “Peaceful night with a bunch of drunkards, have you gone mad? " his words offended you and you chose to walked away from him, he instantly followed you, you still don't understand why. You have always been smart enough to know what people wanted but not with him. He always managed to get you all confused and nervous, you can't take it no more. He called out your name and took your hand, the two of you entered a narrow alley, “You listen to your prince and return back now” how can he suddenly talks to you and orders you around now, he might be a prince but that's not enough to stop you. “I have enough!” you shouted at him, guilt follows you right after but it couldn't stop you now, “Why are you doing this to me? I don't understand. Last night you wouldn't even danced or enjoyed any seconds of my voice, you made me doubt myself!” tears forming through eyes and instead he just chuckled. “You really are a stupid girl” he took your hand and led you back to Red Keep.
It was a long walk of silence but he never lets go of your hand, you don't want him to either. But the confusion has already overwhelmed you so you just stopped walking, he turned to look at you, “What do you not like about me?” your voice is shaken. “Just tell me, please, is it my voice? or my songs?” You keep questioning him. He looks annoyed now, “No” short and plain. “Then what is it? Why are you so cold? so hard to understand?” you are on the verge of tears again, gods, how you hated when this happened. “Nothing, keep walking” his voice is still as though he didn't feel a thing. “No! there's something, it was your name day and you don't seem content”. He sighed again “And why is that? Who are you to care whether I am content or not on my name day?”. You are not sure what to say because he was right, you are not close to him, not even his family so why do you care so much. “I just wish to see you happy” that's all you said. His face softened, his hand still wrapped around yours, nothing was said after.
He escorted you back to your chamber and made sure you didn't leave again. When he returned to his chamber. He couldn't help but grin a little, “I just wish to see you happy” he replayed those words to himself. How thoughtful of you, never knowing of his cruelty. While the other ladies frightened at the sight of him. You only chose to come closer, begging to know more. Would it be possible for a prince to marry a lovely court singer like you? He wished to, as much as he hates to admit it but he is quite smitten by you. That was the very first night that he slept well to the sounds of your voice in his head. How he loved to hear more, he wondered if you could write a song for him and you. A song where boys and girls would blush at, a song which men and women would dance to at their wedding, a song that would pass down through centuries, and especially a song to numb away his bitter pain with your honeyed-voice, his little songbird.
Author's Note | This is my first writing ever, I was quite nervous to post this since English is not my first language but feel free to recommend or suggest anything <3
masterlist for more
images' credits ๋࣭ ⭑
Madame Élisabeth spielt die Harfe - Charles Emmanuel Joseph Leclercq
The Lute Player - Caravaggio
Hearing - Jan Brueghel I & Peter Paul Rubens
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brideormonster · 1 year
If I could sing one last song before the world ends
If I could sing one last song to say goodbye
If I could sing one last song to all my children
If I could sing one last song before we die
If I could sing one last song to my parents
If I could sing one last song with all my friends
If I could sing one last song to everyone I've hurt
And beg their forgiveness before this life ends
I'd give everything I have
Say all the things I left unsaid
If I could sing one last song
I'll make it a good one
A song about love
A song about death
With desperation in my breath
I scream in the silence
Massive and violent
Hear my voice for I am lost
Singing for my broken ones
One last song
One last song
If I could sing one last song to show my love was endless
If I could sing one last song to help you cry
If I could sing one last song when the colours fade
With a smile through the pain to the everlasting night
A song about love
A song about death
With desperation in my breath
I scream in the silence
Massive and violent
Hear my voice for I am lost
Singing for my broken ones
One last song
One last song
For the rebels and the brave
The runaways, the renegades
For those living by the sword
The forgotten and ignored
For the victims standing proud
All the lonesome in the crowd
For all my kings and all my queens
And for everyone between
A song about love
A song about death
With desperation in my breath
I scream in the silence
Massive and violent
Hear my voice for I am lost
Singing for my broken ones
One last song
One last song
One last song
One last song
If I could sing one last song to you...
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seethestarlights · 2 months
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tragedyandterror · 3 months
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ive made some playlists i thought i would share if anyone might like some bjr tunes! i have a serious one, a silly one, and one for the nebulous modern au tht lives in my brain
the last two i'll most likely still be adding songs here and there, but the 1st playlist is complete! i'll add the 1st playlist's tracklist+some lyric excerpts in the read more
black black heart - david usher
Something ugly this way comes Through my fingers sliding inside All these blessings all these burns I'm godless underneath your cover Search for pleasure search for pain In this world now I am undying I unfurl my flag my nation helpless Black black heart why would you offer more Why would you make it easier on me to satisfy I'm on fire I'm rotting to the core I'm eating all your Kings and Queens
dark entries - bauhaus
I came upon your room, it stuck into my head We leapt into the bed, degrading even lice You took delight in taking down my shielded pride Until exposed became my darker side
dissolved girl - massive attack
Shame, such a shame I think I kind of lost myself again Day, yesterday Really should be leaving, but I stay Say, say my name I need a little love to ease the pain Need a little love to ease the pain It's easy to remember, when it came
on the bound - fiona apple
You're all I need And maybe some faith would do me good I don't know what I'm doing Don't know, should I change my mind? I can't decide, there's too many variations to consider No thing I do don't do no thing but bring me more to do It's true, I do imbue my blue unto myself, I make it bitter
i think i'm paranoid - garbage
I think I'm paranoid And complicated I think I'm paranoid Manipulate it Bend me, break me anyway you need me All I want is you Bend me, break me, breaking down is easy All I want is you
symphony - dorian electra
Something's funny when I grab my guitar Feeling lonely like a dead shooting star I'm not the only one who's crashing your car (crashing your car) Need something louder just to drown out the scars (Make some fucking noise) Come on, baby, can't you see? (Can't you see?) I'm gonna need a symphony (symphony) And I'm gonna need to hear you scream
lecher bitch - genitorturers
I am the Lecher Bitch and I call on all who feed on danger Taste of the whore. Suffer my seed Crawl with the heretic and the world outside gets a little bit stranger
the bondage song - london after midnight
Innocent child, how you thought you knew me Understood my ways, my dark needs The hunt is not the thrill I'm after I want the kill, the conquest, to be your master Wrap your arms around my pale skin, it's too late to back out you're in On your knees and praise your new lord, deeper now And here's your reward, take me to bed and rip me apart
mercy - hurts
Fill me with rage And bleed me dry And feed me your hate In the echoing silence I shiver each time that you say Don't cry mercy There's too much pain to come
touch myself - genitorturers
I love myself, I want you to love me When I feel down, I want you above me I'll search myself, I want you to find me Forget myself, I want you to remind me I don't want anybody else When I think about you, I touch myself
nihil - 3teeth
Bound by flesh Freed by blood
this s*it will fcuk you up - combichrist
I am a bitch How do you want me? From behind Or on my knees? I am a slut Please hold me down I'll be your noise This shit will fuck you up
you spin me round - 3teeth
I set my sights on you And no one else will do And I I've got to have my way now, baby All I know is that to me You look like you're havin' fun Open up your lovin' arms Watch out, here I come
closer - nine inch nails
(Help me) I broke apart my insides (Help me) I've got no soul to sell (Help me) the only thing that works for me Help me get away from myself
you've seen the butcher - deftones
I wanna watch the way You creep across my skull You slowly enter 'Cause you know my room And then you crawl your knees off Before you shake my tomb
hey - pixies
Hey, must be a devil between us Or whores in my head Whores at the door Whore in my bed But hey! Where have you been? If you go, I will surely die
And the whores like a choir: Uh-uh All night And Mary, ain't you tired of this? Uh, is the sound That the mother makes when the baby breaks
hail mary - skating polly
She got hit so hard she just got up from the ground If she ever hits back, I won't tell Hey Mary, follow me out and we'll never walk back Hey Mary, tell me honestly you'd never want that Hail Mary, trust me, don't look back or it's gonna end badly
if you really love nothing - interpol
When I find my home The next artery Splendid I bled my whole life So it's probably a kiss Goodbye then
tangled up in plaid - queens of the stone age
Come, lets play along And let each other lose A win would cause an alarm Don't matter to me, don't matter to you
spaceboy - smashing pumpkins
And spaceboy, they'll kill me Before I'm dead and gone And any way you choose me It won't be wrong And any way you choose me We won't belong
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forgottendolly · 10 months
Since we finally have a (mostly) clear audio recording of a full The Ballad Of Jane Doe from 2015, here are the lyrics! Corrections welcome!
Some might say we’re released, Pushing daises, Deceased.
But at the end of the day we’re just dead.
Kingdom come, paradise,
Peaceful soul,
Must be nice to have a body attached to their head.
Not for me,
Not for me,
Not for me,
Not for me.
Makes no sense, to fear death.
Breathing out that last breath,
For we all know the worms must be fed.
There’s just one lingering fear,
Oh my soul, is it here?
Or is it rotting somewhere with my head?
Oh my soul,
Oh my soul,
Oh my soul,
Oh my soul.
Oh no soul, and no name,
and no story, what a shame.
Cruel existence was only a sham.
Oh Saint Peter, let me in,
You must know who I’ve been.
Won’t you tell them at last who I am?
Who I am,
Who I am,
Who I am,
Who I am,
Who I am,
Who I am,
Who I am,
Who I am.
And from the ground, beneath my feet,
I hear the anguish of the street.
(A choir never complete!)
And like an old forgotten tune,
A song that no one knows,
Forgot how it goes.
Just John and me,
Forever eternally,
Jane Doe.
No one around, to mourn or cry.
Not great decent (ascent?) up to the sky
(No one to sing, no one to sigh!)
All sprung from wombs, then stuck in tombs,
Now no one living knows,
And that’s how it goes.
Just John and me,
Forever eternally,
Jane doe.
And I’m asking,
‘why Lord? If this is how I die, Lord, why be left with no family or no friends?’
I’ve no celebration,
Just this consolation,
Time eats all his children in the end.
A melody floats through the air.
When silence falls, does no one care?
(Does anyone care?)
Another sad, forgotten tune.
Another song that no one knows,
And that’s how it goes.
Just John and me,
Forever eternally,
Jane doe.
(And she’s asking ‘Why, Lord?’)
Why oh, why oh, why?
(This is no way to die lord!)
No one to sing, no one to sigh.
Now that all is said and done,
Isn’t there anyone to tell me who I am?
(No singing songs of celebration!)
Ah ah ah ah
(Just this sorry speculation)
Like John, I’ll be eternally a forgotten name,
Some lost refrain,
Just Jane.
(A melody floats through the air, when silence falls, does no one care? Jane Doe!)
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