#magical girl series
goldtheostrich · 4 months
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Almost all leaders of a new magical girl/boy franchise I am planning to make, Bliss Twinkle! (Similar to Precure, Balala and Jewelpet with entirely (almost entirely for Jewelpet) new characters each season) the plan is, boy for season 1, girl for season two, and the pattern goes on, might add another gender for one of the upcoming lead characters! The names of them are Arlo (the one at the veryright even though his transformed form is Blast Left XDDD), Dodori (the one next to him with a headband), Kohinata (he looks like a shy one here but is actually a HUGE coward), Ayano (the one with poofy blonde hair), I still need a name for the one that Kohinata is hugging (the one with the brown and blue/gray hair), Senka-chan (the robot) and Kiro (the one with the karate look)
I will soon post each season from 1-12, possibly 12 idk, but I might not voice this series, or anyone else, but I will have voice claims for them, like this for example https://youtu.be/5OZutlZBIvg?si=esJOS6eTvz_mM-zO
But I will say one thing, the boy at the very right is the first season lead, Arlo Birdwell/Blast Left from the first season, Bliss Blast Twinkle!
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My Precure Fan Series is NOT DEAD! (JUST a Hiatus)
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Took me this flipping long to share this for the first time in MONTHS. Just life in general got busy as heck. Now I'm debating if I should even continue this "project". ☹️ Both for My Pretty Cure OC, Cure Queen, and her teammates. Only time will tell.
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klutzymaiden123 · 1 month
Do you have a patreon?
Hey there! I actually don't, the thought never occured to me. Although, I'm not good at keeping to a schedule, so I wouldn't feel right even attempting one 💀 Hope you're enjoying the works!
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✨Western Magical Girl Confessions January 2023 Update!✨
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Hi everyone!^^ Happy New Year! 🎊
How are you all? What’s new? Still here? Lol Anyways, some of you may be wondering what’s going on with me? Maybe? Maybe not?lol Either way, I’m here to give you an update!
I’ve actually been sick with the flu for almost 3 weeks now! Has it been easy? HECK NO! 😆 So unfortunately, that’s a big chunk of the reason why I haven’t been motivated to make confessions. I’m starting to feel better, but I’m not planning on making any confessions until I’m 100% well! So once again, stay turned and thank you for being patient!
I’ve been just taking a break from this blog in general due to past events that have happened on it. Some due to my own ignorance and mistakes, some due to other factors, like anons. Either way, when I do eventually start making confessions again, I want to start off on a cleaner slate.
Just basically life stuff. Some stressful, some just average.
So after all of that is over and done with, I really want to make confessions again! I really miss doing them! Also, another thing I want to mention, throughout this hiatus in the past few months, I’ve been thinking about a lot of things. So I have a couple of things that I want to say and mention once more before I start up confessions again. I also want to say that this is going to be the last time that I’m going to repeat myself like this when I explain the bare bones of this blog, and to anyone who still doesn’t get it, I’ll just link the rules or link them back to this post.
Note: This stuff isn’t really meant to be aimed towards a particular group of people or certain fans, I’m just explaining this through my experiences and to make sure we are all on the same page here. My goal isn’t to “offend” anyone, it’s for my followers (and others who may pass this blog) to understand more clearly! So please don’t take what I say as offensive, please?
So, like I just said above, this is a confession blog about different western magical girl shows for different criticisms alike. It’s about people being able to express their feelings about different issues that they have with shows, it’s ships, it’s writing etc. I’m doing this blog for fun, for people to have a voice and to give people a chance to vent and to express their opinions without being directly attacked by certain people.
This blog is not JUST about a particular show. It’s about many western magical girl shows alike. So it’s not really fair to act passively aggressive towards the mod or the blog it’s self just because it allows a confession that said something negative about a show or ship that you like (or vice versa). Every opinion alike is allowed, even negative ones.
The mod’s thoughts and opinions on these shows, it’s ships, it’s characters etc. AREN’T a factor on this blog. This blog is about the mod submitting other people’s opinions and thoughts through cards. Their opinions and thoughts litterally have nothing to do with it, so please don’t act like it does to cause disclosure (or anything else of the sort).
If you have certain concerns about certain confessions on this blog, then you need to come to the mod about it so the situation will be taken care of to the best of it’s ability. If that particular problem is not solved in the way that you like it, then I’m sorry. The only other solution that I can recommend to you is to even ignore said problem, block the tags, or just block this blog in general. I personally can’t solve every single problem, especially since they come from different kinds of people, in which their opinions might contradict other’s opinions. If you truly aren’t satisfied with the way I run things, then it’s probably best if you just block and move on. I won’t get offended nor stop you. Sometimes, things just won’t work out 🤷🏾‍♀️
Like I’ve said above, this blog WILL be filled with different opinions and criticisms alike, even ones that you disagree with. If you can’t accept that, then just block this blog and move on. You’re allowed to reblog or comment on these confessions with your own opinions if you like as long as it’s aimed towards that confession in particular, not the blog it’s self. So if I feel like that your just trolling or what your saying is being indirectly vulgar towards this blog, then I’ll just block.
Again, anon hate will automatically be blocked, plain and simple. I don’t have the patience or tolerance anymore.
Again, like I’ve said many times before (and this will be the last time I’ll say this), Confessions are by DIFFERENT people, not the same person, so not ALL confessions are by the mod, nor are they by the same person. So don’t send hate that’s directed at the mod, since not all confessions are by them.
Look, I’m going to try to say this in the most non-belligerent way possible. I will try to take the necessary steps and make the necessary choices to make the blog enjoyable for everyone, not only me of course. However, sometimes those “steps” and “choices” might not be the same as what you want. If you don’t like that, that’s perfectly fine! However, being rude or gaslighting me about it isn’t going to change my mind. Even block the tags that are added to the confessions, or block this blog in general. Your opinions and feelings matter, but they aren’t the only ones that do.
Before submitting your thoughts & confessions, please read the rules.
If you have any further questions or concerns, please leave it in my ask box!
Now! With that out of the way! When I get back into making confessions, some will be unbanned and some will not!
The following confessions that will most likely be unbanned
Nex (Winx Club) confessions.
Positive Nabu (Winx Club) confessions.
All Chloe Bourgeois, Marinette Dupain Cheng, Zoe Lee, Sabrina Raincomprix (Miraculous Ladybug) confessions, regardless positive or negative. However, repetitive ones will most likely be submitted much later!
Anti Catra/Catradora confessions. However, ones that talk too negatively about its fans are still banned!
Negative Hordak (She Ra) confessions.
Negative Entrapta (She R) confessions.
The confessions that will still be banned or will be banned too
Confessions about Thomas Astruc (the creator of Miraculous Ladybug). You can still make criticisms about the writing or other issues, but avoid directly talking about him.
Confessions that talk directly about Chloe Bourgeois’s “redemption arc” (Miraculous Ladybug).
Nabu’s Death (Winx Club) Confessions.
Winx Club v.s. W.I.T.C.H confessions. You can still talk about both shows together, but NOT against each other.
Bloom, Sky and Diaspro (Winx Club) confessions, mostly ones like “Bloom/Sky are crappy people for what they did to Diaspro!”.
Anti Starlight Glimmer (My Little Pony) confessions. I just feel everyone and their grandmother knows how much of a “bad character” she is at this point, and has talked about it enough. I just don’t see the point anymore and just beating a dead horse.
“Bloom (Winx Club) is a Mary-Sue” confessions.
Confessions that claim characters as “Mary-Sues” or “Gary-Stus” in general. I just feel that the term has lost it’s meaning.
“I want the old Winx to come back!” confessions.
Things that could help!
Let me know if there’s any words, triggers, or tags that you would like for me to add to post so you can blacklist/block them.
Explaining your reasons for wanting a certain thing banned or not might help. I might understand or explain why this certain thing is valid/invalid.
The purpose of the blog IS for you to get things off your chest, but positive confessions are accepted too! I would love to hear some positivity about the shows, ships, characters etc. ^^
Please write *SPOILERS* in your confessions before writing it if you know that it’s a spoiler, especially if it’s Miraculous Ladybug and The Owl House. They’re the only active shows right now.
That’s all I really have to say. Sorry if this seems like I’m “making a mountain out of an anthill”, because I understand that this is just a side blog for fun, something that I don’t have to do lol However, I just want to be able to run my blog in peace, without any hurdles from people who refuse to understand. I’m just letting it be known that this is most likely the last time I’m going into detail like this.
So with this said, my little hiatus should be over soon, and I hope to do confessions again! Thank you for listening and if you have any thoughts or questions about any of this, feel free to leave it in my ask box!
Confessions at this time are closed until further notice, so please reframe from sending in confessions and headcanons! If you do so, it will be saved, but be released at a much later time!
Stay Magical!~
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tsunanami17 · 1 year
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All the ref sheets so far for my original magical girl series! (feat. Helio) They are in redesign hell
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sam-draws · 1 year
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I finally got to draw my girl! Part 2 of the Shimmering Butterfly’s story will hopefully be out soon!
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bunni-hopper · 1 year
I’ve been on a bit of a magical girl kick, and while I’m currently writing this I have Glitter Force going on in the background (Smile Precure english dub specifically). But I’ve also finished reading this 2 volume series called Magical Boy, which follows the main character Max, who’s a trans man, but also has the bloodline destiny of becoming a magical girl and keeping the King of Darkness, Devoid. It follows his struggles and discovering his identity, and his outfit changes with him as he accepts who he is. Because of that I’ve been inspired to write a magical girl series where it’s like Sailor Moon or Precure, but the lead is a trans man! I’ve been planning a magical girl series for a bit, so I already have a theme and ideas, but now I wanna make the lead a trans man, having to juggle his personal life, his identity, and having to save the world all at once! All the members are based on card suits, and he would be the Heart! Wonder if I should make him pink themed on top of it too lmao
I’ll have to doodle out some sketches later when I have time during work!
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Uh hi, Ive been working on getting a comic series off the ground and I was wondering if anyone would be interested in it? Its a magical girl romance series about 2 girls falling in love with each other. They both have to learn how to trust another person and learn how to believe in themselves in the process. Ive been thinking about posting art of them on my art account if anyone is interested in seeing it? If people are interested I can post more about it
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glitchy-anime-fan · 1 year
The duality of middle school me was that these were two of my favourite mangas at that time 💀
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crystaliskandar · 1 year
My magical girl series will be coming to Webtoon late 2024! (Oct-Dec) Look forward to it!
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justsomeunsurefancat · 7 months
I am so sick and tired of people asking "So THe viLlaIns JusT wAIt For THeM tO FiNiSH????" or trying to come up with a super complex answer as to how it works, when there's there's the simple (and very logical) explanation that they're actually super quick. Do you think that when we get super long flashbacks the characters just stand there staring at nothing until the flashback ends??? NO OF COURSE NOT. THAT'S STUPID.
The sequence is there to represents how it feels to transform and look pretty. AND I'M TIRED OF SEEING PEOPLE NOT REALIZE THIS. DID YOU NEVER WATCHED POWER RANGERS AS KIDS???
PD: If you're not aware, Israel has been commiting an active genocide on Gaza/Palestine for around 4 months now, they've killed thousands of innocents including babies under 1 year old. This is not a new thing either, Israel has been terrorizing the Palestinian people for over 7 decades now!! You can find lots of information on how to help just looking it up or going to #palestine here on tumblr
Any help, as small is it is, counts. So please, even if there's just ONE way you can help, do it. Wheter it's donating a little, signing pettitions, marching, boycotting etc.
From the River to Sea, Palestine Will be Free🇵🇸🍉
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goldtheostrich · 2 months
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Made the manga for my series! I skipped 2-4 since they don’t need changing but here if you wanna watch them!
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MASSIVE ANNOUNCEMENT from the creator of Cure Queen! I introduce to you all...
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Celestial Guardian Precure!
This is consider the "sequel season" (like Max Heart and Yes! 5 Gogo) to the main Cure Queen series/Precure All Stars the series. Though I wish I could share more on both "series" for this coming year. From left to right we have...
Cure Dragon, Cure Pegasus, Cure Queen (of course), Cure Unicorn, and Cure Griffin.
Please look forward to more information (hopefully)!
@emil162 @linyu3u @fuwapower-prettycure
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beedalee · 3 months
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Once upon a time, there was a duck....🦢👑🩰
July 2023. TMM might be my childhood love, but Princess Tutu might be my favorite magical girl series. I will always tell anyone to give it a watch. (subbed, I have no idea what the dubbed English sounds like. But you do you!) I've always wanted to write a big long gushing review about it but I'd probably want to to watch it again first, hehe....
It's been a long time since I did such a big illustration. I looked at this drawing for far too long and started to overthink everything. I’m really feeling how little foundation my color theory has since I never really properly learned it, so I had to get a lot of help from @dyemelikeasunset for this- bless their whole heart!!! 🥺❤️
I have made prints of this, but I still need to set up an online store. I'll let everyone know when it's available!
(Closeups under the cut)
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poorly-drawn-mdzs · 5 months
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D'Arce S Ending: "As soon as I can revive him from the dead, the wedding is BACK ON!"
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mo-mode · 5 months
Okay but the camper in the wheelchair either has a super tricked out celestial-bronze plated magical flying wheelchair with wings gifted by Hermes himself, or Chiron just gave zero shits about how inaccessible the outside world is because there is no way she’d survive a cross-country road trip while being chased by monsters in a normal wheelchair. If they offered me up for a quest like that, I would have wheelied my ass tf out of there. She chose a long-range weapon for a REASON
If the wheelchair IS tricked out, however, then I require a scene where her magical chariot-wheelchair hybrid flies her up above the big battle as she takes out monsters with flaming arrows, or the show is ableist. I don’t make the rules—
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