#makes me sound like an eevee evolution
truebluewhocanoe · 7 months
assigning a Pokemon to every Doctor Who
Because I Want To(TM)
Gonna do this within the specific Pokemon/Doctor Who crossover AU framework of: 1. Pokemon exist everywhere in the universe and 2. The Doctor's partner Pokemon is actually connected to the TARDIS. It's like a little part of her personality that she sounds out to accompany the Doctor and help them out.
Also, I'm choosing first-stage Pokemon, mainly so that there isn't imbalances in strength between choices. Let's just say that this TARDIS partner Pokemon can evolve on the fly when needed but prefers to be small and cute.
Okay, with that out of the way, let's go!
First Doctor: Eevee It's a classic that's full of potential, not quite done cooking but already iconic.
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Second Doctor: Zorua Crafty yet adorable. I can just picture Jamie and Zoe cooing over it and lapping up all the adoration. Illusions are very, very handy in a pinch!
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Third Doctor: Pichu It can power his gadgets! It can nibble on wires to foil villains' plans! It matches the color scheme of his sonic screwdriver!
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Four Doctor: Cottonee Extremely fluffy- I like to think it hides in his hair. Insert grass-type-weed joke here.
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Fifth Doctor: Fomantis It rides around on his lapel instead of the celery! Also, its evolution Lurantis has matching baconpants.
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Sixth Doctor: Litten It's a cat, it's a fire type, I shouldn't really need to explain this one. (It uses Sunny Day to help give Peri's plants sunlight!)
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Seventh Doctor: Murkrow Clever, shady, and has a nice hat. (I also headcanon Ace with a Combusken, so Seven & Ace both have birds.)
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Eighth Doctor: Litwick Ghostly candle matches his gothic edgelord vibes. Probably won't steal your soul.
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War Doctor: Lucario Making an exemption to the first-stage rule because the Warrior doesn't have time to mess around. Despite joining the Warrior in full-on combat, Lucarios have an in-built sense of right and wrong. Proof, perhaps, that the Warrior hasn't entirely lost his way...
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Ninth Doctor: Houndour A bit intimidating, a bit prickly, but deep down, it's still a good dog at the end of the day.
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Tenth Doctor: Shinx Keeping with the canine themeing but this time upping the cuddly. Don't think too hard about how dangerous electricity can be.
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Eleventh Doctor: Rowlet Okay, this one's just cuz it has a bowtie.
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Twelfth Doctor: Noibat It's a living boombox! I like to think that the Noibat holds a guitar sound cord in its mouth to amplify the Doctor's guitar playing through its ears.
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Thirteenth Doctor: Swablu Similar typing and evolution line to the previous, but this one takes the joyful exterior to the max. It even matches her color scheme!
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That's all I've got for now, if you have different ideas for partner Pokemon, or for other Doctors that I didn't tackle, please tell me about them!
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pokemon-ash-aus · 1 year
How would false twins react if they saw paradox pokemon
Peach: The scientific probability of those being real old time and future pokemon is next to none. It doesnt make sense.
Indigo: They all have such poor naming conventions too. None of it really sound like a pokemon name, more of a descriptor- like eevee the Evolution pokemon. It's just- the Iron Hands Pokemon, The SlitherWing Pokemon- they arent names.
Ash: I hear you guys loud and clear, but look at that Slitherwing and tell me you dont want to fall asleep in it.
Peach: Its a scientific travesty.
Indigo: Its just an experiment.
Ash: I cant hear you over this awesome fluffy bug and oh my mew its so heckin warm
Peach: Ash...
Ash: Oh yes, Pokemon experiment or not, i love you very much Slithers.
Indigo: And he named it...
Peach: Mew damn it, guess im joining.
Indigo: Ditto to that.
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quillpokebiology · 1 year
If you haven’t already, do you have any Jolteon facts?
Jolteon Facts
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(Art by Shin Nagasawa)
-The scientific name for Jolteon is "Electrica vulpes altera" which translates to "Other electric fox"
-Jolteon are the most hyper and active Eeveelutions, and need a lot of excersize
-While the Eevee line encompassases many traits of other species, Jolteon share a lot of similarities with dog and rabbit pokemon. They have powerful back legs that they can jump long distances with, and their long ears help them sense danger
-Though people say that Jolteon spikes will sting you if you pet them, that isn’t fully true. While the spikes ares sharp, you just have to pet them front to back instead of back to front
-Jolteon will often rub on surfaces like rugs to gain more electricity
-Similar to Boltund, Jolteon were bred to heard sheep Pokemon like Mareep
-Out of all electric types, they're most prone to getting Joltiks
-There is a breed of Jolteon that were bred to have very long legs for faster running purposes. They're often used for sport racing
-Jolteon are often used as mascots for the electric type
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-Jolteon are said to be able to sense when a thunderstorm is coming. Their fur is very sensitive to weather changing, and can sense lightning from a distance. If a Jolteon's needles suddenly raise, but it is relaxed, a thunderstorm is coming
-Jolteon growls are a lot deeper than most Pokemon, and are said to sound like the rumble of thunderstorms
-An Eevee getting struck by lightning can also trigger the evolution for Jolteon
-When happy, Jolteon will make a crackling noise in their fur that sounds like purring (headcanon from @adobe-outdesign )
-Jolteon are very dramatic and become very vocal when they don't get what they want
-Jolteon mostly live in open field or on tall mountains, and are rarely found living in dense forests (like a lot of other Eeveelutions)
-Jolteon don't groom themselves often, as they have a lot of it and it's spiky, so they end up getting matted fur really easily. There are special combs made to groom them which you can buy at Pokemon centers
-Despite not being very feline-like, Jolteon still have small spikes on their toungues
-There is a breed of Jolteon who were bred to have floppy ears at the end tips
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-Once used to their evolution, Jolteon are good Pokemon to have around children for their loyalty and playfulness
-When angry, Jolteon will stamp their feet generating electricity which makes a startling crackling sound
-Despite having no tail, Jolteon still wag their bodies (which can be really funny and cute to watch)
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If you're curious, here's some other eeveelutions I did!
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idealseekxr · 8 months
@starryskied asked: " Pokémon? " Oh, how silly of her. She hadn't answered his question earlier before, had she? A quick glance at her supplies confirms that nothing is amiss, and before long, the Liberi turned her attention to N. " I don't have a Pokémon, per se. But I've encountered an inquisitive Eevee rummaging through my belongings. They were here earlier, attempting to steal a compass. " Astesia comments, a hand gesticulating to the contents strewn about. There's tiny paw prints in the grass, leading towards the thicket. " I almost want to guess that stars interest it. Oh... don't listen to my rubbish."
There was a small, knowing smile on N's face at the mention of the Eevee. To him, it seemed almost like the Evolution Pokémon had, in fact, taken an interest in Astesia's belongings and what the other was doing...But, he didn't appear to be surprised the other didn't have a Pokémon; after all, there were quite a few people who didn't raise Pokémon in the world.
And, if he had to guess on the direction of the footprints...The Eevee was probably still nearby. It might even be observing them at this moment from a safe distance, presumably weighing its options if N had to hazard a guess. And if it was nearby, then...N wanted to make sure it knew he wasn't a threat.
So, quietly, he would remove his cap, placing it nearby as he squatted down to examine the footprints and begin to respond.
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"...Actually, Ms. Astesia, it sounds to me like this Eevee is quite interested in you and your work. You see, as you probably know, Eevee are quite rare in the wild, and have an irregular genetic structure...But, they can be quite curious in some cases, and have even been rumored to begin adopting the face of their Trainer if they share a bond. Though, I couldn't tell you how that looks, hahaha. But, getting back on topic, I don't think your words are rubbish in the slightest. Pokémon are still quite mysterious to us, even today. Despite living alongside them as friends and partners, we know so little about them...But, if you still harbor doubts about that Eevee's interest, then why not let me speak with it? I have a...Gift for that sort of thing, you see. I can hear the Voices of Pokémon...I've been able to, since the day I was born. That's why I'm confident I can get to the truth of it. And, if it does share your interest, you could always capture it, couldn't you? Become its Trainer, and walk your path together."
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piperstrangeart · 3 months
Was anyone gonna tell me that Eevee is called Eevee because it sounds like the first part of "evolution", or did everyone assume that was obvious and decided I would figure it out myself eventually and then make a Tumblr post about it feeling like a right potato because of COURSE that's their name Piper, you're a dumbass?
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pinkhuman99 · 1 year
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1. Magnezone: An electric type Pokémon, it evolves when exposed to a strong magnetic/electrical field or a Thunder Stone. It is said that a team of scientists tried to make it evolve scientifically but failed. I wonder if Alphys was part of that team? This Pokémon is not only an electric type that uses electric attacks like Alphys, but it is also robotic-looking, a nod to Alphys's "greatest invention," Metatton.
2. Ampharos: Ampharos is theorized to be based on the phrase "Do Androids Dream of Electric Sheep". It is an electric type Pokémon that has orbs on its body that shine with very bright light. In the past, it was used as a beacon to guide lost people to safety. When it Mega Evolves, it is based on a dragon, a reptilian creature that resembles Alphys's own scaly, yellow body (but with a little more fur). Overall, Ampharos greatly resembles Alphys in shape and colour scheme. It's sheep-like pre-evolutions could be a nod to Alphys's boss(es), Asgore (and, by extension, Toriel).
3. Ditto: Ditto is theorized to be a failed experiment in the Pokémon world. Some think it was meant to be a clone of Mew, much like Mewtwo, but ended up as a pile of goo because it's DNA was so unstable...sound familiar? Ditto could be a reference to Alphys's failed DT experiments, resulting in the gooey puddles called the Amalgamtes. On a happier note, Ditto's ability to hide its true identity by transforming could also be a reference to Alphys lying to Undyne and pretending to be someone cooler than she really is for fear of rejection (okay...so maybe it's not really a happy note). At least Ditto has on a happy face!
4. Sylveon: A cute Pokémon that looks like if Mew Mew from Mew Mew Kissy Cutie came to life and turned into a Pokémon. It's a magical girl's cat-dog-ribbon thing. Sylveon requires high friendship to evolve, meaning it would need to spend a lot of personal time with its trainer. I like to think Alphys had an Eevee that she thought would evolve into a Jolteon, but after spending a lot of time with it watching anime, it evolved into the perfect anime sugoi kawaii Pokémon. It is also a living Trans flag, and since Alphys basically keeps making trans people (Mettaton, Mad Mew Mew...herself honestly if we go by Toby's art book), it's the perfect Pokémon for her.
5. Garbodor: Alphys likes going to the dump. Besides comparing herself to garbage (to the point that she is thrown into a literal garbage can in the game), Alphys gets a lot of treasures from the dump in Waterfall (mostly anime). I think Alphys would have found this Pokémon while wandering the dump, probably as its pre-evolved form, Trubbish. Garbodor also looks like a mis-mashed mess of pieces and parts, kind of like the Amalgamates.
6. Tinkaton: Tinkaton may seem like an odd choice for Alphys, but hear me out. It's small, pink, and collects metal scraps to build weapons, kinda like how Alphys collects trash from the dump and metal scraps to invent things. Like Undyne, this Pokémon is incredibly strong despite not looking like it should be. Like Undyne, it's a walking anime trope. In this case, it's the common anime trope of "tiny girl with big hammer go WHAM." Its name also comes from "tinker", or "tinkerer", which is what Alphys is: someone who works with metal in the attempt to repair something/someone who attempts to repair something, usually with no effect."
The Legendary and Mythical I think go best with Alphys are Silvally and Deoxys
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Silvally: Silvally is a Pokémon constructed purely using science. It was meant to be like Arceus, the God of Pokémon, but the experiment failed, resulting in Silvally. Silvally was locked away and kept a secret, but once released becomes a great ally (hence its name). This Pokémon is like the Amalgamates, but also like Flowey, who tried to become "God" by absorbing 6 Human SOULs (he was really channeling Sonic.exe with that one...). I imagine Silvally might have been a Pokémon created by Alphys around the same time as the Amalgamates in an attempt to create a Pokémon that could break the barrier, but like other experiments done by Alphys...it failed.
Deoxys: Deoxys is a Pokémon from space. It came to Earth on a meteor. Deoxys' real body is the stone in its chest. Who's to say Alphys couldn't have stumbled upon this Pokémon as a stone, buried underground after years and years? Maybe she found it as a formed Pokémon in the true lab, an experiment from the previous Royal Scientist? Who knows. But it sure does match Alphys's scientific theme and the shape-shifting forms of Mettaton and the Analgamates.
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paper--machete · 2 years
All your OCs go to a gas station late at night for snacks, what are they getting?
it's a little past 1am and the vulpixgirl behind the counter is admittedly starting to get tired. she's halfway through her shift and aside from the occasional customer coming in to buy a drink, nothing's happened.
that is, until a full group of eeveelutions push their way through the sliding doors. she'd met a few eevees in her life, one of her coworkers was a leafeon, but she'd never seen the full group of evolutions all in one place before. they were all wearing different band shirts; some bands she recognized, others she didn't. not to mention there was a mild stench of sweat coming from the group. they must be on their way back from a concert.
the vaporeon was the first through the doors, which was impressive considering his rounder figure. he pretty much made a break for the soda machine and in the blink of an eye he was already filling up an XL cup with a combination of every brightly colored soda that was available on the machine.
the next through the doors was the glaceon, who seemed much more collected as he led the rest of the group into the store.
"koolaid! holy shit, man, chill!"
alright, so the vaporeon is named koolaid. that's kinda cute. did his parents know he was gonna be a vaporeon when he grew up? before she could continue pondering the logic behind koolaid's existence, the glaceon stepped up to the counter.
"hi. i just wanna apologize ahead of time on behalf of my boyfriends. and also me. most of us are drunk... and/or high."
boyfriends...? like, plural? holy shit are they all dating each other
"we, um. we just saw king gizzard. that shit ruled."
as the glaceon starts to ramble about the concert he'd just been to, she can see behind him the jolteon speedwalking to the refrigerated shelves and taking out as many monster energy drinks as he can carry in one arm, cracking one open and pounding it with the other. as soon as the can's empty, he makes eye contact with you and freezes.
the jolteon unceremoniously takes another monster from his carrying arm and starts chugging it too, while carrying the empty can he'd just finished.
the sylveon meets up with koolaid by the soda machine and begins berating him for mixing cream soda with lime crush. koolaid tries to argue that the soda is rainbow "just like you, taffy". they continue bickering as the jolteon comes up to the counter to pay for the now three monsters he's drank plus four more he hasn't yet.
in the back of the store the vulpixgirl can see the flareon, eevee and the leafeon together. both the leafeon and eevee are completely leaning into the flareon from both sides and slurring words of love and affection while the flareon keeps them from falling over as he tries to pick out which flavor of Doritos he wants.
the espeon walks up to the flareon, carrying the umbreon in his arms. the umbreon looks like he's out cold and holy fuck why is his tail so big. the espeon and flareon start to talk about the boys they're taking care of and it becomes clear that the two of them are the designated drivers for the evening. suddenly the umbreon squeaks a little bit, getting the espeon's attention.
".... gummy?"
"Yes, Mr. Sleepyhead?"
"....... gummies....."
"Oh. Oohhhh. Yeah, I can grab you some."
gummy travels to the candy aisle while the leafeon and eevee start getting lovey with each other instead of with the flareon. the glaceon is still talking about the concert, apparently he's psyched because they played "vomit coffin", which sounds disgusting. the jolteon is standing next to him, on his fourth monster, vibrating like one of those chatter teeth toys you wind up. he seems tens-"DO YOU GUYS HAVE A BATHROOM"
down the hall and on the right, she tells him. with a very fast "thankyou" he runs off in the other direction, past the leafeon and eevee who are now making out against the ice freezer. the flareon, initially distracted by still trying to pick a dorito flavor, notices what the two are doing and urgently grabs them by the shoulders and guides them out of the store. he passes by gummy and tosses a bag of classic nacho cheese Doritos onto the umbreon's chest; "I'll be right back"
koolaid and taffy are still bickering about the soda, while koolaid is still adding random drinks to his concoction replacing soda he's already drank (which is somehow turning his skin multiple colors), taffy is holding a medium size cup of grape soda.
gummy comes up to the counter and pays for a pack of assorted gummies coming in various shapes, as well as the Doritos he'd been asked to hold onto. "wasn't blanket gonna pay for that?", the glaceon stutters. gummy points out the window; blanket and the leafeon are now making out vigorously against a car and the eevee is cheering them on. "holy fuck, pepper", the glaceon laughs.
koolaid and taffy make their way up to the counter. koolaid pays in change, though the vulpixgirl has to charge extra for how much he drank before paying. "sorbet cmon let's gooooooooooo i wanna go to bed", koolaid pleads to the glaceon.
taffy pays for his drink, and for a second the vulpixgirl gets the feeling she's seen him before. "oh wait yeah hang on one sec", he drunkenly mumbles as he pulls his hair back. it was like a superhero removing his mask. that's fucking CottonCandi. she didn't watch his stuff but her boyfriend was a huge fan. luckily taffy was kind enough to take a pic with her.
you look out the window and now the eevee is making out with the umbreon. sorbet lazily rests his head on the counter with a big dumb smile on his face. "god..... pretzel and coke are so cute together"
you get the feeling that based on the names you've picked out so far, you know which is which.
finally the bathroom door at the other end of the store slams and the jolteon rushes out and back to the front. he's only got two monsters under his arm now. "arright I'm good let's go" is barely heard from him as he steps out of the sliding doors.
"pow- POWERADE!", sorbet yells. well, now the vulpixgirl knew all their names. powerade walked back in and came to sorbet, who placed a hand on his cheek and kissed him softly on the lips. "get everyone grouped up for me ok?"
sorbet turned back to the vulpixgirl who was equal parts distressed and amazed. it was extremely busy for those five minutes, sure, but it was the most interesting five minutes she'd ever worked. sorbet just grabbed a thing of gum from the selection below the counter and pulled out his wallet.
"umm... sorry about the commotion. but also thank you for putting up with it."
"Sorry if I'm being invasive, but... are you... all dating? Like, you're all in one big relationship?"
"yeah its pretty awesome. it wasnt always this way but now it is and its so awesome."
"Isn't it weird that you're all eeveelutions though?"
"not really, i mean i dont think so, its like if you had matching socks with your boyfriend but its matching yous instead. i dunno we just kinda got lucky i guess haha"
the vulpixgirl was still intrigued and wanted to ask more questions but kept stumbling over her words. as she printed off the receipt for sorbet's gum, he snatched it out of the machine.
"tell ya what-" he said, grabbing the pen attatched by a string to the counter and writing on the back of the receipt. "here's my number. text me- not tomorrow, im gonna be hungover as shit tomorrow but uhhh. fuckin koolaid and his fuckin water type shit not getting any hangovers..... fuckin lucky bastard...."
"Text you when?"
"oh. sorry yeah text me when im sober... in like a few days and we can hang out or something. ill tell you all about it. shits awesome man"
and just like that, they were gone. they grouped up into two cars and drove back onto the highway. the vulpixgirl definitely had a story to tell her boyfriend tomorrow morning when he woke up; there were still three hours left in her shift.
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a-tale-of-legends · 10 months
I see the normal typing as both "hehe little guys :)" and "all the Pokemon professors have no idea how else are they going to classify this creature" Ditto can transform into anything (also changes their typing) Kecleon constantly change their typing, Porygon is an artificial Pokemon made of code (that can also change type via their signature moves) Eevee's unstable DNA leads to the evolutions of various types, the list goes on.
Pokemon like Clafairy and Snubbull were classified as normal type, since Fairy type hadn't been discovered yet and they didn't know what else to label them as. The Pokemon were always that way, but people didn't know the proper thing to classify them as. The typing classification itself is very loose, given abilities like Protean, and all the moves that can change a Pokemon's type.
This reminded me of that box in SV that was confused by the type chart. Like why was a certain type effective against another type. This isn't exactly the same as that, obviously, but I feel like it follows a similar train of thought. I love how you pretty much summed it up: the typing classification is very loose,which makes so much sense given how irl debates about Pokemon's typing is. And also how irl classification works. Some things aren't apparent until years later, after lots of research and study. And even then it's still loose.
Going meta,most normal types are most closely related to a regular animal with something more. That being said there are a few cases where that's not the case. Meloetta is a normal/ psychic type. Why is it normal? Because it's fairly humanoid? No real clue. I know I kinda dissed on the sound type earlier ( okay maybe not dissed) but I can see it being that pokemon professors aren't exactly sure what to make of meloetta. Maybe they think their could be a sound type, but there's just isn't enough there to make it an official classification? And going back to your examples, yeah, there's a lot of normal pokemon that are so fluid in their origin and science that it doesn't exactly fit any other type, so they are classified as normal. It's really interesting, when you think about it in a in universe point of view. There's also probably. A lot of arguing that happens before hand. Like everyone is arguing what to classify Eevee or Porygon as and one of them just shouts "OH MY GOD, JUST SAY IT'S A NORMAL TYPE SO WE CAN BE DONE WITH THIS" and it actually got classified as a normal type.
Kinda side tangent: it kinda seems that the normal type is like. The default. The base of things. Like Arceus is classified as a normal type that can change types, sure, but it's always known as normal. I don't know where to go with this, just that it's interesting lol.
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ask-teamplayer · 1 year
Whats with scruffing eevees?
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CORA: I'm sure it's quite obvious, but if your system is refusing to educate you and you were never scruffed as a kit, I have no issues clarifying it to you. I do like rambling about useless, obvious nonsense! Though I'm quite sure I've been transparent about that.
CORA: Evolving out of eeveehood is a natural step of life for all of us, usually around this age actually. Even if you don't make any stone-relative decisions, there are still evolutions that you will grow into naturally, such as Umbreon, Espeon or Sylveon. It's better to make a deliberate choice instead of being scared into one.
CORA: Due to this, eevees have a lot of instincts specifically around kithood; as an example, they make a lot of vocalizations that we aren't capable of. Chirping, trilling, chuffing, purring, etc. This is usually meant to alert their parents when they're vulnerable or in need of touch, and gives "I'm helpless, please protect me" instincts to adults in their vicinity. Or even teenagers! People in or past puberty.
CORA: Granted, adults may still purr, but the instinct to only sets back in if you're assigned female at birth and have kits. Though to be clear, "please comfort me" and an actual comforting purr sound much different and have different responses.
CORA: Scruffing is a reflex eevees have where, when tugging or kneading at the back of their neck, it triggers... a submission reflex, I suppose? It instantly relaxes their muscles and mood, which helps rowdy kits nap when they get too riled up and such. Depending on how much you scruff them, you can put them out of lucidity for hours. There's a lot of discussion about the ethics of it. It's an extremely vulnerable position to put a child into.
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CORA: Personally, I believe while it may be alright for younger kids, as soon as a kit is able to understand why they're in the wrong for acting out, putting them under is plain irresponsible as a parent. I remember accidentally being put under for hours, and it was absolutely terrifying. My mother helped me through it, at least.
CORA: Imagine all of your thoughts being sluggish, and you can't move your limbs, and you're so relaxed it's horrifying. Anyone can do anything to you. You're completely helpless.
CORA: For a younger child, maybe a swift pull when they're destroying something or getting zoomies at twelve in the morning? Sure. But ethically I dislike the idea of scruffing older children, especially children who are just getting into their evolving years.
CORA: There are cases of eevees being unable to evolve even into adulthood, but that's not something I can speak on. I don't know how they feel about the scruffing reflex personally.
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dragonmasterkaylz · 10 months
EEeEE’s New Trainer & New Life
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This fic was inspired by ‘Prevention of Evolution’, in which the Shiny Eevee isn’t allowed to evolve into an Espeon and it gets its own back by killing its trainer, as well as the rest of its Pokémon. This is my take on what I think would happen if it found a good trainer. And yes, this has a good end.
You should’ve let me evolve…!
You should’ve let me evolve…!!!
EEeEE ran through a forest, hissing at every other Pokémon, as tears ran down her cheeks. She soon stopped running when she heard the sound of an Eevee with her own trainer. She looked through the bushes and saw many other Eeveelutions, including an Espeon, surrounding the trainer. She was pretty, very pretty and she clearly loved her Pokémon very much. And it was clear to her, that she didn’t force evolution on any of them. They chose what kind of Eeveelution to evolve into, all on their own. And the Eevee she was holding, just wanted to stay how she was. The perfect trainer and her perfect Pokémon.
EEeEE couldn’t help but become filled with envy and spite. She already got blood on her paws, what’s a few more Pokémon and another human to her? She growled and jumped up, only to be attacked herself, by the trainers beloved Eevee. She fell to the ground and realised that she could get back up. Espeon was using Psychic to keep her in place. The trainer stood up and looked at the new Eevee. She was shiny, with the white fur, but she had a shiny Espeon’s ears and tail. It looked as if she had torn them from that one Pokémon, before tearing her own ears and tail off, in order to make herself look like an Espeon. She had never encountered an Eevee with so much bloodlust.
“What’s wrong with you?!! Why would attack us?!!”
“VEE?! VEEE?!!!”
“‘Why’…? ‘WHY’?!!! Because I’m envious!!! At least your trainer loves you!!! You all got to choose who you wanted to be!!! I didn’t!!! My trainer didn’t want me to evolve!!! I WANTED TO BE AN ESPEON!!!”
“Why resort to this though…?”
“Veeee….!!! VEEEE!!!”
The trainer then gently petted EEeEE, who looked up at her in surprise. “Hey… my name is Kayleigh. If you want, I can look after you~”. The shiny was then put down by Espeon and she backed away slowly, while shaking. She didn’t want to trust another trainer, just to get hurt again. But, what puzzled her even more was the fact that this trainer wasn’t repulsed by how she looked. Jolteon brought over her bag and looked at EEeEE before smiling at her. Kayleigh gently used a wipe to remove the blood from her wounds and her eyes widened in surprise. “Wait… you couldn’t have done this by yourself…? That’s impossible…”, she said as she looked at the stitches. “And you’re not deaf…”.
“How did that happen?”
“I have no idea. One minute… I was watching my trainer play with Espeon. The next… I was covered in blood with her ears and tail replacing mine, with her gem in my head. Ugh… it hurts though”.
After cleaning her up and making sure the stitches were intact, Kayleigh brushed her fur before asking, “Do you want to stay with me?” EEeEE nodded, her tail wagging, as a normal Espeon’s would. The trainer then pulled out a Heal Ball and pressed it against her head, allowing the Pokémon to press the button with her head. It went into the PokéBall and shook a few times before the light turned green. Then she let it out and what they saw shocked them all. EEeEE was just laid on the ground, barely breathing, and smiling. She was dying of a broken heart, since she knew that not all trainers were bad. She was just unlucky, that’s all. And Kayleigh’s kindness made her feel peaceful.
“Oh no… she’s dying”.
“Why is she dying…?”
“Because she finally found a trainer that showed her what true love between a Pokémon and trainer should look like. It broke her heart”.
Kayleigh took EEeEE to the most beautiful part of the Johto Region, where there were cherry blossom trees everywhere. Jolteon dug a very small hole into the ground and Kayleigh sat near it before looking at the tortured Eevee in her arms. Tears gathered up in her eyes and she whispered, “I’m sorry I couldn’t do anything to save you. I-I’m so sorry…”. Her own Eevee looked up at her with tears in her own eyes and the others also started to cry for the small Eevee, who then uttered out one more word before she actually died from a broken yet happy heart. She died happy.
“Thank you…~”.
Kayleigh gently placed her in the shallow hole before making her small flower crown for her and she gently put it on her small head. “I’m sorry for not being able to save you…”, she said as wiped her tears away. “But you can be happy now at least… even if it’s not with me as your trainer”. Then she covered up the hole, as her friends put their own flowers over the grave. But Kayleigh just couldn’t stop apologising. She felt as if she can failed this small Pokémon, even though she’s not the one who did. She had done everything she could in Johto but she couldn’t save this own Eevee.
Meanwhile in Heaven…
Arceus looked down at EEeEE, who looked up at the God of all Creation. “Eevee… you have a trainer who is sad that you’re gone”. She watched the scene from above and tears ran down her cheeks as she watched Kayleigh, as well as the rest of her Pokémon, cry over her death. She read the small inscription on the tree bark that had been placed near her grave. “‘Farewell, my new friend. We hope to see you again, one day’”, she read aloud before falling down and crying. “Do you wish to see her again…? Kayleigh travels a lot… and one day, she will visit the Kalos Region, home to an Evolution that can only be obtained with an Eevee completely loving their trainer. It’s called a Sylveon…”.
“Yes Arceus! I want to see her and… my only friends again! Please!!! If you’ll forgive me!!!”
“My child, you have been through a lot. You only wanted one thing. And yet your trainer denied it. If Kayleigh had been your trainer, she would’ve let you be an Espeon. Your choice should always matter”.
Four Years Later…
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Kayleigh was walking down a street in Lumious City and she exited to one of the Routes to find an Eevee sitting there, as if she had been waiting for her. Her own Eevee looked shocked and the small creature walked up to her, her tail wagging. The blonde knelt down and stroked her fur, causing her to smile with joy. But what was different about this Eevee was the fact that she was wearing a flower crown. The same flower crown that EEeEE was buried in. Kayleigh’s eyes widened and she whispered, “I-Is it you… little Eevee?” She nodded and jumped into her arms and Kayleigh immediately started to cry before hugging her. “I’m sorry… I failed you!!!” The Eevee tilted her head in confusion and looked at her partner Eevee.
“Why does she think she failed me?”
“Because she thinks she’s the reason why you died”.
“She’s not!!! I’ll show her!!!”
Kayleigh looked down at her as she suddenly begun to evolve. Her ears became different, her tail became shorter and ribbons grew from her bows. Once she had fully evolved, she licked Kayleigh’s tears away and dropped the old Heal Ball into her hand. “You… still have this…?” The newly evolved Sylveon nodded and smiled, her tail wagging happily. “Hello Sylveon”, Kayleigh greeted with a smile. Then all of her other Pokémon, Jolteon, Vaporeon, Espeon, Glaceon and Leafeon appeared out of their PokéBalls. Sylveon jumped down and bowed, greeting them all with a cheerful smile. Some teared up and nodded to her.
“It’s nice to see you again~!!!”
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hello! i found ur blog in my recommended and ur pokemon matchup thing seems super cool!
i have sensory issues and hate bright lights/loud sounds. i love cuddles/hugs most of the time because they make me feel super secure and safe. i love collecting multiple things. i strongly dislike change. i love finding information on topics that interest me. 
id like a soft pokemon, maybe not super loud, thats okay with affection.
Hi there! Welcome, glad to have you here! So, there are a few Pokémon that I believe could work for you, but I think my top choice is going to be a bit of a surprise: Eevee!
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Now, let’s just take care of the Copperajah in the room right away: you said you don’t like change, yet I’ve paired you with a Pokémon that’s best known for changing. But here’s the thing, I think your dislike for change is what would make you an amazing Eevee owner. You see, it’s quite common for even the most well-intentioned Eevee owners to get caught up in the, for lack of a better word, final product (not that Pokémon should ever be thought of as products), so much so that they tend to overlook just how great Eevee are by themselves. These guys are sweet and affectionate and endlessly loyal. They would go to the ends of the earth for their friends, yet so many people only see them as a stepping stone to getting an Eeveelution, which is sad because, when paired with the right person, Eevee can shine just as brightly as their evolutions.
Wow...I did not intend to write such a big opening paragraph...Anyway, onto their grooming needs!
As you know, Eevee are rather fluffy Pokémon, which means they do require a bit of grooming. They aren’t too high-maintenance though, a good brushing + ruff combing two or three times a week should be more than enough unless yours is particularly fluffy or battles regularly.
Eevee are great Pokémon for owners of any skill level, be they complete novices, or Pokémon masters. Beyond the universal “will bite/scratch if it feels threatened” Eevee are pretty safe Pokémon, though they can become a bit destructive if they don’t have a way to burn-off excess energy. Also, where they do have evolutions that are achieved through friendship, I would recommend giving your Eevee an Everstone if you wish to keep it in its base form. 
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ranger-rai · 2 years
Good day ranger Rai! I've recently adopted an Eevee, I found the little bugger in the wild hungry so i kept feeding them and they kind of live here now, so I've been trying to research more on Eevees without the Pokedex, I know it's full of a bunch of rumors from kids so i avoided getting it so I wouldn't have any unfounded rumors to deal with when Caring for a Pokemon, and well I'm confused by what I've found, I think my Eevee is a very fluffy kind of Eevee, all the images I've seen show alot less fluff so it might be because I'm from galar, a bit colder here then usual so extra fluff might happen, but they're also... Really warm, like heater levels warm. They seem fine, no signs of a fever but they're always just a bit toasty which doesn't seem normal for Eevees, it doesn't seem to be a big enough issue for a pokecenter so I thought I'd ask first before jumping to worst case conclusions, my house has been a bit warmer since they've come In too, but my heatings still the same as ever, that might be causing their warmer temperature, any helpful tips? Is this something to be worried about or am I overreacting? I've never had a Pokemon before so I'm not sure what to do
First off let me clarify a few Pokedex issues.
A pokedex is basically an encyclopedia of basic information for people to use.
Even if some of it is more on the speculative side, basic information like general habitats and diets are in there as well.
If you ignore most of the entry's and just go off of basic info, the pokedex can be used.
You can actually download a "true pokedex" file on various websites that give much more detailed info on pokemon that are backed by facts.
I'd recommend it if you want to be more informed.
As for your Eevee, sounds like you got one that's ready to pop.
Meaning that it's natural affinity to heat might make it a perfect fit to evolve into a Flareon.
Eevee can take on the traits of its evolved forms before it evolves, however it will be much more stable and attentive when it fully evolves.
If you're up for it, I'd recommend getting a fire stone and helping it do just that.
Make sure you talk to it before deciding to just up and evolve it, because it needs to be mentally prepared as well, and evolution is a big step.
I hope that helps!
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tteokdoroki · 1 year
Eevee & the evolutions are my fav Pokémon ever so it only makes sense to name them that. I’m gonna go in order of who I got first & add a lil’ description, if you want to know anything, let me know! (Also sorry this is probs really long lol)
Umbreon- 4 y/o, black cat, rescued from outside, he looks grumpy but is the cuddliest out of the bunch.
Espeon- 3 y/o, white cat, adopted, she’s shy but will follow you everywhere if you have her fav mouse toy on you.
Eevee- 6 y/o, brown/white tabby, adopted, she’s the oldest, & loves to lay on the bay window esp when it rains.
Vaporeon - 1 y/o, dark grey cat, found outside of my work place, she’s the youngest, & likes to attack shoe laces.
Flareon - 4 y/o, red/orange tabby, adopted, he loves to lay on the heating pad & will meow at you until you turn it on.
Jolteon - 5 y/o, light orange tabby, brother rescued him n gave him to me, likes to lay at the bay window n judge everyone that walks by our house.
Leafeon - 2 y/o, Siamese, foster fail lol, she was so sweet n she just fit right in with everyone so I had to keep her.
Glaceon - 3 y/o, light grey tabby, another foster fail lol, she likes to hide under beds/couches n lightly touch your legs with her paws.
Sylveon - 4 y/o, calico, found on side of the road, she likes to just stare at you and purr lol.
They each have their own fuzzy blanket, they all enjoy sitting outside when it’s sunny & warm, and will all pile up on you if you sit on the couch for longer than 30 mins lol. Sending you love n kisses! Hope you have a great day today!! <33
-cat anon!
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cassioppenny · 2 years
Hisui Days
Story 02 - A Day With Adaman
(Chapter Select)
Adaman was visiting the Obsidian Fieldlands along with his leafeon to give something to his sister Mai. It was her birthday and he never ever failed to give her a present. When Adaman decides to do something he will do it immediately in the quickest and most efficient way possible. Time should never be wasted after all.
    As he approached the Heights Camp he noticed Lucas and the professor from the Galaxy team crouched around a pokemon. Both of them talking giddly about it, the excitement apparent in their voices. 
Because of how they sat around the small pokemon Adaman couldn’t really tell what it was from where he was standing. Even though he needed to give this present to Mai as quickly as possible, Adaman was extremely curious of what could have possibly caught the two researchers' attention.
“Hey Lucas! What do you have over there?” Adaman calls out to them as he gets closer.
Lucas looks over his shoulder, “Oh hi Adaman!”
Lucas stood up and grabbed the pokemon that he and Laventon were researching. Adaman half expected to be some freaky monster or something that strange square creature that has been mysteriously appearing in the Mirelands, but when Lucas turns around and shows the pokemon Adaman understood why Lucas and Laventon were so giddy. It was the smallest, fluffiest, little eevee he had ever seen.
“Awwww she’s so cute!” Adaman said as he excitedly started petting the eevee.
Leafeon looks at Adaman with an expression of shock and betrayal.
“You’re cute too you crybaby,” Adaman told the leafeon as he continued to pet the eevee.
“Her name is Poffin!” Lucas told him, “I caught her about a week ago. She’s adorable right? I was shocked to see how small she was compared to other eevees!”
“Yeah! Leafeon was about twice as big when he was an eevee,” Adaman responds, “She looks like she could fit in my palm!”
Lucas looks at him in confusion, “She’s not that small…?”
“You said your leafeon used to be an eevee right? How did you make him evolve into a leafeon?” Laventon asks.
“Hm? You want to make Poffin evolve into a leafeon? Good taste!” Adaman answers.
“Me and Laventon believe that eevee has seven possible evolutions but we’re not sure how to make an evolution happen. Or how which evolution the eevee evolves into is decided,” Lucas sets Poffin down.
Leafeon and eevee begin sniffing each other as Adaman continues to speak, “Oooh I see! Sounds like you need an eevee expert! Luckily for you one is right here!”
“Ah! Incredible! Would you mind showing us how they’re done?” Laventon excitedly asks.
“Yeah sure! The place we need to go to evolve an eevee into a leafeon is over in the woods so I’ll take you two there.” Adaman responds
“There’s no time to waste then! Scientific discovery awaits!!”
“Um… professor… didn’t Cyllene tell you to not leave the camps without a security corps member after you got bitten by an alpha luxio?” Lucas interrupts.
“Oh. Yeah…” Laventon frowns, “Well it seems it’ll just be you and Lucas then. Stay safe! Give me lots of good information for the pokedex!”
“Will do professor! Bye!!” Lucas waved goodbye and then followed Adaman out of the camp.
Once the two of them were far enough away from Laventon to where he couldn’t hear them, Adaman turned to Lucas, “Sooooo… what was that about the professor being bitten by an alpha luxio?”
“Right here! Here's our destination!” Adaman cheerfully announces.
“Did you really have to… huff… run all the way here?” Lucas said, out of breath from trying to catch up with Adaman.
“Wasting the precious time that the Almighty Sinnoh gave to us would be blasphemy you know,” Adaman explained, “So we had to go the most efficient way here.”
“Never wasting time… that reminds me of someone…” Lucas said to himself.
“Huh? Who are you talking about?” 
“Oh um… I’m trying to remember someone I met before coming to Hisui. I can't remember their name or face though…”
“Well if you're really from the rift maybe the person you were trying to remember is the almighty sinnoh!”
“I highly doubt that,” Lucas then proceeded to change the subject, “Anyway how are we supposed to evolve Poffin here? All I see are trees and a big rock.”
Adaman patted the rock, “This big rock is actually a very SPECIAL big rock! When an eevee touches it evolves into a leafeon!”
“Woah! So it's like a gigantic evolution stone?!”
“Yeah that's basically exactly what it is. You can also use just normal leaf stones but doing it this way is way cooler.”
Lucas sets Poffin down in front of the rock. Poffin walks up to it and sniffs it. Then she turns around and looks at Lucas instead, her tail wagging seemingly expecting him to play with her.
Lucas looks back up at Adaman, “Um… she's not evolving, Adaman…”
“She might just not be interested in evolving into a leafeon then,” Adaman shrugs.
Lucas began to pet Poffin, “Oh um okay… do you know any other ways to evolve eevee?”
“Of course the next one I’ll teach you is the psychic type espeon and the dark type umbreon!”
“Oh cool! How do you evolve eevee into those?”
“When an eevee has a strong bond with someone they gain the ability to evolve! Which evolution it becomes depends on the time of day. During the day it's espeon and at night it's umbreon!”
“Woah!!!...” Lucas then looks confused, “Wait… how do I know our bond is strong enough?”
“She’ll evolve,” Adaman answers.
“Okay but what if Poffin decides she doesn't want to be an espeon or umbreon?”
“Ah. That's a problem. We can't exactly just wait for that to happen. It would just be a waste of time.”
“So uh… what now?”
“Well there's four others you could go with flareon, vaporeon, jolteon, and glaceon but you need specific evolution stones for that… which I don't have…”
Lucas picks up Poffin, “Oh! There's someone in Jubilife that sells evolution stones!”
“Really?! Let's head over there now! We're just wasting time here!”
“Oh um right!!”
Adaman dashes out of the woods in the direction of Jubilife Village and Lucas tries his best to stay caught up to him. Lucas wonders how someone could possibly have this much energy.
“Good thing that lady had these stones. If she didn't we would have had to run all the way to the Alabaster Islands and hope that no one from the Pearl Clan spots us,” Adaman said as he handed the stones to Lucas, “I’d rather die than go there.”
“I’m pretty sure I’m not allowed to go there anyway,” Lucas replied as he laid the stones in front of Poffin, “I’m only authorized to go to the fieldlands.”
“Wait really?” Adaman responded, “Guess I’ll have to bug the commander until he lets you come visit me in the mirelands!”
“Uh… you don't have to do that…” Lucas then turned to Poffin, “Okay just pick the stone you want.”
Poffin walked up to the stones and started sniffing them. Then she just sat down,looked up at Lucas, and started wagging her tail.
Lucas looked at Adaman. “...Are you sure that you're actually an eevee expert?”
“I am!” 
Suddenly someone started screaming.
“A pokemon broke in! Someone get the security corps!”
Adaman looked in the direction of the yelling, “Oh. That doesn't sound good.”
Lucas scrambled onto his feet and ran towards the sound. Poffin and Adaman ran after him as well.
They turn the corner and they spot a wild gabite who knocked down the Ginkgo Guild’s wagon and is now gobbling up the berries in it.
Adaman was shocked, “Hey what’s that thing doing down here?! I thought that they were all in the highlands!”
Lucas pointed at the gabite,”Poffin! Baby Doll Eyes!”
Poffin ran up to the gabite and started to stare at the gabite. The gabite looks away from the cart and down at Poffin. It’s attack seemed to be lowered somehow. In retaliation the gabite slashed at her with its claw, knocking her over.
“Quick Attack!” Lucas ordered.
Poffin hopped back up and ran towards the gabite. As she ran she began to glow and change shape. Once she hit the gabite her appearance completely changed. Now she was a slightly bigger white, pink and blue creature with what seems to be ribbons on her body.
“She evolved!” Adaman exclaimed, “But… I haven’t seen this evolution before…”
Lucas glanced at Adaman, “I thought you said you were an eevee expert?”
“I am! This is just a new discovery or uh something… just uh…” Adaman then pointed at the gabite, “Just focus on the wild pokemon right now! No wasting time questioning me or Almighty Sinnoh will smite you!!”
“Oh right! The battle!” Lucas was successfully distracted from Adaman lying about being an eevee expert.
The gabite tried to attack Poffin with its claw again but when it struck her, she was completely unaffected. Horror appeared on the gabite’s face as Poffin’s ribbons wrapped around its arms. It was lifted upwards and then slammed onto the ground over and over again. Poffin made excited noises as she basically bullied the poor gabite. Lucas and Adaman watch in shock and awe as Poffin thoroughly beat up the wild pokemon.
“Poffin! I… uh… think you beat it up enough!!” Lucas called out to her.
Poffin dropped the gabite on the ground and ran up to Lucas. She ran around his legs and purred. Lucas kneeled down and began to pet her as she wrapped her ribbons around Lucas’s waist seemingly trying to give him a hug.
Adaman looked at Poffin, then to the gabite, and then back to Poffin, “Well… I know who not to mess with now…”
Some Security Corps members walked up to the fainted gabite to move it out of the village. 
When one got close enough they gagged and plugged their nose, “This thing smells awful!”
Something seemed to click in Adaman’s head when he heard them say that, “Smells?”
“Yeah it’s really bad,” the Security Corps member answers.
Adaman walks up to the gabite, “Let me smell it.”
Adaman put his nose up to the gabite and then immediately gags, “Yep… that’s definitely from a skuntank…”
“What are you doing?!” Lucas asks Adaman in shock and confusion.
“I think I might know who the culprit behind a gabite being all the way down here is,” Adaman sighed and turned to the Security Corps members, “Here I’ll help you take it out of the village.”
Adaman says goodbye to Lucas and takes the gabite out with the Security Corps members. Afterwards he walks back home to the Crimson Mirelands. He didn't realize until he had reached the Diamond Settlement that he had completely forgotten to give Mai her present.
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neonganymede · 1 year
I hadn't gotten into pokemon until many years after it came out. By the time I bought Platinum even it was considered old. It had been in a display case with other pokemon/older games instead of in it's proper case on the shelves. (I was in a super market on vacation with a friend). Lost many DS games due to the size of the cartidges though. I hope you find and beat if that's something you want to do! ^-^
They need to make the npcs more useful in the higher levels raids. I'm barely beating five stars, forget the six stars. And it wouldn't surprise me if those were the ones that dropped herba mystica. And then go and do things like having a water type pokemon have a fire tera. Like??? What do you want to do with that?! I think I had used rock or ground but still?? Who that what would be a good idea?? The pokemon shouldn't be able to have skills for it's tera type. So that was interesting. Even if they didn't make the npcs useful, at least make it so water and fire can't be paired together LOL
That is an amazing naming scheme! I add y to a lot of names or just a version of what it already has. For example, I named my rockruff Rocky and Rocks, for it's two different evolution types :3 Having named your pokemon after bsd characters though sounds extremely interesting. May I ask how you knew which names you were going to give to which pokemon?
Wait you actually have a shiny eevee for me. That's so exciting! You're so cool and awesome and thank you so much!! He'll be my first shiny!! I'm so thankful and excited I really don't know what to say <3 Unforunitly I don't get online back for a tiny bit. Either later in the week or early in the new year, depends on when I can get to Target ;-; Thought I was going have it back before the holidays
I tried to dm you but it wouldn't let me >///<
-⛅ Hoping you had a good weekend if you celebrate the holidays or not! <3
I think the weird tera types are actually kinda nice sometimes! I was doing a five star tera battle earlier against a water pokemon with a fire tera type, and winning the battle was easy because of that. I could take my gyarados into battle and take hardly any damage, so I didn't need to worry about healing or fainting and losing the match because of it. It's just a way to be strategic! And tera types can be changed in case you really like a pokemon you caught in a raid ^^ five and six star raids are where you get the herba mystica, unfortunately. I do wish they made the npcs a little more useful ><;;
I usually go by some sort of reference or vibe when I'm naming my pokemon! Originally, my sprigatito was named Atsushi because cute and cat! But when he evolved into meowscarada, I changed his nickname to Nikolai. For obvious reasons. My magikarp is nicknamed Dazai because useless fish (even if he's not so useless now as a gyarados) <3 and also because it's my favorite pokemon. Growlithe is Chuuya because fire suits him and also dog pokemon. Shroodle is classified as a toxic mouse, so obviously Fyodor. Things like that ^^
And yes!! I have a shiny eevee for you!! I'll hold onto him for as long as you need me to, so it's really no problem. Just whenever you're ready for him. I'm just happy to have found one for you! You should be able to DM me now (i forgot to check my settings so that was totally my fault) in case you'd like to see a picture ^^
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Reviewing Kanto Gym Leader/Elite 4 Music
Today, Tipsy is watching “All Elite 4 Soundtracks [GEN 1-9] 2022″ and she realised that not only are there an ungodly total of 4 Kanto tracks on this video, it’s also missing “Kanto Gym Leader” from Generation 2 and 4′s Johto games (because they’re not the E4 themes), which brings us to a total of six Kanto gym leader remixes in the core series alone, excluding the anime, spinoff games, or Super Smash Bros. 
Here is my review of each of them. 
Generation 1 (the original, Red/Blue/Yellow): Very high energy. I can tell that they put everything they had into this track and pushed the Gameboy to its limits. What I like about it is how victorious and yet intimidating it is, it’s a friendly intense battle. I think this track captures what makes Pokemon music good. It fits exactly what it was made for. 
For some reason, I can only find Pokeli’s edit of the theme with added Pokemon sounds. Even compilation videos like the one at the top of this post use this version. 
Generation 2 (Gold/Silver/Crystal): If the last version of this theme was intimidating but cheerful, this version scraps the cheer completely and focuses on the fight. I don’t actually like it as much as its predecessor, there’s not nearly as much energy, but it’s so hype to get to Kanto after playing through Johto and hear remixes of all your favourite tracks. I love how on some repeats, this version changes up the instruments rather than having a straight loop. Unfortunately the GSC versions of the gym leaders never scaled up with each battle, so it’s a bit forgettable. 
Generation 3 (Fire Red/Leaf Green): Heck yes, back on the bullshit with EVERYTHING HAPPENING ALL THE TIME, and it’s emphasized even more by how they seem to use every instrument available on the gameboy in this track. Because of the GBA’s sound system using compressed audio, this version actually sounds way dirtier than its Gameboy counterparts. This is also hard to listen to with how chaotic it is. However it’s all good fun, I’d say while I prefer the original, this is a good evolution of it and fits Gen 3 well. 
Generation 4 (Heart Gold/Soul Silver): Holy SHIT that intro!!! The intro is way longer than the Gold and Silver version, I’d say in general it’s a huge improvement, adding a final verse before the loop where the music is higher just like in the original before moving down to the GS low key. Like all the battle music in HGSS, this feels like a battle for your life. Again, the actual battle is not as strong as Johto gym leaders, but it’s so nostalgic, a true sequel to FRLG. This sounds much better than Gen 3′s compressed trumpets and guitar. Makes me want to pick up Soul Silver, but I need to complete Platinum again before I can touch it... 
Generation 5 (Black 2/White 2): With this gen they went back to the drawing board - rather than emphasizing the chaotic core instruments like Gen 3 and 4, instead they DE-emphasized the main tune, returned to more chiptune sounds like the original, and put the background synth in the spotlight!! That synth bar at 1:58 and 2:17? That is sex. I love this experiment. It blends in with the rest of the music in gen 5, which knocks it down a bit, but compared to the other versions of Kanto Gym Leader it’s refreshing and new. Gen 5 was going for a different sound after the designers got sick and tired of the same pseudo orchestra noises across the last two gens. 
Aaaaa??? I can’t add any more videos. T_T  
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Nintendo Switch (Let’s Go Pikachu/Eevee): Hell yes, now we are finally on modern technology, with the Nintendo Switch’s audio giving Game Freak the full power they need to make an Anime tribute version of the theme. That’s right, the battle music in LGPE is supposed to sound like the anime. Full orchestra, baby! With this cool guitar serving an undercurrent to the whole thing. It sounds kind of like a Xenoblade version of the theme, which means after a minute of listening my brain switches off, but I think objectively this is the easiest to listen to other than the original, because of how natural it sounds. So many layers, but none of them intrusive and irritating. 
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BONUS: The original Anime theme from 1995: Dear god, this is SUCH an 80s/90s style piece of music, the progression, the “boop boop boop” synth noise, the switch to a sudden guitar solo, the constant change in instruments just like in the Gen 3 version... I think if Game Freak had the resources, they’d have made the games sound like this. It’s got that almost pseudo jazz style that they have fallen in love with in recent years. 
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