#malayan blue coral snake
snakeswagbracket · 1 year
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Make way for some blue beauties! Both the blue lipped sea krait (Laticauda laticaudata) and the Malayan blue coral snake ( Calliophis bivirgatus) are elapids in the family Elapidae, characterized by short fangs that are fixed in place in their upper jaw. The blue lipped sea krait is found in the western Pacific and Indian ocean where they eat mainly fish, especially eels, and they have a flatter, paddle like tail that helps them swim quickly through the water. There was a myth that these sea kraits' mouths were too small to bite a human, but in reality it seems that the blue banded sea krait is simply a generally calm, docile snake that is typically reluctant to bite people (although it is certainly not a good idea to test those limits!) The Malayan blue coral snake is found in Southeastern Asia, including Indonesia, Malaysia, Thailand, Singapore, and Burma. They favor forests, and can often be found burrowing in the dirt and leaves on the forest floor. They often feed on other snakes, including other venemous snakes, and unlike other elapids the venom of the Malayan blue coral snake is not neurotoxic but instead contains a cytotoxin that paralyzes their prey. Interestingly, while their venom is deadly it is also being studied to see if its properties may be useful in treating chronic pain in humans!
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herpsandbirds · 3 months
Someone told me herp is like hero.. a heroic snake ? I could imagine it and view that thought with love and enjoy the idea of a heroic snake
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Crowned False Boa (Pseudoboa coronata), family Colubridae, Perú
photograph by Justin Coburn
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Selangor Mud Snake (Raclitia indica), family Homalopsidae, Singapore
This species is rarely seen, and had only been previously seen in Singapore in 1914, then again in 2020, and then this individual was photographed in 2024.
photograph by Emmanuel Raphael Goh
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Malayan Slug-Snake (Asthenodipsas malaccanus), family Pareidae, northern Sumatra, Indonesia
photograph by Josh Phangurha
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Blue Coral Snake (Calliophis bivirgatus), family Elapidae, Thailans
photograph by Thai National Parks
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thecuriousquest · 7 months
*Slides on in* Got any Naga Shiggy or Dabi headcanons to share? Can be romantic or platonic, give me them sneks.
Yan!Naga Shiggy HCs
Note: I do write for Yandere!Monsters, Yandere!Angels, Yandere!Demons, etc. really any supernatural being as long as it has yandere behavior.
Tag List: @issamomma @repostingmyfavs @chickennugnugnug
Warnings: Yandere themes, SFW, kidnapping, Yan!Naga Shiggy, talk of snake biology (including venom), threats of eating Reader
P.S: Hey, Pales! I love nagas so much! Thank you for this request!!! I’m going to do two separate ones and tag you in the Dabi one because I don’t want to make this post too long, but I still really want to do the Dabi one. 🖤🤘
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He would have killed anyone else who stumbled into his cave, who trespassed on his turf. However, there’s just something about the innocence behind those wide eyes that has him second guessing whether he should off you or not.
The way you fumble to step back, yet still keeping your orbs fixed on him, it honestly amuses him. He doesn’t even remember the last time he laughed so genuinely.
He decides that he will not kill you. He can’t just let you go either. No, he decides he will keep you and make you his mate.
He’s good at playing the long game. You know how he loves his games. He knows it’s necessary when it comes to you. He’s quite the passionate snake, taking the mantra “she will learn to love me” to heart.
It’s understandable, really. He has kept you from your village, what you’ve known for all of your life. Now, he has thrust upon you a new way of living.
Based on what we see of him in MHA, he is very caring and looks out for his people, for those who work for him, for those who put their lives on the line for his cause. I can’t help but think he’d do the same for you.
He loves you so much and sees you as the woman of his dreams. He now knows why he’s been so bitter in the past. It’s because he hasn’t had you in his life until now.
Shiggy is BIG on cuddles. He wraps the end of his tail around your ankle, pulling you closer and closer to him until you’re plush against the softness of his underbelly. He coils himself around you, wrapping you up until you’re safely in his arms.
Another thing he is big on is providing for you. When he hunts, he puts a large boulder in front of the cave’s entrance. That way, he doesn’t have to worry about you leaving. Hunting is something he absolutely loves to do. He loves to see the full bellied, satisfied look in your eyes. He views feeding you as a special gift. He wouldn’t do it for just anyone. He only does it for you.
The Shigster is prone to fits of rage when things don’t exactly go his way. He threatens to eat you a lot. It always works because he’s so unpredictable that you don’t really know if he’ll do it or not. Either way, you just don’t want to make him angry and face whatever kind of punishment he has brewing in his mind.
Shiggy Shigs LOVES to play games with you, especially Find My Love. It’s a game where he lets you run far from the cave, giving you a pretty good amount of time as he closes his eyes, crosses his arms, and lets you run off. He always ends up finding you, using his tongue to sniff you out as well as his acute nose. This way, you get to release some steam and touch grass while he gets to show you how much he loves you by tracking you down and tackling you. 🫠
I imagine Yan!Naga Shigaraki resembles a blue coral snake (or blue Malayan coral snake) with his bottom half from hips to tail.
The blue coral snake has blue scales mixed into the outer characteristics as well as sporting a red head, red tip, and red underside. The red reminds me of Shigaraki’s eyes. Though he wouldn’t have a red head, because his hair would still be blue and his face would still be the same color as in the show, I think the tip of his tail and underside would match the same red hue as his eyes. This particular snake also has what is known as “a unique kind of venom that most snakes don’t have” (Bouchard, Blue Coral Snakes Have Venom Unlike Any Other Snake). Because of Shigaraki’s unique and deadly quirk, I feel this is the most befitting characteristic for him. Not only is the venom lethal, it’s fast acting just like his quirk.
Pictures here so you can get a better image of what the blue coral snake looks like:
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I’m so sorry I’m such a biology nerd. I didn’t mean to turn this into a fucking essay on snakes.
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I have a snake character in DnD, and while I know that's extremely fictional, (and they're also half-dragon), your blog is making me want to give them a specific snake species. Are there any blue snakes? Or snakes you think would be most likely to be criminals?
Super cool! I love this question, the categories of "blue snakes" and "snakes that would be criminals" are very fun ones. :)
Blue is a pretty rare color, but there are a few really blue snakes!
The white-lipped tree pit viper has a well-known and beautiful blue phase:
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Blue racers are stunning:
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Variable bush vipers can be a lovely soft blue/grey:
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Malayan blue coral snakes are beautiful:
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And as for snakes that are likely criminals...
Ratsnakes are master escape artists, and can be very sassy to boot! Vietnamese blue beauties can fit both your criteria.
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Spitting cobras, especially black forest cobras, are little criminals. They look polite but they are not. Take, for example, the spitting cobra incident.
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Mambas are the most likely criminals in my book! They're strong, smart, and have no qualms with causing issues.
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limbus-limousine · 2 months
Ik you're mostly a Sinclair poster (a very good one at that) but do you have any animal associations for Dante? Or any of the other sinners for that matter
I have a list of animal associations for project moon characters in general... I'm still working on it but I eventually want to get to background characters too like the optional ruina receptions etc. But currently these are my thoughts for limbus...
Dante: Merulanella blister/tricolor isopod (a perfect match if you ask me... very expensive collectionist morph too). This might change once we know more about them though!
For Verg and Charon I still have to think some up... But Charon is giving mustelid I must say
Yi Sang: Hooded crow + cicada
Dongbaek: Caramel crow!! (This would be a regular American crow, caramel is a mutation that's still being researched which gives them a creamy brown coloration)
Samjo: Great auk (extinct diver bird/penguin) + Royal tern + otter
Dongrang: African forest buffalo + blue roan shorthorn + Oxpecker + cattle egret
Faust: Rock ptarmigan + wooly aphid (still want to look for more...)
Don Quixote: Quagga + Bearded vulture + Monitor lizard
Ryoshu: Horned owl + Dragontail butterfly + Moth (still need to look into species) + ratsnake/black mamba (reference to Hell Screen)
Meursault: Honestly very hard choice... Mostly for personality reasons, I've been thinking of a Nurse shark + MAYBE badger (noctural + def. want an omnivore in there) + Clam or something
Hong Lu: Mantis shrimp + lemur + Sinosauropteryx (chinese compsognathid with conserved pigments of a ringed tail!)
Heathcliff: Aardwolf + Bronze-tailed peacock-pheasant (want to look for more too...)
Ishmael: Orca (only predator of whales) + kutchicetus (cetacean transitional fossil) + lobster
Ahab: Sperm whale + Narwhal + polar bear
Queequeg: Leopard seal
Rodya: Manul + Cozumel raccoon
Sonya: Leucistic amur leopard + Mediterranean fruit fly
Sinclair (more details...): Eurasian sparrowhawk + indeterminate canine traits. I imagine him as a bilateral gynandromorph (half male/female mutation), inspired by the real recorded specimens of lazuli buntings and canaries.
Demian: Malayan blue coral snake + Boelen's python + Luzon bleeding-heart dove. Pondering on lamb motif + maybe some traces of corvid
Kromer: Mountain lion + Hercules beetle grub + red headed centipede + some mantid perhaps (looking into it)
Outis: Przewalski's horse, or maybe a Mustang (debating, I'm not as informed about equines !) + Harris Hawk + Black headed python
Gregor: Painted trilobite cockroach (infestation) + Ensign wasp (main/original body) + House centipede
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sundere1181 · 1 year
San Fransico garter snake AND Blue Malayan coral snake VS Barbados threadsnake
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searsage · 5 months
[LFG] Voulien [OTA Open!]
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Bio: Nega for hire, more often then not gets dragged around as the local knight's wing man…err snake.
Has accrued many bounties on his head for pilfering people's shiny possessions predominantly invaluable things like silverware, pitchforks, goblets and clothes pins.
Can be found by sleeping anywhere warm and dry, vary poisonous but often docile.
Totally not a socially starved snek that deliberately makes himself accessible to be dragged along with any crazy party that will hire him…nope not him.
Species: Naga -Blue malayan coral snake.
Temperament: Moody, cynical, perpetually done with everyones s*it.
Travia: Is a kleotomaniac, will curl up and play did if startled enough, cold blooded. Max rank monster poising as a lv two newbie. Likes dragons. Needs friends.
Whew, last adopt of 2023! Been sitting on this guy for a while and im glad this brooding snec is finally out.
As always any OC adopt's bios are able to be wiped by buyer and are not mandatory to to keep. ´Г`
Slap an offer if ye like.
AB: $135 usd + Bonus drawn waist up included ❤*
[Bic]please respond to the comment with the highest offer when placing an offer!
[BIC]No OC offers please!
This is not First come first serve!
No holds
Auction closed only once payment is received ✔.
Dont offer what you dont have.
Dont remove watermark
No refunds
Low ball offers are instantly declined.
[Bic]In the event of auto buy the buyer can will receive waist up within 2-3 weeks of payment🙏😤
Please do not use/trace/reference of/repost my art without my permission. Do not use this art unless you buy it, this is not Free to use, for rpg, oc, refs, ect DO NOT USE MY ADOPTS UNLESS YOU PURCHASE THEM!!
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Lamia bitty: Blueberror
Blueberror Lamia
Name: Blue Coral
Species: Blue Malayan coral snake
Size: 8 - 12 inches total, 3'5 - 5 inches standing(mini) 5.5 - 18 feet total, 2 - 3'5 feet standing(fullsize) 10 - 20 feet total, 5'5 - 7 feet standing(bara)
Venom: Yes
Personality: Excitable, zany,
Likes: Large households, helping, having friends, playing, playing outside, exercising,
Dislikes: Small households, being bored, being alone, small spaces,
Compatibility: These bitties love and do best in larger households where they can have a lot of friends and don't have to be alone!
Due to the fact they never want to be alone they do really well with clingy bitties and bitties that don't like being away from their friends! And rarely get annoyed by this, and normally when they do it's because they're bored,
These bitties can easily get the zoomies! This is a good thing and it means they feel safe and comfertable! Though they need the space to slither/zoom/bounce around when they get the zoomies!
Giving these bitties supervised outside time is recommended if possible! These bitties should me supervised as much as possible for at least the first few weeks and whenever they are outside, no matter their size!
These bitties are very prone to accidents and often need extra help with things!
Feeding habits: These bitties arent very picky and will eat just about anything, though they love to help in the kitchen!
Additional info: These bitties are afraid of being alone and often don't do well in smaller households due to this!
Zone: N/A, Inside, Plains,
In Universe: These bitties are seen as hard to care for but absolute sweethearts!
Difficulty: Intermediate - Advanced
Main colors: Black, blue,
Secondary colors: Blue
Extra: N/A
Additional info: They're mostly black with blue race stripes going down their sides and a blue underbelly
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breezespirit · 1 year
Warning!!! Eye injury, scars, blood, and death!
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- He goes by he/him pronouns and he is a cis tom.
- He is the deputy of Scuteclan. Scuteclan is a clan full of cats with reptile/amphibian like traits, such as hallow fangs like venomous snakes or color changing fur like chameleons.
- He became deputy after the old deputy was murdered. He found the killer and reported it to the leader, who then made him deputy. At first, most cats didn't think he was good enough but after a month, he proved himself worthy of the job.
- Anacondajester has a snake tail and can hold his breath underwater for 50 minutes.
- He got his prefix because of his pelt.
- He got his suffix because of his personality.
- He has two moms! One is a swimmer named Yellowtimber and the other is a climber named Gilaflower. His parents are still together and are in a happy relationship.
- He has two siblings that were born recently. They are named Pythonkit and Beadkit. He loves them and will fight anyone who even looks at them with slight disapproval.
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- His best friends are two twins. The older twin is a swimmer named Frogshell and the younger twin is a medic named Hummingfrog.
- He had an apprentice before he became deputy. Their name is Coralpounce, and they are quiet and reserved but very sweet. His current apprentice is Rattlepaw. She is a spunky little cat who has a rattle at the end of her tail and vemon. Her climber name will be Rattlewave.
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- Anacondajester is in a loving relationship with Platypuspond. He loves him dearly and wishes to be with him constantly but knows that it wouldn't be good for either tom. He has thoughts about leaving his clan with his family and running away with Platypuspond but fears they would be caught. He hasn't told his family about his relationship.
Wow! I'm on a roll! These were so damn fun to draw!!!! I loved designing these funky cats. I will go over what all of them are and I'm sorry if I sound like a nerd. I'm going to school for herpetology, the study of reptiles and amphibians, and I just had a great time. Bear with me while I infodump hehe.
Anacondajester is obviously based off a green Anaconda.
Yellowtimber is modeled after the yellow Anaconda.
Gilaflower is from the Gila monster. Which I think look neat.
Beadkit comes from the Mexican Beaded lizard who is a close relative of the Gila!
Pythonkit is based off of a Ball python since I have one. I'm biased.
Coralpounce is from a Coral snake but more specifically a Malayan blue coral snake. They look super pretty! I'll probably make a normal coral snake later.
Rattlepaw is obviously based off a Rattlesnake. Maybe l'll redesign her to be a specific Rattlesnake. Probably a Pygmy Rattlesnake because they are cute and smol!
Frogshell is based off of a Glass frog. If I ever do a full body of him, I'll have his skin see through.
Hummingfrog is based off a Milk frog! My favorite frog!!!
I hope you guys like them!!! Next will be Snailmottle and OH BOY! I'm going to have fun with them. Have a great day guys!
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Snake OC (May get added to a fandom I am working on) >
Snake-human hybrid; Blue Malayan Coral Snake.
He is known for being a drummer in a rockstar band secretly though; he is a villainous Cult leader.
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Snakes are cool! Do you have a favorite kind?
'Have you heard of the blue Malayan coral snake?' A̡nt̛į asks. 'Found in Southeast Asia. It's fucking beautiful. And it produces a neurotoxin that triggers paralysis and spasms. But it's not typically aggressive. Not like, say, a king cobra—which can also paralyze you, particularly your lungs!' He sounds delighted by the idea of that. 'Though even the cobra only attacks when threatened. Most snakes don't bother humans unless they bother them.'
Down in the p̀i͝t below, J͟ac͠k has almost cut all the strings.
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snakeswagbracket · 1 year
Snake Swag Bracket Round 2
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Slithering in is a match between two true beauties! The blue Malayan coral snake (Calliophis bivirgatus), like many brightly colored animals, uses its coloration as a warning sign to tell potential predators (or curious humans) that they are venomous. The blue Malayan coral snake shares much of its range with a similarly blue colored snake--the red-headed reed snake (Calamaria schlegeli). However, the red-headed reed snake is a nonvenomous colubrid that may be taking advantage of Batesian mimicry, copying the coloration of the blue Malayan coral snake and other brightly colored snakes because of the protection against predators that instinctively avoid these flashy warning signs. The white-lipped python (Leiopython albertisii) has a pattern that serves a different, but important purpose. The iridescence of the white-lipped python's scales is caused by cells known as iridophores that reflect and refract the light to give that rainbow sheen. It is thought that iridophores may spread and diffuse the heat of the sun, helping to keep the white-lipped python cool in their hot native tropical forests!
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angelnumber27 · 1 year
random but do you have a favorite reptile :)
Ooooh y’all ask more things like this please
I can’t pick. It’s between all geckos all turtles all chameleons all lizards and as far as snakes.. all snakes but my favs are
• any pit vipers in general are gorgeous. Esp white lipped island pit vipers
•all colors of bush vipers. Sooo beautiful
•sun beam snakes!
•garter snakes
•blue Malayan coral snake
•green vine snake
•regal ring neck snake, esp the ones that are super brightly colored w a blue orange n red gradient!
I know there are sooo many I probably missed but I lov this question and I love animals so!!!!!
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dovemed · 2 years
Classification of Venomous Snakes
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Classification of venomous snakes and comprehensive information on snake bites, first aid, treatment, and prevention: (in alphabetical order)
Acanthophis antarcticus (Common Death Adder)
Agkistrodon bilineatus (Mexican Cantil)
Agkistrodon contortrix (Copperhead)
Agkistrodon laticinctus (Broad Banded Copperhead)
Agkistrodon piscivorus (Cottonmouth)
Agkistrodon taylori (Castellana)
Ahaetulla nasuta (Long Nosed Whip Snake)
Aipysurus apraefrontalis (Short-Nosed Sea Snake) - true sea snake; Timor Sea; inhabits shallow coral reef waters;
Aipysurus duboisii (Dubois' Sea Snake) - slightly aggressive; true sea snake; north of Australia and parts of southwestern Pacific Ocean; inhabits shallow reef waters and sandy bottoms;
Aipysurus eydouxii (Spine-Tailed Sea Snake) - not easily provoked; true sea snake; north of Australia and around tropical islands of Southeastern Asia; inhabits shallow bay waters and muddy estuarine bottoms;
Aipysurus foliosquama (Leaf-Scaled Sea Snake) - true sea snake; Timor Sea; inhabits shallow coral reef waters and seagrass bottoms;
Aipysurus fuscus (Dusky Sea Snake) - true sea snake; Timor Sea and Java Sea; inhabits shallow reef waters and sandy sea bottoms;
Aipysurus laevis (Olive Brown Sea Snake) - highly venomous and inquisitive; true sea snake; north of Australia and southwestern Pacific Ocean; inhabits coral reef waters;
Aipysurus pooleorum (Shark Bay Sea Snake) - highly venomous; true sea snake; Shark Bay, west of Australia; inhabits limestone reefs, seabed, and seagrass floor;
Amphiesma stolatum (Buff Striped Keelback)
Aspidelaps lubricus (Cape Coral Snake)
Aspidelaps scutatus (Shield Nose Snake)
Atheris squamigera (African Bush Viper)
Atractaspis bibronii (Bibron's Burrowing Asp)
Atractaspis dahomeyensis (Dahomey Burrowing Asp)
Atractaspis engaddensis (Palestinian Mole Viper)
Atractaspis microlepidota (Small Scaled Burrowing Asp)
Atropoides picadoi (Picado's Jumping Pitviper)
Austrelaps superbus (Lowland Copperhead)
Azemiops feae (Fea's Viper)
Bitis arietans (Puff Adder)
Bitis atropos (Cape Mountain Adder)
Bitis caudalis (Horned Puff Adder)
Bitis cornuta (Western Many Horned Adder)
Bitis gabonica (Central African Gaboon Viper)
Bitis nasicornis (Rhinoceros Viper)
Bitis parviocula (Ethiopian Mountain Adder)
Bitis rhinoceros (West African Gaboon Viper)
Boiga cyanea (Green Cat Snake)
Boiga dendrophila (Mangrove Snake)
Boiga irregularis (Brown Tree Snake)
Bothriechis lateralis (Side Striped Palm Viper)
Bothriechis nigroviridis (Black Speckled Palm Pitviper)
Bothriechis schlegelii (Eyelash Palm Pitviper)
Bothrops alternatus (Urutú)
Bothrops asper (Terciopelo)
Bothrops atrox (Common Lancehead)
Bothrops ayerbei (Ayerbe's Lancehead)
Bothrops caribbaeus (Saint Lucia Lancehead)
Bothrops cotiara (Cotiara)
Bothrops diporus (Chaco Lancehead)
Bothrops erythromelas (Caatinga Lancehead)
Bothrops fonsecai (Fonseca's Lancehead)
Bothrops insularis (Golden Lancehead Viper)
Bothrops itapetiningae (São Paulo Lancehead)
Bothrops jararaca (Jararaca)
Bothrops jararacussu (Jararacussu)
Bothrops lanceolatus (Martinique Lancehead)
Bothrops leucurus (Whitetail Lancehead)
Bothrops mattogrossensis (Mato Grosso Lanzenotter)
Bothrops moojeni (Brazilian Lancehead)
Bothrops neuwiedi (Neuwied's Lancehead)
Bothrops pauloensis (Black Faced Lancehead)
Bothrops taeniatus (Speckled Forest Pitviper)
Bungarus caeruleus (Indian Krait)
Bungarus candidus (Blue Krait)
Bungarus fasciatus (Banded Krait)
Bungarus flaviceps (Red Headed Krait)
Bungarus multicinctus (Many Banded Krait)
Calloselasma rhodostoma (Malayan Pitviper) - highly venomous and irritable; Southeastern Asia; terrestrial and usually nocturnal; often found near agricultural lands;
Causus rhombeatus (Common Night Adder)
Cerastes cerastes (Horned Viper)
Cerastes gasperettii (Arabian Horned Viper)
Cerastes vipera (Sahara Sand Viper)
Cerrophidion godmani (Godman's Montane Pitviper)
Cerrophidion sasai (Costa Rica Montane Pitviper)
Here is the full list of Venomous Snakes. https://www.dovemed.com/classification-disorders-and-tumors/classification-venomous-snakes/
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project-valhalla · 9 months
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The extremely venomous Malayan Blue Coral Snake (Calliophis bivirgata)
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cosmicanger · 1 year
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The extremely venomous Malayan Blue Coral Snake
📸 @/robbintann
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