#mando drabble
Family - Din Djarin X GN Reader
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Title: Family
Din Djarin X GN Reader
Additional Characters: Grogu
WC: 500
Warnings: Maybe a bit bittersweet
You hummed softly as you held Grogu in your lap, letting his little grabby hands pull at your hair, making a mess of the strands that you had brushed earlier. You smiled as he giggled happily when he managed to grab a handful, twisting it around his little fingers. "Will you miss us?" You asked the child, who squeaked in return looking up at you with his big eyes. You nodded, smiling sadly, "Silly of me to ask that. Of course, you will." He cooed softly at that, reaching out to place his little hands on your cheeks. 
His little fingers were soft against your cheek. You were going to miss him so much. He was like your own son. No, he was your son. He was your baby. He was yours and Din's baby. You were both going to miss him so much. You would miss his smile, his laugh, his cute little noises, his cuddles, kisses, and his hugs. Even if you and Din were able to visit... It didn't matter, because you already missed him so much. 
He looked up at you, his large eyes shimmering with tears. His little lip quivered slightly but he kept them at bay. He couldn’t cry now. Not in front of you. If he cried, you would start crying. And then you wouldn't be able to stop. Grogu waddled closer to your lap, resting his head on your chest as you wrapped your hands around him, leaning down to nuzzle your face into his head gently.
Din watched after he climbed down the ladder, pausing at the beautiful scene before him. His family. You hold his son close, his son holding tightly onto his shirt, his son looking up at you with those big eyes. Din felt his heart clench in his chest, the overbearing weight of knowing he'd have to leave his son behind settling heavily on his shoulders. He shook his head, trying to clear away the dark thoughts clouding his mind. The last thing they needed right now was another sad moment. He needed to focus on the positive, that is, how happy you two looked and to enjoy the time he did have with Grogu.
Din wandered over, standing close beside you as he placed a warm hand on Grogu's back, making him babble. Din turned to you, his brown eyes soft. "What did he say?" He asked you as you continued to smile.
"Grogu said he misses you. You've been gone for a while." You answered, and Din hummed, turning back to his son.
"I've been charting our course, we'll arrive in two cycles." He explained to you, and you hummed in response.
"At least we'll have two more cycles together." You smiled, as Grogu reached out to Din, who immediately took him in his arms, cradling him securely against himself.
“Yes,” Din spoke up softly, peering down at Grogu with a small smile. “We will.” You simply smiled back, resting your head on Din’s shoulder.
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imnotselfryed · 1 year
hi there👋🏼 I saw your pinned post and I thought I should pop by with a request;
non-sexual touches with Din Djarin. maybe like he's showing reader how to fly the ship or he's helping her grab something from the top shelf and his hand's on the small of her back. idk, i just find it cute
I'll totally understand if you ignore this tho
Of course Anon! Din is just so AGSHSHSJ
Touches [d. djarin headcanons]
word count: 363
content/warnings: tooth rotting fluff
If you were to ever try to reach for a cup or something from the top shelf and you're like “damn it” and call for him, guarantee he’ll probably chuckle at you and with EASE?! gets the cup down for you.
he’ll hold the lower part of your back so you don’t try to hurt yourself and reach for it again
for sure will pick you up a bit to move you over so he can get the cup
after he gets it and hands it to you, he’ll even give you a peck on your forehead or a forehead touch (if he didn't have the helmet)😻
since my guy is super touch starved (i just know), and he can’t always take his helmet off, he does these super cute forehead touches where its either a small soft tap to your temple or putting his helmet to your forehead is how he shows his love
And oh boy if you guys are out in public HAHA where tf do you think you're going??
if you're in the market 100% no money back guarantee he’ll have his hand on your waist while walking and tighten his grip on it if something doesn’t feel right
he’ll also be right behind you if you have to actually shop and he is side eyeing everyone
you're hand will also be right in his as you walk
because you're his top priority (beside lil gogurt)
omg he’d absolutely adore teaching you how to fly the ship or use his pulse rifle
like he’d hold his hand on yours, what you're supposed to press, etc
nah but if you're sitting on his lap while flying the ship his arms are wrapped around you while you're (probably) wreaking havoc driving that thing like he’d be so proud
and if you shoot something with the rifle after learning how (especially at targets) HE’D BE LIKE “*SNIFFLES* THAT'S MY GIRL”
If it's now night and you're just cuddlin’ being cute while gogurt is sleeping in his hammock, he’ll probably play with your hair (long or short) he’ll run his fingers through it to help you relax <3
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the-scandalorian · 3 months
i feel like we don't talk about the twi'lek healing baths enough
It takes dozens of visits before he lets you get in the bath with him. You always offer; he always refuses—politely, always so politely: a no, thank you, eventually paired with a fleeting touch. A warm hand placed over yours just for a moment. Two fingers stroked down the red silk of your dress. If you’re lucky, a squeeze of the thick of your thigh or a graze of your cheek. His denial is so soft, so warm—so regretful—that you ask every time just to hear him want it.
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corazondebeskar-reads · 4 months
I'll take care of you
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dark!Din Djarin x gn!reader
originally for Febuwhump 2024 Day 1 - helpless | Febuwhump masterlist
words: 882
summary: Din takes care of you after a head injury leaves you helpless.
warnings: dark, dark!Din, gaslighting, graphic descriptions of injury, restraints, manipulation, violence, no y/n, reader has hair of unspecified length and no other description
dividers by @saradika-graphics
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It’s blurry. Everything, that is. You try to reach to rub your eyes, but the cuff jerks you still. 
Same shit, different day. You wish you’d start remembering faster when you wake up. 
The mornings you do wake up, that is. 
You know you’re missing days. It’s hard, with how the room spins, to keep track of anything. 
“Good morning, cyar’ika. How do you feel?” says the smooth baritone, like fresh caramel dripping onto a sundae. It’s a warm comfort.
Until it grows cold and hardens, that is. His hand shoots out and grips your jaw. “What have I said about answering me when I speak to you?” 
He’s quick to anger today. So you’ll likely be bed-bound again. 
“Sorry, cyare,” you mumble. Using the pet name placates him, and his hand relaxes but doesn’t leave you, gloved thumb brushing your bottom lip. 
You don’t even know if he’s flesh and bone. His cock would lead you to believe so, but the rest of him is cold metal, and they make good synthetics nowadays. 
You don’t want to ask. It’s something you’re sure you should know, and sometimes, the things you’ve forgotten upset him. You guess you’d be upset, too, if your spouse forgot you. 
“It’s okay. I know it’s hard when you’re still all scrambled.” He moves like he’s going to ruffle your hair, but all you feel is the grinding, bruising pain as his hand grips and jostles your head. 
He’s rustling with the restraints, and you try to tamp down any and all emotion. He says it’s okay, that it’s normal for you to have intense feelings, all things considered. 
But sometimes you seem to have the wrong feeling, and he doesn’t like that very much. 
Once your wrists are unhooked, he helps you to stand on trembling legs. Walking makes you so dizzy, so he always makes sure he can support you. 
That’s one thing you can’t deny despite the pain and forgetfulness. He’s so attentive while you’re helpless. He never leaves you to struggle. It’s obvious he’s a good husband—maybe even the romantic type, doting and considerate. 
He lets you use the fresher by yourself but helps you stand up and settle the tunic back down around your body. It’s the only clothing you have on. Other than thick wool socks with rubber grips, that is. He says it’s not safe to walk without them. 
You’re sad to be led back to bed, and it must show. 
“How about I stay for a while, and you can have a break from the cuffs?” he offers. 
It works, and you brighten up a little. “Thank you, Din.”
He still makes you sit in bed, but you can hardly be cross. He’s sitting with you and keeping you safe. 
After all, that’s how you got hurt in the first place, he said. Falling off the bed like a silly little thing and cracking your head. 
Your dreams recall it quite differently. When you do dream, he’s there too. But he’s bigger. Scarier. And so angry. So, so angry. 
You always wake up before your head collides with the wall. 
Here, in the waking world, he holds you against his cold steel body. You’re inclined again to think he’s flesh underneath as warmth radiates from the leather and duraweave between the plates. He’s reading to you softly from a datapad since it still makes your head hurt when you try.
Which means he’s right there against you when it happens. You sit up, clutching your forehead. 
“What’s wrong?” he says.
“I don’t know,” you say through a dry, tacky mouth. Your head is pounding, and when you look at him, so is your heart. Not with love, that is, but with terror.
It must be written across your face because he stiffens.
“Who are you?” you whisper.
“Cyar’ika,” he says carefully, raising both hands as if he means no harm. “You had an accident. You’ve had a severe head injury. Your memories keep coming and going.”
You’ve heard this before. You don’t believe him this time.
“You know me. I’m your husband, Din.”
You shake your head, wincing. “I want the truth.” Because what’s undeniable now is that it wasn’t a dream. This bulking beast of a man had cornered you in an alley behind the cantina after your shift. 
He sighs, but there’s a new placating lilt to his voice when he responds. “Fine,” he murmurs, standing up. He comes around the bed and you back into the wall. Trapped. 
“You want the truth?” he says, voice low and sultry. Smug. His hand comes up to brush your cheek. “You need me, cyar’ika. You were out there all alone and scared. No one to care for you. No one to protect you.”
“You kidnapped me.”
“Hardly,” he scoffs. “You’ve always been mine. You just didn’t know it. But now that we’re together…”
He reaches into the many pouches around his waist and surfaces with a small syringe, the overhead light glinting off the needle’s shiny point. 
“We can do this one of two ways, cyar’ika. You can be good and do as I say. Or,” and he wiggles the needle in the air. “I can make sure you’re good. Either way, I promise I’ll take care of you.”
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sweetercalypso · 4 months
elaine! i am requesting a lil drabble 😘
🎬 - my favorite movie is pride and prejudice (the keira knightley version obvs) and I would love to see how our beloved DIN would fit into this universe 🌚
cw: mentions of drinking; the hand-flex moment is so Din-coded and I’m glad we’re finally talking about it!! (0.5k)
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Spending your night in a dimly-lit cantina wasn’t something you’d planned, but the atmosphere of the Mos Eisley had been unexpectedly pleasant – much like the sight of the infamous steely-gazed bounty hunter sitting across the room.
His distinctive beskar had been the thing to catch your eye, his usual polished appearance now reflecting the tavern lights with an uncharacteristic ease. It was hard to tell if he was enjoying himself as much as the other patrons, but you thought you’d spotted his foot tapping along to the music once or twice in a moment of repose.  
It was nearing midnight when the band finally abandoned the stage and the crowd began to grow restless, signaling to you that it was time to leave.
You’re halfway through the room when the Mandalorian in the corner rises from his seat to follow you outside.
Most would’ve dreaded his company, some might’ve even ran before he’d had the chance to slide out of his booth. But something about him put you at ease, even if others couldn’t see past his armor.
The night air was colder than expected, causing you to wrap your arms around yourself with a shudder. Just as you reach the top of the stairs, the clink of beskar echoes from behind you.
“Please, let me.”
His voice is deep, grainy from the modulator inside his helmet. When he speaks, his head dips in a slight bow, like he’s addressing a person of distinction. He holds his hand out to you, palm open for you to place your hand in his.
The small staircase leading down to the street seems much more treacherous with an evening’s worth of fruity drinks dulling your senses, and you silently thank your maker that someone had been there to steady your descent.
Din doesn’t say much as he leads you down the stairs. He takes slow, calculated steps that match your pace just right, standing by your side as you pause at the bottom, slipping your hand from his grasp.
His fingers curl in on themselves, chasing the fleeting spark of your embrace. Even separated by layers of beskar and thick leather gloves, he feels the need to touch you, to be as close as he can without breaking his creed.
The flex of his hand goes unnoticed, much to his relief. He tries to find something to say, something to keep you there with him, but you’re gone before he can string together anything worth your time.
You murmur a small “thank you” before turning in the direction of your hostel with a last glance over your shoulder at the odd bounty hunter at the bottom of the stairs, still standing in the same spot you’d left him in.  
Din breaths a heavy sigh once you’re out of sight. He stretches his hands reflexively in his gloves and thinks about you at the cantina bar, wondering if he can delay his departure from Tatooine long enough to find you again.
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idungoofed · 2 years
Wrapped In His Arms
Here’s a little touch starved Din drabble I came up with while trying to sleep last night, enjoy!
Warnings: none really just fluff, soft!Din, some swearing, helmet comes off, no use of Y/N, no reader description.
Word count: 490
You startle awake to the mattress dipping at your hip, and the weight of a body pressed into your lower back.
Your eyes are still bleary with sleep as you open them facing the metal wall of your bunk on the Crest. The small room is dark with only a faint green glow coming from the door control panel.
Groggily, you fling an arm out and behind you in a feeble attempt to fight off whatever it is that’s still pressed against you. As your hand flies through the air it’s caught by another clad in soft leather, causing you to yelp and at the sudden contact.
Your hear you’re name called from above you. “It’s me, Din.” Came his soothing deep voice.
“Mmm, Din? Your back.” You say, still half asleep.
He sweeps his thumb over your hand and gives it a squeeze to confirm that he is.
Your legs are still facing away from him, but you turn your body around to gaze sleepily at his dark silhouette. You reach your hand out to skim it over the metal contours of Din’s helmet, but when your hand makes contact it’s not cold metal it meets, but soft warm skin and the beginnings of a scratchy beard.
You gasp, pulling your hand away and suddenly feeling wide awake.
“Shit- Din, your helmet!”
Although you couldn’t see the man’s face you didn’t know how he felt about you touching it, and you bite your lower lip, worried you may have just compromised his creed.
“It’s okay, you can’t see me and… I need… this.” Din said.
You could hear now his voice wasn’t modulated, and the sound of his unfiltered gravely tone makes your heart squeeze in your chest.
You reach your hand back up, slowly as to give him a chance to change his mind.
He doesn’t, and as your fingers make contact again, the tips of them weaving through soft curls and your thumb brushing along his cheek, you feel the breath of his sigh skitter down your arm, and feel him lean in to your touch.
You turn fully towards him now, and with your other hand you take his own and gently tug on it, pulling him down and closer to you.
Din obliges and nudges you over so there’s enough room for him to lie down next to you, and once he’s settled you snuggle into his side. His arms wrap around you, and your cheek rests against his chest, your arm stretched over his broad chest as your hand finds its way back to his jawline.
You feel Din relax, listening to his heart beat in his chest, and his breaths evening out. The rhythmic sound begins to lull you back to sleep, but before you can completely drift off you feel the stubble of Din’s chin against your forehead, and his plush lips as he brushes a soft kiss to it.
“Goodnight, mesh’la.”
Edit: read Din’s side of the story here!
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roughdaysandart · 13 days
Writing down idea for later (pen and paper in bag, too much of a hassle to get out while on bus):
EDit: anyone's welcome to use this idea I don't think it'll fit in my current fic as of right now...maybe a blurb but not in the main
Actions Speak Louder
Perhaps Din's modulator is temporarily broken (perhaps from water or electrical damage). Until it is fixed, his speech comes out as incoherent static and breaking up etc. Perhaps the parts to fix or replace it are difficult to come by in the current circumstamce, so it is not resolved immediatley. Most people don't notice his extra lack of talking, as he doesn't talk much in the first place. However there may be a few humerous circumstances that arise from this, in those moments where a simple nod yes or no just can suffice what needs to be communicated.
Such as making undignified, awkward, exagarateed motions, or having to draw out what he wants to say. Perhaps the charades look quite unintimidating from afar, and people actually giggle under their breath. Perhaps his drawing skills are not the best, as drawing well is not exactly a skill needed in his profession. Perhaps he uses this time to practice drawing with Grogu, and perhaps he becomes decent.
Perhaps it reminds a love interest what the constant silence from him used to be like before they became close, being that he became more and more talkative with them over time. However, perhaps they also see that...nothing is less or different in the time his modulator is broken (at least in the time not in the dark with his helmet off, where he relays what he'd been trying to say various times in the day).
They still can tell everything he's wanting to communicate without speaking in the light with his helmet on (to a limit, but the important/habitual stuff at least)
Perhaps it furthur reminds them again that it was never Din's words that they fell for, but his actions.
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babsybabydrabbles · 1 year
take a seat
Tags: f/m, mando x reader, thigh riding, armor kink, slight engineer!reader
You couldn’t wait to get back to the Razor Crest. You knew you were on important business, that Mando needed his jobs and all of that, but it felt like you were going to explode. The kid had a bad couple of nights, and you were stuck fixing wiring in the ship when he finally conked out for naptime. That, combined with the fact that Mando had been out tracking bounties and flying around, meant that you were always busy. Which also meant that you hadn’t been able to get any alone time, save for the few precious hours of sleep you could grab some nights. What made it worse was the man in shiny armor. His gruff deep voice hidden by the modulator, his strong arms and legs, the bare bit of skin on his hands you were sometimes able to catch - it all made you spiral into daydreams. The way he manhandles his prisoners and is so in control… it sends butterflies into your stomach. You knew that he would never feel the same way - he was too reserved and hidden. It didn’t matter to you. In some ways, it made it easier to know that your little crush was just a fantasy - a daydream to keep you occupied in the emptiness of space.
Last night had been the final straw. You had just gotten Grogu to sleep, and Mando was out hunting the bounty. There weren’t any issues that needed your immediate attention, so you decided to use the precious free time to rub one out. You hurriedly shed your (admittedly, gross) clothes and hopped into the refresher, eager to release the tension that had been building. Not even bothering to turn on the sonic, you let out a sigh of relief when your fingers brushed against the slick folds between your thighs. Leaning your head against the tiles, a moan built behind your lips. Your fingers moved faster and faster, rubbing and twisting to find that sweet spot. 
And then, a crash came from outside the door. You cursed under your breath and slipped into your clothing, nearly busting down the door trying to get out and find Grogu. A quick glance around the room told you that his carrier was still closed, and the crash had come from Mando entering the hull, criminal in hand. Or rather, criminal on the floor. You assumed he fell over the now toppled over stack of boxes you left in the corner. You winced at the realization, knowing that you would be getting chewed out for that later. The bounty looked up, meeting your eyes with a leering grin as Mando pulled him to his feet.
“Mando, you hidin’ a pretty treasure like her? Damn, what I wouldn’ give for a piece of that a-” he didn’t get to finish the sentiment because he suddenly had a beskar gauntlet splitting his nose in two. You gasped as he cried out in pain, glancing up at the dark t-visor responsible. He gave you no explanation or even acknowledgement, just lugged the bounty past you into the carbonite freezer. You stood for a few seconds, processing what just happened, and then heard the kid cry out. You sighed. So much for alone time.
So, in short, you were horny as fuck. And when you woke this morning, Mando informed you it was drop off day, which meant meetings and business and socializing. Which, at the moment, was the last thing you wanted to be doing. Nonetheless, you packed a bag for Grogu, making sure to grab his snacks and a change of clothes just in case. You slung it over your shoulder and hoisted the kid onto your hip, straightening his little cloak around his neck. The door lowered, and the three of you set off to do business.
After meeting with Greef Karga, Mando informed you he needed to stock up on some supplies. So, like the dutiful employee/caretaker/crewmember you were, you followed behind. Trying desperately to ignore the growing slickness between your thighs as people around you looked at the shining armor beside you with fear, trepidation, and awe. You knew he was impressive, but having the curious eyes on you and your companion made you even more aware. He was so powerful, so… 
Attractive. The word sprung to your mind without your permission, and you mentally waved it away. Not the time. Realizing you had slowed down, you scurried to catch up with the tall man, who hadn’t seemed to notice your distraction. You passed by market stalls with sketchy vendors, all enticing you to come look at their wares. You didn’t stop, of course. You never stopped. Mando didn’t entertain their pitches for a second, sparing no time to get what he needed and get off the planet as soon as possible. Normally it would annoy you, who would rather take in the sights and experiences. Not today. Today, you wanted to get back to the ship and get your hand down your pants ASAP. 
Mando stopped and talked to the vendor he needed, while you stood behind him struggling not to pant from the overwhelming heat building in your belly. There was nothing specific turning you on, it was just a combination of the long dry spell and being near the towering man of metal. Finally, after what felt like hours, you got back to the ship. The kid had fallen asleep on your walk back, and it filled you with eagerness that rivaled a child’s. As soon as the doors opened, you scurried inside to place Grogu in his bed, and as the ship rumbled to life, you hurried to put everything in its place. If you were quick about it, you’d be in and out of the refresher before you even got into hyperspace. Just as you finished that thought, heavy boots clanged on the ladder. You glanced over with dread to see Mando gesturing for you to follow. Holding back a whine, you complied, climbing into the cockpit. Before you could ask what he needed, he pointed to the seat beside him.
“Sit.” One word and you were practically gushing, immediately plopping down on the seat. He fiddled with the controls and flew the ship out of the atmosphere, punching in the coordinates and setting the flight to autopilot. His hands were fascinating, and you pondered what they looked like beneath the gloves. Did he have thick fingers? Calluses? Would you be able to feel the rough skin as they brushed against your-
“Come here.” His smooth voice interrupted your thoughts, and you blushed. He turned the chair towards you, and you stood in front of him awkwardly, not sure of where he wanted you to go. “Sit.” he patted his thigh, spreading his legs wide.
“Sorry?” Surely you misunderstood.
“Come on. Sit.” 
“On… on your lap?” 
“You’ve been gagging for it for a week now, sweet girl. I could practically smell you today. Couldn’t hardly walk straight.” You blushed even harder. Was it really that obvious?
“W-wait. What are you talking about?”
“Sit,” he said again, with more force this time. “On my thigh. And make yourself feel good.” It felt like all the air had been sucked out of your lungs, and you could only stand and stare at the metal guarding his thigh. You gulped, nodding your head.
“Ok.” It was quiet, but he heard it. You went to straddle him, but he shook his head. 
“No pants. Keep your panties on.” You nearly moaned at the words, quickly shedding the outer garment. You threw them to the side and shifted so you were positioned over him. His hands flew to your hips, gripping tightly. Slowly, tentatively, you lowered yourself down onto the beskar plate, its cold surface sending a shock through your body, causing you to gasp. You squeezed your legs together, the feeling overwhelming after no stimulation for so long. You pressed down harder, arching your back and letting out a moan. One hand left your hip and placed itself over your mouth, letting you taste leather.
“Quiet, sweetheart. Don’t wanna wake the kid.” You nodded, and ground down on the hard surface, rocking back and forth. Your clit brushed up against the cool metal, and you gasped again, squeezing your eyes shut. You heard Mando chuckle, and move his hand. Opening your eyes just in time, you saw him remove his glove, revealing tan skin, deliciously thick fingers, and rough skin. Just the sight made you whimper, thinking of what they would feel like buried in your pussy.
“Open.” He commanded, and shoved the thick leather article into your mouth. Leather, grease, and oil filled your senses, and the smell of him made you feel lightheaded. You bit down as you continued rocking, his free hand palming at your breast. “Gods, you look so good,” the praise made you whimper. “So needy,” he mumbled, almost to himself. You squeezed your legs harder, nearly crying with how good the pressure felt. 
“You wanna cum, sweet girl?” You nodded frantically. He growled, the modulator making it sound almost inhuman. “Go ahead. Make yourself cum on my thigh. Filthy little thing,” his words sent you over the edge, your muffled moans coming out broken as tears threatened to fall,, your back arching and your hips pressing harder against him. Shockwaves rumbled through your body, leaving you shaking and panting. He removed the glove from your mouth, and pressed his helmet to your forehead. He helped you slowly stand, albeit shakingly. You glanced down and felt heat rush to your face at the cloudy, glistening spot left on his armor. He followed your gaze and chuckled.
“You made a mess.”
“Sorry,” You mumbled, suddenly feeling shy.
“Hm,” he hummed. “Clean it off like a good girl.” You turned to grab a cloth, but he grasped your arm. He shook his head. “Use your mouth, baby.” You whined, dropping to your knees between his strong legs. You felt caged in, like you were trapped - and you loved it. You lowered your head and lapped at the armor, tasting your own sharp arousal and feeling the beskar warmed from your body heat. Above you, he groaned, and your belly tightened at the sound. He twisted his hand in your hair, pulling you off his thigh and towards his crotch, where his dick strained against its confines. You placed open mouth kisses at the scratchy fabric, licking and suckling at his length. He lifted you off him and went to pull down his pants - 
- and the baby cried out. You both froze, hoping he’d put himself down, and groaned in sync when he made more noise. You lifted yourself off the floor and brushed yourself off, pulling on your pants and stomping towards the ladder. Mando chuckled behind you, spinning his chair back to the console and hitting the controls.
Goddamn kids.
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a-coffee-addict-613 · 8 months
Din Djarin x Reader - Drabble
a.n : this is my first ever fic post on here, hope you like it. maybe i'll write the rest of this story, maybe not. who knows ? not me.
content warnings : SMUT, sub!din, handjob
"Kriff !", he breathed out as they both laid back on the sheets, their skin glistening with sweat, heaving breaths mixing as they kissed.
"Tell me how it feels Din, to have your hand wrapped around your own cock as I watch ? You love it, don't you, I know you do, I can see it on your face, don't even try to deny it, meshla."
It was hypnotizing, the way his hand glided along the tanned skin of his cock, the contrast it was with his red tip, already leaking all over him. The poor thing was just so desperate to cum, but he needed more, he needed her. Now that he knew what it felt like, the feeling of her silken walls wrapped around him, squeezing him, the way her moans made shivers travel along his spine each time he hit that one spot, deep inside her, his own hand was not enough, not when she was laying next to him, her naked body glued to his side. He could feel her sleek on his thigh, a reminder of what he desired but couldn't have. He tried closing his eyes, to imagine it in his mind, hoping, praying that it would be enough for him to reach the ecstasy he was craving. He began to go faster, feeling the knot in his stomach tighten, his lips fell open, whimpers falling from them like a river. And she leaned over, bringing her own lips to his, drinking from them as if they were her salvation. His pleasure only continued to rise, now that she was touching in some way, his hips rose up to meet his fist, he was so close, simply so close.
"Stop", she whispered against his lips as she pulled back from their heated kiss, a devilish smile apparent on her lips.
"No.. please, cyare..", he begged, he no longer cared, this was no longer the tough mandalorian or the strong bounty hunter, he was reduced to a desperate man, whose only care in the world at this very moment was only the orgasm he had at the tip of his fingers, only slightly out of reach.
"I said stop." She repeat firmly this time, her voice echoing around the metal walls of the small room he called their bedroom. She wrapped her hand around his wrist, the firm grip reminding him of what he promised, a promise to fully surrender to her. And so he stopped, his whole body shaking with frustration, his chest falling and rising rapidly, heaving with need.
She waited, patiently for his breathing to slow, and then she guided his fist to start moving again slowly around his length. She leaned down his body, brought her lips close to the weeping tip, so close he could feel the ghost of her lips, and she let her spit coat him and his hand, making it easier for it to glide along. And so he began his ascend again, the rise of pleasure building up in his body, that familiar knot in his stomach tightening.
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willowser · 10 months
falling in love with someone despite not knowing what they look like, my beloved
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imnotselfryed · 1 year
hi there👋🏼 it's me again (non-sexual touching with Din) since I might be here again, just think of me as your friendly neighbourhood AceAnon.
i humbly request another Din Djarin fluff drabble in which Din is mesmerised by the way reader looks at him when he takes his helmet off❤️ (they're married at this point) and he asks her why she's looking at him like that and she goes "I don't think it's fair that you're been hiding that pretty face all this time" and he's just blushing profusely because 1.she thinks he's pretty and 2.she looks at him like he hung the stars
again, feel free to ignore me.
omg hiya aceanon! so sorry this took decades I was going through a huge writers block! hope you enjoy
(and thanks to @letusbeseventeen for helping with the beginning ilysm pequeño huevo)
New Faces [d. djarin]
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word count: 814 | rating: G | pairing: gn!reader x mandalorian (let me know if i used any pronouns)
☆ Now newly wedded, you finally see your riduur’s face for the first ever time
content/warnings: just fluffy fluff! <3, not proofread
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The two of you limped into the Crest after a tiring mission. Thankfully, the both of you only had minor injuries but you were still in pain after trying to wrap up the small cut you got from that mission. 
It was now surprisingly quiet, a bit too quiet you thought. You sat in the passenger seat with Grogu in hand while Din settled in the pilot seat, pressing buttons to get the Crest started up. You were both trying to unwind and finally rest but you couldn’t help and observe your husband, looking at his cold and stoic figure. He looked..uncomfortable. He looked in pain after that mission, sore. You noticed how he didn’t have any of his other armor on, except his helmet. The helmet that kept his face from showing to you, or anyone for that matter.
You remember him saying he might show you soon, now that the two of you were married but now, it’s like he’s sort of forgotten. You didn’t want to bug him about it though because if he took it off, he’d be going against his creed, his people. You couldn’t help but ask though, feeling sort of bad once it came out of your mouth.
“Do you have a reason why you haven't decided to take off your helmet around me yet orrrr... cause surely it would be more comfy after that mission…right?”
Din turned around to look at you as your face clearly showed how sorry you were for asking that. You stared into the T-shaped visor of his helmet as it was so quiet, you could hear Grogu’s soft snores coming from your lap. 
“Possibly.” was all he said. You knew he probably wasn’t comfortable with that question and you regretted it once it actually sunk in. You decided that you’d let him actually get comfortable and not force him. He’ll show you one day.
Little did you know, today was that day.
The two of you were now relaxed in your seats, you dozing off sometimes and Din smiled sweetly at you, admiring your features. He’s always wondered how you could ever love a man like him, let alone marry.
You felt someone staring at you so you opened your eyes slowly and saw your Mandalorian looking at you. “What are you staring at?” you smirked.
“You, cyar’ika.” he started. “Look, sorry for the way I sounded when I said that. I just didn’t know how to react.”
You looked at Din, and how his body language spoke millions as he said this. Then, he did something you wouldn’t have expected him to do. Especially not today.
His hands went up to the sides of his helmet, as if he was about to take it off. You panicked slightly, feeling like it was your fault even to have the idea to reveal his face. You should have never asked that question, you thought to yourself but Din looked as if he wanted to do so. “Are you sure?” you asked softly as you put your hand on his. “Yes, I want to. I want to see you from my own eyes, your beauty, and not from this helmet.” 
The helmet hissed as he took it off and Maker, were you mesmerized. It's like you were looking at him as if he hung up all the stars in the galaxy.
His hair was curly, quite ruffled and messy from it being in the helmet all the time. His eyes were a dark brown as he looked at you softly and lovingly. His nose was aquiline with a small curve. His lips were a slight pink and curved up into a nervous and sheepish smile, wondering what you were thinking and you wanted to kiss them so badly. He had a mustache that decorated his top lip with patchy stubble along his jaw.
Din had a small blush painted on his face as he looked at your mesmerized expression. He was slightly nervous at how quiet you were, but he noticed your mouth was a bit agape as you stared at him. “Why are you looking at me like that?” he chuckled nervously. Sometimes you’ve always wondered what he looked like under there, and you were not disappointed in this moment.
“Well I don’t think it’s fair you’ve been hiding that pretty face all this time.”
Din was definitely flustered now knowing you think he’s pretty. You cupped his face and traced his jaw, just trying to feel his texture. You caressed his cheek as he leaned into your touch. You never took your eyes off him and he never did you. This was the first time the two of you had skin-to-skin contact, and it felt magical. 
You both just sat there and enjoyed each other's company. You were overjoyed to know that there was some softness behind that helmet.
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the-scandalorian · 1 year
Mando 🥰
okay this is showing up on desktop for me like this:
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so i'm going to assume it's an eggplant emoji 💜 cw: 18+, spice, the razor crest lives
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Din palms himself over his flight suit, subtly adjusting his half-hard cock under the tight press of fabric.
You've been on your knees, bent over, fiddling with wires under the console for almost an hour. Every time something doesn't work, you whine and wriggle your hips, breathing hard in frustration.
"This one?" you ask, trying another connection.
The lights on the dashboard are still dead, but at this point, Din couldn't care if he tried. The Razor Crest is parked on a safe planet, and he's never been less interested in the state of his ship than in this moment.
And it's all your fault.
"No," he sighs. His visor is fixed longingly on the soft curves of your ass.
"Ughhh," you pout, shifting your knees on the hard floor.
"Come out from there," Din says. He taps your calf with his boot, encouraging.
"I've almost got it," you insist.
He can hear shuffling. Your hips sway, your back arching as you reach deeper.
"Okay, did that work?"
You growl and back out from the tight space, turning around to plop yourself on the floor and letting your head drop against the console. Din stares down at you with a blank intensity.
"Come here," he says, jerking his helmet up. He reaches for you, his gloved hand closing around your wrist, and he yanks you to your feet.
You fit perfectly in the cradle of his arms.
"How do we fix this?" you murmur against the bunched fabric of his cowl.
He drops his helmet against your ear, pulling your body tight against his cold armor.
"Let me fuck you over the console, and then I'll be able to focus and we can figure out whatever's wrong, okay?"
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corazondebeskar-reads · 4 months
whoops I wrote 200+ words of virgin!stalker!din already 🤪
the rest has a loose outline; it'll probably be a mid-size oneshot (someday! no promises on when! march the earliest maybe probably)
just for fun:
He’s already yours, of course. No matter if there haven't been more than five words spoken between you. He stops by your little shop each week when he goes into the market with some wild excuse or desperate need for your wares. But it’s always the same. You say hello, and he nods. When he pays, he says thank you, and you say, “my pleasure.”  He loves that. “My pleasure.” He plays it on repeat, rolling the words around his mind and tongue and cock. Literally on repeat. He recorded it once. Cut his own awkwardness out and savored the blessing of your words. “My pleasure.” Oh, what he’d give to be your pleasure. It just isn’t the right time yet.  Soon, though.
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psychedelic-ink · 2 years
sweetest sil if ur still taking those kink requests might i ask for our darling boy din djarin and praise kink 👀👀👀👀👀👀👀👀👀 ya girl is going THRU IT
bby I love you so much and sending you so many hugs and kisses xxx hope you like it, it ended up being a tinsy bit hurt/comfort-ish but it's din and I couldn't help myself dfvfdvd
warnings: praise kink, jealousy, arguing, possessive din, bdsm undertones
send me a kink + character and i'll write a lil'something
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“Are you going to tell me what the hell that was about?”
The modulated voice sounds angry, but frankly, you couldn’t give a damn. You snap back at him, not hiding the venom in your voice. 
You walk deeper into the Razor Crest, you can hear him following you, his steps rageful. Thank god Grogu isn’t here, you don’t think you can keep your anger to yourself tonight. You attempt to put as much of a distance your can between the two of you but before you can he grabs your wrist and tugs you to him. Your shoulder aches from the force, it fuels the anger. 
“Tell me what’s happening?” 
“I don’t want to talk about it–” 
“Well we’re going to,” he hisses out a breath, you can imagine him gritting his teeth. “You can’t just leave without an explanation,” 
“Yes I can,” you snarl, staring directly into his visor. “Besides I bet you would enjoy having someone else around,” 
“What?” the anger disappears for a moment, replacing it with confusion. “What are you talking about? Replace you with who?”
“Those– Those–” you growl, unable to speak, you wave your hands. “I’m not blind, I see how they throw themselves at you, all of them more useful, or pretty, dying to be your companion and thinking ‘why her ?’ I can see it in their dumb faces,” 
He only hums. You watch with suspicion as he tilts his head and lets go of your wrist. He’s smiling, you know it, you feel it. 
“What?” you ask, taking full offense of his silence. 
“Nothing, just didn’t think you were the jealous type,” 
Your body heats up, it burns. You avert your gaze and try to ignore the way your heart beats as he gets closer and closer. His gloved hand cups the side of your face, turning it to face him. When you feel the cool beskar pressing against your forehead, your bottom lip trembles. 
“You’re beautiful,” he says, voice deeper than normal. “And talented, and kind– You are your own worst enemy,” 
Your heat swells at his words, emotions bubbling to the surface, you blink the tears away. You don’t want to fog up his visor. His hand slides down your face, and the other comes up, both of them cupping your breasts. Your breath hitches, chest heaving heat builds between your legs. 
“Love the sounds you make,” he groans, pulling off your shirt. Din presses his helmet between your breasts, you hiss at the cold. He looks up, hands tugging down your pants. “Love this pretty cunt that’s always soaked for me– Bend over,” 
You dutifully do as you’re told. Your legs shake under his gaze, he kicks them apart, beskar clad chest flush against your naked back. His fingers dig into your waist, pulling you closer against his clothed cock. 
“Have you ever seen yourself? Your the most gorgeous creature I’ve ever encountered and I’ll be damned if I let you leave,” 
“Is it sinking in now?” he backs away momentarily only to return with his cock pressing against the curve of your ass. “Can you feel what you do to me? Even when I’m seething with anger– Even when you piss me off the only thing I want to do is to fuck you,” 
“P-Please, just fuck me, please,” 
“Say it and I’ll fuck you,” 
You blink heavily, mind too scattered to make a meaning of his words. He rolls his hips, cock dragging across the small of your back. 
“Say you’re beautiful,” he repeats.
Fuck, he’s repeating after your every word. You’re soaked, slick dribbling down your thighs.
“Beautiful,”  he chuckles, the tip of his cock finally nudging your entrance. Your eyes roll back at the stretch. “Good girl,” 
When morning comes rolling in, you have no idea how many times Din made you cum. All you can feel is the ghost of his tongue, fingers, cock– All of them fucking into you again and again, tearing you apart, making you so sensitive that you couldn’t even remember your own name. You’re sticky, wet, and in dire need of a shower. Din’s still covered in beskar, only his cock visible to the naked eye. 
He presses his covered head between your shoulder blades, a kiss, your mind translates. Maker, you love him so much.  
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The woods were quiet, the only sounds that of the mounts’ gentle breathing and the crackles of the dying fire, its embers now too dim to rival the light of the stars. Rayla’s eyes sought them out, settling on Leola’s Last Wish. She blinked sleepily, thoroughly exhausted by the day’s journey. But she wanted to stay awake just a wee bit longer, to cling to this moment for as long as she could.
Maybe there was some wishing power in the stars after all. Because merely a week or so before, she’d been camped out on a nice patch of hard-packed dirt, with only wee Stella to keep her warm. And now she was back with him.
She’d been wondering from the moment she saw him again how it would feel to rest her head on his wonderfully broad shoulders, and it was… oh, it was more lovely than she could’ve dreamed. He’d set his sketchbook aside and slipped his arm under the small of her back before falling asleep, his head still leaning against hers. He was heavy, and warm, and sweaty, and quite possibly drooling into her hair.
And Rayla couldn’t have been more overcome with joy.
How she loved him. How her feelings had grown only more intense, in new and almost frightening ways, in their time apart. And he’d grown. Taller, sharper, angrier. More handsome. But he was still her Callum. Tonight more than ever she knew that much to be true, in the way his green eyes sparkled and his voice quipped as he joked with her. She felt so small, and so very, completely safe in his embrace. Feeling rather bold, she brought her hand to his chest, resting it against his heart.
She knew she’d hurt him. She’s wounded him so deeply. And she would spend the rest of her life making it up to him if she had to, cherishing his dear heart the way he deserved. Because she never wished to leave his side again.
Rayla’s eyes found the star again. Yes, that would be her wish. To be here forever with Callum, where all was right with the world. Where even those three awful coins tucked away in her pocket didn’t seem so far gone. Where she was filled only with love and hope.
No, nothing could take her away from him. Not again.
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cclumsyart · 8 months
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Shrine to Mandos
For Scribbles & Drabbles 2023 - @fall-for-tolkien
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