#mars is horrortale sans
aur0rahearts · 1 year
(here I go again ;w;)
could u make a little drama filled Jupiter, Mars and Y/n?
(also I hope your having an amazing day! if not, then I hope it gets better!, Keep shining like the star you are!)
*I am so sorry for taking so long 😭😭😭, I got busy but I hope the small story is good for you 🫶🏻*
⚠️TW: Depection of violence and gore⚠️
Your body hurt
Your lungs stung as your breathed in and out rapidly. Even a slight huff felt like the walls of them were collapsing. Wounds covered every inch of your body as your feet beat harshly into the ground, your legs wobbling with each thud from them.
You never thought you would run for your life, especially from your people.
Banished and chased after by your tribe because you wanted to love someone. Monsters
“I think I heard them, over there!”
You gasped as you murmured a slight “damn it” under your breath. You picked up speed, ignoring the pain that sparked throughout your body.
You could hear them catching up, and that thought was only proven when you turned around.
There, you saw four or five guys, with torches and spears, chasing after you as they yelled for you to stop running and calling you a coward.
But you didn’t stop
No matter how bad it hurt.
You turned a corner only to enter into a open area of the jungle, a giant circle where there was no more paths to take except going through the tree covered land itself.
You turned back around to see that the men had already entered the area, trapping you into that corner of the jungle.
“Thought you could get away, you coward?” One of the men taunted.
Their spears all pointed at you, as you could feel your emotions start to bubble up.
“Awe look at them, they are shaking. The poor baby must be scared.”
They all laughed at you as your body started to shake, your legs wobbling uncontrollably as tears started to form in the corner of your eyes.
“Don’t worry, we’ll make your death quick.” The man in the middle spoke up as he raised his spear.
You put your hands up to your face, preparing for your death to come.
But it never did.
Instead, a loud growl that almost shook the area did.
You opened your eyes, not realizing you had them closed, and lifted up your head. Everyone started to look around the jungle to see where the source of that noise came from.
But all was silent again.
The man in the middle was about to take a strike at you again but a louder growl came. But this time, it was joined by a bunch of spears.
One of the spears hit the man in the middle’s leg, causing him to scream in pain as he ran away in fear. The other three started to back away until a shadowy figure jumped out of a bush and slamming onto the ground in front of them.
Crushing the man that was running away beneath him.
You gasped as you stared at the scene in front of you. The giant, shadowy figure let out another deathly growl. One that sent a shiver up your spin.
“W-what, what the hell are you?” One of the men asked as they held their spear shaking.
Before you could see the brutal scene in front of you, another figure jumped out in front of you. You nearly screamed but a gloved, torn hand closed your mouth. The figure bent down lower for you to see it’s face. It was a face you recognized too well.
“Jupiter!” You softly exclaimed, as the skeletons crooked teeth merged into a smile.
You suddenly heard the snapping of bones as Jupiter turned around. You tried to get a look at what was happening, but you couldn’t, as Jupiter swiped you up into his arms and hurriedly carried you away into the jungle.
You turned around to see that he was carrying you into a excluded area in the jungle that was only lit by a lantern that they had found. Once you arrived, he placed you down on the ground only for you to turn around and wrap your arms around his neck. Giving him kisses all over his cheek.
“Oh Jupiter! I am so happy to see you!” You exclaimed as you didn’t realize the tears that were falling down your face.
“I Am Very Happy To See That You Are Well Also, My Bunny.” He stated as he gave you a kiss on your own cheek, a slight burnt-orange colored hue on his cheek bones.
You both stayed like that for a while, until another familiar face arrived.
A man that was covered in blood as he held a beat-up spear in his hand. You turned your head around and ran to him, not caring if the blood had gotten all over you.
“Mars!” You almost knocked him down as you kissed him in a similar fashion as you did to Jupiter. Though he did not seem to mind as he chuckled.
“Hey, sweet meat, I hope I didn’t worry ya too much while I was gone.”
You reclined back as you cupped his cheeks. Feeling the painful sting at the corner of your eyes.
“Oh, Mars…What are we going to do.” You stated as you could feel the hot tears pour down your face.
Mars gives you a sadden look as he cupped your cheeks. Jupiter coming up behind you, wrapping his long arms around your waist.
“It Will Be Okay Bunny.” Jupiter cooed as he nuzzled his face into your back.
“Yea, we will find a way to make this work.” Mars stated as he braced you into a hug, placing his chin on top of your head.
“What if it doesn’t?”
“It will, we’ll be by your side any time sweet heart.”
“Yes! We Will Be Their For Any Challenge You Go Through, Bunny! Trust Us, It Will Work Out.”
And you did trust them, with all your life. Because in the end, it did always work out.
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theswedishpajas · 8 months
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elizakai · 5 months
Fuse the murder time trio
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Scrawled MT Trio Fusion
And they were called, Mar…
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glitching-time-bomb · 2 years
Speaking of resting faces due to the scenario with the bad guys and a smiling resting face. What about a sad looking resting face. Just a sad looking face all the time. Because I think that's my resting face because I have been asked whats wrong on multiple occasions. How would the bad guy sans react to that
So, uhm... I'm just going to pretend that this hasn't been sitting in my inbox since February, and that I haven't posted in ages--
But, uh, surprise? I'm back, sort of!
Bad Sanses Reaction to Their S/O Having a Sad Resting Face
Dust likely won't notice, at first
He'll mostly just think that, yeah, that's just the way you look. There's nothing weird about that, right?
But after a bit he'll end up questioning if your actually sad ,or if that's just your resting face
He's not the best with emotions, so it may take a bit for him to actually ask you if you're okay
If you explain that you are okay, and that that's just the way your face naturally rests, he's going to accept that and leave you be about it
Axe notices pretty much everything about body language, so he's going to be very confused about why your body language says you're happy, but your face says that you're sad
You'll probably be able to notice his confusion, and asking him will spark the conversation of your resting sad face
He fully understands what you mean after you explain, he's used to feeling one way but not expressing that properly on his face
He'll try coming up with more pun than usual once he's had this conversation with you, not just because he wants you to smile, but because he just wants you to be happy
Killer is the exact opposite in this matter, so in a way he understands what it feels like
It won't really be much of a big deal to him, it's just... something about you, just like any other trait or quirk you might have
He might joke about you being polar opposites, and he'll occasionally fake a frown if he sees you smiling just to mess with you
If it bothers you at all that he does any of these, just flick him on the skull and he'll get the gist
This is probably going to confuse Nightmare quite a bit
He can sense that you're not upset at all, quite the opposite really, so why are you frowning all the time?
Unlike Dust he's going to ask you straight away, wanting to make sure that nothing is wrong
Once you explain to him that your facial expression doesn't equal how you're feeling, he'll understand and leave you be about it
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centipedelightning · 1 year
Can we have some fluff headcanons for Mars x reader??
Mars my beautiful boy. I think in the future I should add something to my pinned post about being clear about relationship types. Like it's pretty standard for these things to be romantic but I'm aroace and autistic so I'm set up for failure. Thank you anon! Also, this was an excuse to catch up on the horrortale comic bc I needed to refresh Mars' character.
| ht!Sans x gn!Reader || Romantic headcanons || Fluff |
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Great bonefriend let me tell you
He's very affectionate. Like, if you accept physical touch he is always there; holding hands when walking, knees touching when sitting next to each other, you name it. Any little touch of contact is everything to him.
He doesn't nap as much as classic Sans but if you blinked a little too slow you will be dragged off to lay in bed. He uses it as an excuse to nap and cuddle.
If you aren't a physical touch person he's probably doing something for you. He likes to keep his hands busy, so if he wasn't able to hold yours he'd make friendship bracelets or something similar. He doesn't like fidget toys because he feels there's no end. He likes having final products.
No matter your stance on physical contact, he will be doing and making for you whenever he gets the chance. I mentioned the friendship bracelets but he also sews, knits, and crochets. Real homestead like. You have hats, coats, and socks galore. Every gifting holiday ends with you getting something handmade by him.
On your fifth anniversary, he knit you a sweater. It's multi-colored with your best colors and an off-white accent on the collar and sleeves. There's very intricate patterns with some of your favorite things (food, animals, shapes, whatever sparks joy). It also has a 3d soul-heart pattern on the collar and cuffs. Blood, sweat, and tears went into it (the last two literally).
I don't think he has trust issues in the same way as someone from a fell!universe but he's got something. So to get into a relationship with him is a big deal. You'd need to be a very patient and understanding person. You need to be good or get good at clear, open communication as well.
The underground affected his empathy so you need to be direct about problems and explain whether or not you want advice or are just venting.
He has a very deadpan way of joking where you are unsure if what he said was a joke. Just ask and he'll clarify, he never says it with malicious intent.
He raises chickens on the surface and he'd be egg-static if you helped or took an interest. He made that specific pun the first time you ask to meat the chickens. He will then make at least one egg-celent joke every. single. time. you join him in the coop.
This is about Mars so I haven't brought up Jupiter but just know you need to be besties with Jupes to be with Mars.
He is a good cook and will happily cook for you, but if you cook for him he's yours forever. That's only a minor exaggeration.
Loves playing board games with you. Quiet date nights in are usually trying out new board games he found.
The most annoying bitch ever and will put obscenely hard logic puzzles in front of you asking you to solve them. He will literally just walk over to you and place a five-page logic question that gives you flashbacks to math class. This will happen all while he has the biggest most shit-eating grin plastered on his face.
He doesn't actually do it to tease or make fun of you, at least it's not the main reason. He honestly just like using it as an excuse to show off in front of you. He loves being praised by you. Don't let it go to his head I beg.
He uses whatever soap and body wash you use. There's a chance you don't even notice because he buys replacements. There's no deeper reason other than it's right there. If you two don't live together and he's staying at his own house he uses his brother's stuff.
If you're into it, one of your first (and later regular) dates would be to the jazz lounge he frequents.
He doesn't care that much about what he wears but he'd happily put on a fashion show for you.
If y'all are close you can joke about his trauma, Mars even encourages it
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As skeleton is chilling in his garden, a random man digs a hole in the lawn, looks around, apologizes because he got the wrong garden, then disappears back into the hole, all of this in two minutes. Reaction?
Undertale Sans - Uh. He tells the man there's no problem, and doesn't move from where he is, just taking a bath sun. He should probably be concerned that he thinks it's perfectly normal, but it's too much work. He puts back his sunglasses and goes back to snore.
Undertale Papyrus - Wait, it's legal to dig tunnels on the Surface? Nobody told him that! He waited his whole life to dig tunnels! He runs to his shed to grab a shovel and starts digging a tunnel to Undyne's house.
Underswap Sans - He's not too happy about a random stranger intruding his yard, but... At the same time... Free tunnel, dude! He jumps head first in it and starts to crawl, laughing like a gremlin to see where it's going. Blue loves too much rolling in the mud.
Underswap Papyrus - He doesn't feel safe. He goes back inside and starts to block all the doors, just in case. He doesn't like that random people can enter his yard when he doesn't pay attention. That's creepy. He also calls his brother for advice only to watch in despair as Blue jumps into the hole to find who's digging...
Underfell Sans - He's not happy. Wrong or not, the guy is not getting out like this. He makes a tiny blaster and sends it into the hole, and then he shoots. He's very satisfied to hear the man screams in agony. Also, there's now a huge crack in the yard and the house floor and Edge is going to kill him. First, he attacks, then he thinks about the consequences...
Underfell Papyrus - Like hell they're getting away. Edge doesn't care he's too big for the hole, he's crawling after the guy. Or at least, he tries. After like three minutes he realizes he can't crawl further, but that he also can't crawl backwards... He hates he has to call Undyne for help. Undyne who will just hits him "accidentally" with her shovel again and again just because he can't move and she thinks it's funny. If he sees that man again, they're dead.
Horrortale Sans - The man meets with Oak, on all fours, growling angrily, his big eye staring at him. The man decides it's best to retreat and slowly disappear inside the hole. Oak attacks, angry, and starts to dig to get them, but after like two minutes he gets tired, collapses head-first in the hole, and decides to sleep there lol. He even gets lectured by his brother who thinks he's the one who made the hole.
Horrortale Papyrus - Oh hell no you don't leave. He uses his very long arms to grab the man by the ankles and drags him out by the feet. You're not leaving before he lectures you for entering his yard illegally! What do you think this place is? A zoo?
Swapfell Sans - He grabs a huge rock instinctively and, screaming the aliens are attacking, smashes the guy on the head a good thirty times before realizing that it's actually a human and that... Well, he's dead now. Oh well.... He's already in a hole in the ground, so he just pushes it back and buries him there.
Swapfell Papyrus - The man is staring at him in shock. Rus is staring back. "Are you a martian?" "sure am, bud. wants me to make a martian noise?" "Please, yes! I waited for this all my life!" Rus rolls on the ground, making the 200 rubber chickens hiding in his jacket scream in agony. Thanks to Rus, the man is sure he's on Mars and that Rus is some sort of local alien. Rus thinks it's too funny and plays along. The guy is so disappointed when a random human walks in front of the house he goes back into his hole to cry.
Fellswap Gold Sans - When the man gets out, he finds a gun pointing at his head. Wine just says "NO." and the man, scared, quickly retreats back into the hole and crawls away in fear. Wine blocks the way with a few big rocks and goes back to whatever he was doing before this.
Fellswap Gold Papyrus - He was watering the flowers when suddenly one flower transformed into a grown-up random human. Coffee is speechless. And terrified. Are all the flowers transformed into humans? Well, that's terrifying and he hates this. He throws his watering can at the man's head and runs inside, screaming for help.
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sorbetisfruity · 1 year
TW: ED’s will be in this scenario.
How do you think the Horrortale bros would react if they found out you’ve been starving yourself/starved yourself in the past?
I feel like they’d be heart broken.
They obviously know what it feels like to be starving, thanks to their time in the underground.
So if they found out you have/had been starving yourself on purpose?
Papyrus would be absolutely devastated. You’d tell him what happened and how you got to where you are, and he’d cry as you told him everything.
And he’d definitely make you some spaghetti or whatever you wanted to eat afterwards.
I feel like Sans would be pretty out of it. Knowing his S/O / friend has been doing this/had done this, felt like a ton of bricks hitting him right in the skull.
And he’d obviously wanna go out and absolutely beat the shit out of whoever made you feel this way.
But first he’d make sure you’re alright, and reassure you that you don’t need to lose any weight.
After you told them about your ED, they’d definitely keep a better eye on your eating habits.
They’d make sure you’d eaten breakfast, lunch, and dinner, with little snacks in between to make sure you won’t go hungry.
I love HT!Sans and HT!Papyrus.
Also the reason I used the names Sans and Papyrus rather than Axe and Crooks is because I hate those nicknames. They’re so mean👎especially Papyruses!!
I know some other nicknames for them, like Jupiter and Mars, but I’m honestly not sure what I should call them!!
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osleeplessflowero · 2 months
hi (casually rambles about horror sans and my interpretation of him)
A lot of people portray Horror/Mars and his brother as the type to go crazy over food once able to access it, often hungry and a bit silly, like i remember seeing one fic where he and his brother would go as far as to desperately lick crumbs off of plates so nothing went to waste--
While I definitely think they would enjoy food upon surfacing, an important aspect of Horror's character is that he actively avoided eating anything Underground. Especially humans which were the only actual source of it, he actively fought himself even before biting off Aliza's arm but sadly had to give into his hunger there.
Being in a place with food just readily available..I feel like it'd be a bit more of a strange sensation to him. He'd been used to going so long without food, used to starving.. that sometimes he forgets he can eat at all. So those around him would kinda have to remind him to.
In terms of backstory, I've seen a few fics that write it differently than how it actually happened as well, like the reason for the hole in his skull being because he was protecting Papyrus. While that's an honorable idea, the hole is there because Undyne needed his eye for the CORE and wouldn't take no for an answer. He did not voluntarily give up anything. So naturally one would be angry after this. He grew cold, dangerous.
He pushed those he cared for away, instead focusing on survival. He even had to force his brother to eat Humans just so he could live by tricking him into eating what he thought was regular meat.
He's highly intelligent, he was a scientist after all! He'd even tried coming up with alternative ways to fix the CORE without using him as a power source. He's not an idiot. Certain fic writers..stop writing him as one!!! Especially in a Bad Sanses setting!!!
I feel like upon meeting him on the Surface in a Horrortale timeline he'd be resigned, guarded. Has major trust issues after Frisk. It would take a lot of warming up to get him to even talk to you personally in full sentences. My Scare Actor!Horror timeline takes place in a scenario where he and his brother have went to therapy together and are actively trying to heal and move on from their traumatic experiences, so he's a bit more open there. But in a timeline without that? Yeah..it's gonna take a bit..
Horror wouldn't trust himself around a human he likes. There's still that lingering feeling that his old hunger will catch up to him, making him hurt them. He can't stand the thought of something like that happening. It would take a lot of reassurance to get him to lower his walls..he's got a lot of insecurities. The idea of being able to relax, to live just to live rather than to live to survive.. it's nice, but it's so weird.
Gradually the more he warms up to someone the more he slips into older habits, throwing out the occasional joke or two to get a reaction out of them. Give him some time, he's still a charmer!
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matchupwithshy · 2 years
All the UTMV Aus that I write for!
Sans (Original or Comic)
Papyrus (Creampuff)
Grillby (Hakan)
Muffet (Pearl)
Gaster ( - Is stuck in the void, he loves cheering on his sons, he can't wait to hug them again)
Sans (Blue)
Papyrus (Honey or Stretch)
Grillby ()
Muffet ()
Gaster (River- became the riverperson is trapped on his boat)
Sans (Red)
Papyrus (Edge)
Grillby ()
Muffet ()
Gaster (Sullivan- Stuck in the void and very proud of his children)
Sans (Mars or Oak)
Papyrus (Suger or Jupiter)
Grillby (Silver - still alive but still in therapy)
Muffet ( - Dusted before the barrier broke)
Gaster ( -Still stuck in the void watching over his sons)
Sans (Black)
Papyrus (Mutt or Russ)
Grillby (Kai)
Muffet ()
Gaster (Silas- Dusted)
Sans (Crimson)
Papyrus (Slade)
Grillby ()
Muffet ( - Dusted protecting her adopted son)
Gaster (Jazz- leader of the Serif clan)
Sans (Candy)
Papyrus (Passion)
*Dark Sans*
Axe (A horror sans that has lost his brother)
DT papyrus (Ghost)
Geno (Before he became glitched)
*Star Sans*
BB (A underswap sans that can no longer go to his au)
June (Sans type- Younger sister of and Shy, she is currently missing she use to be a knight)
Shy (Papyrus type/sona- A mechanic that is missing most of her memories was found by the King)
Asgore (Thorn- King of monsters he adopted Shy after finding her wandering around all by herself injured. He loves baking owns a cat cafe and speaks bluntly.)
Flowery (????? - He knows where June is and keeps tormenting Shy, possibly he was the one who injured her in the first place)
I'm currently trying to figure out names for some of the characters! If you have any name ideas, please tell me!
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theswedishpajas · 8 months
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Some funnies of different shapes and sizes from today
(Song is Sarcasm by Get Scared)
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jamfilleddrawlings · 2 years
I need to be sleeping rn but here’s a Buch of head cannons from me of a couple sans’s and what kind of artist and music they listen to
Red (underfell)
-lots of country and rock
-secretly listens to k-pop
-Def tv girl fan
-loves cherry poppin daddy��s and will play them out loud a lot
-Fank Sinatra
-Arctic monkeys 4 life 
-Wheezer and CAKE
-The Neighborhood 
-Doja Cat
Blue (underswap)
-Loves Bruno mars
-is a fan boy of Connan Gray
-Frank Sinatra
-bon jovi
-Doja cat
-hyper pop 
-secretly listens to bimbo core and ICP
-Kero Kero Bonito
-LOVES MUSICALS (especially Heathers)
-Will Wood and the Tape Worms
Sans (OG)
-tbh I feel like he just kinda listens to everything but mostly dream core and relaxing music
-knows all the lyrics to Carless whisper
-Alternative indie and Alt rock
-lmao all I can think of is the song “Big Sleep” by Mud and “idwtgtbt” by the booyah! kids
-hip hop 
-Rare Americans
Axe (horrortale)
-I think he would be like OG but he loves slowed down music and stuff like TV girl 
-loves Lana Del
-the scary jokes 
-really happy and sappy romantic music is always a yes
-loves Alternative Indie
-Cant listen to anything to violent or loud cause of his injury and super violent music gives him ptsd 
-lovessss Disney music but only Papyrus knows about it
Let me know if y’all got any sans’s u want me to do lol, k whoever is reading this I hope ya have a amazing night/day
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glitching-time-bomb · 3 years
UT,HT,UF bro's reaction to their S/O who has been barely eating because of the stress from work, they haven't been able to keep food down. It's gotten bad enough that the S/O has lost a fair amout of weight.
Please and thanky
Ut, Uf, and Ht skele's reactions to an S/O that isn't eating well due to stress
Sans recognizes what's going on almost as soon as it starts happening
He's most likely going to try to pull you away from work as much as possible, even if you want to keep working
He knows how it feels to over-work yourself, and he's not going to let you feel the same way he did in the past
Seeing that you aren't eating properly is going to be one of the few times he actually gets mad. Not at you, but at the fact that you feel the need to overwork yourself to that point
Sans will buy any and all of your favorite food in an attempt to get you to eat, and he won't stop bugging you until you do
He'll most likely make you stay home from work for a week so you have the time to rest and let yourself relax, and the entire time he'll be worried sick about you
Papyrus will literally scoop you up and drag you away from work when he sees you getting to this point, it doesn't matter how much you complain; he's not letting you keep overworking yourself like this
Just like his brother, Papyrus will keep you home for a week so you have time to rest and get yourself feeling like normal
But in that time, he'll give you other things to do so you don't get bored!
He'll invite you to help cook meals, and then eat with you so he can make sure you're actually eating
If you don't get better in a week, he's most likely going to bring you to a hospital to see if something really bad is going on
This is one of the few times he'll sit still for more than 2 hours, so if you want to do something like watch a long movie and cuddle, he'd be more than happy to if it'll stop you from wanting to overwork yourself
Red might not notice for the first few days, just thinking that it's just another one of your weird human sicknesses
He'll finally notice after the third day or so, and he'll immediately get worried about you
He'll do anything he can to convince you to stay home and let yourself rest, especially when he sees that you aren't eating properly/holding down food
He's willing to drop anything he's doing to make sure you're okay, so he's going to be staying home with you while you recover
(Red will absolutely spoil you with Grillby's any time he gets the chance, much to Edge's annoyance)
He'll also try to keep you in bed in the mornings as long as possible so you don't feel like you need to start the say so early, so expect him to cling to you in the mornings
As soon as Edge realizes what's going on, he's pulling you away from work faster than you can say no
You'll have to sit through one of his longest lectures yet, but he's just really worried about you despite how angry he seems
He'll tell you not to do something like that again, saying that you need to stop before you get to that point
As much as he hates laziness, he knows you need the rest; so he'll make let you stay home as long as you need to start feeling better
He'll get all of the household chores done while making sure that you're eating properly and getting enough water
You may even need to tell him to sit down and rest, you both definitely need it
He knows better than anyone what it feels like to work yourself to that point, so you had better be ready for him to barge into your work place and drag you home
He's already been worried sick about you being stressed from work, and add not eating well to it? He's going to checking in with you what feels like every five minutes to make sure you've had enough to eat, or to see if you're hungry at all
Axe will force you to stay home until you're feeling better, and the entire time he's going to be right next to you
It doesn't matter what you're doing, he's going to want to be near you so he can make sure you're doing okay
He's also going to be cooking a lot more, thinking that maybe you just don't like the food? He knows that everyone is safe and on the surface now, so why aren't you eating?
He'll be so worried the entire time, and he likely won't calm down until he knows you're feeling better
Oh geez, Sweets is going to be so worried about you once he realizes that you've been overworking yourself
He knows that's exactly what his brother did and how badly it affected him, so he'll practically beg you to start taking better care of yourself
He'll remind you that you don't need to work so much, and that you have him to help you if you need it
Just like all the others he's going to make you stay home until you feel better, but he's going to be the most worried out of all of them
Expect him to be giving you at least five full plates of food during the day, and that doesn't even count the amount of snacks he'll try to offer you
He's also going to constantly be by your side, making sure you're recovering properly and not trying to work
If you don't show signs of getting better in the first two days of resting, he's going to rush you to the hospital. What if being so stressed actually made you sick? What if it isn't even stress, and you actually have a deadly illness?
He likely won't rest well until you start feeling better
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centipedelightning · 1 year
Might I please ask for headcanon crumbs of Tommy and/or Mars with a they/them reader that tics? (Bonus points if romantic but not necessary!)
I’m so sorry this took so long to answer. I got halfway done then accidentally deleted the whole thing with no way of getting it back. As you can imagine that immediately sapped all motivation. I try to keep the same energy but please forgive me if Tommy’s is less flowery than either of us wanted. not proof read sorry. I might come back and do it.
| Mafiafell!Sans & Horrortale!Sans x Reader w/ tics |
Mars’ part under cut
The first time you tic you’re gonna get owl eyes. Maybe even a puppy-dog head tilt. It’s not that he doesn’t know what tics are, he just needs a minute to figure out that whatever it was you just did was tics.
Other than the initial hiccup, he’s very good about them! He avoids your triggers best he can.
Hell he probably even figures a few out that you haven’t yet.
God he’s a gentleman. He takes some time out of his day to do some research so he knows what to expect. Even talks to a few of his “employees” that have tics.
For verbal tics he’s a bit of an ass. Like he won’t engage with them every irme bc thats a shitty thing to do, but he has a hard time not laughing if a verbal tic had great comedic timing yk.
I see Tommy as a pretty good communicator and great at getting consent, so he’d ask before playing around with you and your tics.
On that note, he absolutely tries to add the dumbest tics to your roster. He’ll be going around saying “meow meow meow” with full knowledge that you’re probably gonna pick it up.
God save you if you unwittingly add a kitty paws pose or something to it. You will never know mercy or peace again I’m afraid.
Again this is all if you say he can mess with you.
Consent king right here.
When it comes to physical tics, he’s a lot more careful. He doesn’t baby you I promise. He just tries to be more cognizant of what you both are doing.
A great spotter in this case. If you like to cook he offers to stand around to make sure you don’t accidentally fling a mixing bowl.
He loves card games and loves if you play with him. I make no promises on whether or not he ignores accidental slip ups due to your tics. He’s usually merciful and pretends he didn’t see it, but if he’s losing he’s probably gonna cheat. He cheats anyway so I guess it’s not that big a deal.
[moderately less fluffy stuff below this point. Just talking about tic attacks and harmful tics]
He asks you early on what you want him to do about tic attacks. He’s a genuinely trustworthy guy (as long as he considers you a friend but hey). Whatever you say to do he follows to a “t”.
It’s kinda the same deal with harmful tics.
He’s pretty good about catching these things early so you don’t mess yourself up. If he’s around, you’ll hit yourself maybe once before his hand is acting as a barrier.
[ok all done]
If you develop any affectionate lovey tics he’ll fall to his knees.
Like a kissy “mwah” noise or a heart hand gesture would dust him then and there.
[ok all done]
He gets it immediately. Jupiter has tics so he knows whats up.
Hell he probably has at least one or two verbal tics.
Mars does not make a big deal about it. He’s a bit more stone faced than Tommy so he usually ignores it.
Unless the comedic timing is just that good.
sadly not a communication king.
He’s not bad, but you guys don’t have a dedicated “oh hey btw” type of conversation about your tics. If there’s something you feel the need to talk about, you’re gonna have to bring it up yourself.
Everything is a bit more reactive.
You start repeating something he or his brother says a lot? He’ll ask about if you’re cool with it or f you want him to be a bit more aware of what he says.
If you help out in the chicken coop and start ticcing any chicken sounds, you’re done for. It’s one of the few things he will laugh and joke about. Sometimes it feels like mocking but I promise it’s not mean-spirited.
If you get physical tics that cause you to throw things a lot you’re probably gonna be banned from egg collection duty.
Not the kitchen surprisingly. He knows how to keep an eye-socket out for Jupes so he can do it for you too.
If you too are playing around and playing a board game or something it’s very likely he will just let your tics be a part of the game.
Oh you accidentally knocked half the pieces off the board? Huh, well I guess that puts you in lead. Good job.
[moderately less fluffy stuff below this point. Just talking about tic attacks and harmful tics]
He knows how to handle tic attacks but lord if they don’t stress him out. Jupiter doesn’t get tics very often so Mars hasn’t seen a lot of full blown attacks.
Honestly you might have to comfort him the first few times it happens.
after that he’s good. You guys have a sit down and talk about what he should do when it happens.
When it comes to harmful/dangerous tics, he’s a lot more helpful. He is good at helping redirect tics So your possibly self destructive tics can go somewhere less self destructive.
Good reflexes and strength too. Scratching and hitting tics are easily held back by him. NOT PINNED. That’s dangerous and he know’s that.
He knows to leave enough room to let your body run its course without letting you get hurt yk.
[ok all done]
It’s less what you say or do thats affectionate as much as how much you do it.
If you are ticcing “love you” all the time he gets really sappy.
If he realizes that he triggers that tic pretty much exclusively, you’re gonna be pampered all the time.
The sap
[ok all done]
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byrdblood · 2 years
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decided to do a uhhh height chart slash reference sheet for my versions of the Nasty Boys, including Cross and his Many Belts i had to google many references for this and it turns out that nobody can really agree on one design for each character, but that’s okay!! more reason for me to give them the official kigi stamp of “look stupid in a gay way”
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snafaus · 3 years
HI im here to talk about “““body”““ headcanons for some aus here we go
- i feel like all sanses are baseline fat, whether there’s muscle under there or not varies but there are no slender sanses allowed in my house
UT sans - just fat. rotund. there isn’t any more than the regular amount of muscle under there
UF + US sans - both fat with a TON of muscle underneath there. UF for survival reasons and US just because he likes working out and aspires to join the royal guard. US is stronger than UF but shhhh
HT sans - the roundest of all the sanses (post-famine). since his body got so used to holding on to ANYTHING he could get, once he was getting enough it just kinda stuck to him. he is fat and happy and we are so so so happy for him
- papri are baseline kinda.... scrawny.... unless they make an active effort to gain muscle/fat
UT + UF pap - heavy mainly because of muscle weight, they put a lot of care into their diet/exercise to be as fit as possible. UF is the heavier of the two, mainly bc of extra fat. they’re about evenly matched strength-wise
US pap - scrawny motherfucker. nothing sticks to his goddamn bones. he might be able to gain weight if he worked out but he’s not gonna do that
HT pap - again, the roundest of the papri, for many of the same reasons as his brother. mostly fat, little muscle. after the famine he put his workout routine to rest and exerts his boundless energy in different ways
thanks for coming to my ted talk
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yuckydraws · 3 years
Here’s another tiktok full of bad doodles-
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