#mary is not good
divorcetual · 9 months
I am actually so serious I think it really messes with a childs creativity and joy to tell them to never make a mary sue OC. Like that unbridaled form of joy where you make a self insert OC who super cool and everyone loves them and they have every superpower in the world SHOULD be something a kid makes, it nourishes their ability to create things for fun and not be stifled by "oh but what if my character is too overpowered and cringey...". whatever
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chowbaw · 2 months
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Aaand that's a wrap! Keep staying fresh.
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panthermouthh · 3 months
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“How can I move thee? Will no entreaties cause thee to turn a favourable eye upon thy creature, who implores thy goodness and compassion? Believe me, Frankenstein, I was benevolent; my soul glowed with love and humanity; but am I not alone, miserably alone? You, my creator, abhor me; what hope can I gather from your fellow creatures, who owe me nothing?”
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certifiablyinsanez · 6 months
It’s so cute when people think Crowley is suave and sexy and cool. Like, only under the threat of destruction by Satan himself can make this demon say ‘fuck’ apparently. He has a corny ass voicemail. Don’t give him access to a crystal ball and a fez if you don’t want him to start acting goofy. 20% of his personality is being a Plant Mom. The other 80% is being a Wine Aunt. She cosplays Mary Poppins just cuz. She manages to stay “up to style” and is very bad at it somehow. 90% of his existence can be summarized as “Silly Simp”.
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mourning-at-night · 16 days
jace i don’t feel good was so funny but also made me so sad. like that’s a teenager with a strawberry squishmallow keychain and a tamagotchi and she doesn’t feel good and she's tugging on a teacher’s sleeve about it. a teacher who should have been responsible for protecting her in the first place and didn’t. who is manipulating and using her and her friends to help fulfill the desires of a wrathful power-hungry egomaniac. porter and jace it’s on sight >:(
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fuckyeahgoodomens · 3 months
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"Built in just 4 days without traditional materials, the set highlighted cardboard's aestethic appeal and potential to revolutionize film and television set design, emphasizin its cost-effectiveness, minimal environmental impact, and recyclability."
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Bts photos from the making of the 1941 Soho :)
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shibascrem · 1 month
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POV: You invite OTH to your beachside BBQ after Spring Fest because you are a good person and are now starting to regret this decision, you don't deserve this why has Cod and all things Marine forsaken yo-
This will be the first and last time I humanize the characters, don't want to step into that whole beehive. Pearl is the coolest squid alive who will teach you all the important things about living in Inkopolis. Also, Marie and Agent 4 jumpscare. Please ignore wonky chairs.
Don't have much free time to draw, so sorry for no art in a while.
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ullilya · 8 months
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Best sister 💜
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lilianade-comics · 10 months
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Babysitter Vlad AU! (Jack and Maddie went through the babysitting services of every eligible mom and teenage girl in town. Ironically, their house is extremely haunted whenever they're not there, so literally everyone is too scared to babysit. This means there's only one person in the entire world who they would trust to watch their kids who also wouldn't be bothered by the rampant paranormal activity. And they're sure he'll be DELIGHTED to receive a random desperate phone call from his old college friends!)
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stolos · 3 months
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I bet you didn’t expect my weird “experimenting” to be this shitty Frankenstein doodle huh
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k-kroomie · 10 months
When Miles gets mad, he speaks Spanish. And I'm talking bout that, "Rio is mad about to beat somebody ass" type of Spanish. That's how any spider-person knows they've pissed him off.
And it scares a good amount of them too because he's acting like somebody Mama snapping his fingers when they aren't paying attention to what he is saying, pacing back and fourth, shaking his head, mumbling stuff ect.
But you know Miles, he is switching back and forth from Spanish and English. Which makes them like 10times more scary. Because to them it's like "I understand you man and I'm sorry," then it's "I lost you- what did you say!? What am I supposed to do!? Oh my gosh!!" And he ends ever angry rant with either, "Don't do that shit again" or "do you understand me" (like I said - like somebody's mama)
And Hobie? Hobie is the biggest instigator, so if he so happens to hear, walk by, be in the room whatever- he will back up Miles all the way. Because he thinks Miles looks cute when he gets mad. Yea, he's scarying the crap out of whoever he's screaming at, but to Hobie, it's cute. The way his face is scrunched up and the way he's probably cussing the person out. Hobie doesn't understand him but he backs him up all the way even if Miles is wrong.
Miguel agrees with everything Miles is saying when he's mad because he found out that Miles got a B in Spanish, so he is shocked when Miles comes into his office one day going on a full rant (in Spanish) about some of the spider-people who where being openingly racist. Miguel is so shocked that he doesn't say anything, making Miles walk out of the room to sit them straight himself.
And ever since then, Miguel just agrees every time he hears Miles say, "Right, Tio!?" And he records and sends it to Rio.(I believe that Miguel, MJ and Rio have become Mom Friends you can't change my mind-)
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Okay we make fun of the Skyler hate a lot as we should because wow the misogyny was working overtime the misogyny was grinding but it does genuinely make me see red like I really cannot overstate the degree to which Walter ruined her life… imagine being married to and in love with someone for like sixteen years building a life with them having kids with them trusting them completely and then one day out of the blue they start selling METH and KILLING PEOPLE and sexually and emotionally abusing you and turning your family against you to isolate you and cover their own ass and then they get your brother-in-law killed and up and die protecting the twink they were emotionally cheating on you with leaving you to take all of the heat from law enforcement and the public and your own grieving family who blame you for letting it go this far and you can’t even mourn your shitty dead husband or your old life properly because of public scrutiny and because it was probably all a lie anyways he EXPLODED her life!! She’s all alone he left her with no support system her relationships with her son and with her sister will never ever be the same!! He ruined her life!! He ruined her life!!
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odetojupiter · 18 days
the fact that kevin day also witnessed a man being chopped up in the tower at evermore after neil’s audition is mad, and it’s something that is very much not addressed ever. like, maybe part of kevin was so accepting of how things were in the nest because he knew that this is the second branch, and if he were to leave, he’d become the main branch’s problem because he knows too much, and the main branch casually chops men up as a warning to literal children. and then he’s still called a coward for leaving ?? but also a coward for wanting to go back to make the inevitable less painful for him ??? and that’s not even considering what riko and tetusji did to him specifically, before even jean arrived at the nest. and his mother’s death would’ve been quite recent at that point. just insane.
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panthermouthh · 1 month
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“When I run over the frightful catalogue of my sins, I cannot believe that I am the same creature whose thoughts were once filled with sublime and transcendent visions of the beauty and the majesty of goodness. But it is even so; the fallen angel becomes a malignant devil. Yet even that enemy of God and man had friends and associates in his desolation; I am alone.”
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sun-marie · 9 months
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POV you're at a party and two of the most refined men you've ever seen just walked in✨
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anyataylorjoys · 3 months
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MARY & GEORGE (2024) 1.02 The Hunt
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