#maybe you noticed these things already but i still thought it was interesting to highlight
genderqueer-miharu · 4 months
Hello, so this was supposed to be a reblog of this post by @archivalofsins but since tumblr mobile sucks its not letting me reblog to add anything. So i decided to write what i wanted to add in a seperate post. Please go read the og post first since this will be discussing something she mentioned at the end about the similarities between Caligula Effect and Milgram and the possible connections with how the locations in both series operate. It's really interesting especially if you're a fan of both series. Spoiler warning for both Caligula Effect games as well
First off, your observations were fantastic i was blown away when i read that last part. But you mentioning how similar milgram and mobius and redo work made me realize something. So you already mentioned the weird passage of time, the connections with Miku and the songs the prisoners cover, the doors, they're all are great catches, but there is something else that would just give this connections even more credibility, something that's a big part of both the Caligula games and Milgram: the songs.
Right at the start of the musician route in Overdose after the protagonist gains the form of Lucid, they tell Thorn and Mu that they'll need a song of their own, to which Thorn and Mu show them a mixing console to compose their song and after they're done composing Mu says this
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[Image description: A screenshot from The Caligula Effect Overdose. Thorn, Lucid and Mu stand in front of a mixing console as Mu says: "Now, release your emotions! I'll see the lyrics in your heart and sing them for you!". /End description]
Specifically mentioning that she'll sing the lyrics in their heart. Her saying this might just mean she does this with all the other musicians. Unlike Thorn and the Obbligatto musicians in Redo the rest of the musicians were not actual composers in the real world and they might have just started when they got to Mobius. But they didn't actually have to write any lyrics, as Mu did here she could just look into their hearts and get the lyrics, not too different for how Milgram extracts the songs. The Obbligatto musicians in Redo on the other hand, were all actual Virtuadoll producers in reality as stated in their profiles (with the exceptions of Regret and Bluffman). So the songs there were all most likely all written and composed by them, with Regret simply singing the songs.
However, there's something else that give the connections with Milgram even more credibility, and that's the fact that music videos for these songs exist in-universe as well
MVs for 1 (except love scope and onboro)
MVs for 2
None of the musicians in both games mention having made these videos themselves, so it wouldn't be too farfetched to assume that Mobius and Redo are able to do just do this. And since Mu and Regret had control over their respective worlds they could've created these videos to broadcast to a wider audience to drag more people in, and create more digiheads.
I know that it's not just like how Milgram extracts videos but all the individual details can be combined to make the system Milgram uses make more sense. As you stated Mu is able look into people's hearts and see what they were like in reality, along with her stating that she can look into the musicians' hearts to extract the lyrics for their songs and the possibility of her creating music videos for these songs it starts to sound more and more like how Milgram works, if anyone has access to the code of Mobius then they could use all these things to create the videos we see.
That's pretty much all i wanted to mention. And i really like the idea that Milgram might just work similar to Mobius and Redo cause it really explains many of the unexplained things in the series, like the weird passage of time in the prison, why the prisoners cover Miku's songs, why Es can't be attacked by the prisoners or why they can't attack each other during specific periods of time, hell it might also explain where the items the prisoners ask for come from since someone could just program these things to appear. And them being in comas in reality would really explain Yuno's comment on wether she's alive or not. It's all really interesting to me and i'm glad you brought this up. We'll see if Milgram actually explains this and if it really is as similar as we think.
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flowerxbunnie · 6 months
can you pls pls write about shy reader she and chris are a recent couple and one day he founds out that she likes dirty talk and tries that with her
Dirty Secret
Chris x Fem reader
Warnings: SMUTTYYY smut, lots of dirty talk, degradation/praise
Tags: @lustfulslxt
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Chris’s POV
I can’t wipe the dumb smile off my face as I peek at Y/n’s nightstand, multiple tubes of chapstick covering the surface along with notebooks, pens, scrunchies, and lots of half empty water bottles. Her personality shows in her room so clearly, methodic but carefree.
These past four months have made me nothing but happy. We’ve done a good job at keeping our relationship out of the public eye after agreeing she didn’t want to handle any kickback from my fans yet. I hate that I can’t show her off, but it’s for the best, at least at this point.
I roam around her room with no ultimate goal, just waiting for her to get back from her nail appointment and I got bored. I scan her makeup table, brushes and random products strewn about as evidence that she’d been here hours before. Her jackets and hats hang on a hook behind her door and I run my fingers across the different fabrics, moving closer to inhale the vanilla scent that floods my mind with images of her. Fairly lights twinkle above her bed, something I’ve definitely taken notice of during all our nights tangled in her sheets.
I move to her bookshelf and look at all the spines of her books, some neatly lined up and some thrown haphazardly into piles. There’s collectible figures of the things she likes, crystals, and random little trinkets littering the shelves. I can’t help but reach out and touch the book that’s lying on the shelf at my eye level, running my fingers along all the multicolored sticky notes she’s placed into her favorite pages.
I guess it was a little too close to the edge, because even my light touch caused it to topple over and fall open, landing face down on the carpet below. I breathe out a curse and lean down to pick it up and put it exactly how I found it. I don’t want Y/n to think I’ve been snooping, because I haven’t. I’m just admiring all the little things that make her room feel like home to her.
I close the book and bring it back up to the shelf, turning it around to glance at the cover. Priest by Sierra Simone. I know a lot about Y/n already, but I didn’t know she was into religion. Sounds like a biography from the summary on the back. Something about a priest breaking their vow of celibacy and needing to confess. My interest is growing, I didn’t think she would enjoy this kind of book, maybe I should take a peek?
I pick the first sticky note my fingers brush across, knowing Y/n highlighted it for a reason. An audible gasp falls out of my mouth as a skim across the words on the page.
“Stay the fuck still, or I’m going to come before I want to, and if that happens, then I will take you over my knee and spank your ass until you learn how to listen.”
“What the fuck?” I question out loud.
I flip through multiple pages, each sticky note highlighting incredibly filthy words. It’s a fucking sex book. My cheeks burn at the thought of her reading these while she’s alone in her room, wondering what she looks like as she’s turning the pages and writhing with anticipation. I grab onto a pink sticky note and pull on it, flipping it to the page and reading what she had highlighted.
“But I won’t lie. It makes me hard as fuck knowing that I was the first man to taste you.”
This sticky note has her own handwriting smeared across it. I squint to make out the words.
If Chris would have said that to me…
Ouch, I think?
I’m not a vanilla guy by any means, but I’m not the weird fuck from 50 Shades of Grey either. I think our sex life is great, it’s more than enough to keep me satisfied. We’ve made love in the car, fucked while she was bent over her dining room table, stolen kisses in restaurant bathrooms after we snuck away from our friends. It’s all been so exciting to me, and even better because it’s with her.
I continue flying through the pages, my eyes widening at every line she made a point to come back to. This dude talks so much while he’s fucking this chick.
“No, don’t touch yourself, sweetheart. We’re going to get there together.”
Remind Chris to be more vocal!
It all clicks in my bird brain. I’m a fucking idiot. She’s highlighted almost all dialogue. She wants me to talk more during sex. I’ll admit, I’m not the best at speaking my mind while she’s bouncing on me or sprawled out below me. But why hasn’t she told me yet? I hope she hasn’t been disappointed with how things have been going.
I put the book back and angle it as best as I can remember, moving to lay down on top of her comforter. I stretch my back out and throw my arms behind my head, thinking about what I’m going to do when she gets home.
Y/n’s POV
I take my keys out of the door and lock it behind me, smiling as I see Chris’s sneakers sitting on the shoe rack in my entryway. My nails took way longer than I expected and I’m just so excited to be able to waste the rest of my day away with him. I make my way down the hall after placing my shoes next to his and creep into my bedroom, sprinting and jumping to lay beside Chris who’s stretched across my bed.
“Hiiii baby, I missed youuu!” I singsong before pressing a kiss against his stubbly cheek.
“Mmm, missed you more.” he mumbles into my neck as he turns and molds his body into mine.
His arms encircle me and the smell of his cologne floods my senses, washing a wave of comfort over me. I could lay like this forever.
“Let’s see the nails,” he says as he breaks away from me, suddenly sitting up and grabbing my hands.
I sit up beside him and watch as his large hands hold my own, moving my fingers around and watching the duo chrome polish shift colors in the light. His smile spreads from ear to ear as he takes notice of the “C” I asked the nail tech to paint onto my ring finger.
“Aren’t they so cute??” I squeal, so ecstatic at the way they turned out.
“So cute,” he coos, bringing them to his lips to place a tender kiss on each finger. “I think they’d look even cuter wrapped around my cock.” He says in a low growl as he brings my hand down to his lap, shoving my palm onto the fabric of his sweatpants.
I feel his erection through the layers of clothing, rock hard and throbbing. I can’t help but gasp at his words, I’ve never heard him speak like this before. I watch as his pupils dilate, the black overtaking the blue of his iris as he flickers his eyes to my lips.
“Nothing to say, sweetheart?” He asks almost in a belittling tone.
“N-no I just.. I’ve never heard you say something like that,” I squeak out as he pushes my hand down with more force.
“What, you don’t like it?” He says with a smirk.
“I don’t know.. I th-think so..” I stammer.
“When were you gonna tell me, hm? Such an innocent girl reading such filthy books. Does it turn you on?” His hand leaves mine against his hard on and comes up to caress my cheek.
“Huh, what are you talking about?” I spit out at him, my cheeks igniting red with visible embarrassment.
Has he snooped through my room?
“I saw it all, baby. And it’s okay. It’s okay if you need me to tell you how dirty of a girl you are, or how good you make me feel. You have to let me know these things..” he trails off as his thumb brushes against my lip, smearing my peppermint chapstick onto the corner of my mouth.
“I-I’m sorry, Chris. I don’t… I didn’t know how to bring it up. I didn’t want you to think I was weird.” I look down, intimidated by his cold gaze, and he tilts my head back up, his eyes serious.
“It’s not weird. Do you touch yourself to those books baby? Reading about a man talking to a woman like that.. does it make you feel good?” He whispers the last sentence and his free hand finds my inner thigh, caressing and warming my skin.
I nod sheepishly, afraid to speak my thoughts out loud to Chris.
“Use your words. Do you ever imagine it’s me saying those things?”
“Y-yes… every single time.” I say as I release a breath.
He groans and pushes my hair behind my ear, inching closer to me and ghosting his lips over my ear. “Such a naughty girl.”
Shivers fall down my spine as he places a kiss onto the sensitive skin between my ear and jaw, his lips lingering and sucking lightly. He slides the hand on my cheek to the back of my neck, lacing his fingers into my hair and pulling down, my neck exposed to him.
“Look at the way your body reacts to me.” He whispers, placing a finger onto my jugular, and I feel it pulsing mercilessly beneath his touch.
He moves his hand to grip around my throat, his thumb and fingers pressed firmly against both pulse points of my neck. My head begins to tingle, my heartbeat pounding in my ears. His lips pepper wet kisses along my jaw, every one of them seeping into my skin and heightened from the constricted blood flow.
“You like that, my hand around your throat? I could squeeze as hard as I want.” he says before constricting his grip.
My core begins to throb hearing his inner thoughts spill from his mouth. My field of vision starts to shrink, a black vignette closing in.
“I’d never hurt you like that, sweetheart. But don’t you like the risk?” He suddenly releases his hold on my throat and all my blood rushes back up into my head. I’m dizzy and completely aroused for him.
I nod furiously before his lips crash against mine, low growls seeping out of his throat and being released into my mouth. He bites and tugs at my bottom lip before pulling away and licking a hot stripe up my chin and back up to my mouth. His lips meet mine again, his mouth open and begging for my tongue. I push it into his mouth only to be dominated, not standing a chance as his hunger grows.
Chris’s hands latch onto my hips, lifting me off the mattress and into his lap, his erection poking at my core. He breaks the kiss and grabs the hem of my shirt, sliding his hands up along with the fabric. I help him get it off, discarding it somewhere in my room. His eyes burn holes into my chest, examining the bralette covering the skin. He grabs the bottom and slides it up, my breasts bouncing as they fall out in front of him. He pushes the excess fabric up to rest on the plate of my chest.
“Fuck, Y/n. If I died with my face in your tits I’d be happy.”
He begins ravaging my breasts, nipping and licking and leaving red and purple marks across the skin. He sucks my nipples while looking so deep into my eyes I start to think he can see the back of my skull. The line of pain and pleasure is completely blurred when he takes one of my swollen nipples between his teeth and tugs on it.
“F-fuck, Chris..” I cry out, bucking my hips instinctively and pressing down onto his throbbing dick.
He lets out a deep moan, gripping my waist and prompting me to stop my movements. “You’re gonna make me cum if you keep doing that. I’m so fucking hard it hurts.”
I let out a little grin and begin to rock back and forth again, his head falling against the headboard with his eyes squeezed shut. His cock rubs against my clit through the multiple layers of clothing, but the pressure and friction still causes both of us to pant and moan in unison. He brings his head back up and grips my hips tighter this time, my body unable to move.
“Such a dirty girl. Can’t listen to simple instructions.”
He removes his shirt, a layer of sweat starting to form on his skin, then brings my bra over my head, not bothering with the clasp. He throws it across the room and then lifts my legs to remove my shorts before lifting me up and sliding his sweatpants off, all of which meet the same fate as the rest of the discarded clothes. He presses a hand against my chest, my back hitting the bed as he pushes me down. He comes to hover over me, his eyes dark and half lidded. His knee is pressed inbetween my thighs touching my core with a teasing amount of pressure.
“You’ve already made such a mess, baby..” he says with false concern, referring to the wetness that has seeped through my panties and is touching his skin.
“I’m s-sorry..” I whine, fighting the urge to grind against his knee.
“Don’t apologize, sweet girl. I’ll help you out.”
Chris trails kisses down my chest and stomach, randomly sucking marks into my skin on the way down. He circles his tongue around my navel before licking across it, a trace amount of his warm saliva dripping in. He traces his tongue along the lace hem of my panties, his breath burning against my skin as he grips it with his teeth.
“Please, Chris..” I whine and push him closer to the place I need him most.
His eyes show his grin as he dips his face down, flattening his tongue across the fabric covering my core. He licks and sucks at it, humming and closing his eyes as he spreads my legs apart.
“So sweet,” He whispers as he flicks his tongue up and down.
He hooks his fingers into the band of my panties and pulls, his mouth only disconnecting for a brief second to slide them down my legs before his tongue finally connects with my bare pussy. I arch my back off the bed and cry out as his tongue works against my heat. I’m a mess under him- gripping the sheets, tugging on his brown waves, grabbing my own breasts, doing whatever I can to release some of the tension building up in my body.
“You like the way my tongue feels on you, princess?” He asks in a raspy voice as he wipes his wet mouth with the back of his hand.
“Yes.. fuck please keep going..” I pant, not wanting to lose momentum as my climax has started inching its way to the top.
“How about you do what you need? Use my face and get yourself off.”
He leans back down and presses his tongue against me, holding still as he keeps eye contact. I start circling my hips, feeling the way his tongue remains in place as I grind against it. I grip onto his face and pull it closer, moving my hips down so his nose rubs my clit and his tongue rubs up and down my folds. I buck up and down in complete control and he hums against me to the point I feel like my intestines are vibrating. I speed up and increase the pressure as my stomach begins to ache with a familiar feeling.
I nearly scream, tensing up as my body burns through my climax. He remains still just letting me use him as I ride through it and come down, my grip on his hair relaxing and my body falling slack on the bed.
“Taste yourself baby. Let me show you what you did, all for me.” He whispers against my lips after he climbs to hover over me.
I’m still trying to catch my breath as his lips collide onto mine. I taste my own juices on his tongue, sweet and tangy. He presses his hips down onto my stomach and reminds me of his need, humping forward a few times and moaning into my mouth.
“Now are you gonna bend over or just sit there and look pretty?” He growls as he swiftly stands up and pulls his boxers down.
His pink tip is swollen and leaking precum. His grips his hand around his base and squeezes until his knuckles turn white, his head falling back out of pleasure or maybe the throbbing pain, there’s no way to tell. His eyes lock onto mine and he starts pumping up and down on his dick, sucking in a sharp breath.
“I asked you a question, sweetheart.”
I pull myself to my feet as quick as I can and limp to the end of the bed, my legs like jelly after tensing up so hard.
“That’s cute. Can’t wait to carry you to the shower after this one.” he smirks and licks his lips.
My breath hitches as I turn around and bend over the footboard of the bed. His hands run up and down my ass, jiggling it before giving me a light smack with both hands. I gasp, jumping forward and my ribs hit the wood I’m bent over.
“So fucking hot, can’t believe this is all mine,” he coos, running his fingers down my folds before wiping my juices onto my lower back.
I feel his head against my clit, slick with warm precum. He soaks himself in my juices as he swipes it across my entrance, barely dipping in as he grips my hip with one hand.
“Chris.. oh my god. P-please just fuck me.” I whine, my legs already shaking and twitching.
“Mmm I plan on it, baby.” he whispers before slowly pushing forward.
He slowly gives me inch by delicious inch, my walls stretching around his thickness as we moan out together. He starts slow and stays deep inside me, barely pumping in and out. He runs his hands up and down my spine as he rocks into me, his breathing slow and controlled. My pussy clenches around him as his tip brushes repeatedly over a sensitive spot.
“P-please Chris go faster,” I draw out in a moan.
He listens. His thrusts become rough and rapid, my ribs slamming against the wood with each stroke but my brain seems to tune it out. He keeps his grip on my waist with one hand and reaches around to my face with the other, shoving two fingers in my mouth. I suck on them hard, swirling and lapping my tongue around them.
“Such a fucking slut, so willing to have all your holes filled, aren’t you?” He pants as he hooks his fingers onto the corner of my mouth and pulls back.
“Nhgnh.. fuck..” is all I can manage through his manipulation of my mouth.
“What? Am I fucking you dumb? Can’t even get your words out.”
I moan in response and feel my pussy throbbing around him, my lower abdomen on fire as I climb to my next release.
“S-so close..” I mumble as drool drips down my chin.
He lets go of my mouth and grips my waist, his thumbs pressing into the dimples on my back.
“You need me to cum in you, don’t you? I know you wanna be filled up, so full your eyes start to float.” He pumps as deep as he can go, my eyes rolling back into my head and words failing to form. “Answer me.” He spits with a smack on my ass.
“Please… p-please cum in me. Need it.. s-so bad Chris!”
With that he shoves his hips against me and shoots his hot load into my pussy, coating my walls as I fall over the edge with him. I’m screaming his name as he moans mine, pure ecstasy echoing through my room. I feel his cum leaking down my legs, such a big load that it has nowhere else to go. His thrusts slow down before they come to a halt, his dick still twitching inside me.
He pulls out and hums as he backs up and takes in the sight in front of him. I have no energy to stand, my muscles aching and tired.
“Look at that. God I wish I could burn this into my brain.”
He walks over to me, wrapping his arms around my torso and lifts me, my legs helping very little to hold me up. He hooks an arm under my thighs and picks me up to hold me bridal style. I’m so tired that my head can only manage to flop against his chest, and I hear his rapid heartbeat in my ear.
He starts to walk towards my bathroom but first places a lingering kiss on my forehead. I can feel the smile on his lips.
“Told you I’d have to carry you to the shower.”
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vitzi9 · 1 year
Pretty when you cry
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Ethan Landry x GN!Reader
Masterlist if you want to read my other things.
content warning: manipulative ethan; stalking; obsessive; maybe sub!Ethan; mention of murder; he's still ghostface; guilt trapping; worshiping; knife
English is not my first language sorry guys, if i did any grammatical mistakes lmk !
2924 words (7/05/2023)
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"Hi" he said simply. As if we were speaking to each other for the first time, but in the same tone with which one greets an old friend. It was ironic how I wished for weeks for him to come and talk to me and when he finally did, all I thought about was running away. He hadn't changed. And so much the better. He was still so handsome. Today, he wore a white shirt and a kind of jeans in a shade between dark gray and black. After taking a brief tour of his outfit, I look up at his face: the most beautiful part of his person. His frizzy curls looked fresh, as if he had just washed them. This thought was confirmed by the smell of shampoo that came to me on a light breeze. His cheeks were tinged with a pale pink that highlighted the small and discreet freckles that sported his cheeks. His gaze escaped mine, watching the floor with a strange and sudden interest as he pressed his lips together in a thin line. He was embarrassed, no, dead of shame. After all, I still hadn't answered him. I've only watched him so far. And I surely would have continued if I hadn't noticed his shaking hands.
What am I supposed to say to him? I greet him too, I compliment him? I ask him directly why he came to talk to me? After all, the only times we had spoken was to get him to tutor me. Are we even friends? After he stood me up without any explanation, approximately two weeks ago now, we haven't spoken to each other since.
“Hi” I simply replied. Ethan scratches his cheek as he smiles nervously at me, his gaze flicking briefly above me to look behind me. The redness on his cheeks getting worse.
“You uh… Your classes, how are you doing ? I… Like, you're good ?”
To be honest, it wasn't. Which is the main reason as to why I was asking him for lessons, by the way. So he knows all about those four out of twenty that I love so much. (Wrong, I hate them, I just don't have the IQ to have more) How handsome he was. Earlier this year, I had this fantasy where Ethan, who I hadn't spoken to at the time, came up to me and asked me out. Later, having learned about his shyness, I dreamed of seeing him overcome his bashfulness to come and declare his love for me while stuttering.
"I manage. And you ? Are you able to follow the program?
Of course he did. We are talking about Ethan Landry, the best student in the whole establishment. He succeeds in everything. Except talking to people, it seems. For the umpteenth time now, he glances over my shoulder. His eyes alternated with bewildering speed between my face and what was behind my back. Finally, I turn to see the only person in the hallway besides us, Chad, watching us with a big smile on his face and thumbs up. He lowers his arms the second my eyes notice him and he puts his hands in his pockets, pretending to turn around.
"Isn't that Chad?" I knew it was him, Ethan's best friend. But I just wanted confirmation.
-N-no aha, it’s… I don’t know who… It’s not Chad.” His laugh was forced and it showed. He was staring at the ceiling, shrugging and laughing nervously. Too smiley to be true. If he weren't already incredibly uncomfortable and flushed, his friend's intervention would have caused him to be.
"Why did you come talk to me Ethan?"
Our last discussion was two weeks ago. We had seen each other on Tuesday for my private lessons and it had gone incredibly well. He had scheduled a session for Thursday, of which I was counting every second until D-Day. I was smiling just reading our messages over and over again. Then Thursday arrived after an endless wait. I headed for the library, as usual. My smile glued to my lips, impossible to remove. I was on cloud nine. But Ethan was late, yet he had never been with me. I waited and waited and waited but after an hour and a half I left. He hadn't sent a message, nothing. Since then, not a word has been exchanged. In the hallways, not even a single look had been shared. We walked ignoring each other, like strangers.
"I'm sorry.
-For what ?"
I had some idea why he was sorry but I didn't want to get my hopes up. His eyes water, he opens his mouth but no sound comes out. Ethan extends his hand towards me which I grab by reflex. To be honest, he was starting to worry me. Was he really going to cry? Was it because of me?
“Ethan, are you okay? I forgive you if this is what bothers you so much but please don't put yourself in such a state. Do you want me to walk you home? I'll tell the teacher that you are not feeling well.” As I said that, I adopted the softest voice I could muster.
The curly man holds my hand, he intertwines our fingers together. His tears finally running down his cheeks. A few tears escape him.
“No… he almost sighs.
-'no' what ? I ask, worried.
-I'm not feeling well…"
My concern increases considerably. Forget him which stood me up. His state is much more worrying. Without really thinking about it, my hand rests on his shoulder. I start guiding him to the exit but he seems to realize it. He plants his feet on the ground, shakes his head, then grabs my hand resting on his shoulder.
Ethan was keeping me here.
He raises his angel eyes to me. He was so handsome. His pupils were glowing. The boy opens his mouth but nothing comes out. Frustrated, his tears seem to intensify. He lowers his head, his beautiful curls falling in front of his eyes that I love so much.
"Ethan, you can tell me anything."
I was hoping he would open up to me a bit more. We were close, certainly not like best friends, but I considered myself loyal enough not to snitch his problems to everybody. Plus, I wasn't lying. He could tell me anything, I will help him as best I can. Ethan runs his thumbs over the backs of my hands, a slight smile on his lips. For a second, he seemed at peace.
“My love… he whispers and I almost thought I was dreaming.
But this peace does not last
-What ?
"I..." His lips quivered.
Did he really call me 'my love'? My heart was beating wildly. He sniffles and tries to swallow back his tears, to no avail. Finally, Ethan snaps.
“I…I can't sleep anymore, I can't do it anymore! he exclaims between two cries. Every time I close my eyes, I see your face. I miss you, I want to continue to give you private lessons, even my homework if necessary. I'lldo them for you. Everything, I'll do everything for you…” he had spoken so quickly that he was out of breath. His tears had not stopped, quite the contrary. He had let go.
His sudden outbusrt make me retreat for a split second. The curly man's hands squeeze mine tightly, as if to keep me from moving further away. I don't understand, my absence has affected him so much? Why didn't he come talk to me sooner, then? And since when does he feel that way about me? His words were excessive and I thought he was going a little too fast. He was so desperate that he saw my face all the time? That he was willing to do 'everything' for me? I thought that my crush was not reciprocated, worse, than he considered me as a simple classmate. If I expected that! But where does this outburst come from?
“Breathe Ethan, breathe.”
Like a child, Ethan nods. He tried to calm his breathing while I tried to slow my heartbeat. I knew Ethan hadn't had a lot of conquests in his life, but I never would have imagined him to be so dependent.
"I'm sorry, really sorry...
-Why are you apologizing?
-I left you alone, I swear I haven't forgotten you. I've been thinking about you all the while i was doing it...
So he was really apologizing for that. But why is he making a fuss about it? I had already imagined this scenario and honestly, I expected an apology, a justification and that was it. Why was he so affected? That guilty? His words got mixed up and in the end, I lost track.
- It's okay Ethan, it's not that important. Is that what stresses you out so much?
- What can I do to make you forgive me?
-Ethan, I already told you, I forgive you, it doesn't matter.
-No, he shakes his head, tell me.
Feeling that if I didn't take matters into my own hands the situation was never going to end, I decided to ask for a simple favor.
-Where were you that day? I ask, alluding to the day he stood me up.
-That's stupid." Despite his words, I give a nod encouraging him to continue. Promise me not to be afraid.
-Why would I be afraid of you Ethan? I ask, laughing softly. He's an angel, how can you be afraid of him?
-Promise me."
His fingers gripped my wrist tightly. It almost hurt me. For a moment, the thought that indeed Ethan could scare me crossed my mind. However, I thought of it too late.
-I was supposed to be only ten minutes late, and I apologize for that, but you had to be outside your room for me to get in it.
-What ? I ask laughing, not understanding where he was coming from.
-When I got in your room, there was a perfume that was not yours. But I had already felt it somewhere, on someone. And… I-I'm sorry that pissed me off and… I-I thought you were cheating on me and I was scared and… I cried but I kept smelling the perfume of that-
-Ethan, stop here, I don't understand anything. What are you talking about? I was no longer laughing, the strange details he gave me seemed too precise.
His tears flow, without warning, he takes me in his arms and presses me to his chest. He hugged me tightly, I almost couldn't breathe. His face plunges into my neck, which he was soaking with his tears. He kept saying he was sorry over and over while I tried to understand. Was he telling the truth?
-I felt so guilty for hurting them that I didn't dare come and talk to you. I was terrified that you would run away from me when you eventually find out. It was horrible. Never again. Never part from me again, I beg you. I'll die of it.
I felt his every word knock against the skin of my neck. He was whispering, as if telling me a secret. And maybe it was. I was praying that another student would come down the hall and see us but the odds were low, very low. Ethan had cornered me at the end of my class, everyone had left. The sun was already falling asleep outside the window. Panic quickly set in within me.
-Ethan you're crushing me! I wasn't even sure he heard me since buried in his chest, my voice was muffled.
-I thought you were cheating on me b-but… I’m sorry for thinking that, sorry sorry sorry sorry...
What did he do ? Who was he talking about when he said “having hurt them”? Where is the shy Ethan who softened my heart? Unconsciously, I start to shake. My arms try to tear themselves away from the grip he had on them but he was crushing me too hard; I couldn't move. His arms clung to mine along my body.
-I should never be mad at you again, ever again. Do you forgive me ?
That's when it comes back to me; the framework. Coming home the evening of the day Ethan and I ended our relationship, my frame was splintered to the ground. The shards of glass had been flying all over my room. The photo remained intact; a picture of me and my roommate, but the frame was dead. I hadn't given more importance than that to the situation itself, my window was open and then said roommate was at home during the day. I just thought that a draft had knocked it down or that my friend was clumsy: it happens after all.
No, it was him.
-Ethan, I speak in a shaky voice, please let me go.
-No ! he yells. You promised me ! You promised me you wouldn't be afraid of me!
-E-Ethan please….
- I'm sorry, i'm sorry !
Ethan, six feet tall, collapses to his knees in front of me. He buries his face in my stomach, his arms wrapping around my waist. He speaks in my skin, muttering countless excuses and promises. Immediately seizing the opportunity, I grab him by the shoulders and push him with all my might to the ground. Surprised, he let me go. His back hits the floor, he lets out a plaintive moan mixed with his cries. Without thinking, I turn my back to flee. But Ethan is strangely fast. He gives me a powerful kick in the shin which in turn makes me fall on my stomach.
Ethan is crying. His cheeks are drowned in tears and red. I don't find him as handsome as before when he slightly pulls up his t-shirt to pull a knife out of his pants.
"Why are you doing this to me ?" he growled, his face lowered to the ground. So far, he's let it go. But there, his energy had changed. He was a murderer.
I crawl on the ground, moving away from him, my eyes filled with terror. I'm gonna die. I'm going to die here, alone, killed by the boy I loved. Ethan towered over me, taking small steps towards me.
“I'm begging you…” I cried.
I was desperate, there were no more solutions. I thought, as I disappeared, maybe Chad would figure out who my killer was, since he was the last one to see me other than Ethan.
"You told me you wouldn't be scared..." he pouted as he crouched down on top of me. Afterwards, his actions keep surprising me as he sits on my pelvis. He had fun bringing his knife to my neck and caressing me with it. The coldness of the metal makes my hair stand on and shivers appear all over my body.
"Ethan, please take that away from me... yelling at him wouldn't get me anywhere, so I was begging.
- No, don't be afraid. You know very well that I would never hurt you.”
His promises, I wanted no more. I wanted him to leave me alone, forever. My hands were free, yet I no longer controlled them. They were completely flat on the ground. I couldn't lift a single finger.
“Do you want me to prove my devotion to you? the curly boy points the knife at him.
The sharp tip of the weapon is now to his throat. Ethan looks at me and smiles. His free hand lay comfortably flat on my chest, holding me firmly to the floor. The vision unfolding in front of me was horrific. I was praying that he wouldn't be able to take his own life in front of me, on top of me! I didn't want to see it though, my eyes refused to look away. I was terrified that he would plunge his knife in me without warning.
- You love me too, right? he asks, stroking my cheek with his thumb. Tell me that you love me. You love me so much, my love. You love me so much you're ready to die for it.
-Ethan listen…
-Answer." he orders.
The roles had switched. He had given me a position of superiority, adoring me, throwing himself at my feet for even a pardon, but he was sick of it. And now not even my pleas will reach him.
“Imagine how romantic that would be, huh? May the students meet us tomorrow morning, both dead and entwined. It would be wonderful.” His smile was that of a sick man. What more do you need, my death? You want me to stick this pretty little knife in my heart for you? That I tear it down and give it to you as an offering? Come on, tell me you love me. I know you do.”
Finally, I manage to close my eyes. His description had managed to repel me enough to allow my brain to kick in the survival instinct. Ethan laughs mischievously. I feel him move, all his weight crushing my body. His lips settle on my neck for a second.
“You want me to kill myself, huh? I'll kill myself because of you. All because you don't love me. How can you be so selfish? he kisses my cheek. Tell me you love me, my love. I need it. His thumb passes over my eyelid gently, making me open my eyes.
I knew I was stuck. He was one step ahead of me, physically and mentally speaking. He had me stuck. My eyes were red and swollen.
-I… I love you… I whisper, choked cries leaving my mouth at the same time.
-Where is my first name, pretty ?
And to think that I was dreaming of saying those words to him a few minutes earlier.
-I… I love you Ethan… The curly man's face lights up, a gaping smile erasing his crazed expression.
- There, it wasn't so complicated now, was it?"
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That was my first story in english. please do not hesitate to gives me advices whatsoever, like if you think that the plot was too quick, ethan too out of character, not enough details, everything ! I hope you liked reading it anyways.
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ouroborosorder · 3 months
Arknights VFX question: Any highlights or personal favourites as far as the "Stick a whole background/huge jpeg in there behind the character" category of skills goes?
Oh I like this question. This made me consider things I've never looked at before, so thank you for that. I had to do research.
So, there's not a lot of ops like this, and shockingly, I don't have many positive things to say about them. BUT I did find a few interesting highlights I think are worth discussing.
First off, I will leave Eine Variation out of this, as I have made my thoughts on that Thing very clear.
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But, my favorite skin in the game actually does indeed have the Background.Jpeg - Specter's As One!
Aaaand it's easily the worst part of my favorite skin. Don't get me wrong, i think it's probably one of the better executions of the idea, since it's like, a skybox, it matches the pallette, matches the artstyle of the skin, it's almost perfect. I wish it was a LITTLE less static, maybe have some distortion ripples across it like waves to keep the stars moving, or maybe have them twinkle a bit or something. But it's fine. But a good effect isn't everything.
Effects relies heavily on the principles of animation, too. Appeal, weight, color, and most importantly of all - timing. Having a proper lead in can make a bad effect good, and having a bad lead-in can make a good effect fucking terrible. And having no lead-in at all will absolutely fuck your effect and make it super clear that you took a jpeg from the skin art and superimposed it behind your operator.
Here. Look at the picture above. Now, I am going to tab back literally just one single frame in the animation and...
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oh ...there's no fade in at all. It just literally appears in a single frame. It draws way more attention to itself than it needs to just by virtue of literally popping in. It's SUPER obvious that it's just Skybox.jpeg. If it faded in with some sort of noise mask (which takes literally less than 2 minutes to make,) it would be so so so much better. Again, this is my favorite skin in the game, and I already think S3 is quite beautiful, so this is nitpicking, but this skybox always bugged me a lot.
Now to say a sentence no one has ever said - going up a step in quality from Specter to Hoederer!
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I can't fully get this one in a still image and I'm too tired to record a video / gif so just go with this, alright?
This one is ALMOST GOOD. ALMOST. IT'S SO FUCKING CLOSE. The texture is being distorted by a wavelike noise that is giving it the rippling effect of fire, which is the standard thing to do for making a stylized fire. The problem is that... The texture itself doesn't fucking move? It's just being UV distorted, just a bit of offset to the material and I just AUGH.
It's so so so obvious that it's just a static jpeg of fire that's being waved around like a flag to get it to contort into being fire. This wouldn't bother me if the actual fire texture didn't have implications of movement in the little waves and fades and stuff. I hate it it's so irritating it's so CLOSE. But also, animating an entire fire flipbook would have taken a lot more time, and I can 100% guarantee you the VFX artist is also unhappy with this one. Their A team was probably on Arturia or something. Speak of the devil -
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I've had a few people ask how I feel about Arturia's S3 after I expressed my hatred for Eine Variation, and I am here to say - this unambiguously fucking rules, for a few reasons.
First and least importantly, THE MONSTER MOVES. The monster itself has slight movement, you can notice its arms wiggle a little and mouth open and close. This is a small thing that goes a LONG way to make it feel way more dynamic and alive. It's also being distorted by a noise like Hoederer is, which is quite nice as a touch, really helps to make that limited movement feel way more significant than it is.
Second, is that the texture is monochromatic, but in a different way than Arturia is. The grays are colder, harsh blue-grays to contrast Arturia herself, who is a very warm gray. This makes it so that it adds a really nice background that looks like part of her, while also standing out and allowing her to stand out against it. It's a really smart use of monochrome to create visual interest using just different subtle shades of gray.
But that bluish hue also serves to compliment the only color in the effect - the blue light from the cello. Your eyes are naturally drawn to brighter glowing things, which is also the only colored spot on the effect - the cello from which her Arts emerge. As a result, the Beastie.jpg fades out of your attention, becoming monochromatic noise, which, due to being just kinda chaotic and aesthetically dissonant, you interpret more as abstract Shape than anything else. That abstract shape then makes a cone which leads you down into Arturia's center, which is her cello, which is where her Arts are coming from.
This is basically to say - These are very emblematic of what I think makes good effects textures in general. They work best when they're not alone. When these backgrounds are part of a larger whole that's all coming together to make an effect, rather than being the centerpiece of the whole thing. When I notice the background, it's a problem, in my eyes. Maybe people disagree. They keep putting them in skins, and a lot of people thought the Eine Variation goat was cool as hell, so clearly I'm in the wrong here, but hey. Who gives a shit.
I'm sure there's way more examples of this, (actually I know there are,) but I'm extremely tired and need to go the fuck to sleep. If there's any particular backgrounds ya'll want me to take a look at, lemme know and I'll get back to you when I've woken from my dread slumber.
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superpeeboy · 2 months
Top five reasons Good Cop Bad Cop are the best characters?
Oh man! You knew what would happen when you asked that. Here goes!
(lots of text below)
1. Concept
GCBC’s concept has always stood out to me. Even before I was obsessed, I looked at his design, and I thought it was cool! The combination of the Good Cop Bad Cop trope and a dual-sided minifig head is really smart! Those ideas combine so well, and without that idea as a basis, GCBC wouldn’t be GCBC.
There’s also subversion of how split-personality characters tend to act! Obviously, Good Cop is the good one and Bad Cop is the bad one, but its more complicated than that. Good Cop is still willing to melt Emmet, and he still works for Business and participates in the policework, he is still a villain despite being nice! And Bad Cop, while it isn’t quite as noticeable earlier in the movie, 100% redeems himself in the end! (And I think he still has moments where he isn’t just full-on evil earlier on, I’ll get back to that later.)
A peculiar fact I know is that they started GCBC’s design with the Good Cop Bad Cop trope, NOT the dual-sided minifig head. I don’t know if it’s just me, but I feel like the natural progression would be starting with the LEGO feature and turning that into a character. But they didn’t do that. Originally, he was just going to flip glasses up and down from his hat.
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The highlight of GCBC’s design is obviously their head. I love their outfit (maybe not so much when I’m rendering something), but there’s not that much to do about a police outfit. I only wish it was actually purple. BUT I’m getting distracted. I was trying to mention how GCBC’s faces contrast so much! Good Cop’s large glasses highlight his eyes, and his eyes show how nice he is, they’re round and soft and cute! To contrast Bad Cop’s sunglasses block out his eyes, and all you get to see is his big ol’ mouth. He usually has his teeth shown, with each tooth lined out. You don’t see outlined teeth on Good Cop. Outlined teeth are something I always got told not to do in art, because it makes characters scary. But of course, Bad Cop is supposed to be scary! So he has that trait! And I love to see it!
I’ve always been interested in character design. It’s not something I myself can do very well, but I love to see interesting characters. And GCBC’s design and concept are exactly that! Interesting! (And this whole thing is about GCBC, but I think a lot of the other characters also have really good designs.) What I especially love is how all TLM designs are interesting despite the limitations of being a LEGO. In fact, I think they’d be worse if they weren’t LEGO! The artists had to put a lot of effort into making these designs look good, even as minifigs. I think that’s awesome.
2. Story
Ough! It already hurts and I haven’t even typed yet! But of course, GCBC’s story is important. GCBC is given the most tragic story in TLM. They are forced to keep working for a corrupt boss, and they are the only ones (outside of robots) who are aware of the corruptness. But that is exactly why they have to just go with it, they know Business has the power to kill them and everyone they care about if they went against him.
And even then, even when they’re working for him the best they can, knowing far more than anyone else and having to act normal about it, well you know what happens. GCBC loses everyone. They obviously do not have many people that support them to begin with, but Bad Cop loses his parents and Good Cop! And that leaves him with one person, Business.
It’s implied Business has been so terrible to GCBC for a while. Good Cop is so scared of Business that he avoids the guy as much as possible, to the point Business needed to specifically ask for Good Cop, and even then he would keep switching out. And GCBC’s helmet is mostly for protection from Lord Business, not master builders. But what can GCBC do about their situation? Nothing! Business is the damn president, they can’t do anything about it. And they can’t join the master builders, they’re murderers, they can’t just join the good guys! GCBC is a victim of such unfortunate circumstance.
Isn’t that crazy!? They just add the most horrific abuse on GCBC to this movie!? It’s a movie about LEGO! And you can even see how this affected Bad Cop, if you look closely, and have worms eating your brain! But again, I want to get to that later!
3. Personalities
IT’S LATER! Obviously GCBC is two guys in one. I love that. I love it so much that it feels wrong when people seperate them! I’m getting more and more into my own interpretation and outside of what is actually shown/implied in the movie, but I think GCBC just wouldn’t work seperated. I feel like Good Cop and Bad Cop exaggerate each other’s personalities. Good Cop is really nice, which leaves Bad Cop to have to be the mean one. No matter how nice Bad Cop might try to be, he isn’t going to be able to match Good Cop. And their names are no help anyhow.
If they were to be seperate people, Bad Cop wouldn’t be as aggressive. He wouldn’t HAVE to be! And if he was, then he would just be a complete jerk. But when they’re connected, they both balance eachother out and contrast more. Good Cop allows Bad Cop to be mean and Bad Cop allows Good Cop to be nice.
Good Cop is the nice one. But he isn’t THAT nice. I think I said this earlier, Good Cop was totally okay with killing Emmet and he still works for Business. But he is less violent. He is the Good Cop, so he must be the sympathetic one, or else he wouldn’t BE that! He certainly is evil, but he also certainly is kind.
Bad Cop is the antithesis. He is the bad one, duh. But he also is not entirely terrible. He can be a little nice, as a treat. Especially after the loss of Good Cop. Now that there isn’t a Good Cop to be the good one, that leaves Bad Cop. And if you’ll notice, he does start acting a little nicer. He offers an easy way to Emmet, Wyldstyle, and Vitruvius in that Old West scene, he says thank you to what he THINKS is a robot, and obviously he brings back Good Cop at the end, he’s not entirely evil. But he definitely is a little bit.
During the movie, Bad Cop has a running gag where he beats up chairs. Aha, I’m really going into headcanon territory right now, but I see that as him taking his anger out on chairs instead of PEOPLE! Wouldn’t that be sweet? He tries not to hurt people! Amazing! He also melts people but I forgive him for that!
I love GCBC’s personalities. I love them on their own, but especially how they work together, as ‘one’ character. I love how despite being a Good Cop and a Bad Cop, they’re both more complicated than that. Man these guys are great!
4. Family
GCBC is the one LEGO character given a family. Obviously the story is about the Man and Boy upstairs, and they’re family, but no other LEGO gets that. Emmet and Business aren’t exactly related, even if they’re the LEGOsonas of Will and Finn. In a draft of TLM, Emmet did have a mom, Doris, but she was removed. GCBC gets parents though. And also, eachother, as brothers!
GCBC is a villain. But they have a family that they really do care for. Good Cop can’t bring himself to kill his family, when he’s entirely willing to kill Emmet. And Bad Cop is ‘willing’. But it’s more like he knows that if he doesn’t do it, Business is going to do it instead, and he’ll be punished. And he’s clearly apprehensive anyhow!
I already mentioned how Bad Cop reacts to losing his family, the only people who care for him, but there’s more! Bad Cop sings the song ‘Danny Boy’ after losing Good Cop. An old irish song about losing someone (usually by death) and wishing to be reunited someday. Cool man! I’m not crying! My eyes are sweating!
The fact that GCBC is given a family is very special! And the family really helps with their character. And everyone comes back in the end, but does that change how terrifying it would be to lose all your family, family who Bad Cop was especially close to?
5. Love
And now I talk about what might be the best part of GCBC. The love! Theres so much to GCBC, clearly the creators loved him. I love being able to see that. Despite being the villain, and not even the main villain at that, GCBC is included on lots of merch. GCBC is also included in lots of extras. And he’s included a LOT. GCBC is given so much by the creators!
Liam Neeson didn’t have to voice GCBC in single takes, but he did. Because he thought it fit the character. Because he cared about the character! He improvised that darndarndarnydarn thing because he cared about the character! He added all sorts of weird noises because he thought it fit GCBC! He didn’t HAVE to do that! He wasn’t getting anything from doing that! But he did it because he felt like it made the character better.
Isn’t that just darling? GCBC is not just a fan-favorite, I think he was a favorite of the people who worked on the movie as well! And I think those guys know a lot about TLM, ha ha! So, that’s 5 reasons why GCBC is the best character, in my opinion.
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dojae-huh · 20 days
i couldn't imagine my ask would spark this much discussion from other anons. And im not a jw shipper like that anon accused me, i've been here since sticker era. it's just like huh check the timeline, it's 50/50 now, i won't discuss about it until there's more info about it.
Anyway, i really like the way mischievous jh randomly (the vid was cut but still) said he didn't need a coffee truck (to support him during the filming of his drama) but his full face looked at dy with full of anticipation haha and doyoung looked at him like "??" but to our surprise, johnny said he's already ordered (a coffee truck) for jh (im not sure he's being serious or not). I wonder if dy will send one to jh soon.
Since you're busy and maybe you haven't watched all the content during dy solo yet, there are 2 little things i notice. 1 is when dy slipped and mentioned jh name instead of saying 'suggest' (재현 - 제안) https://twitter.com/panyeey/status/1782331563679846828?t=Q5Cw71Be-jnGvsCLub0Lxw&s=19 i think if other idols mentioned another members name by mistake like this, normally they would laugh it off and make a funny joke to ease the atmosphere, but dy looks panic right away, stutter and repeat the correct words 2 more times haha why you have to be so nervous bunny lol remind me of the time he did it once during sticker era too lol
the 2nd one is johnny is on a good terms with dy, with how he was being mentioned by dy a lot, the part of he's a drink mate along with mk hc dy could pay an important part of their friendship
Miscommunications happen. It is especially easy to be misunderstood on i-net, where we have only text as means of communication and language barrier/cultural differences. Everyone should simply keep it in mind and give their opponents and conversationists some slack, not get all defensive right away.
I haven't watched solo promotional and new 127 content yet. Only the MV and some performances on music shows, Dingo, etc.
Funny. It happens, when a name is said every day many times, so misplacements of similar words happen.
The woman on the background left, and the cameraman in black changed to a manager with a phone, Jaehyun finished eating, so enough time was cut off.
Tae didn't react to Jae's words, he was focused on texting on the phone. Do was alarmed. Taeil was ready to see an episode of his romcom, Woo lifted his head to focus on the people talking and understand what's the new topic, Yuta was distracted by his own thoughts, Johnny answered instantly.
Which makes me think Johnny and Jae had been talking about his drama. Maybe the food truck Jae sent to the staff. Johnny reacted too quickly, he continued on the topic he was involved in.
Johnny said "Already ordered", by Korean rules there was no pronoun. It can be I/we/someone. However, seeing the conversation and reactions, it was Johnny who sent it. There was a short moment, when Jaehyun seriously asked "Really?" (his back of the head to the camera, focus on JN). What's interesting is that JN was talking to Doyoung about the truck, heh. Yes, I ordered a truck for your boyfriend. Even Yuta got confused and said his joke to the wrong person.
JN was serious, he talked about choosing and sending a picture. ANd editors highlighted him with "what a man" comment. I expect the truck will be reveiled later.
But back to Jaehyun-ie. Yes, he was super cute being so sly, hinting he wants a food truck again from Doyoung. It was Johnny saying he will send a food truck, but Jaehyun looked sideways at Do.
Do's expression sends me. Jaehyun just earned himself something, because Do's face screams he miscalculated/forgot and needs to correct the situation. Some big gift is on the way.
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Lol, It's been how many years, and Jaehyun is not different from that time he was saying it's OK to not receive anything from Doyoung on his BD, that he didn't anticipate, ShowChamp PDnims' congratulations were enough.
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hi im gonna write a drifteris fic (with different names) for a creative writing contest but i desperately need a prompt, you are The Drifteris Person™ and i would trust you with my life so please do you have any prompt recommendations 😭
I do not know when I became the Drifteris person but, while I feel unworthy of the title, I will try my very best to give you something lovely.  If at some point in future you wish to share what you've written I would love to read it.  Anything I can do to increase the amount of Drifteris in the world delights me intensely.
Here's a bunch of story ideas for things I might write some day that you (and anyone else who wants) are free to use (ideas are not stories - take them, use them, write your thing and revel in the glory that is human creativity).  Some are quite unoriginal, but the thing about writing is if you get too original no one can relate to it, so always give yourself permission to do something that's already been done.  Only you can write a thing like you.  No matter what the base idea is, the actual writing is still your own.
Specifically set in Beyond Light: Europa (because I feel robbed we did not get enough of those two in BL - for research, watch the awesome cutscene: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=IAD6E_vESJY&t=18s or the videos of their conversations with the player by the fire)
Exo Stranger is busy and there's a strange signal so they go investigate
They find something in an ice cave
Why did they leave Europa? (We just showed up one week and they were gone - maybe there was a specific reason that caused them to run off?)
There is a blizzard and one of them is late coming back from a patrol so the other goes out looking for them
Ice fishing gone wrong
Snowball fight
Scenes from learning how to use/practicing Stasis
More generic anytime/anywhere:
One calls the other after waking up from a bad dream
"Saw this, thought of you." (bonus points if it seems vaguely insulting on the surface but is actually really sweet)
Cooking lessons
Pick a location in the game, think of a reason for Eris to want to investigate something there and drag the Drifter along in a similar manner to the Eidolon Pursuant clothing ( https://www.ishtar-collective.net/categories/eidolon-pursuant-suit-warlock?highlight=eidolon+pursuant )
The Drifter takes Eris fishing to one of the fishing spots in game (why does she go with him?  she lost a bet? or perhaps she asked him to take her fishing and he's nervous about them getting shot? so many possibilities!)
Drifter shows up on the Moon having fixed something for her (maybe he stole it and she didn't know he had it? maybe she asked him to fix it so he made it better?  maybe she didn't know it was broken?  maybe he broke it?)
She shows up to the Annex because he asked her to come look at something he found after one of the Salvage operations on Titan (and of course he never mentioned it to anyone because Drifter be like that)
Immaru says some shit to Eris and gets bullied (the possibilities are endless - I support more Immaru bullying in the world) 
Eido asks Eris about something the Drifter once said to her and wants an explanation of what that 'human custom' means (it is of course something Drifter-terrible - or maybe not - perhaps it’s emotionally revealing and he never expected Eido to notice never mind ask about it - you decide!)
Ikora asks Eris to investigate something in a lost sector and Eris brings the Drifter along (or the Drifter finds out Eris is going and shows up uninvited - I love lost sectors - they're such interesting bits of the game and easy to explore for research purposes after you've cleared them out)
Go in game to one of their locations (Annex or the Moon or Athenaeum...) and wander around looking at the details.  Find something intriguing.  Have one of them ask the other what it is and why it's there (why the hell does Eris have Hive eyeballs floating in her bowl in the Athenaeum?  Seriously... what is she even doing with that?)
Sometimes I just go stand beside Drifter in the Annex or Eris on the Moon and listen to their idle diaogue and then go “I wonder what that was all about.  There’s a story in there!” and get inspired.
I will stop now or I'll just keep going on forever.  I would love to read any/all of these.  Please write them.  I may write them too at some point but that’s ok.  There’s no such thing as too much Drifteris.
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yellowhollyhock · 3 months
March for Raph day 5, Video Games (late akskdjdja 🐇)
A very brief thought:
Raph isn’t usually the brother to get obsessed with video games (never that I remember but you never know with tmnt). Like he usually will be seen playing and talks about enjoying them but he’s never the turtle who loses touch because he’s engrossed.
In 1987 Leonardo had an episode, which was really cool because his obsessive personality is what makes him a good ninja! I love that hey explored other possible ways that affects him, and also as someone who doesn’t get into some things because I *know* that when I’m hooked, I’m Hooked and I like to have some control over what sorts of things I’m hooked to—I really loved how the brothers were portrayed in this ep.
2003 you got Mikey. It’s generally more of an implied thing, and it is Raph and Don who stay up till morning playing, but even then the conversation is about how it’s usually Mikey playing. And in Fast Forward he gets his Losing Himself to Video Games arc. That one I didn’t like as much. Felt like it took away growth we’d already seen from Mikey, and was a little preachy with like. Hyperfixation Bad. It helped a ton that later in Back to the Sewers Mikey’s knowledge of video games was useful to them, but for me it doesn’t fully make up for it.
And then Rise Donnie with his Purple Game. I thought that one was sweet, still maybe a little preachy but overall much more like the 1987 version where it’s not condemning obsessive personalities, it’s acknowledging how hyperfocus can affect people and make some things hard. Or maybe I just vibe more with Rise than Fast Forward, idk
Anyway what this post is actually about: in some ways Raph’s personality is the most varied across iterations. So it’s fun to me that there is so often some brother or other whose inability to Put Down the Game causes plot, and it’s never him. He’s got this balance. He gets passionate about things, that’s a huge part of why we love him, yet he also doesn’t seem to get Consumed. Video games is one example, but what about fighting? On the surface Raph might seem more obsessive because when he’s fighting, he’s all in, but it’s usually Leo who has a hard time figuratively putting the mask away and putting his brother hat on when it’s not time to fight, and it’s usually Raph who helps him. We also see a lot of Donnie becoming so engrossed in things, whether it’s the piece of tech he’s working on in the moment, some problem or other he’s decided it’s his responsibility to solve (03 Underground City, Bishop’s Outbreak, 12 saving Karai, more mutants), or his first crush (do I even need to clarify? (2012)), it’s again often Raph who keeps him grounded. The Rise video game episode is a good example.
Mikey always has his interests, too, and this one’s interesting because. He is usually deliberately giving himself an escape and can pull back when it’s time. But Raph tries to keep him on planet earth because that’s what he does for Donnie and Leo. But Mikey, especially being the youngest, could just feel judged by that and not really supported. So there’s two turtles trying their best and having friction.
This got longer than I thought
Anyway basically one role Raph plays is the one noticing what’s going on around them. His focus style is different from theirs and often saves them. And I think it’s super neat how that carries across (at least a lot of) iterations.
(One last addition: that episode of 1987 where Leo leaves and Donnie and Raph both try being the leader really highlights this strength of his. Mostly because Donnie does not have it at all XD)
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gizkasparadise · 6 months
Thank you so much for the recs, I've already seen he is psychometric and that revelation of who the killer actually is? It made perfect sense and they gave us so many clues but it was also a gut punch and I never thought they would actually go there. I'll check out the others, I was actually interested in watching wonderland of love but I think I saw someone say it has a power imbalance I think it was @dangermousie and that turned me off. I haven't watched many cdramas vs hundreds of kdramas. I think every good love story should be two people falling in love and taking the time and effort to support protect and care for each other and compromising and sacrificing for each other instead for just one person going to multiple extremes and it's not returned and I might be wrong but a lot of recent cdramas fall into the second category even modern ones. Maybe they're trying to compensate for the years of air head female leads and psycho male leads who treated women like sh*t lmfao ( not that kdramas didn't do this a lot too). Just something I've been thinking about because now that I'm watching a lot of cdramas I'm noticing a pattern. Also idk if you've seen them if you haven't you should, ming lan and yanxi palace are both amazing, they're 70 eps but so worth it, two of the smartest female leads I have ever seen and it's shown instead of just repeated to us by multiple characters like a lot of dramas do, the otps are great but they're both essentially character studies of the women of that era and what they had to go through as they showcase multiple female characters of ranging moral standings but all treated with sensitivity and understanding and the highlights are watching these women form beautiful bonds and use their genius brains to f*ck people up.
Omg yes @ the reveal for psychometric!! I was shook and had to bodily recover for a few days lol
Re: wonderland of love, there is an arc where things are definitely lopsided in the FL's favor (I call it the Grovel Arc), so I get why that could be a pass for you. I'm still gonna rec it though just because the dynamics are fun and the leads are both interesting together and apart which I don't usually find in dramas (plus their world views are so different, but in a way where imo neither is wrong it's just the innate opposition of idealism vs. pragmatism)
Oh I've seen minglan! I always forget about it when making rec lists for some reason but I do love it a lot. Yanxi has been on my to watch list FOREVER
And yeah, to your point, I do think a lot of it's course correcting re: power balance. That said, there's still a lot of Male Lead Is A Genius Who It's A Privilege To Chase present in newer dramas as well (unpopular opinion, but I couldn't STAND the ML in lighter and princess, for example).
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walkingstackofbooks · 10 months
DS9 4x05 Rejoined thoughts (I’m re-watching, so beware spoilers for future episodes!)
[28 June '23]
"It's a trick!" "Of course it's a trick!" Oh, Quark 😆
"Painfully shy, introverted, a slight lack of confidence, just the kind of person who might want to dazzle the world with his magical abilities." - Okay, new headcanon that Julian is speaking from experience from when he was younger - he decided magic tricks would be how he'd make friends at new schools.
Interesting camera angle from Sisko's window
"Am I that dispensable around here?" "We'll never notice you're gone." I love their easy friendship and joking <3
"I'll be fine." That waver in her voice though ~
I love that Kira is the one who extensively knows Jadzia's lives. And I love how it really feels like they are all - even Quark - really, actually friends now.
The way Kira breaks into laughter at Julian's trick, I love her smile!
Kira's little touch of his arm, I live for platonic displays of affection.
"The Trill feel very strongly that it's unnatural." "Unnatural?" I LOVE Kira! Her outrage is just SO cathartic
"I don't understand how two people who've fallen in love, and made a life together, can be forced to walk away from each other because of a taboo." I know DS9 could generally have hit harder on LGBT topics, but this is Actually Very Good
"Curzon was even late for his hundredth birthday party." "You're never gonna let me forget that, are you?" Interesting that she switched from Ben's use of Curzon to "me" - highlighting how much she is the other hosts as well as herself.
"I'll be fine," she says, while pinning her badge on upside-down. 😅
"What do Klingons dream about?" I love Kira's gaiety and curiosity here
Hah! Had forgotten Worf's "Things that would send cold chills down your spine and wake you in the middle of the night. It is better you do not know. Excuse me." Okay I do like his deadpan humour.
"Quite an audience." "Seems a shame to disappoint them. Maybe we should do something." Their entire conversation at the party is electric
That purposeful look away they both do when the guy leaves them alone on the bridge.
"That's because you were a pilot and it made me nervous. Made her nervous. Torias being a pilot made Nilani nervous." The mixing up of pronouns - I love how complex the whole situation is allowed to be
"And whatever part of me is still Torias is very sorry and wishes he'd listened to you." - Lenara's nod of acknowledgment.. ohhh, I knew this episode was amazing but I'd forgotten just how compelling and emotional the threads all the way through were
"Would you be interested in dinner? I mean, I'm having dinner with some friends and I thought you might like to go along." I've never seen Jadzia this uncertain of herself!
Pffff Jadzia you made all that up about having dinner with friends?! You've got it baaad
"Something tells me I should say no, but you know I won't." Oh, Julian. And that kiss on the cheek!
Julian's so sulky, my goodness, what a child (affectionate)
Their chemistry is SO - JUST - Y'KNOW
No, I can't even, his little face is so scrunchy! I'm sorry ladies, let's go back and rewatch you rather than Julian being too ridiculous.
"Curzon would be horrified I'm a scientist." I thought Jadzia was a scientist before getting joined so didn't he know?
"The irony is, you and I have more in common than Torias and Nilani ever did." And that is what makes a tragedy 💔
Julian's complete startlement when he's hailed on comms 😂
"I think he enjoyed himself... Maybe not." You think? Especially if you were going through the highlights of your life he's already heard :p
Lenara just giving her the earrings!!! Like it's nothing!!! Like it's not deeply romantic!! I cannot be normal about these two!!!
"There is nothing going on, alright?" But you wish it were, don't you, Lenara?
Jadzia's so pretty in her gown and hair down (she's always pretty shhhh)
"I don't want to do anything to hurt you." Guyssss
Jadzia's brief touch to Lenara's face and forcing herself to take her hand away I cannn't
"I missed you." Oh boy the first time watching this thinking they were going to kiss? But no, and being disappointed but not wholly surprised, it's the 90s BUT NO WHAT'S THIS, they actually DO KISS and it's just so tender. This episode has my entire heart o swear.
I hate that this reasoning why Jadzia should stay away - that the consequence of exile would impact Dax the symbiont - makes sense (even if the taboo doesn't). And that Benjamin can sound so reasonable in trying to dissuade her.
"But I also know I love her, Benjamin." MY HEART
"If you're sure, if this is what you really want, I will back you all the way." After all the other arguments, thank you Ben, that means a lot. <3
Actually, no - it's weird that Dax is seen as a passive part of this decision - the poor symbiont who'll die if Jadzia gets herself exiled - but it's Dax who also, as far as I understand, very much has feelings for Kahn and Nilani, just as much as Jadzia does for Lenara et al. So Dax should also have a say through their link woth their host if they want to choose love over exile.
Jadzia's striding down the corridor to rescue Lenara (and others, ofc)
"I don't want to lose you, not again." "Not again. Never again. Never again. Never." MY HEART, DAMN YOU 90S, WORF WAS NO REPLACEMENT FOR THIS
Jadzia getting down eagerly onto her knees as she asks Lenara to stay. She's so sure she'll accept! And why shouldn't she be!
"Everyone is trying to look out for us. Protect us from ourselves." THIS IS STILL SO RELEVANT
"I can always come back later." I can't help thinking, what if she did change her mind a few years later... Maybe in that 3 month window between season 6 and 7? ... Why am I making myself sad like this? 😭😭😭
The way their eyes meet. Fuck this episode. (affectionate)
God, Jadzia was a wreck over that phasing-planet guy - what she's going to be like over Lenara who she's known for centuries? I just wanna hug her
This is just such a good story though, like even without the gay metaphor and actual gayness, aliens having dilemmas over their society's morality is fascinating, and the Trill very much so!
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yuzublackswan · 2 years
okay bittersweet angst time but in secondary school i can remember reading a book called ‘satellite’ by nick lake. you may be wondering why this post about a random book i read as a teenager is relevant to the tags i’ve plopped this post in, but Hear Me Out, okay? the teen main character was gay (and it was super cool to me because it was the first and maybe only time i’d read a book with a queer mc where the story is not solely centred around their queerness, and was instead normalised, but their queerness was still important and realistic nonetheless, which i hadn’t seen a lot in fiction before this point) and he had a crush on his childhood best friend. if you wanna read this book, stop reading because spoiler warning from this point onwards. towards the end of the book, the childhood best friend gets sick and it’s kind of a given that he’s dying. on his deathbed, the distraught mc in a moment of vulnerability begins to confess to his friend his feelings for him, but the friend interrupts, telling him he already had noticed. he has to gently break it to the mc that he’s not into guys, but that he still loved him in his own way, as their relationship was still very cherished and special to him. if there was anything that could be done to make his final moments with just the two of them there sentimental, he wants to see the mc happy, and so he would be glad and honoured to share a final special moment, fulfil the mc’s wish and be his first kiss before he dies. and so they tenderly kiss and. the friend dies. moments later. and honestly, it was one of the most heart-wrenching things i’d read in a book - i was in shambles. it highlighted a lot of things i felt is needed more in fiction, particularly the concept of an unrequited love not ending awkwardly or angrily, and the emphasis on expressing genuine non-romantic love (on the mc’s friend’s side), which i don’t think ever gets enough credit in itself, just as emotionally as if it were romantic love.
i think it would be interesting if say, a piece of media that may or may not kill off either one of two main characters or both in a dramatic highly-anticipated conclusive final season, one of whom being known to be in love with the other, and the other in a grey area but the writers of the piece of media may or may not be reliable in whether or not they’ll be requiting this love for a variety of factors, could still in the case of an unrequited love maybe give a crumb of a bittersweet moment in the potential last moments of one of the two characters that could potentially die despite the fans’ protests. why am i putting this tragic thought into your head, you ask? because i like pain, clarissa, what do you think?
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orangejuicetoast42 · 2 years
I really just want to say what’s on mind right now and hope it isn’t too incoherent. 
So, like most I just got finished watching the first special and dear god did I love it! Pretty much everything about it was amazing and didn’t feel rushed or contrived at all. A great start for what is unfortunately the end. Well almost great. Like any usual fan, I turned to social media after my viewing to see what others thought and I noticed that a few were pointing out something troubling about the special, the way Belos was reintroduced to the kids. Here’s where the spoilers start. 
To sum things up, Belos makes his big reappearance towards the end of the episode in the form of possessing Hunter and eventually crushing Flapjack out of spite. Not only does this lead to a really heartbreaking scene but also brings up some not-so-great implications that others have pointed out. For a good chunk of this episode, we get to see Hunter slowly heal from his trauma from the Emperor’s coven, from Belos, and starting to be okay with who he is as a person. But it’s safe to say that healing process gets upended when the cause of that trauma takes control of him again, though now in a more literal sense, and kills the first friend he ever had. 
That’s painful, it’s harmful, it takes a character who has already been through a lot and seemed to finally be given the chance to move on from it at his own pace but then gets that taken away from him too because we all know that Hunter may never look at himself the same way again. He might now never get to the point where he can’t trust himself and in turn pull away from those he did trust due to the fear of hurting them too. Other fans have pointed out the real-life implications this final scene has which isn’t great either.
But notice how I’ve been bringing up other fans so far. It’s because while I do hope I’m at least somewhat aware and observant of this world we call home, I know for fact that I am not qualified to speak in depth on the facets of abusive relationships and the pitfalls of bring the abuser back into the abused life. I’m just a person who likes to geek over writing and storytelling and uses it to take a break from my real life. 
And it’s because of that interest with writing that I don’t necessarily fault Dana and the crew for those implications. Writing is hard, even more complicated when the story you’re tell resonates with thousands of people. You’re bound to make mistakes and having all those eyes on you is only going to highlight those mistakes. It’s a tough position to be in especially since I’m pretty sure it wasn’t done on purpose or with malicious intent. 
All we as viewers can do now is say “hey doing that makes it like this” and hope this is taken into account for any future projects. Though I’m not saying this to invalidate the feelings of anyone who is upset by what Hunter had to go through again or those who this situation hits too close to home with. You have the right to take issue with this and speak out so others know why this isn’t alright.
Okay so what am I saying? Well, this is where that interest in storytelling comes back into play. Like I say, I loved the episode but it’s those last 10-15 minutes that the issue makes itself known, so if that’s the case why not just tweak them, given them the old reworking. I guess what I’m saying is that I have a few ideas, two in particular, for the climax of the episode that don’t lead to rehashing abusive relationships while still keeping the same plot beats (mostly....partially). 
The first one doesn’t hold much water now but it could still be an interesting idea if given more time to developed and if I wasn’t so tired. Basically, Belos doesn’t possess Hunter but instead continues to leach onto dead animals like he is seen to do throughout the episode until he is finally able to solidify into his monstrous form. Like maybe while Luz is at the vet’s office, she overhears a conversation about the increase of dead animals and reports of how they looked odd. Then when she gets back and she and Hunter try to find Belos, that rat jumps out like in cannon but now they notice something off Hunter notices something off and can’t brush it off. 
This all culminates into a full gang chase/fight throughout the forest and graveyard as Belos shifts between different undead creatures as he tries to reach the Titan’s Blood first. Like I said, this idea could use some work but I know it would end with Hunter taking a stand in front of the others saying how he’s tried of the fear Belos causes in him and how he just wants to be himself before blasting the old dude out of the whatever animal he’s in (I’m thinking bear) but is a little to slow to stop him from retreating to the portal.
Now for the second idea, which I would like to say now that I’m unsure if this is just as problematic, but I couldn’t help but think since well...it just made sense. So again, Belos does not possess Hunter, but his endgame isn’t animals either. No instead he has his set on something, no someone more likely to give him the strength he needs. And that someone is Luz. 
Throughout this episode we see Luz on this downward spiral of depression and guilt due to feeling like all she does is ruin the lives of those she loves and doesn’t deserve anything but their anger. And the parallels between her and Belos have been hammered home significantly so far. So, who’s to say that it’s completely out the realm of possibility that Luz is the one Belos latches onto in the cabin and Luz slowly falls further into his control due to her own guilt and her mind painting her as being just as bad as Belos.
Belos is eventually expelled from Luz through the combined efforts of Luz’s friends/family reminding her of all the good she has done while fight off Belos’ attempts to destroy them. The final blow is again dealt by Hunter but this time it’s more from the angle of him promising that he will never let Belos take away anything from him again before throwing the vile in the water and diving in after possessed Luz to help her out.  Again, a lot more can be done with this but I’m tired and might use this as a fic so yeah.
Also notice how in both of these ideas, Flapjack doesn’t die. I know that it is very much plot relevant and will probably lead to Hunter now being able to use spell circles or at least teleport on his own (theory for another day) but did they really have to do it to him. Like if it is really that necessary save Flapjack’s death for the last special or the final battle. Just anytime where Hunter is not getting repeatedly punch in the gut with trauma.
Alright that’s all I got, sorry if this was a waste of time, please don’t fault the creators too much, and get some sleep. We could all use it. 
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iturbide · 2 years
I.S.'s thought process regarding this years Halloween banner: Alright, so we have both Corrins, Naga, and Nils as the Tempest Trial Hero, we still need one more person for the banner.
I.S. Employee: We could have Adult Tiki given we have Naga.
I.S.: No that wouldn't work. Oh! We'll just have Duma and Mila being the duo unit. You know, the two that went against Naga and burned down Thabes and forever soured Dragon and human relations? The two Naga proceeded to fight for 9 days and won before exiling them out of Archaea? What could possibly go wrong?
I just want Naga and Adult Tiki to talk and spend time as mother and daughter. Why is this too much to ask from you I.S.?
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I...really don't see where you're coming from.
It's fine to want a banner where both Naga and Tiki feature. It's fine to want a duo unit. But bemoaning the fact that this banner does have Naga but not Tiki -- when we already have a young Tiki Halloween unit and Brave Tiki came out less then two months ago -- feels like hating on it just because they're not pandering to your specific set of wants. I also notice that for all your complains about how this will go great, you're not highlighting the fact that Duma and Mila's falling out split the continent of Valentia and led to its own brutal conflict between human factions, yet they're the Duo Hero on this banner.
Personally, I like the choices. I think M!Corrin looks adorable, I'm loving the new F!Corrin artist choice, I find it interesting that Naga has an alt now, and the fact that Duma and Mila have apparently reconciled for the holiday is delightful to me. I'm happy to see them together -- and I really don't find it that much of a stretch to think that maybe Naga is also able to reconcile with them, or at least put aside their differences to enjoy the festival together in ways they haven't done for thousands of years. They were all friends once, and all broke apart in tragic fashion; I'm hopeful and would like to see them be friends once again.
Look. I'm gonna be honest with you here, dude, it's increasingly sounding like you're looking for things to complain about rather than trying to have fun and enjoy stuff. And it's fine if you want to do that, but please stop trying to drag me into it, because I really would rather find the fun in things instead of hating on them.
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fostersffff · 2 years
Hello! I’m an insane man who purchased Nadia: The Secret of Blue Water on blu-ray from eBay last year for an amount of money I’m embarrassed to disclose. I did this because I was under the impression that this series- which was last made available in 2014- would probably be in license purgatory for quite some time. Gkids then announced a few months later that they had plucked it from purgatory, and would be doing a new blu-ray released that was downscaled from a 4k rescan of the original film elements.
After realizing that nobody else was doing it, either because they lacked the materials, means, interest, or any combination of the above, I realized I could do a side-by-side comparison of these two releases! This won’t be terribly in-depth, just a few quick shots from the intro to see the difference.
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First up, the logo! Simple white text and clouds on a deep blue ocean and sky clearly highlights the first big difference between the two, which is color. Compared with the Gkids version, the Sentai version looks a little washed out. However, I believe this has less to do with the resolution the footage was scanned at, and more to do with the other big difference between the two...
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Digital Noise Reduction, or DNR! If you’re unfamiliar, DNR is the process of removing film grain from older works, and it’s a contentious subject. Most people are cool with getting rid of the grain, but purists will cross themselves at the mere thought of it. The reason for this is that the process of removing grain can also unintentionally smudge detail, which is less noticeable in still shots like the above, but more in heavily animated, less intricately detailed shots, such as these:
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I’m not sure how clear that is considering the low detail of the gif format, but you can see a little artifacting around the characters’ linework and shadows in the Gkids version compared to the Sentai release. I can also tell you the Sentai version gif is actually larger in filesize than the Gkids version because of the grain, because it prevents the Sentai version from having color banding as aggressive in the Gkids version, but that’s really only a concern if you’re making gifs yourself.
Now, generally speaking, anime distributors are careful about the application of DNR, so in the grand scheme of things, these are just nitpicks between the two. And ultimately, nitpicks that don’t matter, because if you want to check out Nadia: The Secret of Blue Water, of course you’re going to buy the easily available and reasonably priced Gkids release, and not hunt down the out of print, significantly more expensive Sentai release. And if you already happen to have the Sentai release, you’d probably never even think about double dipping for the Gkids release anyway.
This was mostly an experiment for me to see how much better the image quality was on the Gkids version, and as best as I can tell it’s “more color saturation, less grain” where the Sentai version is “less color saturation, more grain”. The most crucial thing is that they’re both native HD, so as far as I’m concerned, you’re a winner either way if you own the blu-ray. Maybe upgrade if you have the original ADV DVDs.
(Oh, and as far as extras go: both versions have a five minute promotional video from before the series aired, as well as a commercial from before the series aired. The Gkids version comes with a physical art booklet, and the Sentai version includes a clean version of the OPs and ED, but they’re upscaled kinda poorly from the DVD quality, which is why they’re not present at all on the Gkids release)
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bestfriendforhire · 2 years
Children of BFFH, Entry 148
 “Think they’ll finish claiming the foundry today?” I asked, knowing Messy could see everyone’s progress.
 “If we go help them or the quadruplets join them, probably.  The quadruplets will be coming up the drive in a few minutes.” stated Messy while sorting through the paperwork for our town.
 While the others were primarily expanding our wealth, Messy and I had volunteered for the overly complicated management duties, partially because my character had an inheritance boost to the Administration skill. The Administration skill would highlight what needed my attention the most, whether a line in a document or an entire stack of documents containing pressing issues.  The higher my skill, the more precise the skill would become and greater range it would encompass.  If I didn’t have my skill high enough to encompass a city by the time Madness became a city, then documents related to outlying problems wouldn’t attract my notice.  Messy might have something even better, but I was just glad that she was helping me.
 Auntie Aaliyah enjoyed making things complicated, partially because complicated things were typically more interesting and partially because she had a sick sense of humor.  In Ancient Tribes of Earth, the value of everything shifted slightly from day-to-day or even hour-to-hour if a shortage was discovered.  Laborers needed paid, complaints needed attention, and clear plans for potential problems needed to be in place before the townsfolk rioted, which we actually did have some undead townsfolk at this point.  Messy even expected that we’d have living townsfolk migrating to us in the near future.
 I knew that Ella had an enormous backlog for building sites she needed to prepare, but she almost worked too fast.  Funds were disappearing as fast as my friends were acquiring them, and we wouldn’t even be collecting taxes for a couple weeks yet.  Even then, we didn’t have enough citizens to acquire a meaningful amount of revenue, especially with how low we set the tax rate to try encouraging migration.  The main thing going for us at the moment was that the undead didn’t need food, so there couldn’t be any shortages, especially with how Doc had already prepared a surplus for when living residents joined us.  Well, maybe not needing food was the second highest thing going for us.  The mindless undead workforce was probably first, since that was saving us a fortune on construction.
 “You could make Crazy do this.” suggested Messy.  “I know you like to emulate the Boss, but he’s never claimed that administration is fun.”
 I looked away from my screen to stare at her for several seconds before looking back at what I had been working on.  “Father does what he does because it helps people.  Knowing that they’re living better lives thanks to his work is enough for him, and I am quite certain all of us will be quite happy once our town is populated, grows, and runs smoothly.  I am not complaining.”
 “You’re also not having fun.” she pointed out as she made her character place another pile of paperwork on my character’s desk.
 “Fun is for later.  We’re still in the overwhelming work stage!” I insisted, catching her amused smile as I glanced at her.
 “I just don’t want you caught in one of Mom’s traps, blowing your free time to learn something instead of playing the game for fun.” she teased.
 “You know that I’m well aware we’ve already been snared, but all of us agreed to Crazy’s plan because we wanted to carve out our own place in the game like our parents did.” I told her, smiling as I thought about what this town might become.
 “That’s better.  Smiling suits you.  You were frowning earlier, and that puts everyone on edge.” she told me, not wrong in the slightest.
 I nodded and thanked her.  Though my power wasn’t as potent as Father’s, I really did have to watch my mood.  If I let myself grow too annoyed, everyone would feel it.  The trick, as Father told me, was to always keep something pleasant in mind even while working.  I just hadn’t mastered it as he had.  I really was lucky to have Messy around.  She always knew how to help me and was willing to do so.
 “The quadruplets are here.  They’ve already asked Sis where we are, so there’s no point in heading up to welcome them home, though Momma Ai and Momma Mai are making them unpack before they can come down here.  I sometimes envy their bond.” commented Messy, obviously watching them while still sorting papers in game.
 “Isn’t Crazy close enough to a sister to satisfy you?” I asked, knowing that Messy couldn’t really see Crazy as a niece with the small age gap.  If Leilani wasn’t so different from how my siblings had behaved at her age, I’d probably think of her more like a sister too.
 Messy ignored me, probably knowing that Crazy would have heard me and be watching.  Having friends who might start watching you if you say their name did tend to make for interesting situations, but I didn’t often envy the ability.  I was already aware of enough for my senses to be inconvenient at times, like when I am stuck listening to the sound of Aspy’s feet hitting his chair because he’s swinging them.  Tuning out the sound of everyone chewing at meals took me years of practice.  Messy and Crazy were stuck being even more aware of so much more.  I felt for them.
 Several minutes later, the quadruplets joined us.  “What is everyone up to?” asked one of them.
 I really did envy Father’s ability to tell the quadruplets and their mothers apart.  “I’d suggest you help the others with the Dwarven foundry quest they’re doing.  You’d probably like the place!” I suggested, happy to see their excitement as they took their seats.  “Also, welcome back!  The chocolates you gave me were delectable.”
 “You’re welcome!” they all replied.
 Since real world engineering knowledge was applicable in Ancient Tribes of Earth, I was looking forward to seeing what the quadruplets would do with a foundry before the Dwarves arrived.
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introloves · 3 years
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my piece for the love club kinktober collab! prompt is collaring + bokuto !
collaring bokuto + slight fighting for dominance + a hint of humiliation + creampie + dirty talk + slight breath play + teasing + fluff + overstimulation + praise + petnames (puppy… at the end… you’ll see) + f! reader
— word count; 1.2k
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he wasn’t sure how he felt about it. the material of the collar rested rather tightly against his neck, and every teasing tug only highlighted the position he was currently in.
on his knees before you, watching you smile with interest at the way his blush crawled down his neck- letting you tease with his hands balled into fists on thick thighs.
bokuto couldn’t see the appeal of this- he was sure you’d perhaps like it better if the roles were reversed, cock already twitching against bare thigh at the thought. but patience was something learned, and he was a good student.
there was a hint of uncertainty to you, and he noticed, he knew it was only a matter of time before you gave up the act so all he had to do- was wait.
“you look good like this.” you whispered, lips curled upwards, cheeks warmed from the position-
“i should take pictures.”
he smiled at that, eyebrow quirking up; as a challenge or acknowledging your statement you didn’t know, but his cock jumped in interest much to his own unease.
you neared, leaning down to kiss his cheek once- an action bokuto leaned into with interest before promptly being pulled back.
simmering annoyance rose up in his stomach, swallowing hard to soothe the tug there. hands once more squeezed into balls on top of his thighs, he was going to be a good boy and not talk back, trying to remember that this was about you and what you wanted once again.
“this isn’t fair.” he muttered, already drooling at the sight of you shifting from one leg to another before him, gentle fingers running over his collar.
“it is. you fuck me dumb every night, i’m leveling the playing field.”
you were all giggles, and he wanted to fuck them from your throat.
maybe this was too much, letting you take an ounce of control back didn’t sit well in his stomach. he’d let you try this another time.
it really didn’t take long for him to stand, hand moving to take the leash still gripped tightly in your sweet hand and pulling it from your grasp- a pout of faux sadness playing on your lips while eager eyes watched him rise from his position.
breaking his patience was your favorite after all.
“little masochist.” bokuto murmured while you eagerly watched for what was coming next- still draw to the collar sitting pretty on his throat, just a little red and irritated from your harsh tugs.
“mm, it just makes it feel better when you’re a little mad.”
he could agree to that. a strong hand coming down to hold onto your neck gently, sharp contrast to the collar he wore- leaning down to kiss you properly, to kiss you how he wanted to before you let him.
“hold on.” bokuto mumbled before finally pushing you back onto the bed, heavy breaths and the clink of metal on metal the only thing audible while he put you down.
your hands automatically moved to grip onto muscled shoulders, but he shook his head in between heavy kisses- languidly trailing and nipping up your neck and to the curve of your jaw.
“not there- the collar. hold onto the collar.” he whispered, heavy and wet strokes of his tongue left goosebumps everywhere he tasted.
another giggle left you and he let this one pass, legs finding a home against his waist to bring him into you- squirming in unrest while his heavy cock painted your soft skin in precome, throbbing with the heat he could feel from your cunt.
he couldn’t hold back the excitement passing through him the second your hands gripped in between his neck and the collar itself, occupying his busy mind with reaching between the two of you and eagerly guiding his dick into you.
eyes lidded and unfocused the second his swollen and red head popped onto your cunt, shivering because he couldn’t ever get used to you.
excitable and eager to please- no matter the pretense, no matter if he was the one who drilled into you mercilessly, you were the one who held all the control.
whispered whines left tingles against your ear while he messily pushed in all the way, teeth clenched and grinding against one another- rising his upper body to look and see just how pretty you looked beneath him.
“pretty girl- doesn’t this feel better than all the teasing?” he questioned, glancing at the leash laying pretty right at the center of your chest, dangling between the two of you.
his cock made it hard to respond, squealing out nonsense with a tentative shove of his hips- urging you to answer him, but doing nothing more than stretching your pussy out even more for him.
“feels better.” broken words were barely managed to squeeze out, but you agreed.
it was all he needed, the start of fucking you silly always came with messy thrusts- knocking the air right from your lungs while his weight kept you pinned to the bed.
usually your grip on his shoulders would keep you from jolting up and into the headboard- the leverage of the collar brought him closer, burying yourself into his shoulder while he knocked any coherent thought out of your head.
the simmering annoyance he felt earlier with you tugging him away, now holding him so close turned into unbridled heat- wanting desperately to feel you cum all over his cock while you tugged and held on so tight he could barely see straight.
he could feel you coming close, close like this- the short spasms of your muscles, all in response to his cock pistoning in and out of you so dutifully, so precise and sloppy at the same were being hammered against his skin.
once more, bokuto leaned in- letting your arms rest from reaching for his collar and folding them between the two of you, lips just barely centimeters away from your ear he whispered;
“there you go, pretty baby- cum for me.”
and you did.
no way your body and mind, weak from his steady fucking could ever resist it.
short cries, so sweet and sanguine a sharp contrast to lowly grunts hummed against your neck resounded into your shared room.
legs squeezing, tensing with every roll of pure pleasure shook with just how good it felt.
his cock keeping you full and open, fighting your clenching cunt throbbed twice and with shaky thrusts he held you tight to him while he came too.
warm and heavy, it settled your shaking- keeping you satisfied and hot it took moments for your body to respond in movements other than pleasure wracked trembling.
hands slowly unfurled from their dutiful perch on his collar, finally coming to soothe over the expanse of his wide back.
the touch settled him too, swallowing heavy and in near embarrassment at just how much he enjoyed the pressure there.
“good?” bokuto questioned, somewhat shakily, trying to blink the pure lust back from his vision while he slowly moved up and off your poor body.
“so good…” you answered sweetly, once more giggling- fingers wandering to pet over his collar.
“can i call you puppy?”
the question squeezed all air from his stomach, and you could only answer in a loud and unabashed laugh- watching him undergo internal struggles. he knew you’d be the death of him.
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