#med school AU
regrator-the-ninth · 1 year
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Med school au
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lavendelhummel · 1 year
Here is chapter 6 of my siuaraine AU! I would be happy to hear any thoughts/feedback on this ;) 🦭🌸
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carrotkicks · 9 months
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[sends them to school au!]
takes place directly after this comic. Dazai meets Oda! Dazai vents to Oda! About her torrid love life too... It's okay the storm will pass.
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animunerdery · 2 years
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Grand Line ICU, a tale of triage and intrigue.
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beskarfrog · 8 months
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when your partner bails on bigfoot hunting to go out to dinner with some guy
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awkwardchaosposts · 8 months
Chishiya x reader (Hospital!AU) [gn!reader] part 1
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(TW!: mentions of needles and IV's, discrimination against crocs)
Chishiya was is an extra bad mood today. They were short staffed on tonight's night shift so it was up to him to look after the undergrads despite being a mere post-grad student.
"You're doing it wrong" you heard a familiar voice from behind you. It made you smile. Med-school was hard. Night-shifts,the long hours and stress can easily get to a person but a particular snarky doctor makes your day slightly more durable "It's my first day"
Was it just you or did your comment get an almost smile out of him?
"Your first day? last time I checked it's been 'your first day' for the past two months" he spoke in a condescending tone,picking up a new needle. "You're getting the ID and IV mixed up. With an IV you have to insert it at a 10-30° angle. Intradermal (ID) is the ones you do at a 10-15° angle"
You swear you felt a jolt of electricity when he guided your hand at a correct angle to insert the syringe into the practice dummy.
"It's not that hard. I memorised the injection angles on my first week here" his condescending comment brought you out of your own head.
"Okay grandpa"
Chishiya raised an eyebrow. Just the slightest bit amused by your snarky remark. "Grandpa? I'm not that old"
"Oh really?"
"Really. I'm 25" he instinctively shoved his hands in the side pockets of his lab coat,responding in an almost defensive way
Your reaction kind of bruised his ego. Why did you look so surprised? did he really look older than he was?
"Why's that so surprising?"
His question only got a shrug out of you "Well it's not that you look old it's just well..." you glanced at his dark blue crocs. "You dress like a person in their mid 30's"
Your comment was stuck in Chishiya's head all day. It was 6am. He'd just finished his nightshift and he was honestly a bit frustrated.
He didn't care what anyone thought. Especially you. But that didn't stop him from thinking about it. Constantly. It's like you just humbled this man more than anyone ever has.
And that's why...
"Chiya. Hey! What's wrong? you never call me" Kuina,his best friend and luckily for him a major in fashion.
The man didn't bother answering her question. "I need your advice"
"Advice on what?"
"I'm buying new shoes this weekend. I guess I could...use your opinion"
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artrobin · 28 days
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fan art for the fic “Six Feet Over” by Caramelsuguru on ao3! Thank you for the beautiful prose and characterizations, especially of Geto. IMO it’s hard to really nail an AU quite like this. I’m so invested and I need to see these two happy sooooooooooooo bad. But what else is new 🥲 satosugu is an emotional black hole that needs to be studied 🥲 I think about them 38 times a day 🥲
The Patient in Room 572, 150yen for Coffee
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amaranthsynthesis · 3 months
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did someone say modern au ballard? yes? no?
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lawstrugglesbt · 9 months
This case I’m working on is about a medical topic
Time to find a cute med student to ask questions for “research purposes”😌😏
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tanoraqui · 9 months
Oooh maybe Mafia and Balckmail for the ask game? With Elrond? Only of you feel like it, no pressure or anything.
[send me 1-3 tropes + 2-3 characters!]
Elrond opened his eyes and saw what should have been an unused surgery room. The plaster on the walls was broken, the pipes in the ceiling were exposed—it was the east wing of the hospital, roped off for renovations that had been "in progress" the entire time he'd been a med student here.
But there were lights on, tools laid out, a patient on the surgery table in front of him—no, a body. That woman was fresh from the morgue, her body bag discarded in the corner. Other bags (full? empty?) lay on the floor nearby. On the counter by the sink was a stack of portable freezer boxes.
"Oh, you're organ-harvesting," Elrond said. That did explain the pattern of missing and mutilated corpses.
There was a clatter behind him as his captor startled at his words. Elrond did tend to wake up unusually quickly—though really, who wouldn't, when handcuffed to an uncomfortable hospital chair?
Dr. Inglewood regained her dropped scalpel held it as a threat as she stalked into view.
"Yes," she said. "But if you know what's good for you, you'll keep quiet about it—or whatever dismal neighborhood your scholarship affords rent in will have another random mugging-gone-wrong, and I'll make a mint off of the fresh organs of a caucasian male age 18 to 35." She sneered. "With your 'family connections', nobody will even blink."
Elrond wiggled his wrists in his handcuffs. They were tight.
"They probably wouldn't," he admitted. "And I like all my organs where they are."
"Smart boy—"
The magnetic lockpick Elrond had tucked into his cuff earlier clicked through the pin on the cuffs. Without losing a second, he leapt up and swung the loose cuffs at Dr. Inglewood's head. She dodged by stumbling back, squawking with alarm. In her distraction, Elrond swept her knees out from under her, grabbed her scalpel, flipped it around and put it to the nape of her neck while he knelt and wrestled her arms up behind her back.
He said, conversationally, "But I don't really think you're thinking through the implications of 'kidnapped and raised by the Fëanorian Mob' either. Ma'am, you are not dealing with an amateur."
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lavendelhummel · 1 year
I posted chapter 7 of my Siuaraine AU (spoiler: 💌) This chapter is a little different than the others and maybe harder to read :/ The next will be more plot-y again! 🤗
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quillisadoll · 2 months
I can't sleep again 💀
SO imma be talking about / reviving this really old idea I had back in like 5/6th grade (I feel so old saying that)
My idea is that what would happen if one of the twins died like in a car crash or something like that.
For example let's say hikaru died in this tragic accident .
How would Karou respond to that??? How would the other host members respond to that???
Because like their whole thing (up to their character ark) is being basically the same person SO if we remove one half of the person how would the other half react
My current thoughts is that Karou wouldn't even bear to look at himself or leave his bed like at all and the hosts would be concerned and stuff yadda yadda but the real kicker is that people STILL CALLS HIM HIKARU SOMETIMES and that causes him to spiral.
But anyways that was my little au idea thing :3 feel free to add onto it lol
(go look at my tags I'm silly in the tags)
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xenon-demon · 1 year
med student steve and nurse eddie who is sick of his shit please <3 from wip wednesday i know it's not wednesday anymore but plz
yessssss i love this AU so much because it's just me projecting onto steve and daydreaming about Eddie Munson, Certified Hot Nurse™
also don't worry i have very little free time and am also australian so for me, WIP wednesday is a state of mind, not an actual time frame lmao
Snippet for you under the cut!
Shaking off the black cloud currently hanging over him, Steve finally lays eyes on the person trying to get his attention. A nurse is leaning over the desk of the nurse’s station a few meters away to look straight at Steve, and– wow, okay. Steve knows damn well what his type is, the kind of person and style he goes weak in the knees for, but this guy is aggressively punching every single one of Steve’s buttons. He’s got dark, curly hair that’s done up in a bun, some small strands of hair hanging out to frame the guy’s face. It gives Steve an eyeful of the guy’s killer jawline and the jewellery glinting in his ears – studs, of course, they are on the job, but at a glance Steve can see at least a couple in each ear. The guy’s arms are spread out on the desk in front of him, and Steve can feel his brain freeze at the sight of dark ink poking out from under the guy’s scrubs. He forces himself to look up and away from those (tempting, deliciously tempting) arms and into the nurse’s face – and okay, that’s not much better. The way this guy is looking at him, big brown eyes locked onto Steve’s face, he feels like he’s getting sucked in.
“Sorry?” Steve says, taking a moment to blink and regain his composure. He hopes to God he doesn’t look as flustered and distressed as he feels. “Are you talking to me?”
“Yup,” the nurse says, popping the p. He gestures at the sample bag Steve’s holding, with a few different vials and one syringe of blood inside, as he continues. The smile he gives Steve is almost apologetic as he says, “Pathology isn’t going to take those bloods from you, sweetheart. Not like that, at least.”
“Excuse me?” Steve instinctively bristles at the pet name, the way it just drips off this guy’s tongue. Just like that, the black cloud is back. He crosses the distance over to the nurse’s desk. “What’s wrong with them? They’ve all been labelled properly, and signed.”
“Well…” The nurse says, drawing out the word. Steve feels himself start to frown, just the tiniest bit. “You left the needle on your blood gas.” With a couple of fingers, the nurse points to the offending syringe in Steve’s sample bag. Sure enough, the needle is still attached to the syringe full of blood, the sharp end embedded in a small piece of foam.
Steve frowns even deeper. “My intern told me it’s fine like this.”
“Yeah, that doesn’t surprise me.” The guy grins and rolls his eyes before giving Steve a ‘what can you do’ kind of expression. “It’s a common mistake to make, actually, since they don’t really explain this stuff officially, but-”
“Listen,” Steve interrupts, gritting out the word between his teeth. He’s sure this nurse, whoever he is, has more important things to do than patronize him. Steve sure as fuck isn’t going to stand here and be made fun of while this guy takes his sweet-ass time to get to his point. “I’m pretty sure my intern knows what they’re talking about, seeing as they’re, you know, a doctor. If you really want to be helpful”–Steve’s eyes flick down to read the nurse’s name badge–“Eddie, then you can point me in the direction of the specimen drop-off.”
Eddie actually rears back at that, straightening up and pulling his arms back so he’s holding on to the very edge of the desk instead of casually leaning over the top of it. If Steve were having a better day, he might feel bad about it. As it is, all Steve feels is a sick sense of satisfaction at the way Eddie’s face has shuttered off, his eyes no longer shining the way they were a moment ago.
“It’s that way,” Eddie says bluntly, pointing back in the direction Steve came. His voice has lost all the character, the theatricality that he spoke with a minute ago. “Turn left once you step out of this ward and follow that hallway straight down.”
“Thanks,” Steve says, trying very hard not to feel like an asshole. He almost succeeds.
Eddie just grunts in acknowledgement. He gives Steve a quick once-over and says, “Good talk,” in a tone that clearly states it was anything but.
As he strides off towards the specimen drop-off, Steve can’t help but agree.
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sadkois · 1 year
Random Nishiki thoughts but I think if he didn't join the Yakuza he would have become a really cool doctor
OH THATS A NEW ONE!! i love it anon. it also makes a lot of sense, like itd be a real possibility when u think about it 🤔 AND IT WOULD DEF BE FREAKIN COOL i imagine hed yell at kiryu while treatin him with how much he gets shot at smh
u know actually im pretty sure i read a fic where he's a doctor while kiryus still with the yakuza. thats the only other time i have heard of him bein a doctor tho, real interestin concept!!
EDIT. (i say edit as if i actually posted this beforehand lmao bUT) I FOUND IT!! https://archiveofourown.org/works/18201770
anon if u still out there please tell me more. pLEASE tell me more
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awkwardchaosposts · 8 months
Dilf? Chishiya x reader (Hospital AU) [gn!reader] part 2
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TW: mentions of broken bones
Chishiya wasn't an idiot. Ofcourse he'd notice the head peeking from around the corner.
He raised his eyebrow at the little girl. Her excited smile confused him. But he took note of the cast on her arm.
"Do you need anything?"
She shook her head,that bright smile remaining. He never was fond of kids. Not even a six year old could melt his cold exterior.
"Will you play with me?"
He frowned at that. He was one of the hospital's top surgeons and doctors,not a babysitter. "Who's your RN? Maybe they'll play with you"
"No!" the sudden stubbornness of the girl caught him off guard.
"Well I'm not playing with you. I have better things to do" he spoke coldly.
She sniffled before full out bursting into tears.
The man was stunned.
"Shh,hey hey stop that"
He tried to soothe her but her sobs didn't stop until.. "I'll play with you. Please don't cry"
You've known Chishiya for a while. If you had to describe him with one word it'd be apathetic.
So it surprised you to see the man in the pediatrition unit during his break time,playing tea party with one of your patients.
"More tea?"
"Uh sure" he muttered,in a slightly grumpy mood. Chishiya never expected that a kid could persuade him into something so ridiculous but somehow she did.
You cleared your throat,making your presence known. "Well this is just-"
"Don't" he grumbled with a stern look whilst 'drinking' the imaginary tea the kindergardener poured for him.
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pollenallergie · 1 year
you go over to Billy Knight’s flat for dinner, it’s only your second or third date. it gets late, you’ve had a couple drinks, so Billy offers to walk you home. you ask if you can just stay the night, even offer to sleep on the couch so things won’t be weird. Billy agrees and, in his opinion, he agrees way more quickly and eagerly than he probably should have. he offers you his bed. you go back to his room and find his bed in the middle of the room, with the foot of his bed pushed up against the wall just underneath his window, so that the glass rectangle towers over the bed. you inquire about the odd bed placement. he shrugs and bashfully explains that he likes laying in the warm sunshine during the summer months. you suddenly realize that the man you’re dating has the mannerisms of a mostly-lazy housecat. wyd?
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