#mega man warriors au
feliner · 1 year
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11 whole idiots meet in a room chaos ensues
Mega Man warriors au designs by @veamers Astro Boy catified designs by @mintleflower
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the-r0adh0use · 3 months
Rockman Kitty Numbers part two
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ortegatv · 1 year
Rockman X
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quitealotofsodapop · 2 months
Ok but what, exactly, are their reactions to baby Yubei? We know their general opinions but when Yellow Tusk and Peng are first released, there's this baby m9nkey jsut sitting in Azure's paws. A baby moneky that is apparently Wukong's blood daughter, they he had apparently carried. Had been carrying since he sealed them to begin with they soon learn
Azure is pretty much handed baby Yuebei by MK and Mei since he was the only adult around + MK was panicking at the loss of his mentor, dads, and Sandy. Azure figures out quickly from Yuebei's smell that she's Wukong's cub - he also smells Macaque on her, which surprises and disappoints him. The hut on FFM also gives him a clearer picture - many of Wukong's maternity clothes are still lying around the house, theres baby bottles, and a little sun and moon-themed nursery. All things that point towards his two former sworn brethern no longer being the same fighters he knew back then. And even worse, the King he often cared for loving another.
Yuebei's kidnapping was an unexpected, but welcome, addition to the plan. In Azure's palm held the greatest bargaining chip in all of the Heavens - the daughter of Sun Wukong. Containing many the same powers as her birth parent, and ones undiscovered yet.
When the MKrew escape the Scroll, Wukong is snarling like a beast at Azure until he sees that tiny puff of black fur held between his claws... his face goes pale and he drops to his knees like he did to the Jade Emperor millennia ago when his mate was threatened. He instinctively submits to ensure his cub's safety. It was no great feat for Azure to trap the Monkey King back into the Scroll after that (in the show it just took a snap of his fingers). The gang are less accomodating though - MK comes charging at the Brotherhood even as his body contorts painfully from his true monkey side breaking through. Yuebei is pretty much his adoptive baby sister, and he isn't going to let some creep take her as collateral!
Like in canon, their attempts to fight the Brotherhood are in vain. MK flies away screaming for his mentor and his fellow cub. Macaque hears his distress darn near across the country and comes running.
In the immediate aftermath of their release, Peng and Yellowtusk are mega confused why there's a baby monkey in Azure's hands rn?? Until they learn that it's the child of their "traitorous" former brother. Yellow Tusk's face drops, while Peng is amused by having the perfect the hostage. The elephant is the one to point out that the baby monkey can't be allowed to be near any of the fighting less she get seriously hurt (and they lose their hostage).
Azure likely has Yuebei trapped in her own Scroll column (a strangely hefty one he notes), for the time being, and releases her when he's fianlly sitting on the throne.
I'm honestly surprised that the Brotherhood didn't have a bigger reaction to Red Son - given that they likely never knew that their bro DBK had settled down and become a family man. Then again in this au, they don't get to have much of a chance to react.
Azure: "Demon Bull King. It's been many years-" DBK, sees Azure holding Yuebei hostage: "WHAT ARE YOU DOING WITH OUR GODDAUGHTER!?" *immediate boss fight ensues*
Red Son ends up not just alerting the Celestial Realm about the Brotherhood's escape, but also tracks down Macaque to tell him exactly what happened to baby Yuebei. Macaque is understandably pissed, despite him and Wukong going through a rough patch. You better believe that the Warrior is seconds from beating down that palace door himself if it means Yuebei stays safe. But he has to focus on finding MK and Wukong rn first.
Macaque does lay it in to MK for a while though, not only out of anger for his poor judgement, but to force him to see his own hypocrisy.
Macaque: "Why would you give the baby to a stranger!? Why couldn't have you waited until I got back?! Or found DBK or the Vixen!?" MK: "I panicked ok!? I just wanted my family back!" Macaque: "I though you said on Camel Ridge you didn't have a family?" MK, still crying: "YOU KNOW WHAT I MEAN! I'm just some... thing dumped here. I don't even know who created me!" Macaque, angry tears: "Neither do I! Do I cry about it? No! Because I have a troop! I have a mate! And by the gods, I have cubs of my own now!" Macaque: *pulls MK into a suffocating hug* "And like it or not, that includes you too bud." MK: *starts crying harder, like a little kid again*
Eventually the second fight with the Brotherhood becomes more of trying to stop Macaque from skinning the lion then and there, at least until he hands over Yuebei. Azure given them the choice; Yuebei's life - or the Jade Emperor's.
You can imagine what they choose. Nezha can't even disagree with their choice. (Nezha: "If he lays a claw upon her head, not even the Buddha could stop what I'd do to him.").
Cue MK and Macaque dipping into SWK's Scroll column to get their Monkey King back. And for both of them to have character-shaking revelations.
And ofc back in the Celestial Realm, Azure is sitting upon his conquered throne with Yuebei on his knee. The power of the Emperor corrupting his mind to think of a world where she's his heir, and Wukong his consort, things he only dreamed of half-heartedly. These thoughts become even more frenzied as the other two uncover copies of Wukong's medical reports from Gold Star's office (shared via Lao Tzu); explaining to all three of them just how long Yuebei has been cooking for + Macaque didn't sire her. This reinenforced the corrupted Azure Emperor that Wukong was *meant* to be his Queen, otherwise, why else would Yuebei be born just shy of his release?
(Hint: It's cause Macaque came back and Wukong started trusting others again.)
Yellow Tusk is horrified by Azure's behavior, while Peng just wants to see their leader happy. The palace staff brave enough to stay (notably the Orchard Maidens) are terrified for the baby's and the world's safety.
Yuebei this whole time, is getting increasingly angry at not being able to see her parents or troop, and is about to darn near explode if the "bad kitty" doesn't let her go. Or if the "shiny birdy" doesn't stop teasing her.
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atsv-enthusiast · 5 months
FNAF AU: Multiverse Mayhem
Background info: I have always been a huge fan of crossovers ever since I was really little. So at 2am a couple months ago, i conjured up a silly mega crossover au with fnaf and other franchises for the funsies! More backstory and detail will be written out as i go more in depth with the au, but time will tell!
tl:dr — gregory and cassie travel the multiverse and are probably very traumatized.
Also, Gregory in this au is 14, and Cassie is 15.
So this au basically is centered around Gregory and Cassie. Hundreds of years ago, the gods of the multiverse came together to create a Lapis bracelet, one that could be wielded by a chosen warrior to travel across universes and help maintain peace throughout the multiverse. It was given to one specific man named Cathalan Nolani. And throughout time, the bracelet was passed down from generation to generation, and eventually landed with a woman named Sofia Rossi, who later gave birth to one of the Security Breach protagonists, Gregory Rossi.
After Cassie found out about this ability by seeing him try and make a portal, she wanted to join him on these journeys. Though the two weren’t safe to just use the power, no. There is one woman named Kanashī, who is hunting the bracelet wielder down. Now, how did she know about this bracelet? Ill go more in depth when I post her character profile :3.
As the two discussed on where they’d go, they felt something off. Someone was watching them. And so as they made their way out of the Pizzaplex, they were stopped by a mysterious woman who had a pin on her with a specific symbol. She was later revealed to be a member of an Intergalactic society called the ‘Kelvan Legion’, who was led by none other than Kanashī. But, Cassie ran off and escaped with Gregory. Little did they know, the woman messaged the leader that she had a visual on who this generation’s Lapis holder is.
Once Kanashī gets word that Gregory and Cassie got away, she sends a command to every universe, mainly the villains who want that power as well. She tells them to bring Gregory, and in turn, they can rule over the multiverse together. Of course this was a trick for her to just get the power to herself, but nobody suspected that, oddly enough. They wanted to “bond” over one common goal. Retrieve the power by any costs necessary.
So the two travel from universe to universe, fighting villains who want the power, making enemies, friends and allies, and overall strengthening their friendship and learning lessons as they journeyed. So…picture Twilight Sparkle and Steven Universe. Though, there are many events that occur that challenges their friendship and sanity, yet they shine through each time.
Until, their luck runs out one day. As they arrived to the universe of The Owl House, Gregory and Cassie have their biggest argument. Arguing over not running away anymore, to Gregory just not allowing anybody to help him which puts him at risk. And they can’t loose him, considering the power that he’s been given. Though their argument leads to them being separated. Cassie goes away with the rest of the main group from TOH, and Gregory remains alone to regain his thoughts. Not the smartest idea, because Belos finds him and immediately just— *yoinks child and brings to Kanashī.* He was taken to the society, leaving Cassie stuck in this world.
After hearing a scream for help and nothing else, Cassie is immediately horrified. As she goes back to where she heard the sound, the only remnants were small shards from the screen of Gregory’s fazwatch. She was stuck. Hopeless. With no way to save her friend…or so she thought.
As she had a moment grieving, one of the gods who aided in creating the bracelet paid her a visit. She handed Cassie a temporary power, the abilities of the bracelet, on the condition that she protects it and uses it to save Gregory. And she did that and more. By collecting the allies/friends she and Gregory made, they all formed a coalition in order to fight against this Intergalactic society of hunters and end their reign once and for all.
By using the bracelet’s power, the society easily found a way to wield the power. So, they could be unstoppable. She started to gain control of each universe, and they all slowly crumbled from the inside as everyone had to submit to her rule. As Belos needed his cut of the deal, Kanashi refused. And he was mad. So, what did he do? He brought together the villains who wanted to bring Gregory to her and explain to them that they’ve all been used as pawns and tricked. And since they and Cassie’s gang have one common goal to take down Kanashi, despite it being for different reasons, they all put their differences aside and defeat the one person that would take over the multiverse and cause disturbance to everyone.
As Cassie saves Gregory, the two finally battle it out with Kanashi. For some context, Gregory and Kanashi have had beef for a WHILEEEE. Ill explain why in her character profile. But all you gotta know is: she is the reason he’s an orphan. Gregory lands the final blow, killing Kanashi. The two now have to restore the damage done to the multiverse, but have no issue with doing it for everyone. Not only did they get a happy ending and every universe had their freedom, but in the end, Cassie was gifted the power permanently by the gods, as she has shown competence and full responsibility of the power.
And then they got to go home!!!!! Happy ending..YAYAYYYAYAYYA!!!…
happy ending? :)
*sequel rears its head around the corner.*
anyways thats my au. ima post more about it so yeah! one of my beta readers/co-writers that helps me is @red-write-hand so go support him too! its chaotic but its definitely just a goofy project lol.
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finedinereception · 7 months
pinned post and maybe future faq yippeeee
it/its for me please :v im an adult! blog isnt nsfw but i like to make sex jokes from time to time. im neurodivergent so sometimes i misread things or mistake tone. please let me know if i do!! i follow from @thistlehawk so if you see that blog following you 👉🌱🦅 thats me
you might be here for my wizard married adventure time au! tag in chronological order here
i sometimes do slightly more analytical posts.
i also like mega man and warrior cats!! obscure characters mostly.
i love asks and comments :D
if i havent answered your ask, either im taking my time deciding on an answer or i didnt get it! sometimes im just not in the headspace to answer asks or asks of a certain type, so it can take me a while. that being said, i still appreciate them!
no dni because its not like i can stop people but i use the block button pretty liberally!
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shreedle · 6 months
AO3 wrapped ask meme: 3, 8, and 30!
3. What work are you most proud of (regardless of kudos/hits)?
I'm gonna assume that this was for this year, given the theme of the Ask, so I'll say Until You Come Back to Me. I had to do a lot of thinking for this one, because I was trying to stay within the confines of canon as much as I could when it was technically a Reincarnation AU.
8. Pairing you wrote the most for this year?
Well... -looks at me and my complete and utter lack of romantic fics- Technically, if we go by Blue Sky Warriors, the answer is Hinoka x Every Marriage Candidate She Has since that was the whole concept of the fic, so... yeah? XD
30. Biggest surprise while writing this year?
The biggest surprise I had while writing this year was that I actually managed to finish a Mega Man Star Force fic, which happens to be Going Solo. Up until September, that was the only major Mega Man series that I hadn't written a fic for, and I'd been writing for Mega Man for over 20 years. It wasn't because I didn't like Star Force -- I loved it! I just never really had any ideas until now.
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rubykgrant · 3 months
(I've babbled a little bit about what my thoughts were for DigiMon AUs as a kid, and how I wish things could be re-done slightly, so I may as well just put it all together. To be clear, this isn't an idea of "the perfect" version, or meant to slam the original versions, just some thoughts I had when I was younger that I'm having fun expanding on~)
Original Adventure; not much different... I wish ALL the DigiDestined got to have the spot-light when it came to the final Mega forms of their partners (I also wish DNA Digivolving had been introduced earlier... it already kinda was, with the implications of OmniMon, but imagine if this was something each kid got to do, and we saw every combo of the original group)
02 Adventure; Kari is the one who inherits the goggles from Tai, so she's the new leader kid (Davis is still very much the man of action, he's just not in charge of everybody else. he's also come to accept that Kari isn't into him, and instead he's ironically over-protective when other dudes talk to her- "Is this guy bothering you?" she can handle herself fine, but she finds it endearing). A few more kids in the group, so there is a full team of new DigiDestined with each Crest (maybe some of the international kids we eventually met are introduced earlier, they get to be part of things through the internet etc), but they also still share/trade Armors, so we see every form of each DigiMon
Tamers; also not much different... I like the idea of Ai and Mako being a little older when ImpMon finally reunites with them, implying it has been a few years since they were last together (and as for who the actual partner is, I lean toward Ai being a little older, and thus the DigiVice was meant to be hers, and after they have a tearful reunion, she joins ImpMon when he goes to help the others, BioMerging into a new form of BeelzeMon- let's call that BeelzeMon Noble Mode. Mako still gives them the toy gun that turns into the big blaster). Also, ImpMon gets to actually have a cool Evolution sequence. A little more attention for Kazu, Kenta, and Suzie too~
Frontier; first of all, Zoe's DigiMon Warrior forms need to look BETTER. just... an actually COOL armor design for KazeMon, and a legit Beast Form (not just a lady with bird wings on her head and robot arms). When the main kids meet the antaginist DigiMon, they don't realize these are other kids at first, because they only ever see them while fighting and transformed with their Spirit Evolution. Eventually, when one of them is finally defeated a tired-out, the main kids see them transform back! They finally realize these "evil DigiMon" are just like them! Except, y'know. Being jerks to the EXTREME. Koichi is still dealing with the same issues (being separated from his physical body, and some memory-loss), but he's the the first one to officially switch sides. Eventually, the other kids come around, it just takes a while... but then there is a full team of the Ten Legendary Warriors!
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hermitcrossovers · 2 years
The techno news hit me hard but I know he'd rather we keep creating content with him in it than just stop so a few tech and grian headcannons as far as the Philza and g are brothers au goes.
Grian gets summoned into the SMP by technos distress when the butcher army drop the anvil, he loses his first life getting techno out, tosses him out of the cage then gets hit with the full force of the anvil.
Grian moves in with tech because it's the least ugly place in the SMP and he refuses to deal with that shit.
It takes grian 3 days to build his own starter home, it's 3 times the size of technos house, tech tries to compete but you just can't beat mr grian mc at building, techno does manage to talk him out of building a megabase tho, mainly by explaining that he can't turn villagers into zombies here
they spend a good time grinding for resources, together but in silence, just with eachother's quiet company
techno gives grian pvp lessons, in exchange, grian teaches tech how to use the voices to his advantage
techno asks once about his and Phil's childhood, grian tells him he doesn't actually remember, tech can't be sure this is true, but he doesn't ask again
(it's a half truth, g rembers, but it's all off, like he's missing an entire person from his memories, he doesn't like thinking about it)
tech gifts grian a custom made staff, grian's preferred weapon thanks to his time in wynn, they spar, technoblade learns how grian's survived so long as the bringer of blood
they trade stories, of lands long forgotten by players, and servers where death games are just a fun thing you can do to get coins, of medieval countries where magic is easily accessible, and world's where technology is advanced, and, late at night, when the world is quiet but the voices aren't, of lives lost, of a desert, and war, of friends turned enemies and memories lost, it's here that techno learns what grian is missing, that his memories from before them are fuzzy at best, and that it feels like he's lost the most important person in his life, despite not knowing anything that he might be missing, that thinking of his childhood draws both a blank and a feeling of deep grief, in return, techno talks about losing his brother, how he hadn't the time to process it before meeting his ghost, how the shell of the man who once insisted they were twins despite them not even being blood related fell, and how his replacement was both better than what he was, in the very end, and a cruel reminder of all that he couldn't be
They both decide, that family like this isn't something you let go of
Techno learns how to make hot chocolate, grian learns how to bake potatoes, they sit, in silence, in grian's living room, and the silence that was once a taunt, becomes a comfort, they're not ok, right now, but they will be, someday.
grian does build a mega base, its a sprawling catacomb (it is fitting that there is a graveyard underneath their feet, a fitting irony) that interlocks the entire smp. from niki’s underground city, to kinoko kingdom, to the grave that pogtopia, to everywhere. with some watcher magic there even is an entrance to hermitcraft if you dare venture deep enough into the behemoth (and not get twisted around, missing memories, losing time, he protects his own after all). 
techno and grian are two parts of a whole, both of blood. techno, the blood god, the warrior, the war breaker. grian, the bringer of blood, the trickster, the game master. but blood is not war, it is family, it is the people you chose and chose again over and over, it is protection, it is love, it is passion, it is your will. they were young once, they have learned now. 
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savebatsfromscratch · 2 years
Okay fine. Fine. I will talk about my 'Pokespe Better Powers' AU publicly.
(Basically, it's an AU where the dexholders other than Yellow ALSO have magical powers??? Also Yellow's power gets buffed a little bit because I was annoyed of how it was written in Fire Red Leaf Green compared to the Yellow series. It's not completely fleshed out yet, but it's very fun for me, so here goes.)
Source for the names (in the 'Main Dexholder' section. The others are headcannon): https://bulbapedia.bulbagarden.net/wiki/Pok%C3%A9dex_holder
Main Dexholders:
Red: He's "The Fighter" so I gave him super strength. It's nothing fancy, but I'd imagine it would take a second to get used to.
Blue (male): He's "The Trainer" so I thought it would be cool if he could like... have a commanding presence? Like he could tell someone to "stand up" and they would. (This would be able to be resisted, particularly if you had warning, but it would also not be able to be used on more complicated requests.)
Green (female): She's "The Evolver" so I thought it would be really cool if she could evolve and devolve (also mega evolve) Pokemon... just at will. The Pokemon would have to be okay with this of course, but the trainer is not to be consulted.
Yellow: She's "The Healer" and because she already canonically has a magical power, I think that it would be cool if I just gave her less of a cooldown. (Doesn't pass out quite as much, I think.)
Silver: He's "The Trader" (Or the Exchanger, whichever you prefer.) So I think it would be cool if he could swap the places of sentient things. (Like Pokemon and people.) He could tap one, run across the room and tap another, and they would swap places. It would have to be on a certain timer (like five seconds for Pokemon, ten seconds for people... or something), but I think it's cool. :)
Gold: Uh... Sooo Gold is "The Breeder," right? (Or the Hatcher. But I read it with Breeder first and this is going to be EXTRA cursed if you don't keep that in mind.) Okay so... TW for mentions of Omegaverse (SKIP IF YOU MUST.) What if he was like... able to have children uhhhh both ways? Yeah I know it's crazy. I made it up 'cus it was funny. qwq I swear it's mostly a joke. He seems overpowered anyway, so I didn't want to give him anything ACTUALLY good (even though he is my favorite).
Crystal: She's "The Catcher" (Or the Capturer, I think) so what if she could like... produce Pokeballs out of thin air? Like toss her hand up, and a Pokeball comes down into her waiting hand. (This is especially fun if there are just... berries disappearing off trees as she does this.)
Emerald: He's "The Calmer" and because I didn't want anything that made his cool mud shooting thing obsolete, I thought I could just enhance it by giving him the ability to get the mud he needs at any time he wants. Just... summoning mud from any place he wants.
Sapphire: She's "The Conqueror" so how about she has the ability to unleash a burst of confidence on her side or a battle, and a feeling of overwhelming dread on the other? (Not that that doesn't happen already.)
Ruby: He's "The Charmer" and I think that the Pokemon move "sweet kiss" describes what I'm getting at well enough. (Either that or something similar to "charm speak" from the Heroes of Olympus series. Which allows the user to basically persuade who they are talking to do do anything. The only problem there is that it's a bit too similar to Blue's power.)
Pearl: He's "The Determiner." I... I don't really know what to do with this information so I'm just gonna buff the power that he has. (Meaning his ability to see what move a Pokemon is about to use.) I know that kinda sucks, but I have no ideas man. Feel free to suggest some!
Diamond: He's "The Empathizer" so I decided on the ability to feel other people's emotions. Sort of the way Jayfeather can in Warrior Cats? If you know what I'm talking about?
Platinum: She's "The Understander" so, because I am very bad at coming up with powers, I decided on the ability to understand any language, written or otherwise. (Not including Pokemon languages though.)
Black: He's "The Dreamer" but he's not the only one. Because of this REALLY COOL narrative choice (seriously that could have some cool aus about it), I think it would be interesting if him and White could read each others thoughts. (And appear in each other's dreams.) Like, when both of them want too, they can hear all of each other's thoughts, but to make it so that White isn't always overwhelmed, that can also be turned off. There is still an 'emergency call' thought beam (?) though. So if someone gets stuck they could ask for help even if the other one wasn't planning on listening to their thoughts in that moment.
White: She's ALSO "The Dreamer," and I basically gave a rundown of her power in Black's entry lol. Just because they are connected.
Blake: He's "The Arrester" so I thought that if he wanted too, he could create chains out of nothing. Like, *taps something*, *draws hand away and a chain follows it*. If he closes his hand, the other end of the chain attaches to his wrist, if he taps something else first, it attaches there.
Whi-two: She's "The Liberator" so I thought she could be the other end of Blake's 'law of science breaking' so she gets rid of the chains that he creates. They dissolve and stuff. I bet it would be pretty. :)
X: He's "The Loner" (lol Professor Oak that's so mean). I couldn't think of ANYTHING for this power, so I had to ask my mom and she said "invisibility" and I think that's pretty good.
Y: She's "The Flyer" and even though I already based this AU in a wing AU (don't worry about it lol), I thought it would be neat if she could turn her arms into wings at will. (And also fly with them... obviously, otherwise the power would be dumb.)
Sun: He's "The Saver" (which sounds kinda cool until you remember it's about money). Because of this disappointment, I decided that he should be able to sense when there's a coupon or a discount on something if he wants too. Like, Person 1: "I want this desk but it's really expensive. :(" Sun: "There's a discount in the IKEA in Viridian City. Try ordering from there."
Moon: She's "The Mixer" which is about medicine, so I decided to make it about poison because of course I did. ...anyway I want her to be venomous.
Bonuses (some from Pokespe, some not):
Wally: First off, Wally is perfect. Second off I want him to be "The Captivator". Partially because it sounds really fricking cool, but also because it starts with a 'c' like the other trainers from his region. I think that this power could be used to draw everyone's attention onto himself. (Letting other people, I don't know, sneak across a room without being noticed.) This might put him in danger though, to be honest.
Shawna: This is probably gonna sound stupid, but I think a name like, "The Designer" would fit her pretty well. Her thing could be a (powered down) version of the Evillustrator from Miraculous Ladybug. (If you aren't familiar, he draws things and they appear in real life.)
Tierno: This is ALSO gonna sound dumb, but how about "The Dancer?" (Mostly because he likes dancing and I had no other ideas.) A possible power to go along with this would be giving him higher agility and speed than your average human. That could be VERY helpful in a whole array of situations!
Trevor: Because I gave the other two in his group of trainers dexholder names that start with the letter 'd', I'm calling him "The Decider." I can't really think of a power that matches how cool that name sounds, but maybe a little bit of a time slow? It would be very limited and would probably need a fairly long cooldown though.
Ash Ketchum (from the anime): I think the name "The Victor" fits him fairly well. So how about SLIGHT (and I do mean SLIGHT) HP drain on his opponent's Pokemon if he wants too.
Koya (from Pokemon DPA): I'm gonna call him "The Changer" because of his character arch in DPA. BUT, the power is gonna need some prefacing. I have another AU that I have had SINCE I FOUND these series (so like... six years ago?) that I seem to be physically unable of letting go of. Specifically for Koya. (As he is usually the main character.) Because of that I want him to have fire and dark powers. Meaning that I want him to be able to control fire, but that fire doesn't give off any light.
Hareta (also from Pokemon DPA): Maybe "The Befriender"? That might sound dumb. Well, in Pokemon DPA, Hareta sort of has this weird ability where he can become friends with (almost) literally anyone or anything. I don't know if that was on purpose, but that's pretty much what the power I'm giving him is. It's not gonna change much, but the character needed a nerf in comparison to the other ones.
Mitsumi (still from Pokemon DPA): I like to call her "The Gambler." I think her power could be better luck with slot machines (or in general), because she really likes them but she's really bad at them and it makes me feel sad. :(
Jun (last one from Pokemon DPA... or in general): I think he could have another 'double name' situation. I'm gonna call him "The Gambler" along with Mitsumi. This, again, will be the same power, making him more lucky. However, I am now deciding that when the two are in a battle together, they can choose to basically 'flip a (figurative) coin'. This will let them be 1. even MORE lucky (for that battle), or 2. UNlucky (for that battle).
Feel free to come up with your own powers/upgrades lol. This is very fun. :)
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captainkawaii666 · 10 months
Updated list of projects
A couple weeks or so ago I posted a list of fan projects I want to post about on here, but it was incomplete, so I’m gonna finish it now in a more official-looking format. Keep in mind that I will likely never be able to make some of these, especially the ones intended to be shows, considering I have a few projects that are more important to me that I’d prefer to focus on. But anyway, continue reading for the list! I hope one or more of these spark your interest. (For the projects I’ve already started posting about I might restart posts about those from the beginning to make them more polished btw)
-Mega Man: Reprogrammed, a Mega Man AU comic/show that originated as me redesigning Robot Masters and grew into a full AU
-A Godzilla AU show featuring various kaiju and humans from across the franchise and a universe that actually makes sense
-A Spider-Man AU project of some kind, I don’t really have much in mind for it but I need to build a world for my spidersona
-A Binding of Isaac AU comic, which is basically just me being like “hey what if these guys all lived together in this complex labyrinth instead of just being figments of a dying 5-year-old’s imagination (though they still might be that too)
-Nuclear Throne: Wasteland Wars, a Nuclear Throne AU comic with a concrete story and lots of goofy character interactions (and Tall Bandit…)
-Meta Knight and Dedede: Star Warriors, a Kirby prequel (haven’t decided between game, comic, and show) about Meta Knight and King Dedede’s adventures before Kirby showed up in Dream Land
-A Mario prequel (once again, haven’t decided what to make it) about the battles between Princess Peach’s father King Toadstool and Bowser’s father Morton Koopa (as well as other events in the Mushroom Kingdom’s past)
-A FNaF AU show that aims to, unlike the original games, tell a comprehensible and well-thought-out story (no offense to the original story but it is anything but those two things)
I hope people are interested in these ideas, and if I ever get good enough at art to draw for them or get a job so I can commission artists, I may even be able to provide art to accompany them! I might also do some asks for the characters once it’s been long enough that people care about them.
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feliner · 1 year
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Mega Cats!!
various aus belong to me, @velcrowme, @seadramonster, @tortoiseshell-dessert and @sapphirethefluffymewtwo!
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the-r0adh0use · 5 months
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Mega Man classic x Warriors AU I've been perceiving lately
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cookietastic · 2 years
Firstly, I hope recovery is speedy as fuck and you get out feeling stronger than ever. Terrifyingly so, even. Make the world fear giving you lemons.
But secondly, uh, was just going to get Naomi Urasawa's Pluto, but do you have a more pressing Astroboy rec? (recently became disillusioned by Mega Man lore and my soul is starving for danger cyber child who is more human than a US Marine)
Thank you!!! I just been walking around the house a bit and laying back in bed to watch stuff. Like minus normal surgery pain I’m very bored.
Right now this is my current mood
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There’s the Blue Knight Manga and the 2003 manga!
2003 manga is basically like the 2003 show just think of it as deleted scenes or retelling of stories still love it a lot!
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Blue knight manga is like…A big AU I guess?? I can’t explain it right/fully! But in the manga Atom lives with Ochan and thinks he’s a human. There’s a robot called “Adam” who works for the government and not the happiest person. And there’s Blue Knight whose fighting for robot rights/freedom
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Fun fact made by the same people who drew the 2003 manga as well as the Legend of Zelda ones!
I don’t have the links on me right now cause I’m on my phone/ they’re bookmarked on my Pc but if anyone can drop the links that would be great!!
I also love the Megaman NT Warrior mangas 👀 I have the whole set and this is making me want to read them again or watch the show-if I can find the Japanese dub and not the English one lmao!
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a ship ask for Kyler! since it seems he has most of the main husbands already occupied... let's go with something unhinged, something like... Nidhogg
I feel like. There are two routes.
Route A. Good Ending.
Kyler is able to pull some mega-WoL Sailor Moon Level peace and love bullshit, like, genre-breaking bullshit. He, in this AU being the second Azure Dragoon, reaches out to Nidhogg's shade possessing Estinien and through some wordless sense of ultimate compassion and sympathy and hope soothes the rage-maddened consciousness of an ancient being (mind meld, anyone?). Nidhogg suddenly understands his brother, understands Shiva. Through gentle coaxing, Kyler gets him to release Estinien, comes away holding both of Nidhogg's blazing eyes. Kyler becomes their guardian and safekeeper until he and Nidhogg can discover a way for him to inhabit some other form...and he ends up with a simulacrum like Vrtra's, modeled on a Xaela shape (and definitely adult). Nidhogg is nigh as inseparable from Kyler as his shadow, possessive and defensive of the man who soothed the Song, of his mate. It's deeply unsettling to literally everyone else.
When I say Sailor Moon vibes I am thinking of this panel specifically I do not know why
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Route B. Bad Ending.
"Blood for blood. I shall have Ser Zephirin's heart for what he did to Haurchefant."
Kyler, already driven to the brink of his faculties and consumed by the fire in the abyss after slaughtering Zephirin and taking up his blade to end Thordan's miserable life, his Esteem's voice overpowering, cannot lose Estinien, too. Spurred on with a determination akin to madness, he gives chase when Nidhogg's shade departs Azys Lla, leaving his compatriots far behind, deaf to their pleas. (After all, he has left them before, at their bidding, and he will do it again when he pleases. Let them see how they like it.)
Arriving at the Aery, he chases Nidhogg down even unto the ruins where he had helped the man whose body he's stolen destroy him the first time, and finds the wyrm awaiting him in Estinien's shape. Nidhogg knows Kyler is an easy target, knows that with this warrior's might, nothing can ever stand in the way of his vengeance again. He has seen more than enough of Kyler's rage, his anguish, and knows too that he understands loss that cannot be forgiven, knows that Kyler's sense of justice is strong enough that he can win him. Between how far gone the man who was once the Warrior of Light is, the overpowering influence of Nidhogg's aether and its ability to insinuate and corrupt, and fully taking advantage of both Estinien and Kyler's repressed and confused feelings for each other, it's easy, terribly easy to seduce him in every sense of the word.
Kyler will be his Consort, Aymeric their captive King, and they will rule in Hell.
Thanks so much for this ask and for the prompt as well, it was super fun to think about!!
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noireainsworth · 1 year
Wu Zetian: Steel/Fire specialist
Kingambit: Her first ace. It was originally a Bisharp but it evolved when she became empress. Of course I had to give her a steel type because it's the equivalent of her dominant Qi and this is the one I think fits her the best with the emperor theme and warrior look.
Iron Moth: Her second ace. First because I think one of her main type would be fire, and this Pokemon perfectly fills the futuristic/robotic vibe of the book, as well as being a butterfly.
Salazzle: Fire type. Female only species of dominant and powerful women with a harem? How could it not be on her team?
Ninetales: A pretty obvious choice I know but since she is literally compared to one in the book I think it would make sense for her to lean into this image and have one.
Empoleon: I didn't want to give starters but sadly this is the only steel/water type that would represent her water qi so I had to adapt. And there is still a reference to an emperor so it's not a bad match either.
Steel Silvally: Another steel-type and I mean, he completely matches the futuristic aspect of the universe so it was only logical that I gave one to the characters.
"Shared" Pokemons: basically, the ones that do not belong only to her
Molters: I don't like to give legendaries but in the context of Iron Widow the Vermillion Bird could be considered as a legendary Pokemon in an AU so I'm gonna say that she shares it with Shimin and later Yizhi.
Rayquaza: The equivalent of the Golden Dragon that she shares with Qin Zheng and of course I had to give them the most badass dragon of this universe.
Li Shimin: Fire specialist
Ceruldege: His first ace. It's a fire type and it looks like the equivalent of an heroic form so he has one (obviously).
Mega Charizard Y: His second ace. An embodiment of fire power and impressive design, I couldn't not make him a place in the team.
Houndoom: I like the idea that his team would be composed of "scary" Pokemon, that he deeply loves and even finds cute so I thought a litteral hell-dog would quite fit him.
Hisuian Arcanine: Still in the idea of "mean looking dog" type, I chose this one because it's also a reminder of his secondary qi, and to be honest I just this this Pokemon fits his vibe well.
Talonflame: The closest Pokemon I could find to a phenix that isn't Molters. Anyway, he is a fire bird type so it's a match for me.
Fire Silvally: I HAD TO give this one to one of the characters, it just fits the futuristic/robotic aspect so much and I don't think I need to explain why I chose a fire type.
"Shared" Pokemon:
Molters: He was the only trainer of Molters at first but then Zetian arrived and they became co-trainers. Later on Yizhi came too and now they are a trio of trainers (Molters is in heaven now that he has three humans to take care of him)
Gao Yizhi: Grass Specialist
Gardevoir: His first ace. A fairy type but honestly? I couldn't find a Pokemon that fits him more than this one.
Lurantis: His second ace. A grass type looking like it will heal you but also kill you because it doesn't take shit from other people? They are a match made in heaven.
Serperior: I know i said I didn't want to give them starters but since the other two have one it's only logical that our rich boy has one isn't it? Anyway, Serperior is the one among the grass types that I think fits his vibe the best (rich man has royalty looking Pokemon)
Leafon: Of course he had an Eevee when he was young and it became a Leafon when he grew up. Yes it did.
Flygon: I really struggled to find a ground type that would fit him in my mind and Flygon was the one who did the best job at that so he's in the team now.
Shiinotic: A mushroom Pokemon with spores? You are in the team now. Plus the fairy type totally fits Yizhi in my mind sooooo......
"Shared" Pokemon:
Molters: It was Zetian and Shimin at first but now he's in the trio so it's his Pokemon too now.
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