#michael kinsella x fem! reader
siampie · 3 months
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Finding You || Chapter 1
Pairing: Michael Kinsella x Fem!Reader
Word Count: 3.6k
Warnings/tags: pinning, childhood trauma, eldest daughter syndrome
A/N: Okay, wrote this in two days and couldn’t wait to share it with you guys. Alright, hear me out. I’ve rewatched Kin while writing this chapter, and I realized that there is a house right next to Michael’s and they share the same driveway. After some research, I’ve learned they are called semi-detached house. They share a main wall. Usually, they are mirrored. It isn’t the case in Kin. And I kept it that way. So, be prepared for some shenanigans or not. I’m not really sure what I’m gonna do with that information. If you have some ideas just drop them in the comments. It could be fun for future chapters. So, I’m happy to share the result of my investigation. I also hope I did a good job in writing Michael’s brief POV. And forgive my attempt at writing an Irish accent. I don’t think I did a good job. But I’ll let you be the judge of that. Can you also tell that the only other person I really like from this family is Birdy? I hope you’ll like this first chapter. Enjoy!
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Dublin, Ireland. When you decided a few months ago to move out, Dublin wasn’t even on your list of destination. You didn’t even think of it. But there you were. You jumped the sea, as they would say back home. You had crossed two oceans to reach this beautiful city. To start anew.
After your father passed away, a little over two years ago, you needed a fresh start. You had spent a decade taking care of him while he was sick and in recovery. Working small jobs, barely having any friends or barely going out. You lived to take care of him and nothing else. When he died, you were saddened, yes. But you had felt relief more than anything. And then, you had felt guilty for it. He was your father and you loved him. Although, resentment had taken over in the last few years. Not just towards your father, towards your siblings too. Still, you loved him.
Why Dublin? You did not know. Why not Dublin? As you were making the decision to move out of your current place—place you had shared with your father—you had seen an ad that promoted travels to Ireland. It looked so beautiful and so green. It looked so inviting and you thought to yourself; Ireland seemed like the perfect place to start over.
So, there you were, settling into your new home. Your father had not forgotten what you had sacrificed while you took care of him. In his last will, he had left you a significant amount of money to do as you pleased. He wasn’t rich by any means, the money he had left was significant for someone like you. A couple of hundred thousand euros. When you heard the news, you were surprised by that. You had not realized that your father had saved up so much money. You even wondered where it had come from since you were the one who had managed his financials in the later years. You were not complaining though. He had left you enough to start over. It had been enough for you to move country and buy your new house.
Of course, your siblings had been supportive in your decision. Giving you their blessings, not that you had needed it. Not really. It had made your decision to move easier though. The most supportive of them was your youngest brother; Matthew. It was funny to you that he was now your greatest support. Growing up you both hated each other. You were his eldest of five years. You fought constantly, always at each other’s throats. And now, you were the closest you had ever been. He was the one you turned to when you needed help. And every time, he needed help he turned to you. It wasn’t that you did not trust your two other siblings but you trusted him the most. And they knew it.
You had started a new job too. You worked at a call center for an insurance company. Providing people with the help they needed for their house after a housefire or for water damages, or even after they had been robbed. It was not your dream job but it was a job. It paid the bills and the groceries. You had no reason to complain really. Except about the people that were calling and sometimes being rude on the phone. You understood that it was taking too long for some of them but you couldn’t go against the system. There were rules you had to follow and you were doing your best to provide them the help they needed. However, some of them had a tendency to forget that you were also human. And yelling at you, was not going to make you go faster.
Funniest part about you working in a call center was that you hated talking on the phone. As an introvert, you hated phone conversation. Your sister; Mary knew it more than anyone. You had told her that you always get annoyed every time she called. You did talk to her on the phone and you always ended up having a good time on the phone. But it always felt as though she was being rude anytime she called you. So, that you chose to work in a call center, was a laughable idea. Because every time the phone rang, which was pretty often in your line of work, you hated it. Sure, you had a script to follow but some of those problems were specific and you needed to think on the spot. Which you weren’t really good at. That was why you loved texting more than you loved calling. At least, when you were texting you had time to think of an answer. On the phone, you were pulling answers out of your ass. And they weren’t sometimes the best. Also, staring at a screen all day was draining.
In spite of that, you loved your new house and your new life so far. It was all perfect. Except maybe for the fact that you were living next door to criminals. You knew you should have questioned it when the house was sold to you for a low price. You knew it was low because it was Dublin and houses all over the market were much more expensive. But this one went to you for a price you could actually afford. You had gone in expecting to have to rent the place and when they offered to sell it to you instead. You had agreed. However, the realtor had failed to tell you who were your neighbors.
As soon as you had moved into your new home, one of your neighbors had brought you a housewarming gift. A sweet lady that lived across the street from you. Her name was Bridget Goggins but she went by Birdy. She had long and dark curly hair. Blue eyes and a kind smile. She had shown you nothing but kindness and you had appreciated it. You immediately took a liking in her. She had told you that her nephew Jimmy, his wife and his two sons lived two houses down from yours. And she had briefly mentioned her nephew; Michael. Apparently, he lived right next to you. He had been gone for some time. And that explained why the house was empty. For you, at the time, you had not seen anything wrong with it. It was just a neighbor being friendly to you and making you feel welcome.
She had been nice. Very nice. Albeit a little too curious about you and your family. Your lips were tight. You did not like to share information about yourself. And you were protective of your family. You gave her very basic and vague information. It wasn’t against her. It was just a thing your father had trained you to do. He had drilled into your brain to not share information about your family, because people would use it against you. So, you mostly hid things about your family and even, lied to some. You didn’t lie to Birdy; you just didn’t tell her much. And neither did she. And you respected that.
You would later learn that the Kinsella, Birdy’s family, were notorious criminals. They dealt in drugs trafficking mostly and may have been involved in a few murders. Specifically, Michael Kinsella. He had been gone alright. Eight years in prison for manslaughter, of his own wife. And it all clicked. The low price, the empty house next door, Birdy being way too curious about you. It all made sense. And it also scared you. You did not want to get involved with the Kinsella. Not if they were going to create problems for you.
You kept to yourself mostly. You barely saw Jimmy and his wife anyway. It was easy to avoid them. As for Birdy, it was slightly more complicated. The woman seemed to always know when to find you. And since you did not want to be rude to her, not just because she was a criminal. But mainly because you were a pushover, you could not refuse her. You kept your distance as best as you could. Although, it was impossible for you not to take a liking in her. She was most of the time motherly towards you. And you had craved that sort of affection since the day your mother had walked out of your life. And as much as you wanted to avoid the Kinsella because of their line of work, you found it hard to just pull away from Birdy. You liked her very much. Against your better judgement.
Apart from living near the Kinsella, your life was quite good here in Dublin. You were settling in nicely. And you loved your house. It was yours, and you made it cozy and warm. It was your own little haven. You loved coming back to it after a long day of work.
Sitting on your couch, you were unwinding after the long day you just had. You heard a distant peel of laughter. When you crossed path with Birdy this morning and she had offered to drop you off, she had mentioned the return of her nephew Michael. She was going to buy some party food for the evening. So, you knew what it meant, your neighbors were celebrating the return of the prodigal son.
And soon, the empty house next door would not be so empty anymore.
It made you nervous for some reason. You were about to share a yard with a murderer. You did not know what to expect. Hopefully, with you two sharing a wall, you’d know how to avoid him. You groaned out loud realizing that Birdy might create problems in the future. You had grown closer to the woman in spite of yourself. And she made it a habit to come and visit you sometimes. Whether you liked it or not you may actually cross path with Michael Kinsella.
“That was a short reunion.” You mused out loud when you heard the distant goodbyes. You switched off your television before going upstairs, to get ready for bed.
You had fell into a fitful sleep that night. Knowing that a man capable of murder was sleeping next door to you, made you feel unsafe. You had lived months in your home, knowing well you lived next to criminals. And yet, it was the man next door that made you feel unsafe in your own bed. And you had not seen him yet. And you had no intention to.
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Lack of sleep did not make for a good day at work. You prided yourself in being a very patient person. You had trained yourself though. When you were younger; in the years that followed your mother’s leaving; you had been a very short tempered and moody person. And being a teenager at the time did not help the matter. You would explode at random at the people around you. And it was always your family that was on the receiving end. Did it come from anger? Or grief? Or even sadness? You did not really know. You were pretty sure it was a combination of it all. What really helped though, was your family making fun of you every time you did lose your patience. They would apologize profusely, with a smile on their faces, while bowing to you. The overreaction from them made you laugh every single time. It made you realize how ridiculous you could be.  It made you realize you had no business being this enraged because they breathed in your direction.
However, what made you really snap out of it, though, was your sister. You did not remember what was said or when it was really. All you remembered was that one morning during breakfast, your sister was speaking to you and you snapped at her. For no reason at all. And it had brought tears to her eyes. It had hurt her. And it made you realize that you never wanted to make your sister feel this way ever again. She was your only sister and your best-friend, and you needed to treat her better. You needed to treat the people around you better. So, you took it upon yourself to think before you spoke. You stopped yourself before you could snap. Always, taking a deep breath and gave yourself a few seconds before opening your mouth. And sometimes, you just kept quiet and walked away. It had helped you over the years in growing more patient. And also, nowadays, you did not give as much of a fuck as you did back then. It took a lot more for you to lose your temper.
Lack of sleep, on the other hand—never made a good friend when it came to keeping yourself in check. Everything and everyone irritated you. If they glanced at you or even opened their mouth to speak to you, you would get annoyed. But you did keep yourself in control the whole day. You kept yourself in control with your colleagues and with the clients on the phone. And now, you were terribly exhausted. You couldn’t wait to just drop in your bed and be dead to the world for the next twelve hours.
“Hey, Birdy.” You greeted quietly as you got to your house. She was on your neighbor’s doorstep about to go in.
“Hello, pet.” She smiled at you. “You look properly tired, dear. What happened to ya?”
“I feel like it too.” You snorted. “I didn’t get a lot of sleep last night. But I’m going to make up for it.”
“Yeah.” You nodded. “You’re visiting the new neighbor?”
“I’m bringing him some proper food.” She showed you the trays she was holding. “There’s some here fer ya.”
You sighed. “You didn’t have to, Birdy.”
“I like taking care of ya.” Birdy answered with a soft smile. “Come on, take it.”
“Alright.” You yielded before taking the tray off of her hands.
“Have you met Mikey yet?”
“Can’t say I had the pleasure.” You shook your head, fishing for your keys.
“Wanna come and say hi?” She offered.
Your lips twitched up in the corners. “Not really. Another time, perhaps?” You unlocked your door.
“Yeah, another time.” Birdy smiled at you as you disappeared into your house. As she, herself, disappeared into your neighbor’s house.
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Michael was sitting on his sofa, a book in his lap. He had not been reading, not really. His thoughts kept going back to his daughter Anna. He couldn't resist the temptation to go and see her. He had kept his distance but he had taken everything in him to not get up and run to her.
She had looked so grown since he last saw her. She was no longer a child; she was growing to be a young and beautiful woman. Eight years had been a long time away from her. He had missed out on so much. He missed her so much it was hard to breathe sometimes. He had to do things right by her. He needed to do what was right, if he wanted to have her back in his life.
He would straighten out his act. He would stop dealing with the family business. He would keep out of it. He would do everything he could just so he could have her back in his life. It was the most important thing to him at this moment. Anna was the most important thing to him at this time. He must do right by her.
Muffled voices from outside drew his attention away from his own thoughts. He had recognized Birdy but the second voice did not belong to someone he knew. He couldn’t hear much of what was being said. But Birdy and you had seemed really close by the sound of it.
Birdy had pushed the door open and stepped in. “Good evenin’ Mickey.” She greeted him softly. “Brought ya some proper food.” She said showing him the covered dish she had in her hands.
Michael smiled back at her. “Thank ya, Birdy. But ya didn’t have to do that.”
Birdy walked into the kitchen. “Of course, I had to.” She placed the dish on the kitchen counter.
“Who were ya talking to?” Michael couldn’t help but ask. He was curious to know more about you. Especially if Birdy seemed to be close to you.
“Your new neighbor.” She replied taking off her coat. And then gave him your name.
So, that was you; Michael thought. He had caught a brief glimpse of your shadow through your large window, after he had come back from Jimmy’s. The curtains were drawn. But he had seen you through them as you moved around your kitchen. For as far as he could remember, the house next door had always been empty. People tend to refuse to buy once they knew who would be their neighbor. And he couldn’t blame them. It was now strange for him to suddenly have a neighbor after all those years.
The empty house next door would not be so empty anymore.
“She’s a real sweet girl, ya know. A hard worker too. But a bit lonely.” Birdy opened his fridge. “She could use some more friends.”
“So could ya.” Birdy wore a small smirk on her face. “I’ll put this in the fridge. Ya can have it later. I’ll get you a few more bits, Mikey. Fill this up for ya.”
“Nah, ya don’t have to go to any trouble. I could do that.” Michael moved to the sofa’s armrest.
“It’s not trouble.” Birdy told him strongly. Before moving next to the stairs. “Not for family.” She smiled at him. “Missed havin’ ya around, Mikey. We all have. We’ve all been waitin’ for ya to get out.” Michael hummed in response. “Especially Frank and your brother. It’s been tough on them without you.” She said softly, gazing back at him. “Carryin’’ the load all on their own. I mean Eric is—he’s a good boy. But he’s not you.” She gave a small shrug.
Frank had put her up to this. Michael just knew it. He knew what she was getting at. Frank wanted him back, in the family business. But he couldn’t do that. Not if he wanted to see Anna again. He wouldn’t change his mind about this.
“But you’re back now,” Birdy said and Michael nodded in response. “That’s the main thing.”
Birdy walked up to him. “You understand what I’m sayin’. I know you do. You’re not like your mother. You’re a Kinsella. And we stick together.” And she leaned and rested a light peck to his lips. “Always.”
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You probably would have gone another night with a restless sleep if your body was not so exhausted. You had heated up some of the food Birdy had brought you. Although, living next to crime lords was not ideal, Birdy made it easier by taking care of you. As much as you had taken a liking in her. She had taken one in you. Always showing up at your door with extra food or inviting you over to share a cup of tea or coffee. The only issue was that you did not know if she was being sincere with you. You didn’t entirely trust her. Your lack of trust may not have been entirely due to her being a Kinsella. It was also due to your past. You had been burned too many times before and you didn’t know whether she had ulterior motives or not. But you had wanted to trust her more. You really wanted to.
Although, you knew you shouldn’t want that.
 You were in a better state of mind that morning. You had your coffee; you were awake and rested. And you hoped for a better day at work.
“Good mornin’.”
You gasped as you turned sharply to face your neighbor. You had not paid attention to your surroundings, too focused on going through your morning routine.
“M’ sorry. Didn’t mean to scare ya.” He softly chuckled.
“It’s okay.” You shook your head quickly. “I just—wasn’t expecting you, that’s all.”
Your heart started to gallop like a wild horse under your ribcage. You were facing the neighbor; you did not want to face. The man who had been sent to prison for manslaughter. You had to remind yourself of that. Because in spite of what you knew, the man standing in front of you was quite handsome. with his thick beard and dark hair. And his hazel eyes were beautiful and seemed kind.  
“I’m Michael.” He put out his hand.
Your eyes snapped to his hand. You should probably take it. You really shouldn’t but this would be rude, wouldn’t it? “I know.” You said and introduced yourself. Making the final decision to put your hand in his. His calloused fingers felt rough against yours but his grip was warm and gentle. “Your new neighbor.”
“I know. Birdy told me.”
“Yeah.” You smiled quickly. You pulled your hand out of his grip. “I have to go. I—I don’t want to be late for work.”
“Okay.” His face fell slighty, and you momentarily felt bad.
“It was nice meeting you, Michael.” You said. You did not want him to think that you were running away from him.
“Yeah, you too.” He gave you a tight smile.
“Yeah, bye.” You turned away quickly and made your way to the end of your street where your colleague was waiting for you.
Real criminals didn’t look like criminals, you needed to remind yourself of that. No matter what you may think, Michael still killed people. He only got caught for the murder of his wife. He didn’t matter that he seemed kind. He didn’t matter that he looked handsome. He was still dangerous.
“Fuck!” You cussed as you were getting closer to your colleague’s car. “I’m in trouble.”
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bellaxgiornata · 1 year
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Bella's Masterlist of Matt Murdock, Frank Castle, Michael Kinsella, & Daryl Dixon Series & One Shots
I am currently working on multiple series and fics for Matt Murdock, Frank Castle, Michael Kinsella, and Daryl Dixon. I've updated my Masterlist so that each link will bring you to a separate, organized Masterlist for each specific character because there are just so many now! There's also some "bonus" characters I write for listed at the bottom of this Masterlist (Henry from Eat Locals, Owen Sleater in the future maybe). Always feel free to chat with me about any of the fics or characters I'm writing for. Y'all know I'm chatty!
I post new fics/updates multiple times a week and all of my stories are available fully on tumblr and my AO3. If you'd like information on my tag lists you can find that here.
**I do not currently accept story requests because I have too many ongoing projects at the moment!**
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Collection of Short Blurbs [Featuring Matt Murdock, Frank Castle, or Michael Kinsella]
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Masterlist of Matt Murdock Fics and Series
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Masterlist of Frank Castle Fics and Series
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Masterlist of Michael Kinsella Fics and Series
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Masterlist of Daryl Dixon Fics
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Additional Characters:
Henry x Fem!Werewolf!Reader Mini Series
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Forbidden Love [Installment List]
Pairing: Vampire Henry x Fem!Werewolf!Reader
Warnings/tags: Smut, blood, biting (I mean...that's a given), bit of enemies to lovers, maybe some angst and fluff
After awhile you'd grown used to the vampire who often lurked around the woods you hunted in. Though that didn't mean his irritating presence didn't bother you, or that you didn't wonder why he often seemed to be waiting for you–especially since your kinds weren't meant to intermingle.
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Nightmares (Michael Kinsella x fem!Reader)
Author’s Note: Hey everyone! I've had this in my drafts for a while, and I have the day off today, so I figured I'd post it. I initially wrote this a a Frank Castle fic, but when I was reading it over after I was done, it really seemed to fit Michael better (again, obsessed with this man, and I've only seen the pilot episode of Kin). I hope you guys enjoy! :)
Summary: One of Michael's deepest fears comes to life in a nightmare, and he turns to you for comfort, needing to ground himself.
Warnings: Graphic nightmare (dead dove do not eat--Michael, Anna, and Reader tied up in the woods, Michael having to choose between you and Anna, violence, guns, Reader death in dream), swearing calming down Michael after a nightmare, smut (kissing, fingering, praise, biting/nibbling, p in v unprotected sex) cuddling, talking about fears
Other Characters: None
Word Count: 2,097
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He doesn’t know where he is. His in some sort of forest, dead, brown, fragile leaves below him. He hears crying—these terrified sobs and whines of horror. Michael’s eyes shoot up and see you and Anna on your knees, your arms tied around your back with blinding headlights shining behind you. He looks up and sees a man standing behind you both, but he can’t make out their face. What he can distinctly recognize, though, is the gun in his hand.
“Choose!” a gruff voice shouts above the cries of the two people he loves most in the world.
“Let ‘em go!” Michael shouts, straining against the rope on his wrists. “Yer problem seems t’be with me, eh? So cut me loose and fight me.”
“You need to choose, Michael,” the voice says. Why can’t he see his face?
“Ye want me t’choose? Alright, me! I choose me!” he protests. “That’s who ye have a grudge against, right? So let them go and off me!”
Leave begin to rustle beneath where you kneel, and Michael’s eyes flit over to you in a panic. You stand, your body shaking and tears streaming down your face. You lock eyes with him and mouth “I love you” before you turn around and face the faceless man.
“Let them go,” you tremble. “Hurt me, but spare them.”
“No!” Michael shouts, desperately trying to burst out of his restraints, but they only get tighter.
“She has the courage that you so frequently lack,” the faceless man says as Michael protests and Anna cries in fear.
“Anna, sweetheart, close your eyes,” you beg, doing your best not to cry. “It’ll be okay.”
“No, hey!” Michael shouts. “Let her go! Take me, instead! ‘M beggin you. Please! Please!”
“You could learn a thing or two from her.”
“Mikey, I love—.”
Michael cries out when his happens, the gunshot echoing deafeningly loud in the forest as you fall lifeless in the leaves in front of him. Blood is smeared on your head, spreading like a crimson sheet around you, and all Michael can do is cry before letting out a terrible scream at the top of his lungs.
He shoots up, finding himself in his bedroom, sheets in his lap and sweat sticking to his skin as his chest heaves for air.
“Michael,” you say gently, and he looks over to you with panicked eyes. You’re okay. You're alive. Here, with him, in his bed. “Mikey, it was just a nightmare. It’s okay. Everything’s alright.” You run a gentle, cool hand down his sweaty, burning skin. “Whatever it was wasn’t real. You’re safe.”
Michael lets out a shaky breath, his bleary eyes looking over your form before he leans in and wraps his arms around you, holding you tight and weeping into the crook of your neck.
“I thought I lost ya,” he weeps. “I can’t loose someone else I love. I-I-I can’t loose ya.”
“Oh, Michael,” you breathe, running your hand down the back of his hair. “I’m here, baby. I’m right here.”
Michael matches his breathing with yours, eventually calming down and pulling back to look at you with reddened eyes and tear-stained cheeks. Leaning in, Michael kisses you deeply. He knows you’re here in front of him, but something deeper in him is desperate to know that you’re actually here in his bed, that you’re not dead somewhere in the woods like what he saw in his dream. You accept his embrace for a bit, but you start to pull back as he tries to intensify the kiss.
“Michael,” you whisper. “Is this what you want? Or do you want to talk about it?”
“I can’t have someone take ya from me. I need’ya right now, love,” he mutters. “Please, just let me have this.”
“As long as you’re sure,” you nod, leaning back in for a kiss. When your lips meet again, Michael is more aggressive in his embrace, taking charge of how his lips crash against yours and how his tongue slips in deep to explore. He guides you down on the mattress, his hands squeezing into your body as he kisses you desperately, sure to leave little bruises behind. Michael’s lips explore every inch of flesh that they can find, pulling little whimpers of pleasure from you as he does so. Any other day, Michael would drag his kisses down and spend hours between your legs, but he needs to be close to your face. He needs to see the sparkle in your eyes, the flush of your cheeks, the little lines at the corner of your mouth when you smile at him. Leaning back up, he presses his lips to yours, kissing you deeply and rocking into the mattress. His hands grip the sleep shirt of his that’s on your body, sliding it off and tossing it somewhere to the side. You let out a soft moan as your breasts are exposed to the cool morning air, something that Michael happily dips down to kiss, lick, and suck on the pebbling flesh before moving back up and marking up your neck.
“Mikey!” you squeal breathily when he hits the right spot. Your nails dig into the soft flesh of his back, scratching angry lines down his body. Michael growls by your ear, nipping at the love bite before moving his mouth over yours and slip his tongue into your mouth. “Michael . . . baby!”
“I need ya,” he growls. “I need to bury my cock in that tight cunt of yers. Make those pretty sounds fall from yer mouth, make my name the only thing you can remember, stuff ya full.”
“Michael,” you whine.
“Ye want tha? Want me ta stretch ya full? Want my cum in ya?”
“Fuck, Mikey, yes, please!”
“Atta girl,” he coos. “Usin yer words like tha. Such a fuckin good girl fer me.”
Quickly shoving down his boxers, he pushes down the fabric just enough, giving himself a few pumps to make sure he’s nice and hard for you before sliding his hand up your thigh and grabbing onto your underwear. He yanks them clean off of you before fingering you, getting you ready. You cry out, your back arching as he pumps his fingers in and out to spread your slick around before moving back to fist his cock and spread your essence around.
“Ready, pet?” he pants.
“Yes,” you say breathily. “Yes, please!”
He presses a deep, passionate kiss to your lips, a moan pulling from your throat as his tongue explores your mouth before he slides in. Your lips part from one another’s as you cry out into the bedroom at the top of your lungs. You’re wet, sure, but not as wet as you usually are, so taking Michael is a bit more of a challenge. It feels like a tighter fit, and you can feel every cell between your legs as you stretch and try to take him. Michael feels it too, biting his lip before moving to bite your shoulder, which only makes the volume of your cries go louder. Your fingers sink into his back, leaving little crescent mark brands on his skin.
“Fuckin perfect,” he mutters, soothing the sting of his bite with his tongue and lips. “So tight. Such a nice cunt f’me, gripping my cock like tha.”
“Michael,” you whine.
“Say my name.”
“Who d’you belong to?”
His pace moves from something tender and sensual to brutal and unrelenting, but you let him take what he needs until you’re screaming out so loud that you, him, and his neighbors know you’ll have a sore throat for days. You cum hard around his length, your entire body trembling with your orgasm as your mind goes fuzzy and you desperately cling to his body. Michael is like an animal as he ruts into you, chasing his high as he prolongs yours. The scruff of his bread scratches against your neck, and your hand slides up the back of his head to tug at the soft locks. He twists his head so his lips meet yours once more, full of lust, but intrinsically laced with passion and love. You nuzzle into his embrace and he bites his lip as he begins to feel the muscle in the lower abdomen tighten before he spills into you with a low grunt. You lie there, tangled together as a sweaty mess as you try to catch your breath. Languid, tired kisses are exchanged back and forth, and Michael can’t help but get lost in your sparkling eyes and how much he loves you, seeing that same love reflected back to him.
“You’re squishing me a little, Mikey,” you whisper, leaning up to kiss his nose.
“Oh,” he blushes. “Sorry, pet.”
You lean in for a kiss as he starts to pull out, rolling to the side but keeping you in his arms. You settle perfectly into his side, your hand warm on his chest.
“Are you okay, Michael?” you breathe into the dark bedroom, playing with his chest hair as you rest on one another.
“Awful dream,” he admits after a long silence. “Nightmare in every sense of the word. You . . . Ye died. Right in front of m’eyes, and there was nothin’ I could do ta save ya. I-I had ta choose between you an’ Anna, an’ I was beggin’ whoever it was t’take me instead. You stood up and you sacrificed yerself.”
He draws in a sharp, shaky breath between his teeth as you hold him tight.
“Baby, I’m,” you start, and you sound like you’re on the verge of tears. “I’m so sorry. So, so sorry.”
“I think about it all the time,” he continues. “Ways the both of ye could just be taken from me. What I’d do. How I’d live without either of ya, and . . .” He can’t even fathom a reality where you’re both not in his life. He’s already lost his wife, and there’s not a day that goes by where he doesn’t miss her or think about how different his life would be if she was still here. “I can’t loose either of ya. I think I’d die if I did.”
“No one is gonna take us from you, and I’m not leaving, I promise.”
“But what if it’s not yer choice? What if I fuck up again an—.” He sniffles. “I didn’t think love . . . Fuck, I didn’t think a normal life was in the cards f’me. Everything that’s happened is proof of tha’. An’ now, I’m startin’ to believe again that it might be possible. ‘M afraid it’ll come crashin’ down again like it did.”
“Can I let you in on a secret?” you whisper. He looks up at you through his big brown eyes in a way that you can only describe as something a puppy would do. “I’m mortified of losing you, too. Either you die, or someone runs a red and I get into an accident. I’m terrified of what it’ll be like if we’re not in each other’s lives. But I know that’d it have to be some act of God to separate us.” I lean down and kiss him. “I love you, Michael. Forever and always. And nothing will ever change that.”
He holds you tighter, allowing you to snuggle down on his chest so you can hear his heartbeat loud and clear.
“What if we just run away,” he whispers. It’s not a question to you so much as it is a thought he’s mulled over time and time again. “Start over. Have a new life somewhere where all this shit isn’t weighing down over our heads.”
“Mikey . . .”
“I mean it. We’d be safe anywhere but here.”
“You’d be away from Anna.”
“We’d take her with us.”
“Her life is here, Michael. If she wants to leave, it’s her decision.”
“I just need t’keep ya safe.”
“And you will. No matter where we are in the world, I know you’ll keep us safe.”
“Why d’ya have so much faith in me?”
You turn into him, the tip of your nose brushing against his neck. “Because I love you, and you love me. I know the man that you are, and who you’re working to be. You are a good man, Michael Kinsella. And I love you.”
“You rhyme when you get sappy,” he chuckles softly, giving you a squeeze.
You kiss his shoulder, chuckling. “It was unintentional. But true. And it got you to smile. It’s a win-win.”
Michael pulls the blanket up around your bodies, holding you close and placing a lingering kiss to your forehead.
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Permanent Taglist: @majesticavenger​ @steampowerednightvaler​ @themusingsofmany @just-the-hiddles​ @toozmanykids​ @dangertoozmanykids101 @clints-worldavengers @theburningbookshop​ @itwasthereaminuteago​ @peter1ismybrother@hellskitchens-whore​​ @dpaccione​ @catnip987​ @blackhawkfanatic
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Self-Indulgent HCs
pairing(s): Frank Castle x fem!Reader, Matt Murdock x fem!Reader, Michael Kinsella x fem!Reader
summary: How each of the boys would care for you when you were sick, headcanons bc i am tired
warnings: non-graphic, general descriptions of sickness (just cold/fever, not covid)
a/n: this month was already rough on my allergies but i came down with quite possibly the worst cold I’ve ever had. (It’s literally so bad i had to use PTO instead of WFH days? I am literally dying.) I wrote this when I was feverish and couldn’t sleep to make myself feel better. I hope someone out there likes it 😭
I think Frank would worry a lot when his partner was sick.
He’s lost so many people and he doesn’t have a huge circle so i think it takes him by surprise a little.
But he’d do his best to hide his worries by going about his day and comforting you.
He’d get fresh produce from the store and make you delicious soup, pick up tissues and medicine for you, threaten anyone who tried to make you go into work
“Your boss still pullin’ that shit? Gimme the phone, let me talk to ‘em”
He loves being your big spoon anyways but he would not let you go if you looked or sounded ill. You’d be nestled carefully against his chest while he stroked your back until you fell asleep.
He’d keep you entertained by reading to you or watching whatever TV your fever-ridden mind is craving.
Above all, he wouldn’t leave your side until you were feeling better.
The smile on his face the next time you take him out would be brilliant. He’s just so happy that you’re here with him and feeling better.
Personally, i hate the idea of getting people sick more than actually being sick sometimes but i think this would especially be the case with Matt
His senses are so delicate, I wouldn’t want to fuck with him by being gross and loud or by getting him sick.
But there is no way this man isn’t the biggest self-sacrificing-mother-hen when someone he loves is sick.
He’d sense your illness before you would, and encourage you to take it easy and sleep a bit extra that week (above all, he’s a hypocrite.)
Of course, he’s a bit embarrassed of everything he can do, or maybe you don’t know the extent of what he is capable of, so he plays it off as “you’ve been working so hard lately, sweetheart, you need to take it easy.”
A day or two before the bug hits you like a truck, he’d come over with a bag from the pharmacy that’s just chock-full of DayQuil and Tea and cough drops and like a single bandaid
He poorly plays it off as “uh, your first aid kit was low, remember?”
Once you’re well and truly sick, he’d be stubborn as a mule if you tried to keep him away. You lock him out of your apartment? You wake up from a nap wrapped in a Devil-shaped blanket to find that someone picked your window lock.
At that point, you just cave and let him stay because you are so cold and he’s so so warm.
Not afraid of using his puppy dog eyes to get you to stay home or in bed.
Also not afraid of crying wolf and pretending that he’s not feeling well to make you take a break
“Sorry, pet, my head is hammerin’. Think we could lay down fer a bit?”
Combined WITH the puppy eyes? You don’t stand a chance.
Though you usually take care of the housework while he’s dealing with his family’s business, he wouldn’t let you lift a finger until your temperature was normal and your voice came back.
It’s as if you’re the only person that exists to him, he’s running around trying to anticipate your every need.
It’s been a while since he’s dealt with the real world so he might ask Birdy for advice on how to care for a sick person.
Lots of home remedies (idk just vibes.)
He would have you lean against him in a scalding shower to clear your sinuses or draw you a nice bath.
Keep cool water and a cloth by the bed to bring your fever down.
Hand you cup after cup of tea until you have to threaten to tie him to the bed.
“Just lay with me, please”
“Of course, pet. Anything fer ya.”
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yarrystyleeza · 1 year
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Note: I only write Fluff/Angst x fem!reader, and my works might contain violent/bloody themes due to the nature of the fictional characters/fictional works I write for.
I do not write smut.
Another important thing, a lot of these works are old ones so, figurative language, phrasing and my very style might be a little messed up—but it progresses. I am not a professional writer but I'm always trying to improve my writing, and it is more visible in my more recent works, hopefully.
ᐅ Last updated: 01/03/2024
tone nav. : F/fluff — A/angst — V/violence
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☆ In A Heartbeat [Matt Murdock x Madilyn Mayfield (oc)] → [ON GOING]
↳ mattilyn blurbs ˚ ༘♡ ⋆。˚
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♡ Fics/Blurbs
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♡ Fics/Blurbs
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☆ Arduous Solitude [Henry x fem!reader installment series] → [ON GOING]
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♡ Fics/Blurbs
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★ yuna's 2h followers sleepover celebration
★ yuna's 22nd birthday sleepover
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shiorimakibawrites · 9 months
Shiori's Fan Fic Masterlist
This is my general masterlist for my fan fiction, gathered here to make it easier to find what you are looking for.
In addition to current WIP, previews for upcoming stories will also be posted.
Anything marked as smut is not appropriate for minors. Image description is supposed to be the ALT but please let me know if it isn't working.
Likewise, please alert me to any broken links or if you would like to be added to any of character or series taglists.
My work is also posted on A03.
My fan fiction recommendations can be found here.
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Now has his own masterlist which can be found here.
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A Vigilante and a Gentlemen
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Image Credit:kissmegoodbye.net / Jakub Kapusnak (Unsplash) / Kevin Turcios (Unsplash)
Rating: 18+ for canon-typical violence and eventual smut Pairing: Frank Castle x Reader Summary: You are an office manager and aspiring novelist. One day when you are walking to work, you past a construction site where the men began to catcall. With the exception of one who stops the others in their tracks. You find yourself intrigued by this rather mysterious man who calls himself Pete Castiglione. It helps that he keeps taking off his shirt in the summer heat. Genre: Fluff, Romance, Drama Current Status: ONGOING, Part 1 - Code of Conduct has been posted. Part 2 - Untitled is TBA.
Port in a Storm
Overall Rating: 18+ Pairing: Frank Castle x Fem! Reader Genre: Romance, Drama, Murder Mystery Working Summary: One night during a nasty storm, a mysterious stranger comes to your door looking for help. His arrival at your home coincides with the beginning of a deadly conspiracy, a danger from your past that threatens not only your life but the lives of your children. Is this handsome stranger your enemy or your salvation? Series Warnings (Subject To Change): Canon-typical violence, temporary character deaths, permanent character deaths, murder, mentions/worries of suicide, original child characters, eventual explicit sex Current Status: UPCOMING, Part 1 - Untitled is TBA.
One Shots
One of Those Days (fluff): You have a bad day but Frank makes it all better. Frank Castle x Reader
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Image Credit: kissmegoodbye.net / Qui Ngyuen (Unsplash) / Mayur Gala (Unsplash)
Rating: 18+ for canon-typical violence and smut Pairing: Michael Kinsella x Reader Summary: You have always had a weakness for bad boys. Which why you were surprised to find yourself charmed by a man named Michael Kinsella, who is as sweet as he is handsome. But there is more to Michael than meets the eye. Genre: Romance, Drama Current Status: UPCOMING, Part 1 - Blank Space is in the current writing queue. *All Chapter Titles will be the name of a song. Not always a Taylor Swift.
A Brand New Ending
Overall Rating: 18+ Pairing: Michael Kinsella x Fem! Reader Genre: Drama, Romance, Crime, Family Working Summary: On a visit to Dublin, you run into your ex-boyfriend Michael Kinsella in a pub. You get to talking to each other. You kiss him. And the next morning, you wake up in his bed, naked and pleasantly sore. You would have loved to stay but a family emergency calls you away. A couple months later, you discover that you are pregnant. You always wanted to be a mother but to your disappointment, it seems like Michael isn’t so eager to become a father again . . . Series Warnings (Subject To Change): Canon-typical violence, explicit sex, pregnancy, pregnancy symptoms, discussion of previous miscarriage, fear of miscarriage, deception, referenced sexual assault, referenced child abuse, domestic violence, drugs and drug trafficking, organized crime, murder, epilepsy, seizures, referenced character deaths. Current Status: UPCOMING, Part 1 - Untitled is TBA.
One Shots
Warm (smut): Michael keeps you warm. In more ways than one. Michael Kinsella x Fem! Reader. Written for Mandy's Sweater Weather Challenge.
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Overall Rating: 16+ Pairing: Peter Parker x Fem! Reader Genre: Superhero Adventures, Strangers to Lovers Romance Working Summary: Your father Matt Murdock disappeared along with half the universe. He never wanted you fighting but you cannot stand by while all of his hard work is destroyed. Hell’s Kitchen needs its Devil. As you patrol the nighttime streets, you meet another young hero who is struggling to uphold the legacy of his own mentors. Series Warnings (Subject To Change): Canon-typical violence, temporary character deaths, permanent character deaths, grief, mourning, bullying, ableism, eventual making out Current Status: UPCOMING, Part 1 - Untitled is TBA.
Overall Rating: 16+ Pairing: Peter Parker x Fem! Reader Genre: Drama, Slow Burn Romance Working Summary: Things have been hard since you came back to life. You were gone for five years and that time everything changes. All of your old friends moved on. Your parents had another kid. School is different. Even over a year later, your life still doesn’t feel like yours anymore. Then you meet two other lonely souls struggling with the same feelings that you are – your coworker Peter Parker and the vigilante Spider-Man. Series Warnings (Subject To Change): Canon-typical violence, referenced temporary and permanent character deaths, alienation, depression, guilt, self-doubt, suicidal thoughts, worries about self-harm and/or suicide attempts, eventual making out Current Status: UPCOMING, Part 1 - Untitled is TBA.
Flightless Angel Wing's Kinkotober 2023 - Personal Masterlist
Castlevania (2017 - 2021)
Silence of the Mind (angst, hurt no comfort): All Trevor Belmont wanted was the silence of the mind.
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mattmurdocksscars · 1 year
To Tell The Truth
A/N: Hello, loves! Have some Mikey content! This does contain spoilers for the new season so beware that! We start off a little angsty then get fluffy then get smutty. So we have a bit of everything here!
Word Count: 2148
Pairing: Michael Kinsella x Fem!Reader
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When Michael called to ask to come over, you were not expecting him to show up with a six pack dangling from his fingers that already had two beers missing from it. 
"Woah. We celebrating something or what?" At Michael's scoff, your expression softened. "What happened, Mikey?"
"You remember tha' girl I was seein'?"
"Yeah, Molly right?"
"Yeah. Well, you'll never guess what she's off doing."
"Tell me."
"She's getting married." Your eyes widened and then your heart broke for Michael. 
"Oh, Mikey…"
"The worst part is, she didn't even bother ta tell me. I found out from her coworker." Michael took a large swig from the beer in his hand and then laughed bitterly. "I must be a magnet for taken women or somethin'."
He continued on to tell you about how Amanda had been following him lately too and how he didn't know what to do now. It broke your heart to see him so broken but it also pissed you off to hear him talk so poorly about himself. Like he didn't deserve better. 
"Maybe I'm just meant to be alone."
"That's not true, Mikey."
"Yeah? And how do you know? Every girl who's interested in me is already in a relationship and either doesn't tell me or tries to manipulate me in some way."
"That's not true either. I like you just fine and I'm single." You immediately shut your mouth realizing what you said but thankfully, Michael took it a different way.
"That's not the same." He took another swig of beer and then crushed the now empty can. "I just want to find someone who isn't going to lie to me."
You watched quietly as he pulled another can free and opened it. You wanted to tell him the truth in that moment. That you liked him as so much more than a friend. That you were in love with him. But you couldn't do it.
"Listen. You'll find that, I promise. Just stay away from the likes of Amanda and Molly. They don't want what's best for you."
"And I suppose you do?" You froze, looking over at Michael who was staring at you with a strange look in his eyes. You licked your lips and chose your words carefully.
"Yeah, I do. You know I do. You're my best friend, Michael, and I just want you to be happy." He just shook his head and took a sip of his beer. You knew he was bordering on piss drunk and that you needed to be very careful about what you said so he didn't remember anything too damning. 
"Mikey… I wish you could see how much you're worth. You're not some object to be manipulated. You're a human being who deserves to be loved and taken care of."
"I'm not so sure." Was all he mumbled before he stumbled over to your couch and sat down on it. He leaned his head back and sighed like the world was on his shoulders. 
"Stay here tonight, Mikey. You're drunk and I'd feel better if you didn't walk home." He mumbled something you didn't quite hear before rolling his head over to look at you.
"Okay, pet." You smiled softly at the nickname before walking over and gently taking the pack of beer from his hand. He kept the open container clutched in his other hand and you let him keep that one. 
"I'm just gonna put these in the fridge and then I'll get you a blanket." Michael nodded and as you were walking away, you heard him once again mumble something you couldn't hear. You put his beer in the fridge and grabbed a blanket before walking back to your living room. You smiled as you realized he was already fast asleep, the open beer can left on the side table. You gently covered him in the blanket then cleaned up the beer before heading to bed yourself. 
You were deep asleep when Michael's gruff voice calling your name startled you awake. 
"Sorry, pet, but your heat went out. I was gonna let ya know I'm heading home and ask if ya wanna come with me." You looked over to your clock and read that it was nearing three am. Now that Michael had mentioned it, you realized you were chilly but that your blankets had managed to keep you warm. 
"No way, Mikey. It's almost three am. Just come sleep next to me. It's plenty warm in the bed." You told him sleepily. He raised an eyebrow but slowly walked over to the other side of the bed.
"Ya sure, pet?"
"Yeah. We're adults, we can sleep next to each other." Michael nodded and climbed into bed next to you. You could practically feel the chill coming off of him and frowned.
"Jesus, Mikey, how long did you wait? I can feel the chill radiating off of you."
He gave you a sheepish look.
"A little while. I didn't want to wake ya." 
"Well, next time, wake me sooner." Michael nods and the both of you settle down for the night. You're just getting ready to nod off when Michael says something. 
"I said… did you mean everything you said earlier?"
"About waking me sooner? Yes." He let out a soft chuckle.
"No. When we were talkin before I fell asleep. Did you really mean that I deserve better? And that ya want what's best for me?" You worried your lip between your teeth before nodding slowly.
"Yeah… yeah, Mikey, I did."
"...Are you in love with me, pet?" You closed your eyes and let out a shaky sigh. 
"Yes. I am. I've loved you for so long. And I'm sorry, I don't want to make things awkward so I promise I won't ever say anything about it again-" You're cut off by a pair of soft lips covering your own and you freeze, afraid this is all some dream and that if you move, it'll all be over.
"I don't want ya to do that, love."
"I want ya to tell me every day how much ya love me so I can tell ya the same." He whispered against your lips. He leans in to kiss you again and you moan against his lips bringing a smile to his face. He rolls the two of you so he's on top of you and presses kiss after kiss to your mouth. It's as he begins to kiss down your neck that your brain fires a flare.
"Mikey, wait… wait…" Michael immediately stops and pulls back, concern on his face.
"What is it?"
"You're drunk… and I don't want to take advantage of that. I don't want this to just be something you do because you're drunk and you've had a rough day and-"
"Love, shhh. This ain't that. I slept off the alcohol, I'm sober I promise. And I swear ta ya this isn't a one time thing for me. I could never regret ya." He cups your face and stares straight into your eyes so you can see the truth in them. 
"You promise?" You whisper.
"I swear. I'll even tell ya all of this in the mornin' if ya want me to." He grins and you giggle, reaching up to cup his face. 
"As long as you're still here in the morning, that's all that matters to me." His grin softens and he kisses you softly.
"I'm not goin' anywhere, love." This time you kiss him and it doesn't take long for things to heat up between the two of you. 
"Do ya want this, pet?"
"Yes, Mikey, please…" Your voice is breathless as Michael starts his path back down your neck. You tilt your head back to give him better access and you feel his smirk against your skin. You feel his hands slip down your sides then slide under your shirt to skate along your hips. 
"I've wanted this for so long, pet." Michael admits as he slowly lifts your shirt up and off of you, flinging it across the room once you're free of it. You shudder against the cold air of the room and Michael pulls the blankets so they're up around the both of you. 
"Can I touch ya, love?" Michael asks, his hands settled just below your breasts. You nod and he brings his hands up to caress your breasts causing you to moan and arch your back. He chuckles above you and then leans down, laving his tongue over one of your nipples. You gasp and your hands shoot up to bury in his hair, pulling a groan from him. He works your chest over skillfully and has you moaning and writhing below him in no time.
"Mikey, please… stop teasing me. Need you." He pulls back far enough to look at you before nodding. The two of you shuffle around as you both work to get your pants down and off followed quickly by hs.
"Do ya need me to stretch you out, pet?" You whine and roll your hips against him causing him to hiss as your cunt rubs against his dick. 
"Just need you, Mikey." 
"Alright, pet. I'll taste ya later." There's a glint in his eyes that sends a shiver down your spine but you don't have long to dwell on it before he's lining up and sinking into you slowly. You both moan at the feeling of him bottoming out and he gives you a moment to get used to his size. Once you squeeze his arms to get him moving though he sets a slow, leisurely pace. He leans down and kisses you, his lips following the pace of his hips. It's slow and oh so sweet. Michael's hands run up your sides to your arms and finally to your hands where he intertwines his fingers with yours. 
"Fuck, love, ya feel so good wrapped around my cock." Michael moans into your mouth. His lips don't seem to want to leave yours, even to talk. He adjusts his hips to better thrust into you and the change has you crying out as he hits the spot within you that you'd only ever heard about. You squeeze his hands and throw your head back, hips rising to meet his as best as possible. 
"That's it, pet. Take what I give ya. Yer so good fer me." Michael grunts and picks the pace up some and you find yourself hurtling towards your orgasm. You can only cry out Michael's name as a warning before the wave rushes over you and you spasm around his cock. Michael growls at the feeling of you milking his cock and fucks you through it.
"Fuck, pet, where- where do ya want me to cum?" His words come out as a pant as he tries to hold off his own orgasm.
"Inside! I'm on birth control, please, Mikey, wanna feel you inside!" You whine and Michael curses before thrusting once, twice and cumming deep within your walls. He collapses on top of you and makes sure to pull the covers in tight so you don't get cold. He's still resting snugly inside of you and the both of you sigh at the feeling.
"Could stay like this forever." Michael murmurs before pressing a soft kiss to your neck. You smile and wriggle your arms until he lets you go so that you can wrap your arms around him and hold him close.
"I can't say we can stay like this forever, but we can at least stay like this for the rest of the night." You tell him and his eyes light up. 
"Really? With me in you? You wouldn't mind?"
"Of course I wouldn't. I'm comfortable like this. Besides… how else are we going to stay warm?" You ask with an innocent lilt to your voice. Michael chuckles and leans down to kiss you deeply.
"We can always go to my place."
"In the morning. I don't wanna move right now." You tell him, solidifying that you wanted him right where he was. He tucked the blankets more firmly around you and settled in. 
"Oh, and pet?"
"Don't be surprised if I wake you up with my head between your perfect thighs. I didn't get a taste and I'm always starving in the mornings." He told you, a dark glint in his eyes that has you clenching around him. He growls and dips down to kiss you.
"You won't find any complaints here. Now relax. Let me be good for you and keep you warm." Michael bit his lip, contemplating if he wanted to start round two or do as you said. Deciding on the latter, he let himself get comfortable again.
"Goodnight, love."
"Goodnight, Mikey."
And if he made good on his promise to eat you out in the morning? Well… you certainly weren't complaining.
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reblog-reblog666 · 12 days
Masterlist 7
Matthew Murdock
Virtuous person - Fluff, Spice, Hurt/Comfort
Matt x Chubby!Fem!Reader - Fluffy Smut
Daredevil x Reader x Batman - Hcs, Drabbles
A sensory game - Smut Adjacent
Hygiene hcs
Bruce Wayne
Daredevil x Reader x Batman - Hcs, Drabbles
x GN!Reader - Smut
Michael Kinsella
Ring the changes - Smut
Lovebites - Smut
Smut blurb
Frank Castle
Hygiene hcs
0 notes
psychedelic-ink · 2 years
😈- 7 MINUTES IN HEAVEN: send me a character and a prompt from this list (+18 only)
“come here. sit in my lap and tell me what you want,  [chosen term for sub]” with michael kinsella😖
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✨ seven minutes in heaven masterlist ✨
pairing: michael kinsella x fem!reader
prompt: ❝ come here. sit in my lap and tell me what you want,  [chosen term for sub]❞
warnings: dirty talking, the use of slut & whore, dom!micheal, sub!reader, lots of clothed grinding, fingering
a/n: anon i dont know who you are but thank you, getting this request made me so so unbelievably happy
+18 content under the cut | minors dni
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You nervously stare at Michael from the threshold of the study. He was typing away something, what it was you had no idea nor did you had the urge to ask. You were supposed to be a sleep, the cold air going through your nightgown and making you shiver. Taking a step inside, you flinch at the way the wood creaks under your bare feet.
Michael straightens up and turns to you with ease thanks to the revolving chair. He raises his eyebrows.
"What are you doing up so late?" he asks. "Did I wake you?"
You shake your head, walking and standing an inch away from him as he looks up at you with concern.
"Couldn't sleep," you mutter, averting your gaze. "Missed you,"
A small smile tugs at the corner of Michael's lips, if you didn't know him the way that you did, you might've missed it. You know that he wants to act as if you not being able to sleep without him doesn't make him happy, but it does. That wasn't all. You had an itch that was begging to be scratched. The heat between your legs made you toss and turn in bed with frustration, you needed him to put that fire out.
He seems to understand this by the way your pupils dilate, the way you bite your bottom lip as you stare into his eyes longingly. Michael's hand comes down to his lap.
"Come here. Sit in my lap and tell me what you want, pet."
Your mouth salivates upon hearing the name he gave you months ago. A shiver climbs up your spine and your lips part with a gasp of air. You do as he asks, straddling his lap as he wraps his muscular arms around your waist. When he gazes upon you all you can do is stare at his lips.
"Tell me what you want," he repeats.
"I--" you swallow, your tongue suddenly feeling two times too big in your mouth. "I want...I want to...have sex,"
A pout forms on your lips when he chuckles.
"That's quite frank of you to say," he teases, leaning closer. His breath ghosts over your face. "What makes you think I have the time to fuck a dirty whore like yourself?"
Your legs tremble at the way his voice goes down an octave, your loins begins to burn with anticipation and a whine escapes your lips. Then, much like a tidal wave, a sudden rush of pleasure washes over you when Micheal grinds his hips up against your core. Your hands claw his chest and you moan, his smile widens, grinding up into your clothed cunt once more.
"Fuck," he groans, hands on your hips. "I bet I can get you to cum like this-- My sweet, eager, perfect slut--"
"Yes," you breathe out. "Please Michael,"
He tuts, "Poor thing..."
His hands guide you as you begin to roll your hips, you can feel the prominent bulge under his sweatpants. It makes your thighs tremble. The way his fingers squeeze your ass, the way he groans into your neck as your grind your dripping cunt makes your mind go numb. Your panties now completely see through. Your insides clenching, you moan out his name, wet lips parting as you bury your face into his neck.
"That's it, you're going to feel so good after this-- Come on, cum for me,"
Michael starts to thumb your clit, his fingers rubbing between your clothed folds and humming as he feels how wet your truly were. The movement of your hips becomes sloppy, uneven, uncalculated. Your breathing ragged as he mercilessly plays with your engorged clit. Saliva dribbles down the corner of your lips as you chant his name over and over again, begging him to push you over the edge-- And he does.
Your toes curl and your back arches, Micheal doesn't stop playing with you as your cunt gushes with slick. A raspy groan rips from your throat as the overwhelming bliss of pleasure hits you like a truck. You can't help but start to bounce up and down on his lap, as if his cock was inside of you, and when you did the way his thumb grazes against your clit sends jolts of electricity up your spine. Everything about him feels so good. It makes you crave more. You need him.
"Now that's a good pet," he purrs, leaving wet, open mouthed kisses all over your neck. "But you're not satisfied are you? Not yet anyway,"
"N-No," you moan, hips still grinding against him. " 'Need more,"
"I know you do," his lips touches the side of your chin, nibbling your sensitive skin. "And don't worry, I'm not going to stop until you pass out-- That way you'll have to sleep."
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siampie · 1 month
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Finding You||Chapter 3
Pairing: Michael Kinsella x Fem!Reader
Word Count: 2.3k
Warnings/tags: pinning, childhood trauma, eldest daughter syndrome, mention of emotional abuse, mentions of SA
A/N: Enjoy this chapter, you guys. Comments and reblogs are always welcomed, greatly advised and strongly appreciate.
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Tag list: @marytheweefrenchie, @sunflowersandsapphires, @schneeflocky, @danzer8705, @ebathory997
@shouldbestudying41, @beezusvreeland
Dividers by @cafekitsune
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Yawning widely, you stumbled into your kitchen. You had stayed over at Michael’s, well into the night. You spoke of many things and of nothing. You caught yourself too late when you had mentioned your father. Michael had returned the courtesy, briefly mentioning his daughter Anna. But the conservations brought you back to Jamie. Which never failed to bring tears to Michael’s eyes. He tried several times to conceal them, to not let you see. In spite of your telling him that he didn’t need to. Not in front of you.
Standing in your kitchen, you waited for your coffee to brew as you texted your coworker; Bessie; to let her know that you would not come into work today. Thankfully, your company was quite lenient on sick days and did not require a sick note for one to two days of sick leave. Then, you sent a quick email to your manager to let him know, you won’t be in at least for one day.
The shrill sound of your phone ringing snapped you out of your thoughts. You jumped onto the counter and answered the phone. “Hello?” No answer. “Hello?” You said again. Still no answer. You could hear someone breathing on the other end, before the call disconnected. Pulling the phone away from your ear, you felt this knot in your stomach. Checking the number, you noted that it was an international call but not a number you recognized. Judging by the area code, it was from your hometown. The knot in your stomach tightened, your heart started beating wildly. Could this be your mother?
You knew your mother had your address but could she also have your phone number? Knowing your brother, it could be in the realm of possibilities. However, you really hoped you were wrong.
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Pulling the strap of your bag on your shoulder, you saw Michael coming back to his house, as you were locking your door.
“Good morning.” You greeted him with a smile.
“Good mornin’.” He smiled back as he stepped closer to you. “Yer goin’ to work?”
“Oh, no.” You shook your head quickly. “I’m just going to the shops. I need to grab some things.”
He nodded at your words and then, silence fell upon you. You started to feel awkward, standing there, facing him. He scratched the back of his neck; you adjusted the strap of your bag on your shoulder, growing nervous.
“So, I’m sure this is a stupid question but—how are you?” You asked him.
Michael let out a long breath, the kind that one may let out when they were feeling drained and burdened by life. He shoved his hands in his pockets. “Been dealin’ with a lot.”
“Yeah, I can only imagine.” You nodded, in understanding. You knew how crazy the next few days would be for him and his family.
He took a step closer. “Thank ya for stayin’ last night.”
“It was nothing, really.” You shrugged before looking down at your shoes.
“It was everythin'.” Michael replied, you looked back up at his face.
You held his gaze, his hazel eyes drawing you in. You didn’t seem to be able to pull your gaze away from him. The intensity in his gaze made you breathless. You swallowed your saliva, your tongue darted out to wet your lips. His eyes fell on them.
“If you—I mean—uh, if you need anyone to talk to, I’m—right next door.” You stammered out, offering once more.
“I’ll keep that in mind.” Michael’s lips twitched up at the corner.
You took a slight step back. You needed to break away from whatever spell he had cast on you. “I’ll see you around, I guess.”
He nodded with a small smirk, “Yeah.”
You walked away after waving at him. Michael snorted as he watched you walk away as you shook your head in embarrassment, mumbling to yourself.
Seeing you had made his day better, even if it was brief. Michael had met up with Jimmy earlier for drinks. It was clear that his brother wanted revenge for Jamie. And he understood, he did. But he couldn’t do that. Not if he wanted access to Anna. She was all that mattered to him. The most important person in his life. Although he was angry about Jamie’s death. He, too, wanted revenge for the boy’s death, he just couldn’t get involved. If he did, he would lose Anna too. Jimmy had been angry at his refusal, insisting that it would all be in the name of family.
He understood, he did. But Anna was family too.
Things had not gone better after their meeting with Frank, at Birdy’s house. Frank had wanted Jimmy to sit still and not to do anything. He had made it clear that they couldn’t go against Eamon Cunnigham. Jamie’s death had been an unfortunate mistake, they were going after Eric, he said. Even then, Frank refused to take actions against Eamon and his men. And to add insult to injury, Frank had given his brother a bag of cash to compensate for Jamie’s death. From Eamon. As though money would solve his son's death. Jimmy pissed on the cash and rightfully so. Money wasn’t what Jimmy wanted. Jimmy wanted blood. A life for a life.
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A knock sounded on his door, Michael opened the door only to find Frank.
“Listen, Michael,” Frank shut the door behind him. “I know this is absolutely fucking shit for Jimmy and Amanda.”
“It’s wrong, Frank.” Michael agreed.
“But we are gonna get Moore,” Frank continued. “In time. Yeah? It’s like Birdy said, we just need to be patient.”
“And what if it had been Eric killed instead of Jamie?” Michael questioned.
“I’d be sayin’ the exact same thing. But it wasn’t Eric. And Jamie is not your kid, either.” Michael felt anger rose within him. He cast his eyes down on the kitchen counter before leaning on it. “Anna is, though. No court is gonna let you anywhere near her if this family is in a feud.”
“Look, I’m stayin’ out of it.” Michael assured him.
“Yeah,” Frank stepped closer. “And see if you can make sure Jimmy doesn’t do anything—fucking stupid—in the meantime. Can do that?” Michael only hummed in response, nodding his head. “Good.”
Of course, it was on him to keep Jimmy out of trouble. Of course, it was on him to make sure Jimmy didn’t start a war with Eamon Cunnigham. It was a shitty thing for Frank to use his desire to get Anna back against him. Just to make sure he wouldn’t agree with anything that Jimmy would ask of him. He was pissed off that Frank had to remind him, insisting that Jamie wasn’t his. He already knew that. Jimmy was his da, not Michael.
But Jamie was his too.
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You sat on your kitchen counter waiting for your dinner to cook. This impromptu rest day had been beneficial to you. You had spent the day in town, enjoying yourself. A day away from work and taking people complaints on the phone. It could be draining at times, so this day was much needed. Even your brief encounter with Michael had somehow been welcomed, although it had been sort of awkward and embarrassing.
“What was that wave for?” You facepalmed yourself, still mortified by it. “That was so dumb.”
Your phone rang next to you. Same number than this morning. You picked up the call, there was breathing on the other side but no words were uttered. “Who are you?” You asked shakily. Still no answer. And before you could ask another question, the call was ended.
You had a terrible feeling about this.
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“So, did he?” You were with your sister on the phone.
“Yeah, he did.”  Your sister sighed. “But that’s not Mom’s number.”
“Then whose is it?” You asked her, panic rising in your chest.
“I don’t know.” Mary replied.
“I don’t like this, Mary.” You rubbed your face. “They had been calling all day. And every time I pick up, no one’s fucking talking.”
“Come on, babe, don’t go into a panic.”  Mary tried to soothe you from across the pond. “Why don’t you block the number? It’s just probably someone prank calling you.”
“I doubt that.” You leaned on the wall behind you. “But yeah, I’ll block the number.” You let out a deep breath. “Do you think it might be him?”
“Her husband.” You said shakily. Your sister remained silent on the other side of the line. Her silence alone was enough to confirm it. You were terrified of the man, you always had been.
“I’m going to kill Dave.” Your sister almost growled on the phone. You snorted. “Or I’ll sent Matt after him.”
“There’s no need but thank you.” You moved to your couch. “But you can tell him that—that—he’s no longer my brother. That he can forget about me.”
“Are you sure about that?” Mary asked you softly. “I mean he’s family and—the kids love you. Especially little Sammy.”
“He doesn’t act like family. And as much as I love the kids, I can’t—” You pushed out a tired sigh. “He knew what he was doing and I can’t forgive him for that.”
“I know. Just—it’s just the four of us now. We are supposed to—I don’t know—be close like we used to. Be a family.”
“Yeah, but we grew up and maybe some of us forgot what that meant.”
“Are you gonna be okay?”
“Yeah, gotta be.”
Growing up, your father had made sure that you all valued each other; that you would put each other first. Which had made you all very close to one another. You were a knit tight group. But as you had mentioned to your sister, you had all grown up. And unfortunately, some of you had grown apart. You always had this fantasy that all four of you would spend countless dinners together with your children and spouses. And that was all it was, a fantasy.
Priorities changed with adulthood, you had your jobs, your own family. You couldn’t prioritize each other anymore. And you understood that, you did. However, it didn’t mean that your brother could just go behind your back and betray your wishes in the way he did.
You were still family though. Was it really worth it to cut all ties with him? Even if it meant you would no longer have access to his children, including your goddaughter.
You blocked the number as you said you would. And just in case, your sister had given you your mother’s number so, you could block it too. Before the phone calls, you were sure that your mother and her husband would not show up at your doorstep. But now, you weren’t so sure anymore.  
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You woke in the middle of the night. And there it was standing at the foot of your bed, a faceless and shadowy figure. You tried to scream but no sound came out. You tried to move but you were paralyzed. The shadowy figure walked up to your bed, tears pressed against your eyes, your heart was racing underneath your ribcage, breathing was becoming hard. As though something was pressing down on it. The shadowy figure was no longer faceless. You recognized him. You knew him. You tried to scoot away from him as he stood over you with a smile on his face. Again, your body refused to obey to you. He moved his arm to pet your hair—
You gasped for air as your eyes snapped open. You sat up quickly, cradling your chest, feeling it rose as you took deep breaths. You switched on the lamp on your beside table. There was no one in your room with you. You were alone. Still, this knowledge wasn’t enough to reassure you. Your heart did not slow down. You got out of bed quickly. Rushed down the stairs, checking that your front door was still locked. And it was. You pushed down the doorknob four times, making sure it was in fact, locked. You even went as far as looking around your house, switching all the lights on, you looked in every room. Looking into closets and under the beds.
No one.
Eventually, your heart went back to a normal rate. You switched off the lights but you left the television on. Low volume. You laid down on your couch, you couldn’t go back to sleep in your bed. Not after this horrible nightmare. It looked too real. It had felt too real and it was fucking with your head. Although, you knew there was no one, you still looked around in fear.
You stared at the ceiling, praying for sleep to come. You were going back to work in the morning. And you didn’t want to deal with the lack of sleep on top of it all.
The television cast a blue soft glow over the room, the sounds acting as white noise. Your eyes drifted to the wall behind your couch. What was Michael doing at this hour? Probably sleeping, unlike you. You took a deep breath and turned on your side. Your back to the television, your face buried in the cushions, it was stupid, you thought to yourself. To seek comfort in someone that was on the other side of this very wall.
Was it wrong of you to want comfort and reassurance from Michael Kinsella? Maybe, it didn’t matter who was really offering it. Maybe, you just wanted someone to be there. Someone to put their arms around you, to make you feel safe.
And yet, it was Michael’s arms you pictured around you as you fell asleep. It was his voice you imagined, whispering words of reassurance.
As dangerous as Michael may be, it would never be worse than your stepfather.
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bellaxgiornata · 3 months
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First Thing in the Morning
Pairing: Michael Kinsella x Fem!Reader Word Count: 3.2k
Warnings/Tags: 18+; nothing but soft and smutty Michael in the morning
Summary: Michael wakes you up with one thing clearly on his mind.
a/n: This is literally just smut and I think for once I managed to keep the plot out of things! Also Reader doesn't have my attempt at an Irish accent in this one. Feedback is always appreciated!
Michael Kinsella one shot tag list: @shouldbestudying41 @kmc1989 @ebathory997 @mattkinsella @shiorimakibawrites @wkndwlff @pinkratts @lazyxsquirrel @1988-fiend @stilldreaming666 @will-delete-this-later-probably @yarrystyleeza @dramaholic18 @sunflower-tia @kezibear
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You felt your mind sluggishly waking, pulling you from the deep sleep you’d been peacefully enjoying after your previous late night, drawing you back to consciousness. Very slowly you felt your body following along after, a faint, muffled groan vibrating in the back of your throat as you stirred awake. 
With your eyes still closed, it took your brain a moment to process your surroundings, everything coming to you one at a time. The soft early morning bird call outside the bedroom window, the warmth of the blankets you were snuggly tucked beneath, and the large hand snaking its way down the length of your bare thigh. 
“Mmm,” you hummed out, stirring further awake.
Behind you, you felt the bed shift as Mikey scooted closer to you on the mattress. His lips were on your bare shoulder the second he settled, placing a lingering kiss there as your eyelids gradually fluttered open. Sunlight was trickling in through the curtains, swathing the room in a gentle, golden glow. You couldn't help the tired smile that grew on your lips when Michael's mouth pulled away from your skin, the warm caress of his breath dancing down your exposed back. 
Michael was often affectionate like this first thing in the morning, especially when neither of you had anywhere to be. Morning cuddles with him were some of your favorite moments, always making it so difficult for you to finally leave the bed and start your day. Many times you'd contemplated never leaving it, either, and just keeping him all to yourself wrapped up in the cozy sheets.
“G'mornin’, love,” he murmured against your bare shoulder.
The tinge of sleep coating his voice had a pleasant tingle racing up your spine. You knew that tone of voice though, especially with the way his hand was currently kneading at the muscle of your thigh. 
“Morning, Mikey,” you croaked back, still partially awake yourself. “Been up long?”
“No,” he answered, his mouth moving just a bit before it brushed another light kiss over your shoulder. “But long enough.”
His hand slid to the inside of your thigh, sensually gliding its way upwards until you felt the faintest brush of the back of his fingers against your clothed center. Your back arched involuntarily at his touch as his hand continued to massage the muscle beneath it, his nose running back and forth in a line along the length of your shoulder now, his beard lightly tickling you. Your eyes fell shut again, a soft, contented sigh spilling out of you. 
“How'd ya sleep, pet,” he murmured.
“Good,” you answered, focused on the feel of his hand once more on the move. “You?”
“Mmm, grand,” he purred, his hand running back down your thigh. “Woke up with ya on my mind though.”
You giggled softly into your pillow, Michael's hand dragging deliciously back up to your hip where he began leisurely kneading it. Goosebumps dotted the flesh along your arms, your body growing even further awake under his attentive touches.
“I can see that, Mikey,” you told him. 
His hand gripped your hip tight before you felt shifting along the bed again. He'd drawn his hips all the way forward, pressing the front of his body against the back of yours. There was an unmistakable bulge now wedged between your ass, your heart rate spiking at the feel of it. Still holding your hips in place with his hand, you felt him grind himself against your ass with a soft, pleased hum. Your cunt immediately stirred awake next at the sound.
“D'ya see what ya do to me, pet?” he whispered, grinding his cock into your ass again. “Ya drive me fuckin’ mad for ya. Got me wantin’ ya first thing in the mornin’.” 
Bottom lip rolling between your teeth, a shudder raced down your body at his raspy morning voice filled with heat and desire. You felt his hand moving again, this time gliding its way over your stomach and slipping beneath the hem of your shirt. His hand continued its ascent upwards until his palm cupped an entire mound of your breast. He gave it a gentle but firm squeeze and dampness began to form between your thighs, your blood immediately rushing southward. 
“Fuck, Mikey,” you breathed. 
An amused breath brushed over your ear, his mouth now hovering beside it. “I can if ya like, love,” he whispered. “Was kinda hopin’ for that this mornin’.”
You tried to shift in his arms towards him, desperate to run your hands along his bare chest and back, but the strong arm he had wrapped around you tightened, holding you in place as he continued to massage your breast. A frustrated groan left you before his fingers found your nipple, gently tugging at the quickly stiffening peak. 
“ Michael ,” you complained, struggling against his hold. “Come on.”
His lips grazed the shell of your ear as he chuckled lightly beside it. His warm breath fell down the back of your neck, the feel of it raising the hair there.
“Relax, let me just appreciate ya for a minute, love. Always in such a rush,” he teased.
His tongue delicately swiped along the length of your ear next and your eyes snapped shut instantly. Moments later his plush lips sucked your earlobe between them, the heat of his mouth causing your thighs to clamp together, your ass pressing back into his erection as your need for him began to rise. 
“Because this isn’t fair,” you shot back, a little breathless. “Maybe I want to touch you, too.”
He hummed in acknowledgement of what you'd said, your earlobe still between his lips. The pleasant vibration had you intentionally grinding back against him again, hoping that would help you change his mind so you could roll over and touch him in return. The way his fingers were deftly toying with your nipple beneath your shirt wasn't helping, either. Then gradually his mouth released your earlobe, his lips grazing your ear with each word when he whispered into it next.
“Let me just touch ya first,” he began, “then I'll let ya do whatever ya want with me.”
His words sent a thrill straight to your cunt. You knew damn well there was nothing more you wanted right now than to climb atop him and ride him until he came undone beneath you. The thought of that only had you growing wetter; you loved watching the sheer look of pleasure written on his face as he lay beneath you while you fucked him.
Michael's lips began placing delicate kisses along your neck, just below your jawline, and that quickly pulled you from the tantalizing mental image in your mind. His hand shifted beneath your shirt, coming to cup your other breast in his palm as you craned your neck, giving his mouth better access to it. The light scratch of his beard along your skin as he began trailing open-mouthed kisses against you had your hands fisting the sheets before you. 
“ Michael ,” you moaned. 
His teeth very subtly nipped at a sensitive bit of flesh and you couldn't fight back the resounding gasp that fell from your lips. You could feel Michael's own mouth draw into a smile against you before he nuzzled his face into your neck, his index finger carefully circling your nipple beneath your shirt. 
“D'ya like that?” he whispered, his other hand landing on your thigh and beginning to massage it again. “D'ya like it when I touch ya, pet?”
You nodded eagerly along the pillow, your cunt begging for attention as your hips squirmed along the mattress. Michael ground his cock into your ass again at the movement, a low groan coming from him. Your breath hitched at the sound, your ignored cunt practically aching with need now. His front was still flush to the back of you, your body feeling like it was on fire everywhere he was pressed against you.
Almost as if he already knew what you needed, his hand made a direct path up your thigh and all the way over until he cupped your core in his palm. A high-pitched, needy whine came from you at the touch, your hips giving a brief jolt before they eagerly pressed back into his hand. 
“Already soaked your panties and I've barely even touched ya,” Michael murmured in satisfaction, his palm beginning to rub against your center. “Ya need me that bad already d'ya?”
“Yes, yes,” you begged, not even embarrassed that you were grinding yourself against his palm. “I want you, Mikey. Let me show you how much.”
A deep growl rumbled out of his chest, the noise beside your ear sending a shiver through you. You fought back a smile at the sound though; you knew you were close to getting your way with him now. 
“ Fuck ,” he cursed. “The things ya do to me, pet.”
A sly grin crossed your lips as you glanced back over your shoulder at him behind you. His cheeks were slightly flushed, his eyes half-lidded as they met yours.
“Let me show you some of the things I can do to you,” you whispered coyly. 
You watched as his own eyes snapped shut at your words, something like a wince tugging at his features. You had him now. 
“Let me take care of you, Mikey,” you continued, squirming in his hold. “You've had a rough week and you’re leaving tomorrow. So let me make you feel better. Let me take care of you this morning.”
His eyes opened, once again meeting yours. He hesitated for a minute, his finger still circling your nipple, and then ever so slowly you felt his arm loosen its hold around you. Not wasting the opportunity, you quickly rolled over on the bed to face him, a triumphant smile on your face as his hand slid over your hip and landed on your ass, the other still inside your shirt grabbing at your breast.
“My turn now, yeah?” you asked.
He drowsily grinned back at you, the sight somehow only working you up further. Without a thought you lunged forward, connecting your mouths in a hungry, needy kiss. Your hand slid its way down his side until it reached the waistband of his boxers. Breaking away from his mouth, your breath coming in sharper, you tugged at the elastic of them.
“I don't think we're going to need these, Mikey,” you whispered. “Take them off for me.”
Michael's hand slipped out of your shirt, both of his hands obliging your demand and beginning to pull his boxers off beneath the sheets. While he did, you quickly slid your own damp underwear off, drawing them down your legs before tossing them out of the sheets and over the side of the bed. When you focused back on Michael, he was grinning again and tugging at your shirt.
“Don't think ya need this either, love,” he teased.
Throwing a leg over his hips, your hands grabbed onto both of his shoulders before you pushed against him. Taking the hint, Michael allowed you to roll him onto his back while you mounted him, straddling his hips. Smiling coyly down at him, your hands released his shoulders long enough to grab the hem of your shirt and pull it up and over your head. You tossed your shirt over the side of the bed before placing your hands back onto his chest.
“Better?” you asked him. 
Running your hands through the thick, dark hair of his chest, you saw him lazily smile up at you. He hummed out an affirmative response as you began to lower yourself down onto him, positioning your cunt more directly onto his cock. His eyelids lowered as a satisfied moan flew from his throat. 
“Hell, pet,” he groaned, his hands gripping tight to your hips and encouraging you to grind back and forth along the length of him. “So damn wet in the mornin’, aren't ya? Feel so good already and I'm not even inside o’ ya.”
Biting your lip, you could feel the throbbing desire of your cunt at his praise already. As much as you wanted to drag things out, you knew you wouldn't be able to resist much longer. More slick was seeping out of your center, coating the underside of his cock as you continued to grind yourself back and forth along him. 
Both of his hands made their way upwards from your hips, fingers delicately gliding up over your ribcage before his hands palmed your breasts once more. He began massaging them, kneading them tenderly in his hands. After a moment he paused, teasingly running the calloused pads of both of his thumbs over both of your nipples simultaneously. Your hips stuttered along him for a second and he gazed up at you smugly from beneath you.
“Someone's reactive this mornin’” he playfully teased, repeating the gesture with his thumbs.
“You know,” you told him a little breathlessly, fighting not to let your eyelids drop closed under the touch, “I don't think you're the one in the position to be doing the teasing here.”
He arched a dark brow at you, the corner of his lip tugging upwards. “Sure ‘bout that, love?” he asked.
Eyes narrowing at his challenge, you began to drag your nails down his chest. He hissed out a pleased noise between his teeth, his head partially rolling back along the pillow. You grinned back at him in satisfaction as your hand continued its way down his torso and towards his cock. Shifting your body out of the way, you grabbed onto the base of him and gave him a few languid pumps, reveling in the way his eyelids fluttered before you ran the head of him between your damp folds. 
“Like I said,” you whispered, “I'm the one taking care of you this morning. Stop getting coy with me, Michael.”
He opened his mouth to respond, but you lined up his cock with your entrance and then sunk the tip of him inside of you before he had the chance. Instead of words, you heard him groan something incoherent that had your entire body pleasantly tingling at the sound. Both hands splayed wide over his chest once more, fingers curled into the dark hair there that you loved so much, you braced yourself as you began to gradually lower yourself fully onto him. Both of you simultaneously released noises of pleasure into the bedroom as you did, the girth of him filling you entirely as you finally took him all the way.
“ Fuck I missed you, Mikey,” you whispered. 
Michael's large hands slid around to your back, blunt nails digging into your skin. “I missed ya, too, pet,” he murmured back. “Always do. Always need ya.”
Beginning to move against him, you held his gaze. “Going to be thinking about me while you're out on that job?” you asked. “Will you be missing me then?”
“‘M always wishin’ ya were with me,” he whispered back, his hands tenderly smoothing over your back as you began to fuck him. “Always miss ya when– shit, love –”
The particularly hard roll of your hips forward into him cut him off, his hands halting their loving movements as his fingernails once more dug further into your back. Picking up your pace, you began to bounce along him a little quicker, your hips repeatedly rolling into him over and over as Michael lay beneath you, his face twisted into a look of sheer ecstasy. 
“Always know what you're doin’,” he grunted out, breath coming in heavier. “Know me too damn well.” 
Your hands slid up the expanse of Michael's chest, feeling the hard muscle beneath them as they moved. Eventually they made their way back to his broad shoulders, gripping them firmly in your hold. Michael’s half-lidded eyes were currently roving their way over your naked body atop him, his teeth gnawing on his own lip as his ragged and panting breaths filled the room. He looked so perfect like that beneath you, just letting you ride him until you both got off.
The urge to have more of him hit you hard and fast. Leaning down towards him, you saw Michael’s eyes fly up to meet yours at the movement. As if wanting the same thing, his own head eagerly rose from the pillow, his mouth meeting yours half-way. The kiss was sloppy and full of heat–all wet tongue and muffled groans of pleasure. His hands slid across your back as he kissed you until both of his arms had wrapped around you, your hips beginning to roll more frantically into his own. 
And then his strong arms sharply tugged your body down towards himself, crushing you to him as his mouth swallowed the gasp of surprise that had flown out of you. His arms held you firm to the front of himself, his own hips beginning to buck up into yours and attempting to match your pace. When his cock hit just the right spot deep inside, your mouth released his, a loud moan flying out of you as your eyes briefly rolled back.
“Just like that, pet,” Michael ground out between clenched teeth, your sweat-dampened forehead dropping to rest against his. “Keep fuckin’ me just like ya are. Feel so fuckin’ perfect.”
Encouraged by his words, your nails bit firmly into his shoulders as you felt your own climax quickly approaching. You could feel he was already growing close to his own release with the sudden desperation apparent in his own movements as his hips fucked up into you.  
“I need you to cum for me, Mikey,” you panted out, forehead still pressed to his. “Can you do that for me?”
He loosed a low moan in response that had your cunt tightening around his cock. Shifting atop him, you lowered your mouth beside his ear, nuzzling your nose against his temple as you whispered into it.
“I can tell you’re close,” you purred, breath ragged as you spoke. “Come on baby,” you urged, “fill me.”
“Fuckin’ hell, love, I’m–”
His hips stuttered beneath you, his eyes pinching shut. And then you felt the hot release of him inside of you a few thrusts later, the sound of his pleasured groan loud in the bedroom. The sound of it had your back arching along him, your cunt squeezing around him repeatedly. And then you were falling over the edge of your own release, moaning his name out soon after as your hips unsteadily continued to fuck the pair of you through each of your climaxes.
Gradually you felt yourself coming down moments later, your hips slowly stopping their movements along him. Michael’s head sluggishly rolled along the pillow towards yours as your body collapsed atop his, his cock slowly beginning to soften inside of you. His hands began running soothing patterns along your back as he smiled at you. You sent him a blissful, sleepy smile in return.
“Well g’mornin to you, love,” he said, a glint in his eye.
You bit your lip, giggling as your chest still heaved against his from the morning’s exertion. “Good morning indeed,” you whispered back.
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peterman-spideyparker · 7 months
Cheesy Hash (Michael Kinsella x fem!Reader)
Author’s Note: So this is probably not great and I apologize in advance. I've only watched the pilot episode of Kin because it's the only one that's been available where I am without having to buy another streaming service our buy by the episode, but I'm obsessed with the gifs and clips I've seen and the fics I've read I just had to write this idea when I had it. It's definitely a fluffier and lighter fic for him, but, he deserves it! Enjoy! :)
Summary: Things are new and exciting with Michael, but at the same time, they feel established and comforting, and nothing is more established and comforting than waking up with Michael on a Saturday and him making you breakfast.
Warnings: Fluff (kissing and tooth-rotting sweetness), angst (Michael's trauma and family baggage), implied smut, a sprinkle of swears
Other Characters: None
Word Count: 990
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The pins and needles that begin to prick at your hand is the thing to stir you from your sleep. The gentle trace of warm, calloused fingertips running up and down your arm help pull you from your sleep entirely as you slowly open your eyes to the bright light starting to stream in through the blinds. 
“I didn’t mean ta wake ya, love,” Michael rasps softly, trying to preserve the quiet of the peaceful early morning—something you know he doesn’t get to enjoy often, if at all. 
“Y’didn’t,” you hum as you open your eyes and look up at him and his gorgeous honey hazel orbs sparkling down at you. “Hand fell asleep.”
“Ah,” he tuts with a soft smile before he leans down to press a kiss into your neck, slowly dragging his lips to your shoulder and collarbone before slotting his lips over yours. You hum into his lips, chuckling softly as his beard tickles at your face. 
“Good morning, (Y/N),” he murmurs against your lips. 
“Good morning, Michael.”
He softly runs his hand up and down your arm in adoration. “What d’ya want fer breakfast, pet?”
“Mm, I get breakfast, too?”
He smirks and pulls you closer to him in bed. “Course ya do. I have no intention of lettin’ ya leave all weekend.”
“Ooh, scandalous, Mikey.“
Michael smiles and kisses you once more. “What d’ya have a hankering fer, princess?”
“Surprise me.”
“Alright. But you stay here. It’s a surprise, after all.”
“‘Kay,” you grin. Michael leans forward for one final kiss, twisting you back into the mattress and kissing you deeply, making you giggle into the embrace. 
“Stay,” he murmurs against your mouth before pressing a final kiss into your lips before he rolls away. You get a very lovely view of his butt as he looks for his discarded boxers on the floor, shimmying them on just enough for them to stay on his hips. “Roll yer tongue back in’ta yer mouth,” he chuckles. 
“Sorry, Mikey,” you hum. “Just enjoying one of the lovely views of Ireland.”
He just chuckles some more and shakes his head as he walks out of the bathroom. “Yer a menace.”
You watch him leave, wondering how the stars aligned where you could be with this amazing man, so kind and gentle despite all the hardships, the heartaches he’s gone through  and demons he battles night and day. The way that he never tries to burden you with the darkness that weighs on him over and over, the way that when he finally cracks and breaks down, how he weeps when it all becomes too much, how he can turn into a towering, dominant figure when he needs to work through frustrations with intense passion. . .
You’re pulled from your thoughts when you hear a clatter from the kitchen. 
“Mikey?” you call. “You alright?” You don’t hear him respond, and he sounds like he’s fine in the kitchen, but you can’t help your mind from wandering. “Michael?”
You know he told you to wait, but you can’t help yourself. With a sigh—and against your better judgment, knowing you should stick to what he requested— you slide out from under the covers and find Michael’s discarded sweater on the ground. Sliding it on, you’re immediately wrapped in Michael’s smell, as if he's wrapping you in his signature warm, tender hug. Slowly shuffling down the stairs, you turn into the kitchen and find Michael happily working at the stove, shuffling something in his pan before flipping it with a flick of his wrist.
Mm, so sexy.
With a smile, you shuffle over to him, not so quiet where you scare him, but not as loud as an elephant shuffling about. You can tell by how Michael stands at the stove that he hears you, slightly adjusting his posture, readily accepting your arms that slink around his waist.
"What're you doin', pet?" Michael says in amused surprise as he looks over his shoulder while you rest your cheek on his bare back. "I told ya to stay in bed."
"I missed you. And you took all the warmth with you,” you hum. “Whatcha cookin’?”
“Don’t laugh, okay?” he says with a chuckle of his own. “I really don’t have much and need to run to the market. But I had some eggs, cilantro, Parmesan, and potatoes. ‘M goin’ for a cheesy hash and eggs sort of somethin'.”
“Sounds delicious.” You press a kiss right between his shoulder blades. “Reminds me—I need to go grocery shopping, too. We can make a little date of it.”
“I like that idea.”
“Maybe I can convince you to get a beer that isn’t so shitty.”
“Yer an American—you don’t know anything about good beer,” he laughs, turning around from the pan with the cooking shredded potatoes to kiss you and sit you down on the island. “Now sit and behave.”
“And if I don’t?”
“Well, yer eggs and hash will burn, and we won’t do the fun little activity I had in mind after we eat.”
“You really meant all weekend.”
“‘Course I did. ‘M a man of m’word.” Turning around, he has two plates of fried cheesy hash brown circles with two sunny side up eggs on top, extending one of them toward you. “Fer you.”
“Mm, why thank you,” you say with a big smile as you take the plate. “This looks delicious. It smells delicious.”
“T'ank ya,” he says with a kiss, twisting around to get you a fork. You each cut off a bite with your forks, clinking them together before you take your bites. “Damn, I’m a fuckin’ good cook.”
You giggle as you pull him as close to you and the kitchen island that you can, leaning forward to kiss his shoulder. “Yes you are. Good at a few other things, too.”
“And ya say I only have one t'ing on my mind.”
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Permanent Taglist: @majesticavenger​ @steampowerednightvaler​ @themusingsofmany @just-the-hiddles​ @toozmanykids​ @dangertoozmanykids101 @clints-worldavengers @theburningbookshop​ @itwasthereaminuteago​ @peter1ismybrother@hellskitchens-whore​​ @dpaccione​ @catnip987​
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Fall Drabbles, Day 9
prompt: cold air in the morning
pairing: Michael Kinsella x fem!Reader
summary: After dealing with his family for far too long, Michael is happy to let you care for him.
warnings: Swearing, fluff
a/n: AHHHH this is my first time writing for Mikey so please let me know what you think! This piece is dedicated to @chvoswxtch, my Kin watch buddy! And a huge thank you to @bellaxgiornata for the advice on writing his accent!
w/c: <1k
Trudging up the street in the dim light, Michael grit his teeth against the weariness growing with each step–exhaustion sitting atop his shoulders like a barbell, slowly driving him into the pavement. A stiff breeze battered his cheeks, irritating his already gritty eyes, but he ignored it. He was no stranger to the numbing cold, and its unmatched ability to clear his head of racing thoughts, but he didn’t welcome it today. Rather than anchoring him, it rubbed at his nerves uncomfortably, leaving an almost acidic sting in its wake. 
His breaths were measured, but the tension in his lungs loosened marginally when the familiar structure finally appeared on the horizon. Willing his aching body to move faster, he focused on the dull red of his front door, a shining beacon in the dreary gray morning that promised rest and safety. He was running on fumes, his brain unable to process more than the stench of petrichor in the air and the burning in his lungs. 
Though it couldn’t have been more than a five minute trek, the walk felt like an eternity. Fitting the key into the lock sapped all of his remaining strength and he slumped backwards against the door, shutting it more forcefully than intended. Stifling a grimace at the noise, he swallowed hard as he plodded over to the dining room table and collapsed into a chair–his body folding in on itself until he could hold his pounding head between his palms. Every contraction of his heart sent another pound of pressure to his skull, slowly expanding like a balloon about to pop. He was tired and frustrated and hungry and alone and it was all quickly becoming too much. 
A creaking floorboard above him startled him out of his stupor. Tensing his legs to dart for his gun, which he’d stupidly left by the door, your voice called down the stairs. “Mikey?”
The question was soft, barely loud enough for him to hear downstairs, and your voice was raspy with sleep–but it sent a current of warmth through his senseless limbs. “Ya, pet. It’s me.” His own voice was hoarse after his restless days spent screaming about the family business.
Padding down the stairs, you smiled when you saw him, dashing right into his open arms and giggling drowsily as he pulled you into his lap. You pressed your lips to his, sending a jolt of energy through him like an exposed wire. He couldn’t fathom why you looked so happy to kiss his noticeably chapped lips, but your sweet smile was melting the icy shell of prolonged displeasure around his gut. “I’m sorry to wake ya. What’re ya doin’ here, love?” 
You shrugged, eyes flitting over the myriad of cuts on his face as one of your hands carded through his hair, tenderly untangling the strands. “My place was too quiet so I came here. Did you want me to leave?” 
Michael’s hands instinctively clenched, tightening their grip on your waist. “Fuck no.” 
Chuckling, you leaned your forehead against his. “How was it?” 
“Grand.” He scoffed, averting his eyes as you stroked a thumb over his beard. “Tirin’.” 
You hummed, plush lips tilting into a frown. “I’m sorry, love. Did you sleep at all?” 
“A bit. Not enough.” Your free hand slipped under the hem of his shirt, icy fingers drawing circles on his stomach. “Christ, yer so cold, pet.” He laughed as you wriggled your other hand up his bare skin as well. 
“Come back to bed with me? It’s chilly without you.” Wrapping your arms around him, you nuzzled a kiss against his prickly jawline. 
Nodding sluggishly, he gladly let you tug him out of the chair and up the stairs—more than willing to sleep the day away with you.
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yarrystyleeza · 7 months
🥤 ⇢ recommend an author or fanfic you love
Bella Bella Bella, aka @bellaxgiornata (I'm her n1 fan forever), I won't recommend one fic but her whole works are absolutely awesome.
My favorites are safe haven (Michael Kinsella x fem reader) and all these years (Matt Murdock x fem reader) —but overall, I love all her works, she's really awesome and talented! 💘
🍄 ⇢ share a head canon for one of your favourite ships or pairings
Can I give a head canon about my fic pairing? Oh ho I think I can hehe. 👉🏻👈🏻
Madilyn (oc) always fixes Matt's hair and tie, her love language is acts of service, physical touch and words of affirmation. She also loves pulling his cheeks. And Matt takes off his glasses when she's around because he feels safe with her (and she loves his eyes).
🔪 ⇢ what's the weirdest topic you researched for a writing project?
Recently I was looking up charges and sentences, not that much of weird, but also a couple military related stuff for my fic (is that a spoiler? honestly idk) and how to correctly pronounce 'penne' the pasta.
Thanks for the ask anon, really enjoyed it! 💘
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shiorimakibawrites · 8 months
A Heated Discussion (Kinktober Day 8)
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Personal Masterlist for Kinktober 2023
FlightlessAngelWing's prompt list can be found here.
Day 8 - Rough Sex
Pairing: Michael Kinsella x AFAB! Fem! Reader
Word Count: 1,267
Warning(s): reference to a mugging with threat of knife violence, rough kisses, spanking, unprotected p in v sex, rough sex, clitoral stimulation, overstimulation, reference to possibility of voyeurism, dirty talk
Tagging: @flightlessangelwings-updates
A Heated Discussion
You weren’t fighting. Fighting implied disagreement. This wasn’t a disagreement per se. Michael wanted you alive and safe. Well as safe as you could be dating him. You also wanted those things. But how to accomplish those lofty goals . . . well . . . you were still working out the details.
One of those details – namely how late was too late to call him to walk you home after work – had resulted in this . . . not an argument . . . a heated discussion. Probably because you had walked through the front door without your purse and shaking from having a knife waved in your face. With Michael already worried because it was well past time for you to be home and you hadn’t been answering your phone . . . because it had been dead and now it was stolen . . .
To say he was unhappy about these events was a bit of an understatement.
Having Michael crowd you against the kitchen table, boxing you in with his arms, his eyes dark with restrained fury, speaking in a low but intense voice, should have been frightening. Especially since you knew perfectly well what this man was capable of. Key words being should have been. Because the feeling coursing through you wasn’t fear.
Not with thoughts like ‘Wow, he is so pretty when he’s angry’ running around your head. Not that Michael isn’t always pretty. Because he is. But there was something about his angry face that was making your cunt ache with need. It was rather distracting.
“Are ya even listenin’ to me?” he demanded, sounding frustrated. Which was . . . fair.
You weren’t sure when the switch was flipped. One minute, you were having your heated discussion. The next thing you knew, Michael was kissing you. Rough kisses that involved just as much teeth as they did lips and tongue. Kisses that soon had you frantically trying to get his pants off. You had partially succeeded. You had managed to unbuckle his belt as well as unbutton and unzip the pants. You were in the process of yanking them down when he lifted you into the air and deposited you onto the table.
He tried to slotted himself between your legs but ended growling into your mouth when the tightness of your skirt restricted the spread of your legs. He tore his mouth away from yours with a frustrated growl.
“Lift ya hips for me, pet,” he ordered, fingers hooking into the waistband of your skirt. You never noticed him doing it but the closures had been undone. So when you eagerly lifted your hips, he could immediately start pulling down your skirt. Along with your panties.
You expected him to do the same to his own jeans and boxers but he only pushed them down far enough to free his cock. His hands gripped your hips and yanked you over to the edge. The movement was so abrupt that you barely managed to remain upright. Michael slotted himself between your legs, using his body to spread them apart until he was pressing his groin against yours. Not trying to come inside you – just grinding his hard cock on your wet cunt.
“So fuckin’ wet, pet,” he rumbled, moving one hand away from your hip. You gasped as that hand smacked your ass. Not especially hard but it only fueled the fire between your legs. Something that did not go unnoticed by Michael.
“And that got ya even wetter,” he observed, grinding against you. “Like it when someone spanks yer arse, pet?”
You felt your face flush. When you didn’t answer, he smacked your ass again, a little harder this time. Which only made you let out a strangled moan. It stung but it also felt good.
“Answer me, pet,” he said, a note of warning in his voice.
“Y-yes,” you manage to pant out and are rewarded with another smack. His hand rubbed the skin, soothing the tingling skin. That it also allowed him to grope your ass was just a bonus.
Then you felt the head of his cock prodding your entrance. But he didn’t come inside you. Just pressed the tip to your entrance. You whined and bucked up, trying to get him actually in you. Or rather you wanted to do that but his hands were back on your hips almost immediately. He used the hold to press your hips back down onto the table. They stayed there, keeping you right where he wanted you.
“Mikey, please . . .” you whined, trying to squirm out of his hold. But it was useless. He was too strong.
“Ya want me to fuck ya, pet?” Michael asked, pushing himself in. But only a little. Barely far enough get the head of his cock inside you. Just enough to give your aching cunt a taste of what it wanted. What it needed.
You whimpered. “Mikey-”
“Then promise me that ya’ll call me when ya get off after dark. Promise me no more walking alone at night,” he demanded.
“But what if” you started to protest but cut yourself off when he started to withdraw his cock. “Okay, okay! I promise! I promise! I – fuck!”
With one powerful thrust, Michael had pushed the rest of his cock inside you. All the way without letting your cunt adjust along the way or the usual foreplay of fingering or eating you out. It didn’t hurt but there was a sharpness that told you that you were going to sore later.
But that was Future You’s problem. Present You was deliciously full, moaning at the sensation of your cunt fluttering and twitching around his cock. But you needed more. You wrapped your legs around his hips and dug your heels into his bare ass. You both groaned as this action pushed him little bit deeper inside you.
“Move!” you ordered.
Michael did as he was told. No slow build up this time, he was immediately thrusting at a hard and fast pace. You rose your hips to meet each thrust as best as you could. Your hands clung tightly to his shoulders, your nails biting into his shirt.
Your fear from the mugging on the way home. The stress of arguing with Michael. The knowledge that anyone who walked into the backyard would be able to see Michael fucking you on the kitchen table. All of it faded into the background.
All that mattered was Michael. The look of fierce pleasure on his face. The taste of his skin as your mouth kissed and nipped at his neck. The sound of his loud grunts and quieter moans as he fucked you. The way his cock felt, how perfectly he fit inside you, how deep each hard thrust was. How with a slight shift of his hips he started hitting that spongey place inside you that had the pleasure building and building. Until suddenly the dam burst and you were screaming his name.
You fell back on the table, unable to keep yourself upright. Michael barely missed a beat, continuing to fuck you through your orgasm. The waves had almost abated when his hand abandoned your hip in favor of toying with your clit. You cried out and soon found yourself falling over the edge of your second climax. That soon on the heels of your first, the pleasure was so intense it was almost painful. You couldn’t stop sobbing his name as his thrusts began to falter, until with a deep groan, he thrust in one last time and came.
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murdocksluvrr · 2 years
— @mindidjarin thank you for the tag lovely !! 🤍
rules: post the names of all the files in your wip folder, regardless of how non-descriptive or ridiculous. send me an ask with the title that intrigues you and I’ll post a little snippet or tell you something about it!
i don’t have a lot of wips😅
• to be or not to be (a coincidence) — matt murdock
• tristan thorn x fem!reader (no title)
• it’s different when [he’s] with me — michael kinsella
no pressure tags: @cellophaine @foggywells @novaresque
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