#mike td x reader
endersimp · 5 months
Mike and Scott flirting headcannons
hello my lovely simps! this is my first every fic, so please be kind! if you want me to write for a specific character, send in an ask!
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Summary: headcannons for both Mike and Scott flirting with a gn reader
Warnings: none
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This boy might be nervous wreck but he adores you!
Like, he’ll try to be subtle, but he is NOT
You like frogs? He’ll try catch one and show it to you!
You like the stars? Boom. He’s asking you to teach him constellations and smiling the whole time.
You like climbing trees? He might be a little scared but there is NO way he’ll miss out on an opportunity to be with you!
Mike will absolutely get flustered if you’re a fan of touching. Side hugs, sleep cuddling, even things like brushing hands or leaning on him will have him blushing like crazy. He does love it though.
If you’re on the same team, he’ll make sure to stay near you just in case something happens in a challenge. Definitely not cause he likes being around you!
If you’re on a different team, get ready for a little friendly rivalry between you too! But the second you’re at risk of being voted, he’ll throw the challenge without a second thought.
Everyone knows he like you, except him.
He might be adorable but he is not the smartest at emotions.
He’ll try and impress you with his animal “knowledge”. Every single animal WILL be pointed out and incorrectly named. That bird flying up there? That’s a bug-eating rat feather! What do you mean, it’s a seagull? No it’s not!
Scott will try and do little things to make himself close to you. Leaning against you, or having an arm around your shoulder are two of his favourite ways. 
Gifts are a common things with Scott. Anything from pretty rocks to weirdly shaped sticks to clumps of dirt will be given to you as he proudly tells you how and where he found it. 
Without a doubt, you’ll be roped into his schemes one way or another, but you don’t need to worry to much because he will absolutely tamper with the votes to make sure you aren’t voted out. 
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boyfriendfever · 11 months
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dating headcanons
pairing - mike, mal, ella, jasmine / reader (seperate)
contains - fem!reader, ooc (?), mentions of hickeys and making out, jasmine being a tall queen.
notes - these are kind of short but whatever 🤷‍♀️ jasmine’s accent does smth to me istg it’s just so attractive 😍😍
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nervous wreck when it comes to pda
if you even grab his hand during an elimination be prepared for him to just stop working
like he literally just powers off
“i- eh.. hah… areyouholdingmyhand?”
all in one word
pls brush your fingers through his hair
he’s gonna immediately melt in your arms
“mhh, that feels… delightful.”
if you hug him he won’t know what to do with his hands
he will just stand there like 🧍🏻
unless your cuddling
then he just wraps his arms around your shoulder
wakes up extra early just to find flowers for you every once in a while
picnic dates and stargazing by the dock
enjoys laying his head in your lap as you brush through his hair or (if you can) draw him.
favorite body part is your chest and neck.
he loves to kiss your neck and the skin above your breasts.
he likes how he can leaves hickeys on your chest and you can cover it up with a shirt or hoodie.
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he cares about you, even though he doesn’t show it
he asked you out by pulling you by your waist into the forest from behind during a challenge.
“i like you, you like me, let’s date.”
don’t reject him, just don’t do it.
why would he get you gifts? he is the gift.
if you’re near him while he’s sitting down best believe he will pull you into his lap.
he loves showing the others you’re his.
he will rub your thighs, kiss your jaw and neck, squeeze your waist, even make out with you infront of everyone.
he just doesn’t care.
you sleep with him in the mens cabin/room, and nobody dares to say anything about it.
scott has already made that mistake, being how he is.
nobody heard from him again after that.
calls you sexy. that’s the only pet name. either that or foxy.
favorite body part is your wrists.
solely because he can hold them behind your back while kissing you.
he enjoys how you want to touch him so bad, to wrap your arms around his neck.
on the topic of necks, he will always litter yours in hickeys.
he loves showing others that you’re his.
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she loves nothing more than to hold you in her arms.
it doesn’t matter where or when, if she can hold you she will.
tells the animals in the forest about you.
“oh, and that pulchritudinous personality! everything about her is just so.. alluring.”
if you don’t like pet names, don’t even try to date her.
darling, pretty, princess, my beauty, tangerine
(if your hair is long enough) she will braid it, curl it, straighten it, brush it, everything.
she leaves you little notes and poems around your bed and clothes.
bakes you cupcakes.
makes up little songs about you.
if you get hurt during a challenge she will stop everything just to help you.
she doesn’t care if she loses, you’re 10x more important.
her favorite body part is your hands.
especially if you wear rings.
she will play with them if she’s nervous.
she loves kissing your hands and massaging them.
(couldn’t find a jasmine gif)
loves carrying you over her shoulders.
mostly because of her height.
“you see anything up there?”
she let’s you climb her like a tree.
during breakfast she has you sit in her lap.
facing her.
she loves seeing your flustered expression
lets you wear her hat
“you look nice in my hat. maybe i should get you one of your own, would you like that?”
picks you up off your feet when she kisses you🤭
she would hold you by your thighs
like this
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calls you tangerine.
tangerines are her favorite fruits.
she will lay on her back as you saddle her waist while making out.
like mike, she wakes up early to gather some flowers for you.
except she takes polaroid pictures of her and the flowers as well.
her favorite body part of is your thighs.
not in a sexual way, she just loves to touch them.
they are just so soft.
similar to ella, she loves kissing and massaging them.
she just gets so much pleasure out of praising you.
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muttsshroom · 2 years
mike, mal and alejandro reacting to their s/o being in danger during a challenge
tags: reader wears roller skates, slight ooc mal, mike didn't have a reset button, mike is a sweetheart, alejandro is protective, idk what else to tag lol
warning(s): near-death experiences, mild injuries (a single cut on hand), blood (barely)
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when he hears your yelp he panics, immediately twirling around on his heel.
you give this poor boy a damn heart attack when he sees your skate stuck between two rocks, your nails dug into the dirt so you didn't slide down the mountain.
mike decides that chris's hike-race could wait as he sprints over, immediately grabbing your hand and pulling you up.
"are you okay?!" mike is so fussy over you, double checking your once trapped ankle. "i'm okay. thank you so much, mike."
he keeps you close for the rest of the hike, not caring about the challenge as he helps you skate over some bumpy rocks.
"maybe you should give the skates a rest?" he'll suggest, but sighs when you stay stubborn about keeping them on.
he won't ask, but he will literally swoon if you give him a kiss as thanks.
even though you both place pretty late in the race, albeit not last, he's just happy you're okay.
as soon as you yell out his name through the echoed tunnels he's running for you
much like cameron, you had most likely slipped and fell into a deep hole, the sight made his heart jump.
you had a firm clutch upon the rim of the hole you had accidentally rolled into, your skates desperately trying to push you up to safety, yet the wheels only dug in and crumbled some of the rock.
mal snatches your hand, tugging you up with swift strength and into his arms. you must of been tired from holding on since you panted slightly into his neck, holding him just as tight and muttering 'thank you's'.
"be more careful next time." he'll scold, scowling to hide his worry as his arms squeeze you rather protectively. "i will. thanks again, mal."
unlike mike, he will demand a kiss as thanks for saving your life before heading off with you to find chris and the others.
keeps an extremely close eye on where you're going. will kick rocks out of the way for you. even goes as far as to place a hand upon your lower back to ensure you're safe.
after the stress dies down and you're both back in the cabins he'll tease you a little. "maybe you should take skating lessons, doll." "shut up, mal." he won't tell anyone about it though. he's the only one who can humiliate you.
if anyone had a part in your 'accident' he will literally rig the votes to get them off immediately. no one can (almost) hurt his s/o and get away with a million.
in future challenges he keeps a closer eye on you.
owen's carelessness had knocked open yet another rickety patch-job on the side of chris's plane, causing the suction to tug everyone violently.
due to you being sat with noah, your new friend (much to your lover's dismay), alejandro couldn't grab you as quick as he wanted to as you're shook from your seat.
noah's hand grazes your wrist as you yelp, trying to stop yourself- yet your wheels kept moving.
your body is almost thrown from the plane, yet you manage to catch onto a piece of sharp metal, cutting your hand in the process.
alejandro can hear you shouting for him, adding even more stress to the situation. luckily, he manages to grab a handle next to a seat and leans out, snagging your arm just before your hand slipped.
alejandro immediately reels back from the hole with you as leshawna pushes a box in front of the hole, causing the others to drop to the floor.
you clung to alejandro tightly as the others ask if you're alright, face buried into his neck as you soak in the situation, catching your breath.
as soon as alejandro feels your tears wet his neck, probably due to stress and shock of almost dying, he shouts at owen; cursing him out in spanish
after the situation dies down, alejandro sits with you in the farthest and most safe corner, still holding you tightly as you calm down.
"mi vida, are you alright?" he mutters, carefully wiping the blood from your hand with his shirt. when you nod yes, he visibly relaxes, pressing a kiss to your forehead.
"just relax, okay? we'll get to our next location soon. i promise." alejandro keeps his voice soft, trying his hardest to help calm you.
literally glares at anyone who tries to get close to you at the moment, but decides that noah could sit next to you to make sure you're okay.
sandwiched between your lover and best friend, you relax pretty easily, but still jolt with every bump of turbulence. every time you do, alejandro squeezes you a bit closer, kissing your head softly.
if you fall asleep against him he'll literally ascend to heaven.
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𝐃𝐚𝐭𝐢𝐧𝐠 𝐓𝐡𝐞𝐦 𝐖𝐨𝐮𝐥𝐝 𝐈𝐧𝐜𝐥𝐮𝐝𝐞
↳ includes headcanons for mike & his alters, zoey, alejandro, and duncan
↳ warnings: total drama type violence
↳ song: heat waves—glass animals
• He is the most sweetest boy to date ever
• Looks at you like you're the sun to his moon
• He loves to surprise you by hugging you from behind and squeezing. Durring a challenge or otherwise
• Big on cuddling. He's so used to having so many people around him constantly with his alters and all, but physically touch has always been hard. So those moments where he can just sit down and chill with you is like heaven
• Give him a kiss and he'll stop functioning all together. A complete and total mess over you, and is so happy that you feel the same way
• Isn't big on using pet names himself, but swoons when you call him babe or anything like that
• Has a talk in the head space with everyone to make sure they're all okay with him dating you. You were actually the one to suggest he do that, wanting to make sure all of him was okay with this
• Mike's not very jealous, either. Something you appreciate. He trusts you unbelievable amounts and isn't one for confrontation, so situations are normally diffused pretty quickly
• She is constantly wanting to impress you
• "Love! Look at vhat I can do!" Svetlana called out, balancing on top of the cabins roof with a perfect pirouette. You just clapped from below, cheering her on happily
• "Way to go!"
• Calls you her little flower <3
• If you're up for it, her ideal way to spend time together is to go on a little run. Or any sort of physical activity, really
• Complains that she never gets any time with you in between challenges and the others fronting, so the two of you make do with what time you have. Which normally ends up being really sweet moments
• Her favorite place to kiss you is on your nose, often times giggling in the process
• Getting possessive of you isn't her strong suit. She prefers to just hold your hand while you counter any advances, kissing you on the cheek gleefully as you walk away later
• He was so surprised when his flirting actually worked for once
• That doesn't mean he stopped, but at least now he could say he's flirting with his partner and not someone he met five minutes ago
• Much like Svetlana, he spends a lot of his time trying to impress you with things. Albeit not his acrobatic abilities
• "I think my muscles grew overnight babe! What do you think?" He grinned, flexing for you boastfuly and completely missing the way you struggled to keep in a laugh
• Uses pet names for you nonstop. Babe, sugar, sexy, etc. Although you could argue that the last one is less of a pet name and Vito just being Vito
• Jealousy isn't as common a theme with Vito as much as insecurity is. He's always a little bit worried you'll see someone buffer or more tan than him and leave. So you have to reassure him occasionally that you love him for who he is
• His favorite place to kiss you is your lips. It's not anything new, but he can't get enough. Most of the times you have to tap out just so you can breathe while Vito watches on, smug as ever
• "Yeah, I did that to em. Who's the man? Vitos the ma— ow! Okay okay I'll shut up."
• Aside from Vito, he was the first to make a move on you
• Mike was too nervous and Svetlana hadn't really met you yet, so he took it into his own hands to start something up
• Once you're in a relationship, he will never stop giving you trinkets. They could be from a gift shop, or one of his little adventures. It doesn't matter. He loves bringing you things for you to keep either way. And seeing them sitting on your desk or bed later just makes his heart swell
• Makes up the most bizarre phrases all the time to hear your laugh
• Constanly has an arm around your shoulder head or waist. Very touchy feely. Likes to keep you close to him in case anything happens
• You'll find him tipping his hat your way and winking at you, just to see your neck turn red
• Favorite place to kiss you is on your head/hairline. Doesn't matter if you're taller or shorter than him. He'll find a way
• Doesn't get jealous easily, but that's mostly because he's so sure of himself and his ability to woo you. Manitoba knows he's lucky to have you though, and won't hesitate to step in if things go too far
• You have no idea how you managed to snag this man
• Didn't even know he liked you back. Or knew that you even existed, for that matter. One morning you just woke up and were suddenly his partner
• Mal isn't really into physical affection as much as the others. The only time he touches you is when he's being territorial—something that happens a lot. Duncan barely looked at you once and he almost bit the punks head off
• Sometimes you'll forget you're even dating him until he monotonely compliments you out of the blue
• His favorite place to kiss you is your neck. He's got a possessive side to him, and loves to see the dark marks he leaves behind. Finds it even more enjoyable when you and the other alters freak out over them
• Will not put up with any nicknames you give him, but insists on calling you doll face and toots. Doesn't matter what your gender is. That's final
• Loves you in his own weird way
• She is so stoked to finally be dating you, oh my god
• The sweetest and most nervous thing ever—much like that season four scene where she was fretting if her flower was too much, she'll worry over your relationship constantly. Is she giving you enough attention? Making you feel loved enough? Was that gift she left you the other day alright?
• Will not stop worrying until you assure her that she's just fine. It's that, or you'll have to pull her in for a kiss. That works too
• Gets really flustered when she catches you staring at her lovingly. She feels like she should be the one doing that, not the other way around
• Kisses all over you!! She will just pepper them across your face all day unless you stop her
• Always looking out for your back durring challenges. And if something ever happens, she's by your side in an instant
• Was so persistent at taking you out on a date
• Genuinely liked you and wanted to get to know you more than just as another competitor, so he asked you out
• Smiled the brightest he ever had when you accepted
• Play with his hair please, dear lord. You're the only person allowed to touch his precious locks, but he loves when you do. Could lie with his head in your lap twenty four seven, falling asleep to the feeling of your fingers against his scalp
• Anytime someone else flirts with you, he'll just smoothly slide up next to you and pull you into a deep kiss until they've been scared off. Hasn't failed yet
• Your temple is his favorite place to kiss you, though. It feels so intimate to him compared to anything else
• Will say the sweetest things to you in his mother tounge. And if you don't speak Spanish, he will happily translate them for you
• He is in so much denial about you at first
• Of course he doesn't like you. Why would he! You're only the funniest, most unpredictable person he knows; who manages to make him at ease everytime he's around you
• Doesn't even care if Courney gets pissy at him for dating you. She can suck it as far as he cares
• Calls you babe so much. Like, he fits it into every sentence
• "Babe, could you hand me that?"
• "Nice going babe!"
• "Mind turning off the lights for me babe?"
• Has fun letting you dye his mowhawk green. You're always the first person he asks for when it starts to loose it color, looking forward to a night of goofing off over hair dye
• Duncan definitely carved both your names inside a heart on a tree at the island. Didn't even tell you about it. Knowing it was there was good enough for him
• Let's you wear his spikes when you ask. Calls you punk as fuck when you do <3
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silly-writes · 11 months
Cuddling Headcanons
Just for some of my favs 🫶 not requested!
Justin, Noah, Trent, Alejandro, Courtney, Leshawna, Mike, and Manitoba
Really bad at accepting physical affection while the relationship is still fresh
He’s used to only being in relationships with people for publicity! He’s not really used to genuine displays of affection that exist only for the two of you
After awhile he warms up to cuddling a lot
He likes to hold his arms around you while sleeping
He usually likes to sleep directly on top of you almost crushing you with his weight
“I just can’t help it-“ he said one day laughing lightly “-you’re better than any bed I’ve ever had”
He’d never admit to the sappy crap but it relaxes him beyond belief to listen to your breathing
He also loves hearing you talk or rant about your day when you two cuddle
He also likes to hold your waist in any capacity, he’s almost always got one hand on your waist
Yeah unsurprisingly he’s not that big on it
If you insist however eventually he comes to kind of enjoy it
He’d never admit that though.
He really likes it when you run your hand through his hair you can always see the tension leave his body when you do
(Again he’d never admit that)
He’s really bad when he actually does want to cuddle because he’s horrible at asking for things
Usually he just sits there staring at you waiting for you to learn how to read minds
Eventually though you start to get the feel of when he wants you to just hold him.
He’ll front every time and complain the whole time but it’s a big ol’ lie
“Are you kidding me, again? You cling onto me like a baby opossum, it’s crazy,” he teased you one night.
“We don’t have to-“
You couldn’t even finish the thought before he cut in grabbing onto you “calm down it’s fine.”
Yeah Noah, we know it is.
Definitely one of the more emotionally secure guys
Has no problem from the very start crawling into bed with you and just absolutely (lovingly) crushing you with his arms
We all know our boy is just the least bit clingy so he’s always looking for some cuddles
He honestly doesn’t care the position, he’ll big spoon, little spoon, he’ll get right on top of you, or you on top of him, my boy is not picky.
Really just likes to be able to see you, and loves playing with your hair (if you choose to show it/have hair)
If not he’ll play with the fabric of your clothes
“Trent that tickles stop,” you say one night as he plays with the hem of your shirt
“One sec…” he says, his tongue out in concentration.
You don’t know what’s going on in that head of his, so you just leave it alone after that, he looks so happy and adorable who are you to come in the way of that?
He’s just obsessed with you, if you’re happy he’s happy.
When I say guarded.
Starting physical affection with him that is genuine and in no way shows anything to gain from him, or anyone else scares the shit out of him
He really just doesn’t trust it for the longest time.
If you want to cuddle with Alejandro there is only one word: patience.
You have to be ready to wait for him to be ready.
With his up bringing and his past relationships, cuddling just wasn’t a thing you did unless it was some sort of trap
When he finally feels fully safe around you, he’ll test the waters first by sleeping in the same room as you
(He’s like a cat in that way sleeping around you is a big sign of trust from him)
Then eventually he’ll do things like put his arm around you and pull you in closer.
He likes to be the big spoon definitely
But there are certain occasions where he’ll settle for the other way around
He learns that he actually really does love it.
He loves to rest his head on top of yours and feeling your breath against him
Or better yet, he loves having his head on your chest hearing your heart beat
“Mi enamorada, your heart is beating very fast again,” you could hear the smirk in his voice as he said that.
“Oh really?” You say sarcastically, burying a hand in his hair “I wonder why.”
He hummed a little bit in response “as do I,” he says smugly.
Overall cuddling with Alejandro is just very rewarding and therapeutic
this woman knows how to do it
She so loves being all cuddly which you really wouldn’t have expected
It does take a little bit, and she spends some time wondering if you’re really “worthy”
But after that she’s all in.
She likes being in kissing distance so your face being close to hers is a must
Other than that she doesn’t really care about the position
I imagine cuddling with her is very chatty, and she very rarely cuddles while falling asleep (not that is never happens)
But you guys have a lot of late night conversations while cuddling
She lives for those early morning cuddles too
“Okay that’s enough, I have to start the day at some point.” Courtney mumbles tiredly.
“Soon- soon. Just five more minutes?” You say, pulling her closer.
She regarded you for awhile “fine. But no more than five minutes okay?”
That type of conversation is had time and time again, and she always spends way more than five minutes
Leshawna is so good at being in tune with peoples emotions it’s scary
She’s always really good at figuring out what works for you to and what doesn’t
Plus she’ll always let you know if she doesn’t like something that happening so you’re never worried about if she’s enjoying herself
She loves being the little spoon, but will be the big spoon if need be
Loves cuddling, but when she needs space she needs space (dw she’ll always let you know)
While on the couch cuddling though she’ll always let you lay on her and throw a blanket over the two of you and it’s just the most cozy thing every time
She is beyond comfortable to be around
Just a really genuine and sincere and comfortable significant other.
“I just feel bad, like I’m crushing you,” you admitted one night, adjusting while laying on top of her.
“Baby you don’t ever have to worry about that, you just get comfortable in anyway you can. You got that?” She assured you, and that was that.
She’s so good at making you feel comfortable oml.
Has an impossible time being the one to enact physical contact and an even more impossible time asking for it
He’s a nervous wreck.
But if you’re confident (which lets face it anyone compared to Mike is) he’ll glom onto you no problem
He likes being little spoon, but doesn’t really mind
Forms most of his opinions on cuddling from you so whatever you like will become whatever he likes
He’s just sort of easy going once he gets into it as long as he gets to be next to you he doesn’t really care what’s going on
Plus he’s hugely indecisive he just wants to do what you want to do without worrying about any decision making. He already does enough of that.
“How should I sit?” He asked you one night getting into bed
“However you want,” you say chuckling.
He huffs a bit “that’s not fair and you know it.”
Just a general pleasure omg
I imagine cuddling with him is kind of a nightmare
He’s so restless.
He’s never happy with the position even if he initiated it
He doesn’t mean to that’s just how he is
And it’s not because he doesn’t want to cuddle cause he does (trust me he does)
But he has trouble staying in one position for a long period of time
So cuddling works best with him if you’re a go with the flow kind of person and are okay with readjusting over twenty times
“Manitoba, please it’s one in the morning, at a certain point you have to just get comfortable” you scolded light heartedly.
“Sorry love, last time I promise,” he assures.
It was in fact not the last time.
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the-milk-monarch · 6 months
hello hello! I really like your writing! can I request a Mal x autistic reader but all good if not. Have a nice day/night!
☣︎ omg yes I wanted to write sth similar but I felt like it'd be too self-serving lmao I hope you don't mind I added Mike in there as well
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Summary: Mal pretends to be Mike but Reader picks up on it. After the reveal, Reader has to spent a cold night out with Mal as a challenge + dating headcanons.
☢︎ | Total Drama | 6k words | gender-neutral reader ♡ | Mal | Mike ⚠ | Mal being an ass, reader having a meltdown
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Ever since you joined the Total Drama show, you knew you had to get an ally if you were to win.
Your social skills weren't the best, but you had your good problem solving skills to make up for that. At least you hoped so.
You were a little anxious while interacting with other contestants, hoping they wouldn't notice your a bit different approach to conversations.
But there was one boy who didn't seem to mind your awkwardness. On the contrary, he was a bit awkward as well, which filled you with adoration.
Mike was always so kind and respectful you never felt anxious around him, even with your quirky way of speaking.
Or the fact that you avoided eye contact while you spoke.
And when you cringed at yourself whenever you tripped on the flat ground, he didn't think of you any less, he was just worried whether you hurt yourself or not.
You could say you caught a small crush on Mike because of how comfortable you felt with him, but you knew he was interested in Zoey.
Although you were unsure about some small gestures received from him. "Was he just nice or is it his interest?" played in your head, although your mind told you to assume the worst and not hype yourself up.
That didn't stop you from simping from afar though.
What you loved the most about Mike was his willingness to listen to you ramble about your special interest.
You were really worried about being annoying around other people, knowing you might get a bit too excited the stuff you like and it'd be "inappropriate".
But Mike seemed to be into it, asking follow up questions and overall being engaged with you talking.
Your trust towards Mike was put to a test once you got a bit too overwhelmed in the middle of a challenge.
This particular day you seemed to have extra clumsy coordination which pissed you off a little, as it was important for you to win this time, given how strict the criteria for losing were this time.
"God, I have enough-" You desperately and a bit irritated announced while trying to tie a knot.
The challenge Chris McLean decided to do today was a scout obstacle course. Each person had to partner up with someone and do some scout activities, which included tying knots into various shapes shown on the picture.
The rope fell out of your hands for the 5th time while you were almost done with it and it made you forcibly exhale in irritation.
Mike had just finished his part of the activity and he noticed you had some troubles.
"Um, what is it?" He asked carefully, looking at your closed off body language.
"My hands don't listen to me and I can't tie these damn knots-" You tried not to make a scene, hating how much a simple, stupid task made you upset.
Your breathing got slightly heavier as you tried to suppress your rising emotions. You knew you had the right to express it, but not now. Not in front of Mike.
You took a step back from the ropes laying on the ground helplessly and given up, wanting to get some space from the irritating item.
Mike had noticed your change of attitude and immediately sensed you were losing it a bit.
"Hey, it's fine- I'll do your part." He suggested quickly, hoping to give some reassurance. "I-it's just ropes, right? We can still win!"
You felt a bit silly but you had no power to complete the task. You meekly nodded.
You stood there, just looking at his hard work until he finished.
"Okay, let's go!" Mike announced as he was done with your both parts.
At the end of the day, you and Mike managed to avoid elimination and after the challenge ended, you had some alone time to yourself.
Once you had a chance to be alone for a second, you quickly escaped the large crowd of people, wanting to get some space after such tiring situation.
You were chilling on a bench until you noticed a familiar face appearing on your radar.
Mike had managed to find you.
You quickly changed your way of cross legged sitting on a bench due to fear of being perceived as weird, even though you knew Mike probably wouldn't bat an eye on that.
You politely smiled as he approached you.
"Hey, there you are-" Mike reciprocated your smile a bit nervously.
"I hope I'm not disturbing you, but I noticed you kind of- disappeared from the rest earlier, did something happen? Are you alright?" He asked with worry on his face which made you soften your expression. Did he really care about your wellbeing so much he came after you?
"No, no, you're not disturbing-" You said, halfly honest. You wanted some time alone for yourself, but you couldn't say you didn't appreciate him coming here.
He came up to the bench you were sitting on and sat beside you, keeping a respectful distance.
You didn't even notice when you started slightly bouncing your leg as you spoke.
To a keen eye (or even not so) it was clear that even though your face was calm, you had some bottled stress inside.
Mike was mindful enough to notice it, so he proceeded carefully.
"So- you're fine, just wanted to- chill out alone for a second?" Mike gently asked, looking at your face, even though your eyes avoided his.
"Yeah. You know, people overwhelm me a bit sometimes-" You admitted a bit bluntly.
"Oh, yeah, it's fine, I get what you mean-" He assured you with a smile. But then his smile faltered a little in worry.
"Wait, since you wanted to be alone, aren't I a bother?" He asked again, ready to stop bugging you in case it wasn't welcomed.
You softly smiled at his politeness.
"No, I said you're not a bother. I don't mind you being here, and- I like that you came here, actually." You admitted with a bit awkward and coy smile. You weren't used to speaking your mind freely like that, in case something came out wrong, but you concluded your response was acceptable.
Mike grinned bashfully as he remembered your previous words.
"Right, right, sorry heh." He scratched his neck as he showed a toothy grin.
"So..." He started after a few seconds.
"Tell me if I'm crossing any boundaries here, but I felt like there was some shift from you since that, um, knot situation." He carefully said. "...Are you- mad at me? Did I do something?"
You cringed internally at yourself.
"Oh, eh- no-" You quickly chimed in. "No, I'm sorry if I came off that way-"
"I just got a bit overwhelmed because I'm so clumsy- But I'm alright now." You assured him with a half smile while your leg continued to bounce. Until you noticed the movement and promptly stopped.
Mike had noticed all of your quirks but never commented on them.
"Hey, it's alright- I didn't mind helping you." He gave you a warm and a calm smile.
You waited a bit before thinking about saying something.
"I- I dunno if you know what a 'meltdown' is...?" You carefully started. You never explicitly stated you're autistic, nor you wanted people to treat you like a child whenever they found out, but you trusted Mike wouldn't do that.
Mike blinked once before tilting his head slightly.
"A meltdown... Uh..." He looked at the ground, trying to think about it.
You explained before he could say anything else, saving him from an awkward silence.
"It's an autism thing, I just kinda shut off for a moment there. I know it's not really useful in a competition." You bluntly admitted, waiting for his reaction.
Mike then seemed to get the idea "Oh, right! Yeah, yeah I know what is it." He nodded to emphasize.
"You- You don't have to worry about that! I know how it is to get overwhelmed sometimes-" He chuckled nervously.
"Just so you know, it doesn't change anything." He showed yet another reassuring smile which made the corners of your lips move up as well. "I'll help you whenever you need it!"
"...Thanks." You hoped the shine in your bashful eyes didn't expose your feelings too much.
After several days on the island, you noticed something changed. Mike seemed off to you.
Others didn't seem to notice, but your eyes caught some discrepancies in the way Mike acted.
His whole demeanor changed in an uncanny way.
You were used to being very chatty around him due to his always reciprocative stance, but recently Mike started to seem annoyed.
Worries flared up immediately once you noticed he might get bored of your ramblings, so you decided to ask him about it.
"Hey, uh, Mike? Can I ask you a question?" You tried to casually introduce the topic.
"Hm? Yeah, sure. Go on." He answered with fake investment in his voice, smiling.
"Am I talking too much? You can tell me to stop if you got bored or something-" You awkwardly informed him, hoping you weren't a bother after all, waiting for the confirmation.
He stopped for a moment, showing an unsure but cheery smile.
"Oh, no, no- Of course I love listening to you- But I'm just a bit tired today, so maybe you could tone it down a little today?" He tried to be as gentle as ever while shutting you up.
He wasn't very disrespectful but it kind of hurt you. Even though you knew he had the full right to politely ask you to stop, you thought he enjoyed the discussions with you.
You tried once again a few times, but all you were met with was subtly seeping annoyance from his responses.
"Oh my, that's interesting- But tell me, do you have anything else to talk about?" He asked while smiling and pretending to be invested.
"Uh- yeah. If you want I can-"
"Cool. Then talk about something else." He abruptly cut you off.
So with time you slowly shut up with the ramblings, which Mike seemed to be happy about.
You couldn't believe he just changed like that, as if it wasn't him. But you also felt like you had any right to force him into listening to you.
The changes in his behavior didn't stop at that, as you also noticed some remarks coming his way, which you had trouble deciding whether it was sarcasm or not.
He also seemed to get a bit more demanding, not being as keen to help you with things now.
You didn't take Mike's kindness for granted of course, but you knew something changed.
You had a bad feeling.
Your logical thinking made you come up with theories on what happened.
You knew about Mike's D.I.D. and wondered if it was maybe someone else. But you also knew Mike's alters well enough to know it wasn't any of the ones you were acquainted with.
Only thing that stopped you from outright asking him about it was your common decency. It would be rude to just assume.
So you decided to test something.
You once again started your favorite topic, one that Mike had a lot of questions and discussion about while he still acted like himself.
"Hey, Mike, I recently thought about that one tv show we talked about recently and I forgot to tell you some trivia. Wanna listen to the facts about [character] or [character2]?" You asked with halfly casual tone, wanting to check his reaction. You mentioned Mike's favorite action movie, so you believed he would reply with some enthusiast about it.
"Wow- um- Yeah, [character2] sounds good." He responded with pretended interest but you caught some annoyance from him, "per usual".
"...I thought you didn't like [character2]?" You asked a tricky question. The character in question was his favorite one. At least Mike's favorite. You purposefully asked an untrue question.
"Eh- I mean- Hate-listening is a thing, right?" He tried to get out of the hole he fell in due to not listening previously to you. His attempts at trying to be casual were obvious to you now.
You stopped for a moment to look him briefly in the eyes.
"Actually, you mentioned [character2] being your favorite." You tilted your head and raised your brow a bit accusatory.
He looked to the side, as if caught in a lie, but still tried to save face.
"Well tastes change, don't they?" He crossed his arms in a bit of annoyance because of you poking holes in his story.
"That's really rude of you." He furrowed his brows in slight irritation as his patience was running out.
That was it, you knew Mike wouldnt' just tell you that! Or, at least you hoped you were right about it.
You took a leap of faith as you also crossed your arms in a defensive state, staring at him.
"You're not Mike are you?" You asked bluntly.
He got a bit surprised at your boldness.
"What?" He chuckled a bit patronizingly, as if you said something stupid. "Of course I'm Mike. Why do you say that?"
"Well- I didn't wanna assume, but looking at your behavior recently I noticed you got a lot less enthusiastic about spending time with me. So obviously something's up." You concluded, still sticking to your belief. You hoped you weren't wrong.
"God you have to overthink everything, do you?" His tone changed to a slightly deeper one.
You noticed him gracefully swish his hair in a way which made his bangs cover his eye.
"Are you usually this annoying? How did Mike even managed to deal with you?" He expressed his thoughts freely now while you were under his judging eye.
Your eyes widened a little - you were right, it wasn't Mike.
"Wow, okay- Who are you then?" You asked now without any restriction.
"I'm Mal." He responded with arrogance.
"And if you tell anyone I'm not that nerdy freak, you're done." He added with an undertone of threat.
"Hey, what's with that hostility?" You tilted your head and asked a bit bluntly but still remaining polite.
"I am simply direct. I don't have the time or patience to deal with any of your foolish questions." Mal's cold and serious persona was quite intimidating, but you managed to stay calm.
"Okay- I'm direct too, but I don't have to threat you while at it." You pointed out calmly.
"I'm not threatening you. I'm simply telling you what will happen if you reveal my true self to anyone else." Mal's words echoed a threat without any hesitation.
You sighed, sensing some mixed messages from him. "Alright- Uh, so- Why don't you want me to tell others you're not Mike?"
"It's not your business." Mal's face displayed no change in expression, still remaining as firm and strict as ever.
You waited a bit before shrugging. "...Fair enough."
Mal stared at you, showing no reaction whatsoever. "Anything else?"
"Uh- Since you're obviously not Mike, why don't we start again?" You tried to make something out of this unusual situation.
Mal raised his brow skeptically, trying to sense your intentions with that question.
"And what do you mean by that?" Mal's demeanor stayed unchanged, keeping a sharp and indifferent look on his face.
"Like- I know nothing about you, but- I'm opened to still hold an alliance, you know?" You shrugged, hoping he'll agree.
"I'm not looking for any kind of alliance with you." Mal's words sounded harsh and blunt. He never cared for any relationships, especially with people he doesn't even know.
"Okay, harsh." You bluntly put it, a bit awkward he wasn't keen on it. "But- uh, why not?"
"Because there will never be any mutual benefits here." Mal's statement was short and concise, showing no further interest in their current conversation.
"Uh- How so?" You continued.
"You have nothing worthwhile to offer me. No one else has anything worthwhile to offer me either. It's why I'm alone." Mal's words sounded as cold and harsh as ever, as if you weren't even there.
"…Isn't it a bit lonely?" You didn't wanna push the matter further, but without Mike or anyone else in an alliance, you felt lonely yourself. That's why you tried to save the situation you had before.
Mal stayed silent for a bit. "Lonely? Yes. Do I care? No." Mal's face showed no visible change of expression, staying as cold as ever.
"It doesn't matter to me if I'm alone. I can survive on my own, I don't need any friends. I never have and never will."
Your face showed a bit of concern as well as mixed emotions.
It was hard to get to him, but you still had some hopes.
"Well- I'm not saying you need them, but- since I already know you're not Mike, why can't we be at least on a positive terms?" You tried your best to seem an appealing friend.
Mal stayed silent for a bit, considering your words. He remained indifferent and unamused, but your words at least reached his ears.
"You don't even know me, yet you want to be on positive terms with me… Are you that desperate?" He looked at you patronizingly amused.
"I'm trying to be nice here." You bluntly said, a bit discouraged by his unwillingness to cooperate.
"Nice, you say? Do you even know what 'nice' means? To my knowledge, 'nice' is something you do to manipulate people and get their trust. I'm not interested in those kinds of games." Mal's words were cold and sharp, as if challenging you to answer him.
You stood there a bit dumbfounded at his definition of "nice". "No- And I'm sorry you had this experience if that's what you think it means. But I hold no malice towards you, really."
"Well you're either lying, or you're just a fool. I haven't decided yet." Mal didn't make an effort to hold back his words, just letting them slip with his usual bluntness.
You rolled your eyes slightly, but you were determined to change his mind. "Look, I know you have no reason to trust me, like me, or even believe me, but- let's say it makes us even then? We get to be in an alliance, and I don't tell your secret?" You didn't like blackmail, but you had to save yourself somehow.
"…Let's say your offer interests me… What would be your goal of this alliance?" Mal's demeanor changed slightly, becoming noticeably more analytical and entertaining the possibility at least slightly.
"Well- First off, a buddy is always nice to have on the competition, second reason- I like Mike. And you're a part of Mike So- I also wanna be friends with you. And- I hope that's reasonable?" You put it in a honest way.
Mal chuckled out loud before looking at you entertained and looking as if he was about to burst your bubble. "But I'm no Mike. If you think I'm gonna act like him then you're mistaken."
"No, I don't." You quickly disregarded his words. "That's why I suggested a fresh start."
You waited a bit before elaborating more. "Yes, I know that probably sounds stupid, but I'll be blunt. I just wanna make a friend and stay in the game. And I suck at social interactions." You knew how desperate you probably were to him, given his indifferent approach to you, but you had no other idea what to do.
Mal was clearly entertained by your responses. He couldn't help but chuckle at their naivety and the sheer persistence of being his 'friend' or something similar. "…You're one odd individual. I must say."
Mal stood silently for a moment, pondering the possibilities for an alliance between you two. He sighed before responding. "…Very well" Mal's face looked serious now, having a proposition in store.
"Should you fail to respect my boundaries, or try to manipulate me in any way… you're dead meat." Mal's tone of voice changed a bit too, now sounding as if he weren't joking anymore.
"And I also want you to not interfere with any of my plans. Understood? I can tolerate working with you for the time being, but only for the sake of mutual benefits." Mal's words were harsh and intimidating, but there seemed to be a slight tinge of… skepticism.
That was a good thing, you thought, because at least he was considering your request.
You nodded.
[Mal at the confessional]
"I can't decide whether they're planning something I didn't give them credit for, or are they that stupid to think I'm really gonna be in a real alliance with them." Mal chuckled to the camera. "Probably the latter." He added with a smug smirk. "That naive pawn… it's too easy to manipulate them. All that talk about "friendship…" nonsense." He obnoxiously mocked your words with a hand gesture as his look held entertainment. "As if that mattered to me… or anyone." Mal thought to himself out loud. "No one ever mattered to me, and they never will. People are merely tools in my eyes, and I will use them to get what I want..." His expression seemed to stay serious and pondering for a moment before the video cut off.
You had very mixed feelings about the situation.
You were very well aware Mal probably didn't respect you and only agreed to it for his benefit, you weren't stupid.
But you also had some hopes he would come around with time.
Your relationship proceeding further was very rocky, as Mal didn't really treat you with kindness, which you kind of expected, but weren't happy about.
Still, he didn't try to vote you off, and for the time being it worked.
You were a bit lost about what to do, but the days on the island didn't let you have a break to think about things, and the challenges proceeded as usual.
Today's challenge was a camp-out one. People in the team had to partner up with someone and then spend a night outside, in the forest.
"Easy enough", you thought, but you noticed some eye-roll from Mal.
Obviously you and Mal ended up being partners, due to the "mutual" alliance you had.
Once the teams had chose their respective campsites and you were alone, Mal swooshed his hair so it fell on his eye once again without a comment, seemingly more comfortable with this hairstyle instead of Mike's usual standing hair.
"So- How about this place?" You pointed out to a simple area that didn't have a lot of pinecones on the ground, offering a softer ground to set a tent on.
"Whatever, can be." He briefly acknowledged your words without any further interest.
You were a bit tired of his apathetic demeanor but you let it slide.
You placed your backpack on the ground, preparing to take out the necessary equipment.
Mal sat on some available tree root, expecting you to do all the work.
It took you some time but you were determined to set out the tent properly, even under Mal's judging eye.
To no avail. Without an instruction, it wasn't your strong suit to just "wing it".
Mal raised his brow unamusedly while crossing his arms.
"God that's pathetic." He commented without any hesitance.
"Okay then, you do it." You crossed your arms as well, now looking at him.
You heard a "tch-" from him. "Really? You're that helpless?" He smirked.
"It would appear so." You just bluntly admitted, gaining some surprise from Mal, which quickly disappeared after a moment.
"Weak." He murmured to himself, making sure you also heard him. He walked up to the tent, setting it up without much resistance.
You plopped down on the tree trunk Mal was previously sitting on, watching him work.
After he was done you didn't want to be useless, so you got up with an idea of gathering some wood. What's a camp without a camp-fire, eh?
Mal saw you leave but didn't comment anything, choosing to go sit in the tent he just set up.
You were really trying to be nice and respectful to Mal, but he was slowly draining your willingness to do it.
As you were collecting random twigs from the ground you were thinking about him though.
No one was mean without a reason, and given Mike's situation, he probably went through lots of stuff to get to his current behavior, which made you feel sympathetic towards him.
You came back to your little campout, noticing Mal lazily sitting inside the tent, holding a knife in his one hand that was carving the wood he held in the other. You wondered where did he get it from?
"I brought wood." You announced, letting the twigs fall onto the floor.
"Congrats, you made yourself useful." He commented briefly, but mostly ignoring you.
It was a start at least.
Soon enough the air became colder, forcing you to make a fire.
You gathered some rocks and formed them along with several pieces of wood, trying to set the fire with 2 rocks, as you had to do with Mike on scout-type challenge, until Mal took out a match with unamused expression and started the fire.
You blinked as you saw the fire appear, then looked at Mal. "How did you get a match?"
"I stole it." He replied carelessly without a hint of shame.
"...Okay, that works." You only managed to say.
You both got near the source of warmth in a careful distance away from each other, you sitting on the tree trunk nearby, him sitting in the tent.
The challenge was going pretty smoothly, until it began to pour.
The rain quickly took out your fire, making Mal groan in irritation.
As you felt the droplets of water on your clothes, you quickly went into the tent where Mal was taking most of the space, but he reluctantly moved to the corner once he saw you coming.
You stayed silent as you observed the aggressive change of the weather, with Mal not making a peep either, only keeping his outward display of annoyance towards the rain visible.
It was getting dark and cold, with the weather having no plans of going back to the sunny afternoon it previously was.
Mal backed out into the tent, sitting quietly and looking outside with an upset expression on his face.
There was a long, awkward silence that got to you internally, but you didn't want to risk annoying Mal with bringing up "annoying" topics to talk about, as you had no other ideas.
You came to the show with quite a thick jacket with a hood on, so the cold didn't bother you that much, but you observed Mal pressing his bent knees to his stomach in attempt to keep warm.
There was no sign of struggle from his side though, as he made a good job of sitting still, acting like it wasn't bothering him, with the exception of subtle trembles of his body once in a while.
It was obvious he felt cold with only a short-sleeved shirt to keep him warm.
"Are you cold?" You asked hesitantly, even though you knew the answer.
He shot you a death glare. "I'm fine."
You waited a second, looking at him briefly and thinking about your options. You decided to press further.
"You have short sleeves though." You pointed out, looking at his face getting agitated.
"So fucking what? My fault this moron can't dress properly?" He barked at you with hostility, as if you were pointing out his misfortune.
"No." You responded a bit taken aback by his tone, but you remained calm.
"But- We can share." You made your intentions clear as you took off the jacket, handing it to him.
He looked at you with skeptic and confused eyes as if you had some hidden intentions behind that move, but he accepted the gift without any comment.
You noticed his grumpy expression soften slightly but still keeping that distrustful glare, avoiding your eye as he put the jacket around his back.
You judged his reaction as a positive one though.
After a moment you scooted closer to him, touching his side with yours, to which he raised his eyebrow at your "audacity".
"What are you doing?" He muttered, looking at your movements with mixed feelings.
"You're not the only one cold here. I'm also freezing." You explained a bit lightheartedly, hoping to ease the thick tension between you two.
Mal only briefly looked at you and let out a "hmph" noise as an acknowledgement as he looked away from you, yet he didn't move away, letting you stay in this position.
You sighed contently for the first time in a few days now.
You watched the rain fall in silence, but at least it wasn't as overwhelming now.
Finally the exhaustion caught up to you both as a product of several hours of walking and doing stuff.
Mal let out the first yawn and so you asked him whether he wants to go to sleep.
He shrugged, still keeping his indifferent behavior but accepted. "Sure, whatever."
You both moved to the far away corners of the tent and layed down, feeling the fabric of the tent soften the hard ground halfly. Chris didn't pack you any sleeping bags, that would be too easy.
All you had was your jacket as a make-shift blanket.
You noticed Mal laying on his side, in a way that wouldn't make him face you.
You offered him a part of the jacket but his ego didn't let him accept this time.
"I'm fine. I don't need it." He harshly turned down your offer.
You sighed. "Fine."
Mal remained stubborn, even though the cold was biting his ass, he managed to fall asleep.
You however couldn't, due to the uncomfortable place of sleeping.
You laid on your back for a few seconds, staring at the ceiling of the tent, before deciding to take a look at Mal.
His breathing let you notice he was asleep, although his shaky body was visibly cold.
You didn't have the heart to let him freeze, so you very carefully moved near him, putting a part of the jacket on him to cover him up.
You pressed your back very slightly against him, craving some additional warmth from his body that would benefit you boths
Fortunately he didn't wake up.
You managed to fall asleep after some time as well.
Mal woke up after several hours, thoroughly confused about the state of his being, as he expected to wake up cold, but he was quite- cozy.
His expression changed as soon as he noticed you very close to him.
He cringed at your proximity, with your front facing him in a blissful state of sleep, hair over your eyes as if in rom-com movie.
He was about to forcefully shake you off him, but he decided against it for some reason.
Perhaps it was his self-preservation finally speaking, instead of ego getting in his way of survival. Your position was both comfy and warm, after all.
He only turned to lay on his back, letting out a heavy sigh, furrowing his eyebrows slightly as it was now his turn to look above without any particular reason, just to think over the situation.
As soon as you started to wake up, he immediately backed off, putting the whole jacket on you.
"Finally you're awake." He said as if it was a big bother.
You softly rubbed your eyes, yawn escaping your lips as you done so.
"When did you wake up?" You asked with a bit of haze still.
"Doesn't matter." He sharply shut down your question, although his tone was just slightly different than his usual bitterness.
After you both past the challenge timer of staying and ready to leave the place, you noticed Mal taking down the tent, without you having to ask him for it. Huh.
[Mal at the confessional]
Mal stared at the camera with crossed arms for a longer moment, having an ambiguous expression on his face. After some time he finally decided to open his mouth. "God, they're so helpless. They can't even set up a damn tent." His scornful tone made it obvious he was making fun of you. "How would they even make it so far without me?" He once again made it clear to the recording device that he was needed for your victory. Yet another few seconds passed by before his thought was said out loud, this time his face turning less arrogant and more figuring out what he's gonna say. "...They're so naive." He reiterated once more, as if to reassure himself what to think. "But- Maybe with my help I'll be able to use them to my advantage." He finally found the correct direction of his further words. "I'll make sure no one gets between me and Y/N getting a chance at winning the money." "Of course, just for me to forcefully take the victory away from them, later." He said confidently, but he felt the need for a clarification on that last part. He lingered in the confessional for a moment more, before getting to his final words, looking straight at the camera. "And if anyone plans to interfere with that, they're gonna go down."
Of course if you and Mal become a thing, he'll be more keen about tolerating your quirks and listening to you ramble about your hyperfixations.
He won't be as invested in them, but he'll treat you in a way he'd treat a cat enjoying it's favorite toy - "You do your thing sweetie. It's stupid but adorable to look at."
Once he gets used to your true thoughts and trust you, he'd also think your honesty is refreshing.
He thinks neurotypicals play too many complicated emotional games.
He can also play them as a form of manipulation, but if it comes to trusting each other he appreciates you always being blunt when it comes to what you think.
It's obvious Mal most probably has ASPD and Narcissistic Personality Disorder, so he's not a stranger to people not liking his attitude and way of thinking.
He might be a bit too harsh on you at first, not used to having someone caring about him (or vice versa) but with time he'll learn to not go as hard on you.
Like with your 'special needs', not tolerating some textures and foods, your obsession about only on topic at a time, or stimming, which might be distracting to him.
He might panic a bit inside once you have a meltdown first time around him though, not knowing how to act around you in that state, as only thing he knows it's hostility, so don't expect him to be much help.
He might listen to your requests how should he act later on, though.
He will also be more straightforward around you when he notices your "denseness".
"Do you- want my jacket again?" You asked, looking at Mal. "No, let me freeze to death." He remarked sarcastically, expecting you to pass him the jacket again, but you just blinked, unsure if he wanted it or not after your previous similar encounter with him being reluctant to accept it. He looked at you a second more, now elaborating a bit annoyed. "Yes, I want it."
Even more so after Mal became less insecure about showing his interest in you.
"Aren't you cold?" He asked, looking at you expectantly with a hint of tease in his voice, obviously wanting you to come closer to him so you'd need him as a source of warmth. "Kinda-" You responded casually, yet still did nothing. Mal waited a moment before finally sighing and pulling you closer to him in a smooth manner, making you a bit surprised. "That means come here." He reiterated slightly more greedy about your presence. That amount of possessiveness made you a bit stunned, but in a kind of positive way. He wasn't negative towards you anymore, after all. "Do I really have to spell out everything for you?" He asked halfly serious. "Well- apparently." You admitted a bit embarrassed at your lack of clue. He rolled his eyes, pulling you closer. "Okay then. You're mine now."
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pxmal · 7 months
dating mike + mal ☆
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he is literally head over heels for you.
he definitely overthinks often
so he's always asking for reassurance
his love language is words of affirmation or physical touch!!
he's literally always touching you somehow.
holding your hand, wrapping his arm around your shoulder etc etc
he could ramble about you for HOURS
you're his lock screen wallpaper. just so he can show you off!
he can be really protective, but he's not very jealous / possessive
you both have like 50 sets of matching bracelets / necklaces. he gets you so many. someone tell him to stop buying them!! you have enough!!!
VERY possessive
alejandro tried to flirt with you once.
he almost died 😭
he really likes teasing you
he isn't much for pda unless someones messing with you
he'll wrap his arm around your waist and keep you safe!!!
but in private he's all over you
his love language is acts of service or quality time!
he makes sure you take care of yourself always
go eat. go drink water. right now.
im gonna put him in my mouth
i'll write for the rest! i just got burnt out LOLLL this is also my first thing like ever so ermm ;-;
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dozing-marshmallow · 8 months
Heyo! Just asking
Would you mind writing Yandere Noah Vs Yandere Mike from total drama? Thankssss! :>
Hellooo! Thank you so much for this fun request, so happy I was finally able to get this out! Also, I loooove your Radlynn theme, I loved playing the Papa Louie games so much growing up ^v^ enjoy !
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Two guys fighting over you? My! How would that turn out?
Well, Noah would try to impress you with his intellect, Mike tried wooing you with his natural sweet personality.
Of course, you never thought these gestures had a bigger meaning than what met the eye.
Typical (Y/N).
A few months after the...season of All Stars aired, Chris wanted to throw a celebration reunion party for both casts before the brand new cast of Pahkitew Island was publicly introduced.
Noah and Mike were two of the many that didn’t want to go, but having the fact they were obliged to attend by their contract megaphoned, they soon put together that if this whole thing was mandatory for everyone, you would definitely be there.
Even if it wasn’t, you were a sweetheart, so you would’ve attended anyway.
Everyone was there alright, around their respective friend groups, and there Mike was, suspiciously having an exorbitant smile on his face for someone who wasn’t accompanied by anyone.
Noah knew the cause all too well, and takes it to confront him.
“I don’t know what you’re talking about!”
Still a coward, huh?,“Ohh wow, that obvious lie came with that gap in your teeth? Take this as a warning, Mike. Unless you wanna make that gap bigger, back up trying to test your mediocre pick up lines on (Y/N) and you won’t have any more problems than what you already have to deal with.” his finger spiked into the taller male’s chest,“You have no chance with a girl that’s out of your generation, let alone out of your league.”
"Oh, but that's where you're wrong, Noah!" said guy’s attempt at intimidation massively backfiring with Mike putting a hand to his own burning chest,"See, even though I'm Mike first and personalities second, the...feeling (Y/N) gives me is so intense, it's actually taking a better effect on me than the medication my psychiatrist prescribes me!"
How lame.
The high IQ rolls his eyes at Mike’s pathetic attempt at love,"You know your identity disorder soooo well. You of all people should know that's illogical, but I was right. (Y/N) really does have a moron lusting after her."
"Wow! Can't believe you finally got around to realising how dumb you are!"
Noah’s glare deepens in his face as Mike’s smile grew. These conversations were getting boring,"Why don't you go back to nosebleed hair? I'm sure she's missing you terribly bro." Surely that would kick some alarm into him. That desperate friendless girl had to be looking for him.
Strangely, he was still all happy,"Oh! I called things off with Zoey!” Oh. No wonder why he’s not slighted.
Damn your humanity, Zoey. You couldn’t entertain this idiot for another season?
He takes out his hideous handmade accessory,“I took my necklace back, so I can cherish it to (Y/N) instead!" Poor girl.
No way you could love someone that lacked the decency to reserve his affection- I mean, Noah loved you from day one,"Gee even I'm offended you think a second hand thing is the best you can give to my (Y/N). You are so totally rich. Medication funds put you in debt much?"
"Actually, they were free, but you are right about one thing! Not fair to give something someone else had. I'll make her another! Bigger and better! Like my love for her." he kept getting more and more ideas.
Can he afford to keep up?,"Don't go over budget."
"Hah! Seems like you suffer from a memory disorder. Thanks to my win, I never have to worry about budget again!... How many seasons did you win again?" Mike asks, his smirk still the same, but his words this time around were coiled by a pleather of travesty that had forced Noah to face a stinging truth he hated to admit, hissing a response in avoidance.
“Cram it, blockhead.”
Mike was about to blow a comeback, when suddenly your goddess figure graced both of them with your presence, switching their rivalry selves to civil friends.
"Enjoying yourself over here, boys?"
"Oh, totally." Noah waved, that totally being true for once.
"Never been better (Y/N)!" Mike threw you a thumbs up.
“Aw! Great!” you gushed in delight at the two,“It’s so heartwarming to see you guys getting along so well especially since we come from different casts!” You’re...happy. 
You’re happy at them... Them...getting along? Yes... Yes, we do get along! Mike wants to be the one to amplify your joy by encompassing Noah’s neck around his arm, a perfect time to suffocate him, yet so far,“Oh, yeah!” he could feel the malice blaze in Noah’s eyes, but he wouldn’t dare try breaking out his grasp if it meant keeping you happy. It was just as despicable for him,“It’s real nice speaking to the competitors from earlier seasons! You can learn so much.”
The hidden venom irked the trapped male, making it ten times harder to hold back his sly tongue. But you were there... (Y/N), too pure to taste any hate, had rewritten the entire muscle of his jaw. 
“Yeah, what...” for (Y/N), for (Y/N), for (Y/N),“He said. Guy’s more lovable than Owen.” Big fat lie. But you were pleased.
“Aww! Well, I’ll leave you two be. See you later!” even when you had rolled the distance, your words were still as sweet as blood itself.
How caring you are.
Mike makes the immediate move to aggressively shove Noah away from him. 
An awkward silence sits in as the ugly nature of their opposition unravels in the air, Noah being the first to emerge,“You’re still here?”
Mike’s smile finally drops in a confused line,“Why wouldn’t I?”
“Dunno. Thought after seeing for yourself that (Y/N) has zero interest in you, like none whatsoever, you’d get going.” His blood vessels bloated in hatred under his skin.
How come? I’m the one that made our “friendship” more believable to her,“How could I after she gave me that smile?” saying that revived his one.
“Mhmm, that smile was totally for you. Get realistic!” No amount of verity could crush that delusion Mike had, which increasingly agitated Noah,“(Y/N) will never love you. Never.”
“There’s no never in that smile, Noah! The way you cope with denial is really cute!” See? This freak was enjoying it.
Noah sighed. Guess it’s what you have to do when you lose a game of love. Really unfortunate for him, this was very rewarding.
The man with sarcasm for a name turned his back to take one of the knives available from the cutlery table. He slid his finger up and down its shiny blade, remembering all about why he stayed in this meaningless party for this long. His chagrin is cut short.
At the same time, Mike discreetly checks his blazer pocket to ensure he still had his one occupying within. A similar sick with the strings of heart quivers its way onto his reddening lips.
Things were about to get interesting.
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chrismcleanswife · 1 year
Hiiii I luv your blog! I was wondering if you could do some hcs for mal, chris and Duncan with a s/o that has age regression and their little age is about 3-5ish if u dont know what agere is look it up im bad at explaining. Ok byeeeee
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🐠🎀 𝐌𝐚𝐥, 𝐂𝐡𝐫𝐢𝐬 𝐚𝐧𝐝 𝐃𝐮𝐧𝐜𝐚𝐧 𝐰𝐢𝐭𝐡 𝐚𝐧 𝐚𝐠𝐞𝐫𝐞 𝐫𝐞𝐚𝐝𝐞𝐫! 🎀🐠
(ʀᴇᴀᴅᴇʀ'ꜱ ʀᴇɢʀᴇꜱꜱɪᴏɴ ᴀɢᴇ ɪꜱ ɪɴꜱɪᴅᴇ ᴛʜᴇ 3-5 ʏᴇᴀʀꜱ ᴏʟᴅ ɢᴀᴘ)
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A/N -> The reader's attitude when they are on their little space is based on my best friend's who's also an agere and also on some researching I did by myself, so sorry if this is not accurate in some point of the headcanons, thanks for reading ^^
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♥🔥 -> Despite him being a full-on maniac with other people, with you, his beautiful partner is definitely more caring and calm, even if it's hard to see to the outsiders.
♥🔥 -> So, when you are finally able to open up to him about your age regression he is calmly telling you that he doesn't care about it, not in a negative way, but instead in a way of telling you he'll still love you and care about you the same.
♥🔥 -> Let's now move on to his behavior when you're age regressed, okay? <3
♥🔥 -> He is very gentle with his movements, not wanting by any chance to scare your little mind.
♥🔥 -> His resting bitch-face is still on but you can tell by his actions and body language that he means no harm, so you are relaxed on his presence.
♥🔥 -> If you like playing games when you are in your little space then he is all for playing hide and seek.
♥🔥 -> Just don't expect him to be all excited when trying to find you because he'll be rolling his eyes almost all the time and will walk slowly and with some sort of mumbling you can't understand lol.
♥🔥 -> He'll also be like ❝Oh, where'd did Y/N go? I can't find them anywere!❞ with the most deadpan face you'll ever seen and the most sarcastic tone of voice while you're hiding behind a lamp.
♥🔥 -> If you are more of a cuddly agere, then he'll gladly sit in the sofa watching the TV while you curl into his side, his hand sometimes going to ruffle your hair slightly.
♥🔥 -> If you draw or do little handcrafts when you are in your little space he will compliment them with a little genuine smile, and If you happen to gift something to him he will out your drawing on the fridge or put your little hand made gift on top of one of his bedroom shelfs.
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♥✨ -> Chris McLean it'd be eh?
♥✨ -> We all know that he is internally a child and by that I mean that when you are in your little space it is going to be an experience to remember!
♥✨ -> He'll be grinning smugly while he picks you up and gives you piggyback rides (only if you are comfortable with that ofc).
♥✨ -> He'll also love playing with you.
♥✨ -> Nothing too much, but maybe a bit of tag or hide and seek.
♥✨ -> He'll probably get tired after 10 minutes or playing but at least he tried lol 💀
♥✨ -> He will play dress up with you and sure as hell will bring Chef along lmao.
♥✨ -> You will watch as the two of them get dressed like women and start chatting with that high-pitched voice and pretend they're in a tea party with you.
♥✨ -> The two of them will be having the time of their lives while doing so lmao 😂
♥✨ -> He'll also let you do his makeup.
♥✨ -> Please, and I insist, PLEASE use blue coloured eye shadow and barbie pink lipstick, you can also add rimmel and brush.
♥✨ -> He will keep the makeup on for a long time, probably until he hears someone knocking on the door on smth, and then he'll rush to take it off in two seconds because he knows that whoever it is will tease him about it for EVER.
♥✨ -> He is also up to just get into bed and cuddle while the TV plays your favourite or comfort show for a while.
♥✨ -> He'll probably be reading stuff on his phone or chatting with Chef but he will pay attention if you ask him to.
♥🍏 🄳🅄🄽🄲🄰🄽 🍏♥
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♥🍏 -> Okay, this boy is definitely more laid back than Chris but not as deadpan as Mal.
♥🍏 -> He would love to play hide and seek with you.
♥🍏 -> Like LOVE.
♥🍏 -> But, you know, not the classical version, that one version in which you play with the lights off.
♥🍏 -> Of course if that makes you scared he will stop.
♥🍏 -> But if you enjoy it then he will gladly seek for you in the house and then yell "boo!" when he finds you, tuckling you in his arms.
♥🍏 -> If you want, he can take you to the nearest park so you can play in the swings or enjoy yourself in the monkey bars.
♥🍏 -> If there is any food you like especially he will try and make it, or buy it in case it's a sweet/pastry/dessert, and you both will enjoy it after lunch.
♥🍏 -> If you are a more calm agere, then he'll gladly put a blanket on the living room floor and lay there with you.
♥🍏 -> You two can play palm/clap games if you like them!
♥🍏 -> If you want to sleep then he'll gladly tuck you in bed and then get in with you.
♥🍏 -> He'll probably rest as usual, his arms above his head in a comfy way, and you can curl up to his side resting your head on his chest if you want.
♥🍏 -> He can also tell you stories from when he was in JUVIE, obviously changing the dark/gory parts and changing the context slightly so you think it's just a very unusual and funny fairytale.
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jayswritings13 · 1 year
Total Drama: Mike and Mal Relationship Headcanons
Request: "Can I request dating headcanons for Mike and Mal from Total Drama?"
💗Masterlist | WIP Page
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Very nervous
At first, you thought that it was just because he liked you and such.
You really didn't know too much about Dissociative Identity Disorder to suspect that.
Well, until Mike came out and told you himself.
"....So I take it that you're going to want nothing to do with me now?" Mike glanced away, bracing himself up for you're affirmation of his worst fears.
That he was someone not worth knowing.
That he was strange.
That he was c-
"What?! Of course not!" You said, "You mean a lot to me and a mental illness cannot change that. I want you to know that you have my full support." You paused, smirking a bit at him, "I'm an okay listener."
That was all he wanted: acceptance.
Mike is often very self deprecating and negative about himself, so hearing positive affirmations melts his heart and catches his attention like nothing else.
Pet names and nicknames are not so much Mikes thing
That, however, does not stop you.
"Babe, hand me that pencil."
"If Scott wants to fuck with you, then I have to fuck with him, hun. I don't make the rules!"
"You got this, sweetheart."
Mike likes to return the favor through acts of service.
Need help with putting together something? He may not be good at it, but he'll be there.
Sick with the flu? Already picking up cold medicine, soup, and movies to watch/fall asleep too.
Have to clean out your car? He's already done it and made sure to get it washed too.
"How are you so nice?" You laughed, grabbing another handful of popcorn out of the bowl you to shared.
"I don't know. Maybe you're just lucky." He grinned.
"I already knew that, hun. You smiled, "I consider myself very lucky."
"I am too."
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Not to much surprise, he wasn't too shy or nervous about confessing feelings for you in the ways that you expect.
He is actually rather blunt about his thoughts and feelings
Which can lead to fights and arguments
"C'mon, how long are you going to freeze me out?" Mal groaned, rolling his eyes. "I was just honest."
"You called the dinner that I made shitty. I spent all day on that!"
"And I gave you an honest critique for next time. You're welcome!"
Don't expect any romantic or mushy stuff from him.
He is not only horrible at that type of stuff, but he's not interested in any of it.
Flowers? Please that shit turns to weeds faster than it took to grow them.
Cooking a romantic dinner? He can't cook anything that great, but if you want cereal, go for it.
Surprise trips? Hard to plan for trips with his unique situation between him and Mike.
However, this doesn't mean that he doesn't care about you.
He just shows it differently.
Mostly though quality time.
Mal makes sure that you know that he cares for you, but doesn't feel the need to say so excessively.
He mostly likes to spend time around you, even if not doing anything in particular.
And with him being introverted and isolating himself often, that is a huge compliment tbh.
On the other hand, he loves when you shower him with praise or any other words of affirmation.
No pet names though.
He absolutely hates them.
Which means that you love to use it to annoy him.
He knows what you're doing, but he falls for it everytime.
"Sweetie? Can you hand me that?"
"I hate you." Mal stated, handing you your phone.
"Ha! Yeah, okay." You laughed. "Totally believable."
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dockofshame · 11 months
Zoey x Reader x *Mike Relationship Headcanons
(*With a mention of the alters)
The three of you were already good friends from your time on Revenge on the Island, so the transition from friends to being significant others was pretty smooth. If you three have Facebook, all of you have your relationship statuses listed as “it’s complicated”.
Mike’s preferred dates are all over the map. He can have just as much fun at a theme park- Vito really liked the Hagrid’s Motorbike ride at Universal Studios- as he can at a sporting event or at an escape room… Manitoba really likes the escape rooms. Zoey’s preferred dates are pretty similar to what I mentioned in my Zoey x Reader headcanon list as she’s more into the vintage dates such as trips to a diner or going to the drive-in.
Zoey and Mike kept in touch with Cameron outside of the show, so he joins your hangouts sometimes too! They’re all huge Nintendo fans and all have Switches… Zoey likes Animal Crossing, Cameron likes Brilliant Diamond, and Mike likes the Zelda games. They also like Mario Kart and Mario Party.
Mike’s mostly pretty confident in himself in your relationship; thanks in part to Vito (“of course, why WOULDN’T these two want to be in a relationship with me?”). Zoey needs more verbal reassurance and has to be reminded that she doesn’t have to panic about trying to obtain your approval, or Mike’s for that matter.
With Zoey’s parents, there’s not really any formal “meet the parents”; they just suspect you all enjoy each other’s company and that when the time comes, Zoey will find her person. Mike’s parents catch onto the throuple thing pretty quickly but they’re very “don’t ask, don’t tell” about it.
Zoey would 100% be the person who got a Cricut and makes cutesy matching vacation shirts or ugly Christmas T-shirts (she can’t knit to save her life, so no sweaters), so she has tons of photos of the three of you in them. She also got you guys to dress up as the Avengers for Halloween one time; she wanted to be Black Widow.
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insanetvgirl · 4 months
Gender Neutral! They/Them
Reality show/original au or non reality au(Up for interpretation)!
Poly or team up!(Up for interpretation)
Theme song: Bust your kneecaps!
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Gosh,these two love you too much!
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TOO MUCH! Really
Zoey and Mike are obssesive,they only think about you,everytime,eating,taking a bath,sleeping,in a challange,they always think about!
You are so perfect,you are beautiful,smart,kind,sweet,you must be a angel who feel from the sky!
Ok,they get jealous easily about you,they trust you! But the persons who talk with you(and flirty with you)don't deserve your attention! Only they must hear your voice and around you!
Now,Mike is the most overprotective,Zoey is really protective too,but hell you don't need even to ask for help that Mike is on your side(but because of him Zoey is starting to be more protective with you)
" Hey Mike,where is Y/n? "
" Uh? Y/n? Y/n!? Y/N!!! "
They are always around you,privacy? That word don't exist! They must be around you everytime silly! How do you think they are going to protect you? Oh,and because of that they easily discover your secrets! So don't matter how much you try to hide something,they always know what is happening with you!
They always try to make you happy! They even made some hand made gifts for you!
Come on! They love you! You don't would leave they?
Right? Right?
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" Jonny don't leave me
You said you'd love me forever
Honey, believe me
I'll have your heart on a platter "
Yup,i love roti
If you all want i can make a part 2 with the alters! I wanted to make this focused in Mike and Zoey!
I love u all and thanks for reading! Remember of taking care of youself and drink some water!
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ccaramel-llow · 8 months
Hii! I just found your blog under the tdi x reader tag and I think you’re a good writer, I was wondering if you wrote for Mike and his alters?
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, He absolutely loves you so much! , He loves kisses a lot!! , Speaking of kisses, He kisses you on the knuckles most of the time or the forehead. , Takes you out to your-typical movie dates because he doesn't know what the fuck he's doing , Probably says cheesy flirts (they all say cheesy flirts they dont know how to flirt for shit)
, Would do stupid shit for you. Such as, "I LOVE THIS PERSON MORE THAN MY MOM!" yelling THAT out loud on top of a car as he holds your hand raising it proudly yet embarrassingly because he probably thought it was a good idea to impress you like that.
, He definitely would scoot close to you and try to hold your hand, Failing horribly right after. Svetlana , She absoloutely adores you! , She would go to a dance with you and dance to jazz music. , Would sneak out of her house for you , Lives for cuddles and appreciation!! If you praise her, She gets so happy!! "oh stop it!!" , Literally would DIE for you , Does daring things to excite/suprise you. "Look honey!! I'm dancing on a thin line!!" "Im so proud of you sweetheart, But GET DOW-"
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(I write for the others im just lazy rn)
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muttsshroom · 2 years
cody, mal and mike with an s/o who defends them
tags: protective behaviour, (almost) fights, some antagonising, some insults, people know that mal's there, mike didn't have a reset button
warning(s): sierra
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(not a related gif but hes so cute)
sierra's voice was like nails on a chalkboard for him
she was a literal stalker, which was freaking cody out
you, as his s/o, pick up on this quickly and put some distance between them as best you can
...but, sierra tends to sneak through the cracks
"hiii, cody!" a familiar voice calls, and you watch your lover shudder. "oh god." cody mutters, voice full of disdain as sierra bounds towards you both. before she could get too close to cody, you step forward a little, preventing sierra from crashing into him. "sierra, don't you have chris to bug?" you ask, but she shrugs. "heather said not to talk to him at the moment."
if sierra ever manages to catch cody whilst you're separated by any means she will not let go of him - so of course the poor boy is yelling for you
when you hear your name shouted from your lover's lips you already know what's going on, storming from your conversation with noah and over to sierra. grabbing her shoulder and putting on a polite yet tight lipped smile, you tug the other contestant from cody. "sierra, i know you're a big fan and all, but isn't this a bit much?" you ask, voice strained. "but he's just so cute!" sierra replies, and you're pretty much convinced that she should be in a mental hospital. "right.. well, cody's not comfortable with-" you gesture to her. "this. so, as politely as i can put it. stop, now."
cody is so thankful for your presence, because sierra definitely dies down on the creepy behaviour.
he feels so safe with you that he falls asleep on your lap, hoping that the sight will have sierra steer clear at all costs since she rarely bothers him when you're there.
promises that if he wins the cash that you can have half for protecting him
now, mal is known for antagonising people- especially those who he doesn't like.
so, one day he's going at duncan due to their history together- which he doesn't like.
as soon as you see duncan take steps towards mal, you intervene, pushing on duncan's chest to make him back off.
"mal's just teasing you, dude. relax."
since that, mal takes your protectiveness to a whole new level. he literally gets away with everything when you're around.
"the hell did you just say to me?!" duncan demands, storming forward and squaring up with mal, who only grins. "you heard me." he continues, already hearing your footsteps gaining closer. "duncan, chill." you snap, shoving the punk back. "stop babying him! he can fight his own fights!" duncan snarls at you, glaring at mal over your shoulder. "i know he can, it's you i'm preventing from getting hurt." you narrow your eyes almost challengingly. duncan, tired of the argument already, scoffs and storms off. "thanks, doll-" "don't you dare. stop trying to get into fights." you scold, but he just smiles and gives you a soft kiss.
mal will only ever stop this behaviour when you almost take a few punches for him. of course they never land, he snatches their wrist before they can even touch the air around you.
so, he dials the behaviour down a little. still teasing people and such because he finds it funny, but not enough to cause a full blown fight.
if you scold him for riling people up he'll play it smooth and win you back with kisses.
neither you nor mike know why scott's got such a big problem with mike. he's just an overall asshole.
of course, mike doesn't want to fight with scott, so he tries to keep the situation calm
scott- being scott- likes to intimidate, so he gets all up in mike's face a lot to make him squirm. you don't like that.
you will definitely have to keep yourself between mike and scott when these (one-sided) arguments kick off.
mike hates when you put yourself between him and the red head. he doesn't want you getting hurt.
"dude, what's your problem with me?" mike frowns as scott approaches him. "you're the one with a problem, buddy! i can tell!" scott snarls, body reeling back from mike as you tug his dirty white vest. "leave him alone, scott." you snap, keeping your eyes on the ginger so he couldn't make any sudden moves. "oh great. i forgot you had a guard dog." scott sighs, and mike pipes up. "hey, don't call them that!" you sigh, keeping your hand close to mike to shield him as scott steps closer. "or what?" his blue eyes narrow, and you brace for a swing. "i-" mike stammers, unsure of what to say. you wait patiently for scott to do anything, watching as his hand raises to card through his hair. "that's what i thought." the redneck sneers. "oh shut up and get out of here, scott." you demand, and scott scoffs. fortunately, courtney calls him away, so you didn't have to get into a fight that day.
mike always feels awful when you get involved. he can handle himself, he just doesn't want to get into a fight.
tries his best to ignore scott when he makes little quips. if you want to fight back, mike will gently grab your arm and lead you away.
in his mind, a fight isn't worth over a few snide comments.
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sardonic-the-writer · 11 months
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𝐎𝐟 𝐌𝐨𝐧𝐬𝐭𝐞𝐫𝐬 & 𝐌𝐞𝐧
↳ summary: sand, concussions, and a shitty challenge. what more is there to say?
↳ of monsters & men fic masterlist: link
↳ of monsters & men playlist: link
↳ previous part | next part!
Of course Chris wouldn't give you shovels. Why would he? That would just make things too easy.
You watched as the host tossed the digging tools to the other team opposite the beach from you, landing right in their arms. They all cheered and high-fived each other, doing nothing to lift the seemingly permanent frown on your lips.
The sun beat down on your head with the same persistence as yesterday. The bright yellow color of the platform you and your teammates were standing on did nothing to ward the rays away, only attracting more heat.
It wasn't enough that you had been woken up at the asscrack of dawn by the flash of Sierra's phone camera—you had yet to find out why exactly she had been taking pictures of you—but now you had to deal with the consequences of losing yesterdays challenge too. Today it was a treasure hunt, apparently. Something you weren't overly excited about.
Looking over to the rest of your team, you made the mistake of catching Mike's eye. You were quick to look anywhere else.
Mike watched as you did your best to avoid his gaze, his cheeks a bit hotter than usual.
It shows the Italian Canadian burying his head in his hands with a red face, back hunched over.
"I made the mistake of running into them when I went to take a shower this morning." He sputtered, already looking embarrassed to be reliving the event. "I had my shirt off and Vito came out. I'm pretty sure you can figure out what happened next."
Groaning, Mike hit his head on the nearby wall, muttering at himself under his breath.
"He wouldn't leave until I forced him out. Stupid personalities."
"Alright, I met Vito. So what?" You crossed your arms defiantly, refusing to let Chris or anyone else see more from you. "It's not like he's that bad. Er, beyond the uh, incessant flirting." A pause as you uncrossed your arms and looked to the side. "It was kind of cute though."
A slight smile threatened to cross your face for just one moment until you remembered just exactly where you were.
"Oh don't look at me like that." You snapped at the camera with a scowl.
Sadleing up next to Zoey on the platform, you did your best to pay attention as Chris rambled along, demonstrating the various booby traps hidden around the beach as Sam triggered one.
Hah. Booby.
"That's great and all, but what are we supposed to dig with?" Courtney snapped nearby. You nodded, agreeing with her for once. Chris just smiled down at you all and waggled his fingers.
“Sorry!” He said, not sounding sorry at all. “Shovels are for winners only! Guess you have to use your hands.” He sang the last part. It was times like these that you were glad you didn't mind getting your hands dirty.
You didn't get much time to retaliate against his little punishment. With a quick blow of his trusty airhorn, the challenge began. The vultures took to immediately jumping off onto the beach, while the rest of you huddled up shoulder to shoulder. Fun. Well, at least it would have been if Zoey's flower hadn't been poking you in the eye.
“We should divide our area into sections and each dig in one!” Mentioned red head quipped, presenting her game plan to you all. Courtney grunted and glared.
“No! Let's separate the beach into quadrants and each pick a quadrant!"
"That is literally the exact same thing she just said." You pointed a finger at her, pulling it back when she flicked it harshly.
"Fine! We'll use the plan that me and Zoey came up with."
"It's Zoey and I, actually." Cameron piped in, eaning in a mixed gaze of pity and annoyance from you.
"Cameron, no offense but shut up."
He smiled sheepishly, mining a zipper over his mouth. You snorted at his actions, going to hop off the platform while taking special care to avoid Chris's crab trap.
Sand began flying in each which way, hands digging for purchase in the ground like the beach had swallowed hidden gold. You yourself were so immersed in the task at hand that you didn't even see Mike slot himself next to you roughly. Well, that's a lie. You were hyper aware of his presence next to you for some reason. The notion made your insides squirm.
"Uhm, hey." He tittered nervously, doing his best to gather a little attention from you. He was greeted with a silent nod hello from you, gulping as he went to continue.
"I'm really sorry about this morning. Like, really sorry. Vito's not the best around other people." Mike scratched the back of his neck. "I mean, he seemed to like you, but that doesn't excuse his behavior."
"Oh he liked me alright." You humored, remembering the way the alter had wrapped an arm around your shoulders and attempted to woo you with a few horrible pick up lines. "But it's fine. No harm done, dude. I thought you had that personality thing under control after you and Zoey started dating, though. What happened to that?"
MIke turned beet red at your words, hands momentarily popping out of the sand to make a rushed gesture of denial.
"Zoey? And me? We're not a couple! Nope, never have been! Thought it was going to work out but it didn't!! I can promise you." Mike was practically gasping for air in between words. He acted as if you were interrogating him, and it made you cock an eyebrow upwards.
"Alright then." You shrugged, dropping it to go back to digging.
"And uh, my personalities don't work like that. Being controlled I mean." Mike cleared his throat, now full on taking his place next to you.
"Enlighten me." You challenged suddenly, turning to look at him. He blinked, clearly not expecting a response like that.
"Why not?" You pondered with a shrug. It wasn't as if you were doing anything else anyways.
He considered it for a moment, looking at the grains dotting his hands before speaking.
"Well, uh, they're not any less people than you and I are just because they live in my head." Mike began cautiously; expecting you to laugh at his explanation any minute. But you just gave him your full attention—even making sure to stay quiet so he could talk over the noise of everyone else.
"Instead of acting like a dictatorship, we need to all work together to balance everything. It's not like any one person can just control all that. Much less me!" He giggled. "I mean, I can barely get the top off a pickle jar sometimes." That seemed to send him into a little giggle fit, a laugh or two slipping out of your mouth alongside him.
"That's cool Mike." You admitted. He practically beamed at your praise, puffing his chest out with a goofy grin.
"So when do I get to meet the rest of them?"
"The rest of them." You echoed. "I mean, they're a part of you, right? That's what you said. And you're my friend, I hope. I'd like to get to know the rest of you, Mike. If all of them are as sweet as you, I shouldn't have a problem with it."
Ignoring the way his stomach fell at the word friend, Mike couldn't help but grab your shoulders to bring you in for a hug. Not expecting it, you tensed up a little at the sudden intrusion before relaxing into it slightly. Hugs had never been your thing, but this was nice.
"That might be the nicest way anyone has ever responded to my condition," Mike muttered. In the headspace, everyone was overjoyed—just as happy as Mike at your acceptance of them.
"Sure thing bud." Pulling away from him with a toothy grin, you clapped his back. "Now let's get back to digging before Chris complains we're tanking his views."
It didn't take long after that for the bubble of peace that had fallen over you two to be popped. Namely by the shrill yelps of Cameron as he was tossed through the air with a bundle of nasty-smelling clothes.
"Ooh!" Chris commented from somewhere above you all, holding his nose. "Chef's dirty laundry! Pretty stinky."
"You okay little man?" You called after Cameron, who was trudging towards you and Mike with his glasses askew.
"I will be once we win this challenge." He groaned, looking like he wanted to collapse to his knees. "Ow."
"Hey guys!" Mike interrupted the both of you. Picking up something from the ground, he presented it to you all with a triumphant smile. It was a Steve Irwing type hat. And by the looks of it, the thing had come from that laundry bomb that Cameron had just been rocked with.
"We could use some of Manitoba Smith's treasure hunting skills right now!" Cameron gasped happily. "Way to go Mike!"
"Looks like you'll be meeting some of them sooner than expected." Mike turned to you, scrunching his eyes up with a smile. From next to you Cameron furrowed his brows, opening his mouth to probably ask what he was talking about. You just elbowed him in the side, whispering that you'd tell him later.
A large gasp left Mike as soon as he placed the hat atop his head. In moments, his features had gone from nervous and excited to a smug grin that showed off his gap tooth.
Shielding the sun from his eyes with a tilt of his hat, Manitoba Smith wasted no time winding up his arms in a propeller like motion. A deep hole was quickly made in the beach as he dived down, coming back up seconds later with a large marble fragment in his hands.
"G'day beauty!" He smirked proudly, tossing the piece up and onto the team's platform with a thud. You were impressed such a scrawny frame as his could support all that weight. Looks like they were full of surprises.
"And you must be the fella that Mike and Vito can't stop gabbing about." The adventurer wasted no time walking up to you, leaning down onto your level with a playful smile—momentarily reminding you of how tall Mike really was.
"Names Manitoba, love, but you can call me whatever you like." His accent poured from him like honey while his eyes twinkled with an emotion you couldn't place your finger on.
"Hey there." You completely ignored Manitoba's flirty comment in favor of sticking your hand out for him to take, shaking it firmly. "Nice to meet you. I've heard good things."
Manitoba laughed, shaking your hand back with twice as much vigor as you had.
"I can see why they won't shut up about ya! Mike sure knows how to pick em." By now Cameron had slipped away to continue rustling through the beach, leaving just the two of you to become acquainted.
"I don't care what they say as long as we win this challenge. Plan on helping us?" You allowed a smile to slip loose as you let go of his calloused hand—your own feeling strangely empty afterwards.
"For you sheila? Anything. Wink wink."
You paused.
"Did you just audibly say 'wink wink'?"
Manitoba smiled even wider at you. If that was possible.
The sound of an impatient groan cut through the beach's atmosphere like nails on a chalkboard. You cringed, face contorting with anger as sweat dripped down your neck. It was only fitting that the sound had come from everyone's favorite sadistic host. Because of course it had.
"What is taking so long!" Chris complained, fanning himself with his hand. It had been about an hour since Manitoba had shown up, and so far nothing more had happened. No pieces were found, traps set off, or contestants seriously harmed. All things you were sure Chris didn't appreciate.
Various people answered him angrily, the responses ranging from it's hot, to screw you old man. You may have organized that last one.
"Blah blah, whine whine! Hurry up! I have dinner plans."
Just as you were about to respond with a fuck you and your dinner plans, you felt your hands strike something cold and solid with a thud. You were quick to look over at Manitoba with excitement. He hadn't strayed very far from you since the challenge had started, so he wasted no time in bounding over to help you dig the newfound piece out.
"Now that's more like it!" Manitoba laughed with glee, hauling yet another marble chunk up to the platform. "Just a few more to g—"
He suddenly stopped, lips twisting into a frown as he stared at seemingly nothing. You waited while he sniffed the air, too confused to question what was going on.
"Something's off." Was all he said before heading past you. The Australian was now making a beeline straight for where the divider on the beach was, a certain ginger standing just opposite it with a sly grin.
You, being you, found your way over to them—interested to see where this was going.
"What are you up to, kookaburra?" Manitoba said, squinting at Scott. You looked at the former bizarrely for his choice of words before looking back to catch the tail end of Scott shrugging.
"Whatever do you mean?" He smirked, sounding very much like he knew exactly what he meant.
Both of you watched as the dark haired teenager scowled. A quick lick was made to his finger before he stick it in the ground, fishing around as if expecting to find something that way.
"Hah! Nice try you wiley dingo."
With a hearty grunt, you watched as Manitoba hauled a sparkling white puzzle piece from underneath Scott.
Oh that bastard has stolen it!
An actually pretty clever move to come from Scott if you were being honest.
"Way to go Manitoba!" You lightly punched him on the arm while ignoring the way Scott glared at the both of you. "How in the hell did you know he'd done it?"
"Aw it was nothin. Maybe I could teach you sometime, sweetheart." Manitoba smirked proudly. His chest was puffed out in pride, feeling quite smug under your praise.
Just as you were about to comment on the nickname—probably with a well timed quip—Scott screamed from behind you.
"Bees! Bees!!"
The next thing you knew, you were face planting on the hot sand with Manatoba, your head throbbing like it had been run over by a full fledged greyhound.
[Meanwhile, in Mike's head]
“Go with the fishing!” A peppy Svetlana cheered standing up. She was immediately booed back down, her companions not as excited as her to be losing.
“Aye yo, it's go fish! Not, go with the fishing.” Veto said from next to the gymnast with air quotes, mouth pulled into a sort of pout/scowl. She just stuck her tongue out at him.
The three other personalities were seated at a table with cards, surrounded by what looked like walls made from brains. All was quiet, just the sound of their bickering filling the weirdly bare walls.
It was then that Manitoba dropped from the sky, landing on the ground with an oomph.
“Oh that can't be good.” Chester said in a warbly voice.
“Hey, do you feel that?” Manitoba said, standing up and brushing himself off. He looked shaken. Like a meteorologist that had just spotted a tsunami on the horizon.
“The malevolent one. He’s coming!” He finished with a worried expression. Svetlana let out an ear piercing scream at that declaration.
The table then began to shake. Then the walls shook, the people shook, until finally the whole room was moving as if caught in an earthquake. During all of this, the personalities could barely make out the designated portrait of Mike burning up before them, only to be replaced with a shadowy figure with an evil smile.
All of them froze with fear, not even noticing the faint yelling in the background.
"Manitoba? Manitoba! Hey, wake up!"
Mike woke with a gasp, sitting up so quickly he bonked an equally rattled you in the forehead.
"Ow! Jesus christ man, that hurt!" You stepped backward, rubbing your already bruised head as if it would make the ache go away.
"I'm sorry." Mike groaned in response, unable to say much of anything else.
His heart was beating fast. Too fast for him to comprehend. He felt horrible, like his body knew something was wrong and was just waiting for his brain to catch up.
"Hey. Mike." You snapped in front of his face, becoming a bit worried when he didn't immediately snap out of it. "It is Mike, right?"
That got him to zone back in. He shook his head harshly, and for a moment you wondered if he was trying to get sand out of his ears. Not a bad idea considering you had also landed face first in it.
"Yeah. It's me." A hand to the top of his head confirmed that the fedora was still there where Manitoba had left it. Weird. Where was he then?
"You all good bud?" You asked whilst hauling him up. A quick glance at the back of his head confirmed that he had a welt just like yours. And a nasty looking one at that.
"I'm fine. Not like that matters a lot." He saw you frown at that. "Everything good with you?"
You took a minute to consider answering with a lie to make him feel better, but ultimately gave in.
"Like shit."
That earned you a smile from Mike. It made your stomach twist with something not quite like amusement, but something else. It felt sweeter. More genuine.
"C’mon, we need to get back to digging.” He lead the way back over to your team's side, neither of you noticing the screams of Scott in the background as he was chased by a yellow swarm of angry bees. Well that was a lie. You noticed. You just didn't care. He had just hit you in the back of the head with a shovel after all.
"I regret being nice to Scott now." You scowled. "Especially after this."
You turned to show the back of your head, which was actively swelling a brilliant red color.
"I'm more worried about Mike though. And the rest of them. He got hit pretty hard. Concussions are a nasty business. I don't want them dealing with the affects. My cousin got one when he was a toddler and was in the hospital for weeks. Now he ends every sentence with the word peacock." You paused to scrunch your face up. "I really hope we don't start to do that."
You had located back to the platform after checking with one of the few medics Chris kept on set, nearly dragging Mike with you. Now the both of you were standing next to Cameron as he examined the puzzle pieces you had so far.
“We've got six out of seven!” He yelled down to the rest of the team. Zoey looked up at you all with a thumbs up, keen to stay where she was.
“You guys start putting them together, we’ll keep digging.” She yelled back up, referring to the rest of the team. You just nodded and almost went to start before noticing Sam get thrown into the water, ricocheting off a nearby boat. You made a noise of sympathy and watched as he ran out of the water in a panic, screaming something about a jellyfish sting.
"And I'm going to ignore that." You whistled, diving back into the challenge while others walked on. If you stopped to watch everyone on this show who got injured, you'd be stuck there all day.
After that, everyone hopped onto the platform to look at their gathered pieces.
“A book, a crown, what are we supposed to be building!?” Cameron asked rhetorically while scratching his head. Then he snapped his fingers, coming to a conclusion. “I've got it! It's the Statue of Liberty!”
At that, all of the Heroes—minus Sam—to assemble the statue, being extra careful to not break any pieces. You noticed the Vultures quickly catching up on the other side of the beach as well, calling out for everyone to pick up the pace. It was going to be a quick call.
“One piece to go!” Courtney cried out. “It has to be in Sam’s quadrant!”
“Sorry guys, I'm moving as fast as I can!” The limp gamer apologized as he dragged himself across the beach in a sluggish fashion. If Chris still wanted fourteen contestants by the end of this challenge, then he really needed to get Sam checked out. Something told you he wouldn't.
“All we need is the torch! Hurry!” Cameron yelled as Zoey and Mike rushed over to Sam. With much difficulty, they flipped him over to reveal a pointy piece of their puzzle. You noticed that the Vultures had their last piece in hand too. Cries from your teammates of throw it! encouraged Zoey as she skillfully tossed the arm. It landed perfectly on the statue as if it had been there the whole time, signifying the ring of bells to sound.
“Way to go!”
“Thanks Zoey!"
“Spa hotel, here we come!”
“The heroic hamsters win!” An excited Chris says from the host box, probably relieved that he can go eat dinner now. That just caused even more of a celebration. In the middle of a little victory dance, you felt the floor from beneath you disappear. Looking down, you saw Mike was the one who had picked you off the platform, pulling you into a rather strong hug as he whooped.
The thought of telling him to put you down crossed your mind before you sighed.
"Ah, what the hell."
You joined in on the celebration, flipping the switch and picking Mike up instead. You heard him yelp before accepting it with a laugh.
If every challenge was going to be like this, maybe you should try and win more
For the millionth time, you cursed Chris for being so cheap with the sitting arrangements on this show.
The peanut gallery bench felt like sitting on a combination of loose bed springs and crushed glass. But hey. At least you weren't at risk of being eliminated. Or going to Boney Island. Sam had taken the fall for you all on that one.
You had been listening to Cameron talk about the healing properties of tea for the past half hour. Coincidently, that had also been when you and Mike showed your battle scars from today's events. Something that had sent the scrawny boy - and Zoey - into a panic.
Fortunately, Cameron's textbook ramblings were cut off by Chris. The one time you'd be happy to hear his voice.
“Welcome Hamsters! Sit back and enjoy the show.” He said with glee, way happier than a normal person should be in a situation like thi. “Vultures! It's time for you to vote off your fist villain.” He said, turning to face the other team by the campfire. You shifted uncomfortably, praying to whatever that they booted someone off quickly. All you had eaten since you had gotten there was slop, and you were looking forward to a continental dinner. Dinner? Did spa hotels do a continental dinner?
It was then that you blanched, thoughts going white as a sudden pain seared through your head. It was as if someone was pounding a hot spike into your skull.
You sat rigid with pain, doing your best to figure out what the fuck was going on as everything happened around you.
Then the feeling subsided, leaving you as quick as it had come. The lingering pain stayed prominent though Like a sad punch in the face. Briefly, you remembered the shovel to the head you had taken and blamed it on that. But the conclusion left you wanting. It didn't seem right. Deep in your chest, you knew that didn't feel right. To quote Manitoba from earlier, something was off.
You shook your head - frustrated at your sudden skepticism. Since when had you been a damn psychic?
“One by one. They will all fall.”
“You say something Mike?”
Zoey's question got you to look over at him, just missing the way he gasped sharply before resuming his normal position.
"Sorry, what did you ask me?" He giggled nervously, head swimming for some reason.
"Oh, uhm, nothing. I just thought I heard something." Zoey dropped the topic, shrugging and going back to watching the elimination process. You followed her, completely oblivious to what exactly had just happened.
What a day.
You sat in your bed, a real bed with real pillows, and opened your journal silently. It was dark both inside and out, the sound of snores soft and loud filling the air. But you were wide awake, mind buzzing with thoughts.
A pen was brought out from your travel bag as you began to write under the guidance of the moonlight, ink gliding across the paper's surface harshly.
Met Manitoba and Vito today. They were something. Not a bad something, but they were definitely something.
Even in your own head you were short and to the point.
Also got hit by a shovel. Been hurting ever since. Might get that checked out. I doubt Chris has more than interns and Chef working medical though. Probably just going to risk it. Could sue if I get brain damage anyways. Not a bad deal.
Sighing, you shut the book as softly as possible and put it away. Not much more to say. It wasn't as if you were going to go into detail about Sam peeing on himself to get rid of a jellyfish sting.
Rolling over on your side was easy. Now came the hard part. Sleep. Normally you struggled with the feeling of drowsiness, but that night it came easier than most. And at that point, you were too tired to be suspicious.
You only hoped Sierra didn't find a way to take pictures of you while you were asleep this time.
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silly-writes · 11 months
Hi! I love your work! Can you do a Mike + alters, Scott, Alejandro (seperate) x reader where the reader has really bad sensory issues, especially with loud noises, and can have panic attacks from them? if your not okay with writing this then that’s totally fine /gen. it’s important to take care of yourself.
Contestants with reader who gets overstimulated.
Aaa thank u for this request anon! Yes i'm totally comfortable writing this kind of stuff! Thanks for being so kind about it! As an autistic person with really bad sensory issues myself I actually find it a thearputic, lol. Okay enough about me, enjoy!
dealing with a traumagenic disorder (DID) I would imagine he's honestly kind of in the same boat.
He's no stranger to panic attacks, and is pretty well versed by now in how to deal with them.
The first time it happens though he's sort of an anxious wreck, he's just nervous that trying to help might make it worse, but he doesn't want to leave your side.
He gives you lot's of words of encouragement, and helps you through breathing exercises, and gets you plenty of water.
"It's okay, breathe with me, I'm right here," he assures you gently.
If you require pressure/physical contact during your panic attacks, he's more than happy to give you that.
He gets good at catching them too, he'll always be able to identify when you're about to spiral because of too much noise or too bright lights, and he'll find a quiet secluded room so he can work through it with you.
"Sorry you have to deal with this too," you said, after a particularly bad one, you still felt dizzy, and tears still stained your face, but you had come out of it now, and felt a little guilty.
"Hey don't apologize, I don't mind. Not at all."
He's just very caring with this kind of stuff in general.
Maintoba is similar to Mike, and I would think he likes to carry around a backpack whenever he is fronting (you never know when you're going to run into treasure). So he always keeps noise canceling headphones and a pair of sunglasses in there just for you.
Honestly I headcanon him as the caretaker of the system, so I imagine he's used to caring for people during panic attacks.
He's very observant, probably even more so than Mike, so he's better at avoiding them all together by identifying what situations you can handle and what you can't.
He always does a little research before the two of you go out in the environment to ensure that it doesn't seem loud/bright/overstimulating.
However sometimes these things are just unavoidable, and inevitable.
He'll provide you with whatever physical comfort you require, if any at all.
Anything you need, he's there to get for you.
"Take all the time in the world treasure, I'll still be here," he said.
He's all around good at keeping you grounded, and just good at being there with you.
I would think Svetlana is probably the protector/gatekeeper, most of her comfort comes from her just being fiercely loyal.
She'll be there no matter what, and you take great comfort in that fact.
She's not as good with being traditionally comforting, since it's a little out of her element.
Not that she doesn't try of course, she really cares about you, and she wants that to come across.
(I would think she would panic a little and ask Manitoba and Mike for help from the inner world).
But she would absolutely stay with you, coaching you through breathing exercises, talking to try and distract you.
Eventually if you let her know what you need (be it space, a distracting, physical comfort, quiet, dark) you name it, she will get it for you.
She's much better at caring for you after the panic attack honestly, when you feel really tired and put out, disoriented and just overwhelmed.
"Svetlana's here now to melt all your worries away," she smiled at you once.
She'll almost always bring you home, or take you to a secluded room, and just hangout with you. She'll turn all the lights off and sit in silence with you so you can have basically zero sensory input for a little while.
She'll absolutely stay with you until you feel yourself again.
Okay things with Mal are a little tricky.
He's for sure a former prosecutor and after a bit of system healing, definitely prosecutor turned protector.
Don't get me wrong though, he can still be a little nasty and snarky sometimes, but he's working on getting better.
Which is why he feels sort of out of his element when he's with you when you're having a panic attack.
He's not good at being comforting, and he barely knows what to do when he has a panic attack, so the first time it happens he completely freezes up.
He might even let someone else front to help you out instead of him.
After a while he gets better at keeping up with your triggers, and while he remains pretty awful at being comforting, he's good at grounding you.
He's glad sometimes that being there is enough sometimes, he doesn't know what he'd do if it wasn't.
"Sorry I can't do more..." he said one day.
You smile at him "You being here is enough sometimes."
Scott is also somewhat of a wreck I would imagine.
Growing up fairly isolated on a farm he's understandably really rough with being intune with people's emotions, he's not really all that good at reading you. Or anyone for that matter.
The first few times, he's shocked everytime.
What could be making you feel like this? He had no idea.
He would definitely need a list of all of your triggers, you have to tell him what helps you and what doesn't outright. Scott doesn't really like playing guessing games, especially when it comes to your safety and comfort.
Clear communication becomes pretty important for the two of you in all honesty, and the two of you work at it all the time.
Eventually he gets better at serving you during panic attacks, or meltdowns, he knows what to do after a little while.
Again I would think he's really good at protecting, so I think he's super good at keeping people away when he sees you're overstimulated.
"Don't touch them!" he huffed when someone was trying to tap you to get your attention.
Overall, he's really really trying for you, and knowing that is comfort enough.
It's no secret that Alejandro is very intune with people, just one of his many skills.
So he can tell right away from his very first meeting you, any loud noises, bright lights, things like that just don't mix well with you.
He steers clear of them when around you, always guiding you more towards quieter, much calmer and secluded dates.
When driving he turns the music down, and makes sure that all audio input looks like its helping you and not harming you.
Plus I feel like (and this is totally me projecting btw) he would carry around stim toys for you to distract yourself with, and headphones for when things are a lot.
But again, sometimes things just happen, and try as he might to protect you, it's not always possible.
He can always tell when things are getting to be a lot for you, he's good at reading everyone but you in specific.
He's really good at covering for you, if someone is asking where you are, or needs/wants to talk to you when you need to be alone he'll keep them away from you.
He'll spend as much time as you need helping you.
"Are you feeling better mi amor?" He would ask.
"Almost-" you said, voice a little course and shaky "-sorry," you said softly.
"Don't apologize, I don't mind at all."
Alejandro can be really nurturing when he wants to be.
He might deny it, deny it to the ends of the earth but he's very good at taking care of you.
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