#ml wing au
part-time-pixie · 5 months
I don't know if someone already said it, but I think it'll be cool if Marc's magic complimented Nathaniel. Maybe if Nath is a fairy of ink/paint, Marc could be a fairy of paper? (I know it's dumb, but I'm not sure how to use him being a writer as a magic)
I've been thinking about this ask so much and I finally came up with something! Thank you for helping my brain out 🤧
What if Nathaniel's fairy magic works by absorbing colors and the colors he absorbs represent a different element or power. Which means that if he absorbs the color orange for example, he can cast a weak fire spell (I imagine his magic to look like watercolors)
He can also combine colors/powers, so if he absorbs dark blue and white (water and air), he can choose to either cast them as separate spells or combine the colors to create light blue (ice powers)
And so, what if Marc is the fairy of Papercraft? Which means he can create any kind of origami creature. As long as he can describe it with his magical quill, he can create it! (I just really want to include him being a writer somehow even if that doesn't make a lot of sense haha)
Now imagine combining these two powers: Marc can create items or creatures made out of paper and Nathaniel can grant them powers based on the colors he chooses to paint them with! I think that would be a really fun concept ☺
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(Nathaniel and Marc kissing for over 10 minutes)
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wingsofchangemlau · 8 months
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Day 2 - Scarf
Wings of Change AU
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mothdotz · 1 year
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She’s pretty neat.
I might remake this later so it isn’t so sketchy but hey! 🤷 motivation comes and goes.
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flightfoot · 1 year
I hope I'm not bothering you but if you don't mind, can I ask for ML Wings AU fic recommendation? I really love that AU but I'm too scared to open AO3 to scroll through it. ^^;;
Much love. (人 •͈ᴗ•͈)
Don't worry, I get it, I've got ya covered.
We're breaking free (there's not a star in heaven we can't reach) by @pauliestorylover is a must read of course.
Wing binding was a symbol of prestige in high society, but Adrien would much rather be born a pauper than be forced to bind his wings for another day. Becoming Chat Noir might be the chance he had been waiting for to break free and gain a taste of the heavens.
Meanwhile, Nino and Marinette were quickly learning the joys of the pastime called ‘hating rich old white men who moonlighted as supervillains’.
I especially love the worldbuilding that paulie comes up with here, there's some unique cultural traditions involving wings that end up being highly relevant, like exchanging feathers with other people and hanging them in certain spots on your own wings to show what kind of relationship they have with you. It was very clever, I loved that!
falling, flying by @peachcitt
“It’s not supposed to hurt,” she said softly. “Flying, I mean. It’s not supposed to hurt.”
His jaw worked. His mouth settled on a smile. “I know.”
in which marinette and adrien speed toward a foreseeable end on purpose. and also a little bit on accident
"Adrien's wings are bound" fic here! Though that's pretty much a staple of the genre.
Of course, I wrote my own Wingfic, called Ruffled Wings though it's for DJWifi.
Slowly, Alya pulled off her wing covers.
The feathers of her small, gray wings stuck out at odd angles, many hanging lifelessly, dull and uncared for. The wings themselves appeared to be in good shape - at least, nothing appeared to be obviously wrong with the shape or musculature of them - but the state of the feathers was concerning, to say the least. ----
In a universe where people's wings change to reflect their mental states, Nino is concerned about why Alya is suddenly so adamant to keep hers hidden.
So this one I haven't read yet but I really, really need to.
Free Falling by Creative
Miraculous Ladybug Wingfic Winged! Adrien Agreste/Chat Noir
Binding one's wings is dangerous. It is no secret, especially not to Adrien Agreste who is forced to live with the chronic pain of overbinding in order to uphold his father’s flawless image. When the pain from his private life almost gets him killed in his superhero one, Adrien is forced to make some difficult choices. To make matters worse, the media and his partner keep asking questions that hit a little too close to home.
Marinette is always prepared to save Paris. It’s her purpose, her responsibility, and she takes it very seriously. Thankfully her partner makes the burden a little easier. When Ladybug is too focused on purifying an akuma to notice her partner struggling, she is almost too late to save him from certain death. Trying to atone for her mistake, Ladybug begins to notice strange things about a partner she thought she new. All the while, trying not to blow her identity by befriending him as Marinette.
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gameguy20100 · 1 year
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So here's something I didn't know I needed.
Genderbent Dustin. She's a snarky English wolf bitch. 😁😅
All credit to @ratatatbug2
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rosie-b · 1 year
Love, Soft as Wings
AO3 Link (You can also read the full story under the cut!)
This is my secret santa gift for @ck2k18! I hope you enjoy it!
Special thanks to @valwaria for beta reading this fic! And, of course, a big thank you to @mlsecretsanta for organizing this event!
The wooden bench creaked under Chat Noir as he shifted uncomfortably. Around him, golden sunlight streamed through the trees of the Tuileries Garden, dancing over his inky wings and casting a long shadow on the ground. 
It had been fifteen minutes since patrol was supposed to start, but Ladybug still hadn’t shown up at the meeting spot. 
Sitting in the park, Chat Noir found himself more grateful than ever that public seating left space for people’s wings. But after waiting for so long, sitting still so that his left wing wouldn’t drag against the bench, the dull ache of his injury was beginning to come back, throbbing slightly underneath the tight bandages binding it.  
Maybe he should sneak back to the mansion for another dose of the pain medicine the doctor had prescribed, Chat mused.  
He gingerly stood up, careful not to jolt his injured wing. It only suffered a fracture in the fall, the doctor had said, but Adrien still needed to be gentle with it, or it would heal the wrong way and cause more problems later. 
As Chat Noir stood in front of the bench, a breathless Ladybug slung her yo-yo around a tree’s branch and landed in front of Chat Noir, her beetle-like wings spread wide. Her cheeks were red from exertion, and it was clear she’d been in a hurry. 
She probably just lost track of time, Chat Noir thought, smiling fondly as Ladybug took a deep breath, bent over with her hands on her knees. The welcome sight of his partner was enough to make Chat Noir forget about the slight pain in his wing. 
“Hello, My Lady! I’m glad to see you could make it to patrol! I was a little worried by how late you were, but I just knew you would never furget about your a meowzing partner.”  
Chat Noir stepped forward as Ladybug straightened to greet her partner. Stealing a hand from her side, Chat raised it to his lips, pressing a quick kiss to Ladybug’s knuckles before she playfully snatched her hand back. 
The edges of Ladybug’s lips quirked up into a smile as she looked at her partner. 
“Really, Chaton? You’re cramming two puns in one sentence now? It’s as if your sense of humor gets worse every week,” she teased, a slight strain to her voice. She was probably just breathless from flying through Paris at break-neck speed, Chat reasoned. 
“You’re complaining, but I know you like my jokes.” Chat Noir grinned as Ladybug put a hand on her hips. “Otherwise, what’s that smile on your face for?”  
Chat laughed as Ladybug looked surprised and then schooled her features into a stern frown. 
“Come on, Chat,” she groaned. “I already made us late for patrol; we don’t have any time to waste with silly jokes! I was thinking we could cover the 19th Arrondissement today, maybe check in on little August and see how he’s doing. He hasn’t been akumatized in three weeks, so we haven’t seen him in a while!” 
Nodding, Chat, too, put on a serious face, though his was much less convincing than Ladybug’s was. “Good idea, My Lady! We’ll be taking the streets, then?” 
Shaking her head in disagreement, Ladybug didn’t notice as Chat Noir’s face fell. 
“I was thinking that since we’re already technically late for our patrol, we should fly over to the neighborhood, to get started sooner. That way, we’ll be done with patrol before dark, and I can get home in time to finish a project of mine.” 
Chat Noir swallowed, inadvertently twitching his wings as he wondered how he could hide his injury from Ladybug. Normally, he would tell her about something like this, but today, he couldn’t think of any excuse for his fractured wing that wouldn’t reveal his identity. 
“That’s a brilliant idea, milady! I agree, we shouldn’t waste any more time before starting patrol. Only, doesn’t a footrace to the arrondissement sound like more fun than just plain old flying does? We’ve been sticking to the skies for days now; don’t you think it’s time to shake things up?” Chat stuck out his lower lip and pouted, knowing Ladybug couldn’t say no to him for long. 
“Oh, no,” Ladybug moaned as she tried not to be swayed by Chat Noir’s innocent, pleading expression. “You know I can’t resist the puppy eyes—” 
“Kitty eyes,” Chat Noir corrected, managing to keep his expression unchanged.
Ladybug let out a light huff. “It’s the same thing. But this time, your little ploy isn’t going to work,” she said, turning away and sticking out her lower lip adorably.  
“Aww, Ladybug,” Chat whined, wrapping his arms around Ladybug from behind and resting his chin on her shoulder. Her folded wings rustled as she turned her head to look back at him.  
Sighing, Ladybug moved Chat Noir’s arms off of her and turned to face him.
“Listen, Chat, if you want to stay on the ground and start patrol a few minutes behind me, that’s fine, but I really do need to hurry this up and go home.” 
Wetting her lips, Ladybug continued, “See, a friend of mine got hurt because of me today. His wing is injured, and now he can’t fly! I need to do something to apologize, or he’s never going to forgive me,” she said thickly, sounding like she was about to cry. 
Chat Noir stared at Ladybug, forgetting about his own worries as his concerns changed to his partner’s slumped shoulders and downturned face. 
“Your friend got hurt today? Ladybug, I’m sure he understands that whatever happened, it wasn’t your fault.” Chat rushed to comfort his lady, feeling a sympathetic twinge in his chest as he thought of the guilt she must be feeling. 
“Yes, it was,” Ladybug said mournfully. “It was all my fault, Chat Noir!” 
Chat frowned, taking Ladybug’s hands in his own and giving them a comforting squeeze.
“No, it wasn’t,” he said softly. “I may not know what happened to your friend — and it’s fine if you can’t tell me, I know we need to protect our secret identities — but I know my Buginette, and she’d never hurt anyone on purpose! Whatever happened must have been an accident, right?” 
Sniffling, Ladybug nodded, pulling one hand out of Chat’s grasp to rub her eyes. 
“Then it wasn’t your fault,” Chat Noir murmured, his tone warm and reassuring.
“Chaton—” Ladybug started, being interrupted by a wet hiccup. 
“It wasn’t,” Chat Noir asserted, holding Ladybug close and rubbing her back gently. “You didn’t mean to hurt anyone, and your friend’s injury wasn’t your fault. Unless your friend is an idiot, I promise you he understands that.” 
Shuddering as she exhaled, Ladybug gazed up at her partner. “Thank you, Chaton,” she said, lips quivering as she forced a smile onto her face. 
“Anytime, My Lady,” Chat Noir breathed. 
As the golden sunlight danced around them, Ladybug threw her arms around Chat Noir, pulling him into a hug. But when her hands brushed against Chat’s injured wing, he let out a stifled whimper. 
Ladybug froze. 
“Chat Noir, is everything alright?” she asked, her voice full of concern. 
“Yes,” he hissed. “Just give me a moment. My-my wing got hurt today. That’s why I don’t want to fly anywhere. I can’t, right now,” he explained sheepishly. 
Pulling back from the hug, Ladybug worriedly looked at her partner, turning him around so she could check his wings for the injury. 
“You got hurt?! Chaton, what were you doing?”   
As Ladybug ran her hand lightly over her partner’s feathers, Chat Noir gulped. 
“Uh — you know, just goofing around.” He tried to laugh it off, but his attempt sounded stiff, and he knew it wouldn’t fool Ladybug. 
Marching around Chat to face him, Ladybug crossed her arms and glared fiercely. 
“Just goofing around? Chaton, your wing is all bound up, like it’s broken or something! I’m embarrassed that I didn’t notice before! I think you should tell me what happened,” she said, making it clear that she was serious. 
Chat Noir reached up to scratch his neck. “I’d love to explain, Milady, but it might reveal my secret identity if I tell you what happened,” he said. “Are you sure you want to take that risk? Because I’ve always wanted to find out who the girl behind that lovely mask of yours is, but you? You’d rather not know who I am.” 
Ladybug frowned, tapping her fingers against her folded arms and tilting her head.
“That’s true, but I think in this case it’s more important for me to know how your wing got hurt. You can take out all the details from the story, right?”
Chat hesitated. His story couldn’t be that uncommon, not in a city as big as Paris! Thousands of people got hurt every day, and anyway, there wasn’t really anything unique about the way he’d gotten hurt. Nodding, he smiled at Ladybug’s relieved look.
“So, then, tell me what happened to your wing! If I understand what you’re going through, maybe I can help take care of you if you need it, Chaton. I want to make sure that you’re going to be okay,” Ladybug said earnestly. 
Chat Noir found himself blushing at Ladybug’s affectionate tone. He’d always wished that moments like this meant as much to her as they did to him, but Chat knew that she probably still loved that other boy— who, he supposed, could even be the friend Ladybug said was injured today. 
Feeling a stab of pain in his chest, Chat Noir shook his head to clear it of the negative emotions in it. The pain in his wing had nothing on the pain of rejection from his Lady, but he couldn’t afford to mope when there were so many bigger things to worry about. Besides, the fact that Ladybug was willing to learn Chat’s secret identity if it meant helping him was proof that she did love him, at least as a friend.
“Of course I’ll tell you what happened, My Lady! I’m honored to know that you care so much for this poor stray,” he said lightly.  
Rolling her eyes, Ladybug made as if to push his shoulder, but then thought better of it. 
“I’ve always cared for you, Chaton,” she said. “Now, go on! We’re still wasting time, you know.” 
Chat Noir coughed. “Right! Okay then, it’s not a very complicated story. A girl I know, someone who’s really sweet and amazing — she’s so kind, Ladybug, I know you’d like her — well, she’s a little clumsy, especially around me. I usually try to catch her if she trips, so that she doesn’t get hurt. And she fell again today, but I wasn’t feeling very graceful, myself. When I tried to catch M— my friend, we both wound up tumbling down the stairs outside our school. I wrapped my wings around my friend to protect her, so she’s okay! But my left wing got fractured in the fall, so I’ll be as flightless as a normal cat for at least a week.” 
As Chat finished his story, he glanced up at Ladybug, who looked shocked. Her face had gone pale, and she was gaping at Chat Noir with wide eyes. 
Chat Noir wondered what she’d heard in the story to make her react like this.
“Ladybug?” he asked, his ears slowly folding back as he waited for Ladybug’s judgment.
Shaking herself, Ladybug wiped the shocked look off her face and forced a smile, instead. Wringing her hands together, she exclaimed, “That’s awful, Chat! But are you — really sure that’s what happened?” She sounded breathless, her tone betraying the worry she felt. 
Chat Noir wrinkled his forehead. “Yes? I’m pretty sure I know exactly what happened to myself. I didn’t hit my head, you know, so I can’t have amnesia,” he joked.  
Ladybug swallowed, her face growing determined.  
“No, no, you don’t understand! You’re saying you have a friend who’s clumsy around you, who fell outside your school today? And you caught her, because you’re just that caring, and wrapped your wings around her as you fell down the stairs? That’s how you got injured?” she asked, her eyes darting back and forth between Chat’s own.
Nodding mutely, Chat agreed, his tail lashing behind him in confusion. 
“Then… I know who you are,” Ladybug said in a trembling voice. “You must be Adrien Agreste.” Her tone was hushed, like she was giving voice to something sacred. 
Chat Noir’s mouth fell open, and he gawked at Ladybug. “You— how did you figure it out? I know I didn’t tell you anything too detailed!”  
Snapping out of her reverie, Ladybug looked embarrassed and somewhat guilty as she threw her gaze around the park, looking for a way out of the conversation. 
“Uhhh... it’s because your father told the press about what happened?” She offered Chat an unconvincing grin as she said this, pressing her pointer fingers together lightly.
Deciding to go with this story, Ladybug nodded firmly and continued on. “Since you’re taking a break from modeling until you recover, everyone knows that your wing is injured. And maybe I saw in the tabloids some pictures of what happened? And I pieced it together from there,” she said, twisting her hands together anxiously. Behind her, Ladybug’s wings were open slightly, ready for a quick takeoff.
For someone who hated liars, Ladybug certainly did lie a lot. And she wasn’t even that good at it, Chat Noir thought to himself in fond exasperation. 
Narrowing his eyes, he leaned in close to his friend. 
“Are you sure?” Adrien asked, taking note of the way Ladybug’s pupils widened and her cheeks flushed red. 
“Eep!” she squeaked as she looked up at her partner, dumbstruck. 
Chat Noir smirked. “Or are you just trying to cover up the fact that you were there when I got hurt, yourself?” 
His mind racing, Chat Noir thought of an old theory he’d had about Ladybug’s identity. It should be impossible, but— was it really?
Adrien had seen many things he once thought were impossible since he received his Miraculous. And if he was honest, he’d been hoping for this particular outcome for a very long time. 
“I think,” he said, stepping even closer to Ladybug, who retreated until the hard outer shell of her wings was up against a tree, “that your reaction seems awfully familiar to me. And I think—” he put one hand on the tree next to Ladybug, effectively trapping her. 
“I think that I know you as a civilian,” he whispered in her ear. Ladybug shivered, looking up at Chat Noir with dark eyes. 
“I can’t tell you if that’s right,” she said, her voice trembling as it came out. 
“That’s okay,” Chat Noir murmured. “I think I can figure the rest of it out, anyway. You had a friend whose wing got injured today, right? And you thought it was because of you.” He poked a finger against Ladybug’s chest for emphasis.
Ladybug gulped, and Chat Noir watched as her throat bobbed, wishing irrationally that he could kiss her. That this exceptional being, who could do nothing but amaze him, would return his affections, so that he could kiss her. 
Maybe someday, he told himself, and forced his attention back to the matter at hand.  
“Let me tell you again, Marinette,” he murmured, and heard Ladybug gasp softly. “It was not your fault that I got hurt today. If it was anyone’s fault, it was mine,” he said mournfully, looking down and taking a step back. “I’m the reason you tripped and fell. I wish I knew why my presence is so startling to you! We are friends now; you’re not afraid of me, right?”
Ladybug hoped that her partner was only joking, but she felt her heart plummet at the sincerity in his voice. His cat ears were even drooping, she noticed.
“Chaton,” she began, licking her lips, “I may or may not be this Marinette you speak of—” 
Chat Noir raised an eyebrow at her dubiously. She waved it off. 
“—but I can tell you this. Marinette Dupain-Cheng is not afraid of you. Every time she’s extra clumsy around you, every time she stutters or runs off in a panic— that’s not because I don’t like you. It’s really the opposite,” she whispered.
Her wings trembled with nervousness as she took a step forward, reaching up to her partner, to the one who’d been injured trying to protect her from her own clumsiness. To the boy who’d always cared for her, who loved her, who had given her a second chance and his own umbrella for shelter when she couldn’t possibly deserve his mercy. 
Inhaling sharply at the touch of Ladybug’s gloved hand on his cheek, Chat Noir looked into her blue eyes hopefully. 
“Are you saying you do like me, after all?” he asked, not daring to dream of more than that. 
Sighing affectionately, Ladybug rolled her eyes. “I’m saying I love you, you dork!” 
“Oh,” Chat Noir gasped, his eyes bright as he clasped Ladybug’s hand to his cheek. “I love you, too!” 
Grinning, Ladybug choked out a laugh. Chat Noir’s voice joined hers, and the two of them laughed at nothing for a minute or two. 
Finally, Chat Noir looked back at Ladybug, his cheeks stained a rosy pink. 
“So, you really do like me, then?” His tone was hopeful as he stared at his partner with starry eyes.
“Love , Chaton,” Ladybug corrected, bemused by her partner’s shyness. “I love you.” 
“You love me,” Chat Noir repeated, full of wonder that such a wonderful thing could be true. “You love me. And I love you, My Lady, so much! But I have to ask,” he said bashfully, “What does that mean for us?” 
Ladybug tilted her head. “What do you mean?” she asked. 
Chat Noir could feel his face growing warmer. “I mean, are we going to date now? Because I know you’ve always said no before, and you’re still pretending I don’t know who you are—” 
“Not anymore,” Ladybug interrupted. “I’ve given that up. You’ve figured me out, Chaton.” 
Chat grinned. “I knew it! But you avoided my question, Bugaboo.” 
Kneeling on the grass in the park, Chat Noir took his partner’s hand and looked into her eyes. 
“Ladybug, Marinette, whatever other names you go by, I love you. Will you please be my girlfriend, and let me hold your hand on dates, and maybe kiss you, if that’s okay?”  
Chat hoped that didn’t sound too stupid. Maybe Marinette would go back to not liking him if he couldn’t sound professional enough! Did he measure up to her standards of what a boyfriend should be, or would she reject him yet again?
Blushing, Ladybug squeezed Chat’s hand and pulled him to his feet. 
“I’d love to date you, Chaton!” she said shyly. “And go on dates with you, and hold your hand, and even kiss you. I want to do everything with you,” she admitted. 
Chat Noir’s face lit up. “Really?” he squealed. “This is the best day of my life! My Lady, I might kiss you!” 
“You keep saying that,” she muttered. 
Chat tilted his head. “What was that?” he asked, his face a mask of innocent confusion. 
Ladybug’s face reddened. “Say that you do! Maybe kiss me you should then,” she said, and winced at her out-of-order sentences. 
But Chat Noir looked just as happy as he had before, golden flecks in his eyes catching the sunlight as he gazed at her, a smile on his lips. 
“Really?” Raising a hand to her cheek, Chat looked deep into her eyes, searching for any sign of hesitation. 
Unable to say anything, Ladybug gave a slight nod. And slowly, as a wind stirred the branches of the trees behind them, Chat Noir leaned forward and kissed her. 
Ladybug’s wings flared out behind her as she kissed him back, happy to finally be with the boy she loved. Chat’s uninjured wing wrapped itself around her left side, soft and comforting. 
And though their kiss was sweet, Ladybug was reminded of what had led to the reveal and everything after it. 
“Chaton,” she said, pulling back from the kiss, “You’re not in any pain from the fracture, right?” 
Opening his eyes, Chat Noir blinked at her owlishly. “My Lady, how could any pain bother me when you finally love me back?” 
Pinching her brows together in worry, Ladybug fretted, “Oh, no, you are hurting! And here I’ve just been kissing you like a fool, when I should have been helping you!” 
“I’m pretty sure I was the one who suggested kissing,” Chat protested. “And you don’t need to worry about me, really. The pain isn't that bad.” 
“But it still is!” Ladybug ran her eyes over the injured wing, a worried look on her face.  
“We should get you back home, so you can rest and recover,” she said. “I know your injury isn’t as bad as it could have been, but it might still get worse if we don’t take care of it properly! You need some pain relievers, fresh bandages, and warm blankets, maybe some hot chocolate, and plenty of sleep. And don’t even think about fighting akumas until you’re fully healed!” Ladybug put her hands on her hips and frowned warningly. 
Fondly smiling at his partner, Chat Noir wrapped his arms around her, enfolding her in a warm embrace. “Thank you for caring so much about me,” he said as his silky black wing curled around her again. 
“Oh, Chaton,” Ladybug said, ruing the fact that her transformation wouldn’t let her wrap her own soft wings around her boyfriend. “I will always love you. You make it impossible to do anything else!” 
Stroking the feathers on the wing Chat draped around her, Ladybug nuzzled her face against his shoulder, enjoying the moment.  
“We really do need to get you home, though,” she murmured regretfully. 
“If you say so,” Chat sighed. “I just don’t want you to leave yet, you know? We only just found out each other’s identities! We have so much to talk about,” he said wistfully. 
Glancing up at him, Ladybug was struck by a thought.  
“Maybe I don’t have to leave.”
“What?” Chat looked surprised, but a hopeful look crossed over his face. 
“It might be risky; Nathalie might discover me, but I could stay with you at the mansion! For a while, at least; I don’t mean for too long! I wouldn’t want to impose.” Ladybug chuckled nervously. 
Chat’s gaze softened as he looked at her. “It would be wonderful if you came home with me,” he said, brushing a stray hair off Ladybug’s cheek. “And I wouldn’t mind, you know. If you stayed longer.” 
“Oh,” Ladybug said in wonder. A blush crept over her face as she looked up at Chat Noir’s lovestruck expression. “Let’s start with changing those bandages, and go from there, all right?” 
Chat smiled. “That sounds purrfectly fine,” he said, bending down to press a quick kiss to Ladybug’s lips. He smirked at Ladybug’s pout when he drew back all too soon for her liking.
Forget patrol, Ladybug thought, this is more important.  
And she pulled Chat Noir back down for another kiss, the last rays of sunlight dancing over the couple as they stood safely in each other’s embrace.
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graaythekwami · 2 years
"It wasn't love I felt," Blue Wing whispered hoarsely, and he looked up at Hawk Moth. There had always been something within his father reaching for him, something that was nothing like the Emotions that came from Nino– because they were not the same. "It... it never was. You... you didn't love me. Why?"
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Hello Anika! I've noticed that another CN otome game "Lovebrush Chronicle" is being localized in English. What are your thoughts on the story, and is there a ML in the game similar to Victor?
I want to hear your thought because I think you have a good eye on judging a story ❤️ Sorry if this ask seems to be out of nowhere!
hello!!! thank you haha~ ಡ⁠ ͜⁠ ಡ yes, the game’s original name is 时空中的绘旅人, also known as For All Time. It’s one of the 4 big CN otoges (the other three: Light and Night, Love and Producer/ MLQC, and Tears of Themis).
idk why they had to change the name smh but then again i can see why too LOL, but if you’re gonna change the character names, change for all of them why change just two?? especially since Emerald’s name is explained precisely so aksjsjs i’m so salty rn lmao
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uh about the storyline, i had to try hard to not be lured into yet another game lmao (eyeing L&N akshdhd), so i haven’t actually played the game personally after CBT LOL nor do i keep up with its contents that much, so my knowledge regarding the story and the characters isn’t deep and is limited haha. also, since the premise begins in the AU world + with some other factors, i kinda lost my interest to even begin with LOL.
here’s a brief introduction for you though—
the game’s setting is the AU world ahah, and it also has personal routes. it has battle systems for leveling up your profile / raising cards. i heard it can be pretty grindy, but since i haven’t continued playing it, i can’t comment on that :>
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✦ The Heroine:
she is an art student / comic artist in the modern world, but one day she gets sucked into a different AU world while watching her friend’s performance. (she’s so pretty tho u.u)
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✦ Ai Yin/ Ayn:
19 years old, goes to the same school as the heroine and a pianist in the modern world. He’s a prince in the AU world, focused on his revenge.
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✦ Lu Chen/ Alkaid:
20 years old, a transfer student, the heroine’s senior in a different study (Astronomy), photographer. In the AU world, he’s a mage/ high level priest.
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✦ Lu Xia/ Rorschach (re-named as Lars for EN):
27 years old, the heir of a wealthy family, CEO, flirty af. In the AU world, he’s an aggressive and headstrong king.
(if you’re into the “CEO trope”, he could be your pick LOL. but if you’re looking for similarities that actually matter— then aside from just the CEO title and maybe that body lmfao, Victor and him share no other similarities hahaha)
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✦ Si Lan/ Clarence:
22 years old, goes to the same school as the heroine and is the student president. He is the head highest priest/ mage in the AU world.
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✦ Ye Xuan/ Emerald (re-named as Cael for EN):
An art instructor, took the heroine under his wings, gentle in nature sus lmao. In the AU world, he is the silver knight and leading the revolution.
Over all, from what I’ve seen, the story is pretty good, has the intrigue elements for sure. Also plus point, in every AU/ arch you get a common part and then you can choose your love interest to progress for the rest of the story. what it does here is that unlike Lovepro/MLQC + Light and Night main story, where the story itself is very character-driven, you need to shut your brain and consider the MC that specific love interest’s heroine for the allocated segment- or else given the extreme lengths she goes for them/ the said borderline intimacy certainly don’t cut for “just friends” tag LOL. So, if you’re someone who self-inserts (consciously or not) and perhaps is a little uncomfortable with that kind of storytelling, For All Time/ Lovebrush Chronicles is certainly one you can give a try.
For me personally, the writing pattern didn’t seem like my cup of tea + I prefer the storytelling pattern of Lovepro and L&N (singular main story + parallel dates) haha. But hey, we all have different tastes, so be sure to give it a chance if you’re interested. Who knows, you could end up with completely different viewpoints than me! (⁠*⁠´⁠∀⁠`⁠*⁠)
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thelonelyarchon · 6 months
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PICTURE PERFECT (guy) ʚɞ ⁺˖ ⸝⸝ִ ࣪𖤐
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PAIRING: artem wing x idol!fem!reader
GENRE: social media au, modern/idol au, lawyer (bodyguard-ish relationship) x client, imaginary love triangle, secret identity (royalty), best friend's sister, love at first sight
SYNOPSIS: when asked about her ideal man during a promotional interview for her new album’s release, y/n, also known as idol 'YEONMI' has only one person in mind: the country's top attorney with a 99% win rate and stellis city’s renowned youngest senior attorney, artem wing.
who could blame her? he’s a picture perfect guy.
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CONTENT/TRIGGER WARNINGS: genshin impact x tot, ooc characters, disregards tot main story timeline, creative liberties (for character backgrounds. i try to be truthful to the og work as much as i can!), swearing, stalking, kidnapping, attempted murder, crack, angst (?) slightly serious au, depictions of cyber hate, alcohol consumption, kissing, female pronouns are used, proactive female lead (chases ml proactively), law terms, assault, mentions of guns and other weapons, disoriented family/family issues, suggestive scenes, sexual innuendos, mentions of crime, mention of drugs . . . (+chapter specific trigger warnings will be posted as the story progresses)
STATUS: ongoing
٩(ˊᗜˋ*)و ♡ hello!
⋆ ★ expect grammatical errors. some typos are intentional though.
⋆ ★ it's my first smau! expect it to be shitty lol.
⋆ ★ english is not my first language! so if my dialogues sound too stiff, calculated, unnatural, or unfunny at times then you know why :'> i'm trying, i swear
⋆ ★ possible written chapters are marked with a 🌷
⋆ ★ pov indicator: light mode -> y/n | dark mode -> artem (unless other character's pov is stated)
⋆ ★ timestamps don't matter unless specifically stated and small caps letters are intentional
⋆ ★ (kind) helpful criticisms are welcome!
TAGLIST: open! comment down below or send me a message/ask if you want to be added.
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— foolish ones (y/n’s circle)
— nixx team (artem's circle)
— happy birthday
— 001 - who’s artem wing?
— 002 - congratulations, mr. wing!
— 003 - brother and sister
— 004 - disappointment
— 005
— 006
— 007
— 008
— 009
— 010
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rec-review8890 · 2 years
O7 | Pregnancy RECs
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Request: Hey new here and looking for a good Arrange Marriage or pregnancy fan fic. Full off drama. Thanks 
By: @prajusstuff​ 
(💦) ~ Smut , (🐑) ~ Fluff , (👊) ~ Angst , 
(📝) ~ Series , (🗒) ~ One-Shot/Drabble , 
(💜) ~ Personal Favorite 
Request Guidelines | Fic Rec ML
NONE of these works are mine. Give all your love to the authors and their works. The links will either bring you to the Tumblr page or a Ao3 page of the work. 
➳ Seokjin
Title: Soarin 💦🐑👊🗒💜
Author: @aquagustd 
Summary: Husband!Seokjin x Wife!Pregnant!reader. Also established relationship and vacation au. 
↳ “When you find out that your husband is hurting just as much as you, you realize that you’ve been thinking selfishly. And when you come forward with your doubts, he shows you how much he loves you.”
Title: Clingy Pregnancy 🐑🗒
Author: @blu-joons​
Summary: I feel this would so be Seokjin if he ever got his girlfriend pregnant lol! 
↳ n/a
➳ Yoongi
Title: Silence 🐑👊🗒
Author: @hyungieyoongi​ 
Summary: Also married/established relationship au. Drama in this one!
↳ n/a
Title: Oh Baby 🐑🐑🐑🗒
Author: @yoonlattesworld​ 
Summary: Idol!husband!yoongi x pregnant!wife!reader. Also established relationship/marriage and idol au.
↳ “Attending an award show with your husband is fun and all until the baby in your belly starts squeezing your bladder and you need to pee in the middle of an interview.”
➳ Hoseok 
Title: Telling Him You’re Pregnant 🐑🗒
Author: @blu-joons​ 
Summary: This writer makes really good pregnancy dribbles! 
↳ n/a (title makes it self explanatory) 
Title: Hope In The Sheets 💦🐑📝💜 
Author: @youarejesting​
Summary: 10 parts + epilogue. Completed series. Also friends-to-lovers au. Drama in this one!
↳ “You held many titles: his neighbor, colleague, wing-man… well, more likely a wing-woman, yet most importantly, you were his best friend. You had been friends since you were born. Between the two of you, you were younger; barely, but he never let you forget it. He always seemed to ruffle your hair and tease you, which could get rather annoying but he made up for it by treating you to things. What if a drunken one night stand between you and your best friend Hoseok leads to more complicated situations? Your reckless twenties are cut short as you find yourself suddenly responsible for something a little more.”
➳ Namjoon
Title: Two More 💦🐑🗒
Author: @e-cm​
Summary: Husband!Namjoon x Pregnant!!reader. Established relationship/marriage au.
↳ “With two more months of pregnancy left and nothing to relieve you of your...discomfort, Namjoon offers you exactly what you need.”
Title: Nine Months 🐑📝💜
Author: @gimmesumsuga​ 
Summary: 4 parts. Completed Drabble series. This felt so real that I had to add it lol! Some drama in this one!
↳ “Your due date has come and gone. Namjoon’s excited and you’re uncomfortable, but you’re both equally as impatient to meet your little girl.”
➳ Jimin
Title: Wild Flower 🐑👊🗒💜
Author: @tataelingmoon​ 
Summary: Pregnancy reveal and establish relationship!au. Some drama in this one!
↳ “You and Park Jimin have been together for as long as you can remember. However, when you find out that you were pregnant you didn't know what else to do but run away in fear of his reaction.”
Title: Better Together  🐑🗒
Author: @sparklingchim
Summary: Husband!jimin x wife!reader. You also already have a child together, so second baby!au.
↳ “Just a casual day with your husband jimin and your little boy jihoon.”
➳ Taehyung
Title: Flying High 💦🗒💜
Author: @borathae 
Summary: Husband!taehyung x wife!reader. This is more of a trying to get pregnant au, but it was so good I had to add it. Also established relationship/marriage and ceo au.
↳ “Your husband has the perfect remedies against the boredom on long flights. Snuggles, neck kisses and his pretty cock pounding into you. Sounds like fun? Very much so. Alternatively: The story of the night where you and your husband finally managed to get pregnant.”
Title: Saving You 💦🐑👊🗒💜
Author: @bebejungkook​ 
Summary: Husband!taehyung x wife!reader. Also yandere, established relationship/marriage, and ceo au. Drama in this one!
↳ “Your very over protective husband finds out you’ve been kidnapped and he was going to take the matters into his own hands.”
➳ Jungkook
Title: Only Teens 🐑👊📝💜 
Author: @0funsite0​ 
Summary: Teen!jungkook x teen pregnant fem!reader. I’m a sucker for teen pregnancy stories... sue me! Drama in this one!
↳ “You live in Korea with your American mother, Bulgarian father, and half Korean half  Bulgarian half-brother, Jin. Next to being born to a wealthy family, where your and your boyfriend's parents own a successful company together and are best friends, you are also on the straight path to succeeding as a young actress. But all that can be shattered with an unplanned teen pregnancy,”
Title: Mistake 💦👊🗒💜
Author: @dreamescapeswriting​ 
Summary: Idol and accidental pregnancy au. Basically, you accidentally got pregnant and jk is an idol in this so that’s like a no go. Drama in this one!
↳ n/a
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frostedpuffs · 2 years
Since cringe has been rightfully laid in a grave, for your MLP/ML AU, I imagine Marinette is always flying around because she can now move approximately as fast as her brain goes. This means that whenever Adrien surprises her, she either A) goes rocketing into the ceiling, or B) promptly forgets how wings work and drops on the floor.
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wings.exe not found
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girl8890 · 2 years
JK | Hieros Gamos (I)
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BTS ML | Mood Board
Summary: In a world where many different kinds of love are possible, Jungkook, the god of death, finds himself loving someone that should be impossible. One where he runs away and comes back to constantly, all because fate forced him to endure something he’s never wanted.
Paring: God!Thanatos!Jungkook x Goddess!reader
Genre: greek gods!au, soulmate!au, smut, angst, some fluff 
Rating: 18+
Warnings: mild flirting, angst, unrequited love (sort of), pining, reader is lonely, everyone keeps secrets from reader, mentions of past war and murder, implied future smut, overprotective family
。・°°・°°・。 。・°°・°°・。 。・°°・°°・。
The first time Jungkook met you, he was meant to take you. Take you away, and reap your soul. Taking you away from the fates you would one day call mother and aunts. It was his job, after all. To take away souls that have pushed out their last breathe, and be met with his deathless face of skull and bone. It’s how everyone, mortal or god, ends up. In the end, they all meet him.
But for the gods… their families always make a fuss of the matter.
The second your mother and aunts saw his form come out of the shadows, they tried to force him away. It didn’t work, of course, he would take the soul that needed to be taken, but that’s not what stopped him from doing his job. In fact, one look into the infants eyes, and he knew he would never want to take your soul.
Your eyes shouldn’t have even been allowed to open. He was pulled there to reap your supposedly dead soul, at least that’s what he thought you would be when he got the pull from his wings to fly there. It’s very common for babies to die after birth, so he didn’t think much of it. But here you were… alive
Never, in a million eons, did Jungkook think looking into a deathless person’s eyes—a person he was supposed to take down into the underworld—would instead enact him to want to do neither and both all at once. He felt it coarse through his own soul, and all of a sudden he could see everything. Everything pertaining to you.
He could hear every thought and see every vision. Making him feel hot all over when you smile over being happy, but also wanting to burn everything to the ground when you thought about crying over nothing. This ability to have with another person, to have this type of connection, is only supposed to happen if… if two people… enact hieros gamos. Something he’s never done and has definitely not done with a one hour old baby. But one look into those innocent blinking eyes, and the impossible connection was formed. Making Jungkook surrender his own thoughts completely.
While the people around you were screaming at Jungkook to leave, to not take their child’s soul, to not take their very much alive infant away from them, Jungkook was stuck. Stuck staring at your pair of innocent eyes and unable to look away. 
Eyes are a gate way to the soul, they say... and your soul was perfect. He couldn’t look away. Like if he did, it would somehow change. It looked like it was reaching out to him. Pulling him in, and giving him this feeling throughout his body that he’s never felt before. At least not to this extent. 
Death isn't supposed to give anyone mercy. Death isn't supposed to protect those he doesn’t know.
Death isn’t supposed to love. 
But once he realized he’s given you all three, he falls to his knees. Drops to the hard ground and doesn’t even wince when his knees hit hard ruble. Stuck staring at the infant in front of him that’s somehow taken everything from him, but at the same time given him everything.
It took a moment for the three witches, the sisters of all fated knowledge, to realize what just happened. To feel the coursing connection between their infant and death himself. The fates see all, but they some how had a moment of unseeing. Unseeing something that should have never been possible. 
The one the reaper will never reap. 
The fate passed through all three of the women at once. It was something they knew in their hearts beforehand, but did not realize the extent of the fate casted on their own little one. 
Fates have the ability to manipulate and set someone’s lifespan. A lifespan they gave you no end to once they realized one of their wombs began to swell. Wanting to take away the for-told death they’ve given to every begin that’s been born before. But they did not realize what their own catastrophic, set in stone, no reversal, fate actually did. 
That’s why, realizing in his own time what this all means, he left. Jungkook flew out of the cave and told himself he would stay away. Stay away from the being that’s already making his wings hurt from flying in the opposite direction. You were just an infant, after all. These feelings will pass. It’s all in his head, he told himself, and it will go away eventually. He’ll forget you even existed soon…
He hoped.
You’ve lived through many time shifts. Many wars you stayed away from, and many fate castings you viewed by your mother and aunts. Each fate hurting the people more than the last. Each one getting more redundant and eerier too. You never said anything on the matter. In fact, no one even knew you were there. 
Your family kept you away from all mortals and all gods. Promising you that not a single lord or king knew you were alive. Saying it was for your own safety, but that gave you no hope for your future. You never understood why your family didn’t allow others to see you. And anytime you asked, instead of telling you outright why, the fates just gave you some stupid riddle to solve. 
You would think after being alive, and living with these three gods for so long that you would understand what it all meant... yeah, no. 
Especially when it came to anything about you. 
You asked your mother recently, “Would it be okay if I went outside the cave, today? Just for a moment! I’ll be quick.”
And your mother replied with, “The sun does not shine on those that move too quickly.”
That made your head spin. In the end, you just read her words as a big fat NO. Angering and stressing yourself further about why you were never allowed to leave the cave you lived in all your life. You knew there was a world outside of these pile of rocks. You’ve seen enough mortals, gods, and even minor gods like nymphs come through here for a request to manipulate their fates to know there was a world to begin with. 
But you never do step outside the cave walls. You never defied your family, wanting to always be good in hopes they would allow you a day of freedom, but that hope getting less and less each passing day.
Instead, getting frustrated that no one will let you do anything you want—because that’s just the type of child you are—and you go to the one spot in this entire cave you actually enjoy being at.  
The tree.
It sprouted inside the ruble in the furthest part of your home when you turned sixteen. It was a quizzing thing, since not a single sprout of fertility lived in this area. The rock and lack of light making everything desalinate. Also the lack of fertility goddess blessings and nymphs being born in this part of the underworld, but what can you do when everyone fears getting on the wrong side of one of the fate sisters?
But still, the wood on this tree never cracked and the leaves were always green. Like somehow it’s always spring shinning down on this very tree.
The day my family and I found it, the one braver then the other cowards in your family, your aunt, the eldest of the three sisters, touched it. One flash of her eyes and she knew. She knew what you didn’t yet... 
You were becoming women.
This tree. The tree that sprouted out of nowhere on your sixteenth birthday, was your safe haven. Your family never went near it, and you can play along with the little voices there in peace.
Yes, voices. Well... voice.
Don’t worry, there’s no crazy manipulation here. There’s much weirder things in this world then hearing a voice almost every time you enter the area of this impossible tree. 
The voice has just always been there. You thought it maybe some invisible tree nymph when you first heard it, but then you heard the unmistakable sound of wings flapping and threw that thought into the gutter. Nymphs don’t have wings. No nymphs that have come to see the fates in the past have ever had wings, so there's not way this man was the exception.
That’s right. The voice is a he. An invisible being that visits you, and you visit him. A secret interaction of a friend you cannot see. And you say secret as in: your mother and aunts do not and will not ever find out. They don’t even let you meet the mortals that come into their “mysterious cave,” so telling them you have an invisible friend is a no go.
It also wouldn’t help that you almost felt a pull to this person. Your family are the ones that create and destroy connections like that, so saying you had this mystical pull or connection to someone you can’t see wasn’t that good of an idea. They may say its for your “safety” or some stupid excuse like that and destroy it on the spot.
“Hello, Nae sarang.“ The being says when you enter the area the tree is planted at.
I smile, but I don’t look up from my steps, not wanting to trip on any wide cracks, as I walk closer to the tree. If you ask me to translate the word of endearment he just used, you’ll be disappointed. You’re lucky I know English, okay? Teaching me new languages was never on my families agenda, for—of course—reasons unknown, and I was to embarrassed to ask my friend what it meant, either. Instead opting to just run with hearing the same beautiful nickname from my invisible friend.
I make it to the tree, almost tripping over a piece of rubble but catching myself. I then press my palm against the earth wood, and glance around the empty cavern, wondering where my invisible friend might be.
“Hello… ghostie?”
I hear a chuckle from above me, and hope I’m looking in the right direction he’s in. I believe he’s on the thick tree branch above me, but I’m not quite sure. I can never tell until he speaks. Speaks with a voice that tends to fill my dreams most days. Days that always have you running to this tree in the morning, wanting to hear the angelic tones of his voice speak to you.
I go to reach out to him and pause mid hand lift. Another thing I should mention—maybe two things actually—I can’t touch him, and I can’t know his name. Two things I desperately asked for when I first met him. But after years of only having this invisible force as my friend, the only person I can truly talk about everything and anything with, I stopped pestering and overall stopped caring... well, at least on the outside. He was here, and I wasn’t alone. So it rendered to be enough. 
And it was enough.... until today. 
“Ghostie,” Your friend chuckled out. “You’re getting real original with your greetings now.”
You shrug your shoulders nonchalantly, and spin in your spot to lean your back against the tree, still looking up at where you think he is. Sliding down the bark until your dress flowed out in front of you and your butt hit the rock below you.
“I don’t know. I bet my nicknames are even better than your real name,” You say jokingly. Knowing he’ll get your humor on the matter.
You imagine the person you came up with in your head rolling his eyes. Brown eyes turning half way through to green (because you could never make up your mind on the best color) shifting in his spot as he scoffs at you.
“Oh, please…”
You giggle at his fanned annoyance.
“My name would sound so pretty on your lips.”
Your smile falls, and you look away.
You both hated and loved him flirting with you in that moment. He always flirted with you, although it always sounded strained. Like he didn’t mean it or shouldn’t mean it, and the deepening in his voice was something beastly coming from him. Truthfully, you loved that voice. It made you blush more then once. But right now, what he just said, made you hate it as much as you loved it. You still blushed like a virgin—which you very much were—but instead of shying away, you look up at the branch you believe he’s on again.
Maybe if he said those exact words any other day it wouldn’t have bothered you, but the fact he teased you with unknown knowledge just reminded you of your family. You went to this tree to get away from them, not to be reminded of everything you don’t have.
What you don’t have: knowledge of everything outside these cave walls.
“There’s an easy way to change that,” You say quietly.
“You could tell me your name,” You say louder.
“And you’ll know for certain if you like it,” You say, and there’s a hint of bold flirtation in your tone of voice. Trying to drive it home that you really want to know something other then what you do on your day-to-day. Just one piece of new information, anything, would fill your heart with joy.
You hear a groan, and your not sure what to make of it. Not sure if your words made him angry or annoyed because you can’t fucking see him!
“You know I can’t do that, Y/n.”
“Why!” You say as you jump up. Feeling weird about your sudden frustration, but you know it’s properly placed.
You hear a quiet gasp, but it’s quickly recovered by your invisible friend. You hear some flapping of wings, then after a moment you hear feet hit the ground in front of you. Making you back up from the tree to give what you presume is enough space between the two of you.
“Stop, Y/n. You know I can’t do that.”
That just serves to piss you off more.
“No! I’m done with the mystery. I’m done with the not knowing. I get enough secrets kept from me from my family! The least you can do is not keep any from me!”
You know you’re being a little unfair, but you’re just done with it all. Why can’t someone, anyone, feel for you enough respect to let you live. Let you know the answers to unknown secrets, and trust you enough to make the right decisions with them.
There's a moment of silence after your words are done echoing in the cave. Too long of a moment. You think your friend may have left without you knowing. This makes a ping of hurt form in your heart, but before you turn to walk away, to feel further guilt about the shouting and distance you just caused with your one and only friend, he speaks... 
“I’m sorry.”
That's all he says with sadness laced throughout every syllable, but you ignore that sadness. Two words that bring you no new information, and makes your anger fill all over again. Making the guilt wash away and tell him, “No your not.”
You said it the same way someone would say ‘your welcome,’ because no one ever really is. No one is ever actually sorry about keeping you in the dark.
So you walk away. Not wanting to hear anymore excuses today.
You hear him call after you as you speed walk further and further away from the tree. You even think you may have heard some footsteps behind you as you walk away, but you push that thought away. No one ever runs after you. No one ever gives you enough of a care to do something like that for you.
You walk away, entering the area where your family is, and dread how much more lonely your life has become because of this. 
Jungkook curses the fates as he watches you walk away from him. He even at one point started following you, but once you crossed the threshold he’s not allowed to cross in the cave, he was forced to stop. 
He wanted to tell you everything, but he couldn't. He wanted to chase after you and hold you in his arms for the first time. To finally find out what you feel like in his embrace, but he could do none of that. Always longing for something he can’t have, and may never get the chance to have.
This all started years ago, on your sixteenth birthday. 
He tried to stay away. He tried to drop the feelings that have consumed him since the day he laid eyes on you for the first time, but they didn’t even slightly falter. Instead growing with each passing day he was away from you. 
The day you turned sixteen, he felt the pull from you strengthen immensely. Like it did the day you were born. At first he thought you somehow died. He flew to the cave thinking you were dead, and that he was going to morn a love never given or let out to grow, but he was wrong.
You were not dead. No.
You were maturing. 
On that day, when the tree of connection from one world to the next sprouted for you, you hit puberty. A carnation tree out of all things too. Connecting your world in the gate cave and his own.
The tree sprouted at a part of the cave that shouldn’t have been possible, and you didn't know what it meant. Still don’t. At least not completely. You knew it was for you, just not to it’s complete extent. Jungkook and his sisters knew though, and that meant it was time for a meeting.
“You can’t-” “Have her-” “Be gone!”
All three of the fate sisters said to him that day. It was always so annoying when the three of them were together. Speaking in parts and knowing through their connection what all three of them wanted to say. 
But Jungkook wasn’t just going to leave this time. He made that mistake when you were born, and once again, one glance your way had his bones vibrating and blood flowing to this new feeling. The feeling once new and unknown was clear as fucking day once he saw you again. 
You were beautiful. Like artwork crafted by the gods themselves. Hell, if he was stupid enough he would even say more beautiful than Aphrodite, but he would like to keep you very much alive and healthy, so he refrained from saying those words out loud to even just himself. 
SO... that day... he fought like hell for you.
“She's meant to be mine,” He said.
“We all knew what happened with the two of us the day she was born,” He said.
“I’m not making the mistake of leaving this time,” He stood his ground. “Unless you want another war to not be in your favor, that is,” And the sisters knew he meant every word.
Somehow inside that conversation with the fate sisters, the four of them made a deal. That Jungkook could only have Y/n fully if she fell in love with him first. That he could only stay with her by the tree, and if she wished to see him.
This angered Jungkook at first. Since he was already madly in love with you, but he eventually realized after enough arguing that you didn’t even know he existed or the connection you two shared, so it was a good deal. He wasn’t trying to steal you away and force you into a life that would make you unhappy. He saw first hand what that did with Persephone in the beginning, so he was okay with this part of the deal.
The next rule created by the fates was that he cannot touch you. Them worrying death would “ruin her innocents” if he touched her, although they played it off as not wanting to complete hieros gamos before you even knew what it meant. Maybe they even worried he would give you the kiss of death once you pissed him off for the first time, or making you infertile before you even turned seventeen. The fates mistaking him for every other god that took virginities like they were candy from babes.
Although Jungkook has had many conquests in his lifetimes, virgins have never been his thing. Lying with death renders a women infertile, so taking a virgins “purity” or whatever wasn’t the best thing to do in the long run. For you, however, he would wait to make you the exception one day. An exception he would have to explain every detail about this part of him, and just hope you don’t resist it to the point you would want to leave.
That rule was easily accepted... although later after exchanging words with you for the first time, he found himself annoyed about it. 
The next rule of the deal, was something Jungkook came up with himself. In his own head, and he could tell the fates were hoping the opposite of this rule. Everyone knew the rumors about the god of death, and no doubt did the sisters especially tell their daughter about said rumors. Wanting to make her hate him before they even met in person.
The rumors of how the god of death killed every man in his sights on the battle field, and left not a single survivor in his wake. How he only joined the war to slaughter anyone he could get his hands on, and watch his sword cut through bone and blood. This is why even the gods were afraid of him, not to mention that he had the ability to easily kill others with one touch of his hand. It also doesn’t help that he holds the killing tool the all mighty Cronus owned before him everyday. 
The rumors themselves... are actually slightly true. But they all miss the big reason as to why he did those things. Why him and the house of Nyx even joined the battle in the first place. Because Cronus took from the house of Nyx the same things he took from all the other gods. Killing all the people he once cared about without a care, and leaving Jungkook with nothing.
So yes, Jungkook killed many. Becoming the main reaper of souls because of it. But he did none of it for fun. 
These rumors are also why he hasn’t told you who he is. If you didn’t notice by his angelic easily turned deathly looks who he was, his name would definitely give himself away. The god of death’s name is almost as scary to say as Hades, but even the unbound one has rumors about him that aren’t completely true and missing context.
But even Hades himself, the man Jungkook swore his life to, doesn’t know about the beautifully pure goddess that captured Jungkook’s heart.
And now Jungkook stands here, invisible to your eyes and unnamed, afraid that his own fears of you believing the false will pull you farther away from loving him back. That him being afraid of telling you any real information about himself, would chase you away.
Farther away from ever accepting death as the man you’re meant to be with. 
The one person that would make sure with all his capability that you wouldn't ever have to experience... him.
The one the reaper will never reap.
Part 2
。・°°・°°・。 。・°°・°°・。 。・°°・°°・。
Nae sarang - “My Love” in Korean.
Hieros Gamos - (Greek: “sacred marriage”), sexual relations of fertility deities in myths and rituals, characteristic of societies based on cereal agriculture, especially in the Middle East. 
The Tree - Trees have bridged the gap between heaven and Earth, connected different worlds to each other and were the root of wisdom and took on appearance of supernatural beings, such as nymphs, naiads and dryads.
Carnation - Flower that represents death.
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flightfoot · 1 year
Ruffled Wings
“She’s not here right now, I’m sorry,” Marlena said. “Alya rushed off to Marinette’s house an hour ago. I think she said something about her friend having a crisis?”
Nino nodded politely. “Thanks for letting me know. It’s no big deal, I was just planning on surprising her with this new playlist I’d made. I’ll just show it to her at school tomorrow.” 
Assuming that she wasn’t busy whispering with Marinette about something. The two of them had been close ever since Alya’d moved to Paris, but lately Marinette and Alya had been less “thick as thieves” and more “attached at the hip”.
As he turned to walk away, Marlena caught his arm. “Wait.”
He stopped, looking Alya’s mom over more thoroughly than he’d done a few seconds before. Her wings looked a little ruffled - nothing too bad, but combined with the worry in her voice… “What happened? Is something wrong with Alya?”
“I don’t know,” she said. “That’s the problem.”
He frowned. “You don’t know?” 
Alya wore her wing covers when in public, like most people did. Few people wanted to show every random passerby how they were feeling at any given time, so they covered them up for privacy’s sake.
But it was common to remove wing covers when among friends and family, and Alya was no exception. She’d wear them to school, of course, but would usually take them off whenever meeting up with friends inside, or when just not feeling particularly worried about what any random stranger might think of her.
She had been wearing her wing covers more often than usual, though. Even when she and Nino were alone in her room. He’d thought it was strange at the time, but everything seemed strange after Monarch’s announcement that he’d stolen most of the Miraculous. His own wings had been a little droopy that night. Poor Wayzz. Hopefully the little dude was doing okay, even while being held captive by Monarch.
“She hasn’t taken off her wing covers around us in weeks,” she confessed. “Not even during mealtimes or at night. Not that I’m seeing her at night all that often. She sleeps over at Marinette’s place two to three times a week. I don’t have a problem with that, Marinette’s a sweet girl and her parents are some of the nicest people I’ve ever had the pleasure of meeting, but… it just seems off.”
“I had noticed her walking to school with Marinette more often.” He’d been disappointed that Alya’d been wanting to walk with her more often than him, but after the debacle with thinking she was cheating on him with Chat Noir, he wasn’t inclined to push on that front. He didn’t want to accidentally push her away while trying to keep her close. 
“Could you ask her what’s going on? I thought maybe she’d open up around you more than us. I was thinking of asking Marinette as well, but she hasn’t come over since Alya started acting cagey, and I’m not desperate enough yet to call her directly.”
“Don’t worry, I’ll get to the bottom of this! Detective Nino is on the case!” Though with less spying and more just asking what was going on. He’d learned his lesson.
Marlena’s wings drooped in relief. “Thanks.” She looked back towards the kitchen. “Want some curry for the road? I made too many portions since I’m used to Alya being here.” 
Nino’s eyes lit up. “You’re an angel, dude!”
She chuckled a little, before getting a container for him to take the curry home.
He waited on the school steps the next day. Sure enough, Alya and Marinette walked to school together. Alya’d probably slept over there again.
Alya arched an eyebrow as he ran up to her, smiling. “What’s the occasion?” 
“I made a cool new playlist for you, see!” he held out an earbud to her, before shaking his head. “Dammit, that’s not the reason I waited for you - okay it’s not the only reason I waited for you, anyway.”
“Got another plan for the Resistance?” she asked, sounding skeptical.
He rubbed the back of his neck. “Uh… not right now?”
She let out a relieved sigh. “So, what is it?”
“Can we talk later? Privately?”
Alya sucked in a breath, swallowing audibly. “What about?”
“Nothing bad,” he assured her. “Well… maybe something worrisome. Not in our relationship,” he added hurriedly, not wanting to freak her out more than she already was, “I just want to make sure you’re okay.”
Her eyebrows drew together. “Of course I’m okay. Why wouldn’t I be okay?”
“Alya, is something going on?” Marinette asked. Nino could almost hear her asking herself, Did I miss something?
“It’s fine, Nino’s just worrying about nothing,” Alya said. Her tone wasn’t entirely convincing.
“If there’s something wrong, you know you can tell me, right?” Marinette asked. 
“I told you, I’m fine,” Alya said, a little snappier than normal. “I’ll just talk with Nino, we’ll clear this up, and everything will be fine.”
Marinette bit her lip, before heading inside. 
“So, when do you want to talk?” Alya asked, turning to Nino. 
“During lunch, maybe?” He suggested. “At your house? You missed some awesome food last night.”
She blinked. “How do you know that?”
“Aside from every meal your mom makes being awesome? I tried to drop by last night, but you weren’t there. Your mom gave me some of the curry she’d made.” He hesitated, before barreling onwards. “Actually… that’s part of why I wanted to ask. She’s concerned about you, with how often you’re going over to Marinette’s, and- and how often you’ve been hiding your wings. Which is your right!” he added quickly. “But you don’t usually do that at home, or when it’s just me and you.”
“I…” she bit her lip, looking away. She let out a breath. “Okay. We’ll do this. My place at lunchtime. But it’s not that big a deal, really, I promise!”
He nodded, taking her hand. “That’s fine. Then we’ll just get to hang out together, right? And even if it’s not that big a deal to you, I still want to know about it, to help you with it.”
She smiled at him, her eyes softening. “You’re the best, you know that!”
“Oh, I dunno, I think I could stand to be told that more often,” he grinned.
“Nope, I take it back, don’t want you to get a big head,” she teased.
“Hey!” There was no fire behind his response as the two of them ran up the steps, still holding hands.
A few hours later, the two of them cuddled close on Alya’s bed, door locked to prevent being surprised by Alya’s younger siblings. Nino had the feeling that if they were interrupted, he’d have a hard time getting Alya to open up again.
“I missed this,” he murmured, leaning against her, hand running up and down her side. 
She let out a contented sigh. “So did I.”
They stayed like that for a moment, drinking in each other’s presence.
“You know, we still need to talk about your wings,” he murmured. “School won’t wait forever.”
Alya groaned, but sat up straight. He mirrored her, looking her in the eyes. He had a feeling this discussion would be better if they could actually see each other, to get a good sense of how she was feeling. 
Slowly, Alya pulled off her wing covers.
The feathers of her small, gray wings stuck out at odd angles, many hanging lifelessly, dull and uncared for. The wings themselves appeared to be in good shape - at least, nothing appeared to be obviously wrong with the shape or musculature of them - but the state of the feathers was concerning, to say the least.
Nino had seen worse, especially in documentaries about people who’d been trapped in abusive, painful circumstances. Wings mirrored that person’s mental state - no amount of actual grooming could get them to look nice, only an improved mindset could do that. Many an abusive spouse had been caught due to the unnatural angles their wings rested at, the broken bones (or well, what passed for bones for a mental projection, at any rate), bruised and bleeding wings, the lack of feathers, were dead giveaways that someone needed help, now, whether the person themselves thought so or not. 
Of course, those symptoms only manifested in the most extreme cases, when the person was so psychologically broken that their wings changed to match (Once they started recovering, the wings’ condition improved as well). He’d long suspected that Gabriel went beyond simply being a stern, distant parent and into straight-up abuse. Adrien never removed his wing covers, ever - not in front of anyone. He refused to talk about the condition of his wings either, saying only that his father had forbidden him from talking about them. No amount of persuasion got him to budge, no matter how much Adrien looked like he wanted to tell him. 
But with all of the akuma attacks, it was inevitable that Adrien’s wings would get exposed sometimes. One girl’d gotten akumatized because Chloe had mocked her for forgetting her wing covers. In retaliation, she became Revealer, using her power to vaporize any wing covering or other concealments people used on their wings. Adrien didn’t get out of the way in time.
At first, Nino hadn’t understood why Gabriel was so stringent about Adrien keeping his wings under covers. Sure, they were a glossy, sleek-looking black, which contradicted the angelic white wings that photo editors always gave him in his photo ops and that were added in via CG in any commercials he was in, but black wings weren’t that stigmatized, and he doubted they stayed that color all the time anyway - most people’s wings had a few common forms that they usually defaulted to, but rarely did they stay a single color at all times.
Nino’s wings, for instance, were usually a warm, light brown color, and larger than most other people’s. Probably because of how much his little brother enjoyed snuggling under his wings when he was cold or upset, though he’d been starting to pull away from doing so lately, much to Nino’s disappointment. But if he needed to grab attention, like say, if he was auditioning or making a pitch for something, his wings would often change colors, turning blue, green, orange, any sort of color that tropical birds could have - something flashy that’d cause people to sit up and take notice.
Then Nino had looked closer at Adrien’s wings, and noticed something that made him wish he’d actually managed to find Gabriel as Bubbler and send him into the sky.
Adrien’s feathers were glossy and well-cared for… the feathers that he actually had, at any rate.
His flight feathers were missing.
Not just clipped or cut, but entirely absent. 
Wings may not allow humans to fly - they were far too small for that - but they still had that association in most people’s mind, an association with freedom.
While Adrien’s wings were well cared-for and remarkably healthy, he had no freedom.
He’d tried to ask Adrien about them afterwards, but his face had just screwed up, with him saying that he wasn’t allowed to talk about his wings. At one point he looked like he was in physical pain as Nino pressed him about what having stripped wings might mean for him, his eyes almost pleading as he said he couldn’t talk about them, even though his wide eyes and slightly open, gaping mouth had indicated to Nino that Adrien hadn’t thought about what the state of his wings might mean, and the disturbing implications they held.
As much as Nino would love to get Adrien away from that poor excuse for a father, Adrien simply missing his flight feathers wouldn’t be enough to get the child protection system involved - not against someone as rich and powerful as Gabriel, especially when Adrien was so reluctant to talk about his wings. 
Hopefully in the future he’d find some way to free Adrien, to restore his wings to what they should be. For now, he just tried to be the guy’s friend, and hoped that would be enough.
“Nino?” Alya queried, frowning. 
He snapped back to the present. “Oh, right!”
He might not be able to help Adrien, but Alya was a different story. 
Peering at her wings, he tried to make sense of what their state might mean. 
With the way several of the feathers stuck out, it looked like her wings were uncared for, and the dullness probably hinted at some sort of depression or otherwise feeling down for an extended period of time, but there didn’t appear to be any structural damage that would be harmful in the long or medium term - unlike with Adrien’s wings, which would have to regrow flight feathers over a long period of time in actual birds, requiring a moult of some sort, Alya’s wings mostly looked like they needed a good preening and other sorts of grooming, but like they’d be fine once those were done. 
But that required Alya to take care of herself, and likely, for other people to help take care of her.
He reached out a hand to touch her wing, but hesitated. “May I?”
She nodded, biting her lower lip.
Gently he stroked the wings, causing Alya to shiver slightly. 
He couldn’t actually smooth out the wings - only a change in her mental state could do that - but maybe his touch could soothe her, however slightly.
“I- I realized my wings looked a little… off, the morning after Monarch made his announcement,” she told him quietly. “I’d slept over at Marinette’s that day, so I just… put my wing covers back on before she noticed. She’s had a hard time recently, and I didn’t want her to worry over me.”
“Sometimes, we want to worry over you,” he told her softly, cupping her chin in his hands. “A lot of people care about you - me, Marinette, your mom, the entire class, really - and it worries us more when you’re keeping your hurt tucked away.”
“I don’t think Chloe would worry,” Alya said, her mouth quirking upwards slightly.
He laughed. “Okay, maybe not Chloe. She’d just say you were being ‘ridiculous, utterly ridiculous!’”
She joined in, chuckling. “One of the few times I agree with Chloe.”
That caused him to sober up. “It’s not ridiculous, Alya, whatever it is. If it’s hurting you, it’s valid.”
His mind raced back, thinking of what would’ve happened around the time Monarch made his announcement that would’ve caused Alya’s wings to get into the state they were, and stay that way. 
Monarch’s announcement itself had ruffled a lot of people’s feathers, but he doubted it would’ve led to the dull wings and broken, loose feathers in her wings, not all these weeks later. So it was probably something else, something more personal, that’d wormed its way into Alya’s head and wouldn’t leave, like an earworm for a particularly grating piece of music that nevertheless gets itself stuck in your head.
His eyes drifted down to the pouch Alya still wore - the one that used to hold a small, mischievous fox kwami. His eyes widened. “Is this about Trixx?”
She winced, looking away. “I- I know Ladybug blames herself for the Miraculous being stolen. But as far as Trixx goes, I’m more to blame than she could ever be. I gave the Fox Miraculous back to her, even over her insistence I keep it. If I’d just listened to her, if I’d kept the necklace, Trixx would be safe and Ladybug and Chat Noir wouldn’t have to fight alone. When I think of him, held captive by that- that MONSTER-” she punched her bed lightly, her voice cracking. “-I can’t help but to imagine what it would feel like, constrained and controlled by one of the most evil, despicable men alive, knowing that my power would be used for evil against my will, not knowing when I’d get free.” She fished around in her back, taking out a grape. It must’ve been pretty fresh, it still looked good to eat. “I’ve been restocking my bag regularly, just in case Monarch somehow slips up and Trixx manages to escape. He is a sneaky fox, after all,” she said, hiccupping slightly as tears formed in the corners of her eyes. 
A lump formed in Nino’s throat, thinking of Wayzz. He hadn’t been able to spend nearly as much time with the little turtle as Alya had with Trixx, but he’d still made a secret handshake with him. He’d worried about Wayzz after seeing the shield around Monarch’s projection during his announcement, but had quickly pivoted to wondering what this meant for Ladybug and Chat Noir instead. 
But Alya’s and Trixx’s relationship was different. They’d know each other for a lot longer, had been together even outside of emergencies, had really gotten to be close friends. 
No wonder Alya wasn’t okay.
“Monarch has to be feeding Trixx at least,” he assured her. “He has to, in order to use his power. Maybe not as much as he should, and I doubt it would be his favorite food, but he’s probably not in physical danger.” He hoped not. If the innocent little kwamis were badly hurt-
Well. He’d knocked Hawk Moth upside the head with his shield before, on Heroes Day. He wouldn’t say no to doing it again. Possibly repeatedly. 
“I- I keep telling myself that,” Alya said, tugging her blanket towards her and hugging it tight. “All the kwamis have to be - not okay, but recoverable. That Ladybug and Chat Noir just need to get them back. That they WILL get them back. That my mistake might have caused Trixx to be kidnapped, but that it’s fixable. Eventually.”
Oh yeah, she had said something about her giving the Fox Miraculous to Ladybug, hadn’t she? “Why’d you give the Miraculous back to Ladybug?” he asked gently. 
“After Sentibubbler, I had to stay hidden when I transformed because Shadow Moth would target my family otherwise, remember?” she said. “I was exposed during the fight against Strike Back. If I kept the Miraculous, I thought he’d attack them again,” She barked out a laugh, a few tears slipping out of her eyes and down her cheeks. “Instead, he attacked Trixx.”
Nino reached out, his heart aching, flexing his wings as they grew bigger and bigger, becoming softer, fluffier - more like ostrich wings than anything. He wrapped them around his girlfriend, surrounding her with a blanket of feathers. “You did the right thing,” he told her, taking both her hands in his, as he looked her in the eyes. “You gave up something you loved, something amazing, because, as far you knew, it was the safest thing for everyone. Even if you had kept Trixx, I don’t think things would’ve been okay - there’s no reason to think Monarch wouldn’t have targeted you or the people around you again.” He hesitated. “Besides… it’s kind of my fault as well. I was the one who exposed you.” 
He hadn’t really thought through his actions at the time, he’d just acted. And Alya and Trixx had paid the price.
“Nino, if you hadn’t done that, I would’ve been a pancake,” Alya told him flatly. “You did the right thing.”
“Same for you,” he countered. “You did the best you could with the information you had. If you’re to blame, then so am I.”
She smiled slightly. He glanced at her wings. Was it his imagination, or were the feathers a little shinier? “We really are quite the pair, aren’t we?” Alya said.
He laughed. “The only couple that would be more iconic would be Adrien and Marinette.”
She groaned. “Oh, don’t even get me started on those two. I love Marinette to death, but her love life is the most frustrating thing I’ve ever borne witness to.”
“At least Adrien’s finally realized his feelings for Marinette?” Nino said. “Took him long enough. He’s been shooting her goo-goo eyes for months now.”
“Yeah, and now Marinette’s running away from her feelings for him, now that they’re almost certainly returned,” Alya muttered.
He frowned. “Does that have something to do with why you’ve been sleeping over there so often?” He understood why she’d keep her wings concealed, but the sleepovers seemed odd, if she was purposely not seeking out emotional support.
“Well…” she said awkwardly. “Partly.” She shot Nino an apologetic look. “Sorry, I really can’t tell you much more than that. Marinette’s going through a tough time and no one else can be there for her the way I can - not even her parents. It’s Marinette’s secret, and I really, REALLY can’t tell you anything more than that. But I have to make sure she’s okay. As okay as she can be, at any rate. And if that means sleeping over there half the time? …well, don’t tell mom I said this, but Dupain-Cheng breakfasts are to die for.”
He laughed. “She may be a professional cook, but I don’t think even your mom would take offense to that. They’re the best bakery in the city.”
Sobering up, he leaned forwards, touching his forehead to hers. “Just make sure to take care of yourself too, okay? You’re important, and you can’t pour from an empty cup. You have to care for yourself before you’ll be able to care for others.”
“I’m guessing you’re gonna enforce that?” she asked, her eyes crinkling as she smiled. 
He tipped back his hat. “Just call me Nurse Nino!” he joked.
“Well, Nurse Nino,” she said mischievously, “we’ve still got a few minutes left. How about a game of Super Penguino?” 
“Oh you’re on!”
As Alya reached for her tablet, Nino inspected her wings once again. They still looked a little duller than usual, and a few feathers were still out of alignment, but they looked a lot better than they had only minutes before. 
He’d continue checking up on her, trying to be there for her, until they were back to their full glory.
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jamneuromain · 11 months
Water Bottle, Straw, and Lip Gloss
Andy Barber x You (Reader)
College AU, Teacher-Student Relationship, Professor Andy Barber, Student Reader, Fluff, mostly fluff, a lil humor maybe, talk about sex, Age Gap (implied), Dom/Sub relationship, pet names
Summary: Andy thought of ways of enforcing his rule of "drinking water" to you... would you be glad to accept it?
A/N: Happens right after the full story of Wishful Thinking. A drabble that is very much inspired by @rogerswifesblog/@rogerswifesblog-updates <3 when we talked about this post (which also goes a little to the Wishful Thinking Chapter 5).
I completed this on 4th Jul., but I'm waiting till now bc this is my birthday and I wish I would have an Andy (not my Prof obvi but) a daddy bf next year <3
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Dancing in the Daydream (M. List)
Andy is very thorough on the aspect of drinking water. He demands that you have at least a Liter of water every day and is determined that he watches you drink most of the time.
The sixth glass of water at the end of the day, not counting the 500 ml bottle he handed you in the afternoon, is making you frown.
“Andy-” You try to whine yourself out of it.
“Nuh-uh.” He nudges the glass closer, “Drink. Before bed.”
Stupid dom-sub relationship. You fume. Showing every bit of reluctance as you gulp down the bland, tasteless, not even bubbly water.
“That’s my good girl.” He takes the empty glass and kisses you on top of your head.
“That tastes like… nothing.” You complain, wrapping your arms around your knees, “Can’t I have some taste in water? At least?”
Andy muses. He knows you are not a big fan of drinking. But he isn’t going to let your skin and lips get all dry and still insist that you are fine. One Liter of water doesn’t even meet the standards of an average adult.
“Tastes aren’t supposed to be in the water.” He pecks your damp lips, “Water is healthy for you.”
You purse your lips. You never quite liked the feeling of water remaining on your skin, or your lips, for that matter. Wiping your lips with the back of your hand, you mutter, “I think a sprinkler truck just ran over my tongue.”
“What’s that?” Andy pretends he didn’t hear you, “Oh, you want trucker daddy for roleplay tonight?”
“Oh screw you -” You lie down in an instant, pull the cover above your head, and play dead.
“Careful not to suffocate yourself, sweetheart.” He laughs, heading to the kitchen to clean the glass and soon back to bed with you.
As he is heading to the kitchen, he was reminded of the empty coffee cup on the counter. The cup you took home right after today’s lecture, for which he scolds you slightly not to replace water with coffee.
But the straw and the cup do ring a bell for him.
If he can’t make the water more tasteful – as it is water after all – he could do something else to make the drinking process more entertaining.
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“A cup and a straw? Andy … ” You laugh so hard that your eyes blur with tears.
Andy has a smug smile on his face because of what he has done. In the decent box and decent wrapping paper, there is an orange translucent water bottle. Tiny white clouds are painted on the side of the bottle. It looks perfectly normal from the outside, with a piece of cardboard stuffed inside to keep it dry. Only when you pop the lid up, do you see that there’s a soft plastic straw connecting the top of the bottle to, which you guess, the bottom of the bottle.
There’s another straw, a blue firm-plastic one, with twirls in the middle and a pair of wings that makes the top of the crooked straw look like a flamingo.
A blue flamingo.
“Now you have it, you know, you can use it to drink water.” Andy shrugs like he’s one of the high school boys who pretend that they are super chill about everything that ever exists in the world. Except that he’s smiling. His blue eyes glinting with a touch of warmth and a ton of amusement. “Thought it would be more interesting with the, ahem, this cup.”
“I will.” You kiss his plump lips that hide behind his beautiful beard, smiling too, “very considerate, Professor Barber. Thank you for this birthday present. I like it a lot.”
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A few weeks later...
Andy is in the bedroom, organizing the suits he needs to send to dry-clean when he hears your sweet voice calling him: “Andy dear, would you mind coming to the study for a bit?”
You sound a little sketchy, because you never use the term “Andy dear”, or “would you mind” with him. That sounds way too polite for both of you.
Still, he steps into the study. He can’t read your expressions, however, because your whole face was blocked by the huge computer screen in his study.
“Anything you need?” He puts his hands in his pockets, completely unaware of what you need him with.
“Oh yeah.” You lean your body over the large mahogany desk, turning the screen to him. Now he can see your face. Your lips purse into a tight line that is nothing close to the sweet voice you just used.
Oh crap.
What has he done?
“Care for an explanation? Andy dear?” The sweet voice now sounds like the sugary slick that flesh-eating plants produce to lure insects into the palm of their hands, or leaves, or whatever. He knows he’s in deep trouble, especially with the small vein pumping on the corner of your forehead.
Andy visibly gulps. His eyes turn to the large screen, on which you “considerately” point the mouse to what you were just referring to.
You nail nearly taps on the screen, the few words that seem perfectly normal in purple. His search history, “ANDY???”
Bottles for kids that don’t like to drink
Water bottle for kids
Reusable see-through straw for kids
Reusable straw for kids
Straw for kids
“What the fuck is this, ANDY???” You look at the screen when you pull out the website of what the search of “reusable see-through straw for kids” would lead to.
A fucking blue flamingo plastic straw.
Okay. He’s in deep shit.
“Listen, sweetheart-” “Don’t you sweetheart me!” “It’s just a joke! No wait, that doesn’t sound right too…” “Kids??? Andy??? KIDS BOTTLE??? FOR KIDS?????” You can barely contain your voice, and not the happy kind of voice.
“If you could just give me a second so I can talk myself out of this-”
You seriously look like a growling lion and Andy wishes he could slap himself when he blurts out what he thinks. He has pissed you off real bad.
“Yeah right. Kids, Andy? That what I am to you?” You slap your palm on the table, only that you used too much force and it hurts too much, so you quickly hide you palm beneath the surface.
“You’re my baby…?”*
You look at him with a poker face. Clenching and unclenching your jaw.
Highly unpleased.
Andy puts up his hand as if surrendering, taking a small step back, “You said it yourself that the straw with little wings was fun. I mean, it’s not that… unforgivable… right?” A few dry chuckles follow.
You take a long deep breath, rubbing your reddened palm with your other hand below the table surface, huffing, “You know what? I’m so mad I don’t want to talk right now.” You glare at him with your death stare, “And I’m going to order Bobba with extra syrup and cream tops this afternoon.”
Looking as if you’ll kill him should he argues otherwise.
Sugar will always help ease your tensed mind.
As you slurp bobba tea with extra bobba in the living room, Andy uses some lame excuse to come to the joint between kitchen and the living room, somewhat relieved to see that the kid straw is still in place right where it belongs, in the utensil racks near the fridge.
“What?!” Your eyes are throwing daggers at him, sensing his lips murmuring some words.
“So… the fun straw… stays?” He asks with uncertainty, scratching his chin – the typical move when he’s disturbed or awkward. Obviously the latter one in this case.
“Get out of my sight before I change my mind.” You pull a long face, answering reluctantly.
“The fun bottle too?”
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You didn’t reject his puppy eyes along with the cuddles after dinner, playing some random reality show on the TV. None of you are truly interested in what’s playing on the screen. This is just you spending some time together, without having to pay attention to the background noise.
Andy fake coughs to capture your attention, as you curl up and lay your head on his chest, getting almost sleepy because of the carbs you’ve had for dinner tonight.
“I know you are upset. But could you please tell me why?” His thumb circles your shoulder, giving it a small squeeze.
This is his peace offering. You are not going to let that chance slip away. Also, you are not that angry, just a little angry.
You use what you use best, giving an example to explain your anger to him, absent-mindedly watching the boring drama on the screen, “What would you think if I tell you the milk in our fridge is made out of infant milk powder?”
“Okay. Ouch. Fair.” Andy agrees, suddenly realization, or more like a terrible idea strikes him, “Wait, no, it’s not, right?”
Dumb Andy. “God, you go to the grocery shopping with me all the time! How could you – I drink that too, just in case you forget.” You can’t help but roll your eyes. “Of course, they are not made out of powdered milk. Plus, you could at least tell me when you were handing me the gift, instead of finding it out myself.”
Which is truly the reason why you are mad.
You are always the type to rather live with knowledge and painful truth than knowing nothing and live a happy life. Andy is, no doubt, aware of this side of you, since the last big event happened in your life is largely caused from his intentional withheld information and dishonesty.
You promised each other to be honest. Not that every detail of your daily life should be disclosed to the other one, but important decisions and feelings should be shared, especially when you are in a relationship that contains elements of D/S.
Clearly, your dear boyfriend needs a reminder every once in a while.
Andy kisses the top of your head, muttering his apology, “I’m sorry baby. I swear I won’t keep anymore secrets even if the truth will piss you off.”
“Thank you, Andy. I’d appreciate that.” You nod, telling him that you accept his apology.
“In that case I should also probably tell you that I accidentally broke your vial of lip gloss two weeks ago and I bought you a new one.” Andy winces, the weight on your shoulder also moves away for a little.
“You WHAT???” You quickly scoot away, seeing that his facial expression a mixture of awkwardness and nervousness, adjusting your voice accordingly, “You. What?”
“Sorry.” He shrugs his shoulders together, crossing his arms in front of his chest, looking like he’s afraid of you biting his head off.
“Fucking hell I know that vial lasted way too long! I thought it was because I haven’t put on lip gloss for a while and there was still a lot in the bottle!” You grumble, “I’m ordering bobba tomorrow too. The death of my last vial of lip gloss is too much of a devastating news for me.”
“Whatever you want.” Andy agrees in the blink of an eye, leaning his body to you, saying the sincerest words ever, “I’m so sorry babe-”
“Oh you will be-” You prance in his direction, attacking the ticklish spot on the side of his waist.
“Whatever you want but that!” Andy announces and leaps away. As you put on your slippers and start a chasing war in the kitchen and living room, Andy dashes in the speed that beats you by a few seconds, always able to slip out of your grasp as you think you could get him.
“ANDREW STEPHEN BARBER you get back here!” You yell when he’s on the other side of the table, jumps and slides over the counter as you run around the large marble surface.
“I won’t unless you stop trying to tickle me!” He yells back, grabbing the couch pillow to block your attacks.
A few minutes later, you both are too tired to move a muscle, both lying on the couch, out of breath.
Andy throws aside the pillow on his stomach, his chest heaving up and down, “Okay that was not the kind of exercise I was expecting when cooking dinner.”
You are also too sore and overworked to grab his waist, even he’s only lying three feet away from you, “Oh shush. You’re not having that kind of exercise in forever.”
“Forever seems like a long time, how about an hour?”
“Not a chance.”
“An hour and a half? 50% chance?”
“Will you please get your head out of your pants?
“Sure. Sure.” You know what his “sure sure” means. And this is absolutely his “I say it but I don’t mean it” voice. But you are going to let it go.
Like the way you don’t mean it either when you agree with him on whether Jazz apples or Pink Lady apples have more nutrition.
They are just apples! But he likes Jazz so you’ll buy Jazz. No big deal.
“Jesus. Do we have a yearbook or something? I’m gonna vote Professor Andy Barber as the most unfuckable Professor of the Year.” You groan. All the running and sprinting burn out all your mood of doing anything exciting. In any sense.
“And in your pants later?”
You bury your face in his shoulders and sigh, slightly annoyed, “Fucking Christ. NO! God I’m gonna turn your horny switch off. Do you leave your horny switch on all day? No wonder you’re always trying to lure me to bed.”
“Right here.” Pointing at his lips.
You crane your neck to place a small kiss on the corner of his lips.
“Hmm. I don’t think the switch feels it. Maybe a few more kisses would do the trick.” He peeks at your expression, boldly asking for more with a lop-sided smile.
You reply with another kiss, “I think your switch is broken and needs to be sent back to the original manufacturer.”
Andy tuts, shaking his head, “Too bad. Once sold, can’t be returned.”
“Can I at least get a refund?”
“Refund? How about a re-lationship?”
You chuckle, but only because he’s tickling you when he’s saying the pun, “The pun is terrible.”
“Yeah well, it makes you laugh, so it counts.”
The alarm on his phone goes alive. He checks his phone with a glimpse and kisses your lips again before getting up, heading for the kitchen, returning shortly with your mug.
And that blue flamingo straw with tiny wings.
He jokes unabashedly, mimicking those muppet shows on TV, “One fun cup of water with one fun straw-”
“I’m not a kid anymore, Andy.” Even so, you take the mug and gulp down as fast as you can, before shoving the mug back to his hands.
“Of course.” He smiles, taking the mug and the straw to the sink to wash.
“Thank you.” You thank him, honestly, for not bringing up the fun bottle and fun straw topic anymore.
Andy returns, wiping his hand on a piece of kitchen cloth, can’t even hide the smug grin, which oftentimes means he’s brewing some sinister plan for you, “Since you’re claiming you’re not a kid anymore-” “I am not a kid.” “Right, right.” Andy nods, the annoying “I say it and don’t mean it” voice makes an appearance again, “That means you’re a grown up. And I’ll treat you like a grown up. And as a grown up,” Andy places his hand on the back of your neck, fiddling with the thin silver string on your neck, “you won’t be needing forehead kisses before bed, right?” His blue eyes glinting with mischief and wickedness, sparkling like the brightest sapphire.
Bravo him. Really. Thinking of “not treating you like a kid” and connecting it with “bedtime kisses”.
Jerk. He knows you can’t resist forehead kisses.
“Don’t you fucking dare take that away from me-” You growl. If your eyes can shoot daggers, he would be dead a thousand times by now.
He looks so thoughtful, his index finger and thumb glide over his beard, “Huh. So you are a kid...”
“Take your win for now, Andy.” You put out a grumpy face, “Don’t push your luck.”
Andy caresses your jaw with his damp palm, dropping to his knees to look at you from eye level. His thumb grazing over your wet lips. Sounding so soft. So loving. “All my luck is right here with me. How can I ever push you away?”
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Two days after the "kids straw" incident, you receive an Amazon package on your doorstep.
A small box. Palm size.
You don't remember buying anything recently, but it has your name on it.
Probably some subscription you forgot to cancel.
You think it's some small object that you bought, subscribed for delivery in every few months, as you dissemble the cardboard on the outside.
Plus, if you did buy something, Amazon often takes a few days, if not a week for the merchandise to deliver.
You'll check your account later.
You stop the motion to tear the cardboard apart, checking the piece of sticker on the front of the box.
Interesting. It says the package is for Y/N Barber.
You never put your first name on with Andy's last name on. But Andy often does. When he's trying to distinguish the things he bought with those he bought for you, whether it's Amazon delivery or booking a table at a restaurant.
"Y/N Barber". Sounds kind of cute.
So it's a surprise...? You look down at the cardboard in your hand, having almost teared the whole box down.
Won't hurt if you take a look inside.
You peel off the brown packaging paper and -
"OH FUCK. I'm sorry I forgot all about it, sweetheart."
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carpetbug · 8 months
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ml svtfoe au designs i made before deciding to have adrien take stars role!!
i really wanted to draw marinette in the butterfly form with ladybug wings what can i say
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sirani-8927 · 9 months
ML into the Re-Verse AU
"Already? Before the spe-" Yes, before the special airs.
Toxinelle being the true villain. Griffe Noire being her main nemesis. Hesperia being a support by sending out akumas. Every time Toxinelle attacks she fights Griffe head on, and pulls a dirty trick by creating one or more golems to attack him from the sides so she can steal his ring. Hesperia sends out an akuma and has a champion join the fight and counter act her golems directly. Griffe Noire saves the day, but Toxinelle's "Miraculous Toxinelle", while it replaces the damaged parts of their fight locations, also gives her the big escape that she needs and she constantly evades capture. Much to Griffe's annoyance.
Power Changes:
🐞: replaces the broken parts of streets and and buildings and such; heals her; sends her back home; allows her to create golems that do her bidding; wings; enhanced smell; super speed and strength; toxic "curse" (read as "breath") that incites obedience (think, Miss Heed from Villainous); varied, but usually abnormal good luck; standard lucky charm
🐈‍⬛️ : gets rid of all the rubble and damage of a fight; heals all bystanders by removing the injury, but not himself unless it's serious; drains his energy when he selfheals; shape-shifting; super speed and strength; curse breaking; cursed with abnormal bad luck (can share that bad luck with others (read enemies)); standard cat-like abilities and cataclysm
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