#mod cat replies
mlrarepairmonth · 5 months
Hi, are ships like Gabenath and Sangrestes allowed?
Hi, yes! Ships containing adult characters are allowed; however, ships between adults and children are prohibited. (This includes aging children into adults to ship them with already canon adults)
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aceofwhump · 5 months
Happy Whumpmas (੭*ˊᵕˋ)੭*🎅⛄❄️!!! You have just been snowballed by a secret whumper. Help to keep the snowball fight going by anonymously sending this to five other whumpers with a whump-related question of your choice: favorite whump from a British show and favorite whump from an American show and because I'm mean, you can only choose one example for each 😈! I also demand a photo of your adorable cat 😉! Merry Christmas, dear! Xxxx
I CAN ONLY CHOOSE ONE FOR EACH!?!?!? Oh nonny you are mean!! That's so hard!! i watch so many British and US shows!! SO MANY!
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Okay so I made a list of my favorites and it got.....incredibly long. My god I have a lot of favorites. But I think I'm going to choose these two whump moments as my *favorite
British: Fuck there's so many to choose from!!!! Ahh!! Okay I guess I'm going to go with Merlin 1x04 "The Poisoned Chalice" for my favorite whump from a British show at this moment in time. I have lost count of how many times I've watched this episode. It's so good. The self sacrifice talking the poison for Arthur, the choking and collapsing, the high fever, the wheezing way he breaths, the way Arthur worries, the caretaking. IT'S PERFECT (sidenote but I apparently haven't giffed this episode and I need to change that soon)
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American: I'm agonizing over this one i tell you but for right now I'm going to go with another one that is always a huge favorite of mine and that I've watched like 1000 times. Hawaii Five-0 8x10. Danny gets shot while theyre all trapped in isolation? Bleeding out, unable to breathe, hallucinating, extremely worried and panicky Steve who has to conduct surgery on him? AMAZING! BEAUTIFUL! PERFECT
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And a picture of my kitty just for you! She likes to sit in this chair while me and my family eat dinner and patiently waits for us to give her tiny scraps. It's adorable. Sometimes she'll reach out with her paw and like tap us on the arm. It's the most polite way of asking for food I've ever seen from a cat. I love her so much.
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Merry Christmas!!!
*subject to change based on my mood
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autisticlalna · 1 month
WELCOME to the Biking SMP! Where all our players ride BIKES to reduce their CARBON EMISSIONS and to save GAS money! Founded by our favorite boi BIKINGPILOG
(I don't know what made me think of this but here you go)
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(i made this edit after repeatedly making a clown of myself with the bikes in pixelmon. it is always somehow relevant.)
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o5-the-daughter · 2 years
[Koshek holds out his left index finger and the bandaid to Willow with an awkward expression.]
"Uh... Can you bandaid me? My right hand isn't coordinated enough to-"
Willow pauses at the request and turns away from their task in preparing dinner to look at the boy. There is a faint glitter of amusement in their eyes, though they feign concern. They put their own knife and the vegetables down to check on the injury.
"Aw, oh dear.. those are rather sharp, huh?", they comment in a soft voice.
They turn away briefly to wash their hands, then return to Koshek to take the bandaid from him a moment later.
"I hope the pain is manageable, darling?"
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limbushusbandry · 1 year
can a Faust and a ryoshu get along? my ryoshu likes to threaten to bite faust but she doesn’t mind, but I’m worried about what diseases she might transmit. Is there a spray I can buy that I can put on Faust to discourage this behavior
i cant overstate how much fausts and ryoshus get along. like. it's kinda funny how much they work well with each other. it's very important for ryoshu's to bite as it's both how they play and how they establish dominance hierarchies, which is why it is insanely enethical to defang a ryoshu. while there are plenty of bitter sprays you could use to dissuade your ryoshu from biting your faust, i would reccommend against this since personal grooming is very important to fausts since their fur can get out of hand without constant management, which they do themselves. my best bet would to put a cone of shame around your ryoshu's head until she's fully vaccinated. i hope this will get sorted out soon anon!!!
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naomiknight-17 · 1 year
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Okay! Then fuck you asshole! Keep your lameass bullshit opinions to yourself you fucking cunt!
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fictionkinfessions · 1 year
If I had a nickel for each time my life was decided over a poll because people hated me so much and the majority voted for me to die and that caused me to be killed and exploded. I would have two nickels
-Jason Todd and Chippy (#🧨🗑🔥)
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the-h0t-one · 13 days
Not a huge fan, but her music when the mood settles, it slaps so hard honestly.
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kawaoneechan · 4 months
One problem I have with playing vidya games is that I'll want to Understand™ them on a technical level in the vague and doomed hope of making my own game like it, but with Added Stuff.
You might be aware that recently I've been playing Animal Crossing.
So recently my mind has been full of technical analyses and open implementation problems involved in making one's own AC game the way @foone is full of gender and bees.
Now, I know what I would put in if I could make my own AC game, or AC-like. I'm predictable like that. I'd add mod support and romance options.
But what would you like to see in an Animal Crossing game, fan-made or otherwise?
(in before @letrune sees this post and replies "more cats")
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one-time-i-dreamt · 1 year
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Apparently the mods on /Art are the same as /cats and I think /OddlyTerrifying so if you get banned in /Art for calling out their bullying on members, you get banned in all of the other subs they mod?
That mods reply is such a rude power trip and it's also preposterous and incorrect.
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Shoutout to the artist that was banned, they're a great artist and didn't deserve this! I would've felt horrible if somebody told me something like that mod said to them.
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charmandabear · 15 days
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Office Hours - Chapter Twelve
You finally work up the nerve to ask Astarion about his past.
Pairing: Astarion/f!Reader
Rating: Explicit
Word Count: 7.6k
Tags/Warnings: discussions of traumatic pasts, not just Astarion's, but Tav's as well, specifically partner abuse; depiction of a panic attack; mentions of (canon-typical) violence; spoilers for Heathers the Musical; somewhat feral kissing that honestly at this point shouldn't surprise anyone with these two
This chapter should be fine to read if you're not familiar with the plot of Heathers (movie or musical) but in case you want to read a quick summary, you can get that here.
I have officially retconned chapter 9 that Karlach got the home brewed beer from Lakrissa, not Aradin.
I can't believe I got the chapter out on both AO3 and Tumblr on the same day! It's been a few chapters since this has happened lol. As per usual, the screenshots are from @zipzoomzaria, although with me recently downloading the free cam mod I cannot take ENOUGH screenshots. I'll be uploading those soon.
Read it on AO3 ~ Masterlist
Astarion’s chest feels cool beneath your cheek as you slowly blink yourself awake. You listen to the sound of his breathing for a few moments – not a necessary impulse for him, just one he never unlearned. You eventually turn your head upward to see him looking at his phone. He notices you stir and a smile spreads across his face as he puts his phone down.
“Good morning,” he lilts, rubbing your shoulder gently with his thumb. You strain your neck up towards him, wordlessly asking for a kiss. He leans down and obliges, his chilled lips working against your warm ones, still sticky from sleep. You adjust your arms so you can wrap your hands around his neck and run your fingers through his curls. He presses his palm against your lower back, pulling your chest flush with his. His movements are unrushed, languid and sensual, and you’re just enjoying the soft feeling of his skin against yours. 
“Morning,” you hum sleepily, slow blinking like a contented cat. He props himself up on an elbow and as his visage comes into focus, you realize just how put-together he looks. He’s already wearing his glasses and his hair looks as carefully coiffed as usual. You frown. “How long have you been awake?”
“How do you want me to answer that?” He quirks an eyebrow. “It’s not exactly like I sleep.”
Right. Elves trance instead of sleep. You probably could have paid more attention in your humanoid biology class in high school.
“So what do you do all night while I sleep?”
“Read, mostly,” Astarion says with a shrug. “Sometimes I grade. Just killing time, really.”
“Don’t you ever get, like, bored?” You narrow your eyes at him.
“Sometimes. More often than not I simply enjoy being near you.” His candor makes you flush, so you deflect with a teasing laugh.
“Ew, you like being near me? Gross.” You grin as you pull him back down to you, your hands curling around his neck and you kiss him, soft and slow. He slides his hand under your knee and pulls your calf around his waist. Your usual insatiable lust for him is tempered, and you just want to bask in his coolness like you have all the time in the world. He pulls away, brushing your hair behind your ear, and looks at you over his glasses with those blood red eyes of his.
“What would you like, love?” he murmurs, and you yawn reflexively.
“Coffee, before anything else,” you reply, rubbing sleep out of your eyes. You roll out of bed and adjust your bra and shorts that got twisted overnight. You pad into the kitchen with Astarion close behind you, and he perches himself on a barstool while you pull out the instant coffee and set the kettle to boil.
“Darling, no, instant coffee?” he sneers as you scoop it into your mug.
“Don’t be elitist, it doesn’t make sense for me to make a full pot every morning when it’s just for me, and Keurigs create a hellish amount of plastic waste.” You turn up your nose at him, and he stands to take the mug out of your hands.
“This is not elitism, this is self-preservation.” He dumps the granules into the sink, earning a quick “Hey!” from you. “I’d rather like to be able to kiss you without the taste of rotten dirt in your mouth.” He picks up his phone from the counter and pulls up DoorDash. 
“My breath doesn’t get that bad,” you mumble and cross your arms obstinately.
“Perhaps not to a mortal, but trust me when I say this will be better for both of us.” You glance over his shoulder and watch as he loads up the cart with expensive artisan coffee beans, a French press, and a stainless steel coffee grinder.
“Astarion, I can’t afford all that,” you press, trying to take his phone out of his hands.
“Then consider it a gift,” he lobs back at you, holding his phone above your head so you can’t reach it. You plant yourself on a barstool and sulk for a moment before actually processing what he said.
“Wait, so you can tell when I’ve eaten or drunk something made with low quality ingredients?” Your brain spins the rolodex of all of the times you kissed him after having some trashy food.
“Unfortunately, yes,” he says with a regretful frown.
“And the night at the bowling alley when I was drinking that terrible beer?”
“Not particularly pleasant. But worth putting up with, because, well,” he clears his throat and flashes a coy smile, “it had been a while.” Your ears flush and he saunters over to you, planting a kiss just below your earlobe. Your hands rest on the waistband of his boxer briefs.
“But… coffee,” you pout, and he takes your hands and pulls you over to the couch.
“If you’re patient, my dear, it’ll be worth the wait,” he coos, sitting you down and pulling your legs onto his lap. “And speaking of waiting.” He brings your hand to his lips, running his nose along the blue-green veins in your inner wrist. “Do you mind terribly if I have my breakfast while you’re waiting for yours?”
Your breath catches in your throat as he gently grazes the point of one fang across the sensitive skin. “You’ve never fed from my wrist before,” you breathe, almost as though speaking too loudly might spook him.
“Does that make you reconsider?” His eyes flick up towards yours but his lips remain on your wrist, ghosting over the flesh. You shake your head, transfixed by his subtle movements. His lips stretch into a smile before he sinks his fangs into you, the sharp pain sending a twin bolt to your heart and your core before melting away into that sublime numbness. You’ve never watched him feed before, and you’re almost taken aback by how beautiful he looks. His lips pressed to your wrist, his hair falling into his eyes, his back expanding and contracting as his breath quickens. He must sense your gaze because he looks up, his red eyes sparkling. Your heart rate spikes, and it only takes a few seconds for him to smile against your wrist, reacting to whatever your sudden arousal changed in your bloodstream. 
It feels too soon when he pulls away, despite the oncoming lightheadedness suggesting otherwise. Unlike his usual animalistic expression he wears after drinking your blood, he has a sated, almost goofy look to him. You giggle and swipe the red droplet from his bottom lip and suck it off your thumb. 
His sleepy gaze moves to you, but when he sees you licking your blood off your finger, his features sharpen into the more predatory look you’re used to. He shifts your legs so that he’s towering over you, and you have no choice but to sink down into the couch on your back. He presses a knee between your legs and you bite your lip to stifle a moan. He descends onto your lips and you taste the blood that still coats his. You arch your back into him and he slides his hand beneath you, pulling your center closer. He slides his knee upwards, pushing your thigh with it, and rolls his hips into your now spread cunt. You groan into his lips, hands scrambling for purchase on his bare shoulders. His fingers hook into the waistband of your shorts and you’re about to wriggle out of them when there’s a knock at the door.
You both freeze, then suddenly you remember. “My coffee!” you squeal excitedly, pushing Astarion off of you. “They probably just left it right outside the door, babe, can you grab it while I reheat the water?” You clamber over the back of the couch and over to the kitchen while Astarion shakes his head at your antics. 
He pulls the front door to your apartment wide open and a startled half-gnome stands there holding a paper bag full of coffee supplies. Their eyes travel down Astarion’s half-naked form, lingering momentarily on the growing bulge in his boxer briefs. They flush a violent purple before muttering a quick, “Sorry,” and shoving the paper bag in his hands. They practically sprint down the hall as Astarion calls, “Have a lovely day!” with an impish wave.
“Astarion, you scared the poor thing half to death,” you scold as he closes the door, and he responds with a nonchalant shrug.
“Probably more exciting than anything else they’ll see today, I did them a favor.” He brings the coffee supplies over to the counter and hooks his thumbs into your shorts. “Now, where were we?” He presses into your back and kisses the crook of your neck. 
“Can I at least have my coffee before an orgasm?” you groan breathlessly, and Astarion chuckles.
“Who said that’s my intention?” he hums into your ear, causing you to shiver.
“Historical evidence,” you throw over your shoulder at him as you shimmy out of his grip. You pull out the various implements and stare at them blankly. You shift your gaze to Astarion and frown. “You bought all this stuff, show me how to use it.”
“Fine. Sit.” Astarion pushes you onto the barstool and begins to open the boxes with the French press and the coffee grinder. You watch him while he stands over the counter, and your eyes trace over the elaborate scarring across his back. You suddenly realize you’ve never been able to get this good of a look at it, he’s usually so carefully guarded. You’ve been afraid to bring it up again since that first night he told you about it. 
You chew on your lip while he assembles your coffee, anxiously weighing the pros and cons of asking him about it. You want to ask him more about his past, but you can’t even fathom what it’s like for him to have lived more than three times your entire lifespan and still have an eternity to go. 
He hands you the mug and looks at you expectantly. You snap out of your mini reverie and look down at the coffee in your hand, a few shades darker than you’re used to.
“Thank you, although I usually put in a little more milk than that,” you admit sheepishly. 
“With that offal you had been drinking, I don’t doubt it. Try it first, I’ll put in more if you want.” He puts his hands on his hips as you eye him suspiciously. You take a tentative sip, bracing yourself for the acrid bitter taste, but are met instead with something smooth and rich. Still bitter, but tempered by a creaminess that has nothing to do with the milk. You look up at him with a pleasantly surprised look on your face.
“Okay, I hate to say it, but you were right,” you groan reluctantly. He smirks and tilts your chin up to give you a tender kiss.
“Still as sweet as ever,” he purrs, and a light flush rises to your cheeks. Then your mind wanders back to your earlier train of thought, and your brow furrows. 
“Um, Astarion, can I ask you something?” Your voice is a little dryer than you’d like it to be. His eyebrows shoot up over his glasses, and he nods. You take his hand and lead him over to the couch, curling your knees into your chest and holding your coffee mug in both hands. “Can you tell me more about… about your scars?”
Astarion exhales a breath of relief. Whatever he thought you were going to ask, it wasn’t that.
“Er, yes, well… How much do you know about vampires?” He looks at you carefully and you blink in surprise. Very little, and you’re surprised it didn’t occur to you to look up more.
“Besides the basics, I guess, no sunlight, mirrors, garlic,” you rattle them off in your head. He giggles when you say ‘garlic.’
“The garlic is a myth, but you’ve got the basics, yes. Haven’t you ever wondered why I’m able to bite you without consequences? Well, besides the dizziness, I suppose,” he adds with a sly grin.
“I guess not, no,” you frown, wishing that he would just tell you instead of this weird quiz.
“I am not technically a full vampire – I’m a vampire spawn. I was turned while on the brink of death by a vampire named Cazador Szarr,” he spits the name like it’ll poison him if it lingers too long in his mouth. “I was his slave for two hundred years, compelled to do anything and everything he commanded. Most of the time it meant luring victims back for him to feed.” Astarion’s eyes glaze over, and you slide out your foot to gently touch his knee. You’re at a loss on how you can possibly comfort him for something this traumatic, so you let him continue in his own time.
“And once, it meant lying still while he carved this into my back over the course of a night. He claimed it was a poem. He made a lot of revisions as he went.” He scowls at the memory. “I only found out that it was something written in Infernal after his death.”
“How did you escape?” Your voice is small, hardly able to comprehend what he’s telling you.
“Oh, that’s actually quite a fun story.” He lights up suddenly. “His six other spawn and I rose up to overtake him. It took years of planning, and we were under the constant threat of being caught. But we were successful, and we tore him to pieces.” His eyes sparkle with a bloodlust that you haven’t seen before and your heart pounds in your ears. You had said that you want to see the more predatory side of him, and you’re getting your wish. His face softens and his gaze refocuses on you. “That was about 100 years ago,” he concludes with a wry smile. He puts his hand on your foot next to his leg and pulls it into his lap, and you curl your toes against his hand.
“Well,” you exhale, still processing his entire story. “That certainly puts the trauma from my shitty ex into perspective,” you say with a pained smile, trying to make light of it.
“Suffering is relative, the enormity of mine doesn’t reduce yours.” He tilts his head as he looks at you, a silent question. He’s leaving it open for you to tell your story, but refrains from pressing. 
“Well, it almost seems mundane in comparison,” you start with a heavy sigh, and he squeezes your foot lightly to encourage you to continue. “I’ve only had one even remotely serious relationship, and he was a piece of shit. Well,” you reconsider as you think of what those early days with him were like. “At first he just seemed like one of those ‘lovable asshole’ kind of guys, plus he had a Yorkshire accent, so clearly I have a type,” you say with a feeble laugh.
“No, a northerner? Darling, want better for yourself,” Astarion grimaces, and you glare at him.
“Like I said, I have a type,” you sneer. “But after a while, it became clear that he didn’t particularly respect me, I think partially because I was studying theatre and he was in STEM. He constantly talked down to me, he hated it any time I disagreed with him, and he would go out of his way to piss me off because he thought it was funny.”
You see Astarion wince, slowly putting the pieces together. You don’t particularly feel like rehashing the night you saw Taming again, so you continue.
“His friends weren’t terrible, though, and he was never as awful to them as he was to me, so I thought it was my fault. Like, if I were just somehow less annoying, or smarter, or more interesting, then he would suddenly stop being an asshole. There were some nights,” you swallow thickly, surprised by how difficult recounting this is. You thought you had worked through all this with Jaheira. “Some nights he was so persistent that I would just let him have sex with me so he would shut up and go to sleep.”
You feel Astarion tense beneath your leg, and he’s clenching his jaw so hard you’re worried his teeth might shatter. You quickly continue to try to put him at ease. “I sometimes wish I could go back to my 20-year-old self and just give her a huge hug and tell her that she’s worth more than that dick. But I’ve grown a lot since that relationship, and probably because of that relationship if I’m being perfectly honest. Wish I could have learned those lessons without an abusive asshole, but we play the hand we’re dealt.” You shrug and stare blankly at the dregs at the bottom of your mug. 
When Astarion speaks, his voice is icy and measured. “And what’s this man’s name?”
“Aradin. Aradin Beno,” you answer, keeping your eyes cast down. Your gaze shoots up to Astarion with a sudden realization. “You’re not allowed to kill him, Astarion,” you warn. You would have been joking had you said that thirty minutes ago. But after learning exactly what he’s capable of, a genuine spike of fear runs through your heart.
“But why?” he says in a whiny voice. “I can make it look like an accident, I promise!”
“No, no murder!” You kick your other foot out at him, and he grabs your ankle in a single swift motion. His sudden movement makes your mouth twitch as you suppress the smile spreading across your lips.
“Does the prospect of me being a killer make you feel something, little love?” he drops his voice and your breath catches in your throat. You don’t want to admit just how much it does, so you choose to remain silent instead. You watch him with unblinking eyes as he prowls over you, taking your empty mug out of your hand and setting it on the coffee table. The way his eyes sparkle and the flash of his fangs tells you that he knows exactly what it makes you feel.
“Are you? I mean– have you? Besides the one, I guess,” you stammer as your heart threatens to pound out of your chest. He looms over you, pressing his thigh down between your legs.
“Would it be better or worse if I said yes?” His lips hover over yours, and the noise that slips out of your throat is a little embarrassing. He closes the distance and kisses you roughly, slipping his hand beneath your lower back and digging his nails into your skin. 
You’re certain you would feel differently if you saw it in person… but the mental image of Astarion covered in blood after just having torn Aradin limb from limb sets you off. Something surges through you and you suddenly flip Astarion onto his back. You straddle his hips and crush your lips together, struggling to control your hungry kisses. You tangle your fingers into his hair, pulling hard. He claws into your thighs, pulling you down onto his rapidly growing erection, and you groan into his lips. You move your mouth down to his neck, biting down, and your whole body seizes when you hear his breathy moan in response.
He pushes up off the couch, keeping your legs wrapped around his waist while you cling to his shoulders, your assault on his neck never relenting. He carries you back to your room and throws you down on the bed hard enough to bounce slightly. He looks borderline monstrous as he crawls back onto you, pinning all four of your limbs down so escape is impossible. 
Your breathing grows heavy as he ravages you, your hands messily grabbing at any part they can reach. He tears at your bra with his teeth and you moan loudly, panting uncontrollably. He bites your skin, not to feed but to mark you, to cover you in punctures and bruises that brand you as his. You arch your back into him, asking for more. You want him to tear you apart, to leave you broken and consumed. You whine, your breath wracking through your lungs.
But before long, your vision starts to darken around the edges. You feel your heart pounding in the well of your throat – not the way Astarion makes your heart pound, but the way your anxiety does. You get lightheaded and your muscles grow weak as Astarion, unaware of your change in faculties, bites down on the soft tissue of your breast.
“Wait,” you call weakly, and grabs your hair and pulls your head back, pressing his lips against your ear.
“What was that, love?” he growls as his pointer finger tugs on your shorts.
“Star, stop,” you croak, and his entire demeanor shifts. He pulls back to look at you, his red eyes round and shining with concern. You’re a little surprised when the tears fall from your eyes unbidden, streaking down your temples and into your hair. You start hyperventilating, shaking as you lose control over your breath. You shove your fist into your mouth, hoping fruitlessly that the pain might ground you. 
After a moment of staring at you helplessly, Astarion pulls you into his arms and you curl up face down into his lap, choking out sobs as you grip his thighs. Your throat tightens and you feel like you’re being strangled by your own larynx. You gag as your stomach heaves, trying to expel itself from out of your mouth.
Astarion rubs your back, rocking you gently. A soft stream of “shhhh” and “it’s okay, love, you’re okay,” pours out of his mouth. He breathes in and out slowly, and you eventually find your breath enough to steady it, lengthening your inhales and exhales to match his. You lay there trembling for what feels like hours until you manage to push yourself back up into a sitting position.
“Gods, I’m sorry, I don’t know what that was about,” you chuckle feebly, wiping tears and snot from your face. Astarion starts to reach out to touch your cheek, but he pulls his hand back hesitantly.
“Darling, you don’t need to apologize. Are you… are you alright?” he asks, voice unsteady. You press the heels of your palms into your eyes until your vision goes starry, then take his hands in yours.
“I am, yes. I’m sorry. I know you said I don’t need to apologize,” you add quickly as he opens his mouth to protest. “Like, I’m sorry that it happened as much as I’m sorry that I probably freaked you out.”
“Did I do something wrong?” His voice is smaller than you’ve ever heard it, and you furiously shake your head.
“No, gods no. The opposite, actually.” You attempt to flash him a smile, but it just comes off as tired. “I think it just became too much too quickly. And I guess I’m not as… worked through… the Aradin stuff as I thought I was.” You frown at your clunky phrasing and he more confidently reaches out to stroke your cheek. You press your face into his palm, holding his hand to your lips as you take a few more long, grounding breaths. You finally drop his hand and look down at your torn bra, raising your eyebrows in surprise.
“Oh, er… sorry about that,” Astarion smiles sheepishly. 
“Honestly I’m more impressed than anything else,” you laugh as you start to try to scooch off the bed to get another shirt. Astarion puts his hand on your knee to stop you and walks toward your dresser. It takes him a few tries to figure out the right drawer, but eventually he pulls out a tank top and hands it to you. You inexplicably turn away from him as you put it on, suddenly self-conscious in front of this man who has seen you naked maybe a dozen times. 
You pull yourself to the edge of the bed, your dangling feet not quite touching the floor, and reach out to him with grabby hands. He steps closer to you and lets you embrace his waist wordlessly. You press your nose into his ribs and take a steady inhale. His scent is so much more concentrated from this angle, all sweat and pheromones. He runs his hand through your hair and you can feel tears welling up in your eyes again. He feels the wetness on his skin and pulls away suddenly.
“What? What did I do?” He sounds genuinely panicked and it gets an honest laugh out of you.
“No, it’s nothing. I’m just…” in love with you. Fucking hells, you haven’t even let yourself think those words before. You push the thought down, so very far down – you’re not even remotely in a position to confront it right now. “Do you think you can hang out for a bit? You don’t have plans today, do you?” You take a shaky breath. “I just don’t think I want to be alone right now.”
“Yes, my sweet, of course.” He takes your chin and tilts your head up so you’re looking up at him. “But will you please eat something? You’ve had nothing but coffee and I’m sure the blood loss isn’t helping.”
You smile and nod, standing to give him a proper kiss. The sudden movement does, in fact, make you wobble a bit. He grips your arms and glowers at you as your eyes scan down his bare chest and legs.
“Do you want, like, clothes? Maybe I can ask Shadowheart to run to your apartment and get you a fresh set?” You don’t mind staring at him half naked, but you figure you might as well give him the option.
“Well, as a matter of fact, do you think she would mind terribly feeding His Majesty? He gets awfully cranky if he doesn’t have his regular meals.”
“Huh, I wonder where he picked that up?” you ask with a coy smile and he rolls his eyes. 
“You’re one to talk. Go eat.” He pushes you through your bedroom door. “And yes, please ask Shadowheart.” You laugh as you stumble through your living room to the kitchen. You pick up your phone from the kitchen island and pull up her number.
-Shade, are you busy? Can you do me a huuuuuuuuuuuuuge favor?
It’s a bit on the early side for her, so frankly you appreciate the answer at all.
-Can you run to Astarion’s apartment to grab some clothes? And also feed his cat?
The typing bubble pops up and disappears a handful of times. Then, she finally replies:
-Please Shade, it’s important. pleeeeeeeeeeeaaaaaaassssseeeeeeeeeeee
-Moon Maiden, yes, calm down. I’ll come over to grab his keys.
“Okay, she said yes,” you tell Astarion as you put your phone back down on the counter and grab a sleeve of cinnamon raisin bagels from the drawer. He watches you carefully as you assemble your breakfast, almost like he doesn’t trust that you’ll actually do it if he looks away.
It doesn’t take long for Shadowheart to walk into your apartment without knocking. She’s wearing an oversized Next to Normal t-shirt and shorts. Her eyes first settle on Astarion sitting at the island in just his underwear and she stares blankly. When her gaze shifts to you, and she sees your puffy red eyes, she turns back to Astarion in a fury.
“What the fuck did you do?” she hisses, and you throw out your hands to stop her from committing murder. She stops just short of getting slathered in cream cheese from the knife still in your hand.
“Nothing, no, he’s good, I swear. Perfect, even.” You glance back at him abashedly. “No, it was just… Aradin stuff.” You mumble the last few words, and watch as Shadowheart’s anger deflates and then flares twice as high.
“Oh? Do I need to hunt this piss kid down?” she seethes, pumping herself up for a fight.
“No, she has forbidden murder, I already tried,” Astarion drawls, and Shadowheart’s expression dulls to a scowl.
“Fine,” she grumbles, then turns back to you. “Where am I going and what am I getting?”
“I’ll text you his address, just a change of clothes. Oh, and where do you keep His Majesty’s food?” You start typing out the message and Astarion takes your phone from your hand.
“It’ll be simpler if I give you instructions,” he says as he types out what looks like a novel. “Make sure you go to the fish market on Bleeker, not the one on Mayweather. And if they don’t have the nice fatty tuna, you can get the yellowtail, but only if it’s been caught within the hour. If they don’t have either, then ask for Thodric, he’ll know what to get.”
Shadowheart stares at him with a mixture of confusion and revulsion. “The little rat’s getting Fancy Feast and he’ll like it,” she finally says when Astarion hits send. You shoot her another pleading look and she groans. “Fine. Anything else for Your Majesty?”
“Oh, His Majesty is fine, but could you also grab my maroon cardigan and–”
“Gods, really?” she snaps. You’re chewing on your bagel when you finally process what she’s wearing.
“Wait, isn't that shirt–” you begin and she whirls around, her loose silver hair swinging down her back.
“I’ll text you when I’m on my way back,” she barks as she slams the door shut behind her.
You and Astarion spend the day together mostly in comfortable silence. Shadowheart does, in fact, give His Majesty the fresh fish he so desperately requires, but she only brings Astarion a pair of jeans and a black v-neck t-shirt. He grumbles a resentful thank you, even if she didn’t bring him the maroon cardigan.
You’re lying on the couch leaned up against Astarion, who has borrowed your tablet to grade papers while you answer work emails on your phone. You get another reminder from the chair about season selection and you groan.
“I swear, we’re not going to have a season next year if we can’t fucking agree on something,” you bemoan, dropping your phone and rubbing your eyes wearily. “Plus, the rest of them feel like we need to settle on a musical first and then build the season around that,” you gripe, crossing your arms like a petulant child.
“Well that’s nonsense, the musical is always just a garish over-produced spectacle,” Astarion scoffs.
“But it’s the thing that makes the most money, so we are kind of dependent on it, as much as I hate to admit it,” you concede reluctantly. “Alfira really wants to do Heathers, and I read it, I just can’t get behind it as much as the rest of the faculty. I want to make sure the classical play is in conversation with it, and I can’t think of an interesting choice.” You slide your eyes to Astarion with a smirk. “Lucretius suggested Hamlet and I would literally rather fling myself out a window than direct Hamlet.”
“Well now, I don’t believe self-defenestration is necessary,” he laughs. “But you’ve only read it? Aren’t you the one always going on about how theatre is meant to be seen and not read?” He mocks you a little too well and you smack his knee.
“Fine, I guess I’ll see if there’s a recording available,” you mutter, picking your phone back up and googling it. “Oh, there actually is. A proshot is available… on the Roku app? I swear to the gods, there are too many apps these days.” You sit up and turn towards Astarion. “Will you watch it with me? Pleeeeaaaassee,” you add in a whine when he gives you a pained look. “If we don’t like it we can make fun of it together, I promise. That’s a better deal than you’ll get from 95% of theatre people.”
He takes off his glasses and pinches the bridge of his nose. “It’s bad enough you’re going to make me see it in the fall, you’re going to make me watch it again now?”
Your heart leaps at how casually he mentions still being together in the fall, but you quickly shake the feeling off. Instead, you divert his attention by offering, “What if Karlach and Shadowheart watched it with us? Karlach should probably watch it too, honestly, and then you and Shade can commiserate together as non-theatre people.”
He glares at you for another moment before putting his glasses back on and huffing a great sigh. “Fine,” he relents, adding with a glare, “you’re very lucky that you’re cute.” You giggle with delight and text Shadowheart.
-Do you wanna come over with Karlach tonight and watch Alfira’s pick for the fall musical? You can bond with Astarion over your love of expensive wine and the annoyances of dating someone in the theatre department.
You laugh at her response and go back to leaning against Astarion’s side, a small shiver running up your spine as he squeezes you a little closer to him.
Shadowheart and Karlach come by later in the evening, Shadowheart with two bottles of wine and Karlach loaded with snacks. They move around your kitchen, taking out bowls and glasses, while you take a sudden new interest in the ingredients for Doritos.
“And is it like, highly processed ingredients?” you frown as your eyes scan over the lines, some of the words familiar to you and some of them not. Astarion shrugs.
“I haven’t kept a detailed list of what’s fine and what isn’t, if that’s what you’re asking,” he drawls, looking over his glasses pompously, and you huff.
“Well then I’m going to eat them just to spite you,” you threaten, attempting to open the bag of Doritos menacingly. The gesture falls flat when you crunch down on a chip and it crumbles down your shirt. He takes the back of your neck in his hand and pulls your lips to his, his tongue swiping up cheese dust. You flush and he pulls away, contemplating the taste.
“Well it’s certainly not the most pleasant,” he finally decides, and you dejectedly put the chips down and pick up the wine Shadowheart has just poured. Astarion looks down his nose at the bottle.
“Decent choice,” he intimates with an approving look, and Shadowheart gives him a sideways glance.
“Ah yes, I heard you were a bit of a wine snob.” She tries to match his haughty energy, and doesn’t do a half bad job. “I saw what you brought,” she says, referring to the bottle still on the counter from last night. “It looks… fine.” The corners of his lips twitch upward and you can tell that he likes her, despite their constant bickering.
You and Astarion settle yourself on the couch while Karlach and Shadowheart sit on the floor. Karlach leans against the base of the couch, one knee propped up and an arm around Shadowheart’s shoulders. You smirk at your best friend, remembering your conversation of her insisting that she likes to sit on the floor, despite the fact that the two of you always sit on the couch together. Astarion, legs crossed and arm around you, pulls up the Roku app on your TV and finds the Heathers proshot.
September first, 1989. Dear diary:
A spotlight comes up on a young half-elf woman wearing a bulky denim jacket, big scarf, and a long hippie skirt. Veronica, it quickly becomes clear, is one of the more unpopular kids in school, along with her best friend Martha Dunstock.
“Wait, Veronica isn’t already one of the Heathers? And she’s already friends with Martha?” Shadowheart asks. The eponymous “Heathers” are the archetypical mean girls who rule over Westerberg High.
“No, is that how it is in the movie?” you reply. “I’m only vaguely aware of it, I just read the musical.”
“Interesting,” she muses, narrowing her eyes. “Yeah, she’s supposed to already be in the Heathers, and she doesn’t even speak to Martha until the last scene of the movie. I guess this way she gets a classic movie montage makeover.”
“That tells a very different story,” Astarion says, bouncing his foot slightly. “Following a protagonist who starts wealthy and popular rather than one who is an interloper into a position of power.”
“I wonder why they changed it,” Karlach says, and you nod in agreement.
“I can almost guarantee it was because of the success of Mean Girls and not simply a narrative choice they wanted to make,” you add, wrinkling your nose with distaste. 
“Maybe,” Shadowheart takes a thoughtful sip of her wine. “Mean Girls was so heavily influenced by Heathers that it does seem like a nice homage.” She pauses for a moment, then giggles, “You know, I used to think that I had a crush on Christian Slater and I wanted to be Winona Rider, but it turns out it was the other way around.”
“Honestly, I think that tells me all I need to know about you,” Karlach teases.
Honey whatcha waiting for? Step inside my candy store. Time for you to prove you’re not a loser anymore.
The trio of Heathers pose centerstage, their synchronistic dance moves and bright color coordinated outfits creating a striking stage picture.
“Visually, it’s a nice stylistic choice,” Astarion notes, “but I wonder if the aesthetics will detract from the effectiveness of these three as antagonists.”
“Maybe,” Karlach says with a shrug. “But you know that Carm would have a field day with these costumes,” she adds, turning to look at you over her shoulder.
“Oh she absolutely would,” you agree, looking at their sharp blazers, plaid skirts, and thigh high socks. “But I think Astarion’s has a point, they’re almost too appealing to convey any real villainy. Plus, so many of these lines have become such an iconic part of pop culture that they’re almost meaningless. When the main Heather shouts, ‘Shut up, Heather!’ it feels more like she’s quoting a famous line than bullying her friend.”
“I’m sure Alfira will want to address that in the room,” Karlach nods. 
Love this dead girl walking Love this dead girl walking Love this dead girl– Yeah– Yeah– Yeah– Yeah!!!!
After committing the social suicide of not bullying her unpopular best friend, Veronica decides she wants to go out with a bang – literally – and sneaks into the bedroom of resident bad boy JD. You still get an uneasy feeling about him as a character, but you’re trying to parse out your judgment of yourself versus your analysis of the text.
“Sorry,” Karlach shakes her head and holds out her wine glass, pointing at the screen. “Did we just witness that girl have a musical orgasm?”
“Surprisingly more common than you’d think in musical theatre,” you laugh, and Astarion pulls you into him until his lips are on your ear.
“Would you like to be my dead girl walking?” His voice is a husky whisper, sending a shiver reverberating through your body. You press your lips together and dig your nails into his knee to keep both of you in check.
-Oh my gods, I just killed my best friend! -Oh, and your worst enemy, so– -Same difference!
Veronica may have been the one to unknowingly hand a mug full of drain cleaner to the most popular and powerful of the mean girls, Heather Chandler, but JD was the one who knowingly handed it to Veronica.
“So they just immediately kill their primary villain?” Astarion scoffs in surprise. “Bold choice, I wouldn’t have expected it from a musical.”
“Oh don’t worry, she’ll be back,” you laugh. “Hey Karlach, who do you think should play Heather C?”
“Oooh, that’s a good question. I feel like it has to be Arabella, right? Who else has got the chops?” Karlach tilts her head to look at you.
“Arabella would also be really good as Veronica though,” you respond, shuffling through all of the theatre majors in your head. “Do you know if Mol is going to audition?”
“Maybe, but I think she wants to stage manage this fall.”
“Oh that makes sense, she’d be great at that,” you nod in agreement.
He’s hungry for a hunk Of the junk in your trunk
“Oh, weird. I don’t remember this song in the script I read,” you say with a frown. It was a while ago when you read it, but you’re pretty sure that this moment – when the high school jocks Kurt and Ram corner Veronica alone – felt a little more comedic and a little less sinister.
“Yeah, same,” Karlach says. “I feel like it was much sillier. Something about balls?”
“I think the hook was ‘you make my balls so blue.’” You try to force a laugh, but what’s playing out on screen is making you uncomfortable. The visual of the jock, Kurt or Ram, you can’t remember which, lewdly humping the air in front of a terrified Veronica doesn’t sit well with you. “This song being about date rape raises the stakes very differently from it being a blue balling joke.”
“Yeah, that’s so much more intense.” Karlach’s frown deepens as Veronica tries to pull her skirt down lower while the boys grab at her aggressively.
“I mean I get it, it’s a much stronger choice narratively, but we’ll have to be careful, give proper warnings and stuff.” You take a sip of your wine and Astarion gently rubs your shoulder.
“Okay, darling?” he hums in your ear. You nod but pull his arm around you a little tighter.
I worship you. I’d trade my life for yours. I’ll make them disappear.
There’s something so much more menacing about JD’s sung lines after having killed the jocks, Kurt and Ram, who tried to sexually assault Veronica. It makes your hackles raise, in part because you can see how toxic it is, but also because you can’t deny that it stirs something inside you. Just earlier today, you threw yourself at Astarion at the mere mental image of him murdering your abuser.
It’s okay if it’s just fantasy, Jaheira’s words ring in your head. Sure, someone saying that they worship you and committing homicide over it isn’t healthy in real life. But in a fantasy that isn’t hurting anyone?
But… how do you decide what’s harmful and what isn’t?
Can’t we be seventeen? Is that so hard to do?
After JD murders Heather Chandler and both Kurt and Ram out of a sense of misplaced righteousness, Veronica begs him to hold on to his youth a little longer and not let the trauma of his mother’s suicide make him grow up so fast.
You feel Astarion’s chest shaking slightly against your back. You glance up at him and his eyes are shining.
“Babe, are you crying?” you whisper and he glares at you.
“What? No. Shut up,” he spits as he wipes away a tear. You strain your neck and kiss his cheek.
VERONICA! Open the– open the door please, Veronica, open the door. Can we not fight anymore, please?
The repercussions of JD's streak of murderous revenge finally catching up with Veronica, she hides from him in her bedroom while he attempts to cry, scream, and sing his way back into her heart. 
“This is the one,” you call out. “This is the song that’s all over TikTok with teenage girls saying that she should’ve opened the door.” The context is no different from when you read it – his violent outbursts mixed with unhinged sobbing still make for an energy that you don’t quite know how to respond to. 
“I’m pretty sure they know it’s satire, it’s really over the top,” Karlach shrugs.
“Most of them probably do,” you say with a frown, remembering a concerning post that you saw somewhere that said ‘musical JD really loved Veronica while movie JD was just a manipulator.’ 
“I’m sorry, I don’t understand,” Astarion says, pointing with his nearly empty wine glass. “You’re telling me that young girls like this behavior? Why?” 
Shadowheart snorts. “Apparently there’s something appealing about a pathetic wet cat of a man,” she laughs, and Astarion pouts.
I wish your dad were good,  I wish grownups understood. I wish we’d met before They convinced you life is war.
Veronica is pleading with a gun-wielding JD to not blow up the school during the pep rally when something suddenly clicks for you.
“Oh my gods, that’s the thesis statement, that’s what this whole show is about.” You sit up with the realization. “It’s not about mental health, or bullying. I mean it is,” you falter a bit, the wine sloshing around your brain. “But at the root it’s the parents’ fault. All of the adults in this show have been neglectful at best and selfish and bigoted at worst.”
“You know, if you want a good classical play with that theme,” Astarion shrugs, “then you should propose Romeo & Juliet.” Your jaw drops and you whirl around to face him.
“Holy shit, you’re so brilliant, I love you.”
Hey yo, Westerberg, tell me what’s that sound? Here comes Westerberg, comin’ to put you in the ground!
Your whole body freezes as the blood drains from your face. Somewhat delayed, you slap a hand over your mouth to keep you from accidentally revealing anything else. Astarion stares at you, his mask completely expressionless. Karlach and Shadowheart seem to remain oblivious to the monumental tension between you and Astarion.
Westerberg will knock you out And send you straight to–
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mlrarepairmonth · 5 months
Dont know if youve already covered this, but am I allowed to genderbend the characters?
So, long as it's not Marinette and Adrien for the purposes of writing about the love square. But if it's anyone else go for it 🤷‍♀️ Just be sure you tag them as the original character they usually are, so we can tell which characters and ship it is.
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aceofwhump · 5 months
There needs to be a scene of a cat cuddling up to a poorly/recovering whumpee. It's a need not a want 😂. Or even a kitty comforting a crying whumpee. My cat is actually very attentive when I'm upset and likes to rub his face all over mine.
You wanna talk about underrated tropes? THIS RIGHT HERE!!! I love this so much that one of the very first things I ever wrote and posted to this blog was a short scene in which my oc Remy is very injured and gets comforted by a cat in the alleyway he's collapsed in. Wanna read it? You can find it here: https://www.tumblr.com/aceofwhump/176284148889/friendlylocalwhumper-what-animal-if-it-cuddled?source=share
Cats are such amazing comforting creatures and they are totally slept on. Dogs get a lot of shoutouts but cats are also cuddly and they, in my own experiences as well, know when you're upset and get very attentive. My own cat before he passed would always sit on my chest when I cried and nuzzle my face. Cats are amazing and I'd love to see more kitty comfort in whump!!
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aziraphales-library · 10 months
Hello!! I adore what y’all do here and refer to your posts often for fic recs. Anywho, do you have any recommendations for fics that are ‘locked’ or only available when you are signed in? I feel like there are a few hidden gems that are right under my nose. Thank you!!
Hi! As far as I'm aware there is no way to search for locked fics specifically, so I've pulled some from the depths of my bookmarks...
A Home at the Beginning of the World by stereobone (E)
"Oh," Aziraphale says. "I think Crowley might have moved in with me."
Tornadoes in England by the_moonmoth (E)
Midnight vigils, soft epiphanies, and a monumental hammer waiting to fall. What did you call a feeling so big you couldn’t see the edges?
Measure A Year by theinkwell33 (T)
Crowley and Aziraphale are punished for their role in averting the apocalypse, and are stripped of all miracle privileges for an entire year. This ordinarily wouldn’t be the worst punishment in the world, were it not for the fact that they’ve already swapped bodies in their effort to prepare for the worst. Unable to switch back without miracles, they’re forced to live as each other for an entire year. It goes about how you’d expect.
The Next Time We Wed by seashadows (T)
“Guys, I’ve looked at the marriage license,” Anathema said, “and I’ve gotten copies of our notices and everything. The names on the documents aren’t Newt’s and mine anymore. Apparently they never were. They’re yours.” When a drunken attempt to help a friend gets Crowley and Aziraphale accidentally married, their decision to fake it instead of fix it changes their relationship in a way neither of them realizes the other wants. Over the course of a few short months, two supernatural beings discover that there are plenty of things they don’t know about each other, two humans finally get married (again), and everyone learns how to be a little braver.
The Saint of Lost Things by jessthereckless (E)
Cats, technology, Biblical misprints, immaculate ball sacs, Leonardo da Vinci, a weekend in Paris, and a thing that happened in Florence. Absolute fluff.
With you, with me by NohaIjiachi (T)
“Oh, shit,” Crowley muttered, but it came out more like ‘ohkjfd—‘ The man— A bloody priest was still keeping his umbrella over Crowley. The fabric of his button-up had darkened on his shoulders, now throughly drenched. He could see more details, now, and Crowley stared. The priest had round, gentle features, and a shock of hair so blond it looked white collected in messy, soft curls. There was some sense of deep-sedated sadness in his grey-blue eyes, as he looked down at Crowley. “I’d imagine that you need to get back up on your feet, then, son,” the priest said, sounding somehow tired. “You can’t stay here.” “…I have nowhere to go,” Crowley replied, feeling like his tongue was double in size in his mouth. It was a lie, and wasn’t one at the same time. He could technically go anywhere he wanted, as long as the Bentley stopped pouting at him for getting high again, but he had nowhere to go.
- Mod D
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yandere-romanticaa · 1 year
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"You're a cruel person Master Diluc."
"I'm nowhere near as cruel as you."
The chatter of the tavern obscured most of the conversation you had with the redhead but you did your best to stay close to him. Tonight was like every other night - a full bar with various people, some were drunk others not quite there yet. You knew what today was but the annoying man refused to take your gifts, he even had the nerve to be annoyed. Feeling helpless, you decided to help him run the tavern in any way you could. Be it serving drinks, cleaning the counter or just chatting with the customers in order to ensure that Diluc gets a moment of quiet was the best you could manage. Diluc grumbled about everything you were doing and would constantly hover over you, his gaze never once leaving your body as he would rudely steal whatever you were holding and cleaning.
Petty is what he was.
"Diluc." you said with a firmer tone than before. "It is your birthday, is there nothing else you would rather be doing?"
He came to a screeching halt and Diluc thanked his lucky stars for being behind the bar because that way, you were not able to see just how much his arms were shaking. He just wasn't sure why they were shaking. Anxiousness? Annoyance? Anger?
Anger was a feeling that the man had become far too familiar with ever since he met you. It was never directed at you though, oh goodness no. It was always at either himself or the people who would surround you, the people who would take up so much of your time and would never leave you be.
As much as he didn't want to admit it the fact of the matter was that Diluc was a beyond jealous person.
All he wanted to was to spend a quiet evening with you, in his home, with a good meal perhaps. The two of you could talk and play games all night long, that really was the perfect way to celebrate his birthday. Heck, Diluc would have even allowed you to pinch his cheeks and pull his ears if it meant that you could stay with him. All he needed to do was ask you and you would surely say yes. You were a sweet person, like a little piece of soft candy personified into a human being.
It was such a shame that Diluc would lose himself completely whenever he was around you.
If he would ever even dare to open his mouth around you, it felt like a nasty little cat took away his tongue and he was ultimately forced to resort to pathetic grunts and weak replies such as yes and no.
You had far too much power over him.
That weakness of his is exactly what lead to this predicament - him and you, in the bar, surrounded by people that Diluc really was just not in the mood to even look at let alone speak. This was his own doing though, he practically forced himself to work this tiresome shift in order to avoid you for the rest of the evening and even that plan ended up backfiring on him.
You really were cruel, in your own little ways. The way in which you held his heart and possesed his soul without as much lifting a finger, it drove the tycoon mad.
Until he could somehow manage to get over his ridiculous fear he was reduced to nothing but a bitter and jealous man who would watch you from the sidelines.
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🕊️ TAGS: @genshinarchives, @mod-kisa-blog, @juuuuuj101010, @kalopses-sonderes, @b10h4z4rd, @xiaopleasecomehome, @yumekos-gamble, @mayulli, @cc-6789, @saturnalya, @alatusprinz, @lakxcpsta, @mewmeowmika, @ranposgirlboss
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dogtoling · 1 year
What kinds of jobs would Inkling society have that humans wouldn't? Besides the obvious ones (Grizz Co, etc.)
i feel like i've thought about this before or even made a post before but it might've just been in my brain? The possibilities are literally endless and I haven't thought very much into it but I might as well throw some in - except I will include jobs that we also have, but that would be notably different.
Turf War related jobs:
Stage construction: constructing ink battling stages and modifying them for rotations in different modes - changing the layouts and setting up towers, clam baskets, etc.
Cleanup crew: cleaning up special weapon and sub weapon shells and other junk after Turf Wars, lost-and-found
Lobby reception: and whatever else jobs you would have in Lobbies. if only we knew the full process of getting into a turf war.
Turf War judge: I REFUSE to believe that a freaking cat and his cloned son are the only turf war judges in existence when theres like 237489236423 turf wars happening at any given moment. Anyway, this job handles timing, watching and judging results for ink battles and includes making sure no rules are broken.
Turf War commentator: mostly for tournaments, but may be paired with the above entry
Ink Battle Coach: we have football coaches, same thing. etc
Weapon repairer/modifier: The turf weapon repair scene NEEDS more competition....
Jobs that we also have, but are very different:
Healthcare jobs: you need specialists for EVERY SPECIES.
Dentists, but for the cephalopodan beak and radula. Different dentists for crab mouthparts. And then, of course LITERAL dentists, for the fish and sharks and other creatures that DO have actual teeth.
Hairdresser, but in the Mollusc Era most people have hair that is literally meat to at least some extinct, and feels pain. Specialized mainly between fin stylist and tentacle stylist, probably
Fisherman, in the traditional sense - most food is probably definitely seafood, from the ocean. But given the implication of terrestrial wild fish, there's like... probably land fishermen. Which would most likely just be hunters.
Street food. Most Mollusc Era street food aimed at Cephalings is some variation of fried shrimp, crab, deep fried Thing or takoyaki (that might not have octopus in it, at least hopefully, but it also may.)
Probably unique jobs:
Fryer. Given that Fred Crumbs literally got himself fried head to toe for fashion, there's... well, "frying" is likely a body mod that you can learn to do. It might not require a job if it's something like solarium in execution?
Shell tattooist for all the shelled species - could be hardy paint.
Like every turf war job I listed above.
i was going to include something about childbirth and nurses but given we have very little information about anything and i dont want to think about how on earth that even works for species with eggs, OR species with 100 eggs at once, we're skipping this. use your imagination.
Kelp farmer (we may have this, but it's definitely not a common job.)
Respawn First Aid. For when people get splatted in the middle of the city and need ink quick. In hindsight, it may be a matter of there being an ink canister for this purpose in most public buildings and it can be broken out in an emergency situation. Like one of those red fire bottle foam things (i forgot the name).
Egg Hunter (Grizzco, but there must be others)
Zapfish Farmer
Symbiosis Counselor. like a marriage counselor, but for symbiote citizens and their hosts that struggle to get along.
That's all I can think of for now, but drop ideas in the replies I guess!
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