#moon assignment
hihi, dont mean to bother you
I sleep on prospit and the aspect I got from the true zodiac quiz was light. though I dont care which one of these you want to incorporate into the final result. I also dont care about gender exclusive classes.
more about me; personality wise Id say Im a little weird, I often care more about my interests than my friends, of which range from innocent things like sea life and color theory to darker things like human anatomy and horror. I still love my friends, theyre just lower in priority. I am reclusive, but not often willingly, I suffer from fatigue which makes it hard to go outside a lot. though Ive kinda grown used to it that being alone is comforting now.
I think a big part of me is my munchausen syndrome, my life wasnt great, but I often feel like it should have been worse so I get more attention for it even though I KNOW thats not how it works. I WANT to be worse. my therapist chucks everything up to daddy issues when my mother was the one who abused me (my dad wasnt THERE to abuse me) and whenever I try to explain that I feel so unheard. otherwise I often daydream about vile situations to cope with stuff, or just, daydream at all. I get described as in my own head a lot. I like to pretend Im a lot more edgier than I actually am, it creates an imaginary barrier around me and makes me feel safer. in reality Im just an awkward, shy teen who apologizes a lot.
sorry if this is too much xp all of these are things Ive come to terms with so theyre not heavy for me to talk about, dont worry.
Mage of Void
seeing as how the quiz named you a Light player this is probably not what you expected, but to be open with you the quiz *does* have a higher probability of giving out light more than any other aspect, to keep it "realistic" or whatever, I don't like their logic.
i think you're a mage of void because you find comfort in void, being alone in it, just the void and yourself, a small circle of nothingness you can shape to your desires and comfort.
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- Seers & Mages -
seers and mages are opposite classes, the same way that thieves and rouges are, to give a more broadly understood example. Seers learn/know their aspect in order to benefit their team; Rose lalonde the seer of light gathers more information about the game mechanics to give her session every chance it has of surviving. Mages on the other hand know their aspect for themselves, not to say they're selfish, they too are important in sessions, there's no class that doesn't play a role, but mages use their information to benefit themselves when playing the game
so im assigning you a Mage and not a seer because of how you use your words, how you describe your personal relationships being a lesser priority.
🌙 also I think you're either a derse dreamer or have a case similar to sollux, having two dream selfs? word-for-word derse players *do* have it rougher.. and by human standards ( i believe it alternates a bit for trolls because of what's considered tough for them ) you do have it. rough.
that's about all I have to say on the matter, if you want to be further convinced here's some sentences within your talk that help my case on assigning you a void player, aka what you just uttered was so void-pilled dude;
‘i am reclusive but not often willingly’
‘being alone is comforting now’
‘it creates an imaginary barrier around me and it makes me feel safer’
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elytrianicarus · 7 months
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rough concept for a hare pearl design, just a normal lass
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ghosted-jazz · 1 year
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A supermoon occurs when the full moon coincides with the moon's closest approach to Earth in its orbit. Supermoons make the moon appear a little brighter and bigger than normal
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heartorbit · 1 year
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i wanna make a prsk major arcana...
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maudiemoods · 2 years
Shoulder angel and demon au! Running away now goodbye
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I was holding off on developing this because I already have like, 5 other aus?? But whatever I can draw whatever I want to rrreee
Solar and lunar used to be one being but split after inner turmoil!!! I guess they're gods? Idk
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Merry Christmas, one and all, and especially to @cookiiemancer ! Tis I, your Secret Santa!! I had such fun playing with colors and designing things, so I hope you like this little brotherly cafe AU illustration!!
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tenebsolis · 11 months
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old sketchy… au where sinclair gets fucked up by the flesh fear from tma
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crypticemerald · 23 days
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From the Twitter  🤓 🤓 🤓
btw did you guys know i turned 19 which is kinda crazy
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wxnter-rain · 1 month
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Girl put that back you don't know where it's been
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willowoop · 2 months
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little motivational guz man
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mikodrawnnarratives · 10 months
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I took a look at this meme and knew what I had to do.
@naffeclipse kdjlkskldfkskljf
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shkika · 6 months
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whn you are an artist the greatest form of flattery is someone peering into the deeper meaning of your art
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astragatwo · 11 months
hihi :D
may i perhaps request an ishdon doodle?
i just think they’re silly lmao
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Neon colored creature and muted colored beast
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vnynv · 10 months
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the solitary soul / moonscorching
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ijustwantgoodopinions · 3 months
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Dress Up Mess Up (4/4)
The Finale
[Part 1] [Part 2] [Part 3]
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lil-lemon-snails · 4 months
Happy Valentine's Day @littlechinaaru!!!
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It was me ~all along~!! I'm so so happy I got to draw your eclipse for this event they are an absolute sweetheart!! I loved your prompts, hope you have a happy holiday!! :3c <3
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