#more lu is coming don't worry
quirkle2 · 2 years
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I feel like I'm gonna fucking die
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letsgetrowdy43 · 4 months
Broken Bones—
Jack Hughes x reader
Request: how would jack react to his girlfriend breaking a bone?
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It was an accident, once second she was on Luke's old skateboard as he tried to teach her how to skate. Laughter filled the air as she started to get the hang of it. But then she lost her balance, and down she went, slamming into the pavement and breaking the fall with her hands which led to a loud crack noise.
Her eyes immediately welled with years as her arm gave out and she fully laid out on the ground. “Shit,” she mumbled as she stared at the clouds in the sky. “Fuck Y/n, are you okay?” “Can you get Jack please?” she looked to Luke with tears in her eyes, he stood towering over her for a second, “Like now, I can't move my wrist,” she remained calm as Luke nodded quickly and took off in the direction of the house.
Quinn was the first one out of the house, with the car keys in hand, and some old sling he had found buried in the back of one of the bathroom cabinets. Jack was out right after him, his face full of worry as he saw her just defeatedly lying on the pavement.
“Are you okay sweets?” he kneeled beside her, she blinked away her tears as she just stared at him. “I'm fine, but I think I need to go to the hospital,” she groaned sitting up as Jack helped her, pressing a kiss to her hairline as she looked at him and laughed at the mess of a state she was currently in.
"Quinn's waiting in the car," he said as he helped get the sling on her arm, wincing as she hissed in his ear. He swung her good arm around his neck to help her stand, his glare falling on his younger brother, "first you break my girlfriend's arm, and then you watch me struggle to help her up, get over here," he said pointedly as Luke rushed over to help,
"Leave him alone, it's not his fault," she looked to Luke who gave her a smile that thanked her for sticking up for him. Jack brushed his hands over her back and legs to wipe away any dirt as Luke helped her keep her balance, the fall winding her and making her legs wobble as she tried to regain her cool, "I don't care, he shouldn't have let you ride that death board without being more careful," he scolded as he pressed a kiss to the scrap on her thigh before standing back up and death staring his brother.
"I'm sorry Y/n/n,' Luke said as he helped her into the back seat of the car, a genuine look on his face as Jack began to buckle her up, acting like a worried mother before gaining a slap to the hand. "It's okay lukey," she grinned and motioned for him to come closer so she could ruffle his hair with her free arm.
"Stop exerting yourself, you’re gonna get more hurt," Jack hissed as she smacked him again. "Stop mothering me," she glared as he nodded and took that as his sign to shut up and get into the car, "I'm fine tho Lu, don't worry your little head about me," she grinned as he nodded and shut the door.
Quinn let out a loud laugh as he looked at the banged-up girl in the back seat, "you should've seen Jack when Luke came in, he jumped like five feet off of the couch," he laughed as she looked over to a pouty jack. "I was worried, I'm sorry I care," he whined and hid his face in his hands, feeling the girl press her lips to the side of his face to make up for the 'traumatizing' events.
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surielstea · 1 month
Too Sweet
Based on this request
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Pairing: Eris x Fem!Reader
Summary: Reader faces the mating bond with an unrelenting Eris
Warnings: Smut | Minors DNI | 18+ | P in V | riding | slight impact play | pet names (baby, love)
4.1k words
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The mating bond. It was an unmistakable notion, and I have it.
Ever since I was a girl I dreamed of my mate sweeping me off my feet and riding off into the sunset. I've been all over Prythian, from summer to winter, but, nothing.
Except now I have the mating bond, a golden string so thin I thought it might snap at any second. I have it, but not with anyone from Summer or Winter, nowhere exotic or far away, but here. My golden string connected to the newly crowned High Lord, the very embodiment of Autumn.
I've known Eris for years, ever since my family came into nobility I was hurled into golden ballrooms and etiquette classes I had no desire to be in.
All the other girls stared at me like I was too poor, too odd. And all of the boys, well no one wants to be friends with a boy from the Autumn Court.
But when I met Lucien Vanserra everything changed. My father was delighted to hear I was becoming close with the High Lord's son, often encouraging me to further get to know the family, and so I did, I even met the esteemed High Lord but he wasn't much to prattle on about.
But the Heir? Oh gods, to say I had a crush was an understatement. I loved Lucien and all but, his brother sure was the highlight of visiting the Forest House.
Any girl would've fallen for the cooler, older brother— but it was never just a crush, it was always something more, something I was never able to explain and now I know why. Soul bound, cauldron fated, mates.
Eris knew, he's known for a while now, and I could feel it.
The male was sitting on the sofa next to Lucien while I sat on the floor petting one of the Shadow Hounds. He and Lucien were just talking about anything, laughing with each other like the boys they never got to be. But Beron's dead and the new High Lord could do whatever he wanted. Including being happy.
Eris was playing with a two-month-old puppy, the dog prancing across Eris's lap and I don't know why but that was it, that's what made the bond snap.
I could physically see the golden string bridging between us, I reached for it and as soon as my fingertips came to contact with it he jolted upward, head whipping towards me with concern laced in his gaze. The puppy looks up at him expectantly, cocking his head in confusion as to why he stopped playing with him.
"You alright?" Lucien said, hand coming to his brother's shoulder. Eris shutters at the contact but his eyes don't leave mine. He arched his brow a fraction, silently asking what the hell it was that I just did to him. I touch the string again and a shiver goes down my spine. "I'm fine," Eris settled back into the couch. "It's cold in here, is all," Eris mutters but that's a lie, it was burning hot in the sitting room. The two men in front of me were like furnaces, not to mention the blazing fire in the hearth.
"I'm going to bed," I get up, Lucien's eyes follow me but Eris doesn't look. "You're packed to leave in the morning?" He asks and I nod. We've been visiting Autumn for more than a week now, originally coming down to celebrate Eris's coronation but that turned into a vacation quickly, but now I feel I've overstayed my welcome. "Mhm," I nod.
"You should get some sleep too, we've got a long trip home," I say and he nods. "Don't worry so much about me," He waves me off and I roll my eyes, feigning casualty when my stomach is twisting itself into knots impossible to untangle. "Night Lu," I press a kiss to the top of his head and he smiles up at me. "Night, Eris," I glance at him and he simply nods, not saying anything, barely looking at me.
I stifle a sigh and turn on my heel, walking down the hall towards my bedroom.
Haco, Eris's leading shadow hound followed me to my bedroom, trotting after me, and once I turn to close the door he sits in the doorway, looking up at me with pleading eyes. I huff and open the door wider. I swear the hound smiles as he welcomes himself into my bedroom.
I flop down onto my large bed with a curse. This mattress was too large for one person, something that was meant to be shared between lovers. "C'mere," I pat the comforter, calling Haco up. He jumps onto the bed, his tail swishing in happiness as I scratch behind his ears. He walks in a circle before settling down at my side, curling into a ball with his head facing the door, like he's guarding me from any intruders.
"Who's a good boy?" I hum and his ears lift at the tone of my voice, turning his head to look at me. "Tell that owner of yours he needs to figure himself out," I say, using the dog as my therapist. The hound looks at me with sad eyes then chuffs and rests his chin down onto my open palm. I sadly smile at the dog, kissing him on the head before laying beside him.
Sleep doesn't come easy that night, in fact, it doesn't come at all. I listened to the muffled voices from down the hall until the familiar sound of Lucien's footsteps passed my door and his door shut, turning in for the night.
Eris's room was on the other side of the large house, the High Lord's room. I look at the dog next to me, a light snore coming from his snout. I smile and press a kiss to his nose. He opens his eyes sleepily, looking at me expectantly as I slide off of my mattress. "I'll be back, stay," I tell him, and Haco whines with a wag of his tail. "Stay," I stress and if he was a human he'd be rolling his eyes. He lays his head down, signaling his defeat. I smile in victory then slip out of my room, light on my feet as I pad down the hall and into the kitchen.
I thank the gods that the two Vanserra brothers finally left the room, I've been parched for a glass of water since I had first gotten into bed.
I pour myself a glass and drink deeply from it, allowing the cold water to slip down my dry throat. Once I finish the glass I go to put it in the sink but as I do a basket of pears catches my attention. Eris and I had gone to the orchards on horses and picked them this morning while Lucien slept in. I freeze mid-step, reminded of how mates accept the bond, how it'd be so easy to offer Eris food and have that happily ever after I've wanted since I was a girl. I sigh and put the glass in the sink, ignoring the pears and walking past them, towards my room.
But my movements are slow like I don't quite want to leave the freshly harvested fruit behind.
I weigh the pros and cons in the middle of the hallway. The worst that would happen is he didn't accept it and I'm crushed forever, but the 'what if?' Thoughts killed me. Because what if he does want it, and just ignores it because he knows I hate this court? What if he does want it and is just afraid I don't?
I sigh, this was shredding me into pieces and I've only been enduring the bond for a few hours. Gods know how long he's known. I spin on my heel and march back towards the basket of pears. If he doesn't accept it then that's fine, I don't want to force him into anything. But I needed to know. I was sick of this miscommunication, I needed closure and this is the best way to get it.
I washed the ripest pear I could find, it smelled the sweetest and yielded when I put pressure on its neck. I debated cutting the pear into slices but decided that'd take too long and I was already trying to talk myself out of my plans.
I stalk down the opposite hall, away from my room. Mapping my way through the sprawling complex of the forest house until I stand in front of a large wooden door, my brows creasing as I realize he might already be asleep.
I think to turn away and do this in the morning instead but before I can even take a step back, Haco scratches at the door with his paw. I didn't even realize the hound was there. Anxiety bubbles up in the pit of my stomach as dread consumes me and I feel my throat get dry all over again. I don't get the chance to flee before the door swings open, revealing a shirtless Eris with a crystal glass filled with an unmistakable amber liquid. I freeze in place. His eyes pin to mine as if he's shocked to see me.
The hound that's caused all of this pads away, down the hall back towards my bedroom like his work is done.
"I thought you were going to sleep?" He tilts his head. "I am— I was," I correct, looking down at the pear in my hand and then back up to him. Suddenly I felt helpless. Like a bunny in the presence of a fox. Utterly vulnerable and far too heedless. "I wanted to give this to you," I held the fruit out, he stared at it for a moment with those piercing golden eyes, but he didn't take it. "A pear?" He tilts his head dumbly as if he's never seen the food before. I swallow thickly. "Eris, please," I say. I didn't want to play these games, I wanted him to accept the bond, want him to accept me.
"I know you know, so just..." My voice trails off as I thrust the pear out towards him and he shakes his head no, taking a step back and my heart sinks into the pit of my stomach. "Eris, please," I repeat, brows creased as I stare at him with pure devotion. "You don't want this, don't want me," He denies. "I've wanted this since I was nineteen," I reason with him and his eyes widen a fraction in disbelief. "You wouldn't be happy with me, I want you to be happy," He argues and now it was my turn to shake my head, my hand dropping as I took a step into his office.
"I'm cruel and bitter, you don't want to live with that," He stresses and I take another step forward, my chest nearly pressed to his as I reach up and cup his jaw. "I've seen every part of you, I want every part," I reassure but he backs away. "Fawn, you don't understand I can't tie you down, you hate this Court and yet I'm the High Lord," He explains. "If we're mated you'd have to live here, I won't strip you of your freedom, I can't do it," He refuses and my frown deepens.
"I hated it here when Beron was in power, but now there's nothing I have to worry about," I argue and his expression matches mine, clearly distraught about the situation. "I'm standing here offering you food, I wouldn't be doing this if it wasn't exactly what I wanted, so eat," I hold the fruit up to his mouth but he catches my wrist, eyes staying on me. "You're too sweet," He sighs but my expression doesn't waver, eyes urging him to eat.
His stare doesn't leave mine as he leans forward and bites into the sugary fruit, the juice of the pear drips from the corner of his mouth and down his jaw, and maybe it was the low lighting, or The Frenzy already setting in, but suddenly I couldn't control my arousal as it spiked.
"You sure this is what you want?" He whispers and I wrap my arms around his neck, chest pressing to his as I crash my lips onto his it was slow and soothing and everything I've ever dreamed of. "There's no going back now," I uttered breathlessly onto his lips. "But yes, this is exactly what I want," I confess and a small smile curves over his lips before placing them right back onto mine. The gentle, chaste kiss quickly morphed into something hungrier and lust-filled. His large, veiny hands roamed down the small of my back, past the curve of my ass and to my thighs. I jump up and he catches me with ease, my legs wrapping around him as I get impossibly closer.
His mouth on mine made every part of me electric. He walks forward until my back is pinned against the wall. He leaves my lips and begins kissing down the column of my throat, his kisses sloppy and feverish and everything I ever wanted. He finds that sensitive spot at my neck and sucks hard.
My head tilts back at the sensation, I whine and he nips at the skin, his tongue quickly gliding over the area, massaging the irritated area and soothing it. "Eris," I sigh out and he sucks harder. "You have no idea how long I've waited to hear you moan my name," He grunts out and his voice, gods the feeling between my legs was growing unbearable.
"I need you, now," I beg. "Please, Eris," I whine and a foxlike smile spreads over his features, his sharp teeth against my neck. "M'sorry baby but I need to take this slow or I'll hurt you," He hums against my burning hot skin. But the arousal, it was too much, too thick between us, I needed him. I rolled my hips onto his abdomen in a needy attempt for friction.
"I don't care, please, Eris," I whimper and his smile only widens. "I want every part of you, remember?" I sigh. "So show me when you’re feral, Eris," I say, pecking up his jaw. The room suddenly becomes ten times hotter as a fire bursts into flames in the furnace.
He didn't reply but instead pushed off the door and carried me towards the large bed.
The mattress was soft against my back as he laid me down with a delicate touch. My legs immediately spread to either side of him, the ache at my core growing to become an inextinguishable fire.
"Gods, you were made for me," He hums, leaning over me. I arch toward him because I was, in fact, made for him. Cauldron fated since the beginning, souls intertwined by birth. "And you, for me," I smile without hesitance as I pull him down by the back of his neck to my lips, sealing my mouth over his.
I hook a leg around his thigh and use all my weight to flip us over, my chest pressed into him as he lands on his back, head on the pillow as an amused smile grows across his features. I grin dreamily and begin to kiss down his jaw, leaving a trail to his neck while his touch roams every inch of me, hands snaking beneath my nightgown and hiking the thin silk up higher.
I grind down onto his hard cock and he grunts in reply, gritting his teeth at the pleasurable feeling. He gets frustrated with the strings of my delicate dress and simply tears it in two, large, strong hands stripping me from the material and leaving me completely bare before him, aside from my remaining undergarments. He curses and grips my breast, causing me to moan and grind down harder onto his member. He massaged my breast with calloused fingertips as I worked at the ties of his pants, needing him now.
He was quick to help me out, stripping me from my bra and then, like the dress, ripping off my panties.
A moment later we're both entirely bare.
My lips pressed to his yet again because he tasted like he smelled, cinnamon and a certain spice that could only be replicated with a mix of smoke and clove. His tongue ran over mine, tasting every exposed inch of me like I was as sweet as honey. I lift onto my knees and align myself with his throbbing cock, he grunts, pulling away from my mouth. "Baby, you can't," He pants in a soft tone. "It'll be too much you need to be prepped," He explains and I all but whine out my reply, "I can, please Eris I'll be so good for you."
"You gonna finish what you started?" His brow arched up the slightest in question and I nod with glossed over eyes. He then grips my hips and pushes me down, his cock splitting me in two as he manages to stuff half of him inside of me. I scream out from the painful pleasure, nails scratching down his chest at the intense feeling of his wide, thick cock spreading me out, my sensitive walls forming around him as I slowly sink myself further down, letting gravity do most of the work until I eventually reach the base of him.
Tears well in my eyes at how gods dammed big he was, I swore I could feel him between my ribs. I stifle a deep breath and slowly begin to grind down, my legs jolting occasionally at the stimulation. His hands roamed from my breasts to my thighs, rough skin brushing over every part of me for pleasure alone and I was drunk on it.
I began moving faster, lifting and driving my hips over his while he stared up at me with pure lust. "S'too big," I rasp out, and a conniving smirk cuts across his features. "My poor girl, can only think about my cock hm?" He tilts his head and all I can do is nod, agreeing just in case he'd make me stop if I didn't. My panting becomes more and more irregular, breathless moans escaping me every time the head of his cock kisses that intense, sensitive spot of my cervix. By the Mother, he's so fucking huge.
A knot bundles at the edge of my stomach, twining itself tighter and tighter as I rut myself over him.
His hand drifts to my ass, gripping it tightly in one of his hands while the other does the same to my hip. "Fuck, you're doing so well riding me baby," He praises and my cheeks heat, from both the heat of the room and the vulnerability of all of this. Baring my very soul to him, giving him my body, him, my mate.
"Faster baby," He orders, and I do as he says to the best of my abilities, he slaps my ass, hard, and I release an unearthly and lewd sound at the feeling, making me go double the speed. "That's it, so good for me," He commends and a dazed smile washes over my features, the knot growing stronger and harder to ignore.
"M’close, Eris," I warn and he nods. "It's okay, me too baby," He reassured and right on queue he twitches inside of me, the slight curve of his cock pressing into my most sensitive place deliciously. His hand navigates all the way up to my neck, wrapping around the back of it then pulling me down to his lips, softly pressing my mouth into his as I continue to spear myself atop him, breasts bouncing at the action as he continued to grip one of them.
"Cum on my cock," He orders, pulling away as he bit down on my lower lip and I whimper, tears now streaming onto my cheeks. My brows crease as my entire body shivers and I feel an electric surge race through me, finally reaching that orgasmic high, subconsciously clenching around him at the sensation and involuntarily making him find his own release. He grunted out as I screamed his name, nails marking lines down his chest as I milk his cock, his warm seed pumping inside of me as the fire in the hearth roared with intensity.
The room is filled with heavy panting and soft groaning as we both come down from our shared high, my legs shaking and my head dipping into his shoulder.
"Fuck, you did so good baby," He sighs out, going to move me off of him but I shake my head and cling to his chest, his member still nestled deep inside of me, holding his cum in. "Not yet," I whispered tiredly. "Wanna stay like this," I hum and his arms wrap tightly around my waist, my chest pressed to his as the fire slowly dwindles. "You're so perfect," He presses a hard kiss to the crown of my head and I furrow deeper into his shoulder.
"My sweet girl," He hums and the new name has my chest blooming in warmth.
I shift my hips, his cock brushing against my sensitive walls and making me shiver. Only then did his member begin to harden again, and I knew then that with his Fae endurance and my arousal, that it was going to be a long night.
"Eris I know she's in there open up!" Lucien calls through the door as I stir from my sleep, slowly waking up from my short-lived sleep. "You woke her up, asshole!" Eris shouts back, holding me close to his chest as if Lucien was about to burst in through the High Lord's door at any moment.
"Then tell her we have to leave," Lucien demands through the door as I peek my eyes open. "You couldn't pry her from my dead body," Eris retorts and I can practically see Lucien rolling his eyes on the other side of that door. "Eris maybe I should go—" I don't even get to finish my sentence before he pulls me into him, my face smushed into his shoulder.
"Oh my sweet girl, you're foolish to think you're leaving my side for the rest of the week," He hums and I pull away from his shoulder and look up at him. "I was going to say maybe I should go tell him I'm not coming with," I say, planning on staying at his side for more than just a week. "Oh, okay," He murmurs, arms loosening from my waist and I giggle, getting out of the bed and pulling Eris' shirt from the desk chair and sliding it over my frame so I was decently covered before facing Lucien.
Before I can open the door, my mate appears behind me, his arms wrapping around my waist possessively. I hold back a scoff and swing the door open, meeting a very disgruntled Lucien with my packed bag in his arms.
"I'm not coming," I say blankly and he matches my stare. "I know," He hands me my bag and I thank him with a wide smile. Eris' arms tighten at the action, his head dipping down into my shoulder as he begins to trail kisses up my neck.
"This, it's weird," He gestures to us and I giggle, hand coming up to the nape of Eris's neck. "Alright, have fun lovebirds," Lucien knocks on the wood of the doorframe as a farewell, then he leans in to place a kiss on the crown of my head like he does every time we bid each other a farewell but he freezes as a low growl sounds from the bottom of the High Lord's throat.
"Right, see you soon, hopefully," He says then walks down the hall, Eris quickly shuts the door once he's gone then pushes me up against it, my cheek pressed to the cold wood as his hardened member presses against my ass. "You look so cute in my clothes," He purrs, kissing up my jaw to my ear, nipping at my lobe, and making me curse in pleasure. I knew then it was going to be a long, yet enjoyable week.
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General Taglist: @fxckmiup @olive-main @iluvyewman-blog @gaymistakeboi @glitterypirateduck @amara-moonlight @impossibelle @fauxdette @going-through-shit @glam-targaryen @cauldronboilme27 @sarawritestories @tele86 @rogerbarnesxx @azriels-shadowsinger @stinkinstuffie @sandramalikstyles-blog @sassyangel16 @lilah-asteria @starsinyourseyes @inloveallthetime @melsunshine @nighttimemoonlover @ireallywannasleep127 @cumuluscranium @adharanotfound @azrielsmate3 @aelincaddel @hiddlestonspassionsackx
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the-froschamethyst4 · 3 months
𖤐Pairing: Husband! Ghost x Wife! Reader
𖤐Pronouns: She/Her
𖤐Warnings: fluff, language, kissing, married couple, children, more use of Simon than Ghost, protective Simon, a worried and caring mother,
𖤐Summary: Y/n and Simon’s daughter Luna is having a hard time being able to see, in school her teacher notices a few signs and has a talk with the parents to discuss about possible glasses for the child
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“Mr. and Mrs. Riley, please come in,” Luna’s 3rd grade teacher Mrs. Anderson has called both Y/n and Simon to the school to talk to them about their daughter.
“Is everything okay with Luna?” Y/n asked, nervously.
“Oh yes, she is doing just fine, grades are amazing but ummm~ I wanted to talk about her writing…”
“What’s wrong with her writing?” Simon asks.
“Oh it’s nothing bad but we usually have our annual spelling bee on Fridays and well. I’ve noticed that her handwriting it’s a bit…odd.”
“How odd?” Simon sounded offended.
“Oh no I understand how that may sound but I mean it in no disrespect Mr.Riley…well…here this was from Luna’s test last week…I have a hard time grading it because of the poorly written handwriting.”
“I see,” Y/n says examining her daughter’s work.
“I mean I could read it but it was hard for to notice if she spelled it right or not…I’ve also picked up on how she writes…she writes with her face very close to the paper to be able to see…does she have glasses or anything?”
“No, we were never told that she may need them.” Y/n places her hand on Simon’s. “Luna’s last check up with the doctor was just a month ago and he never said anything.”
"Could we just see if she needs them? I don't want her falling behind or struggling later on."
"Of course," Y/n says.
"What the hell does that teacher know," Simon and Y/n walked hand-and-hand down the hall.
"Simon, don't cuss in a school," Y/n warns him.
"Shouldn't we know what's best for Luna?"
"Simon, if she's saying she's worried we have to take that into consideration, I'll take her to the optometrist Saturday and we'll see," Y/n says.
As they walked to the front office they saw Luna, she sat in a dark blue chair looking at a poster on the wall, she squints her eyes like she was trying to see. Y/n's heart clenches in her chest knowing the teacher maybe right.
"Luna," Y/n coos for her daughter. She looks at Y/n and Simon getting off the chair and running to them both.
Luna sat in her car seat humming the song that was playing as Y/n pulled into a parking lot.
"Mama, where are we?"
"We are at the doctors."
"The doctor?" Luna hated the doctor like every child does.
"Just an eye doctor baby," Y/n gets out of the car and comes around unbuckling her daughter. She places her on the ground and Luna grabs Y/n's hand as they walked through the doctors door.
Almost immediately they were greeted by a young lady from behind the desk.
"Hi, I had made an appointment with Doctor Avery."
"Luna Riley?"
"Yes," Y/n says.
"Ok, follow me," the lady gave Y/n some paper work to fill out as Luna saw some glasses. She walks up to them and picked up a small light pink pair.
"Careful with them, baby," Y/n says as Luna just put them back and sat next to her mom.
"Mama, why are we here?"
"Your teacher, Mrs. Anderson says you are having a hard time seeing, she moved you up to the front because you told her that you couldn't see from the back seat."
"Yeah," Luna says, looking over her moms arm and seeing her fill out the paperwork. "I can see mama."
"Luna, how many finger am I holding up?" Luna is holding up 4 fingers.
"4, baby."
"I was close."
"Yeah, but you need some baby, who knows maybe you just need them to read and not for distance," Y/n says.
"Luna Riley?" Y/n stood up grabbing her purse and waiting for Luna to take Y/n's hand.
"Luna Riley," Y/n repeats.
"Follow me," the man says with a soft smile. They walk to a back room and Y/n places Luna on a chair with paper on it.
"Okay, Luna have you ever had glasses before?"
"No," Luna says and shakes her head.
"Alright, that's okay," he says. "Mom you had wrote down that she can see far away but it's mainly close up, right?"
"Correct," Y/n says.
Okay, now, Luna I am going to run some tests on you, and ask some questions, okay?"
"Okay." Luna was nervous, she's never been here and it's a different and new environment she's not use to.
"When you look at things close up, do you get headaches?"
"Sometimes," Luna says.
"Are they bad headaches where you close your eyes?" Luna nods.
"Do you get cloudy vision?" Luna shakes her head.
"It's like...fuzzy," Luna says. Doctor Avery kept asking Luna and Y/n questions, and then Doctor Avery had move onto the tests.
Shining a light in her eyes to see her pupils delight, and making her follow the light and also making her seeing if she could see certain letters.
"Can you read the bottom line for me?"
"It's blurry, I can't see it."
"Okay, that's fine. What about this line?"
"Can't see it." The lines kept getting bigger and bigger till Luna was finally able to read the line. "B...F...E...Z...O?"
"Okay, good, here...Luna can you read me the third row?"
"F...E...Z...A? T."
"Okay, okay, good," Doctor Avery then gave her some weird looking glasses. Adjusting them to see if Luna could see clearly with a certain lens over her eyes.
"Okay, Luna tell me if lens A or lens B is better."
"Okay...lens B or lens C?"
"Alright, lens C or lens D?"
The test went on for a little bit as Doctor Avery listened to Luna and what she could and could not see. As Doctor Avery took notes for Luna and what proper lens she will need.
Now it was time for Luna to start her glasses picking. Luna sat at the small wooden table with glasses spread out in front of her. Some bright and colorful and other dark colors.
She picks up the small light pinks one from earlier. She puts them on and looks in the small mirror in front of her and turned behind her looking up at Y/n.
"Mama, what about these?"
"They look so cute on you, baby," she smiles as she bends down, her hand on Luna's back and the other resting on the table helping Luna decide which ones she wanted.
"How many do I get mama?"
"Two pairs."
"I want the pink and yellow," Luna says.
"Alright, we will get the lens in them and by Monday they should be good, would like us to mail them or would you like to come and pick them up?"
"Pick them up should be good," Y/n says as Doctor Avery took the pink and yellow pair to the back.
Simon sat at the kitchen counter with Luna, she was trying to read but had a hard time.
"Luna, baby don't hurt yourself, go take a break," Y/n says as Luna closed to the book, hopping off the stool and going to play with her toys.
"When do those glasses come in?" Simon asked.
"Tomorrow, which reminds me, could you take her? I have a meeting tomorrow."
"Sure, my love," Simon says, walking to Y/n and kissing her lips.
Simon had picked up Luna after school, and immediately took her back to the eye doctor. Simon held Luna on his hip and walked through the door.
Luna smiles and they walk to the counter.
"Hi," Simon's deep voice booms.
"Oh, hello, sir, how can I help you?"
"I have an order to pick up."
"Yes of course, name?"
"Luna Riley." Simon then places Luna on the counter as the girl gets the glasses and places them on Luna's face.
"Do they need to be readjusted?"
"Yes," Luna says, taking the glasses off.
"Are the lens alright?"
"Yes," Luna then looks at Simon. Simon smiles at his daughter. "I can see you daddy," she says, which just melts Simon's heart to hear that from his daughter.
"I'm glad, baby," Simon says, cupping her face and kissing her forehead. "Thank you."
"Of course, have a good day," the lady smiles as Simon took his daughter back home.
"MAMA! MAMA! LOOK AT MY GLASSES!!" Luna yells excitedly as she runs into the house.
"Oh my baby, can you finally see?"
"Yeah, mama you have a pretty face," Luna places her hands on her moms face making Y/n's heart clench in her chest and she kisses Luna's cheek making her laugh.
Going to school the next day, Luna was nervous what the kids in her class will think. Luna sits in her chair in front of the class and some kids saw her glasses and went up to her to see them.
You'd think these kids have never seen someone with glasses before from how they acted.
"Luna are those new?"
"Can I see them?"
"Can I wear them?"
"How many fingers am I holding up?"
"Can you read?"
The questions kept coming and Luna would answer the best she could, none of the kids were being mean, they were just being like curious little kids, asking questions.
"Luna, I see you have glasses now," Mrs. Anderson bent down to Luna's level. She's glad Y/n and Simon took her advice that Luna may need glasses, most parents would have ignored Mrs. Anderson's advice.
"Yeah, I can see now," Luna says with a smile.
The whole day was Luna just being happy she could properly see now, Mrs. Anderson was going over the new spelling words for Friday.
Luna was excited that she could see and when going home, she told Simon about her day and how she was able to finally enjoy quiet reading time at school because she could see.
Luna use to not read during reading time because she couldn't see the words and her face would be shoved deep into the book, but now it was away from her face and she could read the words just fine.
"I'm glad you had a good day, baby."
"Me too, daddy." Luna says with a smile on her face as she ate her snack in the back of Simon's truck and drinking her bug juice (y'all remember those?)
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0-animelover-0 · 5 months
Summary: So'lek was protective before but now that his little mate is pregnant, he grown even more protective.
(So'lek x Human!Reader)
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Warnings: pregnancy, possessiveness, fear of losing child, mentions of birth
kelku = home
ma'tìyawn = my love
Angstik = The hammerhead titanothere
Tulkun = large marine species native to the oceans of Pandora
Nga yawne lu oer, ma little tsamsiyu = I love you my little warrior
You think So'lek was protective before but as soon as he found out that you were pregnant with his child he became 10X more protective. He always has his hands on your waist or stomach. He also refuses that you go places alone.
One day So'lek arouse from his sleep and you weren't next to him. Panicking, he got up and grabbed his bow. He ran out only to be met with you laying in the hammock just outside of the kelku. Sighing in relief, he leaned his bow against the entrance and walked over. “Good morning, ma'tìyawn.”
You looked at him from the hammock and smiled. "Good morning."
You could see that some of the worry still remained on So'lek's face as he looked at you. He walked into the hammock and got in next to you, wrapping his arms around you holding your pregnant belly protectively. "Don't scare me like that again."
You can notice that as he is breathing in the smell of you, he seems relieved that you are still alright and not in line of potential danger.
You smiled at the way his tension left his shoulders. He sighed as you put a hand over his that rested on your rounded stomach. "I'm sorry, I just thought sunlight would be nice."
He looked up at you with a warm smile on his face as you placed your hand over his. His ears and tail flinched at the sun's bright light that broke through the leaves over head. "It is, but I do not want to lose you. Not now with the new life you are carrying within you."
You chuckled softly, honestly finding his words amusing. "Ma So'lek, I am only a few feet away from the kelku. I will be alright."
He groaned in annoyance as he was beginning to get annoyed with your playful attitude towards his overprotectiveness. "I know that you would be but I do not want to take the risk. You are not only my mate but you are the mother of my child. I will not take any chances whatsoever."
His ears continued to twitch at the sound of his own words.
You knew you couldn't change his mind on it, once his mind was set, he was determined. Like a stubborn Angstik. "I know."
He looked down at you with his pretty green eyes. Even if he is trying to be stern with you he is still having a hard time fighting back the urge to pull you close and hug you. He takes a deep breathe before he finally speaks to you in a gentle yet firm tone. "Please do not go far from the kelku from now on until you give birth."
You fingers intertwined with his. You knew you couldn't promise anything like that. You would loose your mind and become restless. Your lips touched his cheek and then kissed along his jawline. "You know I can't promise that."
He growled in annoyance at the thought of you not keeping the promise he requested from you. He also grumbled at the thought of other Na'vi men seeing you outside of his protection. He was starting to get possessive.
"Why not? Your health and my child is at risk the further you go from the kelku. What reason could you possibly have to go far away from here?"
"I have people and duties in Hometree. You know that." You told him with your gentle tone of voice.
So'lek thought for a moment about what you said. It was true that you did have responsibilities and people to look after back at Hometree but he couldn't fight this protective instinct anymore. He was already too worried and anxious about losing you and the unborn child.
"Then I will be coming with you. I don't want to lose you or our child. I will protect you and keep you close to me."
You smiled at his decree. At least you wouldn't be cooped up at your home. "Alright, I have no objections."
He let out a relieved groan and pulled you closer to him. He wrapped his arms around you tightly. This made him feel so much better now that he knows that he can still keep an eye on you while you attend to those matters at Hometree.
"It's settled then. I will make sure to keep a close eye on you and keep you safe from any danger."
A few minutes passed and you slowly stroked your big stomach that would soon hopefully birth a strong child for your mate. "How much longer do you think?"
So'lek looked down at you and took note of how big your stomach had gotten. This baby must be growing at an extraordinary rate. He has never seen a woman get pregnant this quickly before. He also could only imagine how much you were uncomfortable dealing with all this change in your body.
"We are approaching the 8th month so this baby will grow much quicker. I predict that it will be born in less than two months."
You sighed and laid your head on his chest. "Oh thank goodness." Carrying his child felt...uncomfortable on your body to say the least.
He rubbed your head while looking down at you. His eyes were filled with love and relief as he thought about how soon you will be able to give birth. The thought of the baby being born also made him have all sorts of thoughts like how much of you was in the baby and how much of him was in the baby.
"How do you feel? Is the pregnancy getting too uncomfortable for you?"
You nodded and shifted in the hammock to be more comfortable. "It feels very uncomfortable. I think the baby is going to take after you the most. I feel like a Tulkun."
So'lek felt his ego inflate at the statement that your child would be taking after him. However, he didn't like that you were experiencing major discomfort from the pregnancy. This really showed him just how much this pregnancy was taking a toll on you. He continued to rub your head as he spoke.
"I will tell you a secret ma'yawne. When I was young I was a very loud child. Perhaps our baby will be as well."
You groaned and rolled your eyes. "Just what I need, a rambunctious child. AND a baby on top of that." you teased. You only meant it half jokingly of course.
He scoffed at the comment but didn't seem to mind it at all. If anything, the thought of having an energetic child to take care of with you is something he actually looks forward to. However, the thought of having a rambunctious child is also going to make him an overprotective father.
"Well you mated with me didn't you?" So'lek chuckled in his raspy voice as he ran a four fingered hand down your arm. "So it is only fate for our child to have our personalities."
You smiled at his first statement. You did mate with him, and you'd never regret it. You nuzzled into his side, your hand caressing his chest. Your fingers gently traced patterns on his blue skin. After a minute of silence, you spoke up with a request. "Rub my stomach again? It felt good."
He didn't have to be asked twice. As soon as you asked, he pulled you closer and started to massage and caress your belly. In this position, he could really feel how big you were getting. The thought of his baby being inside you was making him feel excited yet nervous for the day that you will give birth.
He put a feather-light kiss to your temple and hummed as he traced circles on your soft skin. "I promise to be a good father to our child. Nga yawne lu oer, ma little tsamsiyu."
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gooperts-gunk · 4 months
i saw someone on twitter writing qsmp names in korean and im trying so hard not to be bothered i know they have good intentions but it was just so wrong in parts so instead here's how qsmp names would be written in korean BY THE SOUND not how they're written. note that i am not korean nor on the korean side of qsmptwt but as a casual kpoppie it's a rite of passage to learn hangul and try to learn korean at one point therefore though i am not a trusted source i do know the basics of the phonetics LUL
alphabetical order & categorized!
get ready for me to infodump on mouth sounds
update from the morning after this post: fixed/optimized some!!!
english speaking creators:
badboyhalo: 밷보이헤이로 (baed-bo-i-he-i-ro/lo) i infer it'd be easier to just call him 헤이로 out of every part of him name please let's halo-truth bbh. the 헤이 slurs into the "hey/hei" sound, very little accentuation on the just one part, it works as one!!
dantdm: 단티디엠 or 댄티디엠 (dan-ti-di-em, daen-ti-di-em) i've heard both pronunciations for the name dan, it's a matter of preference here! EDIT: also possibly 댼 instead which is also daen but like, not really? but also they're really similar? and i don't know how to hear the difference but there is one and nevermind don't worry about it man
fit: 피트 (pi-teu) directly would be 핕 but that's just a tricky one it's bound to have a soft ㅡ sound following
foolish: 푸리쓰 or 푸리쌰? (pu-ri/li-sseu, pu-ri/li-ssya) THIS ONE IS TRICKY if it does go 쌰 it's be a soft one, but more likely 쓰 EDIT: IS IT 풀리쎠 (peul-ri-ssyeo) ?!?!?!? IM STILL ON THIS FOOLISH IS SO TOUGH TO PUT INTO HANGUL IM NOT GONNA BE OVER IT
ironmouse: 아이욘마우스 or 아이룐마우스 (a-i-yon-ma-u-seu, a-i-ryon/lyon-ma-u-seu) this one feels tit for tat, same same, just a minor difference in accentuating the r in iron or not! EDIT: could also be 아이런 (a-i-reon) or 아이론 (a-i-ron) !!!
jaiden: 제이든 (je-i-deun) no notes very easy and straightforward one
lenay: 르네이 (reu/leu-ne-i) same with jaiden's!
nihachu / niki: 니하추 or 니아추, 니키 (ni-ha-chu, ni-a-chu, ni-ki) another same same thing with ni-HA or ni-A, just depends on accentuation or not! the 추 may possibly be said as 츄 instead, but im unsure of which
philza: 피르쟈, 피르 (pi-reu/leu-jya, pi-reu/leu) no notes, straightforward! as you will come to notice, f's usually translate to ㅍ's, and z's usually translate to ㅈ's!
quackity: 콰키티 (kua/kwa-ki-ti) no notes! i heard like months back that quackity's korean fandom endearingly calls him 키티 i think?? fun fact i remembered :)
slimecicle / charlie: 스라임씨컬, 챨이 (seu-ra/la-im-ssi-keol/keor, chyal/chyar-i) wow okay so how do you write charlie in korean because i KNOW there's no way it's 챠르리 (chya-reu-ri) my tongue is tripping over the 르리, it has to be 챨이, or 챠리, or 챨리 right??? okay the more i think the more 챨리 (chyal-li) sounds right ok everyone go home i think it's 챨리 LUL
tinakitten / tina: 티나키던, 티나 (ti-na-ki-deon, ti-na) no notes! straightforward!
tubbo: 터뽀 (teo-bbo) no notes! but also i feel like there's other ways to write it that im just not convinced are correct LUL
wilbur soot: 윌버 쑽 (wil/wir-beo ssut) no notes!
spanish speaking creators:
carre: 카레 (ka-re) no notes!
elmariana: 에르마리아나 or 엘마리아나 (e-reu/leu-ma-ri/li-a-na, el-ma-ri-a-na) the reason why i included 에르 alongside 엘 is because it ends up sounding like "ed", the L/R sound in korean is in that same range and when said fast or cut abruptly like 엘, it sounds like a D, if not for context :) so 엘 COULD work! but it'd be hard to recognize it as an L/R sound without some extra space made for the sound. this is also relevant for elquackity!
german: 헤르만 or 헬만 (he-reu/leu-man, her/hel-man) same thing as last note applies here! it'd sound like HED-man more than HER-man but, still, could work!
luzu, arin: 루쥬 or 루주, 아린 (ru/lu-jyu, ru/lu-ju, a-rin/lin) no notes! i see luzu more said with the 쥬 sound instinctively but it's one of those either or i think EDIT: if it were the spain pronunciation i think it'd be 루튜 (lu-tyu) or 루뜌 (lu-ddyu) ??? the thhh sound doesn't exist in korean but this is the closest it gets i think
maximus, maxo: 맠수머스, 맠서 (mak-su-meo-seu, mak-seo) okay at this point my brain is mush and im sure there's a better way to write this but it's a tricky one. the 맠 could also be 막 (mag) but im unsure where in the mouth the difference is between 맠 and 막, because hangul is very mouth oriented, it's allll about tongue placement, and i am SO not on that X_X EDIT: i change my mind it's 막 for maximus but 맠서 is fine i think idk how to explain is just is. also alternate pronunciationfor maximus: 막씨머스 (mag-ssi-meo-seu)
missa sinfonia: 미싸 씬퍼냐 (mi-ssa ssin-peo-nya) yeah that seems about right (my brain is melting everything is hangul) no notes! EDIT: ok but IS it possibly 미사 (mi-sa)??? im doubting myself here
polispol, pol: 폴에쓰폴, 폴 (pol-e-sseu-pol, pol) no notes!
rivers: 리버스 (ri/li-beo-seu) no notes!
roier: 로이예 or 로이옐 (ro/lo-i-ye, ro/lo-i-yer/yel) this is one of those scenarios where an abrupt L/R sound works just fine! don't know how to explain it! but it just works!
rubius: 루비어스 (ru-bi-eo-seu) no notes!
spreen: 스프린 (seu-peu-rin) no notes!
vegetta: 베헷따 (be-het-dda) okay i don't know how to explain but tonalities of how you say vegetta in spanish make me think 베 and that the tta would be equal to the sharpness of 따 stick with me here i've been doing hangul names for so long now i can't see the end of the horizon EDIT: for some reason im changing my mind it might be 페헷따 (pe-het-dda)
willyrex, willy: 위리렉스, 위리 (wi-ri-reg-seu, wi-ri) okay again idk how to explain but the reason why ㄱ and not ㅋ is because it just feels like it instinctively, like that's a deep ㄱ abrubt stop, not a high ㅋ abrupt stop. im losing my marbles
portuguese speaking creators:
bagi: 바지 (ba-ji) no notes!
cellbit: 셀비트 (sel-bi-teu) guys this is getting hard. yes it's somehow sel and not se-leu. yes it's bi-teu and somehow not bit. if it were bit it'd be missing the aftermath TCH sound and i think it sounds good with it. the sel has space to breathe and isn't abrupt. stay with me. we're almost done EDIT: fellow hangul enjoyer anon in ask box said 셀빛 (sel-bich/bit) or 셀비츠 (sel-bi-cheu) if with the accent, i like these, ur getting put on the fridge with the best magnets. 빛 is a fun one because it sounds pretty much the same to 빝 or 빗, all end in the same stop of the tongue going to the roof of the mouth, but 빛 in particular means "light" and i think that's nice :)
felps: 펠릅스 (pel-reub-seu) holy moly i didn't expect this to be a tongue twister but i think i nailed it
mike: 마이크 or 마이키 (ma-i-keu, ma-i-ki) i've heard mike being called mikey so i included it for fun because there's been so much hardship. so so much. we're in this together.
pac: 팩 or 패크 (paeg, pae-keu) paeg and not paek because it's just a more throat based sound to say pac idk man. pae-keu is a hypothetical im losing it man i don't know anything anymore EDIT: okay i change my mind it's definitely 패크 over 팩 im so loopy from hyperfocus overload man EDIT EDIT: i can also see 팍 (pak) being used though that isn't how it sounds for us, i can see someone saying it that way in korean if they were to read it before hearing it and then go from there
french speaking creators:
antoine daniel: 안투완 단옐 (an-tu-wan dan-yel) in french the a's are long so 단 over 댄 is a guaranteed. the yel could be accentuated more but you get the point by now
aypierre: when french accent, 아이피에히, when english accent, 에이피에어 (a-i-pi-e-hi, e-i-pi-e-eo) (thank u anon for contributing 피에어 that makes much more sense)
baghera jones: one way is 바게라 전스 the other is 바길라 전스 (ba-ge-ra jeon-seu, ba-gil/gir-ra jeon-seu) a baGERa or bagEARa dilemma.....
etoiles: 에투왈 (e-tu-wal/war) no notes!
kameto: 카메토 (ka-me-to) no notes!
THERE!!!! IT'S DONE!!!! this was hard but i feel like i got most right. and when im wrong let's just say this was just hangul practice and not serious right guys, just practice round, right??? we don't take me so serious, right??? just stick fight with totem??? if you know korean especially the phonetics better than me which is NOT a high bar at all, you can step over that bar EASY, tell me a better way to write these thank u! smile :)
bonus round coming at you live from the morning after!!! some others that i thought "yeah let's include you"
im gonna be working on this on and off all day i think so don't be scared if someone isn't here chances are brain is doing something else but will add it later :)
cucurucho: 쿠쿠루쵸 (ku-ku-ru/lu-chyo) no notes!
walter bob: 월터 법 (weol/weor-teo beob) could also be 봅 (bob)
chayanne: 챠얀 (chya-yan) or 차얀 (cha-yan) no notes!
tallulah: 타룰라 (ta-lul-la) no notes!
ramon: 라몬 (ra-mon) or if you're pac you say 하몬 (ha-mon) heehee :)
dapper: 답퍼 (dab-peo) or possibly 답뻐 (dab-bbeo) but im not so sure about that one
leo / leonardo / leonarda: if you speak english it's 리오 (li-o) if you speak spanish it's 레오 (le-o), then add on 날도 (nar/nal-do) or 날다 (nar/nal-da) :)
richarlyson / richas: 리찰리손, 리차스 (ri-chal/char-li-son, ri-cha-seu) no notes!
pomme: 펌 (peom) or 폼 (pom) both work here!
trump: 트람프 or 트럼프, to make it trumpet change the 프 to 펫 (pet/ped)
tilin: 티린 (ti-lin/rin) no notes!
juanaflippa: 환나프리파 (hwan/huan-na-peu-li-pa)
bobby: 법비 (beob-bi) or 봅비 (bob-bi) both work here!
empanada: 엠파나다 (em-pa-na-da) no notes!
pepito: 페피토 (pe-pi-to) no notes!
sunny(sideup): 선니사읻엎 (seon-ni-sa-id-eop) this one works nicely because the 읻 bleeds into the 엎 and sounds like it's one full iddeop :) this one is an ending in ㅍ not ㅂ moment but i don't know how to explain why
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writer-freak · 1 month
Stealing his shirt | Lucifer x Gn reader
Summary: You and Lucifer planned a day to just relax together but he had to leave spontaneously. When he came back he saw that you stole one of his shirts, and he likes seeing you in it.
Warnings: Fluff, some suggestiveness at the end, reader wears one of Lucifers shirts, but it's not explicitly described how it fits reader, Lucifer just loving you, English isn't my first language
A/n: I really noticed now how terrible I am at coming up with titles for my fics. But yeah I wanted to just write a little scenario about stealing his shirt but somehow I ended up with this. Hope you guys enjoy.
Comments, likes and reblogs are always appreciated and really motivate me to write more <3
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You and Lucifer had planned a rare relaxation day, just the two of you, away from everything else going on around you. Snacks were scattered on the coffee table, a mix of both your and Lucifer's favorites as you lounged comfortably on the couch.
"I must say, darling, your taste in snacks is great but I still think mine is superior." Lucifer remarked with a grin, popping a piece of candy into his mouth as he leaned back against the cushions, his arm draped around your shoulders casually.
You chuckled while leaned into Lucifer's side. "Well, I believe I have a knack for picking the best, but now I have a feeling I made a mistake."
Lucifer raised an eyebrow, a playful glint in his eyes. "Oh, is that so? Should I be worried about my standing in your 'best picks' list?" he teased back, a smirk forming on his lips as he pretended to look concerned.
You laughed, shaking your head. "Oh, you're still in the top rankings, don't worry. But I think your pride is knocking you down a few pegs," you replied, poking fun at his ego light-heartedly.
You tried getting up, wanting to tease him a little further, but you weren't able to get far.
"Oh no, you are not leaving," Lucifer said, wrapping his arms around your waist and pulling you down onto his lap. You tried freeing yourself but Lucifer tightened his arms around you, a playful glint in his eyes. "Oh, trying to escape my impeccable charm already, are we?" he quipped, pretending to be offended as he held you firmly in place.
"Let me go, Lu!" you protested, laughing as he started to tickle you.
"You are not escaping me, my love," Lucifer teased, his fingers tickling along your sides until you finally tapped out. "Okay okay, I give up, you win!" you said, breathless from laughter as Lucifer grinned triumphantly.
You tried catching your breath before, you settled back down next to Lucifer. Just as he reached for the remote, his phone buzzed with an incoming call, interrupting you two.
Lucifer glanced at the screen with a slight frown. "It's probably just some mundane matter," he muttered, moving to decline the call.
Raising an eyebrow, you suggested "You should at least check Lu, it might be important."
With a reluctant sigh, Lucifer nodded and took the call, his expression shifting from annoyance to seriousness as he listened.
"I understand. I'll be there shortly," Lucifer said before ending the call. Turning to you, he offered an apologetic smile. "I'm so sorry love, duty calls."
You smiled back, while trying to mask your disappointment. "It's alright, Lucifer. I know you have many responsibilities."
Lucifer leaned in to place a gentle kiss on your forehead. "I promise to be back as soon as possible. You can stay here in the meantime if you want?" he suggested.
You nodded, a soft smile tugging at your lips. "I'm just going to watch a movie without you," you replied.
Lucifer smiled at you before changing out of his comfortable clothes and leaving the suite.
With a sigh, you leaned your head back against Lucifer's giant couch, a bit disappointed that your boyfriend had to leave. Not knowing what to do with yourself, you thought about what you could do in the meantime to keep yourself busy. 
You wanted to take a shower later today, but since you have some time on your hands, you could just do it right now.
You didn't have a change of clothes but that didn't really bother you as you walked into Lucifer's bedroom to go into the connecting bathroom, but your eyes drifted and landed on the wardrobe.
Your curiosity was piqued, and you walked over and began browsing through his clothes. You have borrowed one of Lucifer's shirts before when you slept over, but you never really looked through all his clothing. He has a lot of ducky motive items and eventually, you choose one of the more casual shirts that he wears at home with a little duck on it.
With some new clothes, you went into the shower, relaxing and killing some time until Lucifer's back. When you got out you dried yourself off and slipped into the shirt, you couldn't help but take in its familiar scent, which comforted you as you went back to lounge in his suite. You flipped through some channels until you finally found something watchable, and then the door opened, announcing Lucifer's return.
"Well, well, what do we have here?" Lucifer's tone was playful, a smirk on his lips as he took in the sight of you wearing his shirt.
You sat up, looking over at Lucifer with a smile. "Oh, Lucifer! I didn't expect you to be back so early," you said casually, not acknowledging that you had taken one of his shirts.
Lucifer chuckled, crossing the room to stand before you. "I must say, you have excellent taste," he remarked, his gaze lingering on your new top.
You couldn't help but smile innocently at him. "It's quite comfy," you admitted, tugging at the shirt for emphasis.
"Comfy and charming," Lucifer added, his eyes sparkling with amusement. "I might have to start giving you my shirts more often."
After changing into more comfortable clothes, Lucifer returned to the couch, plopping down next to you. "I think you look better in them than me I have to admit, maybe you should always wear them." he teased, his tone a bit suggestive.
You chuckled softly. "Oh, is that an invitation, Lucifer? Because I definitely wouldn't mind having a collection of your shirts," you teased back, leaning against the couch cushions with a playful expression.
Lucifer's smirk widened, his gaze lingering on you in a way that made your heart race a bit faster. "Consider this one a reward for having such impeccable taste." he purred, his voice low and seductive.
A playful glint danced in your eyes as you raised an eyebrow. "And what would I have to do to earn more of these rewards Lucifer?" you asked teasingly, with a hint of seductiveness.
Leaning in closer, Lucifer's voice dropped to a husky whisper, his breath brushing against your skin. "Oh, Wearing my clothes is a start but, there are many more ways to earn rewards, my dear." he suggested his eyes wandering up and down your body.
You couldn't deny that heat rose to your face at his words, before a smirk of your own formed. "Well then, I'll have to keep that in mind for the future," you replied, your voice a playful challenge as you just settled back down next to him. You took the remote and turned the TV back on before turning to Lucifer as nonchalantly as you could. "So what do you want to watch?" 
Lucifer also leaned back slightly, his gaze still intense as he locked eyes with you. "I'm fine with anything, you know that, my love. But I don't think I feel like watching TV at the moment," he murmured, a suggestive smile playing on his lips.
You tried playing a bit dumb, not wanting to let him win just yet. "Oh, why is that? I thought you just wanted to relax together today?" you teased, a playful glint in your eyes.
Lucifer's smirk deepened as he leaned in closer, his voice dropping. "I must admit, darling, your comments earlier have left me a bit distracted," he confessed, his gaze lingering on your lips suggestively.
Your heart skipped a beat at his words, a playful challenge in your eyes. "Oh, is that so? I didn't realize I had such an effect on you," you replied a hint of mischief in your tone.
Lucifer's hand brushed against your cheek, his touch sending shivers down your spine. "You always have that effect on me, my dear. It's one of the many things I adore about you," he admitted, his voice laced with sincerity and desire.
Unable to resist any longer, you closed the distance between you, capturing his lips in a soft, lingering kiss.
When you pulled back, a content smile graced your lips. "In that case, I think I can find other ways to keep you entertained," you teased, your voice low and sultry.
Lucifer's eyes glimmered with amusement and desire. "I have no doubt about that, my love."
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Divider 1 by: @rubra-wav Divider 2 by: @saradika-graphics
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schrodinger-swriter · 4 months
Hiiii, could you possibly write for the letters D, I, O, X, and Y for Lucifer c:
D, I, O, X, and Y for Lucifer
Greetings! Yes I can write this up for you! I hope you don't mind any possible OOCness, Lucifer is still a tough character for me to write :C
With that being said, I hope you enjoy! C:
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Given that he is the king of Hell as well as in charge of Lu Lu World it's more than a safe bet to assume that he is wealthy. So most dates can be a little... extravagant, and perhaps a little overwhelming as a result due to Lucifer trying his best to flatter you. Though, if you're looking for something more lowkey... you might be able to convince him to out with you to his own theme park! How fun would that be? Playing shitty carnival games? Or perhaps, a night out to eat.. That is a more likely option than the carnival.
If you got injured he would raise hell trying to get payback on whoever, or whatever did it. Yes, whatever. I do think he would scold a coffee table if you stubbed your toe on it. Though... in that scenario he might be doing it to try to get a laugh out of you... maybe... He doesn't let you lift a finger until you're fully recovered, insisting to do everything for you. He does not act like you're dying, though...
If he's the one injured... First of all, he's Lucifer, how often is it that someone is going to try to go after him..? How likely is it that whoever injured him is going to get off free? He may attempt to walk off the injury to maintain his image of... someone. He got so used to having to be the one to take care of himself that he's grown used to it, forgetting that being cared for is an option for him.. You both will definitely have to communicate and work on things like this.
Ducks. So many ducks. Why ducks? You ask him but he might give you a joke answer. He can also be a little... it's hard to find the right word, but sometimes he can bounce from being mentally stuck in his own spiraling mental health, and being the happiest you've ever seen him. Sometimes the switch can be a little jarring, but usually they don't happen for no reason. Not anything weird, of course, it just means you have to equip yourself to be able to handle him at his lowest. And his highest.
It depends greatly on many factors. However, over time he does get better at reading you. It's just bridging that gap between you and connecting when you're clearly not having a good time that can sometimes be difficult. Though, that doesn't mean he's not going to try. When he sees you happy, it does rub off on him a little. He wants to see the people he loves thrives, and that does give him some motivation. He can sometimes he clouded by his own thoughts and feelings, though, and may misinterpret your body language..
He yearns a lot. His wife left him years ago and he hasn't dated since. Of course, until you came into his life. He didn't realize how starved he was for affection until you gave it to him. Given how he handles being estranged from Charlie, he doesn't handle being away from you... the best... He won't call you unless he has an excuse. If you can hear the worry in his tone and offer to come back early from wherever you've gone, he's going to insist that you don't. Not until you're done doing what you need to do... just hearing your voice makes his tone a little more relaxed, though!
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quil12 · 5 months
I just read through the Link Click manhua and how tf did they make them seem even more like a couple in this than in the show - frankly, it's impressive
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Like Lu Guang was on top of that. He doesn't even really cook, but as soon as he got the inkling that there was food, he was like 'on it, boss🫡' and made them without being asked. Truly husband vibes right there
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Then this... man did not have to stand like that to ask him this. He moved purposefully behind him so he could put his hands on either side of his head and look at him like that. I showed this to my friend and she said all it was missing was a forehead kiss - and I'm inclined to agree - the secret panel not shown lmao
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Then, of course, the thing of Lu Guang being concerned over him having nightmares. Like he's just worried about him - idk what else to say
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And then this scene where Cheng Xiaoshi is literally acting like a jealous boyfriend. He's like 'what do you mean new friend? We spend all day together'
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Then this scene is absolutely insane... like I have been thinking about this since I read it. Out of context it is so wild. Like, first of all, Cheng Xiaoshi being concerned about him and bringing him food (sharing the dumplings that Lu Guang made for him too), but then, Lu Guang goes, 'I have to tell you something', grabs his wrist, pulls him into the room, and shuts the door. The door shutting is honestly the big thing - like Lu Guang, my guy, you are alone in the studio with him. Presumably it's closed too if you're both upstairs, and even if someone did come in, you have an automatic doorbell that goes off so you'd be able to tell. In context, I don't even think it's that secretive of information... It genuinely feels like a setup for a love confession
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1caru · 11 months
Please! Can you give us more LU in twilight’s hyrule?
More ancestor and descendant relationship between time and twilight! 🥹 *cries*
hehe I'm honored that you like my work so much and want more <3
unfortunately I already have a ton of other projects lined up, so I can't promise anything yet, but you did remind me that I wanted to write a bit of a second part to my Time and Skull Kid comic, so I whipped this up for you. it's not really edited or anything but hopefully you enjoy it anyway~
(here's the link to the comic that comes before this for anyone who hasn't seen it yet, please read it for context:
"Hold on, where's the old man?"
Twilight turned around sharply, drawing a surprised yelp from the sailor sitting on his shoulders. "What?"
"He was just here," said Four, "Did he just... wander off? That's not like him."
"Maybe he got grabbed by something!" Wind exclaimed, searching the dense foliage for any signs of monsters.
"We haven't seen any monsters since we arrived here, though," Hyrule said thoughtfully, “And we would have heard him put up a fight.”
Dread began to build in Twilight's chest as his wolfish senses caught the faintest sound of an ocarina. He lowered Wind from his back and approached Legend, pulling his map out and offering it to the veteran. "I'll go look for him. There's a Spirit Spring not far from here, wait for us there," he explained, tracing the path with his finger, "The tunnel up ahead is dark, so you'll need a lantern, but the tunnel after that is well lit and leads right to the spring. I'll be back soon."
"Hold your horses, rancher," Legend said, grabbing Twilight's shoulder with his free hand before the man could run off into the woods, "Shouldn't one of us come with you, just in case?"
"I... I think I know where he went," Twilight said softly, "Don't worry, I know every corner of these woods. Trust me."
Legend released Twilight's shoulder and watched as he almost immediately shifted into wolf form and darted back down the trail they had been following. He sighed and motioned to the rest of the group, glancing back at the map in his hand. "Well, come on then, guys."
Twilight raced along the scent trail, muscle memory carrying him effortlessly over tree roots and through small tunnels left by local wildlife. His ears flattened against his head in panic when he picked up Time's trail, heading in the exact direction he had predicted. Would he reach his mentor in time? Or had the man already discovered that which he should not see?
The plaintive whistle of the ocarina, which had been gradually increasing in volume, came to an abrupt halt, and Twilight's heart jumped in his chest as if to mimic it.
He was too late.
His paws slowed to a defeated trot as he approached the quiet clearing. He shifted back into his Hylian form, then silently crept through the bushes, bracing himself for what he would find.
Time knelt in the clearing with his back to Twilight, his arms wrapped around a very familiar little spirit. Just beyond them, a simple gravestone sat nestled in the mossy ground, the inscription on it as clear as the day it was chiseled:
Link, Hero and Mentor.
The spirit in Time's arms lifted his face from where it had been buried in the man's shoulder. Little yellow eyes met Twilight's pale blue ones, and the spirit gasped. “Link! Doggy Link is here too!”
Time turned in surprise, as if just remembering who he had been traveling with until ten minutes ago. He smiled at Twilight for a moment, but suddenly found it hard to make eye contact when he noticed the expression on his protege's face.
“Um, Skull Kid, would you give us a moment?” he asked softly, looking down at the spirit that was still clinging to him.
Skull Kid held on tighter, suddenly looking very scared that Time might simply vanish if he let go.
“I'm not going anywhere, I promise,” Time soothed, “I just need to talk to him. I'll stay right here, okay?”
Twilight nodded behind him.
Skull Kid studied Twilight for a moment, then looked up at Time. “...Okay,” he murmured. He picked up the ocarina he had dropped earlier and pressed it into Time's hand. “Play this when you are done, okay? You better play it!”
Time smiled. “I will.”
He watched Skull Kid hop off into the trees, then rose to his feet, cradling the little tan ocarina in his hand. His thumb ran over the polished surface, the texture so familiar yet such a distant memory. He looked back at the gravestone, suddenly regretting that time their little group had taught each other how to read their different Hylian scripts.
“Seems I've wandered somewhere I should not have gone, haven't I?” he sighed.
Twilight walked into the clearing and stood by Time's side, somberly following his mentor's gaze. “Did Skull Kid tell you anything?”
“No,” Time replied, “But actions often say more than words can.”
They stood there in silence for a moment, unsure how to approach the subject at hand.
Twilight opened his mouth to speak, but Time quickly raised a hand to stop him. “Pup, I will not ask for an explanation if you do not want to give it. The flow of time is all too easily altered after all, one little word can completely change the course of history. However,” he continued, turning towards the young man, “I've seen the way you look at me, especially when our journey began. Someone your age should not have to look so sad. If telling me about this will ease some of the burden you carry, then I am more than happy to listen.”
Twilight looked up at him, his thoughts tripping over themselves in an effort to reach a decision. He desperately wanted to tell Time everything, how he had met him, what he knew of his mentor's fate. He wanted to tell him that changing the flow of time was his greatest desire, that he wished every day for a way to save Time from a death filled with regret and sorrow. And yet, his mind always wandered to that moment, when he had dealt the final blow to Ganondorf. The blow that Time's spirit had taught him. Would he had been able to defeat the Demon King if his ancestor had not been there to guide him? Would “saving” Time ultimately mean dooming Hyrule? Would it mean dooming more young heroes after him to take up the sword and attempt what he could not accomplish?
The rancher closed his eyes and leaned forward, resting his forehead on Time's breastplate as his shoulders sagged and tears threatened to form. Time held him close, rubbing gentle circles on his arm with one hand and wrapping the other around his upper back, still clutching the ocarina.
“It's more of a memorial than a grave,” Twilight eventually spoke, "I met your spirit during my journey. You taught me your sword techniques. I suppose I just wanted to thank you by honoring your memory."
Time hummed in response. “I must have been a good teacher then. Your skills are amazing to watch in action.”
Twilight let out a watery chuckle. “They saved my life more times than I can count.” He rested in Time's arms for a moment more, then pulled away with a small smile. “I think that's all I can say for now. Go ahead and spend some time with Skull Kid, I'll tell the others you'll catch up later. Ask Skull Kid to lead you to Ordon Village when you're done.”
“Thank you,” Time said gratefully.
Twilight nodded and headed back out of the clearing.
“...You know,” Time continued, looking at the ocarina thoughtfully, “That song he was playing, it's not from Hyrule.”
Twilight paused.
“It holds a very powerful magic, one said to put the sorrows of the departed who hear it to rest and allow them to pass on peacefully.”
Pale blue eyes widened as another memory floated to the surface. A stone sitting on a mountain path, howling a song that he had mimicked without wondering what it meant. A song that had been answered by a golden wolf with a single eye. A Shade, uttering words that Twilight had almost forgotten in his worry over Time.
At last, I have eased my regrets.
Perhaps things would turn out all right in the end after all.
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salted-bird · 1 year
Unique interactions aside I adore how Sinclair Who Shall Grip's character is reflected on the gameplay side, we are told through his Uptie story that he doesn't believe in Faust's cause as much as he *wants* to, and it shows, because he is just godawful at the job she gave him.
For starters, Nails, the thing that defines the faction; Shall Grip Sinclair can't inflict any stacks of it.
All other N-corp IDs we have so far can apply at least one Nails, and we are informed in N-corp Don's Uptie story that the nails possess a symbolic importance for them because "the reason we pierce evil with nails beeth to utilize them as tools so the One Who Grips may enact justice". It's all about the One Who Grips, and even at his worst Sinclair is unable to aid her beyond the surface level, quite literally he can't help Faust carry out her Execution because the skill requires Nails and he can't give them.
Though it doesn't end there, the more you use them the clearer it becomes that the Faust Who Grips and Sinclair Who Shall Grip IDs don't mesh together at all. Faust's nails inflict Bleed count, Sinclair needs Burn Count, Faust's passives heal SP, Sinclair needs to stay at low SP, Whistle gives Fanatic to two allies, Sinclair hogs one stack due to always being the lowest SP ally by kit-design, but then there's how he can't make proper use of the Fanatic buff because of the SP heal ruining his tails flips, so rather than helping it's like trying to put a torn band-aid over a wound when that Fanatic could be going to someone actually capable of benefiting from it.
Sure, his skills include effects that involve other N-corp units, but first, it's a selfish interaction, they can help Sinclair but the most he will give them is a pathetic 2 Bleed on the last hit from Amoral Enactment, and second, what little ways they have to help Sinclair pale in comparison to letting him fight alongside IDs from other faction, what's a 15% damage increase compared to rolling 30 on each one of Self-destructive Purge's coins, and what's 5 Burn Potency compared the obscene amounts of Burn Count Liu Hong Lu can provide for his second skill and E.G.O? The N-corp effects are pretty much just there as lip-service, which applies to Sinclair's half-baked belief in their cause too, he shines the most when going against Nails and Hammer, and that keeps being the case even for the ID that's supposed to be on their side.
I find it funny how the closest to a synergy you can find between Faust and Sinclair is Faustie's Gaze buff, which sums up their relationship perfectly. She points to something and Sinclair kills stuff, Sinclair's core personality remains unchanged just like how the only thing that Gaze does is provide a crude damage-buff that doesn't help with any of Sinclair Who Shall Grip's obtuse mechanics, but the 'Sinclair kills stuff' part is enough for Faust.
Lastly, another point that I love is Sinclair's physical types and resistances.
All his skills deal Blunt damage, which is exactly what the N-corp Inquisitors are weak to.
Other N-corp units deal Blunt damage too, but they also have Pierce skills that the Inquisitors endure, Sinclair on the other hand doesn't waste a single bit of damage when it comes to killing them ASAP, and unlike the rest of N-corp Units, Sinclair Who Shall Grip has an Ineffective resistance for Blunt, at the same time his resistance against Pierce is normal rather than fatal, meaning he can go against the Inquisitor enemies without worrying about dying in a blink because they simply can't strike his weakness.
But of course, there's one N-corp character who Sinclair can't deal with, and it isn't Kromer, you must have seen already how she gets staggered if you bring Sinclair against her.
No, the one Nails and Hammer member who can claim the title of best counter against Sinclair Who Shall Grip is funnily enough, Faust Who Shall Grip.
Emitter is weak to Lust but it doesn't matter because Faust resists the physical type of all her skills, her passive ruins Sinclair's rolls to the point he can hit 0 as a coin value, and guess what, Sinclair's base E.G.O, Branch of Knowledge, has a fatal weakness to Pride, the element of Faust's Execution skill.
There's something so twisted yet beautiful about the fact that even in gameplay terms, Sinclair can't hope to go against Faust, while she could easily get rid of him if she ever felt like it.
But of course, what I find even more beautiful is that Sinclair Who Shall Grip has one small means of rebellion left, one last tool that can he could use to hurt Faust if he ever dares go against her: Branch of Knowledge, the E.G.O that encapsulates Sinclair's sin.
Emitter also has a fatal weakness to Gluttony, and unlike Sinclair Who Shall Grip's own skills, its physical type matches Faust Who Grips fatal weakness to Slash, making it the ideal tool for killing her.
Given how turning a blind eye to everything as a way to cope is a big part of Sinclair Who Shall Grip's character, I like how the one thing he could theoretically use to break free from his dependence on Faust is a manifestation of his inner psyche literally called Branch of *Knowledge*, I would assume these are all coincidences if it were any other game but PM has put crazier details on their works before.
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bedsyandco · 10 months
bsf!reader x luke blurb! <3
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You were laying in bed, knees drawn up to your chest, tears dropping onto your pillow.
You heard your front door open and close and panicked for a moment before you heard a familiar voice.
"Vi, where you at?" Luke yells, stumbling for a moment while taking off his shoes.
"Bedroom," you croak out.
"I've been texting you non-stop and you haven't been answering...I thought we were having movie night at-" Luke's voice stops as he enters your room and sees the position your in.
"hey, what's wrong?" he asks softly as he takes a seat next to you on the bed.
"I'm sorry, I forgot we were supposed to have movie night tonight," you say and tear up again.
"It's okay, don't even worry about it. C'mere," Luke says and pulls you onto his lap.
"What's wrong? What's got my girl so upset?" he asks gently wiping your tears.
"I just had a really bad day. I got back that paper I had to submit last week and I didn't do well. I was late to class this morning and I spilled coffee over myself. So not only did I smell like coffee the whole day, I also never got to actually drink it. And then my period started." You say and by the end new tears have already fallen.
"I'm sorry you had a bad day sweet girl," Luke says softly and gently wipes your tears again. There's nothing he hates more than seeing you cry.
"I know what's gonna make you feel better," he says and leaves the room, coming back with strawberry ice cream and a bottle of water.
Later, ice cream long gone, you were cuddled into Luke's chest. The sound of Pride and Prejudice filling the room.
"Thanks for this, Lu. You're the best friend a girl could ask for," you say and drop a kiss on his jaw.
"Always," Luke replies trying to focus on your body next to his instead of the way his heart contracted on the word friend.
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cherllyio · 8 days
A timeline of the Season 5 trailer
This was a timeline i made with @lu-zijing in a youtube video we made together.
Video that helped me notice some details: "Lego monkie kid season 5 trailer breakdown" - Ash_Is_Bored
First scene:
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I theorise this to be the first scene for 2 reasons:
Wukong isn't wearing a circlet yet
The Sky isnt destroyed yet, and it just looks like normal training between Wukong and MK.
But, after they finish training, MK goes to bed but wakes up somewhere... different:
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The mystical monkeys got dragged to court in The Underworld, by The Underworld Kings, clearly by surprise since MK is in his PJ's. Also Wukong is still not wearing a circlet.
They are: "Do you three know of the crimes you have done", so its clearly the first time they are down there.
I imagine they are bassicaly told: "Everything is going wrong because of you three, so stop interfering with this, we will fix it".
This then followed by them getting sent back and being welcomend back to flower fruit mounatin... or what remains of it...
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(notice the volcanos around flower fruit mountain from the pilot ep):
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Wukong and Macaque are clearly pretty chocked and scared by this revalation, and even give eachother THAT LOOK.
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Ep 1 ends here.
After this they probaly gather all the monkeys from the island, and try to find a shelter for the time being.
And after everything is secure, they send MK home with a little: "We will figure this out, Bud, go check on your friends, they are probaly worried sick for where you have been."
What happens after MK gets home, i have no idea, but we do have a couple of scenes that look to be the closest to what happens afterwards:
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Pigsy has put up a noddle stand here, to celebrate some kind of "festival". Yet it is then intereupted by the sky suddenly breaking again.
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And if that wasnt enough, Li Jing (and Nezha in his mech) shows up, (probaly thinking that the skyes are breaking because of MK, Wukong and Macaque, hence why they were in court earlier)
Li jing sucks MK in his magical pagado (notice how MK is the only one dragged forward)(As mentioned in that breakdown i linked to)
Li Jing(to MK); Don't even think about running!
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We are then up in The Underworld again, where Li Jing is formely introduced and the monkeys are told that he is gonna be the next Jade Emperor:
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This is also here we learn about the "Pillar of Creation", which is the thing currently on beaming on Flower Fruit Mountain, and is also currently breaking apart (therefore why the sky is breaking)
MK: Sorry what the is "The Pillar of Creation"?
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This is also the same scene, where Wukong gets a new circlet on by Li Jing (because Li Jing and The Kings of the underworld think our mystical monkeys are the cause of the sky breaking)
This then followed by the monkeys getting teleported away(to what im guessing is going to be some kind of prison, since they probaly dont trust them out in the world).
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The scenes become a bit more scattered after this, and probaly take place further from eachother from now on, but MK, Wukong and Macaque are clearly breaking out prison here:
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They then join with the rest of the gang, and try to figure out how to prove that the mystical monkeys are innocent, while also trying to find out how to save the world.
In one of these scenes they stumble upon Li Jing, where Macaque stays behiend to give the others some time (but sadly gets trapped in the pagado in the process)
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This was mentioned in the breakdown with the glow, Macaque has on him in this scene, which is the same that shows when Li Jing uses his Pagado:
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Hence why Macaque isnt in the following scenes after this.
I can imagine Macaque gets trapped in The Underworld after this again (which would cause defintly some BAD MEMORIES to come back) (Shadowpeach backstoryyyyy????)
This though would also give us someone "on the inside", who can figure out why they are getting blamed for all of this (maybe he even meets the traitor king)
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Anyway, back to the rest of the gang.
On their way, they found out about "four mystical creatures" that can save the world.
But as they go too seek them, where they atleast found two of them, they are dying as they are trying to protect two magical stones.
Therefore, right before they die, they give the stones to MK (notice how they are the same place, in both scenes)
Mei: It seems to have something to do with the stone.
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They are though quickly interupted by our dear Li jing(who is honestly such an asshole at this point)
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Hopefully, they manage to get away with the stones.
There is a lot of other scenes i could talk about(but since Tumblr wont let me put in any more pictures) i am just going to talk about the last scenes in the season (before the special atleast):
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Wukong: Ok MK, there is something inside you that you cant control.
They have clearly gathered all the stones here (so its clearly near the end) , but something has gone wrong, and from what i could figure from others theories( @lunamikobrony2 ) its probaly that something happend to Wukong.
More specifically that (like the other magical creatures) he had to sacrifce himself, since Wukong is the LAST STONE. (again go check out @lunamikobrony2 theory)
So bassicaly this is going to be MK's "Apeshit scene". (and i dont know if that is going to be a good or a bad thing)
And thats all from me folks! If you want me to analysis more scenes from the trailer and where they fit in the timeline just ask me in my inbox.
!Or! if you have any changes you would like to make to the timeline, be free to say so! I am open to changing my mind about this!
Translations used: 1 (here) - 2 (here)
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lixiesbrowniess · 1 year
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Headcanon: Fucking your ass - Tonowari
Anonymous requested: mama im in love with a cream anal
Tonowari x reader
Warnings: nsfw, explicit content, 18+, anal sex, he's kinda gentle, age gap, praising, swearing, he's already a grown up so no need for age up
Reader is 27 Tonowari is 33 (not canonically)
Na'vi vocabulary: Yawne: beloved, Pongu Pongu: alcohol, Nga yawne lu oer: I love you, Kaltxi: hello, tweng: loincloth
Follow the don't like don't read rule please - minors DNI
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-ˋˏ♡ Tonowari, chief of the Metkayina, had a really exhausting day. The hunt was successful but it stressed him out very much. The hunters were tired as well so he dismissed them "Well done hunters you may now go."
-ˋˏ♡ Usually when he was stressed he would instantly become frustrated. He didn't like to be stressed and neither he thought a proper Olo'eyktan should be. So he would most certainly talk to you about his stress.
-ˋˏ♡ He entered his marui and found you weaving, as you always did when you where worried about him, your mate. You knew he was strong but, time to time, he would come back with some wounds.
-ˋˏ♡ You noticed his stress by his expression, anything but relaxed. "Yawne, welcome back" you cooed, quickly understanding how bad he needed you, to shoo his stress away.
-ˋˏ♡ "Kaltxi my love" he greeted with a low tone kissing your forehead as he kneeled behind you admiring your work. "That's a great tweng" he chirped grazing his long fangs onto your neck.
-ˋˏ♡ "I don't think I'm gonna need it" you said smirking as you felt his warm breathe tickle your skin. He kissed your shoulder smiling to himself, he revealed his cock and pulled you closer.
-ˋˏ♡ "I just love how fast you understand your Olo'eyktan's needs" he said rubbing his harden cock with his hand. The difference between your body and his was visible, you always found arousing how he towered over you in every way.
-ˋˏ♡ You breathed heavily arching your back as he tapped your ass hole with his swollen tip. "Can I justー" he stopped as you jerked your hips back onto his dick.
-ˋˏ♡ "Oh someone is impatient huh" his voice getting raspy as you started to grind yourself onto him trying to find some friction. A soft groan left your lips as he bucked his hips to meet yours.
-ˋˏ♡ He suddenly stopped your hips, tightly holding your waist. "Alright now let me just fuck you senseless now would you?" His words left you squirm under his touch, craving for more.
-ˋˏ♡ "Shh, you know I can't just stretch you out." He whispered trailing his fingers to your ass. You pushed them away "no− don't need prep, please−" your voice trembled a little.
-ˋˏ♡ "You sure little one? That's going to hurt." He said a little concerned. "I don't care− just wanna feel you." He chuckled softly "we can't, and you know it" he said slowly plunging his fingers into your tight hole.
-ˋˏ♡You jerked back onto his hand as you felt his fingers slowly making their way into you. A whine left your lips as he kept his digits still letting your hole adjust to them before moving them carefully.
-ˋˏ♡ You let your head fall back onto his chest as your back arched and your nipples perked from your subtile weaved top. "Tonowari−" you breath hitched as he started to thrust his fingers in and out of your ass.
-ˋˏ♡ Your wall were relaxing around his thick fingers allowing them to glide in and out effortlessly. Your thighs snapped shut capturing his cock between the soft flesh, forcing a grunt to exit Tonowari's mouth.
-ˋˏ♡ He slid his finger out of your hole, took his cock with his hand and doused it with the lubricating liquids that had coated his digits. He stroked his shaft a bit before positioning his tip to your ass.
-ˋˏ♡ You bucked your hips onto his dick whining as you felt his thick shaft press against your ass hole. "Pleaseー" you moaned feeling his hands roam onto your belly and thighs.
-ˋˏ♡ He sighed "my girl's so needy huh" he slowly plunged his shaft into your tight hole causing a little cry to fall from your lips. He breathed heavily as he pushed his hips forward sinking his cock deeper.
-ˋˏ♡ He shoved your head on the woven mat squishing your cheek to it. Tears started to prick your eyes as you clawed the mad feeling his cock sliding all the way in kissing your sweet spot.
-ˋˏ♡ "My pretty little mate" he murmured biting the skin near your collarbone. You moaned as he started thrusting slowly, stating a steady pace.
-ˋˏ♡ He pushed your body against the mat, causing your back to arch, as he increased his thrusts. You gripped the mat trying to mute your obscene noises. "Don't− I wanna hear you" he grunted into your ear.
-ˋˏ♡ You immediately let your voice free, screaming and crying as he pounded your ass, stretching your tight hole to it's limits. You moaned loudly, tears soaking the mat under you.
-ˋˏ♡ His thrusts getting harder, as he drowned into your melodic cries of pleasure. He thrusted his cock inside you desperately fast as he feel himself getting closer to the edge. His hand tugged onto the base of your tail making you squeal.
-ˋˏ♡ You felt a knot warming your lower belly, "Wariー I'm close" you moaned as your legs started to tremble under his strength. He slammed himself inside you, gripping your ass cheeks and throwing his head back at the pleasure.
-ˋˏ♡ You came undone screaming his name as he quickened his pace, his cock throbbed inside your hole. "I'll fill you up yeah?" He said hitting deeper.
-ˋˏ♡ You nodded desperately bucking your hips to meet his thrusts. He thrusted one last time filling your ass with all his might. He growled leaning to your shoulders.
-ˋˏ♡ "Love- when your stress is all out" you whimpered as he pulled out, some of his seed leaked down your thighs. "I love when you let me do it" he kissed your ears softly.
A/n: updated it after some help from this
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whois-jess · 7 months
I need some more Rhea and reader with their baby burrito! Can you write about them taking him home and introducing their son to Luna, Barry and Ryuk?
Baby and pets
Rhea Ripley x Fem!reader
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I was sat in the car with Rhea driving us home with our son Harvey in the back fast asleep "you okay baby" Rhea asked her hand on my thigh "yeah" I smiled softly at her "just worried about letting Harvey with the pets" i say looking back at Harvey "Ryuk should be fin Luna will be a little curious of him and Barry well Barry" she said making me chuckle "that's what worries me" i said Barry is a good boy but he gets excited very quick and compared to the little baby he is a big boy.
We pull into our driveway "we are home" Rhea smiles "how about i go put the dogs in a room so you bring in the little burrito and one by one the pets met him" Rhea looks at me patting my thigh "your the best" i smile at her as well get out the car i go round to little baby in the back "oh hey baby boy good morning" i smile at him as i pick the car seat out setting him down as i lock the car "lets go see the fur babys huh" i smiled at Harvey as he looked up at me his blue eyes staring at me "aww baby" i say rubbing his little chubby cheeks.
I opened the door to see Rhea on the sofa "there is my koala!" Rhea smiles at us as i sit down taking Harvey out the seat holding him "okay i will go get Ru" Rhea says standing up walking to the kitchen door, opening it so the dogs don't get out.
Rhea walks in with Ryuk in her arms Ryuk was looking around "okay Harvey this is Ru" She sits down holding Ryuk as i hold Harvey, Ryuk starts sniffing his littke face "what is it Ru" Rhea says in a baby voice making me smile. Ryuk starts to wriggle out of Rheas grip so she puts him down "lets get Luna now" i nod as Rhea disappears into the kitchen again as Ryuk walks around.
This time Rhea walks in holding lunas collar "shes a bit excited to see us" Rhea smiles "hey baby girl" i smile petting Lunas head, Rhea still holds luna back a bit as she sits on the sofa with me and Rhea "Luna meet Harvey" Luna sniffs Harveys faces and hands, Harveys little hands reach up to Lunas face and she licks his hands "Okay Lu that's enough" i say gently pushes her head away "she loves him" Rhea smiles "okay i will get Barry" Rhea walks away and Luna says sat on the sofa with me and Harvey just staring at him Ryku over on the ledge by the window.
"Here comes Barry" Rhea announces holding his collar as he tries to run "Barry calm down you can be like this around Harvey" Rhea scolds him as they walk over to us "Barry meet Harvey" Barry starts to lick his face which Rhea stops "not his face" Rhea says gently pushing his face off Harvey "I would say this is an success" i smile at Rhea as i kiss her lips "yeah they are good pets" she smiles patting Barrys side making him playful, he runs to get his ball and places it on Harvey "aww Barry i am sorry buddy he can't play yet maybe when he is bigger" Rhea says as she grabs the ball and throws it for him making Harvey giggle "is that funny huh is it" Rhea tickles Harvey making us all laugh.
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