#mostly to get people in the room to see the bands bc everybody loves him so much
onyxhellebore · 2 years
#fuck i'm having a bad night that should've been a good night#went to the show for my cousin's band it's their very first show they opened for some out of town bands#mostly to get people in the room to see the bands bc everybody loves him so much#and i wanted to go and my roomies wanted to go and the one was hoping to network and then we got there and like#my roomies are having a bad anxiety day and i'm fucking struggling as well#my cousin's desperately trying to make shit work he's got a surgery coming up he's got his n95 so he doesn't get covid#and put off this surgery he's been needing for four fucking years#and i'm here with my chronic fucking fatigue and updates on my sister trying to be cheery before we go on but like#we're both fucking feeling the absence and it's apparent#last time we were both in that room together he was starting another band the room was fucking full#his parents were there his brother was there my sister and i were both there and everyone was cheering and had energy and life#and there's just so much fucking ABSENCE#and the mic doesn't work so the singer just doesn't sing lyrics for the songs in the set that were supposed to have lyrics#and we ended up leavving bc again the roomies were anxious and i was fucking exhausted and like#i'm trying to salvage this night i posted the poem i had written i'm doing my fucking best#i ate the last of my birthday cake but i dropped a slice on the floor lol#idk i am just feeling the fucking absence tonight#a lot of the time i'm very content with the ways i've adjusted and the life i've rebuilt for myself but tonight i'm just like#fuck it was supposed to be different#i wish i could time travel lol#there is so much missing from me idk
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midasinc · 3 years
les amis and toxic traits (affectionate and derogatory):
-courfeyrac has a bad habit of being on his phone when he's with friends. he's mostly either just swiping through his dating app or texting someone on his dating app and he isn't aware that it's really rude. he's also really bad about borrowing money and not giving it back. if he asks for a couple euro for the metro, you will never get it back. he comes from a rich background and money is something that he forgets not everybody has. feuilly is the only one who holds him accountable for it because "i bought you a drink at the pub two weeks ago and you still owe me and i need to pay rent this week :/"
-enjolras is a pen clicker. oh. my god. he clicks pens at the speed of light and if someone asks him to stop, he'll apologize but then start again like thirty seconds later. it is so. fucking. annoying. also i love him but he's really self-righteous and won't admit when he's wrong. when someone has an opinion that differs his own, he can only see things in black or white. you're on his side, or you're wrong. this also applies to other's and their choices in what they do. he always donates the extra euro when he's checking out at a store for whatever donation project is going and if you don't he will give you the stink eye and publicly ask why you won't. no recyclable grocery bags? he will call you out and badger you until you buy one. you accidentally left the light on when you exited the room? oh my god. he has such good intentions but he forgets that not everybody might be as financially secure as him and not everybody is thinking about it at all times. he wants what's good for the world but it really gets on other people's nerves sometimes
-joly is really similar to enjolras in the sense that he calls people out for their health choices without thinking about their situation. he's getting better about it, but he has criticized grantaire to hell and back about all of his bad habits and not in a nice way. he's really harsh when someone is self-destructive or literally just picks like a soda at a restaurant over water. he wants his friends to be healthy but jesus fucking christ dude. no one asked for your opinion, now is not the time.
-feuilly only eats frozen meals. he only lives on lean cuisines. JEHBJWEHRWJH but also this dude smokes cigs a lot and forgets that smoke and tobacco makes some people feel sick or nauseated. he smokes in his apartment even when people are over and doesn't really think it's that big of a problem. enter: enjolras, who has asthma, and just walked through a cloud and starts hacking. anyway, he also gets really defensive when people call him out on it. it's his choice to smoke and whenever someone is like "hey maybe you might want to cut back" when he's buying a new pack of smokes after buying one three days before, he'll get super snappy and rude because it feels like an attack on him
-speaking of nicotine! jehan vapes and i have no room to speak on this subject bc let's not talk about my juul but they are in denial that it's also a problem. they're like "it's healthy shut up" but will go through pods so fast that it's genuinely comparable to feuilly's same bad habit. they started juuling bc they thought the flavours were yummy and it was cool and oh my god. jehan is also really blunt with their sense of humour and doesn't realize that not everybody thinks its funny. walking into a room and just being like "lmaoooo grantaire you look like shit today" and everybody is kind of like "...hm". combeferre is actually good about calling them out on that sort of stuff, though. if jehan realizes they're in the wrong, they'll apologize
-combeferre is. such. a fucking. movie talker. he just has so much to say at every minute of the movie and it's the worst (this is also me so self-roast). nobody likes to watch movies with him because "dude we just want to watch the fucking movie oh my god". he's also really pretentious and a gatekeeper. if you like the same band as him "oh really? well name three songs-" in a way that makes whoever he's feeling to feel stupid. combeferre really prides himself on his intellect, but it goes too far most of the time and it just comes across as super condescending and a lot of people get annoyed talking with him because it just feels like he's talking down at them the whole time
-marius is also super blunt but not in a way that's meant to be funny. he has absolutely walked into a room and gone "oh enjolras your haircut looks so bad im so sorry :(". and similarly to courfeyrac, he forgets the value of money. he's definitely asked people to go somewhere and has said like "yeah! the concert tickets are like 250 euro which is actually super cheap :)" and feuilly is just. dying inside. he intends to be nice, he just says so much stupid shit. he isn't purposely being a bad guy.
-bossuet never re-fills a roll of toilet paper if he's the last to use it. you do not know how annoying it is to room with this guy. grantaire has absolutely shouted "HOW HARD IS IT TO GRAB ANOTHER TUBE???" from the shitter and bossuet just denies it because it embarrasses him. he's also bad about cleaning dishes and will leave a cup in the sink for weeks if it isn't cleaned by someone else or threateningly left in front of his bedroom door. i love u bae but please clean up after yourself
-grantaire is the fucking worst. i love him but he is the worst. he is so self-deprecating to the point where a lot of people just won't be around him because you can only take so much self-pity before it becomes annoying as hell. he's never accepted a compliment and is one of those "omg no my art is so fucking ugly i hate it so much" when someone says they like a sketch or a painting he did and it is just. so annoying. he's also just super bad about caring about him self. baby forgets to shower and wash his hair and wear deodorant and it's like babe. baby. listen- we are not 13 year old boys anymore, we are men and we need to shower. take your zoloft and let's clean up your room <3
-bahorel is a babe but he's too rough with people. he'll slap someone on the back so hard that they choke on their drink. he's also bad about jokes going too far and just being kind of an asshole he'll snatch up something courfeyrac is holding and hold it up high and courf is 5'5 and bahorel is 6'3 and it is just unfair and unfunny and courfeyrac is not laughing and it just gets old so fast. he thinks people are having fun with him but baby they r not. everybody here is givin you the stink eye, just let the bit die
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bellafarallones2 · 3 years
From the meet uglies prompt list:
84. I’m not entirely sure who you are but we’ve been in a massive prank war ever since your first prank on your friend went awry and I was covered in paint
For JakeHollis, please? Sfw or nsfw! This screams them to me!
JakeHollis, SFW, very light angst, some absolutely weird vibes! QueerElfClub's Hollis cosplay is my headcanon for them always and forever
All told, Jake’s first day at Kepler High hadn’t been too bad. Barclay and Dani had told him roughly what to expect, including a rapid rundown of the Earth history he’d be looked at strangely for not knowing. So far, math was his favorite class, because it was the same as on Silvain. Mama had gotten him into something called AP BC Calculus, which seemed like far too many acronyms for a class about shapes. His next most favorite class was PE.
Now it was almost three, and the final bell had rung. Packing up his backpack had taken so much time that the hallways were mostly empty, and he wandered idly, looking for the exit. Barclay was supposed to be picking him up somewhere called the “kiss and ride,” though Jake had been assured kissing was not mandatory. No signs pointed the way, and Jake knew better than to ask someone for directions. Teenagers were the same everywhere.
He found himself in a wing of the school none of his classes had been in, passing rooms labeled ORCHESTRA and BAND and COLOR GUARD EQUIPMENT STORAGE. The sound of music came through the walls.
Finally, though - miracle of miracles! - he saw the light of day, and hurried towards the door it was coming from. The door was even cracked open, and Jake pushed it open the rest of the way and stepped out onto the sidewalk.
Something hit his head.
Something that made a klang noise against his skull, and he thought for a moment his head had cracked - he didn’t know how fragile these disguises were - but no, there was something else dripping through his hair and down his face and down all over his new colorful jacket. He looked down. It was white and foul-smelling, and when he blinked his eyelashes clumped and stuck together.
Jake was fairly certain neither Dani nor Barclay had mentioned this. He could barely see, just the edges of a person saying oh fuck, I’m so sorry, I thought you were Keith, and tugging him back into the school, which was not at all where he wanted to go.
“Let’s get you cleaned up,” the voice said, and Jake found himself in a restroom, without even the time to make sure it was the correct one - he needed to be in one called BOYS or MEN, or the one with a little outline of a person without a skirt. or GENTLEMEN. (Barclay knew a long list of things he’d seen printed on bathroom doors.)
But here he was, and he bent to the sink to wash his face and came up dripping. Then he repeated the introduction he’d given so many times already today.
“I’m Jake,” he said. “Dani’s brother.” (People knew Dani; she’d graduated only two years earlier. He told teachers he was Barclay’s brother. Barclay was a little older, but a better student than Dani had been.)
“Oh,” said the person. “I think I had an art class with her. I’m Hollis.”
“Nice to meet you.”
Hollis had curly black hair and brown skin, and the sleeves of their shirt were tattered like they’d been cut off and not hemmed afterwards. When they rubbed at the stuff on Jake’s sleeve with a wet paper towel he could see the fine line of muscle beneath the skin in their arm.
Jake took a deep breath. “Do you think you could point me towards the kiss and ride?”
By the time Jake climbed into Barclay’s truck, he was as clean as one could get with hand soap and paper towels.
“How was your first day?” said Barclay, tactfully not saying anything about the paint.
“Fine. I’m really glad you and Dani told me so much about what to expect. But when I was trying to find my way out at the end of the day a bucket of paint fell on my head.”
“Oh, dear.”
“Someone helped me clean up, though. Their name’s Hollis. I think we’re friends now?”
“Well, that’s nice.”
“One girl in my homeroom brought in brownies to share with everybody because it was her birthday. Are you allowed to do that even if it’s not your birthday?”
“I don’t see why not.”
“Can I bring in cupcakes tomorrow? The ones you make are really good and I think people would like me if I gave them some.”
Barclay looked over at him, drumming his fingers on the steering wheel. “Alright,” he said. “I’ll make you some cupcakes.”
The cupcakes were gorgeous. Each was as the platonic ideal of what a cupcake should be, the cupcake held before the fire to cast a shadow in Plato’s confectionary cave. The cake part was delicate and moist and yellow, and the frosting was pink, dusted with rainbow sprinkles.
“Oh,” said Jake’s homeroom teacher when she saw him come in carrying the lovingly packed tray. Barclay had put crumpled saran wrap between each cupcake so they wouldn’t knock into each other. “Is it your birthday, Jake?”
“Nope! But I brought cupcakes for everyone.”
“Alright,” said the teacher. “You can start passing them out now, if you’d like.”
Jake held out the tray to each person in the first few rows in turn, receiving varyingly sincere ‘thank you’s in return. But sitting in the back corner by the window was Hollis, and when Jake got to them, he didn’t hold out the tray. No, he selected the most perfect cupcake there was, cupped its soft bottom, and shoved the perfect pink frosting into Hollis’ perfect face.
“Oops,” Jake said sweetly.
“Jake!” said the teacher. “What do you think you’re doing!?”
But Hollis was already laughing, wiping pink frosting off their face and licking it off their fingers. “It’s fine, Ms. B., we’re in a prank war.”
“Well, please refrain from waging it in my classroom!”
“I’m sorry,” said Jake. He’d never heard the phrase prank war before, but the word war he didn’t like at all. War was the slowly narrowing boundaries of habitable land, war was an enemy that was somehow both inuman and implacably angry.
The boy sitting to Hollis’ left was looking up at Jake with something like shock and anger in his face. Looking away, Jake held out the plate of cupcakes to him so he could select his own.
Jake still had trouble finding the cafeteria, and so most of the students were seated when he arrived. He was scanning looking for a seat where he wouldn’t be intruding on someone else’s friend group when Hollis’ waving hand caught his attention. “Yo, Jake! Come sit with us?”
Jake hurried over. Before he reached the table Hollis elbowed the boy who was sitting next to them, the same one who’d been next to them in homeroom, and he scooted hurriedly over into the next seat so Jake could sit next to Hollis.
“Hello,” Jake said, nodding at each person at the table.
“This is Jake,” said Hollis. “He got me good in homeroom with a cupcake to the face.”
The others at the table laughed.
“Jake, this is Keith, Madison, and Ty,” Hollis continued, indicating the boy who’d been displaced, a girl with purple streaks in her long brown hair, and a boy with a mullet.
“Nice to meet you,” said Jake. He listened to them talk as he unpacked the lunch Barclay had packed him. A sandwich on part of a baguette, a chocolate-chip cookie, a honeycrisp apple (Jake had just been on earth long enough to have opinions about the different varieties of apples), and a note reminding him that Barclay loved him and wanted him to have a good day.
His tablemates were discussing what they were going to do over the weekend. Ty suggested going to Walmart, which was shot down on the grounds that they’d done that last weekend. No one’s parents were out of town, which eliminated the possibility of a house party.
“There’s nothing to do,” Madison whined.
“Can you drive places?” Jake asked.
Everyone went quiet. “Yep,” said Hollis. “When Madison’s parents let her use the car.”
It was Jake’s first autumn on earth, and from his bedroom window on the second floor of Amnesty Lodge he could see the leaves changing colors, red and orange and yellow between the bristles of the evergreens. “You could drive around and look at leaves. I’d like to come along, if that’s alright.”
Everyone was silent, deciding whether that was the lamest thing they’d ever heard or so lame it went straight through the other side into being kind of a good idea again.
“Fuck it,” said Hollis finally. “Let’s do it. And of course you’re invited, Jake, let me add you to the group chat.”
That Saturday, a silver Honda pulled up in front of Amnesty Lodge. Madison was at the wheel, Ty in the front passenger seat, and Keith sulking in the back. Behind it was a sleek motorcycle, and the rider’s helmet reflected the autumn leaves above.
Hollis pulled off their helmet. Their hair was disheveled and gorgeous. “If it was five of us in the car someone would have had to sit in the middle back, and that sucks,” they said. “Hop on, Jake.” They were holding out a second helmet.
“Um,” said Jake, offering them a bottle of sparkling cider with gold foil around the neck. “I brought something for us to drink?” The agreement had been that they would drive to one of the pull-off spots along the highway and have drinks there.
“Sweet,” said Hollis. “Put it in the back of the car?”
When Jake opened the back door of the car he saw a case of white claw on the seat next to Keith. “Was I supposed to bring alcohol?” Jake said. “I could have.” There was wine at the lodge; sometimes on the weekends Mama and Barclay went wine-tasting together, because Dani’s ID said she wasn’t old enough.
“No, Jake, you’re fine,” Hollis said. “Climb on.”
Jake fit the helmet over his head and climbed onto the smooth leather seat of the motorcycle behind Hollis. “Hold on tight,” said Hollis.
The motorcycle roared to life like one of Silvain’s larger beasts. Then it leaped forward, swerving hard to veer around Madison’s parents’ car. Jake swallowed a shriek and held on tighter. He could no longer feel the soft fabric of Hollis’s shirt, only the beast beneath them and the wind tearing at their jackets and the red, orange, and yellow leaves racing by above.
By the time they reached the appointed meeting place the others weren’t even in sight.
“So,” said Hollis when they pulled their helmet off. “What brings you to Kepler?”
Jake knew how to lie, when presented with questions like this. But with Hollis they found they didn’t want to. “I got kicked out of my old school.”
Hollis’s eyebrows went up.
“For… stealing.” Stealing food, because his family’s traditional hunting grounds had been corrupted by the Quell, and everyone else had barely enough for themselves. The huge mounds of apples in the grocery store in Kepler were the first thing to convince him he’d been exiled to paradise.
“Damn, Jake. And here I thought you were so wholesome.”
Jake threw up a hang-ten. “Nah, I’m a real bad boy.”
“Are you… with anyone? From your old school?”
“Nope. Are you?”
“Nah.” Hollis took a deep breath. It was the first time Jake had noticed them breathing. Human beings had to breathe so frequently, he’d found, and he sometimes forgot to until his lungs reminded him. His old body had been able to hold its breath for over an hour, collapsing his lungs so he was sleekness against the water inside and out. Incompressible.
“Wanna make out?” said Hollis.
“Yeah,” said Jake.
Hollis leaned in and kissed him. The best part was how warm their lips were, how warm their face was, right up close to his. No, scratch that. The best part was how they smelled, a smell Jake hadn’t encountered on earth up to that point but knew now he could never get enough of. No, the best part was -
Tires on gravel. Jake startled, but Hollis didn’t stop kissing him, even as Madison honked the horn on her parents’ car.
To Jake, that was the most surprising thing, that Hollis would want to kiss him in front of their friends. Teenagers were the same everywhere.
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Band of Brothers-
Cute/charming things they say when they walk into a room and see you/you walk into a room and they see you:
“oh SHIIIIIT! There’s my BABY! Do you see her, fellas? GodDAMN, I’m a lucky sonofabitch!” 
(you blush so hard and are just like Babe, we’re at work stahp it but he dgaf).
It’s embarrassing and always makes Martin glare so imploringly at you that you’ll go over to Babe just to make him be quiet. Because, you know, YOU’RE AT WORK. 
This bitch is shameless when it comes to loving on you, having once come to stand next to you when Sink was giving an important announcement and straight-up PINCHED. YOUR. ASS. 
how you didn’t yelp is a miracle, and how no one else seemed to notice was equally astounding 
(oh, the boys noticed. They kinda shipped it tho, so it was more a matter of hiding their joy). 
Needless to say, it only happened the once, something you made Babe swear after you pulled him aside and punched him in the arm. 
Don’t worry, you kissed it better.
bb boy doesn’t say anything at first, 
the smile he saves just for you is playing at his lips as you walk up to meet him, tho.
The moment you’re close enough that he can smell the  sweet mint of your gum, he’ll whisper something sweet like “hey you” or “mon amor”, or maybe just your name 
(bc let’s be honest, his accent is 10 out of 10 and he could read me the dictionary and I’d still rock an ugly giggle/snort combo). 
If it’s a more serious situation, like if you’re hurt oh lordy
he will literally shout your name until either you shout back or someone tells him where you are. 
I could see him being a face holder, in the sense that he does it to reassure himself that you’re okay and make sure he has your undivided attention. 
Since getting injured in Carentan, you hadn’t been as close to the frontlines as you had been, so when you were needed you are REALLY NEEDED, 
and even if he didn’t like it Gene knew you were the best at what you did. 
Gene also feels better if he knows where you are.
 Even when you eventually return to Easy, he will feel better knowing which Foxhole you’re in, and knowing he’s seen to it your first aid kit was fully stocked.
THAT FUCKER’S SMIRKING AT YOU SO OPENLY that whoever he had been talking to instantly goes 
*sigh* y/n’s just came in, didn’t she? 
And he won’t even ANSWER because he’s already shoving past them to walk up and eye you with obvious satisfaction. 
“Bout time you showed up,” he’d say casually, hands finding your hips giving them a quick squeeze. 
“Sooner we get briefed, sooner we can get outta here.” 
(You’re not fully sure what ‘getting outta here’ entails, but if the way he looked at you was any indication, you had a feeling it didn’t involve anything less than PG-13 sexy times.)
“Hey, little lady.”
He’ll say it no matter how tall or short you are, how wide or how narrow.
He will always say it to you that when you first see each other in the morning 
(sometimes, you wake up to Hey, little lady being kissed into the soft skin behind your ear.) 
(Once while on a 48 hour pass, he’d woken you up that way in a REAL bed and the two of you had nearly gotten him sent up Curahee for being late coming back because you’d ended up spending more time in that bed than either of you anticipated Whoops)
(Even if he had been late, he definitely wouldnt have minded, tbh. He fully considered going AWOL if it mean neither of you had to leave the bed)
but throughout the day he’s more concerned about getting his hands on some part of you whenever the two of you had been apart- 
even if it was for like five minutes. 
Nothing over the top- holding his arm up and out so you can step into his side, a press of his lips to your temple. 
Idk guys i just feel like he’d just love you so much that everyone would be able to see, which they do and they all think it’s fucking cute
He doesn’t always call out when he sees you, mostly because your eyes always seem to find his. 
The two of you could be across a field from one another with a thousand angry Germans between you, guns blazing, and the two of you would always spot each other like two honing beacons. 
If its downtime and you guys don’t have to be on your guard he’ll ABSOLUTELY wolf whistle in at you, 
You’ll see a stupid grin lighting up his face as he nods in your direction. 
“Take a look, boys. I think we’ve got ourselves a…” 
and he always waits until you’re close enough that he can wrap a quick arm around your waist and pat your hip. 
“Certified babe-asaurus!” 
(in a foxhole somewhere, a wild Babe’s head pokes up in confusion). 
You groan and boo him, and whoever he was with inevitably ends up booing him too.
But he doesn’t care because seeing you smile makes him so happy you guys.
If you’re in public, he will quietly step up beside you and place his hand gently between your shoulder blades.
He’s not super into PDA, which you didn’t mind because what he didn’t show in physical touch he more than made up for in open admiration. 
He is in awe of you 
sometimes he worries you forget how highly he thinks of you, how highly everybody thinks of you 
(you don’t forget, but he’s just one of those people who will get intrusive thoughts like that and sometimes has a hard time shaking them so plz just let him say it ok?)
so he always whispers some praise with his greeting 
(Hey, beautiful...Doin’ okay, love?...What’re you thinking, brilliant girl?). 
It’d probably seem like overkill if anyone else did it but Carwood is just so goddamn sincere that you can’t help but duck a quick kiss to his shoulder. 
If you two kids are alone….
He is handsy, coming up and caging you with his arms, 
probably pulling you close quickly so you lose your balance and he can hold you a lil bit.
(He likes to sweep you off your feet im so sorry)
 That’s when his praises are hushed and sighed between long slow kisses. 
Like Liebgott, he’s a snarky motherfucker who will get the most self-satisfied grin on his face the moment he sees you, instantly turning on the famous Lewis Nixon charm ( something he’d long since decided belonged to you and you alone.)
“Uh oh,” he’d say, looking you up and down before raising an eyebrow.
(bc your hot but also he doesn’t want to get all flirty if you’re hurt or sick or something’s up bc ur not just something to flirt with- YOU ARE A BADASS WITH BADASS RESPONSIBILITIES AND THAT WAS SOMETHING HE very often and sometimes FOUND SO HOT THAT IT MADE HIM THINK HE MAY HAVE AN AUTHORITY FETISH this has been a PSA) 
“Here comes trouble.”
you roll your eyes, the behavior you once found cocky and arrogant having becoming endearing somewhere between Toccoa and England. 
He has absolutely no qualms about PDA (verbal or physical), so it’s up to you to reign him in 
(especially if he’s a lil tipsy, poor Luz didn’t need to hear Lewis’s sloppy and shameless plea for you to let him eat you out on top of piano he’d found in the attic of the billet he’d been assigned. You weren’t able to look at George for a week without wanting to die of embarrassment and Lewis Nixon didn’t get any for two weeks. He was sure to never make such a mistake ever again) 
And Dick had probably grown blind to how Lewis liked to pull you his lap and run his hands up and down your thighs while you played with his hair. 
Also, like Lipton, he probably saves the more explicit acts of PDA for when the company has scheduled downtime 
(but only bc you told him he needed to keep it in his pants any other time he tried to get cute with you)
but you can bet your ass his hand will always try to tap it (your ass, that is.)at least once
a day when he isn’t supposed to.
That’s when you get to punish him whoopsies
since the day you were introduced to Dick in Georgia, the boy always made sure to stand when you entered a room and will call you “ma’am”,
(you know, LIKE HE DOES ONLY BECAUSE HE HAS TO FOR SOBEL BC RANKS. I feel like he has a “we salute the woman, not the rank” speech queued up for anyone who tried to give him shit for it BUT THAT’s JUST ME)
but he has a knowing look in his eye that makes the term ‘ma’am’ feel anything but impersonal.
It confused the shit out of replacements, who would automatically stand because their superior officer (that would be Big Dick Winters) did- only to see you standing there in your fatigues with a coffee in each hand with a look of mutual confusion on your face. 
(bc while they like you, but they’re confused still bc while you’re a boss ass bitch,  you didn’t outrank him...or at least they theink you dont?) 
Babe had been the one to ask you about the longing looks and lingering glances, and when you didn’t know how to answer him you’d gone to Nixon, 
He’d burst into tearful laughter and was unable to get it together enough to explain anything.
Dick had been the one to bring it up the next time they were alone, weirdly enough, as she proofread his report for errors that didn’t exist. 
Because you warrant it, he’d said when pressed for a reason why he greeted her like a ranking officer, looking down at his boots as they both blushed like teenagers at a school dance. 
After that, he still stood wherever you walked in
but now he made a point to brush his fingers against yours at some point during the time you were together. 
He’s the definition of a slow burn friends-to-lovers story, and boi can get spicy LEMME TELL YOU.
(this is my first writing thing ever plz let a sister know if there are any glaring typos. Also i’m roughly 97 years late to fandom but I brought y’all some starbucks so plz let me in thank you)
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beecherdrysdale · 3 years
Hi bbs, we are back for another part of greece:) also if Quinner and Jamie could come real quick, I need cuddlessss
Brigid I’ve been having constant baby fever after our convos so thank you :) like I just want all of that to happen lol.
Kesh- thank you for your your responses I don’t have much to add, but I loved all of it ! Also yes a red sundress would look gorgeous on you:).
Adding onto some thoughts:
- yes yes yes to the new chains. That photo of Quinner shirtless is on my mind constantly and this will be the look in Greece lol, and now we know that he does have a chain that he wears. It’s a silver chain for me, wbu?.
- beanie stealing will ofc happen. Like softest look ever esp with Jamie.
Now adding onto more thoughts hehe:
-yes to all of these soft moments. Like freckle tracing is just so cuteeeee. and ofc play w his hair cuz it is amazing. I ofc am honorary photo taker of Brigids cute moments with Jamie so lots of photos will be provided.
-hmmmm what if I want too..... like Jamie is down to makeout anywhere lol.
- hehe I’m still laughing, Jamie paying cozzy to sit with you. Hehe cozzy and devon are just vv chill and no action will be happening with them. Just a very quiet flight for those two. Kesh and Kirby are just not available to deal with us yet lol.
- hehe yes dyl better buy you food after the flight bc he’s heavyyyyyy. like I said before Jamie just gives ofc the biggest makeout vibes so ofc you gotta do it on the plane. hehe you gotta make sure that dyl, me, Quinner and Ryan are all occupied so we don’t see that. If dyl does see he’d be like no no no I can’t handle this right now. ‘Ummm Brigid maybe we shouldn’t bother bowen’ so Jamie keeps you calm. Which I love bc it’s so cute how you two help each other.
-hehe why do I see Peyton accidentally hitting dyl in the head while trying to give you a snack and we all quietly laugh bc Dylan’s still passed out and that it was a pretty hard throw.
-hehe yes. Like how is that possible to drink that much coffee and still sleep. Like he passes out 5 mins after take off. Okkk can I just say that I love rope bracelets so Quinner wearing one is just necessary. awww Brigid this made me melt, him pretending to sleep bc he’s enjoying it sm 🥺. hehe yes Quinner saved you with this one brigid bc I fidget a lottttt. ‘Lexi I swear if you kick my chair one more time’ ‘sorry brigid I’ll do something’ and I’m like what does that mean?.
I think we all want to see me slap Ryan awake. And he’s wake up so startled hehe. Yessss clear hair, pretty hair = happy life lol.
First night in Greece:
- I see you brigid, going after but we both know you two are loudddddd hehe. Ok so I see Ryan starting the tag and him tagging Braden and then Braden tags me and we all just start running around. All of us are looking for you and Jamie but we notice that we can’t find you until we notice Jamie’s shirt on the floor. So we all just run away ‘here we go again guys’ ‘hey Peyton I dare you to walk in’ absolutely not does it look like I wanna see that’ ‘guys let’s just give them so privacy’.
- aw a slumber party would just be so fun. ‘I’m sorry what’s the point of hydrating your face lexi?’ ‘ what does that even mean. Wait I’m sorry do you not use moisturizer Ryan?’ all of us just watching movies and bonding. Also pillow fightttttt! It would become very intense.
- ok we must have a girls day in Greece. and yes we have moneyyyyyyy. ‘Wait has anybody seen Brigid?’ ‘Hmm no I haven’t’ and they all just start looking for us and we come back and are like seriously you guys?.
-everybody looks so hot in water so moments will be happening. ya Ryan try us.
Next day:
- Brigid I’m with you here I’m like constantly hungry lol. So we’d just eat a mountain of food. Ooo yess we need some energy after our eventful nights😏.
- ok cliff diving is so fun. hehe Jamie looking terrified but you just grab him and jump. the hype up would involve a lot of slapping imao. haha ok if you’re not marco the entire time. I think I’ll go w dyl bc I wanna bond with him lol. The boys need your help bc swimming is hard. And then Jamie can piggy back you out of the water. And cuddle with you on the beach.
- awww I love this, holding hands while scuba diving. hehe yes I wow you all with my not forgotten guitar skills. ‘Please dyl can I try’ ‘no I’m scared you’re gonna drop my guitar in the water’ ‘I promise I won’t’. Lol this was random. actually a song i know how to play on guitar is Our last summer from mamma mia so we can all sing that :). I love cuddling our bbs on the boat.
- awww I love Jamie finding your wallpaper and him asking that in the most soft voice ever 🥺. And ofc some kisses will be exchanged. vv cute moment all together.
- we’d have the most chaotic moments at night while we are tipsy lol. Like some would try to race up the stairs and fall. Some dare each other to jump over stuff.
-so after dinner we just encounter a live band and see some people dancing and it’s pretty out with lights everywhere. ‘Hey bb wanna dance with me?’ And ofc you agree so you two take off to dance. Aww you tucking you me face into his chest🥺 and he just tightens his grip on your waist. Kesh and Kirby are #couplegoals they are the best dancers out there. hehe ofc Quinner is slow, but then he realizes that he wants to dance like that as well so he asks me to dance and we have a cute dance as well.
Next dayyy:
Hehe yes me and Ryan falling I feel like would be vv funny. It’s just all very sudden. imao you’re a hockey player it’s in your job description.
The chirps that would be happening ‘ hey brigid seems like you had an eventful night and he looks at your small hickey’ ‘ I saw a girl come out of your room this morning Cole. What are you doing trying to go through every girl in Mykonos by the time we leave’
‘I think by the time we leave there won’t be any more girls left.’ -Lexi.
Haha I would (no offence) totally abandon you to go play tennis with a pro. aww thank you for taking the photos. Lol everybody would just be confused on where I went for the afternoon.
Next day: I honestly think that for our final days of Greece we should just all be on the beach lol bc that is mostly what you can do there. Like all of us just bonding, playing volleyball, riding on jet skis, tanning, getting tipsy lol.
So now it’s travel day so we all head to the airport, chaotic as usual. And we are ready to board our flight to the beautiful ITALY 🇮🇹.
Get ready.
Sorry if this was kinda bad.
‘uhehe ok i’m finally responding, welcome to the last part of greece:) once again a longgggg post
okkk so before we start discussing the trip a couple random things:
yesss ik this was from a couple days ago when lexi and i both really needed cuddles but i’m always down for jamie cuddles, so quinner and jamie better come cuddle us real quick (also kirby better come for kesh)
haha sameeee i’m having such bb fever, i just want a bb jamie🥺
yes kesh ty for your responses i love them :) also you would look so cute in a red sundress
okkk adding on to random thoughts:
yesssss to chains, like that’s so hot. i love the quinner pic with the chain that we found lol. haha same silver chains>>>gold chains
awwww yes i love beanie stealing, it just seems so soft to me that you want to wear their clothes bc it reminds you of them🥺 and also bc it’s comfy lol
adding on to more thoughts lol:
awww yes freckle tracing is so soft, i love it🥰 and i just want to play with his hair, which is somehow amazing even tho he probably uses a 3-in-1. tyyy lexi for being our photo taker lol, i need you to send me the pics so i can put them as my wallpaper
lmaooo why do you feel the need to drag me and jamie into our discussion about you and quinner? it’s ok tho, this is true jamie and i are down to make out anywhere lol. we’ll find somewhere semi-private tho lol bc it’s kind of weird if you’re just making out in the middle of the airport
lmaooo i love that jamie’s literally paying $50 just to sit with me, like that’s kind of a lot of money lol. but then devon and cozzy are just chilling on the flight and just sleeping for most of it so their row is vv quiet. and kesh and kirby are just not at all ready to deal with our chaos this early in the morning lol
yes dylan you better buy me food, i’m hungry af and you’re heavy so i deserve it. hehe yes jamie and i have a little makeout sesh while dyl is asleep bc we know dyl would freak out if he saw lmao. but at this point idc if you and ryan see bc you’ll find a way to chirp us no matter what lmao. ‘ummm brigid let’s let bo sleep’ so he has to grab my hand or put his hand on my leg to stop my fidgeting🥺
lmaoooo dyl getting hit in the head with one of the snacks that was meant for me bc apparently peyton can’t aim. but somehow dyl doesn’t wake up lol
okkk yes quinner is somehow asleep 5 minutes after the plane takes off so lexi starts playing with his hair and his rope bracelet. and then quinner pretends he’s still asleep bc it feels good🥺 but thankfully he wakes up to stop you from fidgeting bc or else i’d end up punching you lmao
hehe yes ryan might get annoyed by you slapping him but it’s fine. and we’ll all be living our best life in greece lol
first nightttttt:
lmao noooo jamie and i are not that loud. hehe yep you guys just start a game of tag and just start sprinting around the hotel. hehe you come to my and jamie’s room looking to tag one of us and then you see jamie’s shirt on the floor and it’s just ‘hey peyton i dare you to go in and tag one of them’ ‘absolutely fucking not i don’t want to say that’ and then kesh is like ‘all right, let’s just give them privacy’ lmaooo
yessss a slumber party!! ‘what’s hydrating your face? like what does that even mean?’ ‘ummm do you not use moisturizer ryan? how is your face not completely dry?’ hehe yes we would watch a bunch of movies and stuff, but then we would have an epic pillow fight and i would be beating everyone up lmao
hehe yessss girls day in greece! and we have money so we can buy whatever we want
lmaoooo everyone looking for jamie and i and peyton finds us ‘ahhhh my eyes!!’ ‘seriously guys? again?’ hehe we would all be having hot water moments tho
next day:
haha we eat like the entire breakfast buffet at the hotel bc there are so many of us and everyone else at the restaurant is just like where’d the food go? hehe we need it for sustenance tho to make up for all the calories we burned😏
hehe yeah cliff diving is so fun, i have to pull jamie in with me before he backs out bc he’s scared lol. lmaoooo you and ryan and quinner have the best hype up before you jump. and then once everyone’s in we’re playing marco polo and i’m just destroying bc im good at swimming lol. haha then we have to send you and dyl to find the way back up while i help the boys swim lol. awww yes i love jamie piggybacking me out of the water and then cuddling with me on the beach🥰
awwww yes hand holding while scuba diving is the cutest. and then while we’re on the boat you can resuscitate your guitar skills for us ‘pleaseeee dyl i want to try’ ‘no you’re gonna drop it in’ ‘nooo i promise i won’t, just let me try please?’ so then he does and you wow us with your skills and we all sing along. and we’re just cuddling our bbs on the boat🥺
yesssss omg jamie just going to do something on my phone and then he sees i change my wallpaper and in the softest voice ‘i’m your wallpaper?’🥺🥰 and i’m like ‘yeah is that ok?’ and he’s just like ‘ofc’ and then soft kisses
lmaoooo yes we’re the most chaotic people ever when we’re tipsy. lol we’re all racing each other and daring each other to do stuff 
awwww yes we see a live band so jamie asks me to dance ‘hey bb, come dance with me?’ in the softest voice, and ofc i say yes and i tuck my face in his chest while we dance🥺 and he just pulls me closer. and then kirby and kesh are somehow just amazing at dancing and perfectly in sync bc they’re like the perfect couple sooo. and quinner is just a bit slow on the uptake, but then he eventually asks you to dance and then you guys just have a cute slow dance and you’re playing with the little baby hairs at the back of his head if you know what i’m talking about
next dayyyyyyy:
lmaooo you and ryan falling down the stairs would be so funny, like one minute you’re walking and the next you’re just tumbling down the stairs. ‘you’re a hockey player it’s in your job description’ love that lol
lol the chirps that are happening ‘hey brigid and jamie looks like you had an eventful night’ ‘shut uppp cole, i saw another girl coming out of your room this morning? what, are you trying to get through every girl in mykonos before we leave?’ lexi: ‘i think by the time we leave there aren’t gonna be any girls left’ 
hehe yes lexi dips to go play tennis with the pros, but kesh and i come find you and we take photos for you
rest of the days:
we’re on the beach alllll the time, doing whatever, like volleyball, jet skis, tanning, just swimming, etc. and ofc getting tipsy
hehe our travel day is soooo chaotic again, but we somehow get our flight on time to go to italy
overall, i love all of this, it was amazing
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sincerelyreidburke · 4 years
OK PROPOSAL?? HOUSE HUNTING?? CHILD ADOPTION??? WHAT??? CARE TO ELABORATE??? Also can I just say that all med students really are the same? I have personally threatened my own Dutch bf into delaying any proposal ideas until both of our degrees are done bc the Future is my only motivator and if I get it too soon it won't be good lol. It cracks me up to think that as soon as quinn's criteria are met nando the simp trips over himself to propose (literally?) lol
Okay, people, because of this ask, and because I feel like it, it’s time to talk about far-future Quindo. I will answer some of your questions that have been looming based on my continuous dropped hints. Come with me on this journey.
And by the way, Brenna, it continues to entertain me how you and Quinn are literally the same.😂😂 Quinn would absolutely personally threaten Nando not to get too many creative ideas until they at least have gotten a place to live together, and Quinn has started in medical school.
Let’s hop under the cut and I’ll tell you some details! (This got so long, but no regrets.)
- So I think I’ve talked about this in a few places now, but something that’s always true with Quinn and Nando, even early on, is that they understand their relationship is long-term. Neither of them is really looking to date casually, and once they’ve been together for a reasonable amount of time to draw this conclusion (six months, I’d say?), they’re each already pretty much planning on getting married. Do I think they necessarily talk about this that early on? Probably not. But the long-term future conversations come along eventually, and they’re very much on the same page about everything.
- I also did this post semi-recently about the fact that their relationship very much contributes to each of them wanting to settle down. They both knew they wanted, like, marriage and kids one day before they had each other, but the presence of each other makes it much more real for both of them. With each other, there’s a person in those daydreams of the future, a more concrete plan in mind. Instead of just thinking of my future husband, they can think specifically of each other.
- Anyway. As I’ve said, Nando is already sort of thinking about proposal plans before they graduate. (Here’s a glimpse into his simp brain circa graduation.) But they also have a lot of other plans and things to do around the time of graduation. Here’s where they wind up at the time of graduation.
- Nando has secured a job, to start mid-summer, with the Phoenix Dept. of Social Services. Is this a real department that exists? Let’s just say I hope so. I feel like it has to. Anyway, it’s very much related to everything he studied with his sociology major, and it’s exactly what he wanted, and he’s very happy.
- Quinn is going to medical school. I feel like this has been heavily implied. Bear with me and suspend your disbelief a little, because, look: I fully understand how difficult medical school admissions actually are. And I also understand that you can’t necessarily be choosy with where you go based on geography, since the aspiring medical student in my life is always going on like I’m just going to apply to like fifty schools all over the place and go wherever I get in. But I want Quinn to have nice things and also geographic stability, so....
- Let’s just say Quinn puts a lot of eggs in the U of Arizona medical school basket. I think he submits other applications, but as we’ve discussed in mostly theatre contexts, Quinn is somehow an extremely confident person and also the king of underestimating his ability to succeed. He always expects disappointment, because he believes this is the key to never actually being disappointed. (See this ficlet for a theatre dive into his mentality on that topic.)
- For this reason, I think Quinn maybe anticipates a rejection in med school admissions. His plan, for if/when this happens, is that he’ll take a year off. He’s fully aware that that might hurt his chances with getting into medical school at all, but I think this is a good time to remind everybody that Quinn, for a hot minute, doesn’t really have a home. Nando and his family welcome him in when his grandparents disown him to ensure that he has a place to go, but the only reason Quinn isn’t homeless for awhile in there is because he’s living at college.
- And yes, I know that, like, renting an apartment and going to medical school is a thing you can do. But for Quinn, trying to establish stability in a life with Nando is the most important thing. He wants, desperately, to go to medical school, but is willing to delay that if the only way he could go would be to be very far away from him.
- We have to just imagine that things work out for Quinn, because, spoiler alert, he does get in at U of Arizona, to start the autumn after graduation. Senior spring, he gets a letter from them, puts it on his desk, and literally doesn’t open it for an entire day because he thinks it’s a rejection. The reason he does open it is because Nando sees it and freaks out.
- Anyway. For Quinn, I want good things. Therefore, he is simultaneously able to start a life with Nando and live out his academic and career goals.
- So this is an extremely long-winded way of telling you that Nando and Quinn move to Arizona after graduation, which I’ve told you in passing before. Because they are college graduates and neither of them has a whole lot of money, they actually move back in with Mama Hernandez.
- Please understand that Maria Hernandez, as a very Catholic Latina woman, welcomes Quinn into her home with open arms— but absolutely refuses to let them share a bedroom.😂😂😂😂
(On the phone, like a month before graduation.)
Maria: I’ve been cleaning the basement up for Quinn. Do you think I should clean out the closet, or will he only use a dresser?
Nando: Uh... Mama? What do you mean, cleaning out the basement?
Maria: Well, it’s where he’ll be staying.
Nando: .......... But we’re getting married?
Maria: Oh, not so fast, Sebastián. You aren’t married yet, are you? And unmarried couples under my roof—
Nando, who has heard this before: I know, I know, but—
Maria: It’s just the same as last summer.
Nando: But we’re looking for a house together—
Maria: It’s a matter of under my roof. No buts.
Nando, who has literally been sleeping in the same bed with Quinn 80% of the time for the past four years of college: Mama—
Maria: No buts, Sebastián!
- So they move into separate rooms in Maria Hernandez’s house.😂😂😂😂
- That summer, Quinn does another theatre thing the way he did with Gabi and Rosa the summer before, and Nando works at his Tio’s restaurant part-time while he waits for his new job to start. He keeps working for Tio, even if only a shift or two per week, even once he’s started his new job, because that restaurant was his papa’s along with Tio’s and he’s incapable of not helping out his family.
- They settle into a routine, and it’s a very lovely summer while they wait for the rest of their lives to begin. :)
- By the way, somewhere in the area of senior spring, Nando bought an engagement ring. It was the result of a lot of saving and planning, and it’s a simple ring but it’s very suited to Quinn’s tastes, and basically he’s just low-key bursting at the seams to get engaged. (Not that it’ll change Maria’s bedsharing policy😂😂😂😂 but he just really wants to be his fiancé.)
- But here’s the fun part. Quinn has also been thinking about proposing.
- Now let us all cry together while I tell you that Quinn goes to Maria to ask about proposing to him. It’s while Nando is at work at the restaurant one night, I think, and Gabi and Rosa are, idk, either out or just in bed. They’re 11 or 12, so they’re probably in bed. Quinn and Maria get along really well, so they’re just having a conversation out on the back patio at the house. They spend a lot of evenings like that while Quinn waits for Nando to get home from work and give him the one (1) goodnight kiss that Maria allows them before they retire to their separate chambers.
- The conversation is pretty standard of most ‘asking the parent because I want to propose’ conversations. Maria, of course, loves Quinn, and wants him to be an official part of her family by becoming her son-in-law, so she gives him her blessing. (By the way, I do think that Maria is aware that Nando is planning a proposal, but she’s possibly entertained by the fact that they’re racing each other to do it.)
- Maria leaves, for a second, during this conversation with Quinn, and goes up to her own room. She comes downstairs with something and puts it in Quinn’s hand.
- It’s Nando’s papa’s wedding band.
- She tells him that this is what Ángel (Papa’s name) would have wanted.
- Quinn is incredibly, wholly touched by this gesture. When he tries to propose, this is what he’ll use.
- And house hunting!! Obviously, they don’t plan to live with Maria forever. Getting a place of their own is their top priority as soon as they graduate, but they don’t have nowhere near enough money saved up to do so.
- I think I have to make a whole other post about how they get a house and also how the engagement ultimately goes down, because this is getting so long, and even though those two things are set in place and planned, I feel like they’d each double the size of this monster bullet-list. So... feel free to ask me about them, and I’ll elaborate!!!!
- I’m also going to elaborate on the adoption/accidental baby acquisition thing in a separate post. But what happens, and when, and how? Stay tuned and I’ll tell you.
Thanks for enabling me, Brenna!!! I’m grateful for your asks, as always. :D
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living-dead-parker · 5 years
Immortal - P.P
Summary: Part 2 to ‘60s! Request -  Hey could you do a sequel to “60’s” were Peter finds out the reader is immortal. And both of them is really surprised and confused because lost time they saw each other it was back the the 60’s
Can I add that I’m so glad I ended part one the way I did, bc then I would have been able to do this. I had two different endings originally planned, but I opted against them for the final part.
Warnings: some cussing, mentions of drug use, 
Word Count: 2.2k
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"I just don't think that it was super scary," Michelle says as she continues looking forward as the three friends -Peter, Ned, and Michelle- all walk alongside each other towards the Avenger's facility. Peter leads the way when suddenly, he sees a woman. Michelle and Ned don't notice how Peter has completely come to a halt upon noticing the woman. It takes a few seconds after for them to see Peter isn't next to them.
Peter looks over at the woman across the street, one that's already looking at him. She has h/c hair, and she looks much like the woman he saw back in the sixties. Except, her hair is a bit shorter than it was then. She still looks the same, despite the haircut. She also dons a black pantsuit and she holds an umbrella in her left hand. She holds a phone in her right hand, earbuds placed into her ears. Peter remains frozen as he watches the woman cross the busy New York street without a care in the world.
"-Peter...Peter?" Ned calls. When Peter does snap out of his trance, he notices Ned and Michelle up ahead and already looking over at him. Peter turns back and sees the woman approaching him. Suddenly, his heart begins to skip a beat and he begins to feel very nervous. His mind couldn't forget the woman he saw only a month ago. Something he never told his friends.
"Peter, what are you doing?" Michelle asks. Peter ignores his friends and walks closer to the woman until the two are face to face.
The two stand in complete silence as they look at each other. Ned and Michelle are left dumbfounded as they see Peter and this random woman standing in front of each other. Neither of them says a thing, but soon Peter is taking a step closer as he examines the woman in front of him.
"I've seen you before!" the woman says, ignoring the two people walking up behind Peter. Peter nods, ignoring them as well. He takes in the sight of the woman, truly taking it in. Her e/c eyes are soft and filled with wonder as she takes a step closer, but not too close as to scare the young man away.
"Y-you have?" Peter asks, his suspicions were proved right by her words.
"I knew I wasn't tripping on some shit, I knew you were really there. But how?" she asks. Peter looks back briefly to notice his friend's shocked stares. Dumbfounded would be an understatement.
"Would you mind following me? I have some people you need to meet," Peter says. The woman looks at him hesitantly before she smiles at the young man. All she does is nod, feeling more words aren't necessary.
The entire walk to the facility was spent with silence and even quieter questions from Ned and Michelle. Especially Michelle, as Ned figured it had to do with Spider-Man and Michelle still has no clue. However, at one point, the woman began to open up, introducing herself, explaining that some 'bad shit' happened to her and now she's stuck 'here' forever.
When they do reach the facility, Peter mentions having an unauthorized guest, causing Pepper to have to come down to get the four people. When Pepper looks over at the strange woman, that she's never seen before, standing next to Peter she gives him a weird look. Almost asking him what the hell did he do today.
"Who's this, Pete?" Pepper asks.
"Pepper, I really need to get all the Avengers into the conference room. Maybe even Ms. Danvers and Doctor Strange. It's important!" Peter says. Pepper looks over at the group but ultimately nods, calling for FRIDAY to gather the team into the conference room for a meeting. Peter, mentally, cheers.
The group is quick to take the elevator up to the penultimate floor, where the conference room is. Upon reaching the door, Peter notices almost everyone is there, so he sends in Ned and Michelle to sit in, making sure to tell everyone that Peter told them to sit in the meeting as well. Peter decides to hide the woman behind another corner where she won't be seen as Carol and Stephen approach. With that, everyone is in the room and ready for the very sudden meeting.
"Okay, just wait outside the door and when I wave at you, you come in, okay?" Peter instructs. The woman is quick to nod before leaning against the wall, right across from the door. Peter walks in and he notices everyone give him some sort of deadpan look.
"What's this about, kid?" Tony asks first, earning some type of response from everyone. Mostly in agreement.
"So, you guys remember that mission a month ago, right? The one where we went back to the sixties and we had to retrieve the weird ancient book, make a copy and bring it back?" Peter asks.
"Oh, the one where you fell in love with some hippie druggie?" Sam asks, earning a chuckle from everyone. Peter's eyes go wide as he flails his arms, cheeks turning red in embarrassment. He turns briefly to look over at you, noticing the playful smirk on your lips. He rolls his eyes as he turns back to look at everyone and sighs dramatically.
"Yes, that one. You know how she saw us, right? How she was asking the guy if he saw us, but he told her she was on drugs?" Peter continues asking. Nat gives him a look, one that begs him to speed up his explanation. Everyone else just nods, waiting for him to get on with his point. All but Michelle, she's so confused.
"Well, what about it?" Stephen asks. His arms are crossed and he seems annoyed. He should be back at the sanctum, watching over the literal Earth.
"I have something I need to show you guys," Peter starts. He turns to look at the woman outside of the room, and he signals her to come over. Taking that as her cue, she moves from her spot and walks into the room, noticing everybody's eyes move to her figure and follow her every move as she walks over to Peter and stands next to him.
"No way," Sam says quietly but loud enough for everybody to hear. She smiles and waves at everyone before looking down at her hands.
"This is Y/N L/N, she's the woman we saw at the music festival from where we grabbed the book."
The room stays silent for a while. It's so quiet, you could probably hear a pin drop. Stephen opens and closes his mouth several times, trying to come up with words, but failing every time. Tony sits up, leaning forward only to go back to his deflated sitting position as his mind rakes over every possible explanation. There's plenty of ideas, and one is bound to be correct, but he wants to know the truth more than anything. Finally, Michelle is the first to get something out.
"What the fuck is going on?"
"I'll explain everything later. Right now, Y/N has something to tell the rest of you."
The woman takes the stand and looks over at everyone, feeling like she hasn't seen them in forever. Which she hasn't. She last saw them 52 years ago during one of her hardest trips. They only saw her last month, completely sober, so the memory really did stick. For all of them. She composes herself before speaking.
"Hi, I'm Y/N L/N. I know it may seem impossible I'm here. I should be some 70-year-old hag or something, but I'm stuck in my 20-year-old body. I swore for the past 50 years that you guys weren't just a figment of my bad drug trip, I swore it was a real experience, that I really did see you guys. I've tried talking to anyone who would listen, that time travel is real, but nobody believed me. I knew you guys weren't from my time, had to be from the future, but no one believed me."
Your voice is soft yet filled with excitement. Tony stands up and walks over to you, examining you closely. You're the same height as the woman from the mission, same hair color, same figure, same everything. Sure there were slight differences in small trivial things, but completely the same in every single aspect. Steve watches like a hawk, unsure of how to take everything in. Both him and Bucky. Admittedly, the two war vets weren't too fond of the woman, having lived what they couldn't.
"How are you still alive?" Steve asks.
"I could ask the same about you, Stever Rogers. Same goes for you, Sargeant James Buchanan Barnes," the woman scolds. She wasn't too fond of the two men.
"How do you know who we are?" Bucky asks.
"My father fought in the war with you two, claimed it was his proudest moment. He was never fond of me, his runaway hippie daughter. He was super racist and hated that I was dating a black man. Oh, but how he missed his old pals, Steven and James. People who probably don't remember him. He idolized you even more after you became Captain America, Rogers. He was fond of the 'oh so great' Howard Stark and all he wanted was to meet the man, but he never did. Which I'm more than grateful for because that man was such an asshole. That's beside the point."
Y/N didn't notice Tony cringing at the mention of his father. If she didn't like Howard, then what would the verdict on Tony be? At least they have not liking him in common.
"But that doesn't answer, how are you still alive?" Tony asks.
"The book, it was full of ancient spells. A grimoire of sorts, but it was all based around the use of dark magic. Donnie wanted to start his own band, influence the world, but he had no real connections. So, he turned to the book," Y/N says. She moves from her spot at the podium and walks around absentmindedly. "He did a ritual that asked for a sacrifice. Nothing too bad, just someone's mortality. Whether his or someone else's, for his fame. He sold my soul, my mortality so he could become famous. It was all in vain too, as he was never famous," she continues explaining her story. Peter watches as she continues to absentmindedly speak up. He feels bad for falling for the girl at the worst time possible. "So, now I'm stuck here. Immortal, in my sacrifice vessel. I don't die, I'll never die unless someone were to reverse the spell, but in order to do so, someone else would have to be sacrificed, and that's not a price I would wish on my worst enemy. That and Donnie burned the book when shit started to come after him, saying he had to get rid of the source."
The room is stunned into a silence. Stephen, suddenly creates a portal, and everyone can see it's to the sanctum. He reaches an arm through and pulls out a book. The very book he copied from that day. He reads over the book and notices one of the pages had a corner creased over, almost like a place marker. He reads over the spell and sees that it's the one she was talking about.
"I'm sure I can reverse the spell. Some way I can do it-"
"No, it's irreversible any other way. It has to be done in a specific way otherwise, you wind up sacrificing yourself. I'm stuck, but I've spent my time being as productive as can be."
"That's no way to live," Wanda says softly.
"It's not living, it's being. I just exist at this point. I've stopped creating real connections with people that really mattered because I was outliving everyone I cared for. I exist carefree and for me, and that's how it'll be until the end of time."
Tony was quick to call the meeting to an end so he could get to figuring out what to do with the woman. Is she younger than him? Is she older? How does it even work? Peter goes over to Michelle and explains everything that happened and Peter could now proudly say, he's seen her dumbfounded for the first time in his life. Ned is quick to ask Y/N questions and everyone else joins in on asking her questions.
After Peter finishes explaining the situation to Michelle, he goes over to Y/N and saves her from the group of people crowding her. She feels Peter's soft hand wrap around her arm and gently pulls her away from the crowd while muttering something about giving you space. Once out of the crowd, Peter takes her over to where he had her hiding at before Stephen and Carol had arrived.
"So," she begins once Peter lets go. "You fell in love with me?" she asks, chuckling at the end of it. Peter blushes as he waves a dismissive hand.
"N-no, I j-ust th-"
"Hey, I think it's cute. We should probably get some lunch or some dinner sometime, get to know each other better," she says softly. Her eyes cast upon Peter's timid form and she feels her heart rate pick up. Peter nods eagerly, excitement bubbling in the depths of his stomach.
"I think you're cute!" Peter suddenly blurts out when Y/N turns to go back into the conference room. She stops in her steps and turns to look at Peter. She walks over to the young man and presses kiss to his cheek.
"I think you're cute too."
Please leave feedback or send in requests! Also, please send in asks or come talk to me about anything!!
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harrysbaebyhoney · 6 years
A/N: this story is about 10k words, so a bit of a long oneee! it’s part one out of a three part fic, and i’m not really sure when the other parts will be written, as it took a lot of work for this one to be done, but i’m hoping soon!!! i’m not claiming to be a ww2 scholar, so there might be some wrong info abt the time period, but i did my best based off the research i did. so pls remember this is a work of fiction and i’m not claiming for it to be 100% true! i really hope you enjoy this story, pls let me know any of your thoughts abt it bc i love hearing feedback. there is angst, smut, and fluff throughout it all!!! i’m not too good at writing smut yet so pls forgive me. anyways, enjoy, share, and lemme know what you think ((:
1939, Birmingham.
“Helps me forget we're far apart,
I don't know exactly when, dear,
But I'm sure we'll meet again, dear,
And my darling, till we do
You are always in my heart!”
He watched as the band set down their instruments, announcing a short break in order to regain themselves before the night would take a more upbeat turn. It was December now, a few months after the proclamation of war against Germany was declared. Most people’s moods were shifted into one of plain anxiety and fear for either their own lives or their loved ones.
Coming to the bar tonight was an escape for all of them as jazz tunes would soon be played, and everyone would engage in swing dancing, forgetting about their worries and the threat to their lives that loomed over them. He came to forget about his lingering fear that he would soon be drafted, too.
Sipping on the rum he held in his large palm, his eyes danced around the room, hoping to catch sight of his friend, Nick. Fortunately, he found him mingling with three ladies in the corner of the bar. Harry chuckled to himself, shaking his head in disbelief. Leave it to Nick to attempt charming three ladies at once.
Pushing himself off of the bar he leaned on, he took long strides over to the group, pausing once he was behind his friend. “‘Been waiting fo’yeh, mate,” He announced his presence, his words silky and smooth as he clasped a hand on Nick’s shoulder.
Nick turned to offer him a sheepish grin, giving a small shrug. “Sorry, got a bit distracted. Ladies, meet my dearest friend and fellow prisoner of the factory system, Harry Styles,” He introduced him to the three, grinning widely.
Harry took the opportunity to peer over at them, granting them a small nod as his greeting. The blonde hardly seemed interested in either of them, her gaze wavering around the room for an escape. Meanwhile, the lighter brunette was latching herself onto Nick’s arm, practically giggling at the simplest remark he would make.
Then, his gaze shifted to the shorter girl of the three, a raven-haired beauty. To his delight, she was peering at him through her long lashes, memorizing the details of his face and the way his scruff was beginning to grow. He had woken up late this morning and didn’t bother to shave, considering he had almost forgotten to even put his shoes on whilst running out the door to his job.
Y/N had hardly wanted to come tonight, too preoccupied about starting her new job on Monday, but her friends promised her a night of dancing, drinks, and shameless flirting would ease her nerves. Now, under the gaze of an emerald-eyed beauty, she wished she had listened to her instincts. When she saw the lit-up sign, Interlude, hanging outside the bricked building, she should have turned the other way. She should never have come. Since the second her eyes met his, she knew she would be trapped, and she could not afford any more attachments right now.
“Hello, I didn’t quite catch your name,” He greeted her, a grin forming on his lips as he was obliviously unaware of the thoughts circling through her mind at the same moment.
Her lips twitched upwards slightly as she shook her head with light laughter passing her lips, “That’s because I didn’t say it, Mr. Styles.” His ears perked up at that, he could get used to her calling him that…
Clearing his throat, he looked down at her with amusement, his lean figure towering over her own silhouette. “Then, what’re we waiting for? What’s yeh’ name?” His brow arched as he waited for her response, but she merely stared up at him with a fond grin on her expression.
“We’re waiting for you to get me a drink first,” She quipped back smoothly as they both seemed to forget about their friends standing next to them. It didn’t matter, though. The blonde had ventured off on her own, attempting to find her own admirer for the night, while Nick and Elizabeth were too preoccupied with each other.
“Oh, so that’s how s’gonna be? Using me for a drink, hm?” His voice was scolding, but his expression read amusement. She merely shrugged back in response, hands entwined in front of her as she sweetly looked up at him with big, doe eyes. “Alright, only ‘cos yeh’re cute.”
Her cheeks tinged pink at the compliment, and she was suddenly glad that the bar was dimly lit. His head cocked towards the bar, inviting her to follow after him, which she did but his strides were long and she was practically tripping over her own feet to keep up.
Placing her hands on the counter, she jumped up onto the stool and took a seat with her elbows resting on the table. Harry was leaning against the counter beside her, raising his fingers to beckon the bartender over. She pouted slightly when she realized that his figure still towered over her even while being raised by the stool.
“Yeh’, we’ll have a…” Harry trailed off, his gaze flickering back to the girl sitting beside him.
“Oh, just a French 75,” She told him to which he perked his eyebrow at, but, nevertheless, ordered the drink for her. Her gaze shifted to observe the scenery of the bar and the vibe it gave off.
The entire place reeked of alcohol and a hint of oak, although she may have been imagining the latter due to the architecture of the building being composed mostly of wood. Heels clicked against the wooden floor as ladies begin to flood the dance floor, dragging their dates along with them. It felt cosy and safe, like their secret hideout from the cruelties and atrocities of the world that awaited them.
It was their last place of fun and freedom before times would shift and everyone’s focus would be on the telephone, waiting to hear from their loved ones, rather than on the trumpet player up on the stage. A breath was released from her lips, gulping as the memory of her brother began to reappear in her mind.
Shaking her head, she pushed the thought away, knowing her friends would scold her for failing the one duty she had to accomplish for the night: to have fun. Luckily, her thoughts were interrupted with the drink that was held out before her and the cheeky lad who seemed prepared to continue his act of charming her.
“Deal’s a deal, love. M’gonna need yeh’ name now,” He tried again, meeting her own smug grin with the slight quirk of his lips.
Taking a sip of her drink, she caved in— it was hard not to when such brilliantly green eyes were staring her down. “I’m (Y/N),” She officially introduced herself, watching as his small smile grew wider.
“(Y/N),” He repeated, trailing off as he seemed to be memorizing the exact pronunciation of it.
“Glad your ears work,” She cheekily responded, giggling softly as he nudged her shoulder with his elbow. He didn’t seem to mind her teasing, though. In fact, he could make do with it for however long she would like if he were allowed to hear that cute giggle leave her lips once more.
“Yeh’ come out tonight with your friends here often?”
“No, it’s just cause I’m starting a new job on Monday. M’really nervous and all that, so they thought it would be best to let me loosen up for tonight… ease my nerves,” Y/N told him.
“What job? M’sure yeh’re going to do great, love, they picked yeh’ for a reason,” Harry earnestly assured her, offering a small smile her way.
“Well, it’s just a secretary position at this big corporation for now. I’m hoping I can impress them enough for a promotion, then maybe have enough experience to run my own business,” She informed him, before continuing on, “Nick said you work in a factory?”
“Yeh’, I do. Not exactly m’dream job, but it makes money, which is all that matters right now,” He told her, a slight frown pressed upon his lips.
“What is your dream job then, Harry?” She asked him curiously.
“‘ve always wanted to own my own bar, actually, and play music all the time like here— live artists, expressing themselves, yeh’ know? One day, I want to be one of those men up on that stage, performing, though m’not sure if that would settle well with everybody else,” Harry opened up to her, a sheepish grin adorned on his features.
Y/N gazed at him with admiration and a soft smile, nodding along. “You better achieve that dream, I’m tired of hearing the same old songs. It’d be nice to hear a new voice,” She assured him, their grins fondly matching one another.
“As long as I see yeh’ running your own business, (Y/N),” He promised her.
“I’ll drink to that,” She raised her glass before the two took a sip of their chosen drinks. Smiles were written on their face, unable to be erased.
As the music became upbeat, the trumpets blaring with glee, he turned to glance at the stage and the crowded dance floor before returning to gaze at her. “Dance with me,” He moreso ordered than asked her, though his hues held a pleading glint.
Setting down her drink, her nose scrunched up. She could make it easy, give in to him now, but that wouldn’t be as much fun for her. Her friends did tell her to have fun tonight. What was more fun than playing a game of chase?
“Dunno’ if I’ve drunk enough for that…” She began to reject his offer to which he frowned at.
“Oh, c’mon, love, it’ll be fun. Can’t come here without at least doin’ one swing da-“
“Sorry, hope I’m not interfering. Saw you just sitting here, was wonderin’ if you cared to dance?” A blonde man who stood a few inches shorter than Harry questioned the same girl Harry was attempting to win over.
Y/N turned her head sideways to peer at the newcomer, her lips shifting into a large grin. “I’d love to!” She exclaimed excitedly, hopping off the stool and taking the blonde’s hand in her own dainty one. As he began to lead her onto the dance floor, and while Harry was attempting to unravel what just occurred, she turned around to wink at the dumbfounded, curly-haired man.
“Thanks for the drink, Harry. I’ll see you around?” She offered before she was lost in the dance floor amidst the moving bodies.
Harry hadn’t missed how her lips were quirked into an amused, challenging smirk, though. Though he had felt blatantly rejected at first, he recognized the little game she was playing, and he was determined to win. Finishing his own drink, he set it down before marching off to find her.
Indeed, he found her, dancing with the same bloke who interrupted them. Her short figure was being spun around while she grinned widely, eyes shut as if lost in the moment. Approaching a redhead, he managed to cop his own partner and began to join the dance.
Y/N had her arms around the blonde’s shoulders who was babbling on and on about how he was here to celebrate his best friend’s engagement. It was endearing, really, but she couldn’t be bothered. Instead, her eyes began to roam the bar to see if the brunette was still there. When she couldn’t spot him at their spot by the bar, a pout settled upon her lips. Perhaps, he had not understood her game and had given up on her, too insulted to continue pursuing her.
Beginning to feel rather bummed out, she sighed softly as she was spun around in circles, twirling away from her partner. Hands grabbed her waist, pulling her close again, and she looked up, expecting to see the blonde but was met by green hues. A surprised gasp left her lips, brows furrowing in confusion.
“Traded partners,” Harry simply explained, cocking his head towards the blonde and redhead who were now dancing around.
A smile began to form on Y/N’s lips, looking back up at Harry. Relief flooded throughout her, glad that he had realized her challenge. “Missed me so quickly?” She pondered, gasping once more as he turned her around, pressing his chest into her back while one hand had slid into her own, the other resting on her hip.
He swayed his hips along with hers to the music, leaning down to whisper in her ear, so that she could hear him over the blasting, swing music. “Yeh’ left jus’ when we were gettin’ started,” He murmured, spinning her out with one hand. She turned her head to glance at him while she stood a few feet apart from him, still clutching onto his hand with her own.
“Starting what exactly?”
He brought her back in, chests pressed against one another as her hands moved to slide up onto his broad shoulders. “The rest of our fun night, of course,” He responded as if it were the obvious answer.
To that, she offered light laughter, shaking her head in amusement. “Oh, yeah? You decided we were gonna have fun, did you?”
“No, ‘course not. I was hopin’ actually, kind of why I wanted you to stick around, so I can see if that’s what you wanted, too,” His voice was softer, more questioning as he looked down at her with a questioning gaze.
Her light mood seemed to take a sudden twist as her grin fell. Removing her hands from his shoulders, she shook her head as she turned her face away from him. “I.. I gotta go,” She weakly offered before scurrying off the dance floor.
This time, he had recognized no challenge or game. She was truly attempting to escape, to flee him as if he represented some horrific idea. He was thoroughly confused, unsure of where he had crossed the line. Maybe she truly was repulsed by him and was mortified he would offer having a fun night to her.
“Fo’ fucks sake,” He mumbled to himself, cursing himself for crossing the boundaries too quickly. But, she had seem interested, hadn’t she? No, she had run off with the first man who interrupted their conversation and wouldn’t even give her name to him until she was bought a drink. Perhaps, he had thought too much into it.
Y/N, meanwhile, pushed open the doors of the bar to escape into the cold night. Shivering as she realized she forgot her jacket inside, she wrapped her arms around herself. All she had to cover herself up was the orange button-up blouse she had worn to match with her pleated skirt. Knowing the brunette would be after her, she decided to saunter a bit further until she stood behind the building where the path was rocky and the railroad tracks were only a few feet away.
Harry had frantically reached for his coat, tugging it over his lanky body before following her steps outside the building. He looked to either side of him, not spotting her figure in the darkness of the night. Huffing to himself, he frowned with furrowed brows, wondering where she could have gone.
Deciding to look around, he checked the alleyway beside the building. Disappointed when it turned out to be empty, besides a snogging couple, he was beginning to believe it was time to give up before he heard some sniffling.
Anxious, he followed the noise till he hesitantly approached the familiar, tiny figure that stared ahead at the empty railroad tracks. “I… I didn’t mean to make yeh’ cry, love,” He started to say, but she cut him off with a small groan.
“I’m not crying! It’s cold out here,” She defended herself, turning her head over her shoulder to peer at the nervous male. Her nose had turned red due to the cold surrounding her, but no tears stained her cheeks.
“Oh,” The word fell off his lips lamely before he hurriedly took off his jacket and wrapped it around her dainty figurine. “What’re yeh’ doin’ out here, then? Yeh’ could’ve stayed inside, just told me to fuck off,” He scolded her, his body still standing a few feet away from her— so not to cross more boundaries.
“M’sorry if I… I said anything out of line in there. I really do respect women, I don’t expect them to just come have fun wit’ me, just thought… don’t know what I thought, really. Seemed so clever in the mo’, but…” He was rambling on, so she decided it was time to save him from further embarrassment.  
“You didn’t cross any boundaries, Harry. I’m not upset about that.”
“Oh,” He said again, relief flooding throughout him that he hadn’t messed it all up, “Then… what happened?”
“I.. I can’t do this. I can’t have fun with you, Harry.”
His hands had shoved into his pockets, his own nose turning red as he had never been one to handle the cold too well, either. He was confused, honestly, by what she was saying, which is why he had kept quiet to what she responded with.
Once she realized he had no reply, she continued on with a sigh, “It would be no good for us.”
Her body turned to face him, arms crossing over her chest as her gaze shifted from his orbs to his boots. He stepped closer, waiting to see if she moved away before further advancing. Once he was close enough, his hands grabbed her elbow gently in his palms. “Why not? ’S just a bit o’fun, didn’t think it could be so bad,” He asked, perplexed.
“Because, for us, it wouldn’t just end up in fun. People like us, together, can’t just have fun, you know? It’s hard to explain, I probably sound crazy right now. I just knew the moment we started talking, you weren’t the person I would just have fun with. You’re the person I could fall for, and we can’t have that… not now.”
She was a bit scared that her rambling would scare him off. Here he was, merely asking for a bit of fun with the girl he had met in a bar, and she was ranting about how she could imagine herself falling in love with him. God, this would surely scare him off, so perhaps this was good for her— wasn’t this what she wanted?
She knew she sounded insane, but she also knew who she was. She could manage her emotions well enough, but with someone as charming and kindhearted as Harry had been, she knew she would not be able to prevent herself from feeling for him. One night of fun would turn into calling him the next day, eventually leading to dates and her obsessing over the curly-haired lad.
He didn’t seemed too shakened by her words, though. In fact, he seemed to understand them better than she believed he could. He had recognized it when he first saw her, too. He knew he was not picking out some random girl from the bar, but someone who had intrigued him by her appearance then her smart banter. She allured him, and he wanted to dive into her— completely, if he could.
“Why not now?” He settled on asking instead of consoling her thoughts.
“Because…” She whispered, her eyes darting from the ground to his enchanting hues, “It’s a dangerous time to fall in love.”
A faint smile eased upon his lips, staring down at her with a knowing glint in his orbs, “There is never safety with falling in love.”
Her eyes raised to meet his at that, a bit stunned that he was comfortably approaching this topic with her. She had been so sure he would be freaked out by her worries. Here he was, though, still listening to her. Perhaps, he was the insane one.
“Still, we can’t,” She pushed herself to say the words, moving away from his grasp once more with a small step backwards. He could see her walls falling down, though. He recognized the way her mind was screaming at her to leave, but her body was desperately craving more.
She recognized it, too. Her brain was logically bringing up her fears and worries, but she felt herself growing weaker under his gaze. She imagined where else his hands could travel, farther from just her elbows. She wondered what the toned chest she had felt pressed against her own looked like. She wanted him. Badly.
“I lost my brother,” She admitted to him, wanting to give him an explanation for her fears. “I can’t lose somebody else, so I can’t get close to anybody— not now.”
“Yeh’ won’t lose me, love. M’right here.”
“You don’t know that,” She scoffed, “It could be anybody tomorrow.”
“Stop worryin’ about tomorrow, then. We have right now. ’S the beauty of life, isn’t it? Livin’ in the present mo’ and all tha’?” He stepped closer, watching as she bit down on her bottom lip.
“Why are yeh’ resisting something that yeh’ want?” He questioned her, index finger grazing her cheek as he tucked a strand of hair behind her ear.
She gulped, frowning as she attempted to regain control over the situation. But, the way his fingers grazed along her cheek had ignited a fire within her, had left a burning feeling throughout her, and she wanted more. She wanted more than innocent touches, but she wanted his hands digging into her hips as he pressed into her.
“Just fun, okay?” She whispered so quietly that he almost missed it.
He was a bit shocked that she had given in, thinking it would take more convincing but she stared up at him with a hard, determined gaze now.
“You can’t fall in love with me, and I can’t with you, got it? No calling me the next day, no asking to get lunch together, just… just one night together, and that’s it.”
His lips began to perk upwards, licking over his bottom lip. “Alright, if that’s what yeh’ want— as long as yeh’ won’t be askin’ me to cuddle you after, hm?”
She rolled her eyes at that, her hands lifting to grab at his shirt collar and tug him forward. “Trust me, Styles, I won’t be,” She shot back defiantly.
“We’ll see,” He hummed in response, his voice dropping lower than before as he leaned into her. His forehead was pressed against hers while their eyes met for one last time before he closed the gap and pressed their lips against one another.
Her fists around his shirt collar grew tighter, while his head tilted to the side, deepening the kiss. His hands had held her face in his large palms, holding her in a position he liked, so he could angle himself better in relation to her shorter figure.
The kiss was desperate and passionate— it was fiery and challenging, as if questioning which one would give up on their promise first, which one would succumb to the ecstasy of their bond sooner.
“Let’s go,” He murmured as he pulled away though his body was fighting against him, simply wanting to taste the softness of her lips against his once more. His hand dropped to intertwine with hers, the two sharing a soft smile before stumbling back into the alley during the dark night.
—— — — —
“Careful, love,” Harry warned her as she had her arms looped around his neck, pressing soft kisses along his jawline. His arm was wrapped around her waist, walking her inside his flat and making sure she wouldn’t bump into any walls. “Should be watching where yeh’re going, yeh’ know tha’?”
“You want me to stop then?” She questioned, pulling her head back to glance up at him with a questioning brow.
“Didn’t say tha’, did I?” He quipped back, lowering his head to leave a gentle kiss on her lips. He kicked the apartment door shut with his foot, his hand reaching back to lock it before moving back to its placement on her waist. “Proper minx, yeh’ are,” He murmured as she continued her assault on his neck.
Deciding he had had enough of her little fun and games on him, he thought it best to take control. Lifting her off her feet, he held her to his body with one arm wrapped around her waist while the other hand slid down to the back of her thigh. Her legs instinctively wrapped around his torso, ankles crossing against his back.
Their faces were leveled with one another as he leaned in to kiss her again but harder this time, not bothering to be soft and gentle because the fragile girl with her worries was left by the railroad tracks and was replaced by someone teasing and daunting.
He had recognized the shift when she attempted to give him a stiffy while he was merely trying to rush along their walk back to his apartment. But, no, she had to stop him in the middle of the sidewalk to kiss him again and run her hand down his chest towards his crotch. All that could stop her was a harsh grip on her wrist and a stern look, but even then, she was still daring.
The second they had gotten into the elevator, her lips were attached to his flesh— all the way up to his front door.
“Thought yeh’ could have all the fun, didn’t yeh? Get me all riled up fo’ what, hm?” Harry asked her as he walked her back to his bedroom, dropping her onto the mattress. Her back hit the cushioning while a soft gasp left her lips, not expecting it. “Not how it works wit’ me, angel. Yeh’ don’t get all the fun here.”
He began unbuttoning his shirt as he watched her big eyes trail from his own orbs to his toned chest. She bit down on her bottom lip, getting more eager for him as she moved to unbutton her own shirt. Slipping the fabric off her shoulders, she laid in her skirt, lifting her hips up to take that off, as well.
His hands paused at his belt buckle as he saw the sight of her in her white, cotton undergarments. She looked so pure and innocent like this, but he knew she was far from it.
“Such a pretty girl, aren’t yeh’?” He murmured, leaning down to cup her face with his hand. She hummed in response, her face leaning into his touch and lips pressing a soft kiss to his wrist. “Been a bad girl, though. Think it’s time yeh’ get taught a lesson, hm? What do yeh’ have to say fo’ that?”
She chewed on her bottom lip, suddenly at loss for words even though she had been a rambling mess earlier. Nodding her head slowly, he smirked at her, amused by the sudden submissiveness that washed over her, considering how bold she had been before.
“Turn over fo’ me,” He directed, watching as she obeyed his demands and moved to lay down on her stomach. Her head turned around to peer him at over her shoulder curiously, wondering what he possibly could want to do with her.
His large palm ran along her back down to her bum, tapping the flesh gently. “Pretty, little bum yeh’ got. Think it’d look even prettier with my handprints on them, what d’yeh think, doll?”
When he got no response from her besides a small gasp, his hand twisted into her hair to force her gaze on his own orbs. “Asked yeh’ a question, didn’t I?”
She nodded, at loss for words, as her cheeks had reddened drastically. Soon, her other pair of cheeks would match that color, too. “Y-Yes, it’d look prettier.”
He smirked at that, his hand releasing its grip on her hair and sliding back down. It happened in a quick second— one moment she was anticipating the impact, and the next a gasp was leaving her lips as her hips raised off the mattress. Her flesh stung from his hand, but she liked the feeling of it— the rapid pace of her heartbeat and the adrenaline surging throughout her.
“Such a good girl for me,” Harry murmured, more to himself, as his hand struck her bum once again. He did so a few more times, each time relishing in the soft whimpers and gasps that left the girl’s lips. Kneading the flesh in his palms, he massaged it soothingly. Deciding he had tortured her enough, he knelt down onto his knees.
Grabbing her ankles, he pulled her down the mattress till her legs dangled off the bed and his face was in line with her wetness. Moving her underwear to the side with his fingers, he leaned further into her, peppering kisses along the insides of her thighs.
Y/N anticipated his next move, feeling more than relieved when his lips met her wetness. Gasping at the first touch of his warm tongue against her clit, her hands shakily gripped the sheets. He sucked on her clit, tongue flicking over it before moving down to lick along her folds teasingly.
“Harry, please,” She forced out, hips pushing back further into him— body begging for more. He answered her pleas as his tongue slid past her folds into her, tasting her for the first time. His eyes shut as he hummed in content. She tasted as sweet as she looked.
A soft moan escaped from her flushed lips, head resting on its side as she tried to glance down at him. Though, as his tongue began to swirl against her walls and flick back and forth, her eyes fluttered shut, lashes resting on her cheeks.
He memorized the sound of her whimpers and moans, wanting to play it on a never-ending loop. “Taste so fuckin’ good for me, baby,” He told her as his fingers replaced his mouth by rubbing her folds up and down.
While, Y/N loved the feel and sensation of it all— she just wanted him. She wanted to cave into her desires and have him fully with no more playing around. “Please, Harry, I need you,” She whimpered, feeling his hand pause against her as he grinned smugly.
“Yeh’re having me, aren’t yeh?”
“You know what I mean,” She grumbled, cheeks pink as she felt too shy to say the words.
“Do I?” He tested her, grinning amusedly as she refused to let the filthy words pass her lips, so he helped her out, “Yeh’ want m’cock, is that it? Yeh’ wanna feel me pressed up inside yeh’ till yeh’re screaming for me?”
She whined at the thought, nodding her head hastily, “Fuck, please…”
Standing on his feet, he undressed himself entirely, shedding his boxers, as well. He reached towards his nightstand, grabbing a rubber and slowly putting it over his cock. He leaned down to kiss along the back of her shoulders before his hands unclasped her bra and peeled off the undergarment. Grabbing her by her hips, he flipped her over, so he could look into her eyes once more.
“Alright, yeh’ll have me then,” He promised her, pressing small kisses along her jawline before he positioned himself, slowly pushing into her. He forced himself to go slow, to give her time to breathe and adjust to his size. Her eyes had squeezed shut as he slipped inside her, mouth falling open as he continued to press into her until she had fully taken him.
“Yeh’ okay?” He asked her softly, eyes scanning her face for any painful or uncomfortable expressions. She nodded in response, hands moving to grasp onto his shoulders.
“Mm, keep going,” She assured him, as he moved his hands to rest on either sides of her face. He began to thrust into her, slowly but deeply as she threw her head back in bliss. Though as her moans grew louder, it edged him on.
He remembered how teasing she had been the entire night, and his thrusts got harder. “Open your eyes, want yeh’ to look at me,” He demanded, one hand going to cup her jaw as he tilted her head up and pressed his lips to hers hastily.
It was hard to do so, but she forced her eyes to peel open. She didn’t regret it once her own hues met his emerald ones, gazing at each other like there was nothing else going in the world except this very moment. There was no war, there was no bloodshed. It was only them and the passion flowing between them.
She moaned out his name as he pressed into her, thrusts quick and hard. She could feel him pressed up against her walls, hitting the one spot that had her eyes rolling to the back of her skull. “S-so close,” She warned him as he continued pushing into her.
Her toes curled as her back arched off the mattress, nails digging into his shoulders. If it hurt him, he made no effort to halt her from pressing her nails into his flesh. In fact, he seemed to enjoy the pain of it, just as she had liked his palms against her ass.
“Yeah? Yeh’ gonna come fo’ me? Alright, princess, come fo’ me,” He permitted her, his hand going down to rub against her clit in circles, helping her reach her brink as she came with a shrieking moan.
It didn’t take him long to cum after that, hearing the way she had let out one last whimpering moan. He spilled inside of the condom, pulling out shortly after as he rolled over to lay on his back beside her.
Both of them panted heavily, sweaty and breathless. There was merely silence, but it was a comfortable one— one neither one of them dared to break.
Instead, Harry peeled back the covers of his bed, covering it over both of them. He turned to his side, facing her, and shorty after, she did the same. They stared at each other without exchanging a word.
She didn’t have to ask him to hold her, because he already knew to do it. He wrapped his arm around her waist, pulling her close into his body. She didn’t argue or resist his grasp, but further snuggled into him by laying her head and hands against his chest.
They fell asleep, cuddling.
— — — — —
It was safe to say that after they had already broken one rule of theirs that night, many more failed to be followed.
The morning after, Harry had woken up to her resting comfortably in his arms. He smiled down at her peaceful, sleeping body and kissed her temple gently. He slowly took his arm off her, so not to wake her, and slid out of the bed quietly. He learned that she was a rather deep sleeper for even as he stumbled over their clothes on the floor, she remained asleep.
Smiling, he moved to his kitchen where he began fixing her a breakfast, despite her ordering him earlier not to do so. She wouldn’t mind though, he assured himself.
Soon enough, Y/N was being woken up to her body being softly shaken. Creaking her eyes open, she winced at the sunlight pouring through the windows only to see the lean figure before her. Moving to sit up on her elbows, she glanced down to see a tray being held out for her with a boiled egg and toast being prepared.
“Made you a cuppa’,” He offered her, setting the mug of tea on the nightstand beside her. She grinned softly up at him, grabbing the plate from him.
“Thank you, Harry, you didn’t have to,” She mumbled, rubbing her eyes with her fists. Glancing down, she realized she was still entirely naked and flushed. Harry seemed to notice for in an instant, he was offering her his shirt. Smiling up at him gratefully, she pulled the fabric over her body and allowed the material to fall against her thighs.
He joined her on the bed again, grabbing his own plate. The two ate their breakfasts, both ignoring the fact they had promised not to do this. They had promised not to grow an attachment, but they also refused to acknowledge their promise. It felt better to give into what they wanted.
Y/N was hesitant, but she didn’t want to ruin their morning. It was just a breakfast, that’s all. They would eat, and she would leave soon. Then, she would never see him again, just like they had agreed to. A night of fun, that’s all. Well, also a night of cuddling and a morning of breakfast.
It wasn’t long before they had finished their meals and worked to washed up, clean themselves from the filth they had acted in previously. Soon, Y/N was back in her orange attire and walking to the front door, with Harry falling closely behind her.
“Well, this was fun,” Y/N announced, her hand moving to open the front door as she swung it open and stepped out, before turning around to face him.
“Yeah, it was,” He agreed, nodding as he stared down at her. He bit down on his bottom lip as they stared at each other, unknowing of what to do. Silence settled upon them before she cleared her throat.
“Well, I’m gonna go then,” She told him.
“Right, okay. Get home safe, yeh?”
She nodded, turning on her heels and she sauntered towards the elevator. Disappointment settled throughout her, desperately wishing he would chase after her and coax her away from her fears. For, she so desperately wanted to see his green eyes again, more than just for a night.
Harry chewed down on his lip as he watched her retreating figure. He knew he should stick to his agreement and not chase after her, because that’s what she told him to do last night. But, hell, he hated to see her walk away like this.
So, he spoke up, “Can I call yeh’?”
Y/N paused in her tracks, surprised her wishes were being granted. A soft smile began to twitch along her lips. Her mind told her to say no and to walk away. This would just be another attachment that she did not need. He would leave like everyone else would. It was wartime, and it was dangerous. She lost her brother, she couldn’t deal with losing another. But, then she remembered his soft smile as he gazed at her in bed with his arms around her. She remembered his cheeky attitude and his determination to win her over, and she gave in.
Looking back at him, she nodded, “Yes, you can.”
A wide grin spread along his face, nodding back at her as she smiled towards him before walking to the elevators with relief flooding throughout her. This wouldn’t be the last time she would see him.
As she pressed the elevator button, he suddenly shouted to her, “Wait, I don’t have your number!”
“I’m in the book, (Y/N) (Y/LN)!” She shouted back at him as she stepped inside the elevator, the doors closing shut as he caught one more glance of her beaming figure.
Nodding to himself, he grinned widely as he stepped back inside the apartment and shut the door. Then, he moved over to the phonebook to find her name.
—— — — —
One phone call had led to dinner later that week which led to more dinners and more fun nights. It didn’t take long for them to grow attached, considering Harry even walked to her job after his shift from the factory was over, in order to walk her back to her loft.
It was February now, two months since they had met. They never brought up the conversation about their rules ever again since that night. It seemed like a promise worth forgetting, so they merely allowed it to fade away into oblivion. It was easier that way and more beneficial to them both, though perhaps not in long-term circumstances.
Y/N, of course, still dealt with the loss of her brother as a fresh wound. There were nights she couldn’t get a blink of sleep because she imagined his falling corpse on the battlefield. However, having Harry beside her in bed, with his arms securely wrapped around her in protection from the world around them, made it a lot easier to get through. So, while her mind screamed at her to end it before their bond grew, her body would relax into his as she kissed him goodnight.
There were days where she believed it would be alright. After all, not all the men in the country would be drafted for war, right? Just a bucket of them. Perhaps Harry would be lucky and fall short of belonging in that bucket.
He wouldn’t be drafted and they would stay exactly as they were right now, with her bare body being covered by her sheets and Harry stumbling back towards the bed after grabbing them both some water.
“Here, drink some,” He instructed her, holding out the glass as she sat up slowly, stretching.
“Wore me out today, H,” She teased him, though she particularly liked when he went rougher than usual. That only happened after a stressful day at the factory for Harry.
“Mm, sorry, button,” Harry apologized, but his smug grin said differently, causing her to nudge him with her elbow as he laid back down beside her. She took a sip of the cold water, savoring the taste before setting it down on the table next to her.
Shifting so she was laying on her side, she slung a leg over his and wrapped her dainty arms around his lower torso. Her fingertips drew shapes on his bare chest, pecking the skin softly. “Missed you today at work, everyone was looking at me like I didn’t belong,” She sighed quietly.
Harry frowned at that, his hand moving to run his fingers through her hair, which was a bit messy due to his tugging. He hated that Y/N had to go through that— hated that women, in general, had to face the blatant sexism in the workplace. He wanted to protect her from all those men working alongside her, but he knew she was strong enough to protect herself. Those men just never gave her the chance to prove herself and show that she was more than a domestic worker.
“Jus’ jealous of yeh’, petal. They know yeh’ could do their job so much better that they’re scared of yeh’, so they’d rather try to keep yeh’ out. Proper cowards, they are, the whole bloody bunch,” Harry assured her, his hand rubbing her arm reassuringly up and down in soft strokes.
She smiled at that, looking up at him with only admiration in her eyes. That was what she adored the most about Harry, his sense of consoling her as if it were a second nature to him. Every time she ranted about another mean man at work, her skirt getting dirty as she walked back home, or her cooking burning yet again, Harry always knew what to say to get that frown to transform into a grin. He didn’t even try, it was effortless.
“You’re the best, you know that?” She whispered, leaning up to kiss his lips gently. She rested her head on his chest afterwards, still tilting her head up to keep her gaze on him.
Harry shook his head, a fond smile on his lips. “I know tha’, love,” He quipped back, chuckling to himself as she huffed and rolled her eyes at him.
Her sweet, charming Harry also had quite the ego, and she learned that within a few days of knowing him. God, especially after that time he got especially rough with her, leaving her a trembling mess even as she tried to walk to the bathroom. He never stopped teasing her for that, how he had to help walk her to the bathroom because she was still shaking from their fuck.
“I hate you,” She joked as a smile was still written all over her face. She loved moments like these, laying with him and talking about anything.
Harry didn’t know why the next words that came out of his mouth did, but it seemed like a reflex to him, almost as effortless as comforting her, “Well, I love yeh’.”
They both paused at that, their bodies tensing up for opposite reasons. Harry tensed for he was afraid of scaring her away, knowing how uncomfortable and frightened commitment made her. Even though, they were together without ever announcing it, and would never be with somebody else rather than each other, it still scared her. So, he had left the topic behind, never daring to bring it up in fear of pushing her away. Yet, here he was, laying in bed with her and professing his love.
Y/N tensed up because this was the time her fears were finally confronted. All this time she had promised herself fun would not lead to attachment and commitments. It was easier to lie to herself rather than face the truth. The truth that she, too, loved Harry— she had fallen for him, just like she knew she would. And, while she had tried to prevent it before they first shared a bed together, afterwards, it got much harder to resist. So, she had caved in to her feelings and desires and allowed herself to betray her mind in falling for him.
Harry’s lips parted to say something else, to apologize… but for what? He wasn’t sorry for how he felt, he did love her. He loved her bratty, clumsy self. He loved that she pouted whenever she didn’t get a kiss goodbye in the mornings. He loved that she threw herself on his lap with a grumble after a particularly hard day at work. He loved that she still attempted to cook for him even though it always ended up burnt, so he would just cook up a new meal for them. He loved that she would launch herself onto his back when she was too tired to walk, forcing him to carry her around her apartment and retrieve whatever item she beckoned for.
So, he couldn’t apologize for loving her, because it was truly how he felt. He was only sorry that she was so afraid of love, so afraid of where it could lead them. He was sorry that he couldn’t protect her from the losses war brings.
But, before he could ramble out any apologies or whatever nonsense would spurt out of his mind, she cut him off with her own soft, quiet murmur, “I love you too, H.”
His eyes widened in shock. He was certain she would scramble off his body and kick him out of her flat. Instead, here she was, confirming that she, indeed, felt the same way for him.
She loved him for his idiotic, cheesy jokes that still had her giggling, moreso at the corniness of it rather than the joke. She loved him for the way he sang to her, reminding her that she would one day see him up on the stages like he dreamed to be. She loved him for the way he still tried to eat her burnt meals before she would feel too guilty and throw it away, allowing him to be the chef once more. She loved him for always supporting her, quite literally too, as she often threw herself on his back, mostly because she liked the feeling of being tall.
His smile could not be erased from his face after those words left her lips. Instead, he flipped them over, attacking her face with kisses before leading them down to her neck. “Love yeh’,” He would repeat after every few kisses, loving the sound of her giggles fleeing from her lips as his scruff tickled her neck.
He pulled back after a few moments, staring into her eyes as he pressed one last kiss to her nose.
“Love you,” She responded shortly after, the two beaming up at each other. They fell asleep like that, soft smiles meeting one another as they continued to converse about their days. Every so often, they would remind each other of their love for one another.
— — — — —
The next day, both of their moods could not possibly be crushed. Harry, especially, felt as if he were flying on cloud nine. After all, the girl he had trouble winning over at first had just admitted to loving him back.
He truly believed nothing could destroy his mood, that was, of course, until he got home. Seeing the letter on his doorstep was confusing enough, but seeing it sealed by the British government had his heart thundering in his chest.
Y/N had waited for about twenty minutes after her workday was over for him. He usually came by to walk her back home. Though, he hadn’t promised to do so today. He never did promise, though, he just showed up without needing to be told or asked. It left her a bit worried about whether he was alright or not. She assured herself he was, but she had to make sure. It wasn’t like Harry to skip out on her.
That’s what had her walking towards his apartment in a rushed pace. It didn’t take her long to be knocking on his front door. And when she did, Harry already knew who it would be. He didn’t want to talk to anybody right now, too shocked with the news to truly deal with it. But, he knew he couldn’t avoid her. He was just afraid of how she would feel. Her fears had come true, and he couldn’t do anything to stop it.
“Come in,” He yelled from his living room, voice a bit a raspy and hoarse as he sat with his head in his palms and elbows resting on his knees.
That’s when she knew something was really wrong. Harry never missed a chance on being a gentleman, so she knew him not coming up to greet her was a clear sign something had occurred. Her stomach twisted as she walked inside to spot his distressed figure on his couch.
“Harry… you didn’t come to get me, I got worried,” She started, setting her purse down on his counter before sauntering over to him. She sat down on the table in front of him, hands resting on top of his knees beside his elbows. “What’s wrong?”
“M’so sorry, love, I…” He trailed off, taking a deep breath as he gulped the lump forming in his throat.
“Hey, what’re you talking about? C’mon, H, talk to me,” She pushed, her voice soft and gentle as she tried to catch his eyes but he looked away. He moved so his back was slumped against the couch, head tilting upwards to stare at the ceiling, which is when she noticed the red outlining his hues.
Worry stirred deep inside her as she moved to sit on his lap, straddling his thighs as she grabbed a hold of his chin and forced his head to look down at her. “Harry, baby, you can talk to me, you know that, right? I wanna help you, hate seeing you like this,” She frowned, pressing a soft kiss on his cheek.
“Got a letter today,” He forced out unevenly, his eyes moving to glance over at the letter sitting beside him. She rose her brow, a bit confused, but reached for the envelope anyways. She pulled the letter out, her eyes scanning over it, until the words finally sunk into her mind.
He had been enlisted.
“W-What?” She breathed out, rereading the letter to make sure she hadn’t messed up, that it was true. That her fears and worries had come true, and her Harry was being sent away, just a day after they confessed their love for one another. But, she was moreso worried about him. Her sweet Harry dressed up in a military attire, standing alongside other soldiers as he engaged in warfare. Killing was not a thing Harry was designed for, she couldn’t imagine the kindhearted man to ever have that violent tendency within him.
Forcing herself to remain calm, she knew she had to be strong for him. If she showed worry, if she showed fear, it would only worsen his mood. For the countless times he had been there for her, it was her time to be there for him. She would worry about her own fears later, but right now, she would listen to his.
She set the letter down, trying to control her breathing as she moved her gaze back to him. He was finally looking at her. “Talk to me, tell me what you’re thinking,” She started, her hands cupping his face in her palms softly.
He was a bit stunned at her reaction, fully expecting to see her wobbly lip and watering eyes. But, he recognized the strength inside her, and he couldn’t appreciate it enough. He hardly had the strength inside to keep himself from tears, he wouldn’t know how to do the same for her.
“Wasn’t supposed to happen, s’all. I was a student at university when the conscription first came along, which kept me exempted. Only a few weeks after, I had to drop out, cus’ of money issues. S’why I’m working at the factory now, trying to make some money so I can go back one day. I-I thought they wouldn’t know, wouldn't find out I left university, but they are the bloody government, aren’t they?” He scoffed, shaking his head as his hands cautiously moved to hold onto her waist. “Came home today to see this letter, that I’ve been enlisted now that m’no longer a student. Have to go for training, then they’re shipping me off to someplace where I’ll be killing people I don’t even know.” His eyes were watering once again at the thought, and it hurt Y/N to see him in so much agony.
He hadn’t even gone to war yet, but he was already mourning the actions of what he would soon be doing. Y/N pushed his head into her chest, holding him close to her as his arms tightened around her waist, clutching onto her as if she were the last piece that was keeping him here— safe at home, and not bloody in a battlefield.
That’s when the tears finally sprung to her eyes, falling down her cheeks slowly as she sniffled. His grip tightened around her as he heard that, hand rubbing circles on her back soothingly. “M’sorry, button. I told yeh’ that yeh’ wouldn’t lose me, made yeh’ come to dinner with me after promising yeh’ just one night, and I fell in love with yeh’ just like yeh’ knew would happen. And now, I’m being forced to go and leave yeh’ here. It’s all so fucked up, I…”
She cut him off, lifting his head so their eyes met and shook her head. “Harry, it’s not your fault. You didn’t start any wars, and you didn’t ask to be a part of it. You didn’t make me grow attached to you, I did that by myself for continuing to see you. I wanted to, and I don’t regret it, okay? But, don’t… don’t say I’m going to lose you, okay? I’m not going to lose you, you’re going to come back to me.” Her voice cracked by the end at merely the thought.
He nodded his head firmly at the thought, leaning up to press a firm kiss on her lips. “Yeh’ won’t lose me, promise.”
Y/N nodded in response, her body sinking down so her head was now pressed against his chest. She cried into his shirt as he held her. It continued like this for a while, both of them crying and taking turns with holding one another. They were both scared and upset, unknowing of what would happen to them. They did know one thing, though: they loved each other, and they wouldn’t give up on that, ever.
— — — — —
The pair walked together, hands entwined and clinging to one another desperately. Their anxieties increased as they reached the train station destined for London where Harry would begin his training. Five minutes left.
“Alright,” Harry breathed out, turning to glance down at her with a sad smile on his lips.
Though she desperately tried to hold back the tears, they came flooding in anyways, which didn’t help Harry’s upset mood much either. They had attempted to prepare for this the best they could, making love to each other last night until they grew too tired and stared at each other for the rest of the night.
Neither of them slept, too scared on missing out on their final moments together for who knew how long. They cried, laughed, smiled, and reminded each other of how much love they had between them. They were terrified, but they promised each other to be strong and to keep pushing forward. Pushing forward was the only way they could make it out of this.
“C’mon, poppet, know I hate to see yeh’ cry,” Harry cooed as he pulled her into his arms, his chin resting on top of her head as he squeezed his eyes shut, few tears slipping by. She sniffled, nodding, as she wrapped her arms around him and attempted to brush away her tears, using his shirt.
“S-Sorry,” She whispered, hiccuping shortly after as sobs wracked throughout her.
“Shh, baby, no apologizing,” He reminded her, pulling back to grab her face in his palms and wipe away the tears with his thumbs. “What’d we decide on, hm? Need to be strong fo’ me, doll, right? I can only be strong out there if I know yeh’re holding up back here.”
Y/N nodded at that, her hands resting over his as she nestled her face into his touch and left a kiss against his wrist gently. “I k-know, I’ll be strong for you, I promise. Just, please, be safe and don’t do anything dumb because you’re trying to be heroic, okay? Need you to come back to me, H,” She urged, eyes searching his.
Harry’s lips twisted upwards into a smile, or as much of a smile it could possibly be at this moment, as he nodded. “M’coming back to yeh’, petal. M’not missing out on seeing yeh’ conquer your own business or yeh’ finally becoming a good cook,” He promised her to which she let out a soft laugh at, shaking her head.
Two more minutes. Y/N turned to glance around them as other couples and families were bidding their loved ones goodbye. Sadness surged throughout the atmosphere as tears ran down innocent faces, loved ones being kissed for the last time before they would rest their eyes for eternity. It was a hopeless scene, there was nothing anyone could do to save the future from occurring.
“I should let you go, then,” She slowly spoke, biting down on her bottom lip as he nodded hesitantly.
He leaned down to kiss her once more, their lips meeting one another in a soft, gentle touch with no rush. It was only them and this moment. There was nothing else surrounding them besides this. They pulled away from each other with much resistance, tears filling their eyes but not allowing them to leak.
“I love yeh’, (Y/N),” He told her firmly.
“I love you, Harry,” She responded with no hesitation.
He let his hands drop from her face slowly, hands reaching for one another for a final time as she squeezed his palm gently and his thumb ran over the back of her hand soothingly. He picked up his duffel bag, stepping inside the train and turning back to wave at her. She waved back, a sad smile on her lips as the tears poured down once more.
She watched him settle inside the train, sitting by the window with a bag on the either side of him.
Their eyes met once more, as the train’s horns went off, signaling its departure.
And, their gaze never broke until the train was too far out of reach for her to spot him anymore.
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changji · 5 years
There’s a limit for when you’re in school but in summer I can do whatever I want bc it’s a Free Country 🤪 u miss are not allowed to get sick u hear me or else I will personally fly to cali & nurse you 😤 A STARBUCKS DRINK FOR $4.85 EYE- THAT’S SO GOOD WTFF I DON’T THINK I’VE PAID LESS THAN $5 FOR A DRINK THERE. You’re really out here like that
Ah I forgot to say how often I climb but I usually try for 3+ times a month bc the gym is pretty far away (by far i mean 2 different buses & an hour of crying). When I first started I was being taught how to tie a figure 8 knot (which is the most important one you need so you don’t die) and i couldn’t fucking get it right so the instructor had to go over it 193837 times & was getting annoyed @ me. LOL I couldn’t look him in the eye at all and my face had never been redder that day lmfao
At least ur teachers like you. I’m like that one student that never says anything and just sits there with an rbf so idk what my teachers think of me LOL. Half the time they don’t know I’m there. I got marked absent a couple times before but i was there in class 😤😤 ohh that’s cool. Band season runs the entire year for my school but that’s probably bc it’s a credit course. Newborn babies kinda are, it’s when they reach a couple months old they become cute
LOL how do you pronounce breakfast? I say salmon with the L & I get hated on by everyone. Taeyomi was great but changji is even better. Like changbin + jisung? Genius. Legends Only. Jkhsdiweiihfew I’m glad my url has an impact on ur daily life 🥵🥵 languages are so hard, I’m literally illiterate in every single one ik. Ikr? Our names are so easy like how do u mispronounce arella? One time  someone spelt my name as Adly and I wanted to Perish
The chance the skip 2 math levels? Once again ur a genius legend. I could never esp w math holy moly. Okay dark ones it is!! I was thinking either the 1st or 2nd ones? Which do u like more? Ah new friends. The first weeks are always so awkward bc you don’t really know them well so you don’t know how much of urself you wanna expose (or it’s just me. I’m too much of a crackhead apparently). Wait a moment. Do you have multiple buildings at ur school like a uni campus??
Make out spots at my school is this one sketchy stairwell where all the scary ppl are. The whole school just smells like weed bc 90% of the school are potheads. Alright that’s the deal if we die we die together 😤 I have never heard of bathroom portables before,, those sounds so Extra. Are they like a porta potty? Omg speaking of older grades a bunch of girls who graduated last year came to my work & I was like “oh shit lol ik u all this is awkward” 
Oof I’m the older sister so like. Favouritism never works in my favour. My sister will literally start a fight w me but I’m the only one who gets lectured in the end. Like. Bitch u started this 😤 I’m on the older side out of my cousins so I’m just Ignored 😪 I’m placing my bet on 2k words right now for our convos 
ah makes sense, i thought there was a time for summer too but it might just be here or i’m dumb 😔 I CANT AFFORD TO GET SICK MISSING ONE DAY OF SCHOOL WILL NOT HELP ME AT ALL ! but thank u for ur concern miss, u should just fly to cali anyway 😪 myb i’ll go to u can i hitchike from here ?? IT IS SO GOOD ITS AMAZING IT WAS SO CHEAP but the drink was super sweet 🤢 i have converted back to normal lattes with no syrup. peet’s is usually 5.20 for my drink and it’s so strong i don’t need extra shots ☺️ 
3 times,, a month,, i go to the mall like 3 times a week, look @ u being so athletic! tbh i sound lame but i’ve never taken a bus (other than a school bus for field trips) before like. buses here are lowkey sketch but it’s mostly college students. i rely on my parents and uber 🤧 sometimes i walk but. i don’t like to but if i have to i will oop. it takes an hour to get there and an hour back then right? i can’t imagine bro omg i’d just die. i know how to knot my shoelaces and never being able to untangle them so i now wear slip ons 🤪 poor ada, were like the same person but that was me when i took a knitting class for some reason and couldn’t do any of it 😪
okay idk if i told u yet but my ap euro teacher asked who’s been to italy so i raised my hand, he asked how it was and i said “the gelato is rly good” and his face was just. utter disappointment. turns out he was asking abt the art but he didnt clarify it and we weren’t even talking abt art so now i’m known as That Girl 😔 it’s hard to miss me oop, if it’s quiet then i’m sleeping & all my teachers last year knew this 😪 how do u get marked absent?? i wish band was a credit course but it’s only extra curricular 😔 are ur teachers snakes i will Step on them. newborns look fake but yeah they get cute when they’re like half a year old. 
like. brek-fust by my friends says brek-fist like it’s more of a u sound than an i but go off u idiots. salmon with the L,, ada,, no,, if u say carmel instead of caramel i’m gonna riot. ugh thanks bro i was lucky someone gave me this url, but nohyuckclub? aka the author of the most legendary mark lee social media au? A Whole Legend, but treerachas? my absolutely fave 🥺 languages are dumb i don’t know english i don’t know spanish my vocab consists of sksk and i oop, and that’s it. HOW DO U MISPRONOUNCE ADA LIKE. when i saw ur name i was like ay-da not ah-da, ppl need to learn bro it’s just said how it’s spelled. AND PERISH LOL I LOVE THE WORDS U USE
i’m actually dumb tho i just hate math oops, i’m more of a lunch kind of person if u know what i mean 😉 JK IM GROSS STOP ME and i like the 2nd one (the red one right? idk it’s all pretty u choose) i don’t wanna expose myself but it happens bc i’m just naturally a crackhead oops. but yeah we have multiple buildings! my campus is pretty small tbh? compared to other schools we’re really small, there’s like 2k kids here and i wanna die. it’s so crowded in the halls like get away from me u smelly thot. we have 3 buildings connected by 3 hallways, and a few other ones like the science buildings, music room, portables, 2 gyms and classrooms. in total i think there are 10 buildings? how’s ur campus like?
do you have one big building or smth? in my middle school had stairs and. stairs aren’t fun i hate them. if people kissed on the stairs everybody would hate them bc they’re blocking the halls LOL. we have our legendary D wing bathrooms where people smoke its so funny how often i got offered a roll,,, people straight up vape in class its so funny. but yeah a porta party. disgusting 🤢 in my head that’s what i call it LOL, a portable bathroom… i hate when i see people from school or just. ppl in general, did they recognize u?
U SPELL FAVORITISM WITH A U THATS SO WEIRD FUCKING AMERICA but im lowkey spoiled (highkey) but i. don’t pick fights, its my brother who does that LOL, he gets lectured tho so,,, not my problem oops i have a lot of cousins but we split it when we were younger so its wrong but teens (now adults but still called teens), kids (now teens but still called kids), and the adult adult cousins (which is the only correct one LOL) but i fit into the kid category so,,,, also we have almost 20k im literally SCREAMING, including this we’re at 20,712 words im-
0 notes
ktpal15 · 7 years
More Questions!
These ones are from @drift-time-tales​
1. Favourite historical era?  
I go through phases, but at the moment I’m bouncing between Victorian London and 1920s Ireland
2. Favourite landmark?
The Disney castle (CA or FL). I find it impossible not to be happy at Disney Parks.
3. How many languages do you speak?
English is my native, I have pretty decent French and basic conversational German and Irish Gaelic. 
4. Which scene from your favourite show stands out to you the most?
In the Ripper Street episode “A Stronger Loving World,” Reid’s conversation with Issac Bloom about how humans are caged by what is, but the real tragedy would be to see no further than the bars.
5. Favourite mythological creature?
Probably the bean sidhe- spooky, historical, culturally impactful
6. If you could master one skill what would it be?
I would love to play a musical instrument well. I’ve taken up fiddle in the past year, but I would love to be really good.
7. Favourite genre of music?
It varies. Lately I’ve been bouncing between folk and Disney soundtracks, but I also like classic rock and ‘60s pop
8. Who is your greatest inspiration?
I don’t really know. I tend to do a lot of stuff just because I like it, and it’s more of in internal determination than an external inspiration. 
9. City or countryside?
Country, definitely. I like visiting cities, but I’d get stressed trying to live in one for any length of time.
10. If you could relive one past memory what would it be?
We had gone to Disney World when I was little, but I had pretty severe anxiety and hated parades, fireworks, anything with a loud noise. Last November I went back with my mom, and we sat together and watched the fireworks and for the first time in my life I was able to just appreciate how beautiful they were anxiety-free. One of my favourite pictures of myself is the one she took of my back in my Star Wars Mickey Ears silhouetted against the fireworks.
11. Are you religious?
I’d say more spiritual than religious. I like feeling connected to nature and do a lot of ancestor work, but it’s more personal than part of any organised thing. 
What is the last thing you cooked ? I made a proper roast dinner with lamb, potatoes, carrots, and stuffing.
What would you name your pet if you had a new one ? I really like the idea of having a little dog (like a jack russell or a rat terrier) and naming it Tidbit (I love both dogs and trivia)
What do you think about cryptids ? I just had to look up the word, so I obviously haven’t given this much thought, but I think most undiscovered animals are probably deepwater creatures.
Artist or just enjoying the art, do you prefer traditional or digital ? My artistic skills are more craft-based than fine art, so there really isn’t a digital option for me. In terms of looking, I honestly can’t tell the difference most of the time. 
Favourite super-heros ? Cyclops, Captain America, Deadpool, Thor (mostly bc Thor is the bringer of Loki)
Last show you watched ? Hotel Hell. I have really crappy wifi at the moment, so I’m trying to watch things that I can do one episode at a time, since marathoning is difficult/impossible
If you could visit any new country, which one ? I’ve never been to Germany and I would love to go!
Which type of tea ? Barry’s in the morning, chai in the afternoon
What is your Hogwarts house ? Ravenclaw
Where are you from ? The Bronx, originally, but I lived in the NY suburbs for longer
C’est une bonne situation, ça, scribe ? I think it’s asking if writing this was good. Yep!
Okay, my questions!
1. Favorite Villains?
Loki, Riddler, Darth Vader, Kylo Ren, Yzma, Maleficent, and Jafar (My parents love to tell the story about 3-year-old me scaring the guy in the Jafar costume at Disney by running up and hugging him.
2. Favorite Folk Story?
Cheating on this one, bc it’s actually a new movie that uses a lot of folk story elements, but Song of the Sea. Blends a lot of traditional Irish lore and themes into its own story, and has absolutely gorgeous music. 
3. If you could choose to live in any fictional story, what would it be and why?
Wow, this question is making me realise how dark most of the stuff I watch/read is. Need to give it some more thought.
4. Hornblower or the Aubreyad?
I’ve actually never read or watched any version of either.
5. Colin Firth or Matthew Macfadyen?
Macfayden, definitely!
6. Most embarassing childhood fact (that you feel comfortable sharing with god and everybody)?
I once decided it was a good idea to cover my sister’s and my shared room in baby powder. All of it. Like, it looked like there had been a blizzard. It was the most trouble I’ve ever gotten into in my life.
7. Favorite series that was cancelled too soon?
Weird example bc of the way things ended up working out, but Ripper Street. It was cancelled and then brought back, but the new episodes feel really different and a bunch of plot lines got dropped, and I preferred the pre-cancellation seasons.
8. Favorite books that the movie/tv show screwed up?
From Hell. The original graphic novel is really creepy and well-written, and the movie manages to take an interesting story and make it feel boring. 
9. Have you ever seen a movie you preferred to the book? What was it?
Pretty much anything by Charles Dickens. I think his plots are really interesting, but I can’t stand his writing style, so I watch the BBC movies instead. They don’t leave anything out, but I don’t have to put up with pages and pages to describe one action.
10. Favorite obscure, under the radar band?
Altan. They’re an Irish-language folk group, and my professor went to school with a lot of the people in the band, so he uses them to teach us new vocabulary. The lead singer’s voice is beautiful!
11. Steampunk or Dieselpunk?
As always, if you haven’t done it yet and want to, go for it!
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guns-n-zeppelin · 7 years
Never say die - Chapter one
Pairing: Axl Rose x reader Words: 2561 Summary: Reader accidentally time travels back to 1985 where Axl, Duff, Slash, Steven and Izzy find her. A/N: So i posted this already before but i changed this a bit bc first it was Robert Plant x reader and i don’t have motivation for Robert rn lmao. So now you can enjoy Axl’s company. I’ll try to update asap
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”I can't believe it's already today!” my best friend Leo yelled from the living room. I was still in the bathroom trying to fix my hair for tonight. ”I've been waiting for this for such a long time and it's finally happening.”
We were going to see Guns N' Roses at tonight's concert which started at 7 pm. Leo and I loved Guns N' Roses, we were crazy about their music. I had all of their songs on vinyl and many posters on my walls. We were sure for a moment that we couldn't afford to buy the tickets, but luckily I got my salary from work earlier than usual. Probably one reason was also that it was my birthday today and my boss knew how much I loved this band. I finally turned 20 and I was sure this night would be the best birthday ever.
”I know right! I hope they'll play Better, I've been lately really in love with it. My all time favorite is obviously November Rain though, but I know they'll play it every time,” I yelled back and worked with my hair for a couple of minutes more after the curls were good enough. I walked to the living room and saw Leo talking on the phone.
”Dude, how can you not be ready yet?! We're gonna be late soon if you don't hurry up,” Leo said to the phone. Probably talking with Amelie, I thought, she was coming with us and we were supposed to go get her from her house.
”We still have time you know, we're not that busy yet,” I tried to calm him down. He'd been stressing out a lot during the last couple of months. He was sure something bad would happen before the concert and we'd miss it, like for instance Axl would become really sick and lose his voice or the band would get into a car accident.
”We'll be there in 15, you better be ready by then. See you soon!” Leo said and ended the call.
”Calm down, dude. Jesus, you're acting like some young fangirl meeting Harry Styles or who the curly brownie is. Except you're not screaming your lungs out,” I laughed and Leo finally gave me a tiny smile. ”Just breathe.”
”Yeah, let's go,” Leo said and took car keys from the table.
It took hours to get in but we finally made it. There were so many people, thousands of them. I had never been in a same area with so many people before. I hadn't been in many concerts because my favorites had mostly either died or they didn't just do gigs anymore. Quite hard to be a classic rock fan in 2017 to be honest. I'd literally do anything to get a time machine and travel back to 70's and 80's. Pink Floyd, The Doors, Nirvana, Queen… There were so many.
”Oh my god,” Amelie gasped and covered her mouth with her hand.
”What?” I asked and drank water from my bottle.
��Okay, don't look. But how much does that pal look like a mix of Slash and Axl?” Amelie pointed a young guy with long curly brown hair, pilot sunglasses, cigarette in his mouth, a cowboy hat on his head and a red checked shirt around his waist. And right then, I accidentally spitted all of the water left in my mouth straight to some man's back and bursted out laughing.
”Oh my god he really does.”
The man turned around, stared at me and tried to touch his back on the wet spot.
”What the fuck –” he started. Then I fully realized what had happened.
”I'm so so sorry! I didn't mean to do that!” I apologized slightly panicking. He just shook his head and turned back to his friends.
Leo was trying to hold his laughter but didn't have time to say anything when the music already started.
The concert was amazing, much more amazing than I expected it to be. I literally didn't have any words for the feeling, it was one of the best moments of my life. I couldn't have had any better birthday than tonight. Their first song was Welcome to the Jungle and I slightly cried during Don't Cry – which is quite ironic. Now was the time of their last song before this all would come to its end.
”So this song is really special to us for many reasons. We dedicated this song to our old friend, our best friend,” Axl said on the microphone. ”Without her, we wouldn't probably be here tonight. She was amazing, more than amazing. She was kind, funny and fucking sarcastic. Steven and her did always pranks on the rest of us.”
I had never heard Axl talk about anyone or anything so softly, deeply or just seen him being so emotional during a concert. Everybody in the audience were quiet, probably even held their breaths and let Axl speak without interruptions. He sighed and continued.
”She was always there for us when we had our hard times. I don't have a fucking clue how she handled our drunk asses after some gigs,” Axl laughed. ”We first met in 1985 when we weren't a big thing yet, we were just a little band nobody had ever heard about. And one night we were playing at a local bar and after the playing and stuff she came to talk to us and said how well we played and we would be some helluva band in the future. Well, she wasn't wrong, like she never was.”
I was speechles like were everybody else. Duff and Slash had become more serious now and didn't move even an inch, just stared at the sky.
”She was from Los Angeles as well. She was on a tour with us quite often actually. She meant a lot to us. A lot to me. There’s not a day when i wouldn’t miss her,” Axl said smiling, but was quiet for a moment until continued. ”But the thing is that she died in 1997, she was only 32 years old by then. We were there when it happened and it was literally the worst moment of my whole life. And why are we singing this song exactly today? Well, because this is the day she both died and was born.”
Axl shared a few words with Duff and Slash that the audience couldn't hear. Then he turned to face us again and said:
”Now I'd ask every one of your asses to calm down and have a moment for her.” Axl looked at the dark sky with a couple of stars, ”this is for you, Amy, happy birthday, honey.”
The band began to play and already of the first words I recognized the song to be from the album Chinese Democracy. It was This I Love.
And now I don't know why She wouldn't say goodbye But then it seems that I Had seen it in her eyes And it might not be wise I'd still have to try With all the love I have inside I can't deny I just can't let it die Cause her heart's just like mine And she holds her pain inside So if you ask me why She wouldn't say goodbye I know somewhere inside There is a special light Still shining bright And even on the darkest night She can't deny So if she's somewhere near me I hope to God she hears me There's no one else Could ever make me feel I'm so alive I hoped she'd never leave me Please God you must believe me I've searched the universe And found myself Within' her eyes No matter how I try They say it's all a lie So what's the use of my confessions to a crime Of passions that won't die In my heart So if she's somewhere near me I hope to God she hears me There's no one else Could ever make me feel I'm so alive I hoped she'd never leave me Please God you must believe me I've searched the universe And found myself Within' her eyes
In this point of the song the camera had zoomed to Axl's face and I noticed a couple of tears rolling down his cheek but there was also sorrow on Duff's and Slash's faces. She must have really been an important person in their lives, I wondered and just now noticed how wet my but also Amelie's cheeks were.
So if she's somewhere near me I hope to God she hears me There's no one else Could ever make me feel I'm so alive I hoped she'd never leave me Please God you must believe me I've searched the universe And found myself Within' her eyes So now I don't know why She wouldn't say goodbye It just might be that I Had seen it in her eyes And now it seems that I Gave up my ghost of pride I'll never say goodbye ---
The band said one more good bye and then people were pushing themselves to get out of the place. When we were finally outside of the concert area thingy and could breathe properly without being stuffed between humans, Leo took a cigarette and put it between his teeth.
”Well don't come to cry to me when the doctor tells that you have a cancer,” Amelie said and rolled her eyes.
”You want some, Ruby?” Leo asked, totally ignoring Amelie, and offering me one from the packet. I shrugged and took the cigarette.
”Eh, why not.” I lighted it and watched the smoke flying in the chilly air. ”Why wouldn't we go to a bar or something? It's only 11 pm anyway. And I need something to drink.”
My friends nodded.
”Sure thing. It's been a while since the last time I had vodka,” Amelie stated.
”Funny, it was two days ago, drunky,” Leo snorted.
”Well, we're both apparently destroying our bodies. You your lungs and me my liver,” Amelie grinned and we started walking to the bar. ---
We were nearly there, when we had to cross a dark alley.
”You know, we could go to some other way. This place gives me chills at night,” Amelie told us.
”Yeah, but it's the fastest and besides, you just think too much. Nobody's gonna attack on us tonight. And if someone did, there's three of us to handle it,” I tried to assure. Amelie just scoffed.
”As if Leo could protect us. He even screams and runs away every time he sees a mouse.” Me and Amelie started to giggle.
”Hey! That's not fair and especially not true!”
”Sureee, remember last week when –”
”Hey, Ruby, wanna hear what happened to Amelie yesterday?” Leo started.
”No, no! Fine, you're the manliest man on Earth! You could even fight God!”
I just laughed. I still wondered how they weren't in a relationship. They would be the perfect couple to be honest.
”Thanks I know I'm quite powerful,” Leo said and did an invisible hair flip thingy because his hair wasn't long enough. We were in the middle of the alley when we suddenly heard noise somewhere near. We saw a drunk man ahead of us pushing a young woman against the brick wall with his body. The woman tried to yell help but the man shutted her up by putting his hand roughly on her mouth.
”Well aren't you a pretty lady?” the man said and brushed her long blond hair. She was wearing a purple dress, high heels and a black jacket. We saw already from the distance how afraid she was and without thinking anything, I approached them.
”Hey, asshole! Let the lady go!” I yelled and got his attention.
”Ruby, no, come back! Let's just leave!” Amelie said and tried to pull me with her but I just pulled away from her grip. The drunk guy stared at me for a moment until let the young woman go. She mouthed us 'thank you', took her purse and sprinted quickly away.
”And who might you be? You're just adorable,” he said and smiled, revealing his dirty yellow teeth. His brown hair was a mess, he probably hadn't washed it in a week. His clothes looked like he had rolled himself in a mud and his shirt was full of holes. Suddenly he was so close I could smell his breath. Beer. Disgusting.
Without thinking anything, I punched him with all of my force to his face and he whined in pain and held his bleeding nose. I had never punched anybody so hard and it fucking hurt my hand. I tried to run away with Leo and Amelie, but he was too quick and grapped me by my arm, so I kicked him on his man parts. But he managed to push me hard enough me to fall to the wet and hard ground.
”Ruby!” Leo shouted and tried to help me up and get me away but suddenly I felt horrible pain on my stomach. I saw blood on my t-shirt and saw a bloody knife falling to the ground. The man just stared in front of me a shocked expression on his face.
”Shit. Oh shit,” he murmured before he turned on his heels and run quickly away. Leo got a hold of me before I could collapse.
”Ruby! Ruby, no!” Amelie yelled and felt tears immediately stream from her eyes, as did also Leo.
”Fucking bastard! No, Ruby. Stay with us,” Leo said with shaky voice. ”For fuck's sake, Amelie, call help! Now!”
Amelie's hands were shaking and she barely got dialed the right number on her phone and told ambulance to come here immediately. Leo kneeled on the ground and held me in his arms. He pressed my stomach on the spot where the asshole had stabbed me, trying to stop the bleeding but with a bad success.
”The help is on its way, don't worry, you'll be fine,” Leo said crying. He had stabbed me badly, very badly. I was sure I wouldn't make it alive back home today. A tear rolled down my pale cheek.
”I-I love you guys,” I whispered. ”I really love you two.”
”No, no don't say that!” Amelie said. She had also kneeled next to me and cupped my face between her hands. ”They're here in any second, okay?”
But then I saw nothing but black and the familiar voices of my friends faded away.
The next time I woke up, I realized I wasn't at home nor a hospital. I was sure I hadn't been there before, it even smelled strange. I was laying in someone's bed and when I tried to get up I still felt pain in my stomach but not as bad as before and a shockingly familiar figure came from the door and smiled when he saw I was finally awake.
”Oh, great! You're finally awake!” he said.
I stared at him with wide eyes and he was just about to say something when I got up very quickly and basically screamed the words out of me.
”Where the fuck am I?! Who– what–?!”
”Woah, calm down. I won't hurt you.” He held his hands up as if defeated and kept a short pause. ”My name is Axl Rose and we just want to help you.”
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