#much of myself on it when I listened to it in a totally different context than most of its audience did. I'm years late and not part of the
sschmendrick · 7 months
Sometimes I truly feel really dumb seeing all the people here and on the internet on general make amazing analysis of characters, of events, of parallels in books, movies, songs and whatnot. I feel very poor mentally when all I can see is cool images, amazing stories, and the best songs I get to listen to. I feel like I'm missing on so much, and always beein fed the analysis by other people because I just cannot do it on my own can be very tiring and sink the self-esteem. Especially as someone who's gonna end up working with artists I feel so out of place, like I shouldn't be there talking to them since I do not have the right tool to understand them.
What I hate most of all is that even the stuff that I adore I cannot dig into in a proper way. It's all feelings and it's not good enough.
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writerblue275 · 2 months
I read Heartsteel!Sett becoming a dad and AUUUUUH MY HEART I LOVED IT 😭❤️😭❤️
and now I gotta predictably ask about Heartsteel!Kayn becoming a dad cuz I’m wEAK HFJFJFHHF
Mystic!! Hello!!! I’m so glad you enjoyed my Heartsteel!Sett dad headcanon! But ooooh Heartsteel’s resident bad boy becoming a dad? I love it. Let’s gooooooo! (Also listen I totally get it. I’m WEAK for Kayn too he's just such a menace to my sanity I swear to god.😭)
Heartsteel!Kayn becoming a dad
Previous members: Sett
Genre: Headcanon
Type: FLUFF (with slight frank discussion of unprotected sex and v slight suggestive undertones at one point.)
Gender: Not necessarily specified but mention of carrying a pregnancy and such (though sex does not equal gender as we all know).
TW: Swearing. Discussion of risks of unprotected sex. Discussion of pregnancy things and labor.
Extra context: In this instance we’re assuming a well-settled relationship. Like cohabitation and shit.
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So the start of this really depends on on an important factor: Is the baby planned? Because while I think Kayn’s course of action and thoughts would eventually line up on the same path regardless if the baby is planned or not, his initial reaction I could see being SUPER different. In this scenario, let’s say the baby isn’t planned:
Now of course Kayn knew there was a risk. Both of you did. No matter how prepared and careful both of you were before/while/after having sex, nothing is truly 100% effective at preventing a pregnancy besides abstinence. And let’s be so for real, abstinence and Kayn are like oil and water. Also it’s not like you didn’t want him. You certainly enjoyed yourself as much as he did.
And sure he’d thought a little bit about an accidental baby.
But not MUCH. And he certainly didn’t expect it to actually happen.
So when you tell him the news and show him the positive pregnancy test, it’s almost like he’s hit by lighting.
Kayn freezes, his wide eyes glued to the positive pregnancy test in your hand. “P-pregnant? Holy shit, (Y/N), you’re pregnant?
You sigh and nod. “Y-yeah…and I-I don’t know what to do…I don’t know what you want to do. I kn-know this isn’t r-really part of our p-plans right n-now. I-I wasn’t positive that’s what was g-going on until I took the s-second test today...” your voice fades off and your bottom lip wobbles ever so slightly.
The change in your voice has him looking back at your face, and seeing the distress in your eyes, Kayn quickly, but gently, reaches out and pulls you to him, wrapping you in a tight hug. He realizes this is as much of a shock to you as it is to him.
As you burrow against his shoulder and let out a sniffle, he kisses the top of your head. “Hey…hey, it’s okay, angel,” he murmurs. “Please don’t cry…please don’t cry, baby…I’m just surprised, that’s all. Yes this isn’t what we planned for right now, but I guess when the hell does life ever go according to plan?”
“Y-you’re not upset? Or mad?” your voice trembles.
Kayn gently makes you look at him, pecking your lips softly. “Baby, why would I be upset or mad? It’s not like you’re at fault for anything. I was just as much involved in this. Besides, we talked about the possibility of having kids in the future. And while we didn’t expect this part of our future to come so soon, what I know is you’re the person I want to have my future with. I love you. You make me the best version of myself and I can’t see my future with anyone else but you. If you want to have this baby, then I’ll be right next to you the entire way, helping you kick pregnancy’s ass and we’ll raise the coolest and most badass kid anyone has ever met.”
You let out a little laugh at that and wipe your eyes.
He grins at your reaction. “So don’t worry about what I want. Because all I want is for you to be happy, (Y/N). Whatever you want to do, I love you and I’m with you all the way.” He emphasizes his point with a kiss to your forehead.
Kayn’s reaction was better than you could have ever imagined. And you know he means everything he said, so…you and him decide to become parents.
And while of course becoming a father meant some things had to change, it wasn’t as big of a behavior shift as one might think.
He’d already given up drinking/substances (sober!Kayn headcanon returns!) and he wasn’t as much of a party animal as he used to be before he met and fell in love with you. He wasn’t kidding when he said you bring out the best version of himself.
Can you imagine Kayn telling the rest of Heartsteel the news? (I think he’d tell them early on since he’d want to be able to go to your appointments and such.) Their mix of shock and glee.
Ezreal: *Nearly levitating in excitement* “No fucking way!!! Wait can I be the godfather??? I call dibs on being the godfather!!”
Everyone else: *Jaws dropped, eyes wide, and staring at Kayn. Yone’s second cold brew of the day is now splattered on the floor.* (😂)
Kayn: *frowns* “What?? Turns out the idea of being a dad actually sounds pretty cool...”
*Raucous cheering commences and Kayn becomes the bottom of a dog pile of happy band mates/friends*
And trust, he’s keeping all of Heartsteel updated on how you’re doing. They are now very used to Kayn rambling on and on about your last appointment, how the nursery is going, how big the baby is this week, etc…
You might not expect it, but he’s super involved in your appointments, asking your OBGYN all sorts of questions. He’s genuinely curious and he wants to make sure he learns and understands as much as possible.
He will take off as much time as necessary to take you to appointments and Lamaze classes. Thankfully the rest of Heartsteel understands and they are cool with it.
And when Kayn sees the tiny blob at your first ultrasound, you notice him discreetly clear his throat as he hugs you tightly.
You quickly realize this kid has their father already wrapped around their little finger…and their little finger isn’t even developed yet!
Surprisingly excellent at helping you through bouts of morning sickness. He’s happy to hold back your hair if need be, and he’ll always help you straighten/freshen up once you’re through a spell.
Wasn’t prepared for the hormonal mood swings at first, tbh. The first time you burst into tears over a cute little kitten video, Kayn was genuinely a little alarmed. But he quickly realized what was going on.
Your crazy cravings don’t phase him. He’s always down to run out and grab you whatever food you want.
And not just food either. He’s ready to run out and grab any kind of supplies for you (though he very jokingly complains about it. But he makes it very clear he’s just kidding and he doesn’t actually mind).
And despite all the physical changes to your body, Kayn makes it clear he still finds you attractive. He makes that VERY clear. 😉
Being with you already brought his soft side out. That just increases exponentially while you’re pregnant. Kayn absolutely loves to play the guitar for you and the baby. He’ll play lullabies while you two are unwinding from the day. (If you sing, sing along with him because oh my god it makes him so happy when you do. He’d love to pass on a love of music to this baby early.)
And when he’s not playing guitar, he’s reading through the absolute mountain of parenting books he bought/borrowed from the library.
He’s trying to be as prepared as humanly possible. But there’s also an underlying anxiety to his obsessive reading. The last thing he wants is to let you or the baby down. Be sure to reassure him you believe he’ll be a good dad.
(In the Heartsteel universe we’re not exactly told what Zed is to Heartsteel!Kayn, but considering his role and the relationship between the two in base Runeterra lore, I’m imagining Zed as Kayn’s adoptive father.)
He’s calling Zed often and asking him for advice. And Zed is ready to assist you if Kayn is busy with Heartsteel or out of town for something. Just text him.
Kayn’s super eager to find out the sex of the baby. One of the first questions he asked the OBGYN was “How long until we know whether it’s a boy or girl?”
He doesn’t have a preference one way or the other, he just wants to know. The baby will be so loved regardless.
So once the two of you are at the 20-week ultrasound appointment, he’s so excited to finally get an answer.
And when the OBGYN reveals the baby is a girl? Holy shit Kayn’s so thrilled. He’s so happy he starts crying and laughing as he hugs you. (Tough bad boy becoming the biggest girl dad oh my GODDDDDDD 😭.)
And now that he knows the sex of the baby, this man is going to go OFF when it comes to buying things for her.
He found a black onesie with a pink skull and crossbones (with a bow) that says “Punk Rock Girl.” He bought four.
And once it’s time for the baby to come? Kayn is incredible. There’s a small wave of panic at the beginning because “holy fuck oh my god it’s actually fucking happening.” But he quickly realizes that panicking won’t help shit in this scenario. So he takes you to the pre-packed car (that he did himself and triple checked), takes a deep breath, and gets you to the hospital.
Kayn is your biggest advocate in the hospital. He’s making sure you are being listened to when it comes to how you’re feeling and what you want.
He’s encouraging you the whole way. Leading you through your Lamaze techniques, telling you to squeeze his hand as hard as you need to, and encouraging you to swear as much as you need to.
And even when you start cursing him out from pain for being “a god damn sexy and charismatic jackass and doing this to me, putting me in this position,” he keeps his cool, instead apologizing to you and telling you he’s right here and that he loves you.
Once it’s time for you to push, Kayn is right next to you, wiping your forehead, making sure you’re taking deep breaths, and counting you into pushes.
“Look at me, (Y/N). Eyes on me.” Kayn’s voice is gentle but urgent as he gently puts his finger on your chin and turns your head towards him. “That’s it, beautiful. Holy shit, you’re doing so well. I love you so much and I’m so fucking proud of you. Like doc said, one more big push and she’ll be out. Deep breath. I’ll count down from three and when I say “push” you give it all you got, okay? Ready? Alright angel, let’s meet our little girl. Breathe in....and 3…..2…..1…..push!”
And you do it. You give one final push and out she comes, squalling loudly, covered in vernix (newborn goop).
And Kayn finally lets all his emotions go, hugging you tightly and nuzzling your neck as he starts to tear up.
His voice is muffled against your neck. “I’m so fucking proud of you, (Y/N). She’s here….our daughter is here.” He lets out a happy laugh and kisses your forehead, gently wiping away your tears. “You alright, Angel? Can I get you anything?”
You hug him tightly, exhausted but happy, shaking your head. "Not besides babygirl. How is she?”
He nods. "They’re getting her cleaned off. (Y/N), she is perfect. Absolutely perfect. Just like you.”
The L&D nurse walks over. “Dad? Would you like to cut the umbilical cord?”
Kayn’s face lights up and he smiles at you. “Hell yeah…”
The sight of your partner carefully cutting your daughter’s umbilical cord is extremely sweet. He's being so careful, almost as if he's afraid he'll accidentally hurt her.
And as he looks down at her tiny form, he swears to himself right then and there, he's not letting anyone or anything harm her.
And once they hand her to you and you gently tease him as his happy tears fall, he just looks up at you with a grin, not even trying to play his tears off as "dust in my eyes" like he sometimes does.
You can’t help but laugh as he comments on her lung capacity and how she’s already ready to be a singer.
"She's what, not even ten minutes old and she already beats Ezreal's lung capacity and his higher range! He's gonna be so fucking jealous!"
(A/N: Ok so I know I stopped with Sett’s at the hospital right after labor, but I have an extra tidbit for Kayn’s and I NEED to write it down.)
You know how when athletes/musicians have babies/little kids, the other parent might bring them to cheer on the famous parent but they cover their ears with really strong noise-cancelling headphones to protect their ears/hearing?
Imagine doing that for Kayn at Heartsteel shows!!! Dressing up baby girl in a small version of his paranoia jacket with custom Kayn-designed stitching on the back (courtesy of Sett).
And imagine if Kayn got custom ear protection for her. And on each earphone is a print of his Rhaast mask, matching the custom necklace he bought you early on in your relationship. “So everyone knows who's with me.”
Ah! That would be so fucking cool. And when he sees the two of you the first time you bring her, oh my god, his heart is ready to burst. Especially when you blow him a kiss and wave one of her little hands at him. Kayn can’t help but grin like an absolutely besotted idiot for a second. Honestly you two being at his shows to cheer him on is his favorite thing. It reminds him why he does what he does. For his little family.
Who knew this bad boy could turn into such a family man? 🥹
Ahhhh thank you for reading and I hope you enjoyed my latest contribution to Dad!Heartsteel headcanons!! I was so excited to get this request!! 2/6 done. Let me know which Heartsteel member should become a dad next! 💙
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yanderecrazysie · 7 months
I really love your writing especially the angsty one such as the most recent one. Related rant but I hated most movies where the FL(Female lead) would start as cliche “ugly girl” with glasses and Terrible fashion and in the middle of the movie she takes her glasses off and suddenly become the “pretty” girl and then have a whole scene where they do a make over to make her charm the whole school. It just felt superficial and very vain, like the FL was fine the way she was, glasses don’t make you ugly as if paired with right outfit, can make you look actually cute. After all glasses are there to help you see, the fl suddenly gets her vision fix when she has her make over? And its really rubs me the wrong way that you need to have a whole make over, with a pretty dress and everything just to get people to like you. And its also pretty disheartening to see that people won’t like you if you have acne, like it natural to have acne and you shouldn’t be shamed for it.
But unto the actual request itself: can I have yandere Oikawa (or atsumu miya) x reader with this related context in mind: The reader has a crush on oikawa and with the advice of a friend, she stops wearing her glasses and does a whole make up and hair routine just to catch Oikawa’s attention. It works and one thing leads to another and both reader and oikawa start dating. At first Reader is ecstatic to finally the man of her dreams but slowly she starts to become uncomfortable with the way she looks like she no longer recognize herself. The make up starts to feel itchy and unnatural to her skin and she starts bumps into thing due to her not wearing her glasses anymore. Despite reader being miserable she till persevere and try to keep up the facade of “Oilawa’s ideal girl” but as time goes on the need to please Oikawa and the stress of keeping up appearances finally gets to her and she just breaks up with him.
On Oikawa perspective (being an entitled prick) is obviously dismayed as he wanted to have the perfect facade of a power couple. He wanted to shape the reader into his ideal pretty girl. So both reader and him have a mutual break up since both of them are now dissatisfied with the current predicament. But as oikawa sees the reader old self, he starts to fall in love (or obsessed) he finds the reader’s glasses cute and he finds that the reader is even more adorable when she comfortable and happy. Like he finds the reader more attractive when she was being her typical self without the glitz and glam. Like even if the reader has acne and wears dorky glasses, Oikawa finds that strangely attractive.
-Sorry for the mini rant, I just recently watch a movie similar to this and it left a bad taste in my mouth. Like as person with both acne and glasses, I’ve been told by some people that I stop wearing glasses due to it not “suiting me” like I wasn’t wearing it for fun, I wear it cause I need to see. Its even worse when I had acne and my friends told me to hide it with make up only to find out that make up worsens the acne problem. Thanks for listening to me
I totally get what you mean- I always found glasses attractive on guys and adorable on girls (to the point that I tried to pretend I had reading issues as a child to get myself glasses), so it was always sad to see it portrayed as “Now that she’s taken them off, she’s pretty!” I think everyone looks nice in their natural way, no makeup needed, so makeovers have always rubbed me the wrong way a little too! I personally don’t wear any makeup at all, too much of a hassle.
Title: Change
Pairings: Oikawa Tooru x Reader
WARNINGS: Yandere themes
Summary: You don’t like your new look, but it’s gotten you so much attention. Do you really have to choose between your old look and your happiness?
Part 2: here
make (someone or something) different; alter or modify:
You looked in the mirror, stunned by your reflection. Your glasses were gone, the contacts in your eyes being the only reason you could see that fact in the first place. But besides that, your hair had been swept back in a pretty bun with a braid on either side of your head and just a couple locks of hair fashionably left down. Your skin looked flawless, thanks to the makeup. You could thank the makeup too for the way your face looked so much more mature and alluring.
Your wardrobe had undergone a great change as well. Since your college didn’t have a uniform or strict dress code, you’d put on a short white dress with black stripes and a belt around the waist. A fake diamond necklace laid across your collarbone, perfectly matching the bracelet clasped around your wrist. Even your feet were squeezed into a pair of fashionable black slips.
You turned back to your friend in awe, “You’re a miracle worker!”
Your friend laughed, but it was nothing short of the truth. Before this, your hair was always left down, hanging over your glasses-adorned, lightly pimpled face. You never wore a dab of makeup and your clothes usually amounted to an oversized T-shirt, faded jeans, and ratty sneakers. You didn’t put any care into your appearance. Until now, that is.
“You’ll have to keep this up on your own, now that you know how,” your friend reminded you, wagging a warning finger at you, “But this will totally grab Oikawa’s attention! You’ll be his girlfriend by the end of the week!”
You were turning heads from the moment you walked through the school doors. How could you not? You were a gorgeous girl accentuated with the latest fashions and professionally done makeup. All you had to do was bat your long, fake eyelashes and guys would throw themselves at your feet.
Your friend was right. You’d caught Oikawa’s attention very quickly, and soon enough, he was blowing away the sudden competition by offering to carry your lunch tray and walk you home.
The attention flustered you and made you so happy, but a small part of you felt sad. He’d never noticed you before. But that was the point of this makeover, right? To get him to finally look your way? 
When Oikawa had asked you to meet him by the fountain in the courtyard, you knew exactly what he was going to ask you. You pretended to be surprised anyway, completely shocked and honored by the question.
“Will you be my girlfriend?”
From that moment on, you were the school’s power couple. Everyone regarded you with awe or jealousy. “Oikawa and (Y/n)” became synonymous with “popular” and all of his friends, the people you’d looked at with envy not long ago, welcomed you to their table and inner circles.
But as time went on, you felt yourself drifting away. Oikawa always talked about appearances and critiqued you whenever your hair or makeup wasn’t perfectly in place.
It felt fake.
Your makeup, your sense of style, your relationship, everything felt so unbearably fake.
Like you were no longer yourself.
Every time you looked in the mirror, your heart sank. You didn’t even recognize yourself anymore. Being perfect had somehow become something that you despised. 
But whenever you brought up wearing your glasses again or dressing down, Oikawa wouldn’t hear of it. “What would everyone think of that?” “You have to look your best.” “We’re a power couple, sweetheart, we don’t wear things like glasses, okay?”
The stress began to tug at you until you could take it no longer. One look in the mirror on a fateful Monday morning that already hadn’t been going well and you were done.
You had to be true to yourself, even if that meant no longer being “perfect” or popular. Even if it meant losing Oikawa, who didn’t even feel like a boyfriend. More like a costar on a filming set.
That was a good way to put it- your life had become a movie and you were just an actress putting on a show. Caked in makeup and forcing a smile.
Dear Oikawa,
I can’t do this anymore. I want to go back to the way things were before we started dating. I know we already talked about how that won’t work for you, so I understand that means we’re breaking up. I’m sorry, but I think this is best for me.
It felt good to undo the bun and braids. It felt even better to slide your glasses up your nose and slip on a simple, comfy T-shirt. Nostalgic might be the best word for what you were feeling, but either way, you were more comfortable than you had been in months. Why had you ever given this up?
You looked in the mirror and smiled. You’d washed off all of the makeup, revealing more than a few blemishes, but you didn’t care. You liked the way you looked and you’d be damned if you went back to drawing on your face every morning.
It was strange walking into school that morning. It was like you’d become invisible. No longer did people turn their heads to look at you, nor did you walk alongside Oikawa. But it didn’t feel lonely. What was the point of having a boyfriend when it was just for appearances? You’d always felt like there were miles between you both- as though you couldn’t reach him even with your fingers intertwined.
Your first class was with Oikawa and you weren’t looking forward to it. He might be mad, after all, that his “power couple girlfriend” dumped him and went back to looking nerdy. You chose your old seat, one near the front of the class, instead of the back row where all the “cool people” sat.
When Oikawa entered the classroom, he stopped dead in his tracks, staring at you as though he couldn’t believe it. You couldn’t blame him- you looked completely different than he was used to. You were actually surprised he even noticed you.
He walked closer and you shrank into your seat a little, not looking forward to a confrontation. But to your shock, he slid into the seat next to you, dropping his backpack on the floor and pulling his stuff out of it, settling into the desk as though he’d always sat there.
“What are you doing?” You blurted out.
When Oikawa turned to you, he studied you with great interest, as though you were an art piece in a museum. There was a tinge of pink on his cheeks, something he’d never had when the two of you were dating.
“Aren’t you just the cutest thing?” Oikawa crooned, reaching a hand out to your face.
You jerked away, startled and confused. What was with this sudden change in behavior?
“You know, you never really officially broke up with me,” Oikawa shrugged, a creepy, possessive grin curling across his lips, “And even if you did…”
He turned to you, eyes dark with something you couldn’t place. Something that chilled you to the bone.
“I wouldn’t accept it.”
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minniiaa · 2 months
another lawlu hc related to that: law has sensory issues with eating sometimes because of his autism and it makes him internally scream and go to an empty room to cry. luffy realizes law has been giving him too much of his food recently. after finding out why, luffy gives him all the comfort and love he deserves and it causes law to eat a little more 🥹💜 (this sadly happens to me in real life as an autistic person. I NEED A SPOUSE LIKE LUFFY AAAAAH)
Yes! This is actually so sweet. Law's autism could totally explain his very particular eating habits. You inspired me to write the below headcanon based on this. I have had people in my life who are autistic but I do have it myself so I hope I could do the experience justice in the context of Law and his personality. I just love the idea of Luffy finding out and making sure Law gets whatever he needs because he's the best partner anyone could ask for <3
Law is very self-conscious when it comes to his eating habits, as he is with most of his peculiarities and it's nearly impossible for him to bring himself to ask to be accommodated when others are cooking even though he knows people will do so even when he doesn't tell them why. He accidentally blurted out that he doesn't like bread and ever since then Sanji has always made him his own special dish whenever he is serving bread dishes to the others. He appreciates Sanji's understanding but he feels like a burden for making him create something entirely different just for him.
Law's food preferences don't just end with bread though, and he can't just refuse to eat what he's being served, that would be rude. Luckily, he has a very hungry partner who is always eyeing up his plate for scraps so he can generally just give him the things he doesn't like but recently it's been getting worse to the point that Law is barely eating because his sensory issues have become overwhelming.
Law thinks he's pretty slick but Luffy knows him better than he knows himself most of the time and one day, he confronts him. Luffy asks Law if he's okay and why he hasn't been eating virtually any of his food recently. He tries to play it off by saying he just hasn't been hungry but Luffy calls out the fact that his stomach has been growling and he's clearly hungry. He demands Law to tell him what's going on and if he's sick, he'll figure out how to make him better. Law, knowing he can't get out of this without telling Luffy the truth, explains that he has a condition where specific food textures make him feel extremely uncomfortable and he can't eat them without feeling like he's going to either throw up or explode.
Much to Law's relief, Luffy immediately understands. "That's okay, everyone is different, Torao! You should have told me before so I can make sure you get all the yummy food you like! Now, tell me all the things that make you feel gross and I'll make sure you never have to eat them again. Food is the best thing in the world and you need to eat so you can be nice and strong!" he says and Law has to hold back his tears. He's been struggling with this for so long and he's always been afraid to tell people because he doesn't want them to judge him and just assume he's annoying when he can't help it.
He's not sure why he didn't just tell Luffy this before, he's not the best at expressing himself. Emotions and connecting with others are hard for him. He's already so much of a burden on Luffy as it is even though Luffy constantly reassures him that he loves him, he's never a burden, and he just wants him to be happy.
After that day, Luffy makes sure that Law's plate never has anything he doesn't like on it. If anyone dares to call Law 'picky' he yells at them and advises that Law is artistic (Law has corrected him and told him it's autistic but he doesn't seem to listen) and he can't help it and that he'll beat them up if they make fun of his Torao. Law wonders every single day what he did to deserve such a loving and understanding partner who goes out of his way to make Law's life easier in whatever way he can.
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treyisms · 1 year
i beg for ur thoughts on matt and or trey with an innocent reader
this totally isn’t gg btw
oh, lets get into this anon (my gi 😉)
cw: nsfw content (eighteen plus!), fluff, innocent/virgin f!reader, if this isn’t your thing that is a-okay lovebug but pls don’t be rude to anon or myself ! ☮️🫶🏻💌
- we already know this man has a corruption kink, there is significant evidence, so i think he’d absolutely love a kind hearted & innocent (probably virgin) gf
- you’re sitting on his lap while he giggles after he makes a joke (probs “the aristocrats” one) and you don’t get it :(
- holding his hands up in front of him to regain his breath after he giggled so much you were nearly bouncing off his lap, “baby…. think about it” “think about what trey?! you’re just saying a bunch of dirty words!!!”
- he knows how easily you get blushy and he’ll lean down and whisper in your ear while giving your cheek a little pinch “what’s got you so red honey, huh?”
- tells all his buddies “she’s a nice girl, i mean like a nice girl”
- when he finds out you’re not sexually active, or haven’t even teetered onto being sexually involved…. omfg .
- “what do you mean you’ve never been touched before?” “i’ve just never got around to it..” “what, being fucked?” “TREY!….. i’ve never been … felt like that before” “oh, so you’re missing out & depriving some other stupid fuck of a girl like you” “maybe i like the “stupid fucks” of the world” “well obviously or you wouldn’t be dating me babe”
- one day, while just sitting on the couch with your head in his lap, staring up at him & tracing his face, just to throw him for a loop, you ask to suck him off & his eyes almost bug out of his skull because of how earnest you look
- “w-what?” “can i suck your co—” and he is immediately sitting cradling ur head and lifting his hips to untie his sweats <3333
- he loves to doodle you (even before you’re dating) with little hearts all around your head in a sweet little sunddress you wore on the first day you met
- the first day you met he told matt “oh fuck, i gotta have her dude” and he’s said that many times since in different contexts
- mf LOVES a height difference & loves to look down at you with his perpetual heart eyes like “hi y/n, you look really nice today, is that a new top?” while playing with the string of your tank top
- but once again, it’s trey so he is naturally staring at your chest & the lil dainty necklace dangling between it as your breathing picks up due to your closeness to him
- tells EVERYONE you’re the sweetest person he knows and is so genuine about it, probably says that lil “y/n makes me better, ya know?” sll the time & even matt can’t help but smile for his friend
- matthew richard stone where on earth do i begin?
- you definitely start out as friends first, because believe it or not matt has a huge soft spot for gentler souls with pure energy (shocker)
- quickly moves to him becoming infatuated with the way you jump at little, friendly touches from him on your arm or back
- like one time he touches your waist to move past you in a quick “excuse me” motion and he sees the way you get goosebumps and he is ABSOLUTELY hooked
- will absolutely be man spreading in a meeting & can sense you’re staring without even LOOKING at you
- turns to face you across the table (while trey is still speaking btw) and asks “i look good today?” with this nasty lil smirk while he waits for you to sputter out a response
- when he speaks the entire room quiets down because matt, believe it or not, has a really domineering personality & everyone stops to listen to his real deep voice
- “you like the beard?” literally eyeing you down & scratching at his chin cause he loves to see you blush
- he thinks you have the absolute most beautiful eyes & i’ve said this before and i’ll say it again he 100% calls you “angel eyes” & all variations of it
- you’ve just made out in his office & you move back to stand after a knock at the door & this mf is heaving with lil lipstick marks across his cheeks, mouth, neck & collarbone looking at you like prey & HES SO BIG LIKE SO TALL, goin “pretty eyes, you leavin me?”
- definitely the “places your hand on his hard-on & goes ‘see what you do to me?” type of guy
- matt LOVES to be around someone who is just genuinely enjoying life & trying to keep the peace rather than be money hungry or obsessed with ultimatums, so he finds your energy super refreshing
- “i like being with you” “really matt?” “yeah, you’re sweet, and i don’t feel like i need to be a dick around you to push you away” “well… i’m glad you’re not being…… mean, to me either” “i couldn’t be if i tried, i can’t be mean to pretty girls it’s against my moral code or some shit”
- you’re literally such a comfort to him, because you don’t see the bad parts of him as horrendous & you accept him & his temper for who he is <3
- that being, on the other side of things, he absolutely loves watching trey tell you a gross joke & seeing you not entirely understand it, tilting your head and squinting your eyebrows and staring off a bit trying to piece it together
- if it’s reallyyyy dirty matt wants to be the ONLY person telling you what it means because he cannot handle the idea of anyone being remotely romantic or sexual around you but him
- “and so the hooker says—” “trey don’t be fucking disgusting” “WHAT? matt you loved that joke last week!” “well now i don’t and it’s gross so shut the fuck up”
- turning back to you with a wink <33333
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bonefall · 8 months
So I decided to read through Bramblestar's leader ceremony from the original Ultimate Guide today- and I had a thought: have you chosen what cats give him his lives in Better Bones already? Granted, I'm sure you'll gut some of the canon placements for not knowing him in life (Lionheart) or being alive by the time he becomes leader (Goldenflower, Ferncloud, Mousefur) but Bluestar imparting clear judgement is a fun virtue considering his actions are anything but. Plus, Jayfeather could always gripe about it when he argues with Bramblestar. 'Wow Bramblestar, you sure displayed clear judgement when you asked me to let Sunrise BLEED OUT IN CAMP!'
I hadn't picked yet actually! I also haven't read his leader ceremony in aaaages. I never really liked it, felt full of TPB fanservice and didn't really say a lot about Bramblestar as a leader.
(But tbf that is probably because the writers have no idea what they're doing with him. He's generically noble and they have a double standard against female characters, so they just use his man pain to make the girls in his life feel wretched without examining WHY having defiant women in his life bruises his ego so easily)
But anyway, I don't have a FINALIZED thing yet, but here's a rough draft. It's a total overhaul. A big difference in BB and Canon is that Bramblestar is leader BEFORE the reveal, and long before the Battle of the True Eclipse. So all of these picks have to be from Po3 and before.
(BB context: Firestar was killed offscreen during the Fire Scene in an assassination, Ashfur took advantage of the situation to attack the Three. It was an arson set by Whiskernose and carried out by Thornclaw, Breezepelt, and possibly Harespring. Ashfur is still on the run, suspected of killing Firestar to hurt Squilf because he failed to hurt her kits)
(also if you want FULL full context go look at BB!Hollyleaf's character summary)
Gorseclaw -- Righteousness. His progenitor ancestor who set history into motion by betraying his siblings during Ripplestar's Rot, and whose curse continues down through the generations. He tells him he's proud. He SEES how much he's struggled. He's had to make hard choices that everyone else thought would be easy, and he understands. But he's done the right thing... and he tells him to keep doing it. Bramble briefly feels hot with shame-- did he really have so many ancestors in the Dark Forest that he had to hear from someone so ancient? Tigerstar, Pinestar, Oakstar... this life unsettles him and sets the tone for the rest of the ceremony
Snowcarve (Snowkit) -- Opportunity. The last time Brambleclaw saw his little uncle, he was carried off by a hawk after shoving one of them out of the way. He stands as a proud, starry adult before him: the age he would have been. He "speaks" through unfamiliar glyphs that form beside his head, and Brambleclaw knows somehow that this is the writing that he had been working on before his death. Snowcarve commands that he watch for that which he would have missed, to listen to those who are different and have new ideas, for opportunity is silent and tender. If your mind and heart are closed to what could have been, you will miss your chance and never know what you could have had. Brambleclaw tries to bring up that he's sorry he didn't save him-- Snowcarve taps his ear and shakes his head, giving him a stern glare. The words say, "you did not need forgiveness. It was my choice and I have never regretted it." In fact, he can wave his tail and welcome the next life;
Yellowfang -- Judgement. She asks him, "Would you ever blame a kitten for what someone else did?" Bramble is confused, "Of course not?" "Then stop blaming yourself for what others have done for you. I ran back into that fire to save my herbs and leeches. I put myself there, and Firestar knew that. Stop confusing blame for experience, guilt is not wisdom, pain is not good judgement."
Feathertail -- Kindness. A little bit of understanding goes a long way. When you get wrapped up in your anger, or your fear, slow down and consider the feelings and intentions of others. You'll find that most people are good. (He accepts the life but stops himself from arguing with her-- ok, sure, but what about everyone who isn't? He has a bit of a thought spiral wondering if the wise cat he'd travelled with had changed or if she was ever wise at all)
(Idk which elder is dying in Po3 yet, if it's Frostfur or Mousefur, but one of them gives a life) -- Confidence. There was a time where their own judgement lapsed, and they pinned their anger on him. They apologize for it, and tell him that this life is for living in spite of that. The strength to mind that you can't control what other people think of you, and the firmness to commit to what he believes is right.
Brackenfur -- Negotiation. To remember that every action sends a message, to understand that you must remain calm and make the right concessions to accomplish greater things. Don't let emotions like anger, offense, and spite cause you to ruin something you may have worked hard to build. (Brambleclaw is by the halfway point totally missing the point that these cats are trying to teach him nuance and mindfulness, and mostly feels betrayed and confused. He knows most of these things... and did the elder not just tell him to have confidence in himself in spite of people who hate him?)
Speckletail -- Courage. When everyone runs away, you run TOWARDS. People will rely on you now, and StarClan will give you the power to protect them. No storm, no beast, and no tyrant will find its way through you. When he takes the life he feels the rage and FEAR she did when she ran towards the bulldozer, the pride in her power as she attacked the human, and learns that Thornclaw was wrong when he told them she looked satisfied on the way down. After kicking him out she was terrified, but overwhelmed by relief and LOVE that her grandson was safe. It makes him collapse, and as he gets back up he's in tears, asking "i thought this was a life for courage, you were afraid!!" And Speckletail puffs her chest up proudly, "Courage is being terrified and doing it anyway."
Swiftpaw -- Acceptance. He has no warrior name. He has no adult form. When Brambleclaw asks him for his title, he simply says, "I give you this life to know when to accept what you cannot change, and the wisdom to see what you can't control." Brambleclaw can't help himself, this ceremony has been a horrible experience, "what a terrible life!" Swiftpaw dips his head solemnly, "yet without it, what a terrible death." But Swiftpaw also reminds him, this is not a part of his life that he cannot change. He can move on with only eight lives, and he will understand. But Brambleclaw says no, "I have a clan to protect. This is one of the things I can't control." He is surprised by how soothing the life is when he gets it though. He doesn't feel any of Swiftpaw's pain as he died. It's not about that. It's the quiet embrace of the void, the shouting as the patrol finds him and Brightpaw, falling away into silence, accepting that he is dying, and that it's okay to let go.
Firestar -- Trust. It HAS to come at the end.
Firestar opens up by asking Brambleclaw what's wrong, seeing how exhausted he is. He responds, his voice trembling, "I hoped it would be reassuring, but I feel more lost and powerless than ever. How can I be responsible for so many people? How will I protect them all? I will be blamed for everything that goes wrong and never know if I made the right choice!" Firestar goes hm, genuinely and sympthetically, "Those are very heavy and legitimate doubts for a new leader to have. I felt the same things when I was in your paws. He waves his tail, "So, I will give you the value that it took me many years to learn, something you were not given and so feel you cannot give. With this life I give you TRUST. You will face many trials in the near future, Brambleclaw. Your truth will crumble. Secrets will be revealed, friends will turn out to be foes, those you think are enemies may be allies, but you must not lose the ability to find the good in all of them. Remember that trust is a choice and an honor. Apply it wisely, but bestow it generously."
Bitterly, but with what dignity he can have in this situation, Bramblestar murmurs sadly, "So there will be betrayal, but I must still trust? I had hoped that you, of all ancestors, would not speak in riddles"
Though the world is blurring and the spirits of StarClan are fading away, he catches something pained and complex in Firestar's expression. Like he has so much to say, doesn't have the exact words to express it, and he's running out of time to find them.
"There were no riddles," he shouts already sounding far away, "Listen to what we have told you and you will find the way!"
(Basically he's shouting "WE WERE VERY STRAIGHTFORWARD ACTUALLY!!!")
We wouldn't get to see this happen in Cruel Season though, since it would be offscreen and not important to the plot of that book. I'd rather get it into Bramblestar's Thorns, which is about Alderheart, Sparkpelt, and the ways that they've been impacted by him as a toxic father.
The ceremony is written to highlight his major flaws. Especially the way that he's bursting with doubt, pain, and immediately tends to make things about himself without realizing. Bramblestar is a very unhappy person, and he often extends that misery to other people.
he's a tragedy to me, man. All these people turning out to tell him that love and faith exists for him and he can't even see it.
Anyway, bonus, some other thoughts for possible lives; (still possible some of these guys get swapped out)
Lionheart, his uncle, who died before he was born. He'd give a good life for wisdom but I think these others are a lot stronger.
Birchface, one of his Tigerkin ancestors in StarClan. Decided against him in favor of Gorseclaw; I think Gorse's both more interesting AND his distance is a good point of doubt for Bramble. They had to go back 4 generations to find a direct ancestor who isn't damned to hell. Birch would have just waffled about admitting mistakes anyway, still too fearful to admit that he is responsible for getting Frecklewish and Oakstar damned.
Bluestar, a leader who contributed to the death of his brother and mistrusted him when he was young... but honestly I feel she is kinda irrelevant. He didn't know her well.
Elderberry, one of his apprenticehood friends and the twin of Ferncloud/older sister of Ashfur. It could be cool for her to give a life of mercy and ask him to be rational about Ashfur's crimes (starclan won't say outright that Ashfur didn't do it because they're not entirely sure he was uninvolved until after his death in a few chapters, Dark Forest influence hiding the assassins), but it's actually a lot more important that StarClan is trying to warn him about the LEADER he will be and fatal flaws he will display for arcs and arcs, not waste a life on teasing the plot of a single book.
Cinderpelt, his cousin who died tragically. There's no reincarnation thing so she could be here to give a life, but I think the current list is a lot stronger.
Lynxkit, his oldest sister. Strongly considered her for acceptance but I think Swiftpaw's WAAAY stronger and I don't need both of them.
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pjsk-writin · 1 year
and has asked them to make a cover from any song of them
(i totally didn't describe myself with this LMAO-)
TBH JUST LIKE ME FR.. hope u like this !! <3
♡ DISTURBING VOCALOID SONGS - Akito Shinonome, Toya Aoyagi, Tsukasa Tenma and Rui Kamishiro x Reader
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The first time Akito overhears the song that you were listening to, he was very...concerned, to say the least-
"What the hell are you listening to?" He asks, and you simply give him a smile, "It's one of my favorites!"
He's still concerned, but after finding out that you're hyperfixated on those types of songs, he just lets it be
He might watch a vocaloid iceberg video with you every now and then, but you won't miss the look of confusion of his face at every word
It would definitley take him a lot, and I mean a lot of convincing to get him to make a cover of one of these disturbing songs, but he does it to see you smile <3
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Toya is a mix between concerned and curious when he first stumbles across you listening to one of these disturbing songs.
"Wow, this song has an...interesting meaning." You laugh and nod, "Yeah, but it's really amazing to me!"
He definitely gives more into the curiosity than the concern, asking you all about the different songs you're hyperfixated on-
It's very easy to drag him into watching disturbing vocaloid icebergs and videos, he'll watch them with wide eyes and ask you a ton of questions
He might be hesitant to make a cover of a disturbing song, but that's because he doesn't know if he could pull it off- He has a surprising amount of fun with it though! <3
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Tsukasa is definitely more inclined to listen to loud songs, so he's probably drawn to your disturbing music if it is in that genre-
"This music is certainly wonderful!...Oh-" You laugh at the look on his face, grinning, "Sorry, this is my favorite part-"
He's more bewildered than anything at the meanings and context in songs you're hyperfixated on. Loud and disturbing songs will quickly join his playlist!
He'll also watch iceberg vocaloid videos and listen to you study, occasionally giving you his own thoughts and theories with a wide grin
He likes the challenge that covering one of these disturbing songs will bring, so he'll definitely try it! It comes out a lot better than he thought it would! <3
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If I'm being honest, Rui probably listens to disturbing music in general, so it's not too much of a surprise to him-
"Hm, interesting...I haven't heard this one before." You smile at him, holding your speaker up a bit higher, "You wanna listen to more?"
He enjoys finding new disturbing music through you, but he enjoys studying it with you even more. You add to each other's hyperfixations-
Both of you easily get lost into icebergs and videos, to the point where you stay up until three in the morning discussing songs-
He immediately accepts when you ask him to make a cover of a song, he's already made covers in the past anyway- His voice works really well in disturbing songs! <3
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dduane · 1 year
I'm currently reading chapter 4 of The Wizard's Dilemma - where Kit and Nita are fighting, and sending messages via their manuals - and I was wondering:
The manual translates their spoken words into the Speech. And the Speech is much more precise for describing things as they are, including a lot of context. Wouldn't it transcribe, here, context such as tone of voice, speaker's intention, etc. etc., so that Nita's "fine." might come across differently than if she texted just the English version?
(I find the idea SO intriguing, since written language often lacks exactly these context clues, and to imagine a language that doesn't? Is fascinating.)
Have a good start of your week!
...I'm going to get myself off the hook here by suggesting that there are a lot of ways you can have a Manual (or similar instrumentality) set up to either send or receive data: some ways a whole lot more granular than others... if you have the patience to put up with them. Sometimes you might just opt for the milk-tongue/casual native language option if you thought it was sufficient for current needs (and then forgot to reset when it wasn't).
Some of the granularity options were suggested in one of the YW 30-Day OTP Challenge posts: I'll just paste the contents in here. Inserting the cut below...
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(Manual transcription, JD REDACTED XXXXXXXX.xxx - XXXXXXXX.xxx inclusive)
recording state: static | DYNAMIC editing: locked | UNLOCKED live context: off | ON location: Sol IIIa Illumination: 26% Phase from primary: waning crescent Coordinates: IAU: LQ11: 22.5° N / 18° W regional designation: IAU: Montes Carpatus (old style: Lunar Carpathians) microregion: no formal designation, no colloquial designation, reference coordinates; bookmark “Kit’s Rock” Playback: flat text | CONTEXTUAL POV TEXT | audio | audio + view | audio + view + interior cognitive [more] POV selection: static | dynamic | CONTEXT-DRIVEN | [more] POV style: omnicient (total) | omniscient (need to know) | BLIND ITEM NARRATIVE | normal narrative | stream of consciousness [more] POV narration: 3P | 2P | 1P | P-NEUTRAL [more] POV depth: EXTERIOR | int. conscious | int. subconscious | int. preconscious [more]
Participants: Callahan, J.L., Rodriguez, C.K.
(record begins)
CKR: You keep fiddling with that.
JLC: Yeah… the record settings are way more involved than I thought. Way more involved than they used to be, anyway. I messed something up the other day.
CKR: Anything serious?
JLC: Not really… got lucky that time.
CKR: …Up here again.
JLC: Yeah, seems smartest. We’ll have some warning in case Certain People start looking for us.
CKR: Like we have the slightest chance of escaping notice—
JLC: Didn’t say that. Some warning, though.
CKR: Fair enough.
(break in record) (record resumes)
JLC: It wasn’t, though.
CKR: It kinda was.
JLC: Uh, not really.
CKR: Look, it’s not like you were trying to hide anything about it. You told me you two were kissing. It’s okay.
JLC: But it wasn’t making out.
CKR: I don’t mind if it was. You were under pressure.
JLC: Pressure didn’t have anything to do with it! And it really wasn’t making out.
CKR: Neets, honestly, it’s not a problem.
JLC: It is if you think making out means that we were intending for something else to happen. Because it wasn’t. And you think that’s what it means. I can tell.
CKR: Listen, really, it’s okay! It was a weird situation, bizarre stuff was going on, you weren’t—
JLC: Stop right there! I know what was happening!
CKR: Look. Sorry. I’m sorry, I just…
JLC: I just need a way to show you.
CKR: …don’t think it’s that important, but if you—
JLC: Wait. Wait.
JLC: You know… this could work. Absolutely it could.
CKR: What?
JLC: (laughter) We can run it back and take a look at it.
CKR: (pause) Run what back?
JLC: When he and I kissed.
CKR: You lost me. Exactly what are you saying?
JLC: Well, you possibly won’t have heard. I do have an in with a privileged source. But lately there are some new ways to get at information using the Manual…
CKR: Whoa, whoa, wait a moment! How would that ever be in the Manual?!
JLC: It’s always been there… or the raw data has. But there are new ways to get at it.
CKR: (pause) This is kinda bizarre. The Powers are usually so gung-ho about privacy issues.
JLC: Oh, They still are. Everything’s locked down so that you can’t get at it if you don’t have all the necessary permissions.
CKR: How did you find out about this? Bobo?
JLC: Actually, no. Closer to home.
CKR: Oh…my…God. No.
JLC: Yes.
CKR: Dairine. How did she ever—
JLC: Not her. The Mobiles. They’ve got this insane archival project going on…
CKR: What, to preserve for all time the immortal details of you two necking?!
JLC: (laughter)
CKR: I can’t believe I’m getting on board with this. So fine. What do we need to do?
JLC: Get Ronan up here.
CKR: …For what exactly?
JLC: Consent.
CKR: …What??
(break in record) (record resumes)
JLC: See, that’s what you get. You okay?
CKR: Yeah, fine. Go on, make the call, no point in falling halfway down a mountain for nothing!
JLC: Not anything like halfway. Couldn’t have been more than—
CKR: Will you make the damn call already?
(break in record) (record resumes)
CKR: There he comes.
JLC: That was quick. Where?
CKR: Down the ridge.
JLC: Yeah. The usual offset.
CKR: Is it me or is he putting on weight?
JLC: Looks like muscle. Did he say last time that he’d started doing weights?
CKR: Yeah. Something to do with the rugby.
JLC: He didn’t give up his thing with the weird club, did he?
CKR: The hurley? No chance. Hey Ro!
(adding participant: Nolan III, R.H.)
RHN: Hey yourself. I see you two are busy with your usual pastime of watching the rest of us live out our little antlike lives far below.
CKR: Yeah. Pull up a rock. …Weren’t busy, were you?
RHN: Just finished a job. Nothing exciting.
JLC: This from the man who said Taking In The Sea was no big deal. Don’t think I didn’t just see your precis update.
CKR: What’s he done now?
JLC: Here, check this out.
CKR: (pause) Did you just cause an earthquake?
RHN: Just a wee titchy one. Maybe some plates fell down off shelves in Howth… no worse than that. CalTech and the USGS’ll have it for their records if anyone gets suspicious.
CKR: …Nice. What did the people on the ferry think?
RHN: Mostly ‘Feck are we glad that this very localized tsunami came up and pushed us ashore at Ringsend without destroying our ship much.’
CKR: Jeez. What the hell are your power levels doing?
RHN: Still having some peak swings secondary to my roomer, that’s all. Suits me fine. At least I get something useful out of having him in my head moving the furniture around all that while.
CKR: Well, wow, you did good.
RHN: I guess. Ta much.
JLC: I’m just wondering how they’re going to explain it the rest of the way. That quake won’t have been enough.
RHN: Don’t be daft. It’s Ireland. We’ll blame it on the weather.
JLC, CKR: (laughter)
RHN: So what was this big thing you needed to talk to me about?
JLC: Not that big. Need some input, though.
RHN: About?
JLC: A discussion we were having.
RHN: Oh?
JLC: We were talking about making out.
RHN: …Uh.
(break in record) (record resumes)
RHN: Yeah, so you were telling me why you need me for this.
CKR: Well. It was a question of semantics, first.
RHN: Let me get this straight. You asked me to come up from Dublin… to the Moon… to discuss semantics. Of kissing.
JLC: Not just semantics. I want to review some material, and I was hoping you’d sanction it.
RHN: Sanction what?
JLC: Instant replay. …Well, not instant.
RHN: You lost me.
JLC: Remember when we kissed?
RHN: (pause) Which answer won’t make one of you clock me upside the head with a moon rock?
JLC, CKR: (laughter)
RHN: What the feck brought this on?
JLC: A difference of opinion.
CKR: Nosiness.
RHN: Uh, not feeling safe about this whole line of enquiry now, but moving on regardless…
JLC: It’s okay. See, there’s a recording…
RHN: Of us kissing? Not possible.
JLC: Not a recording as such. Except insofar as the universe passively records everything that happens inside it…
RHN: …You’re telling me we’re living inside the One’s Sky Plus box.
JLC: (pause) What?
CKR: TiVo.
JLC: Oh.
RHN: Seriously, you’re telling me you can play it back somehow?
JLC: Not playback exactly but—
RHN: Hey science queen, telling me what it’s not like is wasted effort. The direct approach, please.
JLC: Well, going by Dairine’s explanation, it’s got something to do with hyperstring structure and the Theory of Everything.
RHN: Oh please.
JLC: No, that’s what I thought at first. It’s a real term, though. This technology, it’s something the Mobiles have been implementing: this big project they started. She got all bogged down in technical stuff I didn’t understand, but it sounded like she—
RHN: Whoa whoa whoa, wait just a moment, did we hear history being made right here before us on this dusty rock? Did Miss Juanita Louise Callahan—
JLC: Dead, Ronan, you are about to be discorporated before your time.
RHN: —actually admit to not understanding some kind of technical stuff?
JLC: I really will kill you, you do understand that? You want to make history, fine. First human being to be killed on the Moon. You mentioned rocks? Let’s try this one, it looks good—
CKR: Oh God.
RHN: (laughter) It’s pumice. Who the feck do you think you’re gonna kill with pumice?
JLC: Oh it is not pumice, please, are you blind?—some kind of basalt, probably got kicked up here out of one of the maria by an impact, and maybe it’s about to have another of those! Dairine never told you about the L word, she knows her life would be too short. It was Carmela, wasn’t it, how can she, oh God why can she not just keep her—
RHN: Not Carmela. Someone else. Too bad, your secret’s out for all the world to hear….
(SFX: rock being pounded against larger rock)
JLC: Aaaaaggghhh!
RHN: Feel better now?
JLC: No. And when I recover my composure—
RHN: Always an entertaining exercise, there are nuclear weapons with shorter fuses—
CKR: Will you two shut yourselves up for two seconds?
CKR: Thank you. Jeez. … ‘It sounded like she’ what??
JLC: (pause) Uh. Like what the Mobiles were talking about was making this sort of gigantic backup.
RHN: What of?
JLC: Everything wizardly apparently.
RHN: So how is the two of us kissing wizardly?
JLC: Well, we’re both wizards!
RHN: Oh, give me a break! There had to be, I don’t know, thousands of wizards kissing right then!
JLC: But probably only one who had the One’s Champion living in his mental basement at the time. Which makes it really of historical interest, I think.
RHN: Not ‘historical’ as in banging me in the head with a rock, I take it.
JLC: Don’t assume you’re safe yet. Anyway, parts of the explanation were way beyond me. In fact I think they were kind of beyond Dairine, or she hadn’t really spent much time getting her head around them. Because sometimes she made it sound like the Mobiles were trying not just to back up everything wizardly, but just… everything.
RHN: Everything?
JLC: In the universe.
RHN: What…? All the information?
CKR: Or all the thought?
RHN: All the matter?
JLC: I think maybe all those.
CKR: …How in the One’s name do you back up everything?
JLC: I have no idea. I keep meaning to ask her about it, but she’s not home a lot right now, and other stuff keeps happening…
CKR: You’d have to make a whole new universe…
RHN: So anyway! This recording…
CKR: Wow.
JLC: Seems like wherever there’s a manual, it makes a kind of imprint or marker on local space, and this kind of record can be made.
RHN: But no one can see it.
JLC: Only the participants, if they give consent. And anybody else they consent to allow to see it.
RHN: Seriously.
JLC: Yeah.
JLC: Well?
RHN: How are you about this?
CKR: She told me about it.
RHN: Not the kissing itself. I know she told you about that. And anyway, you know I already knew you knew.
CKR: Oh God, stop, too complicated already. So?
RHN: If she’s okay with it, I’m okay with it.
CKR: Okay.
RHN: You sure?
CKR: Look, why do you keep asking me? I didn’t kiss you.
RHN: Maybe that’s a shame. Maybe you don’t know what you’re missing.
CKR (to JLC): Maybe you want to hand me that rock.
JLC: (laughter)
RHN: So what do we have to do?
JLC: Nothing. It’s here, in the manual. It heard you: the permission’s in. It’s cued up. Now we just roll it. Ready?
RHN: Yeah.
CKR: Yeah.
[ERROR: Permissions failure. Secondary playback is embargoed in this format due to insufficient permissions level or number. Please check your permissions module and try again.]
CKR: Would you pause this a minute? …You know, this is kinda weird.
RHN: What, you mean sitting on the bloody Moon watching yourself in a porno?
JLC, CKR: (laughter)
CKR: This is not porn! These are just two people staring at each other in the dark!
RHN: After one of them slags me off with a flamethrower, yeah. God you were brutal.
JLC: Oh, come on, it wasn’t that bad.
RHN: Maybe for you. I was kinda raw at that point.
CKR: You? Admitting to raw?
RHN: I don’t mind it now. It got better.
CKR: Anyway, how is it porn when all you’ve got here is two people just sort of looking at each other longingly with their tongues hanging out?
JLC: Cut it out! There were no tongues.
RHN: But I think I see what you mean about the weirdness.
CKR: (laughter) What, besides you thinking it’s porn?
RHN: No it is not porn, shut up, I concede the fecking point already. It’s what bothers me in bad TV shows. Where’s the camera?
JLC: I told you. There were manuals on site. No, I know, don’t start. Manuals or equivalent instrumentalities… your Knowledge thing. Where there’s a manual, or equivalent, there’s sort of a node that can make a record of what’s going on in local reality. It’s some kind of string structure business: pluck the string in one place, it vibrates somewhere else.
CKR: Oh God. Quantum mechanics again.
JLC: Yeah. Maybe the cats might be better to ask for the details: they work with strings on the gates all the time. They’d know.
RHN: Given a choice between asking Rhiow and asking your sister? Rhiow every time. Where were we again?
JLC: Watching us kiss.
[ERROR: Permissions failure. Secondary playback is embargoed in this format due to insufficient permissions level or number. Please check your permissions module and try again.]
CKR: So this doesn’t constitute making out?
RHN: Nope.
CKR: Meaning you weren’t thinking about doing anything more? Anything after?
RHN: (pause) Hadn’t crossed my mind. I was just kind of amazed that it was happening right then.
JLC: And not necking.
RHN: What?
CKR: Necking.
RHN: Haven’t heard the term.
JLC: Kissing for a long time.
CKR: Like in a car, when you’re parking. Or on the couch when nobody’s home.
RHN: Done much of that?
CKR: Oh please. I have two older sisters. You have no idea how glad I was when Helena finally went to college. Half the time when the parents were out, the living room sounded like, oh, God never mind. I’d nearly forgotten.
RHN: Parking?
JLC: Going somewhere scenic to neck.
CKR: Or make out.
RHN: The definitions are getting dangerously circular now. Better roll it again.
[ERROR: Permissions failure. Secondary playback is embargoed in this format due to insufficient permissions level or number. Please check your permissions module and try again.]
CKR: But there. See, you grabbed hold of him—
JLC: He started it.
RHN: I was falling off the fence.
JLC: Oh, and that’s my fault somehow.
RHN: Yes, yes it was. What? Would you rather I said, ‘No, she kissed me and it had no effect whatsoever, thanks for playing’? Look, here, here’s the rock! Talk among yourselves and sort it out. I’ll just sit here, don’t mind me.
JLC: Let’s call it mutual.
RHN: Thank you very much. Continue.
[ERROR: Permissions failure. Secondary playback is embargoed in this format due to insufficient permissions level or number. Please check your permissions module and try again.]
RHN: Okay, it’s clear. Definitely not making out. It might be snogging. Timing’s pretty iffy, though.
CKR: What?
RHN: You saw the timer running. That didn’t even last thirty seconds.
JLC: Felt like longer.
RHN: Relativity. Ever heard of Einstein’s Stove? A snog is, like, three minutes minimum.
JLC: I’m not so sure.
RHN: How are you defining terms all of a sudden? Had you even heard that word before I used it just now?
JLC: Excuse me, I watch Dr. Who. He said he’d just snogged Madame Pompadour. That was even shorter than this. Ten seconds maybe.
RHN: Let’s keep the fictional characters out of this, shall we?
CKR: Um.
RHN: Besides, the other thing with a snog is that it’s more for pleasure. This was just both of us being freaked out, I think.
JLC: Well, yeah. You were so vulnerable. And kinda cute that way.
RHN: And you were all fierce even though you were unnerved. And kinda cute that way.
CKR: So…
RHN: Reassurance.
JLC: And experimentation.
RHN: Yeah. Comfort smooch, undifferentiated type.
JLC: With added One’s Champion. God was I shocked. Any comfort, boy, it went right out the window when I found out who else was in there.
RHN: Yeah, roll that. Kind of funny in retrospect.
[ERROR: Permissions failure. Secondary playback is embargoed in this format due to insufficient permissions level or number. Please check your permissions module and try again.]
RHN: (laughter) Janey mack, look at me go.
JLC: I’m so sorry… I really didn’t mean for that to happen.
RHN: Wasn’t you I was reacting to. The damn Spear: it was like having it stuck in your arse.
CKR: There’s an image I won’t soon forget.
RHN: I’ll be remembering it a lot longer, believe me.
RHN: So what’s the verdict? Have we got consensus?
JLC: Comfort kissing.
RHN: Borderline snog at best.
CKR: But okay, not making out.
RHN: Great, he concurs. Are we done now? Can I go back to my humdrum life?
CKR: Oh, yeah, Mister 'I Made The Earth Move'!
RHN: The sea floor anyway. And don’t you forget it.
JLC: Can’t wait to see the write-up on that.
CKR: And the environmental impact justification they’re gonna make you file.
RHN: Which I am already late for, due to being called up to Lunar orbit for the absolute weirdest consult of my life. Thanks a million.
CKR, JLC: (laughter)
RHN: Always pushing the boundaries, you two.
JLC: You say that as if it’s a bad thing.
RHN: No. Not at all. Kind of what we do, isn’t it? But some of us excel.
CKR: That almost sounded like a compliment.
RHN: Don’t get cocky. I’ve got the rock. (pause) Anyway, I’m outa here. Had people to see before the damn ferry started taking water. They really have to find better technology for those doors.
JLC: Anybody I know?
RHN: Some of the chicken-shop crew.
JLC: Give them my best.
RHN: Will do. Dai stihó, you two. Stay out of trouble.
CKR: What are the odds?
RHN: Please. I know you too well. Oh Kit, don’t forget, schedule change on the Big Game next week.
CKR: I saw the calendar change. No problem.
RHN: Right. Later!
CKR: That it?
JLC: Yeah. Save out.
Participants: Callahan, J.L., Rodriguez, C.K., Nolan III, R.H.
(formal signoff) (record complete) (end of line) (end of file)
“We were talking about making out…”
“Yeah, we were, weren’t we?”
“We could always try defining when a snog stops being borderline.”
“Defining terms. So romantic.”
“Yeah, well this time make sure that thing’s off.”
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futurebird · 10 months
Where are the image descriptions on this site?!
How is it that Mastodon (aka the fediverse) has tumblr beat for having image descriptions? I almost NEVER see images without a description there. But here? It's an epidemic. Listen, they don't need to be long or fancy, just say what the image is! Think of it this way, if the image is a part of a joke did you say enough so people could get it? Would your post make any sense without the image included? What text would you add so that it could still make sense? (It's true that descriptions can sometimes occur in context, or using text that isn't in that particular box. But, I'm not talking about that. I'm talking about the sheer volume of posts that are mostly images and not a one has a word to describe them. Those posts are just useless spam to many people. ) I always thought refusing to reblog undescribed images was a little extreme. But I totally get it now. From here out? If I don't have the time to add an image description myself? I'm not going to reblog it. I'm not the only person like this. I know many people who simply won't reblog anything with undescribed images. I'm fed up! ( It will take some time for my queue to catch up. I'm slowly adding descriptions in there too. In fact, it was going through my queue and seeing how many descriptions I'd need to add that set me off. Why do I have to fix everything? Were it just one or two missing, that's fine, but it's most of them. If everyone just described their images in the first place when they posted it would be taken care of ... When you get in the habit of doing it you don't really notice the 30 seconds it takes. I didn't always know to do this, and maybe you didn't either but you can start today!)
But I post mostly art, why do I need descriptions?
Image descriptions aren't just helpful to people who are totally blind. ( And as @the-smol-machine pointed out in the comments totally blind people enjoy art. ) Descriptions help everyone who uses screen readers including many people with sight. There are different degrees (and kinds) of blindness and since many blind people enjoy art, if you describe your art this helps. Don't you want more people to enjoy your art? For example, my niece loves art, but to look at it she needs to make it much bigger and spend some time taking it in bit by bit. She only bothers if she knows what it might be and a description helps her put the image together in her mind. Descriptions also help with other disabilities that don't have anything to do with sight, but rather how people process information. Heck, I generally enjoy reading them myself just to know that I got everything the poster wanted from the image. (I'm not an expert on this topic at all. Suggestions badly wanted, but I am frustrated and annoyed that "describe the images" isn't more of a normal tumblr thing. )
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jitterbugjive · 2 months
I hate that people can easily find the stupid and shitty things I said and did over 5 years ago and jump to the conclusion that that's who I am, and there's no easy way for anyone to see all the efforts I've been making since then to NOT be that person. It's hard to find all my apologies and explanations because I didn't tag them all properly. I've tried time and time again to explain that I was mimicking the behavior bad adults gave me when I was growing up and that no one really called me out on that behavior until it was too late. I've tried to explain that since then I've been going through extensive therapy to separate bad learned behavior from who I want to actually be. There's so much more to this whole story than what one small chunk of the internet is making it out to be. People who actually know me know that this has been eating me up constantly and that I am always living in fear of losing everything to this drama.
especially since some of that info takes quotes out of context, jumps to conclusions that aren't true, or flat out lies about what certain artworks are depicting or meaning to convey (Like claiming a grown ass adult is a child even tho I have proof the character looks totally different as an adult than as a child, or claiming that a shock piece meant to make people reel back in horror was a fetish when it was not at all that)
It takes clips of things without the full picture and puts words in my mouth.
Here's a little something about how I used to talk about sore subjects: I would make a controversial sounding statement, but then I would explain myself in a way that would show the statement wasn't as bad as I was making it out to be. A lot of the time they just take that bad statement and paste it for the world to see, without giving any of that context of me explaining why I said that and why it's not what it sounds like.
I wish people were smart enough to spot cherry picking when they see it, but they just aren't. They'll see one sentence, and someone saying "look they're supporting this bad thing" and that's all they need to think that's what it is. People aren't smart enough to really ask questions and try to understand a situation, all they want is face value to tell them how to think and feel.
People aren't going to bother to listen to me because I'm "the bad guy" and I'll "say anything to cover my ass".
Listen, if I was really that horrible of a person, don't you think there would be more evidence out there that is very clear and blunt and not just making assumptions on what a thing means?
I'm never gonna sit here and say what I said and did wasn't wrong, it was, but it was not done because I was trying to be a terrible person or prey on anyone. It was because I was insanely misguided by someone who groomed me for 5 years since childhood and then abused me for another 3 in a really toxic relationship. And then I never got HELP for it, I never got therapy to cope with it, I never even realized until way later that 'holy shit this person was 7 years older than me and was taking advantage of me the whole time'. Like I knew they were abusive but adults being friends with children was so normalized in my head, and throughout my life many adults or older kids exposed me to things I shouldn't have been and it skewed in my head what was appropriate behavior or not. Or what was okay to draw or not. And a lot of my opinions were formed around this adult who convinced me things like loli/shota were fine as long as they were strictly made up, and he fed me a lot of nonsense about what does and doesn't make a predator to cover his own ass. I was seriously fucked up almost beyond repair for a long time.
I have a warning on my blog now that minors shouldn't be following me, I make it a point to not ever work with minors on projects or talk to a minor in any capacity beyond a fan to artist relationship. I understand now that it is my responsibility as a NSFW artist that I simply cannot have minors as friends. And being much older now I don't even want minors as friends anyway. When I was in my early 20s the age gap didn't feel as bad but I'm definitely feeling it now and I just don't want to deal with minors any more.
I'm not a danger to anyone, I'm not spewing apologetics for horrible people, I've been doing my best to be a much better and more informed person
And I have no easy way to prove any of it in a way that will matter
I'm only talking about this now because once again I was kicked out of something because someone found that old info and that was all it took. No one cares about my side of things.
And I don't know if this will ever go away
I don't know if I'll ever find any amount of comfortable success because I can't get rid of this shit and on the internet it doesn't matter how long ago you did something or how much you've changed, you did it and therefor you're bad forever.
I hate this shit so much.
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araneitela · 1 month
Deception and manipulation. And quite frankly, why I disagree with fanon's vehement inclusion of both for Kafka's character. I've been sitting on this for quite a while now, and I one day want to write a much longer meta on it, but I wanted to "briefly" touch on it for the ones following me, so that you know what to expect, and well, what not to expect.
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Nothing within canon inherently thus far to me, has shown Kafka to be dishonest, and it's actually one of the things that further drew me to her character as I continued into HSR, the fact that she isn't. But, I've been re-watching all of her scenes yet again today to see if I can budge myself on this, but I'm still firmly rooted in my belief that Kafka is not deceptive as people make her out to be, and if anything, I feel even stronger about this today than I did yesterday, despite actively trying to find things that would prove the opposite. All I can see, honestly, is that she actively tells the truth when on screen. This entire belief that she's anything akin to deceptive, manipulative, or dishonest is genuinely just an audience's perception that stems from the general, go-to assumption that someone who has been brandished a 'villain' bears every bad trait in existence. And the audience comes to hold that perception because it's what numerous characters on our screen seem to think (one of the earliest examples of this would be Himeko and March 7th, but primarily the latter). She has a bounty of 10.899 billion credits on her head, yes, so far that's the highest that we've seen, but we also know that the Stellaron Hunters have been closely involved with a lot of chaos that's occurred throughout the cosmos (and the other hunters do not possess the ability that she does). But we need to not interlace bad traits where they, in my opinion, don't belong.
Let me elaborate a little bit on my stance here so I don't go haywire in my tags. Also, please note that this touches on her character/dialogue and what we see within the story, her "games" such as the Jepella Rebellion touch on a different element of her character: boredom. That's for another day. Anyway, yes, I will also touch on her spirit whisper, because I know that's also a huge contender into this 'deception' theory.
The first scene that holds proper and deeper nuance that we're witness to, is when she speaks to the Trailblazer in the very beginning after awakening them. We see 'Listen:' at the very beginning, which we know is something she uses to signify the effects of her spirit whisper. Now if one were to simply take her spirit whisper, at its essence, as manipulative and that's that without taking intent and practice into account, then there's nothing I can say, but I will assume that's not the case here. Not anywhere in the lines that follow (and here are the choices), does Kafka insinuate any specific action for the Trailblazer to take, if anything, she insists on the existence of their own choice and will to 'reach the end of their story'. 'Listen' in this entire sequence is a call to attention, in the way that a person can wave their hand in front of your eyes or snap their fingers near you. The Trailblazer in this context is confused, they've just woken up and are unsure where they are, what's happening and perhaps, even who they are exactly. So the call to attention makes total and utter sense. Her spirit whisper isn't merely hypnosis, if you look at its capabilities, it can be used in various ways. Now outside of her SW, you hear the softer and more authentic tone of her voice (for those unaware of what I mean: here) when she speaks to them, and you actively see a change of expression depending on your answer to her that, quite frankly, is too genuine to me alongside the change of voice to take them in any other way than at direct face value. And lastly, she answers every question posed to her by the TB within the time constraints that they are under. Does she answer them elaborately? Not exactly, but there is quite literally, no need for it. She's not being dishonest, she's not being deceptive, she's actually being quite caring, if one dare use the word (and I do).
Second, the Astral Express visit. For starters, not once does she actively use her SW here in any capacity. She reacts to what Himeko says to her, and even entertains the 'accusations' and even gives away a bit of information that by all accounts is true, the Astral Express and Stellaron Hunters both pursue, in their own ways, the most dangerous objects of the universe. They are in some capacity, two sides of the same coin. From thereon out, she doesn't dwindle or waste any time (hers or theirs), she gets to the point of the Xianzhou Luofu, she says where it is, explains what happened, and what she knows will happen if the crew doesn't go there. She also discloses that she wants to retrieve Blade. Does she disclose the entire 'idea' of how they will end up clearing the Stellaron Hunters' reputation? No, but she has no idea on the reliability of any of them, and two (Himeko, and March 7th) seem 'hostile' towards her, and one (Welt) is hesitant at best; there is absolutely zero grounds for her to entrust them with the steps of their plan. Aside from that, the entire plan that we see unfold after that quite literally never endangers any of them, if anything, it only makes them look good, and guess who the Stellaron Hunters would owe a favor to after all of this? The Astral Express. Who would the Xianzhou owe a favor to? The Astral damned Express. The ones going on a limb here, despite having a 'script', is Kafka and the Stellaron Hunters as a whole. Point me at the genuine dishonesty or manipulation in this, and if you want to add a scoop to it, any ill-intent.
And then we get to the actual Luofu. Honestly, I need someone to tell me where she lies. Even before she ever gets captured, and they're chasing after her; right at the beginning, she literally says why the chase continues, and why she's not stopping yet: 'What a hassle, this place is too far for the diviner. See you up ahead.' Take her at face value, it's what she wants from you. Granted, she can profit if you don't (but at this point, I would beg to differ), but she's not trying to get you to believe any lie, if she was, she'd be telling one.
"Best future? Best for who? As if you'd consider anyone but yourself." — March 7th "If I said 'best for the universe', would you believe me? Best for me, naturally." — Kafka
And as much as one might want to try and rub my nose in "it" at this point, I'd like to ask what anyone is trying to rub my nose into. Again, is she not being pretty forthcoming? She's not saying more than she needs to, but that's not being deceptive. If someone doesn't ask for more information, then why should you give them... more information than necessary?
"I have no interest in the words of wanted criminals - especially those skilled in the art of manipulation." — Fu Xuan.
/shakes the bars of my cage. Yes, she uses spirit whisper, we know that she does. But again, this is an audience's perception of a 'villain' at its definition, rather than a judgement call made for one in specific. I understand Fu Xuan, of course, I do, but I'm not taking an 'in-game' stance, I'm sitting in the audience's seat and dissecting what I see.
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I just, where is she dishonest? She proceeds to talk to the Trailblazer at length, and goes as far as to admit that the Stellaron Hunters are not entirely innocent. Not once is it claimed that the SH are void of any blame, she takes it, here and during the Jepella Rebellion trailer (even if, yes, it is a mock trial and she's hypnotizing them, yes, I know, "the proof is in the pudding THERE, Sae!", I'm arguing nuance, not a case of 'Kafka is always honest). Guys, she comes clean entirely. I'm starting to go feral, I know, but I just don't understand. I don't get it. /semi-tugs at hair. We're almost at the end of her scenes, and I still don't see it.
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I don't understand. I don't understand. And then in 1.2, Waterscale Gorge, she stops them all from fighting, has them stand down. And when Dan Heng asks her what she did, she answers it well enough. And guess who doesn't question it upon his arrival, witnessing it? The 'hotshot General' in question: Jing Yuan.
I understand 'interpretations', but I fail to see how the massive overwhelming part (if not bordering the entirety) of fanon has such a severe attachment to this concept of Kafka being inherently deceptive, or have her whole existence shrouded therein. I don't see where this is the case. We can even look at her trailer, a Dramatic Irony, and look when she speaks at the end to the last guard in question. Some could argue that she lies to him when she offers the flip of the coin, but she doesn't. She never once actually offers him a chance to live, she never once insinuates that if he guesses correctly, that he could live, that is an assumption that the audience makes, rather than it being a choice that she actively presents. 'As for the ending, want to take a guess?' One might try to argue deception with me here, but I'd like to simply fire back: where is her deception? It only exists if you hear something that she never says, that is not something that she puts in your head; that's a choice that you make. A choice, a choice, a choice. The entire thing that she preaches about since the dawn of time when we awoke as the Trailblazer. Where is she lying? It's easy to call someone else out on something that you, yourself, create in your mind. Now do I think an argument can be made, there? Sure, for I absolutely don't make the case for her to be exceptionally and thoroughly 'transparent', but it's all about nuance. It's about, quite honestly, looking at the imagery of a spider. Where is that little quote I came across a while back— ah yes, here:
“The spider's web: She finds an innocuous corner in which to spin her web. The longer the web takes, the more fabulous its construction. She has no need to chase. She sits quietly, her patience a consummate force; she waits for her prey to come to her on their own, and then she ensnares them, injects them with venom, rendering them unable to escape. Spiders – so needed and yet so misunderstood.” — Donna Lynn Hope
An innocuous corner that can be avoided, she doesn't scheme and try to lure you into a web that would mean your destruction; more often than not, you could see it rather well ahead of you, and the intrigue is that you would walk into it almost willingly. It's alluring, it's tempting to those of curious nature that seek to unravel and explain, it's intricate, it's beautiful, why wouldn't you want to draw yourself into it? But the spider at the center is not the one that coaxes you, even if she's the creator of that ever intricate web. And yet, when you get wrapped up into it, she is all encompassing, and most don't come out alive as we see. And your fate is cruel, just like— well, fate is cruel. But is she, like Kafka, manipulative? Or is she, while you may so strongly want to believe the opposite, much more honest than you wish she was? And is that why she is cruel? Is that not the cruelest?
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dearweirdme · 2 months
I have been a tkkr almost as long as i have been an army since like 2016. im jk biased and tae has always been my bias wrecker. i have consumed taekook fan content such as reading aus and fanfics, etc. but i wouldn't say i am a believer (?). i am simply a shipper i guess? i just cannot bring myself to believe they are actually dating (nor do i believe that they are dating other members for that matter).
BUT i want to believe so help me with this
recently i fell down the taekook tumblr rabbit hole and i am very intrigued. you said in one of your last posts on how to distinguish a couple without them kissing or obvious physical affection and you answered it perfectly no doubt, the actions of a couple are very different from a pair of friends.
but what actions do you see tkk doing specifically that the other pairs are not doing??? you said they don't have any physical boundaries with each other but other pairs do. but sometimes i can see other pairs also not having a definite moment for their boundaries. i for the life of me cannot see the difference.
as a jk biased person it is very obvious to me he has a different wavelength with all the members and he is closer to some than others. so are the other members. i am not doubting that they could be queer or anything but i just cant see jk and tae dating each other. ofc it is very obvious that they are close friends who clearly love each other but i cant see anything more than that
so help me with this, tell me where can i start? like suggest me specific content to go back and watch? cuz i have pretty much seen everything maybe this time ill watch with a different lense
Hi anon!
Well… this is quite different from people usually telling me to stop Tkking 😂. To start off, it’s not necessary to believe in them. If you’re fine just enjoying their friendship, than that’s totally fine. And also.. if you haven’t seen what I see by now while you have already watched Tkk extensively, I’m not sure what I can say to enlighten you more.
I agree that there are moments when other pairings are also extremely physically intimate. To me those moments are more like a temporary extension of physical boundaries, because it suits the occasion. For instance, while engaging in banter two people might touch each other differently in places they might otherwise not do so freely. Or when comforting someone, those boundaries are also temporarily widened, because comforting someone might call for a more physical approach. That is what I see a lot between other members.. it has to do with the context of the moment a lot. Whereas between Tae and Jk I feel there’s more of a continuation of extended physical boundaries and their actions don’t rely on context much. They just touch freely.
It is hard to talk about signs of them being a couple, because we only/mostly see them in ways that have nothing to do with their private lives. We don’t see couply moments of any member. What I do feel we have seen are moments in which they seem in love.
Tae kissing Jk’s neck is a strong one for me. Jk’s reaction to it is also telling I feel.
The way Tae looked at Jk during the vminhopekook live is telling to me.
I think the vminkook live is also real showing of the attraction between them.
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When we look at things that happened more recently, I feel them wearing the same shirt on the same day is a thing couples would definitely do, but best friends maybe not so much.
For me the lives Tae did where he was listening to the song Jk songs for him (missing Jk) and the two after, also very much speak of them being a couple to me, because when you look at those combined and place them in context you get Tae missing Jk very much while he was away, Jk going (almost) straight to Tae when he arrived back home, and them sharing a bed later at night. It just makes so much sense to me.
It will always be subjective. It’s not possible to speak of hard evidence. But when I look at the whole of it, I just see a clear story that makes sense to me.
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xiangqiankua · 2 months
My thoughts after doing a few TOCFL practice tests:
- I really really need to practice reading for the gist and not getting hung up on unknown words. I'm sure the whole point of throwing in phrases and characters that weren't on the word list is to weed out test takers who can't manage to pick up on overall context. Unfortunately I am used to looking up every damn thing when reading for leisure. So I've selected a library book of a suitable level to force myself to read without pausing- the first attempt went alright except when I cracked and had to look up 櫺 líng because it was such a good shape, it means latticework on a window. - Unsurprisingly, I'm not that great at questions on unfamiliar topics for which I don't know the vocab (because they're of no interest to me and I never bothered to learn it). I understand the logic of testing people who might be getting this certificate for work on topics that might happen on the job. But why can't we slide in some of my special interests I've listened to hours of podcast on, huh? (I decided to find a tv series to watch in order to diversify.) - The most troublesome part of "Mandarin proficiency test" is not so much my Mandarin proficiency as the "test" part. In the listening section I often understand perfectly what 小美's mother asked her to do to prepare for the guests in the afternoon, or the long list of critical steps in booking a ticket for XYZ. Hell if I remember the details by the time the multiple choice question rolls around. I need to practice taking notes, and also remembering to actually look at the choices on the answer sheet beforehand. - Sometimes I am thinking of the correct answer, and somehow write down a totally different one?? - I start out with some confidence and energy and then deflate (or panic) somewhere around question 30. I've timed myself on the reading and done the listening without any pause or repeat to try and simulate authentic levels of anxiety (success, unfortunately), and when I do them both together it's exhausting. I don't know if it's late in the game to try and build stamina, but I might as well try. - Sometimes I get things wrong not because I misunderstood the material but because I had my own interpretation of what exactly the question was asking, which I don't think I can do much about. - When I second guess myself and write down a row of potential answers, the first one is almost always correct. - My language school teachers definitely lifted some of their final exam questions directly from these.
I asked a Japanese acquaintance today how the test was when she'd taken it and she said she passed B2 (TOCFL 4) a year ago, so I ought to be fine because her level is currently slightly below mine, but Japanese native speakers have a significant edge on the reading so this isn't entirely reassuring.On the bright side, nothing too serious is riding on this at the moment, at worst I disappoint myself terribly and just take it again later. But success would be nice! I really hope the practice tests are of similar or higher difficulty to the actual exam, not significantly easier.
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ghostradiodylan · 5 months
Which Hacketteers do you think are pro Christmas music and who do you think is totally against it?
Okay this is a great question and such a hard one for me because I’m kind of ambivalent about Christmas music myself! I like it fine for a couple of days beforehand but when it starts playing in stores right after Halloween? I’m still in spooky mode, stop trying to make me be merry for the sake of capitalism! 😂
Also given the setting of New York state, I wonder if any of them come from Jewish or otherwise non-Christian families. Idk who’s most likely to fit into that category but it’s a consideration. Christmas culture infects everyone though lol.
I feel like Jacob is a literal child so he probably gets super excited about everything Christmas and is like helping his parents put up elaborate light displays and buying Christmas themed snacks and stuff, so he’s probably listening to Christmas music the day after Halloween and I feel like Emma might be similar. Emma might come Christmas caroling at your house because she loves performing so much! Emma doesn’t mind a pop cover or a bit of Mariah Carey at all.
Kaitlyn might be a total Grinch if left to her own devices but she can’t help indulging Jacob a little. She doesn’t mind Christmas music in the context of Christmas movies but she probably wouldn’t listen to it on purpose just for fun. She has a secret soft spot for the soundtrack to The Muppet Christmas Carol.
I feel like the holidays might be complicated for Ryan. We don’t know why his mom isn’t around, though I obviously have my headcanons for fiction, but that might make it a little bit of a tough time for him. At the same time, he seems really invested in his sister so he probably wants to make Christmas special for her. He lives with his grandparents, so maybe they’re listening to the more classic, old school Christmas music and jazz covers and he’s probably fine with that.
Dylan I think could go either way, either he’s rolling his eyes about it altogether or he’s making massive playlists of indie and alt rock covers and then throwing in annoying goofy songs like “Dominick the Donkey” and “I Want a Hippopotamus for Christmas.” I think he probably does not want to hear Christmas music prior to Thanksgiving. But maybe I’m just projecting as I often do.
Abi’s watching The Nightmare Before Christmas on repeat to match her Hot Topic aesthetic. 😂 She likes that original soundtrack and the various artist cover versions and “Yule Shoot Your Eye Out” by Fall Out Boy. But when it’s actually the week of Christmas she gives in and gets into the regular cheery stuff.
I wonder how long Nick has been in the US because I always think it has to be so weird for Australians to have all this wintery themed Christmas music when it’s summer in their hemisphere at Christmas time! Maybe he gets really into it because it’s so different from what he’s used to. Or maybe he gets cranky and misses the summer and listens to Tim Minchin’s “White Wine in the Sun” to remember warmer holidays. Could go either way.
Maybe it’s his 50’s fit talking, but I imagine Max being into the old crooner type Christmas music, Bing Crosby and Frank Sinatra and more recently stuff like Michael Bublé that’s copying that style. I feel like he starts terribly serenading Laura with that music in early November.
I feel like Laura might not get super into Christmas until school is out because she’s so driven, so maybe she pushes all that out of her mind until then, except when Max is badly crooning “White Christmas” in the shower. But then again, I also headcanoned her as a choir kid in high school so she probably had concerts to practice for too that made her get into the spirit earlier than she really wanted.
Thanks for the asks today y’all! I think my brain is tapped out but I will be meditating on some I can send back! 💜💜💜
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blatantescapism · 9 months
Ah yes, it’s that special day where once again I find myself wondering what the ever-living fuck Joe Finigan was thinking.
This is the story of how I utterly failed to have the appropriate emotional reaction to 9/11. Mind the trigger tags. I’d add more but I ran out. This story is insensitive by nature and I probably shouldn’t share it, but it’s also such a weird slice of American life that I kinda feel like I gotta.
So, context.
Columbine happened in 1999, when I was in 5th grade. Schools across the US started to be like, “hm, maybe it’s time to actually address this issue somehow.” Our elementary school brought in some random police officers to talk about it. Police who, if anything, had been trained in how to make kids more traumatized.
We didn’t have active shooter drills back then. They were just like, “Hey kids, I want you to imagine this fucked up scenario that I am vividly describing. What would you do if it happened to you? Do you have a Plan? Will you be able to stick to your Plan even while your classmates are screaming? You should think about it hard, in graphic detail, so that when the time comes you won’t hesitate to make Tough Choices. Breaking your leg because you jumped out a window is still better than being dead! Listen to this story of a girl who hid under a desk, but then the gunman found her and she couldn’t escape because there was no room to maneuver and so she was trapped and the gunman shot her while she bravely said her prayers, we have a weird creepy obsession with painting the victims as modern Christian martyrs and we totally invented the entire story but you won’t realize that for at least a decade. And remember: don’t run in a straight line, run in zigzags so that you’re harder to shoot.”
So yeah, that was 1999, we were 11 years old, and we took that shit very much to heart.
Two years later, it’s 2001. There have been 15 new US school shootings in that time. My sister and I are in middle school, it’s early in the school year but we’ve started to get into a normal rhythm,
Suddenly there is a totally unexpected blare on the intercom. It’s Principal Joe Finigan, he is about to make the most significant announcement of his career, and for some fucking reason he decides that THIS is the best thing to say:
“There has been a, uh, a terrible tragedy. Everyone should go home now. Uh, ask your parents what happened. As far as we know, we are not a target at this time.” Click.
We don’t have any other sources of information. The teachers aren’t telling us what’s going on, but some are crying.
Obviously there must have been a school shooting in town. But what the hell did he mean by “as far as we know, we are not a target at this time”? That makes it sound like the gunman is still at large. Is this a sniper situation? Is it even safe to walk home? Are we going to have to line up in the office and take turns using the school telephone to call our parents?
We cautiously head outside, and there’s a line of parents already out there waiting in their cars to pick their kids up. Oh shit, it must be bad. Was it the kindergarten? Or the Catholic prep school?
Our mom is upset. She says she doesn’t want to talk about it while driving. She’ll show us the news on the TV when we get home.
We get home and steel ourselves to face the news, fully expecting to see the names of close friends and neighbors listed among the dead.
So please imagine how appalled our dear mother is when we say, “Wait a minute- all this fuss is because some buildings are on fire in a completely different state?!”
“As far as we know, we are not a target at this time.”
Dear Joe Finigan. What the fuck made you say that. Please tell me, did you genuinely imagine terrorists being like
“At this time, our target is the World Trade Center and the Pentagon. But next, we shall target a mediocre school in a bland suburban town that nobody has ever heard of! Ohoho! Ah hah ha ha!”
Anyway, there’s something to be said about how after both events, the US response was, “You see, this is why we need more guns. We tooootally promise they’ll only be used to hurt Bad Guys! After all, we’re the Good Guys! USA! USA!”
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arowitharrows · 5 months
hello again, recent anon here! first of all, i wanted to thank you for your wonderful response. i did read the article you linked to, and i must say that i was certainly ignorant of the very serious ways, pertaining to medical/health care, that people are affected by hostility (and ignorance) towards asexuality. i would also like to put forth some context for my outlook on things, just in that i was raised in what i've been told was an unusual and very sheltered environment, so while as i've grown older there are some things i've realized on my own that i may see as the norm that many do not, and it's actually my own mistake. i am a bit surprised that i had never some across this information online before, but i suppose i may have overly cultivated my online experience to be rather narrow, so upon reading your response, i realized that this might be one of those things where i just hadn't come to the realization on my own, and I decided to discuss it with a much more worldly cousin of mine who i am close to, for a better perspective, and she told me that what you said is generally true, and that a majority of people really do just experience sexual and romantic attraction like, from the get go. it was a bit embarrassing to realize that, but it's probably for the better. while that certainly was not my main take away from reading what you said, i sort of feel like my bubble has been burst. like i was really naive about that sort of thing. since i'm hiding behind anon, i will say that i'm almost 24 and it's really surreal to learn, like what else do i not know? that's apparently common knowledge? at times like these i recall that my father always said, "a wise man knows that he knows not", and i feel a poignant sense of failure to keep that with me as he would have tried to impart. your point about the time and effort put into books/movies/etc with those sort of themes makes alot of sense that i never even considered. my thoughts on the matter only ever went as far as "well they do that to sell more things, but only certain types of people would buy that anyways". i see that my view on all this has been severely limited. I really appreciated your anecdotes about your own life experience, and the different perspective they contained. in my life, few people openly spoke of sexual matters, and certainly not at length, but i can definitely see how being in an environment of your peers that did could lead you to feel how you described. i've been a total dunce here, like this is a part of an overarching "different people have different lives" common sense sort of thing that's gone way over my head in a really messed up way. the only people i've spoken to at any great length in many years are my relatives, so my understanding of community in a general sense may be a bit warped there. besides, all that, i would also like to say that i had not even previously thought about the ways that considering any ace identity to be a reaction of any sort could overlap with rad fem politics, another great oversight on my part. it is obvious now that ignoring these issues and pushing them out of my mind when i hear about them is not a correct course of action. i wonder how much of this train-of-thought rant would be an issue if i had delved deeper into other people's lived experiences pertaining to these matters when i first learned they existed. i will 100% be taking your advice on listening to more people about this all, and plan to read more about it immediately. i'm sure, based off even just this one interaction, that i have much more to understand about these things than i ever could have guessed i didn't know. I may even seek out some videos on the subject online as well. (as a small note too, i would like to say to the singular commenter on the post that while i'm doubtful any such label could apply to myself, your suggestion is certainly something i will take under consideration.) So for now, i thank you again for your gracious and eloquent reply. I have found it to be quite enlightening, and I bid you a great new year!
Well I am glad I could help a bit! The context of your upbringing makes sense and I'm certain you aren't the first or only person to go through such a "bubble bursting" process, it's a part of life and of opening yourself up to new perspectives. Also don't worry too much about the radfem train of thought thing, it is not a well known or discussed topic and I would not expect many people to be aware of it. I did not believe that that's where you were coming from, it just felt important to mention in that context.
I also wish you all the best in the new year, and thanks for listening and reaching out to learn more about the topic!
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