#much of which i'm probably gonna have to make or modify myself
nattikay · 9 months
hmmmmmmm ngl kinda think i wanna make a werewolf cowboy :3c
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bryce-bucher · 10 months
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The main thing I did over the past week or so was put together this dialogue system. The system itself was fairly easily to implement, and I think the only interesting part of the process to share is how I went about making the UI. As per usual, I wanted to have a cool mechanical feeling ui, but at the same time a friend of mine suggested an AOL instant messenger inspired chat window. I loved both of these ideas so I decided to combine them into a screen that pops up and contains the aim-like window. The modeling process for the screen was similar to how I went about making the other two bits of ui that are on screen in the above photos, but I decided to include a VGA port.
I didn't originally plan to include a VGA port, but I was in the middle of researching monitors and accidentally left a window open on my computer that just had a big photo of one and I went "wait a minute.". With my final two braincells I suddenly decided to slap together a model for the port which I ended up being proud enough of to, for some reason, make an entire section for it.
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Sorry if any of the above sentences read horribly. I am going to need a third braincell if you want this stuff to be coherent. Anyway, Blender is so cool. Using the array modifier to make all these lil squares for the holes in the port is just such a satisfying process. I've come to really like makin pre-rendered assets like this.
New Movez:
This is actually a pretty big inclusion, and I probably should've ranked it in my mind above the VGA port. I added some new movement options to the game!
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Firstly, I added this melee move where you swing the back of the sniper forwards to propel yourself a bit. It is mainly useful as a bunnyhop that allows you to conserve momentum.
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Next up I added this kick that happens if you melee while in the air. It's basically just the one from mario64. It lets you gain a little bit more height and distance. It also becomes way more effective if you have a lot of momentum. A good tool for correcting jumps and reaching new heights.
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Finally, we have the big schmovement slide. This slide gives you a huge burst of speed that you can jump out of in order to send your self flyin. Surprisingly, it didn't really break any of the level design and ended up being a really fun addition imo. In order to perform it, you have to do a ground pound and then melee as you hit the ground. Also, I feel like I basically stole this from pseudoregalia. Played through that recently and it has been a good source of inspiration.
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This is a cameo skin I've been really excited to finally make myself put in the game. Anodyne 2 is a really important game to me, and I love it much. I'm really happy tha folks at analgesic let me put her in here, and I'm p happy with how her model came together. If you haven't peeped the Anodyne games I highly recommend them. The first one was a major inspiration for parts of Fatum Betula.
Lately I've been playing this game way too much. It has made it impossible for me to tell if it is fun or well designed. Some problems cropped up during playtesting that ima need to address, and I hope that it all comes together into something that one could say is "fun and cool". I think takin this weekend off is gonna do my brain good. Oh yeah also I feel like I should advertise that I'm still doing commissions if anyone is interested. Anyway, have a good 1 and enjoy urself.
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logicmaru · 7 months
i love how ranmaru kageyama is doomed by the narrative from the very fucking beginning and i hope his minisode is even more miserable.
warning i'm gonna talk a lot. ranmaru is very blatantly described as a boring guy, who's underneath the average height for guys, doesn't have any notable likes or dislikes, unless you count his hatred for happy couples + people who are happy in general, which ngl comes into play later
i'm gonna try and explain this as simply as i can bc if i try to word it like an essay i'll confuse myself aha,,,,
it kind of shows us that ranmaru can get jealous pretty easily? and he's upset at the kind of trust keiji and sara share, even though he probably knows that's because they've known each other longer than sara's known ranmaru, but it probably still pisses ranmaru off idk
he wants to prove himself to sara, even though sara already sees him as something alike to an ally, but he wants something more than that. in the logic sara deleted scene, ranmaru states that he would want to be sara's best friend, and he admits how wants to go home with her and laugh casually over jokes together and treat life like nothing's wrong
i like to believe this was deleted because it would be ooc for ranmaru, that he would probably be very reluctant of sharing such an ideal with sara, and him suddenly spilling about wanting to be sara's friend in one moment would probably cause more shock factor, and not do much good for the lore, idk it just seems very "ah omg" and less "how interesting"
i really love how ranmaru is. not a good person. i know how strange that sounds, but ranmaru is, kind of, in a way, a support character for sara. And u would think, well support character, must be someone kindhearted and encouraging, right? well, in ranmaru's case, yes, but no?? he's more like "i will go to lengths for your survival, you NEED to win" instead of "you got this! i'll help you escape!" and it's somewhat refreshing? i'm not sure maybe i'm just not normal
anyway enough about evil ranmaru, emotion ranmaru is just very Sad, and again, doomed by the narrative
he doesn't get any kind of character development iirc, in the infamous ransara "win for me" scene, he just talks about how he knew this was going to be a bad idea, and how he has no right to be sara's friend, but from that point on, we don't get any remarkable moment where ranmaru gets some sort of character redemption, and instead we get a moment where ranmaru AGAIN goes through with some sort of wild plan to make sure sara escapes, which is erasing his personality / replacing it with the joe ai's personality.
gosh, if ur friends with me, u probably know how i love and hate this part of the game, mostly because of how interesting it is and how it could've fleshed out into a whole other issue, but i dislike how it's totally overshadowed by both the fandom and the game itself
sara herself doesn't seem to react too strongly by ranmaru's choice to erase himself to become a "vessel" for joe's personality, which really i'd love to explain but honestly idk,,, i definitely thought there'd be a bigger deal about it, but perhaps it was overruled since the modified maple boss fight was literally like,, moments after that
in emotion route, ranmaru shares little to no information with anyone, though he does come close when he tries to tell sara, which he does successfully tell sara about the asunaro human in the group, but i believe that is the only moment where ranmaru goes "sara, hold on" and actually tells sara about what he was actually going to say, which, on one hand, had me on the edge of my seat, but on the other hand, was nice to see since it was really showing how untrusting and reserved ranmaru is, no matter how much he trusts sara, he's not entirely sure if she trusts him in return, or if he trusts sara to not share this information with anyone else
i love ranmaru kageyama
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gracefireheart · 5 days
Lil' update time for my TF2 x PMD AU now that the poll for what pokemon the Mann brothers would be is over 💃
So, first off, it ended in a tie between the Regis and the Unovan Dragons (I'm not counting the Sinnoh trio 'cause one of the votes was from me, which I usually don't count). I guess the question for myself is: Do I want to have fun drawing them (Regis), or do I want to tear all of my hair out when drawing all that detail (Unovan Dragons)? Atm, I'm heavily leaning towards the former of the two, but I'll try and figure that out later.
A bit earlier, I was writing down lil' details about the mercs in this AU. Mostly what certain items some of them would know a lot/quite a bit about, to the point that they can probably make/grow 'em themselves or knows where to get it.
For now, I've written down that:
Engie knows a lot about all the different kinds of Orbs and can make quite a lot of them, especially the ones that teleports the user(s) or foes, changes the room / the whole dungeon floor or reveals it's map, or does some kind of status effect on the foes.
Spy knows quite a bit about the different kinds of Orbs, but mostly makes the ones he uses the most (such as Invisify to make himself invisible, Trapbust to destroy traps, and Radar to know where all the foes are on the current dungeon floor).
Demo knows how to make TMs or HMs, and can open treasure chests no problem (yes, in the games, you need someone to open (small) treasure chests for you lol). Maybe he knows a bit about what kind of buffs some of the accessories gives you, or maybe he could make pretty good juice from berries, gummis, and so on. Idk yet, so I gotta tinker with this one a bit more later.
Medic knows a lot about and can grow different kinds of berries. He also knows how to get Life and Reviver seeds, tho' the latter of the two is much harder to get a hold of. He also knows how to make medicine like Protein and Zinc, but it's not easy to make.
Pyro knows quite a bit about the other types of seeds and how to get them, especially the Blast seeds. Gotta have a fuckton of 'em for themself, Demo, Soldier, and sometimes Sniper to use.
Sniper knows a bit about the different kinds of seeds, but has a lot of knowledge about toss items (such as Iron Thorns, Silver Spikes, Cacnea Spikes, and so on), the latter of which he also knows how to get a lot of.
I still need to tinker a bit around this, as well as figure out some stuff for Heavy, Scout and Soldier. I also gotta work on the stuff they did before making the Fortress Guild, so uh yeah, I'll be working on this slowly but surely so I don't explode my brain 👍
Besides that, I have chosen what pokemon each of the Classic mercs are gonna be in my AU, which are all Gen 1 pokemon. I'd say most of them I've picked out a pretty good pokemon for, but y'know, with how lil' we know most of the Classics, I can't get it 100%.
I do want to draw 'em at some point- maybe like a duo-piece to my first TF2 x PMD AU drawing of the squad- so I won't spoil what pokemon I picked for most of them. I will say tho' that, yes, C. Engineer is also gonna be a Raichu (tho' I will probably try and modify his appearance a lil'), and I've already said it in the tags of a different post that C. Heavy is going to be a (potentially shiny) Nidoking- the pokemon of which I will ignore the canon height of in order to make him the tallest of his crew.
That's about it for now. Time for me to chill before I try drawing later 🚶
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fireflowersims · 18 days
Pinned post for reasons:
Why make this post
Bunch of reasons. Mostly bc I currently have a lot on my mind
Who are you?
Fire(flower)(sims); a simmer whose most popular posts are about international events for some reason
Full legal name, age, address and credit card details?
Haha no
For which games do you create?
Sims Medieval of course! (just kidding).
No, I create for the Sims 2 and Sims 2 only.
Aren't you part of Sun&Moon?
Yup. I mostly do coding, optimization and localisation stuff.
Why is a simblr posting about politics and news sometimes? I came here for pixel people, not flesh people!
Sometimes rl news and crap just gets ya and you gotta release those emotions. Politics? They're unfortunately pretty inescapable. Also tumblr is often so US-centric, someone has to post about things affecting Europe too.
Why do you have opinions on the Israel/Palestine situation?
Because I think that shutting off people's access to water, food, electricity and medicine and then bombing their housing and killing civilians is a crime against humanity. Not to mention the whole colonization aspect. Also, my grandfather lived through the Dutch winter famine of 1944 and I do not wish the trauma he got from that on anyone.
Why aren't you (more) active?
RL shit. I have a job that takes up a lot of time and energy. Rn my dad has a type of cancer that is both relatively rare, difficult to treat and a high mortality rate to boot, very stressful to say the least. Insert wayyyy more shit besides that.
You're a metalhead? What type of metal? Got any recommendations?
Folk metal, black metal and death metal for the most part atm. But I also listen to other subgenres. Do ask me about cool songs, albums or artists I've been vibing to. I'd love that. (I need distractions)
Folk metal? Black metal? You some nationalist or alt-right wackadoodle?
There are things I like about my country and things I absolutely despise about it. I do not believe anyone's religion or ethnicity makes them inherently superior to others, so no: I'm no nationalist alt-right wackadoodle. If anything, I'd call myself anarchist-leaning. I just got into metal via blackened folk metal, that's all.
Ew politics
Yeah, agreed. Politics ew, yucky stuff
When are you going to be posting sims stuff again?
Difficult to say. When I have time, when I have energy. I do have a whole lot of stuff I want to finish up and post.
Sims, sleeping, cooking, music, travel, doing weird stuff for shits and giggles sometimes
What languages do you speak?
Depends. Dutch natively, Low Saxon ??? (It's complicated), English fluently. German and (EU) Spanish decent enough but fluctuate depending on how often I get to use them.
A bunch of others to various much lower levels. Just bc I can conjugate some verbs, string together a sentence or two or know some words, doesn't mean I can have a conversation or understand anything beyond "hi, yes, thank you, bye"
What do you do irl?
Internet stuff. You're not gonna get anything more specific. It describes it perfectly.
Wouldn't you like to know
Will this post or your awful theme ever be modified?
Probably and possibly. We'll see
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inkabelledesigns · 1 year
What’s the most complicated doll/doll piece you’ve made?
 Do you have headcanons about your dolls? 
(I can’t make this text regular size, tumblr is being wacky </3)
It's all good! Thank you for sending in your questions, they're a delight! ^^
22. What’s the most complicated doll/doll piece you’ve made? 
This is a tricky one that can have about five answers. XD So I'm gonna give you a top five, with photos!
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First is the most recent of the bunch. This is Elara Roux, she was for an Autumn Court collab. This doll's dress is one of the most elaborate garments I've crafted (and here I am wanting to sew it again for a Christmas tree doll, send help ^^''''). She's one of the hardest dolls to get to stand properly between the poofy dress not playing well with stands and the antlers adding a bunch of weight. I have to say, I'm very proud of her antlers, they were difficult to sculpt but a lot of fun, and proof that I'm getting better at polymer clay. She's also my first doll with vitiligo, which was a fun challenge to take on. I love her, so so much. She's difficult to photograph, but we're learning.
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Dina the Dryad was a lot. She has a bunch of body sculpting and painting, a new arm and hand, and during her project, the humidity was hurting my sealant so much. Her face went through a couple iterations before I could fix it.
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Kendra is one you don't hear me talk about much. I was in hell trying to make the resin work. I mixed up too much pigment (and the wrong pigment, seriously don't use alcohol inks with UV resin, bad idea) and it wouldn't cure properly, so her gems and the ball details on her lower half were difficult. She's also my only doll with alcohol inks coloring the skin, which I like the look of, but it was very messy. XD I love her face so much though, the lotus details on her eyes are something I need to give to another doll.
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Norman is the most unconventional doll I've made. He involved full body sculpting and painting, additional sculpted pieces for his speaker and shoulder reel, a head made out of craft foam and a hinge joint so it can open to hold the candle light, wires and chords, aaaahhh, he's a lot. XD Attaching the projector to the doll's head was also a challenge. Honorary mention to Belphene, the doll with the red dress and horns, she's also complicated with those horns and having to draft her clothing pattern for myself. But I have one more pick that's not her.
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It probably surprises no one that Auran is one of the most complicated dolls of my collection. XD For starters, he's one of my few hybrid dolls. His parts consist of an Invisi Billy head on an Obitsu male body (yes I ordered a special body for him, it was VERY IMPORTANT), and I had to modify the nose with apoxie sculpt to fit his design. His head used to be blue, and painting it to be smooth and have a matching skintone to the body was tough. My dad actually stepped in on this one, we needed to change out the neck peg for a different sized one so the head would stay on. His hair was redone a couple times, as were his clothes. His resin gem on the collar took multiple attempts before I could call it good, and the shoes were a nightmare even though I used a My Scene shoe as the base. I'm super proud of his epaulets, they're polymer clay shaped and glossed to look like turtles, which is caramel with pecans in it and chocolate on the bottom and top. It's one of my favorite things that Mom makes around Christmas time, so naturally he had to have them. He's one of those dolls that I put so much into, and I'm glad I did, but I needed a long break when he was done because it was so taxing. XD Worth it.
24. Do you have headcanons about your dolls?
Oh I have so many headcanons about my dolls! Who gets along, which ones like being next to each other, the things they might talk about while I'm away, there's a lot to think about.
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These two sets surprised me a lot. I made Gail and Delilah separate from each other, but during the time that I was moving, I had to pack up all of my dolls so I could carry them over. These were the two I kept out during that time, and then I photographed them together, since Delilah is one of my favorites, and Gail was recent that summer, and they're both pink and delightful. I think the two of them are long distance girlfriends in my Equinox story, with Gail hailing from the spring kingdom as an assistant to the royals there, and Delilah as a pastry fairy that lives in the central kingdom. They send letters, and maybe someday they'll get to live together. They certainly do on my shelf, these two are rarely seen apart, I never want to put them away.
Marnie and Valencia are a similar story. I made these two beverage witches for the first collaboration I ever hosted, and somewhere in there, they ended up as girlfriends. XD Marnie is the studious bookworm that's always working hard while at the cafe, whereas Valencia is very chill and embraces the vibes of the beach. There's something charming in how opposites attract.
Thank you for the questions! If anyone would like to ask more, the ask game is here!
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askmadcomcrew · 1 year
favorite ranged + melee + throwable?
Hank: I prefer pistols and rifles when it comes to ranged. Swords and knives for melee, and shurikens and daggers for throwables. Anything is a throwable if you throw it hard enough, though.
Sanford: Ranged? Probably a good ol' fashioned 12 gauge shotgun. Why put one hole in a guy when you can put a dozen holes in 'em? For melee and throwables, it's gotta be my trusty hook. It's got the best of both worlds.
Deimos: Definitely the MP7 sub-machine gun, but I'll take an MP5 if those're out of stock. I don't like gettin' too close to these bozos, but if I gotta choose a melee weapon I'd probably go for a knife. Somethin' light and easy to swing but not any less deadly? And when I throw stuff it better be a grenade or a flashbang.
Doc: Of course, I prefer sniper rifles, so the VSS Vintorez is my go to pick. However if there's not one available, anything with a scope will do. I usually prefer to use two knifes if I have to go melee, but ideally that wouldn't even happen. I'm a real big fan of frag grenades or any kind of throwable explosive device.
Jeb: Smith and Wesson .500 Magnum Revolver. My personal favorite when it comes to dealing with my enemies. It can be used at longer ranges due to its long barrel, and is perfectly competent at mid to short ranges. The lack of ammo capacity is a notable detractor, but when you're as accurate as me, it matters a lot less. Of course, my binary sword quickly enters the 'favorites' category when it comes to melee weapons. Long reach, high durability, and more than enough sharpness to stab or cleave through anyone unfortunate enough to stand in the way. For thrown weapons, I have my dissonant bolts for that. I don't even have to aim them, just think about where I want them to go and they'll do it.
Crackpot: Ranged weapons are unfortunately quite uncommon down here, but I was always very fond of bows and crossbows. Quite primitive compared to a gun, but the right type of arrowhead will render even the toughest armor useless. Not to mention they are very, very quiet, which is useful when moving around zed-infested areas. Us buoyant have mastered hook type weapons, for use as melee and as thrown. Very useful for closing the distance without a ranged weapon.
Sheriff: Well 'a 'course I'm gonna respond with a good ol' fashioned revolver. I wouldn't be much of a cowpoke without one. 6 shots ain't a lot, but when you got two of 'em, you can make that 12. More n' enough to kill anythin' that moves. I personally don't like t' get my hands dirty, but I'll take a good ol' huntin' knife if I can get my hands on one. Somethin' that won't break on me too quick like. I'd also probably take some throwin' knives or axes, I ain't the best at it but I can land my shots decent enough. They ain't ideal, but useful in a pinch, or as a last ditch attack.
Phobos: I personally do not use guns. I always found them to be quite uncivilized. They are...Below me. You may think me a fool for that, but can you block and reflect bullets back at your enemies with a sword? A trusty blade is more than enough to suit the needs of a distinguished gentleman such as myself. Not to mention they can be thrown at the enemy if need be, but I prefer to get up close and personal.
Auditor: High capacity weapons such as light machine guns and high explosives like rocket launchers or grenade launchers. I am not physically harmed by either of these things, so I find them to be most effective when dealing with enemies myself. These days I tend to default to the modified version of the binary sword I picked up off Christoff, however before that, I was quite fond of the megachete. I am not restricted by things such as weight, so I found them quite effective due to their large size and chopping power. If I ever need to throw something, I will likely just cast fireballs from my hands.
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princekirijo · 8 months
What are some of Spiderfiend's enemies that you haven't talked about yet?
Oh that's a good question actually I haven't mentioned Fiend in a while!
So Spiderfiend currently has three major enemies that are gonna be part of three separate story arcs (hypothetical story arcs mind you I don't plan on doing anything with this at the moment). I don't have it all like ironed out but here's a pretty simple breakdown of the three main ones:
The first one is Doctor Octopus (Doc Ock for short), her real name being Odelia Octavius, who just so happens to be a) the founder of Ock Tech and b) Prince's adoptive mother. She is specifically the founder of Ock Tech she doesn't technically work there anymore but she kinda pops in from time to time (she has a secret lab/base whatever there). She also just so happens to be the person who created the modified spider that bit Fiend. When Spiderfiend first started showing up she immediately suspected that it was her spider that must have bit them because not only did his powers match some of the ones that she had been researching with the spider (stuff like increased agility and accelerated healing) but also she had gotten reports from her close lab partner that the spider was missing.
As for her role in the story she is ultimately Spiderfiend's main enemy, and it like a huge presence in all three arcs for obvious reasons. I don't have any major plot points like set for her yet, but I've got like... vague ideas. As for if she knows who Fiend is, the short answer is yes she is aware. Yes she still doesn't hold back when fighting him. Yes she loves him. It's pretty damn complicated 💀
The second one and probably the most fleshed out one and the one I'm most excited about is Mysterio! Mysterio becomes Prince's main enemy in either arc 1 or 2 depending on how they go. His real name is currently the same as the comics, Quentin Beck, and he's a VFX artist turned chemistry teacher. When he starts out as Mysterio he's just stealing stuff for the sake of it (he's a very arrogant guy and believes to be a master of the arts who should be respected and feared) but as he encounters Fiend he becomes more and more obsessed with fighting him and becoming a real threat not too dissimilar to the Spot now that I think about it.
Once he finds out that Fiend is actually using the power of a demon he seeks out a demon to make a pact with so he can finally match him in terms of power. The demon he seeks out is a rival of Mordred, Prince's demon buddy, currently named Mephisto but that could change. Mephisto specializes in illusion which suits Mysterio perfectly ofc. The reason why I picked Mysterio to be one of Prince's main villains is because I thought of all the classic Spiderman villains Mysterio would really lend himself to a demon powered foe? If that makes sense? Basically my brother suggested I should have the villains be powered/be actual demons and I really liked the idea so that's what's happening here. With Mysterio's new powers he's a much more powerful threat and he uses it to really mess with Prince's head :] literally makes him lose his mind :] which ends in fun times :]
The final one then is of course Norman Osborn aka Green Goblin. I kinda felt I had to include him because he's so cool and iconic! Like Mysterio he is gonna have demon powers as well but my idea for him is that unlike Prince and Mysterio who channel their respective demon buddies powers, Norman straight up fuses with his to become the Green Goblin (then he can like switch between forms). I have some ideas about him but I'll keep them to myself for now, just cause I'm still unsure about them.
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ange-de-la-mort · 10 months
What are all your fandom tats if you don’t mind me asking
nonny, thank you for asking omg. I just LOVE talking about tattoos - not just about mine but also about tattoos in general. They're just. So cool. And everyone has such an individual taste and style, it's awesome!
(Cut for length and pictures)
My first tattoo is a pink and purple Wayfinder from Kingdom Hearts Birth by Sleep on my wrist (because BBS is my fav Kingdom Hearts game and Xigbar/Braig used to be my fav character until a certain plot twist in KH3 that fucked up 12 years of stanning.) I haven't completely lost hope, but depending on where the games go, I just. Might get it modified or redone or touched-up or expanded. We'll see.
I got it in 2019 during my first burnout to remind myself that I belong to myself and my body is mine and only mine, so I guess it's something between a self-healing and a trans thing. I don't even know anymore. Anyway, I don't regret it, it still looks nice, but since I don't know where I'm going with it, I won't take a pic for now.
I got my second one in 2021. I've been a fan of Resident Evil ever since I was 12 years old (yes, I know, I was too young, but this was before I could piss off people on the internet by sliding into adult spaces as a kid), and while I kind of lost interest in the franchise for a while and while I HATED 7 (yes, I know. Unpopular opinion), 8 dragged me back. I commissioned a friend for the design because while I knew what I wanted - Umbrella, Steampunk, the Heisenberg logo) I'm not an artist.
I will link Vincent here, please go check out his art and buy some cool things from him, okay?
Anyway, this is the finished piece:
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Since my tattoo artist fucked up a bunch of things, it's very much faded already and looks like it's like 10 years old instead of 2 already, sigh sigh, and I'll have to get it re-done soon-ish. Once I have the spare cash because this is gonna be expensive as fuck.
The third one was also designed by Vincent (no, for real, go give him money) and it's basically a glorified ship tattoo for The Quarry. I wanted something for the Travislaura working together + Lauramax reunion + Travislaura killing each other achievements, and I told Vincent I wanted it with the base of the broken mirror shards and the flowers being mirrored in them while needle and thread and hold everything loosely together. It's gorgeous, and I love it a lot. I'm very unashamed about wearing it on my chest because literally nobody gets that it's a ship tattoo until I tell them lmao
I got it last November.
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Once we clean up the Resident Evil tattoo, my studio and I will also expand the Quarry one and make them look like they belong together. Which means we will make sure to give them both a water colour background blending from my left shoulder (reddish-brown/rust coloured RE tattoo) to my chest (blue and purple hues for the Quarry), we will also add a few more smaller mirror shards to my shoulder.
And. Well. Now there's the 4 birds. I initially only had a mock-up picture from the internet, but I asked my spouse to trace them off an ingame screenshot. I'm very glad we did that lmao because the mock-up would have looked way worse than what I have now. Like. I was... hoping it would look halfway okay. I had never believed it would look just fucking incredible. It's probably gonna peel in a day or two already, it's healing perfectly!
........................I want more tattoos. I grew up with games. And books. But it's mostly games that made me feel and fall in love with them. So it's gonna be more game tattoos.
(Also hi, I stream video games sometimes because *clenches fists* I just love video games.)
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riftwalker-limbro · 1 year
3, 4, and 8 for kelth and 3, 13, and 15 for kali!
Ooooo many!! i will put this under a readmore because knowing myself this will be long. Thank you for the ask!
Kelth, 3: What is this character's favourite colour? Hajhdbg i haven't thought about this from Kelth's own POV. i personally love blues. you may notice this in screenshots i throw on here sometimes. and as a result kelth's whole ingame world is also very blue. so i'm just gonna say that my preferences are kelth's too, and they also like blue a whole lot
Kelth, 4: Does this character have any pets? the simple answer is yes but i haven't thought about which ones & why yet so i will take this opportunity to make that shit up properly. me personally i just have a kennelful of kubrows & a charger, so I'm gonna go ahead & say that on the Zariman, kelth had one dog who followed them around everywhere & they were really good friends, and that's why they have a bunch now again. the one kelth had on the zariman was of course rather. distinct. from the strains available to them now: the current-day strains they are able to get from the incubator are still obviously influenced by their direct wild/feral ancestry, whereas the orokin dog was probably more like a labrador/lap dog/comfort beast, with genetically-modified-dull claws and such. not that they don't appreciate the combat ability of their current companions - they're very good as guards, and helping them find resources, and they never complain - but sometimes they do miss their old buddy.
Kelth, 8: Do they have any hobbies? Yes!! But there's a History. at first there was just so much shit to do they didn't really let themself have a true non-combat-related hobby. they let themselves have void relics: the puzzles, getting random stuff & then trying to sell it to still make a profit, the hard work that went into it, was very fun. but it definitely did not help take their mind off of... well, everything. eventually, they realized that no matter how hard they mop, the state of the origin system is very much a stuck-open faucet, so they picked up recreational programming again. solving logic puzzles, making up little games to share with others, and such. if they're really not feeling like doing anything (mentally) intense, reading and listening to music are their go-tos. do notice how none of these hobbies require other people.
Kali, 3: What is this character's favourite colour? You're making a Chroma choose a favourite colour? :D god. i haven't even gotten another chroma (prime) yet in game so i haven't yet been able to fashion wars but given kali's slowly forming personality in my head i'm literally just gonna say the whole rainbow. it likes different colours more on different days. often together with other colours. theres nothing so fun as mixing and matching colours. bright and shiny and showing-off.
Kali, 13: Why/under which circumstances did they get turned into a Warframe? See this is why I love ask games. I am being forced by peer pressure to develop these guys. OKAY. Kali got caught doing something she shouldn't have been. That something might have been planting explosives in the vicinity of an Orokin outpost. Because it didn't care about what the Orokin thought of it, it admitted everything immediately, spouting insults and jokes at their expense all the way to the experimental facilities. It's a good thing that the Helminth mostly capitalises on what's already present to make a warframe - Kali had always known how to make the best of a situation, and after the changes were made, it didn't take her long to escape at all. They never found it again.
Kali, 15: Do they have anything that still ties them back to their days as human? All of her weapons and other gear had been confiscated when she'd been caught, and once she'd gotten out of the facility, she never looked back, so nothing physical. However, even though the Helminth completed the physical transformation, the scientists never had the chance to break its mind. It is still as shrewd, boisterous, cunning, and vindictive as it was back when it was still human, just now as much on the outside as on the inside. Other than that, nothing. It tries not to think about it.
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witikli · 1 year
(very long but very important post, sorry in advance) hi uh. i know a lot of my recent posts have been more political than usual but um cope bcus its not gonna stop!
it's more important than ever to deprogram ourselves and confront internal biases based on culturally christian & capitalistic society. duh. i see a lot of people saying this but not many giving examples or advice on how to actually go about doing so, other than just "do the research urself." so i'm trying to share some resources to maybe help people get started. if you take the time to check these out and find them helpful, i urge you to share them with your friends and family as well.
second thought and genetically modified skeptic on youtube have some fucking amazing videos deconstructing christian and capitalistic ideas that most ppl probably don't even realize are ingrained so heavily into our society and are reinforced in almost every single piece of media, like, ever. both of them cite reliable sources and include links to all of them in their video descriptions. they explain things thoroughly and make it easy to understand (also they both put really good captions on all of their videos, but do sometimes reference images on screen without explicitly describing them or providing alt text, though these usually aren't essential to the point of the video). and remember to be critical of ALL media, including the channels i've linked and other anti capitalist or anti (cultural) christianity media. the channels i've linked are both run by cishet white abled men, and they're bound to make mistakes.
so anyways, i think a lot of ppl see criticism about cultural christianity/capitalism and assume it doesn't apply to them. myself included. i am an indigenous + asian queer disabled neurodivergent person and i consider myself an anarchopunk communist. i've done hours upon hours of research about this stuff. this does not mean i am immune to propaganda and internal bias, as much as i liked to think i was for a very long time. people always ask how they can help, how they can contribute, how they can possibly make any sort of an effect when they're just one person, who probably can't afford to donate large amounts of money to the people who Can take things into their own hands. the most important thing you can do is educate yourself. which, by the way, costs nothing but your time, and is often really interesting and enlightening. this doesn't mean you have to read depressing stories about people who are less fortunate (though i encourage you to do that as well). i understand news fatigue, hopelessness, and the want to distance yourself from social media as a means of self care. educating yourself doesn't have to be draining and emotionally demanding.
this has kinda turned into an essay but i wanna end it by saying the thing that prompted this was something as simple as that post saying "when are we going to overthrow the government," with a reply saying "y'all couldn't even boycott chick-fil-a." regardless of whether or not you still eat chick-fil-a, there are countless other companies that are much worse that we don't even bat an eye at. i haven't eaten chick-fil-a since i first found out about their homophobic shit, and i thought that gave me some moral high ground to stand on, despite the fact that i still ordered clothes from companies like fucking shein. i know not everyone can afford to stop buying from unethical but more affordable and accessible companies, i can't either. but everyone can at least be aware of the affect these things have, and spread awareness about it. i can do better, and so can you.
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fishsfailureson · 7 months
I'd be interested to hear about "Pigeons as a metaphor for the abandonment of compassion to cope with an increasingly depressing reality, or alternatively a pigeon showing up and becoming whatever the effective version of a self-help guru is" or "The journey", if you're okay with that?
The pigeon book is about a person who's kind of a dick on the surface, being quite cold to everyone around them. However, they do have a softer side. One day they help a bird (probably a pigeon), and go on with their day. Then the ghost of a pigeon shows up and yells at them to get their shit together but in a nice way. That's all I can say about it rn, the pigeon might end up with the name Ishtar but idk.
The Journey is something that I have literally grown up with. I have named myself after one of the protagonists. But enough about the real-life context for it, here's some of it's lore (putting it under a read more since it's long as shit):
They have a somewhat cyclic view of how the world works, with their being ten "realms", five of which are "mortal" realms and five of which are afterlife realms. If you die in one you ascend to the next one. If you are in a mortal realm you remain as your current self with all your memories and shit intact, although if you're in an afterlife realm you just get reincarnated. The realms are currently just numbered 1-10 with 1 being completely normal with little magical interference, and 9/10 being completely weird as shit.
Magic works through reality bending and I don't have the braincells to explain
Gods can be created through beleif or just spawn out of nowhere (and also actually being born)
Anyways enough about the general worldbuilding of this place (the ten realms are gonna be home to several stories) on to the TJ-exclusive lore
The foxes are genetically modified fennec, arctic and red foxes, who were modified primarily by Syrusreisha with a little help from their younger sibling. Unlike real foxes these guys can actually interbreed perfectly fine, which was a deliberate choice by Syrusreisha to prevent genetic bottlenecks. They are all effectively one species and would not be able to interbreed with regular foxes due to the extent of genetic modification. They live much longer and are sapient.
Syrusreisha is the leader of the gods, they have ties to both life and death along with balance and a bunch of other stuff that I can't recall rn. They can also provide gender affirming care that only needs 1 appointment but unfortunately the waitlist for this is long as shit so it's difficult to obtain.
Speaking of trans people- or foxes in this case- most of the cultures give children necklaces with something representing their name on it, if an individual desires to change their name for any reason (including being trans) there'll be a whole ceremony where they get a new one. It is customary to hang on to past name necklaces as they are very hard to make and also made out of precious metal, most name necklaces will be gifted to other individuals, usually newborn pups, who will take on the name that the gifter previously had (the renaming ceremony is slightly different if the name is being gifted). Deceased individuals also tend to have their name necklaces reused. If an individual has gone through the renaming ceremony it is incredibly taboo to refer to them by their old name. However, if someone is looking to change their name but hasn't had the ceremony yet it's considered perfectly fine to deadname them by most individuals. (Obviously not a good thing)
There's a war going on, which is the main conflict. I'm still working out the exact details of it.
The gods do interfere with regular life quite often, although none of them are omnipotent so they can't really intervene all the time.
France is real in-universe. Thought you should know.
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Hello! I saw an old post of yours abt sex and chronic pain and I guess I wanted to see if you or anyone else would have any advice for me!
I'm unfortunately having a bad flare day- and I think a large amount of it is because my partner and I did stuff yesterday. My partner is very sweet and kind about my condition, and always asks me during if the things we're doing are okay. The thing is, I always want to try even if it hurts because I love doing it and I miss being able to do it without such awful pain.
I can't find a position that doesn't make me hurt a lot afterward. Him on top of me makes my legs and hips hurt (legs in air), me on top of him makes my hips and knees hurt, from behind makes my hips and knees hurt, and forget any of my weight being on my hands. My disability has taken over every aspect of my life and I'm so frustrated. I just want to enjoy myself for once.
If you or anyone else has some advice on positions or pain relief I would really appreciate it!!! Thank you so much 💜💜💜
Hi, there love,
I swear I have a defective Tumblr and I never get any noti's from my inbox, so I'm sorry if you sent this months ago!
I'm gonna try to give my best advice and hope that my followers will also help with advice.
First of all, pretty much any physical activity can throw me into a flare so I can understand that sex can definitely have a real impact on flares. You are most definitely not alone. I can also empathise with the frustration of your disability taking a lot from you and your life. I am so happy you're partner is supportive too and I hope that you guys are great at communicating with each other about sex which is probably the MOST important thing in this. I am going to give my advice under the assumption that you guys have great, healthy communication.
Sex positions that could be worth a try, it seems as if any stretching of the hips and pressure on the knees and hands are out of the questions so here are not only some of my all-time favourites, but also should be friendly for these issues:
Lazy doggy (lying face down on your stomach with your legs together): that way you don't need any weight bearing on knees or hands, no stretching of the hips and you basically just lay face down, I like this position as it also takes little energy and it's quite easy for you or your partner to stimulate your clitoris at the same time. you can also try this position with a pillow or wedge under your hips for a different angle and extra support on your hips
Spooning sex: I find this a great position, you just lay on your side, your good side that day, and sometimes putting a pillow between your knees can help with that.
I personally don't fuck with this position but standing up sex facing a wall is also considered to be pretty easy on these joints.
This one is slightly harder to explain (its a modified missionary variant) but if you are laying on your back and you put your legs straight or bent vertically and lay them on your partner's chest (kind of like an L position with the legs up), and then he would be either standing or on his knees (so your partner would be the P and u the L; PL). This means your hips aren't stretched outward, your knees and hands don't have pressure on them, your partner does not have their body weight on you and your partner can hold onto your legs for extra support. You can add a pillow under your hips for extra support. I really hope this makes sense, and if someone knows if this has an actual name, please help!
You could also try a seated position and you could face away from him to keep the hip angle easier
other general tips;
Take MAD advantage of pillows and wedges; this could help with him on top of you if you bulk up on either side of your hips so you don't have to strain or stretch as much.
Rethink your idea of sex: some days there may be no position that is comfortable. Sex is whatever feels good for you. You don't need penetration to have sex. Have your partner go down on you or stimulate you with their hands. If you really like the penetrative feeling, buy some toys and your partner can use them on you in any position that's comfy for you. Buy lots of sex toys, to be honest, that can be super fun and accessible. You can get full pleasure and give full pleasure without vagina/penis penetration.
Something my therapist has taught me is to pace myself and practice patience with MYSELF! I can tell you probably push yourself because you always want to still try even if it hurts. For example, I don't exercise, but one day I decided to go to the trampoline park and do gymnastics (i used to do gymnastics) and then was fucked for a week. Another example, I tried to do gymnastics at home and broke my foot. Just keep throwing myself into the deep end and end up making it worse; 1 step forward, 12 steps back. So pace yourself, and practice patience, and don't be too hard on yourself. Treat yourself with kindness.
I know sex is often spontaneous, but honestly stretching and warming up could help, and maybe even during foreplay, you could get a massage to warm up and connect with your partner. Also if you know you're going to have sex, you could take some painkillers or weed (if you're into it) beforehand.
I really really really hope that a) everything made sense and b) that it would actually help! Please send me a message if you feel comfortable if this helped at all.
Please leave your most accessible sex positions in the comments or reblog with advice!
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johnsamericano · 3 years
𝔖𝔲𝔤𝔞𝔯 ℜ𝔲𝔰𝔥 𝔧.𝔧.𝔥 •3•
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I hope this ain't getting shitty. Thank you for reading, sexy people. Send me a message or an ask if you'd like to be added to the tag list.
warnings: hungover jaehyun, age gap, hospitals, nothing too extreme.
sugar rush m.list.
taglist: @thoreeo @trustmahluv @sunny-nyu @nanascupid @silent-potato @painted-hills
Yoonoh woke up on a strange bed, the mattress stiffer than the one he had back home. He refused to open his eyes, fearing that the daylight would worsen his headache.
Yoonoh woke up on a strange bed, the mattress stiffer than the one he had back home. He refused to open his eyes, fearing that the daylight would worsen his headache.
“Wake up, sunshine.” He groaned, all the memories from the past night hitting him like a truck. “Come on, I made breakfast.”
His eyelids finally fluttered open, frown softening at the sight of you in a messy bun and your cute pajamas.
“How come you look so fresh?” The dark circles under his eyes had deepened in the span of a few hours. Thank God he didn't have to work that day.
“I always look fresh.” You seemed to be more comfortable around him. Perhaps it was because you had to tuck him in last night. “Up.”
You tugged both of his limp hands, forcing him to sit up.
“What did you cook? It smells nice.” He scrunched up his nose like a little kid.
“Eggs, bacon, and hash browns.” Fast as lightning, he got up from bed. On his way to the kitchen, he noticed the blanket hanging from the edge of your sofa. Disappointment pinched his heart.
“Why didn't you sleep with me? You would've been more comfortable.”
You set two plates on the small table, pulling the pan out of the stove to serve them.
“You spread yourself all over the bed as soon as I laid you down.” You lied successfully. You didn’t have the heart to tell him you weren’t that comfortable yet.
You let the pan down on the kitchen counter, taking a seat in front of him.
“Do you still want to visit my father?” Sparkling orbs stared at him timidly, fearing his answer would be negative.
“I mean…” You hummed, trying not to give it as much importance. “I do want to go!” He quickly corrected himself, frantically shaking his hands. “It’s just that I don't want to meet your father like this.” He pointed at his bed hair, which had only become messier since he woke up.
“You’re acting like he's gonna see you.” There was a slight bitterness in your tone, along with a fake grin.
“Alright, let's do this instead...” Yoonoh sat up straight, clearing his throat as if he were about to give a speech. “We’ll have breakfast, you'll shower quickly, and then we’ll drive to my house so I can fix myself. How does that sound?”
“So I'm finally gonna see your mansion? How exciting.” You kicked his leg teasingly under the table, his cheeks inevitably dipping as he tried to suppress a smile. “I bet you have some peacocks in your backyard.”
“And there's also a dolphin in my pool.” He let out a hearty laugh, extending his arm over the table to grab your hand.
His house was most definitely not what you expected.
It was about the size of the one you grew up in, the decoration inside minimalistic. There were no expensive paintings framed with pure gold, only pictures of him and his family. There was a small backyard you could access through the French door in the kitchen. Half of it was occupied by a greenhouse.
“I had to donate the peacocks to the zoo.” He whispered as you looked through the glass door, squeezing your shoulders with his slim fingers.
“What a shame.” Hesitantly, he wrapped both of his limbs around your torso, letting his chin rest stop of your head. Your heartbeat was thumping loudly against your chest. Yoonoh surely felt it but decided not to comment on it.
“There’s a Tv in my room in case you want to watch something while I shower.” A hint of mischief adorned his honey-like voice. “Or you can come in and watch me instead.”
“Stop!” Your elbow connected with his ribs out of pure panic, making him bend in pain with his hands covering the injured spot.
“It was a joke...” He whispered, teeth gritting together.
I made him mad, you thought. Should you escape or face the consequences of his anger? All thoughts erased from your mind as he grabbed your calves, lifting you over his shoulder.
“Put me down!” You hit his back with closed fists, unable to see the expression on his face. “Yoonoh!”
He went up the stairs, proceeding to enter his room and throw you on his bed. Thousands of dirty scenarios crossed your mind before he threw himself on top of you, crushing your bones under his muscular body.
“Oh, sorry, what is that?” To make matters worse, his fingers tickled your sides, provoking a fit of desperate giggles to escape your mouth. “I’m not hearing an apology.”
“Sorry! Sorry!” His hands finally stopped, giving you time to breathe. Nonetheless, he remained laid on your chest, using his forearms to lift his weight. “Aren’t you gonna shower?”
“I like you.”
The confession was so sudden, so raw it took you some time to finally react. But you had no words to give him an answer, instead, you combed your fingers through his long hair, massaging his scalp while waiting for him to speak up again.
“I never thought I'd be feeling more than friendly affection for you. Our agreement doesn't include love, after all. But I've started feeling like a teenager all over again. I can't help but get excited whenever you call me. Do you know how sweet your voice sounds through the phone?” He sighed, discouraged at your lack of response. “I guess you're not there yet.”
Instead of verbally answering, you planted a sweet kiss on his head, right where small, grey hairs had started growing.
“I’m not good with words.”
“That’s alright.” He snuck his hands under your back, holding you tightly as a sudden need to nurture you took over him. The mature image he had of you faded in less than a second, leaving behind a young, troubled woman. “I’ll shower quickly so we can go see your pops. I bet we’ll get along just fine, maybe even go golfing when he wakes up.”
“I forgot you're almost the same age. Creepy.” He smiled, though uneasiness started steering in his guts.
“Does that bother you?” He asked without giving it a second thought.
“I don't know yet.”
The man with high cheekbones and bruised skin laid limp on the hospital bed. Yoonoh had been working on his case for about a month, yet, it only started feeling real the moment he entered the room.
“This is my dad.” All emotions had escaped your eyes as if your soul wasn't there anymore. Only an empty shell.
“You look so much like him.” he was afraid touching you wouldn't be the right thing to do, so instead, he said: “He seems like a suitable golf buddy.”
Tension finally loosened its grip around his body as you snorted, pigment returning to your cheeks. Finally, he wrapped his hand around yours.
“He will wake up, y/n.”
“He’s taking his sweet time.” You glanced back at the laying figure, skinnier with every day he spent asleep. “I want someone to pay for taking away the last person that loved me.”
The last person that loved you. Would Yoonoh be able to fill that spot? Not yet, probably. He couldn't modify the depth of his feelings, but he could surely give you the vengeance you longed.
“Do you trust me?” With your eyes still glued to your father, you nodded. “Then I can assure you we’ll win the case.”
“I know we will.”
He sat silently with you, holding your hand without saying a word. The smell of alcohol and the beeping noise of machines made him nauseous. He hated hospitals. You noticed the change in his demeanor, his hand becoming cold while holding yours with strength.
“Do you wanna go?”
“No!” He smiled through the pain, scooting his chair closer to lay your hand on his lap.
He wouldn't agree to get his ass off the plastic chair. You had to tell him you were hungry for him to finally stand up, still clutching your hand like your father did when you were still a kid. His parental behavior caused several emotions to stir inside your guts, so mixed up you couldn't quite put a finger on any of them.
“What do you want to eat?” The tension finally left his body once out of the building.
“Soup.” You smiled while swiping your thumb on top of his knuckles. “I know a place, but to be honest, it isn't good. So we can go to the store and get the ingredients to- but you can't cook.”
“I’m up for a cooking lesson if you are.” He wanted to see your pretty smile again. Maybe making a fool of himself would help. “Let’s hit the road.”
“Wow, so cool.”
“I know.”
“Can you grab that can of chicken broth?” You pointed at the high shelf, letting go of Yoonoh’s hand to allow him to move freely
“I have a better idea.” He dragged you by the arm so you were standing in front of him, trapped between his body and the shelf. “I’ll lift you so you can reach it.” Matching his words, his hands grasped your waist, ready to carry you.
“Stop!” You slapped his hands repeatedly between giggles. Ignoring your complaints, he started lifting you. “Yoonoh!”
“Yoonoh?” A feminine voice had him placing you back on your feet in less than a second.
“Seryeong, I didn't expect to see you here.” His hands remained seated on the curve of your waist.
“Neither did I. I was surprised when Sungchan told me you'd left early yesterday.” She seemed a bit older than you but still younger than the man behind you.
“I had some matters to take care of.” She eyed you from head to toes with a smug grin plastered on her lips. Just by the look of her clothes, you could tell she was as wealthy as Yoonoh. You feared the scene would turn into a tv worthy drama.
“I’ll go get the chicken breast.” You tried escaping his grip, only to be pulled closer to his warmth.
“No need to. It's already inside the cart.”
Why am I so dumb?
“Does your father know about your little girlfriend?” She asked without hesitation.
“I guess.”
“And why didn't he tell me anything?” She cocked an eyebrow, his hands finally loosening around your body and allowing you to move from your position.
“Look, this is something you should talk about with him. Now, if you excuse us...” With a hand on your shoulder, he began pushing the cart to the next aisle, the chicken broth long forgotten.
“Is this some kind of arranged marriage situation?”
“Something like that.” His hands were tense while holding the cart, knuckles turning white from the strength used. “Before you start asking, I'm not really in the mood and I don't want to direct my bad mood toward you. Let's talk about something else, alright?”
Who was that woman that had the power to turn him into a literal raging ball of fire with just a few words?
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oldschoolvpq · 3 years
Tamacrafty Halloween Part 1: Here's the Plan
There are some Halloween events coming up, and with it being Tamagotchi's 25th anniversary year I think it's high time I made myself a themed outfit.
The goal is to work iconic 90s Tamagotchi motifs into all elements of the outfit, reworking off-the-rack items mixed with authentic Tama trinkets from back in the day for something bright and FUN! After a lot of brainstorming over the past several weeks, here is what I'm hoping to turn that lovely box of supplies into:
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Read on for the detailed breakdown...
Styled after the iconic pink clock shell, the skirt will be the star of the outfit. The circle skirt is just above knee-length and will BEDAZZLED TO HECK. Blue details will be appliqued with officially licensed fabric, while the arrows will be black (with rainbow sparkle!) stretch sequin tape. A frilly bright blue pannier underneath will add volume to help show off the details. If nothing else, this piece must be complete before Halloween, and it will absolutely take the most time as everything needs to be sewn by hand. I'm gonna hate sequins all over again.
Styled after the P1 screen wallpaper with its funky checkered tiles, hearts, and stars, this tee-shirt will be my first foray into sublimation printing. I found a site that'll do it $20 cheaper than standard, so I'm pretty excited to brush up my vector design and place the order. Once the shirt arrives, I'll modify it a bit so it ties in front...another nod to 90s fashion. I'm hoping the pastel colors and large print won't be too overwhelming when paired with the skirt!
I found the loveliest baby blue second-hand Reebok Freestyle high-top sneakers for around 1/3 US retail price. The theme here is the pink and blue number shell, with rose pink accents in as many places as possible...including some REALLY fabulous legwarmer-esque slouch socks. I have crazy ambitions in terms of how far I can push the custom details, but ultimately the shoes are an afterthought as the first several events will be attended in Rollerblades.
Denim jacket - It's not 90s fashion without one! I have a full set of P1 pins and a near-complete set of P2 character pins I'll be decorating the front with. For skating, the jacket will be swapped for my favorite denim vest so I don't overheat.
Ball chain necklace - the Tamagotchi uses a 2.3 mm ball chain; I'm blowing it up to 8 mm to make an impact! I'll be hanging metal pixel character charms of my favorite Tamas that should match the aesthetic of a black and gray LCD screen.
UFO earrings - Gotta have that crazy little logo mark in there somewhere! I'll be doing shrinky dink UFOS (with resin accents for volume, probably) mounted on studs with rings on the bottom so as to hang the CUTE charms that were originally meant as beeper chain fobs! They have a lenticular Kuchipatchi sticker and are just plain FUN...and light, for which my earlobes will be grateful.
Egg purse - I don't expect to have this done in time for Halloween, but I want a black and silver pleather crossbody zippered purse that looks like the P1 egg. The gimmick will be a pocket on the front that has a zig-zag shape like the egg is hatching...perfect for storing my phone. This might not be done until November, but that's okay. I have plenty of other bags I can use in the meantime.
Hair accessories - Light-up scrunchies for little high pigtails and star clips to spread through my hair like the butterfly clips of old. As much as I want to temporarily streak my hair with colored wax or chalk, I can't risk it not washing out and/or staining the clothes.
It's a crazy plan with many details that require some slightly specialized materials and techniques, but it's nothing I haven't done before. Stay tuned!
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werevulvi · 3 years
Finally someone i can relate to somewhat. I like the effect of mtf hrt for the most part but i don't want to forget (or pretend to not know) that i'm a bisexuabl male with a chemically modified body. I am fairly stranded communitywise (ironically gc spaces worsened my dysphoria so i couldn't remain in them) which always brings a cutting sorrow of not having a 'home' but it's kinda good to see people who are on a similar wavelength even if i'm never going to truly meet you. Keep thriving queen!
Hi! I can totally see why gc spaces make your dysphoria worse... I've been noticing that many gc circles (especially radfem) tend to be a bit (lot) anti-male, so if it's those you came across, it's no surprise to me that it made your dysphoria worse. And I'm really sorry about that! I can only imagine that hearing you're some kinda evil oppressor for just how you were born physically can make you hate being male even more. I don't view it quite so harshly. Sure, a few (or a lot) of males were socialised very badly and thus turned out crap humans.
But it's not because of their biology that they're crap humans, and I would never condemn anyone for just the way they're born. I've known horrible men, but also very wonderful men. And most MtF's I've met, I've struggled to relate to, but they've been decent people just living their lives. I don't hate males, I can't agree with that sorta sentiment. I hate how some aspects of male socialisation teaches many men to hate women, but that's hardly the same thing, and I think it's an important distinction to make. Those semantics really do matter.
Point is, it makes sense to me why feminist, and female focused gc spaces, would make a dysphoric male/MtF even more dysphoric instead of less. Let's be honest: they give you all the reasons to hate being male.
And then what other gc spaces are there? Well, the conservative right (many of whom also Christian) comes to mind, and although they're less likely to hate on men, they do have a tendency to be uncomfortably anti-gay and anti-gnc, which... I dunno about you, but that makes at least me incredibly uncomfortable, if not even badly upset. Even those who aren't outright hateful towards gays/lesbians/bisexuals and gender non-conforming people, the vibe is just not very welcoming. That kinda gender critical community is not gonna help any gnc/same sex attracted person feel good about themselves either.
(I'm clearly stating the obvious here, but I think it's important to point out these issues with gc communities, just in case you don't know why they make you feel bad, and in case you want to know. If not... I'm sorry for salting your wounds!)
And that's about it when it comes to gender critical spaces, aside from individual people who aren't really aligned with any specific ideology, but still criticise gender ideology harshly, and/or help raise the voices of those who do. Posie Parker, Benjamin Boyce, Joe Rogan, and Arielle Scarcella come to mind. They're gender critical to varying degrees, but not particularly conservative, nor radfem. Although I've rarely ever seen any gc stuff that's actually positive towards males, that doesn't turn around and say stuff like "I hate men" and "femininity is gross on men" or "don't be gay" etc the very next second. So if I had been male instead, and still dysphoric, I'd probably be having a very difficult time accepting my sex too.
As I've been saying (mostly to myself) lately: we're not broken, the world is.
I feel pretty stranded communitywise too, actually. I have like one foot in the radfem/gc circles and the other foot in trans circles, neither of which really like me criticising them. I mean, it's probably just very human to not like being criticised for one's opinions, but... yeah basically gc's sometimes think I'm either "still in the trans cult" for not wanting to get rid of my physical masculinity, or they think I'm a man pretending to be a detrans woman, and they don’t like that I disagree with some of their views. The trans masses on the other hand generally have far more issues with me, my opinions and my identity. They would have be beheaded for less than just looking a little suspicious!
But here's the thing: I think trying to not rely on a community to feel loved and accepted is probably very important. There will always be individual people who love and support you, and agree with things that matter to you. These individuals can come from all sorts of ideological backgrounds, but what ties you together is true friendship, not community, which only mimmicks friendship in an often political way. I'm trying my best to focus on those individuals in my life (which really is just a handful of people) instead of trying desperately to find a whole community that will love and support me. Because that's probably not gonna happen. I am too provocative with my womanhood, and will always keep questioning everything. I don’t actually want to settle ideologically. I want to keep evolving and learning. The way I view myself doesn't really fit into any set ideology, because it’s a combination of things that matter to me personally. It is tailored to fit me and only me. And I think that's what's causing the friction. I'm ideologically a freeloader, or nomad, and thus, I get along best with others who also ideologically freeload.
Alas... I still feel that "ideological homelessness" too, and it does hurt. I think it might just be a result of too much ideological couch surfing. I'm always a guest, but never at home. Thus, I am always treated as a guest, and viewed with more scepticism. Who am I to barge into THEIR community? However, I still have a home, ideologically. It’s just that I’m the only one living there. And I think that might be applicable to you too: you do have an ideological home, you just live alone. That can be lonely, but it also allows you to think more freely and be more genuine about your opinions. Thank you, I want you to thrive too! Meeting irl might not happen on random like that, no, as I'm suspecting you don't live on the same Swedish island as me... but if you think an online friendship might be worth a shot... it's totally okay to send me a pm! I will warn you though, that I have a tendency to ignore people for a few weeks here and there though, as my sensory overload gets the best of me... really a lot. It's a challenge to be my friend, but some have told me it's really rewarding once they do get to know me. It's up to you! But I get the feeling that we might get along well.
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