#my blog might be dead but look at this hot woman instead
papergirllife · 4 years
Down The Rabbit Hole
Xiao De Jun (M)
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🎃Happy Halloween,everyone.🎃
*gif credits to owner
*masterlist is pinned at blog.
warnings : unprotected sex, high sex, choking.
Alice in distress,
may the Cheshire cat be blessed.
Community service your mom said, it’ll be great for publicity, which is all she cares about. Your mom is the part of the community of your neighborhood, and let’s just say she loves fulfilling her duties so much that it’s become an obsession of hers to be seen on the local papers for the activities she attend, something like a minor celebrity. Sadly, the moms here all love her, your mom wanted to work a reputation up, since your father left her for someone younger, your mother needed something else to fill the emptiness and lack of accomplishment she’s felt because of him. Hence why you’re trekking in the forest of your town, trying to pick up as much rubbish as you could that were thrown by irresponsible hikers.
“This is all you fault Y/N, if it weren’t for you, we won’t be stuck in this shitty hike in such a cold weather.”
Becca was part of the so called ‘friend group’ of this neighborhood of yours that your mom forced you to make friends with just because she was friends with her mom. You don’t bother answering her nor the deathly glares from her clique to you, you didn’t have any real friends in this town, other than one or two boys you played games with.
It was until the middle of the hike when your mom called for a break, the community members all started to sit down and have a picnic.
“Remember to clean up after yourselves,” your mom said.
You chewed on a sandwich you packed begrudgingly, wishing you had hot food instead, cursing at yourself for not packing food into a thermos. When you finished, you decided to venture further away on your own, unable to stand the not so silent whispers behind your back. You decided to sit underneath a sturdy looking oak tree that looked older than any other tree here. Once you leant back, your back started falling, for some reason, the stem of the tree opened up and swallowed you in, the hole you fell in closing as you fell deeper into the hole. You didn’t scream, you were too scared, you knew you would be dead once you hit ground, so you closed your eyes and waited.
Instead of hitting ground, you fell into something that felt softer than cotton, with a blue glow like the clouds on the sky. Were you dead? You looked around, you were still in the forest, but the forest looked different here. Were these the unexplored parts of the hill?
“How graceful, Alice has nothing on you, sweetheart.”
You screamed, trying to get out of the ‘cloud’, but all you could do was trash in it because of how it’s too soft and big.
“Easy, don’t panic. I’m right here.”
Suddenly, a man around your age appeared next to you, his smile bright and somewhat familiar looking. That’s when the memory came back to you.
“You’re just like the Cheshire cat in Wonderland. Where am I? And who are you?”
“You’re in the other side of the forest, or the whole world, depends on how you see your position geographically. I’m Xiao De Jun, but you can call me Xiao Jun, and I’m a fairy. Oh and another detail? I eat humans.”
“Wait what? What do you mean the other side? What do you mean fairies eat humans?”
“Well, let’s just say fairies aren’t all Sleeping Beauty and Cinderella, those stories are told just to induce naive humans like you to fall in our traps. But you’re a pretty one, and you didn’t scream like a darned banshee just now, I might just keep you.”
“Keep me? Get us out of this thing, who said I was an object?!”
“I’ll get us out once we reach my palace, now hold on tight sweetheart, and please don’t scream like a mad woman, or I’ll eat you up in a gulp like the others.”
Xiao Jun booped your nose with his index finger before he leant back with an cynical smile on his face. The cloud floated up high, letting you see the scenery below you clearly. There were cities just like the human world, but instead of metal and blocks, these were held up by wood and magic, because there was no way a building as tall as the Eiffel Tower require no bolts and nuts, and you doubt its transparent like bubble had any glass panes.
"It’s beautiful.”
“It’s nothing compared to the beautiful lady beside me.”
You could feel your cheeks heating up at his flirty remarks. You quickly thought up of something to divert the topic, not being used to receiving compliments out of the blue.
“You said you have a palace? Are you a prince?”
“I’m a king, my father just passed away.”
“I’m sorry to hear that, Xiao Jun.”
“For a human you’re quite sentimental, cleaning the forest, not threatening to kill me even though you have a knife in your pocket, and not screaming at me like a mad woman. You’re quite different from what I expected.”
“What do you...
“That’s our stop, less chatter and get a move on, or no mint chocolate ice cream for you.”
Calling Xiao Jun weird would be an understatement, his personality was like a cross of between Marry Poppins and Willy Wonka, and his palace was nothing far from that either, fortress painted with pastel tones, and that fountain was definitely chocolate, the windows looked like panes of thin candy, while the draw bridge was shaped like a milk cracker. The swimming pool at the back looked like it was filled with different flavours of fanta.
“Are you the witch from Hansel and Gretel?”
“Do I look like an old hag?”
Instead of entering from the main entrance, the cloud took you to the back of the castle where there was a balcony which overlooked the pool and the garden. Once you landed, the cloud disappeared beneath you, but Xiao Jun’s quick reflexes caught you before you fell on your butt.
“Welcome to my chambers. I forgot to ask for your name sweetheart.”
“Y/N,” you said as breathlessly, still in shock from your near fall.
Xiao Jun’s room was huge, the walls were mint green while the furniture were all made of dark oak with gold accents, just like his favourite ice cream flavour. You looked up to see a beautiful chandelier that defied the laws of gravity. The candles as well as the whole structure of the chandelier was shaped like an overturned tiered cake, each tier turning at its own pace with different colours flickering on the candles. The bed was just like the cloud you travelled on, just bigger and in a shade of pastel pink that made it look like cotton candy.
“You must really like your sweets.”
“The only human food that actually tastes good. Make yourself comfortable, it’s not like you’re leaving.”
“What do you mean?”
“I’m keeping you.”
“You can’t do that! I don’t belong to you!”
“It’s written in the stars that you’ll be my queen, and I don’t have to force you. You’re going to stay.”
“Why would you know that?”
“Because I’ve been watching you and your fate in our stars, you lead an unhappy life in the mortal world, living like a balloon which lost its string, wandering aimlessly, slowly deflating just like your personality. When was the last time you truly enjoyed yourself without your mother giving you disapproving looks? What happened to your dream of being a writer? What happened when you said you wanted to go out for your birthday? What happened when you told her about your anxiety? Oh right, she called you a freak.”
Xiao Jun wasn’t shouting the words in your face, in fact it was gentle like an angel’s singing, yet what he said drizzled into your heart like sweet poison. You let out a chocked sob, you felt naked under his scrutinisation. Xiao Jun observed your life under a microscope, knowing you better than yourself.
“How do you know all of this?”
“I’ll show you.”
Xiao Jun wiped your tears with his expensive button up, the tears making the blue silk turn inky black. He then took your hand in his, guiding you out of his room into a room down the same hallway. Compared to the other odd looking fancy doors, this was bare of any jewels or gold. Xiao Jun turned the knob and led you in the dimly lit room, the room only had a large mirror with red candles on its sides.
“Show me, Lee Hyenji.”
That was your mother’s name.
The mirror flickered a few times before showing you the image of your mother.
“Where is that dumb girl? Always day dreaming and never getting things done. Wandering on her own, I’m just waiting for the day she leaves me like that useless father of hers.”
“Show me Becca Park.”
“I’m soo glad she’s lost, we don’t need to deal with her just to make our mothers happy anymore. She didn’t like hanging out with us anyways.”
Xiao Jun’s eyes flickered to yours to see your reaction, instead of holding sadness like he thought it would’ve been, your eyes were empty, the images on the mirror reflecting in your eyes like shadows in a murky lake.
“Why aren’t you angry?”
“Because they’re right.”
“No, they’re not. Mirror, show me Saved Memories.”
The mirror played images of you working on your short stories, snippets of you singing along your favourite song, as well as videos of you learning a dance.
“You shine like the brightest star in the galaxy sweetheart. Don’t let ducks call a swan ugly. They’re not even in your league, darling.”
“Am I?”
“You don’t need my confirmation, you can see it as well, maybe a flicker here and there, but those little flickers will grow into a  flame if you leave that life of yours. Don’t think too much about it, come, have a shower, I’ll show you to your room.”
Xiao Jun took you down the hall into your room, which was in front of his.
“I made it just like the bedroom in your world, so there shouldn’t be a problem with figuring out the shower. That laptop is yours, as well as those books, they’re the ones you already have and ones that you always wanted to read. The internet’s password is your birthday, yes we have internet access here. I painted the walls with the shade of blue you love, the bed is lilac, since you love that colour as well. There’s clothes from your own wardrobe as well as our clothes, it might be a bit fancy, but you might like it.”
Xiao Jun turned into such a sucker for you, the ‘I eat humans’ was such a front, you couldn’t help but smile at his dorkiness.
True to what Xiao Jun said, the shower was just like a regular shower, and the clothes in the wardrobe were nicely prepared to fit your size, making you wonder how he knew even these little details.
You went out and knocked on his door, Xiao Jun was out by the third knock, his hair now in yellow curls.
“What’s with the hair?”
“This is my natural hair colour, didn’t want to scare you too much just now. Though we really do eat humans, just the hearts, the hearts taste exquisite, according to the old fairies, and only if they threaten to develop that piece of forest. We used to eat humans all the time, until my father put a ban on it, didn’t want to look suspicious.”
There was a look of horror on your face.
“Trust me, only the old fairies eat humans, we prefer animals most times.”
You let out the breath of air you were holding in.
“This is my own private dining room, and tonight we would be having steak and ox tail soup, no humans.”
You manage to let out a laugh at his odd humour, starting to feel more at ease in his presence.
The two of you ate and drank wine, talking about his life as a royalty in his fairy kingdom.
“My mom told me I would have wings, I was so scared I checked my back every night before I slept, until I realised no one had wings and that it was just something made up in the tales.”
After dinner, the two of you danced ungracefully, the wine making your head light and footsteps a mess, giggling at each other’s mistake. After the two of you got tired, Xiao Jun carried you into his room.
He placed you on top of a couch, taking a seat beside you to admire the beautiful stars in the clear night sky.
“Would you like to try fairy dust?’
“It makes you fly? Like Peter Pan?”
“That is only one usage of fairy dust, we eat it as well. Wait let me show you.”
Xiao Jun took your hand and led you to his walk in wardrobe, it was just as big as the room he gave you, but what caught your attention was a mini pool, but instead of liquid, it was filled with swirling sparkling dust.
“Oh my god.”
Since you were drunk, you did the dumbest yet most logical thing ever, jumping into the pool. The dust made you bounce on an invisible force.
“Why am I not flying?”
“You have to give directions in your head, but I wouldn’t recommend doing that, I wouldn’t want to call medic when you hit your head.”
“Right...Jump in, join me!”
Xiao Jun shook his head in disbelief, but jumped in with a smile on his face regardless. Xiao Jun walked to your direction, stopping right in front of you.
“Breath it in.”
You did as he said, the fairy dust making you feel happy and free, as well as a warm feeling in your stomach that you can’t put your finger on once you look at Xiao Jun,, your eyes scanning his beautiful physique. Xiao Jun breathed in the dust after you, his eyes diluting into a darker shade of brown, his senses picking up little things about you that he didn’t before, like the plump of your lips, the curve of your hips under that tight skirt.
“Y/N, I want you.”
Xiao Jun kissed you with fervour, his tongue dipping into your welcoming mouth. Instead of pushing him away like he thought, you kissed him with just as much passion, your hands starting to linger under his shirt. Xiao Jun started to unbutton your top, throwing it out of the pool.
“No bra?”
“This isn’t the mortal world, there aren’t any sex predators here.”
“What about me?”
“This is for you, my king.”
Xiao Jun didn’t know whether this was you talking, or the fairy dust in your system. Xiao Jun marked up the length of your neck, purple flowers blooming in his wake as you started taking off his shirt and pants.
“Why the rush, love?”
“I need you, please.”
The amount of slick flowing onto your legs was too much to be normal, you didn’t know what side effects the dust has, but you just needed relief, and only Xiao Jun could give that to you. Xiao Jun took off your skirt and panties, smiling at that pretty piece of ruined silk in his hands.
Xiao Jun let his hands travel southwards as his lips engulf your breast in his mouth, nibbling and sucking away like a new born, as well as leaving a mark near your nipple, the slight possessiveness sending shivers down your back. Your hands curl in Xiao Jun’s soft locks as he pushes a finger into you, when he could feel how wet you were, he decided to push two more in, curling his fingers at your sweet spot, making you cry out his name breathlessly. 
“Xiao Jun, more please. I need you inside me.”
You grinded onto his bare cock, his pre cum smearing over your slit, egging him to slide inside you.
Xiao Jun, pushed inside you in one go, your wet walls welcoming him. The action made both of you moaning in sync, lust filled relief washing over the both of you, making both of you crave for more. He started moving once you adjusted to his length, you could feel every vein and curve of his length as he bottoms out inside of you. Xiao Jun pushed himself closer to you, feeling you nipples against his own as he thrusted inside of you, the friction making your head spin from pleasure. Xiao Jun couldn’t believe it, after so many years of waiting, he finally had you in his arms, withering under his pleasurable touch. Xiao Jun slides a hand from your hips down to your clit, rubbing quick circles over it. Whimpers of his name fall from your lips like a beautiful piece of music, you were nearing your high as you felt the build up of an orgasm as your toes start to curl, your legs wrapped tighter around Xiao Jun’s waist as your head falls onto his shoulder, the overwhelming pleasure binding your body with his as he continues his thrusts, pace quickening once he felt you nearing the edge. Xiao Jun lifts you higher to thrust into you at a better angle, his tip hitting your sweet spot with every thrust, making you scream his name as your nails dug down his back, the pain mixing with the pleasure fuels Xiao Jun’s desire to absolutely ruin you under his touch.
“Cum for me, Y/N. I know you’re close.”
When you didn’t answer his request, Xiao Jun snapped his hips against yours at an even quicker pace, the speed of his thrusts inhuman, making your head swirl in pleasure as little bits of saliva drip from your lips down your throat as you throw you head back, the sight of the marks Xiao Jun left behind from earlier pushing his need for release. Once Xiao Jun wrapped a hand around your beautiful neck, you lost it. You couldn’t even scream as the pleasure was overwhelming all your senses, blinding white light behind your closed lids, your mind chanting his name like a mantra. Xiao Jun let out a beautiful moan once he felt your walls closing around his length in a vice grip, sending him over the edge as he paints your walls a milky white, his pearly white teeth biting down your shoulder to muffle his noises.
Once your orgasm subsides, you collapsed into Xiao Jun’s arms, energy drained completely by the handsome fairy. Xiao Jun carried you into his bed with the assistance of fairy dust, glad that he didn’t need to wobble into bed supporting your weight as well as his. He adjusted the pillows and blanket to accommodate your comfort, slipping in beside you once he was done, taking you into his warm embrace. Only one thought in his head.
‘You’re going to be with me for eternity, and nothing is going to take you away from me, my love, just like what the stars told me.’
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love-takes-work · 4 years
I’ve recreated every food in Steven Universe
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Sooooo . . . what did I miss?
Now it’s your turn to help me be sure I got them all. Your mission, should you choose to accept it:
Reblog this post suggesting a food from the show (with or without screencap; just enough so I can recognize it). The weirder the better.
I will respond to you with my photo of when I made that food.
If I can’t deliver, I will like send you $10 or draw you a SU fanart or something. (We’ll negotiate.)
I will accept asks instead of reblogs if you prefer.
It’s fine if you have a fairly common or easy suggestion and you just wanna see it. ;)
I’m offering this incentive because I really want some help combing the show for foods I might have forgotten! Your help is appreciated!
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Edit: Adding responses. :D 
Dog-Nut (Pilot!)
Classic Hot Dog (Intro)
Fry Bits (2 - “Laser Light Cannon” & others)
Together Breakfast (4 - “Together Breakfast”)
Popcorn for Onion (7 - “Bubble Buddies”)
Giant Strawberry (8 - “Serious Steven” & others)
Large Pizza, Extra Fishy (10 - “Steven’s Lion”)
Cereal to stop the Foot (11 - “Arcade Mania”)
Aqua Mexican Burrito (13 - “So Many Birthdays”)
Movie Snacks (17 - “Lion 2: The Movie”)
Crystal Lizards (17 - “Lion 2: The Movie”)
Hot Dogs & Hamburgers (18 - “Beach Party”)
Lars’s Lunch (20 - “Coach Steven”)
Fire Salt & Fire Salt Donuts (21 - “Joking Victim”)
Big Fat Zucchini with Linguine (22 - “Steven and the Stevens”)
Chaaaaps (23 - “Monster Buddies”)
Mi Torta (23 - “Monster Buddies”)
Durian Juice (24 - “An Indirect Kiss”)
Fish Kebabs & Giant Fish (30 - “Island Adventure”)
Cheeseball Cake (32 - “Fusion Cuisine”)
Breadsticks (32 - “Fusion Cuisine”)
Shrimp Appetizer (32 - “Fusion Cuisine”)
Onion Rings (33 - “Garnet’s Universe”)
Baby Melon (34 - “Watermelon Steven”)
Nice Spicey Pretzels (35 - “Lion 3: Straight to Video”)
Mama Sadie Lunch (35 - “Lion 3: Straight to Video”)
Garnet’s Chocolate Chip Cookies (37 - “Warp Tour”)
Mayo Sandwich (39 - “Future Vision”)
Bindle Lunches (40 - “On the Run”)
Marshmallows (42 - “Winter Forecast”)
Waffle Egg Sandwich (42 - “Winter Forecast”)
Caprese Salad (47 - “Shirt Club”)
Three-Way Sub (55 - “Say Uncle”)
Pizza Steve (55 - “Say Uncle”)
Tea and Cookies (55 - “Say Uncle”)
Pile of Food (57 - “Reformed”)
Snack Sushi (Season 2 Short - “Cooking With Lion”)
Biscuits & Jam (58 - “Sworn to the Sword”)
Smoothie & Orange Slices (58 - “Sworn to the Sword”)
Best Breakfast in the World (64 - “Keystone Motel”)
Noodles and Butter (65 - “Onion Friend”)
Potato Steven (65 - “Onion Friend”)
Lion Lickers (68 - “Nightmare Hospital”)
Amethyst’s Hoagie (79 - “Super Watermelon Island”)
Fresh Big Donut Donuts (84 - “Steven Floats”)
Guacola (85 - “Drop Beat Dad”)
Pepe’s Burgers (86 - “Mr. Greg”)
The Finest Steak and Brie (86 - “Mr. Greg”)
Corndogs (87 - “Too Short to Ride”)
Pizza Bagel & Fantastic Fries (90 - “Restaurant Wars”)
Fancy Orange Juice (93 - “Alone at Sea”)
PROTES Protein Bars (95 - “Gem Hunt”)
Pine Needle Tea (95 - ”Gem Hunt”)
Sugar Shock Shut Down (109 - “Last One Out of Beach City”)
Apple Sidra (109 - “Last One Out of Beach City”)
Gem Harvest & Wedding Cake (111-112 “Gem Harvest”)
Korean Lunch (114 - “Steven’s Dream”)
Zoo Fruit (117 - “The Zoo”)
Pumpkin-Shaped Pumpkin Bread (126 - “The Good Lars”)
Ube Roll (126 - “The Good Lars”)
Cool Kids Potluck (126 - “The Good Lars”)
Jungle Moon Alien Carcass (140 - “Jungle Moon”)
Meal for Stranded Humans (144 - “Lars’ Head”)
Everything Pizza (148 - “What’s Your Problem”)
Together Breakfast Wedding Cake (151-152- “Reunited”)
Bixbite’s Pizzas (SUF 2 - “Guidance”)
Snow Cones (SUF 2 - “Guidance”)
Crystal Drinks (SUF 3 - “Rose Buds”)
Carrot Bean Meal (SUF 3 - “Rose Buds”)
Tomato Soup on the Go (SUF 5 - “Bluebird”)
Clams, Peanut Butter, & a side of fresh-cut grass (SUF 5 - “Bluebird”)
Bluebird’s Cake (SUF 5 - “Bluebird”)
Fried Eggs (on Amethyst’s face) (SUF 7 - “Snow Day”)
Protein Shake (SUF 7 - “Snow Day”)
Spicy Chili (SUF 11 - “In Dreams”)
Together Forever Cake (SUF 13 - “Together Forever”)
Cookie Cat Ice Cream (SUF 14 - “Growing Pains”)
Cocoa (SUF 14 - “Growing Pains”)
Ice Cream a La Pie (SUF 15 - “Mr. Universe”)
Caveats and Rules (read if participating):
It counts as a recipe for the show only if it is eaten or to be eaten by a character (onscreen or implied to have been) or otherwise prominently featured. (e.g., Together Breakfast would count even though it was not eaten, but random food sitting around incidentally in a fridge or bake case does not count as a recipe.)
Food items that are only mentioned but not pictured don’t count.
Food items that are part of the background art don’t count unless they are significant or interacted with at some point. This includes mentioned or pictured items on restaurant menus.
Note: I HAVE actually made some things that have only been mentioned or pictured on menus! So feel free to suggest them if you really want to see if I made them! But for purposes of qualifying for a reward, I can’t commit to making the entire bake case, pizza joint menu, Spacetries display, or commercial cooler full of food if they’re more scenery than snacks.
If I have made an item once and it recurs, it doesn’t count as a different recipe if it appears in a different configuration in a later episode. (e.g., if I made an ube roll for “The Good Lars,” I don’t have to make a new one for Steven Universe: The Movie.)
Non-food items eaten by animals, monsters, and Amethyst do not count as recipes. (e.g., I do not consider it a recipe when the Big Bird from “Giant Woman” ate a goat and Steven. I do not consider it a recipe when Amethyst eats wrappers or garbage. Weird food she eats is OK. As long as it is food.)
YES, I count all qualifying food in Steven Universe, Steven Universe: The Movie, Steven Universe Future, and any official shorts as fair game.
NO, I do not count food in the comics, the video games, the official or tie-in books, Ronaldo’s blog, or the Crewniverse’s celebratory food as recipes I have to make.
There is a lot of generic popcorn, chips, and soda in this show. I don’t count it as a new recipe every time someone munches one of these as an incidental snack.
Very minor variations on common snacks don’t count as new recipes. (e.g., I don’t have to make every donut or flavor of Chaaaaps anyone was ever seen eating. Including variation options in my recipe is enough.)
Random messes made with food do not have to be recreated as recipes. (e.g., Onion smearing condiments all over the kitchen is not a recipe; pizzas that get destroyed or thrown around are not new recipes; Greg and Steven scattering food leavings around their Empire City hotel is not a recipe; a seagull with a banana peel on its head carrying pizza does not count; Steven scattering the contents of his kitchen on the floor while making Together Breakfast is not a recipe, etc.)
Yes, the foods will be prepared/arranged by me. In most cases they are homemade creations but in some cases store-bought elements will be used and that is also OK. 
Food-shaped items that aren’t actually food are not recipes. (e.g., game controllers shaped like ham do not count. Crying Breakfast Friends are characters, not food.)
Things made out of food do not count unless they are eaten. (e.g., Fish Stew Pizza is required; Jenny made out out of pizza in Kiki’s dream is not.)
Vegetarian alternatives, facsimiles designed to look but not taste like certain foods, and ingredient substitutes are permissible. (e.g., vegetarian pepperoni on a pizza that was REAL pepperoni in the show is allowed; a non-fish substitute for a real dead fish is OK; dishes representing disgusting food that are secretly delicious are all right, etc.)
Thanks for your help. :)
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scarletwidowaf · 3 years
Ghost Of You - chapter 3
A/N: i think that at this point, me being to lazy and tired to fix grammer and mistakes became a part of the story. Also im very sorry for the angst, im kinda winging it but hopefully stuff will be less painful soon 😅
The beautiful art is by the incredible @chloroformcandles ! Go check her works! Im honestly obsessed and even used her art as icons on both of my scarletwidow blogs.
Warnings: angst of course, mention of death (obviously)
Words count: 1391
ao3  *  wattpad  *  Tumblr story index
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Ever since wanda joined the avengers she was trained in hand to hand combat.
Its not like she actually needed it, she always thought to herself and said it multiple times to the other female avenger and trainer, but Natasha always raised her eyebrow at her and smiled cockily at her in return.
One of wanda's favorite training sessions with natasha was when they were on the run. Steve Insisted they'll keep training as much as they can, even more than they used to as avengers. Natasha agreed, wanda did too but it didn't stop her from complaining every morning when the two women were already panting before the crack of down.
"You're too slow"
Natasha said, her hands holding the younger girl down on training mat.
Wanda tried to push the shorter woman down but with no use, natasha was small yet her grip was strong and her steady firm.
It was amazing that even when they were training and sweaty natasha still managed to look painfully hot. The older women smelled like vanilla and sweat and wanda had to admit that it wasn't a bad combination.
"Well its 5 am natasha, I'm barley even awake" she joked,.
wanda could see natasha holding back her smile. It was funny, really, that Natasha could hold the best poker face and go undercover without a hiss and without ever getting caught, but couldn't contain her smile when it comes to the younger woman.
"So lets make a deal, maximoff. If you can pin me down to the mat i will get you the coffee you like from the coffee down the street"
Wanda smiled.
"They do have a great coffee.. " she said. Natasha agreed, she liked their coffee and she liked the satisfied smile on wanda's face after she takes the first sip.
"I still don't see a reason for us to train combat" wanda grumble out. Natasha smiled at her and wanda's heart skipped a bit.
The younger woman knew she was getting into a dangerous zone with Natasha, but she couldn't help herself.
"I just gave you a reason maximoff. Im 5'3. If you cant take me down what would you do with stronger, bigger, rougher opponent?"
Natasha raised her eyebrow and moved to get up.
Natasha stood and held her hand out to the younger woman.
"You say that wasn't rough, romanoff?" Wanda asked faking annoyance.
"Barely" natasha smirked.
Wanda took the older girl's hand and got up as well.
"I will get that coffee" wanda said.
"Bring it on"
Natasha's smile was dangerously hot.
That was the problem about Natasha Romanoff, wanda knew that no mattar when, or at what situation, the older woman's smile will have a power over her, just like Natasha had.
And that was the only thought that crossed in wanda's mind when the two sat on wanda's bed in her crappy London apartment.
Its been a week since natasha came back and the two did their best to try and understand the circumstances they were in.
The good news were, that Natasha could come and go as she pleases.
wanda didn't knew where she was going when she left and natasha didn't say.
It could be counted as bad news as well.
At the few times when the two womem got frustrated, natasha would've leave, wanda would've cry and then natasha would come back and sit next to her, as close as she can.
The truth was that wanda missed being close to natasha, she was happy to have her around, to talk to her and hear her voice, but she missed her touch and her smell and having her around was getting painful.
Sometimes Wanda wanted to hug her and sob about everything.
And natasha wanted to be able to hold her, and hold her hand.
They missed each other, and sometimes it was too hard for them to be so close to each other without being able to touch.
"I went trough Agetha's book again" wanda finally said. Natasha put down the book she was reading, another novel wanda never heard of.
Wanda couldn't help her envy, because the book was something natasha could touch and hold and wanda wasn't.
"And?" Natasha said.
"I found something but i dont know how to perform it."
She confessed.
"Maybe we can go to someone who might know. Strange maybe?" Natasha said
"I dont think thats a good idea.. Ive been avoiding the other avengers ever since westview" she admitted
"Was it that bad?"
"Its just complicated. I brought vision back for awhile, well, kind of"
Natasha looked at her quietly encouraging her to continue
"I could bring him back but only there, i build these perfect life in there, nat, i had a family and a house and everything was so normal even when it wasn't"
"Why wasn't it perfect?"
"Because as real as it felt it was all a big lie. An illusion"
"Were you happy?"
Natasha asked.
"Yes" wanda admitted. Natasha smiled sadly.
"Then in was worth it, in a way" the older girl said.
"You weren't there" wanda said after a few moments.
The younger woman got up from bed. She wasn't able to sit still or look into the other woman eyes.
"I guess a part of your consensus knew that if I would've been there it wouldn't be perfect" natasha said sadly and got up as well.
"I doubt that there's any reality, fake or real one, that I wouldn't have been in love with you" natasha continued and wanda felt wetness on her cheeks. She was crying.
Natasha stood a few steps away from wanda, she didn't want to get too close and overwhelm the crying girl, but she couldn't stay away neither.
"I'm sorry nat"
"For what?" Natasha asked confused.
"For bringing you back. I just missed you so much and i was selfish.
I guess you were wrong natasha, I'm not a good person"
"I missed you too, every single day in the last 5 years."
Wanda looked up. Her eyes catching natasha's red ones.
Both women were crying. Natasha's cheeks were stained and her eyes were red, yet she was holding herself together pretty well. Probably as as a result of years of holding things inside and making her feelings.
"I blamed clint, you know?" Wanda confessed.
"We had a fight after i found out you were dead. I blamed him for not keeping you safe, and then left. I didn't spoke to him since then"
Wanda catch a glimpse of Natasha's book on the bed and wondered if the lead characters got their happy ending.
Natasha sigh, her hands massaging her temple.
"I dont know what they told you wanda. But i chose to jump. I could've let clint jump"
"You're lying, clint said-"
"That i had no other choice? Knowing him figured its better you wont know that, so you wouldn't be mad at me for doing that."
the two women were so close to each other that wanda could imagine natasha's hot breath and vanilla scent.
Natasha could see the small freckles on the younger girl's nose.
"You want to know why I don't deserve to go to heaven? Wanda" Natasha asked.
Wanda wiped her own tears.
"I'm selfish.
I could've let clint jump but i knew that I couldn't live with the burden and the pain so i left him to live with it instead.
I could let the world stay how it was after the snap, but I didn't. Not because I'm the honorable person you think i am, but because of you. I wanted you to get the life that you deserve."
Natasha smiled bitterly and gestured with her hands to the room they were in.
Wanda wanted to respond but couldn't. Her throat was dry and her head was aching.
"I should go" natasha said and before wanda could protest the older woman was gone and she was alone again.
After a few minutes of crying the witch took a few breath to calm herself down, before she went to her nightstand and took out a disposable cell phone.
"You're not selfish natasha, i am." She whispered.
The young witch typed a few digits and held the phone to her ear.
After a few rings she heard a familiar voice.
"Hey agnes, i need your help"
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A Miraculous TikTok Account
Part 31
Idk what happened. I was struggling to get this chapter to reach 1k words and then I blinked and it was 2k
... sorry?
Rena was the queen of pissing people off.
(She pinned most of it on her kwami, but it might just be because she had siblings. She’d been the baby for over ten years. It was the youngest’s job to piss off the older ones, it was basically in the job description.)
But even she knew that Chat had gone too far. She didn’t even have Chloe’s power of sensing emotions, but she knew from the moment Ladybug walked inside that shit was going to go down.
There are two types of anger.
Some people’s anger runs hot. Red faces and a voice raw from screaming and tears rolling down their cheeks. Rena’s anger ran hot, so did Chloe’s and Carapace’s. When Ladybug had stormed into the house, eyes full of fire, Rena had placed her in the hot anger category with them. She was fine with that. Preferred it, even. It was easy, predictable.
But it ended up not being predictable. She’d pointed the woman on her way and waited for the banging on the door, for the screaming to start.
… it never did.
Rena hesitated for only a few moments before heading up the stairs. For once, she was glad her kwami made it so people couldn’t easily sense her presence, because she did NOT want Ladybug’s anger to transfer over to her.
The woman’s hands were limp at her sides, her head resting against the door, her eyes squeezed shut. Rena watched, not daring to breathe…
And then Ladybug’s face forced itself into a neutral expression and she headed up to her room.
Rena watched her go and found herself almost scared of one of the people she’d used to idolize.
Ladybug had cold anger. Cold anger was everything that hot anger was not (obviously, cold and hot are opposites...). It was all thin lips and quiet words and dead eyes. And it was far, far worse for anyone involved. Because hot anger was traceable, there was a distinct escalation to follow until fists and words were thrown at each other. You knew when it was coming, you knew that when it did it would be over quickly.
But cold anger… it simmered under the surface. You may be able to detect when someone was experiencing it, but you’d never know when it would boil over or how.
Rena hoped that, whatever Ladybug did to retaliate (because she WOULD retaliate, pretty much everyone does at some point and she’d already had something against Chat), that it wouldn’t be too bad.
She made sure to be extra nice to the woman as she waited for something to happen. Ladybug probably knew why she was doing it, but that didn’t mean that she didn’t accept Rena’s offer to take patrols off of her hands when she’d noticed she was swamped with work or say no to the snacks she was giving her.
It was great. Rena’s chance of being murdered was like… 10%. Which she would take. It was better than Chat’s 90%.
Days passed, and the tenseness in the house did not leave.
Rena, obviously, was not a fan of the high tensions. No one likes to be in a tense place, and in Paris this was even worse. She was practically waiting for an akuma at all times.
On the other hand, it was a pretty good distraction. If she was constantly worried about what Ladybug was planning, then she wasn’t worrying about what Fu said --.
Damn it. Now she was worrying about what Fu said.
Because, as much as she hated it, the words they’d exchanged about her possibly getting corrupted felt far more real.
Back when she had only known about the other four miraculous holders, she hadn’t been worried. He’d gotten it right four times in a row; even Chloe, who was decidedly NOT a nice person, was very kind. All four of her predecessors were clearly chosen very carefully to fit the characteristics of their miraculi while also possessing heroic traits. Why would he drop the ball with the last hero?
But, no, now she had to live with the fact that he wasn’t totally infallible when it came to choosing heroes. Had Pieris been a fluke? Had the other miraculous heroes been the flukes?
Pieris had had the easiest miraculous to control. She had the hardest. Would she be able to stay sane while using it?
Part of her hummed that she’d already slipped some. That her time watching Chat had been an abuse of power and she knew it. So why had she done it?
Because it was necessary, the other part of her whispered. It was for the good of Paris.
… was she even completely sure that part of her WAS her?
She curled her fingers around the miraculous that hung around her neck like a noose.
And then Ladybug walked into the room and thank FUCK a distraction. Chat tensed up from his spot at the window.
… Ladybug brushed past him, her lips pressed together thinly as she made her way to the kitchen.
Rena couldn’t stop wondering about Chat. He had a tiny frown on his face as he watched the doorway she’d disappeared through. She wondered, vaguely, why he’d done it. It was a bad idea, anyone with two brain cells to rub together would know that, so why?
But she wasn’t really close enough to ask. So, she was left to just look on the internet for some theories.
(Her personal favorite was ‘it’s flirting!!!!!!’. The LadyNoir stans were always fun. Wrong, but fun.)
Four days in, Ladybug struck…
How did she know? Chat screamed at five o’clock.
She groaned and shuffled out of bed, rubbing her eyes as she slowly poked her head out the door to see what had happened.
Chat was standing in the doorway to his room after a long patrol… and it looked like he’d dropped into a pool of glitter… or, as her eyes took in the amount of glitter around his feet and the polka dotted tote bag resting on top of his head like a hat that was much too large for him to pull off, a pool’s worth of glitter had been dropped on him.
There was a beat before he slowly pulled the bag off of himself and tossed it into the room. And… wow, there was even more glitter than she’d thought.
It stuck to everything about him (the sweat probably didn’t help). She no longer felt like she should be rubbing her eyes because damn did he need it more. Not that it would help all that much, his hands were just as coated in glitter and it would probably only hurt him more.
There was a click of Chloe’s door opening and the woman stared at the scene before she mumbled a ‘it’s too early for this’ and closed the door again, presumably to go back to sleep.
Carapace walked out, the bags under his eyes more pronounced than usual and the cup of coffee in his hand was the size of a water bottle. It was midterms for him. He was… not taking it well.
“Sorry, Carapace, go ahead and go back to studying. Didn’t mean for him to come home so early,” called Ladybug. She was sitting in the ladder to the attic, legs swinging idly. She tipped her head to the side as she considered him. “Go back to studying. If you need help, I’m good with math and science.”
He looked between her and Chat, who was struggling to blink his eyes open without permanently going blind.
“Do you really want to get on my bad side, too?” Mused Ladybug. “You don’t need anything distracting you from school right now…”
Carapace winced at the threat. He continued to look between the two of them before sighing and slouching a bit. “Can I at least help him get to the sink? He’s going to blind himself.”
She clicked her tongue but nodded. “Sure, I guess.”
Rena hesitated. “May I take a video?”
Ladybug fixed her eyes on her and she fought the urge to shrink back into her room or look away.
And then she shrugged. “Sure. News is kinda your thing, right?”
Rena tensed a little, her brain screeching to a halt. Did Ladybug know about her Ladyblogger days? There was no way she did, right? Sure, Ladybug had known her a little bit back in the day because Rena had often hung out around akumas for her blog, but surely it wasn’t well enough to figure out her identity, right --?
… wait, no, she was still talking about the TikTok. Ladybug looked very confused about her sudden freeze up and Rena had to think of an explanation FAST.
She pulled a bright smile to her face. “Yeah. Not allowed to do as much as I’d like, but y’know… it is what it is.”
Ladybug still looked a little confused, but she shrugged to herself and started heading up to her room.
The video on Rena’s account was just a video of the aftermath in short cuts.
“Ladybug got Chat back for that video he posted about her!” She explained to the camera.
Chat was covered head-to-toe with glitter outside of a small area around his eyes. He was also struggling to figure out how brooms worked, it seemed. Rena had considered helping but honestly it was kind of funny to watch him attempt to sweep something with the wrong end and how did he not know how a BROOM worked it was a BROOM --?
“Regretting it?” Said Rena, sitting down beside him.
He wore an irritable expression, though that was hard to look at all intimidating when he looked like a child’s arts and crafts project. “A little, yeah.”
“It was dumb to mess with her.”
“A little, yeah.”
She laughed a little at that.
He brought up a hand to rub his eyes tiredly, because he wasn’t as used to not sleeping as Carapace and Ladybug were, and Rena had to grab his arm to stop him so he didn’t die by glitter-in-eyes-syndrome.
… but now she was kind of regretting it. Because her hand was all glittery.
He gave her a tiny smile.
“Thanks. And, uh, sorry about the hand.” He looked down at the broom and dustpan he was apparently still unsure about how to use. “Well, at least it’s over, right?”
Rena privately disagreed. But she didn’t say that aloud, instead she just smiled and pressed a kiss to his cheek… which she also regretted.
The camera caught her vague choking noises and curses for a few seconds before it cut.
Carapace was struggling to write an essay because of all the glitter on his hands.
“Fuck I should’ve let it go I should’ve let it go fuck c’mon I don’t know how I’m going to explain this to my professor fuckkkkkkk --.”
“Do it online.”
He whipped around, brandishing his pencil like a weapon, and only slightly relaxed when he realized it was her. “When did you --? Nevermind, whatever.” He sighed. “My teacher is old so he only accepts stuff on paper. It’s stupid.”
Rena reached out and gave him a little head pat.
The video cut briefly to a video of Chloe sleeping and decidedly not helping anyone with anything.
Ladybug was only there for a few moments. Rena had gone up to see her in a red crop top and black leggings. She sent her a smile and a wave despite the fact that she was currently doing her best impersonation of a pretzel. “Hey! You filming a video, too?”
Rena stared at her, wondering how she’d managed to get that flexible, and then realized she was talking to her and quickly nodded. “Yeah yeah yeah, just reporting on the incident… how’re you feeling?”
She watched Ladybug do a back roll and by the time she was finished all of her limbs were miraculously untangled, which was insane and should be impossible but I digress. “Great, honestly! I mean, it was bad that the internet got to see me on an off day and all, but…” She shrugged. “I feel much better now.”
She smiled at the camera and waved it goodbye.
The video ended.
@nathleigh @sassakitty @th1s-1s-my-aesthet1c @blueslushgueen @woe-is-me0 @ladybug-182 @cas-and-their-refusal-to-write @trippingovermyfeet @melicmusicmagic @meimei3841 @roseliali
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myhockeyworld87 · 4 years
Bubble Wrapped - Part 1
Word Count: 2,683
POV: Reader
Warnings: Language
Notes: Ok so here is basically our introduction to the Bubble Wrapped story. I have no timeline for this thing or even if it will continue, you guys let me know. As a background, this story will be about life inside Hotel X. In case you don’t know the teams inside Hotel X are the Bruins, Capitals, Flyers, Penguins and Lightning. So here we go, Happy Reading!
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You'd been shocked when Hotel X had been picked as one of the hotels for the NHL to stay at when they resumed play in Toronto. Even more so when you were asked if you would take over the management of the place over the next several weeks. "Listen (Y/N) we know we are asking a lot. You'll have to live at the hotel with all the players as the NHL is really trying to keep everyone in this little bubble."
 "I understand. I've already talked to Carly about putting different measures in place when the Maple Leafs came to us before submitting their proposal." Carly was another member of the hotel staff, that served as one of their concierges. She knew the ins and outs of the city and could get tickets or dinner reservations on the drop of a dime. That was all before COVID though. Now, some restaurants were still closed and shows hadn't resumed yet. What once was a bustling city, had come to a dead stop over the last several months, though things were starting to get back to normal; well the new normal that is.
 "So we heard." You hoped the blush that crept up your cheeks couldn't be seen on the zoom call as that had become their new form of communication with you. "You've dealt with the players before, we know you can handle it. Though this time it'll be completely different with five or six teams staying there." Most of the players had always been super nice to the staff, though there were a few that could be demanding at times. You prayed they'd all push their egos aside, at least while in the hotel, though somehow you doubted that. "I think you're familiar with the NHL's protocol on their reopening, but we'll email you everything once we get it. Start putting together the staff that you want. Just some core people that you'll need."
 "I've got the right people in mind, don't worry."
 The call went for a bit longer going over specifics. The only benefit out of the whole thing was that they were giving you the Presidential Suite to stay in. Honestly, it was the least they could do; you thought. Of course, the called ending with them saying, "Don't let us down."
 As soon as it ended you called Carly making sure she was on board. "I'm just saying Car that many hockey players in the hotel; the testosterone is going to be flying around."
 "So what you're telling me is you've already packed an extra-large box of condoms."
 "Carly!" You shouted at your friend. "That's not what I was saying at all."
 "Come on (Y/N), I know you're one of Seguin's regulars when he's in Toronto."
 "I'm one of them because I can keep my mouth shut." It was true that when Tyler was in town during the summer or on a road trip the two of you always hooked up. Sort of a no strings attached relationship, though you did talk from time to time. "Besides he's not even going to be in Toronto. He's in the Edmonton bubble."
 "Oh, I didn't realize." Carly despite being from Canada was not a hockey lover, though she did appreciate the men who played the sport. "Well, maybe you should call him and get the scoop. You know find out who we need to be aware of."
 It wasn't a bad idea, not that you were going to ask him who to sleep with, but maybe it would help get a handle on who was going to be problematic, as there was no way you wanted to let the owners of the hotel down. You had a lot riding on this and after all, you couldn't put bitter rivals in one hotel and not expect some drama. "You're right. I am going to call him."
 "Ooo good, let me know what he says and if we should get more than one box of those condoms."
 You shook your head at your friend before hanging up and dialing Tyler's number. "Hey beautiful, long time no talk," Tyler said and you could almost hear the smile in his voice.
 "Hey Ty, how's quarantine life going?"
 "Ugh, don't get me started. I was not meant to be locked in my house without hockey for this long." Tyler wasn't meant to stay put anywhere too long, including relationships.
 "Well, hockey's almost back so there's that."
 "Yeah, I'm pumped about it, though I wish I was staying in Toronto instead. I know some fun that we could get up to since I have to stay in the bubble." He paused and you could clearly tell he was running different sex scenarios in his head. "I'm assuming your working at the hotel."
 "Yeah, it's kind of why I called. I'm one of the ones trapped in the bubble with you guys."
 Tyler groaned. "So, you called to ask me who you should hook up with? Cause babe, I'm not sure I'm willing to share you like that."
 "Shut up Ty, you know we're not like that. You couldn't stay faithful to one woman if you tried." Part of the reason the two of you got along so good, was the fact that you called him out on his bullshit.
 "I might if I could drag you with me everywhere." You giggled at the insinuation of being taken everywhere just so you could keep him satisfied. "You're definitely gifted with many talents (Y/N)."
 "You're not so bad yourself, but we're getting away from why I called."
 "You mean you didn't call to have phone sex with me," and you could hear his pout.
 "No, I didn't call for that. I was just curious if you had any idea who was going to give me problems while we're in this so-called bubble. I'm trying to be preemptive here."
 "Ok, but if I give you some information you at least have to promise to send me a pic of your tits." You mentally rolled your eyes at him; the boy was a horndog.
 "Fine, now spill some tea."
 "Spill some tea, what is this a gossip blog or something."
 "You're avoiding the question Ty, and I'm putting on a sweatshirt." He groaned.
 "Alright, don't get your panties in a bunch…or maybe do." It never ended with him. "I don't know a lot about some of the younger guys that are newer in the league, but my guess is they're all horny little bastards. Hell, I was when I first got in the league."
 "You still are."
 "Touché." He answered before continuing on. "So, like I probably don't have to mention the rivalries to you, but like Caps and Pens hate each other, the Flyers and Pens hate each other. Doesn't everyone just hate the Pens?"
 "I think you either love them or hate them."
 "That's true," he agreed with your statement. "The Flyers and the Caps hate each other as well and don't get me started with who hates the Bruins. Wow, who really put them all in your hotel?"
 "I'd like to know that as well." It seemed like whoever did, had a warped sense of humor and you were now going to be stuck handling the mess that they'd made. "So, basically what you're saying is that it'll be an all-out brawl at times that I'll have to clean up after."
 "Sorry babe, but I think it could be. On the bright side, we're supposed to stay on our own floors."
 "Like that's going to happen." Maybe you should designate elevators or something because you could just see Alex Ovechkin and Claude Giroux getting in one at the same time and by the time, they got to your lobby they'd both be bloody and beaten. "Anything else I should know?"
 "You seriously want me to go there?"
 "I mean...if you want to." You certainly weren't going to ask but if he offered the information you'd tuck it away for later that's for sure.
 He sighed heavily, "You know I hate this, but like Tom Wilson gets around that's for sure and I've heard that Travis Konecny does as well. If I'm being honest there's maybe been a girl or two that's compared us."
 "That doesn't mean you have to be one of them, though if you are…you better tell them I'm better."
 "Don't worry Ty, I'll sing your praises. I promise." Obviously, you wouldn't be doing that but it didn't hurt to stroke his ego a bit. "Anyone, to avoid?"
 "Dude, he was like one of your best friends. Why would you say that?"
 "Because I know him. Stay away he's trouble." The fact that you could almost see the look on his face as he was telling you was comical.
 "Oh and stay away from Carter Hart." The name sounded familiar.
 "The goalie from Philly? Why?"
 "Because you'll corrupt him." You burst out laughing and Ty joined you. "He's too innocent for you."
 "Dually noted, as I do not want to be known as the corruptor of innocents." You searched your mind thinking of anything else you could ask since you had him on the phone. "What about Crosby?"
 "Sid?" and he just couldn't stop laughing; you could even hear him try to catch his breath.
 "Why is that so funny? The man is hot Tyler, whether you want to admit it or not."
 He got serious as he asked, "Who's hotter him or me?"
 Thank god you weren't on FaceTime, so you could answer him without your features giving you away. "You are Ty, of course."
 "I thought so, but like the guy is hockey twenty-four seven. There's no way he's going to be thinking about getting laid."
 "That's disappointing."
 "He's about the only one that I'd give you permission to fuck, only because I know it would be impossible for you to accomplish, even given all your talents." You could hear the mischievous tone in his voice.
 "Hmmm, are you willing to bet on that?"
 "What? Like bet, you'll fuck Crosby in the bubble?"
 "Yeah." Did it really sound like such an unattainable accomplishment?
 "What's the wager?"
 "Winner flies out when this whole COVID shit is done and is the other's sex slave for twenty-four hours."
 "Oh, you are on, baby. I can already see you handcuffed to my bed in some skimpy lingerie." He cackled at the thought and it fueled your resolve to win this bet.
 "Don't be so sure about that."
 "And how am I to know that you actually slept with him?"
 Well, this would be tricky. "Well, it's not like I'm videoing it."
 "No, but that gives me ideas for when I win." Maybe you should be rethinking this gamble.
 "What do you want his underwear?"
 "Nah, you could get that in the laundry. But I'm sure you could sneak a pic of him sleeping." God that sounded creepy but if it meant you had Ty as your slave for a day, it'd be worth it and you'd never show it to anyone else but him and even then you weren't going to send it to him, though he didn't need to know that now.
 "Ok, it's a bet then."
 "Too bad we can't kiss on it."
 "Oh, you'll be doing more than kissing when I win, Seguin." Mentally you started packing sexy outfits to take into the bubble with you while thinking of all the things you'd have Tyler do the next time you saw him. "On that note, I better get my ass to work and make this hotel ready for these guys."
 "Fine, I'll let you go as long as you promise to FaceTime me at some point during this bubble thing."
 "I'm sure I'll have a night open for you at some point." You teased.
 "Woman, you better."
 "No worries Ty, you're still my main man; when you're in town."
 "That's right baby, good luck."
 "Thanks for all the info, Ty. We'll catch up soon and good luck in the playoffs."
 You were just about to hang up when you heard him yell. "Don't forget my titty picture."
 All you could do was shake your head and click end call, though you being a woman of your word, you snapped a quick pic and sent it off to him; to which he responded with a drool face emoji.
 The next couple of weeks were a literal whirlwind as you moved into the hotel's presidential suite and got things ready. Beds were moved out so that some rooms that had two queens now had one king in them. The hotel was disinfected from top to bottom. If felt like you were wearing a hazmat suit all the time during this process. A week before the players arrived the NHL staff did, making sure everything was in order and making sure you had things set up for daily COVID testing. Of course, you had everything well in hand and organized per their instructions, though with a few tweaks that made the process more efficient. Overall, they seemed impressed with everything that you had done.
 All that preparation lead up to the big day, July 26th, when the teams moved in. The league had them spread out so that no two teams were checking in at that same time. Tampa Bay was the first in as they traveled the furthest. "You look nervous. Why are you nervous?" Carly's voice came up from behind you as you saw the bus pulling in through the gates.
 "There's a lot riding on this Car, and if anything goes wrong; you know it's going to be my head that rolls."
 "You're going to do great; this whole thing is going to be smooth like a bubble." She started to giggle. "See what I did there…bubble." You rolled your eyes at your friend but did let out a little snort of laughter at her pun. "Well, here they come."
 You straightened your jacket and smoothed down your skirt, before throwing your mask up to go meet your first arrivals. "Gentlemen, welcome to Hotel X." You tried to speak a little louder than normal hoping the mask didn't muffle your words. "We're excited to have you all here. I'm (Y/N) manager here during your stay, anything you need, feel free to call me any time of day." More of the guys filtered in while you spoke to Coach Cooper and a few of the players.
 "Anytime huh?" you heard someone mumble in the background and a couple of the guys snickered. It was hard not to roll your eyes as you knew they were focusing on them with your face partially covered. Someone else said, "She can manage me anytime." That was until someone cleared their throat, effectively silencing them.
 "Now if you'll follow me, let's get you all checked in." Tables lined with a welcome packet and lanyard with their ID on it, were off to the side and you were able to shuffle them through with pretty good speed, then sent them off to their rooms before they had to head to testing. Your information was inside every packet, in case you were needed at any point during their stay. It seemed like you no sooner got them in and the area disinfected then the next team, the Capitals, were pulling in, and so the day went on until all five teams were safely ensconced in the hotel. Thankfully you made it through that process without any problems, even though the Bruins flight was late and the Flyers were pulling in right as you got the last players through.
 It wasn't until dinner, that you encountered your first dilemma, getting a text message from Alexis, who was coordinating the meals. It was a simple message, Get to conference room 3. NOW! As fast as your heels could take you, you headed down to where the Capitals were supposed to be having dinner if you remembered the schedule correctly. You never expected to see what you did though when you entered.
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(As a welcome to my newest Patreon Kate (sorry this took so long dear one), and I confess a touch of self indulgence. Loki was Actually first in Mitguard many years before Thor, and he met an interesting human, who was high as kite!) Established Johnlock, Established LokiSigyn,
In this AU Loki does not die on that ship and indeed finds the sunshine again!
Loki landed in Midgard, he had heard tales of this land where his people had once been Gods and had also heard endless lectures that this could be no more, as they had to leave Earth and it’s peoples to their fate. The whole was pointless, but he had decided to look the City of London in the eye because it sounded like a challenge. To look a city in the eye must be an interesting feat and it was said that the London Eye was quite impressive.
“Could you direct me to the eye of London?” Loki asked a neatly dressed policeman. “The What!?” “The city's eye, the London Eye. I wish to meet it’s gaze” The man had given him a quizzical look, maybe one could only met the eye by invitation, as a Prince could he not appeal to their Queen. “Down by the river" had been his only direction but his guide gave a further “follow the smell" before going on his way. Loki could smell only one source of water so he made his way towards it. The destitute were everywhere but he understood that the city looked after them, maybe it had a kindly eye, he thought grinning to himself until further enquires led him to an enormous wheel strung with carriages.
This was the great City of London's eye!
Loki barked a laugh of disappointment, it was a perfect metaphor for the whole damn planet, all just spinning in place pointlessly! “It won’t blink you know" Loki started and turned to the voice. One of the destitutes had approached him, a striking face but Loki could smell the poison he’d put in his blood. Curiously Loki held his peace hoping that maybe his sudden companion would speak again.
“You asked after the eye like you were about to have a staring contest and were so clearly disappointed to see it… you’re not from around here, no. You smell wrong, like winter but it's the middle of June and you move strangely too, like you ride a lot of horses but you don’t carry the callouses of caring for them, gloves would mask the marks of riding.” Loki watched the interesting mind race behind those odd eyes. “Sherlock Holmes" Who held his hand out for a polite shake in the manner of someone meeting a new animal, cautious of bites.
“Loki Odinson" He responded in kind and the heat of Midguard blood startled him almost as much as the words that followed “Norse mythology, god of mischief, shape shifter and Mother to a few supposed monsters… this isn’t your real skin is it? It feels wrong too” Loki's eyes filled up blood red right through the sclera as he allowed his Joten face to push through his human skin. Sherlock look intrigued and oddly relieved. Like he has been waiting for his mind to leave him all along.
Loki smiled as questing fingers lightly traced the patterns in his Joten skin, he couldn’t break his glamour for long but to enthral one mortal was really no risk. “This is my true skin Sherlock Holmes, Fenris and Sleipnir are no monsters but if you treat something as monstrous for long enough what’s the difference.” He was growing melancholy and that was not the purpose of this journey. He would entertain his new found friend instead, so he grabbed the hand that lingered on his skin, he had some time while the poison was working during which Sherlock Holmes would dismiss it all as fantasy and hallucination.
The revelation of his true nature had sparked an idea in the mad man's head to they found themselves outside of a bland looking building. “So this establishment is where your brother spends his leisure time, but refuses you entry…” Loki read a small brass plate that displayed Diogenes Club and the rather impolite phrase of ABSOLUTE SILENCE that was engraved beneath it. “You say he has cut you off because of the poison, the drugs, and you would like me to play tricks on him for your amusement…” Loki studied the face in front of him it was sickly and underweight but with arresting eyes and a fine frame to the body. He could work with this. “Just don’t let him touch you" Loki warned as he wove the spell, his magic was still young and could be unstable. “Won't be a problem” Sherlock had managed before the rush of the magic stole his breath.
The door swung open and two men strolled in; hair just slightly longer than proper matched well with impeccably tailored suits. Sherlock took a slight lead to the tea room where the so called powerful but most just plain boring sipped and chewed in their desperate collective solitude. No Mycroft, he shook his head at Loki and turned them towards his brother’s office, pausing beside the doorway to the antechamber he tried to figure out his next move. The fussy old secretary would interfere and he was at a loss until Loki moved him to face himself in a brushed steel light fitting… He barely held back a gasp as his illusion self vanished but not just his illusion, he and Loki were simply gone.
Loki grinned as he guided his shocked accomplice towards the entrance, entering was easy enough and he swiftly moved them into the office proper as the brother's assistant had left the door open to drop off some documents. A pallid man sat at a desk frowning at words and scratching his own mark irritability on each page. A tray beside him held a plate of sweet confections and some hot beverage gone cold, cancelling all sound around them Loki turned to Sherlock. “Okay, what next?”
Sherlock's smile split his face and he hoped he would remember this after the high. “The biscuits, Mummy, our mother sends them by the batch. He always eats too many, has since we were kids" He watched incredulously as Loki waved a hand and the biscuit in his brother’s fingers snapped in two. Startled his brother tried to pick up one piece but it broke again and so did the next one. Sherlock could see the sweat form on his brother’s temple and waited for his next move. A crack, deafening in the habitual silence, heralded spilled tea and fallen papers as his brother’s fussy desk split in two under his palms. Mycroft was on his feet now staring at his secretary who had glanced into the room and continued without a word. The phone was next and the plastic shattered into his palm, his trousers were the final casualty. He’d tried to dust the plastic’s shards off his hands and then fled in his ragged clothes to the next room.
Sherlock followed crying magically silenced tears of mirth as his brother pointed and waved soundlessly to his beleaguered secretary, climbing to her feet she glanced into the office again. All was as it should be. “Are you okay sir, you look a bit peaky" She’d queried quietly and Mycroft had nearly fainted dead away as he had turned and seen his office in perfect order.
Sherlock guided Loki back the tea room and took a few breaths to collect himself, he nodded to his companion to drop the camouflage and led them out to the streets in the requisite silence before collapsing on a park bench to chortle out his thanks.
Loki nodded as his almost friend thanked him, he could smell the poison was leaving Sherlock’s blood and knew he would need to depart soon. “It was my pleasure, the pointless rule of silence, it that your brother’s doing" “No it’s a general rule, avoids political discussions which inevitably always get loud, good rule though” Sherlock was sobering fast so Loki lead them to a small well tended park and settled them on a bench. “Enough poison Sherlock, no more drugs" He watched as Sherlock took in his words but cast a sleep charm upon him before there could be an argument.
If Midgard held One such as Sherlock Holmes maybe it wasn’t so pointless and he was smiling as he went home.
… Ragnarok and one mad titan later. ...
Loki lay on a couch and watched the Midgard sun rise over the green land they had called Asgard because where else would they live. Sigyn would be awake soon and Loki would forever be grateful that she was among the survivors who had trickled in after the attack, Heimdal could see them, see what remained of the Asgardians after that harrowing battle and they had gathered everyone to their new home.
Sigyn had been away in Vanahiem with a small group when Hela had attacked and there had been a few groups in other Realms but Thor had insisted everyone be present in their new home as the people of Asgard rebuilt.
Loki's face clouded over as he remembered how he had gained a wife, she had been delivered by an emissary of Jotenheim, and he had watched his brother’s blood boil as Thor had very slowly realised that the emissary was not actually asking for aid for the clearly ill woman in his charge. Thor had stood to say something, no doubt very kingly and self-righteous, so Loki stepped between his brother and the trouble maker to graciously accept the gift of a spouse from the new king of the Joten, he had been the one to destroy half of their city many years ago and had aided greatly in the repair as recompense.
The woman raised wary eyes as Loki guided her to the healers and then promptly guided her to his chambers after they had dismissed her suffering as simple exhaustion. He was quietly furious as she sank into the couch, he was no healer but he knew who might help, many years ago he had been having fun on Midgard, in London, it wasn’t far. He had watched the mortal many times after that first meeting, he had displayed a brilliant mind but far too many scruples, Sherlock! ... his companion had been a healer, between them they would aid his wife.  So he gathered up his precious cargo and stepped though space, South and West over the waters.
John was pecking his way through a blog post as Sherlock prepared dinner. “Sherlock" a voice called from their lounge, holding up a hand for Sherlock to stay where he was John peered into the other room. Loki stood in the lounge holding a limp form to his chest. “John!” John dashed forward as Loki lay the woman carefully on the couch. She wasn’t human, half-mast eyelids showed blood red eyes and the distinctive Joten markings pushed through pale human skin.
Sherlock knew that voice but stayed in the kitchen as John had indicated, Loki had sounded relieved to see the doctor so clearly there was a medical problem, he turned off the gas and collected John’s kit as well as a blanket upstairs. He put the kit at John’s side and stepped around Loki to drape the blanket at the woman’s feet, John would pull it up when he was done so Sherlock clasped a hand to Loki's shoulder in support and quietly headed to the kitchen, two more for dinner then. He let John get on with clearly urgent work.
She had been a cast off like himself, an insult intended to remind Loki of what he was but she was also a true person in Loki's eyes and he had made sure she knew that.
He chuckled to himself because she had learned; she had healed and become his wife but she also grew fiercely independent and though they were wed they saw no need to be in constant company. Loki was pleased with her boldness and proud that she had recovered from her ordeal so excellently.
He could hear her waking, these new chambers were small but suited them with a simplicity that Asgard had never really possessed. It had been a few months since everyone had been called to this new home and the quiet domesticity had been a balm he did not know he’d needed but his heart froze as a loud thump came from the bedchamber.
“Sigyn, my love. Are you well?” He called as he rose then raced through the small house, because he knew the answer. He knew there would no joke to share, of two left feet, or playful mocking of Midgardian shag carpets. His wonderful wife lay pale on the floor as she tried to rouse her body from the collapse.
Loki lifted his wife with quiet words to sooth her distress, there were human healers, a hospital a short way away. He could maintain her illusion for her and hoped they would be able to help as he turned on his heel and stepped through space into a strange room. “My wife, my wife!” He approached a woman standing nearby, her clothes and name tag identified her as a doctor, like Sherlock’s John! “Please aid my wife, she collapsed a few minutes ago, it’s never happened before!”
He lay his very soul on a steel treatment bed and also wept with relief as the room burst into action. They fussed and took readings from all kinds of things that they attached to her arms, fingers, and head. She spoke to them quietly and called to him for answers when she could no longer talk then when once again he was told exhaustion and he nearly screamed, but these were uninformed human doctors. “I’m going to bring her regular doctor, he can consult for you" He gritted out before he threw himself through the doorway of the room, stepping through space once again into 221B Baker street.
“John!” He called this time and Sherlock answered “He’s occupied at the moment Loki, he won’t be long" “Unoccupy him then, my wife has collapsed and these simple Midgard healers know nothing!” Loki was pacing the dingy room when John appeared. “Your wife collapsed, what were her symptoms before it happened” but the end of the sentence was muffled as Loki grabbed John’s shorter frame firmly around the shoulders and stepped through space back to the hospital door he had left from.
“No! Loki, no, I’m not looking at a thing" John adamantly refused as he had been out and out kidnapped from London without even his phone for Sherlock to trace. He could see Sigyn, Loki's wife where she lay resting on a gurney in a pile of blankets. “Just review the tests John and I will return you personally!” “No Loki we discussed this, my phone is at home. Sherlock will be going spare. Trust Loki, there needs to be trust.” Loki almost roared with anger but a quiet coughing sound from the bed drew his gaze, she was laughing weakly at him and shooeing him off with a small gesture.
The regular staff had long since cleared out as the Asgardians had quickly made arrangements with the nearby hospitals, they would be needed until healing rooms could be set up and currency could do anything on Midgard. He returned her small smile and gave John a glare for good measure before he step through space and almost straight into Sherlock, who stood in the lounge in his coat and scarf obviously waiting. Loki had been about to comment on blinding, pig headed loyalty but Sherlock simply flashed a ring shining on his left hand. “I know, he’s lovely isn’t he" Growling at the nonchalant comment Loki quickly confirmed his consent and wrapped an arm around Sherlock's waist before he thrust them both through space to John’s side.
John was smiling by the time they returned and Sigyn seemed more awake too but there were tears in her eyes and he rushed to her side. “What did you do to her!" “I did nothing, what did you do to her” John responded as he turned to lean against Sherlock and whisper in his ear.
John watched the bed from Sherlock's arms. Sigyn held Loki and copied John’s gesture of quiet words in the only ear she would need. He watched as Loki froze and then shook, John heard sobs which turned to laughter as Loki scooped Sigyn off the bed and stepped magically though the entire wall, like it was the illusion, before heading towards the reception area. He heard more laughter and walked beside Sherlock as they followed it at a human pace.
Loki smiled with tears on his face as he thanked the staff, he rejected the offer of a wheel chair, refusing to put his wife down so that she might simply walk. “Regular exercise is important in early pregnancy Loki" John had called to him but this was irrelevant for the moment. “Maybe a taxi rather" Sherlock had suggested which made sense as stepping through space had taken him practice and took effort so there was no way to know its effect on a baby. “Loki, get them home first Love" His beautiful, glowing, miraculous wife had chided gently as he had turned for the door. “We'll wait" Two smiling men had said in almost perfect unison and they did wait, quite patiently until Loki strode out from a different doorway and embraced them both.
Arms lock around chests and shoulders as the three men embraced tightly over the good news. Loki dropped his head to Sherlock’s shoulder and said a quiet thanks in John’s ear. When they left the hug they were back in Baker street. “We will visit as much as we are able. John I hope you’ll remain in attendance of Sigyn's condition" Loki turned to John who looked a bit crescent fallen. “I’m not an obstetrician, a birthing doctor.” “But she would prefer you by her side, even if you’re only consulting. I believe you’re familiar with the practice of consultation” He flicked his gaze to Sherlock who was glowing, and Loki knew that look very well. He had worn it just that morning, pride in his partner, and a fathomless depth of love
@fanishjuli @mofftissfan @sarahthecoat @loveismyrevolution  @riorothbates @underestimatemethatwillbefun @anotherwellkeptsecret @benaddictedandsherlocked @johnlockismyreligion @almosttomorocco @superwholocklmt @strangeps3lyricsmuffin @chinike @sillystring111 @ben-locked @jobooksncoffee @notjustamumj @johnlockunicorn @chained-to-the-mirror @thinkanddoodle-batch @melmey-fanfics @the-persian-slipper @melsesowieso @morgendaemmerung89 @shiplocks-of-love @pri1982 @kitten-kin @francj96 @sabrina-phynn @colourfulwatson @thejohnlockoutlet @lady-phoenix-of-tardis @shoshililly @mrb488 @yaycoffee @pippn-frodo @barbsiebabe @skullinitium @boisinberryjamarama @anchored-in-high-tide
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berrynarrybanana · 4 years
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A/N: What a nice little summer throw back in the dead of winter. I hope this rewrite is as good as the original and that you all enjoy a little bit of pool Harry and some Sarah content as well. I think I originally wrote it out with Lou, but I liked this version with Sarah a little bit better. Anywho! Feel free to leave feedback or comments and I hope you’re having a great day. Love you! 
Warnings: Self-doubt, body image talk...I don’t think there are any others! 
Word Count: 1.9K
You never liked going to the pool.
Even at the mature age of twenty-three, you couldn’t stomach the memories that the chlorine and screaming children conjured up from the depths of your childhood trauma. Memories of girls in your class, who hadn’t developed as quickly as you, teasing you for wearing a one piece instead of a bikini. Teenage boys pointing and laughing at you, tossing names in your direction until you were hiding behind a scratchy cotton towel, hiding in the locker room until your Mom finally came to pick you up after school. You wished that it didn’t bother you still, truly. You wanted nothing more than to put the hurtful words and terrible feelings lingering in your chest behind you so that you could move on like a proper adult.
 But sometimes, you felt like those bullies had only grown up with you. Bullies from the playground and the classroom were long gone, replaced with paparazzi and celebrities who wanted to see you fall from grace. Magazines, news articles, and blog posts replaced teasing taunts with long paragraphs about the cellulite on your legs and the pudge around your stomach. Backhanded compliments and snarky sneers replaced children’s laughter and your closest friends took the role of the supporting teacher telling them to fuck off. 
As you wiped the sunscreen on your skin, watching your thighs jiggle and ripple under your own palm, your boyfriend sent a few droplets of water in your direction from the deep end of the pool. You looked up at him, pushing your borrowed sunglasses down as he squinted back up at you from the crystal blue water of the hotel swimming pool. His tattoos were on full display, the dark ink contrasting beautifully with his pale skin. You were sad to see the natural tone of his wintery skin go as the sun started to turn him red, causing his freckles to become more noticeable. 
“You comin’ in, love?” He asked, taking the green and gold cap off to ruffle the damp curls matted to the top of his head. “It’s nice and cool in here.”
“I’m not ready to come in yet.” You held your hand up as Harry held his cap out, insinuating that he was going to toss it in your direction. You caught it with ease, setting it on top of your pool bag between your sun lounger and Sarah’s. “Go on and have fun with Mitch and the guys. I’m just going to do a bit of sunbathing.”
Harry hauled himself out of the pool before walking over to you. 
He leaned over, pressing a soft kiss to your lips. 
“Alright, then.” He sighed out, pressing his hands to his hips with a cheeky grin. “Did you put on your sunscreen, casper?” 
“You have five seconds to get back in the pool before I push your ass back in.” You grumbled, crossing your arms over your chest as Harry tossed his back with a loud laugh. “Of course I put my sunscreen on.”
“You’re very pretty and I love you very much, my little ghost.” He pressed another kiss to your lips before darting off towards the pool, jumping in with a huge splash. 
Sarah laughed next to you as you rolled my eyes, dropping the aforementioned tube of extra strength sunscreen into your pool bag before situating your glasses on the bridge of your nose. You carefully leaned back against the sun lounger, doing your best to keep your sunhat in place so that your shoulders and face didn’t crisp up. You didn’t care so much about the rest of your body. You figured it could use a bit of sun and vitamin d after a long, cold winter in London. 
Sarah was engrossed in a book that Mitch bought her for Christmas and you were careful not to fidge too much so that she wouldn’t be disturbed during her time of rest and relaxation. It was a little hard not to fidget, though. The hairs on your skin stood up as you lifted your glasses up slightly. Just as you suspected, other patrons of the hotel pool were staring at you, whispering amongst themselves before giggling like little girls. 
Suddenly, you felt vulnerable on your sun lounger as you dropped your sunglasses back to the bridge of your nose. There was a good chance that it was merely a coincidence, and those girls weren’t even talking about you. They might have just looked in your direction after sharing a friendly joke about a boy they liked or a person they used to know. Your mind was often responsible for creating scenarios in your head that made you feel as though the world was against you when it really wasn’t. So you inhaled sharply and tried your best to let it go. 
But your brain had latched onto the idea that you should be uncomfortable in your not-so-revealing one piece. Your fingers twitched and your legs felt awkward against the sunlounger. When you shifted, you heard it squeak underneath you, causing you to let out a frustrated breath. Next, you sat up, suddenly hyper aware that you probably had a double chin when you rested your back against the back of the sunlounger.  
Your entire body felt hot, and you knew that it was more than just the sun causing you to perspire at your hairline. Your heart was beating rapidly against your chest and your breathing was a little heavier due to the anxious and frustrated feelings swirling around inside of you. It irked you, knowing that you were working yourself up instead of relaxing like everyone else. It took you a few moments of deep breathing and a few sips of cold water to calm yourself down.
“Are you alright?” Sarah asked softly, her finger holding her place in her book as she glanced over at you with furrowed brows.”You seem a bit tense, love.” 
“Sorry.” You muttered out, lifting your knees towards your chest as you rested your hot cheek on your knee. “I’m trying to relax, but I just feel like everyone is looking at me.”
“Why do you think that?” She inquired, sitting up as you shrugged. 
“I just feel like a beached whale, you know?” You licked over your bottom lip before turning your gaze to Harry playing around with Jeff and Mitch in the cold water. “Being here is bringing back a lot of unwanted memories from my childhood and it’s crushing any self confidence that I’ve built up over the years. I haven’t been back to a pool since I was fifteen, and I honestly never intended to come back to one.”
“I just want to say that you’re an extremely beautiful woman, Y/N.” Sarah said softly. “You have a really lovely shape, and you should be proud of your body for all it does. You take such good care of it when we’re on the road, and I know that everyone has hard days, but don’t beat yourself up. I promise that everyone is minding their own and enjoying the sun. If anyone has their eyes on you, it’s because they find you absolutely stunning!”
“I’m hiring you as my personal hype woman.” You chuckled, glancing over at Sarah with a bright smile as the weight lifted off of your chest. “That was really sweet of you, Sarah. Thank you so much.”
“I meant every single word.” She said proudly. 
You took another few deep breaths, focusing on the sounds of the water splashing against the side of the pool, and the joyous laughter that filled the air instead of the crushing doubt in your mind. As you settled back against your lounger, you tried to focus on the good things happening in your life instead of the sinking feeling in your chest. You were having a great time on the North American leg of Harry’s tour. He was spoiling you to bits, waking you up every morning with a shower of love and a lavish breakfast ordered from room service. 
He spent every waking moment holding your hand and talking to you as if you were the only person that he shared the earth with. He had always been an amazing boyfriend to you and if there was one thing that could lift your spirits, it was the curly haired boy in the pool less than twenty feet away from you. As you continued to think about how perfect Harry was with a smug smile on your lips, you felt a slight chill on your skin before a few water droplets landed on your legs. You pulled your sunglasses off of your face, squinting up at the shaded figure in front of you. Harry stood with his hands on his hips, his chest heaving as his hair dripped. 
“Looks cozy over here.” He mumbled. “Can I join ya?”
“Course,” You said, scooting your bum over to the edge the best that you could. Harry collapsed down next to you, dropping his arm over your stomach, his head resting on your shoulder and his legs hanging off as he rested on his side. “Did you enjoy your swim, darling?”
“Mhmm.” He hummed softly, turning his nose to brush against your neck, his lips puckering slightly against the warm skin. Your whole side was damp now and his hair was dripping little rivers on your skin, but you didn’t mind. “Are ya enjoyin’ your snooze?”
“It’s not a snooze,” You grumbled, turning your own head to kiss his forehead. “It’s called sunbathing, handsome.”
“You look gorgeous doin’ it, whatever it is,” He smiled, squeezing your side softly. “Like this color on you as well, looks nice.”
“Thank you,” You smiled, your lips still pressed to his forehead along with your nose. The chlorine had wiped away all traces of his cologne and it was a little overbearing, but it was nice to be so close to him regardless. You slipped your arms around him, cuddling him back as you got comfortable. “You smell like chlorine.”
“You smell like the sun and banana boat.” He countered playfully. “I don’t know how much longer I can lay here like this, knowin’ exactly how beautiful you are, and knowin’ exactly how much I want you.”
“Is that so?” 
Harry shifted around, moving his hips closer to your thigh. He pulled your foot between his ankles, tucking your leg between his to make it known that he was growing harder with every second that passed. 
“You look fucking exquisite.” He groaned. “Like a sun goddess.”
“I feel exquisite when you talk to me like that.” You chuckled. “And I feel like I need to turn so the other half of me doesn’t look pale in comparison to the front.”
“You can sunbathe later.” He whined playfully. “Come on, lemme love on you.”
“You can always love on me later and let me sunbathe now.” You suggested with an amused snort. “You can love me all night long if you wish.”
“All night?” He lifted his head up, smirking at you. “S’that a promise, love?”
“It is,” You rolled your eyes. “Now either lay on your own lounge and sunbathe or get in the pool, I need to flip.”
“Alright, then.” He grumbled, still smiling. “Suppose I could use a bit o’ sun anyhow.”
Harry landed a playful smack to your ass when you turned, causing you to laugh loudly and Sarah to groan in playful disgust. As the three of you continued to make casual conversation, you realized that suddenly, you didn’t hate going to the pool so much anymore. 
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babyybitchhhwrites · 4 years
Endeavor x Reader 18+
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Title: Temptation 
Rating:  Explicit/R-18+
Words: 2761
Warnings: phone sex, public masturbation, slight daddy kink
Link: https://archiveofourown.org/works/25758232
A/N: This is not a new fic. I actually wrote it sometime back in 2017 but I never uploaded it outside of Tumblr. I was only recently able to retrieve it from my previously nuked blog so figured I’d go ahead and post it here. : /
Whether because of his age or due to his stubborn ass personality, Enji was not a big fan of texting. He much preferred to make phone calls or, better yet, speak to someone in person. Try as you might to convince him otherwise, it proved to be a hard habit of his to break. Although you couldn’t really blame him for being so stuck in his ways, not when they’d served him so well over the years, you likewise had your own method of getting things done. Texting was your main source of communication these days and you’d long since accepted that he just wasn’t going to get on board with it anytime soon.
Thats why you were so terribly shocked when your phone buzzed and you glanced down at the screen to see a message from the flame hero himself. This was so unlike him and concern that there was some kind of problem washed over you before you could rationalize it as being something mundane. Fearing the worst, you opened the text only to balk incredulously.
Come to my office.
Surreptitiously glancing up at Best Jeanist, you offered the blonde a reassuring smile when he shot you a questioning look. This was so not the time for Enji to start getting demanding.
I can’t right now. I’m out on patrol with my boss. Maybe later?
You waited expectantly for some kind of response, but it was just dead silence on his end. After about three minutes and your text still unread, you slipped your phone into your pocket with every intention of getting back to work. It went off again not even thirty seconds later and you heaved a tired sigh. Once more fishing out your cellphone, you disinterestedly looked over the new message.
I’ve been thinking about you.
Your eyes bulged before you could catch yourself. Suddenly feeling quite flustered, you quickly glanced around to make sure no one was reading over your shoulder before carefully constructing your reply. No one knew about your relationship with Endeavor and it would have been disastrous if it came out like this. It was a PR nightmare just waiting to happen.
Oh ~? I can’t wait for you to tell me all about it! I’ll be done around 5
This time Enji’s reply came much quicker and you couldn’t stop yourself from smiling at the thought that he was starting to get the hang of it.
I want you now. Not later.
Too bad he was using his new found texting skills to get you all hot and bothered while you were at work and your boss was standing not even five feet away.
You were halfway through typing a firm but gentle reminder that you were a pro too and you couldn’t just drop everything to come blow him under his desk when you got another message from him. Blinking in surprise, your eyebrows shot up when you realized that he’d sent you a picture. You didn’t even really give it much thought as you clicked on it, and suddenly your screen was filled with … the front of Enji’s hero costume. The crotch to be exact. And boy, was he hard.
Blushing like a school girl, you hurriedly tapped the picture away. Another text was waiting for you.
See what you do to me?
You gasped for air, swinging your head up to find Best Jeanist approaching you. Panic was quick to set in but, thinking fast, you rushed to say that you were going to use the restroom and without even waiting for a answer, you took off in the opposite direction. It was suspicious. It was incredibly suspicious, your behavior. He’d no doubt ask what that had been all about when you returned and you sure hoped he bought whatever petty excuse you managed to come up with before then.
Halfway down the block, there was a fast food restaurant which is where you decided to slip into. You refused to meet any of the employees eyes as you made a bee line for the bathroom where you promptly locked yourself into one of the stalls. Gripping your phone in a white knuckled grip, you jabbed at the screen rather aggressively and brought it up to your ear. Enji answered on the first ring.
“I’m so glad that you’re finally catching up to this century, but you can’t send me stuff like that when I’m at work!” You snapped, almost immediately regretting your choice in words. You were flustered and anxious though, and your panties suddenly felt uncomfortably damp, so you didn’t even try to take it back.
To your surprise, Enji actually had the decency to fall into stunned silence for a brief moment. Then he growled through the receiver and you could practically see his teeth clamping down on that pouty bottom lip of his. “Watch how you speak to me, woman. I wont warn you again.”
That certainly took some of the bite out of your scathing mood. “Look, I’m sorry but …” You tried to reason with him, noticeably calmer. “I’m on patrol with Best Jeanist right now. You can’t ask me to just drop everything like that.”
“I wasn’t asking.”
You choked in disbelief. “W-wha -”
He cut you off with a vehement huff. “Where are you?”
“In a restaurant. In the bathroom.”
“Good.” You caught the sound of rustling on the other end. “I felt like a damn fool taking that picture. This is much better.”
Your gaze darted to the stall door, still locked. “Enji, I can’t -”
“You will.” A tense puff of air filtered through the line, and you were sure he had his straining cock in his hand now. “I’ll even take you out to dinner tonight instead of just breaking you over my desk. Now be a good girl and start playing with yourself.”
Static electricity shot up your spine, making you shudder. A soft moan escaped your parted lips. Enji didn’t miss it, he never did, and he chuckled in satisfaction. The sound alone made goosebumps erupt across your skin and before you realized what you were doing, your free hand had found your breast. It was small and delicate compared to his massive, callous rough palms, but it was so easy to imagine. So easy to dredge up the most recent memory of how it felt when he fondled your tits. Your nipples responded quickly, pebbling against the inside of your bra, just aching for some real attention.
“This is risky …” You murmured, your voice a little lower. Huskier.
Enji snorted. “Maybe for you.”
You flushed red hot at that, swaying on your feet. He was right. You were the only one doing this out in public where anyone could walk in without warning while he was safe in his office. Your breath hitched even as you rushed to unfasten the top of your costume with one hand. It was a struggle, but with jerky motions you finally managed to free yourself and you yanked your bra down under the swell of your chest.
“E-Enjiiii …” You keened into the phone as you pinched your left nipple. Tugged it, gave it a twist. Nothing could compare to his rough ministrations though.
A pleased hum drifted into your ear, followed by a deliberately slow inhale. “Not like that. You know better.”
You screwed your eyes shut and leaned back against the stall door, groaning. “Daddy!”
“Thats it.”
Enji sounded so self satisfied and you could practically envision him reclining into his highbacked leather chair, spreading his legs wide as he languidly stroked his cock with his hand. Maybe he was alternating between showing the head some special attention, slowly rubbing around the slit at the top, or perhaps he was reaching down to give his heavy balls a nice squeeze. God, there were so many possibilities and somehow not knowing exactly what he was doing made your knees go weak.
“I’ve been thinking about that pretty little mouth of yours all day.” He spoke slowly, almost sensually, truly stoking your fire. “I wanted you to come crawl under my desk and suck me off while I work on this mountain of paperwork. Be my little cock warmer.”  
Your vision started to blur. “I want to, daddy. I want your dick in my mouth so bad. I wish it was you touching my nipples right now.”
He groaned, quietly. “Those perfect little tits of yours. Maybe I should have you squeeze them together so I can fuck them instead of your mouth.”
“Why not both?”
He issued a rumbling chuckle. “Smart girl.”
Your nipple was starting to get sore and tender, so you switched over to teasing the other one. “What else do you want to do to me? Please tell me, daddy.”
Enji made a thoughtful sound, as if he were in no rush to hurry this up. He probably wasn’t, in all honesty. “Well, first I want to take you over my knee and give you a nice, hard spanking for talking to me the way you did earlier. You know I don’t tolerate that kind of behavior.”
“And then?” You were quick to prompt him for more. Eager to hear his gruff voice saying filthy, humiliating things directly into your ear. “After you’re done spanking me?”
“Then I think I’ll play with that pretty pink asshole of yours for a while. You know how much I enjoy that.”
Its true. He was rather fond of fingering you after your behind was blistering red and sore. “I like it too …” You whimpered as you tugged on your nipple a little too hard.
“I know you do.” Enji’s voice dropped an octave, taking on a more carnal lilt. More predatory, hungry. “And I’ll force my fingers down your throat when I’m through. Make you clean up your mess. You’re such a messy girl, you know that?”
“Oh, god.” The words forced their way out of your mouth and you abandoned your chest in favor of fumbling with your pants. “I am, I really am, daddy. I’m so sorry.”
He moaned, clearly enjoying the needy desperation in your voice. “Thats what I’m here for. To keep you in check. Are you touching your clit yet?”
Practically tearing your jeans right off, you crumple them around your ankles and drop into a squat right there inside the stall. “Yes, daddy. I’m so wet, god. I wish you were here. I want you to fuck me in this bathroom so bad.”
“Next time. I promise.” His breath catches in his throat and you knew he was stroking himself faster now. “For the time being, I want you to dip those sweet fingers into your cunt and imagine its me stretching you out. Getting you ready to take me.”
“I’m always ready for you.” You practically sob, sending jittery fingertips skirting across your labia. You pause just long enough to smear your arousal, coating yourself with it, before slipping one digit inside your pussy. Its not nearly enough though and you quickly add another. You clench down on yourself tight. “Oh! God … please! I need you. I need you, daddyyyyy.”
Enji scoffs, sounding quite put out even in the heat of the moment. “Stop that whining. If you would’ve just done as I said, I could be fucking you right now.”
You’re so close to wailing in outright distress. “But -”
“No buts!” He barks at you. You were astounded to hear that familiar heat creeping into his voice even in this situation, when he was in the middle of jerking off at his own desk. “You had your chance. These are the consequences. I trust I don’t need to give you a refresher course on what that means?”
“No …” You pout up at the wall, still a little whiny but notably less so.
“Good. Now,” He pauses. Lets the anticipation hang in the air while you continue to thrust your fingers into your body. “I want you to rub your clit. Hard and fast. Do you understand me? I’ll know if you don’t do exactly what I said.”
Sucking in a haggard gulp of air, you pull out of your cunt and focus instead on that tight cluster of nerves with sharp, quick circles. The delicious friction leaves you openly groaning in the public restroom like you’ve forgotten where you are. The threat of being caught seemed like a distant memory though and it was hard to care about reputations or PR when you just felt so achingly good rubbing one out with Enji over the phone. Somehow the thought had never occurred to you before, so the resulting rush was nearly palpable. You could feel it scorching your veins with its intensity.
“Thats it. Such a good girl.” He sounded incredibly hot and heavy all of a sudden. “Who owns that tight cunt? Who does it belong to?”
“You! You do! Its yours, daddy, all yours!”
“I wonder how soaked your panties will be by the time you get to my office.” Enji somehow manages to sound thoughtful, like he’s working out an equation in his head. “Maybe I should tell you not to put them back on when you’re done. That bastard Best Jeansit will probably be able to smell you from a mile way, regardless.”
Trembling under the force of your quickly mounting orgasm, you strain your legs a little further apart. You just couldn’t seem to put enough pressure on your clit, but it wasn’t for lack of trying. “I - I’m close … I’m so close, daddy …”
“Then do it. Come for me, baby.”
You moaned in response, far louder than you should have, and the pace of your hand reached a frenzied speed. Teetering right on the edge, balancing precariously on your heels in a dirty bathroom, you just needed one little nudge.
Its a deep, low grunt from Enji that finally pushes you over the precipice into oblivion. The guttural sound echoes inside your ears for an eternity while you spasm. Throwing your head back with a strangled scream, you slam against the door so hard that the bolt rattles, and you don’t even have the wherewithal to be concerned about someone hearing you anymore. Not while your gushing pussy is on fire, ineffectually contracting around nothing and all you can do is ride it out to completion.
The orgasm is so intense that it leaves you momentarily shaken. Disoriented. Leaning heavily against the door, you almost drop your phone as you slowly stand up on shaky legs. Your pulse is still excited and jumpy but almost immediately you can feel the blissful high of endorphins swarming your body. You feel almost giddy.
“Wow, that was … actually kind of nice. Did you come too?” You ask, sounding out of it and a little loopy. You were sure to be on cloud nine for the rest of the day.
The answer is so blunt and to the point that at first you’re not so sure you heard him correctly. “What?”
Enji sighs as more shuffling can be heard in the background and you wonder what he’s doing. “I think I’ll save it for later. That rude mouth of yours needs to be filled up with something, doesn’t it? Be here at five on the dot or don’t bother coming at all. Oh, and don’t put your panties back on. Throw them in the trash for all I care.”
And just like that, the line disconnected.
You stood there, stunned and feeling quite foolish with your pants pooling around your ankles. Twenty six minutes according to the call log. That was an awfully long bathroom break. Jeanist would definitely have some questions for you. But before you worry about that …
Smiling mischievously, you pull up your text log with Enji and open the picture again. The sheer girth of his engorged cock was really straining against the synthetic material of his costume, weighing heavy in the tight confines and leaving a rather mouthwatering outline on display. Overall, it left very little to the imagination and you wished you could make it the background on your phone. Sadly, you knew you couldn’t.
You gave his cock one last, longing look. It must have taken quite a bit of willpower for him to edge himself like that if he was this hard at the start, you mused. This certainly pointed towards an extra fun evening awaiting you when you got off work and your pussy tingled with residual excitement.
You saved the photo anyway, confident that you would still find some use for it.
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searchingwardrobes · 4 years
Start of Time: 8/9
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Can you believe this fic is almost over? The slow burn heats up a lot again in this chapter, but by the end, well . . . don’t hate me! *ducks and hides* And have you ever imagined Killian Jones doing the “cha cha slide”? No? Well, now you may not be able to forget it. You’re welcome. And this is the last time I have to say this (yay!), but Emma has amnesia and is going by the name Wendy.
Summary: Killian and his son are driving through a bad snow storm when they find a disoriented woman walking down the road. The question is, how can they help her get home when she has no idea who she is? Written for @teamhook​​ on her birthday.
Rating: T
Trigger warning: Alice Jones appears in this fic and Alice and Henry are both Killian’s adopted children with Milah. Henry isn’t Emma’s. Positive past Millian. No Neal.
Words: about 3,500 in this chapter
Also on Ao3
Tagging the usuals: @snowbellewells​​ @kmomof4​​@jennjenn615​​ @kday426​​ @let-it-raines​​ @bethacaciakay​​ @profdanglaisstuff​​ @resident-of-storybrooke​​ @thislassishooked​​ @tiganasummertree​​​@whimsicallyenchantedrose​​ @snidgetsafan​​​ @delirious-latenight-laughs​​​ @winterbaby89​​​ @distant-rose​@shireness-says​​​ @xhookswenchx​​​ @optomisticgirl​​​ @spartanguard​​​ @branlovestowrite​​​ @welllpthisishappening​​​ @stahlop​​​ @hollyethecurious​​ @ekr032-blog-blog​​ @scientificapricot​​ @wellhellotragic​​ @vvbooklady1256​​ @sherlockianwhovian​​ @superchocovian​​ @nikkiemms​​ @lfh1226-linda​​  @ultraluckycatnd​​ @ohmakemeahercules​​
Louder than the screams you hear; it’s like the sun came out.
“How do I look?”
Wendy spun around from where she was tying the blue ribbon into Alice’s blonde hair. Her throat went dry when she saw Killian standing before her in leather pants of all things. It was topped with a billowy black shirt and a red leather vest. He had his arms out at his sides, his brows arched.
Alice burst out laughing, and Killian’s face fell. Wendy bit her lip as she struggled not to laugh as well. His expression was just so crestfallen.
“Um. I thought you were supposed to be a pirate, not a rock star,” she finally told him.
His expression turned playful at her words, and a smirk played upon his lips as he sauntered towards her. “Well, love, I warned you I wasn’t going to be caught dead in a feathered cap and a permed wig.”
“I see,” Wendy replied, struggling to breathe at his close proximity. He’d left an awful lot of his buttons undone.
“And I’m wearing the hook you ladies bought for me,” he added, waving the plastic appendage before her face.
Wendy took a slightly wobbly step back. “Well, now that I see the full affect . . . it’s definitely more Johnny Depp than Captain Hook, but it’ll work.”
He made a dramatic bow and offered her his hand. “M’lady.”
“Daddy,” Alice giggled, “she’s s’posed to be afraid of you.”
“Oh no,” Killian argued, “the novel specifically says that Hook charmed Wendy.”
When he lifted her hand to his lips to press a kiss there, Wendy wasn’t thinking of the book at all. She was thinking that this Wendy was certainly charmed by this Hook.
“Well?” he prompted again with an arch of one brow.
She shrugged her shoulders and said coyly, “I suppose it will do.”
“You, on the other hand,” he told her, spreading her arms wide to take in the long, satin nightgown that hugged her curves, “are lovely.”
“I think the costume has gone to your dad’s head,” Wendy told Alice.
“I’m not flattering, love, it’s absolutely true.”
Wendy tilted her head, her cheeks blushing. Her curled ponytail bounced against her shoulder, and Killian reached out to twirl it around his fingers. Henry’s voice caused them to jump apart.
“Are the girls ready yet?” the boy whined.
“Yes,” Alice retorted saucily.
“Then let’s go.”
“Not yet,” said Wendy, snatching up the pile of makeup she and Alice had bought at the drugstore. She turned to Killian. “I have to do one more thing for your dad.”
“Is this really necessary,” Killian grumbled.
“Yes. It completes the look.” Wendy grasped his chin in her hand and forced him to be still. She leaned closer with the eyeliner held steady in her other hand. Killian leaned away.
“You’re going to poke my eye out!”
“Don’t be such a baby! If you’d be still, I could do it. Now widen your eyes and look up.”
Killian tilted his head up, and Wendy yanked on his chin again.
“Just move your eyes, not your whole head.”
“Well, I’ve never worn makeup before, believe it or not.” He obeyed anyway.
Wendy narrowed her eyes as she carefully swiped the eyeliner across his upper lids. To do the lower ones, she had to cup his head and stretch the skin around his eyes with her thumb.
“There,” she breathed when she was done. She was so intent on examining her handiwork, that she kept her thumb resting against the top of his cheek, the rest of her fingers threaded into his hair.
“How does it look?”
She realized how close they were when his words came out hot against her skin. Her
gaze focused on the blue of his eyes instead of the eyeliner, and every thought fled her brain. Her hand stroked his cheek, and her thumb traced the scar below his right eye. They both moved closer, their noses brushing, and Killian sighed deeply as his eyes fluttered closed.
“We shouldn’t -”
“I know.”
“You could be married.”
“I’m not wearing a ring.”
“A boyfriend then.”
“I don’t care.”
A groan reverberated in the back of his throat as her lips brushed against his, and his fingers dug into her hip. She couldn’t tell who was trembling from the exquisite torture: her or Killian.
“Dad!” Henry’s irritated shout from downstairs made them leap apart. “What’s taking so long?”
Killian loosened his grip on Wendy and let his forehead collapse against hers. “Coming,” he called back, irritation lacing his voice.
Wendy couldn’t help it - she started to laugh. It came out as an inelegant snort and she dropped her head to Killian’s shoulder, partly from embarrassment, and partly because the laughter seemed to have taken over and she just couldn’t stop. Killian started to laugh too, and his fingers found their way back to her waist. He tried to grasp her with both hands, but the plastic hook impeded him.
“Stupid hook,” he muttered, and for some reason that made Wendy laugh even harder.
“Seriously, Dad!” Henry shouted again. “What are you two doing up there?”
The boy only succeeded in making the two adults in the guest bath fall into complete hysterics. Wendy rolled her eyes, and yanked Killian away from the sink by the lapel of his leather jacket. They came down the stairs, still laughing, and the kids looked at them in confusion.
“What’s so funny?”
“Nothing,” they said at the exact same time, and started laughing all over again.
“Grown ups,” Alice groaned with a shake of her head.
The Storybrooke Town Hall was decorated in an explosion of pink and red crepe paper, glitter, hearts, and cupids. Henry rolled his eyes while Alice bounced in excitement.
“Oh my goodness, you all look adorable!”
Killian and Wendy turned around to find themselves face to face with Snow White and Prince Charming. Wendy blinked and shook her head at how perfectly suited Mary Margaret was to the roll with her flawless skin. She had a red ribbon tied in her dark hair and wore an exquisite dress exactly like the one in the movie.
“And you look amazing!” Wendy exclaimed, giving her friend a hug. “I’m sorry, Alice, but your dad and I might not be able to compete with these two.”
“Is that a real sword, David?” Henry asked.
David grinned as he pulled it from its scabbard. “Afraid not, it’s just plastic.”
“Why didn’t I get a sword?” Killian asked, giving first his daughter and then Emma an exaggerated pout.
“Pirates carry a cutlass,” Alice informed him primly, “and we didn’t have enough in the budget for a hook and a cutlass.”
“How old are you again?” Killian teased, tipping his daughter’s chin. “Thirty-five?”
Alice giggled, and Killian bopped her on the nose.
“Well, I’m manning the photo booth, and the four of you have to get yours made,” Mary Margaret told them motioning for them to follow her to the opposite wall where someone had hung a large white sheet for a backdrop. “Everyone who wants to enter the costume contest has to be photographed anyway for the judges.”
Killian shrugged at Wendy. “Is that okay?”
“Sure, why not?”
“You have to,” Alice insisted, “or you can’t win the prize.”
Wendy felt a little awkward standing with Killian and his kids like they were having a family portrait made, but she followed Mary Margaret dutifully to the x marked with tape on the floor. Several of the small town’s citizens eyed them as they walked past, some of them whispering, and Wendy felt her face grow hot under their scrutiny. Then Alice threw her skinny arms around her waist, Killian slung his arm around her shoulder, Henry leaned in, and Wendy let herself get lost in the fantasy that this really was her life.
“Say cupid!” Mary Margaret told them, and they repeated the word with wide smiles. The flash went off, and a sharp pain sliced across Wendy’s eyes. She stumbled backwards, and held her forehead as what felt like a thousand flashbulbs went off behind her closed eyes. She was remembering something, she was sure of it, but all she could grasp were voices.
“Over here! Look this way! Smile, look sexy, that’s it!”
Wendy shook her head, trying to rid herself of the voices. She remembered them making her feel exposed, insecure, and pressured . . . pressured for what? Pressured to be . . . to be . . . . they wanted her to be something, but she couldn’t remember what.
“Wendy,” Killian said gently, rubbing his hands soothingly up and down her arms. “Are you okay? Is it another headache?”
“Yeah,” she blinked, and the bright flashes faded away. The voices were muffled, and anything she was trying to remember dissipated like fog. “I . . . almost remembered something.”
“Okay. Was it good? Did it help?”
Wendy shook her head in frustration. “No, it didn’t make any sense.”
“It’s okay,” he soothed her, “don’t try and push it. It’ll come when you’re ready. Don’t try to force it.”
“Come sit down,” Mary Margaret told her, ushering her behind the photo booth table. David pulled out a chair for her and handed her a bottle of water. Wendy pressed it to her pounding temple.
“Thank you,” she told them all.
“Are you okay?” Henry asked worriedly. Alice picked up her hand and patted it the way she did her favorite white rabbit.
Wendy smiled up at the kids and squeezed Alice’s hand. “I’m fine, really. Why don’t you two go get some food?”
The kids looked up at their dad, and Killian nodded his approval. After they had scurried off, he kneeled next to Wendy and took the hand Alice had relinquished.
“How about you? Are you hungry?”
Killian looked so worried, that even though she wasn’t, she nodded. “I wouldn’t say no to one of those cupcakes I saw over there.”
She gave him a wobbly smile, and he gave her a hesitant one in return. He lifted her hand to his lips and kissed it before dashing off. He seemed to do it without thinking, but Wendy felt a tingle go down her arm at the simple gesture.
“You know, David, I could use a cupcake myself.” Mary Margaret told her husband.
David’s brow furrowed. “Really? Because I thought -”
“Don’t think, David, just get me a cupcake,” Mary Margaret cut him off with an arch of her brows.
“Ohh, right. I’ll, uh - be right back.”
Wendy laughed as he headed for the refreshment table and glanced up at Mary Margaret. “Real smooth.”
Mary Margaret shrugged. “Men are so dense sometimes.” She pulled a chair close to Wendy and sat down, taking both of Wendy’s hands in hers. “Do you want to talk about it?”
Wendy chewed on her lower lip. “There isn’t really anything to tell. Just like everything else, it’s so little, just bits and pieces. None of it makes sense.”
“How is your head now?”
“Okay, well, drink the water anyway. It can’t hurt to hydrate.”
“Yes mom,” Wendy teased with a smile before taking a drink.
When Killian got back, he insisted that Wendy not only eat her cupcake but also a small plate of cheese and crackers before he was satisfied that she was fine. He stayed right by her side, even though Wendy noticed several single women eying him with jealousy. He could be dancing with any number of them, but instead he was waiting to make sure her headache was gone.
Alice was on the dance floor with a group of girls from her school, and Wendy and Killian laughed at their silly antics. They also watched with fondness when Henry shyly shuffled up to a dark haired girl from his class.
“That’s Violet,” Killian informed her, “you met her at one of the farms I took you to.”
“Oh, I remember. She seems like a sweet girl.”
“She is, and Henry’s had a bit of a crush since school started,” Killian leaned closer and whispered in her ear, “but I don’t think I’m supposed to know about it.”
Henry didn’t ask the girl to dance, but he did pull his cell phone and some ear buds out of his pocket and say something to her. Violet nodded shyly, taking one of the ear buds and sticking it in her ear.
“Aw, they’re listening to a song together,” Wendy said, poking Killian in the side.
“Why? The DJs already playing music. Why the bloody hell didn’t he ask her to dance?”
“Oh come on, don’t sound like an old man. It’s sweet.”
Alice popped up seemingly out of nowhere with a huge grin on her face. “Did you hear the DJ? They’re about to do the cha-cha slide. You’ve got to come out here and do it!”
Alice grabbed both of their hands and pulled. Killian’s face immediately turned red.
“I don’t think that dance is really my style . . . “
“Oh come on,” Wendy teased, “the song tells you exactly what to do, Jones.”
“Please Daddy, please?”
“Well, I can never say no to that.”
Wendy and Killian followed the little girl onto the dance floor and lined up with other members of the town. The song started up, and the crowd cheered. “Everybody clap your hands!”
“Well, I can handle this, I guess,” Killian quipped, and Wendy laughed.
“To the left, take it back now, ya’ll.”
The crowd on the dance floor followed the song’s instructions, and Killian kept laughing as he looked over at Wendy. Alice cheered her father on, which was adorable.
“Hands on your knees, hands on your knees. Get funky with it!”
“Um, why is this so awkward?” Killian muttered.
“Probably because of those tight pants,” Wendy laughed.
“Come on, cha cha now ya’ll.”
“You girls have much better moves than I do.”
“Of course we do, Daddy!” Alice giggled.
“Wow, what a vote of confidence,” Killian said dryly.
Wendy’s cheeks ached from laughing so hard by the time the dance was over. The crowd cheered. Killian wiped his forehead in an exaggerated fashion.
“Come on, old man,” Wendy teased, “you not jiggy with it?”
Killian’s eyebrows rose to his hairline. “Now who sounds old?”
“I have amnesia.”
“Oh, that’s your excuse.”
“Okay, all you lovers out there,” the DJ announced, “this one’s for you.”
The musical intro of a slow song began to play, and Killian turned to Wendy with a tender smile and an outstretched hand. “May I have this dance?”
“Ew gross,” Alice announced with a wrinkled nose, “I’m gonna go get another cupcake.”
Wendy laughed as she took Killian’s hand. He pulled her close and placed his plastic hook at her waist. They started to sway to the music.
“This hook makes slow dancing a little awkward. I’d much rather feel something with my left hand -” he stuttered to a stop, his face turning bright red. “I mean, I didn’t - that . . . I didn’t mean that the way it sounded.”
Wendy laughed and shook her head. “I know what you meant.”
Wendy tilted her head as she took in his pink tinged cheeks. She relinquished his hand and rested hers on his shoulder, then she slid both arms around his neck. Killian’s other hand fell to her waist.
“Is this better?” she asked.
“Much better.”
They both fell silent as the words to the song washed over them. “There’s a ghost upon the moor tonight. Now it’s in our house. When you walked into the room just then, it’s like the sun came out.”
Wendy couldn’t seem to look away from the deep pools of his blue eyes, and Killian’s arms wrapped tighter around her. His face bent closer, inch by agonizing inch, until their noses were brushing and their breaths mingled. The music around them swelled in intensity.
“And the day is clear. My voice is just a whisper louder than the screams you hear. It’s
like the sun came out.”
“Killian,” she whispered, her voice breaking as her eyes fluttered closed. His lips brushed hesitantly over hers, and she melted against him.
“Emma, thank God we found you!”
Wendy’s head spun with confusion, as one moment she was awaiting Killian’s lips being pressed against hers, and the next a no-nonsense brunette was pulling her away from him. The woman narrowed her eyes as she clasped Wendy by both elbows and gave her a tiny shake.
“Emma, it’s me, Regina.”
“Emma!” another voice cried out, and before Wendy could process anything else, a man
was crushing her to him in an embrace.
“Wait,” Killian spoke up, “who the hell are you?”
“I’m her fiance,” the sandy-haired man snapped, “the better question is who are you?”
“She doesn’t have a ring.”
Wendy, still confused, looked down at her bare ring finger. “I don’t have a ring.” All around them, there were whispers from the other townspeople. The music still played, but no one was dancing anymore.
“Well, we hadn’t gotten around to that part yet,” the man - her fiance? - grumbled.
Wendy looked dazedly up at Killian. Mary Margaret and David were just behind him. Alice had come up and put her arms around him. Henry was on his other side.
“My . . . my name is Emma. Emma Swan.”
Killian searched her face as his lips ticked up just a bit in one corner. “Swan. Emma Swan.”
“Yes, Emma Swan,” the brunette snapped, “we’ve established that’s her name, and I’m Regina Mills, her agent. Emma, we’ve got to get you back to New York. This solo album won’t happen if you don’t get back to the studio. Not to mention the interviews I’ve got lined up.”
Killian blinked rapidly. “Agent? Solo album?”
“That’s right. She’s Emma Swan, singer and rhythm guitarist for the band Wendy Sewed it On.” It was Zelena, smirking behind Regina Mills, with Sheriff Graham at her side. She shoved a magazine in Killian’s face. Killian scanned it, then looked up in shock at Emma.
“Violet said she thought you looked familiar,” he said softly.
“We found your car Ms. Swan,” Sheriff Graham spoke up, “it’s totalled, but we have your luggage, your purse, and your phone down at the station.
“So come on, Emma,” Regina insisted.
“Let’s go home Emma,” Walsh said slowly to her, as if she were a child.
Emma shook her head and backed away from both of them. “Wait - just a minute. I . . . I have to say goodbye.”
Tears gathered in her eyes as she turned to Killian and the kids. She smiled as she reached for Killian’s hand. It still held the magazine, but he let it flutter to the floor when she took his hand.
“This is my life I guess,” she told him.
He searched her face, lines furrowing his brow. “You remember?”
A single tear slipped down her face, but she forced nonchalance as she half-shrugged. “I remember my name finally. I guess the rest will come.”
He glanced hesitantly over her shoulder at Regina and Walsh, then he leaned closer and lowered his voice. “You know you’re welcome to stay with us as long as you need to.”
“Don’t go!” Alice cried out, flinging herself at Emma and wrapping her arms around her waist. Emma bent down and kissed the top of the girl’s head.
“I’ll miss you all, and you’ve been so kind to me, but . . . maybe if I go home, I’ll remember my life. I have to try.”
Killian’s shoulders sagged as he nodded slowly. “I understand.” He stepped closer and cupped her cheek. “Your heart’s desire - that’s all I want for you.”
Emma reached up and clasped his hand in hers, then reached forward and brushed a
chaste kiss to his cheek.
“I’ll think about you,” Emma choked, “all of you, everyday.”
Killian forced a smile, tears welling up in his blue eyes. “Good.” Then he forced a wink, and Emma choked on a half sob, half laugh.
“Goodbye,” she whispered, then let Regina and Walsh - who still felt like strangers - usher her quickly from the room.
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iam-kenough · 4 years
Will you ever notice me? (Arthur Morgan x Original Female Character)
Summary:  Dutch and his boys found a girl hidden inside wrecked shack near their camp. She introduces herself as Iris and starts leading outlaw life with Van der Linde gang, quickly developing feelings towards one, special cowboy. However there is big year gap between them and Arthur sees Iris just as a kid...And girl won’t take that!
Authors notes: I updated two chapters today and I hope few of those who read this story will be happy! It’s just another chapter and you can find the rest of them following masterlist on my blog if you  want to read more of my  fanfiction. Hope you gonna enjoy it! Words count:2921 Chapter 13 Arthur Morgan wasn't leading the best life. It was full of danger, stress and runaways. Man did many things wrong, not looking after Eliza and Isaac to start with,  not learning a lesson to not fuck with young girls as it will ruin their life. And there was Arthur, clinging onto memory of his last fallout with Iris. It was something horrible, something that dragged him down for couple days now. Arthur really wanted to talk with Iris but every time he saw her alone, he couldn't. He had lump in his throat just by looking at girl and when was just sure about what he's gonna say, he forgot all the words. But maybe there were none? Maybe he fucked up another thing that was important to him and he had to cope with it? And finally, maybe it will be easier to shut her out?
She was sitting on the grass and washing up clothes, her hair falling onto her beauitful face. Arthur was worried that broken nose is gonna change her appearance but it was the same, it healed well and quickly as she had vigor in herself. Arthur started sketching Iris, hiding away from her gaze so he could memorize every of her feautures without being noticed.
She's leaving, he overheard, now for sure. The night after John's wedding she's gonna be long gone, moving to some big city. She's leaving even if only to became a waitress instead of robbing people and to live on her own.
All ideas he had were terrible. Arthur was thinking about stealing her money so Iris won't be able to leave so soon but he wanted her to stay and love him, not just make her life more miserable. He noticed piece of his own face reflecting in the mirror that he usually used for shaving and he felt disgusted with himself, putting object face down. Arthur overheard her sobbing in a tent one night and that was it. Do or die - Arthur said to himself, because if he's gonna leave her like that in this very moment, he's gonna become even worse cold motherfucker.
Cowboy peeked inside between two flaps and found Iris lying on the bed, makeup running down her cheeks, visibly drunk. She haven't notice him at first. She was holding a letter and one of he's shirts, cuddling with it.
- Can I come in? - he felt like an idiot even for asking that, knowing the answer. But there was still a blink of hope, right? Iris looked stuttered and embarassed when she noticed his presence but then her features softened. She was drinking again, but it was different. Iris got sentimental today rather than furious or playful and Arthur knew the feeling, he was getting like this too whe he had too much.
Arthur rested on the cot, near to her feet. Without any thinking he started carresing Iris's leg. - I'm okay, not need to pity me - she murmured after a while, wiping tears away, turning face into opposite direction from Arthur's gaze.
- You don't look like ''okay''. I feel like I can help even to pay for small piece of my faults...?
She was starving for his touch, that's why she straightened her legs so he would be more comfortable to reach them. They remained like this in another moment of silence, Arthurs fingers tickling girl's skin.
- Is that my shirt? - he asked, not getting the point of having it.
- Yes, I stole it from your tent last week. Yes, it might be creepy. But...I don't care what you think about me anymore - Iris mumbled.
- I ain't gettin' it, girl, it's just dirty shirt of mine - Arthur shaked his head, eyes widening.
- It's the closest thing to hugging you when I am drunk enough to fool myself it's you lying next to me. Helps me sleepin' too. Arthur rarely felt like falling apart to cry, but this was this moment. After all of that he was still in her heart and she associated him with safety. He decided he's gonna take a bit of luck and he aproached her slowly, takin' her into bear hug. Iris's hands curled around his chest in no time. Arthur was rocking her a little, stroking her hair and small of her back. Iris couldn't fight anymore, even she didn't have enough pride to push Arthur away and shut him out. Cpwboy was needed right now.
- What did I do to deserve it? - she whispered, her voice sad - I will do that again just to have you over even one more time in the future if you'd share this secret...  
- You don't have to to do anythin'. I am the problem here, honey, not you - Arthur's voice was soothing as he planted kiss ontop of Iris's head.
- Arthur, I became homeless today - Iris suddenty changed topic, passing him a piece of paper. It was a poster with her face on it. "Iris Rhiannon/ from Van Der Linde Gang/ Wanted dead or alive/ 2000$".
- That means I have to take all money I saved and probably sell everything I own - girl said as noticed Arthur familiarised himself with poster -  That thing I pulled out with the train couldn't work out without slapping me back. I should've know better.
- Iris, listen - Arthur cut in suddenly, maybe it wasn't the nicest but he didn't care, it was intentions that mattered now - I can help you.
- I'm not pregnant with your child anymore so there's no reason for you looking after me, Arthur. I'm gonna be fine... somehow - Iris hesistated like she tried to convince himself, not Morgan.
- You gonna be fine? Ah, goddamn, woman, don't try to be proud when you obviously need me! You can't even leave the camp now! - Arthur shaked his head, speaking impatiently but she backed off, visibly scared.
- Why did you come here yelling at me, I don't need you! - she pushed him away
- Jesus, I'm sorry - man lowered his tone right away  -  I just ain't gonna let it happen, money means nothin' to me now, okay? Let me save you - he demanded, cupping Iris's small hand with his bigger one.
Iris suddenly gave in and nodded,  blushing briefly. Even if she wasn't thinking about accepting offer for real it was heartwarming and flattering that he tried to fight. Arthur decided he's gonna drink with her tonight, unless none of these words will come out. Man wasn't used to showing weakness, he'd rather be dominant asshole. So he took big gulp from the bottle, preparing for being more tender.
- If the bounty hunters are gonna come for you they won't simply kill you, they gonna take you to town and I'm gonna watch you hang, you know that? That's why I will help you and that's it. - he was giving her this fatherly speech, with low, demanding voice.
- Only if it'll make you feel better - Iris shrugged, tucking strand of  hair behind her ear.
- It's not about me, Darlin' - he caressed girl's head, playing with one of locks - I will probably never gonna pay you back for my deeds so that's good start for me to be a better man, for you.
Iris took a place with her back against tent's wall and started looking at her nails with embarrassment. Her fantasies weren't going so far when she expected to see him, so now it was akward to sit next to him as all of those words didn't seem honest or true.
- Don't overthink it, even if it's gonna be only for now, 'kay?
- I guess you're right. If you are here, we could use this time better. They drank together that night and cuddled like they had no worries. Arthur was telling Iris stories about the craziest things he did with the gang so far, and she giggled, admiring he's composed face when he tried to collect thoughts to describe everything in best way. It seemed almost like they never argued, like man never hurt Iris so badly...like they were a real couple.
- That's why I don't like to see you risking your life. I was to close to dying stupid death many times in my life - Arthur said finally, eyes softing at sight of Iris's face.
- I kind of like it - Iris exclaimed and then she noticed how close to each other they were, their noses millimeters apart - I mean, the adrenaline rush - she finished slowly, looking at Arthur's lips.
Suddenly Arthur realized that if they would kiss he wouldn't mind. He smiled with charming manner and caressed Iris's arm, inhaling her scent floating in the air. She always smelled like honey and flowers.
Then their lips met, both surprised with reaction of opposite side. Arthur and Iris was kissing like they were starving and this act were supposed to feed them. Arthur started to purr like a cat, parting girls lips with his tongue, tangling  fingers into her hair. Iris climbed on his lap right away, Arthur's hips between her tights as she was facing him and she deepened the kiss. They both started to sweat and their hands were running all around each other's bodies. Iris was trembling, melting away Arthur's body, playing with buttons of his shirt and with his suspenders. She moaned against his lips. It was hot, too hot and Arthur decided it has to stop or someone is gonna feel guilty in the morning.
- Iris, baby, we can't do that - he catched breath and tried to calm himself, ignoring her proximity and the fact he was horny as hell.
- Why? - girl asked, her face going sad and in pain in not time - I want you now...
- You just think you want me and I have one rule, I don't have sex when one of the sides is too drunk to decide about it properly - he explained, trying to look away from her cleavage right in front his eyes.  
- What a gentelman you are - Iris said, backing off and resting on the edge of bed. Her back was facing Arthur right now. Girl was trying to collect her thoughts, surprised with an outcome of their actions but in very bad way. Like she was opening a present and there was nothing inside the box.
- I just don't want to use you, and-
- Just cut it. You don't want me and that's it - she shrugged, eyes pierced into the floor - but of course you don't.
- Oh - Arthur murmured to her ear, his warm breath ticklish- I want you more than ever, you can clearly see what you can do to me...
- If it was true you wouldn't stop. But it's all calculated, eh? Your feelings even don't behave like ones. You are... the coldest person I know.
- I would never turn you down, you know that - he started caressing her back with his lips, it gave Iris this weird sensation in her stomach.
- At morning when I saw my poster I thought I hit my rock bottom, but no. I did it right now - she giggled but there was nothing happy to it- I'm not even good enough for one night stand. I never expected being this low that man I consider as handsome doesn't even want to use me, hiding behind explanations. Guess life is full of surprises for me.
- How can you be like this? You want me to use you?! - Arthur was shoked and maybe even offened by the was Iris was thinking.
- I just thought for a moment it's somehow normal again. It felt normal, being like this with you. Don't bother yourself with any more explanations, please - Iris quickly wiped away her tears so he wouldn't see them - Goodnight, Arthur.
- Let me stay with you, please? - Arthur said with hope in the last word.
- If that's what you need - sgirl shaked her head with disappointment. Normally she would just chug on the bottle and fall asleep drunk but she just simply rested on the bed and curled up with his shirt. Arthur was unbelievable.
- I think that's what you need, eh, girl?
- I don't know anymore - she shrugged - But yea, stay. You are more than welcome.
Iris looked at him as he undressed to his union suit and she saw his chest peeking from between the buttons. She blushed and looked away. Arthur's skin was nicely tanned, soft and peppered with hair. Arthur run fingers through his hair and yawned. He looked incredible adorable when he was sleepy, 'cause it was one of those moments he fully let down his guard. She started feeling guilt, she had no right to have him and he was right turning her down. Iris suddenly appreciated the fact he lost enough time to figure out something smart and nice to tell her instead of that he's simply not interested in her anymore. Girl wouldn't sure if she would keep herself together if it were the words he would use. Real gentelman like Arthur wasn't meant for insufferable brat like her.
- What're you thinking about? - Arthur rested behind her back and closed the distance between them, Iris felt like wave of warmth is going through her body.
- Nothin' - she lied briefly - I guess... I'm too drunk to think. That's why I do that in the first place, I mean, drinking.
He hummed with aproval, burrying his face in crook of Iris's neck
- Wanna sleep already? This was a really long day for you.
It wasn't only guilt now, this feeling quickly mixed up with shame and realisation. They were lying in her bed, wearing only their undergarments and even in this very moment, he just cuddled her instead of tearing her apart like lover would do. Iris was no woman for him. Few minutes passed before brunette interrupted this tense silence.
- How are you feeling, Arthur? I mean, any coughing lately?
-...no. Surprisingly - he opened his eyes with realisation. He wasn't in pain anymore but lately so many things happened he couldn't even think about being sick. Untill now.
- Guess I did good. Feeding you with all those weird herbs back then - she stopped and collected her thoughts - I know you got TB. Or had it, as I see now, thanks to book you bought me for birthday.
Arthur got up quickly, his eyes full of questions. Like she just dropped the bomb.
- When you got back from being O'Driscolls hostage and I was taking care of you I noticed that you spit blood while you cough. I had to do something - she was playing with buttons of Arthur's shirt, the one she still cuddled instead of turning around to face him - Just wasn't sure it would work, so I observed you without letting you false hopes. But today I lie next to you and listen to your breath knowing I did good.
- You cured my tuberculosis?! H-how? I've been told I'm gonna die soon, so-
- And even with this thought you wouldn't have me tonight to be real gentelman, how sweet of you - she smirked and got up, grabbing bottle of booze from the floor - Goodnight, Arthur. Hope it's last time we see each other like this.
- Where are you going, eh? - Arthur got up and catched her arm, squeezing it. She hissed.
- Away from you, that's where. Everything you do is pushing me away and pulling me back when you have no one else to go, but...- she looked up into his eyes, those eyes devil would be proud to have and smiled sadly - I guess I can't do that anymore. Even if it means breaking up forever with you.
- What are you talking about, you can't just do that, you need my help! - Arthur spreaded his arms in gesture of disbelief.
- So give me it if it's really meaningless for you to pay two thousand dollars for my head. And then fuck off. But you wouldn't do that, will ya? You don't want to help me, you want to buy me so I'll keep meeting with you on those pathetic terms like nothing ever happened.
- What did I do now to deserve this? I am no saint but I came here today to help and all I get is this angry face of yours - Arthur's tone was showing visible irritation. Iris was the only person who could put him from peace to boiling anger in few seconds.
- Guess people don't work like that, Mr Morgan - Iris looked aside with unsure expression, like she was afraid to look at his face and see something in there - I still remember everything, despite fact loving you and... there will be a time for me I will have to run and don't look back. Not even after you.
- You still want to move? Even now? You are crazy, probably half of people around are waiting to catch you! - he gestured towards tent's entrace.
- So let them try, there is nothing much left of me anyway. You say I'm crazy pulling out stunts like I was a cat with 7 lifes behind my belt but no, I am doing that because I have only one and it's shitty as hell. Drink to that, Mr Morgan!
And with those words she left Arthur speechless, as he was looking after her silhuette fading away into the warm night. 
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slashingdisneypasta · 4 years
Can i get a hoyt x reader smut pls...(this message was brought to u by an awkward ass person)
This is what the Hoyt x Wife!Reader on my other blog was supposed to be but at that point I was still felt iffy about writing smut but as I have unlocked it now, we can do this ^^ I hope you like it! 
Warnings: Super smutty, guys. Angry sex, course language (Terrible language). Also, this is Hoyt so he will say some horrible things. Suggested rape, etc. Not fluffy
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Smut under the cut of course. 
You know what? I think, weeks after the transformation. I’ve tried everything to get this man’s attention back from himself, and I’m his wife, so it shouldn’t be so hard.
But the only times he looks at me, pays me any mind, is when he’s pissed or he’s playing boss. And I just want him to look at me like Charlie, like my husband.
So, fine, Hoyt. We’ll do it your way.
By making you really, really mad. Then you’ll look at me, wont you?
It’s been weeks since my husband went missing. And in his place was left a sorry, evil pantomime in uniform called Sheriff Hoyt.
God, he thinks he’s cool in that uniform. Even though the hat looks goofy as hell, and gives him hat hair. Anger stirs in my chest just thinking about my dilemma. I can’t get through to the dumbass bastard wearing Charlies tattoo’s and sleeping in his bed. My bed. Glancing spitefully at him across from me at the dinner table, I consider kicking him like I did, ‘accidentally’ in the middle of the night last night. He was deeply asleep, snoring and dreaming and I found it wholly unfair that he got to rest like that and I was still up, confined by myself to the left side of the bed away from him, and had just done it. Totally bitterly, but it felt good.
Luckily, he believed me when I said I had had a nightmare and sleep kicked, but alas. I don’t think that excuse will work here.  
I’m just, immaturely wondering how I can aim a piece of lettuce at his face and blame it on arthritis when Luda Mae starts up a conversation for the table, successfully causing me too look up her instead of darkly at my fork. I must have really been looking darkly at my fork, too, because Luda Mae looks pointedly at me as if she knows what I was thinking and Monty, beside me subtly shakes his head at me. I look at Thomas and Hoyt, next, and luckily neither of them were paying much attention.
Sighing in defeat, I turn my attention to the conversation, turning my knees slightly to face Luda Mae and Monty. “I don’t really have plans tomorrow, thanks! Monty and I were thinking about chess, since its been a while, but… “I shrug, looking pleasantly at her and trying to ignore the fiery fury still beating in my chest.
The effort becomes redundant when Hoyt speaks up and I can no longer keep it at bay. “Well, you won’t be doing that.” I watch him chew for a moment, feeling my rage levels rise dangerously high seeing him not even lift his head when he’s trying to control me. This is 2003, Sheriff! Not the freaken middle ages, I don’t obey you!
“Actually, yes.” I spit, venomously, looking straight at his forehead and just daring him to look up back at me. I drop my fork with a clatter, and get half the way out of my seat, alerting Thomas that something out of the ordinary is happening. “We will be. In fact, Uncle Monty, let’s go play right now- “
He raises his head to dare an connect eye contact with me. “What the hell do you think you’re doing?? Sit back down, we’re eating a fucking dinner.”
“I’m not hungry anymore.” I revel in the furious way he looks at me. It’s better than being ignored, anyway. I may have gone insane, but it feels really good to make ‘Sheriff Hoyt’ feel that way. I get the rest of the way out of my seat and nod with a smile to Luda Mae. “Thanks for dinner, Luda. Goodnight everyone- except you, Charlie!” He’ll have a bad night, because either he’s going to going to get a crick in his back from sleeping on the couch to avoid my crazy ass, or I’m not going to let him get any sleep in our room.
“You call me Hoyt, woman- Argh.” As I disappear up the stairs to our room, I hear Hoyt shout after me and realise I’m not listening, and drop his own fork in favour of violently pushing off the table and after me. I faintly hear Luda Mae sigh and say something shamelessly about kicking us out of her home. I throw the bedroom door open and barge in, slamming it spitefully behind me so Hoyt has to open it himself.
When he does, I’m sitting curtly, stiffly in the armchair by his side of the bed with a book tight in my hands, knuckles white from anger. He looks frustratedly as hell at me and points vaguely toward the dining room. “The fuck was that??”
“Nothing,” I hiss, acting uncooperative on purpose. “What are you talking about?”
“You know goddamn well what I’m talking about, Y/N.”
“Well, I wasn’t going to fight in front of them.”
“Why are we fighting in the first place? I’m lost as fuck, and you need to catch me up.” He looks at me with his hands on his hips and his eyebrows raised all the way up his forehead, frustratingly expectant.
I’m tempted to give him more lip and say that no, I don’t need to catch him up. In fact, I’d love to leave him in the dark and just go to bed. It would drive him mad, and make me feel a thousand times better, but I figure my immaturity has reached its pique for the night. Instead, I try to relax my shoulders and my fingers and look up, seriously at Hoyt. More level-headed. “I miss Charlie.” He looks irritated immediately, and sighs deeply, looking around the room like a huge eyeroll with his head. When he stills again, he’s cleaning the bottom set of teeth with his tongue, squinting one eye at me. Hands still on his hips, patronising me.  Oooh, how I’d love to smack that look off his face. But, I’m elegant.
… ignoring the kicking him in the middle of the night and the attempt I made on him at dinner with the lettuce.  
“Y/N, Charlie’s dead. We’ve been through this. When are you gonna get it through your head- “
“Well then I want a divorce!” I exclaim, getting up from the chair. His eyes darken, but the corner of his lips quirk up, and shakes his head. Calming down, he pulls the stupid hat off his head and runs a hand through his hair to fix it, turning his back on me and turning to start getting ready for bed.
“Don’t interrupt a man of the law when he’s talking, darling, and no. You don’t.”
That’s rich! He can sure parade himself around like a real sheriff with victims if he likes but that is a moot point, with family. “Man of the law?? Man of the la- You’re a murdering cannibal!”
“So’s Tommy, gonna get mad at him?”
“I’m not married to Tommy.” I watch his movements, heart sinking. Is he losing interest again? It’s a weird feeling, wanting the argument to be over but simultaneously being afraid it is.  “And you made him that way.”
“Yeah? Well, this households never been better.”  
Oh. No, that’s it. I drop the book down on the bed, nearly flinging it actually, and cross the room in 2 fast steps to slap him.
He… he grabs my wrist before I can. “Goddamnit, let go of me. Bastard.” Slowly, I look across from his hand on my wrist to his face, or more specifically his eyes. They twitch, like he’s thinking, and I watch as he looks from my eyes to the rest of me. Assessing the situation with self-taught reliability.
“Honey,” His voice is dark now, familiarly husky and terrifying. Well, to anyone but me it might be terrifying. “You weren’t about to do what I think you were,” He lifts his chin and looks down at me. He raises his eyebrows. “Were you?”
If he thinks he’s scaring me he really is an idiot. I straighten myself, squaring up. “I sure was.”
“Now, see. That won’t work for me.”
“Well, then. To the couch with y- “The rude ass bastard cuts off my sentence, with his mouth on mine and strong, greedy fingers scraping at my waist. It takes me 2 seconds to think about, decide and agree to the new medium for my anger, and part my lips hungrily for a deeper connection to curb my anger at him but he pulls back and sets my face with a mischievous look like he thinks he’s in control here. I narrow my eyes. “What?”
“I’m gonna show you who’s wife you are. Its been too long.”
One, that’s not my fault. Two, “Shut up.”
“Gladly.” He growls, and puts his mouth on mine again, drawing a begrudgingly salacious moan from me. What? Its been a long time, since my husband has touched me. To further things situation-wise, I tilt my head slowly to the side against him and tug him closer by the front of his uniform. Hoyt can’t help himself, can’t just stand and kiss me for a few minutes before taking more, and I know it because I feel his fingers creep up my sides, under my shirt and god are they hot. How his skin stays so warm all the time, I have no idea, but as long as it serves me, I don’t care. They feel really good inside me, and oh. They will be inside me before this is over and the bastards out of kick.
Switching tact, because I can’t say I don’t want more then this also -you can’t be married to a pervert like him for as long as I have and be happy with just some kisses when you can have more,- , I turn him around and push him, not at all carefully onto the bed. Honestly, if he falls off, I don’t mind.
He doesn’t, but he does sit up immediately on the edge, knees apart and yanks me down by the arm to him again, causing a yelp to come from me. “You- “A weirdly soft kiss is put on my lips, before the look in his eyes turns completely dark and puts my hand on the tent in his pants. “Feels good.” I tell him, then let go and make like I’m going to leave.
“Oh no you don’t- “He yanks me back and onto the bed, shut me in with his body. I shift, to get comfortable, but get distracted by the way he’s looking at me. “Hmmm,” Looking me over, a lude grin finds its way to his mouth. “I would force your pretty mouth over my cock, darling, god knows you’re good at that, don’t we. But, later. Right now, I’m gonna screw you, my Y/N.” Momentarily slipping in my resolve, I lean into his touch when he strokes the side of my face, twisting some of my hair around a finger.
Ughhhh, fuck! What was it, the rape threat or the basically calling me a whore that did that to you, Y/N? Fucks sake. Let’s just do this. Get your head in the game, Y/N. “Shut up Charlie, fuck me.”
He chuckles and buckles his belt. “Yes ma’am.” Avoiding his eyes and feeling slick and impatient, I undo my own bottoms and wriggle out of them. With a final sigh, and a squish sound, Hoyt fills me up in one satisfying thrust. “Ohhh,” A stutter groan escapes him, before he berries his face in my neck and hides there. I, on the other hand, am a dangerous, mewling mess under him. Having his stiff, thick cock sinking into me feels a wicked kind of heaven. Familiar of a better time, yet wrong. Mostly though just really, really pleasureful.
I lay there with my mouth half open, breathy moans coming out of me as a arch, and frustratedly meet him at every thrust. It’s not enough! “It’s not enou- oh~” As I tried to talk, his hand traced down my body and touched my clit, began rubbing to add to the pleasure. “Oh my god, that’ll do. Ahh,”
Against my neck, he chuckles breathily. The hand not on my clit come up, and wraps around my throat. Doesn’t squeeze, doesn’t hurt. Just holds it, enough to feel my pulse.
As the knot in more core pleasure becomes unbearable, my breaths become short and I get so close to orgasming all over the shaft between my folds. Desperate for more, I wrap my calf’s around him and pull myself as flush to his pelvis as possible in one last, delicious buck. A deep, guttural groan escapes him and when I squeeze my walls around him, he explodes.
The hot cum, just his fingers explodes in me and that does me in. With a slow slide off of him and back down onto the bed, unlocking my legs from him, I sigh and cum in climax, feeling exhausted.
That was the most, frantic exercises I’ve done weeks, of course I’m tired. I watch him sigh, and stand back up. Bluffing me and trying to make me think he isn’t just as tired as he tucks himself away and buttons his pants back up. “Sweetheart, thank you… You stay here and rest up. I’ll be back.”
“Uhuh… “ I sigh, ready to take a nap.
“You look beautiful like that.”
“Go get us new sheets, Hoyt.”
“I love you, too.”
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roxannarambles · 3 years
Firewatch Review: Where There’s Smoke
This is a repost on a new blog. The original post was on Mar 4, 2016.
Contains major, major spoilers including endgame. Do not read if you haven’t played!
When I first started into this game I thought it was a horrifically depressing introduction. It opens telling a tale of a man and a woman who fall in love and it’s a lovely story and then the woman falls ill from a rare hereditary disease and slowly gets worse and loses her career and the man loses the wife he knew and struggles to care for her and it’s fucking awful. Then the game opens with the man– you– taking up a summer job in a park near Yellowstone. He’s done this to get away and have some time to think about his life.
He works in a watchtower. Lone rangers station in these towers to watch the horizon for signs of fire. He has little to do but keep an eye out and sit alone in his station up there. His only company is his supervisor, in the nearest watchtower over, whom he speaks to via walkie-talkie. (these are the days before cell phones) Her name’s Delilah.
All I was really told about this game is that it involved exploration and was story-centric. And that’s an accurate description. And while it starts off with a rather depressing backstory, the main part of the game is not all bleak and bleary. It is a story about the interaction between Henry and Delilah. There is a mystery plot involved in the game as well; the game starts off with small park dramas and tasks to ease into things, then develops a mystery, which eventually gets rather intense. But entwined with this mystery story, always central and foremost, is the character-driven plot of these two.
The voice acting is fantastic, and the writing is excellent, so it carries well. Dialogue writing is certainly not everyone’s strength, but the writers here did a very good job. The two characters have excellent chemistry; it flows naturally and is very enjoyable. The quips and interactions are fed in small bits steadily throughout the game as you explore, providing an enjoyable regular stream of interactions. It’s a satisfying blend of exploration and conversation.
The game is atmospheric and beautiful to look at, and that’s not something to dismiss either. Those factors really do add something special to a game.
And here’s the thing. I fell in love. It was such a compelling story. And the characters felt so real. I found myself deeply engrossed in the mystery and unable to stop. I found myself deeply emotionally invested in the characters and I truly cared about them. They were relatable human beings. And I loved Delilah. She was the light in the dark. The beacon in the middle of the loneliness. My lighthouse; my watchtower. Quippy, caring, flawed, human. I shared my troubles with her, and she listened.
Early on in the game, one of the conversation responses caused Henry to say something that annoyed Delilah and kinda offend her a little. I had accidentally overheard a phone conversation she was having (she left her walkie-talkie button depressed) and it sounded like kinda maybe she had been talking about me? So I asked her, were you talking about me? She was confused and surprised at the accusation and no, it had just been a conversation about work, and besides, was that really any of my business?
So the good mood killed, she stepped out for a while and I couldn’t talk to her anymore on the walkie-talkie. ‘Cause she was annoyed and didn’t feel like talking. And the thing is– I felt so bad. Like, I really felt sorry and wanted to apologize and felt I’d been a bad person for accusing her of that, and I wanted her to like me. And I didn’t want to be left alone. It was hauntingly quiet, unlike the rest of the game, when Delilah wasn’t there for company. I think this plot point was especially effective because it was in the middle of what had been at that point the deepest conversation we’d had so far, and we had been really bonding and sharing. But now I’d screwed it up.
Eventually Delilah forgave us for our rude question. And I cannot tell you how much of a relief it was. Heck, I thought I’d lost my chance and it would never be brought up again and I’d never have a chance to apologize, but she brought it up later. (She actually apologized for being so snappish over it, and said she knew what it was like to get too lost in your own head out there and start imagining things.) I felt so much better knowing we were cool again. It was that delicate part of a budding new friendship, you know, and I didn’t wanna mess it up. I really commend the game for including the callbacks to previous conversations. It enhanced the feeling of history between us and internal consistency throughout the story.
There have been many people online complaining about the way the game ultimately ended. In my humble opinion, those people are missing the point of the game. Indeed, with games like these, that have a somewhat open-ended conclusion (and there’s plenty of stories that fall into that category), how you interpret the ending and its meaning says a lot about the person who played the game. The whole point of an open-ended conclusion is for a person to think and draw conclusions, after all, but many people seem to fail to realize this.
One game that comes to mind is ‘Presentable Liberty,’ a game that you spend in a prison cell for the vast majority of the time, reading letters that are delivered to you. It had a very open-ended and nebulous ending. But that game made so many people think, and I think Firewatch makes you think a lot too.
I won’t lie, of course; I do somewhat understand where the critics are coming from. In some ways the ending did feel anti-climactic to me. It felt like it was possibly building up to something and that payoff never came. Yet … that experience in and of itself was fascinating to me.
Let me explain in detail. First of all, I reached the conclusion of the mystery plot. Plenty of people bitched about this online as well, but I loved the way it concluded. The plot was suggesting a very exciting but rather typical video-game story where a government conspiracy was uncovered that was studying human subjects (perhaps a psychological study of the effects of isolation in people), and Henry and Delilah were the subjects in these nefarious privacy-violating experiments. However, this “plot twist” of a secret government study ended up being a false twist. Instead, the story ended up in a less typical direction. As it turned out, the group of mysterious people behind all the spooky hijinks wasn’t that at all … it was one man. One lonely, desperate man living as a hermit with a tragic, awful secret he was hiding about an accident during his job as a fire watch. It was our fears and paranoia that had conjured up this imaginary, yet very real-feeling plot of conspiracy and subterfuge.
And I loved that. I loved that it was something driven by a simple lone man who was guilty and afraid. I loved that was the explanation, that it was something so prosaic rather than fantastic and fanciful. Like the best horror stories are about man as being the worst monster instead of werewolves and vampires, this showed the best mysteries were about human loneliness and desperation and guilt rather than complex conspiracies or extraordinary mojo. Indeed, you felt bad for the man who had been unintentionally tormenting us this whole time.*
After this conclusion to the mystery plot, hot on its heels– literally, because you were being chased by the spreading wildfire– was the conclusion of the Henry/Delilah plot. I was rushing out of there to rendezvous with a rescue helicopter so I could escape my post before fire consumed everything. They landed near Delilah’s watchtower, before I had made it to the rendezvous point– I’d been busy tracking down the ending to the mystery. She told me the helicopters would make another pass for when I got there, but … she might just leave now since the current copter was there.
“Wait for me,” I said into our walkie-talkie. I wanted to leave with her. Together. She was very reluctant when I begged this of her. But she finally relented that ok, ok, she’ll wait. I hollered I was on my way. I rushed as fast as I could.
I finally reached the spot– it was Delilah’s watch tower. The point in the distance I had always gazed upon but never had been to until now. But something didn’t feel right as Delilah was oddly silent on the walkie.
I entered the empty watch tower. I saw a small sign, “Pork Pond” attached to her wall and smiled faintly. I *knew* she had that sign. I put on the radio headset and called.
Delilah answered, in a tone that made it clear she knew I wouldn’t exactly be pleased to be listening to her voice over the radio waves yet again instead of seeing her standing there. She asked me not to be mad.
“I’m not mad, I’m just …”
And yes. I was. That was it exactly.
It hurt. I genuinely felt sad and hurt that Delilah had left without me. It felt like she abandoned me. She stammered about having not want to meet me in the shadow of that poor dead child I had just learned about, but … it still hurt. After all we’d been through the least she could have done was waited. And you’ve no idea how much I had wanted to finally meet Delilah in person, dang.
But I pondered it after, and it made a lot of sense, her actions. She had been afraid to meet me in person, I think. It would have made the whole thing even more real, you know? If it was just over the walkies, fine. But … in person would have made it too real. Delilah was afraid of getting attached. Not just because she had had her heart broken by her long-term boyfriend and was afraid of getting close again to someone, but probably for more practical reasons too. Henry was still married, for Pete’s sake, and in a very complex situation with his sick wife. Any smart girl would want to avoid getting involved with a guy who’s still married. So her early departure and lukewarm response to me asking for her to come with me back to Boulder, well, it made sense.
As much as it had hurt for her to not wait, I understood and forgave her for it. In a way, I suppose, it may have made it easier for us both not to face the anguish of a relationship not working if we never saw each other in person to begin with. But … fuck. Had it been me, I would have wanted to see her in person anyway. I would have asked her to wait. At least for a goddamn hug.**
We spoke on the radio as I waited for the helicopter to swing back around to pick me up. We talked about our future plans. We both didn’t know what they would be. Delilah thought I should go back to my wife and do my best to make things right. Somehow.
And it ended once we were pulled into the helicopter.
People online whine that this ending was a 'cop out,’ not a real conclusion. I don’t believe that. I think the entire point was that feeling of uncertainty about the future and that missed chance at getting together with Delilah. Life is uncertain so often. We don’t know how to fix things, what to do, and what things mean. It’s our search for meaning that is so valuable. This game was a reflection of life experiences many can relate to. Not necessarily all the details– a wife that fell ill with premature dementia– but the general themes? Absolutely. This story is about people struggling to cope with loneliness, seeking to connect with others, struggling to deal with hardships in life, seeking purpose and meaning, seeking direction. And it does not provide solid answers at the very end, but that’s OK. It doesn’t have to. It’s OK if the players can provide some of the answers. Sometimes asking the questions is as valuable as providing the answers in a story.
And yeah, sometimes the guy doesn’t ‘get the girl.’ Sometimes relationships don’t work out. (Especially if the guy is still married and needs to deal with some shit before either staying with his wife or breaking up and pursuing something else.) That doesn’t mean our connection with Delilah that summer didn’t have meaning or purpose or value, just that … such things don’t always have a future as a long-term relationship.
I earnestly believe the ending to this game was fine as-is. I might even say it was a perfect ending. Although I admit I desperately wanted to meet Delilah at the very end***, I’m pretty sure my sense of diappointment and feeling of sorrow at not seeing her were kind of exactly the point of the story. All in all, it ended on a tone that was sad and nebulous, but not deeply depressing. There was still a sense of hope about things, and I think that’s important.
(Amusingly, much later I learned there is an option at the very end to NOT enter the rescue helicopter. It leaves without you if you wait long enough, implying suicide of your character Henry. Much darker option than the one I describe above. But again, in stories like these, it depends on player’s reactions, input, and interpretations too, and fortunately most do not have quite that bleak of an interpretation of the tale– and quite that bleak of a choice.)
So many of us sit alone in our own watchtowers, isolated, searching for any meaningful human connection we can come across. I think the themes of connection and isolation were masterfully explored in this game. You really fuckin’ felt it, you know?
And to me, it’s noble. That human beings stand in this intense loneliness but continue that search, and they sometimes find somebody. It may not always end well, but that doesn’t mean you should stop the search and that you won’t find another. Or even rekindle old flames.
Either way, you shouldn’t stop searching the horizon.
* That’s not to say the dude wasn’t guiltless in his actions. I think it was rather awful of him to just leave his poor kid’s body down in that hole instead of facing up to what had happened, going home, letting people and loved ones know what went on, etc. Also pretty stupid of the guy to pressure his son into doing that dangerous rock-climbing when the kid didn’t have the skills. But, ya know, you felt bad for him too.
** I should note, I have no idea if Henry should break up with his wife Julia (& tried things out with Delilah) or not. I had no opinion on it because who knows? Choices like that are friggin’ complex. Seriously.
*** And yes, I realize the game never had a model for her character anyway, so from a technical standpoint it would have been impossible, but it’s best to use in-story explanations for events, not technical explanations.
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littledata · 4 years
Kara first becomes aware that Lena has a legion of seven evil exes hellbent on destroying her life when she gets home to find “Stay away from Lena Luthor” spray-painted on her apartment door. Her first thought is the culprit must be Lex Luthor, but spray paint seems a little inelegant for him, and besides, it’s just a bit too coincidental that the crime occurs the day after she shared dinner, drinks and a foot-pop inducing first kiss with the CEO of L-Corp. She rather doubts Lex found out about that from inside his supermax prison cell.
“I might have an idea who’s behind it.” Lena says sheepishly when she arrives to survey the damage. “I do have these seven evil exes who try to kill anyone I date.” When Kara suggests that this was perhaps something she should have mentioned after the aforementioned dinner, drinks, and earth-shattering kiss, Lena holds up her hands defensively. “I assumed it wouldn’t be a problem. I mean, you are a superhero.”
There’s just one issue with that superhero plan though, as Alex points out when she shows up to take a look at Kara’s vandalised door. The legion of seven evil exes who are now hellbent on destroying Kara’s life only think Lena is dating Kara Danvers, not Supergirl. So when they show up to fight her she can’t actually punch them into space without revealing her secret identity. She either deals with this problem as Kara Danvers or outs herself to a group of heartbroken supervillains.
So what does Kara Danvers do when she’s confronted with a legion of seven evil exes hellbent on destroying her life? She makes friends with them. Obviously.
1. Michael. Lena dated Michael for three weeks when she was fifteen because he had an earring and rode a motorbike. She was in the midst of a rebellious phase where she was trying her damndest to piss off her mother, and it worked until Michael suggested she drop out of high school to tour the country with his band. Even aged fifteen, Lena Luthor was nobody’s groupie. In the intervening years, he had racked up a couple of minor felonies (he was responsible for the spray paint) and was now playing bass in a Nickelback cover band. Kara agrees to hand out flyers for their next gig, and he tells her that she’s “totally kick-ass” like he’s from a 90s teen movie, then agrees he won’t try to murder her. She has to stand on a street corner in the cold for three hours, but it’s worth it when Lena shows up with hot cocoa, plants a warm kiss on her freezing nose, and tells her she looks cute in her scarf.
2. Madison. Kara first becomes aware of Madison when she is pelted with soccer balls by a small herd of children out of the windows of a mini-van. After she makes her escape, she forces an embarrassed Lena to explain that Madison was part of her first experimental steps into sleeping with women. They had hooked up once in their freshman year of college before Madison met a man, settled down and had four kids in quick succession. Kara has to find out for herself, buried somewhere in the depths of Madison’s mommy blog, that Lena had ruined her sex life with her future husband forever by giving her the only orgasm she would ever have.  Kara ignores her friends’ rather lewd suggestions of how she could get in her good books, and instead stays up all night baking cookies and brings them to Madison’s PTA fundraiser. She arrives home that night to Lena brandishing three large pizzas and a lewd suggestion of her own.
3. Prisha. Kara knows all about Prisha. She’s beautiful and intelligent and perfect, she’s a hot-shot prosecutor and she has a blackbelt in Judo and Kara hates her guts. Lena only ever references her vaguely, but Kara does manage to get out of her that Lena was eyeing up engagement rings before she found out Prisha was cheating on her, and after that Kara just hates her even more. She’s actually determined not to befriend this particular ex until she receives a court summons for an unpaid parking ticket. Kara Danvers has never parked illegally in her life. She offers Prisha Supergirl’s number so that she can get in a few sparring sessions to train against someone really tough (under the influence of kryptonite, of course), and that means she gets to make friends with her and punch her in the face. “You do know you’re the only person I care about dating right now, don’t you?” Lena asks her later with a teasing smile, and Kara feels a little bit guilty about the whole punching thing.
4. Simon. Lena broke up with Simon after he stole some of her PHD research, published it under his own name and used the resulting exposure to start a multi-billion dollar tech company. He still frequently appears in the news for the human rights violations in his company warehouses. He sends a delivery driver to do his dirty work for him, who hands Kara an exploding pen when he asks her to sign for her package. Admittedly, this might have actually worked if she wasn’t an alien, and Kara isn’t exactly thrilled by the thought of attempting to make nice with Simon. She is excellent at gift-giving though and finally hits on what every Silicon Valley tech bro really wants: she talks Winn into hacking his social media pages and making his twitter advertising campaign go viral. She tells Lena she’s starting to worry about just how bad she is at picking her relationships, and Lena points out that her current girlfriend is pretty great. It’s the first time she’s said it, and Kara melts.
5. Jensen. Jensen was Lena’s final attempt at pleasing her parents and dating men, back around the time of the whole Lex-Luthor-tries-to-kill-Superman fiasco. It seemed like it would make Thanksgiving a little less awkward, Lena explains, and Kara supposes she can’t argue with that logic. Their relationship might have even worked out if both of them hadn’t been very, very gay, and although they parted on amicable enough terms, that doesn’t stop Jensen from trying to poison Kara with tainted cupcakes from the bakery he owns. The cupcakes are really good though, if you ignore the arsenic, so once Kara finds out he owns a bakery she becomes one of his best customers, and inside of a month she and Jensen are regularly meeting up for coffee. He’s not really evil, just kind of dramatic, and Lena pouts adorably when Kara teases that she could say the same thing about her.
6. Rosa. Kara finds out about Rosa when she receives a call from the National City jail warning her away from Lena. Lena looks faintly embarrassed when she admits that she dated Rosa for a couple of months until she realised the other woman was stealing from her apartment and attempting to milk every penny she could out of her. Which, yeah, Kara supposes you’re at risk of that when you’re an incredibly attractive, single billionaire, but Lena seems to think she should have known something was amiss in advance. Apparently, Rosa is very well connected in the organised crime world though, because she definitely recognises the goons who jump her and Alex outside of her apartment building as being from a local mob family. Said goons didn’t exactly expect to be contending with an over-protective Danvers sister though, and they’re seen off very quickly. Alex is less than impressed when Kara starts up a penpal friendship with Rosa, despite her little sister’s insistence that Rosa was mostly blackmailed into most of her crimes by her underworld family members. Lena, who perhaps understands a problematic family more than many people, sighs and says, “Well, you forgive people. That’s what makes you Kara.”
7. Clara. Kara has absolutely no idea what Lena saw in Clara. She’s nothing like any of Lena’s other exes, doesn’t even have much in common with her, and it isn’t until Alex has tears of laughter running down her face that she kind of sees it. Clara has long blonde hair, blues eyes, glasses, favours button-ups and - oh okay fine, she’s a dead ringer for Kara. She does an excellent imitation of Kara on the phone and attempts to break up with Lena, but gives herself away when she mentions eating a salad for lunch. Kara gets in touch with a talent agency she knows through CatCo and helps Clara get a steady gig as a Supergirl lookalike. When she asks Lena what she was thinking when she slept with her, Lena gives a small shrug. “I was head over heels in love with my best friend but not quite ready to admit it yet.” 
“Am I in danger of becoming evil if you ever break up with me?” Kara asks once the legion of seven evil exes hellbent on destroying her life have all been successfully befriended and neutralised. She expects Lena to make a joke about Supergirl never turning evil, but Lena just gives her a curious look instead.
“What makes you think I’m ever going to break up with you?”
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So. 10 years.
Yeah, today is the 10 year anniversary of me making this blog. I’d previously been an Amy Pond roleplay blog, but I tired of that after a few weeks and deleted that and made this instead. It marked the beginning of the end for my DeviantART, which I deleted a few months later.
I can’t believe I’ve been on this site for 10 years, but also can’t imagine being anywhere else. This place is part of my routine now, and I can’t imagine life without this outlet. This bastion of Old Internet Anonymity. Sure, my drafts have been broken for 2 years, but that’s Tumblr.
Thank you to everyone who’s been with me over the years, even if we’ve fallen out of touch. Special thanks to @robincrowe, @empathetic-vibrations, and my gf @super-skitty who migrated with me from DeviantART back when I was still 10nant-Fangirl. Thanks to people like @doll-frakking-house who’ve been here almost as long. Thank you all.
If you want more content from me, I post music news/trivia as well as a song each day over on my music blog, the-music-dealer.
I also post frequently on Archive of Our Own under the name the-red-rabbit. I post...
Good Omens:
“This Was Originally Called ‘Temptation Waits’, But the Title Was Left in the Car”
Ineffable Wives AU focusing on the 6000 years.
“Child in a Seacave”
Some time after the narrowly averted apocalypse, Crowley receives a message from God. But will he agree to answer her? Written because I have trauma with my own parents, but I was keeping my trans readers in mind when I wrote this one.
“Crimson and Clover”
Aziraphale tries chat-up lines.
Good Omens Series:
As Heaven is Wide Series:
Part 1: As Heaven is Wide
Aziraphale and Crowley decide to take a post-apocalypse road trip to see the world, but it gets cut short when they come upon a teenage girl who (despite her protests) needs to be rescued. Things get more complicated when they find themselves once again in direct opposition of heaven, and they have to wonder if it's worth upending their shaky peace with heaven to keep her safe.
There are trigger warnings on this multi-chapter series, but I don't go into real graphic detail because I don't think the story needs that. As someone with trauma, I don't think it's productive to be incredibly graphic. I deal more in implications and off-screen for that type of material. (If you've read some of my other stuff, this one is positively tame compared to that.)
Part 2: Perfect
While Aziraphale finds himself quite comfortable with the trials of parenthood, Crowley finds that raising a teenager is more challenging than he'd expected.
Part 3: Going to Hell (In Progress and Updating today)
Sending their daughter to her first day at school was always going to be a challenge for Aziraphale and Crowley. After all, she still hasn't got a grip on her magic and the thought of being apart from her causes them some portion of anxiety. They just want her to enjoy her new life and fit in, but that's a little hard to do when a lost ghost appears to ask her for help.
Yeah, this one's definitely inspired by Buffy the Vampire Slayer, except instead of metaphors for growing up as a general thing, it's specifically metaphors for obstacles for healing from trauma.
“And a (Short) Movie”
The study group tries to define the word 'himbo'.
“Community: The Movie (One By One They All Just Fade Away)”
It's been 5 years since Abed Nadir left for Hollywood to pursue a career in film. When he receives a call in the dead of night from Greendale, Colorado, it becomes his responsibility to deliver the news to the rest of his old study group. He embarks on an epic journey to track down Troy Barnes on his boat.
Dean-dong, the Dean is dead.
But is he?
Jeff Winger isn't so sure. He enlists the help of his old "study buddy" Annie Edison to use her FBI skills to find out what really happened to Craig Pelton.
When the study group returns to Greendale, they find that the school has been bought out by Hot Topic. Britta, who liked Hot Topic back "before it sold out", immediately channels her grief into protesting it. But when she meets a fellow anarchist who has vowed to take down the chain from the inside, she's forced to contend with the fact that shouting opinions isn't the same as creating meaningful change.
I have one Hannibal/Willy Wonka fic that I wrote for fun: “Lollirot”
Willy Wonka is a humble man with a dream of making candy for all the children of the world. When he starts running out of ideas for new confections, he seeks help for his depression. His doctor, Hannibal Lecter, is a strangely charming man with unorthodox ideas for how a factory should be run. Before long, Will starts to experience paranoid delusions about his competitors and loses his grip on reality as he sinks deeper into self-imposed isolation with nobody but his doctor to guide him.
A prequel to the show Hannibal.
One Grinch fic: “How the Grinch Got Therapy”
Epilogue to How the Grinch Stole Christmas empathizing with the Grinch. Because as a person with religious trauma, especially centered around Christmas, I think it's about time that we stop shaming people for not having fun during Christmas. Some people won't celebrate and it's weird how we're all expected to assimilate.
And my magnum opus, the fic I’ve been working on off and on for 10 years even since my DeviantART days...
Doctor Who Fic Series:
Am I...Ginger?:
Season 1: Am I...Ginger?
The Doctor swore off companions after Journey's End, believing himself too dangerous to be around them. But while looking for members of the Trickster's Brigade, he stumbled upon a child of Torchwood that made him question all that.
Of course, there's another problem. He was warned that the Trickster had a weapon, one that could defeat him once and for all. He follows the clues to London, where he finds a nameless woman whose love of history does not include sharing her own. Could she be the weapon he was warned about? Is he just interested in her as a distraction from his own mortality? Can she be saved this time? Can any of them? Or are they doomed to life the way it was written?
(Set between the Wedding of Sarah Jane Smith and the Waters of Mars.)
(There are trigger warnings, but as always it only applies to one specific chapter and potential mentions. But this will deal with issues that people might find distasteful.)
Season 2: Am I...Ginger? The Mourning After (In Progress and Updating Today)
Picking up right from where season 1 left off.
"The Doctor's dead."
That's where this story left off. Despite many attempts to contact him, he's been nowhere to be found. But DOES that mean he's dead? The ragtag group of misfits he left behind keep having conflicting thoughts on the subject. Is he dead? Held hostage somewhere in need of rescue? Just avoiding them?
Just when they give up hope, the Doctor decides to crash his own funeral. Two funeral crashings in a row, that has to be a record for him. But can he still fit in the world he left behind, or has he changed too much? Is it even a good idea to try?
Set when Amy and Rory are on their honeymoon (between "A Christmas Carol" and "The Impossible Astronaut"). This is also just after "The Death of the Doctor" episode of the Sarah Jane Adventures. As usual, I'm playing fill-in-the-blanks with unexplored parts of canon.
10 years flew by. You guys have been there with me through some of the toughest parts of my life. I made this blog when I was still a 15 year old in an abusive home and it’s been with me ever since. So let’s hope the next 10 years will be better lmao.
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You Think They Are Falling For Someone Else (Part 2)
If you haven’t read Part 1, read it HERE
A/N: For some reason I started writing these LONG like full-fledged imagines so I tried to cut back as I went along. 
Request: I was wondering if you could make a part 2 of you think they are fallong for someone else thank you if you can i love it - @cherry-blossom-queen-blog ~~I know this was requested forever ago, but I took a pretty long unexpected break from this blog. Now that I’m back, here you go!~~
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Rick Grimes
It had been weeks of agony for you. Every “meeting” Rick went to made you want to curl up into a ball and cry. Sometimes, you did. 
Carl had caught on to what was happening, confronting you one day.
“Y/N, what’s going on?” He asked, concerned. He looked up to you as a mother figure, especially since his own mother had passed and now you were with his father. You couldn’t bet on the last one remaining a reason though.
“Nothing,” you said, trying to brush it off.
“I’m not a little kid anymore Y/N. That won’t work on me anymore.”
You sighed.
“It’s just that your father is spending a lot more time away from us. At first I understood, but now he is gone almost every night. I can’t help but think that these ‘meetings with Michonne’ might be more.” You took a deep breath after your words and Carl let out a breath you hadn’t realized he was holding.
“I’ve thought that too.”
Your heart sank. If you both realized, it must be true. You decided to confront him that night about it, so long as he was actually home.
Thankfully he was; it was one of the few nights that he had nothing going on. Dinner was tense, and afterwards you put Judith to bed before heading back to your room.
When you entered, Rick was standing in the master bathroom in just his pajama pants, brushing his teeth. It may have been a small moment, but it was something that used to fill you with pure joy. Now it only made you long for how things used to be.
“Hey Rick?” You said quietly
“Yea?” He responded, rinsing his mouth.
“Can we talk?”
His expression turned to one of worry. He agreed, and he sat beside you on the edge of the bed.
“I understand if you want to leave me.” You said, blurting it out from the get-go. You knew you had to start off strong, otherwise you never would have said it.
“What?” He near-yelled, baffled. “Why the hell would I want to do that?”
You began to tear up but tried to hold them back. You didn’t want to seem weak in top of everything else.
“You’ve been spending a lot more nights out, nights with Michonne. I tried to ignore it, I really did, and tried to remind myself that it was just business. But there are so many nights when I fall asleep waiting for you because you get home so late. I know that you have been going to see her, and not on Deanna’s wishes.” You paused, taking a second to bite back a sob. Rick tried to speak but you interrupted him, continuing with everything that you had planned to tell him. “Carl has noticed it too, how you have been spending so much more time with her lately. I don’t blame you, she’s a beautiful woman with a bad-ass spirit. Of course you want her.”
There was a long pause before Rick spoke.
“Please say something,” you whispered on the verge of breaking. You finally looked up to meet Rick’s eyes, seeing them full of tears.
“Y/n,” he whispered, “I love you.”
He reached out to you and you fell into his arms. You longed for the comfort of his embrace.
“That’s not true. I don’t want her. I really have been swamped with meetings and debates, I swear.” He pulled away to look at you, showing you he was telling the truth. “You can’t tell anybody, but we think there is a rival group nearby trying to sneak in. That’s what we have been so worried about to talk so much about.”
The tears were at this point falling freely from your eyes and down your cheeks.
“I’m so sorry,” you sobbed. “I was so stupid.”
Rick pulled you tightly to him, caressing your hair. He pressed a kiss to the top of your head.
“Don’t be sorry,” he muttered, ”this is all my fault. I should have told you. It did seem like I was going behind your back. I should be the one who is sorry.”
You wrapped your arms around him tightly, burying your face into his chest. He was yours.
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Hours later you walked back to speak to Negan. You figured it had been enough time for him to have blown off some steam and sent the girl back to her room. Unluckily for you, you hadn’t waited quite long enough and you passed her in the hallway,her hair tousled and clothes disheveled. You wanted to glare at her, yell at her; but you knew that it wasn’t her fault. She sent you a sad smile, and you continued to Negan’s door. 
You didn’t bother to knock. He had nothing to hide.
He had already put a pair of sweatpants on, but his chest was bare. On any other occasion you would have ogled, but this time you were here for a different reason.
“Hey Babygirl, great timing. That broad just left.”
“I know,” you responded bitterly. “I passed her in the hallway.”
You usually tried to restrain yourself from seeming so bitter, but you saw no point now.
“I’m leaving.”
“Leaving?” Replied Negan with a cocky smile. “But shit, you just got here! You’re already heading back to your room?” You rolled your eyes, but also sent Negan a sad smile.
“That’s not what I meant.”
Realizing the gravity of your words, Negan walked over to you so that he was within a foot of you. He smelled intoxicating but you pushed that aside. 
“What?” He sputtered, yelling in confusion and rage. “You’re just going to walk the fuck out?” You took a deep breath, trying to maintain your cool.
“Yes,” you said, defiantly standing your ground.
“Why?” He raged.
“Because I love you, damn it!”
That isn’t how you meant for it to come out, but now he knew. He ran a hand over his face in thought, and you had to ignore how sexy you found it. He sat on the edge of his bed, motioning for you to come and sit beside him.
“Why had you never told me before?” He said quietly.
“It never seemed like it mattered. I was always just your friend. Besides, you already had your wives.” You stopped yourself from saying more, afraid that your voice would crack and give you away.
“So what?”
“So what?” You blurted in disbelief. “What the hell do you mean, ‘so what’? How am I supposed to tell you that I love you when all you care about is fucking some bitch with two brain cells who only pretends to care about you so she can have a nicer room?”
He couldn’t help but chuckle at your insult towards his wives, but that didn’t mean he wasn’t still pissed off.
“You just fucking tell me! It’s just three words.”
“You had already chosen a harem, Negan.” You scoffed, rolling your eyes. “What would you have said anyway?” You puffed up your chest and plastered a smirk on your face, doing your best impression of the man. “Oh, you fucking love me? Join my damn fucking wives! I’ll give you a little black fucking dress and now I’ll only talk to you when I’m fucking pissed and horny!”
“I’ve got to say Baby, you’ve got the cursing part of that down.”
You huffed. Is that all he had to say? But then he sighed and continued in an uncommon quiet tone.
“I would have told you that I loved you too.”
You couldn’t help the small gasp that escaped your lips. You looked over to Negan, expecting him to laugh and say that he was kidding. Instead you looked upon sincere eyes and a small smile.
“I don’t mean like one of your wives, Negan.” 
“I know,” he replied. “I don’t mean like one of my wives either. You spark something inside of me that I thought I could never feel again after my wife, my real wife, passed away. I love you, truly fucking love you.”
“We could never work out though,” you replied sadly.
“And why the hell not?” He countered, becoming a bit defensive.
“I hate to beat a dead horse, but your wives, Negan. I can’t sit idly by as you fuck other women for fun.”
“They’re gone.”
“What?” You stammered.
“Then they’re gone. Y/N, Babygirl, you’re all I need.”
You were enough.
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Daryl Dixon
You looked out over the prison from your spot on the guard tower, watching everybody working below. You didn’t mind being the lookout, it gave you a chance to see what everybody was up to while also giving you time to think on your own. The problem is that today, almost all you could think of was Daryl.
Speak, or rather think, of the devil. You hadn’t heard him coming; as a hunter he actually had rather quiet footsteps. However, as he stood in the doorway he called out to you.
“Y/N?” He called.
“Yes, Daryl?” You replied, turning to face him. He walked towards you, but you stayed planted firmly in place. You were done chasing him, you had decided. 
“You’ve been avoidin’ me,” he stated gruffly. He didn’t meet your eyes.
“So?” You retorted. “Why does it matter to you?”
“I like talkin’ to ya,” he said, “being around you.” If you weren’t mistaken, he had a light flush to his cheeks that was spreading to his ears. Despite this, you couldn’t help but still feel bitter.
“Well you sure seem to like talking to Carol too,” you replied hotly. Daryl just chuckled in response.
“She just likes giving me a hard time,” he says.
“What, because she likes you?”
“What?” Daryl sputtered, finally looking at your eyes, his own squinted in confusion. “Carol don’t like me! She just knows I like someone else,” he said, trailing of and getting quieter at the end. Now it was your turn to be confused.
“You do?” You asked, watching him as he took a couple of steps towards you.
“Yeah,” he nearly whispered in a gruff voice as he stood close to you. You were close enough to feel his hot breath fanning on your face. “Carol keeps tellin’ me I need to grow a pair and ask her out, but I had been too nervous.”
Daryl moved his hand up to your face, brushing a piece of hair behind your ear and causing you to blush.
“But now I’m thinking that she saw Carol teasing me about my crush and got the wrong idea.”
You leaned up, pressing a kiss to Daryl’s lips. 
“I would love to be your girlfriend, Daryl,” you told him softly. He beamed at you in response, pulling you into a tight hug.
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Glenn Rhee
There he was with her again.
You had been living on the farm for a while now, and what you had thought when you first arrived was finally coming true. You saw Maggie and Glenn sitting close together, leaning in and laughing at what the other was saying. They looked like the perfect couple.
Still, you couldn’t help but feel angry, sad, and guilty.
You were angry at yourself for not telling him how you felt sooner. You had loved him for what felt like forever to you, but you kept it a secret and watched as another woman whisked him away.
You were sad that it was her with him, and not you. You wanted to be the one spending all that time with him, not just some old friend pushed to the wayside. You would remember the times you spent together before the dead stopped dying. Whenever you were upset before, Glenn would take you into his arms and do all that he could to comfort you. You would have movie nights almost every week with snacks and everything. Now those memories of joy only brought you sadness. Moments that meant everything to you seemed as if they meant nothing to him.
But most of all you felt guilty. You had never told him how you felt, and he wasn’t yours. Even if you had told him, there was no guarantee that he felt the same. Now he was happy, and you felt ashamed of yourself for not letting him just be happy.
You couldn’t live with this burden any longer though, or you were going to go crazy. Your friendship was already on the rocks, seeming to dwindle as you spent more time on the farm. You decided to just tell Glenn how you felt. It didn’t matter if he didn’t feel the same way, or if he loved Maggie. You just had to tell him.
Maggie got up to leave, excusing herself to go help her father with some chores. You took the opportunity, rushing over to Glenn.
“Can I just say something crazy?” You asked him, trying not to lose your nerve.
“Y/N, everything you say is crazy.” He teased with a smile, but you didn’t return the smile this time.
“Glenn, I’m serious.” His face softened and he looked at you with worry.
“Okay,” he said. “I’m sorry. Go ahead.” You took a deep breath before letting it all out.
“From the first time I saw you at that party and my friend introduced us, I thought you were the most handsome man in the world. It was like love at first sight, scratch that, it was love at first sight. For me, anyway. I loved being your friend but I always wanted there to be more between us even though I never told you. I didn’t want to ruin our friendship; I decided that having you in my life as a friend was better than not having you in my life at all. But now seeing you with Maggie, I can’t help but regret that. I know that you like her, and I want you to be happy; I really do. But I had to tell you how I felt about you or I was going to go insane. I’m so sorry for-”
You were cut off from your rambling by a soft pair of lips on your own. Glenn was kissing you. His arms wrapped around your waist as you kissed him back, placing your hands on his chest.
“But what about Maggie?” You asked as the two of you pulled away, still holding each other close.
“Screw her,” he said as he placed another kiss on your lips. “You’re the one I want. The one I’ve always wanted. I thought you wouldn’t ever see anything in a guy like me.”
“I see everything in you. Now shut up and kiss me again, you dork.”
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Abraham Ford
You had tried to avoid Abraham for as long as you could after you caught Rosita getting ready at his house, but he wouldn’t let stay away. he would come try to talk to you on your shifts when you couldn’t just walk away with him, or he would come over to your house just to check in on you. Every time you saw him a pang of hurt rung through your heart.
Finally after weeks you began feeling a bit better. You started the long road of getting over your feelings, despite how hard you knew it would be. It may be difficult, but you knew that it would not be worth it to keep pining over a man who loves another woman.
You began seeing him more often again. You would take shifts together, and you even agreed to go on a run with him. Abraham insisted on driving, so you slid into the passenger seat and the two of you took off to look for some supplies.
“So, how’s Rosita?” You asked to kill the silence, trying to hide the bitterness in your tone.
“She’s doing alright, I guess.” He replied, sounding a bit puzzled which made you confused in turn.
“What do you mean you guess?”
“I’m just confused about why you are asking me about Eugene’s girlfriend.”
Your stomach dropped along with your jaw. So that’s why she was over at his house. Eugene and Abraham were housemates. 
“Are you okay Y/N? You’re going to catch flies if you don’t close that pretty mouth.” You blushed and snapped your mouth shut. Then you spun quickly to face him.
“What the hell did you just say?” You sputtered. He chuckled.
“I said you should close that pretty mouth of yours,” he said as he turned to you with affection. “I talked to Eugene about what happened and he realized why you were upset. I just didn’t know how to bring it up to you.”
You were shocked, to say the least.
“That’s all I get?” He laughed.
“Well what would you like from me then?” You shot back.
“A kiss?” 
And you obliged.
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Carl Grimes
After seeing Carl with Enid again, you rushed off back to the house you shared with Carol, the woman who had basically become your adopted mother. You ran up to your room, lying down on your bed as the tears flowed freely.
Carl may not have been your boyfriend, but for months you had what you felt was an unspoken relationship. Everybody else knew it too, but on closer examination you realized it might have just been because you were his only option.
You heard a knock on the door, startling you and making you sit up.
“Mom?” You called out, your voice giving away that you were crying.
“Not quite,” replied the voice. “It’s me.”
You were immediately embarrassed. Surely he would know from your voice that you had been crying. You wiped the tears from your face best you could and ran your fingers through your hair to try and tame it before opening the door. As soon as the door opened, Carl’s face dropped.
“What’s wrong?” He asked, grabbing your face in his hand and caressing your cheek with his thumb. A stray tear fell from your eye and Carl moved to wipe it away. You normally would have blushed, but you felt too bad in the moment to register what he had done.
“I’m alright, Carl,” you tried to tell him. However, your voice cracked and gave you away even more.
“Please Y/N, tell me what’s wrong.”
You took a deep breath. Carl didn’t give up easily, and he always knew when you were lying. You had to tell him.
“It’s just that the guy I like has feelings for someone else.”
Carl felt his chest tighten, guilt forming in his torso. You had tried not to give everything away, but Carl was smart. He knew.
“Y/N, I am so sorry,” he said. You felt the tears begin to stream again so you cut him off.
“Don’t worry about that Carl, I just want you to be happy. It’s okay now that II’m not your last resort.”
“That’s not true!” He yelled. “Please, let me finish,” he begged. you nodded. “I am so sorry that I made you think that. Me and Enid are just friends. You, Y/N,” he said as he caressed your face again, “are the only one I love.”
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King Ezekiel
You wished you could hate Carol. Blame her for taking Ezekiel away from you. You just couldn’t bring yourself to it.
Ezekiel was right, she really was something. She was kind but also a bad-ass, and despite her age she was gorgeous. Of course he had fallen for her, what was there not to like?
You were making one of your usual walks with Ezekiel one morning, but you noticed something off about him.
“Are you okay Zeke?” You asked, using your nickname for him. “You’re awfully quiet. You aren’t ever this quiet around me.” He paused before he answered you.
“Do you think I need a queen?”
You froze dead in your tracks at his words. You knew that he had liked her, but you didn’t know it had already progressed to that extent. You tried to respond but you couldn’t form a coherent response.
“It’s just that sometimes it gets lonely. Besides, I need somebody to bounce ideas off of.”
“You already bounce ideas off of me,” you reply. Not only was she taking your man, but also your spot as an unofficial adviser.
“I know, that’s why I want you to be my queen.”
You could have sworn that your heart stopped.
“Well, that and your charm and beautiful looks.”
Yep, it definitely stopped.
“Are you serious?” You asked him, tears forming in your eyes.
“I would never joke about this,” he replied as he gazed into your eyes. “I love you too much to be kidding. I don’t think we should get married yet, per se, but I would like to be able to call you mine.”
You flung yourself into his arms as he instinctively wrapped them around you.
“Of course!” You yelled as he held you tight.
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Paul “Jesus” Rovia
It may have been days since his date, but you still felt the pain. It still hurt that Jesus had found somebody, and that that somebody wasn’t you.
The two of you were sitting on the stairs of your small home at the Hilltop, enjoying the warm sunlight and a cool breeze.
You glanced around Hilltop, seeing none other than Marina. You felt a pang of jealousy and hurt flow through you.
“Marina looks pretty great today, doesn’t she?” You asked Jesus bitterly, though hiding your tone.
“Meh,” he said.
“What do you mean, ‘meh’? Shouldn’t you be kinder to your dinner partner?”
Jesus chuckled.
“I don’t know if I would call her my ‘dinner partner’, we’ve only eaten together once and it went rather terribly. It made it hard to concentrate on the meal when I was thinking about someone else,” he said with a glance into your eyes. You heart seemed to skip a beat. “Someone who I’d just gotten back from a run with,” he nearly whispered.
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You hurried outside, trying to escape the shame and embarrassment. Why had you kissed him like that?
To your surprise, Dwight followed right after you.
“You’re right, Y/N. I miss my ex-wife.”
You felt a twinge of sadness building and growing stronger in your chest.
“But that doesn’t mean I still love her.”
You spun to face hi, confused. He had his hands in his pockets, staring at you sheepishly but also with admiration.
“We were together for years, and I’ll always have those memories. But after what she did, I don’t love her anymore. I can’t. Maybe I just happened to fall in love with the woman who was always there for me, making sure I was okay both physically and mentally after everything went down. The woman who has the most beautiful eyes, who still looks flawless even in the morning when her hair is a mess and she’s wearing an over-sized t-shirt.” He laughed, looking at the ground. “Hell, especially when you’re wearing one of my t-shirts and it swallows you up like that.”
You ran to him, pressing your lips to his again. His hands made their way to your hair and yours snaked around his back. You parted your lips for him, allowing your tongues to dance in your mouth as he made out with you. 
You were so glad that you had kissed him.
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Simon slid into bed behind you, moving to curl up with you. Ever since that night days ago you had been distant.
You felt betrayed. When Simon and the other saviors had first found you, you had been helpless. Hearing him in awe of another woman, who could handle herself with ease, made you feel worthless. You had thought that he loved you for you.
Unbeknownst to you, he didn’t give a damn about this woman. He had no idea how much his words would affect you. Both of you had suffered for days, with you too hurt to talk about it and him to proud to do the same. Finally he’d had enough.
“Pumpkin?” He asked, trying to hold you close. You just shook him off and scooted further away. “Please look at me.”
You wanted to stay stubborn and face away from him, but you couldn’t. Despite your current trouble, you still loved him. You could never say no to a request from him.
“Yes, Simon?”
You were a vision. Looking at Simon with sleepy eyes, he knew he was looking upon the most beautiful girl in the world. In his bed, no less.
“I have something to tell you.”
‘This is it,’ you thought. ‘He has finally decided to choose her over me.’
You nodded, encouraging him to continue.
“I turned Kathy away as soon as she started trying to flirt with me. I maybe said two words to her, and she barely said three sentences to me. I just wanted to make you jealous. I didn’t know it would make you this upset, and I’ve been too proud to admit it to you.”
You looked up at Simon as he confessed to you, offering him a sad smile.
“So you don’t like that she can handle herself?”
“Pumpkin, you don’t need to worry about that at all. You can protect yourself incredibly well, and even then you know I like to be the one protecting you.”
Even though Simon was trying to be sweet, you gave him a playful swat on the chest.
“You jerk!” You yelled at him with a smile. You couldn’t stay mad at him. “Why did you need to make me jealous? I already love you, you fucking idiot!”
Simon just laughed in response, pulling you into his arms.
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Merle Dixon
“Y/N,” you heard a gruff voice yell as he knocked on your door. “Let me in! I know you’ve been avoiding me!”
He may have been right, but that doesn’t mean that you wanted to see him. After he started spending more time with Andrea you distanced yourself from him. It was just too painful to see him run off with her at night.
“Merle, just leave me alone!” You yelled back. You heard the doorknob jiggle, thinking nothing of it as he was probably just trying it again in case you had unlocked it. Surprising you, the door flung open to reveal Merle as he stepped inside.
“Don’t forget Sugar, I spent a good portion of my childhood learning some dangerous skills. I can pick locks like nobody’s business.”
You sighed. 
“So you decided to use your ‘dangerous skills’ to break into my house?” You ask him, standing from your spot on the couch to go upstairs, away from Merle.
“I didn’t see another way,” he replied as he looked at you.
“you could have just left me alone,” you muttered.
“That’s just the thing,” he admitted, “I can’t.”
“What?” You question.
“I can’t leave you alone. I’m going crazy not seeing you.”
You felt a wave of hope at his words but quickly pushed it down, the bitterness and jealousy returning.
“Then just go visit Andrea, I’m sure she can help fill your time.” You spat out angrily.
Merle smirked, realizing why you had been so upset and distant. He moseyed over to you, running his thumb over your lips. You may have been pissed at him, but after not seeing him for so long you couldn’t help but melt under his touch.
“I’m using her.” He revealed to you. “She knows where my brother is. I know if I can smooth talk her, she could lead me back to him. I would never dream of doing anything with her though.” He paused to give you a sweet yet passionate kiss on the lips. “I’ve already got the most beautiful, charming, and intelligent woman right here.”
You melted into his arms, allowing yourself to forgive him and love him again. You knew how much his brother meant to him. Besides, now that this was over it was no longer just an assumption that you held, but a fact that Merle liked you back.
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reapxrsarc · 4 years
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a catch-all tag for old guard shenanigans; under the cut are character-specific verses available. unlike main verses, tog verses are not self-contained unless otherwise plotted. still uc, like the rest of this damn blog. tw for death, murder, slavery reference, and abuse under the cut.
v; i’m the definition of worn | tog ; rose
Rose died in 1798, fighting side by side with her aunt’s gang. They weren’t officially part of the United Irishmen, being all women, but that didn’t stop them from fighting. Very few of the gang survived, and Rose knew things would only get worse. She slipped out of Ireland and started traveling, was killed multiple times as a nonwhite woman traveling alone. She kept moving, fighting when fought with, or when she came across someone who couldn’t fight for themselves.
That changed in New York, in the early 1900s. Someone fought for her, a stunning butch with gorgeous green eyes and an unmistakably Irish accent. Rose let the woman take her home, check her over, feed her, and after a few days, take her to bed. Jennalynn was the first person in nearly a hundred years that made Rose feel at home again, and she was loathe to give it up. Unfortunately, the pair only had a decade together; a raid on one of their haunts left half the clientele arrested and more than a few dead, including Jennalynn, who was never one to back down from a fight.
She knows there are others like her; Jennalynn had been the one to figure out the meaning of her dreams. She never seeks them out, actively avoiding them when she can. With the loss of Jennalynn seared into her heart, she has no intention of finding them and growing close to anyone she might lose, again. Instead, she stays on the move, avoiding any roots or connections that last more than a couple days.
v; you can’t see it | tog ; cherry
Even though Ancient Greece was definitely one of her special interests, Layla hated having to write a paper on some boring Greek tragedy. She was interested in the people, the politics, the agriculture, not some lame play. Hoping to find something of interest, she started searching for the playwright's muse, hoping this "Andromaque" might be based on someone real.
She hit pay dirt. And then more.
Once she'd slapped together something passable for her paper, she threw herself into the research, collecting everything she could find about Andromache the Scythian, across more time periods than any one person should be involved in. She found others that popped up with her, and added them to her research. She kept all her information on a locked board, hidden in the depths of the web, signing off all her posts with a simple 🍒.
She was devastated when, some years later, her board got nuked, but whoever took her board down had to be an idiot if they thought she hadn't saved every piece of info she'd found to an external hard drive (or five), never to touch the internet. 🍒's Immortals was far from dead.
v; i’ve been quiet for too long | tog ; lily
As twins, they could not have looked more different; Lily with the dark skin of her mother, Jasmine with skin light enough to pass as white. Jasmine was awarded a position in the manor, while Lily worked the fields with her mother, until her mother was sold away. Jasmine started little rebellions then; sneaking extra food out to Lily and the others, framing violent overseers for whatever crime she could. Lily worried about her sister, of course, but Jasmine was all fire and very little caution.
It manifested in a slave rebellion on their plantation, quietly fed by Jasmine over several months. It went as well as many rebellions went; in mass slaughter. Lily was killed three times that night, hating every time she got back up. Come morning, her sister, her other half, her twin was hanged for her part in the rebellion.
Unlike Lily, she didn’t come back.
All of the caution and meekness curdled in her chest, seeing her sister’s body, and that night Lily slaughtered the entire family, still covered in her own blood, before stealing a dress and burning down the plantation. She started walking north and never looked back.
Four hundred years later, Lily is still aching with the loss of her sister, unable to move past the loss of being a matching set. She drinks copiously to deal with the unbalance, and is more than happy to pulverize any racist she crosses.
v; prey on the powerful | tog ; freesia
Ramona María was born in Spain in the mid-1500s, but was still an infant when her parents immigrated to México. As a child, she was promised to the son of a wealthy but politically powerless criollo, offering him some political power in exchange for financial security. Ramona was always too spirited for a proper Spanish Catholic woman, and hated the boy she was later forced to marry. She kept her distaste of him quiet, though, as she was fond of his younger sister. The two became very close companions, before and after the marriage, and Ramona convinced her husband not to marry his sister off, as it would affect his power and income.
The charade did not last long. Ramona bore her husband a son, and while she was still recovering from the pregnancy, she refused her husband’s sexual demands and was killed for it. When his brutality didn’t stick, she happily returned the favor and stole off in the middle of the night with her sister-in-law and son. They went as far north as they could, Ramona pretending to be a widow until she recovered enough to pass as a man. The charade only lasted a few years, as her now lover hated not having the comforts of home, took the child, and returned to their villa. She - and especially the male heir - were welcomed with open arms, and Ramona was mourned as dead.
She passed many years as a man, traveling around the world, happily and quietly killing abusers where she found them. As long as people considered her a man, no one questioned her female companions, either.
v; do you think it’s gonna be that simple | tog ; daisy
Daisy doesn’t talk much about her past; it’s been long enough that she claims she doesn’t remember it. She lost count of the years quickly, knowing only that she was younger than the Rosh Hashanah celebration she stumbled across some hundreds of years later. She was not quite eighteen when she died, brutally killed by her father, who she in turn obliterated when she realized she was alive and well and no longer in pain. She knew better than to stay and started running, and has been running ever since. It became harder as her youth became more contentious - whether passing as a boy or a young woman, she was always too young to be traveling alone. The proliferation of guns and cars were godsends, and she mostly stays in cars now, keeping to places no one will look twice at her, more guns hidden around her than anyone would realize. She’s an assassin for hire, as long as no one sees her face, they don’t object to a young girl having the skill she does with a sniper rifle. As much as she’d love to join others like her, she’s all too aware of how difficult it is to stay under the radar when perceived as a minor, and she doesn’t like the idea of shifting that risk onto others.
v; i’m a nightmare even in the day | tog ; four horsemen
Daisy was the one to find them all, bringing them together out of the vicious loneliness of immortality. Shamira was the one to joke that Daisy must be Death, come to finally escort her home, and Ramona was quick to declare herself War in response. It took some explaining what she meant; Ramona was the only Christian of the group. Once the mythology of the Four Horsemen of the Apocalypse was shared, Autumn and Shamira laid claim to the last two, Pestilence and Famine respectively. It’s their own inside joke, mixed with the pidgin sign language they’ve formed over the centuries to accommodate Autumn’s hearing difficulties.
v; if the city’s on fire i’ll stand in the ashes | tog ; poppy
All her life, she had known death to be her eventual solace, so when she was finally used and broken past the point of no return, she welcomed the cold embrace of death.
And then she woke up again.
Bitter and hateful, the only escape she'd ever hoped for taken from her, she killed her way to freedom. She was covered in blood by the time she got out, and only some of it was her own. With no strong grip on any recognized language and no connections to the outside world, the nameless girl stole everything she could carry and started wandering.
Whoever got to her first would be the one to set her trajectory for the rest of her immortal life.
v; dedicate my life to something richer | tog ; lovebirds
Her lack of mortality only became an issue when white people showed up. Her original name - and entire tribe - are lost to time, but she has been a thorn in the colonists' sides for as long as she can remember. She was born shortly before the harvest, on what would eventually be called the autumnal equinox in the northern hemisphere, and so eventually adopted the name Autumn for herself.
Even though they had been dreaming of each other for nearly a decade, finding Shamira felt like luck, like fate, like destiny. Though it had taken nearly a century after the demise of her tribe for Autumn to leave her tribal lands, she had never left the continent she was born on. Shamira opened her eyes to the plight of indigenous people on other continents, and as a member of a diaspora herself, the plight of people unhomed everywhere. 
The two are inseparable, a balance neither realized they needed in the other, and have been married a hundred different ways in a hundred different places. They recognize no border, no government other than one's own culture, and fight to protect those that have been ground down by supremacist installations.
v; i’d rather be a lover than a fighter | tog ; lavender
She had always been a healer, learned at her grandmother's knee, though a little too fire-spirited to ever stay in one place. Her travels ended her in hot water, killed for witchcraft in a Puritan colony. No one paid any mind when her body disappeared, too wrapped up in their own hysterias. She kept traveling, avoiding white colonies, learning healing tricks from anyone who would teach her. She sailed with pirates, helping their assorted illnesses in exchange for safe passage through waters, shed her given name for that of the woman she learned from most.
Anais learned as much modern medicine as she could, attending multiple universities as soon as black women were allowed to, and marrying the old ways to the new. She offers help to all who would need it, though rarely stays in the same place for too long. Many 'haunted' houses scattered around the world are hers, gardens she tends to when she has time, healing herbs grown wild in her absence. Not all of her plants travel well, after all, and it's always best to grow them in their native soils.
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