#my experience with this game series in a nutshell
unnamed-proxy · 21 days
What happened in gobb? If u wish to ramble I'm all ears! /gen /nf
AAAAH re-entering fandoms am I right? TvT
OKAAAY OKAY SO WHERE DO I START (spoilers under the cut in case anyone cares)
First off, menu music? Kind of a banger, also the voice actors popped off with this one oh my stars. Especially the lady voicing the safety tapes I love her voice so much
Second off, and this is the most unbelievable part I know, it was actually kind of??? Tense??? Eerie even??? At points which is shocking enough on its own
Oh oh! Syringeon made his debut here too! His voice actor was killing it too, pretty decent model as well imo, I like the stupid eye movements it does
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Anyways Syringeon tells us about his plan to capture Josh in order to defeat sir Dadadoo, and it turns out it’s kinda his fault that Dadadoo has control of everyone right now as he’s the one who gave the queen’s scepter mind control abilities (somehow??? For some reason???) so he’s kinda stupid but it’s okay
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I have nothing of importance to say about these guys I just think their dance moves rocked and their designs are goofy as hell (/aff)
Oh, Uhyeah is here too, he voices this guy. Nice hat dude
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Toadster is back!!!! Banbalena (is that how you spell it? Still don’t know) is corrupted though, L
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He’s still awesome, his VA deserves more recognition I’ll just say it
Bittergiggle’s back!!!!! They look like this now :), chase music also slaps
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Anyways Bittergiggle gets toadsted (fuckign dies)
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Times like these I wish the models were more expressive (and that Toadster didn’t look like that. Ew) because this whole scene is just Ty and Paul popping off for literally no reason
This part’s mainly what my og post was referring to cuz I saw it all over Twitter and it sucked me back into this fever dream 😭
SPEAKING OF FEVER DREAMS (I’m so good at transitions oh em gee)
Y’know that one scene from Penguins of Madagascar where all the penguins are falling out of the plane? Okay now imagine that but it’s stinger Flynn and Banban bickering like an old married couple for the 5th time leading to the plane starting to crash and exploding (worlds tamest stinger-ban interaction)
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“I will stop consuming slop” I say before inevitably consuming more slop once a new banban game comes out /hj
Honestly I think this might’ve been the biggest step up so far! The puzzles were pretty neat, I always liked the color puzzle from the first game and the memory match from this one is just that but better, even had my photographic memory ass struggling at points
Game ends off with Jumbo Josh just… beating the shit out of Sir Dadadoo and his army???? Really easily too. Damn, Josh, didn’t know you were(n’t) chill like that. And he eats the scepter cuz of course he does, good job sir Jumbonious J. Josh
AND BEFORE I FORGET APPARENTLY BANBAN ISN’T EVEN BANBAN???? I THINK???? There’s a whole other banban that’s blue with a yellow beard thing?? And yellow eye lashes?? I reached the image limit so I can’t show you but I promise I’m not making this up I’m so serious
The mural in the end bit has the red banban as a sticker thing overlapping the blue one which you peel off, revealing the blue “original” banban, than Syringeon makes you unconscious. Blue guy is on the cover of the next game so that’s gonna be…. Something.
Btw yes absolutely, always a wild ride rejoining a fandom TvT, like reuniting with a childhood friend every time, a friend you can ramble about (you’re always welcome to do the same @ me if you’d like btw! :D /nf)
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I have read your story and it is amazing. I really liked the part where they were ordinary people and led a normal life. I really liked how he presented their personalities without their twisted psyches as vampires. Especially Ayato's. The job was perfect for him. I always had one thing in mind that Ayato was a playboy. I even felt bad for Yui. The cute little angel went every day just to catch a glimpse of him and see him flirting with other girls. I can't even imagine how bad she felt when he took someone for "it".
Omg thank you anon! I was actually thinking what story you were talking abt until I saw the playboy part when I realized it was the fake human AU series 😭😭😭
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I know how you felt bcos as an AyaYui stan, turning Ayato into a playboy in that series really hurts my heart. Like imagine Yui wanting to make Ayato remember but at the same time she can't tamper with that universe bcos she doesn't know if what she's going to do will affect their true universe or not. So she settles for watching him everyday. Plus it's not like Ayato doesn't know her bcos he mentioned abt seeing her there most of the time so there are hints of him being curious or interested abt her.
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But yeah back again on his playboy thingy, well since it's in a fake human AU and Ayato took a complete 360 there, Yui actually doesn't blame him since he has no memories of him being a vampire. (though Yui knows who they all are). It's like those amnesia tropes in romance where your partner forgets who you are and you can't blame them bcos they don't know anything abt you. But in later chaps, Ayato apologizes for it since he still hurt Yui with his playboy tendencies. (please give me enough time to update the next chap in ao3)
So yeah remember, the fake human AU is an alternate dream world created by another Feinze and the boys went there tampering with some of the timelines so they can blend with the people in that AU. And yes, everything they experience there is surreal since their souls are trapped there. So if Yui or one of the Sakamaki bros gets killed, they really will die in their own AU.
It's like SAO with no game simulation thingy. So yeah they can all get killed, even if the tool you use is not pure silver. Just imagine these vampires trying to survive a universe where humans can finally kill them with any tool in sight.
Fake human in a nutshell: Chaos Lineage on steroids
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btw for those who wanna read the series, here's the link
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prince-of-elsinore · 1 year
Dear M*A*S*H: S1 Ep 04 “Chief Surgeon Who”
Previous episode here.
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Aka, Pilot Redux.
This episode does everything the pilot does, only better. It contains a thesis statement of sorts--this time, surprisingly, in the mouth of Henry Blake to Frank Burns: “We can’t be so G.I. we lose patients”; it contains a broad introduction to the camp’s zaniness and co-ed shenanigans, which General Barker experiences as he wanders around looking for Col. Blake; it deftly illustrates the main relationship dynamics of the camp, especially between Frank and Margaret; it puts proof to the claim that Hawkeye is the best surgeons around; it even repeats the beat of a general coming around to apologize for judging Hawkeye prematurely. It also does something the pilot does not; it establishes one of the few permanent changes that will occur in the early seasons, in the form of Hawkeye being named Chief Surgeon. If this change was going to occur so early anyway, my narrative-structure-loving brain insists that this would make a perfect inciting incident for the series as a whole. Overall, this episode strikes me as the Pilot that should have been.
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We open with the excellent image of Trapper John using two bedpans for a foot soak. What could sum up the spirit of Trapper and Hawkeye better? Hospital equipment--designed specifically as shit receptacles, no less--appropriated for personal pleasure, a sorry approximation of what they’d rather be doing and where they’d rather be (much like golf in the minefield, or any time the two of them sip martinis together in lawn chairs in front of the Swamp). It also serves a practical purpose related directly to one of the many discomforts associated with their work; Trapper complains that he wishes they’d let them operate sitting down. The long hours in O.R. will be a well of discomfort the show draws from again and again; here they’re evoked through an efficient, characterful visual gag.
While Trapper is soaking and Hawkeye is drinking a martini and hugging a guitar (does he even play it? An odd detail, chosen for its aesthetic more than anything, I suspect), Frank has been busy typing away. He interjects, “Haven’t you two anything better to do when you’re off-duty than to lie around and swill gin?” This peevish comment not only sets him apart from Trapper and Hawkeye, it also introduces the main conflict. The driving force of the episode is the clash of personalities between Hawkeye and Frank: an interpersonal conflict, for the first time, rather than an externally imposed one. While both internal and external conflict can lend themselves to good storytelling, it’s satisfying to see a show able to mine its own cast of characters for motivated plot lines this early in the game, and it breaks up the repetitive pattern of the the previous three episodes.
The following exchange about what Frank is typing offers us Frank Burns in a nutshell, fully formed as he has not yet been presented to us. He’s writing his patients back home--not because he’s concerned for them, mind you; they’re form letters, he tells Hawkeye without shame. No, Frank Burns is concerned only for himself and retaining the patients whom he sees as nothing but the cash cows that have allowed him to buy his infamous “$35,000 house and two cars.” The exaggeration of his military exploits in his letters also give us a taste of Frank’s jingoism and yearning for wartime glory.
The bickering continues in O.R. and comes to a head when Oliver, a brain surgeon, asks the others what to do about a pancreatic injury. Frank and Hawkeye give conflicting answers; Frank’s is by the book, but Hawkeye’s is based on more recent medical knowledge. “You’re a year behind in journals,” he accuses. This humiliation prompts Frank to file a complaint with Col. Blake pressing charges against Hawkeye, which in turn prompts Col. Blake to appoint a head surgeon to avoid future conflict.
“You may just turn out to be one of the good guys yet, Henry.”
Henry’s unorthodox decision to make Hawkeye Chief Surgeon, despite Frank outranking him, is a turning point for his character. It’s the first time he’s been more than passively aligned with Hawkeye; he’s actually taking a stance for the moral position of the show, and at some personal risk. He knows Hawkeye is the better surgeon, but is wary of his irreverent ways. “Don’t let me down,” he tells Hawkeye, and Hawkeye responds, “Would I do anything to disgrace this uniform?” He’s wearing, of course, nothing but his boxers, undershirt, and robe. But that outfit is the Hawkeye uniform. It represents the man and his values far better than his Class As. In a way, him swearing on his beloved ratty, red robe is as good a promise as you can get out of him. He’ll be the better Chief Surgeon because of who he is and because he puts the patients first, not the Army and its empty symbols. Henry knows this, and casts his lot with Hawkeye.
There’s an ironic exchange between Frank and Hawkeye in Henry’s office: Frank says, “You were still working in a hospital when they called you up,” (as opposed to Frank, who’d been in practice 3 years) to which Hawkeye says, “I realize it’s ridiculous for a doctor to work in a hospital. It really screws up your golf.” Presumably, working in a hospital has not earned Hawkeye a $35,000 house and two cars. Here the show seems to be venturing beyond its usual purview of poking fun at military hypocrisy to question American consumerism and supposed meritocracy at large.
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The face of disappointment
The scenes between Frank and Margaret reveal the true underpinnings of their relationship. It’s not just a love of “the Army way” that unites them; it’s a parasitic feedback loop in which Frank turns to Margaret for comfort and validation of his masculinity, and Margaret enables his grovelling by babying him while longing for a “real” man. Margaret no doubt believes she can “fix” him. They both want the other to parent them, but only Frank gets his needs met. Later, when she and Frank are canoodling in her tent and he asks to be called “tiger,” it’s pretty clear she’s not really into it. Oh Margaret, you can do so much better! In light of this unsatisfying arrangement, I don’t find it hard to believe that she is happy to receive the attentions of the generals that pass through in these early days.
“What’d I get on the humble-meter?”
At Hawkeye’s “coronation ceremony,” he says the following in his speech: “When you live in a cruddy situation like this long enough, you get to love a few people, and even hate a few. I guess outside of our families, we’ll never be closer to anybody than we are to each other.” One of his hands is on Radar’s shoulder, the other on Trapper’s. There’s a moment of solemn silence, and then Trapper breaks in: “You finished?” Hawkeye asks him, “What’d I get on the humble-meter?” I can’t help but compare this moment to another Hakweye speech where he talks about his love for the 4077 family, the eulogy he gives in S11 Ep05 “Who Knew?” By that point the show, and Hawkeye himself, was far beyond the point of undercutting a heartfelt moment with humor. And by then, it’s truly earned, after Hawkeye’s been there nearly three years.
I suppose one could think that Hawkeye is being genuine here, and only pulls back due to Trapper’s interjection, but I don’t believe there’s anything in his characterization thus far to suggest that. The only times Hawkeye gets serious are when he’s angry. He doesn’t do sincere; not yet. This a perfect example of Hawkeye the irreverent performer. He says exactly the sort of thing one is “supposed” to say in that sort of speech, and then Trapper sets him up for the “humble-meter” punchline. Besides, he’s only been in Korea a few months at most. I don’t doubt his fondness for Radar and Trapper, but they’re not like family just yet.
Finally, General Barker arrives, answering Frank’s call (though of course, he really comes because of Margaret, of whom he clearly has fond memories). Frank complains that the new chief surgeon is keeping a patient waiting in surgery while he plays poker. As Hawkeye explains to Barker, he has a sound medical reason; he’s waiting for the patient to stabilize to see if operation is truly necessary, and has a nurse keeping close watch. As opposed to in the pilot, where General Hammond was convinced of Hawkeye and Trapper’s skill after witnessing a routine O.R. session, here Hawkeye’s medical judgment is directly questioned and then proven. When he finally is forced to operate on the patient, he explains to General Barker his rationale for going about the operation the way he does. He looks for a small hole in the patient’s lingula, something he only knows to check for through experience, and thus wins General Barker’s respect. We’re shown, not told, just how good Hawkeye is at his job and why he deserves to be Chief Surgeon.
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“This place is a madhouse, Henry, a nut farm!”
General Barker’s little tour through the camp while looking for Henry is as fine a summation of the 4077 as any. He encounters no fewer than four amorous couples: the soldier hiding the prostitute under his poncho (I thought nurse at first, but the high heels and apparent shortness of her skirt seem to point toward working girl); Oliver and Ginger playing “strip dominoes,” a game I’m pretty sure they invented; Margaret and Frank, proving they’re no “better” than the rest of them; and Henry himself with a nurse, whom Henry, bless his heart, is excited to show the worms he’s caught for fishing. Barker also finds Radar posted up at Henry’s desk drinking his brandy and smoking his cigars while reading comic books. While this isn’t exactly in keeping with Radar’s later innocent and wide-eyed characterization, to me this is a perfect encapsulation of a child trying on the trappings of manhood. It especially strikes a chord when I think of how Radar would come to look up to Henry as a pseudo-father-figure. And, of course, Barker encounters Corporal Klinger, and finally it feels like I’m really watching MASH. When Barker informs Henry that the man on guard duty is wearing a skirt, Henry’s response is, “Yeah, well, luckily he’s got the legs for it!” It might have been meant as nothing but a throwaway joke, but I’m adding a point to the “Henry’s one of the good guys” column.
Other thoughts:
We get Hawkeye’s first mention of a sister, though I suspect it’s just a matter of speech; he needs his poker winnings so he can buy his sister a new truss (I assume in the medical sense of “a device worn to reduce a hernia by pressure,” which adds to my conviction that the whole thing is a joke)
Henry doesn’t seem all that bothered by Klinger appearing naked. I wish I could hear what he was saying to Barker.
Frank actually asks Hawkeye for help in the O.R. at the end! I would say that’s growth, but it doesn’t seem to stick.
Favorite line: the line that might have made me fall in love with MASH on my first watch, Hawkeye’s recipe for a perfect martini: “You pour six jiggers of gin and you drink it while staring at a picture of Lorenzo Schwartz, the inventor of vermouth.” (Although Hawk seems to have pulled this name out of his ass. Antonio Benedetto Carpano is credited with the invention of vermouth, while Joseph Noilly was the first to create a dry version, in 1813.)
A note: I won’t be attempting to do a write-up for every episode. I’m planning to skip to those I have the most to say about, or perhaps combine some strings of episodes together.
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ainulindaelynn · 8 months
The craziest symptom of cPTSD is the complete detachment from my own body. I don’t know if there’s a name for that, but if there’s not, there should be.
Warning: much mental health rambling ahead 😅
In a nutshell, there’s a tiny adjustment happening in my house that I’ve been genuinely excited about forever, but realized last night my body and my brain are on completely different pages about it.
Emotionally, I’ve been fine for a long time, but tonight I caught myself randomly sucking in a huge anxiety breath. I did this last week once too, while leaving my tagalong at preschool for the first time, which he was pretty upset about, and I thought it weird then too, because I felt fine at the time. Sympathetic, but personally okay.
As soon as I made the connection, I realized this is much bigger. The source (separation) and the symptoms line up perfectly with the first (ish) event of my PTSD series. Looking back, I think I’ve been experiencing a somatic flashback for a month without realizing. It started during fire season (the second event), and kicked up worse in the last week or two.
Taking stock, my circadian rhythm has been severely fucked up. Executive function is out of whack. My sense of time is funkier than usual. Body dysmorphia has spiked a little. Heartburn. My skin is acting weird. I have people I want to see, but am not responding to? My hair is falling out, ffs. The list goes on and on, but it’s all subtle. I assumed it was related to sleep and season change, but no.
My body is re-experiencing all the grief and strain of the first event in my PTSD series and somehow I have not felt it on the surface at all. Emotionally I’ve been fine. It is the strangest feeling.
I’m always grateful when I finally recognize these weird cPTSD symptoms, because now that I see what’s happening, I can wave the ‘you’re not falling apart, it just feels like it’ flag and give myself permission to listen to my body for a while. Ease back at work. Curl up and do nothing sometimes. Take naps. Meditate. Dissolve into a game when I need to. For short periods, the bare minimum can be a beautiful thing. Finding the bottom instead of fighting it, and use it to come back up in time. That’s the theory at least. It worked with catastrophizing. Just cutting myself slack and backing off for a bit.
I knew I shut myself out of my own emotional experience sometimes, but forgot the body disconnect can be so severe that I wouldn’t even feel it until I was literally gasping for air.
I still feel more like an observer than a participant, but this is a big step.
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chocochipbiscuit · 1 year
For the ask game: 1, 3 and 11!
1) do you know how you want the story to end when you start, or are you just stumbling through the figurative wilderness hoping to find a road?
Answered here, but because I’m nothing if not loquacious, I feel like expanding!
Every story needs to have a good ending. I know a lot of emphasis is put on ‘strong hooks’ and openings, but the ending is the last thing the reader takes with them. There have been stories and games that I’ve loved…except for the endings, which then taint my willingness to re-engage with that media.
Sometimes I stumble. That’s what outlining and spitballing with friends is for. And when I’m doing something short, or a creative writing exercise, I’m not so invested in the ending; my prompt was to show the progression of time between four scenes? Okay! I can do that! And because it’s so short, a story might emerge (because humans are pattern-seeking creatures, and a ‘story’ has a narrative pattern that differentiates it from a series of unconnected events) but those exercises weren’t written to be ‘stories,’ they were written for me to practice or explore certain techniques.
3) on a scale of 1-10 how much do you enjoy incorporating romance into the average story?
I almost exclusively write love stories in fandom. Shipping! Romance! Passionate smooches! I read a lot more broadly outside of fandom, but for fanfic specifically? I fall in love with characters and want to write about them falling in love in return. Relationships (whether established or getting together) offer new ways to explore characterization and the ‘what if’ nature of fanfic!!!!
11) what’s something neat you’ve learned while doing research for something you were writing? also, how much do you worry about doing research in general?
Answered here, but I realize that I forgot to answer the second half of the question!
I don’t think of what I do as ‘research’ generally, because usually I try to pick things I’m already interested in and know a little about. I don’t usually set out to look up specific questions, but instead try to soak up the ambience or topic and see what interesting details pop out. I will look up specifics to make sure it doesn’t contradict something I’m writing, but generally I just go with the ~vibes~ and try to make sure it makes sense.
ALTHOUGH. I WILL SAY ONE THING. As a former physics tutor and general science nerd, it does drive me absolutely BONKERS when science is misrepresented or deliberately watered down for the sake of a nonsensical analogy! One of my personal peeves is the use of Schroedinger’s cat (there was no real cat! It was a thought experiment meant to illustrate how fundamentally weird physics is at the quantum level and how it’s not necessarily directly applicable to the macro level!) So when it gets used as a weird smirky ‘well, it’s alive AND dead, we can never be fundamentally sure of ANYTHING’ then authors are completely missing the point!!!!
I also fully admit the irony of it because I wrote Schroedinger’s Pussy to play with the pop culture reference of it but ALSO maintain that it works as an analogy here because of the history of necromancy and nuclear war and the mass devastation/death that triggers their thanergetic surges, then WELL! Two angry lesbians in complete denial about their feelings and unwilling/unable to resolve their issues in a healthy manner seems like a PERFECT way to play with that trope!
I also dislike ‘ooooh quantum multiverse theory!!!’ when it’s used as an excuse for interdimensional hopping or to mire the characters/readers in solipsistic time loops.
…okay, this rant got a bit away from me. Nutshell summary: No, I will not write a pirates AU because I am currently not interested in learning more about boats and maritime trade routes and I do not see the point in writing a thing for which I will have to learn other things! But yes, I will write a mermaid AU where I look up whalefalls and the difference between jettison and salvage, because I find that much more interesting!
(Questions are from this ask game!)
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ebaeschnbliah · 2 years
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As my theory, regarding the story told in Sherlock BBC, is mostly developed now in broad lines, it’s time for a summary. Below are the main posts for each of the series, respectively for each episode of S4. This interpretation is entirely based on metaphorical reading and plays with the idea that Sherlock consciously investigates his own case, the pink one, inside his head on - what I like to call it - a mind stage. Of course, that’s only one of several possible ways to view the show but it’s the one that makes the most sense to me. Sort of TILOSH instead of TPLOSH ... one might say.  :)
From the beginning then:
MUSINGS ABOUT THE MEANING OF SERIES ONE  -  Introduction, User Manual, Chapter List
REICHENBACH (Rich Brook) AT CENTRE STAGE  -  SERIES TWO: The way to Reichenbach and the consequences
CHANGING OF THE GUARD  -  SERIES THREE: The big revelation and beyond
FROM PLANE TO PLANE - THE ABOMINABLE BRIDE  -  A SPECIAL detour across the Victorian tapestry
FROM PLAN TO PLANE inside the plane - THE FINAL PROBLEM -  SERIES FOUR: The innermost core
Sherlock BBC viewed as the detective’s slow motion investigation of his falling in love with John Watson - THE LONG FALL DOWN TO THE BOTTOM OF THE WELL  
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An additional list of more posts can be found below the cut. I wish anyone who’s interested a happy reading. :)
20 July, 2022
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A CASE ABLAZE  -  MAIN POST: Fire and flames and a pink case that seems to be burning
WHEN SHERLOCK LIES DRUGGED IN A CAB  - Musings about the strange parts of the PILOT
FIRE ACTION - SLIDE TO VIEW  -  Impressions from Unaired Pilot, Green John on the phone
A DOG BARKS IN THE NIGHT  -  About barking dogs in PILOT & ASIP
TWO TIMES JOHN  -  When two Johns appear in one single shot 
BAKER STREET 221b  -  The ‘pink’ version 
ICEBLUE  -  Colour-coordination between PILOT and TLD? Plus an iterview with Benedict Cumberbatch from 2010
IT’S AN EXPERIMENT  -  More thoughts about a PILOT theory
PILOT-VERSE  -  Some musings about an ExtraordinaryExtendedMindPalace starting point
ON VAMPIRES AND THE COLOUR GREEN  -  ‘Green-John’ and ‘Vampire-Sherlock’ … “I’ll burn you”
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MUSINGS ABOUT THE MEANING OF SERIES ONE  -  MAIN POST: Introduction, User Manual, Chapter List 
A SIGN OF CHANGE  -  The modern cockcrow
JENNIFER WILSON   MARTHA  LOUISE  HUDSON  -  About the meaning of names
COME WITH ME  -  The victims transitions
POISON  -  Shot by pill and dart, a comparison, ASIP & TFP
WELCOME TO ENGLAND  -  Sherlock greets a man from the West with the same words Zoe Van Helsing uses for a man from the East
THE BLIND BANKER  -  The key to decode the whole story
PAIRS - TWINS - DOUBLE OHs  -  They always come in pairs, even John
COUPLES, PAIRS & THE GERMAN CONNECTION  -  The revelation comes from the East and the tool to translate the code is linked to German language
THEY COME IN PAIRS  -  Couples and mirror-couples in the Prince’s case
The NUTCRACKER and the WORKER  -  Sherlock and human history
THE WORRIOR BEHIND THE PURPLE MASK  -  Escapology Act and Deadly Spider
CLASSIC ESCAPOLOGY ACT  -  The whole show in a nutshell
DEADLY BIRD SPIDER  -   The whole show in a nutshell
’M’ - THE YELLOW DRAGON  -  About the identity of the dragon and the enemy behind the curtain
THE TRANSPORT SERIES  -  Impressions from TGG
BOILING BLOOD  -   When a DROP OF CHEMISTRY or a DROP OF EMOTIONS brings the blood to a boil
BOMBS and PILLS  -  A pattern of five: about the five victims and the five hostages in ASIP and TGG  +  ADDITION
SEKHMET  -  Lioness goddesses of war and healing
CONDUCTOR OF THE UNIVERSE  -  Love isn’t always blind - about professor Cairns
WESTIE’S ENGAGEMENT PARTY & JOE’S CONFESSIONS  -  The missing Bruce Partington Plans
THE CONNECTING ELEMENT  -  The barking dog in the distance
THE LOST VERMEER & THE VAN BUREN SUPERNOVA  -  Explosive connections between TGG and TFP
COUNTDOWNs  -  Lost-child-connections between TGG & TFP
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REICHENBACH AT CENTRE STAGE  -  MAIN POST: A metaphorical interpretation of the events that led to Bart’s roof and beyond 
DISTRACTIONS & CONSEQUENCES  -  Metaphorical interpretation of the boomerang case
DOUBLE OH SEVEN - BOND AIR IS GO  -  Two times ‘0′ & the history of zero
PALACES - A COMPARISON  -  Buckingham Palace & Mind Palace
SHERLOCK - THE VICAR  -  About the definition of words
SCANDINAVIAN REFERENCES  -  In Sherlock BBC, TheGameIsNow - Escaperoom Event & Dracula
THE CABIN ON THE MEADOW  -  The hiker, bees, cars and the South Downs
JUST THE ONE  -  A calculated risk at Christmas time and a small breath of chemistry +  ADDITIONS
SHOES FOR THE HOUND  -  He stole the shoes to send the Hound. Is Jim Moriarty the Hound of the Holmes?
HENRY KNIGHT  -  Musings about Henry and Sherlock
THE KNIGHT OF BASKERVILLE  -  Connecting dots & musing on knights, dragon slayers, pirates, distressed damsels and chess
THE DOGS IN SHERLOCK’S MIND PALACE  -  Rhodesian Ridgback, Irish Wolfhound and ‘Hound Dog’ by Elvis Presley
ELVIS & JOHN  -  The WATSON inside Sherlock’s mind palace
A DOCTOR WHO IS ‘FAMILY’  -  Dr Frankland and Dr Watson, Jim and the Hound
WHEN THE MAN WITH THE KEY BECOMES KING  -  Metaphorical interpretation of The Fall
MAX & CLAUDETTE  -  The meaning of names & musings about another ‘neat’ plan
UNDER THE MICROSCOPE: Part ONE  TWO  THREE  -  A closer look at Clostidium Botolinum & the Glycerol Molecule & what the microscope reveals
JOHN OR JAMES  -  A beautiful transition & John’s rescue from fire and water
THE HARDDRIVE, THE VIRUS & THE INDESTRUCTIBLE IDEA  -  About the impossibility to kill an idea
DEVELOPEMENT OF THE FALL  -  About the constant repetition of ‘falling’ and ‘flying’
NEAT - DON’T YOU THINK  -  Reichenbach and Bond Air under the lens - not as neat as one would think
SOLUTIONS OR CHOICES  -  About the three different ‘Fall’- solutions
THE SUN - THEY’R DOING A BIG EXPOSÉ  -  A comparison: Sherlock BBC: Exposé by the SUN vs. Dracula BBC: Exposed to the sun
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CHANGING OF THE GUARD  -  MAIN POST: A metaphorical interpretation of TSOT and beyond
SECRETS OF THE SERBIAN FOREST  -   Images, colours, similarities +  ADDITIONS  
DUNGEON ON THE MIND-STAGE  -  About the torture-scene in Serbia
DUST IS ELOQUENT  -  Some musings on modern dust, victorian fog and the importance of things that are missing
PACKED-UP CHEMISTRY  -  The chemistry at 221b never left the flat
AND THEN THE GOVERNMENT EXPLODES  -  Interesting connection between TEH and TST
LEARNING FOREIGN LANGUAGES  -  Absorbing knowledge - Dracula learns Bavarian and Mycroft Holmes learns Serbian very quickly
THE HAMISH INVESTIGATION  -  A pattern of five: Time determination & about the meaning of names
THE EYE-TREATMENT -  When seeing and observing leads to falling in love
VATICAN CAMEOS  -  About the pope, nuns, crossed keys, yellow and whithe, faith, hope and love
FIVE FUNNY STORIES  - A pattern of five: Sherlock’s funny stories and a possible connection to each series of Sherlock BBC
THE PICTURE IN FRONT OF SHOLTO’S ROOM  -  Similarities with the ghostly bride in TAB
GUARDSMEN  -  A summary
A STUDY IN PINK & GREEN  -  Similarities between the PILOT and the stag night in TSOT & ‘stag’-ADDITIONS
ON BEHALF OF AMO  -  ASIP & ASIB revisited in HLV, a metaphorical interpretation
CODENAME: AMO  -  Lady Smallwood, the Spirit of Ecstasy & Claire de la Lune
INVESTIGATOR OF SECRETS AND SCANDALS  -  Pressure Points inside Magnussen’s MP
ISAAC - SHEZZA - BILLY  -  Three addicts & ‘The man with the twisted lip’
HELEN CATHERINE DRISCOLL  -  About the meaning of names
PASTA PENNE  -   An interesting pasta performance
SMILEY’S HIDING IN PLAIN SIGHT  -  The wallpaper in Magnussen’s bedroom
CHAINED TO A WALL INSIDE A PADDED CELL  -  A line from Bram Stoker’s DRACULA and an image from Sherlock BBC
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FROM PLANE TO PLANE - THE ABOMINABLE BRIDE  -  MAIN POST: An attempt to unravel the Sherlock BBC Tapestry based on metaphorical reading
THE CHEMISTRY OF LOVE  -  Visual impressions about similar reactions of the brain, regarding love, cocain & binge eating sweets
THE BLOODHOUND IN HIS HANDS  -  Dust is eloquent for the Hound  
HOUND(S) IN 221b  -  Jim, the Hound, at Baker Street
POT-KETTLE-CAULDRON  -  Playing with names, synonyms and translations
REICHENBACH ON SCARLET CHINOISERIE  -  What a wallpaper is able to reveal
LADY LOUISA CARMICHAEL  …….  About the meaning of the names 
THE LOUISAS OF SHERLOCK BBC  -  Martha Louise Hudson, Dr. Louise Mortimer, Helen-Louise and Lady Louisa Carmichael
Ms & Ws  -  Playing with letters and requests
WHEN 221b SHAKES  ……  And the elephant falls  
TEARS OF A VAMPIRE  -  The elephant in Dracula BBC
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FROM WATER TO WATER - THE SIX THATCHERS  -   MAIN POST: An attempt to unravel the Sherlock BBC Tapestry based on metaphorical reading
BATCHES OF SIX  -   A pattern of five: connections between busts, pips, bombs & memory sticks
WHO’S A FAN OF MAGGIE T?  -  A pattern of five: the five bust owners compared to canon & the meaning of names
SPINNING THE PLATES  -  About the importance of little cases
MIRRORS IN A BIRTHDAY BALLOON  -  About the meaning of words
THE SMASHING OF THE TWIN BUSTS  -  Miss Orrie’s two busts, flashbacks and transitions
A DROP OF BLOOD ON THE DOCTOR’S BUST  -  Toby the bloodhound and chemistry + the  H:GROUP
MARY’S HIATUS  -  A closer look on Mary’s journey & musings about Dracula, Ireland, the Orient Express and langitudes
KASBAH NIGHTS - PRETTY RACY?  -  On Marrakesh-perfume connections & other Oriental vibes
SHOWDOWN IN MOROCCO  -  Here we are at last ... Ajay & Jim
CENTRE STAGE  -  A closer look at the hostage situation in Tiblisi
A VISIT TO THE TIBLISI WORKSHOP  -  About busts, coloured dust & some very strange looking manufactures for plaster busts
FATEFUL GARDENS - EMPTY HOUSES  -  A garden comparison: Lauriston Gardens, Leinster Gardens, Miss Orrie’s Garden + pink and blue
THE PLASTER BUST REVELATION  -  Scenes and dialogues used for Sherlock’s final revelation in The Six Thatchers
THE SWIMMING POOL VARIATIONS  -   A pool-comparison: That’s what it’s all been for, hasn’t it? & This is about Mary & This and that
DROPPING THE MASKS  -  Dracula BBC vs Sherlock BBC 
FROM THERAPIST TO THERAPIST - THE LYING DETECTIVE  -   MAIN POST: An attempt to unravel the Sherlock BBC Tapestry based on metaphorical reading
BOTTOM OF THE THAMES  -  A gun comparison
TWO TIMES FAITH  -  The two Faiths of TLD and their transformation
ANOTHER REICHENBACH  -  Some similarities with The Reichenbach Fall 
THE REPTILE IN 221b  -  The frilled-necked lizard on the mantlepiece and Mycroft’s reptile brain
THESE WORDS EXACTLY  -  Sherlock and Mr Blue-Skull: ‘I must have blacked out’ 
THE INVOLVEMENT OF FIREWORKS  -  Explosives and the Woman
FROM PLAN TO PLANE inside the plane - THE FINAL PROBLEM -  MAIN POST: An attempt to unravel the Sherlock BBC Tapestry based on metaphorical reading
ONCE SHERLOCK HAD BEEN  -  A comparison: the addict & the emotional child
EVERY CHOICE YOU EVER MADE  -  Wrong ways, wrong choices and consequences
THE NUMBER OF THE BEAST  -  I666: History meets canon and leads to prisms and rainbow colours
THE RETURN OF BASKERVILLE  -  Baskerville vibes in Series Four
THE GOVERNOR AND HIS WIFE-revisited & expanded  -  A metaphorical interpretation of the first task of Sherrinford
AMONG THE FUNNY GRAVESTONES  -  Brenda, the wolf and the bird &  Alice and James & Nemo and the lists
THE STAIRCASE COMPARISON  -  I want to break free, Freddy Mercury and the Queen Video
THE SKULL …  THE FRIEND  -  John fills in for Sherlock’s skull
A DOCTOR & A JUNKIE  -  When a piece of dialogue runs full circle back to the beginning
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THE PRISM  -  MAIN POST: The show as metaphorical prism for Sherlock Holmes to analyse the character
The very first explanation of what became my favourite theory, back in August 2016, before S4 aired:
THOUGHTS AND IDEAS revolving around the possibility that more than just the second half of HLV might be a bit not real. Ok some basis thoughts for this idea:  TSOT is the episode where Sherlock deduces himself successfully to be in love with John Watson. What if it is also the episode where Sherlock tries to figure out what chances there are that John Watson might also be interested in him. What does John Watson like? A male version of a commanding officer with a difficult past? Because all the nice girls like a soldier? Or a female version of a clever and cheeky woman who knows about skip-codes and is eagerly at John’s heels when the possibility of adventure and murder can be anticipated but provides also a ‘normal’ life and maybe a child?
In short: could it be possible that in TSOT we are dealing with a James Sholto and a Mary Morstan - both existing only in Sherlocks mind. Both versions of Sherlock himself. All of TSOT a sort of mind-chess to deal in his own special way with everything that happens to him emotionally. Because this is something completely new to him and he doesn’t know how to handle it otherwise.
TEH - Sherlock’s awakening sexuality. TSOT - Sherlock deducing himself into love and figuring out what John might like.  HLV - Sherlock realizing that John would be bored in a 'normal’ relationship and also that he himself would not survive being parted from John. Losing John would kill him like a shot in the heart. TAB - Sherlock asking 'Who am I and what made me like this’ . Throwing himself finally in the waterfall of his emotions. Trusting John to be clever and always at his side.  That leaves only his past to be dealt with … the burried skeleton which is still not found. Then Sherlock is free for John.
That’s just a very short summary of all the thoughts that kept us talking the last weeks … months?  I don’t know any more. Anyway, now these ideas are out. It looks like in S4 the story goes back to Reichenbach. Maybe for more than just for solving the FALL. Remember where we left them, Mofftiss said. Maybe the real showdown between Sherlock and Moriarty hasn’t happened yet and in the end we will get John at Sherlock’s side when he is finally facing his archenemy (whoever it might be)  As it always should have been. The two alone against the rest of the world.
SHERLOCK’S WEBSITE  -  The document represents the author
THE WALL HAD IT COMING  -  It’s nearly all about the wallpaper, guns and smileys
LOVE, ACTUALLY? -  Elderly ladies in Sherlock BBC and their connection to love
LOVE IS A BURNING THING  -  Fire, flames and burning as a metaphor for love
THE ROADS WE WALK  - From 'headless nuns’ to sisters turned into 'ghost stories’
VATICAN CAMEOS  -  About the Vatican connections in Sherlock BBC
A CHRISTMAS TALE  -  It’s always Christmas & Christmas is about the birth of a child
THE LIAR SERIES  -  Summary of characters called: liars
SIMILARITY IN DIFFERENCE  -  Opposite statements but the same meaning  &  ADDITION
EVERY QUIVER OF HIS BEATING HEART  -  About flags, lions, dragons, vexillology and history
THE MONSTERS ARE LOOSE  -  Classical ingredients of horror stories also used in Sherlock BBC
FINGERNAILS  -  Musings on the meaning of fingernails and countdowns in Sherlock BBC and Dracula BBC
VILLAIN DESCRIPTIONS  -  Jim Moriarty, Charles Augustus Magnussen, Culverton Smith and Count Dracula
JEKYLL - DRACULA - SHERLOCK BBC  -  Stunning similarities
THE LAST CHAPTER  -  Sherlock Chronicles, Mind Palace - stuff that’s usefull
ANATOMY OF A STAMP SERIES  -   A Study in Pink   The Great Game   A Scandal in Belgravia   The Reichenbach Fall   The Empty Hearse   The Final Problem
STILL AT THE CENTRE OF THE WEB  -   Collage for the 10th anniversary medal of Sherlock BBC  & CHEMISTRY  & MAP OF LONDON
MAGIC IN SHERLOCK BBC  -  Real magicians involved in Sherlock BBC
To be expanded in case some new ideas or new data emerges. Thanks for reading. :))))
Complete list of all the posts sortet by the year:  2016 2017 2018 2019 2020 2021 2022
Source of PromoPics
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hiiiii💕💕💕 From the ask game Pride Edition!
8. Describe your gender without using any words traditionally related to gender
10. Something that gives you gender euphoria
12. What is your favorite piece of LGBT media?
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8. Describe your gender without using any words traditionally related to gender
ooooh, okay, this honestly stumped me because there is a lot to my gender i feel that i would always miss out mentioning, but like
traditional, static, crystalline and crystallised, but also fluid, like blood, its redness and shine; full of music and candy and horror and sweetness and pastel like qualities but also dark as hell. unimaginable. everything and nothing at once. traditional and non-conforming in one. like a galaxy that can still be read in a nutshell whilst contain multitudes. metal. rock n roll. operatic voices, fantastical and symphonic elements, haunted and abandoned nostalgia, synths, grandiosity, bubblegum, pop, glitter, fairy dust, bat wings, vampire fangs, ethereal natures, ballads, power ones or not, rock candy, candy floss, precious stones, mirrors, reflections, water, fire, tinsel, snow and ice and gold and silver and ashes and dust. ferocity and softness. infinite contradictions within one. can be reduced but also not. anything my heart desires. anything i'm in the mood for and that you can predict and cannot predict. i decide what makes sense and what doesn't. ancient and young at once. unfathomably complex and massive and yet also simple and with the essential things at any given time. also very gay and bisexual and often involved in attraction.
10. Something that gives you gender euphoria
goddd i feel like i'd always forget what to say and when i post this, i know i'll always forget something
but like, when i dress in a particularly soft masc way and a selfie with it looks really nice, especially with my pins and jewelry, or when i talk out loud to myself and realise the kind of deepness my voice has, or when people say Evan, or use he/him pronouns and use 'traditionally masc' terms like handsome, or when my girlfriend/partner refers to me as her boyfriend (especially if trans is there, honestly, so validating, because i love being trans) or when we talk about me being her 'pretty boy' which gives me butterflies
12. What is your favorite piece of LGBT media?
not so much canon but i'm obsessed with the tintin series and i very much constantly go back and forth on the characters' sexualities and genders, and frankly i'm fine experimenting with different scenarios, but there is very much a queer reading into the whole series. it has also helped me with my queerness and how i understand myself along with my life in general. it's very cathartic in many ways, such as this.
i also adore my girlfriend's fave show and her interest in it, the owl house. this one is very canon and i love seeing them express themselves through it with the queerness in sexuality and gender like with the main wlw couple, luz's bisexuality, the gender nonconformity and the canon nonbinary character with raine whispers. it also helps me to understand fae better to see how she talks about it as well and our dynamic together reflective of the characters.
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dreamerinsilico · 1 year
for the end of year writing asks: F P O
What stories are you planning for the future?
*vibrates excitedly*
I've got two Sandman fics that are almost done, both Dream/Hob - a slightly silly, very nerdy, very porny kinkmeme fill and a self-indulgent hurt/comfort thing.
I signed up as a prospective author for a Hannibal 'zine recently, and if accepted, I've got a couple of ideas for that. The one that has the most traction, currently, is about Hannibal trying to exorcise his attachment to Will by more creative means than eating him.  (spoiler: it doesn’t work)
Other than that in Hannibal-land, I've got a post-canon longfic that's been sitting for two years that I direly want to get back to and finish, and if and only if I manage that, I've got a Hannibal-Wayward Children series crossover idea I've been percolating for over a year.
(Honestly... I probably ought to just go ahead and publish the little vignette I wrote as kind of a companion piece to the bigger idea. :P It's short, sweet, finished, and actually good. In case anyone following my tumblr actually knows both canons and cares, it's Hannibal's first therapy session with Jack Wolcott.)
What are your pet peeves in other people’s work?
I have several grammatical error pet peeves (lie/lay errors being the foremost, and unfortunately by-far most common, of those), but those just kind of make me sigh and pinch the bridge of my nose, at most. English isn't everyone's first language, and even if it is, the current state of public education in at least my anglophone country leaves much to be desired. Certainly won't ruin a fic for me.
I think the biggest pet peeve otherwise, aside from various "I vehemently disagree with this characterization" sort of things (which I think we all run into at some point), is when a story goes into a lot of depth... or "depth".... about a subject that the author clearly has no clue about, either from practical experience or research. Fics that go into detail about cooking when it's clear the entirety of the author's knowledge of the subject comes from having watched one or two Gordon Ramsay shows. Fics prominently involving characters being college professors where the author knows absolutely nothing about academia from any perspective other than maybe having been a university student at some point. That kind of thing. I'm never going to tell anyone to only write what they know, but like. Either do the research, or handwave it. Don't go into detail and then get every single detail wrong.
Do you believe in outlines? Show us one! 
I do believe in outlines, for anything more complex than one or two scenes! First relatively concise one I found that isn't for something I haven't finished yet below the cut (because it's still kinda long) -
This is pretty condensed, because I wrote it both for myself and to share with @stylishanachronism because we were doing a collaboration for a Pillars of Eternity minibang event. It's for I Recall (stylishanachronism's art embedded <3).
The nutshell version of what this fic is exploring is: In the present-day, in terms of the game's timeline, the protagonist is face-to-face with the trapped soul of her lover from a previous life thousands of years ago. 99% of the fic is about that past life, and how the protagonist unwittingly betrayed the love of her life.
Events timeline
Iovara leaves the missionaries; Nephele is torn, but declines to go with her
Nephele thinks on Iovara often, sometimes struggles with the desire to leave and join
Thaos sends Nephele off to infiltrate, which she is simultaneously sick and overjoyed over.  General intent to fade into the heretics and go dark with Thaos.
Reunited!  Yay!
...and then Thaos personally tracks Nephele down.  Whoops.
Shit starts hitting the fan, and Nephele ends up suggesting going to Ossionus due to trusting That Asshole way too much
Iovara is captured by the Inquisition and events play out as we see in the game
Actual scene outline
Establish both directly and indirectly an existing relationship between Iovara and Nephele, and a bit about what that relationship is like.  Iovara tells Nephele what she has discovered, and that she intends to leave.  They part with mutual regret.
Flashbacks to earlier time with Iovara
Flashbacks to background with Thaos
Nephele is sent to infiltrate the heretics.  Flashbacks to angst and indecision in the time since Iovara left.  Emphasis on mixed but mostly-optimistic feelings Nephele has about this situation.
Nephele is brought to Iovara and baldly confesses she was sent as a spy/infiltrator.  Iovara is surprisingly (to everyone except Nephele) okay with this.  They get to be happy for a bit.  Nephele’s still not completely sure about this whole atheism thing, but it makes a scary amount of sense and she’s glad to be where she is.
Thaos pops up personally and makes a go at convincing her that the movement is Le Fucked, but he still cares about dear Iovara, and the only way to really salvage things is going to be getting Iovara’s people to go to Ossionus.
The trap is sprung, and they realize it too late.  Nephele starts going into “holy fuck this is my fault” mode; Iovara verbally slaps her out of it and tells her to live, and to remember.
Epilogue: modern-day Acantha in Sun-In-Shadow, face to face with Iovara’s spirit.  “I remember.”
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spinningbuster98 · 2 years
1, 6, 7, 15 :)
Why did you become interested in Sonic?
Well when I was around 6 years old Sonic X used to always be on TV and I just...happened to watch a lot of its episodes, being particularily hyped about Super Saiyan hedgehogs because I was into my DBZ phase like many others my age.
One day my dad took me to a game shop and I just happened to notice a game that had one of the characters from the show depicted on its cover, that being Shadow
Yes Shadow the Hedgehog of all games was my first Sonic game, soon followed by Heroes, Mega Collection Plus and Gems Collection, though I can't remember the order
2) Favourite game(s)?
My opinions (on anything really) tend to always change but in general:
Sonic 3 & Knuckles is a game I hold dear, although ever since Mania came out I've been put off by it because the Retro Engine's renewed physics have made me notice all the little imperfections in S3K's own physics, plus all the little bugs and stuff like randomly stopping while spindashing up a slope in IceCap act 2
Sonic Adventure 1 is a game I have many nostalgic memories of, but as time passed I've begun to really dislike its repetitive structure and undercooked campaigns
Sonic Adventure 2 on the other hand is a game that I used to not like very much, however in recent years I've begun to appreciate it way more than SA1 for its more compact and streamlined structure, and I've also grown to like its other gameplay styles by mostly judging them on their merits rather than how they may or may not fit into a Sonic game....which is still a valid criticism though, and I in no way will I ever declare SA2 the "best Sonic experience ever"
Sonic Unleashed is a game I haven't played in a long while (alongside Generations) mainly because I haven't been able to use my XBOX 360 in a long while. I have many good memories of this one, and I still really like the Daytime stages despite their linearity,as I really like their length and difficulty level...but the Werehog brings it all down, as while I may appreciate alien gameplay styles in Sonic to some extent like I now do for SA2, the Werehog's stages simply drag on for far too long
Sonic Colors is a game I still quite enjoy when trying to collect everything. Going through these stages like normal is not very fulfilling because of their length and relative simplicity, but when you're going after those Red Rings it really makes the levels much better to me, as it forces you to actually explore them, do extra platforming and use the Wisps in particular ways. True its platforming is often not very Sonic-like, but for the most part I still enjoy it as I don't think it overtakes the speedy portions too much (hell I still like Sonic 1, which is worse in this aspect)
Sonic Generations is another game I haven't played in a while, and I really wish it were longer (and actually did something with its story) because it's got some of the best levels in the series, Seaside Hill act 2 in particular. Ironically I feel that Modern Sonic steals the show completely, to the point that you could take Classic out and the game wouldn't get worse, though he's still enjoyable, albeit not 100% faithful with how he handles in the Classics (and City Escape act 1 is just fun, alongside Speed Highway act 1)
Sonic Mania, which would have been my absolute number 1 had it had way more OG stages and given Knuckles more unique alt paths
7) Favourite vocal themes?
It Doesn't Matter for being a great way of describing Sonic's character in a nutshell (I used to prefer SA2's version, but now I've swung the other way)
Open Your Heart for obvious reasons, although I've noticed just how cheesy some of the lyrics can get (GOTTA OPEN YOUR HEART DUUUUUDE)
Live and Learn, which for the longest time I actually didn't like nearly as much as Open Your Heart for being shorter, but now I REALLY like how much it fits the final battle of the game....if only it were a longer and harder fight (that guitar solo followed by the lyrics with the quiet guitars in the background at the halfway point is the best)
What I'm made of, I just love how the song and especially the lyrics pump you up for a big fight against such a big slithering cowerd as Metal was in Heroes
Endless Possibilities, for reasons more or less similar to It Doesn't Matter, though I guess it's not as descriptive of Sonic's character, but it sure is adventurous! (I'm not the biggest fan of the part about the Werehog, as it kinda...feels out of place with the rest of the song? As if they absolutely had to represent the werehog in some way)
With Me, I just LOVE the back and forth between the two singing voices representing the clashing ideologies of Sonic and Merlina...though I kinda wished the voices were a bit more similar to theirs (I also like the Crush 40 version, but the original is the best)
Infinite's Theme: Which I got cut by just typing about it
I am all of me: OUCH I'M BLEEDING!!
15) Favourite Sonic levels?
Chemical Plant in Sonic 2 because yes
Hydrocity and Icecap from Sonic 3 because you all should know why
Red Mountain in SA1 because I actually really like the aesthetic, and I find it's got a better balance between speed and platforming than Speed Highway (which is still really good, but a bit on the short side I feel). Plus Emerald Coast for being fun and iconic, Windy Valley (though I wished its first act was longer), Speed Highway, Lost World for its great atmosphere, and Final Egg for how...dirty it looks, favourite Eggman base to this day
City Escape, Metal Harbor, Radical Highway, Final Chase, Meteor Herd and Security Hall (yes you read correctly) for SA2
I wanna say Mystic Mansion for Heroes but mainly because I adore the Halloween aesthetic and OST and I wish more games did something like it
Rooftop Run for Unleashed because....c'mon
Green Hill act 2, Chemical Plant act 1, Sky Sanctuary act 2, City Escape (both acts), Speed Highway (both acts), Seaside Hill act 2, Crisis City act 2 and Rooftop Run act 2 (though not as much as the original) from Generations
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striderisms · 2 years
ermm i dnt use this main account but pretend it’s being sent from one of my sideblogs. but i’m just getting now into HS and i’m just like. woooo id love to know your thoughts to send out to a new reader or like. stuff about your fave characters or whatnot! anything works tbh, hope you’re having a good day
hey!! i hope you're having a good day too & this is a great question.
on reading homestuck itself:
first off, id say look into downloading the unofficial homestuck collection. i didnt know about it when i first started reading hs but apparently it's supposed to make your reading experience better, especially since there are many things in hs that are outdated (virtually and culturally lol) + the youtube channel Voxus has created the let's read homestuck series so you can also listen to the entire story if you so choose.
secondly, i think when reading homestuck you just kinda have to accept the fact that you're going to be confused unless you really dig into theories and lore and seemingly endless wiki articles. i think being confused is part of the experience that is reading homestuck-- especially since the series is big on "time shenanigans" (but when you do get to parts where you are SO CONFUSED about timeline stuff, rest assured that people have made tables and graphs online to help you figure out what the hell is going on, you just have to find them). AND being that homestuck is confusing, you really dont even have to worry about being spoiled either; you could literally find out someone dies and it wont affect your reading experience.
on the characters:
homestuck's characters are, in my opinion, the best part of the whole comic because they're so unique and there's soooo much depth to all of them. they're incredibly relatable because they're just flawed teens struggling with their identities; put that on the backdrop of playing a cosmically fucked up game and you have homestuck in a nutshell.
also there's a lot of characters you'll find annoying or even down right hate at first, but you'll come to find that many of them change and grow as you read, and being part of that experience is so cool!! for example, i used to really disliked john when i was first reading it and now john is literally one of my favorite characters!
i dont have much else to say besides those few things because it's honestly a really personal experience and you'll develop your own opinions on the story and characters as a whole over time!!
feel free to message me w/ questions or reactions while you read it, i'm always down to talk!!
i wish you luck in beginning your hs journey :3
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ao3feed-destiel-02 · 6 months
god left a long time ago (and took the tenderness with him)
read it on AO3 at https://ift.tt/yq3wJp0 by ijusthavealotoffeelings It’s strange, Castiel thinks, how your body can become a memorial to your own suffering. OR After a fateful day when a newly-human Cas is taken prisoner and subjected to the worst humanity has to offer, he has to learn and re-learn what it means to love and be loved within a body that has endured so much trauma. Luckily for him, he has his family and the love of his life there to help him through it. Words: 5439, Chapters: 1/?, Language: English Fandoms: Supernatural (TV 2005) Rating: Explicit Warnings: Graphic Depictions Of Violence, Rape/Non-Con Categories: M/M Characters: Castiel (Supernatural), Dean Winchester, Sam Winchester, Jody Mills, Claire Novak, Kaia Nieves Relationships: Castiel/Dean Winchester, Castiel & Sam Winchester, Dean Winchester & Sam Winchester, Castiel & Claire Novak Additional Tags: Post-Season/Series 10 AU, maybe? this fic doesn't have a specific timeline, ok i suck at tags but it's important for this one so let's get the major stuff out of the way, Human Castiel (Supernatural), Rape Aftermath, Aftermath of Torture, Post-Traumatic Stress Disorder - PTSD, Hurt/Comfort, Heavy Angst, Angst with a Happy Ending, yes this fic does get fairly dark, it explores the aftermath and healing of sexual assault, but it still has a happy ending because those are just the kinds of stories i write, Lets Play A Game Called, How Much Can I Project Onto My Favorite Characters in One Fic?, seriously though guys, this is just a lot a lot of me projecting my own experiences and trauma onto cas, trigger warning, seriously please read with caution!, READ THE TAGS YA'LL!!, i don't want anyone to get triggered reading this, Religious Imagery & Symbolism, is my catholic guilt showing in this?? hmm, again. this is just me projecting. everyone deals with sexual assault differently, pretty much based off my own experiences, ok i realized i'm making this sound super depressing but i swear it's hopeful too, my life in a nutshell really, ok right back to actual tags, Bisexual Dean Winchester, Gay Castiel (Supernatural), Past Prostitution, ok i think i got em all, me actually acknowledging both sam and dean's canon trauma bc the writers suck at it, everybody needs therapy in this fic, Domestic Team Free Will (Supernatural), Fluff, because there is some in this fic believe it or not!!, i pinky promise this has a happy ending!!!!!, also there is of course consensual smut in this bc im me, SO, With that in mind, Hand Jobs, Blow Jobs, Developing Relationship, Love Confessions, First Time, First Kiss read it on AO3 at https://ift.tt/yq3wJp0
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ao3feeddestiel · 6 months
god left a long time ago (and took the tenderness with him)
read it on AO3 at https://ift.tt/Zx1VMEu by ijusthavealotoffeelings It’s strange, Castiel thinks, how your body can become a memorial to your own suffering. OR After a fateful day when a newly-human Cas is taken prisoner and subjected to the worst humanity has to offer, he has to learn and re-learn what it means to love and be loved within a body that has endured so much trauma. Luckily for him, he has his family and the love of his life there to help him through it. Words: 5439, Chapters: 1/?, Language: English Fandoms: Supernatural (TV 2005) Rating: Explicit Warnings: Graphic Depictions Of Violence, Rape/Non-Con Categories: M/M Characters: Castiel (Supernatural), Dean Winchester, Sam Winchester, Jody Mills, Claire Novak, Kaia Nieves Relationships: Castiel/Dean Winchester, Castiel & Sam Winchester, Dean Winchester & Sam Winchester, Castiel & Claire Novak Additional Tags: Post-Season/Series 10 AU, maybe? this fic doesn't have a specific timeline, ok i suck at tags but it's important for this one so let's get the major stuff out of the way, Human Castiel (Supernatural), Rape Aftermath, Aftermath of Torture, Post-Traumatic Stress Disorder - PTSD, Hurt/Comfort, Heavy Angst, Angst with a Happy Ending, yes this fic does get fairly dark, it explores the aftermath and healing of sexual assault, but it still has a happy ending because those are just the kinds of stories i write, Lets Play A Game Called, How Much Can I Project Onto My Favorite Characters in One Fic?, seriously though guys, this is just a lot a lot of me projecting my own experiences and trauma onto cas, trigger warning, seriously please read with caution!, READ THE TAGS YA'LL!!, i don't want anyone to get triggered reading this, Religious Imagery & Symbolism, is my catholic guilt showing in this?? hmm, again. this is just me projecting. everyone deals with sexual assault differently, pretty much based off my own experiences, ok i realized i'm making this sound super depressing but i swear it's hopeful too, my life in a nutshell really, ok right back to actual tags, Bisexual Dean Winchester, Gay Castiel (Supernatural), Past Prostitution, ok i think i got em all, me actually acknowledging both sam and dean's canon trauma bc the writers suck at it, everybody needs therapy in this fic, Domestic Team Free Will (Supernatural), Fluff, because there is some in this fic believe it or not!!, i pinky promise this has a happy ending!!!!!, also there is of course consensual smut in this bc im me, SO, With that in mind, Hand Jobs, Blow Jobs, Developing Relationship, Love Confessions, First Time, First Kiss read it on AO3 at https://ift.tt/Zx1VMEu
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thegamecollection · 8 months
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We know many of you are askin' for Basim ahead of tomorrow's release! Understandable when Mirage has many traits of an AC title back to its roots... But we also know that there's some of you more hesitant Assassins that need a little push towards ninth century Baghdad! Take a seat, we've got you covered:
IGN - 8/10
"I’d recommend Mirage to anyone who’s lapsed on Assassin’s Creed, as its back-to-basics approach is a successful first step in returning the feeling that the earlier industry-defining games gave me so long ago."
Read the full review here.
GamesRadar - 4/5
"Despite its more compact vision, it manages to encapsulate exactly what it means to be an Assassin's Creed game. From the more classic costuming to the focus on stealth and streamlined parkour, this is a beautiful return to the classic games. And oh boy does it look good doing it."
Read the full review here.
Polygon - Recommends
"Mirage may very well be my favorite entry in the franchise (after Origins). By focusing on stealth and assassinations-as-puzzles, and keeping the map and missions small but layered, Mirage has shed the bloat of its recent predecessors. The result is a more refined game, from a studio that knows when to exercise restraint, and when to let Basim display his violent talents. Mashallah, I say again. Welcome back, Assassin’s Creed."
Read the full review here.
GameInformer - 8/10
"Concerns about the conclusion aside, I still had a wonderful time in Baghdad’s ancient alleys and palaces. Not everything is perfect, but the “less is more” design philosophy goes a long way to making this one of the most consistently engaging titles within the series for some time."
Read the full review here.
HardcoreGamer - 4/5
"Mirage hits the sweet spot when it comes to game length, long enough to feel worthwhile but short enough where it never drags or feels bogged down by filler content. In a nutshell, it delivers the classic Assassin’s Creed experience with a few modernizations. Assassin’s Creed has been going through many changes recently as would any franchise that’s been around for over a decade, but Assassin’s Creed Mirage is the return to form that the series needs."
Read the full review here.
VGC (Video Games Chronicle) - 4/5
"Assassin's Creed Mirage is a short, sharp trip through the blood soaked streets of Baghdad. A welcome return to the series' roots, Mirage is a breath of fresh air in the endless sea of open world adventure games."
Read the full review here.
Grab your copy with us and earn an EXTRA £10 REWARDS at completion! Right here at The Game Collection!
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ceterisparibus116 · 2 years
From the Daredevil Ask Game, "Tell us one of your favorite headcanons!"
So although other parts of law school were more meaningful to me in terms of, like, actually making a difference in the world etc., my mock trial career was by far the most fun, and it was incredibly meaningful in its own way, and I refuse to consider the possibility that Matt and Foggy weren’t on mock trial (sometimes called trial team, NOT to be confused with moot court, which is appellate advocacy rather than trial advocacy) during their three years of law school.
So here’s how I imagine it. Matt and Foggy obviously got along well from the very beginning, so no need to an enemies-to-friends(-to-lovers, perhaps) mock trial experience (although a canon-divergent AU could totally play with that). As soon as they find out about Columbia’s mock trial tryout, they latch onto each other to sign up. Of course, they need two more people. I assume they grab Marci (which would add all sorts of spice to the mix), and the fourth person is Jennifer Walters.
Matt and Foggy insist on being attorney-witness pairs for each side. So let’s say it’s a criminal case and Matt really wants to be a defense attorney (he’d see that as good practice for real life), meaning that Foggy plays his defense witness whereas when they switch to prosecution, Foggy plays prosecutor while Matt plays his witness. Let’s say Marci stakes a claim on Foggy as co-counsel (making Marci another prosecutor, which let’s face it she’d be fantastic at), while Jennifer becomes Matt’s co-counsel by default. (And don’t tell me there wouldn’t be sparks of attraction across the co-counsel front here either.)
Matt, of course, is that Annoying Guy who never shuts up about mock trial. He’s drilling the rules of evidence between classes and throwing practice questions at Foggy when Foggy’s trying to eat and demanding that Foggy practice examining him when he’s trying to sleep. (In other words, Matt was me.) Foggy doesn’t bother practicing quite as relentlessly as Matt, but that’s okay because he’s still quick on his feet and charming enough that even if he makes mistakes or forgets something, it’s easy to forgive. Marci doesn’t practice 24/7 willingly, but she finds that she has to in order to compete with Matt. I’m not sure about Jennifer’s style (may have to return to this Ask after She-Hulk), but for now, I’d say she already knows most of the rules of evidence because she picked up thrifted Rules of Evidence in a Nutshell book and read the whole thing before the first day of class, so all she really needs to study now are the facts of their specific case and some stylistic courtroom stuff.
The day of the 1L competition draws near. All they know is that the two winning teams will get to join the school’s official trial team to travel and compete against other schools, but to win, they have to beat all other teams but one in a series of “rounds,” each of which could last 3-4 hours, in which they essentially put on a condensed trial in front of judges who are, in some cases, real judges(and in other cases are real trial lawyers which is also intimidating). Tensions run high. And someone at the school spied on one of Matt, Foggy, Marci, and Jennifer’s practice sessions, so word’s gotten out that this team is not to be messed with.
Proceed to the competition itself. I’d like to think they blow through the competition, including Marci and Jennifer getting some satisfying moments against sexist law school frat boys. The final round is a nail-biter, but Matt does something that seals the trial in their defense. Though it could be a fun sensory thing (that he’d then have to awkwardly try to explain to his teammates, which would be hilarious), I’d actually prefer it to just be Matt’s hard work paying off. They not only make it on the school’s team, but Matt wins the Best Student Advocate award (looks very flashy on a résumé). The only thing that makes the moment bittersweet is his awareness of how much Jack would’ve wanted to see this.
(I also have plans for a fic where Matt takes his mock trial experience and volunteers to be a coach at a local high school, which is actually Peter Parker’s high school where he got roped into doing mock trial in an effort to be closer to MJ, who thinks she never has enough extracurricular activities to get into college.)
Anyway, that’s my fave headcanon.
Others are:
Matt’s favorite season is fall. He always liked school, and fall represents the beginning of school. Also, the crackling of fallen leaves and their sharp scent when they break lets him enjoy some of the distinct elements of the season despite not being able to see the colors. The cooler weather makes the city smell less awful, but it’s not so cold that he’s worried about ice when out in the mask.
Matt listens to Spanish hip-hop and rap when he’s boxing, except when he’s boxing out of actual anger.
Matt’s favorite Disney move is Rapunzel. I saw a post about his favorite Disney movie as The Little Mermaid, and I see that, but I think he’d relate more to Rapunzel’s isolation from normal life (without the privilege of being treated as a princess) and her struggle to disbelief gaslighting. Plus, Flynn (I mean, Eugene) is just fantastic.
Foggy was a boy scout or did some equivalent thing that gives him a ton of survival skills, which he’s quick to point out when the firm discusses how they’d survive a zombie apocalypse.
Karen may have started wearing fewer swishy-frilly dresses and skirts to better accommodate her PI work, but she still loves a maximizing feminine styles when she dresses—partly because she genuinely enjoys it, and partly because she knows Matt likes the sound of fabric fluttering, and partly because she likes shocking people with ruthlessness after they assumed she was just sweet and innocent.
Matt, Foggy, and Karen have made up a bunch of extra holidays that only they celebrate, commemorating random things that are meaningful to them. Matt appreciates the continual reminders that their friendship is intact.
Thank you so much for the fun ask, and thank you @etherealwiitch for creating the awesome Daredevil Ask Game!
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desultory-novice · 2 years
since you are still doing character asks... i'd love to hear your thoughts on dedede :)
003 Dedede
How I Feel About This Character:
King Dedede holds a permanent position in my top 5 favorite Kirby characters and I want everyone to know that my top 5 in a series this great and with so many amazing characters...well, getting a spot there is a really big deal.
For one, his character design is nearly perfect. Like, Kirby obviously has the perfect character design. Just beautifully simple and flawless. I'd probably rate Magolor second for excellent use of simple shapes, colors, patterns, and silhouette, but Dedede is third. He rocks the RBY color scheme and is a delightful combination of circles and rounded triangles. If you've never drawn him before, I recommend it. He's a character that is actually FUN to draw. Just like Kirby!
(But I also love people experimenting with him. Feathery Dedede++)
We're obviously all big Kirby fans here on Kirby-Tumblr, but I want to give a shoutout to "The Subspace Emissary" from Smash Bros Brawl, which really should have been everyone's wake up call to what King Dedede was -really- like. The way he feigns being on the villains side when he ends up being the damn hero of the story who literally saves all the fighters from being wiped out forever by Tabuu, hello?!?
Also his sliding hug tackle when he sees Kirby again! Cutest thing ever. I could watch it 100 times. I probably have...!
Any/All the People I Ship Romantically With This Character:
Already mentioned I have Dederanza feels in the Taranza ask. Let's see, I mentioned in my Kirby general series ask that I also ship MetaDede so might as well talk about that?
MetaDede is something I hadn't actually seen in the games -I'd- played that much (I only picked the ship up after being alerted to some of the stuff in the later games.) I thought it came from the anime, tbh! I'm fairly low-key about it, but I think it's neat. I really enjoy monarch x vassal and they are in no way your average king and knight, and actually end up bonding over their shared experiences with KIRBY of all things, which is pretty hilarious! Anyway, there's so much MetaDede in the fandom that I rarely feel the need to talk about it, but having them fight at each other's side/back-to-back to defend Dream Land is the A++ quality I look for in this particular ship.
...That said, I do want them to play chess together sometime. (Man, you cannot believe how I screamed when I saw in the Planet Robobot opening cutscene that chess playing Dedede was real. Chess-playing Dedede! Ahhhh!!)
My Favorite Non-Romantic Relationship For This Character:
Dedede and Adeleine. The protective pseudo-sibling (?) relationship they have is one of those low-key amazingly heartwarming things going on in the background of Kirby.
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I have a scrap of a comic idea written down where time passes VERY strangely on Dream Land, and so, in this particular story idea, Ado is actually Adeleine's grandmother, and she tells young Adeleine that should she -ever- get in trouble or need anything, go to the king. "He'll take care of you, just like he's taken care of our entire family till now." That is, in a nutshell, how I see them and why I adore them.
But also King Dedede and the Waddle Dees and Doos all the residents of Dream Land. Even in the chaotic and brain-breaking Kirby manga by Hikawa-sensei, Dedede still has a good rapport with his sovereign subjects.
My Unpopular Opinion About This Character:
I think everyone being tired of "mean ol' King Dedede!" is a popular opinion, at least, it should be, so... Hmm, I don't know where this falls, but one of the reasons I love King Dedede so much is that he ISN'T perfect? Like, I recall hearing once upon a time that the stories say the Arthurian knight Lancelot had the healing touch not because he was a perfect human being, but because he accepted his flaws?
King Dedede LIKES being in charge! He's got a huuuge appetite, and he likes being pampered. (Heck, who doesn't?!) He wants to win against Kirby when the two are competing. (Not enough to set up him, but in an actual fair competition.) He can have all these traits and still be a hero. I don't want a flawless Dedede who is free from snark and never loses his temper or accidentally (oops) misjudges people and other character flaws. I want a Dedede who can do these things and then come around!
Oh...and also I don't headcanon him as being particularly older than the rest of the gang?? ("Kirby is in his 10s, Dedede is in his 40s" stuff is just not for me, thx.) Maybe it's because my older sibling always picks Dedede in Smash (while I always pick Kirby) but I'm not super into "Dedede Dad" either? (...Well, "Dedede Dad" with the Waddle Dees is okay. I just have a limit I hit with that stuff.) I can see where people get the idea of an age gap from, and there's a size difference to boot, but I just see them as closer in age than most? It makes their "destined (friendly) rivals" thing better if they're not 20+ years apart, y'know. Dedede is not the team's "grizzled old man veteran" to Kirby's "idealistic young hero" (that role goes to Meta Knight if anything!) he's right there with Kirby on the field.
Annnd last unpopular (?) opinion: I don't necessarily mind Dedede being damsel'd. WITH the corollary that he gets to have his hero moment after. (Or that they, you know, switch it up RtDL style and let him be a hero from the beginning.) That is to say, I don't think it never needs to happen again. This is a highly personal thing, but as bigendered peep who grew up with so.much. female-in-distress in media, as long as we're going to get "save person in danger!" fiction (and it's a good trope in a bottle, so we will) I am totally okay with the big tough guy being the "person in danger." Cliches are gonna cliche, so give a peep some role-reversal so I stop feeling crazy inside, thx!
One Thing I Wish Would Happen / Had Happened With This Character in Canon:
I have never seen KRBAY. I don't really want to. But, as I mentioned in my Taranza ask and again here, I am big on loyalty dynamics. And I guess in the anime, Meta Knight was -literally- a knight of the kingdom? Whereas in game canon, he seems to be more of a mercenary/leader of a para-military force? (I mean, Dedede was said to have give fragments of the broken Dream Rod to his most loyal allies so obviously he has a long standing relationship with Meta Knight) but anyway, what I am getting at is that I would have a LOT of fun with a Meta Knight who is officially sworn to Dedede's service. At least for a little bit!
Oops. That turned into more of a "what do I wish happened to Meta Knight in canon."
Speaking of Meta Knight, I wouldn't have minded if we got just a little bit more insight into Shadow Dedede? Like, we know Shadow Kirby is a trickster and a coward, and DMK is ruthless and pragmatic instead of noble. And we get some implications that Shadow Dedede was...maybe never -rescued- from one of his earlier possessions (?!?) but very little on what makes him a reflection of Dedede.(*)
...Oh yeah. MORE MERCH PLEASE! I want to have more Dedede in my home but his majesty just gets real bottom of the barrel stuff and it's so sad. Like, okay, no one is as cute as Kirby and Waddle Dee. I get it. But they make Kirby seasonal collabs with Waddle Doos and Gordos and Scarfies and yet no Dedede? Puh-lease.
Favorite Friendship For This Character:
Kirby. Honestly, a big part of my "unpopular opinion on Kirby character ages" is because I really, really, really, really REALLY like Kirby and Dedede's friendly rivalry/ "two heroes working the scene from different sides" dynamic and I massively prefer that to pretty much any other relationship they could possibly have.
I was playing Forbidden Land with the fam and my sibling commented that Dedede's mid-boss fight roar in the Ice Castle stage felt almost like he was shouting to Kirby, "Where HAVE YOU BEEN?!" and ugh, I got so many feels from that idea.
...Forgotten Land is really good for the Dedede+Kirby dynamic...
Rinyo's next video is actually going to be Dedede focused, I hear? :excitement:
There's also this Dedede x "King" with 7 different artists collaborating to draw his majesty in all his glory. That was a little fun!
I want to burn his Kirby Cafe outfit/hat in a fire.
Dedede's Drum Dash was silly fun, but it will be weird if it stays the only Dedede focused spinoff in the history of the franchise. ...HAL?
(*) Oh, and lastly, I just went to the wiki to look up Shadow Dedede in Japanese only to find out he's got the, uh, ill-advised name of "Black Dedede" there but, it's noted further down that this gets shortened right in his pause screen to "Bla-De" - which is a parody of Dark Pit's nickname "Bla-Pi" (which got localized to "Pittoo") but anyway, my twisted brain accidentally read "Bla-De" as "Bloody" and suddenly "Bloody King Dedede" popped into my head, which is maybe a really cool take on Mirror-verse Dedede???
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that-stone-butch · 2 years
mx. butch, i want to play fallout games. is starting in order by the numbered titles a good idea?
hmm, it really depends. they're all very different vibes.
Fallout 1 is a bleak isometric crpg that ruminates on the themes of post-apocalypse and trans-humanism. be prepared for reading! it does a lot with the little time it gets. a phenomenal game, but it will leave you wanting more and it's riddled with those early crpg quirks like unmarked quests and things like party member friendly fire. you will die a lot. every little step in character progression will feel like a major victory in an uphill battle. this is the point.
Fallout 2 is fallout 1 but moooooore. made in the same engine; more weapons, more locations, more quests. but also, much much goofier. something is lost from in transition from the dirty starkness of fallout 1 to accidentally sleeping with a mob boss's wife in fallout 2. (the number of questions you can ask her before she falls asleep is based on a hidden sex roll in the game determined by your stats; this is fallout 2 in a nutshell). fallout 2 still has a lot to say, and it will scratch an itch that fallout 1 probably left. but in my opinion it's a very different experience.
Fallout 3 is like neither of the games before it (derogatory), an open-world experience in a heavily modified version of the Oblivion engine, it offers an iconic take on the wasteland but still has several kinks to iron out in its delivery. conversations with npcs are over before they 'feel' over, guns are frustratingly inaccurate and much of the character building elements of fallout 1+2 have been stripped away. while the first two games told their stories well in conversations with npcs and gave you a feeling of a world outside, fallout 3's dialogue makes npcs feel like a problem to be solved, and that's only fun for so long. in my opinion, the game is best played with zero investment in the story; just wandering the wasteland and listening to your radio. no other fallout game compares to fallout 3's wandering feel.
Fallout New Vegas (2010) has the story elements of 1+2, exploring the interpersonal and political ramifications of a world that considers itself almost done with the rebuilding after an apocalypse and bothers to ask the player 'how should a world like this be run?' it has a bajillion quests, oodles and oodles of interactivity, it feels like an actual world. a lively one, with interesting content waiting around every corner. the only thing FNV fails at is the *one* thing F3 excells at, in my opinion; exploring a dead world. FNV feels far more like a western than a post-apocalyptic wasteland, so it really depends on your mood. it's my favorite game for a reason though. it blends the goofy and the serious themes of 1+2 wonderfully.
Fallout 4 is a....game? it's *not* a fallout game. it's a fallout-themed wasteland exploration game with a world that, despite taking place the latest in the timeline, feels deader than the rest of the games combined. it has decent crafting/scavenging mechanics, but the role-playing is basically gone. the character building is almost non-existent, the world doesn't feel lived-in and the character doesn't feel yours. all dialogue has the F3 problem cranked up to 11, and despite having the most voiced lines of any game in the series, fallout 4 manages not to say anything at all. would kill to put FNV in that gorgeous engine though.
bethesda never bothered to finish fallout 76, so i won't bother to talk about it. it's even less of a fallout game than fallout 4, which is a fucking feat.
so it really depends on your mood. if you love old school CRPGs, play 1+2. if you want to be a wasteland cowboy exploring a world full of people that have a lot to say about our world, play FNV. if you want to wander a charming and dead world, play fallout 3. if you want to scavenge duct tape until you can finally build a jetpack (after you unlock it at level 41), play fallout 4.
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