#my little Game of Thrones heart is crying
katropolis · 9 months
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lucistarrrrs · 4 months
Lucifer Morningstar x Daughter! Reader
Genre: Drama, Comedy.
Summary: Athaliah is the second daughter of Lucifer Morningstar and Lilith Morningstar. Lilith sees Athaliah as a spare of heir to the throne of hell, as they grew up Athaliah felt a little envy and wrath. Until she awakens her powers almost destroyed hell and killing every sinner the corruption spreads wide through hell even the seven rings.
Part 1
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Charlie Morningstar the oldest and delusional daughter of Lucifer Morningstar and Lilith Morningstar then Lilith was pregnant again with a girl. Charlie was happy that she had a baby sister and she sang her sister a lullaby they named her Athaliah.
When Athaliah reached 109 years old she was a daddy's girl and a little bit too powerful. When Athaliah felt  jealous of Charlie cause Lilith saw her as a spare of heir to the throne. Now Athaliah reached 116  years old she was losing control and slowly went insane as she destroyed everything in hell and everyone. Lucifer just watched his young daughter as she went mad. Charlie was crying that the sinners were screaming and trying to survive.
As Athaliah reaches her insanity Lucifer calls the seven deadly sins. they gather around Athaliah and summon chains around Athaliah, sealing away her power. Athaliah screamed in pain, though Lucifer still continued despite her daughters' painful screams, he felt his heart sinking.
The seven deadly sins were struggling to seal her power. Athaliah was trying to escape the chains.
"LET ME GO YOU IMBECILES, YOU LOW LIFE DEMONS!! I WANT TO SEE THE WOMAN WHO NEGLECTED ME! WHO LEFT ME TO THE SIDE!" Athaliah screamed with a distorted voice. Lucifer was still trying to keep her powers sealed.
"SHIT LUCIFER YOUR DAUGHTERS' POWERS ARE EXTREMELY POWERFUL!" Mammon shouted as he was trying to keep the seal.
"JUST FOCUS ON THIS MAMMON" Asmodeus yelled at Mammon. As they finished the sealing of her powers, her sealed power turned into a ring, Lucifer caught it.
Lucifer looked at his daughter who was exhausted and she passed out. Beelzebub runs towards the girl "She's in coma but I don't know when she'll wake up" Beelzebub said in the concerned tone Lucifer runs towards Athaliah and caresses her face filled with bruises and some chains left on her.
After that Lucifer was talking with Lilith and they ended up splitting up. While Athaliah is not waking up Lucifer takes care of her and Charlie is with her mother.
Lucifer looks at the ring that Athaliah powers are in the ring he looks at Athaliah in a coma. No one knows when she's gonna wake up.
All the pentagram city and rings of hell were getting rumours that the second princess of hell almost destroyed everything in hell.
Athaliah is woken up from her coma and Lucifer was there for her.
Lucifer tried to calm her down but it wasn't an easy task. Athaliah saw the family portrait and was even more irritated, but Lucifer finally got through her by saying "Athaliah, your mother loves you" Lucifer some comfort words to Athaliah.
Lucifer sighs, and he sings her favorite lullaby. She flinched that his dad was singing her favorite lullaby. Athaliah looked at her father.
As Athaliah calmed down, she laid her head on Lucifer's lap, and Lucifer caressed her long hair. "Dad, I want to cut my hair," Athaliah said out of the blue. Lucifer was shocked at this then he agreed.
Lucifer grabbed some sciccors and started to cut Athaliah's long hair into a jellyfish haircut then she wears that something she wants. She bought everything like baggy pants, cargo pants, an oversized t-shirt and some video games. She stays at the penthouse for....a long time she doesn't go out much.
Lucifer taught how to control her powers and teach some new powers that evolve around her. Athaliah stares at the family portrait Lilith, Charlie, Lucifer, while Athaliah is behind at Lucifer being a little shy kid she looks at Lilith.
The music background starting Athaliah listen to the song O Children by Nick Cave & The Bad Seeds.
Lift up your voice, lift up your voice
Rejoice, rejoice
Hey little train, we're jumping on
Athaliah tries to resist her tears every time she sees the pictures.
The train that goes to the kingdom
We're happy, Ma , we're having fun
The train ain't even left the station
Hey little train, wait for me
I once was blind but now I see.
Lucifer heard the song in Athaliah's room, and he was guilty about his family being split up. Athaliah was crying but she found a way to cope with her stress playing videogames the whole night.
In the morning...
Athaliah heard her door knocking she opened the door is her father Lucifer bringing some rubber duck that looks like her, She had a lot of rubber ducks in her room like plushies.
"Hey...umm... Athaliah why don't you go outside for a bit" Lucifer asked his daughter to go outside "No." Athaliah said directly and closed the door.
Lucifer sighs that his daughter is not a sociable person and active now she's an introvert and despises the sinners.
One time Lucifer heard banging and rushed to Athaliah's room "WHAT HAPPENED ATHALIAH?!" Lucifer shouted open the door to her room.
"I LOST 50/50 DAD I WANT NAHIDA THAT MOTHERFUCKER LONG RED HAIRED ASS BITCH IS GETTING ME IRRITATED," Athaliah shouted, punching the plushies. Lucifer was dumbfounded when she looked at the gacha game that she plays, and Athaliah was addicted to it.
Athaliah was wearing some white oversized hoodie with skeleton on the back and some baggy pants. She had some posters around like anime and games.
"Dad do you have a meeting with...the first man shit alive like...Adam maybe you should give that to my delusional older sister Charlie" Athaliah asked as she continue to play genshin impact Lucifer was confused by this "I'm a little a busy cause I got a meeting with the deadly sins" Lucifer answered he thinks for a moment then he took his phone and calling Charlie.
"Yeah.. whatever I'm gonna play some genshin impact see you later Dad and buy me some books" Athaliah said as she was on her PC.
As she eats some pancakes for dinner like some fried oreo she always orders her father to cook some pancakes.
Athaliah was struggling to control her powers and Lucifer looked at her and walked towards her she taught her how to control and how to fly.
Then..Six months later
Lucifer slammed the door open Athaliah fell to her bed "Dads stop... doing...that" Athaliah was annoyed and yawned with her canine teeth.
"WE'RE GOING TO YOUR SISTER HOTEL" Lucifer was excited to meet Charlie "Not going" Athaliah said as she went back to her bed.
Lucifer put his hands in his waist and tapped his foot two Athaliah eyes widened when she heard her father tapping footsteps.
" Fine I'll go..." Athaliah sighs as she gets ready her outfit white polo with a red vest and high waisted pants.
"Why do I have to go?" Athaliah asked to her father and she fixes her hair and she flips her hair upward and Lucifer was also fixing his hair.
"You haven't met your sister in a long time, so what's the harm in doing so?" Lucifer explained to her daughter, Athaliah was irritated by this.
As they teleport to the Hotel "Hazbin... Hotel?" Athaliah looked at the signs and cringe by this and the designs of this hotel.
Athaliah looked at the door and she felt something off about this place, she quint her eyes as the door opened.
To be continued
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venusjeon · 1 year
dragon bond
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you're forced to marry your older brother in the tradition of your house, but it's the younger one who owns your heart.
♔ PAIRING: prince!hoseok x princess!reader
♔ GENRE: house of the dragon au, angst, fluff, smut
♔ WORD COUNT: 5.2k
♔ WARNINGS: incest!! yup, they're targaryen bro&sis. JEALOUSY, underage making out+groping+grinding (hs 15/oc 17), swearing, drinking, bloodplay, "cheating", +18 oral, loss of virginity (guys i think i have a kink)
♔ AUTHOR'S NOTE: you don't really need to have watched house of the dragon or game of thrones to understand this (there are no spoilers btw) but just know it's its own medieval fantasy world. also, sorry it took longer than usual, school and the tedious smut bit at the end are to blame:(
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120 AC
Today of all days, he was doing it again.
Your brother Yoongi was only five and ten years of age, yet he didn’t shy away from flirting with every lady or maid that crossed his path. It mattered not to him that your parents had betrothed you to one another, nor that most girls only indulged him because he was heir to the throne.
To you, his future queen, it did matter.
Crossing the great hall full of nobles who’d travelled to the capital from all over the Seven Kingdoms to celebrate your thirteenth name day, you reached Yoongi and dismissed the lady whose cheek he was caressing. Although she curled her upper lip at your curt tone, she wasted no time in running off, glad you’d intervened. Your brother wasn’t, especially when you grabbed his hand and dragged him to an empty balcony.
The views were beautiful, of the whole city and beyond, but each time you stood there you couldn’t help but wonder how many brothels in that labyrinth of alleyways Yoongi had frequented. In various occasions already, you’d heard him slip out of his chambers in the dead of night, seen him leave the Red Keep from your window… He always wore a cloak that covered his hair so no one on the streets would recognise him, but you reckoned the whores of King’s Landing knew well enough whom he was.
“What do you think you’re doing?” he spat after shaking you off assertively, with scant regard for whether he’d hurt you. He had a little, but you were too used to being treated so by him to complain. “Have you forgotten who I am?”
“My betrothed. Have you forgotten that I’m to be your queen, stand beside you when you sit on the Iron Throne? I think you must have, else you wouldn’t woo other girls so openly.”
Yoongi rolled his eyes. “I can do whatever I want, and it’s no business of yours.”
“Of course it is! You’re humiliating me before the court! How can I expect to be respected as a queen if my husband won’t respect me as his wife?”
“You’ll not be a queen, you fool,” Yoongi laughed, the sound pricking your heart as though it were a dagger. “You’ll be my consort, there to just breed me heirs. Nothing more. But this is not about respect, is it? It’s about jealousy.”
There it was, the twisting of the dagger. You couldn’t meet his gaze. “I don’t know w-what you’re talking about.”
Yoongi sighed. “Listen well, you’re a freak and I don’t like you, the only reason I’m marrying you is because father’s forcing me to. It’s getting annoying, your following me around, so stop it! Go play with your dolls, or sew, or whatever plain little girls do, but don’t make me suffer your presence any more than I have to.”
He left you there, frozen in your spot as his hurtful words sunk in. And that was it.
Unbeknownst to you, Hoseok was hiding in the shadows, had eavesdropped the whole thing. Two years younger, he was your other brother, and after witnessing Yoongi leave you in tears for demanding a crumb of mercy, he wished he was the only one.
✩ ✩ ✩
You were spending the night of your name day heartbroken, crying in your bed curled up in a ball.
It was true, what Yoongi claimed. You held a torch for him.
How could you not? He was older, dashing, handsome. You watched in awe as he trained in the courtyard, or flew around on his mighty dragon; blushed whenever his eyes landed on you—even if it was momentarily—or he mentioned you by name, or held your hand in public events.
Now, you weren’t stupid. It was clear he didn’t return your feelings... You had just hoped someday he might.
Were you from any other family, it’d be a blasphemous scandal, but intermarriage to keep the lineage pure was the norm for yours. Targaryens were said to be closer to the gods than to men, after all, so different rules applied.
Perhaps people thought that because you were dragonlords, could ride the magical creatures that helped your ancestors Aegon, Visenya, and Rhaenys conquer the Seven Kingdoms some hundred and twenty years ago. Perhaps they did because you looked like deities, with your silver hair and purple irises, and still spoke the language of old Valyria. Or perhaps it was because the future was shown to some members of your house through dreams.
It didn’t matter why. It wasn’t true, anyway. No goddess could be as pathetic as you, rejected by her own intended on her birthday.
Then amid your woe, someone knocked on the door of your chambers. Wiping your wet cheeks, you sat up. Who would bother you so late, past midnight? Part of you wished it was Yoongi bringing a sincere apology, but when you gave permission to enter, it was your other brother who came in with a lit candle in hand.
He approached the bed shyly, almost embarrassed. You guessed why when he asked, “Can I sleep here with you tonight?”
Nodding, you made some space for him. “Had another nightmare?” It was your mother’s bed he usually climbed to, yours only when she had been called to your father’s. You didn’t mind it at all. Tonight, in fact, you were glad he’d cuddle up to you like a pup.
Hoseok placed the candle on your bedside table and lay beside you under the sheets, shaking his head. “I didn’t want you to be sad on your own. I heard what Yoongi said to you earlier…”
“Oh…” You were the embarrassed one now. “It’s fine. He’s always like that, so I know not to take it to heart. I’m not sad... but thank you for caring. You are sweet, brother.”
Setting aside the clear lie for a moment, Hoseok held in a sigh. Brother. Why did you never call Yoongi that?
“He doesn’t deserve it, you know?” he muttered, making you frown. “Your heart.”
Were your damned feelings common knowledge? It was supposed to be an ideal situation to fancy one’s betrothed, but if people learned it was one-sided, your humiliation would be twice.
“H-He doesn’t have it.”
“Stop lying, yes he does!” Hoseok was upset, but you couldn’t fathom why. What was it to him if you chose to keep your infatuation secret? Despite the mutual affection, you weren’t that close. He took a deep breath to regain composure, then said quietly with his purple eyes cast down, “It should be me that you were marrying.”
A chuckle escaped you. “What?”
“Yoongi is a cunt and a bully. He treats you like– Well, he mistreats you! Yet you still follow him around, hoping in vain that he’ll turn into a charming prince like those from the poems you read. I know I’m not one either…” he found the courage to look up and hold your hand under the sheets, and your smile disappeared, “but I would never be mean to you, Y/N. I’d be honoured to take you to wife.”
Afraid of rejection, Hoseok had promised himself to never reveal he was smitten by you. How could he meddle in the betrothal of his siblings? He’d learned to endure the nightmares in which you faced a lonely and miserable married life, but after seeing Yoongi make you cry, he couldn’t let you forgive him again, pretend nothing had happened.
You, in all honesty, were shocked. There hadn’t been a moment when you’d thought of Hoseok as anything other than a little boy. Although… that was exactly what Yoongi thought of you.
Had you been in love with the wrong brother all along?
It wasn’t something one could choose, sure, but Hoseok’s confession had felt like a slap back into reality. The Yoongi you loved and were loved by was fictional, the Hoseok who’d always been kind to you of flesh and blood—the same blood as you.
“I think that, like Aegon the Conqueror…” you took his hand in yours, “I’ll keep company with one sibling out of duty and with the other out of desire.”
An exhale of relief quickly turned into a blushing smile on Hoseok’s face, and you smiled too, pleased at the turn of events.
Your name day was ending on the loveliest note.
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By the time you were seven and ten, you still hadn’t married Yoongi. And thank the gods for that.
Alliances were achieved through the means of marriage, and your father feared tying two of his children with a knot might mean two missed opportunities, so the wedding was indefinitely delayed. What worried you was that if your hand was given to some distant lord, you’d be forced to leave King’s Landing and in doing so, Hoseok.
As the years passed and you grew up, so did the love you bore each other.
He was the only person who made you lose track of time, so at ease did you feel when you were with him—which he made certain was constantly.
And when you weren’t together with smiles plastered on your faces, he was learning how to play songs on his harp to later recite to you, or training to win every joust and dedicate you his victory with a wreath of flowers; and you weaving him garments with threads of gold so everyone would envy his riches, or writing to travellers so they’d come to court and tell him about the world he so longed to explore on dragonback.
Hoseok had been knighted recently, and that being added to his fine looks made every girl at court drool for him. He payed attention to none. His heart was yours alone. The knighting had meant nothing for Yoongi, however, who mocked him for not yet having bonded with a dragon.
Whatever interest you’d once harboured for your older brother had sailed away, never to return. Now, you didn’t hesitate to send him to the seven hells whenever he hurled words of abuse at Hoseok. You’d then assure the latter that his worth wasn’t measured in whether or not he was a rider, and that he would get a dragon one day. In the mean time, he sat behind you on the saddle with his arms wrapped around your waist when you flew your own above the clouds.
But all that was during the day. At night, Hoseok had made a habit of slipping into your chambers.
Fortunately, he’d not suffered from nightmares in years, which led him to believe they weren’t premonitory dreams. So even if you were married to another, Hoseok could and would make you happy.
You’d spend hours talking, laughing, caressing each other, kissing... It was hard to hold back when all you wanted was for him to consume you like fire, but contrary to popular belief, Targaryens weren’t immune to the flames, so if you burned, you wouldn’t rise again. That is, if you fell pregnant and the affair was discovered, society would brand you as a whore for the rest of your life and beyond. Without doubt, history books would record such shameful conduct.
Besides, Yoongi wouldn’t take kindly to it. Not at all out of jealousy, but because the only aspect in which he cared about you was procreational. If he couldn’t be sure your children were his, he’d get rid of you once he became king. Of Hoseok too, knowing him. Fear of that demise was enough to scare you into stopping right before matters ever escalated.
That night, however, neither seemed able to stop.
Lying on your bed, Hoseok was devouring your lips with a hunger foreign to him. His kisses were usually chaste and slow, now wet and urgent, as if he was going to die the next day and wanted to make the best out of what time he had left.
His tongue didn’t tire of exploring yours, sliding across it, tasting it, producing the lewdest sound. The only instants he put it out of your mouth was to lick his lips and in turn coat yours with his saliva, eager to keep going, keep taking your breath away.
When your arms curled around his neck, Hoseok got the hint that you wanted his body against yours and readily obliged, drawing close enough to feel your chest rise and fall as you panted, and your heart race. His hand travelled from your cheek down to your neck, and he had to restrain the urge to choke you. How pretty you’d look with his hand around your throat… But no, he moved lower and cupped your breast. Hells, why were you still wearing clothes? He wanted to lick your nipples until they hardened. His cock was certainly already so.
To his delight, you moaned against his lips when his grip tightened, so he kept groping your breast, though careful not to near the edge of pain—the only of which you felt was in your core, uncomfortable enough to make you squirm.
Hoseok noticed, sneaked his knee between your thighs so his own would come to contact with your aching spot, and he began grinding, the friction making you pull away from the kiss to gasp. Only then did you realise how wet you were, juices likely dampening not only your nightgown, but your brother’s also.
Shaky breath warm against your skin, he whispered in your ear, “I know, darling one. It feels good, hm? I’ll give you just what you need…” He next kissed your neck, sucked on it as he had your tongue. The feeling was so lovely that you minded not he would mark you. You minded not a single thing in the world, actually. “Gods, Y/N… I want to kiss you between your legs too...”
It took a few seconds, but the spell did break.
You pulled Hoseok away. “How do you know that is a thing that is done?”
This was the same boy who, some weeks past, was convinced running his fingers through a girl’s locks brought her pleasure, so there was a hint of sudden fear in the purple of his eyes. That he’d been caught.  “I was told by Lord Taehyung. He is married, as you know.”
At once, you got up, hugged yourself. Hoseok sank his elbows on the bed, and with his gaze followed you pace around nervously. “Nobody knows you better than I. Do you think I can’t tell when you’re lying?”
“I’m not!”
Anyone would call you a fool, tell you that you should’ve seen it coming, that possessing a man’s heart was no assurance he wouldn’t stray from fidelity. But Hoseok had proved to be different… Was it your fault, then, because you’d failed to satisfy his needs?
“Who is she?”
Hoseok dropped his head on the pillow with a deep sigh, then laboriously sat up. “It was in a brothel.”
You felt a lump form in your throat, tears in your eyes. “You went to a brothel…”
“It’s not what you think.” Hoseok moved to the edge of the bed, but you took a step back, so he knew to remain sat. “Yoongi dragged me there. He said it was time I became a man. I wanted to leave, but he wouldn’t let me, made me at least watch... I touched nobody and nobody touched me, I swear, Y/N. The only good thing I take from it is that I learned some ways in which to please you.”
You stared at him in silence for a while. He was telling the truth, but then, “Why didn’t you tell me?”
“I didn’t want Yoongi to upset you again.” He looked down, voice sinking into a whisper as he confessed, “And it is a hard claim to defend… I was afraid you wouldn’t believe me.”
“My love, I believe you.” Having exhaled the air from your lungs that anguish had been withholding, you sat beside Hoseok and held him in an embrace comforting for both. “Yoongi will pay for this. I promise you, someday he will.”
Your brother buried his face in the crook of your neck, and you caressed his silver hair. “I love you more than I hate him. If he’s to pay, let it be by another’s hand. Don’t let him come between us.”
“He won't. Ever”
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Your father made up his mind when you reached the age of twenty.
In front of half the realm’s nobility at the great hall, you and Yoongi were dressed in traditional Valyrian robes, performing the rites of marriage.
Harder than he should’ve, the bastard sliced your lower lip with a sharp piece of dragonglass, then dug his thumb in the small wound and smeared its blood on your forehead, tracing the shape of a rune. You did the same to him. Next, each cut into your respective palms and joined them over a goblet while a priest explained that the mixing of blood signified becoming one with the other. You had to suppress a gag when made to take a sip, for it was plausible Yoongi’s blood was all kinds of diseased.
“With this kiss I pledge my love, and take you for my lady and wife.”
“With this kiss I pledge my love, and take you for my lord and husband.”
In the crowd, Hoseok turned his head away. He had not wanted to attend the ceremony—in fairness, neither had you or Yoongi—but your parents forced him. They were about the only people who could make him do anything anymore.
Ever since he’d bonded with the world’s oldest and fiercest dragon, nobody dared fuck with him, not even his older brother. That was why, when he caught some lords watching him turn away from the kiss, they immediately looked down in fear. Unfortunately, the rumours about the affair you were having with him being whispered at court weren’t so easily scared away, and you’d had to spend less time together in public so as not to spur them on.
Above the clouds, though, there were no witnesses.
That’s where Hoseok’s mind was during the feast, up in the sky.
You looked so beautiful in that white dress, with your soft, silver hair tied in a long braid that fell down your back, but he couldn’t stand seeing you sat at the end of the table next to Yoongi, who’d caused you both so much pain; kept bouncing his leg, playing with his food, giving curt answers to anyone who spoke to him… because the worst was yet to come.
Once the sun disappeared below the horizon, you’d be escorted to Yoongi’s chambers and deflowered.
He would get to be inside you.
Would he hurt you? Or would he… satisfy you? It was horrible, but Hoseok genuinely didn’t know which was worse. What kept him from deciding was the lively song that the musicians started playing, and everyone rushing to dance.
Your mother gave Yoongi a look at which he rolled his eyes. Dance with your bride, it commanded. Grudgingly, he held out a hand to you, who turned to your father with a pleading expression only to receive the same look. Dance with your groom. So with a sigh, you took Yoongi’s hand and followed him to the centre of the hall.
And Hoseok had to watch you dance with him just as your dragons had danced together in the air.
That was it for him. He quickly excused himself to your parents on the account of a headache and stormed off, pushing through the people who’d flocked to act as an audience to those dancing. He was about to go up the small steps leading to the entrance when someone grabbed his arm to stop him.
“Please, don’t go. I need you close.”
How you’d slipped out of the dance floor unnoticed, Hoseok didn’t know, but still, he freed himself from your grasp carefully so as not to hurt you, and whispered, “I can’t see you with him.”
“He means less than nothing to me, my love. And I to him.”
Hoseok knew that. Yet when he glanced down at the cut on your lip, he was reminded of the fact that you’d become of one flesh with another in such an intimate ceremony. It made his blood boil.
“I can’t take it, Y/N. I’m sorry.”
He walked away and left you there, having to face the rest of the day without him. Could you blame him, though? You’d react the same way, would’ve left ages ago... It was the gods whom you damned for making Yoongi the older brother.
✩ ✩ ✩
Past midnight, Hoseok couldn’t sleep.
It must’ve been what, a quarter since the bedding had begun? He wondered if you were still at it, plaguing flashes crossing his mind of your bare body under Yoongi’s. Were you moaning? Gripping the sheets? Begging for him to go harder? Disgusting. He couldn’t shake them away, every time he tossed and turned a new one surfacing among his thoughts. He was going to resort to pulling his hair to make them stop when his chambers’ door opened.
Hoseok sat up without delay, reaching for the blade under his pillow, but from the shadows it was you who emerged.
“Y/N? What are you doing here?”
There was some light, at least, that of the moon entering through the window, and it made something you carried shine. Hoseok got up from the bed and walked over, once he was close discerning the piece of dragonglass from the wedding in your hand.
“I’m right where I belong,” you declared. “With you.”
“It’s your wedding night. What of your husband?”
“He drowned in his wine cup at dinner. The second he lay on his bed, he was snoring… All the better.”
Hoseok pressed his lips together and sighed through his nose. “If it’s not tonight, it’ll be tomorrow.”
“But tomorrow, I’ll already be yours.” You raised the dragonglass and once more cut into your lip. It hurt as much as earlier, but this time you did it willingly. Hoseok frowned when you placed the piece on his lip. “I may be married to our brother by law, but I’m marrying you for love.”
He flinched at the cut. “But this means nothing to the world.”
“It does to us. And not only that, don’t you understand? After tonight, whatever children I have will be assumed to be Yoongi’s. The risk keeping our bodies apart is gone.” You drew the rune on Hoseok’s forehead with his blood, and on board, he did the same to you. “A goblet?” He ran to get one from his bedside table, gulped the wine inside it as he returned to your side. Soon, it was filled with the blood of both, emptied when each drank from it. “Targaryens are dragons, Hoseok. Fire made flesh. And once a dragon bonds with a rider, it is to the death. I bonded with you long ago.”
The moonlight made the tears forming in Hoseok’s eyes shine just as it had the dragonglass.
“With this kiss I pledge my love, and take you for my lady and wife.”
“With this kiss I pledge my love, and take you for my lord and husb–”
You hadn’t finished saying it when Hoseok smacked his lips on yours, impatient to make you his, make up for too many years of restraint[PG1] .
Neither therefore wasted a breath in taking off the other’s nightgown, and Hoseok swallowed hard when he saw your naked body for the first time since infancy, you almost feeling faint at the sight of his... Your brother was clearly a man grown now and as a woman, you couldn’t keep away any longer.
He let you drag him to the bed and have him lie over you, knees and elbows sunk at your sides, but did nothing more than admire your features with half-lidded eyes as if he didn’t share your hunger anymore. You tried to kiss him again, and he even pulled back.
“Lykirī,” he murmured in High Valyrian as a rider did to their dragon.
Be calm.
Much as he struggled to resist your tempting, Hoseok knew it’d be over sooner than hoped for if you lost yourselves to lust so early.
He placed a finger under your chin and raised it. “Dohaerās.”
Serve me.
Oh, he needn’t ask twice. Your fingers skimmed across his back and waist until reaching his hard erection, then curled around it to move up and down painfully slowly, at which Hoseok gulped. In part, you wanted him to wrap his own hand around your throat and order you to stop teasing, behave, but the excitement to please him betrayed your mischief.
Eyes locked with yours, a scorching sensation was building up in his core that spread through his body like wildfire the tighter you gripped, the faster you pumped, and he wanted to let go so badly… But the reward of coming inside you was a great incentive to find a distraction to focus on until then, such as his erratic breathing.
You felt it on your skin, hot like a dragon’s. It mingled with yours and scented the air with wine and desire, and seeing the latter reflected on your eyes made Hoseok’s tensed arms begin to shake out of weakness. You quickly caught up on it and so sat up, forcing him to do the same.
“Y/N, what–”
“Sh, my love…”
Hoseok didn’t know what you were up to until you bent over and took him in your mouth, sucking hard as your head bobbed up and down his length. Despite the stinging of your cut, you found yourself revelling in the feeling of his throbbing gliding against your lips and tongue, becoming wet enough to ease right between your legs.
“Ah, just like that…” Hoseok wondered if you could tell he was only just quelling the urge to pin your wrists over your head and pound you until sunrise, until it hurt for both—you could. It made you want to try harder to provoke him. At least, you were satisfied he was unable to contain the groan that followed when you took all of him in, the tip of his cock hitting against your throat a few times until you had to pull it out to cough. “Gods, Y/N…”
You laughed, rather embarrassed, “Gainly, I know…”
Hoseok smiled before he cupped your cheeks and led your lips coated with saliva and blood still to his. All flushed, you’d never looked prettier. “As I want you.”
The way he looked at you, so devotedly and without judgement, you felt no shame whispering in his ear, “How else do you want me?”
You could’ve sworn you caught Hoseok’s pupils engulf the purple of his irises as a nervous, low chuckle escaped him. It was always fun to entice him. He whispered back, “Lie on your back and spread your legs.”
You followed his command with eagerness, welcomed the pain in your wound when he leaned in to kiss you deeply, and your delight in turn sweetened his blood, driving you to suck on his lip. He did want to be consumed by you in any way, but a hiss forced him to pull away. The two of you couldn’t help but laugh, yet the butterflies returned with the first kiss of the trail that Hoseok began leaving all the way from your neck to your thighs, each marked with blood on your skin.
His breath hit against your maidenhood the second he hovered over it, making you shiver with anticipation, and seeing this he decided against torturing you any longer. While his hands groped your breasts as he knew you liked, Hoseok’s tongue delved between your wet folds until reaching your clit and licking it side to side without pause, occasionally straying downwards again to tease your entrance with his tip. You could barely keep still, squirming and bucking your hips into Hoseok’s face, moaning from behind the teeth sank like fangs into your bottom lip. He’d dreamed of making a feast out of your cunt for years, and now that he was finally tasting your juices, your pleasure, he realised the wait had been worth it.
“Keligon daor, valonqar…” he heard amongst your pants.
Don’t stop, brother.
But he was going to. He knew you needed more, and it was time he gave it to you.
The pressure of Hoseok’s tongue was straight away missed, but the tip of his cock replaced it after he’d got closer to kiss you again. It rubbed on your clit as a consequence of stroking himself, and with an exhale your head dropped on the pillow, your eyes closing.
Hoseok took the chance to gently push his erection through your entrance, earning a gasp he interrupted with a kiss. You would’ve smacked him for taking you off guard had he not started rolling his hips like that, moving in and out of you slowly so you could get used to the stretch. There had been a slight stinging but now it felt so nice that suddenly, all your brain could think of doing was wrapping your arms and legs around him to pull him closer.
“You want me deeper?” he whispered before nibbling on your earlobe. You had not the strength to answer, only whimper, but Hoseok understood. And burying himself inside you all the way in a few times, with the scant moonlight shimmering on his blood, sweat, and purple irises, you’d never been so attracted to him. “You’re so tight, I can’t believe it…”
“Hoseok… More, please,” you begged, and it was an order he was keen to obey.
Intertwining your hands, he started pounding you hard enough to send you into a daze similar to the one wine would heave you to, only, overflowing with desire. Hoseok grunted in the crook of your neck with every thrust and you moaned loudly in return, not caring whether all of King’s Landing would hear. There was no need to hold back anymore, not now that you were both so desperate to reach your high.
Soon enough, your walls did indeed begin to clench around Hoseok’s cock, which forced him to fuck you so fast that tears of pleasure formed in your eyes and you had to hold your breath as a heavenly sensation engulfed you whole. You didn’t return to your earthly body until Hoseok finished too, his warm seed filling you.
Afterwards, he kissed you softly and with your eyes closed, both remained still for a while.
“I love you, Y/N.” His tone told you that there should be no doubt of it, that he was there and not going anywhere. The corners of your lips curled into a smile.
“I love you too.”
You kissed his nose, then opened your eyes to see Hoseok already looking back at you, like nothing else in the world mattered more. His gaze wandered about your face, then fell on your mouth. He scoffed, “The court will be suspicious when they see my lip is sliced also.”
“Then let me kiss it better, brother.”
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nevertheless-moving · 2 months
been catching snatches of your stormlight posting. never enough to actually understand anything. should i read it
I really liked it! However it was on my reading list for many years before I finally was in the right headspace to dive in. It's a lot.
The Stormlight Archive consists of four fairly long high fantasy novels and two tie in novellas. It takes place on an alternate fantasy world called Roshar, which is part of a larger fantasy universe called the Cosmere. If you like high fantasy epics, or if you're interested in giving them a shot, then yes, definitely try out the Cosmere!
High fantasy, as I define it — sorry if you know this already anon also sorry if my definition differs from other's reading this — is...bigger than life. High fantasy is two main things. First, the setting— magic creatures and fantastical architecture and folks with super cool magic powers. Second, High Fantasy is the way people behave, which verges into Mythology and Fairy Tale. I'll explain.
Don't get me wrong, when well written, and Cosmere is very well written, the people still feel real. I mean the glowing guys wearing vaguely renaissance faire clothing who are fighting the giant rock monsters still have complex relationships with their fathers. But it's also an idealization — people saying the right words at the right time, people being their noblest version of themselves. Read and/or Watch the Lord of The Rings and take notes on Aragorn's speech at the Black Gate. It's the fantasy of people at their best, noble in all the ways we want the word to mean.
Low fantasy, by contrast, is a bit more grounded, both in the setting and the people. The places in low fantasy look more like your day to day on earth — dive bars with bouncers and crude jokes on bathroom doors. The dive bar bouncer in low fantasy is just a massive rock troll and the graffiti has penises of many different fantasy races. The people are a bit more like some guy you know. It can still be a good some guy you know. Just if they have to fight a nightmare monster they're probably ugly crying and maybe peeing themselves a little. People can still be good and bad, they just maybe have a bit less polish.
There's obviously lots of grey area — Game of Thrones has a lot of high fantasy setting elements, being a vaugely mideval europe pastiche with dragons, but the way it focuses on brothels and people trudging through mud is a bit more low, the reality of a world without indoor plumbing, as opposed to the dream of a world without cellphones. It has epic speeches and larger than life figures, but they get bogged down by stuff like taxes and dehydration, which high fantasy doesn't generally linger on. I'd argue some of the worst behavior fits right in with high fantasy — the red wedding is just a much graphic version than we're used to of the ol' scheming advisor trope, but still fits into the archetypes. Anyway.
Discworld by Terry Pratchett is an excellent low fantasy series, and if you're looking for a fantasy book recommendation and haven't read/watched/ didn't really enjoy lord of the rings, or if you did and want to read my favorite series, then read these 100%. If you've read them already — nice.
(I think having some more familiar touchstones makes fantasy novels more enjoyable for folks who aren't into their recreational reading being Very Unlike real life . Discworld is incredibly funny, while also being full of heart. The turns of phrase are adult without being crazy dense. I'm not a personally big grimdark person; I prefer my stories with a core belief that people who are good deep down, which is at the heart of Pratchett's writing. I laughed, I cried. I recommend Guards, Guards as a first book but you can start lots of places.)
To get back a little closer to your initial question — I started reading the Cosmere with Mistborn, which consists of three novels, a several hundred year time gap, and then four more, slightly shorter but still pretty long novels. It takes place on a completely different world from Stormlight. The planets are only tentatively connected, but there the very solid promise that they will interact a lot more soon.
By soon I mean in the next decade as far as book publishing goes, because the author, Brandon Sanderson, is a madman. And by madman I mean he fucking writes like a machine. I checked his website and he posts things like "23% percent through my next book." "45% through" "82% through" who writes like that??? He's also a massive prude, which is hilarious. I love him in a non parasocial way. He's got the next 20 years of book releases mapped out. Whom the fuck??
Anyway if you like high fantasy epics, or want to try one, then yes, definitely try out the Cosmere! It's funny, I've always had a hard time listening to audiobooks, but either things clicked in my head or the narrators, Michael Kremer and Kate Reading, are just that good.
I...actually liked Mistborn more than Stormlight. The first Stormlight book I found a little hard to get through at the start, because the main characters seriously go through it, but I had trust in the author at that point and things DID get better. Mistborn hooked me start to finish and every plot twist felt perfectly executed in a way that Stormlight didn't completely nail for me. I mean, Stormlight Archive is still a great series, with compelling characters and well structured romances and interesting world building and super, super rad fight scenes.
I'm posting obsessively about Stormlight partially because I'm scrambling for more cosmere content (I didn't actually expect to reach the end) and partially because there are things in the books that weren't 100% satisfying, and those spaces are where fandom lives. Again, it's still really, really good. Just long, and sometimes fairly heavy in how much the main characters struggle with mental illness while fighting crab monsters.
In the stormlight archive, your personal fight with depression and PTSD and drug addiction is actually inextricably linked to your super rad glowing magic power fight with rock monsters and crab people. The crab people who also have a lot of trauma and mental illness.
Honestly, I'm not sure how Sanderson is going to resolve that.
But fuck it, TLDR, Stormlight is good but long, and the next book is supposed to resolve a bunch of stuff and it comes out this December, and the way he wrapped up things in his other books was really satisfying! So this is a pretty good time to get into the series!
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dreamdaddymorpheus · 2 years
love made me do it | dark!morpheus headcanons
pairing: dark!morpheus x human!reader warning: dark!morpheus ig, yandere behaviour, dark themes, still no beta we die like jessamy. heed the warning, it gets pretty dark– don't let the fluff fool you. a/n: requested & continuation of don't blame me headcanons.
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Should you return to the Dreaming know that you are unlikely to ever leave it again. Morpheus would absolutely make certain of it. Letting you go the first time was a like an experiment for him, and he learned he simply wouldn’t do without his wife and queen.
Morpheus wouldn’t punish you, no, what you went through was punishment enough. His heart ached watching you endure your trial and though he admired your perseverance he wished you asked for his help much, much earlier.
 Without your family and friends as his leverage Morpheus will be forced you give you more space in the Dreaming, will try to be as less needy as he possibly could, and will leave you to initiate physical contact. He would visit your rooms every day, of course, just to get his daily dose of you, but he won’t be as pushy as he was prior to your little adventure in the waking world.
In the Dreaming you’re just…numb. Unable to process whether to be miserable over your fate with Morpheus or the betrayal by your loved ones. So much to process that your mind just completely shuts down. You ignore the issues and just keep to yourself in your rooms or in Lucienne’s library. Sometimes you’ll speak to Matthew about the human world and what you both miss about it. Like, pizza. Or Game of Thrones. But you both ignore the elephant in the room.
When loneliness starts to creep in, you’ll approach the other residents in the palace for quick conversations until eventually it develops into friendships. They’re sympathetic to your cause, but you understand there isn’t much they can do for you.
Morpheus will continue to give you whatever you want – even things you never asked for. Books, trinkets from the waking world, clothes, takes you to wonderous places in the Dreaming for dates or just to take you out of the palace. He once mimicked the Paris from the waking world for you, thinking it would cheer you up, but it only made you cry instead – knowing you’ll never see the real thing.  Morpheus was at a loss at this point.
Morpheus will 100% ask Lucienne for advice. Lucienne would be 100% tired of his shit, but what can she do? She’ll advise him to continue giving you space as, quote, “you’ve done quite enough, your majesty”
When one day you approach him of your own accord while he’s moping on his throne it’ll be comparable to the sun shining upon him for the first time in centuries, “I was wondering…” You’d start, eyes on the ground, not seeing the hopeful look on his face. “Matthew said it’s December in the waking world. So—so, I was wondering if we could decorate the palace for Christmas?”
Oh, the look this man will give you. It’ll be a mixture of surprise, love, and relief, all because finally, finally you asked him for something he could actually grant you (and that didn’t involve you leaving). “Of course, my love.” This man will be so utterly smitten. “Whatever you want, you need only ask.”
There will be a very awkward pause between you afterwards, but Morpheus won’t let it get to him. You approached him. You spoke to him. You wanted to decorate the palace, your home, for Christmas. This man was high, and he relished every second of it.
He will go all out. He will put Father Christmas and all his elves to shame with how merry and jolly he’ll deck the palace and the Dreaming for Christmas, complete with snow and everything. He’ll grill Matthew on Christmas traditions and the poor raven will be at a complete loss because what the fuck.
You’ll throw a Christmas dinner for all the people at the palace as well as Cain and Abel – turkey, roast potatoes, pigs in blankets, even brussels sprouts. Of course, there’s presents! At first you thought it was one sided, but it turned out everyone was also familiar with human traditions, and they also got presents for you and everyone else. They knew you were not here of your own volition and though they couldn’t rectify that they wanted to make you happy and make things easier for you.
Morpheus will briefly make an appearance at the dinner to give you his present – a snow globe that’ll take you wherever and whenever you want in the waking world, but it’ll automatically take you back to the Dreaming after 5 hours and you must stay in the Dreaming for at least a day before you can use it again. “I know it is not what you want nor is it the true freedom you deserve, but I hope…this will give you some comfort.” Then he’ll greet you a warm Merry Christmas before making his excuses to leave, thinking his presence will only make everyone behave too formally.
“Wait— maybe you can join us for pudding?” You don’t know whether it was the look of resignation on his face or your own feeling of resignation that made you ask, but you stood by your words.
“I wouldn’t want to intrude.” He’d say, but his eyes glistened with longing.
“This is your home; you wouldn’t be intruding.”
You haven’t seen him smile like that in a long time, you’d think to yourself. “I hope it’ll be your home one day too.” You’d hear him say, but you don’t acknowledge it. Instead, you take his hand in yours and lead him to the long table where the others were conversing and taking turns teasing Matthew about being the centre piece next year.
Matthew’s “screw you guys” and everyone’s laughter was the last thing you remembered clearly before turning your mind off and drowning yourself in the moment.
There’s a tentative peace in the Dreaming afterwards, a mutual understanding between its rulers. Morpheus doesn’t push and neither do you.
When the King of Dreams asked to join you on your daily walk, he steeled himself for disappointment, but was pleasantly surprised when you obliged him.
As you both followed the well-kept trail in the garden, Morpheus used the silence to ponder over your relationship. Though he regrets the actions he has taken, he knew he was well past the point of no return.
He thought back on happier times – before he broached the subject of marriage, a time before you broke his heart by hastily refusing.
“It is my fault, I know—” His sombered voice broke the peace and made you both pause in your steps to stand stiffly next to each other. You wanted to keep walking, to keep pretending, to live in your little bubble. “I should have walked away the second I realized I would fall for you.” You turn to look at him, your eyes full of resentment. Why didn’t you, you wanted to ask. But that wouldn’t have been fair – for there was a time when you also loved Morpheus, when you would have happily chased him until you broke down his walls and loved you back.
Morpheus dared to step in front of you, hands reaching out to hold both of yours in his, a look of absolute desperation and yearning etched across his face, “I have hurt you, I hurt you still, I know, but I—” The unspoken words hang in the air, I can’t let you go. “I can make you happy, I can make the Dreaming a home for you…if you but give me a chance. You loved me once; you can love me again.”
Try as he might, Morpheus couldn’t ignore the ache in his chest as he waited for your response. Your sentence upon his soul.
You pull your hand from his grasp and reached up to cup his jaw, watching curiously as he sinks into your touch, eyes fluttering close to savour the warmth of you, lips parting as though hungry for more, both his hands holding onto your wrist for dear life –  fearful you might end the moment too soon.
“I don’t want to hurt anymore.” You whispered tiredly, “I don’t want to keep hurting each other.”
“Then let us heal together, my love.”
You could only stare at him in disbelief, “How—How can you think we could ever go back?” You shove his hands away, back taut like a bowstring just shy from snapping in two, “Did you think because I have not actively fought you that I wish to be here? That I have magically forgiven you for what you’ve done?” You could almost see the regret wash over your former love.
“You have made certain I will never have a place anywhere else but by your side.” You were exhausted, resigned to your fate “I will sit tight. Sit pretty. But know that I will never love you again.” You felt powerful, felt in control for the first time since he brought you here against your will. Morpheus could direct his subject and even you to a certain degree – but he could never direct your feelings. That will always be your leverage over him.
You watch the tears well up in his eyes, the same resignation you felt painted inside them. “Everything I do—it is only because I love you. And I want you to be happy, here, by my side.” His words doesn’t move you and you waste no energy to hide it.
Your brows furrowed in confusion as he begins to approach you, single-minded and resolute in his steps. “What are you doin—” Just as the words left your mouth, Morpheus reached for your temples with both hands and though gentle and kind in his touch he was unyielding in intent. “Morpheus, what—”
“I’m sorry, my love.” were the last words you heard before a screeching sound filled your ears and an excruciating pain shot through your head. The feeling felt as though it lasted forever that when it was finally cleared it left you gasping for air. “W-What was what?” You asked brokenly, eyes aimless and tearful.
You felt the familiar arms of your lover engulf your form, his fingers brushing through your hair as a silent offer of comfort. “What happened, my love?” You relished the tenderness in his voice, pressing yourself closer into to him.
“I-I don’t know. It—It felt like a nightmare. It hurt so much, but—was I sleeping?” You were dazed and confused, words slurred and in fragments.
“Perhaps a loose nightmare. They are known to misbehave. I will have Lucienne look into it.” He assured you, tightening his arms around your quivering form. “I do not know how many times I must ask you to stay by my side so such things doesn’t happen.” He chides softly, but you smile knowing there was no bite behind his words. He loved you far too much to not indulge your wandering habits.
You’re certain all will be well.
a/n: I didn't want the happy ending to be too happy considering the context of their relationship. So that's all you get, I'm afraid. But it did get pretty dark at the end there–😳
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best female villain tournament!
- Only submit the same character once
- Multiple submissions with different characters are fine!
- Matchups will be posted as soon as I have enough submissions and will include the most submitted characters
-Resubmissions are fine as long as they weren’t on the tourney last time
- Please be as detailed as possible
I had issues on my end with some technicalities and media’s. eg a lot of characters from the hatchetfield musicals by team starkid were just submitted as hatchetfield which made it harder to search for them to identify them and get pictures etc. If those and similar fandoms could be submitted with what musical etc they’re from that would be great :)
Those who sent submissions through my askbox will be getting submitted by me unless it was off anon(because you’ll be getting a notification)
Cool people/awareness tags:
@tournament-announcer @bisexual-protagonist-competiton @the-ballerina-battle @the-great-british-blorbo-off @pinkhairswagtourney @childhoodfriendstoloversshowdown @most-tragic-character-tournament
characters in the last poll(please do not submit):
Makima(Chainsaw Man)
Dahlia Hawthorne(Ace Attorney)
The Handler(The Umbrella Academy)
Margaret Slitheen(Doctor Who)
Linda Monroe(Hatchetfield)
Miyo Takano(Higurashi When They Cry)
Diane Makepeace(Layton Brothers: Mystery Room)
Marisa Coulter(His Dark Materials)
Vespera(Keeper of the Lost Cities)
Master Cyclonis(Storm Hawks)
Exellinor the Witch(How To Train Your Dragon(books))
Lady Felmet(Discworld(Wyrd sisters))
Magica De Spell(Ducktales)
Twyla Sophio(Cemetery Mary)
Marie Campbell(Killer Frequency)
Jezaille Brett/Asa Shinn(Ace Attorney)
White Diamond(Steven Universe)
Medusa(Kid Icarus)
Bryce Tankthrust(Brandon Rogers/Bryce Tankthrust, CEO)
Beatrice(Umineko When They Cry)
Shiela young(Hatchetfield)
Odalia Blight(The Owl House)
Cora Mills(Once Upon a Time)
Alcina Dimitrescu(Resident Evil)
Beroba(Kamen Rider Geats)
Poison Ivy(DC)
Arlecchino(Genshin Impact)
Dr Olivia Octavius(Spiderman: Into The Spider-verse)
The Other Mother(Coraline)
Granny Rags(Dishonoured)
Larxene(Kingdom Hearts)
Morgana Pendragon(BBC Merlin)
Barbara Burgess(The Goes Wrong Show (90 Degrees))
Cinder Fall(RWBY)
Lanfear/Selene(Wheel of Time)
Azula(Avatar: The Last Airbender)
Queen Chrysalis(My Little Pony)
Mother Gothel(Tangled)
Cruella de Vil(101 Dalmations)
Missy(Doctor Who)
Nightmare Moon(My Little Pony)
Himiko Toga(My Hero Academia)
Maleficent(Sleeping Beauty)
The Iron Queen(Sonic the Hedgehog)
Lust(Fullmetal Alchemist)
Shego(Kim Possible)
Queen Beryl(Sailor Moon)
Medusa Gorgon(Soul Eater)
The Enchantress(Shovel Knight)
Delilah Briarwood(Critical Role: The Legend of Vox Machina)
Delilah Copperspoon(Dishonored)
Lady Gisela Sencen(Keeper of the Lost Cities)
Evelyn Deavor(the Incredibles)
Yzma(Emperors New Groove)
Ragyo Kiryuin(Kill la Kill)
The Prince(Bullet Train)
Queen Cersei Lannister(Game of Thrones)
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sequinsmile-x · 7 months
Heartbeat on the Highline
She knew it was a fine line between being his wife and being his employee, and it was something she usually walked well. Balancing on it like it was a tightrope, a well-practised routine. But she felt like she’d tripped, like she was freefalling, and as much as she wanted him to catch her, to be the safety net she always claimed she didn’t need. 
AKA, the one in which Emily and Aaron get a call that their daughter has had to go to hospital whilst they are away on a case.
Hi besties <3
This is a fic I started a long time ago and never really got anywhere with beyond one particular scene, but I finally reopened the document today and finished it.
This fic brings my total word count to 1,736,161...which is more than the entire Game of Thrones book series (1,736,054) . Which is ridiculous and amazing and...just about everything in between. If George R. R. Martin ever actually releases the next book in A Song of Fire and Ice I guess I'll just have to beat him again!!
Thank you so much for your continued support of my writing, it means the absolute world. As long as y'all are here reading, I'll be here thinking of new things to put these two through!
Please let me know what you think <3
Warnings: Sick child, hospitals
Words: 4.3k
Read over on Ao3, or below the cut
Emily grimaces as she takes a sip of her coffee, looking down at the mug in her hand with disdain as she swallows. 
“Leaves a lot to be desired, doesn’t it?” 
She smiles as she looks up at her husband, “It’s not the worst we’ve ever had,” she mumbles, taking another sip and grimacing at the bitterness, “But it’s up there.” 
It had been a long day that had started with a phone call from Penelope before dawn. They were dragged out of sleep and their bed for a case. Aaron had called Jessica to ask her to come over to look after the kids as Emily got ready for the day, distracted partway through her make-up routine by their toddler crying out for her. Ines had been grumpy, the 18-month-old’s usual happy demeanour nowhere to be found as she demanded her mother’s attention, her slightly too warm forehead against Emily’s neck as she refused to be put back down. 
As they’d left the house and she’d handed her little girl over to Jessica she explained that Ines had a bit of a temperature. Familiar guilt had lingered in her belly all day, the reality of balancing her love for her job and her love for her children something she was never sure she got right. Leaving behind her daughter when she wasn’t quite herself made her heart feel heavy, a weight in her chest that she knew wouldn’t lessen until she was home again. 
Aaron smiles at her and nods towards the front of the bullpen, “Come on, the sooner we deliver the profile, the sooner we catch this guy. And then we can go home.” 
She nods and downs the rest of her coffee, putting her mug down before she follows her husband. She stops as her phone rings from her pocket and she pulls it out, her momentary joy at her wallpaper, a picture of Jack and Ines cuddled together on the couch, is immediately squashed. She feels a sense of dread when she sees Jessica’s name appear on her cellphone screen. It roots her to the spot, her limbs heavy, her grip on her phone tightening as everything else around her fades out, the sound of the rest of the team delivering the profile muffled as if she was behind glass. 
They had a routine. If they were away on a case Jessica would always send a text to check if they were free before she called so Emily and Aaron could say goodnight to Jack and Ines when they were away on a case. They would step away from whatever they were doing, she and Aaron huddled together around one of their phones as they spoke to their children just before they went to bed, an ache in her chest that Emily learnt never quite went away when one of them told her they missed her. 
This was different. It was only 5.45 pm, too early for either of them to be going to bed, even Ines, the 18-month-old well known for being occasionally defiant for anyone other than Emily when it came to bedtime. 
She shakes her head at herself, ridding herself of thoughts she’s sure are an overreaction and she briefly looks up, her gaze catching Aaron’s. She tilts her head towards the hallway she’s near and holds up her phone to tell him she has to take a call. He nods, his smile as reassuring as it was subtle, something only she would ever be able to pick up on. She answers as she steps away, not wanting the call to ring out, her instincts that something was wrong still vibrating under her skin.
“Jess, hi,” she answers, looking back over her shoulder to make sure she’s far enough away from everyone else that she won’t be overheard, “Is everything ok? You don’t usually call this early.” 
“Emily,” Jessica replies, and Emily immediately knows she’s right, that something has happened. Her training and profession both a blessing and a curse as she picks up on the poorly concealed concern in the other woman’s voice, “I’m so sorry to have you call you and tell you this, but Ines is in the hospital.” 
Emily feels like all of the air has been stolen from her lungs. Her breath catches in her chest, hooking onto her ribs in a way thats painful. She leans against the wall she’d been standing near, suddenly not trusting her legs to hold her up. Her shoulders press into the plaster, the coolness of it through her shirt barely registering. 
Something was wrong with her little girl and she was hours away from her. “Wh…what?” She asks, her voice hoarse. “What happened, is she hurt?” 
“No, she didn’t hurt herself,” Jessica says, her voice calmer now, naturally falling into the role of the caretaker she often filled, clearly picking up on Emily’s unusual display of panic, “She spiked a fever and I couldn’t get it down with Tylenol or anything else and,” she pauses, blowing out a breath before she continues, “She had a seizure.”
Whatever she thought Jessica was going to say it wasn’t that. Her stomach churns and she immediately feels sick, the distance between herself and home further than it had ever felt, the guilt she felt for leaving, even for work, when she’d known Ines wasn’t entirely herself that morning overwhelming.
“Oh my God,” Emily exclaims, her hand coming to cover her mouth, her nausea climbing up her throat. Before she can say anything else Jessica continues, giving her more details she doesn’t know how to ask for. 
“The doctors said she’s okay, it was brought on by the fever. It seems to be an ear infection and they are treating it now, they are also going to do other tests to make sure it isn’t anything else.”
“Okay,” Emily says, her throat dry, all of her efforts channelled into not bursting into tears in the middle of a police precinct. She clears her throat and swallows thickly, pushing down the bile that feels like it’s climbing up her throat, “I’ll be there as soon as I can, can you stay with her until I get there?”
She knows she doesn’t have to ask, that Jessica considers Ines as her niece as much as Jack is her nephew, but she does because she can’t think of what else to say. 
“Of course,” Jessica says, “I’ll text you the details of where we are.” 
“Thank you,” Emily breathes out, trying to steady herself, her nerves frayed to the point where they might snap. She’s immediately hit by another thought, cursing herself for not thinking of her son sooner, “Fuck, is Jack ok? Was he there when she…” 
She drifts off, sure if she said outloud that her daughter, her baby, had had a seizure she would fall apart right there. That pieces of her would spill out onto the coffee-stained carpet beneath her feet, something she couldn’t let happen until she saw her little girl, until she made sure she was okay. 
“He saw it happen,” Jessica says carefully, “He was scared but he’s okay now Ines is ok, he’s in there now reading to her.” 
Emily chokes out a laugh that sounds strangled, caught in her throat in all of the fear lodged there, and she nods despite the fact Jessica cannot see her.
“Good, I’m glad he’s okay,” She blows out a steady breath and she looks up as she hears footsteps, her smile tight as she sees her husband enter the hallway she’d sought solitude in. 
Regret fills her chest at the thought of what she has to tell him and she turns her attention back to Jessica on the other end of the phone. “I should go, but let me know if anything else happens ok?” 
“Of course.” 
Emily later wouldn’t remember if she said goodbye to Jessica, or anything beyond turning so she’s looking at Aaron properly, his eyebrows creased as he picks up on her demeanour, how something was clearly wrong. 
“Em?” He asks, stepping closer to her. His hand reaches out and wraps around hers, linking their fingers together in a way he usually wouldn’t at work, instantly providing comfort that she never has to ask for. He was always there, ready and waiting, aware of her needs often before she was, “Is everything okay?” 
She shakes her head in response. “No,” she swallows thickly and squeezes his hand in return, “It isn’t,” she clenches her teeth and presses her lips together, determined not to lose her composure, “That was Jess, Ines is sick. She’s in hospital.” 
It feels like a jolt of electricity, a rush of adrenaline that makes him feel frozen in place, sending a shiver up his spine. His stomach churns, the mere mention of his little girl being unwell enough makes him feel sick. He looks at his wife and he knows he has to pull it together. She was always the strong one, always the glue that held him together, but he knew their family, their children, were her weak spot. The chink in her impenetrable armour. She was barely holding herself together, the emotions he can see she is desperately trying to hide showing through the cracks in her facade.
He could fall apart later when they knew their daughter was okay, when they were home and by her side. 
“What happened?” He asks, stepping closer, making sure he is providing all the comfort he can. 
“She has an ear infection, her fever spiked so high she had a seizure,” her voice cracks on the last word and she looks at the ceiling, willing the tears she can feel gathering in her eyes to disappear, “I need to go home, Aaron. I need to see my baby.” 
It had never been in any doubt, the logistics of everything already playing out in the back of his mind as he stood there with his wife, “Of course, sweetheart,” he says, cupping her cheek with the hand not linked with his and briefly resting his forehead against hers, “Dave can take point here, we can get a flight-”
She looks at him, moving so fast she feels something pull in her neck, the pain barely registering. 
“We can’t both leave,” she says, even though she wants him with her, her words contradicting everything she was feeling, “We’ve barely been here a day.”
She knew it was a fine line between being his wife and being his employee, and it was something she usually walked well. Balancing on it like it was a tightrope, a well-practised routine. But she felt like she’d tripped, like she was freefalling, and as much as she wanted him to catch her, to be the safety net she always claimed she didn’t need. 
“Emily,” he says firmly, pushing down the spark of irritation in his gut at the implication that anything was more important than their family. He knows it’s unfair, that she’s like a frayed nerve right now, so he ignores it, aware she isn’t necessarily thinking straight, “There is no way I’m staying here when our daughter is in hospital. I’m coming with you. Okay?” 
She pauses for a moment before she nods, “Okay,” she says, her lower lip trembling, “Can I…can I have a hug?” 
It feels pathetic, like a ridiculous thing to ask her husband, but she asks anyway. Unsure what to do in this situation, this collision of their personal and professional lives, any pretence that they weren’t together, their relationship usually a point of interest to local cops if they figured out they were married, shattered on the floor around them. 
“Oh Em,” he says, pulling her into a hug, his lips against her temple as she settles into his embrace, “You never have to ask,” he kisses the side of her head and then pulls back, “I’ll go speak to Dave and then we’ll go home to see our little girl.” 
She nods, smiling tightly at him as she pulls back, her arms tight across her chest to hold herself together until he can do it for her again.
It feels like the longest flight of her life. Longer than the one that had brought her back from Paris, the flight that had brought her back from the dead, out of the place she had been hiding in the shadows for months whilst she waited for her demons to find her. 
This is worse. Her fear not for herself, or coming face to face with the man who had torn through her life like it was made of something no stronger than paper, but for her little girl. For her son who had seen his sister get so sick so quickly. It was paralysing in a way she could never have anticipated, as if her heart was outside of her body. Walking around in the form of an 8-year-old boy and an 18-month-old little girl, a price she’d happily pay for the rest of her life in exchange for the joy she felt as a result of being their mother. 
As soon as Aaron has parked up outside the hospital she’s out of the car, walking towards the entrance with a determination in her step. Aaron catches up with her, his hand wrapping around hers when he makes it to her side. He squeezes her hand, his fingers linked through hers as they walk into the hospital. They approach the nurse's station, Emily’s shoulders feeling tighter by the second. 
“Excuse me,” Aaron says, his smile frustratingly polite despite the circumstances when one of the nurses looks up at him, “Our daughter was brought in earlier, Ines Hotchner?” 
The nurse nods, typing on the computer in front of her before she looks back up at them, “She’s been admitted for observation,” she says, smiling reassuringly at them, “Paediatrics is on the fourth floor. She's in room 4102, the elevators are just down the hall.”
“Thank you,” Aaron replies, nodding before he turns around, his arm around Emily’s shoulders as he leads her towards the elevators, “Let’s go see our little girl.” 
They take the stairs, both too anxious to wait for the elevator now they are so close. They give Ines’ details to the paediatrics desk, and for a moment Aaron is sure he’s going to have to stop his wife from yelling at a nurse for just doing his job when he asks for identification. 
Emily takes a moment outside of the room they are directed to, giving herself a second to collect herself, aware that neither Jack nor Ines needed her to be a mess in front of them. Aaron places his hand on his wife’s shoulder, reminding her that he’s there, that he always would be. She puts her hand over his, hoping she can press her gratefulness, her love, from her skin into his. 
She never quite had the words for how she felt about him, for how she felt about her life. She’d grown up surrounded by people who never said what they really thought, every word calculated and purposeful. It left her unable to always express herself in the way she desperately wanted to, the words I love you never feeling enough. Not even scratching the surface of how much she loved him and their children, how she would burn the world down to protect them. 
She blows out a breath as she walks in, her heart seizing in her chest as she sees Ines, the toddler seemingly smaller than she usually was in the large bed she was sleeping in. Jack was asleep on the couch in the corner of the room, a blanket pulled over him and his arms hugging a cushion to his chest. Jessica turns to face the door as it opens, a relieved smile spreading over her face as she sees Emily and Aaron, 
“Hi,” she says as she stands up, walking over and pulling Emily into a brief hug, “I’m so sorry, I should have brought her here sooner.”
“You have nothing to be sorry for,” Emily says, hugging her back, “There’s no way you could have known what would happen.” 
Aaron stores the comment away, making a mental note of it to remind her later when she inevitably blames herself for this, forever holding herself to a standard she’d never use against anybody else. Her concerns about turning into her own mother, something he knew was impossible, always lingering just below the surface. Breaking free through barely healed skin, pushing up through an always festering wound, whenever she considered herself a failure as a parent. 
Emily disconnects from Jessica and walks over to the bed and sits on the edge of it. She looks at Ines, who, apart from the IV in the back of her hand, her soft skin bruised on her arm where she’d clearly had blood tests. Emily reaches out and brushes some of her unruly hair from her forehead, the softness of it against her fingers easing some of the tightness in her chest. 
“The doctor said she’s fine, she should be able to go home tomorrow,” Jessica says, and Emily turns to look at her. 
“Thank you, Jess. For looking after her and staying until we could get here,” Aaron says, pulling his former sister-in-law into a hug. 
“Of course I stayed,” Jess says, rolling her eyes at him as she pulls back, her voice incredulous, “She’s my niece.”
Emily is about to respond, about to tell Jess how grateful she is regardless, how nice it was to know that her daughter was with someone who loved her until she could be there, but she’s cut off by a tiny voice. 
She turns back to look at Ines, forcing a smile on her face as her eyes meet her daughters, “Hi sweet girl,” she says, stroking her hand over her hair again, “Mama is here,” she says, her voice shaking a little, “How are you feeling?”
Ines shrugs, “Icky.” 
Emily chokes on a sound somewhere between a sob and a laugh and she leans forward to kiss the toddler's forehead, “I’m sorry, baby. Mama is here now,” she says, not sure if she was reassuring herself more with the repetition of her assurance or her little girl. Ines grasps at the collar of her shirt, pulling her towards her with more force than she thought an 18-month-old should have. “Do you want me to snuggle with you?” 
“Snuggle,” Ines says, nodding as she tugs on Emily’s shirt even more, and Emily kisses her forehead before she stands, carefully rearranging the little girl in the bed before she joins her. More of the tension in her chest unfurls as Ines leans against her, curling up in her mother’s arms, the little girl releasing a sigh as she rests her forehead against Emily’s neck. Ines looks over at Aaron, her smile wide like it always was when she looked at her father, “Hi Dada.”
“Hi princess,” he says, closing the gap between him and the bed as he leans in to kiss his daughter’s forehead, “Are you feeling better than earlier? Aunt Jessie said you weren’t very well.” 
She shrugs, “Head hurt.” 
“It’s all better now, though?” Emily asks, lost in her own world with her daughter, her awareness reduced to just the two of them in the bed for a few moments. She smiles as Ines nods against her neck, and she kisses her forehead, “Good. Mama loves you.” 
Ines snuggles into her even further, getting heavier as she starts to fall asleep again, her words slurring together. 
“Love Mama.”
They convince Jack to go home with Jess when he wakes up. It takes a while, the boy resistant to leave his sister’s side, but he eventually relents when they promise he’ll see her tomorrow. Emily and Aaron both stay at the hospital, both of them not wanting to let their little girl out of their sight, the latter using his badge to convince the nurses to let them break the usual ‘one parent overnight’ rule. 
Aaron sits next to the bed, his focus on his wife as she watches their daughter sleep, her hand rubbing circles on her back. 
He remembered when they found out they were having a girl, the mix of excitement and fear that had crossed over his wife’s face as she asked the doctor to repeat herself something that was burned into his memory. She’d quietly admitted to him later that same day that she was worried history would repeat itself, that she was cursed to be the same as her mother. He’d assured her it wasn’t the case, that she was already a better mother than hers had ever been, that she had been since the moment she’d stepped into that role in Jack’s life. 
He knew moments like today she’d focus on the parts that seemingly confirmed her worst fears. That the distance between her and their daughter when she was sick was evidence that she was everything she hadn’t wanted to be. She wouldn’t acknowledge the fact that she’d got to her side as quickly as she could, that she’d glared at the air steward on the plane when he tried to make a joke about her nervous energy, or that she’d left work without even thinking about it. Her children her priority, the most important part of her life, which was something Elizabeth had never seemingly been capable of. 
“Are you okay sweetheart?” He asks, his voice low and quiet as he makes sure he doesn’t wake up Ines. 
Emily hums and looks up at him, her lips pressed together, “I…” she swallows thickly, “I don’t know,” she says honestly, closing her eyes in an attempt to stop herself from crying. She presses her lips together and her chin shakes, the emotions that had only been skin deep all evening finally starting to escape, “I wasn’t here, Aaron. She needed me and I wasn’t here.” 
It feels like her chest cracks open, the pressure of everything she’d stuffed in there breaking free, her ribs aching as she tries, and fails to suppress a sob. 
“Oh, Em,” he says softly, encouraging her to stand up, helping her lay Ines down on the bed so she stays asleep. He wraps his arms around his wife and leads her over to the couch, tugging her close and holding her tightly. She holds him back just as fiercely, her hands grasping fistfuls of his jacket as she sinks into him, her cheek against his chest as she keeps her eyes on Ines, her view of the little girl blurred by the constant stream of tears that didn’t seem to be going anywhere how they’d started, “She’s okay. She’s perfectly safe.” 
She pulls back to look at him, her eyebrows furrowed, “She had a seizure Aaron,” she says, biting the inside of her cheek to try to feel anything other than the tension in her chest, “Our little girl had a seizure and I wasn’t there. I was working. I knew she wasn’t well this morning, I knew it and I still went to work. What kind of mother does that make me?” 
“Sweetheart,” he says, his voice firm but kind as he cups her cheek, forcing her to look at him, “You could never have known that would happen. As soon as you knew something was wrong you were on your way here,” he says, stroking her skin, his calluses against her skin soothing, a reminder of his strength, of his love for her, “You’re an excellent mother.”
She sighs, “Honey-”
“I won’t argue with you about this,” he cuts over her, a soft smile on his face, “You’re an excellent mother,” he repeats, “And I know the two youngest Hotchners would agree.” 
She chokes out a sound, not sure what to call it herself, and she nods, too tired to argue with him, wanting nothing more than him to be right. She leans forward and presses her forehead into his shoulder, “Thank you for coming with me, I think I would have killed that air steward if you weren’t there.” 
“You definitely would have,” he quips, kissing the top of her head as he rubs his palm up and down her back, “And you don’t have to thank me,” he says, encouraging her to look at him, “Our family is always my priority too. No matter what.” 
She nods and leans forward, stamping her lips against his. It was moments like this that made her grateful to be the second person who was lucky enough to love him, to build a family with him. That he had learnt from his past, his complete lack of hesitation to come with her today all the proof she would ever need. It isn’t lost on her that he’s held back how he’s feeling, his own fear at their daughter being sick today buried deep in his chest whilst he helped her. 
She’d make sure she gave him the space as soon as he needed it, at the first sign that he was letting his well-constructed barriers down. 
“I love you,” she says, running her fingers through his hair. 
“I love you too,” he says, kissing her before he wipes tears from her cheeks, “Do you want to lay down with her again and try and get some sleep?” 
“God yes,” she replies, kissing him once more before she stands up, she looks at the bed and sighs, “I don’t think we’ll all fit.” 
“That’s okay,” he says, carefully lifting Ines so Emily can get back into the bed, her shoes kicked off and under the bed, “I’ll sleep on the couch.” 
She frowns at him as he settles Ines back onto her chest, “Honey, your back-”
“It will be okay for one night,” he says, even though they both know it’s not true, “Worth it so I can keep an eye on my girls.” 
She rolls her eyes at him as he tucks the sheet around them both, “You’re ridiculous,” she says, smiling softly as Ines shifts in her sleep, “Sweet, but ridiculous.” 
He presses a kiss against each of their foreheads and settles in the chair next to the bed, “Get some sleep, baby,” he says, “And tomorrow we’ll take her home and spoil her.”
“You always spoil her,” she murmurs, kissing the top of Ines’s head as she closes her eyes, the smell of her daughter’s hair soothing her. 
Aaron chuckles in response, watching as she falls asleep, their daughter safely curled up in her arms, “You’re one to talk.” 
Tag List:
@ssa-sparks, @lukeclvez, @lyds102, @glockleveledatyourcrotch, @hotchnissenthusiast, @danadeservesadrink, @ssamorganhotchner, @emilyprentissisgod, @notagentprentiss, @freesiasandfics, @emilyshotchniss, @thecharmingart, @paulitalblond, @hancydrewfan, @camille093, @whitecrossgirl, @moonlight-2-6, @rawr-jess, @florencremingtonthethird, @jareauswife, @ms-black-a, @beebeelank, @aubreyprc, @zipzapboingg, @psychopath-at-heart, @criminalmindsgonewrong, @fionaloover, @kinqslcys, @prentissinred, @ccmattis-22, @denvivale317, @thrindis, @hotchsguccitie, @cmfouatslota77, @alexblakegf, @aliensaurusrex, @prentissxhotch, @emobabeyy, @victoiregranger, @stormyweatherth, @wanderingdreamer009, @ssablackbird, @luhwithah, @lex13cm, @prentiss-theorem, @dont-emily-me, @mrs-ssa-hotch, @hotchnissgroupie, @controversialpooh, @capsshinyshield, @canuck-eh
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d34dlysinner · 9 months
(Some Leviathan angst, a little drabble because my brain suddenly started thinking of this)
(This was made before the games release so it's NOT canon.)
The men from Hades may be gentlemanly, but like any person influenced by envy they all have their own needs and will do whatever they can to reach their goals.
Winning Leviathan's favour is a very hard thing to do and even after many centuries no one succeeded. So, imagine how they felt when one human achieved that goal they all wanted to reach themselves.
There was a rampage in Hades. Many mixed reactions as they knew that you and the king were so close.
They would envy seeing you and the king walk together as you went on some semi-private tiny dates. They knew how he smiled and laughed in your presence and only wished to have one directed at them. They knew that every evening you both would spend together and explore whatever lustful fantasies you both would have. At this point they knew all of you both.
Yes, they didn't want to romance their king, but having a human that close to him while many demons still haven't gained a fraction of his trust made Hades split in groups.
Some aspire to be like you and to gain Leviathan's trust.
Others were out for your head as they saw removing you as the only solution to get close to the king.
It became so bad that you had to leave Hades after a long chase.
Who started this chase? You don't even know. All you knew was that you were heartbroken at Leviathan demanding you to leave the country and that the nobles became so distant with you. Why were they acting like this? You'd wonder as you remember getting help from other countries to flee Hades.
You were crying once the fear from the chase diminished.
You were confused and angry.
You felt lonely even when other friends were around you.
Avisos would try to cheer you up by bringing you to many banquets.
Tartaros would try to cheer you up by having some shopping sprees.
The other countries tried and eventually succeeded, leaving you only to wonder about what happened to Hades after you left.
You couldn't know that the Hades nobles started distancing themselves to convince you to let go of the place.
They distanced themselves to try and make the pain hurt less. They hoped you could forgive them in the future.
Leviathan, the king who adored you and demanded for you to leave permanently felt nothing but grief.
You could say that the king heart froze over as the people from Hades started to fear his temper and sanity.
The king was very closed off to begin with, but after your chase out of Hades they could feel that their goal of being favoured would never become true.
Some questioned what happened with you after all this time and would even want you to return. Others were not ready for your return in fear that they'll get something worse than what's left of their king, but at the same time they'd wonder what punishment was worse to them than being totally ignored.
You were missed. They really did miss you. Some did like you and others just miss their king before your leave.
They knew what they've done was too much and it was too late as all that they could do was to look up at the shell of their loved king who sat upon a throne that looked over Hades.
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the-fiction-witch · 2 months
I Saw That Too
Media - Game Of Thrones Character - jojen Reed Couple - Jojen X Reader Reader - Y/n Stark Rating - Sweet + Flirty Word Count - 893
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We walked along the grassy paths heading north towards the wall in search of the three-eyed raven for my younger brother, I walked with them of course in my grey dress with fur over it to keep me warm. The stream babbling and bubbling along beside us, the wind whistling through the grass, my feet hurt but I ignored it and hurried along behind everyone, I was half listening as my brother Brandon and Jojen chatted to each other. 
"When I... told my father about your father... that was the first time in my life I saw him cry," Jojen explained,
Which made me listen a bit more intently, 
"your father is Halwon Reed?" bran asked,
"Yeah," Jojen nodded,
"He saved my father's life. During the rebellion."
"your father told you about the rebellion? Mine never did," He chuckled, "But I saw that too."
"Saw it?" I asked, 
"yes," he smiled, 
"How did you see it?"
"The sight allows me to see things, miles from here, years from this moment,"
"In which direction?"
"Both," He shrugs, 
"What sort of thing have you seen?" I asked jojen and I walking side by side now as Bran began to chat with Meera, 
"The rebellion, your father's execution, the wall, all sorts of things really, why do you ask?"
"...Curious... do you choose what you see?"
"Sometimes, I can walk and change where I want to be."
"Hum..." I pondered and a thought came  into my mind as I looked at him, "So... theoretically, you could greensee yourself into any brothel you want just to sit and watch?"
He froze up, eyes wide as if he'd just seen a dragon. He gulped, "In theory." he said sheepishly like a child been caught with their hand in the cookie jar, 
"Have you ever done that?" I raised an eyebrow making sure to keep eye contact even if he couldn't even look at me, a pink tint growing on his cheeks,
"Ohh ughhh I ughhhh I ummmm I ughh I've never uhghhh never really uhjhj though to uhh do such a thing," He stuttered, 
"Mhm...." I smirked, "But you could if you wanted to?"
"I uuuughhhh I could," 
"But you never have?"
"Okay... I believe you," I lied, I didn't believe a word out of his mouth but I had a feeling digging would only make him redder and thus less likely to tell me the truth, "Have you seen anything in the future?"
"Some things yes," He nodded,
"Have you seen my future?"
He rolled his eyes a little, "I am a greenseer, not a fortune teller,"
"That wasn't a No?"
"oooohh tell me,"
"why not?"
"Because people shouldn't know their own future,"
"Ohhh come on Jojen! I wanna know,"
"But if I know I can be better prepared,"
"I said no Y/n." 
"Just one thing, just tell me one thing you saw of my future." I plead, 
He sighed, "I saw your wedding,"
"No more questions,"
"But jojen! Please! Was it by the heart tree in Winterfell? Was it snowing? was I beautiful?"
he sighed again, "Yes. yes. and Very much yes." 
"Awww you thought I was beautiful?"
"I did." He blushed,
"Awww that's so sweet, well hopefully you'll get to see it twice,"
"Humm how so?"
"Well, I'd want you and Meera at my wedding," I shrug, 
"Yeah I uhhh we'll certainly be there." he smiled, 
"You didn't see me after my wedding did you?" I glared,
"Ohhh uhhh..."
"You didn't green see my bedding did you?"
"Jojen! You little perv!" I argued,
"I didn't mean to!" he complained, "I wanted to see where we were going-" He immediately clamped a hand over his mouth, 
"...What do you mean we?" I froze up, 
"Nothing I-"
"What do you mean to see where WE were going!" 
"I ughhh I ughhhh..." 
"What do you mean We jojen!"
"... look a dragon!" He said moving my shoulders to look over the trees of course nothing was there but when I turned back jojen was bolting through the grass,
"Oh no you don't! Get back here reed boy!" I yelled hitching up my dress and running after him, 
I chased after him for a good while before I grabbed him and forced him down onto the grass pinning him down even if he tried to squirm away.
"What did you mean We."
"...Okay... So... I ughh i did see your wedding, in the winterfell godswoods, infront of the heart tree, with snow falling,"
"And uhh I was there."
"You where?"
"Yes. not just in my vision but physically. Me. Meera. Bran. all of us were."
"And then you followed me? and our my bedding ceremony?"
"I didn't know what was happening I was us... kissing... under the tree and I got confused so I followed us and... yeah... I uhh I saw us... more than kissing."
"Why would you be kissing me at my wedding?!"
"Our wedding Y/n." 
I was frozen and collapsed on the grass myself looking at the sky, "Ohh my god..."
"We're gonna..."
"And we actually..."
"Well... it'll be interesting to see how that happens,"
"I imagine we fall in love? or our family wed together... both seem equally probable,"
"Either way," I sighed but I kissed his cheek, "At least it'll be fun finding out how it happens,"
"Yeah, it will," he blushed, "and at least I know my bride will be... endlessly beautiful on our wedding day" 
"Cute, come on before they get to far ahead," I got up,
"Yes dear." he chuckled,
"Not married yet jojen, don't call me that." I glared,
"I know," he got up too and began to follow me, "Only a few months to wait." 
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idkfitememate · 6 months
People: In my Inbox with really great ideas that I wanna write really bad and waiting for Pt. 3 of Boar!Creator.
Me with my Pea Brain and tiny attention span:
What if, in a SAGAU, the reader/imposter was actually straight up a psychopath. Like a literal insane person. The “Imposter” who got here first is genuinely a good person who adores all the characters and really just wants them to live happily.
Whereas the second reader gets there and their first objective is to find a way home.
And this time?
They do!
So once that happens, the thought that Genshin Impact truly is just a game sticks to their head like glue.
In real life they’re like me an angst lover, a pathetic little man/woman lover. They like to see people cry and bleed in order to get their love. A real sadist.
So they go back in.
Walk to the middle of Mond while and slice their hand with a stone, revealing the golden blood beneath their skin.
But instead of kicking their imposter out, they keep them by their side, loving and doting on them just to see the heart broken faces of their acolytes.
They allow themselves to get killed.
Over and over and over and over and over and over and over and over and over and over and over and over and over and over and over and over and over and over and over and over and over and over and over and-
Until someone finally notices their blood.
How they’d love if it was Zhongli. He’s been dubbed the most loyal. To see his expression over their crumpled dead body would leave them feeling such ecstasy they’ve never felt before.
They’d sit on their throne and watch as their acolytes cry as they don’t forgive them. As they grin down and ask where this loyalty was when they stabbed them and shot them. When they burned and froze and drowned them. When they buried them in rock and grew flowers in their lungs.
They’d force them to beg on their knees and still turn them away. To prostrate themselves before their god, and still be shooed off like scum beneath their foot.
To watch as you turned away the sick and less fortunate as a punishment for not being able to realize their true creator.
To feel like this isn’t enough. To want their blood on their hands.
To show their power over them.
They killed the Archons.
All seven.
Blood drenched the stage as onlookers screamed and cried. Their sword drenched in the divine blood.
To then raise them back from the dead.
Watch as tears stream down their face as they beg and plead for you to stop. They they’ll repent in anyway, but to never do that again.
When Venti’s voice hit a pitch they disliked, they stabbed. Over and over. Like the arrows he allowed to riddle their body.
And when they finish they bring him back one more time.
They go through all the characters who hurt them. One by one they are killed and brought back. Their blood staining their Creators skin.
They begin to push the boundaries even further.
Asking for sacrifices and offerings of higher calibers.
They asked for the skin of those who hurt them. Eyes and ears, fingers and teeth.
And to those who didn’t hurt them?
They are forced to attend a feast of their “friends” skin and bone.
Forced to eat as their creator happily munches away on someone’s thigh.
This is how to make their creator happy, right?
The disgusting sound of bones crunching as their force themselves to stomach their friends bodies.
This was their reward… right?
In both endings they dote on their imposter, loving on them to watch as their disgraced acolytes try their hardest to pray for their forgiveness.
Praying that they would fix their broken bodies.
Watching as their wounds reopened from the positions they prayed in. Blood pouring from their open bodies for them.
When the acolytes look away for less than a second they shove their fingers behind their eyes, pulling them out because “If not to keep their gaze on me, why should they see?”
When the acolytes touch another to push them away from their Creator, they force their finger back into god awful positions, ripping them off because “If not to touch me, why should they feel?”
When the acolytes taste the food not offered by their Creator, they pull their tongue out with bare hands because “If not to taste my offerings, why should they taste?”
When the acolytes smell the scent of someone else, they rip their noses from their face because “If not to smell my godly scent, why should they smell?”
When the acolytes hear the voice of another and lean towards the sound, they tear their ears right off their head because “If not to hear my pure sound, why should they hear?”
But to keep them reeled in, they offer two things.
When truly impressed, they praise their acolytes. One at a time. Slowly, teasingly. Small things. Watching as the others get jealous I’ve the one whose head you now hold in your lap. Whose face runs with tears and drool and snot as you run your hand through their hair. How they get caressed instead of slapped. How they get to feel the rare gentleness of their fingertips instead of the carnage they usually reap.
And if they’re especially lucky they’ll get both them and their imposter partner praising them and petting them.
The amount of times they had to bring back an acolyte after the others killed them out of envy was amazing.
The other way?
Using their control of the game, they’d “possess” an acolytes body, and begin killing people in that body. Sometimes they’d make everyone aware it was their Creator, sometimes they wouldn’t.
But the acolyte would have to live with the fact that the blood of those around them now sat on their hands, even if they couldn’t control it.
And they’d say that they just had to be stronger. If they’d been better. If they had just been a bit tougher. Maybe… maybe this wouldn’t have happened… maybe…
They watch as the mental states of their acolytes crumbles under their heel. As they become more and more desperate to appease their Creator and dependent on their small praise.
But the ultimate punishment. Is when they leave to return to their world.
Leaving them all behind. Probably even taking the Imposter with them.
Watching them beyond the screen as they scream and cry and beg for them back. Playing the game and completing quests as all the playable characters voice lines become pleads for them to return.
Dying over and over and bringing them back, joking that since they haven’t played for a while they’re getting rusty. Forcing them through boss fights and losing on purpose bear then end so they have to do it over. And over.
Just an asshole who fully believes that their lives don’t matter because they’re trapped in a game and they can leave at anytime.and because of their status, they can do whatever they want to these people who are so desperate to please their Creator.
… Anyway I wanna eat a cookie :3!
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( . .)
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(I got more ideas like this and OC’s but idk if anyone would want to listen to me rant about them… this was supposed to also be an OC blog as well… damn ໒꒰ྀི × ˕ ×。꒱ྀི১-)
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hotdamnitsmoony · 3 months
what each of the marauders think of their birthday & traditions they have
james: definitely loves his birthday and enjoys the attention. the group throw him a surprise birthday party every year, obviously now he expects it, but he really enjoys being celebrated and other people showing him the love he endlessly gives them. his main tradition growing up was effie making him birthday pancakes with sprinkles, syrup and squirty cream and once regulus finds out he asks for the recipe and does it for james at hogwarts.
regulus: absolutely hates his birthday, and refuses to tell people when it is but sirius ends up telling the group so they can have little celebration. the only tradition he has is he and sirius sharing a cake together (that they often had to sneak behind their parents backs when they were children).
remus: doesn’t really care for it, but enjoys spending time with his people. the night usually ends in drunken bowie karaoke and being very cuddly with sirius. his birthday tradition is being woken up by the marauders screaming happy birthday at him (unless the full moon is near).
sirius: used to hate his birthday, but now absolutely LOVES it! will throw a massive party, dance on tables and be with the people he loves. he usually sets a theme for his parties too, like fancy dress or superhero, and they’re usually very talked about around school. his favourite birthday tradition is when he, james and remus sneak down to the great hall in the middle of the night and have a photoshoot (specifically with sirius in dumbledore’s throne) and they do it every year they’re at hogwarts.
lily: likes a low key birthday with her friends, and enjoys having the attention more than she lets on. she, mary, pandora, marlene and dorcas usually go and have a little picnic by the black lake and gossip and play silly games til their hearts content. the only tradition she has is that she wears her mother’s earrings on her birthday so that it feels as though she’s at home. she will also cry at least once.
mary: loves her birthday and the attention that comes with it. she absolutely milks it around her birthday by saying things like “oh, but what day is it tomorrow?” and “you have to be nice to me it’s my birthday this week.” she would definitely also have a party thrown for her - which not many people remember the day after. her tradition is having a girls night with her dorm mates where they paint each others nails, do hair and face masks etc!
pandora: has a love hate relationship with her birthday, considering she shares with evan. she likes the spending time with her people part but isn’t the biggest fan of the loud parties. she would spend her day in a field making flower crowns and daisy chains with her friends and always brings evan a bouquet back. pandora and evan share a tradition where they meet at the time they were born and sing a song they made up as kids about how they won’t leave each other’s side.
barty: absolutely loves his birthday! he usually finds any old excuse to throw a party but this means he can get away with it easier! he wears the most revealing outfit in his closet, sending evan into a gay panic, and the sharpest eyeliner. he’ll dance on tables, swing from chandeliers, play truth or dare and spin the bottle. his tradition is standing on top of the astronomy tower with evan and regulus and they scream into the night about whatever’s on their mind and then have a group hug (which they’d deny to anyone who asks).
evan: also has a love hate relationship with his birthday, but finds himself smiling as he goes to sleep after the day is done (and not just because he’s probably drunk). he loves each bouquet pandora makes for him and presses them so he can preserve them. he has a small-ish party with the group where they play games like twister. the tradition he has is that he gets ready for whatever party they’re having with pandora and she does his makeup.
marlene: loves her birthday more than any other holiday and will remind everyone when it is constantly. she will throw an absolute rager and have the time of her life (until she gets a hangover the next morning). she pre plans her outfit and makeup weeks in advance, but will end up getting changed at least three times during the party! she doesn’t have any traditions other than getting trashed. although she is rather sentimental about reading the cards she’s given.
dorcas: is usually quite cryptic about her birthday, and until people find out when she’s drunk at marlene’s birthday party. she doesn’t really like the attention too much but will spend the time with her friend and enjoy it. deep down she loves reading the sappy cards that everyone writes for her but she slightly mocks them for it instead. the tradition she has is buying herself a outfit every year, and she takes the girls with her and tries the clothes on fashion show style!
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I Am Hers, She is Mine: Neyetam Sully
Avatar Masterlist
word count: 1.3K
description: Neyetam has always been yours, just as you’ve been his whether you realize it or not.
a/n: Listen to I Am Hers, She Is Mine from the Game of  thrones soundtrack. 
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It was Neyetam's official coming-of-age ceremony that would mark him as the future of the clan, he only had two rituals to complete, find a mate and fight anyone who dared challenge him for the throne. Rumors began to swirl that Neyetam had already found a mate but no one knew quite who it was, including you his best friend. Part of you was glad that you didn't know who it was then it saved you from facing the reality that Neyetam would never be yours, no matter how much you wanted it.
"Papa I have to wear this uncomfortable corset?" You asked your grandfather as Kiri tied you up.
"Yes, you do my dear, unfortunately. But I must say you look absolutely beautiful in it, it reminds me of the first time your mother wore it." He said giving you a soft smile.
"He's right. Neyetam is gonna probably fall at your feet even more once he sees you in this." She said making you roll your eyes.
Soon enough you and your grandfather were standing there alongside Neyetam's family who was basically an extended family as well as the other villagers awaiting Neyetam and Jake's arrival.
"y/n you look so pretty." Tuk said to you making you smile as you thanked her.
Soon Jake and Neyetam arrived and god did Neyetam look good in his ceremony outfit which wasn't helping you move on from him. You listened as Jake and the other leaders explained what was happening today and then it came to the part where anyone could challenge Neyetam for the throne.
"If anyone would like to challenge Neyetam please come forward now." One of the leaders said.
You slowly walked forward earning a few gasps from the crowd as Jake and your grandfather shook their heads not all surprised at this behavior.
"This corset is really uncomfortable, so could please wrap this up and go home?" You said as Neytiri pinched your side and drag you back over to where she was standing.
Neyetam couldn't help but laugh at your antics, that was one of the many reasons he had fallen for you and chosen you as his mate not that you knew yet. You two had been childhood friends since your moms were best friends, so more often than not, you were with the sully's growing up as your dad left you and your mom and you were an only child. Neyetam knew around when he was 15 he wanted to be mates with you and once he was sure of his decision of wanting you as his mate, he went to your grandfather and ask his permission to mate with you knowing how important it was to you, and your grandfather gave him his permission and promised to keep it a secret until you were ready.
It was currently the day before your ceremony and you were an emotional wreck between the ceremony planning, your grandpa getting sick, and missing your mom.  You were currently sitting by your mom's grave crying and wishing she was here, and praying that she and your ancestors would keep grandpa alive until you completed your whole ceremony when you saw flowers placed on her grave, before an arm wrapped around you as you leaned into their chest.
"Are you okay?" Neyetam asked you.
"Yeah, it's just a lot....between grandpa getting sick recently and her not being here." You said as he ran a hand through your hair.
"I understand...She may not be here physically but she's here with you in here and all around you..." He said pressing a hand against your heart.
"I know I just miss her alot....being able to hear her voice...to see her smile...to hug her...I miss her hugs the most." You said to him.
"I know you do and I wish that you could have those back sweetheart, I really do." He said to you as he squeezed you a little harder.
As he sat there holding you, he silently prayed to Ewya that she would let him be the one like he always dreamed of to take care of you and be with you throughout life...it scared him to think that you could possibly want someone else to take care of you like this because he knew no one who would care for you and love you as he did.
Today was your ceremony, and you were silent as Neytiri helped you get ready for it You honestly just couldn't wait for this to be over, as a kid you were excited about it but now it was just another day to you.
"Y/n, my child can I ask why you've never mated with Neyetam?" She asked you as she finished up your hair.
"What do you mean? Neyetam has mate does he not?" You asked confused.
"No, he doesn't. A year ago he came to us and told us that he wanted to wait for you, and then he went to your grandpa and got approval, so that if you choose him then he would have your grandpa's permission. He's been in love with you for ages, there isn't anyone else for him." She said leaving you speechless.
"I'm scared." You said quietly.
"Scared? What are you scared of my child?" She asked you grabbing your hands.
"Not saying that Neyetam would do it, it's just that I'm scared that Neyetam would leave me and our possible family as my dad did to my mom." You said to her.
"Oh sweetheart, you know Neyetam would never do that because I would kill him first all, but that boy has been in love with you two forever, I've seen the way he looks at you and cares for you, there is no one else for him." She said squeezing your hands as you smiled.
"Just talk to him after your ceremony, and explain to him what you feeling, but trust me my son will understand and still love you as much." She said.
"Thank you, Neytiri. For everything." You said hugging her.
"Of course ma y/n, your family." She said squeezing you as your grandpa came to get you.
Neyetam felt his jaw drop upon seeing you in your ceremony outfit, you were so beautiful, like a goddess. As he was watching the ceremony happen, he couldn't help but notice that two braids that framed your head used beads in his favorite color which gave him hope. After your ceremony, he watched as you made your way over him.
"Hey, can we talk privately?" You asked him softly reaching for his hand.
"Of course." He said as you two ducked out of your ceremony and walked to your favorite spot.
"So what's going on sweetheart?" He asked you.
"I just wanted to talk to you about why I guess we haven't mated yet." You said making him look you in the eye.
"Sweetheart, I don't want you to feel pressured or anything, it's just that I feel that maybe you aren't interested in me which is fine if you are but I just would like to know." He said making you sigh.
"Trust me Ney, it's always been you...I've had a crush on you for god knows how long..." You said as a smile spread across his face.
"Really?!" He asked you.
"Really, there is no one else who cares for me or his family the way you do and so much more. But I've just been scared of what could happen when we mate." You said playing with his hand.
"What do you mean sweetheart?" He asked you.
"I'm just scared that you'll leave me like my dad did to me and my mom which I know isn't fair to you but that's why I've hesitated on completing the mating ritual with you." You said as realization hit Neyetam.
"Oh sweetheart, I promise you that I would never leave you like your dad did, what your dad did was a cowardly move, but I swear to you that I've been yours whether you realized it or not, and I will prove that you every day if I have to. I love you so much." He said cupping your cheeks.
"I love you too Neyetam. I'm ready to give this a try if you are."You said looking into his eyes as you felt him press a kiss to your lips.
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nonsequitur22 · 11 months
Fanfic Authors to reread
Here's a list of my favorite fanfic authors that write such masterpieces I'm left in awe. I have reread many, many of their stories because the writing is so good.
Astolat - I've read all of her Witcher and Transformer works at least seven times each, lol. The Game of Thrones stories are mind-bogglingly creative, and the Harry Potter works are the best I've ever read in the entire fandom ever. I love how quickly each story progresses and how immersive each world is, and I find that her stories are the ones my mind most often turns to and thinks about while I'm daydreaming.
spqr - phenomenal, breathtaking, single-chapter oneshots that slice into a fandom with such precision that you don't even have to know what the fandom is but you'll love it and feel like you've been a part of it for years. Masterful, exquisite, heartfelt stories that are like a solid jab to the solar plexus when you step into them.
betts - oh my gosh does this author know how messy emotions and relationships and life can be. She flays apart characters, sees what makes them who they are--all the flaws, mistakes, grief, bad parts of them--and shows exactly what it means to be human. I've never felt seen like this before. betts has a gift and each story is an absolute treasure.
glimmerglanger - this makes me want to cry. I've bookmarked every single one of their stories. Read many of them over and over and over. Screamed in elation when a new update came through. but - they're gone. Nuked. Obliterated. My heart goes to the author. This is a reminder to treat these writers better, to not nag or insult or complain about the writing they do for free. I sobbed when I found out their entire archive had been deleted. Those stories were breathtaking. Staggeringly creative. All Codywan fics set in such masterful worlds: the Mermaid AU, Magic AU, Yellowstone, Baseball, Time Travel, Captured by Vader and tortured, heck, even the Animal Crossing crack!fic was a blast to read. The rarepairs were so much fun, Just Right with Obi-Wan/Alpha 17 was a personal favorite. I hope glimmerglanger is doing ok and knows that they have so much support from dedicated fans.
objectlesson - alright this is my guilty pleasure. Here's who to go to if you want interesting, hot, probably out of your comfort zone but gosh darnit if it doesn't awaken something in you, smut. Never thought I'd read Doc/Lightning McQueen fanfic but here we are. This author knows exactly what's she's doing and I'm all for it.
goldcranes - Masterclass of intense focus on little details. On exactly which lens setting you use to set the scene, what to focus on, how to best portray what's happening to wrench on your reader's heartstrings and make them feel. Phenomenal writing.
esama - my first fandom crush :). Whispers in Corners is my #1 favorite fanfic of all time. She's who I turned to when I first started reading fanfic a decade ago and I still lovingly go back and read what I consider her greatest hits.
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Centuries Apart Part 4 || Aemond Targaryen x got!reader
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Read first 💚 CHAPTER LIST
A/N a little bit late and a little bit shorter but finally finished part 4 xx
Summary: Y/N has began her plan on making Aemond fall in love with her after his constant disrespect towards her. Has she at last learned to play the game of thrones?
Warnings: Angst, bath scenes, some very lightly implied nudity ig
She had failed, was this the end? Tears rolled down her eyes, was it all for nothing? It couldn’t have been, she couldn’t just give up, but what was she supposed to do if no one would listen to her warnings. Then Otto’s words from earlier rang through her head ‘be a good wife, bear his heirs and earn his trust’ that was it, she knew what she needed to do.
She was going to make Aemond Targaryen fall so deeply in love with her that he could never refuse her pleas again.
“My lady, my lady” Lysa‘s trembling voice echoed through the hallways as she ran towards her princess. In a pathetic state Y/N was, her once pale silky dress now ripped and covered with dust, scarlet drops trickling down from a small cut on her forehead.
“What has happened, are you alright, my lady? Oh gods, you’re bleeding, I’ll fetch the maester”
“Wait, don’t, I’m perfectly fine, just draw me a bath” Y/N countered, catching the young maid’s hand. “No one must hear of this” she warned sternly and headed towards her bedchambers without waiting for a response.
“The water’s too hot, my lady” the young maid squealed at the sight of the princess submerging her body into the steaming bath. But fire could not kill a dragon, it couldn’t kill her sister so why would it kill her.
“I want you to bring me my most beautiful dress, the one with the gold embroidery and put some of that Dornish rose oil in my hair, I must look impeccable” Y/N hummed emotionlessly while Lysa was gently scrubbing her muddied skin.
“What for, my lady?” The young girl scrunched her brows in confusion “Oh gods, was there a feast I’ve forgotten about?”
“Can’t a lady just want to look beautiful for her betrothed?” Y/N scoffed “They’ll no longer disrespect and refuse me, Lysa. I came here with a purpose and I plan on fulfilling it”
“You’re scaring me, my lady”
“Don’t be scared, Lysa” Y/N smirked deviously as her hand caressed the maid's cheek “You’re my friend, aren’t you? They are the ones who should be scared”
Aemond’s arrival hadn’t gone unnoticed, it was like hell broke loose. The queen was in a frenzy, crying and cursing to herself, Otto had his hand on his forehead with a sigh on his lips while the king, Aegon nonchalantly drank from his cup, a wide grin spreading across his face.
Y/N had decided to keep her distance, watching the ordeal from afar, behind a marble pillar. She knew what had taken place, of course she knew, hells she tried to warn them even. If only they had listened. But then her gaze fell on Aemond. There was something different in his expression, something woeful, almost as if his resilient demeanor had been cracked. This took Y/N aback for a moment. She knew by heart the tales of the cruel, vengeful kinslayer, but then, there he stood, mere meters before her, his sharp features drowned in regret and dread.
“Is prince Aemond in his chambers? I shall speak to him” Y/N announced herself to a young maid that was headed towards the doors of the prince’s bedchamber
“His grace is about to bathe my lady, mayhaps you shall come in the morrow”
The princess looked over at the maid, the girl was trembling like a leaf, her hands holding a brass ewer full of warm water and a faded rag.
“Give me those” she lightly motioned towards the maid’s hands “You can retire for the night. I’ll seek to the prince’s needs”
“B-but my lady, I couldn’t possibly. That’s my duty” she shook her head, eyes widening “It’s not appropriate, what if someone-”
“And what’s not appropriate about it? Is he not my betrothed? Am I not to be his wife?” Y/N challenged, batting her lashes “Or perhaps you’d like to be alone in his presence? I wonder what my prince would say when he hears that his beloved bride couldn’t visit him because of a maid?”
“G-gods forbid, my lady. That’s not what I meant I-”
“Here, I’ll take these, you can go” the princess grinned, taking the ewer and the rag from the shaking maid’s hands.
Aemond’s bedchamber was dark, dark and cold, the flickering flames of a couple of candles outlining the silhouette of the tub, positioned behind a thin white curtain.
“What took you so long, wench?” His annoyed voice echoed through the chamber.
“Iksis bona skorkydoso ao ȳdragon naejot aōha ābrazȳrys naejot sagon? ñuha dārilaros” (is that how you talk to your wife to be? my prince) Y/N’s silky voice chimed as she lifted the curtain to reveal herself.
Shock mixed with confusion washed over the prince’s face as he saw the face of his bride. Picturesque she looked, her silver locks tied into intricate braids with a few loose strands caressing her neck, her body draped in a flowy silk gown that plunged deep at her cleavage, green it was, emerald green with gold embroidery.
“You? What in the seven hells are you doing here? How dare you?” His words were harsh but his gaze betrayed him,Y/N smirked to herself as she felt his eye examining her figure.
“I didn’t get to see you upon your arrival, my prince” she hummed, kneeling by the tub “I got worried for you, alas for that unfortunate boy ”
Rage shot through Aemond’s blood, his hands clasping at Y/N’s neck, water splashing over her dress “How do you know of this? Who? Who told you?”
“I did try to warn you, didn't I, my prince?” She gasped for air “I wanted to protect you and your family”
“This wasn’t supposed to happen” his hands suddenly dropped her “I didn’t mean to, I didn’t mean to kill him, it was an accident” Aemond didn’t know why he was telling her any of this, it didn’t concern her, she was a nobody to him, he wanted to rid himself of her, but for some inexplicable reason he needed her to believe his story.
This confession froze Y/N, all color draining from her face, she thought she knew the full story, she’s heard it countless times, the story of Aemond One Eye Targaryen slaughtering his own nephew in cold blood, but that same man sat before her, his handsome features twisted in regret and sorrow.
The princess didn’t say a word, she took the rag and gently scrubbed at the pale skin of his hands that moments ago were slowly taking away the life out of her lungs. They stayed in silence as she then washed his toned chest, despite her pride, she couldn’t deny to herself the beauty of the the Targaryen prince and despite his lower half being fully submerged by the dark steamy water, a light blush crept into her cheeks, though the room too dark for him to notice.
She maneuvered her hand up his neck and then his cheek consequently reaching the band of his eyepatch. But the prince’s hand was quick to catch hers, violet eyes staring daggers at each other.
“Kostā daor va moriot ruaragon aōla hen nyke, ñuha dārilaros” (you can’t hide yourself from me forever, my prince) Y/N whispered as she got up and headed towards the doors. Winning Aemond’s heart wasn’t going to be an easy task but that night she had seen a side of him no one ever had.
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ladywinterwitch · 2 years
A-Z SFW PROMPTS (Robb Stark x Reader)
The og king in the north's turn for the A-Z sfw challenge!
Warnings: Some topics familiar to the game of thrones world, nothing specific. Some nsfw innuendos, but nothing fully explicit, Terms such as lady/queen etc and general female appearence descriptions will be used.
Based on these prompts, full credit to the author. *I did change letter Z to fit the historical setting since they couldn't possibly have a favorite picture. These headcanons are very out of context and don't necessarily respect canon situations or plotlines. It's all very hypothetical, Enjoy!
Main masterlist here
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§ -What do they find especially endearing?
Robb is a very romantic man, and also a very family centered one, considering the environment in which he grew up. He loves to see you being soft, in general. A cute kid gifted his queen in the north a flower and you're absolutely melting? So is he. A kitten comes close and cuddles your hand making you awe? He's SMILING. Those type of situations absolutely melt his heart, but again he'd be just as happy to hear you tell a story or talk to you. Obviously he loves when you get touchy and all giggly, how could he not honestly.
§- How do they get their way?
Robb does enjoy a good love making session after a particularly good or busy day. This could mean showering you with compliments and being all romantic in public or if you're already in private there's a very good chance that he'll just get things started by kissing all over your body and face, or, if he's feeling particularly playful, with killer tickles that would only have you laughing to tears and beg him to have mercy on you.
§-What is their love language?
Oh, physical touch absolutely. PDA is also a big thing for him. He's proud that you're his queen and wants to show you off to everyone. "Good evening my lords, don't you think that my queen looks absolutely delightful tonight?" or "You know my lady, my lady wife is also really good at riding" literally doesn't matter, he's down bad and is gonna make it everyone's problem. You could say that he's got a bit of a praise kink going on, or he's simply a simp, you decide.
§-How do they show they're serious?
Aside from making sure that your position near him is always clear to everyone, Robb is definetly the type to protect you from everyone and everything. He's never had a bad example of a man to look up to, a mysoginistic one or a cruel one. Eddard has always been nothing but respectful and devoted to his mother lady Catelyn, and he'll be the same to you.
§-What first caught their eye? 
Your self respect, probably. Again, obviously his view of the world will be in one way or another be influenced by his own family. That being said, from his mother to his little sisters, even though in different ways, none of them ever allowed to anyone to step on them. When he first met you he noticed that right away. Might also be that you're quite feisty and that amused him to no end lol. Another factor that it's not a hundred necessary but still very welcomed is that lady Catelyn liked you.
§-How do they flirt?
He is quite bold in his intentions usually. He's a lord, now a king, and regardless he's never been in a position in which he had contain himself too much. He's a big child in the positive meaning of the word, to be honest. He can be really playful and he usually is. He'd tease you by complimentiong you, grabbing you and showering you with kisses, sometimes tickle you or even chase you around! He's just really in love and it's not hard to see.
§-How do they provide comfort?
Again, he's a very physical lover. If you were crying or having a bad time for some reason he'd just hold you, stroke your arms, back or whatever part of your body he could reach, and give you kisses on the head. He would be the type to let you cry it out and then ask you if you're feeling better, and you usually would. Afterwards he'd just make sure that you had the chance to relax however you wanted, alone or not. It was your job to tell him what you needed, and he would provide.
§-What is their favorite look on their partner?
He loves to see you comfortable. You could be in a nightgown and with loose hair and he'd be a hundred percent satisfied. He also likes to see you with simpler clothes than the ones you wear during big nights or important events at the castle. But again, whatever you feel more comfortable wearing is enough for him,
§-What kind of dates do they like?
I wouldn't consider them proper dates since you're mostly together anyway, but he loves to spend some alone time with you when he gets a break after some busy days or even after he's been away. In that case he'd just be very happy to reconnect in bed, in the literal sense. We could consider it a sex and pillow talk combo. Sometimes a warm bath where you could just chill together and get lovey dovey.
§-How jealous are they? How do they show it?
Yes, why lie. He's very proud to have you at his side and is just so in love with you that he wants you all to himself. He'd never get toxic or violent, none of that. But, he's kind of a man child so obviously he'd get a pout when some other lord would try and get friendly with you. You'd mostly find it cute and amusing though, and a little kiss would fix everything right away. It's just all very wholesome.
§-How do they apologize?
He wouldn't, because he's got nothing to apologize for. He'd just turn into a happy puppy and be all over you.
§-Favorite thing about their partner?
Your grace. Robb is just mesmerized of the way you move and act, how you carry yourself. He would find you so graceful and beautiful in everything that he could just about spend his days staring at you in awe.
§-What's their favorite memory together?
Probably your wedding day. Painfully romantic, I know. He cherishes the whole happy vibe of the day, the memory of you and his family together, you looking beautiful in your wedding attire, you dancing together. Everything honestly.
§-What does a normal day look like for them?
You wake up together, have breakfast alone and start the day coversing. Then he would kiss you and go off to take care of his lord business and you your lady's. Sometimes you'd spend the day with his sisters and mother. You always tried to have your meals together and in general make sure to communicate trought the day.
§-How do they show they're together?
Well you're his literal queen so it's not like you need to prove yourself any further. But you'd be a very loving couple in public regardless, your on his arm, him kissing your cheek or hand when he had to leave/when he saw you, always making sure to acknowledge your presence and your title, and so on.
§-How do they relax together?
You like to take baths together. You like the contact, the warmth and the privacy of it. Living in Winterfell other things that required to get out of the castle walls weren't exactly comfortable or enjoyable except on rare mid-temperature days. You also liked to play games actually, like board games or card games in front of the fireplace. Possibly naked.
§-What can they do together?
Fortunately for you spending time together isn't really an issue, especially since you're married and have such important roles in Winterfell. Robb being a big family man also loves a nice evening with his parents and siblings, or just generally some of the lords and ladies of the castle. You typically prefer to stay inside than outside regardless, so the choice falls on playing games, talking, being intimate or even doing your official business just staying in the same room.
§-What kind of gifts do they give?
You are already the queen/lady of Winterfell so there isn't much that you could need or wish for that you already don't have. It does happen sometimes that his sisters give you little gifts; Sansa once gifted you an embroidered shawl, while Arya a little hand made figure of your house. You thought it was very sweet of them and were glad that they loved you. Robb would kinda spoil your kids though, should you have any.
§-How do they sleep together?
You like to sleep on his chest, or hugged to his side with your head on his shoulder. He also likes to touch you while you sleep, a hand on your waist, belly, side or even holding your hand if he manages. He'd definetly be the type to sleep with a hand on your pregnant belly, too.
§-What small things do they do for each other?
You get each other a lot. If it happens that either of you gets annoyed or tired during a conversation, a dinner or another kind of situation, the other would make sure to dismiss it and move on. Again, you're very affectionate in general so it wouldn't be wired for people to see you exchange a loving glance, a chaste kiss or something similar. You also know how to comfort each other and give each other space should you need it, which is foundmental in your relationship.
§-What would their wedding be like?
Your wedding would definetly be a very happy day for everyone. You're the kind of couple that other could tell was made out of love and not duty, and this aura reflected on those around you. Sansa and Arya would be your maids, and even though the smaller one would kinda hate to get all dolled up, she'd bare it just because she likes you. Catelyn would be the happiest woman in the kingdom honestly, and would probably weep during the ceremony. You'd dance together all evening and get emotional during the ceremony. You'd feel like the luckiest people in the kingdom and the guests would probably agree, considering how weddings usually go in Westeros.
§-What always makes them smile?
One another, easily. You're very alike in your character and that's why you'd get along so well, like ninety percent of the time. You also love to just enjoy family time, it gives you a sense of comfort, strenght and stability.
§-What pet names and compliments do they use?
You'd call him 'my love', 'my lord', 'my husband' or simply Robb. He'd also call you 'my love/queen/lady', by your name and also 'my darling'.
§-How do they kiss?
Like everything that you do, your kisses would also be quite sweet. You'd kiss often, that's for sure; on the lips, on the cheek, forehead, head, hands, shoulder and so on.
§-What do they do when they're apart?
You would be better at hiding the longing than him, to be honest. You'd be pretty much the same, saving the sadness for when you were alone, even though Jon or Catelyn would see right through you and give you a few words of comfort. Robb on the other hand would get grumpy. According to his lords it was almost funny how his mouth clearly pouted in disappointment whenever he was caught missing home and you.
§-What's their favorite place to go to?
You don't really have one outside of Winterfell. If you had to choose you'd probably pick the family room in which you could dine, dance, play, fool around, eat and just spend time together.
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That's it for the SFW Robb version! Hope you liked it <3
taglist: @lady-stark-winter-rose
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icarusignite · 1 year
Master Post
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ace_asterisk on wp/ao3/tiktok
engineering student
history/mythology nerd
Feel free to drop me a dm and chat. I’d love to be mutuals <3
Fandoms I’m into and will write for: Game of Thrones, House of the Dragon, The Last Kingdom, Criminal Minds, Shadow and Bone, Lockwood and Co, Harry Potter, Percy Jackson, Hunger Games, Bridgerton, etc (there lots more that I just forgot to put on here lol). I’m also into kpop so I may dabble in writing for certain groups too. 
My tags:
#icarus ignite fic recs (my fav recs, all fandoms)
#icarus ignite asks
Requests are open!
AO3    |    Wattpad |
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- Pirate Ateez Masterlist
- Danse Macabre (Jeong Yunho Series Masterlist)
Oneshot Masterlist:
- The only heaven I'll be sent to is when I'm alone with you: 1 / 2
(King Alfred x POC! Fem! Reader)
You are a prominent scholar from Baghdad, visiting Wessex to learn more about English culture and try to help its ailing monarch with your medical expertise. However, conflict arises when you find yourself falling for the Catholic king, knowing he cannot give you what you deserve.
- Valhalla Bound  (Finan x GN! Reader)
During the ransacking of Rumcofa, you save Osferth thus exchanging his fate for yours. aka you die and Finan's reaction to that
- Night Terrors (Sihtric x GN! Reader) 
Sihtric has a nightmare, and he accidentally snaps at you. What comes after is the most awkward confession of his life and you are oblivious af.
- Praying's just a poor man's way of begging (Sihtric x Fem! Reader) 
You are Earl Ragnar's youngest daughter and the boy you've spent many pleasant afternoons with as a child was none other than Sihtric Kjartansson. Reunited after years apart, will the two of you be able to face the truth of your feelings or will it all end in heartache?
- In this labyrinth of time, our souls entwined (Modern AU Finan x Fem! Reader)
Finan and his friends witness a bar fight during their night out and Finan feels a magnetic connection to the hero of the fight. This can be read on its own but it can also be seen as a continuation of my earlier fic Valhalla Bound where you died and now your reincarnation meets Finan's in another world and that's why you seem so familiar.
- Go ahead and cry, little girl (Aethelstan x Fem! Reader)
You are Sihtric’s daughter from his first wife. Your mother dies after he leaves her for his current wife and you blame him for his death. Aethelstan is yoiur dearest childhood friend.
- Union of the Gods Masterlist (Sihtric x OC)
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- I hate you I love you (Cregan Stark x fem! reader)
The five times you told Cregan Stark you hated him, and the one time you actually meant it.
- I want to fly with you on dragonback (and eat only cake) (Alicent x Rhaenyra)
Basically the title. Rhaenyra finally gets to take Alicent on that dragon ride and eat cake....and maybe kiss the girl she loves.
-  Like an old melody, my heart resumes 1 / 2  / 3 (Daeron x Fem! Reader)
After years apart and with several misunderstandings between them, you meet Prince Daeron at what is meant to be his betrothal feast. When secrets and unspoken desires come to light, you and Daeron are faced with a choice: to let go of the past and embrace a love that has always burned between them or allow your tumultuous history to keep you apart.
Series: (not uploading here anymore, check out my ao3/wp for it)
- Before the Sky Falls Masterlist (Aemond Targaryen x Velaryon OC) (complete)
- An Eye for an Eye Masterlist (Aemond Targaryen x Velaryon OC)
In which Daenys Velaryon, the oldest child of Rhaenyra and Laenor Velaryon, must come to terms with the fact that the man she loves has committed an unforgivable crime.
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Percy Jackson and the Olympians
- I don't want your sympathy (i just want myself back) - Luke Castellan x GN! Child of Hypnos Reader
-   Steady Your Heart in Mine (Spencer Reid x GN! Reader)
Exam season brings you a lot of stress and Spencer Reid is there to walk you through it. Established relationship, descriptions of anxiety and panic attacks.
- The Darkest Hour Before Dawn Masterlist (Spencer Reid x OC)
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- I thought I dreamed her (Lucy x Lockkwood)
- I love you forever, I'm not a dreamer (Lucy x Lockwood)
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The Ballad of Songbirds and Snakes:
These Violent Delights Masterlist
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