#na na na surprise teens
alanaartdream · 1 year
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So 1st week of mermay maid drawings 2023
I got Polly pockets keepsake collection mermaids 🧜‍♀️ set to open as well as Na! Na! Na! Surprise teens shark boy to open up and review about
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Just funny they arrived right on time as mermay mermaid month being as they go right with the theme of mermaids 🧜‍♀️
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swampbarbie420 · 6 months
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nanana-dolls · 1 year
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You can't sit with us. Because we don't have the joints necessary to sit. But you can't stand with us unless you have an animal hat!
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writemekpop · 11 months
Never Say Never | Na Jaemin
Summary: You know that going back to your ex-boyfriend Jaemin’s place is a bad idea – but you do it anyway. 
Genre: Exes to lovers AU, angsty
Word Count: 1.1k
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You were reaching for the last tub of ice cream at the supermarket when your hand touched someone else’s. 
It was Jaemin.
“Y/n! You look… good,” Jaemin said, his eyes not leaving yours. He placed the ice cream in your basket. “You have it.” 
Jaemin had been the love of your life. A month ago, you had to break up with him, because you wanted to get married, and he didn’t. It had been the hardest month of your life. 
It was a small consolation that Jaemin looked as broken as you felt. 
“Would you like to come to mine for a cup of coffee?” he asked. 
“I don’t think that’s the best idea…” you started. 
If you let yourself get close to him again, how would you ever be able to leave?
“It’s just coffee – not marriage,” he joked. Then he saw your face. “Too soon?” 
Jaemin took you back to his apartment. To your surprise, Jaemin had kept everything the same – he even left the picture of you two kissing in Disneyland in the hallway.  
“You know what’s better than coffee? A glass of wine.” he said, his eyes twinkling with equal parts of mischief and pain. 
You knew this wasn’t healthy, but you couldn’t resist. “Alright. But just one.” 
You ended up having four glasses of wine, as well as sitting on Jaemin’s couch chatting until 2AM. 
Jaemin’s dark eyes glistened with pain. His irises flashed with the colours from the movie that was playing. 
Halfway through the movie, he shifted closer to you on the couch, so that your thighs were touching.
“We’re friends,” Jaemin said, his eyes crinkling. “Friends kiss sometimes, don’t they?” 
You knew this was a bad idea. A month ago, you were planning your beach wedding with Jaemin in Bali, the house you would live in, the names of your two children (Jordan and Maya).
Every morning you still woke up expecting to find Jaemin next to you. 
Your heart was confused enough as it is – and a kiss would only make things worse. 
But all you could focus on was the look on Jaemin’s face. Jaemin would never insist on kissing you. He would just look at you like you were the only thing worth looking at in the world, and wait for you to make the move.
You nodded, heart fluttering.  
Jaemin’s lips met yours and you kissed slowly, insistently, as if both of you were memorising the taste of each other. 
Jaemin’s hand rested on your waist. “You know what’s better than being friends? Being friends with benefits. We could sleep together… just once…”
Surrounded by Jaemin’s warm smell, and the feel of his hands on you, you were dying to say yes. It would be so easy, slotting into place like you were made for each other.
You almost lost your self control… then you pushed Jaemin away. 
“Can’t we?” Jaemin asked, but you could tell from his sad smile that he knew he’d lost. 
“No, no, no! We can’t do this,” you cried. 
“Getting over you was the hardest thing I’ve ever had to do,” you said. “I can’t – make it any harder.” 
Running to the cupboard, you pulled out a pink pillowcase. “Wait-“ you said, before Jaemin could protest, and put it on his head. 
“There,” you said “If you want to talk, we can talk. But you have to keep that on. It’s the only safe way.” 
Jaemin put his hands on his hips. “Okay. But I warn you… you might fall for me again. Pink is my colour.” 
You chuckled. 
You and Jaemin talked till the early hours of the morning, reminiscing about the time you were so hungry to rip each other’s clothes off that you did it in the haunted house at Lotte World, only to be discovered by a group of terrified teens.   
“Do you… think about me, at all?” you asked shyly. 
Jaemin didn’t say anything. 
Your heart sank. “It’s fine, I didn’t think so…”
Jaemin took your hand. “I nodded! Under the pillowcase! I think about you every waking hour, Y/n. I thought that was obvious.” 
“Ah…” you said. “I couldn’t see you nodding.”  
“Do you think,” Jaemin said, “- and you can call me ridiculous, but – do you think it would be best if I took this pillowcase off?”
“Yeah,” you said, laughing a little. 
Seeing Jaemin’s handsome face made you ache all over again – in good and bad ways. 
You stared at each other for a long moment. 
Then Jaemin leaned in, twined his fingers in your hair and kissed you. This time, his kiss was not slow or gentle. It burned with all the wound-up energy of your month spent apart. 
You pushed Jaemin so he was lying down on the couch beneath you. As you unbuttoned his shirt, you were determined to memorise the smooth planes of his chest, because this was the last time you would see them. 
A glass of wine got knocked off the arm of the couch, spilling wine all over Jaemin. 
“Damn it,” Jaemin said, trying to get up, but you stopped him. Instead, you leaned down and placed slow, wet kisses all over Jaemin’s chest, licking up the spilt wine.  
That night was amazing. You rode Jaemin desperately, because you remembered the loneliness of the past months and because you were so aware of the loneliness to come. 
When you woke up the next morning and found that you really were nestled on Jaemin’s chest, the rush of relief was dizzying. 
“I’ll do it,” Jaemin suddenly said. 
You twisted to face him. Your stomach flipped. 
“You’ll do what?” 
“I’ll marry you.” Jaemin said. “I’ll do the vows, the cake, the big party… I’d take your name if you wanted me to.” He gazed urgently at you. “I just can’t… lose you again, Y/n.” 
Your heart was racing. Even now, you couldn’t believe the words coming out of Jaemin’s mouth. You were sure that, any second, he would turn around and say it was a joke, or he didn’t mean it.
“You would?” you said. Tears pricked your eyes. “We can do it in the registry office, half an hour, we don’t even have to invite anyone if you don’t want to.” Tears flowed freely down your face now. “Oh, Jaemin.” 
Jaemin held you tight in his arms, and you knew he was thinking, I will never let you go.
“I do have one condition, though,” you said, smiling up at him through your tears.
“Anything,” Jaemin said.
“Are you really willing to take my last name? Become Mr. L/n?” 
Jaemin smiled. “It would be my pleasure.” 
Let us know what you thought in the comments or on anon! 💋
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prodbymaui · 11 months
Guilty Pleasure
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before this night is over, I want you in my arms
PAIRING: na jaemin x reader
GENRE: celebrities in love
WORD COUNT: 931 words
WARNINGS: mentioned edging, public sex (?), voyeurism
SYNOPSIS: Just the ideal couple enjoying each other's warmth on a cold night.
A/N: my first dream fic on this blog, yay! I hope you enjoy this one <3 tell me your thoughts! (this is just another surge of a brainrot so don't mind the grammatical errors and lack of plot + porn)
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Escaping the after-party of this big celebration for a minute was out of the equation. You're one hell of a party-goer and, obviously, has a knack for parties which is why you haven't thought of getting out of here even for a mere second to breathe. But one text from your loving boyfriend and you're already excusing yourself from the dance floor.
JM: Where are you, love?
Spotting Jeno not far where you stand, you quickly stride towards him, steps careful not to trip on your favorite heels. You exchange pleasantries with a slap on his arm. ''Where's Jaemin?''
The man comically flinch in surprise, turning around. ''Well, hello to you too. He's out in the back. Do you want me to accompany you?''
Shaking your head, you wave your hand dismissively, sending him a 'thanks' before heading out to finally meet your boyfriend. There Jaemin is, clicking on his phone with his blazer hanging on his left arm, his dress shirt opened until the fourth button.
You don't know whether it's the alcohol in your system that is responsible for the quivering of your legs or something else. The light emitting from his phone enables you to get a view of his adonis face. It's definitely something else.
Your heels clacks the ground but the music coming from inside of the building overpowers it. Jaemin looks a bit surprise as you wrap your arms around his neck, burying your face on his chest. There isn't much of a height difference between you but the warmth of Jaemin's body has been a comfort area for you ever since.
He places his blazer on your naked shoulders before sneaking his arms underneath it, hugging your waist. ''Bless me with some words next time, will you? I was about to whip those arms away thinking it was someone else.''
You let out a breathy chuckle, slapping Jaemin's bicep lightly before gripping the fabric of his dress shirt. Humming, you close your eyes as you let your lips touch the skin of Jaemin's neck, placing sweet pecks on areas you could reach without moving too much.
Looking up, you meet the loving eyes of your boyfriend that speaks a thousand words; I adore you. I cherish you. I want this to last forever.
You couldn't help but smile shyly at the amount of fondness in Jaemin's eyes. Caressing the side of his face, you tip-toe to place a kiss on his slightly chapped lips. It isn't even a second after the first one when you lean in for the second time, deeper this time.
Jaemin's hands grips your waist a little tighter, head bowing to force his tongue inside your mouth as you gasp for air. Jaemin licks everywhere he can, biting on your lower lip before moving on to suck on your tongue. Your lipstick smudges but Jaemin thinks it only makes things better.
With the little bits of his sanity, Jaemin is able to hear the slow music that is being played at the party. He takes this as a chance to move your body along with his, swaying you side to side while he pours out his feelings into the kiss you are sharing.
For the paparazzis who's watching you right now, this is surely a private moment worth the risk of invading. A former child teen star and her best friend turned into lover sharing a sweet kiss after they escape the chaotic party to enjoy each other's presence? This will truly make the headlines and bring them a lot of cash. Everyone loves a sweet moment from famous celebrities!
Anyone who would see the pictures are gonna be filled with adoration mixed with envy as they watch Jaemin, the ever-so-boyfriend-material, hug you tight in the midst of the cold night while whispering what seem to be sugary words on your ears.
Well, it is partially true. Indeed, these are some sugary and sweet words but no one knows it is partnered with sensual and dirty connotations. They don't know that the reason for your shaking legs isn't the cold. They don't know the real reason behind Jaemin's charming smile. They don't know the actual words being whispered.
Jaemin's fingers works on swiping his phone underneath the blazer he lent you. ''Are you gonna cum for me, pretty? Right here where the media can possibly catch us? Oh, how dirty you are, darling. I don't have to do much to have you fucked out in my arms. Look at those legs going jelly over a toy vibrating inside your pussy. You're falling apart. God, you're so beautiful.''
Your eyes rolls to the back of your head and your tongue lols out. Jaemin turns your back in any possible angle your face can be seen, covering you. The graph in his screen curves up courtesy of his fingers.
''You've held in so well, darling. Come for me. Just like that. There we go. Such a good girl, always a good girl for me.'' Placing a kiss on top of your head, Jaemin brushes your hair soothingly.
Your boyfriend stops swaying your bodies and steadies you in his arms because if it weren't for his hand on your waist, you would drop down to the floor the moment you came.
Still couldn't believe what happened, you pinch Jaemin's nipple through his dress shirt. ''Aww--''
''That's what you get for edging me for an hour and making me cum on public.''
Jaemin chuckles lowly. ''Isn't that great, love? Another box to tick off our list--''
Yep, no one can definitely know about this.
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cloudninetonine · 6 months
My depression is kicking my arse rn, like, at dangerous levels ouhgfofiu
So here's a little vent story <3 It is angst <3
If I don't feel better soon you're gonna get more angst posts
Warnings: Implied character death(s), implied child/teen death, descriptions of gore and implied fight with monsters, implied self sacrifice (???), description of missing limbs (arm and eye)
The pain was unbearable, your body broken and bloody on the sands of Hyrule shore as you stared at the endless expanse of midnight blue with dotted points of spatial beauties staring back at you. You could almost feel the pity, the sadness and the mourning all the way from down here, on an earth you didn’t quite know in a universe that wasn’t your own.
Shuffling sounded from your right, the sound of something heavy dragging through the sand slowly getting closer and closer until finally the presence was right next to your, a hand resting on your arm- well, what was left of your arm. That was gone, the stump bleeding profusely with the jagged chunk missing from your side that seeped the red onto the once pristine beach beneath you.
…you were so tired.
In so much pain.
…this was it, wasn’t it?
“...(name)...” The hand moved to grab your shoulder, dislocated from his position and painful as the person squeezed the area- you couldn’t blame him, you knew his body was probably just as broken as your own. “Are…are you…still- there?”
As much as you wanted to, you couldn’t turn your head- the pain from your neck was a dull thump in your throat but you knew it would be excruciating if you tried to move.
“Yeah…” You croaked, surprised but slightly happy you could still manage sound. “...can you…can you see me anymore?”
Wind sniffled; wobbly and scared, a normal reaction for the child he was.
A child…
His grandmother was probably so worried about him…
The sailor coughed. “They…they only took one eye…”
You choked on a sob, eyes watering. “An eye…?”
“...just one.”
Just one.
It was just one monster earlier. Then it was two, then three, then four, five, six- you counted 20 before you and Wind were finally overwhelmed, subjected to the unbearable torture that soon followed for what felt like hours after. You were sure the rest of the boys could probably hear your screams from miles away, probably heard the terror and the pleading as you begged for them to come and save you, rescue you from this horrid suffering.
…why weren’t they here?
Wind sniffed again, hacking a little right next to your ear- the feeling of liquid just grazing the shell as the young hero coughed up some blood.
“...I’m cold.”
A tear ran down your cheek. “...me too.”
You’d both lost too much blood.
It probably wouldn’t be long now…
The waves nearby crashed rhythmically against the sand in an almost hypnotic symphony that your ringing ears honed in on. White noise, calming and serene despite the aching agony that every last part of your felt, imagining yourself walking against the beach barefoot with the water just tickling your skin. The beach spanned on for forever, disappearing into the horizon as you continued to walk and walk without a destination. There was no need to think about the time passing as the sun began to set just off the coast, diving into the ocean and leaving a beautiful sunset that your eyes would memorise for all of eternity.
Wind grunted as he crawled a little closer, the feeling of his body burrowing into your less injured side a comfort in the isolating feeling that…death seemed to be bringing forth. His head was gentle to rest on your chest, curled into you like a child with it’s mother as they slept, your void arm trying to desperately wrap around him in an act to bring that feeling of reassurance.
…you instead moved your other to hold one of his hands, using as much strength as you could to interlock your fingers.
You could feel the warm blood drip, drip, drip, from his empty socket.
“...I’m tired.”
You slowly blinked towards the sky. “...me too…”
“...I don’t…think…the others are…coming…”
Your eyes blurred from your tears, running down your face like a gentle spring. “...yeah…”
The young boy sniffled once more, a silent teary hiccup leaving him. “...I’m gonna…gonna sleep…”
You tightened your fingers; Wind tightened his.
“....yeah me too, Link…”
The natural ambience was a nice thing to hear. The waves, the gentle breeze, the rustle of palm trees- you didn’t mind these sounds being the last things you heard. Natural and beautiful, like a lullaby sending you beyond, into the great unknown of death. It was calming. The frantic palpitations of your heart, fighting desperately to keep your battered body from buckling under the weight from all the pain, slowly falling into a more gentle pace that grew weaker and weaker with each passing second.
You glanced at the mess of blonde hair laying against you.
You could still feel his breaths, slow and weak against your chest, but you knew that wouldn’t last much longer.
You glanced back up at the sky, eyes moist from your uncontrollable crying- reflecting the ethereal glow of the stars from above.
“...Take me…”
“...I know you can fucking hear me…” Anger was in your voice, mixed with desperation and fear. “...He’s already gone through enough…Let him live and take me…instead…I’ll go willingly…I won’t fight it…just don’t let him die….”
The stars blinked, something gold shot across the sky…A shooting star…
Your vision began to blur and darken, the world slowly moving further and further away as the exhaustion took over your entire being.
“...This is all…I’m asking…my only..prayer..
Fade to black.
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sunshinesdaydream · 17 days
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We'll Take The Lot!
Pairing: Wrecker x F!Reader Rating: SFW Summary: Reader and Wrecker go to Kamino to adopt a baby cadet. Warnings: None Word Count :694 Graphic Header and Dividers by:@sunshinesdaydream (me)
New Clone OC? Rattles is the Trooper who manages the nurseries since the clones were freed. He'll show up in other future segments as well as a profile on him this Sunday for OC Sunday.
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You weren’t entirely sure what you were expecting of Kamino. Of course you knew it was a water world with frequent storms. 
Wrecker’s main comment was that there wasn’t enough outdoors. His descriptions of long durasteel hallways that might have the luxury of plasteel windows to the stormy ocean, seemingly endless rooms for lessons, hundreds of training halls were vague and brushed over. But he was very animated when it came to aiwha. You really hoped he wouldn’t really try to ride one on your trip there.  
It was sunny at Tipoca City when you arrived. The light sparkling on the waves that swept back and forth. Wrecker was slow to head inside, his gaze sweeping across the waves. 
“You nervous?” You asked. 
He shakes his head, “Na, looking for aiwha,”
“You aren’t serious?” You ask, instantly on edge.  
Laughing, he pulled you close and kissed the top of your head. “Promise I won’t try to ride one, but they are really awesome. Wanted to show you!” 
You let him lead you inside, following a young teen cadet.  Or he looked like he’d be a young teen, about 13 or 14.
As you walked through the corridors you understood part of why Wrecker had been vague about it. Long sterile, featureless hallways, the light a clean white but filtered. There wasn’t anything to be said about them. They existed and you could walk through them to different rooms. 
When you reached the nursery, there was more color. However it definitely was added more recently.  Various toys and stuffed animals were strewn on the floor while troopers of various ages played with and cared for their little brothers. Droid still hovering on the peripheral.  Some child had taken their new crayons to the wall and evidently the adults had decided to leave the artwork. 
“Hello,” a trooper that seemed to be in charge of the room said when you entered the room. “I’m Rattles, I’m guessing you’re Wrecker? Commander Wolffe said you would be here this rotation.”
You were too distracted by the many small children in the room to listen to Wrecker’s reply. There were some still crawling, others taking early steps.  
“Sweetheart?” Wrecker squeezed your shoulder gently. Evidently he had introduced you to the trooper. 
“Ah, sorry,” you apologize, shaking his hand. 
“They are distracting aren’t they, just wait until they get a bit bigger they start using it to their advantage,” Rattles laughed. “Let me introduce you,”
He led the two of you to a group of five littles that were sitting and crawling in one nook of the room.  He picked one up, “This is CT-5993, or is until you give him a name,” Rattles set the chubby cheeked baby in Wrecker’s arms.
One of the others immediately began crying, reaching towards his brother. Without even thinking you scoop him up and bring him up to be closer to his brother, as you did two others hurriedly crawled towards you both and pulled themselves up by Wrecker’s pant legs.  The remaining one looked like he was about to wail too.
“Wrecker…” you begin tearing up, there was no way you could take this little one away from a group of close brothers.
“Cyare, it’s a lot of work,” he said, shifting his hold on the first baby before he reached to take the second from your arms. “Are you sure…”
“Yes,” you were immediately on the floor, pulling the remaining one into your lap while the two that had been using Wrecker’s legs to stand up crawled quickly to you and jostled each other for space on your lap. “We can do it, together.”
“Wait, the whole batch?” Rattles asked.
“That a problem?” Wrecker asked as he sat on the floor with you.
“No, just a surprise is all,” Rattles responded, shaking his head. “The formwork is duplicated easily enough, I’ll get Max on it now.  You two, spend time with your new family,” he walked towards the entrance, waving down another trooper. 
Wrecker seated himself close to your side, and the babies began to cuddle into you both as he kissed your head gently. “Thank you, sweetheart,” he murmured into your hair. 
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Thanks for reading!
☀️Love & Wrecker Hugs☀️
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changingplumbob · 3 months
Foster Household: Chapter 8, Part 2
Summer is here! Carson enters a new phase just in time for a family BBQ where Kayleigh takes the chance to catch up with her kids that no longer live at home.
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After Harvey shepherds Carson to bed he looks around for Kayleigh. Eventually he finds her in Reece’s old room.
Harvey: Hey sugar, what are you doing in here
Kayleigh: Just missing our kids. They’re getting so grown up. You don’t think the watcher could put off Carson’s birthday do you
Harvey: They probably could, but they shouldn’t. All his friends are teens, he needs to grow up and join them. You know, I got a little something extra done at the doctors
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Kayleigh: A vasectomy?
Harvey: I can’t exactly expect our kids to give me grandkids if we’re still making some
Kayleigh: *laughs* I suppose you’re right. Come on, let’s get to bed. We’ve got a big couple of days coming up
The next day dawns bright and clear. Summer is officially here and BBQ day is upon us. Traditions include inviting guests over, having drinks, having a BBQ, and general merriment with others.
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Carson decides to throw a wrench in my plans by entering a bear phase. Oh this is painful.
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He sorts out his washing and after putting it in the machine passes Kayleigh on his way to breakfast.
Kayleigh: Carson why-
Carson: I’m hibernating until I’m a teen
Kayleigh: Sounds like a plan, just don’t overheat and die
Carson: I won’t mum, I won’t
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Kayleigh sets up for her third Sulani still life. She has one done at night and one done at dusk. Time to add one done in the morning. After scoffing down breakfast Carson is off. I thought he might bike in something else but he is pretty attached to this bear suit. Watch out Sulani, here comes a bear on a bike.
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Better call the family over for BBQ day! I wonder how long it will be before everyone changes out of their hot weather outfits because they’ve jumped in the pool. To refresh memories or if you’ve started reading sometime after the Woods Household, from left to right we have: Harvey Foster (dad), Kayleigh Foster (mum), Charlie Nishidake (eldest child), Kaori Nishidake (Charlie’s wife), Keira Foster (second child), Marta Romero (Keira’s fiancé), Reece Foster (third child), Samir Hadji (Reece’s boyfriend). Down in front we have in the very embarrassing bear suit Carson Foster (fourth child) and Clover Nishidake (Charlie and Kaori’s furbaby).
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Carson: Here’s Reece’s copy of the photo
Samir: Okay?
Reece: Hey why aren’t you gifting it to me
Carson: I don’t give gifts to piles of poop
Reece: At least I’m not dressed like a knock off Teletubby
Charlie: Who posed good for the camera? Was it you? Was it you?
Clover: *barks*
Harvey: So… grandkids?
Kaori: Ah, we- kids…
Charlie: We’re focused on being able to summit the mountain dad, leave her be
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Keira: You good Samir
Samir: *shrugs*
Keira: Don’t worry. People are less stress when you get to know them. Loners unite!
Samir: Huzzah?
Keira: *laughs in surprise* exactly
Kayleigh: Now Marta honey tell me all about your wedding plans
Marta: We haven’t planned anything yet
Kayleigh: Great! We can do it together
Charlie: Don’t let her bulldoze you, she tried to get me to wear a dress
Kayleigh: *tuts* Yes but you won that argument
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Carson: *grrr*
Reece: That’s the worst growl I’ve ever heard
Carson: I hope a bear eats you
Reece: *sighs* There are no bears in Moonwood Mill, why does nobody get that
Carson: Shove over, I want to get in
Reece: Na twerp, there’s a whole rest of the pool edge. Find your own spot
Carson: I just wanted to tell you, it’s my birthday party tomorrow-
Reece: I know how to read a calendar
Carson: I’m not inviting you! Ha, take that!
Reece: *smiles* Suits me fine, more time at home with my boyfriend
Carson: But- I- You- GRRRR
Carson is not impressed that his snub has been ignored in this way.
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Marta: Thanks for being so… welcoming
Kayleigh pulls Marta in for a hug then.
Kayleigh: I want you to know Marta, your blood family may be in the forever save, but as long as you and Keira love each other, you’ll be a part of this family
Marta: I think my mama and padre would have liked you
Kayleigh: Yeah? Did they have any wedding plans for you
Marta: Well now that you mention it-
Harvey: Okay people, Gumbo is up! Come get it while it’s hot
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Carson: Last one there’s a rotten egg
Reece: But you’re already a rotten egg
Carson: I’m telling mum you’re being mean
Reece: Do you ever not tattle
Samir: Thanks for the food
Harvey: Huh? Oh, you’re welcome Samir
Carson seeks the comfort of his bear suit now that he’s not in the water. Most of the family stay on the deck, chatting and eating. Charlie keeps them occupied with tales from her latest soccer games while Marta and Keira flirt.
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Clover however is having a scratch and snooze in the shade. Samir has elected to eat inside. It’s the full moon tonight and he feels stressed about being here. Beyond just talking to people that he wants to think well of him, he’s worried he’ll beast out and scare them. After kicking over the rubbish bin he decides to try relaxing in the water.
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Kayleigh: Samir could I speak to you
Samir: Ahh, sure?
Kayleigh: I know Reece doesn’t want to take more money right now but I’d really like to help out. I know you’ve got the electricity and water sorted at your house but can we give you some money for maybe a repaint
Samir: Reece doesn’t want it…
Kayleigh: Yes but would you like it
Samir pulls himself out of the pool and Kayleigh waits, hoping he’ll let her help. Instead he shakes off the water just like Clover would.
Kaori: That’s one way to dry off
Samir: I... if Reece doesn't... no thank you
Still mumbling half to himself Samir heads inside while Kayleigh figures she'll have to go back to the drawing board for ideas on how to get them to take money.
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Worried by the exchange Reece follows Samir inside and finds him staring at the family photos.
Reece: Are you okay boss? If you’re not we can go home
Samir: I… this full moon *sighs and kisses Reece’s hands*
Reece: We’ve been here 3 hours already. It’ll be fine if we leave
Samir: I want to make a good impression
Reece: You will, but we probably shouldn't push it if you think you'll be turning soon. I would rather you be comfortable than have my parents impressed with you
Samir: Okay blondie, home it is. Thanks
Reece: Yo dad, we’re off!
Harvey: See you guys, safe loading screen home
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Outside Marta is busy serenading Keira and Kayleigh has started on a new painting.
Kaori: What are you working on today
Kayleigh: I never seem to know what I’ll paint until I’m in the thick of it
Kaori: I get that. Sometimes when I snowboard it’s more like the board and the run are telling me what tricks to do
Kayleigh: The process just… is
Kaori: Exactly
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After the guests have left Harvey sets about cooking another meal. The family are still full from a big lunch but the food will keep. Carson arrives back from scouts and goes to ask Kayleigh for advice.
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Carson: Hey mum
Kayleigh: mmhmm
Carson: At recess last week no one was playing with me. It sucked and I didn’t know what to do
Kayleigh: Dear your friends are all teens, you’ll be one after your next school day. I‘d try to ride it out. If you really want kids to play with ask some if you can join in. If it goes badly, you never have to talk to them after that day anyway
Carson: Okay mum
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The family spend the sunny evening doing their own things. Harvey goes for a run while Kayleigh tries to boost her logic skill for promotion. Carson bikes around the island, happy in his bear suit.
Kyle: Yo Mr Foster, can I interest you in-
Harvey: Sorry Kyle, I left my wallet at home
Kyle: Fair enough Mr Foster. Have a good night now
Harvey: Next time I see your boss I’ll tell them you’re working hard
Kyle: Sweet
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Harvey sets about making a cake for Carson’s birthday tomorrow. Pink has always been his first favourite colour so strawberry it is. While it cooks he contemplates portraits Kayleigh has done of their backyard oasis. One of the showers busted earlier so Harvey takes care of it before he and Kayleigh head to bed.
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It’s barely 6am when Kayleigh and Harvey are woken up by a sad Carson.
Harvey: Hey, what’s wrong
Carson: I don’t feel good
Kayleigh: You do have a temperature
Carson: I thought vaccinations were meant to stop me getting sick
Kayleigh: Not quite, but they help you be less sick. Let’s go see what we can get you from the pharmacy
When they get back home Carson tries some cough medicine, but it does nothing for the chills. Kayleigh gives him paracetamol which seems to work better.
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Carson: Can I stay home today
Kayleigh: I don’t think so darling
Carson: But I’m sick
Kayleigh: Yes but the watcher can’t find any way to call in sick, only fake call, so we’re stuck for now
Carson: Stupid watcher
Harvey of course takes time to deal with the garden while Carson goes and has a hot bath, hoping the steam will lessen the pressure in his head.
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Harvey: You’ll wait until I’m home to do cake right
Kayleigh: Of course we will
Carson: Bye mum. See you after school. I hope I don’t infect my whole class
Kayleigh: Come on watcher could you really not find a stay home option (I could not)
After completing some paintings Kayleigh heads outside to bring the washing in. There has been reports lately of high winds in the area so she also upgrades the clothesline before heading off to work.
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jerzwriter · 11 months
A Celebration
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Book:                   Crimes of Passion (Just after Book 1)
Pairing:                Trystan Thorne x F!MC (Carolina Rose)
Rating:                 Teen+  
Category:      Fluff
Summary:   They've solved a murder mystery, and they're the talk of the town. That's reason to celebrate, right? Trystan thinks so, but when Carolina doesn't seem to be on board, Luke & Ruby have some suggestions for their royal friend. But what will Carolina think?
Words: 2,190
A/N: Are you all as excited about CoP being back as I am? This fic is in response to @choicesbookclub's ask, what did Trystan x MC do during the "weeks" between CoP 1 and Cop2. I could just see Trystan wanting to celebrate and Carolina (Caro-LEE-na) being all, "yeah, work to do!" That inspired this. I hope you enjoy it! Participating in @choicesflashfics Week 39 (prompt in bold) and @choicesjunechallenge - sunshine, rain, cocktails, and romance. A few Spanish words - sobrina = niece, tio = uncle, cariña = term of endarment - "honey" "dear" - nothing exact.
CoP is new to me - I'm tagging my perma list. But if you'd like to be removed or added for future CoP, just let me know!
CoP Masterlist My Complete Masterlist
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The early morning sun peeked through the curtains, creating waves of golden light and shadows in the tiny office space. The room was silent, Luke fixating on his laptop and Carolina immersed in paperwork, but Trystan refused to let this day pass as if it were just any other. He had purchased every newspaper on the stand and smiled broadly as he poured over each one. Sure, the good press was welcomed, even if he knew it would be met with skepticism on the other side of the Atlantic. But, the elation he was experiencing had nothing to do with the accolades being laid at his feet and everything to do with those being awarded to her.
If Carolina was impacted by the coverage and their newfound fame, she wasn’t letting it show. Her interest was far more piqued by the celebratory pastries Trystan brought in from Leske’s. The sugary treats were her favorite, and knowing he made a special trip to Bay Ridge to pick them up before work… that made her heart sing more than she was willing to let show. Now, bathed in the warm sunlight, she let out a tantalizing groan as her teeth sunk into a glazed cruller. When she opened her eyes, she wasn’t surprised to find Trystan transfixed on her.
“What?” she asked, wiping icing from her lip.
“Nothing,” he smirked. “I’m just wondering… what does one do in the States after they experience a huge win like this?”
“I dunno,” she mumbled, shoving the last of her cruller in her mouth. “What does one do in Drakovia?”
“There are various approaches. A national holiday… a military parade, if warranted. A festive ball… that goes without saying! Then there are the various forms of debauchery that would require us to pay off the press to prevent them from making it public. But we’re not in Drakovia, so what should we be going here?”  
“I’m not sure,” she shrugged. “I guess we could go to Disneyland.”
“Disneyland?” he chuckled. “The amusement park?”  
“It’s just a stupid commercial,” Luke injected. “Capitalism at its best. Anytime a sports team wins a championship, one of its star players is asked, “What are you going to do next?” and they answer, “I’m going to Disneyland.”
“All right, then,” Trystan grinned. “If it’s Disneyland is what’s expected, I can have a plane chartered for us by this evening.”
Ruby walked in the front door, her face alight at the thought of the gang traipsing through the park in mouse ears, when Carolina unwittingly quashed her hopes.
“Mmm, I’m not really interested in Disneyland. Plus, we’re not all the idle rich, dear prince. I already have new cases that need my attention.”
“Bummer,” Ruby grimaced.
“I tried,” Trystian shrugged, holding the box of doughnuts in her direction. “But here, a consolation cruller, if you will.”
“Well, that’s something,” Ruby smiled. “But I agree with Trystan. We should celebrate! What do you guys think we should do?”
“I don’t know,” Carolina sighed. “We’ll think of something, but if you’ll excuse me, I have paperwork to review with Mafalda.”
Luke was bemused, watching Trystan’s puppy-dog eyes trail Carolina as she exited the room.   His lips curled into a barely-there smile. If brownie points were desired, he could offer his regal friend an assist.  
“I know something Carolina would love,” Luke announced, letting the suggestion hang in the air to gauge how quickly Trystan would inquire. It took but a second.
“Name it!”
“The Yankees,” Luke stated as he slammed his laptop closed. “Carolina bleeds pinstripes, and you’re in luck. Boston is coming to town next week.”
“Oooh! Boston!” Ruby delighted. “That’s the biggest rivalry there is! She’d love it! I’d love it!”
“Say no more!” Trystan announced phone already in hand. “I’ll arrange for a suite….”
“A suite?” Luke laughed. “Carolina would kill you! Look, I’m not about to suggest dragging royalty into the bleachers, but Carolina will not want to see her beloved Bronx Bombers in an air-conditioned suite!”
“Oh, heaven forbid!” Trystan said with a roll of his eyes.
“It’s just part of the experience,” Ruby attempted to explain. “The overpriced hot dogs, the stale beer… the drunken fans cursing and making complete asses out of themselves….”
“It sounds… delightful,” Trystan offered. “But I could have all that arranged in the suite if required.”
“It wouldn’t be the same aesthetic,” Luke sighed. “Uptown Boy… if you want to make the Bronx girl happy… trust me on this.”
“I do trust you. And if you say it will make Carolina happy… I’ll make it happen.”
“Not so fast,” Ruby chimed in. “It’s a great idea, but Red Sox and Yankee games sell out way in advance, and resale tickets are usually pretty pricey.”
Trystan looked at Ruby with a raised brown.
“You forget,” Luke grumbled. “We’re hanging with the bourgeoisie now….”
“Yes!” Trystan beamed. “And I hope you’ve learned that some of us aren’t all bad. I mean, look at me? I’m kind, generous, charming, sexy as hell, and I have quite the flair for fashion if I must say so myself. I’m also….”
“Humble,” Luke finished. “Please, don’t forget, humble.”
“Hmm,” Trystan rubbed the stubble on his chin. “I’ll work on getting our tickets. But humble… I don’t know if I can manage to swing that.”
One week later, at the Drunk Tank Bar
“… and then I told the guy… listen… you can’t drive! So call a buddy to come get you, or we’re getting you a cab.”
“And what did he do?” Trystan asked.
“He called a friend. The next thing I know, a guy is sitting outside on a horse! The customer stumbles out, somehow mounts the thing, and they take off….”
“On the streets of New York City?” Luke asked.
Tommy crossed his heart. “I swear on my life!”
“Are you sure you weren’t the one who had a little too much that night?” Trystan winked. 
“Oh, I’m sure. Tend bar long enough in this city, and you’ll see everything!”
Trystan laughed heartily. He wasn’t sure if he’d ever see everything New York had to offer, but as Carolina made her way down the stairs, he knew one thing… he loved what it offered right now. His eyes went dark as they drank her in, trailing from head to toes, then back again. Up her curvaceous legs that never seemed to end, over her tanned thighs leading to the cut-off denim shorts that hugged her like a second skin, along her Yankee jersey… number 23… honoring her late father’s favorite player. It hung wide, allowing him a peek at the fitted white crop top underneath. His mouth went dry. Then her hair… the long, luscious waves cascading down her neck, over her shoulder, twining down until they reached her…
“Hello?” she waved her hands in front of his face. “Trystan? Hello?”
“Oh, uh… hello,” he faltered; this wasn’t a look the usually unflappable man was accustomed to wearing.
“What’s the matter?” she teased. “Distracted? Cat got your tongue?”
“Something like that,” he settled, trying desperately to regain his footing. “So, is that what you’re wearing?”
“What’s wrong with what I’m wearing?” she asked defensively.
“Oh, nothing! Nothing at all,” he stumbled again, but this time he grinned with delight seeing the amusement on her face. She loved the control she had over him, and frankly, he loved allowing her to have it. “I’m just unfamiliar with what one wears to a baseball game.”
“Yeah,” she snickered, giving his designer suit the once over. “Trust me… it shows.”
“I take it Brunello Cucinelli silk suits aren’t the standard attire?”
“Not unless you want to get beaten up!” She giggled. She slapped Luke on the back as a loud thunderclap shook the bar. “You suggested a Yankee game but didn’t give him a heads up on what he should wear?”  
“What,” Luke replied sarcastically. “And miss this fun?”
“Sobrina,” Uncle Tommy shouted over the bar. “There to save him. The game was just rain delayed.”
“Aw, man!” Ruby frowned.
“It’s OK,” Carolina grinned. “Tio, keep serving them drinks while I take this one to rummage through your closet. I should be able to find something to help him there.”
She turned to Trystan with a wink and a coy smile. “Come with me,” she cooed as he did his best to maintain a poker face.
They hadn’t reached the top of the staircase before Trystan was already back to his usual ways. “You just couldn’t wait to get me alone, could you?”
Carolina shook her head as she led him into Tommy’s room, rummaging through her uncle’s assortment of baseball shirts.
“I want to make sure you look presentable,” she started. “I can’t be seen with…” a small whimper escaped her as Trystan’s hands landed on her waist, slowly working their way over the curve of her hips. 
“You were saying,” he smirked. Before she had a second to think, he pushed her long hair to the side, his lips quickly claiming the delicate skin on her he had just bared on her neck.  
“I uh…” she gasped, unable to concentrate on anything other than his proximity, his warmth, and how perfect it all felt. “This is good… this is nice… to…”
“Good? Nice?” he smiled, turning her to face him. “Is that the best you can offer?”
“Well, this is a lovely appetizer?” she mocked. “But I’ve had the main course, and well… now everything else pales in comparison.”
Trystan bit into his lower lip, twitching with delight. “Well, we can do something about that.”
Her breath hitched when he lifted her against the wall, his chest flush against hers as his fingers tangled in her lengthy, golden-brown hair. He grinned when the slightest groan escaped her, and his lips captured hers in a soft, sensual kiss that ignited the smoldering passion they had attempted to tamper all day.
“Lovely little sound, cariña,” he breathed into her ear. “Did you make that just for me?”
“I… I… uh…”
Before she could reply, his lips were on hers again, tender but growing rougher as she deepened the kiss. Her hands slid up his chest, running over his skin as she slowly unbuttoned his shirt. They could feel the combustion overtaking them when startled by a loud knock. Carolina’s eyes went wide. 
“Come in!” She hollered, forcefully pushing Trystan away.
A stunned Ruby stood at the door, curiously looking between the two. 
“Oh, uh… I just wanted to tell you… uhm… we’re going to order pizza since it looks like a long delay… do uhm... you want some?”
“Yes! We definitely want some,” Trystan answered far too quickly, eliciting giggles from their friend.
“Pizza, that is!” Carolina quickly corrected. “Please, yes. Order extra for us.”
“Will do,” Ruby replied with a gleam in her eye. “Apparently, you two are working up an appetite.”
“I’m just helping him get dressed!” Carolina insisted as she hurled a Derek Jeter jersey at Trystan’s chest. “That’s all!”
“Mmm hmm. I’ll just pretend that my job doesn’t require paying attention to detail, and I’ll fill you two in on this detail… Julio is taking over for Tommy in five minutes, and he mentioned taking a quick nap on his break; you may want to vacate his room.”
“Oh! Yes! Of course!” Carolina insisted. “Trystan just has to change his shirt and….”
“I’ll wait downstairs,” Ruby winked as she slowly shut the door behind her. She wasn’t more than a few feet away when Trystan broke into laughter.
“YOU!” Carolina yelled, trying her best to appear annoyed, though it was clear she was anything but. “You made me forget we were in my uncle’s bedroom!”
“Yes,” Trystan grinned., more than pleased with himself. He moved toward her, cupping her cheek gently in his hand. “Forgive me, but I enjoy knowing I make you forget the world around you as much as you do the same to me.”
“Yeah, well, why don’t we get you changed before my uncle finds us here. Raincheck?”
“Do you mean me or the game?”
“Both, apparently.”  
Desperate for anything to take her attention off of him, Carolina quickly grabbed a baseball cap and mirrored glasses on her uncle’s dresser. “And here!” she said, tossing the items his way. “You should wear these, too!”
“Are you kidding me?”
“Hey, it’s that, or I find Uncle Tommy’s beer-guzzler helmet. Which will it be?”
“These will do just fine,” Trystan surrendered as he changed. “I hope the rain delay isn’t long. I simply cannot wait to see you in your element.”
“Really?” Carolina snickered as they stepped out of the bedroom. “I should warn you… it is a lot. You’re about to see a side of me you haven’t seen before.”
“Good!” He enthused. “Because you’re the most ridiculous person I know, and, God, do I love it.”
“I’ll remind you that you said that after the game,” she said, catching him from the corner of her eye. “It may be a bit too much.”
“Never,” he said, clasping her hand. “Haven’t you figured it out yet? I want all the Carolina that I can get.”
Tagging others in reblog.
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starry-bite · 6 months
dear @vegawriters tagged me to share my top 10 albums of all time and it was hard!! these answers have to be for up to now since it's otherwise an impossible choice!
1. the blessed unrest - sara bareilles
desert island album. next.
2. hadestown - the original broadway cast of hadestown
anyone surprised? brilliant, poetic, magic music. love letter to altos, activists, and dreamers.
3. dance fever - florence + the machine
love florence always, this album is just particularly beloved.
4. abba gold - abba
raised me. grew up singing along at the top of my lungs with my family.
5. the gabe dixon band - gabe dixon (and his band)
soundtrack of late night backseat rides home. music i love and can hear my mom harmonizing to.
6. ghost quartet (live at the mckittrick)- dave malloy, brent arnold, brittain ashford, gelsey bell
weird fuckin musical theatre (?) dream project of mine, a circular, multi-plot, time-strange delight. live album preferred since it gets you the little scenes between songs!
7. dirty computer - janelle monae
afro-futurist filmic feast. nourishing words, beautiful shots, unapologetic queer femmes of color that were especially important to me as a middle teen.
8. montero - lil nas x
banger after banger, underscoring of late teens/early twenties. so clearly rooted in country, despite what the gatekeepers of the genre would like us to believe.
9. kamikaze love - kate klim
simple sweet songwriting i remember hearing in a lovely little listening room when it was released. "somewhere" is particularly special to me.
10. just crazy enough - shel
dear friends who make wonderful music (and music videos, check them out)! just the flavor of odd, multi-media, polymathematic art i needed as a youngin.
not a tagger, but if you want to share, i want to hear about it!!
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winter-leftovers · 6 months
Til The End Of Eternity || Chapter sixteen: Welcome home (16/?)
(Douxie Casperan x f!reader)
Summary: Y/n is trying to figure her life out but is going to be hard since her brother is the new trollhunter and she is plagued by dreams and feelings she doesn’t understand.
Chapter Summary: Y/n reunites with her old lover.
Word count: 1305
Warnings: this can be a stand alone 👀 a little of angst (casi na), fluff, also after this all chapters may contain Wizards spoilers so I’m assuming all of you watched it 🤨
(Season 2 Episodes 7, 8, 9 )
Song?: Mine by Taylor Swift
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Y/n laid across Douxie’s couch, her naked feet dangling over the back. She quickly switched the page of her book, her eyes swiftly moving over the words. She had gone to Douxie’s apartment for their lunch date but he wasn’t there, neither was Archie. She had sat at the couch with her book to pass the time almost eight hours ago and there was still no signs of her boyfriend.
For some reason, the quietness of Douxie's apartment had created the perfect atmosphere to concentrate and read the book Douxie had borrowed her. The book was perfect. All the different tales, the characters, the way the author had written the story, all of it spoke to her in a way she thought was impossible. Every single word would bring a comfort to her soul she hadn’t felt in a lifetime.
“I told you: you should never turn your back to a shadow mephit” a man said behind the front door.
Y/n sat down, closing her book and turned towards the door. Was it Douxie? Was he bringing a friend?
“I’m sorry? You wanted the blood goblins to eat you?” Douxie asked. He was out of air, he didn’t sound good.
‘Blood goblins?’ Y/n squeezed the book ‘It can’t be’
The door opened revealing a Douxie covered in blood holding his left side alongside an unharmed Archie.
“Douxie? What…What happened?” Y/n tossed the book to the side and ran to Douxie’s side.
“Y/n?! What are…” he hissed when Y/n tried to see the wound on his side.
“I’m sorry” she pulled her hands back.
“What are you doing here?!” His right eye opened in surprise, his left eye was so swollen he couldn’t see from it.
“We were supposed to have lunch” She answered, more focused on trying to get him to the couch.
“Oh. Oh” he sat down “I totally forgot. I’m sorry. I…”
“Douxie” Y/n crouched down in front of him, her brows furrowed with worry “I need to know what happened”
‘I need to know what you know. If you know’ she thought.
“Ehm…” He looked to the side, to Archie who sat on the other side of the couch and back to her “Y/n…I was…”
“Don’t…Don’t lie to me. Please” she gently squeezed his knee.
The silence was deafening. The two of them were looking at each other, scared of breaking the silence, of being the one saying the words that may change everything.
“Archie! Are you here?” Al voice sounded out of Douxie’s room.
Y/n turned to the room’s door. She felt her heart falling to her stomach.
“Arch! Do you know why there are blood goblins running around Arcadia?” Al emerged from the room “Ugh! Douxie, you look bad. Oh! Hello Y/n” he scratched his ear.
“Alfred” Y/n whispered.
“What?” He whispered back “Oh! Everything is finally back to normal? Great!” He ran to Archie and sat next to him “I’m glad you could remember, Y/n. Good for you, Doux. If I had to keep hearing you crying because you miss her I would” he stopped laughing “Why is no…”
“She didn’t remember, idiot” Archie hit the brown cat with his paw.
“Hey! that was claws out” Al cried.
Y/n felt the water raising. She looked back to Douxie, to his eyes. Suddenly everything made sense. The blue light, the boy, the warmth in her chest, how she always ended up coming back to him. She closed her eyes and she saw him across time, across the years, it was always him. Back as children when she twisted her ankle, he carried her home; back as teens when some absences were heavier than before, he was always there; when the war took everything from her, he was there, holding her hand. She opened her eyes again and saw him, his beaten up face full of worry.
She stretched her hand out and caressed his cheek. He gave into the touch. A soft red glow healed his wounds.
“Douxie” she whispered, tears falling down her face “My Douxie, how could I forget you?”
A sob escaped Douxie’s lips, making him fall from the couch to the floor in front of her.
“I’m sorry, Doux. I’m so sorry” She grabbed his cheeks and her thumbs cleaned the tears that fell unapologetically.
Douxie shook his head “You’re here now”
They smiled.
“And I’m not leaving again” she kissed his nose.
“Please” he plead and kissed her, full force. His hands pushing her waist against his, trying to get her as close to him as he could.
Y/n’s hands went to play his hair, innocently tugging:
“In moments like this I don’t miss the man bun at all” She joked between short kisses.
“Don’t remind me” Douxie groaned in a mixture of pleasure and embarrassment.
“I’m really sorry” she apologized again as Douxie kissed down her jaw to her neck “You've been alone all these years…”
“Don’t” He pressed their forehead together “We can talk later” he kissed her cheek “But, right now, let me hold you, please” he kissed her other cheek.
Y/n nodded with a smile on her face.
Douxie lifted her from the floor and took her to his room. Both of them lay there, only illuminated by Arcadia’s night lights, holding each other tight, making sure that this time, nothing would separate them.
Y/n opened her eyes. The soft morning light illuminated Douxie’s face staring back at her.
“Morning, darling” he smiled.
“Good morning, Doux” she smiled back.
His face in this light reminded her of her teenage years. The two of them hiding away in a room built of stones when the world was harsher and they were much softer.
“What are you thinking about?” He stroked her eyebrow.
“About how handsome you are” she kissed his nose.
He chuckled, trying to ignore the blood rushing to his cheeks.
“I was thinking about us back home, about…Camelot” she said.
‘Camelot’ the name felt so strange in her lips but it didn’t make it any less true. She was born on Camelot, she fell in love with Hisirdoux Casperan the XIV on Camelot, that she remembered but not much more.
“Camelot?” Douxie raised his brows “How much do you remember?” He lifted himself up.
“Not much” Y/n chuckled and sat up “It’s all so blurry still”
“How about…about that night?” He looked down.
Y/n sighed and gave him a half smile. Of course she remembers that night, the night she lost him. She remembered the slam door, the rain, the pain.
“I…I remember leaving. Slamming the door and running into the rain” she chuckled and turned to him, Douxie’s eyes were full of worry, focused on her story “then I don’t know what happened…It’s all bright and then…dark and then, I’m in Jim’s father’s car and I’m a child again”
Douxie got closer, if that was possible, and put his arm around her.
“I swear, I didn’t leave you” Y/n put her hand on his cheekbone, her eyes full of tears “I love you too much to lea…”
“I know. I know. I love you too” Douxie grabbed her hand from his cheek and kissed it “At first, I was scared you did leave me…and, then” he smiled “ Al, who never stopped looking for you, came back saying you were cursed and I’m still not a master wizard…” he looked down to his hands.
Y/n chuckled. He turned to her hands.
“What good is being a master wizard” she lifted her right wrist where her staff rested “if I couldn’t break the spell all those years ago?”
Douxie sighed and rested his head on top of Y/n’s.
“I’ll fix this, Doux” she played with her bracelet.
“We’ll fix this” Douxie put his hand on to of her’s.
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A/n: I almost fell asleep without uploading 🤪 anyways after this chapter I’ll be uploading the hc as a thank you for no killing me for no updating last week 💖
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swampbarbie420 · 7 months
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nanana-dolls · 2 years
Coming August 1st, now available for preorder!
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Honesty. Horrible, Horrible Honesty. (Chapter Nine)
Summary: This is Part Eighteen of my series A Herrmann/Halstead Production. It is an AU where Christopher Herrmann's mom had an affair with Pat Halstead resulting in a baby. The series follows this OC character (Rebecca "Bex" Herrmann) as she grows up and gets to know her brothers and the various Chicago teams. It is very much an AU, just to underscore that. It doesn't follow the same timeline and characters will follow different paths.
Click here for the Series Rundown where you can find the links to read all of the previous installments (which I highly recommend you do so that this one makes sense.)
Rating: Teen and Up
Relationships: Christopher Herrmann & Original Female Character, Jay Halstead & Original Female Character, Will Halstead & Original Female Character, Jay Halstead & Will Halstead, pre-Greg 'Mouse' Gerwitz/Original Female Character, Will Halstead/Connor Rhodes, Assorted OC Couples
Warnings: Canon-typical violence, Emotional Hurt/Comfort, Mild Injury, Swearing, Characters Working Through Trauma, Repairing Relationships, Fluff, I Swear There are Funny Bits Along with the Emotional Bits
A/N: I know I was going to finish off with one big chapter, but it was TOO big! Plus this one had a natural end so surprise! You get one more chapter after this. :D
Chapter One Chapter Two Chapter Three Chapter Four Chapter Five Chapter Six Chapter Seven Chapter Eight
Chapter Nine
Mouse’s place wasn’t giving Chris much in the way of further insights into the man. It was sparse, but tidy with a few homey touches here and there.
And a glowering man standing in the living room.
“Oh, uh…” Mouse scratched at the back of his neck and gestured at the man. “This is my friend, Ed. He’s been, uh, he’s been staying with me for a bit. He’s from my group.” The last part was said softly, but Jay gave an understanding nod.
It clicked for Chris then. He remembered Jay talking about finding an NA group for Mouse—one that was specifically for vets and it had sounded like it was a good fit. Part of the reason Mouse had been doing so well.
If this was the kind of support he was getting, that certainly made sense. Chris was glad the man had people outside of Jay and Bex. That was healthier for all of them.
Mouse pointed at the two of them next. “Ed, this is Jay and his brother, Chris.”
The glowering man turned to Chris and offered his hand, expression lightening up somewhat. “Nice to meet you,” he said, voice gruff. “Heard good things.”
From who?
Chris shot a glance at Mouse who had a light blush staining his cheeks. “Jay and Bex talk about you a lot,” he mumbled.
“Ah, thanks, Jay,” Chris said, shooting a shit-eating grin at him and successfully breaking a teensy bit of the tension in the room. “Nice to meet you too, Ed. Should we grab some plates for this stuff?”
Soon the four of them were settled around Mouse’s tiny kitchen table, digging into the feast Chris and Jay had picked up.
“You gonna tell me what that’s all about?” Mouse asked Jay around a mouthful of eggs, gesturing at his face.
Jay grimaced and shoved a few slices of bacon in his mouth. Chris sighed. It was probably better coming from him anyway.
“Ty showed up at Bex and Will’s place last night,” he said. “Looking for Emery.” Chris held up a hand, seeing how tense Mouse was already getting in his seat. “First of all, Emery is fine. Will is fine—”
Mouse gripped his fork tight. “Bex—”
“Is pretty much okay,” Chris said. “Ty grabbed her in the parking lot and threw her against her car, but Jay showed up before it could go much further than that. I expect she’s a bit sore today, but she got the all clear from the paramedics.”
“She’s okay?” Mouse asked quietly and Jay nodded.
“I stopped him,” he said.
“And he did this to you in return?” Mouse narrowed his eyes at Jay, cataloguing his injuries.
“I’m fine,” Jay rolled his eyes. “Few bruises. I’ve had worse. And I gave as good as I got, thank you very much.”
Because that was the point to be made out of all of this. Chris rolled his eyes right back and stole a piece of bacon off of Jay’s plate. Buffoonery toll.
“Where’s this Ty guy now?” Ed asked and something about his tone gave Chris pause. Mild, but with a hint of contained threat running underneath—like Voight sounded sometimes.
Like if this Ed fellow didn’t like the answer, he’d do something about it.
Well, with the bad luck that Ty had to end up where he did, Ed would have to get in line. “They’ve got him locked up over at 21,” Chris said. “I was planning on taking Bex over there later today to finalize her statement so I’m sure we’ll get an update about what’s happening with him then.”
“Good…good,” Mouse nodded to himself before looking back at Jay. “I’m glad you were there.”
Jay snorted. “I was the reason she was there by herself in the first place,” he said before sighing at Mouse’s raised eyebrows. “We got in a fight at Molly’s and she took off by herself. There’s—I’ve got a lot of stuff to fill you in on, man. And a lot more stuff to apologize for.”
Surprise flitted briefly across Mouse’s face as he stared at Jay before shaking himself a bit and nodding again before diving back into his food.
Chris started clearing the table once they were done. “Why don’t you two go to the living room while Ed and I take care of the dishes,” he said. “We’ll put some coffee on after.”
He was going to need to inject the stuff in his veins to keep moving through today.
Mouse and Jay followed his directions—Mouse still a little unsure, but Jay resolute—leaving him alone in the kitchen with Ed.
“So,” he said to the man as he started filling up the sink. “What’s your story? What do you do?”
“Main gig is security,” Ed said, pulling his long hair back into a bun before grabbing a dish towel. “But I also do a bit of construction on the side.”
Ah. Chris’s favourite phrase. “Construction, eh?” Chris smiled at him. “I’ve got a bar that I’m looking to put a back patio on it. My friend Beau has been giving me some advice—”
“Beau Taggert?” Ed asked.
“Yeah!” Small world. “You know him?”
“I play a little guitar on the side too,” Ed said, smiling back with a tiny grin that transformed his whole face.
“Now, see, he’s been telling me we can fit a stage back there and I’m not too sure so I could use a second opinion,” Chris said as Ed nodded seriously.
“Tell me more…”
Mouse led the way into the living room, pretending not to notice as Jay rubbed his hands against his jeans, uncharacteristically twitchy. “You know Chris is going to have your friend roped into about five different things before we leave here,” he said to Mouse, chuckling nervously.
Mouse cast a fond look back at the kitchen. “Ed won’t get roped into anything he doesn’t want to get roped into,” he said. “He’s a good guy.”
“Yeah,” Jay nodded. “I can tell.”
The unsaid ‘unlike Jay had been lately’ sat heavily between them.
“Mouse, I—”
“How’s Bex?” Mouse cut him off, needing to know. Hearing bits and pieces of what went down was killing him. “How is she really?”
“Really?” Jay heaved out a sigh and sat down on the couch, scrubbing a hand over his face—flinching before gentling the movement. “Really…she’s having a hard time,” he said. “There was some other stuff that went down yesterday that stirred some shit up for her on top of the Ty stuff and the—the stuff with me and with you.”
That didn’t sound good. Mouse sat down on the coffee table, at the far end from Jay. He wanted to hear this. Hear everything. But he still needed his distance. “…other stuff?”
“Not my story to tell,” Jay said, holding up a hand, stopping Mouse’s protests. “It’s not,” he said firmly. “But she handled herself. Like she always does.” He shook his head. “And she’s really pissed at me. More than she’s ever been, but I deserve it. I know I do.”
Mouse fought the urge to argue. To defend, like he always did when Jay was down. Bex had every right to be angry.
At both of them.
“Greg, I am so fucking sorry, man,” Jay began and Mouse’s head whipped up at the use of his first name. That was usually death’s door usage only. Jay shuffled down the couch a bit to get closer to him and leaned forward, elbows on his knees. “I was way out of line,” he said. “I should never have gotten involved with whatever what going on between you and Bex.”
They could leave it at that. Mouse could accept his apology and they could move on, but…
There was a lot not being said in-between the lines of that apology.
“You’re sorry for saying something,” Mouse said quietly. “But not for what you said. Because you still think it’s a bad idea? That we shouldn’t be together.”
That was the heart of it. What Mouse had been stewing over ever since Jay said it. The little voice in the back of his brain getting louder and louder, screaming “he’s right.”
Screaming until he’d listened and stepped away and then a new voice started up, crying that it was wrong, wrong, wrong.
Talking with his group had helped him get his head on straight. Mouse knew what he wanted.
But everything was going to be that much harder if Jay was still against it.
“That’s not what I said,” Jay straightened up with a frown.
“It is what you said,” Mouse countered. “Before. And you’re not apologizing for that because you still think that’s the truth, right? That I’m no good for Bex.” He got up from the couch, running his hands through his hair, needing to walk. “I’m always going to be a screw-up, right?”
Because that’s what he was. A screw-up. A drug addict. Someone who broke everything good in his life. Broke other people’s lives.
He’d been fooling himself thinking he had a chance to make things work with Bex. He was wrong, His group was wrong, Jay was right.
He was a fuck up.
He was a broken fucking fuck up who—
Strong arms wrapped around him, halting him in his tracks. Jay held him tight, squeezing him, not letting him fall apart or fly into the million pieces that were itching to come loose.
“You’re not a fuck up,” Jay whispered fiercely into his ear.
He’d been saying that out loud.
Jay gave him a little shake as he squeezed him. “Listen to me, please,” he said. “I was wrong. About all of it, okay? I was freaking out about Erin and everything in my life falling apart and I put all of that shit on you and Bex and that wasn’t right. I am so sorry, Mouse. I was wrong. I was wrong.”
Mouse sagged into him, feeling like his strings had been cut at those words, and Jay led them back to the couch.
A mug of coffee was pressed into his hands and he looked up to see Ed hovering over him with Chris behind him, looking concerned.
…and now he was going to think Mouse was a fuck up too.
Like he could read his mind, Chris shook his head, smiling gently. “Gotta let that stuff out or it’ll eat you up,” he said before jerking a thumb over his shoulder toward the kitchen. “Me and Ed are going to go back to our shop talk, but yell if you need us.”
The two of them retreated and Mouse looked over at Jay in question. What kind of shop talk could they possibly be having?
Jay held up his hands with a little smile. “I warned you.”  His grin faded as he leaned into the couch, watching Mouse carefully. “I mean it, man,” he said. “I had no right saying any of the stuff I said to you. It was me projecting all of my issues on you guys and that was…unfair doesn’t even cut it.”
“I wished you’d talked to me,” Mouse murmured. “Told me more of what was up.”
“I didn’t even know what was up,” Jay said, frowning. “I was nosediving. I don’t think I could have talked about it even if I wanted to, you know? But that’s no excuse for lashing out like I did.”
“How are you doing now?” Even as upset and as hurt as he was by Jay, he hated seeing him spiral. Hated to think he’d been doing that alone. Again.
“You’re really asking me that? When you should be telling me to kick rocks?” Jay scoffed at him.
“If we’d walked away from each other every time the other one was an idiot, we’d never have become best friends,” Mouse said. They’d each had their fair share of it.
Jay’s turn this time around just happened to be more spectacular than most.
“I’m serious,” Mouse persisted. “Talk to me.”
“I’m going back to therapy to talk about the Erin shit,” Jay said before nodding his head side to side a bit. “To talk about all of it, really. I need to.” He chewed on his lip a bit. “Honestly, the stuff with you and Bex has put the Erin stuff in perspective. I’ve been more concerned about sorting things out with the two of you. You guys…you’re two of the most important people in my life and I hate that I hurt you both so badly.”
He winced a bit and reshuffled himself to lean less heavily. “I was so scared of losing the two of you that I pushed you both away anyways,” he said. “Hurting you, both of you, was the last thing I wanted.”
Mouse twisted in his seat to face Jay more fully. He believed Jay was sorry and that he wanted to fix things. That he regretted what he said. But he needed to know.
He needed to be sure.
“I want you to be honest with me,” he said. “You’d really be okay with me and Bex? You don’t think it’d be a horrible mistake? That I’d just screw it up and—”
“Mouse.” Jay reached out and grabbed his wrist, giving it a squeeze. “The more I’ve thought about it, the more it actually makes perfect sense,” he said. “I think you guys could be great together. I want you both to be happy and if two of my favourite people being together makes them happy, then I’ve got no problem with that.”
Mouse couldn’t help the little grimace that came out at that. “I haven’t done a very good job of making her happy so far,” he said.
“That’s on me—”
“Not completely,” Mouse said. “I listened to you and I let my fears get the best of me.” He shook his head, kicking himself for how it all went down. “I thought it would be better if I let her go.”
“And now?” Jay asked him hesitantly.
“I tried it and it sucks,” he said, smiling a bit as Jay laughed. “I just—I need to figure out to fix it. How to move forward because—I know I want to be with her, but I’m still fucking scared of messing it up. And I know I hurt her too.” Mouse said. “I don’t even know where to start.”
Jay clapped a hand on his shoulder. “I’ll help you figure it out.”
“We all will,” Ed said, emerging from the kitchen with Chris, coffees in hand.
“Eavesdropper,” Jay said, shaking his head at Chris who grinned shamelessly.
“Saves time,” he said. “We gotta get you boys to work soon so let’s start strategizing.”
Jay walked out of Mouse’s building feeling ten times lighter. He stopped Chris on the way to the truck and pulled him into a hug.
“Thank you,” he said. “Thank you.”
Chris patted his back and gave him a little squeeze. “Anytime, kid, but listen,” he said as they released each other. “That was just part one of two and you know we started with the easy one first.”
“Cindy and I gotta plan to soften her up a bit,” Chris continued. “And you’ve got the rest of the day to work on your apology so make it a good one.”
“Yeah.” Jay nodded. “I’m—I will.” Somehow.
Knowing he was on track to patching things with Mouse was giving him hope for things with Bex. He just…had to be as honest with her as he’d been with Mouse.
And hope she’d be as forgiving as Mouse.
That was the part that worried him the most. He’d never been in this big of a fight with Bex and he felt like he was flailing his way through muddy waters.
“Hey,” Chris said, gripping his shoulder. “You do what you did in there and you’ll be okay.” He gave it another moment of consideration. “Maybe add a bit more grovelling.”
“Did you listen the whole time?” Jay griped as he headed for the driver’s side.
“Not the whole time,” Chris said, hauling himself into the passenger seat. “Ed and I were talking business too. Did you know he does construction on the side? And he knows Beau.”
Beau…right, Bex’s friend. And apparently Chris’s now too. Along with Ed.
Jay bit back a smile. Only Chris.
“The three of us are going to meet up and hammer out some blue prints over lunch,” he continued. “Maybe I should invite Casey.”
Jay let the sounds of Chris’s rambling wash over him as he drove back to Molly’s so Chris could grab the van. It was weirdly soothing.
Soon enough, they were at the bar and Chris was hopping out of the truck.
“If you see us at the station,” he said. “Keep giving Bex her space. You can’t push on this.”
Jay nodded and Chris pointed a finger at him.
“Give Mouse the same advice,” he said. “I’ve got you boys too close to the finish line to have you screwing things up all over again.”
“I got it!” Jay huffed, rolling his eyes and fighting a grin. “Thank you.”
“Alright,” Chris said, patting the door frame. “Have a good day. Eat some vegetables to make up for the bacon fest. Yadda yadda. See you later.”
Jay laughed and Chris grinned back, one hand on the door.
“Love you, kid,” he said. “Don’t you forget it.”
“Love too, Chris,” Jay said. “And seriously. Thank you.”
Chris waved as he jogged off to the van and Jay pulled away, steering toward the station. He made it with a few minutes to spare before his shift.
“Jesus, Chuckles,” Platt said as he walked through the door. “I’d ask what happened to you, but I already read the report. How’s Mini-Chuckles?”
“Banged up, but okay,” Jay said, wishing he had a more thorough answer for that. More for himself than for Platt. “Any word on what’s happening with the scum bag?”
“Can’t afford bail so he’s still in lock up,” she said with a sharp grin. “Voight wants to talk to you about the rest of it.”
That could either mean good news or bad. Jay hustled up the stairs as quickly as his bruises would allow.
A chorus of questions met him as soon as he set foot in Intelligence.
“I’m fine,” he said, holding up his hands. “Bex is fine. Everyone’s fine. Don’t worry.”
“Bex’s face didn’t look fine,” Burgess said, her face tight as she frowned at him. And what?
“What do you mean? What are you talking about?” Jay pulled out his phone, ready to call Bex right then and there. Maybe he should go over there. Except Chris was headed over.
She wouldn’t be alone.
She was okay.
“I caught her Live this morning and I saved it,” Burgess said, holding out her phone for him to see. “She tried to keep that side of her face away from the camera, but you see a glimpse every once in awhile.” She paused the screen so he could peer at it.
Small, finger shaped bruises on her cheek.
Knowing that asshole was only a floor away down in lock up made it hard to resist charging back downstairs.
“Halstead!” Voight called out before he could turn around. “My office.”
Jay took a deep breath, tried to shake off the spikes of anger digging into his gut, and followed Voight into his office, closing the door behind him.
Olinsky was sitting in the corner and gave Jay a solemn nod when he came into the room. “You look like shit,” he said.
“Looks worse than it is,” Jay said as he sat down.
“Considering how it looks,” Voight said as he took his own seat. “I’d say that means it hurts like a bitch.”
He didn’t bother acknowledging that since it’d end with him being forced to take time off he didn’t need, didn’t want, and couldn’t afford. “I’m guessing you want to hear my side of things?”
Voight shook his head. “The report was clear,” he said. “We just wanted to give you a head’s up about a few developments and make sure you’ve got your head on straight about it all.”
“Developments?” Jay sat up in his chair. “They’re not letting him out, are they?”
“The opposite,” Olinsky said quietly. “Officers on the scene found zip ties and duct tape on Ty as well as sedatives.”
“His trunk had tarps and a shovel inside,” Voight continued. “That and lying in wait adds up to premeditation. Plus, attacking Bex and then a cop…prosecutors are looking at max penalties across the board.”
Jay’s head was spinning. On one hand, it was good news. Hopefully Ty would be put away for awhile this time. But on the other—what he’d been planning? Jay felt sick.
Last night could have been so much worse.
For Emery.
…for Bex.
“You think he wanted to take them both?” Jay asked, flexing his hand, feeling the sting in his knuckles.
“Hard to say,” Voight shook his head. “Best not to speculate on might have beens, Jay. Be glad it turned out the way it did.”
Jay nodded, even though it’d take him awhile to wrap his head around that.
“And steer clear of lock up,” Voight said, pointing a stern finger at him. “We’ve got him. He’s not going anywhere. When you’ve come back around to being pissed again, go for a walk or talk to me. Anybody. But don’t let proximity be a temptation.”
“Yes, sir,” Jay said. And he meant it. As satisfying as taking another crack at Ty might be, he wasn’t about to screw up the case for a moment of satisfaction. He wouldn’t do that to Emery.
“Alright,” Voight waved him off. “Let me know if you need time off for—”
“I’m good, I’m fine,” Jay said, biting back a groan as he got out of the chair, Olinsky definitely hiding a snicker as he did so.
“Sure,” Voight said, raising an eyebrow at him. “We’ll pretend I believe you too.”
Jay made his escape and headed back out to his own desk. The welcome sight of Mouse back in his own spot was there to greet him. That and Atwater coming through the door with a box of—
“Donuts! I got donuts!” Atwater flipped back the lid with a grin. “Halstead gets first pick since he looks half-dead.”
Jay took two, just for that.
The little grin Mouse shot at him after helped even more than the donuts.
Another step closer.
He could do this.
Bex was dressed and gearing herself up to head to the police station when there was a knock on her door.
A peek through the peep hole had her yanking it open. “Chris! What are you doing here? Is everything okay?”
“What? I can’t come check up on my baby sister?” He strolled into the apartment and gave her a once over after she’d shut the door. Tsking as he caught sight of her face, he gently touched her chin to tilt her cheek into better light.
“Will already checked me over again,” she said, hoping to cut off any further mama chickening before it could start.
Wishful thinking.
“Does it hurt?” he asked. “Have you taken anything? Have you eaten? Did Will leave any instructions? Should be icing anything?”
“Chris,” Bex said, grabbing his hand to remove it from her face and clasping it in both of hers. “I’m fine. I swear. I ate food. I took some Tylenol. We’re all good.”
Chris stared at her with that look she hated. The one that saw way too much. “You’re not though are you,” he said. “Fine. Or all good.”
“No,” he said, pulling her over to the couch to sit down. “No more hiding this stuff and brushing it under the rug. No more drinking—yeah, I know all about that.” He gave her a stern look. “Talk to me, Bex. Please.”
“I’m honestly doing okay now—”
"Bull." He let go of her hand and groaned, scrubbing both of his hands over his face and through his hair. “For someone who is all about communication and working through things, you sure do keep a lot of shit close to the vest,” he said, frustration bleeding into every word. “You don’t have to. We’re all here. I’m here.”
Chris closed his eyes for a moment and took a deep breath before he looked at her again. “I hate knowing that you went through all of that stuff with AJ and never said a word,” he said. “And now? With Mouse? Why did I have to hear about this from Will?”
Bex sighed, slumping against the couch. This was not a conversation she thought she’d be having today. It was one she definitely wasn’t prepared for.
“The AJ stuff,” she began. “There was so much happening at home that I didn’t want to bring it up. It was all so stupid. I had been stupid. And my friends were helping me through it. By the time I came home, it was a non-issue.”
“We both know that’s a lie,” Chris said. “And screw this not wanting to bring it up when other stuff is going on. Stuff is always going to be going on, Bex. That doesn’t make what’s happening with you less important.”
Bex knew that. She did. She just hadn’t wanted to think too hard about it. Because that meant admitting everything else. Chris was staring her down though and she was too tired to fight it.
“I didn’t want to talk about it,” she said. “I hid it. Because I was hurt and like I said, stupid.”
“Stop that.” Chris grabbed her hand and gave it a squeeze. “You weren’t. He was an asshole, plain and simple. How he acted was not on you, okay? You were putting yourself out there and being open to love. There’s nothing stupid about that.”
He levelled another look at her. “Now tell me about Mouse.”
“That was me putting myself out there again and having it blow up in my face,” she said, chuckling a bit and trailing off when Chris didn’t join in. “I’ve worked through it. I’m fine. We’re just meant to be friends, I guess.” She sighed. “I shouldn’t have even been so upset to begin with,” she said. “It’s not like we were even anything to begin with.”
“Bex,” Chris said softly, waiting until she looked at him. “You two weren’t nothing either.”
She blinked rapidly as tears filled her eyes.
“Aw, sweetheart,” Chris wrapped an arm around her and pulled her in close. “Listen to me. You weren’t nothing. There was something there and you were brave. You were so brave. Not many people are willing to put there heart out there for someone, but you did.”
“But he didn’t want it,” Bex said, sniffling as her tears fell onto Chris’s shirt.
“He does,” Chris said, holding her tight before she could pull away. “No, listen. He does. You know he does. And you know why he did what he did. Or at least some of it.”
Mouse’s own insecurities.
Yeah, she knew enough.
“Not everyone is as brave as you,” Chris said, patting her hair as he hugged her. “And…not everyone grew up with a shining example of a healthy relationship like you had with me and Cinds.”
Bex snorted, feeling the shake as Chris also laughed a bit. He wasn’t wrong though.
He and Cindy were couple goals for her. She wanted what they had.
She wanted that with Mouse.
She thought she could have it.
But maybe not everyone got that kind of love.
“I know you’re hurt,” Chris said. “And you have every right to be. But don’t let that hurt close you off.” He helped her sit up and used his thumb to wipe away some of her tears. “Promise me, you won’t give up hope. Not yet.”
Hope for what? For love in general? Or…for love with Mouse? Because that…that felt like a fool me once kind of situation.
“Just trust me,” he said in answer to her questioning look. “And be willing to listen.”
She nodded because agreeing seemed like the best way to end this chat and Bex had reached her limit on hashing things out. Chris took the nod for what it was and eased his way off the couch.
“Okay, enough of that,” he said, offering a hand to help her up. “I’m here to take you over to sign off on your statement and then after? I’m thinking milkshakes.”
“Sold,” Bex said, grabbing her purse.
They made it over to 21 in record time and luckily, the only person in the lobby that she really knew was Trudy.
Or maybe not so lucky, considering the scrutiny she was currently under.
“Mini-Chuckles,” Trudy said, clucking her tongue at her. “Hell of a night you had, kid. Glad to see you in one piece.”
“Thanks, Trudy,” Bex said, wrapping her arms around herself and trying to figure out how to move things along.
Trudy got the hint though and waved over another officer. “This is Officer Reddings. She’s going to go over your statement with you and document your injuries, if that’s okay with you.”
Bex nodded, wanting to get this over with as quickly as possible. And before Jay made an appearance.
Officer Reddings took her back to a small room where they went over everything again. In detail. Bex signed the statement and then let her take pictures of her face. And her back.
She also got the update of what was happening with Ty and holy shit. Bex walked on shaky legs back to Chris, mind whirling with exactly what could have happened last night.
He looked as stressed as she felt so Trudy must have filled him in. He grabbed her in a careful hug, mindful of her back and whispered in her ear, “Milkshakes?”
“Yes, freaking please,” Bex said, barely waving to Trudy as she hauled him toward the exit.
Chris laid off on the heart to heart during milkshake time, both of them feeling too rattled to deal with any more tension. Instead, he regaled her with tales of the kids’ escapades and had her snort laughing into her drink.
It was almost enough to clear away the bitter taste of the station visit. Almost.
After that, he dropped her off at home, needing to get back to Cindy and the kids and hopefully a nap considering the night he’d had. Bex gave him a huge hug before sending him on his way.
Then she flopped back down on her couch and called Kol to come snuggle with her.
She’d already called in to the diner and she didn’t have a Molly’s shift tonight. She should probably work on some pages for the graphic novel, but she couldn’t make herself move.
Her phone had all kinds of messages on it, but she didn’t want to talk to anyone either.
A nap actually sounded like a great idea. Kol snuffled, halfway asleep already as he cuddled in beside her. “Just for a little bit,” she whispered. “Then maybe I’ll do…something.”
Except then she was out like a light.
The sound of a key in the door woke her up.
“Bex?” Emery called out.
Holy crap, she must of slept for a good few hours if Emery was home already.
“Hey,” Emery said, leaning over the side of the couch. “So…I ran into some people in the parking lot and they convinced me to let them come upstairs.”
Bex scrambled up into a seated position and peeked over the cushions at the crowd in the doorway.
Cindy, Donna, and Trudy stood there with matching grins.
“Surprise!” Cindy said, waving her hands in the air. “We're here to kidnap you.”
Click here to read Chapter Ten. Click here to read Chapter Eleven.
Click here to read Honesty. Horrible, Horrible Honesty on ao3:
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@sorry-i-spaced, @iunnowatuwant, @thegirlwhowishedeveryonelived, @ivyalmighty, @thewannabewriter, @lexhalstead3, @multifandomgrl08, @foxes-and-cats, @sensitivemallysix, @thebewingedjewelcat
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toychive · 1 year
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na!na!na! surprise teens : odette lakewood
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facesbehindglass · 6 months
Casual doll collector. I barely know what I'm doing.
I want to collect at least 1 of each fashion doll brand. Especially early 2000's ones. There's plenty so I don't count knockoffs (unless they're really interesting....)
If you ever look for info like
-do X doll clothes fit Y doll
-doll id (try google lens first tho!)
-size comparisons
then feel free to poke me after checking the list below (cause you'll know what dolls I got)
If there are any dolls you find interesting and aren't on the list, share, I wanna see :3
(Also, personal posts are tagged as #rustyspots)
✓ Owned
🔜Will arrive soon
👁️‍🗨️ Have my eyes on them
Arabian Friends
✓ Barbie (My First, Extra Mini, Extra Mini Mini)
✓ The Beatrix Girls
👁️‍🗨️Beauty Cuties
✓ BeKind Dolls
Be Fashion Academy
✓ BFF Crybabies
✓ Boxy Girls
✓ Bratz (but the tall ones lol)
✓ Bratzillaz
👁️‍🗨️Bratz Kidz
👁️‍🗨️ Bright Fairy Friends
👁️‍🗨️ Candyloks
Catwalk Kitties
✓ Cave Club
✓ Creatable World
Crush: Urban Energy
✓ Cutie Pops
✓ Cyborg Rocks
👁️‍🗨️DC Super Hero Girls
✓ Decora Girlz
Defa Lucy
✓ Disney Descendants
✓ Diva Starz
✓ Dream Ella Extra Iconic Mini
✓ Dream Seekers
✓ Enchantimals
👁️‍🗨️Ever After High
✓ FailFix
Fairy Tale High
✓ Famosa Club Hello Kitty
✓ Fidgie Friends
✓ Flavas
✓ Freckles & Friends
✓ The Fresh Dolls
Glitzeez ?
👁️‍🗨️ Glossy Bossy
👁️‍🗨️ Glo-Up girls
✓ Gorjuss
Gorgeous Creatures
✓ Hairdorables
✓ Hairdorables Hairmazing
👁️‍🗨️ Hello Kitty and Friends
✓ Hi Glamm
iBesties (?)
Juku Couture
Just Grrls
👁️‍🗨️Kawaii Crush
👁️‍🗨️ Kindi Kids
👁️‍🗨️ Kurhn
👁️‍🗨️ Kuu Kuu Harajuku
✓ Lalaloopsy
✓ Lammily
✓ La Dee Da
✓ Licca
👁️‍🗨️Little Bebops
✓ Locksies
✓ LOL OMG Fierce
✓ LOL Tweens
✓ Lottie
👁️‍🗨️LPS Blythe
✓ Magic Mixies Pixlings
✓ Mermaid High
✓ Mermaze Mermaidz
👁️‍🗨️Mia by Hello Kitty
Miss Scouby
✓ Monster High Frightfully Tall
✓ Monster High G1
✓ Monster High G2
✓ Monster High G3
👁️‍🗨️Moxie Girls
👁️‍🗨️Moxie Teenz
👁️‍🗨️Myscene (any...)
✓ Myscene Fab Faces
✓ My Little Pony Equestria Girls
✓ Na! Na! Na! Surprise
Na! Na! Na! Surprise Teens
Naija Princess
✓ Nebulous Stars
✓ Novi Stars
✓ Once Upon A Zombie
✓ Pinkie Cooper
✓ Piny Doll (PinyPon)
Pixie Doodles
✓ Power Puff Girls Z
Precure Bandai (?)
👁️‍🗨️Prettie Girls Tween Scene
✓ Project Mc²
✓ Queens of Africa
✓ Rainbow High
✓ Rainbow High Junior
✓ Rainbow High My Runway Friend
✓ Regal Academy
Secret Jouju
✓ Shadow High
✓ Shibajuku Girls
👁️‍🗨️Shopkins Shoppies
✓ Sindy (Hasbro)
👁️‍🗨️Sindy (Pedigree)
✓ Snapstars
✓ Star Darlings
✓ Steffi Love
👁️‍🗨️Strawberry Shortcake
Style Bae
Sunny Day (?)
✓ Sweetyz
✓ Tattoo Divas
Twilight Teens
👁️‍🗨️Unique Eyes
✓ We Teens
✓ What's Her Face
Wild Childz (?)
✓ Wild Hearts Crew
✓ WWE Superstars Wrestling
Vibe Girls
✓ VIP Hair Academy
Vi and Va
Yue Sai Wa Wa
Zeenie Dollz
👁️‍🗨️Zombie Girls
Side quest- Mini dolls? Chibi or kid-shaped
👁️‍🗨️Best Furry Friends
👁️‍🗨️Lady Lovely Locks
✓ Sparkle Girlz Little Sparkles
Dolls (or their remains) that are pretty much impossible to get but one can hope ;w;
-Country Kuttiez
-Trashion Alley
"Duplicates" I want anyway cause they're my grails:
-target exclusive Pinkie Pie EG
-failfix, the blondie one cuz shes smoler than the rest
-Novi Stars Doe A Deer
-Monster High Isi Dawndancer
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