#nacho better call saul imagine
bowieandqueen11 · 2 years
Nacho Varga Confessing His Feelings To You (With A First Kiss) Would Include...
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Request: Omg I hope you feel better soon, this sucks so bad :(( oh ALSO question👀 on the nacho post you wrote you were gonna split the hcs into two sets so does that mean we're gonna have more of him at some point??? Because Let. Me Tell. You. Your Nacho hcs were like a literally masterpiece, I genuinely was not expecting to click the read more and be blown away like this WOW. Anyway, just I'd love to read more Nacho from you in the future if you feel like it, your writing is so lovely!
That’s so so kind and sweet and lovely of you :’) Thank you!!! I’m so so glad you enjoyed them, literally Nacho is my sweet boi so it’s so much fun to do!! <3
(I do not own Better Call Saul or its characters, all rights go to creators. Gif credit goes to @lousolversons.)
Nacho, baby, my poor boy, my rotten soldier, my sweet cheese, I love you so much you deserve the world and everything good in it and so does your Pappi ily king :(
I mean, Nacho (king) is under constant surveillance at all times, 24/7, so getting even within a breath of you without either Fring or one of the Salamancas catching wind of it is pretty much near impossible. Bless his heart, is he going to try though.
He’s tried to leave little notes to you, although its a dangerous game to play and even more perilous line to balance upon: throwing them around the trashcans in the hopes that you’ll see them after picking up your morning coffee at ‘Los Pollos Hermanos’, and before Gus has left his office for the first round inspection of the day. He hands out extra wads of frumpled, obviously well pored over and assiduously crumpled envelopes for Mike to deliver at your doorstep, or leave crammed through your letter box, hidden in plain sight among the rest of the bills and mailers. He leaves notes on the back of Saul’s folded and fray-edged business cards when he slides over to his back office at the nail salon, roping the ‘lawyer’ into playing ‘piggy in the middle’ for your flirtatious little secret back and forth. It earns him a few disgruntled murmurs and the pointed finger wagging in his face telling him off for playing the ‘pathetic school crush card’ when he’s already been roped into the dangerous chess game of cartel business, but Saul does it anyway because ‘he’s a romantic at heart’. Plus, deep down inside (even if his sad doe side eye at a very despondent looking Nacho gives it away), he does want to see the kid happy.
But none of this is enough; Nacho can’t play this game of whispers in the dark anymore. Keeping all this love locked up within him is poisoning his soul. He can’t linger at home anymore, pacing around the shadowed outskirts of his house and wringing his hands with grief, a pale comparison of himself: a ghost haunting himself with his own failures. He feels like his head is about to shatter into a million pieces if he hears the women in the next room over change the television channel one more time. He’s one step away from ruination, as he slides his back down the wall and crumples onto the floor overlooking the thick tangles of brambles past the casement windows of his dining room. Because as much as their company keeps the void from swallowing him whole, they’re not you. They’re not you. They’re not his heart. He feels like he’s bleeding out from every pore, feels it choking out from his eyes as he wipes the wetness away from the edges of his devastated eyes and clasps his hands behind his head. He takes a deep sniffle, and looks up to the heavens, racking his head to find any conceivable way to get through this alive. 
He has to take the chance, he finally decides after months and months of restless nights spent lying bright eyed and awake in bed, just staring up and burning holes through the ceiling. He wants his chance to live, he wants to live, not just to survive anymore. The next morning, he takes one last look at his fake ID as he tucks it back into his safe for later, before walking out the door. His hands shake with every step; he checks behind his back every five steps or so in a final scan to make sure he’s not being followed, before he swallows his fear and gets ready to take a step towards the life he’s dying for, no matter if fate may spit in his face and toss him aside with a discarding hand. He slides into his car, pulling out his mobile and calling Mike to clue him into the fact that over the last day or two he’s noticed Lalo Salamanca has made contact with you, and so an extra pair of eyes watching your movements couldn’t hurt security. 
To his surprise, the heavy weight of guilt that plagues Mike’s conscience wins out, and he agrees to one night of ‘surveillance’, ‘and I mean one night only, kid. Just to make sure Salamanca hasn’t drawn Y/n into their little plot against Fring.’ He chooses the time and place, of course, but the dingy little abandoned plot the once vibrant and full of life playground rests on isn’t the worst spot in the outskirts of Albuquerque to end up at.
And that is how Nacho Varga finds himself leaning uncomfortably timid against the hood of his car, foot anxiously spurring up the dust. His arms clench as his muscles spasm across his chest, fingers near tearing the skin away as he breathes out heavily in anticipation. He’s not used to being so out in the open, as he glances around the burning desert skies; he’s not used to being so vulnerable, but god would he do it for you over and over and over again. He nearly falls to his knees in relief when your car rolls up to stop just before a flood filled ditch in the ground and you clamber out of the driver’s side with a confused smile lighting your face at the sight of his drenched face.
‘I thought you weren’t going to show up’, he starts as he scratches behind his neck. He looks like a rabbit caught in the headlights, about to run away with his tail tucked between his legs at the first sign of hesitancy or disagreement from you.
‘And miss an opportunity to be babysat for the night by the Ignacio Varga?’ You laugh at how bashful he looks before continuing, ‘Mike said you were so anxious to meet me that you were near blubbering on the phone.’
‘Yeah, he would say that.’ He’s looking westward out towards the far stretch of the golden hazed horizon as he replies sardonically, but he’s still smiling through the words as the two of you, as if drawn by some invisible red band of fate, head over to sit on the quite crooked rusted swing set. You sigh as you take your seat. ‘I hear you’re supposed to watch me for the night. Is that seriously all we can get?’
He blinks slowly, exhaustion set in his bloodshot eyes, before he closes them wearily for a moment. ‘For now, I promise’, he whispers out through tightly pursed lips after a few moments thought. ‘I promise.... But it’s enough - it’s more than enough. It’s everything, okay? This is everything to me.’ He looks so serious as he turns to stare at you tensely through the chained ropes that run past his neck that you can’t help but reach through the barred gap and squeeze his hand. He refuses to let go, never once breaking his gaze from you as he places your intertwined fingers down onto his kneecap as delicate as one might hold the fresh bloom of a spring petal.
The two of you end up kicking your feet across the sand and talking far through the night, not stopping even as the sky begins to burn a mulberry purple and the stars begin to break through the streaks of haloed light that shroud his eyes that glow with ecstasy. He realises, for the first time since his mother had died, he’s spent the whole time smiling. 
You catch him glancing down to your lips every few sentences or so, but they always flick right back up to your widening eyes with the sweetest joy in them. It was if his soul was finally being allowed to unlock itself; all the beauty furled up inside of him blooming out through every crevice until it trails around him and roots itself around his body like a desert rose finally beginning to thrive through the drought. Until there’s nothing left of him but the thought, the prayer, the touch of you.
He comes to a breaking point; to the pass of no return, and he can’t hold himself back anymore. So he just leans out over his seat while you’re talking and kisses you between the ropes. For him, for a moment, the world and all it’s vexations seem to stop, and the softness of true life seems to seep in. He focuses in on the small details, trying to etch every single thing he can feel into the recesses of his brain so he can play it on repeat till his dying day: the way his nose is pressed up, squashed against your flushing cheek. How soft, how pliant your lips are despite your surprise, and how tenderly he brushes his bottom lip against your own and feels it set its corners in fire. How cold the tears running down the side of his nose are, despite how alight he is inside. How his breath can’t seem to escape past the gasps of his throat: too busy half-moaning and half-whimpering against your open mouth until you swallow them with your needy lips.
He gasps as you pull away from him to look up tentatively at his closed eyes, and for a moment you think he’s about to pass out with how intensely his face is screwed shut. He just swallows thickly, before surprising you and stomping up and leaving the swing seat thundering in his wake. He’s so flustered, and furious with himself for giving in so easily to something that he knows will only end in heartbreak and exploitation for you: how could he? How could he do anything but get up and leave, to get as far away from you as possible?
Yet you surprise him by skidding to a halt in front of him and cupping his cheeks, bringing him back down to earth by titling his chin down to look at you. You reach up to meet his lips again, and bless his heart, he just lets go in one big sigh and nods with that serious frown in his face when you teasingly whisper against his lips if he was seriously that flustered just by kissing you.
And his hands are shaking from where they cup round to rest against your sides, because he knows this is it. A rose can’t grow without a thorn within its stem, and his will be the death of him. But he doesn’t care. He just couldn’t care less, because while it’s a risky love, Nacho Varga would choose again and again to give all of himself away for you.
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froogizweet · 2 years
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¡¡¡Colecciónalos Todos!!! 
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alpineshepherdbadboy · 7 months
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bcs + bottoms (2023)
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monkeybebop · 2 months
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POV: Lacho approach you at the bar.
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How they hold and touch hands during their visit of the art exhibit 🫶
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genocidehim · 11 months
I can't choose who I want to see this prompt written for, so you can choose (or maybe do all of them idk 😳)
reader asks Tuco/Lalo/Nacho if she can watch him jerk off (don't ask I just have a problem) and he agrees. nsfw ensues
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notes: render is female, lewd, male masturbation. words: 559 - 602 - 353
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Definitely, Tuco was surprised by your request.
Maybe he had a wrong image of you, but that didn't bother him, on the contrary, your boldness truly hardened him with just the question.
Tuco wrapped his arm around you and pulled you closer, planting a soft kiss on your forehead as he arrived home and found you awake. He seemed still a bit animated from the kitchen, you knew it by how dilated his pupils were and his breathing faster than usual. That was when your question snapped him out of his trance.
"I was wondering if you'd like… Well… If you want to masturbate while I watch…"
Tuco smiled mischievously, his eyes lit up with a mixture of excitement and lust. He had always enjoyed exploring your desires together, pushing the boundaries to create an exhilarating experience. "Mmm… You know how to tempt me, my love" he responded in a low, seductive voice. "The idea of you watching me pleasure myself… excites me."
He grinned wickedly, his eyes gleaming with anticipation of revealing his most intimate desires. He loved embracing your fantasies and sharing them with him, and he was eager to take a raw glimpse into your thoughts.
"All right, my love," he purred, his voice low and seductive. "I'll show you exactly what goes through my mind when I indulge myself."
He reclined on the couch, slightly parting his legs as his hand began to travel toward the bulge in his pants. With deliberate slowness, he unbuttoned and slowly lowered the zipper, revealing glimpses of the hardened length beneath.
As he freed himself from confinement, he looked deeply into your eyes with an intensity that sent a shiver down your spine. The confident way he exposed himself to you was exhilarating. Quickly, he wasted no time in licking his own palm to lubricate it, taking hold of the base of his hardened and almost pulsating member. Under your critical gaze, everything felt much more pleasurable. Tuco didn't take long to move his hand up and down, just the way he liked it: fast and rough, as if trying to quickly release himself, seeking pleasure as fast as possible. His grunts were low and guttural, usually Tuco didn't hold back his excitement and was as loud as he was vulgar.
"You're enjoying watching me like this, aren't you?" he grunted as his hand moved forcefully over his cock, his hips reacting to the stimulation and moving against his hand. "You're a dirty girl, asking me to masturbate in front of you."
The room filled with moans mixing with the erotic sound of his masturbation, his pleasure intertwining with yours even though you weren't physically involved, and that only fueled Tuco's desires even more; a twisted dance of power and submission that you managed to exert over him. Tuco continued to pleasure himself, surrendering to the fantasies swirling in his mind, each stroke bringing him closer to the edge.
"Do you like hearing this?" he groaned through clenched teeth, his eyes fixed on you as desire consumed him, and when he noticed his member trembling, he knew he was about to release the thick load of semen that spilled freely into his hand and onto his pants. Despite being tired from the effort he exerted, his erection remained, and a malicious smile flooded his face as he watched you.
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Lalo's eyes sparkled with a mixture of surprise and intrigue when you confessed your desire. A mischievous smile tugged at his lips, his mind already spinning with possibilities. "Mmm… Do you want to watch me pleasure myself, my little love?" he purred, leaning closer to whisper in your ear. "You know how to tempt me…"
He gently lifted your chin and looked into your eyes. His voice dropped to a husky whisper full of promise. "I would be more than happy to grant your wish." He punctuated his words with a soft nibble on his lower lip before pulling back slightly, giving you the opportunity to express any preferences or instructions you might have at the moment.
"Tell me… How would you like it, standing up? Lying down and stretched out? Or maybe in front of a mirror so you can see all the angles?" The possibilities seemed endless in Lalo's mind as he waited for more guidance from you.
"I think I just want to see you pleasuring yourself. Like you would any day. I want you to tell me what you think about when you masturbate."
Lalo smiled, his eyes sparkling with a mixture of mischief and desire. His hand moved to gently caress your thigh as he leaned closer again, his voice dropping to a husky whisper. "Mmm… Do you want to know what goes through my mind when I pleasure myself? How deliciously naughty."
He shifted in his chair, settling slightly as he took a more comfortable position. Her gaze riveted on you, her low, seductive voice sounded like music to your ears. "When I touch myself, my thoughts often drift to you, my love... Imagining your soft lips on mine, your hands exploring every inch of my body." He paused for effect, a mischievous smile playing on his lips.
He unbuckled his belt as he kept his dark gaze on you, you could tell how his cock was begging to be released from his blue jeans, as his erection popped and showed as hard as it was, he reached up to you and extended his hand towards your face
"Do me the honor, little love…" his mischievous smile remained on his face, his mustache curved in such a way that he looked as attractive as he had ever looked before.
Without hesitation, you helped him lubricate his hand so he could work better, licking his salty palm as you lingered on his fingers, increasing his arousal
"I'm also thinking of taking control... Domination…" His voice took on a darker tone as he continued, bringing his hand lubricated with your saliva and massaging the tip of his aching cock with need "I imagine tying your hands and teasing you relentlessly until you beg me to release you..." A glint of dominance danced in his eyes as he described the scenario, as shameless as he could only be.
His hand moved slowly and precisely, just as he was fascinated by it, you could feel how his grip was hard and firm, almost as if he wanted to feel as much pressure as possible "I imagine your pretty little pussy squeezing me… Your sweet little mouth taking all of my cock…. How hot you feel around me."
Lalo normally didn't usually masturbate and ejaculate instantly, not when he was so imaginative and preferred to think of erotic scenarios while pleasuring himself, but under your hungry gaze and the thrill of the moment, it didn't take him long to release several whitish spurts that spread all over his shirt and hand. Panting due to his intense climax so sudden but powerful.
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Nacho felt a surge of surprise at your request, but he kept his cool. He understood that intimacy could take different forms for different partners and was willing to explore new experiences with you. "If that's something you're interested in, mi amor…" he replied softly, his voice tinged with curiosity and desire. "I'm open to trying it. Watching you watch me pleasure myself… Mmm."
He leaned closer, placing a soft kiss on the corner of your lips "Tell me exactly how you would like me to do this for you? Should I undress slowly? Or should I start touching myself right away?"
"I think I just want to see you giving yourself pleasure… Like you would any day…"
Ignacio placed one of his hands on her thigh as his other hand slid down to her groin area. With deliberate slowness, he began stroking himself through his pants, rubbing the bulge that had formed there.
A soft moan escaped Nacho's lips as he leaned back in the chair, letting himself be carried away by the pleasure. "Normally, I don't usually do this... Not when I can have you at any time…" he confessed breathlessly. "But when I do, I think of your soft touch…. Your eager mouth…"
His movements became more pronounced as he continued to stroke himself through the fabric, each movement accompanied by shudders of pleasure coursing through his body.
"Do you like seeing me like this? Seeing how you affect me?" he asked, his voice laced with desire and a hint of vulnerability. "Tell me… What does it do to you?"
"It's amazing… Listening to your fantasies…" Your deep voice managed to increase the excitement inside his pants "Do you think about how tight I am around you?"
Nacho grunts and has to unbutton his pants apt to free his aching cock, massaging it without lubrication as he takes advantage of your voice to feed his fantasies "All the time… I do it all the fucking time…"
But masturbation wasn't something that satisfied Nacho, he needed more and almost watched you with pleading eyes as he begged "Please… Help me here…"
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sword-day · 1 year
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BETTER CALL SAUL 01x09 Pimento
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joostkleinfckme · 10 months
↳ ❝ [ignacio ‘nacho’ varga x f! reader ] ¡! ❞
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✧. ┊    fluff/angst ; i love nacho sm ; headcanons
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༶•┈┈⛧┈♛ PART ONE: falling in love
.ೃ࿐ you met nacho at your favourite restaurant ‘los pollos hermanos’. your friend set you up for a date, because she thought that you needed a boyfriend (she doesn’t care that he was a random guy from a gas station) she just wanted you to be happy, because all of your relationships were toxic and you were tired of being used by everyone. you didn’t want to go to this date, you just wanted to stay in your bed and watch some stupid movies. but your friend was so dear to you, so you decided to go on this dumb date.
.ೃ࿐ the date was horrible; the man was a total creep and jerk, and you felt anxious. but you had a rescue, and your hero was nacho. he was sitting at the restaurant with lalo, because he needed to do some business with the owner. he saw how uncomfortable you were, and he couldn’t stand this man, his attitude, or how he spoke to you. varga has respect for women, so he couldn’t just ignore this situation, because he would have remorse.
.ೃ࿐ after nacho told this guy ‘nicely’ to leave you alone, you felt how your muscles relaxed. you were glad that someone in this world actually cared about others, because you knew that you alone would never win with this creep. you thanked your ‘hero’ and introduced yourself, as he does the same thing. you were intrigued by his person and mostly his look, and because you had never met that attractive man, you knew that you would want to try to have something with him.
.ೃ࿐ it's been a few days since nacho gave you his phone number; you received a message from him asking if you wanted to come over to his house and probably get to know each other better. you agreed to this invitation, and you wondered if he was finally the right person to be with. maybe you have been kind of weird, but you cannot stop thinking about him. you didn’t know why; maybe you were just naive, and he is going to be another person who breaks your heart? maybe. but at this moment, you didn’t care about it.
.ೃ࿐ the little ‘date’ at his house was incredible; you couldn’t remember when you laughed as much as with him. you two were just talking about life. nacho was a great listener, and he preferred to listen to you talk about yourself, because he thought that you were more interesting than him. he was a charming but also very intelligent man, and you were glad, that he was interested in you. all your life, you have met dumb men, but somehow you were falling in love with them (even if they didn’t love you back), or maybe you never had been truly in love; it was the question you asked yourself for years.
.ೃ࿐ this fantastic date was only the beginning. you started to hang out with ignacio more and more, and your feelings for him started growing stronger. you admire everything about him, even the little things like how his nose wrinkles while he is smiling. you were in love with his smile. he admired you as well; he loved how innocent you were, and even if you were hurt by every person in your life, you still were positive, and he loved that energy.
.ೃ࿐ nacho was confused by how easily you gained his trust; of course, you didn’t know about his specific business, because he wanted to keep you safe. but he felt comfortable with you, like he could finally be himself without being judged. he never felt that with anyone; even if he had his ‘girlfriends’ it just wasn’t the same. he doesn’t need to have sex with you to want to spend time with you. to be honest, he was happy just watching you sleep on his lap or hearing how you laughed at your own jokes.
.ೃ࿐ after almost two months of your relationship, you decided to confess your feelings to nacho. you were sure, that you wanted a serious relationship with him. you also wanted ignacio to know that he was your safe place, even if you had known him for only a few months. your confession wasn’t super creative; you just kissed him, praying that he would kiss you back (of course he kissed you back; he wanted to do this a long time ago). you & nacho could never have been happier.
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༶•┈┈⛧┈♛ PART TWO: ‘betray’
.ೃ࿐ your relationship with ignacio was a dream come true. he was the first man in your life to treat you like a princess, and it was nice to finally have someone you deserved. he remembers every single thing about you, even the smallest ones. you knew that you were truly in love with him; only when you were with him your eyes have this beautiful sparkle. and you knew that nacho felt the same way; he just wasn’t this kind of person who would say that he loved you every second; his actions were enough for you.
.ೃ࿐ but even in paradise, there could be troubles. it was unexpected, because you thought that you could finally be happy. but the universe has another plan for your happiness. you hadn't seen nacho for a long time, and you needed to spend time with him, but you wanted to surprise him, so you didn’t send him a message that you were coming over. you knew where his house was, because it was the place where your first date happened. with a smile on your face, you knocked on the door and waited for nacho to open, but you didn’t see a nacho. you saw a brunette girl with only a t-shirt on her; she looked like she just woke up.
“oh, who are you? where is nacho?” you asked with a shaky voice.
“i’m nacho’s girlfriend, but he isn’t at home right now. and you are?” you felt a pain in your chest, but you forced a smile anyway.
“i’m no one important; say hi to ignacio” you said, and you went back to your car. when you was sitting in your car, you just broke down into tears. you cannot believe how he was lying to you.
.ೃ࿐ when nacho came back to his house and gave jo & amber weed, he headed up to his bedroom. all he needed at this moment was to hear your voice. he had been stressed all week, and you were his therapy. but you didn’t answer any of his calls. he got back to the living room, overthinking why you don’t send him any messages; he would be happy with even the stupid ones. he looked up at amber who was calling his name to wake him up from a trance.
“some weird girl was here; she was asking for you” nacho knows immediately that she meant you, but if you were at his house, you could just text him.
“and what did you tell her?” ignacio started to feel anxious about this situation, he knew about your trust issues and everything. he just hoped that amber didn’t say something inappropriate.
“i told her that i’m your girlfriend, and she said to say hi from her” amber shrugged her shoulders and puffed on her joint. nacho’s face started to be pale. he wanted to kill amber for these words; they weren’t even a real couple. now he knew that he had messed up.
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༶•┈┈⛧┈♛ PART THREE: happy again.
.ೃ࿐ it was a few weeks after your meeting with amber. you were heartbroken. you cannot understand why every single person you felt safe with needs to hurt you. you thought that nacho was your soulmate, but you were just his casual, that was what you were thinking. but nacho loved you, even if he didn’t say it out loud. he needed you. the weeks without you, were a nightmare. he couldn’t focus on work, he wasn’t happy at all. lalo saw the change in nacho’s behavior, but he didn’t comment on it, even if he wanted to; they were here to work, not exactly to complain about privacy problems.
.ೃ࿐ nacho couldn’t just sit there and act like nothing happened; he needed to explain himself and tell you about everything he was hiding from you. he doesn’t expect that you would forgive him; you would be his only love anyway. he also wanted to see you; he missed your laugh and smile; he missed everything about you. so after work, he heads over to your house.
.ೃ࿐ when you saw nacho, for a few seconds, you just stared at him. were you mad at him? definitely. but did you miss him? so bad. and that was a reason why you hugged him and put your head on his chest; you didn’t even notice that tears started to fall down on your cheeks, wetting nacho’s shirt. he hugged you back, kissing the top of your head.
.ೃ࿐ after you sat on your couch, you didn’t say anything; you were just listening to ignacio’s stories. about who is amber for him, what is his real job (because suddenly he wasn’t working with his dad) you appreciate that he was honest this time. you weren’t scared of his job, because you knew his real side — this side that he was showing only in front of you. after hearing all of his explanations, you were no longer mad or sad. you loved this man, and you were happy, that he wanted to fight for your relationship.
.ೃ࿐ all you said to him was ‘thank you’. the rest of the night you spent making up every second you didn’t spend with ignacio. you were happy that everything was finally alright and that you could be happy again, with the only man you wanted in your life. with nacho.
“i love you, cariño, only you” ignacio said, kissing your temple.
“i love you ignacio”
the end.
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thank you for attention! i hope you liked this headcanons, it was so fun to write this!
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espresso-ships · 2 months
Varganardi teen years
Before they started dating and both worked at Nacho's dads store (A-Z Fine Upholstery <3)
Been wanting to draw them before they became a couple and still were "just friends" and HERE WE GOO :3
From Lauras first day at A-Z, where she worked after high-school graduation together w Nacho, before she became a journalist! :')
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Gave Nacho a more "outgrown" buzzcut and nose piercing AHDHFHHD
Story is that he and Laura got matching nose piercings when they both felt silly and impulsive
But after like a year or so Nacho was like: "...Shit-" and took it out 😭 Chaotic best friends stuff 😌✨
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slamminslamminmcgill · 4 months
hi i went to an orgy tonight and shoutout to the transmasc who did this shit to me you’re so nacho-coded
maybe teaser for chapter 4 of perrito who knows (it does exist i swear)
warning: petplay, bdsm, dubcon, free use, rimming mention, nacho varga is trans this is true vince gilligan told me
anatomical terms (for nacho lel): pussy, t-cock
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Ignacio Varga.
Or just “Nacho”, according to the rest of the Salamancas, and “Nachito” to no one else but Lalo. He was the one person here that you knew nothing about. Hector and the twins had been discussed in passing; Tuco was in prison with you; and you were so familiar with Lalo that you knew what his butthole tasted like. Nacho? Nothing. Nothing beyond Lalo’s testimonial of “He’s cool. You’ll like him.” You wanted to take his word for it, but “cool” seemed like a bit of an understatement. He was a fucking Ice Queen. Hadn’t said a single goddamn word to you since he got here.
And yet Lalo gave him a leash.
That must have said something about his character. After all, Lalo wouldn’t dream of putting his precious little fuckpuppy in harm’s way without a safeword. Shit, he must be more trustworthy than Tuco, since he’s allowed to be alone with you. Or at the very least, he’s not a reckless cokehead.
You didn’t think he was going to take you up on your services. You figured he was going to spend his week at the hacienda rolling his eyes and keeping to himself. But eventually he surprised you.
He must’ve been watching you, hiding in the shadows and waiting until you were by yourself in the bathroom. As you turned around to lock the door, a note slipped under it.
3 AM
Be there alone.
Okay, sure, he likes his privacy. You figured that out already. Just to be safe, you showed the note to Lalo, who seemed positively giddy at the thought.
“Ooh, nice! ¡Muy caliente, jaja! (Very hot, haha!) You crazy kids have fun, alright? Let me know how it goes.”
Alright. Have fun. That was probably doable, unless Nacho’s dick game was abysmal. You were facing a best case fun, worst case boredom scenario. No big deal. You could handle that.
The clock struck 3 and you made your way downstairs, your collar jingling with each step. When you arrived, Nacho was already leaning against the fridge, the chain-link threaded between his fingers. “Hey,” was the first time you heard his voice.
“Hey…” you croaked back.
“You gonna be okay if I put this on you?” He asked, tightening the leash in his fists.
“Yeah, uh, go for it.” You leaned forward and stuck your neck out, giving him a clear shot of where to clip the leash.
Nacho clicked it to you, and with that he had your entire being under his control, at his mercy and his alone. He took a moment of silence to soak it in, to savor and honor this feeling of domination.
And then he dragged you down the hallway to the bathroom.
Nacho pushed you in and followed closely behind, locking the door behind himself. “Sit,” he commanded of you.
You instantly dropped to your knees like a good boy. Such a good boy. Who’s a good boy? You’re a good boy. Good doggy.
“Good boy,” Nacho reiterated, slipping his hand through the loop at the end of the leash. He went to undo his belt, then his jeans. He tugged those down, and then his underwear…
Holy shit…
How did you not see that coming?
The mere sight of it stunned you like a flashbang.
It just so happened that Ignacio Varga, Nacho, “Nachito”, had a pussy.
And the biggest t-cock you’d ever seen.
And you barely had a chance to gasp before your face was being smushed into it.
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sp00kygoddessxx · 8 months
✧˖°Dangerous Game✧˖°
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The soft hum of conversation filled the dimly lit bar in Albuquerque, where Ignacio Varga, known as Nacho, had chosen to unwind after another grueling day in the dangerous world of the criminal underground. Tonight, however, he was accompanied by you, and the atmosphere held a hint of playful energy that had become a rare and treasured experience for Nacho.
Nacho had always been the embodiment of mystery, a man of few words, a master of subtlety. Yet in your presence, he had discovered a new facet of himself. The connection between you was undeniable, and your charisma had a way of drawing out a side of him that few had ever seen.
You leaned closer, your voice a teasing whisper as you brushed your fingers against Nacho's forearm. "You know, Nacho, you clean up pretty nicely."
Nacho's eyes met yours, a playful twinkle in his gaze. "I clean up, or do I look good all the time?"
You chuckled, enjoying the banter. "Well, you do look good all the time, but there's something about seeing you in a suit that's… irresistible."
Nacho's lips curled into a smug smile, and he leaned in closer, his voice low and intimate. "Is that so? I might have to wear suits more often, then."
As the night wore on, the playful exchange continued. Your witty compliments and flirtatious gestures seemed to coax Nacho out of his usual reserve, and he couldn't help but respond in kind. The energy between you crackled like electricity, each word and touch laden with sensuality.
At one point, you reached over and traced a finger along Nacho's jawline, a mischievous glint in your eyes. "You've got a dangerous vibe, Nacho. It's kind of sexy."
Nacho's gaze was intense as he met your eyes. "Dangerous? What makes you say that?"
You leaned in, your lips brushing against his ear as you whispered, "The way you move, the way you carry yourself, it's like you're always on the edge of something thrilling. I can't help but be drawn to it."
Nacho's breath caught for a moment, and he tightened his grip on his glass. "You have no idea what you do to me when you talk like that."
The chemistry between you was undeniable, and the tension in the air was palpable. It was a dance of seduction, a game of desires that neither of you was willing to ignore.
As the evening progressed, Nacho found himself drawn deeper into the magnetic pull of your charm. He couldn't resist the way you toyed with your glass, the way you let your fingers graze his arm, leaving a trail of electricity in their wake. It was an intoxicating experience, one he was more than willing to embrace.
In a softer moment, you leaned in close, your voice a breathy whisper that sent shivers down Nacho's spine. "You know, Nacho, there's something about you that I can't quite put my finger on. It's like you're hiding secrets, and I can't help but want to uncover them."
Nacho's eyes bore into yours, his voice low and filled with an undertone of desire. "Some secrets are best left hidden."
Your lips curved into a seductive smile. "But, Nacho, the thrill is in the chase, in the discovery. Don't you think?"
Nacho's gaze lingered on your lips, his desire plain for you to see. "Maybe you're right. Maybe I want you to uncover them."
The tension between you reached its peak, and the magnetism that had drawn you together could no longer be ignored. Your hands found their way around Nacho's shoulders, your fingers grip together as you pressed your lips to his. It was a kiss that spoke of unspoken desires, a kiss that set the night on fire.
Nacho's arms wrapped around you, pulling you closer as the kiss deepened. The world outside the bar seemed to disappear, leaving just the two of you lost in a passionate embrace.
As you pulled away, breathless and flushed, Nacho's voice was a husky murmur. "I can't resist you, hermosa. You have this power over me, and I can't get enough."
You smiled, your eyes locked onto his with an intensity that mirrored his own. "And you, Nacho, have a way of making me lose control. It's a dangerous game we're playing."
Nacho's lips brushed against your ear as he whispered, "Sometimes, the most dangerous games are the most exhilarating."
The night continued, filled with laughter, shared secrets, and stolen glances. The chemistry between you and Nacho remained as potent as ever, an intoxicating blend of danger and desire that left you both yearning for more.
As you left the bar, your fingers intertwined with Nacho's, you couldn't help but feel a rush of exhilaration. The night had been a dance of seduction, a game of unspoken desires, and you couldn't wait to see where it would lead next. Nacho, the enigmatic man of the shadows, had revealed a new facet of himself. 
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fishylipsblubblub · 10 months
The Silent Observer, Chapter 1
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When you get hired at El Michoacano, you quickly discover that not all is as it seems...
A/N: This one has been marinating in my google docs for a long ass time because i wasn’t really sure how i felt about the beginning, but i kinda just realized theres no point in writing fanfic if im not gonna post it, so here y’all go. btw i’m planning for this one to be long AF
Pulling out of the McDonalds drive through, I turned onto the road. I tried for a second to open the lid of my coffee, but decided it was a bad idea and set it in the cup holder. I exhaled and gripped the wheel until my knuckles were white. Rain drops pummeled the windshield as I drove onward. The weather was uncharacteristically rainy for New Mexico, but the rain was a welcome sight. The constant heat got on my nerves all the time since I’d came here.  
“Hi, my name is y/n l/n,” I practiced. “I’m here for the interview. Yes, I would like some water, thank you. My biggest weakness? I’m too hard working. No, wait, that’s cliche. And not even true. No, my biggest weakness is.. I usually wake up after 12, and employers don’t generally like that.” I heaved an exasperated sigh. “They’re never going to hire me.”
My intention was to collapse my head into the steering wheel dramatically, but instead I hit the horn with my forehead and scared myself. I sat up straight immediately, and timidly waved an apology at the driver next to me who was now giving me a dirty look. 
I reached over to the cup holder to grab my coffee without taking my eyes off the road. The rain was unceasing, and I didn’t want to run the risk. Instead of grabbing the coffee, I hit it with my hand and knocked the entire contents onto the back seat and all over my phone. I looked back just in time to see it light up one last time, the screen glitching and malfunctioning. Then, it turned to black, dead. 
“Oh, no! Come on, there’s no way.” My lip quivered threateningly, but I took a very deep breath, stopping any tears that might have come. Looking back to the road, I realized I was drifting into the other lane. Without a thought, I swerved, but lost control on the wet road and went straight into the ditch.
My chest slammed into the steering wheel. I sat in the car for a moment, just waiting. I knew there was nothing I could do, and that what’s done is done, but I still waited. Finally, I got out of the car. I was right in front of a small Mexican restaurant called El Michoacano. Maybe I can use their phone, I thought.
When I entered the restaurant, it was almost completely empty. There were three men sitting in the dining room, each at different tables. Two of them looked like gangster types, and one looked like he could possibly be a chef, with his apron. I walked past them and toward the counter. Another man was back in the kitchen, and it looked like he was cooking something but he had stopped when I came in.
The man was tall. His hair was black, with a single streak of silver. He was dressed in the least conspicuous clothing imaginable. A silk button down with some of those pointy leather shoes.
“Excuse me,” I choked, realizing that there were tears falling down my cheeks. He came over and leaned on the counter.
“Are you okay?”
“I don’t know. I just ran my car into the ditch outside. Do you think I could use your phone to call a mechanic or something?”
“It’s just back here, in the kitchen. Here, this way,” he said, leading me into the kitchen. When I got to the phone, it was one of those old fashioned wall-mounted things. As I dialed the number, I turned back to lean on the wall. With a full view of the dining room, I saw the gangster’s heads both whip around so that they weren’t looking at me.
With a tow truck on the way, I sighed and wiped the mascara off my cheeks.
“I’m sorry about your car,” the man said. 
“It’s okay. Nothing I can do now. Thanks for the phone.” 
“Hey, take a seat. I just finished some tacos, you want one?” He asked. 
“Yeah, thanks.” I sat down, and he followed with two plates and sat down across from me.
“Rough day? I get it. Eat your taco, it’s getting cold,” he said gesturing at the food in front of you.
“So much for my interview,” I said, swallowing a bite of the taco. “Sorry, ignore me. I haven’t had such a good couple of days. Oh, my name is y/n, by the way.”
“My name is Eduardo. Did you say you were looking for a job?”
“Yes, why?” I asked, looking up from my food.
“I’m looking for a server. You think you might be up for it?” He got up and went over to the kitchen, coming back with a paper.
“Fill this out, and bring it back to me,” he said, giving me the application.
“I don’t know what to say. Thank you, Eduardo.”
“Please, call me Lalo.”
“Thank you, Lalo.”
The moment was almost shattered by a contemptuous gaze that one of the men in the dining room was giving Lalo. He pretended like he didn’t see, and continued.
“I think that’s your truck pulling up.”
It was sort of a plain dress. Black, short sleeved. The skirt went down maybe halfway to my knee. Of course, a small “El Michoacano” was printed over the breast. I flattened the front of my uniform and checked my bag. Yep, I have everything, I thought. Then, I was out the door, down the street, and at the bus stop. My car was taken to the junkyard when I couldn’t pay for the repairs.
“Hey, you made it,” shouted Lalo from the kitchen over the wafting sound of Mexican music. He tossed a towel over his shoulder on his way over to me and turned down the music slightly.
“You excited?”
His enthusiasm was contagious, and I grinned a smile in response.
“Of course I am.”
“Alright, let’s get to it. That guy over there,” he said, pointing at the middle-aged man sitting at a table in the corner. “He’s the chef around here, and honestly, should be training you. But, he doesn’t speak too much english. So, you’re stuck with me.”
“So what should I start with?” I asked, looking around the dining room. It was empty today, excluding the man in the corner.
“I was thinking we’d take a look in the kitchen, see where things are kept. Then, you and I will have a chat about the rules here. You know, it doesn’t usually get too busy around here, so there isn’t much for you to worry about.”
Lalo walked back into the kitchen and showed me the cupboards. He listed off what they contained, and opened some of them to show me.
“The plates and bowls go here,” he said, opening one of them. “Make sure you stack the little bowls on the little bowls and the big ones on the big ones. Don’t mix them.”
“Okay, got it. And the cups..?”
“-Go right here,” he finished swinging another cupboard open. “I don’t expect you to remember all of this. It’s gonna take some time. Don’t hesitate to ask me a question.” He started toward the door to the dining room, tapping my elbow as he passed to tell me to follow. I complied. On the way out, I looked back at the cupboards and silently quizzed myself. Bowls, plates, cups.
“Have a seat,” Lalo said, gesturing toward a chair. I sat down and looked up at him as he sat across from me. 
“So you really weren’t lying when you said that it doesn’t get busy in here,” I said looking around at the nearly empty dining room. The man in the corner seemed to be completely in his own world as he read a week-old Mexican newspaper.
“Nah, not really. The guys that were in here last week? They’ll be back in…” he checked his watch. “About an hour or so.”
“What, are they regulars or something?” I asked, remembering the odd way they seemed to be together but sat at different tables.
“That’s what I wanted to talk to you about. So, you’ll notice people coming in and out of here a bit. You’ll know what I mean when you see it. There’s not many rules here, but the one you need to remember is this.” he leaned in closer as he continued. “Don’t worry about them. You don’t even need to take their order. Just stay back and leave them alone.”
He said it all in a calm, even tone. His eyes were fixed on mine the whole time, and they didn’t move.
“Who are they?”
“Friends.” The tension in the air as he said those words was so tight you could have cut it with a knife. His expression was so deadly serious, and he had this way of perfectly controlling the emotions of his words as he said them.
 “The tough looking guy sitting in the back yesterday? His name is Nacho. You’ll get to know him eventually, but he’s a little shy. The other one is Domingo. I’m sure he’ll introduce himself when he gets here.” 
Suddenly, Lalo leaned back and broke the tension in half with a smile.
“That’s my little lecture. Bored yet?”
“Not yet.”
“You don’t talk much, do you?”
“Really? You think I don’t talk much?” As I said that, I realized my mouth was sort of dry. “Usually people tell me I’m a chatterbox.”
“I’ll have to see that to believe it,” he laughed. “It’s about noon. You hungry? Another perk of this job. Free food.”
Without even waiting for my affirmation, he was back in the kitchen and the music was turned up again. Determined to make myself useful, I followed.
“Want help?” I called over the music.
He turned around from the tomatoes he was chopping, surprised.
“Yeah, you can do this,” he said, pointing to the chopping board. “There’s some lettuce over there, and the steak will need to be chopped too. I have to cook the meat first, so I’ll give it to you once I’m done.”
I got going, messily dicing the tomatoes. I tried my hardest to make them all at least even shapes and sizes, and I did decently okay for someone who has absolutely to idea what they’re doing. With the blade of the knife, I slid the tomatoes to the side of the board and took up the lettuce. 
Lalo was, to say the least, enthusiastic about his cooking. He was loudly singing along to the music on the radio, and his excitement was spreading to me. Even if I didn’t know the words, I was singing along with him. It was impossible not to.
As Lalo warmed the tortillas on the frying pan, he was passing them to me and I was building the tacos. 
“This is something I need to do again,” I said as we carried the plates out into the dining room.
“I can show you a thing or two about cooking, if you want. Like I said, there’s not a whole lot that needs to be done around here. You’re gonna have a lot of free time.”
The door to El Michoacano swung open, and in walked one of the men I saw yesterday. Lalo walked up to him and clapped him on the back.
“Ocho loco, you remember this girl from last week?” He looked at me and smiled slightly.
“Hi, I’m Domingo,” he said, shaking my hand.
“Y/n,” I responded. Lalo handed him the plate in his hand.
“Here, this is for you, made especially by y/n,” Lalo said with a cheeky smile in my direction.
“Oh come on, I barely helped.”
“Thanks, y/n,” said Domingo, walking over to the table he was sitting at the other day.
“Does he always sit there?” I whispered to Lalo as we sat down at the table closest to the counter.
“Yeah. Remember what I said earlier? About leaving them alone? That goes for Domingo too.”
“So, you want to me to like, ignore him when he comes in?”
He laughed and said “No, nothing like that. Just don’t go up and bother him while he’s working. And don’t eavesdrop. Especially don’t eavesdrop.”
I sat in silence and ate my taco, mulling over what he’d said. ‘Don’t eavesdrop’? What was that supposed to mean? What could Domingo and the other guy, Nacho, was it? What could they be doing that was so secretive?
I jolted my head up when I heard the door swing open again, this time with more force.
“What’s up Nacho,” Domingo greeted the man walking in.
He didn’t even look in my direction. He walked straight to the table he was at last time I saw him and sat down.
“He’s like that,” Lalo whispered to me. “Nachito, come say hi to the new waitress,” he said, raising his tone.
Nacho turned his head toward me and simply said “Hi.” I could tell he already didn’t like me, but I couldn’t tell why. Suddenly, I remembered the look he gave to Lalo when he offered me the application. 
“Why don’t you sweep the kitchen floor? The broom is back there,” he said, waving his hand toward the kitchen but not looking away from Nacho.
I followed his orders, but the strongest sense of suspicion guided me toward the kitchen.
This is when I broke my first rule. I stood as close as I could to the door so I could hear what they were saying. Lalo’s eyes followed me toward the kitchen and watched me carefully before he got up and sat directly next to Nacho and started speaking very quickly and quietly in Spanish.
I risked a look up at the pair, trying to figure out what they were saying from their expressions. Nacho was sitting cross-armed and looking up at Lalo with a quirked eyebrow. Words were exchanged, but the only ones I could pick out were “quieres” and “tienes”, “you want” and “you have” respectively. Unsurprisingly, these were some of the only Spanish words I knew. 
Lalo was leaned forward on the table, his gaze fixated on the man across from him. 
“Compredes?” He said at last. “Understand?”
“Sí, Lalo,” Nacho responded. I leaned my broom against the wall and came back into the dining room. Domingo was just sitting still, staring directly at the wall. He had the look of someone who had just sat through a very uncomfortable conversation. Lalo sighed and patted Nacho rather aggressively on the shoulder. Then I heard tires on the pavement outside, and a giant truck pulled up outside the restaurant.
“Y/N, you can do some stocking in the cupboards. There’s not much work for you out here.” 
I had the distinct impression that this was going to be one of those times in which I should not be eavesdropping. I disappeared into the pantry behind the kitchen and tried to ignore the man walking in as much as possible. 
That was the rest of the day. I hid in the back while men came in and out of the restaurant, from time to time Lalo would ask how I was or what I was getting up to. No customers came in. Not one. The bus ride home felt so much longer than the one there. My mind was racing with ideas as to what could be going on there.  
No matter what I thought of, the same thought kept returning to me. Something dark must be going on, and somehow I had gotten caught up in it. 
“Why don’t you sweep the kitchen floor? The broom is back there,” I said. I studied Nacho carefully. Out of my peripheral, I saw her hesitate and then turn around. I turned to watch her leave, double checking to see that she was out of earshot before snapping my head back toward Nacho.
“You know exactly why I hired her,” I hissed softly in Spanish.
“I meant you should hire someone connected, not an outsider! Someone’s daughter or niece. You don’t even know this girl, she could be an FBI agent,” Nacho retorted, wrinkling his nose in distaste. The corners of my lips twitched upward.
“I’ve been following her since she first stepped foot in this building. Believe me, she isn’t FBI. I didn’t choose her at random. The look of pure desperation on her face told me she needed money, fast. She’d do anything for it. She won’t tell, believe me.” Nacho raised an eyebrow at me, a frown forming on his face.
“I’m just saying that you shouldn’t put your trust into someone who you don’t even know. She has no reason to be loyal to us. She could turn at any minute.”
“I have a plan,” I said simply, looking back at the girl. She was staring very decidedly at the floor where she was sweeping.
“What’s that, then?”
“All in good time, Nachito,” I smiled at him. “But now, you must be civil to her. I don’t care if you don’t like her, you must be polite, comprendes?”
Nacho sighed and responded “Sí, Lalo.”
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slavhew · 1 year
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based on @nitroglyphics's post that im so normal about
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alpineshepherdbadboy · 6 months
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bcs x seinfeld
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el-michoacano · 1 year
Lalo is definitely one of the "who did this to you?" revenge murder spree types, huh? 🖤
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nostalgic-shamefest · 11 months
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Shaving his mustache is Lalo's version of cutting your own bangs. Change my mind.
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