#nacho varga fluff
genocidehim · 1 year
Can you make a part 2 for nacho falling in love with Lalo’s wife!!!
PS: I loved the first one 💙💙
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part. 1 here
notes: Keep in mind that this part is directly related to bcs and the episode of Something Unforgivable, the facts will try to be as canon as possible, but I will change a lot of things. words: 2143
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"Hay un portón en la parte de atrás del lugar de Salamanca. A las tres de la mañana esta noche quítale el candado. Ábrelo, lárgate de ahí"
Nacho spent the whole day pondering the instructions given in that unknown call. He knew they were direct orders from Fring, and he sensed that he would do something when Lalo was more vulnerable, and his house was the perfect place. Nacho seemed to agree with that plan and even looked forward to the night, but there was a major inconvenience: You were in the house along with a bunch of other innocent people.
No matter what Nacho said or asked, he knew he wouldn't have a chance to get you out of that situation because, unfortunately, you were also a Salamanca and a potential victim of Fring's plans.
Even though you and Nacho had only had some silly flirting and slightly heated words, neither of you believed the other was interested, so there was only a sort of odd friendship between you. But you had already wormed your way into Nacho's heart, and he was enchanted by you.
He was restless throughout the day as he thought and thought about that situation. He couldn't find a fair solution that would only involve Lalo's death and not yours. He trembled with fear at the mere thought of you getting hurt because of Fring's plans, and the fear of you dying was much stronger than Nacho's desire to see Lalo dead.
Nacho needed to find a quick solution, and as the sky grew darker, he felt panic and dread flood his body.
"What ghost did you see? You're all shaky." you said as you approached Nacho and gave him a big smile.
Nacho had been lost in his own world since morning and hadn't noticed that you had just returned from the horse stable. You were slightly sweaty from taking care of the horses all morning.
"I think I'm just a little hot. It's quite sunny today" Nacho managed to look good, but he had that worried face as always.
"In Albuquerque it's not sunny or what? Man... you're a softie, you need to get some good sun in Mexico".
Nacho felt his heart beat faster as he saw how your relationship had become so strong and trusting. He adored how you treated him so naturally and enjoyed your sincere words. He couldn't imagine not hearing from you again; he didn't want to.
"I'll have time to get used to it."
Before you could respond with a tease, Lalo's voice in the distance caught both of your attention. "¡Ignacio, ven y ayúdame a reparar una cosa por acá!"
"I'm sorry, Lalo needs me..."
"It's okay, go," you smiled in response, but before he left, you took his arm and held him back for a second. "Lalo will have dinner at the house tonight... You should come down and eat with us. I'd like to have you at dinner."
The way you looked at him made Nacho's heart melt, and guilt struck harder in his chest.
"I will. Save a seat for me next to you."
Nacho bid you goodbye for the moment and went to help Lalo with cleaning the engine of his Montecarlo while trying to keep his mind clear and come up with an effective solution for what would happen that night.
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It was already quite late, almost two-thirty in the morning, when Nacho remained awake and on the verge of a nervous breakdown. He was desperate and paced back and forth in the kitchen, debating whether he should continue with the plan or sabotage everything. But it was impossible for him to think clearly when he knew that if he didn't act quickly, he would die that night too.
Nacho decided to stick to the plan and open the gate of the house. He managed to cut a tin can and took small pieces to pick the lock. After checking the time on the kitchen clock, Nacho headed to the backyard, and before he could react, he found himself face to face with Lalo in front of the bonfire, drinking a beer. Ignacio sweated and hid the pieces of tin in his pockets when he saw Lalo invite him to sit beside him.
"Take a seat."
Nacho sat on the wooden chair next to the bonfire, feeling his heart pound forcefully in his chest. Lalo grabbed a beer and offered it to him, looking somewhat calmer than usual.
"Are you still hungry?" Lalo spoke with a playful tone in his voice.
"No, it was a good dinner" Ignacio replied as he took a sip of the beer and tried to loosen the knot in his throat.
Lalo laughed in response and kept watching Nacho with some joy in his eyes. He was really starting to like him.
"She really knows how to keep a man at the table, huh?" Lalo mentioned you, and something inside Nacho made him feel awful knowing that you were asleep upstairs. "I never understood why she enjoys having dinner together so much, but if it makes her happy, well…"
Nacho couldn't understand how Lalo was incapable of understanding you. Was his ego so big that it prevented him from seeing beyond his own desires? It was obvious that you enjoyed having dinner with everyone for the feeling of being in someone's company.
"She must be a family-oriented woman…"
"She was like that when I first met her, but I think she no longer sees her family... They hate her for marrying a narco. Ugh, son puras pendejadas de la plebe" Lalo revealed as he scratched his mustache with his finger, apparently feeling confident enough to talk to Nacho about you.
Lalo wasn't even aware that you had no contact with your family because of him, and he had no interest in acknowledging that simple fact. He probably imagined that you were fine with the whole situation.
"She's somewhat lonely" Lalo continued. "I'm not complaining. She's quite intelligent and a good wife. I couldn't ask for a better woman than her, but she's somewhat... complicated, you know?"
Nacho tried to hide his expression of disgust and shook his head.
"You know, she demands a lot of attention... Sometimes she seems like a child" Lalo shrugged and took a sip of his beer. "She should have friends and go out or something, but she's at home all day waiting for me to return."
"I imagine it must be difficult for her to have friends while being your wife... right?"
Lalo observed Nacho for a moment and paused to silently contemplate what he had said.
"It could be... Maybe she's just as distrustful as I am and finds it hard to trust other people" Lalo smiled as he reached the conclusion that you were as reserved as he was. It only made him feel more secure to have you by his side. "But it seems like she really likes you."
Those words made Nacho's skin crawl. Was Lalo aware of the strange friendship you two had?
"I'm glad she gets along with you. Maybe someday you can introduce her to those pretty girlfriends you have, and she can make some real friends."
Lalo laughed at his own comment, and Nacho tried to play along while realizing that Lalo didn't suspect or feel threatened by his presence with you. Lalo's ego was probably so big that he couldn't feel jealous of Nacho. Or perhaps he trusted you too much and your loyalty to him.
Suddenly, Lalo fell silent and sat up straight in his chair, appearing attentive and alert. Nacho swallowed hard and quickly glanced at his phone to check the time: 3:37. He had missed the deadline to open the gate.
"Did you hear that noise?"
Nacho remained silent and looked towards the gate he was supposed to open thirty minutes ago. Lalo noticed that Nacho also sensed something was wrong and decided to focus all his attention on that spot.
Nacho felt out of himself. He had lost the opportunity to escape; he should have left before Lalo had kept him entertained. But he couldn't blame him. When the memory of the dinner with you invaded his mind, he became lost and forgot about everything else.
"Someone is stepping on the leaves outside…" Nacho whispered, pretending surprise.
"Chingad-… Go call Miguel and tell him to get the boys ready."
Nacho nodded and stood up from the chair. But before he could take another step, Lalo mentioned you, "Go to her and make sure nothing happens to her. Grab the revolver on the nightstand next to my bed and protect her."
The orders were clear, and Nacho felt a great relief knowing that he could ensure nothing happened to you. He quickly ran towards the house and informed Lalo's guards to be on alert for his instructions. Nacho began to climb the stairs of the house towards the master bedroom…
Ignacio hesitated, his hand on the doorknob, unsure if he should enter or not. He didn't know how you would react to being approached by him in the middle of the night. But when gunshots started ringing outside the house, he hurriedly pushed the door open and closed it behind him. He went straight to the nightstand next to your bed and searched for Lalo's revolver.
"Ignacio…?" Your sleepy voice snapped him out of his trance and made him look directly at you.
Nacho almost let out a sigh as he saw you in soft, almost transparent pajamas. Although he wished he could admire you in detail, he quickly reloaded the revolver.
"You have to stand up…. They are attacking the hacienda".
Your look of terror became more pronounced as you heard the sound of bullets and the noise of the garden's metal gates opening.
"Where's Eduardo?!"
"He's downstairs. He asked me to keep you here..." Nacho approached the bed and helped you get up. "I need you to stay behind me at all times... Is there a bathroom here?"
You nodded, trembling, and pointed shakily to the bathroom next to the bed.
"Good. Listen... Go into the bathroom and stay there while I guard the entrance, alright?"
"W-What?! I don't want to be alone, please... Come with me."
Fear flooded your body with each noise from outside. The sound of gunfire and Lalo's men shouting made your body tremble with fear. Nacho noticed this and felt his heart constrict. It was the first time he had seen you in such a vulnerable state, and a sense of protectiveness grew within him.
"Alright... Let's go to the bathroom, but listen to me: if they manage to enter, I will have to go out, but you have to hide. I will try to buy you some time to escape and find a hiding place."
"But Ignaci-"
"Only if they manage to enter... Come, follow me."
Nacho offered you his hand, and you held it tightly as he guided you to the bathroom in the room. Once inside, he locked the door and stood in the middle of the room, still holding your hand tightly. With each sound of gunfire, the tension between both of you grew, and terror filled the dark bathroom. You couldn't see much, and the only sense of security you had was the warmth provided by his strong hand.
"Nacho…" your whispering voice called to him, and he turned to see your frightened face in the darkness, trying to make out your features.
"Stay calm… Nothing is going to happen to you. I won't let anything happen to you."
"And Lalo?"
"Lalo will be fine… You are the priority now."
Those words struck deep within you. The way Nacho was trying to make you feel safe and prioritizing your well-being, it all made you feel… important.
You were his priority. He was looking out for your safety and making sure you felt good by his side. The sensation of his hand holding you tightly, how his entire demeanor was focused on keeping you protected… And even though the situation was terrifying, you felt an incredible sense of happiness.
As the sound of bullets intensified, you moved closer to Nacho and wrapped your arms around his torso, seeking some security in his touch. Nacho felt his heart skip a beat as you got so close, but he remained steadfast for you. He enveloped you with one arm while holding the revolver with his other hand.
When the noise and gunpowder ceased, a sense of calm seemed to settle over the hacienda, and all you could hear was the sound of your heart pounding in your chest.
Both of you heard a knock on the bathroom door, and Lalo's voice seeped through. Ignacio quickly opened the door, revealing a tired Lalo with dirt on his clothes, completely sweaty.
Nacho let go of you, and he watched as you ran towards your husband, embracing him tightly while Lalo reciprocated and reassured you.
He felt empty, but he couldn't say anything about it.
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bowieandqueen11 · 2 years
Nacho Varga Confessing His Feelings To You (With A First Kiss) Would Include...
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Request: Omg I hope you feel better soon, this sucks so bad :(( oh ALSO question👀 on the nacho post you wrote you were gonna split the hcs into two sets so does that mean we're gonna have more of him at some point??? Because Let. Me Tell. You. Your Nacho hcs were like a literally masterpiece, I genuinely was not expecting to click the read more and be blown away like this WOW. Anyway, just I'd love to read more Nacho from you in the future if you feel like it, your writing is so lovely!
That’s so so kind and sweet and lovely of you :’) Thank you!!! I’m so so glad you enjoyed them, literally Nacho is my sweet boi so it’s so much fun to do!! <3
(I do not own Better Call Saul or its characters, all rights go to creators. Gif credit goes to @lousolversons.)
Nacho, baby, my poor boy, my rotten soldier, my sweet cheese, I love you so much you deserve the world and everything good in it and so does your Pappi ily king :(
I mean, Nacho (king) is under constant surveillance at all times, 24/7, so getting even within a breath of you without either Fring or one of the Salamancas catching wind of it is pretty much near impossible. Bless his heart, is he going to try though.
He’s tried to leave little notes to you, although its a dangerous game to play and even more perilous line to balance upon: throwing them around the trashcans in the hopes that you’ll see them after picking up your morning coffee at ‘Los Pollos Hermanos’, and before Gus has left his office for the first round inspection of the day. He hands out extra wads of frumpled, obviously well pored over and assiduously crumpled envelopes for Mike to deliver at your doorstep, or leave crammed through your letter box, hidden in plain sight among the rest of the bills and mailers. He leaves notes on the back of Saul’s folded and fray-edged business cards when he slides over to his back office at the nail salon, roping the ‘lawyer’ into playing ‘piggy in the middle’ for your flirtatious little secret back and forth. It earns him a few disgruntled murmurs and the pointed finger wagging in his face telling him off for playing the ‘pathetic school crush card’ when he’s already been roped into the dangerous chess game of cartel business, but Saul does it anyway because ‘he’s a romantic at heart’. Plus, deep down inside (even if his sad doe side eye at a very despondent looking Nacho gives it away), he does want to see the kid happy.
But none of this is enough; Nacho can’t play this game of whispers in the dark anymore. Keeping all this love locked up within him is poisoning his soul. He can’t linger at home anymore, pacing around the shadowed outskirts of his house and wringing his hands with grief, a pale comparison of himself: a ghost haunting himself with his own failures. He feels like his head is about to shatter into a million pieces if he hears the women in the next room over change the television channel one more time. He’s one step away from ruination, as he slides his back down the wall and crumples onto the floor overlooking the thick tangles of brambles past the casement windows of his dining room. Because as much as their company keeps the void from swallowing him whole, they’re not you. They’re not you. They’re not his heart. He feels like he’s bleeding out from every pore, feels it choking out from his eyes as he wipes the wetness away from the edges of his devastated eyes and clasps his hands behind his head. He takes a deep sniffle, and looks up to the heavens, racking his head to find any conceivable way to get through this alive. 
He has to take the chance, he finally decides after months and months of restless nights spent lying bright eyed and awake in bed, just staring up and burning holes through the ceiling. He wants his chance to live, he wants to live, not just to survive anymore. The next morning, he takes one last look at his fake ID as he tucks it back into his safe for later, before walking out the door. His hands shake with every step; he checks behind his back every five steps or so in a final scan to make sure he’s not being followed, before he swallows his fear and gets ready to take a step towards the life he’s dying for, no matter if fate may spit in his face and toss him aside with a discarding hand. He slides into his car, pulling out his mobile and calling Mike to clue him into the fact that over the last day or two he’s noticed Lalo Salamanca has made contact with you, and so an extra pair of eyes watching your movements couldn’t hurt security. 
To his surprise, the heavy weight of guilt that plagues Mike’s conscience wins out, and he agrees to one night of ‘surveillance’, ‘and I mean one night only, kid. Just to make sure Salamanca hasn’t drawn Y/n into their little plot against Fring.’ He chooses the time and place, of course, but the dingy little abandoned plot the once vibrant and full of life playground rests on isn’t the worst spot in the outskirts of Albuquerque to end up at.
And that is how Nacho Varga finds himself leaning uncomfortably timid against the hood of his car, foot anxiously spurring up the dust. His arms clench as his muscles spasm across his chest, fingers near tearing the skin away as he breathes out heavily in anticipation. He’s not used to being so out in the open, as he glances around the burning desert skies; he’s not used to being so vulnerable, but god would he do it for you over and over and over again. He nearly falls to his knees in relief when your car rolls up to stop just before a flood filled ditch in the ground and you clamber out of the driver’s side with a confused smile lighting your face at the sight of his drenched face.
‘I thought you weren’t going to show up’, he starts as he scratches behind his neck. He looks like a rabbit caught in the headlights, about to run away with his tail tucked between his legs at the first sign of hesitancy or disagreement from you.
‘And miss an opportunity to be babysat for the night by the Ignacio Varga?’ You laugh at how bashful he looks before continuing, ‘Mike said you were so anxious to meet me that you were near blubbering on the phone.’
‘Yeah, he would say that.’ He’s looking westward out towards the far stretch of the golden hazed horizon as he replies sardonically, but he’s still smiling through the words as the two of you, as if drawn by some invisible red band of fate, head over to sit on the quite crooked rusted swing set. You sigh as you take your seat. ‘I hear you’re supposed to watch me for the night. Is that seriously all we can get?’
He blinks slowly, exhaustion set in his bloodshot eyes, before he closes them wearily for a moment. ‘For now, I promise’, he whispers out through tightly pursed lips after a few moments thought. ‘I promise.... But it’s enough - it’s more than enough. It’s everything, okay? This is everything to me.’ He looks so serious as he turns to stare at you tensely through the chained ropes that run past his neck that you can’t help but reach through the barred gap and squeeze his hand. He refuses to let go, never once breaking his gaze from you as he places your intertwined fingers down onto his kneecap as delicate as one might hold the fresh bloom of a spring petal.
The two of you end up kicking your feet across the sand and talking far through the night, not stopping even as the sky begins to burn a mulberry purple and the stars begin to break through the streaks of haloed light that shroud his eyes that glow with ecstasy. He realises, for the first time since his mother had died, he’s spent the whole time smiling. 
You catch him glancing down to your lips every few sentences or so, but they always flick right back up to your widening eyes with the sweetest joy in them. It was if his soul was finally being allowed to unlock itself; all the beauty furled up inside of him blooming out through every crevice until it trails around him and roots itself around his body like a desert rose finally beginning to thrive through the drought. Until there’s nothing left of him but the thought, the prayer, the touch of you.
He comes to a breaking point; to the pass of no return, and he can’t hold himself back anymore. So he just leans out over his seat while you’re talking and kisses you between the ropes. For him, for a moment, the world and all it’s vexations seem to stop, and the softness of true life seems to seep in. He focuses in on the small details, trying to etch every single thing he can feel into the recesses of his brain so he can play it on repeat till his dying day: the way his nose is pressed up, squashed against your flushing cheek. How soft, how pliant your lips are despite your surprise, and how tenderly he brushes his bottom lip against your own and feels it set its corners in fire. How cold the tears running down the side of his nose are, despite how alight he is inside. How his breath can’t seem to escape past the gasps of his throat: too busy half-moaning and half-whimpering against your open mouth until you swallow them with your needy lips.
He gasps as you pull away from him to look up tentatively at his closed eyes, and for a moment you think he’s about to pass out with how intensely his face is screwed shut. He just swallows thickly, before surprising you and stomping up and leaving the swing seat thundering in his wake. He’s so flustered, and furious with himself for giving in so easily to something that he knows will only end in heartbreak and exploitation for you: how could he? How could he do anything but get up and leave, to get as far away from you as possible?
Yet you surprise him by skidding to a halt in front of him and cupping his cheeks, bringing him back down to earth by titling his chin down to look at you. You reach up to meet his lips again, and bless his heart, he just lets go in one big sigh and nods with that serious frown in his face when you teasingly whisper against his lips if he was seriously that flustered just by kissing you.
And his hands are shaking from where they cup round to rest against your sides, because he knows this is it. A rose can’t grow without a thorn within its stem, and his will be the death of him. But he doesn’t care. He just couldn’t care less, because while it’s a risky love, Nacho Varga would choose again and again to give all of himself away for you.
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cherrybean · 13 days
Lana Del Rey songs that remind me of the BB & BCS characters
!!!Spoilers for some of them!!!
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Domingo/Krazy 8
- Queen of Disaster
- Lyric: “got me spinnin’ like a ballerina, feeling gangsta’ every time I see ya”
- Mainly the little twinkle sounding beginning of the song reminds me of Krazy 8 because he has beautiful big eyes 😩 the first time I saw him I felt like he never really fit into the harsh world of drugs because he seems like a more timid/sweet person ☹️
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Tuco Salamanca
- Ultraviolence
- Lyric: “he hit me and it felt like a kiss”
- This man is VERY violent 💀 need i say more
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Eduardo/Lalo Salamanca
- Million Dollar Man
- Lyric: “you’ve got the word, but baby at what price?”/“Youre screwed up and brilliant”
- Another beautiful man and the song is about someone who is so irrevocably in love with someone to the point they’ll ruin themselves for them, aka me for him 🫶🏽
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Ignacio Varga/Nacho
- Get Free/ Dealer
- Lyric: “sometimes it feels like I got a war in my mind, I wanna get off, but I keep riding the ride”/ “gave you all my money, I don’t wanna live, I don’t wanna give you nothing”
- A very sad man, I love nacho so much and I feel like he is stuck in the world of drugs and sadly is his demise in the end😭 my heart aches for him
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Jesse Pinkman
- Black Beauty/ High by the Beach
- Lyric: “life is beautiful, but you don’t have a clue”/ “I’ll do it on my own, don’t need your money, money to get me what I want”
- Jesse seems like a very sad soul who is still very bright and hasn’t let his past experiences dim his light, the second lyric is mostly what I think he’d think of Walter
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Walter White
- Money Power Glory
- Lyric: “but that’s not what this bitch wants, not what I want at all, I want money, power and glory”
- Literally his endgame 💀 he wanted money, power and the glory of doing it all
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Gustavo/Gus Fring
- Fucked My Way Up To The Top
- Lyric: “I fucked my way up to the top, this is my show”
- Literally infiltrated and killed every last person who did him dirty/killed his friend/lover. Truly is HIS show
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Howard Hamlin
- National Anthem
- Lyric: “money is the anthem of success, so before we go out what’s your address?”
- Show never really tells if he actually comes from old money, but guessing from his name being on the law firms business and his fathers (?) I feel like this is a fitting song 😩 I still loved Howard though 🥲 plus the way that Kim and Jimmy despise him for having a silver spoon in his mouth
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Kim Wexler
- Ride
- Lyric: “I’m tired of feeling like I’m fucking crazy”
- My queen 🫶🏽 love her and she can do no wrongs. Feel like her younger life and even adult life people would tell her who she is or what kind of person she was/wasn’t and this one line stuck out to me
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Saul Goodman/Jimmy McGill
- Cruel World
- Lyric: “got your bible, got your gun”/ “everybody knows that I’m the best I’m crazy, yeah yeah”
- First lyric reminds me in my interpretation of Jimmy being split between him and his alter ego and doing good in law vs playing law as his game, kind of the contradiction of having a bible and a gun (don’t come after me please). Second lyric more of him going a bit crazy in some scenes with his speeches 🤨
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sardonic-the-writer · 2 years
Nacho X reader. Please
Nacho flirting with a customer at his father's shop. Him leaning over the counter to get close.
aAAArgHHHouhhh going insane over this
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Dropplets of sweat were dripping down the tip of his nose.
The beams of hot New Mexico sun spared no expenses today, even indoors where walls of brick and plaster would normally provide some sort of shelter. And it was only growing hotter from what Nacho could tell.
Many of the employees both inside and outside had unbuttoned the first couple levels of their work uniform down to expose their chest to the rare breeze that would bless them. That wasn't limited to Nacho Varga, the lone man currently occupying a wooden front desk, whose golden chain bounced against his chest if he sat down too quick.
A slow trickle of perspiration on his skin made Nacho itch to rub it off. But be sighed softly, continuing to thumb through a stack of twenties in his hand.
"Here you go, sir." The sound of a register opening and change clanking ripped through the not so silent shop as he took out a few ones in exchange for placing the twenties in the box. "Have a nice day." He offered a faint smile while holding out the extra money, palms turned up toward the sky.
The man who has been standing opposite of him across the counter for the past couple minutes offered a grunt and nod of his head, turning to walk out the glass double doors behind him. Probably to his newly repaired car; curtosy of Nacho's Papa.
Nacho sighed, finally taking a moment to wipe the back of his hand over his face, only to bring it back coated in a shean of sweat. He frowned. He had been meaning to get around to looking at the lobbys air conditioning, but simply hadn't found the time. Balancing two different jobs wasn't always easy and for more reasons than one. He tried not to think about that too much when he was at his Papa's shop. Still. That didn't change the fact that this place would start feeling more and more like an oven if he didn't take a look at the metal box sometime soon.
Eventually Nacho caved. He wasn't one to put things off a lot. And it didn't seem like any customers would be stopping by for a moment.
The quiet man disappeared to the back for a quick bout of silence only to emerge seconds later lugging a six foot ladder behind him like it was nothing. He was careful to keep it a ways of the ground before setting it down with a clank, keeping in mind the freshly waxed floor that his father had stayed out late doing last month.
Quick work was made of the activity. Just a few twists of a screwdriver, poking his head around to try and see what was going on, and reassuring his dad at one point that he would be okay standing on a ladder without anyone to hold it for him.
He was hoping that he could go the evening without anyone walking in, maybe moving on from the air conditioner (which had thankfully started working again after a couple hits to the side) to fixing a few other things around the place. Something that he knew his dad would appreciate.
Clearly that wasn't going to happen though. At least not in that moment.
Cool gusts of wind blew across Nacho's back, accompanying the ones in his face from the air conditioner as he screwed the top of it back in place. Shuffling behind him and the jingling of car keys told him that someone had entered—most likely to pay for a part they needed or some repairs.
"I'll be with you in a moment." He called out over his shoulder, voice as soft as always. No one answered him back—not that he expected them to. People tended to mind their own business around here.
Still. Nacho hurried to get back behind the counter.
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You really wished you had listened to your last mechanic about buying a new car.
According to the stout man that had been assigned to fix up your rust bucket, you were just better off hurting an entirely new car at this point.
"I don't know if I could even do anything more but waste your time." The gruff man had said through a bushy mustache. "I can give you the address to another shop just across town that could handle this make and model better, but really, you're just better selling it for parts."
You'd taken the small card with the adress on it anyway, thanking him with a sigh before paying for the little bit they had been able to do.
He wasn't entirely wrong by saying those things to be fair. Unable to buy even the smallest of things beyond groceries in your fruitless quest for a decent paying job, you had been stuck driving the same blue colored tin can everywhere ever since you were sixteen. Not that you really minded. The only time it gave you trouble was when a road had one too many potholes. Most of the time people would come up with excuses to have ride in their own car anyways, not particularly enthusiastic to strap themselves down into the confines of your vehicle.
At least it smelled nice and was clean enough. You hoped that the people at this other dealership would give you some brownie points for that.
The employees had been nice enough upon you pulling in, if looking a little bored. And sweaty. Not that you could blame them—you had felt the blast of heat in stepping out of your car.
One had met you, shaking your hand firmly as you explained why you were there. From the way he ordered the people around your car to pull it around the back, you could only assume he was the owner. Or at least a manager. Nonetheless, he seemed nice enough.
"Ah Emelio needs to stop sending people here." The scruffy man had barked out a laugh as he released his grip on your hand. "He's going to start running out of clients! More for me and my mijo, I suppose."
You had politely smiled your way through a few more minutes of conversation until he gave you the instructions to the cash register, along with what you might have to pay for. (According to him, you were lucky that he even had enough parts laying around to upgrade your car, much less fix it.)
So you had walked into the small looking building sat smack dab on the drab premises. It wasn't much, but it was good enough considering you were someone who had been driving a car around looking like it had been tossed off Mount Everest
It was cool inside—much to your relief. Looked cozy as well. Had a few worn chairs and a funny color scheme, but you liked it. Seemed more genuine than the stuffy car dealerships sprinkled all around the upper side of town. Where the air felt like you were inhaling febreez stright from the can and the costumer service smiles looked way too fake.
There was a man too. Your neck tilted a little to get a better look, but from his position on a rusty ladder, you weren't able to see much than the back of his uniform.
"I'll be with you in a moment."
His voice was soft, which was a suprise. With broad shoulders like that and—again, from the little they could see—strong arms, he looked like he would have a rough edge to him.
"What can I help you with today?"
You took a second to sweep your eyes across his face, observing the way his jaw clenched when you did so, quickly snapping your eyes away when you noticed. The last thing you needed to do was make someone feel uncomfortable by staring at them. Even if he did have attractive features.
"I was sent here to pay for a tune up, I think? I don't really know but they sent me in here to talk to you."
He hummed, leaning into the counter with his elbows.
"Well, I can try and help you out if you want." The corner of his lips tilted up a little, a small smile blossoming on his face. "I'm Nacho."
"Like the chip?"
Nacho let out a breathy laugh almost inaudible to you, his eyes crinkling at the corners joyfully. You couldn't help but smile back yourself.
"I guess you say that."
"Last name Cheese?"
Another slight chuckle.
He liked the way your eyes shone at him when he leaned toward you. And you liked the way he laughed at your terrible attempts at a joke
Maybe your shitty car wasn't such a bad thing to happen to you after all.
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joostkleinfckme · 10 months
↳ ❝ [ignacio ‘nacho’ varga x f! reader ] ¡! ❞
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✧. ┊    fluff/angst ; i love nacho sm ; headcanons
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༶•┈┈⛧┈♛ PART ONE: falling in love
.ೃ࿐ you met nacho at your favourite restaurant ‘los pollos hermanos’. your friend set you up for a date, because she thought that you needed a boyfriend (she doesn’t care that he was a random guy from a gas station) she just wanted you to be happy, because all of your relationships were toxic and you were tired of being used by everyone. you didn’t want to go to this date, you just wanted to stay in your bed and watch some stupid movies. but your friend was so dear to you, so you decided to go on this dumb date.
.ೃ࿐ the date was horrible; the man was a total creep and jerk, and you felt anxious. but you had a rescue, and your hero was nacho. he was sitting at the restaurant with lalo, because he needed to do some business with the owner. he saw how uncomfortable you were, and he couldn’t stand this man, his attitude, or how he spoke to you. varga has respect for women, so he couldn’t just ignore this situation, because he would have remorse.
.ೃ࿐ after nacho told this guy ‘nicely’ to leave you alone, you felt how your muscles relaxed. you were glad that someone in this world actually cared about others, because you knew that you alone would never win with this creep. you thanked your ‘hero’ and introduced yourself, as he does the same thing. you were intrigued by his person and mostly his look, and because you had never met that attractive man, you knew that you would want to try to have something with him.
.ೃ࿐ it's been a few days since nacho gave you his phone number; you received a message from him asking if you wanted to come over to his house and probably get to know each other better. you agreed to this invitation, and you wondered if he was finally the right person to be with. maybe you have been kind of weird, but you cannot stop thinking about him. you didn’t know why; maybe you were just naive, and he is going to be another person who breaks your heart? maybe. but at this moment, you didn’t care about it.
.ೃ࿐ the little ‘date’ at his house was incredible; you couldn’t remember when you laughed as much as with him. you two were just talking about life. nacho was a great listener, and he preferred to listen to you talk about yourself, because he thought that you were more interesting than him. he was a charming but also very intelligent man, and you were glad, that he was interested in you. all your life, you have met dumb men, but somehow you were falling in love with them (even if they didn’t love you back), or maybe you never had been truly in love; it was the question you asked yourself for years.
.ೃ࿐ this fantastic date was only the beginning. you started to hang out with ignacio more and more, and your feelings for him started growing stronger. you admire everything about him, even the little things like how his nose wrinkles while he is smiling. you were in love with his smile. he admired you as well; he loved how innocent you were, and even if you were hurt by every person in your life, you still were positive, and he loved that energy.
.ೃ࿐ nacho was confused by how easily you gained his trust; of course, you didn’t know about his specific business, because he wanted to keep you safe. but he felt comfortable with you, like he could finally be himself without being judged. he never felt that with anyone; even if he had his ‘girlfriends’ it just wasn’t the same. he doesn’t need to have sex with you to want to spend time with you. to be honest, he was happy just watching you sleep on his lap or hearing how you laughed at your own jokes.
.ೃ࿐ after almost two months of your relationship, you decided to confess your feelings to nacho. you were sure, that you wanted a serious relationship with him. you also wanted ignacio to know that he was your safe place, even if you had known him for only a few months. your confession wasn’t super creative; you just kissed him, praying that he would kiss you back (of course he kissed you back; he wanted to do this a long time ago). you & nacho could never have been happier.
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༶•┈┈⛧┈♛ PART TWO: ‘betray’
.ೃ࿐ your relationship with ignacio was a dream come true. he was the first man in your life to treat you like a princess, and it was nice to finally have someone you deserved. he remembers every single thing about you, even the smallest ones. you knew that you were truly in love with him; only when you were with him your eyes have this beautiful sparkle. and you knew that nacho felt the same way; he just wasn’t this kind of person who would say that he loved you every second; his actions were enough for you.
.ೃ࿐ but even in paradise, there could be troubles. it was unexpected, because you thought that you could finally be happy. but the universe has another plan for your happiness. you hadn't seen nacho for a long time, and you needed to spend time with him, but you wanted to surprise him, so you didn’t send him a message that you were coming over. you knew where his house was, because it was the place where your first date happened. with a smile on your face, you knocked on the door and waited for nacho to open, but you didn’t see a nacho. you saw a brunette girl with only a t-shirt on her; she looked like she just woke up.
“oh, who are you? where is nacho?” you asked with a shaky voice.
“i’m nacho’s girlfriend, but he isn’t at home right now. and you are?” you felt a pain in your chest, but you forced a smile anyway.
“i’m no one important; say hi to ignacio” you said, and you went back to your car. when you was sitting in your car, you just broke down into tears. you cannot believe how he was lying to you.
.ೃ࿐ when nacho came back to his house and gave jo & amber weed, he headed up to his bedroom. all he needed at this moment was to hear your voice. he had been stressed all week, and you were his therapy. but you didn’t answer any of his calls. he got back to the living room, overthinking why you don’t send him any messages; he would be happy with even the stupid ones. he looked up at amber who was calling his name to wake him up from a trance.
“some weird girl was here; she was asking for you” nacho knows immediately that she meant you, but if you were at his house, you could just text him.
“and what did you tell her?” ignacio started to feel anxious about this situation, he knew about your trust issues and everything. he just hoped that amber didn’t say something inappropriate.
“i told her that i’m your girlfriend, and she said to say hi from her” amber shrugged her shoulders and puffed on her joint. nacho’s face started to be pale. he wanted to kill amber for these words; they weren’t even a real couple. now he knew that he had messed up.
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༶•┈┈⛧┈♛ PART THREE: happy again.
.ೃ࿐ it was a few weeks after your meeting with amber. you were heartbroken. you cannot understand why every single person you felt safe with needs to hurt you. you thought that nacho was your soulmate, but you were just his casual, that was what you were thinking. but nacho loved you, even if he didn’t say it out loud. he needed you. the weeks without you, were a nightmare. he couldn’t focus on work, he wasn’t happy at all. lalo saw the change in nacho’s behavior, but he didn’t comment on it, even if he wanted to; they were here to work, not exactly to complain about privacy problems.
.ೃ࿐ nacho couldn’t just sit there and act like nothing happened; he needed to explain himself and tell you about everything he was hiding from you. he doesn’t expect that you would forgive him; you would be his only love anyway. he also wanted to see you; he missed your laugh and smile; he missed everything about you. so after work, he heads over to your house.
.ೃ࿐ when you saw nacho, for a few seconds, you just stared at him. were you mad at him? definitely. but did you miss him? so bad. and that was a reason why you hugged him and put your head on his chest; you didn’t even notice that tears started to fall down on your cheeks, wetting nacho’s shirt. he hugged you back, kissing the top of your head.
.ೃ࿐ after you sat on your couch, you didn’t say anything; you were just listening to ignacio’s stories. about who is amber for him, what is his real job (because suddenly he wasn’t working with his dad) you appreciate that he was honest this time. you weren’t scared of his job, because you knew his real side — this side that he was showing only in front of you. after hearing all of his explanations, you were no longer mad or sad. you loved this man, and you were happy, that he wanted to fight for your relationship.
.ೃ࿐ all you said to him was ‘thank you’. the rest of the night you spent making up every second you didn’t spend with ignacio. you were happy that everything was finally alright and that you could be happy again, with the only man you wanted in your life. with nacho.
“i love you, cariño, only you” ignacio said, kissing your temple.
“i love you ignacio”
the end.
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thank you for attention! i hope you liked this headcanons, it was so fun to write this!
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kissingrhi · 1 year
i loveeee your better call saul writing!!!
do you think you could do a nacho headcanon or one shot with a reader who dresses super feminine? (lots of pink/purple and cropped + low rise clothes, kind of like barbie!!)
basically like an ‘opposites attract’ situation! (maybe nacho would be their scary dog privilege)
thank u!! <33
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i am a very feminine girl so i love this!! and i love nacho!! #winwin
still gender neutral reader btw! just feminine dressing :)
he absolutely adores your style
finds it beautiful how you can express yourself and your personality with what you wear
definitely gets flustered at the stark contrast between the two of you
also prideful. loves loves loves being your protector
if you two are out in public and someone is staring at you or makes a comment about your body or clothes, he'll threaten to "knock their fucking teeth out" and keep walking.
you'll always be laughing too, because you know he'll always keep you safe
melts if you wear his clothes.
he doesn't know if it's the unusual sight of you in dark colors or if it's simply because they're his, but he goes mad at the sight of you in one of his burgundy shirts
always toying with your clothes or jewelry.
running his hands over sparkly fabric, or pushing a dangling heart charm on your expensive bracelet (that he bought you) back and forth
thinks you look gorgeous in pink, especially pastel
LOVES buying you clothes or taking you out shopping!
he will doing anything to help you with your expression because it is one of the many many things he admires about you
if you dress with more skin showing, he'll keep a soft hand at your waist or in your back pocket.
he will not leave your side!
loves teasing you if he's feeling playful
"you're just royalty, huh?" with the biggest smirk on his face when you show him different outfit combinations.
will definitely let you do his makeup (if you ask enough)
pink lip gloss marks smothered all over his cheeks and collarbones >>>
finds your style to be unique and beautiful. gives him all the more reason to love you.
you're his muse 💕
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neonjstr · 3 months
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oh boy here we go 😭😭😭
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why would you do this to me @loadednachosao3
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^this made me laugh though
really good, made me cry. always makes me happy (?) to see another mike/nacho fic </3 thank you
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depressopax · 2 months
Hii I hope you dont mind me requesting Howie again, but could I request a hurt/comfort scenario of him taking care of a sick fem!reader (she’s having a cold) I hope you have a great day and thank you againn :]
HIIII thank you for requesting again!! <3 And dw about it! I'm just glad you like my stories and want to request again :)) So if you have ideas lmk! :D Hope you like it!! Sorry for the wait! But here it issssss (The plan was to make all the characters on my BrBa/BCS masterlist but my brain is fried atm 😭 But I also added Nacho - because Ignacio Varga brainrot <3)
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Taking care of sick reader | Scenarios
Fandom - Better call Saul
Pairing: 1. Howard Hamlin x gender-neutral reader 2. Nacho Varga x gender neutral reader Genre: Fluff, headcanons Warning(s): - Words: 0.7k Summary: How would they take care of their sick partner? English is not my main language, if I make any spelling mistakes please let me know so I can improve my writing! <3 » Masterlist || Request «
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“Morning, sweetheart! Ready to start the day?”
You grunt in reply and puld the blanket over your cold body. Howard is already up, enthusiastic as always. But today you’re too tired for that. 
“Come on now… You’ve been snoozing for 20 minutes!”
“I don’t want to…”
His smile fades and he sits down on bed next to you.
“You alright?” He reaches out to stroke your cheek and notices how cold-sweaty you are. “Hmm… That’s not good.” 
“I don’t feel well.”
“I know, sweetie, I know…” 
I feel like he’d be like: YOU’RE SICK??? 😰 at first
But then be like: You’re sick… 💔 If that makes sense LOL
Probably scared of catching a cold etc
But he loves you - so it’s worth the risk 😌✨
Howard is the guy that helps you with everything once sick
He fixes food, makes sure you keep warmth and makes warm tea etc
He basically acts like a maid for you until you feel better lol
But he doesn’t mind, at all <3
He likes taking care of and spoiling you 
“Are you cold, darlin’?” he asks, proceeding to wrap a blanket over your shoulders.
“No, I actually feel quite warm” He looks concerned and feels your forehead “Your fever is not going down… Do you want something cold instead? Water, ice cream… Are you laughing?” “Sorry… You’re just so cute when you’re worried!”
Also… You being sick gives him an excuse to just sit back down and cuddle you
He allows himself to be “lazy” (aka taking a break and not overworking) when you’re around
He loves to set you down in the couch and put on some movie to watch together
If he can’t be at home with you - he texts or calls you at least once throughout the day to check on you 
It doesn’t matter if you only have a simple cold, he’ll take care of you until you feel ok again 
He probably would end up sick too 😭 “But at least we can stay home together now!” he says after waking up with the same cold you had. “...But Howard, I need to go back to work today” “...Oh ☹” But you’re of course there for him too until he feels better <3
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Also - I found these two Howard out of context screenshots on my PC LOL, thought you might like them!! 😭
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“You’re burning up” Nacho mutters, still having his palm pressed against your sweaty forehead. “I’m fine, Nacho”
But the fever thermometer says otherwise.
“Yea… Fine, huh?” He scoffs and strokes the hair that's glued to your forehead, tucking it behind your ear. “Rest.” 
“Rest.” His voice gets softer “Let me take care of you, ok?”
He smiles at this.
This man… (God, I love him, I need him <33)
He’ll be all 😐 towards everyone, all the time
But not with you.
Whenever you’re doing poorly, he’s right there. Whether it’s mentally or like in this case - when you’re sick.
He’s the guy that will grimace and be really judgy if someone sneezes or coughs in public, but he tries his best to not be a baby about it for you.
And he’s good at it
Truth is, he somehow likes it when you’re sick
Just because he’ll get to take care of you 
And have you all dependent on him
It takes his mind off all his troubles, and he can focus on you only.
He brings you tea, soup, painkillers… Whatever you need - whenever.
He also appreciates cuddling up next to you and watch TV, letting you pick out whatever
It’s just comforting to him - somehow - to feel your fever warmth against him.
Basically - he’s already a sweetheart, but becomes the most caring (and worried) boyfriend ever when you’re sick. <3 “Nacho, don’t be so close, I don’t want you to be sick too…” “I don't care.” he murmurs
…And eventually he ends up sick too lol
He’s really overdramatic about it 😭
Before meeting you - he’d overwork himself and not give a damn about resting
But since he takes well care of you - you of course do the same for him.
So when he eventually catches a cold, you’re there for him “Well look at that… Told you that you’d get sick.” “...Shut up.” “Will you let me take care of you?”
And of course… He lets you
Homeboy gets overdramatic af when sick 😭
He likes seeing you all worried for him - it’s cute lol
Nacho makes sure you’re cuddled up next to him all day 
And now it’s his turn to choose movies/series for you to watch with him
“Hey?” Nacho whispers after you’ve both shut the lights off for the night. “Hmm?” “...Thanks for taking care of me.” “Of course, Nacho. I love you” “Love you too”
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If you guys liked the concept of this I can make a part 2 with the other BrBa/BCS characters! Lmk and thanks for reading <3 Been feeling down lately but I have plans on some stuff I wanna post this weekend :)) Looking forward <3
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maddiehu7 · 4 months
Do I wanna know? | lalo Salamanca |
Chapter 1
I wake up to my alarm clock ringing
"Ugh" I groan reaching over and hitting it off my side table silencing it, time to get up I guess I rise groggily from my bed going over to the kitchen grabbing a water from the fridge chugging go it I walk over to my window pulling the curtain back a little looking outside
"Another glorious morning" I sigh to myself I've been a little...on edge lately with the whole looking for my dad thing but I'm powering through it, I walk over to my closet picking out an outfit for this hot summer weather I decide on blue jean shorts with a see through black long sleeve and a black tube top underneath and of course my signature black heeled boots
I look in mirror adjusting my top
"Not bad" I say looking at the outfit I created, I don't eat breakfast makes me nauseous so instead I pull out the files I have so far on my dad I have a couple friends in the police department so I've managed to gather quite a bit being here these past few weeks
"Mike Ehrmantraut" I whisper looking at his picture I can't believe I finally know who my father is I thought it'd feel great but...something feels wrong...off and I can't put my finger on it as I look at the picture longer I decide todays the day I take action I've been sitting on this information for a while to...scared to do anything about it but fuck it what do I have to be ashamed of he's the one who gave up his kid, I close the file putting it away grabbing my gun hiding it in my jean shorts flipping my shirt over it
"Here goes nothing" I say taking a deep breath heading out the door.
I pull up to a brown house with white on top it's nice I think, I put my car in park I don't even know what I'm gonna do now that I'm here I have a urge to run...hide but I take a deep breath ignoring it squeezing the wheel
"I can't do this" I run my hands through my hair going to pull away when a hand slams on my window I jump looking out to see my dad
"Shit" I sigh rolling down the window
"Who are you and why are you sitting outside my house" he says harshly
"Um sorry I thought this was someone else's house" I say acting more nervous than I am in hopes he believes me and lets me go
"You didn't answer me who are you" he says putting his hand on my window I quickly think of a fake name which is easy scince I always make them up being a bounty hunter
"Elena smith nice to meet you...?" I look at him questioningly pretending to not know his name he looks at me for a minute before heading back into his house I sigh loudly thank god I got out of that I think to myself putting the car in drive I just want to distract myself from this new awful feeling that I can't describe so I decide to eat my feelings and head to los pollos hermanos to try it out.
I walk in smelling the grease of delicious fried food and inhale smiling I look around at all the people when two men stand out to me one is shorter with a bald head an a blank look on his face the other one has black hair with a grey streak running through it and a handsome face with chocolate brown eyes I stare at him a little longer than normal thinking how hot he is I think he sensing someone looking at him as he looks around with a questioningly look on his face when he spots me he looks into my eyes trying to read me I quickly look away after being caught i still feel his eyes following me when I go up to the counter to order food I order a number 9 and bring it to a table across from that guy to eat i try the chicken and it's not bad which is nice sense it's cheap and close to me I'm enjoying my food when the guy from earlier slides into my booth I look up surprised sitting up straighter
"Hello" he says smiling
"Um hi" I say back awkwardly
"Oh sorry I'm Eduardo Salamanca but you can call me Lalo" he says reaching his hand out grabbing a fry from my plate popping it into his mouth looking at me
"Oh we'll help yourself Eduardo" I say pushing my plate forward rolling my eyes at him
"Your funny" he laughs sitting back his knees brushing against mine under the table I back up a little looking at him suspiciously, a guy comes over smiling at us
"Is everything to your liking" he asks folding his hands behind him Lalo perks up turning towards the man
"Are you kidding me, this is the best chicken I've ever had" he says smiling brightly
"I'm delighted to hear that" the man I'm assuming owns the place says laughing but it feels fake
"No really I'm serious it's crispy but not dried out and the seasoning it's so...flavorful!" he says overdramatized
"Well thank you, is there anything else I can do for you?" He questions there's something off about him I think to myself
"Is there any chance and I know the answers probably no...but is it possible to meet the owner" he says looking towards the counter for a second
"I am the owner" the man says calmly
"Really! How lucky for me" he says but I think he already knew who he was so why ask?
"Would you be interested in franchising because I'm eager to invest" he says like he's in a really bad play
"Well perhaps we should go to my office where we can discuss it further" the owner says
"Excellent, see you later princessa" he gets up to follow the owner winking at me
"Don't call me that" I yell after him to which he laughs, what the f just happened I think when the other man with Lalo slides into my booth
"Oh great another one" I say flopping my arms up towards him
"Who are you" he demands
"Nice to meet you to" I roll my eyes at him he just gets more angry
"Answer me" he says flashing his gun in his pants on purpose to scare me
"Oh the big guns literally" I say laughing he just looks confused that his intimidation tactic didn't work
"Look I don't know what you and your friend are involved in but leave me out of it ok" I say getting up from the booth walking away but he grabs my arm I turn around and he look me in the eyes seriously
"Stay away from Lalo Salamanca" he says letting my arm go
"No problem dude" I say putting my hands up walking away I walk outside still feeling eyes on me but I get in my car and drive around the block a couple times to make sure no one sees that I live right across the street, after a couple rounds I drive into my apartment parking lot
"What a day" I sigh out exhausted turning the car off getting out when all of a sudden I get pushed against the car hard I hit my head on the top of the car window stumbling I reach for my gun but someone grabs it first
"Fuck" I grumble when eveything goes black something being put over my head
(To be continued, let me know what you think of this new story! )
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genocidehim · 1 year
Nacho secretly falling for Lalo's trophy wife and she not so subtly likes him back
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notes: render is female, angst, marital problems, emotional neglect. words: 2715 part. 2 here
1. keep in mind that if Lalo as a husband seems disgusting here, it's because I'm basing it on the common archetype of the Mexican drug lord! don't kill me, I'm just trying to give some realism to the matter.
2. This could have more chapters, I really liked the dynamics!! Just ask for more and I'll make them.
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Since Lalo's return to Mexico, many things had changed, but many remained the same.
Life in Mexico was pleasant and peaceful despite all the inconveniences brought by the criminal life. You were Eduardo Salamanca's wife, a man who was quite respected in Don Eladio's cartel, which gave you and your family some status.
You met Lalo about three years ago, when by chance, you both became emotionally involved. He was an attentive and somewhat arrogant man, like any man involved in organized crime. Lalo loved to shower you with gifts and treat you like a queen. He even proposed to you not long after and took you to live with him in his house.
Although married life with Lalo seemed like a dream, it was much more problematic than you imagined. Lalo was an obsessive man with his work and would typically not spend time at home, much less with you. Once he had you in his house, he began to neglect you because he no longer saw the point in chasing you. He had you under his power. Although he was still quite thoughtful and romantic, it was almost a rarity. Lalo was mostly away from home working, and there were days when you didn't see him at all. Not to mention, he didn't sleep with you most nights due to his strange sleeping behavior.
Over the years, you seemed to have grown accustomed to staying at home without expecting him at night, and due to the danger of going out, you stayed at home while watching the employees work and converse. You were not a prisoner, but you felt like one.
You no longer had friends, your family was not happy with your decision to marry a criminal and they avoided you. You didn't see your husband, and you had forgotten the last time you had spoken to anyone other than the house employees.
Lalo had priorities, and his wife was not among them. His family and his business came first.
When he had to leave for Albuquerque urgently due to business problems, you couldn't even say goodbye before finding out he was already in another country. However, that was already a habit and it didn't even make you sad anymore.
You lived alone in a house where the only people who talked to you were those who were paid a salary. Living in luxuries that you could not enjoy and feeling like just another decoration in Lalo's expensive house.
And technically, that's what you were. Just the beautiful wife that Lalo showed off at parties.
That's why when you heard the shots and a car skid through the entrance of the house, you guessed that he had returned, not knowing how many weeks or months had passed.
You took the time to fix yourself up before going downstairs. Your mood was much lower than on previous occasions, and you felt less excited to receive your husband because that meant having to make yourself hopeful only to be abandoned again without even being able to say goodbye.
You went down the stairs and walked to the entrance of the house after seeing all the employees welcoming Lalo with applause and smiles. You walked towards them and gave your best smile to Lalo, who quickly gave you a big hug and a kiss on the lips to which you tried to respond.
"¡Al fin veo a la niña de mis ojos!" Lalo held your face and gave you another kiss on the lips. "How has the queen of my heart been?"
Lalo's gentle and sweet voice awakened something in you, that love that you used to suppress when he was away. Little by little, you were regaining the excitement of having him home, and your eyes lit up when you saw him.
"Missing you... Last time I couldn't say goodbye to you."
"Ay mi niña... Did I leave you too abandoned?"
Lalo wrapped his arms around you while speaking in a sweeter and more mellow tone, caressing your hair as if you were just a little girl who needed attention. Shortly after, he let go of you and smiled widely as he put his hand on your back to keep you close to him.
"You still haven't met Ignacio! I want to introduce you to him. He's going to stay in the house for a while; he's a friend of mine."
You looked at the man Lalo was introducing you to and felt a small pang in the pit of your stomach. A strange sensation filled your body as you kept a warm smile while getting to know him.
Ignacio seemed your age, much shorter than Lalo, but what he lacked in height, he made up for in muscle because, yes, the first thing you noticed was how well that red shirt he was wearing fit him.
"Pleasure to meet you, Ignacio," you said as you extended your hand to introduce yourself. He hesitated, but eventually took your hand and shook it with little force.
When Nacho first laid eyes on you, he knew that you would be his downfall.
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The days in the house didn't seem so boring to you anymore, and they were less stressful for Nacho.
Most of the time, Lalo seemed to be more occupied with fixing his cars and taking care of his horses than paying attention to you. He thought it was enough to have you at night and see you at breakfast, and he didn't seem too interested in playing the loving husband if he had more important things to do. It was something that Nacho noticed almost instantly.
Nacho was more observant, subtly noticing how you seemed to be seeking Lalo's attention while he seemed interested in other things. How you flirted with him at every opportunity you had, and how Lalo seemed to completely ignore it, offering you a credit card as a solution to your flirting, thinking that was all you needed from him.
Over time, Nacho discovered that Lalo wasn't just a man obsessed with the Cartel and his family, but they were his top priorities above his young and beautiful wife.
And then came the interest. Nacho started seeing you with different eyes when one of those days when Lalo wasn't home, you asked him to accompany you to a clothing store to replenish your wardrobe, and he was the first spectator to see you in clothes that were quite revealing, with the excuse of "wanting to know his opinion."
You weren't subtle, and neither was he.
The topic began to escalate when the factor of physical attraction came into play. Some afternoons, he would wear slightly tighter shirts or even sleeveless shirts to subtly show off his body in front of you. Other times, you took advantage of the heat to dress more lightly and walk around the house showing more skin. They were so subtle with the signals that no one would think it was intentional.
It was one of those strange mornings where you had a slight argument with Lalo before he had to leave to Don Eladio's house despite having plans with you that day. Lalo had his priorities and you weren't one of them.
It was insulting and it saddened you how everything had cooled down so much, now you could only watch Lalo's horses while reflecting on things in your life. In the distance, you heard Nacho's jovial voice, which seemed strange to you.
"Weren't you with Eduardo?" you asked curiously.
"No, he asked me to stay here resting while he did other things."
You nodded with disdain and gave him a forced smile before refocusing your attention on the galloping horses. Nacho felt a little more courageous and approached you to talk more privately without looking too obvious.
"Everything okay?" he asked as he leaned on the railing that contained the horses.
"Yes... I'm just a little bored of being in this house..."
"You're always at home, you should go out with your friends or do something else."
Nacho realized he had touched on a sensitive topic for you because your gaze saddened and you turned it away from him.
"I don't have many friends... Especially now that Mexico is so dangerous and there are so many kidnappings of narco families..."
Ignacio couldn't remember that, probably because the place where they were was quite safe and well-protected, but it was true that Mexico was much more dangerous now with organized crime so rampant.
"And why don't you invite those friends here?"
"I don't have friends, Ignacio," you said seriously as you gave him a cold and serious look. It was embarrassing for you to have to reveal that part of your life because it was admitting that you were just Lalo's trophy wife, that woman who was only in his house waiting to be the incubator of his children.
"I'm sorry... I had no idea."
"I thought you had already noticed, everyone notices it instantly..."
An awkward silence lingered in which both were unable to speak no matter how much they wanted to break the silence. Nacho hesitated if it was respectful to ask more about it, and you wondered if it was appropriate to talk about your marriage with one of your husband's friends.
"... Would you like to have lunch with me?"
Your question caught Nacho off guard for a moment as he didn't know how to respond. When he looked at you and saw you smiling with a sad expression on your face, he felt the need to accept.
"Lunch together?"
"Yes, we were supposed to have lunch all together, but Lalo had to go to Don Eladio's and I imagine he'll eat there..."
"I don't want to sound nosy, but... why didn't he take you with him?"
"To where? To Don Eladio's house?" You chuckled before continuing. "I don't go to those kinds of meetings, they never let wives attend the meetings."
"I understand…" Nacho recalled his last encounter at Don Eladio's house and was able to piece things together. Those gatherings were typically focused solely on the cartel: alcohol, cocaine, women… things that most husbands would hide from their marriages. And although Nacho knew that Lalo wasn't particularly interested in getting involved with other women, he couldn't guarantee it 100%. Not when he knew very well how the narco behavior was in Mexico.
"You've been to one of those gatherings, haven't you?" You asked curiously, turning around to face him. Nacho felt somewhat out of himself having you so close, normally when he spoke to someone he kept a considerable distance, but now you were just an arm's length away and he could smell the expensive perfume you were wearing.
"Just one, it was when Lalo introduced me to Eladio."
"And… is it true that there are girls at those gatherings?"
The sad look you gave Nacho was enough to break his heart. It hurt to see a young girl like you feeling so insecure about her marriage, a marriage that seemed more like a sentence in jail.
"There are always girls, Mrs. Salamanca…"
"Don't call me that… you can call me by my name." You felt some discomfort remembering that you were also a Salamanca, but not part of the family, just an extension that would one day serve to bear and give birth to true Salamancas.
Nacho nodded and watched you in silence as you seemed immersed in your own thoughts, with an unreadable expression on your face. Ignacio often didn't understand Lalo, and this only made him have a more abstract idea of what kind of man he was. He knew that Lalo had a strong connection to his family and always did everything for their benefit, but... Wasn't his wife also his family? How was it possible for him to abandon such a pleasant woman like you in a house like this? It was almost like a castle where you were locked up. Nacho wasn't very knowledgeable about many things, but he could easily deduce that you were depressed.
Those thoughts made something inside him stir. He couldn't conceive the idea of a woman like you losing her youth and life locked up in this house. Nacho wondered if your love for Lalo was so great that you allowed it, but was it right?
"So... do you want to have lunch with me?"
Your question brought him back to reality and he nodded, giving you a kind smile to which you responded with your own.
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Both decided to take their lunch to one of the tables outside the house. Sweet Yolanda prepared Chilaquiles rojos and some natural juice to drink as they talked with more privacy outside of the house. The atmosphere was cool, the heat no longer felt as present, and the fresh air messed up your hair as you tried to keep it away while eating, eliciting laughter from Ignacio.
"Provecho! I hope you like it. I told Yolanda to make this especially for you."
Nacho's sweet gaze watched you with affection as he thanked you politely. Nacho's gaze seemed more focused on watching you than on the lunch he had in front of him. He was enchanted by you, not only were you beautiful, but you also seemed very affectionate and charismatic, and Nacho imagines that you would be a good wife and mother with those incredible qualities.
Nacho's heart beats strongly and he begins to wonder if it's really right to think of you that way, his boss's wife. However, he can't deny that being beside you really makes him happy.
"I wish Lalo could eat with us…"
The mere mention of Lalo's name made Nacho feel repulsed.
"Maybe tomorrow it could happen."
"I doubt it… He never has lunch with me, only breakfast and dinner."
"Lalo is a busy man..." Ignacio can't believe he's defending that man as you look at him with sadness. "I don't think he does it on purpose."
You let out a sigh and set your fork aside. You're tired, as if your pent-up emotions are about to overflow. You feel the words coming and speak up;
"I shouldn't be talking about these things, but... Sometimes I feel like I'm just a decoration in this house."
The sadness in your words really moved Nacho, who gave you a sad look seeing how distressed you were.
"Lalo only needs me when he wants to show off his beautiful wife... Sometimes he just talks about the pretty children I can give him, how obedient I am, that I never give him any trouble..."
Nacho stared at you with a sadness on his face. He could see how your beautiful eyes had no shine and only held sadness and loneliness... The idea that you felt that way crushed him deeply and only gave him more reason to despise Lalo.
What kind of man could be so cold to his wife? The kind of man who only cared about his business, and Lalo was like that.
It hurt Nacho to hear you describe yourself as useless, it hurt to hear you call yourself a "decoration" in your own home.
"God... I'm sorry I told you this, I don't know what came over me... I don't think I've ever had a chance to get it off my chest." You sighed, feeling the air in your lungs become heavier, holding back the urge to cry as you tried to regain your composure. "Don't tell Lalo I told you this... He'd be so angry with me if he found out."
He has to maintain his composure to not get lost in his emotions. He wishes so much he could stand up and embrace you in his arms, caress you, and tell you everything will be okay, to let you know that you are not really the things you think of yourself… However, he has to restrain himself, it's a bad idea, it's a terrible idea that he's starting to feel things for Lalo's wife.
"I won't tell him, I promise. Trust me."
The warmth of his words had really managed to take away some of your sadness. With some reassurance, you took Nacho's hand and gave it a little squeeze before thanking him. And Nacho felt like he had won heaven just by touching you.
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bonkwosher · 1 year
Poly!Lacho x Reader When You First Met Headcanons
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Inspired By: @asgardianangel03 1000%, if you like Lacho go to their account bc ahhhhhhh it's so fucking good (They have a whole story). I didn't see any other Lacho x Reader so I just had to make my own.
Contains: Mentions of the cartel, drunk people, heavy flirting, fluff, implied stalking (Lalo be silly like that)
Pairing: Eduardo "Lalo" Salamance x Reader x Ignacio "Nacho" Varga
A normal person would feel guilty even considering what these two found themselves doing. Nacho maybe felt a bit guilty, but Lalo? Hell no. Nacho wrote it off as protecting Lalo from himself, denying any feelings that may have swayed his decision, while Lalo might have grown to be a bit obsessive a bit quick (But hey, that's Lalo). They had followed you just to get another taste, addicted to the sight of you.
You weren't even theirs. You entered El Michoacáno once, Lalo looked up ready to ask Nacho to shoo you out. He froze, lips parting in pure shock from your radiance. Returning from a long day of job interviews dressed in a suit/dress, you just wanted something to eat. When you caught the eye of whatever drug dealer was talking with Nacho, Lalo actually felt scared.
"Ignacio," he spoke swiftly. Nacho had never heard Lalo call him his actual name at work, it was something they saved for when they were at home. Nacho looked up from the wad of cash in his hand & noticed the man eyeing you.
Nacho shooed you out saying they were closed & you somehow hadn't noticed the extremely suspicious activities. Later that night you ran into the couple again, you presumed by coincidence but far from that. It was a fancy restaurant & you were going out with an old friend. You noticed Nacho first, he was admiring you from their table & turned away as you saw him. Knowing he was caught he got up & walked up to your table.
"Hello, I don't know if you remember me but you walked into the business I own earlier today & I ushered you out quickly. We were... talking about franchising & I just had to apologize, can I buy you a drink?"
Lalo had heard how smoothly his partner introduced himself as he was walking up a bit behind Nacho. "Ignacio, I'm going to grab us some wine. Red or white?" He pretended he wasn't just here to see you up close. "You don't have to buy me anything, sir. It's honestly not a problem."
"You can buy me a drink," your friend flirted, eliciting a chuckle from Nacho. "I truly wish to pay you back, can you allow me that?" With a bit more resistance you finally caved, "Alright sure. Thank you..." You trailed off, hinting that you wanted a name. "Ignacio, Ignacio Varga." You gave him a sweet smile, "Y/N L/N, nice to meet you, Ignacio."
You & your friend ended up moving to Lalo & Nacho's table, your friend flirting with them much more than you had. It didn't matter, you were already in their sights. Lalo laid the flirting on hard while Nacho was more discreet, asking more personal questions rather than simply bluntly admiring you. Among the banter, a question slipped that would forever change your fate, "Why were you all dressed up when you showed up at El Michoacáno anyways?"
Within moments of your explanation ending Lalo offered you a job. His "personal assistant" he said. Helping him with his businesses that he runs in Albaquerque & scheduling his meetings. Nacho gave Lalo a deadpan look, pulling you close to the cartel business was the last thing he wanted.
Lalo at this point was basically shitfaced & responds with, "Ignacio, are you afraid I'll like them more than you?" as he dragged out both the first & last words. Your face went flush, you couldn't deny that both men were insanely attractive though getting between them was not ideal.
Later that night, Lalo clung to Nacho's shoulder as Nacho offered you a ride home, seeing as he was the only non-drunk person out of the four of you. Your friend called shotgun & Nacho didn't want to argue so they sat in the front while Lalo sat in the back with you. Your friend unabashedly flirted at this point making it easy for Nacho to explain that he would drop them off first due to their behavior.
Lalo on the other hand, pulled you into a hug immediately. His big arms wrapped around your midsection & pulled you close before he conked the fuck out. If you knew Lalo you'd know this was an insanely rare moment. Not only where he'd allow himself to get so drunk but to the point where he'd sleep near someone he barely knew. Dare I say you were the first to see this. Hearing Lalo snore, Nacho realized you were special to his boyfriend.
When Nacho pulled up to your house he had to reach into the back & pull Lalo's tight grip apart to set you free. You quietly thanked him, completely flustered. He walked you to your front door & looked back at his partner who was still conked the fuck up.
"Lalo really sees something in you, I would love to see you take that job."
"I'd love to talk more about it, you two seem wonderful."
You two exchanged numbers & Nacho wished you goodnight before rushing to his now waking-up boyfriend.
"Goodnight Ignacio!" He couldn't help but smile at your response.
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thirdsonofeve · 1 year
The angst of Nacho Salamanca in contrast with the fluff of Lalo Varga
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sardonic-the-writer · 2 years
ugh christ dude bcs characters with an s/o who has chronic migraines i am in so much genuine pain
that shit sucks im sorry. here, some special things i whipped up quick just for you! along with a howard gif i've been meaning to send you
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Have you seen this man's pill cabinet. He probably has the cure to the bubonic plague somewhere lurking in the corner of. That being said, you can count on him to have a glass of water (or your drink of choice) at the ready with some sort of medical relevant. Probably rushes to the other room at least once durring one of your migrane spells, just barely noticing he accidentally almost gave you viagra instead of Tylenol. What can I say though. Jimmy's scatterbrained like that
—KIM ☆
I feel like Kim gets migranes a lot. Another headcanon of mine is that she needs glasses but is so caught up with work that she doesn't make time to schedule a doctors appointment for a prescription, so she just resorts to squinting. Which often leads to migraines of sorts. So Kim would know where your coming from.
Sets you in a room with the blinds closed, sets some snacks on the side table, and maybe turns on a TV a few rooms over; just so that way the silence is filled by something without increasing your pain. If you'd allow it, she'd probably even crawl into bed next to you, reading a book of some sorts while making sure you didn't need anything else at the moment.
Just like Kim, Howard definitely isn't a stranger to earth shattering headaches. In his case—his very very wealthy case becuase let's be honest Howard has a bit more pocket money than the average citizen—a hot bath with good smelling salts usually takes a bit of the edge off.
Keeping aware of your hypersensitivity to certain textures and smells at the moment, he'd let you pick out a certain type, like lavender or ocean breeze, and then place a soft kiss to your temple before heading off to run you a bath. Which he may or may not join you in depending on how you're feeling at the moment. All you'd have to do is ask though!
One of the things you won't have to worry about with Nacho is him being too loud. The man already has a softer, more gentle voice that it won't really be a problem for him to speak to you. It's definitely a good thing once you consider how he could talk to you until you fall asleep. To shake off the migrane and all. He'll read you any book you'd like, as long as he has it available. And if that's not your thing he's content to shut off any light sources and hold you until you feel better. Not an overly touchy guy but he always makes an acception for you
Catches onto how you're feeling before you even do. Lalo tends to be very attentive and observing to lots of things and that includes you. Especially you! He just can't help but make sure things are going alright in your world.
Cooks for you! Any comfort food you want and he's off to make it. Wants to help you in any way he can. Plus, the additional joy he gets out of cooking for his lover helps distract him from the fact you're hurting; a fact that never sits well with him.
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breakingblorbos · 2 months
Pinned Post/Blog Info!
Hiya!! Welcome to my BrBa & BCS focused blog! 👋🏼😊 The primary purpose of this pinned post is to give some info about me, my blog, and what you can expect to find on it. Everything below the cut is not required reading to follow or interact; merely just additional info if you are interested, or if you want to make requests. The only thing I require you to read is the following disclaimer:
This is an 18+ blog ran by an adult. You will find NSFT art/fic, dark and potentially upsetting themes, as is common for the BrBa/BCS universe. And I make very thirsty comments & posts about my blorbos, so just keep that in mind. However!! I am not going to restrict anyone from following/interacting with my blog. Use your own discretion and awareness. That's your responsibility, not mine. Anything that needs a content warning will be tagged appropriately, of course.
🌌About Me!🪐
Basic info - You can call me either Orion or Riley! I'm 25, neurodivergent, trans masc & nonbinary, and bisexual. Pronouns are he/him and they/them. I do also live in New Mexico (born and raised babyy!), which makes the shows that much more special to me!! I'm very friendly and open, but also very shy, so I tend to not reach out to folks even when I want to talk to them (which, honestly, is most of y'all. Oops.) If you ever do feel compelled to chat with me, please don't hesitate! I'm super excited to talk about BrBa/BCS with literally anybody!
I'm a writer, but I struggle hard with getting anything actually published on here or AO3. I try to write but it's not nearly consistent enough to ever expect anything from me. I'm working towards getting better at this! My main hurdle to overcome is my perfectionism and my fear of rejection (RSD).
I have a lot of interests, being autistic, so the only important one to list here is obviously Breaking Bad & Better Call Saul. You can certainly ask about my other interests, and I'll be happy to tell you more! I like to keep my special interests all separate on their own dedicated blogs, so that was the main motivation behind creating this one. Which leads me to the next section:
☣️About This Blog!⚗️
Most of the content is gonna be reblogs from others: fanart, fics, writings, memes, shitposts, etc. I myself am not an artist and cannot contribute with art even though I wish I could, but I may sometimes write little drabbles, oneshots, and universe willing, fic chapters for my ships/blorbos (more info on that below ↓). If you want to see something in particular, you're more than welcome to submit a request! I think I have a lot more motivation to write when I get specifically asked to write something, perhaps?
My main blorbos: (red shows the character currently occupying my braincell the most rn)
🥊Tuco Salamanca
🐍Nacho Varga (and by extension, Vaas Montenegro. I simply love MM.)
💀Marco & Leonel Salamanca
❤️‍🩹Jesse Pinkman
🎭Saul Goodman/Jimmy McGill
Of course, I adore all the characters (except Walt ofc) and they're all very special to me!! But these seven men listed above have an absolute chokehold on my brain at any given time lmao, so they will be featured prominently in this blog.
My fave ships:
Default ship is character x reader
Vaacho (Vaas x Nacho)
Lacho (Nacho x Lalo)
Beef Sandwich (Nacho x Twins) I fucking love this ship name holy shit
Tucho (Tuco x Nacho)
McWexler (Kim x Jimmy)
Jesse x Jane
Jesse x Andrea
Jesse x happiness (this is a joke, but also not. Man deserves it.)
My asks are always open for questions, requests, or really anything! I love sending/receiving asks and interacting with this fandom! If you're interested in requesting a writing from me, first read this list of what I will and won't write before you submit your request:
Yes, no problem!
Vast majority of ships
Reader Inserts
Gender Swaps
Toxic Relationship
Most Kinks & Fetishes
Please ask first!
Fandom Crossovers (mostly just to ensure I know the fandom)
Consensual Noncon (depends on character)
No, I will not!
In/ce/st Ships (i.e. twincest, cousins)
Explicit content involving underage characters
Ageplay (calling a character daddy doesn't count lol)
Extreme Kinks, such as s/ca/t, v/or/e, n/ecr/o, etc.
Keep in mind that I reserve the right to deny your request for any reason, including no reason at all! 9 times out of 10 this won't be necessary, but if you're rude or demanding non-jokingly, I won't write for you! Just be chill and it'll be Saul Goodman! :)
Also I don't have a Masterlist to link here, because I've never posted anything ever! It's all just vibing in my Google Docs while I polish and tweak until the end of time! Fun! :D /s
So, yeah, I suppose that's the long and the short of it. I didn't expect for this to be so long, but I have a tendency to just keep adding details to things! Good for writing; not great for writing a blog intro. I'll edit as needed over time, though. Thanks for reading if you got this far! Seriously, props to you. Here's a cookie mwah 🤲🏼🍪
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kissingrhi · 2 years
I perhaps need a pick me up so could I get a little Nacho and Lalo dealing with a reader that doesn't eat enough for their own good and it's dragging them down 👉👈
the way i jumped up when i saw this request because hurt/comfort yes always. also, as someone with bad eating habits/who forgets to eat, this is too real.
you could feel the grueling headache from behind your eyes, slithering its way around your skull. you were so incredibly uncomfortable, but you didn’t know what to say to either of them. you didn’t want to say a word. so you were fine just hugging yourself in lalo’s backseat, running your hands up and down your arms in an attempt to distract yourself.
lalo was humming a quiet tune, sometimes glancing over at nacho, who was biting his lip and staring out into the window. deep in thought. you guys hadn’t been working together a long time, and you were still finding out how you all connect best. such different people it was hard to place how to get shit done. lalo, the ever so charming individual, tried to make this trio work as much as he could. it was starting to grow, not by much though.
the awkward tension still lingered at times, the fidgeting, the clumsiness, all of it was definitely still there. so you sat in the backseat, your familiar trembling leg being what you could only consider a nuisance. you just pressed your head against the window, trying to curl your body in an attempt to find heat. it was cold outside, yet lalo of course found it “comfortable.”
“conejito, we’re heading to el michoacáno. hungry?” lalo asked, glancing at you through the rear view mirror with an impish grin.
“i’m okay, lalo. really, can you just drop me off home?” you said, littered with faux happiness, unsure if he was going to choose to obey your demands or not today.
“wow, i thought you were home already.” lalo pursed his lips, mustering up a giggle. “you know… home IS where the heart is.” he said, drawing out the last s in is.
when you and nacho didn’t laugh with him, he backed off, rolling his eyes. you were sure you heard him mumble something about how the two of you were no fun.
nacho definitely noticed your.. lacking posture, shaking leg, and dull eyes. he was the most observant out of the three of you. he could just tell something was off. he didn’t want to say anything, maybe it was just the winter air taking its toll. he looked at lalo when he reached a stop light, coughing so lalo would look at him. he glanced back at you, tilting his head. it was like some odd, secret language they’d formed. lalo just nodded, running a hand under his chin.
you decided to rest your eyes, yet of course the next time you opened them, you were headfirst into eye contact with none other than lalo, who has holding your car door open. his other hand was grandiosely signaling to the restaurant in front of you. you crossed your arms, giving the man a nasty stare. his smile didn’t falter, not even once. he knew you at this point.
“i know you want to go home, but come on.” he spouted, so loud it practically made you jump. “just trust me?” he shrugged, motioning with his hand to el michoacáno in front of you.
when you didn’t budge, he just tilted his head down and kept staring, teasingly, like he knew you couldn’t take the heat. when you groaned and unraveled your arms, timidly stepping out of his car, you were met with a strong hand patting you on the back.
“see, my friend! i told you.” he laughed, hand guiding you inside.
inside, you sat in a booth, across from nacho. lalo was in the kitchen doing god knows what, and of course one of his favorite songs was playing so he had to make a performance. you played with the joints on your fingers, pressing them together to see the skin pull apart. anything to avoid awkwardness with the man in front of you.
he had this look in his eyes, a shimmer you hadn’t seen before. his eyebrows were furrowed, eyes wide as he stared at you with two hands under his chin.
“you okay?” it was quiet, simple.
“me?” you asked, awkwardly laughing. “yeah, no- i’m fine. perfect.” you put a hand on your neck, massaging the flesh.
“you shouldn’t lie, you know.” he teased, small smiles etching their way onto both of your faces.
after the wholesome exchange, you heard a loud sizzling making its way closer and closer to you. before you knew it, you were met with some of the most gorgeous steak tacos you’d ever seen.
“family recipe.” lalo smiled, wrapping a towel over his shoulder and putting the tacos in front of you, fingers twinkling as he sat them down, sliding in beside nacho.
he also laid out beers for the three of you, elbowing nacho the slightest bit.
lalo popped open his beer, elbow on the table as he started to drink. “you know, no somos estúpidos.” he started, giggling as your eyes widened.
“what-“ nacho started, lalo and nacho now in a staring match at the cut off. “-he’s trying to say-“ still staring at each other. finally, he glanced back at you. “is that we do notice when a colleague is-“
“down in the dumps! ai yai yai! i haven’t seen you this depressed in a minute, god!” lalo said, pointing at your exasperated face.
“so i decided,” he continued, laying his chin on the palm of his hand. “you need some energy. some fuel, eh?” he pointed at the tacos presented neatly in front of you, reaching over to open your beer.
you rubbed your palms over your eyes, ignoring the heat finding its way into your body, heart seemingly stopping at the kind gesture. you mustered up a smile.
“that’s sweet, guys.” you said, genuine smile forcing its way onto your face as you saw lalo tilt his head, wanting you to say more. “thank you, lalo, for these show stopping, jaw dropping, gorgeous steak tacos.
nacho put out his beer, making a toast. “to heightened energy, to fuel.” “-so we can kick ass!” lalo interrupted.
you simply laughed, listening for the clink as the bottles pressed together. you took a sip, but you still hadn’t eaten. lalo and nacho were eyeballing you, waiting for you to respond.
“okay guys, i appreciate this but you are freaking me out with your staring.” you said, watching as both of their eyes softened, only softening more as you took a bite.
“holy shit.” was all you could muster at the explosion of flavor in your mouth, holding a fist in front of lalo for a first bump. he returned the gesture, throwing you a wink.
the three of your stayed there until the late hours of the night, warmth radiating off of all of you in different ways. there was a glimmer in your eyes like they’d never seen, a genuine smile on nacho’s face, and a look of endearment in lalo’s eyes for the two of you. no matter how long it took for you to finish, they stuck by you through all of it, conversing about the most random things like, “would you rather work at los pollos hermanos or die?”
“yeah, die.”
when you were finally brought home, nacho walked you up to your door, shoving a couple gas station snacks into your arms. you opened your mouth, and he pressed into your shoulder blade.
“don’t fight with me on this.” his expression was stern but still loving, unlocking your door for you and standing against the doorframe as you pressed the food down.
his arms were crossed, just smiling at you. you walked back up to the door, waving goodbye to a wide-smiling lalo in the driver’s seat. finally, you turned you gaze to nacho, who stepped in front of the door so lalo couldn’t see.
he held his hand out in front of you and instinctively you grabbed it, face contorting into confusion. his palm pressed into yours, thumb rubbing over your skin. his hands were warm, and once he felt how cold yours were he grabbed both of yours and held them together with both of his.
“just-“ he looked down at his feet. “take care of yourself, okay?” he squeezed your hands.
“yeah, okay.” you smiled up at him, squeezing back. “goodnight nacho.”
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unohanaswetdream · 1 year
♡ Master List ♡
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🐙 - angst
🦭 - fluff
🐍 - smut
༻✦༺  ༻✧༺ ༻✦༺
Better Call Saul
♡ THE KNOWING PT. 1/3 (18+ 🐙 || Ignacio 'nacho' Varga x afab!reader)
♡ THE KNOWING PT. 2/3 (18+ 🐙 🐍 || Ignacio 'nacho' Varga x afab!reader & Jo x Amber x afab!reader)
♡ THE KNOWING PT. 3 (final) (18+ 🐙 🐍 || Ignacio 'nacho' Varga x afab!reader)
༻✦༺  ༻✧༺ ༻✦༺
♡ Bellflowers (18+ 🐙 🐍 || Unohana Retsu x afab!reader & Shunsui Kyōraku x afab!reader)
༻✦༺  ༻✧༺ ༻✦༺
Jujutsu Kaisen
♡ A mortal In a World of Gods (18+ 🐙 || Nanami Kento x fem!reader)
༻✦༺  ༻✧༺ ༻✦༺
One Piece
♡ The Island of Viridian ( 18+ 🦭 || Eustass 'captain' Kidd x gn!reader)
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[all rights go to respective creators except for any new original content]
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[all my works are 18+ as they are written with mature audiences in mind, pls respect my boundaries]
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