#naomi cannibal
Random Youtubers I Discovered Recently: Hoots, Haley Whipjack, Laura Crone, Biz Barclay, Jen Campbell, Naomi Cannibal, Ashley Norton, Mertkaykay, footless jo, ladyknightthebrave, pixel a day and Kayla Says, if your bored.
I am not claiming every video they ever did but I do enjoy what their dealing.
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slayyyter · 5 months
I love her videos but her eyes are so piercing omg put the bronze orbs away
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axel-tiredstudent · 4 days
Although there's still a lot to plan and do before this story is anywhere near done and I don't even have a first draft yet, I really wanted to talk about it and share who my OCs are (since i keep talking about them in here).
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This story (called Ewordis) is one of necromancy, otherness and isolation, but it's also about love, saving and connection!
The main character is Absalom García Medina (much to his own dismay). He is 22 years old and studies fine art in university. He's also a drummer in a band with his two closest friends. Absalom comes from a long line of necromancers! He doesn't really understand or control his powers, but he's set on his goal of finding his mother's spirit, which he has never been able to do!
Almudena is Absalom's grandmother, who raised him when Alma (her daughter), passed away. They are both also necromancers. Almudena taught Absalom how to use his powers until she died when Absalom was 12. She's still with him as a spirit.
Alma died in labor. Not only was she a necromancer, but she also had prophetic visions, something not common in their family. Neither Absalom nor Almudena have ever found her soul.
Angel is Absalom's best friend since they were in higschool. They take care and support each other through everything. Angel has a beautiful voice and she can play many instruments. She's the singer, songwriter and guitarist of their band.
Naomi met Angel and Absalom when they were looking for a bassist for their band. They became close soon and shortly after he started dating Angel!
Percy is Absalom's ex boyfriend. Their relationship was rocky and difficult, which really affected Absalom. They still see each other sometimes, but Percy doesn't seem to be willing to change for the better as a person, which is why Angel dislikes him and wants him to stay away from her best friend.
Ozzie is a non human creature that Absalom meets in the realm between life and death. Ozzie doesn't remember anything of his life before appearing there and he can't go to the living realm, so he and Absalom decide to find out what he is.
Victor also comes from a line of necromancers. He meets Absalom in a graveyard, after many spirits warn Absalom of a creature eating their corpses there. That would be Victor! Victor was brought back to life by his necromancer abusive father and now he's forced to feed on human flesh to not become a mindless "monster".
The Knight of Death is one of the Horrors. No one really knows of their existence, but necromancy powers are related to the Horror of Death. How is it related to the Medina Family? What will Absalom do when faced to this Knight?
As I said before, Absalom comes from a long line of necromancers, this gift/curse always passes down to one person in the family. He got it from his mother, Alma, and she got it from hers, Almudena. Alma died in labor so Absalom was raised in a small close-minded village by his grandmother. Since it was little, Absalom has been able to see and communicate with the dead. Almudena taught him how to use his powers and insisted that this is a gift that makes them special. Nevertheless, she also taught him to hide it to avoid rejection from people outside their family. Even with their powers, there was something neither Absalom nor his grandmother were ever able to do: find Alma's soul.
When Absalom is 12, Almudena dies and Absalom, unable to find her either and suspecting her dead is related to the necromancy, blames their power for it. And so he starts seeing this power as a curse instead of a gift. Something that he doesn't truly control nor understand, something that scares him and isolates him. Absalom goes to live in a bigger city with his uncle. It spends a few rough years feeling alone and othered until, at 15, he meets Angel! They bond over their mutual love for music, being rejects in their school and their queerness. During their teenage years they both join a few bands and, finally, at 19-20, they decide to create their own music band, with Angel as the songer-guitarist and Absalom as the drummer. They are on the look out for a bassits when they meet Naomi. They quickly click and Naomi becomes the third member of TTT (Tres Tristes Trigres). A few months later, Naomi and Angel start dating! Playing with them is one of Absalom's favorite things in the world, and he trusts them more than anyone else. Nevertheless, he never tells them about his necromancy but they do notice weird, worrying things about him.
At 19-20, Absalom meets Percy after bumping into him a few times in campus and in local concerts. They hit it off immediately and start dating shortly after that. They're both interested in music and art. At first, their relationship seems perfect. Absalom (who's in the aro spectrum) falls in love for the first time and he feels really happy and loved, something he has truly struggled with for all his life. As time goes by, their relationship starts to get rocky, they fight and argue a lot, but they always go back to each other. Their relationship ends up beng really toxic on both sides. Percy is manipulative and cheats on him and Absalom is jealous and desperate for this idyllic love and comfort they had at first. But, thanks to Angel and Naomi's support, Absalom breaks up with him after dating for a year and half. During the time they were dating, Percy started noticing a few odd things that surround Absalom, like weird aggresive energies around them after they fought. No matter how many times Angel warns Absalom against it, sometimes, when it feels lonely, it goes back to Percy, looking for momentary comfort.
Regarding the necromancy gift/curse. Its origins are uncertain to the family but what does it exactlty allow them to do? The Medina family (or at least those that inherit it) can see spirits in their daily life and communicate with them (spirits may appear everywhere and they mostly can tell when someone is able to see them so they may follow necromancers around, there's more spirits in places like graveyards tho; they don't really have that much consciousness, except for the spirits of necromancers, like Almudena, who Absalom will be able to find at some point). Thanks to this power they can also search for (and most of the time) find the spirit of a specific person (but still, Absalom is never able to find Alma, which tortures him). Another thing that they can do is enter Ewordis.
Ewordis is the realm between life and death (but closer to death, as no living creatures can enter it, except for some necromancers). Ewordis is a inmense white space full of mostly nothingness and some spirits where time doesn't really exist. Absalom hides there when he gets too overwhelmed by real life, thinking that avoiding reality helps him. When he enters Ewordis, his real body is frozen in time, so he can stay there for days or weeks without truly noticing. But time itself doesn't stop. This has lead to his friends worrying after not hearing of him for days in more than one occasion. Isolating himself in Ewordis like this is something that Absalom does to cope when he is really really bad and he tells no one about it. He doesn't really understand what this realm truly is, nor where does it lead. What are the secrets that hide beyond this seemingly vast white empty unreal territory?
One day, after Absalom's mental health worsens and he goes back to hiding in Ewordis, he meets, for the first time, a demon-looking huge guy! Absalom is shocked, because he did not know of the existence of creatures like him. This "demon" tells him he remembers nothing of before being in Ewordis and that he himself doesn't know what he is. They keep bumping into each other when Absalom enter Ewordis, and it notices that this demon must be lonely. They talk a lot and become friends, and Absalom tells him about his life in the living realm. He ends up naming the demon Ozzie, after one of his favorite movies: "The Wizard of Oz". They decide to try and find out what Ozzie is.
After many spirits start following Absalom around and telling him about a monster eating their corpses in a graveyard, Absalom decides to investigate and get rid of all of them. Not really because he wants to help them, but because he wants to be left alone. He goes to the graveyard at night and he founds a thin young man crying next to an open grave. When he sees Absalom, he runs away. This young man is Victor. Victor also comes from one of the few necromancers families left. Their powers are different to those of the Medina family tho, since they are more related to the pyshical body and flesh than to the spirit. He was alive many years ago and he lived with his two siblings and his abusive father. Victor killed himself to escape his father but he brought him back, mixing his body and soul with those of other corpses. Now Victor is forced to feed on human corpses to keep their conscience. Victor loathes his father, who keeps him locked in their old mansion and forces him to keep himself alive. Thanks to his powers, his father has kept himself and his children alive for many many years.
Necromancy powers are directly related to the Horror of Death. There are many Horrors related to different aspects of existence. The Horrors are cosmic entities beyond human comprehension. More ancient that everything. They are neutral entities, not bad nor good. They just exist and keep balance. They have no human morality or feelings. Or at least, that's how it should be. So why can't Absalom die? Who protects him and why? Where is Alma's soul? Who are the other Horrors and how do their existence affect the characters lives?
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kerryweaverlesbian · 1 year
A Hundred Little Drawers, Opened.
Desk top, neat, orderly,
Open white space without a pen in sight,
Function over function over function.
My tools are tucked away in little drawers,
To threaten with injury when a smile will do the same.
You had your smile bared when I met you first,
Blood red, nose to chin,
Devils dancing in your eyes, wild and unleashable.
Patron saints, we are, but to different gods,
You to disruption, I, control.
You stabbed a knife through my table, when we first met, and I'd swear that it bled,
Hot and living,
Unreasonably, undoubtedly alive.
Pinned back, you mock me,
Sticking your fingers right into my cortex,
Sticky, uncherished, unacceptable, uncouth-
Unwanted, I wish, but, well, what is more flattering
Than a kiss (with tongue) to the rosary?
A knight to a knight, it's a night we share,
Papers scattered-
Yes, yes, scatter me senseless, I beg you,
And though you laugh, you do it still,
The tower of Babel rubble again as words lose all meaning and hurt me means hold me,
The press of your hands -
I hope you leave marks,
On the inside,
The outside,
I don't see the difference -
Irreversible impermanence from your sticky, sweet impertinence,
Make sanctified unholy,
Defile my temple with your tongue,
Stamp your feet upon the steeple, gleeful,
Make, and unmake, and make me,
Make me,
Make me,
Make me,
By you, with you, for you, I am altered.
My most 😳 poem yet for @spnpoetryrenaissance 's prompt WLW rarepairs. I went for Abbadon/Naomi 💋 🔪
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starfoam · 3 months
Every last one of you concerns her deeply.
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robotpussy · 1 year
I'm crying of course the luca guadagnino tennis movie is about zendaya being light skin serena williams in a poly relationship with 2 white boys she doesn't even care about
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qeyond · 1 year
anyway cannibal duo Misora Massacre and Beyond Birthday making out with blood on their tongues and insatiable laughter pressed to their gums.
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headcanon atsushi’s ability the tiger does not know what to do when it likes someone
like in general atsushi is bad with knowing what to do with the ppl he likes and showing affection -- like he tries to mimic others but he himself is still working on something that feels natural if that makes sense
but the tiger
the tiger is far worse becuz the only positive thing it can associate with positive emotions is food so every time it gets closer to the full moon the tiger starts whispering in the back of his mind that he should eat dazai and kunikida
then kyouka and junichiro
and ranpo and yosano and fukuzawa and kenji and naomi and haruno
at first atsushi panics (naturally) worries he’s a cannibal, thinks the tiger hates the agency, panics more, especially after dead apple when he and the tiger gained an understanding of each other and he realized that the tiger was protecting him so he’s like why r u trying to kill the agency members
but gradually he realizes that actually the tiger just doesn’t know how to deal with positive emotions and yeah
atsushi: dazai-san is so nice to me :)
the tiger: yeah :)
the tiger: we should eat him
atsushi: NO????
kunikida, patting atsushi’s head: good job on ur report atsushi
the tiger: use his arm against him and eat him
kunikida: atsushi u look weird are u feeling unwell
atsushi: hahaha dont worry about no weird thoughts here hahahaha
atsushi, literally just working:
the tiger: the small candy one eats a lot of sugar. he would taste sweet. Eat him.
atsushi: NO??????????????
ranpo, looking up: i’ve actually always wondered what i would taste like-
and so on
is this incredibly dumb? yes but is it also funny, yes
atsushi realizes he likes akutagawa because at some point when he spots him the tiger immediately starts wondering what he’d taste like
atsushi, sees akutagawa: oh there’s that basta-
the tiger: i bet he’d taste really nice
atsushi: oh 
atsushi: oh no
akutagawa: how did you figure out you liked me?
atsushi: i couldn’t stop thinking about what you’d taste like
akutagawa, blushing: oh-
atsushi: yeah it was insane how much the tiger wanted to kill and eat u
akutagawa, slightly confused and horrified: oh-
eventually as atsushi learns to deal with his feelings so does the tiger but unfortunately it’s still an animal so its more like
atsushi: dazai’s so nice :)
the tiger: yeah :)
the tiger: lets hunt a deer for him 
atsushi: no??????????????
kunikida, petting atsushi’s hair: good job on the job atsushi
atsushi, not thinking about what he’s saying: kunikida i like u so much should i kill a bear for u?
kunikida, slightly confused, slightly flattered: uhh no???????
atsushi, at the store: lemme just get something for kyouka-
the tiger: we shall hunt until we find something suitabl-
atsushi: no.
atsushi: im sorry i transformed last night, snuck out of ur place, hunted down a goose, broke back in, left it in the living room table, and then climbed on top of u, still a tiger, and then fell asleep and only transformed back now, after u had to use rashomon to get tiger me off u 
akutagawa, dead tired: yeah i don’t know what the appropriate response is but ur cleaning the bloo-
akutagawa: wait wtf do u mean theres a dead goose in the living room
atsushi: do u not like goose :(
akutagawa: that is NOT the issue here
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themiumiubarbie · 1 year
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YouTubers I recommend watching 🎀
Chanel Richie
Fatimah Bah
sabrina lilliane
Elicia Goguen
Kelly Stamps
Tea Renee
Cydnee Black
Naomi cannibal
Love Your Natural
Fernanda Ramirez
Karine Alourde
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tachiguin · 2 years
The thing with Tanizaki Junichirou is that he isn’t boring, we just know next to nothing about him and why he’s the way he is. We know that he doesn’t consider himself brave, and that he claims that his ability isn’t suited for combat, which is actually severely underplaying his talents, if not an outright lie, because Light Snow absolutely is useful in combat, though we’re rarely shown this in practice, because Tanizaki tends to avoid direct combat. Unless Naomi is threatened, in which case he’d literally burn the world down to keep her safe.
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credit to easygoingscans
Disregarding the squicky nature of their implicit relationship for a moment, Tanizaki’s devotion towards Naomi borders on obsessive, surpassing the extent of that which could be normal between either siblings or lovers. We can only speculate what kind of upbringing would have caused this.
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We only really see glimpses of Tanizaki’s true capacity a few times. But it’s not just his ability that’s downright terrifying (crashing a civilian truck into Steinbeck, almost assassinating Mori during cannibalism), but his personality too. Tanizaki is always teetering on the edge of morality; he makes the conscious choice to be on the side of good, but he canonically offered to join the Port Mafia in Yosano’s place, which says a lot about what kind of person Tanizaki is. That’s not the kind of offer anyone could make if they were truly opposed to committing atrocities. Rather, Tanizaki making this offer is telling of the idea that although he understands where the line between right and wrong lies, he wouldn’t have second thoughts about crossing it, given a half decent reason.
I could argue than Tanizaki has roughly the same amount of ethical integrity as Dazai, that is to say, none at all. Their employment at the Armed Detective Agency happens to be a result of their conscious choice to be morally upright, in contrast to someone like Kunikida, who could probably never offer to join the Port Mafia, even if it were for the sake of an friend, due to his strict moral code.
Despite all of this, we know nothing about what made Tanizaki this way. We know that he used to be a student alongside Naomi, but that’s about it. Tanizaki’s innocuous previous profession tends to misdirect our thoughts away from reading deeply into Tanizaki. It creates an illusion of normalcy, you could say. But, upon second glance, it’s bizarre that Tanizaki could get written off as boring or simple, by both the characters in the story, and by us, the readers.
I think there is a lot of shots in the dark I could make at what kind of tragic backstory Tanizaki has been keeping secret, but I am going to conclude this post on an open ended note: What is Tanizaki hiding?
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fem-lit · 3 months
“Natural” is a word that is rightly challenged. But if there is a most natural urge, it is to satisfy hunger. If there is a natural female shape, it is the one in which women are sexual and fertile and not always thinking about it. To maintain hunger where food is available, as Western women are doing, is to submit to a life state as unnatural as anything with which the species has come up yet. It is more bizarre than cannibalism.
— Naomi Wolf (1990) The Beauty Myth
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Self-Aware BSD. World Building. Getting into their world. Part I
Was thinking about writing this installment ever since I published this post.
Important part of my AU - (most of the) characters don't like Reader at first. Some of them hate Reader, some of them were scared of them, some of the characters doesn't care about Reader etc.
So, what would happen, if Guiding Light got into BSD world before characters start liking them?
Part I
When Reader were transported:
Before Characters gain self-awareness
After characters gain self-awareness but before they start feeling their gaze
After characters start feeling their gaze but before time reset
Warning: OOC. Slight spoilers for LN, Anime and Manga, some characters are dangerous to Reader. English is my second language
If Reader got into BSD World before Characters gain self-awareness
🐾 Terrible moment to be transported. World, full of faceless figures. World, where characters resemble a moving 3D models, that won't react to you, no matter, what you do. If you are strong enough, you will hold yourself together, until Atsushi gains his self-awareness.
Level of danger: 1/10. Hard for mental health, but no one will attack you.
What's good in your situation:
You have a chance to explore Yokohama.
No problems with supplies.
Characters, when they gain self-awareness, will be friendlier to you. They won't associate you with heavy gaze in the sky.
What's bad in your situation:
You might wait for a long time, before characters gain self-awarenes. Depends, on how close to Cannibalism arc you were isekaied.
If Reader got into BSD World after characters gain self-awareness but before they start feeling their gaze
🐾 Tricky one. You can pretend to be a Character, who got self-awareness, but, the chances, that characters will believe you for long are slim. No one saw you before, so, what kind of characters are you, if you have no interaction with any of them? Better tell them the truth about been from the real world.
🐾 Characters are on their guard around you. They aren't sure, if they can trust you.
🐾 While you aren't a Gaze from the sky (for now), you still a person, who knew their secrets.
Tips for interaction:
1. Don't treat them like characters. Don't joke about Chuuya's height, Dazai's suicidal tendencies, Jounou's eyes etc.
2. Never mentioned their likes, dislikes or past. They won't like to be reminded about the fact, that thousands of strangers knew their secrets.
Level of dangers: Depends on Organization you try to stay with.
Armed Detective Agency: 1/10
Ranpo immediately prove your 'innocence'. Yes, you didn't have any idea that they are self-aware. Yes, you didn't know, how did you get there.
Still, ADA will keep an eye on you. Still, will let you go for walks (with at least one of them accompanying you).
Atsushi Nakajima - On his guard, but won't be too unfriendly. Will hurt you only if you attack someone.
Doppo Kunikida - Man is broken by the fact he is not real. You might try to talk to him, he won't be rude to you, but Katai, Yosano, Fukuzawa and Dazai won't let you got too close to him.
Akiko Yosano - Furious about the fact, that she.is a fictional character. Will look after everything you do. It will take her a long time to open up to you. Won't put you in any kind of danger, tho, and, if you got injured, will treat your wounds.
Junchirou Tanizaki - More concerned about his sister. Neutral towards you at that point. Will destroy you, if you make Naomi cry.
Naomi Tanizaki - Neutral and friendly at the same time. Can feel, that you aren't bad person. Don't be rude to Junchirou.
Kirako Haruno - Don't have any bad feelings towards you. Knew, that you are a simple person, who won't hurt anyone.
Katai Tayama - Buried in work. Protective over Kunikida, don't want you near him.
Kenji Miyazawa - sunshine boy. Will be very friendly and polite. Of course, if you didn't do anything bad to his friends.
Kyouka Izumi - Don't trust you. Ready to strike you, if you give her a reason.
Ranpo Edogawa - pretty chill about you. Knew, that you are a simple person and have no chance against them.
Yukichi Fukuzawa - Insist on you to be near him, so he can stop you, if you became a threat. Still, very respectful towards you.
Dazai Osamu - Hard to read. Will always observe you. Don't give him any reason to suspect you.
In conclusion: Not bad to stay with them. They might not trust you fully, but they won't mistreat you or hurt you.
Port Mafia: 5/10
You will be a semi-prisoner for them. Won't keep you in cell, but you can't leave HQ.
Will question you about your world, how you get in their world, etc.
Not very friendly towards you. Treat you with cold, distant respect.
Ougai Mori - Respectful towards you. Won't let any sort of disrespect from you. You can ask him if you need anything, he will make sure, that you aren't harmed.
Elise - Neutral and friendly towards you. Can ask you to play with her. Tried to ask you to prank Mori with her. Don't do it, Mori won't be that forgiving.
Chuuya Nakahara - Neutral and unfriendly towards you. Due to his past, don't like people who try to use him. For him, been a fictional character mean that you might see him as a source of entertainment. Still, won't be that hard on you. Just try not to bother him without reason.
Kouyou Ozaki - Doesn't care about you. She is more concerned about Kyouka. Don't badmouth Kyouka in her presence.
Paul Verlaine - Danger! Paul Verlaine is very angry about the fact that he is a fictional character, on top of been an artificial human. Try not to tun into him. While he won't disobey Mori's orders, it doesn't mean he won't create an incident that will leave you injured.
Ryunosuke Akutagawa - Don't care about you. Don't bother him, if you don't want to be hurt.
Ichiyou Higuichi - Respectful towards you, but won't try to make a small talk with you. Don't want to speak to you.
Ryuurou Hirotsu - Neutral towards you. Will keep you company over a cup of tea, if the chance arises.
Gin Akutagawa - Little bit friendlier, than her brother. Won't lay a finger on you. Not against bringing you something nice.
Michizou Tachihara - Try to interrogate you. There is a chance, that he would try to transfer you to the Hunting Dogs base.
Kyuusaku Yumeno - Love and hate you at the same time. You are the embodiment of chaos for them.
Motojirou Kajii - Neutral, but want to know more about your world. Semi-friendly.
In conclusion: The main danger for you is Verlaine. If you keep your distance from him, everything will be fine.
The Guild: 3/10
Poe was the one, who proved that you aren't dangerous. Guild, as ADA will keep an eye on you. Will let you go for walks.
Francis Scott Key Fitzgerald - interested in your world. Want to know, if you knew, where The Book is. Won't be angry, that you don't know about it. Keep his distance, but makes sure, that you are comfortable.
Edgar Allan Poe - anxious around you, but, it's because of his personality, not because of you been from real world. Will slowly became friendly towards you.
Herman Melville - very respectful towards you. Doesn't feel any negative emotions towards you.
Howard Phillips Lovecraft - curious about you. Still, won't try too much to strike a conversation with you. Don't bother him when he sleeps.
John Steinbeck - Openly rude towards you. He is missing his family, and think, that you are the reason they disappear. Keep your distance.
Lucy Maud Montgomery - while she doesn't like the fact, that, her past was written as tragic, probably for someone else entertainment, she is friendly towards you. Like to chat with you.
Louisa May Alcott - another one who is shy near you. With time, will open up to you.
Margaret Mitchell - Very cold towards you. Miss her family. Keep your distance.
Mark Twain - friendly one. Doesn't treat you seriously. Doesn't treat anything seriously.
Nathaniel Hawthorne - very dangerous, doesn't matter, if he is under Fyodor's influence or not. See you as a threat to Mitchell.
In conclusion: Come to them only if they are your only option. You have three people who are openly hostile towards you. It's unlikely, that they will hurt you, but, staying with three rude people can take a toil at your mood.
Rats in the House of the Dead: 0/10 or 8/10
The only way for you to stay with them - to make Fyodor interested in you. Otherwise, they won't be bothered in letting you stay.
Alexander Pushkin - Doesn't care about you. Too selfish to treat you with respect.
Ivan Goncharov - His feelings towards you depends on Fyodor's feelings. If Fyodor doesn't like you, he will be very aggressive towards you. If Fyodor is neutral towards you, he won't pay attention towards you and won't care about you. If Fyodor sees you as valuable, he will do anything to serve you.
In conclusion: Don't bother to stay with them. But, they are a good way to find Fyodor.
Decay of the Angel: 5/10, 8/10 or 10/10
If you somehow ran into them, you can exchange some information about your world and about BSD plot for staying with them.
Think twice, about staying with them.
Fukuchi Ouchi - Think that you are the reason that his plans were destroyed. May seriously hurt you, if he realises, that you are the Reader.
Bram Stoker - Doesn't care about you. You may talk with him about your world, but be careful. Fukuchi won't like it, if he finds out that you are talking with Bram.
Fyodor Dostoevsky - try to make him see you as a valuable source of information. Don't try to give him garbage information. As long as you are valuable, Fyodor will protect you from Fukuchi and Gogol.
Nikolai Gogol - unpredictable. One moment he is trying to be as close to you as he can, next moment planing your murder. Be respectful, don't try to disagree with his opinion. Try to run into his as rare as you can.
Sigma - neutral and worried about you. Won't be rude, but it will take time to convince him that you don't want to use him.
In conclusion: Sigma and Fyodor are the safest option among DOA. Still, DOA is the most dangerous organization to stay with. If you really have to stay with DOA, better search for Fyodor through Rats.
Hunting Dogs: 2/10
Probably, Tachihara transfer you to Hunting Dogs from Port Mafia.
Hunting Dogs are respectful towards you. Good protectors from Fukuchi.
Fukuchi Ouchi - won't do anything with you. Still, don't like you.
Teruko Okura - was sad, that you were interrogated by Jounou. Nevertheless, don't try to hurt you. Friendly towards you.
Saigaku Jouno - knew, that you have no idea, what happened with them or why are you here. He keeps his distance, can be a little bit sadistic with his words, but not pose any threat towards you.
Tetchou Suehiro - neutral towards you. Treat you as a normal civilian.
In conclusion: Good choice. As long as you don't spill the beans about Fukuchi.
Government and Others: 0/10
You will be supervised. Still, the worst you will get - house arrest.
Santouka Taneda - respectful towards you. Makes sure, that you aren't mistreated.
Ango Sakaguchi - very overworked right now. Simply has no power to care about you.
Mizuki Tsujimura - look after you. Very friendly towards you, try to make sure that you are comfortable.
Yukito Ayatsuji - slightly curious about you. See, that you are a normal person. Treat like a normal person.
Mushitarou Oguri - try to keep his distance. Still can't accept the fact he is a fictional character.
Natsume Soseki - won't try to show himself to you. Observing.
In conclusion: Good choice. They aren't dangerous to you. As long as you don't do anything dangerous.
If Reader got into BSD World after characters start feeling their gaze but before time reset
🐾 Actually, not that different from previous interactions.
🐾 When you hot into their world, they stop feeling Entity's gaze.
🐾 But they found you instead.
🐾 Despite the fact, that characters would add '2' and '2' and understand, that you are The Entity that was looking at them, they won't be really agressive towards you.
🐾 Will they be more cautious? Yes
🐾 Will they treat you colder? Yes
🐾 Will they kill you on the spot? No
🐾 Will they torture you? No
🐾 Will they embarrass you? Humiliate you? No.
Level of Danger:
Armed Detective Agency: 3/10. More cautious. More cold. Yosano and Dazai are ruder. Still, you aren't in danger.
Port Mafia: 6/10. Again, characters are less friendly, but not to the point of harming you.
The Guild: 5/10. Steinbeck, Mitchell and Hawthorne are more hostile, but won't try to do anything drastic.
Rats in the House of the Dead: 0/10 or 8/10. As I mentioned, Fyodor Dostoevsky is the one who plays the music during this party. No difference.
Decay of the Angel: 8/10 or 10/10. Fyodor will be the only one who is willing to interact with you. Sigma is afraid of you, Gogol's feelings are complicated, Fukuchi hates you. Will try to imprison you. Still, won't try to search for you. Just stay away.
Hunting Dogs: 3/10. Fukuchi will try to convince others that you aren't human. He won't sucseed, but Hunting Dogs will more careful.
Government and Others: 2/10. Another group, who will be cautious because of possibility of you not been a human. Still, nothing dangerous to your health.
In conclusion: Hard time to be transported into BSD World. Still, not to the point of been terrified.
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thepepsislvt · 4 months
What if we had another Barto fic because were so starved for his content esp in writing if the reader was like a strawhat that luffy picked up in like skypiea maybe..like a shandorian with the little wings 👀.. just a thought..
I WIN yes i will write more of Barto bc i love him and im glad so many other people love him too!
this one seemed rushed and i apologize i wrote this before my second shift of work :(
Bartolomeo x Winged! Gn Reader
warnings: all fluff, some cursing, mention of doflamingo
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you were born on Skypiea and thats all you’ve known
you were always so curious as a child but nobody would tell you what the rest of the world was like
So when you hit your teenage years you decide that one day you're going to leave the floating island
You had wings so you could easily fly away but you couldn't navigate the ocean by yourself
Most nights you would hope and pray that someday, someone would save you.
That's when a certain pirate with a straw hat came and fucked shit up on your island
At the age of 19, you knew this was your getaway, a savior you had spent all of these years praying for
After he won the battle he was fighting you came up to him and his crew as they were about to depart
“Strawhat! You must take me with you! I will prove myself worthy to join your crew-”
“-and I won't take no for an answer! Wait did you say okay? That fast?” you looked at the pirate captain with confusion and shock
All he did was smile and nod
So it was easier than you thought
It didn't take very long to get along with the rest of the crew members
You would give Usopp, Chopper, and Luffy rides through the air
Zoro taught you how to use a sword
Naomi taught you to pickpockets even though you probably won't use that skill
The Entire crew loved you
When Frankly and Brook joined the Straw hats you easily got along with them as well
When you got separated for two years on Sabaody you couldn't have been happier to see them
Your wings had fully grown and you could now use them to their full potential
You guys may have changed a lot physically over the past two years but nothing has changed between your friendship
During the events of Dressrosa, you decided to follow Luffy to the Colosseum to make sure he doesnt give away his identity and draw unwanted attention towards him
While you and Luffy were watching the fight, a certain green haired rooster head had caught your eye
he was hated by the crowd for being vulgar but thats what you liked about him
after his victory in Block B you knew you had to go and greet him
what you were not expecting was him to start crying and saying how much he wasn’t good enough to be in your presence
how can such a scary looking man with the title “Cannibal” fall to his knees over someone like you?
you were flattered by his kind (?) response and had to console him
he asked you to sign your wanted poster he kept
after the defeat of Doflamingo, you hung around Bartolomeo more, falling more and more for him and his wild personality
he had finally accepted that you were actually his friend and took his fanboying down a notch (he still has his moments though)
you had asked him out since you know damn well he wouldnt have the balls to ask you
when you did he just about died on the spot
but y’all had the best time on your date
Sanji and Nami had helped you dress nicely for the event
at the end of the night Barto and you were just star gazing as you told him all about each constellation
Barto knew he had to something he just didnt know how
“you see those six stars up there forming a ‘W’? they call that one the King of Pirates in honor of Gol Roger himself! isnt that cool?” you had explained while pointing to the sky
after you didnt get a response from him you looked over to see if he was alright only to be met with his face close to yours
“Barto? are you alright?” you whispered to him
He just stared into your eyes before kissing your cheek, leaving you flustered and your wings spread out in suprise
“was that okay? should i not have done it?” Bartolomeo started to panic and think of every possible negative outcome before you kissed his lips gently
“more than alright”
he Smiled and started giggling all giddy
“I GOT KISSED BY MY FAVORITE STRAWHAT!!” he yelled out into the sky
you only laughed and kissed him again
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sits on a chair very politely. hi corey!! tell me about some of your bsd hcs ever
okay, so first and foremost, kenji and higuchi have tourette's syndrome (and i could go on about that but that's a whole other list lol)
jun'ichirou has a stutter and when he feels strong emotions, his eyes glitch like a neon green
kajii and ranpo hooked up once just cause
kajii is aroallo, so he was down for a one night stand and the two hold it over everyone's heads all the time like "remember that time i slept with the lemon explosions guy?"
dazai. kyouka, and akutagawa are all canonically afraid of dogs, but also like it's not like a silly hehe let's laugh fear it's like feel anxious around dogs, flinches when they hear them bark, hates their hair and has to shower every time they come in contact with one (okay the projection may be a lil strong with this one)
whenever kunikida and dazai are walking together and see a dog, kunikida makes sure he's the one closest to the dog and will wordlessly switch sides with dazai. atsushi does the same for kyouka and akutagawa, and gin + black lizard does the same for akutagawa, too
kenji struggles to process that he's experienced traumatic things, so when the adults around him try to shelter him (and kyouka, but it feels personal for awhile) from worse things, he feels like they're babying him and doesn't understand that they're trying to protect him. and then, eventually, it all blows up (prolly after the cannibalism incident) (okay... yes this is the plot of my kenji & tecchou fic but i stand by this lol)
i like to think that, no matter what universe, kenji has some kind of role in inadvertently getting kunichuu together
kenji has an eating disorder due to his ability, but he still hasn't Really processed that yet (like with his trauma) but the agency is really good about making sure he eats (but sometimes it gets hard during Tough arcs like with the hunting dogs and stuff... when kenji took food but only enough for everyone else and not himself... ough...)
kenji also (last one iuygcfghuji) has trouble sleeping at night due to his ability and bc he's so used to getting up early back at itahov. sometimes he doesn't get any sleep in a night, sometimes he can't sleep unless he eats.
when dazai and kunikida find out, dazai steals kunikida's credit card (and kunikida) and they go to the store and buy kenji a cow plushie so he has something to keep him company at night and is perfect for holding and cuddling
dazai suggests he names it kuni-san and kenji LOVES the name
dazai and kunikida get kyouka a cuddly bunny plushie after she joins, too
lovecraft loves reality tv
the guild has mandatory weekly movie nights
nonbinary mark & lovecraft <333 and mark is Somewhere on the arospec... idk where, and neither do they, but they Are
one time mark pranked everyone by stealing their toilet paper holders and hiding them in a locker (... a student did that once. stole a toilet paper holder from the boy's bathroom, hid it in his locker, claimed he found it on the floor and put it in his locker for safe keeping)
this one is stolen from this AMAZING fic called "i can keep a secret if you hush" everyone should read it anyways kenji once walked in on tanihara making out (... heatedly... choking was involved) and they told him that it was a "fight between men" and "please don't tell anyone"
jun'ichirou is canonically afraid of earthquakes. the irl jun'ichirou's childhood home was destroyed by one. the real naomi died in an earthquake and so did the rest of his family and jun couldn't cope (he was A CHILD!!!) so light snow manifested naomi and it took him a couple years to realize she wasn't real and in this essay-
ranpo knew naomi was an illusion the Second he saw her and had a breakdown and hated her for a bit and avoided her and then told her she wasn't real once (and that lowkey traumatized him bc she broke Down) (anyways yes this is also the plot of a fic i wrote i just love this hc)
ranpo and naomi are gossip buddies and share Everything with each other. ranpo knows all and naomi was trained under dazai, so she's real close to knowing all. no silly secrets are safe.
anyways dazai taught naomi stuff, yes, but ranpo is the one who took her under his wing <333 (once he got over the illusion stuff)
yosano really likes reading, especially good mysteries, so when ranpo is busy or when poe wants a reader who won't figure it out right away, yosano is his test/beta reader <333
kenji lives with kunikida bc in wHAT WORLD would kunikida allow a fourteen year old who has never been to the city before to live on his own??? and clearly everyone else is too childish to host a child, other than jun but he already has naomi so there's two of them there, so ofc kunikida takes him in!!!
nathaniel isn't in love with maragret: she's like a younger sister to him and reminds him of his younger sisters
stealing this hc from "Poe's Baking Business: A Horror Story" but poe LOVES baking and is really good at it!!!
hirotsu owns a tractor and loves gardening <333 it's how he destresses
when people refer to "the black lizard", yes they mainly mean hirotsu, gin, and tachi, but over time, it started to include higuchi, akutagawa, and kajii <333
after the whole thing with fukuchi is over, kenji and tecchou have weekly lunches together
jouno comes along one day bc they don't "trust kenji" and now they accidentally adopted a son
kenji is willing to try tecchou's strange food combinations
anyways kajii and tecchou friendship supremacy
they also have weekly dinners where they just try the most obscure things (kajii is actually a really good cook)
jouno gets really jealous and thinks they're dating at one point lol
tachi is the resident forced babysitter at the pm, so when kyouka was there, sometimes he'd take elise to her cell and they would pass her paper and coloring utensils so they could color together
tachi still has some of her drawings
once kyouka decides she likes you, you get doodles and drawings <333
names mean a lot to tachi. he doesn't quite understand why and has lots of identity issues, but he suddenly feels more like a real person when jun'ichirou calls him "michi" for the first time
after the vampire incident, higuchi and akutagawa sit down and have a MUCH needed conversation about their relationship (not romantic lol) and it's awkward and a lil messy but oh SO worth it
ofc dazai, kunikida, tachi, and akutagawa never fully healed from their injuries from the whole... everything going on right now and all have chronic pain
elise's favorite game is tea party but with Roles. tachihara is always the sparkle solider and chuuya always ends up being the worm. never upgrades. sometimes, very rarely, akutagawa gets to be a sparkle princess
ATSUSHI HAS CHRONIC HAND PAIN BC OF THE ABUSE FROM THE ORPHANAGE so the gloves he always wears that ranpo got him? compression gloves!!! i will DIE on that hill!!!
kenji also gets compression gloves bc of his tics <333
atsushi and jun have hooked up at LEAST once. probably more.
hirotsu and yosano have chronic migraines
lucy is a t.aylor s.wift fan (s/o to grace for that one lol)
kunikida has ocd and undiagnosed adhd
poe, akutagawa, and jun'ichirou are lowkey theatre kids. also jouno.
no but jun'ichirou is an AMAZING actor, so more often than not, he's the one who gets sent on undercover missions
dazai has to frequently remind kunikida that yes, he's older than atsushi, jun, kenji, kyouka, and naomi, he's just barely an adult, too. he's still super young. cue a a kunikida breakdown. like genuinely.
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hazbinhotelactorsau · 3 months
« why'd i do tha'? well, cher, it was funny, i'm an asshole, and i don' like ya! »
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Name: Alastor Theodore LeBlanc
Nicknames: Al (by Charlie and Naomi), Dollface (by Antonio), Bambi (by everyone)
Height: 172cm (5'8)
Age: 33
Birthday: November 10 19XX
From: New Orleans, Louisiana
Nationality: Louisiana Arcadian (Cajun)
Languages: English, Cajun French which he pretends he's better at than he actually is (mostly knows pet names and threats/insults) (speaks with a heavy Yat accent)
Gender: Male (Intersex, Classic CAH)
Pronouns: Refers to himself with He/Him but does not care what others call him (he finds it amusing when people misgender him)
Sexuality: Cupioaroace
Partner: Antonio (Queerplatonic)
Famous For: True Crime Podcaster, Blogger and Interviewer for VOXfeed Unsolved
Plays: Alastor 'the Radio Demon'
originally, his character was named Andrew 'the Radio Demon' but he kept forgetting that he was supposed to answer to that name, and Blitzø thought 'Alastor' sounded more edgy anyway so they changed it to make it easier for him
his natural accent was considered too strong and 'too friendly sounding' so he learnt himself a transatlantic accent for the role. he tried to learn a queen's english accent and got absolutely obliterated for his horrible attempt by the brits in the cast
he loves fucking around with gender stereotypes and gender expression. he sometimes dabbles in drag which started purely as him being drawn to the showmanship of it but he found he actually enjoyed fucking around with his gender
he once dressed up in drag for an after party celebration and convinced a drunk oxley he was a new cast member for next season until he messed up and accidentally revealed himself. oxley didn't talk to him for a week after that
his hair is dyed red and naturally curly (a mix of 3A, 3B and some strands of 3C) which he gets from his mother. seeing his curls reminds him of her which makes him sad, so he straightens his hair most of the time to avoid getting upset. he still avoids looking in the mirror regardless though
has a soft spot for younger women (sees them as the little sister he always wanted) and thus is happy to cosplay with naomi and let victoria give him a makeover every now and then (and lecture him for his lack of hair care routine because "seriously, alastor, what the fuck do you mean you've been straightening your hair for two decades without any sort of care or routine?")
he is autistic and has adhd. he was prescribed adderall for his adhd but he never remembers to take it. he also has c-ptsd.
he was attacked by a neighbour's dog when he was 19 that left him with permanent nerve damage and a limp in his left leg. he sometimes uses a cane to help which is where his character got his microphone stand from. he's terrified of oxley's service dog because of what happened but he doesn't tell oxley because he doesn't want him to feel bad for needing an aid (the same way he uses a cane for aid)
he has freckles that he hides with makeup after lucas said he 'looks like a baby deer' which resulted in everyone giving him the nickname 'bambi' (which he pretends to hate but actually quite enjoys)
everyone finds him a bit creepy. one of his special interests is animal bones and taxidermy and he makes no effort to hide it from the others. he often gifts them little taxidermies or fossils or bones and often jokes that "y'all shouldn't be askin' wha' that is! y'all should be askin' who it is!"
fans think he's 'method acting' to play the role but the other cast members point out that "he's not method acting, that's just how he is. he's just. like that."
he isn't a serial killer or a cannibal but he loves to make jokes and leave hints that he is. he makes little snide comments that come across like he very much is a serial killer. the others can't tell if he's serious or not about it which he finds hilarious
he will do just about anything if he finds it funny enough. he thrives on fun and entertainment for himself. people are wary of him because he's known to be a prankster
despite his character, he doesn't smile that much off set. he's self-conscious of his smile and tends to reserve it only for antonio's eyes. he often complains about being cast as a character who smiles all the time (well, he complains about everything. he's a major complainer and everyone finds it hilarious and he would rather drop dead than admit to being whiny)
he's a huge fan of astrology because of antonio. he also got into tarot reading because a distant relative gifted him a tarot deck that definitely wasn't a regift one year. he enjoys doing readings for the others even if it's hard to resist messing with them (it's one of the few things he takes seriously)
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ititledit · 1 year
YouTube swaps for @radblrthemeweeks
I watch YouTube when I want to have some downtime... And I like my YouTube to be fun.
I thought I would share some female YouTubers I've been enjoying recently, I'd love to hear other people's recommendations!
If you like Nick DiRamio or Mike's Mic, TV and film review/comedy videos try -
Jamie French
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She reviews bad and nostalgic films, including skits where she green screens herself into scenes from the films. She points out production errors, lazy tropes and is pretty fun. The series started out being "movies and make up" but the make up is easy to ignore and as she's done more movie review videos she seems to be doing the on-screen make up less and less.
Recommended videos -
Sleepover is a dumpster fire
I think I found the worst dance movie of all time
Kierra loves TV
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Kierra summarises and discusses characters and tropes in her favourite TV shows. Her channel is pretty new, only 7 months old, and while i don't watch her videos on family guy, in her other videos she has a great voice and interesting perspectives on early 2000s TV - I enjoy her videos on Gilmore girls and Sex and the City
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Why everybody hates Carrie Bradshaw
The manipulation of Emily Gilmore
If you like Todd in the Shadows or other deep dives into musicians, one hit wonders, artists who didn't make it, try -
Naomi Cannibal
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Naomi talks about a range of topics including celebrity culture and TV shows, but I particularly enjoy her videos about musicians careers and history.
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One album wonders : label conflicts and the rise of streaming
Teairra Mari - the girl who was almost Rihanna
If you like Stuart Hicks or Architecture related videos try -
Belinda Carr
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Belinda makes videos about architecture and modern building techniques and trends. I find her videos to be very informative, even if you're not that into architecture I recommend giving her a try!Recommended videos -
Bamboo Vs cork flooring - everything you need to know
How to build straw bale houses - pros and cons
If you like day in the life, spending challenges and solo travel try -
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I love Taz's videos, she is silly, very honest and quite naïve. Her friendship with her childhood friend Moon is really lovely, but most of her videos are just Taz trying new things. She has talked a lot about her mental health and has published and performed her poetry.
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I tried to bake a cake with no recipe
Living in a treehouse for 48 hours
If you like furniture restoration or carpentry like Blacktail Studio try
Transcend Furniture Gallery
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Angie repairs, restores and up cycles furniture. The videos are informative but also very calm and satisfying and I really like her work!
Restoring table tops - stripping, sanding, staining, sealing
Do you like videos of model and miniature making like Thalasso Hobbyer? Try -
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Karen makes a lot of animals, mythical and real, and her methods and techniques are really interesting to watch.
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I made a realistic mooshroom from Minecraft
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