#napoleon cookie
spectre-au · 2 years
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ya boi
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theballadofdrjekyll · 2 years
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when hes an idiot but a gamer
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I gave Junot some dessert
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cookiesandbiscuits · 5 months
Birthday Greetings: Ikemen Vampire Edition
It's that time of the year again, and since I started playing the game this year, this is the first time I'll be receiving the suitors' greetings 🤭
Unfortunately, I don't have a greeting from Vlad since I don't have a card of him yet :')
Napoleon Bonaparte:
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Wolfgang Amadeus Mozart:
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Leonardo da Vinci:
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Arthur Conan Doyle:
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Vincent van Gogh:
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Theodorus van Gogh:
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Jean D'Arc:
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Isaac Newton:
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William Shakespeare:
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Osamu Dazai:
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Comte de Saint-Germain:
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Johann Georg Faust:
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Charles-Henri Sanson:
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Even though there's no special event for the player's birthday, the messages of the suitors are very sweet so it kinda makes up for it ^^
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blueeyeddarkknight · 1 year
Happy belated 66th birthday to Jon Gries🎂
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white-boy-bracket · 1 year
not doing pictures for this one. ough theres no many of them
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unverredumatcha · 2 years
LOOOKKK at these cookies! They are very pleasant to adore!
I am glad for i was able to commiss local and small artists. But again, i hope they will be more well-known onwards.
I commissioned a baker and they accepted my personal request so- tbh i was surprised they didn't refuse🧍‍♂️ I went wild with this one. It must be a struggle to make these. I am grateful for the hard work they did. There are 10 colored and 5 non-colored💞
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To mention, the art is not mine. I commissioned a small artist named Nanda W on facebook.
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I went wild with this one too because i commissioned also other Napoleon's acquitances such as 𝘢𝘩𝘦𝘮 Alexander the firrsstt*𝘨𝘳𝘪𝘮𝘢𝘤𝘪𝘯𝘨😬, 𝘰𝘩𝘰𝘬, 𝘰𝘩𝘰𝘬* Pavlovich. I will upload the rest later. I have asked their permission to repost and told me it was okay.
I have asked their permission of a use of their drawing as the design of the cookies. They turned out to feel fine either!
These will be consumed as my evening snack, unless i will be unable to resist the urge to devour immediately/kidding
ANYWAY- I just want to show how adorable and pretty are the art, the cookies, ᵃⁿᵈ ᵗʰᵉ ᴸ'ᴱᵐᵖᵉʳᵉᵘʳ ᵈᵉ ᴸᵉˢ ᶠʳᵃⁿçᵃⁱˢ ᴺᵃᵖᵒˡᵉᵒⁿ ᴮᵒⁿᵃᵖᵃʳᵗᵉ ʰⁱᵐˢᵉˡᶠ/🏃‍♂️
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morethansalad · 1 year
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Vegan Italian Rainbow Cookies
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rainbow-taishi · 1 year
St. Pastry Order Apostles
They are composed of 8 high-ranked members of the Order 
(I really wanted to make some Cookie Run Kingdom fan characters because I play the game. I hope there’s some 'akatsuki/org 13/espada' type villains who could be playable in the future haha)
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Scrapped sketch of the Witch corpse underneath the St Pastry HQ
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Human styled versions + their headcanon voices (I’m not too familiar with the Korean vas so I imagined their voices like the Japanese voices of some of these anime characters)
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Headcanon voices: Cannoli -Ciel Phantomhive; Napoleon- Sugawara Koushi
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Headcanon voices:  Strietzel- Celty;  Profiterole- Kishin Asura
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Headcanon voices:  Pretzel Knight- Halibel;  Linzertorte- Muzan
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Headcanon voices:  Angel Donut- Kaworu;  St Pastry- Ubuyashiki
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spence-whore · 7 days
Movie Night
Spencer Agnew x Reader
Request: what request are you the most excited to write? also what would spencer be like during a movie night? I’m just curious
A/N a couple of things before we get to this imagine! One, I’m not sure if you wanted this as an imagine but I thought this would be cute as one, so I’m writing it. Secondly, I’ve been really excited to write all of these tbh. I feel like the ones I have been really excited about though are the ones being inspired by certain songs. I have gotten a few requests for song based ones and it’s just been exciting because it’s been music I love and even some I have never heard of before. So, it’s been a challenge trying to think of my own way to interpret it to Spencer and an imagine! Last thing, this is pretty short but i hope it’s still good.
You and Spencer have known each other since you were in middle school. You were childhood best friends, which eventually turned into high school sweethearts. You moved with Spencer to California, which led to you getting a job with mythical and him working for Smosh. It was like the best of both worlds. The two of you don’t get a lot of time together compared to what you used to get. So, the two of you do movie nights every Wednesday night. You cook some type of food and get a bunch of snacks and sweets. You pile it all together on the living room table. While you’re doing this, Spencer makes a pillow fort on the couch and gets everything set up. Sometimes he will come into the kitchen to attempt to annoy you but he just gets roped into helping you fix something.
Tonight was movie night and the two of you decided on the classic, Napoleon Dynamite, for tonight.
“Spencahhhh” You shout in a fake Italian accent from the kitchen, “Can you come here for a second, my love?”
“If you’re just gonna pull me in here to make me help you make some sticky dessert again, I will actually cry.” Spencer says walking into the kitchen and laughing. “Listen, you remember what happened last time. I had to shower before we got to even start the movie.”
“Oh, whine about it why don’t you.” You say sarcastically, shooting Spencer a glare. “It wasn’t my fault anyways. I was literally just icing cupcakes and you thought it would be funny to smear icing on my face. So, I simply got you back. It was your fault. I just got lonely and didn’t want to be in here alone.”
“Y/N, I was literally like a few steps from you.” Spencer says laughing really loudly. “But hi, I’m sorry I left you all alone. I will stay in here. I’m finished up in there anyways.”
“I’m just putting these cookies on this sheet. Once the pizza is out, I’m going to stick them in there.” You explained, nodding your head towards the oven. “We can just start the movie and eat the pizza til the cookies are done then I’ll grab them.”
The two of you seriously like to go all out with unhealthy foods this night since you try to eat decently healthy every other day of the week. As you finished putting the last of the cookie dough on the sheet, the oven went off and Spencer stood up to grab it for you.
“Please remember to grab the oven mitt this time. We really don’t need a rerun of you burning the shit out of your hand then having to cancel movie night.” You quickly said with a smile on your face.
“Good lord, you’re never going to let that down, are you?” Spencer muttered while sliding on an oven mitt to grab the two small pizzas. “Are you sure you’re always up to doing all of this cooking and baking? I feel like today is really the only free day we get together. We could just always order food from somewheres and go pick up snacks and desserts from the store.” He rambles while walking over to the table to place the pizzas on it.
You shrug your shoulders, keeping your back to Spencer while you walk over to the oven and pop the cookies in. “I always just feel better knowing that everything is home made. I ate fast food so much as a young adult in college.” You turned around to face him. “I made a promise to myself that whenever I got out of college, no matter what, I would make the time to cook something to eat for myself; even if it is something small. Plus, I always like incorporating things you like or haven’t tried yet in the mix. I always like surprising you. You always praise it, so it gives me that drive to want to do it more.”
Spencer just stared at you with a love struck look on his face then walked up to you and yanked you into a hug. “I wasn’t complaining about it and I hope you know that. I mean god, I’m beyond thankful for a partner that loves to cook like this. If we’re being honest? I would probably live off of fast food all throughout the week if it wasn’t for you.” He whispered into your hair then kissed the top of your head.
You just laughed really loudly into his chest, “I’m going to be honest with you, that’s another one of the reasons I do it. Fast food makes anyone feel icky and weak. I like knowing that you can get a good meal and actually feel good throughout the day. I guess it’s like my love language.”
Spencer pulled back from the hug and placed his hands on both sides of your face for a minute just looking at you. “I love you so much and I hope you never forget that.” He gave you a quick peck then nodded towards the kitchen table. “I’ll grab the plates if you cut the pizzas?”
You nodded then grab his face really quickly before he could walk away to give him another kiss. “I love you too goofy ass.”
You walked over to the cabinet and grabbed a pizza cutter while Spencer grabbed two plates and walked over to place them on the table while you were cutting the pizzas.
“Oh wait,” You said just remembering. “You’re gonna love me even more. I went and bought more Mountain Dew Kickstarts because I realized you were almost out. I also bought two single ones, one of you and one for me, tonight.” You say with a soft smile on your face.
Spencer aggressively kissed you on the cheek then walked over to the fridge to grab the drinks. “You ready to watch the absolute masterpiece that is Napoleon Dynamite?”
“Spencer, this is like the seventh time we have watched this movie this year and it is May. You would think at this point, I would be tired of it. I’m so excited to watch it.”
Spencer chuckled at you and shook his head, “You’re a dork. I’m taking these drinks into the living room now. Do you need help carrying anything?” He asked turning to look at you.
“Nope, I got it all here bub. Just grab my phone because I set on a timer on it for the cookies.”
You carried the two plates into the living room and could’ve just cried walking in there. Spencer always goes all out with the pillow forts. It looked so big and so comfortable. He always had laid out so many different candies and popcorn in two huge bowls on the living room table. You placed the two plates of pizza on the table and realized he had also went and bought you new flowers to put in your vase, to replace the ones that were starting to wilt.
Spencer looks at you with the most serious look on his face then in Napoleon’s voice says, “Gosh, can we start the movie already?”
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cha-melodius · 6 months
2023 Writing Roundup
Thanks to @welcometololaland, @rmd-writes, @kiwiana-writes, and @orchidscript for tagging me for this one. I'm also going to say thanks to everyone who tagged me in the ao3 wrapped or other round up type things; I've been putting off doing my annual writing year-in-review because I always post it on the 30th or 31st. This one is new to me and I figured why not, I'll do it now. I published 31 fics this year (so far!), so safe to say I'm putting this partly under a cut to save your dashes.
How’s About Cookin’ Something Up With Me? (TMFU, T, 4k) Teachers AU, Napoleon helps Illya bake cookies for a holiday party.
Love is a Deserter (TMFU, T, 3k) Post breakup getting back together fic.
True Hollywood Romance (Lokius, M, 8k) Actors AU, fake dating, Mobius and Loki have a PR relationship that turns real.
It's Been a Bad Day Lately (Lokius, T, 17k) Time loop, Loki has to try to figure out how to defeat a deadly Kang variant and save the man he loves all at once.
All for a Taste of the Honey (RWRB, E, 6k) FBI Agents AU, Henry goes undercover as a stripper and Alex has a lot of feelings about that.
All Comes Crashing (TMFU, E, 5.6k) Illya has one night left to live and is forced to admit the feelings he's been holding back.
Nova, Baby (RWRB, E, 67k) CIA/MI6 AU, forced to work together by their respective agencies, Alex and Henry take on high-stakes missions and fall in love.
Kiss Me Like You Mean It (Firstprince, Napollya, Lokius, T) Various T-rated ficlets featuring kisses.
All the Old Showstoppers (RWRB, E, 20k) Canon-divergent AU where Alex and Henry compete in the Great Celebrity Bake Off.
The Sky is Open (RWRB, E, 5k) 1970s Pan-Am pilots AU (with a twist!).
Just a Shot Away from You (TMFU, T, 4k) Five times Napoleon and Illya were ordered to kill each other, and one where everyone decides they’ve had enough.
Tiny Little Movies (RWRB, various ratings) A drabble collection based on drabble prompts from the Brownstone discord server.
Always Where I Need To Be (RWRB, T, 5k) Alex's new roommate has a puppy with a penchant for stealing his glasses.
Please Don't Let Me Be So Understood (RWRB, E, 20k) Couples Therapy AU, Alex and Henry are workplace enemies and accidentally end up in couples therapy.
Black Moon (TMFU, E, 6k) For All Mankind AU, Napoleon and Illya are astronauts living on moon bases.
That's My Trouble (RWRB, M, 6k) Detective/ME AU, aka 'Rizzoli and Isles AU', Alex shows up bleeding on Henry's doorstop.
Theory and Practice (RWRB, T, 4k) My 100th fic! Grad students AU, former hookups turned enemies to friends to lovers.
Getting Clinical (RWRB, T, 2k) Non-famous AU, Alex and Henry meet at a sexual health clinic.
Cold Light (Lokius, M, 4k) Human AU, Loki and Mobius meet in Norway and their relationship grows under the northern lights.
Step Into My Office, Baby (RWRB, E, 2k) Office AU, friends to lovers, three scenes in a corner office.
The Harrowed and the Haunted (TMFU, T, 3k) Paranormal investigators AU, Napoleon and Illya visit a haunted house.
Will You Brie Mine? (RWRB, T, 6k) Non-famous AU, Henry sells cheese at Harrods Food Halls and Alex is his best customer.
Lessons in Foreign Diplomacy (RWRB, E, 5k) Post-American Revolution AU, Alex and Henry are ambassadors to the court of Versailles from their respective countries.
Something To Be Proud Of (RWRB, M, 3k) Non-famous AU, Alex volunteers at Edinburgh Pride and Henry makes an embarrassing email typo.
Enemies of the Ocean (Lokius, T, 3k) Human AU, Loki and Mobius are stranded at sea on a life raft together.
Falling Down the Stairs of Your Smile (RWRB, M, 4k) Canon divergence AU, Alex stays another night after the hospital trip and their relationship gets a jump start.
In the Dog Days (RWRB, T, 6k) Modern magic AU, Alex is jealous and suspicious of Henry's shapeshifter boyfriend, David.
Taste the Way You Bleed (RWRB, T, 4k) WWDITS AU, the Super Six are all vampires living in the same house, and Alex and Henry still hate each other (until they don't).
This Hell of a Season (RWRB, E, 21k) currently posting Nova-verse missing scenes and sequels, 3 times Alex & Henry spent Christmas on missions and 1 when they didn't.
[Redacted] (TMFU) My fill for the annual TMFU winter holiday gift exchange.
WHEW. Ok, tagging! @cricketnationrise, @heytheredeann, @mirilyawrites, @loki-is-my-kink-awakening, @dewdropreader, @celaestis1, @myheartalivewrites, @14carrotghoul, @clottedcreamfudge, @indomitable-love, @dumbpeachjuice, @indestructibleheart, @lizzie-bennetdarcy, @inexplicablymine, @sherryvalli, @iboatedhere, @tintagel-or-cockleshells, @leaves-of-laurelin, @three-drink-amy, and anyone else who wants to play.
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spectre-au · 2 years
sorry I haven't interacted in a bit, wasn't feeling the best. Not completely caught up on spectre, but I already love Napoleon so I drew a little :)
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theballadofdrjekyll · 2 years
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Hnmmmm :)
What a fun looking lad indeed!
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googoobabajogwick · 1 year
John Wick NSFW Alphabet
i love my baby boomer....
A = Aftercare (what they’re like after sex)
John will one hundred percent take care of you. Clean you up, cuddle, rub your back, feet or full body massage anyone? He likes to call it post orgasm affection after sex he feels so protective over you and thankful for you. He’ll do anything you want because during this time he feels closer to you than ever. 
B = Body part (their favorite body part of theirs and also their partner’s)
This man likes whatever you like but if he had to pick he’s pretty skilled with his hands and he loves how they look when they are holding onto your hips or when his fingers are  pumping in and out of your pussy. 
John loves your hips or the small of your back or your thighs…. Does he have to pick just one? He believes your body was sculpted by a goddess and loves to worship every part of you. If he did have to choose it would probably be your hips. 
C = Cum (anything to do with cum, basically)
Finds it way too degrading to cum anywhere but inside you, a condom or your mouth. Though, on the very rare occasion he may be willing to cum on your stomach or chest. Never the face though, he doesn’t know why but it feels extremely disrespectful to him. 
D = Dirty secret (pretty self explanatory, a dirty secret of theirs)
John loves you all natural.
Right before you shower, early in the morning or even after a hot day out in the sun. It feels like all you when he eats you out and licks you all over while you’re all sweaty, he blames it on his basic biology. How could he not be turned on by your natural scent and beauty? 
It may sound strange but it really is a basic animal instinct to be attracted to your mate's pheromones (aka loveee hormones). Although he won’t be as bold as Napoleon and ask you to not bathe, he won’t turn down an opportunity to try and get you in the mood before he knows you plan to shower that day. 
If you ever called him out on it he’d get all flustered and even start stuttering -- it is his literal dirty secret-- but if he sees you’re okay with it he gets very confident. 
E = Experience (how experienced are they? do they know what they’re doing?)
Get prepared to have sex ruined for you because nobody can do it like him. John Wick is THE man, myth and legend. He’s mastered all the ways to end people’s lives and ‘la petite mort’ is a ‘death’ form he's very familiar with. He will have you shaking, twitching, arching your back, pushing him away but pulling him back…
You’re a puzzle for him that he wants to crack. The prize? Knowing that it’s him who can and is doing it. John can make you forget your words, your eyes roll into the back of your head, make noises you thought were impossible and your neighbors hate you. He’s good at pacing himself too so be prepared for a long night.
Might want to bring your neighbors some cookies the next day if you ever have him over. 
F = Favorite position (this goes without saying)
Loves when you ride him because he can sit back and watch just how beautiful you look bouncing up and down on his cock. John loves watching where the two of you connect it turns him on a lot. This position is also good for when he just wants to cuddle and both of you want the extra comfort with a bit of cockwarming. 
There’s also spooning because he can hold you tight in his arms. Under the covers, you don’t even have to move, let him grab your leg and hold it up for you. Don’t worry he’s got you and he’ll take good care of you. Early in the morning, sleepy and warm is the best sex he could ask for. 
Either way he wants to be close with you or to watch you intently because nothing is sexier to him but you. 
G = Goofy (are they more serious in the moment? Are they humorous? etc.)
Really depends. John would only joke around during sex if the woman he’s having sex with is his girlfriend. He doesn’t feel comfortable enough with strangers and one night stands to smile and goof around with them. 
H = Hair (how well groomed are they? Does the carpet match the drapes? etc.)
Yeah John definitely trims his pubic hair. He's a very well kept man but he’d never shave. It’s also something he doesn’t think about often as well so sometimes it gets a bit unkempt but that’s usually only during his leisure times in between hits. Why does he trim his pubic hair before a contract? You’ll never know. 
I = Intimacy (how are they during the moment? the romantic aspect)
John’s very intimate. He’ll never feel closer to you than when he’s buried deep inside your pussy. He talks about how beautiful you are and kisses you all over while he fucks you hard. You’ll never feel more loved during sex than you do when you're making love with him. Multiple orgasms surrounded by his arms and words of encouragement leaves your mind and heart racing. Oh and of course your pussy throbbing. 
J = Jack off (masturbation headcanon)
Jacking off was boring to him. Until he found you. 
Before it was for stress release. Fast and quick in the shower. He’d rest one arm and his forehead on the tile wall while the other stroked his cock until he came. The warmth from the water being the only thing to hold him. It’s too lonely for him. As much as he liked to be alone and is a quiet and private man, such pleasure should not be experienced alone. 
Then you came.
Polaroids. He loves to take photos of you. Whether it’s right after sex or even the domestic things like you eating or laughing. As dangerous as it is, he keeps one on him at all times. You’re his reason to come home at the end of the day. When he’s bleeding and in pain he knows it all won’t matter when he walks into the door and sees you. 
Most of these more private Polaroid photos were gifted to him from you. He kept them safe and would bring them out in the privacy of his hotel room during long contracts to stroke himself to the photos of you in lingerie, imagining you were there with him. That he could kiss your thighs and taste your pussy… It doesn’t take him long and knowing that he’ll see you again makes him almost wanna rush the contract just to see you again.
Thank God for phones as well. He loves to call you and he’s so cute. You can tell what he wants right away even if he’s trying his best not to outright ask because he’s already so embarrassed. 
“Hey baby.”
“I miss you so much…” 
“Wish I was home with you.”
“Oh? Why?” You’d bit your lip and giggle through the speaker. 
Then the minute you catch on  and play along, goodbye awkward John and hello confident John. 
“You really want to know? Why don’t you go lay on the bed and touch yourself for me, crazy woman.” 
When he’d hear you moan at the sound of his words and his belt coming undone he’d curse in different languages. John proceeds to tell you every little detail on how he feels and how he wants to make you feel while he jerks himself to the sound of your moans and wet pussy through the phone. 
If he’s feeling particularly down bad for you, he’ll let you do all the talking. 
John is also a huge fan of mutual masturbation. He loves to just lay side by side with you and make each other orgasm with nothing but your hands and deep eye contact. 
K = Kink (one or more of their kinks)
If you’re looking for a kinky guy or someone into BDSM, you’ve come to the wrong department. He’s a bit old school. John will experiment with all sorts of positions and do some light bondage that’s easy for you to get out of if you need or really want to. No safe word because no and stop are enough for him.
John likes blindfolds, light biting, ice cubes and your vibrators. He also likes making you orgasm over and over or edging you to make the pleasure even more intense. He’s a very attentive lover who is passionate as all hell.
Things are a bit different when it comes to him though. He’s fucked in his opinion. John’s been shot, stabbed, hit by a car, beat and he’s broken bones. A couple slaps across the face from you brings out almost a primal feeling within him. He loves it. Some may call it slight femdom but he doesn’t care when you take a bit of control it makes him feel like he can relax and let go. 
Oh and he’s not into, full strap on pegging but he does appreciate a good old prostate orgasm every now and again. 
L = Location (favorite places to do the do)
Right at home and in his bed. Who doesn’t love their bed? John is not excluded from the common phenomenon that is not wanting to get out of bed. Yes he wakes up early but his bed is just so comfortable and when you’re in his arms all warm… Mmm it’s heaven for him. So when it comes to his favorite thing to do (sex), he loves being in his big, soft bed. You’ll feel like you’re having sex on a cloud. 
John’s other favorites include inside (or on) his mustang, hotel rooms and anywhere in his or your home. 
M = Motivation (what turns them on, gets them going)
Not much, John Wick is easy as shit when he’s in love. He can hide his desire well but if you’re both down it’s not hard to get him started. Wink, smile, giggle or bite your lip while looking at him. Squeeze his bicep or stare at his groin. You’re so sexy to him you could straight up ask him and he’ll carry you to the bedroom before you finish your sentence. 
Baba Yaga enjoys being messed with. Tease him and he may just beg you!
N = No (something they wouldn’t do, turn offs)
Will not hurt or degrade you. John knows how easy it is to kill someone. Three seconds of his hand on your throat would be all it would take. So his hands stay away from your neck no matter how much you beg him. Any kind of pain inflicted on you is a no. End of story. It may even kill the mood for him if you keep bugging him about it. 
He doesn’t feel right calling you a slut, a whore or bitch. Not when those terms are so negative. Those words would never even cross his mind when it came to you. In fact, if he ever heard anyone call you those terms he may have to pay them a visit and … Well that’s besides the point.
You’re too precious to him he doesn’t think he could hurt you even if he tried. Sex is sacred to him. He can be rough in ways that don’t involve putting your life at risk or harming you and he can be dominant and commanding without insulting you. John wants to love and worship you during sex and to him anything that puts you down or harms you is the complete opposite of what he wants with you or any partner. 
Him on the other hand… (see K & W) 
O = Oral (preference in giving or receiving, skill, etc.)
John could eat you out for hours, literally. Your tastes and your sounds, lord he could ejaculate just from that. Sometimes he gets so into it you think he almost forgets your there (he could never actually), his eyes are closed and his face is soaked as he can’t stop kissing, licking and sucking on your clit. He feels like a dehydrated man drinking from the most beautiful oasis he’d ever seen. Be prepared to be overstimulated. 
He of course would never turn down a blowjob. Sitting on the couch with one of his arms thrown around the back, the other cradling the back of your head, tilting it ever so slightly so he could look into your eyes, his boxers and jeans bundled at his ankle while you slobber all over him? How many times can John say he feels like he’s in Heaven with you without it getting annoying? He’s very careful not to choke you or thrust up too hard but he apologizes every time he does. 
Oral is John’s favorite way to have sex with you.
P = Pace (are they fast and rough? slow and sensual? etc.)
Really depends on you but he’s real good at pacing himself. He can tell by how loud and long your moans are. If you are loving slow and deep to the point he’s almost just grinding against you while in bed or fast and hard after a hit where you can’t keep your hands off each other he’ll do whatever you need. 
John does like to change it up though, going nice and slow before speeding up and letting the headboard hit the wall, making anyone within two miles of you hear your pleasure. 
Q = Quickie (their opinions on quickies, how often, etc.)
Ah not John’s favorite but they do. Sometimes he just can’t keep his hands off of you because you’re so irresistible to him. He loves to spend his time worshiping you and edging or overstimulating the both of you but can’t really do that with a quickie. 
He’s not against them, just not his preference because that usually means one of you are leaving and you’re having one more quick intimate goodbye or you’ll be out in public. Both are horrible options to him. 
R = Risk (are they game to experiment? do they take risks? etc.)
John won’t have sex with you in public but he doesn’t care who hears. Or how close someone is. He will have sex in his mustang which is the most public he’ll do. He loves it because every time he gets in to drive all he can think about is your hand holding onto the roof as you bounce yourself on him. 
He’s also down to experiment with different positions and loves the ones that make you the loudest. John gets very proud when someone makes a comment, though most are too intimidated to ask Baba Yaga to tone it down. 
S = Stamina (how many rounds can they go for? how long do they last?)
When he was younger he felt like he could go all night, even if he needed time he’d just eat you out till he was hard enough to fuck you again. Multiple times a day with amazing self control but sometimes you just felt way too good and he’d feel like he was coming the minute he would thrust into you. 
Now with John’s older age he prefers long rounds with fewer orgasms. Maybe he can do two himself on a good night? He’ll still stay up all night kissing and worshiping you. All he wants is to feel you and the older he gets the better self control he has. He can do more if you’re over stimulating him though.
T = Toys (do they own toys? do they use them? on a partner or themselves?)
Yeah toys are good. Mainly vibrators though. John likes smaller dildos, nothing even close to the size of his own dick, that he can fuck you with while you sucking on your clit. 
He also likes the smaller ones because they are the perfect size for him as well. When he’s had a real rough week a prostate orgasm he believes can fix him and heal him of all frustrations, especially if you’re the one helping him out. 
U = Unfair (how much they like to tease)
John likes it more when you tease him but he teases you back just as much. Sometimes he can’t wait himself and doesn’t even want to tease you because it would be like teasing himself. That’s what makes it fun for him though, knowing you need him to fuck you as much as he needs to fuck you. It’s a great feeling knowing you’re that desired. 
Also it’s up to what you consider a tease. John doesn’t even realize when he’s ‘teasing’ a lot of the time. He’ll spend hours kissing every inch of your body, biting and sucking in your breasts and nipples while caressing your whole body. It’s not until he notices your literally dripping onto the mattress that he should probably get a move on. 
V = Volume (how loud they are, what sounds they make, etc.)
Just like normal John he’s pretty quiet but he moans and groans, grunts and growls, swears and talks dirty to you. He’s sure to let you know how good he feels but you’re going to be the only one who knows. He won’t let people know when he’s in pain even when he’s been shot or stabbed or burned, he barely makes a noise. 
Having even a conversation with the man is a privilege, so to hear him in his rawest form when he was experiencing such pleasure makes you almost elite. If the two of you are somewhere private he will let himself be a little louder, but just for you. 
W = Wild card (a random headcanon for the character)
Living his life as an assassin John had to learn to deal with pain real quick. One of those ways was to find pleasure within that pain. It reminded him that he was alive and he wasn’t some scary story… That he could feel. When he learned he could still feel some of that painful pleasure with you it was a perfect meeting in the middle of his two lives. 
So feel free to smack or bite him; he loves it. The sting from your palm connecting with the side of his face makes him feel alive and lose control just a little bit. But don’t actually do anything life threatening damage and don’t do anything too crazy 
X = X-ray (let’s see what’s going on under those clothes)
He’s been blessed by the 666 gods that’s for sure. 6 feet in height, 6 inch dick and 6 figure salary. Or maybe it’s more like 6 feet in height, 7 ½ inch dick that pushes 8 inches when he’s super turned on and a probably more than 6 figure salary.
John seems like a guy who knows how desirable he is but he’s humble about it. He’s fit, attractive, strong, and skilled. He won’t boast and he won’t tell people but he knows he has it all. That doesn’t stop him from acting a bit shy in front of his significant others. When it comes to matters of the heart all logic goes out the window and can leave the most confident person a stuttering mess.
All that confidence he has turns to worry because what if he hurts you? John knows bigger doesn’t always mean better. That’s why he’s learned and he knows just how to get you prepared for him. If you can’t get wet enough on your own there’s a bottle of lube he keeps in his nightstand and if it still hurts, he knows penetration isn’t the only way to have sex.
Y = Yearning (how high is their sex drive?)
Fluctuates but more on the higher side. The emotional release John gets from sex and orgasming is better than any successful or satisfying hit he’s ever done. Being raised to kill people for a career led to pent up aggression being released in sick and brutal ways. He didn’t get the nickname Baba Yaga for nothing. 
Sex is the complete opposite of what he does. Instead of taking a life, he could be making one. Instead of staring someone in the eyes as they plead for their life and  take their last breath, he can stare into yours as you plead for him to keep going. It’s soft, safe and reminds him that there are good ways to handle things. 
It gives him a better release and no one gets hurt! Orgasming feels good and it’s even better when it’s with someone he loves and can share that good feeling with. But don’t get it wrong. He’s not a sex crazed maniac, while no sex whatsoever would be a long time deal breaker, less sex is just fine. 
John’s not thinking about sex 24/7, he has a lot of it when he’s in a relationship maybe a few times a day sometimes, but he doesn’t need it. He’s more of a cuddle crazed maniac. You don’t want to have sex? That’s alright! You don’t want to cuddle? Now there might be some problems. 
Z = Zzz (how quickly they fall asleep afterwards)
John will only fall asleep first if you’ve been dating for a real long time and he’s the most comfortable he can be. Knowing his own strength and skill he wants to protect you. After sex, you have his hormones running wild and he’s filled with so much love and protective energy he wants to watch and hold you while you sleep but sometimes you milk him too good. 
You can always tell when you’ve wiped the poor man out. On those nights he can’t help but lay his head on your chest and he’s out like a light, snoring louder than usual. 
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cookiesandbiscuits · 10 months
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Still no Mozart card...
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homomenhommes · 1 month
based on: The White Crane Institute's 'Gay Wisdom', Gay Birthdays, Gay For Today, Famous GLBT, glbt-Gay Encylopedia, Today in Gay History, Wikipedia, and more … April 24
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 Twins Karl and Robert Oelbermann
1896 – Robert Oelbermann, German youth leader. (d.1941) In 1919 Robert and his twin brother Karl founded the Nerother Bund youth group in the Cologne region. Like other German youth groups, it aimed to bring youth closer to nature through camping and hiking. Homosexual relationships sometimes developed from the intense adolescent male camaraderie, and the Nerother Bund accepted these friendships, as did a number of German youth groups at the time.
Soon after the Nazis took power in 1933, they dissolved all independent youth groups and urged the members to join the Hitler Youth movement. Robert refused and secretly continued his connection with the Nerother Bund. In 1936 he was convicted under the Nazi-revised criminal code's Paragraph 175 which outlawed homosexuality. Robert was imprisoned with 13 other members of the Nerother Bund.
Robert was one of more than 50,000 men sentenced under Paragraph 175 during the Nazi regime. By 1941 he had been transferred to the Dachau concentration camp. Like many "175ers" in the camps, Robert was required to wear an identifying pink triangle. The "175ers" were commonly segregated in separate barracks, subjected to particularly harsh treatment, and often ostracized by other prisoner groups.
Forty-four-year-old Robert died at Dachau in 1941.
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1951 – John Edward Heys is an American independent filmmaker, actor and writer who lives and works in Berlin.
John Edward Heys was born and raised in New Jersey. Upon his father's death two days after Heys' 12th birthday, he was enrolled and educated at a private boarding school in northern New Jersey. Upon graduating from secondary school, Heys moved to Miami Shores, Florida, to the home of his maternal aunts.
After two semesters of college majoring in Liberal Arts, Heys moved to New York City in 1968 and became part of the East Village and West Village alternative life and LGBTQ culture.
In August 1969, he founded America's first bi-monthly newspaper for the LGBTQ community, Gay Power, the official title totaling 24 issues and was editor until August 1970. One of its covers was created by Robert Mapplethorpe. The newspaper also contained illustrations by Touko Laaksonen, better known as Tom of Finland, as well as regular contributors as Arthur Bell, Taylor Mead, Charles Ludlam, Pudgy Roberts, Bill Vehr, Pat Maxwell, Clayton Cole and regular columns from all of the active LGBSTG groups, from the most conservative Mattachine Society to the most radical The Gay Liberation Front, and all the other groups in between.
Heys created several one-man performance pieces and he acted with Cookie Mueller, H.M. Koutoukas, Charles Ludlam, Ethyl Eichelberger and as part of the Angels of Light NYC Group which Hibiscus founded after moving to NYC.
Heys was a subject for the artists Peter Hujar, Francesco Clemente, Charles Ludlam, Richard Banks, Frank Moore and numerous other photographers. Heys was a close friend & muse of the photographer Peter Hujar and subject of many portraits. Hujar once remarked upon Heys' resemblance to Diana Vreeland, stating that, "I can take a picture of her and another of you and there is a resemblance".
In Berlin he was a friend of Charlotte von Mahlsdorf, the Neue Deutsche Welle (new-wave) band Die Tödliche Doris and to the radical gay-activist Napoleon Seyfarth. Heys made two films of Charlotte von Mahlsdorf, one of Napoleon Seyfarth, and was the subject of an 8 mm short film which Wolfgang Mueller made in 1984 in the legendary 1930's bordello, Pensione Florian.
Heys' films have been screened at many worldwide film festivals.
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1952 – Jean-Paul Gaultier's clothes have both influenced fashions in the clubs and on the streets and have also appropriated ideas from those sources. Since his early shows Gaultier has drawn upon street styles and club culture for his haute couture creations.
A frequenter of gay clubs in London, he typically incorporates elements of gay style into his collections. His 1996 Pin Up Boys collection, for example, drew upon the sailor as a gay icon and presented figure-hugging pink and blue Tom of Finland style outfits.
Born in Arcueil, France, Gaultier was an only child. The future designer was greatly influenced by his grandmother, Marie Garrabe, a hypnotist and practitioner of alternative healing who encouraged him to pursue the unmanly pastimes of sketching and costume making.
Gaultier first realized the impact of his sketches when he was punished by his school teacher for drawing Folies Bergère showgirls. He was made to walk around school with the drawing pinned to his back. The punishment, however, only made the young Gaultier aware of his potential for showmanship.
Gaultier had no formal fashion training. Instead, he sent hundreds of his sketches to various couture houses. Pierre Cardin was impressed by the work and hired Gaultier as a design assistant in 1970, on the young man's eighteenth birthday. Gaultier worked for a number of other French design houses before launching his first collection under his own name in 1976.
However, it was not until 1981, when Gaultier began reflecting and adapting with his own inimitable touch key strands of London's youth subcultures, that his talent was established and his reputation as the enfant terrible of the fashion world was consolidated.
In addition to producing groundbreaking and outrageous clothes for his highly theatrical fashion shows, presented by unconventional models (transvestites, old and fat women, tattooed and pierced youngsters), he also launched cheaper diffusion ranges—Junior Gaultier (in 1988), Gaultier Jeans (in 1993), and JPG (in 1994).
In his designs, Gaultier toys with notions of masculinity and the appropriate forms of dress for men to wear. In 1985 he created his first skirt for men. While it did not create a major impact, it had some effect, as fashionable young gay men were seen in the clubs of London and Paris wearing skirts.
For his Autumn/Winter 1988 collection Gaultier again attempted to create a skirt for men; and in 1993, responding to the popularity of kilts amongst gay men on the streets of London and New York, his Vikings collection included his reinvention of the skirt for men in the form of the kilt.
Gaultier has utilized his distinctive appearance, especially his bleached blond hair and blue and white striped matelot T-shirt, as a fashion statement in its own right. When he launched his men's fragrance in 1995, it was in a male torso bottle that was striped to imitate his signature T-shirt.
At the end of the 1980s, Gaultier suffered several reverses, including most painfully the loss, from an AIDS-related illness, of his lover and business partner of fifteen years, Francis Menuge.
But in 1990 he returned to the forefront of fashion by creating the now infamous corset and other stage costumes for Madonna's Blond Ambition tour. "I love Madonna. That was one of the best times of my career," he told the London Observer newspaper in 1997.
The designer lives in Paris, where his business is headquartered, but also spends time in Italy, where his clothes are manufactured.
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1958 – Born: Brian Paddick, Baron Paddick of Brixton, British politician, and Liberal Democrat candidate for the London mayoral election, 2008, coming third behind Boris Johnson and Ken Livingstone. He was, until his retirement in May 2007, Deputy Assistant Commissioner in London's Metropolitan Police Service and the United Kingdom's most senior openly gay police officer.
Paddick was educated at Sutton Grammar School, Sutton then went on to study at Queen's College, Oxford (BA), the University of Warwick (MBA), and the University of Cambridge (Postgraduate Diploma in Criminology). When he was at Oxford, he was Captain of the University Swimming Team and Vice-Captain of his college's Rugby team.
Paddick was a sergeant on the front line during the 1981 Brixton riots, an experience which undoubtedly shaped his attitudes about confrontational police action and strengthened his belief in community policing. He was later in charge of CID at Notting Hill and responsible for policing the Notting Hill Carnival. He was promoted to commander in December 2000, and fulfilled his ambition of becoming head of policing in Brixton.
In November 2003 Paddick was promoted to Deputy Assistant Commissioner, and in April 2005 he took over management of Territorial Policing across all 32 London Boroughs, with responsibility for 20,000 police officers and support staff. He was accountable for reducing 'volume crime' in London (all offences up to and including rape in terms of seriousness) and increasing the number of offenders brought to justice. He was the national lead for the police service on disability and mental health issues for a year and a half. He was also in the media spotlight as the senior Metropolitan Police Service spokesman for the funeral of Diana, Princess of Wales and after the 7 July 2005 London bombings.
Following a widely-publicised disagreement with Sir Ian Blair, the Commissioner of the Metropolitan Police, over the wrongful shooting of Jean Charles de Menezes at Stockwell Tube station on 22 July 2005, Paddick was assigned the position of group director of information management, which he considered a 'non-job'. Claiming that the Home Office had intervened for political reasons to ensure that Blair would not have to resign over the incident as it had occurred in the aftermath of 21 July 2005 London bombings, Paddick says he came to accept that his police career was over and that he would never achieve his goal of becoming a chief constable.
Between 1983 and 1988, Paddick was married. According to Paddick, it was 'a fairly conventional marriage' and his former wife said it was 'a wonderful marriage'. She did not know he was gay. He struggled with his sexuality until towards the end of his marriage in 1988. Since then he has been a vocal and visible advocate for gay rights and diversity.
He had a knack during his police career of attracting controversy over his policies, outspokenness and his sexuality but this seems to have done him no harm and has given him much credibility and popularity in his post-police political career, as he seems to a confident and charming man of integrity. Being somewhat handsome has probably not hurt either.
Paddick was a contestant on the eighth series of the ITV1 reality television show I'm a Celebrity... Get Me Out of Here! in 2008. On 1 December 2008, he became the sixth celebrity to be voted off the show. Interviewed by the show's hosts Ant & Dec after leaving the jungle, he explained his reasons for participating:
"For a long time I've been doing serious stuff. Thirty years in the police and running for mayor. It's all bad news that they want me to comment on. So I thought why not come and do something trivial ... It's the hardest thing I've ever done in my life, anything after this is a breeze."
In 2008, Paddick was ranked number 101 in the annual Pink List of influential gay and lesbian people in Britain published by The Independent on Sunday, down from number 83 in 2007.
Paddick presently lives in Vauxhall, London, with his husband Petter Belsvik, a civil engineer from Oslo, Norway; they met in a bar while on holiday in Ibiza. They married in Oslo 9 January 2009.
It was announced that he would be elevated to the House of Lords in August 2013. He was created a life peer on 12 September 2013 taking the title Baron Paddick, of Brixton in the London Borough of Lambeth.
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1989 – Thomas Sanders is an American internet personality made famous by Vine and YouTube. He is best known for his Vine career until the app was shut down by Twitter at the beginning of 2017.
After the shutdown of Vine, he shifted his online presence mainly to YouTube, though he had started to create content on YouTube before that as well. His online personality consists of comedy, impressions, singing, and social justice.
He also has a career outside of the Internet performing in local theater productions with the hope of someday making it to Broadway. He managed to amass over 7.4 billion loops and 8.3 million followers on Vine, making his career one of the most successful in the app's short history.
Thomas Sanders was born and raised in Gainesville, Florida and still lives there today.
Although he does not reveal much about his family or personal life, he makes clear his pride of his predominantly Irish Catholic heritage, and he has revealed that he has three brothers: Patrick, Christian, and Shea.
On June 12th 2017, Sanders came out as gay in his video titled Having Pride.
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1994 – Yaroslav Mogutin, Russia’s most visible openly gay journalist, makes headlines when he attempts to register his marriage to American artist Robert Filippini. The head of Moscow’s Wedding Palace No. 4 refuses his application.
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