#nd hcs
dysgraphic steve 🤝 dyspraxic robin 🤝 dyscalculic eddie
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mickeys-malarkey · 1 year
Just read some of your batdr theory posts and youve already made me completely doubt everything i ever thought i knew about bendy lmao- (this is a good thing), and i wanted to ask about your thoughts regarding grant cohen (whether in context of your theories or just in general) bc im a Grant Enjoyer and id really like to hear your thoughts!
Thank you hehe, yay! 😝 In general: Grant's cool, love his voice, respect for all accountants from my dyscalculic behind but extra respect for him lasting any amount of time dealing with Joey's impulsive spending, him and Shawn as autistic-and-ADHD-besties is a fave platonic ship (fun fact, DAGames is autistic and Jacksepticeye is ADHD IRL and I did not know that when I started having that headcanon; guess The Vibes are just that strong, rofl). Theory-wise: Idk if you've read Part Three yet, but I sure have some thoughts there lol (Nathan Sr. totally inked him 👀).
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thetrashiestbaby · 11 months
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formosusiniquis · 6 months
any cosmo girl would have known
“Oh she did it for sure.”
“Ten bucks, Bobert, don't give me that look last time we agreed double or nothing.”
“No,” Nancy insists. “This isn't Murder, She Wrote or Scooby-Doo or Columbo-”
“You saw who did it in Columbo at the beginning,” Eddie reminds.
“I know it's an awful show.”
Robin and Steve remain in sync enough to each get a hand on his shoulder to keep him from getting on the coffee table to defend the only good cop show in existence.
“I'm only pointing out,” she rewinds the VHS taking it back the two or three minutes they'd talked over before stopping it completely, “that this is a movie, not a drama with a repeated format that Steve can pattern recognition into predicting.”
“You haven't seen it already, right?” Robin asks. “The one rule of Monthly Middle-Aged Movie Night is you have to pick a movie none of us have seen.”
“No, I haven't seen it already. If you'll all remember when I asked you each to go see it with me I got,” he points to each of them in turn. “‘Wouldn't you rather see Tomb Raider?’ from double VHS, prestige cinephile and ‘That's too much pink for me, baby, you know I have that intolerance, maybe Rob or Nance will go?’ from my emo-isn’t-a-phase husband. And ‘I'm a little busy with this new story, Steve,’ from Nancy, the only one of you with a real excuse.”
“Some feminist you are, Birdie.”
“I don't want to hear it from you. I watched two of the blandest men alive pursue Renee Zellweger while the screen writers tried to convince us she was homely because you ‘forgot’ you had band practice.”
“You said you liked it!”
“It grew on me, but sometimes you just want to see a woman in a tank top. And I won't be shamed by the same man who cried during Beauty and the Beast.”
“I went with my sweet baby Lucy Joan, you miserable hag,” Eddie says, “and they turned that hot werewolf into a boring looking man.”
“You weren't into that? Look at who-”
“Why am I getting made fun of? Can we finish the movie?”
“No, I'm not going to let this be another Sixth Sense situation,” Nancy says, holding the remote hostage, she knows no one will try to take it from her.
“Ugh don't even bring that up,” Eddie groans, “Dustin still mentions it in at least one letter a year.”
Nancy nods, prim and proper, “Exactly, so tell us right now why you think she did it, then we'll play it again.”
“Chutney, the daughter,” Steve corrects, “have you even been paying attention? Her hair's permed.”
“And press play,” Eddie shouts.
“No,” Robin smacks his hands as he makes his ballsy play to reach around her for the remote. “Show your work, Dingus, even I didn't follow that one.”
“I don't always like the movies everyone else picks but I at least watch them. Her hair is permed, she said she was in the shower. She would have had to have been washing her hair if she didn't hear the gunshot and she has a perm.”
“You can wash your hair with a perm,” Nancy points out.
“You would know.” Eddie snarks, fingering the ends of his own hair.
“You can't wash a fresh perm, you'll fuck up the ammonium thioglycolate. Then you're out forty bucks and you've got limp hair. She killed her dad and lied about being in the shower.”
“Press play,” Eddie decrees again, leaning in close to Steve's side to purr, “it's pretty sexy when you go all hair care detective.”
His hand starts to slip below the blanket. “This is how we ended up with Lucy in the first place,” Steve reminds him, just under the sounds of the courtroom drama picking back up. It doesn’t stop Eddie’s hand from wandering until the movie’s climax starts getting closer, and Eddie’s attention is captured just like Robin’s and Nancy’s.
“Unbelievable,” Robin says, when Elle cites the perm salt.
“Never again,” Nancy swears, when Chutney screams her confession.
“Lucy’s been asking for a brother or sister,” Eddie flirts, as Elle reveals that any good Cosmo girl could have solved it.
No more movies with mysteries or twist endings for a while, they all agree, Robin can’t afford to keep betting against Steve.
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arohuacheng · 9 months
what people don't get about hualian is that they're literally like. jock and alternative art student. xie lian lives like a frat boy (mattress on the floor and nothing else in his room, no standards for his own well-being, can't cook and ends up eating what could be classified as biohazards) and is really enthusiastic about fighting as a hobby. meanwhile hua cheng rocks up to the function in his cunty little outfits every day of the week, bells on his boots and the red eyeliner slayed, obviously has taste but is soooo in love with his boyfriend who only ever wears cargo shorts and the most fucked up questionable hoodies you've ever seen. hua cheng wants xie lian to have nice things but it's always like. "babe i promise it's no trouble can we please get you a bedframe??" nd xie lian is obviously so enamored with his cool alt boyfriend who wears skirts sometimes and never misses a beat on a bitchy comment that's just the way it is. basically if your hualian concept doesn't have hua cheng as the hot goth gf you just don't get it
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solargeist · 24 days
When Grian was living with the Watchers, he had a strict certain schedule and routine, I wonder how it feels to have that suddenly gone.
The freedoms great, but there’s probably a part of him that craves the routine set up already before him.
It’s hard being an adult on your own, you know, even having to think of what to eat everyday is a chore.
I think Mumbo fusses at him for having cookies for lunch, (but he himself probably didn’t have anything better either.)
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four-bastard-bustle · 2 months
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Gee Zelda...
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nosfelixculpa · 1 year
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saw somebody in the tags of my green eyed ven post say that roxas shouldve had one green eye and one blue eye since ven (HE DOES ITS CANON HE DOES) has green eyes and sora has blue eyes and i thought yes i will incorporate this into my belief system
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ravenbrookz · 1 month
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fimch is done!!! yippee woohoo
happy lesbian visibility week btw <:] wasnt intentional to finish this when the week started but i did think it was funny. finch my lovely lovely lesbian
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Autistic (at least ND) Kawata twins:
Smiley can't make eye contact while Angry stares into your soul
smile to mask - resting bitch face (not on purpose)
same thing with their voice (don't control intonation+volume very well)
^ lead to struggle with socialization
low to no empathy - hypersensitive
(drawn by violence, no sense of danger? - dislikes violence; only here to make sure his brother's safe and keeping him in check)
canonically likes plastic models and mangas but hides it to be popular (*cough* hiding your SpIns from others? *cough* being ashamed of them ? *cough* relatable *cough*) (also adds to struggle with socialization)
naturally knows how to make perfect ramen
both have a hyposensitivity to pain (OR - they don't know how to properly express it)
the several moments Smiley sit 'oddly'
cries when overwhelmed and lashes out (in their flashback/when they were young at least), perhaps meltdown
ramen is their comfort food btw. Wakui told me
(not but seriously, they swap expression when they eat ramen, that's so precious)
blunt, very straightforward
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okay everyone in pixie hollow was neurodivergent like we all know they were all queer but also none of them were neurotypical
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frogayyyy · 2 months
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mezzbians · 10 months
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they need to be vaporized now
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In my class they're talking about autism rn, so some ND headcanons for the boys (main 4 + Butters)
Kenny: Definitely autistic it's so obvious to me for some reason Also PTSD. Dude dies 24/7 and has an awful family life what did you expect?
Kyle: OCD, I know it's a kinda popular headcanon but still
Stan: BPD don't ask why he gives the vibe Depression too because. C'mon it's Stan he's depression personified
Cartman: D.I.D. (this is @richierambles fault btw) (disclaimer: people with D.I.D. aren't usually assholes, they're mostly pretty cool. This is just a headcanon for a character that exhibits D.I.D.-like behaviours, who just happens to also be an asshole)
Butters: Autism but a bit spicier than Kenny's (autism4autism real)
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arohuacheng · 7 months
is anyone else up thinking about how pei ming is aptly named as the god of love not for his affairs but for how open he is with his friendship and his devotion to people especially in comparison to the cold detachment of the rest of the upper court. how the three tumors are the only real honest friendship that we see in the upper court and how pei ming is the most openly affectionate of those three. how pei ming is consistently looking out for shi qingxuan even as she disdains him. how pei ming is both an ally and a friend to the main group in the last act just because he's sociable like that. nobody else? just me?
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femmetastrophe · 6 months
Adora loves Christmas
Catra says she doesn't like Christmas but loves how excited Adora gets
I will take no criticism on this.
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