#neil gaiman got that dog in him
goodomens-girlie · 6 months
Neil, that is not a dog, that is a wolf
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why would you adopt such a wild animal?
what’s his name?
does he need a dog sitter?
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heyimdove · 6 months
Things of Note at @neil-gaiman ‘s NJPAC talk:
1. Do you people understand that he switches into accents when he reads? Do you people know he does a perfect Michael Sheen impression? did you know it’s also hot
2. He used to cold call publishers/mags to see if they’d publish his work. He’d lie when asked what other magazines he wrote for; they’d think he was more legitimate and would, therefore, be more likely to take him on themselves. “You couldn’t get away with that now” thanks to Google. Also, back then, “we had telephones and we used them,” but today’s publishers would not easily recover if you unexpectedly called them on the phone.
3. It was a personal point of pride for Neil to write for each of the magazines he’d claimed to have written for. He said “I didn’t lie. I was chronologically challenged.”
4. Neil made a deliberate effort to not be boxed in by publishers. He’d interviewed many authors who were unhappily boxed and did everything he could to avoid it, including declining big contracts from prestigious publishers (notably after American Gods). This is why he can write what he likes now. Comics writing spoiled him in this regard, as publishers mistook the medium for a genre, and therefore didn’t care what he wrote (so he wrote all the genres he wanted to in Sandman).
5. He hates Thomas Hardy thanks to being introduced to him in school. Regarding being forced to read Tess of the D’urbervilles, he said “I wouldn’t do that to a dog”. He hopes students, who might have liked him if they found him on their own, don’t encounter his work in school and hate him for it.
6. “The evil characters (you write) don’t possess you, you try to find the little bit of you in them….the little bit of you that is gloriously evil.”
7. “I touched the magic and passed it along” this was a line from Watching from the Shadows that especially moved me.
8. Terry was increasingly upset as the bidding on Good Omens increased (eventually reaching 150,000 - can’t remember if he said $ or £). For his part, when the book finally sold, Neil put on Iggy Pop’s Success and danced.
9. Anansi Boys should be out on Prime by the end of 2024!
10. Described Sandalphon as someone you want to “hit with a large oar”. (The woman next to me, who was extremely stingy with her applause, hooted like an owl at this and clapped til the last).
11. Pronounces Amazon as “Ama-zin” and Los Angeles as “Los Angelese”. This isn’t noteworthy, but I liked it enough to write it down.
12. “Being on a beach in bare feet” was the line that led Neil to realize David Tennant would be perfect for Crowley.
13. He is pictured on the ALA’s poster holding Wind in the Willows because, as a child, “it messed up my head.” He said he is “in love” with a chapter in the middle called The Piper at the Gates of Dawn where the characters meet Pan. It’s often left out of printings, which makes him sad because it is “strange, beautiful, luminous”.
14. TOATEOTL was originally planned to go to Broadway. Then, Covid. They did a “world tour” instead. Now that it’s wrapped, talks about Broadway are happening. He says all of adaptations of his work, this is his favorite.
15. “Disney’s Aladdin plays four times a day in Hell”
16. His favorite question of the night was “WHY did you think of the Other Mother?” He was tickled by the word choice of “why”
17. Asked the library in Sussex “What have you got in the way of really good horror for four year olds?” Obviously none existed so he wrote Coraline.
18. Talked about going viral for being in a falafel, seemed to marvel at the progression of the meme’s meaning.
19. “Tumblr is its own madness”
20. “Stephen King has fabulous stories about meeting fans in toilets, including being passed a book under the stall”
21. Read “The Day the Saucers Came” which I misheard initially as Sauces. Saucers is definitely better.
22. “You want to see me doing Dickens?” I laughed inappropriately at this. I was the only one.
23. I don’t want to say what pieces he read because I want you to buy tickets to his events. But it was very nice to be read to by Neil Gaiman.
It’s very worth it to go. I flew out from San Diego for this and would do it again in a heartbeat!
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pt XV good omens entire season 1: a nice and accurate summary
@neil-gaiman I like to delude myself into thinking you would be proud of this. Are you?
Hello, Asmi here, I present to you a summary so nice and accurate that if you're feeling masochistic, you can just breeze through this to catch up and then directly rewatch season 2 to cry! Which is what this fandom loves to do, so as mascot I'm here to enable you :") Spoilers here, of course, and a lot of chaos.
Episode One! We open with God narrating the Fall of Man and we've got ourselves a Bible AU, east gate angel/serpent forbidden lovers, quite wonderful really.
The serpent (Crowley) now in human form takes the Antichrist and catwalks across a graveyard. Crowley delivers the Antichrist to Satanic nuns but there are several fuckups.
The East Gate guardian (Amoxicillin) and Crowley raise the wrong baby for eleven years with Amoxicillin being a frightening gardener and Crowley being a gorgeous nanny.
They realise the baby is wrong. The real Antichrist wasn't raised by them and therefore owns braincells. He names his hellhound Dog.
Episode Two! Gabriel the angel is an ass, we get some nice witch-burning of Agnes Nutter who made prophecies, and oh yeah the apocalypse is now happening and the horsepeople are out.
Nutter's descendant finds the Antichrist and friends and is hit by Azithromycin and Crowley who are in love. Things happen but what is important is Azithromycin and Crowley stare at each other and also Dog faces off a tabby. Azithromycin lies to Heaven.
Episode Three! Crowley looks gorgeous at Noah's ark, Architecture tries not to listen to her about how shit it all is, boom flood dead.
Lots of romantic flashbacks with Archibald and Crowley, medieval, shakespeare, french revolution etc etc lots of sexual tension, Archibald is in handcuffs, Crowley rescues his books from a Nazi bombing.
Antihistamine gives Crowley holy water, breakup breakup, paintball, sexual tension wall slam, bandstand breakup, it is very sad.
Episode Four! Duck aliens invade earth, the Antichrist possesses children, Crowley and Aripiprazole are incompetent at heroics. Aripiprazole is sent to heaven and everything is on fire.
Episode Five! Crowley is very very sad and Antibiotics reappears and possesses a lady, there is vague hetero sex, Crowley is useless, Antibiotics is the posh gay, everything is still on fire.
Episode Six! Big apocalypse face-off, Crowley's car blows up, no one comforts him, Arsphenamine is now back in his body, eleven year olds kill the horsepeople because Crowley and Arsphenamine are still useless, the Antichrist solves his daddy issues.
Crowley and Antipyretic switch places to survive and then they go out to drink and toast to the world and everyone cries.
[I am so, so sorry to everyone who was involved in the production of this show. You deserved better than this summary. But this is what you got. Blame the fandom, I am only a figurehead and mascot.]
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valiantstarlights · 10 days
[Bluebeard Dream AU] The Seventh Spouse
In which Dream is both Bluebeard and Evelyn Hugo.
...It's been a while, but you know how questionable I get with my AUs. 😂 That hasn't changed with time, un/fortunately.
For Dreamling Week 2024 Day 1: Hunt / Bodyswap / Indulgence / First Time
The Starlight Observer
June 7, [year redacted]
No one talks about how tedious it is to find a spouse. It is difficult enough to find someone willing to brave the treacherous sea known as marriage, but managing to convince one candidate after another to undertake the journey with you, even after they know about your previous failed marriages?
Truly, Lord Dream Endless (despite not being a Charmer like his sibling Desire) is a master at convincing nobles to tie a ball and chain around their ankles and throw themselves overboard, in the hopes that, by sinking down the watery depths, they will be the one who will finally anchor him.
Then again, Lord Dream has his eternal youth, his otherworldly good looks, and his and his family's accrued wealth going for him. It is more than what most in the ton have to offer potential matches, and so Lord Dream continues to sail the open waters unchallenged, collecting anchors while flying the red flag.
The immortal lord's latest target seems to be one Lord Robert Gadling, mutation unknown, who has recently arrived from India without much fanfare. Lord Robert has an air of charm and mystery about him, and this author personally saw how disarmingly charming he is to the debutantes of all species and sexes as they flocked to him like birds of prey upon fresh meat.
Unlike fresh meat, however, Lord Robert managed to captivate them all with his wit and his smiles, and the vultures instead became like dogs at the feet of their master.
Perhaps Lord Dream is just another noble Lord Robert has enthralled, or perhaps Lord Dream is looking for a challenge this season.
Whatever the case, this author only hopes that Lord Robert be warned that there is a wolf Shifter among the dogs at his feet, looking not to be the alpha of the pack, but to ravish the master himself.
The name of the scandal sheet, The Starlight Observer, is both a play on my username, valiantstarlights, and a nod to The Star of Albion, which is the name of the newspaper in Neil Gaiman's short story, A Study in Emerald. ✨
The Lady Whistledown of this AU is a vampire Julie Andrews, a duchess (now dowager) who lost all her fucks when she got turned at age 27. (Julie Andrews was 27 years old when they filmed Mary Poppins.)
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jamiesfootball · 8 months
You said Jamie spends the off-season injured, is this because of something with his Dad and the aforementioned horrors or is it a coincidence in addition to the horrors? And if this is a spoiler you don’t want to share then I was never here.
There are definitely some key developments that I am keeping under wraps, but I will Neil Gaiman that shit if it comes up. As it stands, this topic is very open for discussion! In fact, it comes up in the very next chapter-
cut for spoilers
So in this fic Jamie's injury is actually a holdover of the injury he got in Mom City. The top of his foot hit a very fast moving ball on a downward trajectory midair and hit at a very unfortunate angle. He's lucky he didn't break anything, but it did do some soft tissue damage (I am paraphrasing here because I have not put all of my medical jargon notes into order yet). It wasn't the worst injury to have, but it was definitely a 'safer to stay off it' injury. A 'you may want to take it easy' injury.
With West Ham and the final game literally around the corner, taking it easy wasn't an option, and everyone agreed to play him anyways.
So post-season comes around and Jamie is like 'thank fuck. I need a break. And Dani isn't in town, and even though I told Keeley I was sorry things still feel weird, and Roy and I just had a big weird fight so he probably could use a break from me. Good thing Isaac and Colin invited me to go on this weird history hike thing in Malta.'
And then he pops in for his post-season physical and upon seeing that he actually has even less range of movement in his ankle than he did immediately after getting injured, the physios break into Gollum-level amount of chanting 'my precious's and slap his foot in a walking brace for a minimum of two weeks. They have a regular amount of concern for What Will Happen To Them If Jamie Tartt's Foot Is Broken. A reasonable, regular, understandable amount of concern. Especially given who the new gaffer is.
This is a thing that becomes a big topic moving forward- how the physicality demanded by the sport means that most teams have players playing injured by the end of the season. For Richmond, it's not just Jamie's foot. It's also Dani's knee (the knee surgery that he left for is from ongoing complications from his original season one injury) and O'Brien's butt (again, an old injury) and Sam's legs (we'll pretend I've decided what injury just know he has one).
Then you add in someone like Roy, who now has permanent mobility issues with his knee. And he's the one in charge of all these fuckers now.
To complicate matters, their Total Football strategy largely and predominantly focuses on Jamie being able to play. And after the epic meltdown he had in the boot room, Roy is now very conscious of how goddamn lucky they were that they didn't completely burn him out last season. Hell, they're lucky they didn't burn out most of the first string.
So a big part of the Diamond Dogs strategy sessions ends up focusing on answering the question of what their plan is for the next year. Because they want to win the whole damn thing. Everyone wants to win the whole damn thing. They were so close. But also, as Roy already told Jamie in chapter one, that burn out thing? Yeah, that's not fucking happening again. Not on his watch.
Then, there's Jamie. Foot in a boot. Summer plans cancelled. Stuck in Richmond where the physios can poke at him. And he can't even use training as an excuse to go bother Roy because he can't train right now.
As for The Horrors, well. The message he sent to his dad weeks ago just flipped from 'sent' to 'read.' The Horrors in this case are overwhelmingly mental and emotional, because Jamie is doing what he thinks he was told to do. Forgive his dad. That is what he is trying to do. And it is eating him alive. It is grating him across the asphalt. He is tearing himself to pieces trying to make it happen. He is crawling over glass, trying to make himself do this thing that his mind is screaming at him not to do. And he is trying his best to be okay with it, but he is really really viscerally not okay.
That is The Horrors here.
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georges-chambers · 2 hours
10, 14, adn 17 for the book asks please and thank you!
Oh these are very interesting ones, thank you for asking.
10. "Do you have a guilty fav?"
I think the closest I have to this would be "American Gods" by Neil Gaiman because there's a lot about it I really like, but also a lot that I Really Don't. There are some things that are amazing and some things that are just total shit. It's simultaneously one of my favourite and least favourite books by him.
14. "Do you ever mark/dog ear books you own?"
Yes, or at least I used to. I'd dog ear any that I was reading if I owned them and planned on continuing to read them unless they were very old, as a few are, in which case I'd use a bookmark-equivalent, but I got a few actual book marks recently.
17. "Top 5 children's Books"
Technically "Graves of Ice" by John Wilson is a children's book. Cannot understand why he did that. But yeah, sure, I (kinda) reccomend it.
Unsurprisingly he's. One of the only authors I've heard to have written a Franklin Expedition kids book, so the others are unrelated: "Coraline" by Neil Gaiman, "Watership Down" by Richard Adams. "A Gathering of Days" by Joan Blos was a book i read when I was very young and I think it altered my brain forever, I remember loving it. Another book I loved as a child but isn't quite a children's book necessarily is "Lord of The Flies" by William Golding
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hedgebotherer · 11 months
Random thoughts about Good Omens 2 that either I haven't seen addressed much or haven't been addressed to death or I just want to address anyway.
- The opening scene with the creation of the nebula was astounding, despite how distracted I was by AngelCrowley's Mr Whippy curls. It really hammered home the themes of the original book and the show as a whole to the point where it reminded me why I see Good Omens as essentially the secular humanist Bible. I feel like Good Omens 2 was more scathing in its criticism of the idea of God's 'ineffable plan'. It pulled no punches and kept punching through the whole Job story line. Religious people may disagree, or agree but more angrily.
- Why Eccles cakes? Don't get me wrong, I like an Eccles cake. They're considered old fashioned, but they're actually nice. I'm one of those weirdos who enjoys dried fruit. But calming? I wonder if the whole thing was a subtle bit of foreshadowing based on the fact that Eccles cakes (along with their dried fruit filled cousins, such as the Chorley cake and the currant slice) are sometimes known as fly pies.
- Aziraphale slightly misquoted the Buddy Holly song Everyday when first asking the record shop owner Maggie about it. I don't know how likely this is, but I wonder if this was a sneaky reference to the fact that the Good Omens novel quite famously got many of the song lyrics it quoted slightly wrong (to the point where avid reference collectors wondered if it was deliberate).
- Everybody and their talking dog spotted the Discworld 'seamstress' reference, but not everybody might be aware that this may have been a real historic euphemism for sex workers.
- Some viewers night also not realise that John Hammiel's 'Who told you I was naked?' is a Biblical reference. 'Who told you that you were naked?' is something God asks Adam in Genesis. I admittedly only know this because of a sketch from A Bit Of Fry And Laurie!
- The idea that a song can be remembered even after the rest of your memory is jumbled might have a bittersweet real world inspiration. Neil Gaiman once recounted his favourite memory of Sir Terry. He said: "The last time I saw him. We had been left on our own and Terry (who had Alzheimer’s) had sort of drifted into his head. He stopped talking. So I started to sing They Might Be Giants’ song Shoehorn With Teeth. And after a few lines, Terry started to sing along.". This song seems to have been 'their' song. You can even find a clip of them singing it together!
- I had no idea ducks love frozen peas. This is important information.
- Speaking of ducks, way back when the credits sequence was first dropped I thought I spotted among the procession of animated characters a duck playing an accordion. But, no, surely if there was such a thing then everybody would be talking about it. Then, in a scene were a man is miraculously evicted from his seat in a bar, he's shown reading a newspaper with a headline about a duck that was taught to play the accordion. Vindication! I want this musical duck to be significant to series 3 somehow.
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esthermitchell-author · 8 months
(1/6) The Stars Within His Wings (Fan Fiction based on Good Omens by Neil Gaiman and Terry Pratchett)
Part I: Too Near the Sun
Rome -- 41 AD
He lied to Aziraphale. He hadn't come to Rome for any temptation -- well, except maybe his own. He'd been following a bronze sculpture around the Mediterranean for almost three hundred years, now. He'd first encountered it in Thebes, in a bronzeworker's shop. It'd captivated him, the muscular forms of what gave every appearance of being unclothed angels -- one whose wings shimmered with the golden rays of Heaven's light, the other flashing with the burning red arch of Hell.
The bronzeworker -- a talented young man whose name Crowley hadn't bothered to learn at the time -- noticed his interest and explained the piece was Icarus and Apollo, with Apollo gripping Icarus's golden wings as he moved to toss him further into the sky, to burn up and die in the sun's burning rays.
Crowley hadn't bothered to correct him that the sun couldn't be reached from Earth's atmosphere. He'd been too entranced, his mind filled with thoughts he had no business entertaining. An angel, whose wings shone with golden flashes in the sunlight, and whose hair was even more blond, until it was almost white.
In that instant, he had to have it. When he enquired on the price, the artisan told him it was commissioned by an Athenian politician. Crowley stopped listening after that. He was already devising plans of how to get his hands on the statue. He'd even considered just taking it and disappearing. Something about it wouldn't let him just steal it, though. He swore he heard Aziraphale's voice, chiding him that he was better than that.
Now, Crowley snorted at the idea of an angel on his shoulder. That was for humans. His was a voice -- a memory from the courtyard of Job's home -- and the desire to be worthy in a pair of cerulean eyes. He wasn't even sure why that mattered, but it did.
Still, he couldn't get the irrational obsession with the statue out of his head. Something kept him hunting it, up until eight years ago. Seeing Aziraphale at Golgotha had broken something in him. Knowing why he was there -- why they were both there -- had burned like that metaphorical sun he'd been chasing all these years. God's willful desire to kill a young man with a bright future -- a man who truly believed himself to be  God's son -- angered Crowley to the point he hadn't even been able to trust Aziraphale. He hadn't even been able to accept the angel he knew wouldn't kill innocents wasn't there out of some kind of misplace, zealous glee. Until he flung that insult in Aziraphale's face.
"Come to smirk at the poor bugger, have you?"
Why he said it, he didn't know, other than he wanted to hurt one of God's brainwashed little cretins as badly as what was happening hurt him. Only, Aziraphale wasn't brainwashed or a cretin, was he? They had a fair amount in common, he and the daft, innocent angel. Maybe that's why he kept snapping at Aziraphale like a wounded dog. He wanted the angel to take away a pain no one could.
He couldn't say that, though, so he just snarled and tried to get the angel to go away. At least that way, he couldn't ruin one more life that was just fine until he got hold of it. He lied and focused his attention on the only thing he could keep. The statue. He knew where it was being kept, and he was going to have it, once and for all. Maybe then the strange sensation he experienced whenever Aziraphale was around would go quiet.
Maybe then he would stop feeling like he was spiraling toward a star set to turn him to ash.
Crowley's Flat, Mayfair, London -- Night after Armagedidn't (Approx 2000 years later)
Aziraphale didn't want to admit how badly seeing that eagle sculptured pulpit from the church rattled him -- especially not to Crowley. That would mean explaining thoughts and feelings he'd been trying to hide for over 6000 years. Scandalous thoughts he was sure would mean his fall if Heaven ever caught wind of them.
Even worse... Aziraphale drew a still-unsteady breath. Even worse, since the night of the church bombing in 1941, he'd begun to wonder if he even cared about getting caught or falling, anymore. More and more often, when he looked at Crowley, he only wondered what life would be like if he was brave enough to just tell his oldest and dearest friend the truth -- starting with I don't mean it when I say we aren't friends and ending with I love you. More than Heaven. More than life. Can you ever love me back?
He winced. Lately, the only thing holding him back was imagining Crowley laughing at him, telling him that it was a good joke, and how funny it would be if they really did feel that way about each other. Of all Crowley's jokes over the millennia, that one would be the cruelest, because if he bared his soul only to have Crowley laugh off his feelings, he... well, he wasn't quite sure what he would do, but he knew he couldn't recover from that. Their friendship couldn't recover from that.
If he took that step, he needed Crowley to love him back. No one else ever had.
Feeling out of his depths, Aziraphale made his way back into the plant room, feeling a little more at peace surrounded by living things. The rest of Crowley's flat felt dark and lifeless. How could the demon stand living like this?
Aziraphale mourned his lost books. He mourned the loss of all the small things he'd collected over the millennia. Not the items themselves, of course, but the memories. He could touch any item in his bookshop and instantly recall the events it memorialized. After all, after 6000 years, one couldn't be expected to recall every detail of one's life without some kind of reminder. And now they were all gone.
He paused, hands clasped behind his back and his chin tipped down in consideration as he realized the only memories he could instantly recall, unprompted, all dealt with the demon whose flat he was currently pacing.
No surprise. He--
"Angel, where'd you go?" Crowley's voice preceded his entry into the room. The sight of his apologetic smile as he leaned against the doorframe sent Aziraphale's heartbeat skittering with feelings he repressed by rote, now. "Here you are, then. Sorry the place is so bare. Didn't really see the point in decorating it when I was never here."
Aziraphale turned his head, looking away, before he said something he'd regret. His gaze fell on a strange shape at the end of the short hallway on the other side of the room. Whatever it was, it'd been covered with what looked like a blanket, like Crowley was trying to hide it.
"What's down there?" He started forward.
Instantly, he sensed alarm from Crowley -- something else he'd never been able to explain to himself were the flashes of emotion he always picked up from the demon. Doubtful Crowley would be happy knowing Aziraphale could sometimes sense what he was feeling. Especially when those feelings just further confused the angel.
"That's nothing," Crowley muttered, moving quickly past him to block the hallway. "Doesn't even belong to me. I keep it covered so I don't have to look at it."
"Oh, can I see?" Intrigued, Aziraphale tried to move past him. However, doing so would require touching, and the angel was feeling far too vulnerable to get that close to Crowley, right now.
"'Fraid not, angel. It wouldn't interest you, anyway. Absolutely tasteless artwork."
Aziraphale eyed the demon warily, quite aware Crowley was lying to him, but just not quite sure why. Still, it wasn't his place, and Crowley was being so kind to let him stay here. "Oh, very well. What do you propose we do to pass the time?"
A strange look passed over Crowley's face, but it was gone so quickly Aziraphale couldn’t be sure he even saw it correctly, before the demon swallowed hard and muttered, "I have some of that wine you like. I'll open that and we can talk, yeah?"
Aziraphale repressed the urge to sigh, not sure he had much else to say, after the events of recent days. "Oh, I suppose. Thank you, Crowley. You're a good friend."
He couldn't help noticing the demon didn't correct him, this time.
Crowley's Flat, Mayfair, London -- 2 Hours After The Kiss (4 years later)
Crowley sprawled on the garish, burgundy-colored crushed-velvet monstrosity of a sofa Shax deemed fitting furniture and grimaced drunkenly at the plethora of mirrors hung all over the place before tipping the bottle of whiskey he held to his lips again, trying to wash away the memory of his angel's kiss. Of that little, needy whimper that told him Aziraphale wasn't as unaffected by the kiss as those three stinging words he uttered afterward.
I forgive you.
"Fuck." He dropped his head back, his eyes closed, as he ripped away the shades he somehow forgot he was wearing until just now. He'd been so desperate to just get so drunk he couldn't think, or remember anything, he hadn't cared about whether or not he could see.
He held it together the whole way back to this depressing flat -- he refused to call it home -- before the shaking started. Like an earthquake that ran every fault line from his soul outward, it had rattled through him, dropping him in the foyer. He'd crawled -- crawled -- in here and up onto the sofa, stopping over and over to pour alcohol down his throat. The alcohol was the only thing currently numbing the painful, empty throb in his chest.
He rubbed the heel of his hand roughly against the center of his chest, hissing at the emptiness behind his breastbone. It opened up the instant the doors to the lift closed, and it steadily carved the canyon through his chest he felt now. Like something vital to life ripped away the instant Aziraphale was gone.
How had he never noticed, before? There'd been plenty of times he and Aziraphale hadn't been near each other. Yet the only times he could even vaguely recall feeling like this were when Aziraphale got temporarily discorporated during the Antichrist incident and when he got dragged back to Hell after Edinburgh. He'd mourned when he thought Aziraphale was gone forever, and never been so relieved as when he realized his angel was just discorporated, and eventually made it back to Earth. As for Edinburgh, he'd just assumed at the time that the emptiness was a normal response to drying out in fucking Hell. Still, he hadn't wasted any time contacting his angel once he was back on Earth, had he?
He'd been so relieved to see Aziraphale, that time, he'd wanted to make absolutely sure Hell could never pull him back again. He'd wanted leverage. Holy water hadn't seemed an unreasonable solution, and he'd thought Aziraphale would be only too happy to help.
Had he ever been wrong. Instead of insurance against Hell, he'd alienated his only friend. Aziraphale refused to speak to him even when he tried to apologize. So, angry at himself for alienating his friend, he'd considered the best suitable response to just go to sleep for the next forty-ish or so years. Would've kept sleeping, too, if his brief break from sleeping in 1914 hadn't involved learning Hell intended to do away with his angel.
"Fuck, fuck, fuck." He groaned, now, pitching himself forward to pound his forehead against the heels of his hands, the nearly empty whiskey bottle landing with a totally unsatisfying thump on the ridiculous faux-fur rug.
Not that he cared how bad Shax's taste in decor was.
"I need a plan," he muttered to himself. Yet, he didn't have a fucking clue what kind of plan there was to make, aside from spending the next thousand years or so getting utterly wasted. He already knew if he tried to sleep, he'd just dream of Aziraphale. Now that the bag was quite utterly devoid of cats, merely thinking the angel's name made him ache to the depths of his Hell-scorched soul.
There was nothing he could do, this time. Aziraphale made his choice. He chose Heaven. He chose an angel that no longer existed -- hadn't existed in over 6000 years.
And Crowley couldn't breathe, anymore.
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So I read all the graffiti from this link (from the kosher garum post I reblogged) and here are some of my favorites:
This man, who has had a bisexual awakening and decided men are better.
Weep, you girls.  My penis has given you up.  Now it penetrates men’s behinds.  Goodbye, wondrous femininity!
Gaius and Aulus, who I really hope got out before the eruption and went on to live their best lives.
We two dear men, friends forever, were here.  If you want to know our names, they are Gaius and Aulus.
The absolute legend Theophilus. May he still be performing oral sex in his afterlife.
Theophilus, don’t perform oral sex on girls against the city wall like a dog
This scathing review of an inn.
What a lot of tricks you use to deceive, innkeeper. You sell water but drink unmixed wine
This person who is just so in love.
If anyone does not believe in Venus, they should gaze at my girl friend
This absolutely savage curse. Chie, I hope you deserved it.
Chie, I hope your hemorrhoids rub together so much that they hurt worse than when they every have before!
The one Neil Gaiman pointed out in the kosher garum post.
The one who buggers a fire burns his penis
This hilarious admission.
We have wet the bed, host.  I confess we have done wrong.  If you want to know why, there was no chamber pot
These men who had bad service but a great time.
Two friends were here.  While they were, they had bad service in every way from a guy named Epaphroditus.  They threw him out and spent 105 and half sestertii most agreeably on whores.
And a whole lot of defecating.
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cathy-plus-e · 8 months
What's your favourite book and favourite author? 🤭
(I'm going to guess it's about Mori) << am i right? 👀
What's one thing you want to do this year that you never got to do?
What's your sexuality? do you like guys, girls, both?
What's one thing you're scared of?
What's one thing you're proud of?
Are you more into maths, science or arts?
What's your dream career?
What's one thing that's considered 'normal' but it annoys you?
What should your followers call you? (cathy plus e, plinko mori, max?) 👀
(P.S Only Answer What You Want) 💚
<<have a good day>> ❤️
My favourite book is Animal Farm by George Orwell and my favourite author is indeed Ougai Mori
What I want to do this year is read and finish some books actually– One of Neil Gaiman and other from John Katzenbach
I'm a pansexual trans boy but I'm actually wondering if I'm gay tbh
My mom
I'm proud of finally find a teacher that understands me, can make me understand my reality and that trusts me to help him in his personal things while he helps me in my personal things
I'm (what in my country at least is) matemático-humanista-artístico, a math person that loves also anything related to history + languages and also art (Literature and Music only)
«People that have traumas with dogs don't exist», «Ougai Mori is a pedo», and the obligation to celebrate mother and father's day when there are many people with abusive parents
They can call me «Dude», «Max», «The cat's/CDC's dad», I actually don't mind Cathy and the last thing would be Plinko Mori
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Dye for you
Dye for you
by w0rms_w0rms_w0rms
Crowley wasn’t entirely sure where the idea to dye his hair had come from. Perhaps no longer working for hell had changed something in him, and he wanted the outside to reflect that. Perhaps his drunken mind had mushed the idea together one night from half-baked musings about jacket colours and hat styles. Perhaps he just wanted a change. The reason, he thought, was irrelevant. The important part was that, on one rainy summer afternoon, he had taken the Bentley for some exercise and had returned from his parking space (which he hadn’t paid for - miracle he hadn’t got a parking ticket) with a box of dark red hair dye. - Or - In which Crowley enlists Aziraphale to help him dye his hair after the end of the world.
Words: 1191, Chapters: 1/1, Language: English
Fandoms: Good Omens - Neil Gaiman & Terry Pratchett, Good Girls (TV)
Rating: Not Rated
Warnings: No Archive Warnings Apply
Categories: M/M
Characters: Aziraphale (Good Omens), Crowley (Good Omens)
Relationships: Aziraphale/Crowley (Good Omens)
Additional Tags: Fluff, Hairdye, Tooth-Rotting Fluff, Pre-Season/Series 02, the Bentley is basically a dog, Asexual Relationship, not mentioned but just trust me bro, Canon Compliant, One Shot, no beta we run to alpha centauri, they are both so repressed
From https://ift.tt/In3KZ1X https://archiveofourown.org/works/48934546
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go-go-devil · 1 year
for the send you a character ask!! talk about a character of your choice!! would be fun to learn about a new character lol
Since I still have a special interest in The Sandman series, I'll use this as an excuse to talk about Delirium of the Endless!
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First impression: I was paging through a copy of Brief Lives that we got at the book store I work at and was instantly captivated by her incredibly unique comic text bubbles, along with her unusual way of speaking. She was legit the main catalyst in getting me interested in reading the Sandman comics just so I could learn more about her (and her siblings)
Impression now: Supreme Goddess of Neurodivergency and Transgender and Fluttering Swimmy Things 🦋🐠 Easily my favorite character in the series and sooooooo happy that she helped get me into these awesome graphic novels!
Favorite moment: Geez I dunno, every single thing she does in Brief Lives? I really can't stress how much I enjoy this character, and honestly she appears so far into the comics that any singular moment I describe would be spoilers
I guess to keep it as vague as possible I particularly love the scene where she stabilizes herself for the sake of telling off her eldest brother Destiny and comforting her brother Dream. It's a short scene, but to me it's when her entire character really clicked into place for me, that's all I'll say for now ;)
Idea for a story: I was always fascinated with how Rose Walker's hair colors perfectly reflect Delirium's. Hell I actually thought Del was going to make her first appearance in The Doll's House due to that, but sadly that wasn't the case. Personally I'd love to read (or even write) a story about Rose coming into contact with Del in some way, perhaps serving as the exact moment when her Vortex powers start developing. I just really want these two to interact, they're both such interesting characters 🥺
Unpopular opinions: ARE there any unpopular opinions of Delirium? I don't engage with the wider Sandman fandom so I'm out of the loop there. Fandom-wise I will say he one thing I would definitely hate the most is if anyone ever tries to infantilize Del. Yes she may be the youngest of the Endless and have a notably child-like way of articulating much of her thoughts, but that doesn't mean she's stupid!
Favorite relationship(s): Getting the obvious out of the way, I adore how her relationship with Dream was handled. It would have been so predictable to have him be constantly annoyed at and condescending to his littlest sister because of how much younger and less formal she is compared to him, but instead Neil Gaiman took the high road by actually having Dream try his best to understand her and treat her as an equal throughout their journey. Honestly even all these decades later it's still refreshing for me as someone who's used to seeing neurodivergent-coded characters being treated as nothing more than comic relief and/or demonized for the way they act
Of course I also love the strong sibling bond she had/continues to have with Destruction. Can't describe that one in too much detail because once again that would be major spoilers, but it out of all of her siblings he seemed like the only one who really tried to understand her and actually accepted her change
I also do like what little we see of Del and Barnabus together. I see him as her emotional support dog since good lord she was in dire need of one. He's often sarcastic with her and doesn't really understand much about Del's thought-processes yet, but I do love how he chooses to remain loyal to her and help her out the best he can. The way he does so in her portion of the Endless Nights comic in particular made me super emotional T_T
Favorite headcanon: As I mentioned earlier I do hc that she had a direct encounter with Rose Walker at some point. There was also this one piece of fanart I saw that depicted Delirium and Dream creating "fever dreams" together and I totally love that idea! The Endless's powers inevitably cross with each other in certain instances, so I'm always down for seeing depictions of them working together in such a way
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happy-mokka · 8 months
Tag Game!!
ˏˋ°*♡➷ get to know me ༊*·˚
(I was tagged by @santacoppelia <3 muchas gracias!)
rule: name your favorite movie, character, animal, drink, song, season, book, color and hobby
Ok, let's do this...on a side-note: I'm VERY bad in making decisions when I like so much stuff equally...you should see me in a restaurant with a huge menu... :)
Favorite: E.T. I soooo love movies...if I really have to choose 1 favorite, then it has to be "E.T." (Sorry "Jaws"...it was a close call...). I watched this as a six year old in our small town cinema when it came out 1982 (yes, I'm THIS old^^).
Recent: "Everything Everywhere All At Once" In the recent-section it's definitely "Everything Everywhere All At Once". Breathtaking movie...so many things at once... ❤️
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Favorite character:
Aziraphale. (Took 1st place by storm on angel's wings)
Waymond Wang. (Bascially me in asian)
Malcolm Reynolds. (Funny, Goofy, Selfish on the outside but his heart on the right spot.)
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Dogs (better humans) Cats (when they feel like it, they cuddle the whole day, when not they don't give a shit...sometimes I admire that, even if I can't...not give a shit I mean) Parrots (so intelligent, brilliant therapists when you just need someone to talk to who only replies with "wwwwaaaaak. idiot.")
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Favorite Drink:
Coffee. Nothing comes close. Black, no sugar. I also love to collect all kinds of weird cups for that matter... When I'm with my family and closest friends, the coffee comes as a "turkish coffee" (or "mocha" or I believe sometimes "demitasse" in the States?). We're from the Balkans and inherited that from the Ottomans and on top of this my sis-in-law is Lebanese...
Over the day it's otherwise just water or all sorts of teas.
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Oh gosh. Same as with movies. I just love almost all genres and favorites change on daily basis depending on mood, weather, ...
Some picks:
Spring Everything blossoms and nature just explodes from winter slumber...
Fall / Autumn Colors, colors, colors...sensory overload.
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Again sooo tough. But anyway, I'll try:
"The Lord of the Rings" - J.R.R. Tolkien Blew me away when I was 15 and a regular 2-year read since then...
"The Witching Hour" - Anne Rice Was my first Anne Rice and read basically all her work since then and still own the larger part of it in my shelf.
"Good Omens" - Neil Gaiman I must admit I only recently got to him, but currently digging through his other works as well...
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Green, Blue, White
Books Fiction mostly of all genres, some poetry (Shakespeare ❤️)
Movies Going to the cinema regularly. Love to see things on the big screen and the whole package that comes with it incl. the smell of fresh popcorn... Love all genres including subtitles.
Photography Totally unprofessional. Just love to picture moments on a walk in the park or walking home from the office. I see something that captures my eye, I have to stop and take a snapshot... Who's interested, come by my Insta "happy_mokka"...
tagging, without any obligation and with all the pleasure:
@uncleadelheid-will-eat-your-soul @eugenoid-remade @littlelodell
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thenightling · 6 months
The Elephant in the room (The excessive animal death in The Sandman Netflix series)
I love Neil Gaiman's The Sandman. I love the Netflix series adaptation however... There is one aspect I don't love. The animal death. There are three instances of fictional animal death in The Sandman Netflix series and only one of those three actually happened in the book. The first is poor Jessamy getting shot and killed while trying to rescue Morpheus in the first episode. Jessamy is a mortal-turned-raven who served Morpheus for over a century. The next animal death is Gregory. Gregory is a dog-like gargoyle who behaves like a puppy. He is uncreated by Morpheus so Morpheus can re-absorb the magical energy used in his creation. The third are the kittens in Dream of a Thousand cats who are cruelly drowned. Jessamy does not die in the original comics or The Sandman audio drama. We get the implication that she eventually moved on and went with Morpheus's sister Death but we don't know when that happened. Gregory never dies in the original comics or audio drama. In fact the use of him in The Sandman Netflix series wasn't just unnecessary. It was a cold, calculated effort to emotionally manipulate the audience. It worked, perhaps a little too well. Because I know many animal lovers who turned it off as soon as Gregory died. I almost did even though I love The Sandman and believe Morpheus was re-creating him in episode ten. It pissed me off because it a deviation from the original source material just to manipulate the audience. Imperfect hosts had been one of my favorite issues / chapters of The Sandman because Cain and Abel got to nurse Morpheus back to health. Now Morpheus just shows up to kill their gargoyle-dog. Dream of a Thousand cats is already hard to watch as an animal lover. Why did the show feel the need to add two extra animal deaths that aren't in the original story? This makes it very hard to talk certain friends into watching The Sandman. Lots of people can handle human deaths in media better than animal death. Jessamy's death served a valid story-telling purpsoe but Gregory's still feels unnecessary.
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Lair Review for VariantLoki
To start your lair is so beautiful and well organized. It was a treat to read through your lore, and see the diverse art for your unique dragons. I know that you prefer Tundras but you really have an eye for apparel and accents across all breeds, so many of your dragons are XYZ but look like they were bred specifically to pair with their accents. Its inspiring!
Bear was the first to catch my attention because of his soft browns amid the more colorful dragons on your first page. I have a soft spot for babies, and love that he is a tribute to your dog irl. So sweet! His colors are perfect, and I think the ivory okapi really pulls out the wide range of browns from the chocolate ripple/stripes. The kicker is how well his background scene fits, looking like a comfortable family living room for your sweet Bear.
Trans obalisk? Trans obalisk! Thomas' soft pastels are so beautiful; he's one of the dragons to showcase your talent with pairing accents and apparel. Underneath is clothes Thomas still shines, the wine shades in his fire capsle look amazing with the shades in pearl flair. Sometimes arcane primal can look awkward but its so fitting on him. 10/10
So impressed with your page of primal eyes, I'm a sucker for gold so Skoll really stole my attention. Of course he immediately reminded me of the familiar, so I had an :O moment when it clicked that his scene looks like a wolfs den. Really well thought out. Also, amazing use of the skittering chitin breastplate to look like a bright gold mane.
Phenomenal combo of apparel and skin again!! I truly thought that Harlequin’s green sea slug cloak was apart of the skin/ He looks like a coral reef! If I were a fish, I'd want to make my home on this dragon.
I know that reference! Omg I love Claptrap, both the character and your dragon. The use of the steampunk wings looks perfect with that accent, and his goggles look exactly like claptrap's eye! Its also cool how the accent tappers off on his tail, it looks almost like Claptrap's wheel got popped.
[Spoilers for Good Omens by Neil Gaiman and Terry Prachet] I know this reference, too! I haven't read Good Omen's in years but Aziraphale with his angel wings and the fire halo immediately took me back to the bookstore fire! This is one of the most well done fan dragons I've ever seen on FR, his facial expression even captures Azriphale's polite whimsy.
Beautiful birthday boy! I really love the bright neon green of the emerald graspers on his purple spinner wings. Also ghost moon has those wonderful green tones which makes it look like the emeralds are casting a glow on Dean's face.
Tulip is 2 cute! She is so eye catching, and I love how the cottoncandy stained gives her a dusky lavender hue. Great use of the pink heartswirl and feathered wings. Shes a beautiful valentines tribute dragon
Dukkrat looks like a cool alien rat/wolf hybrid. Wonderful use of mandibals and the breastplate, they make the layers in his seraph and stripes genes look more angular. Then in contrast his chincilla companion gives that soft touch and makes him look like an approchable friend. I know it says he's unfinished so I'm excited to see what you'll do with him in the future! 
Its so cool and ambitious that you're collecting all of the tundra accents on the site! You have a true gift for decorating dragons, and I think Verdandi is a great example of a dragon whos mix of apparel and accent makes it look like it was all designed specifically for her. Shes a beautiful spring tribute, I love the festive touch the love's herald birds bring, it looks like they are draping her in flowers.  
Shout out to Valenteen, a beautiful XYZ kitty that inspires me.
Thank you for letting me review your lair, it is so lovely!
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thistyrannosaur · 2 years
17 people, 17 questions
Nickname: Bri, Brie to some, Nana/Banan to others, Scoish to a few 🤣🤣🤣🤣
Sign: Aquarius ♒️
Height: 168 cm? I haven't checked in a while and I think I've shrunk 😑
Last thing I googled: "what is a selkie" I have heard of them before, but I never knew the origins of the term
Song stuck in my head: "Conceited" by Flo Milli
# of followers: 1,781
Amount of sleep: I try to get between 7-9. I probably got maybe 9 last night???? I meant to go to sleep early so I could get that extra hour of sleep but I ended up staying up late and wasting it lol
Lucky number: 10
Dream job: hanging out with dogs and puppies all day, writing or working with people in the horror movie business, Forensics, my current job only higher up (the library is cool!), video game voice actor but I'm being paid fairly
Wearing: old high school sweatshirt with holiday sweater printed leggings (comfy comfy on a Sunday)
Movies/books that summarize you: Dead Poets Society, Song of Achilles, Napoleon Dynamite, Addams Family, any Godzilla movie where GZ helping people 🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣
Favorite song: ever??? Not possible. Right now? Taste by DanceRacha
Fave Instrument: personally, I like listening to people who can play the hell out of drums!
Aesthetic: gender-neutral, comfortable, "whatever goes" aesthetic. Don't really have one??? I like specific ones, but don't ascribe to one myself.
Fave author(s): Andrzej Sapkowski (I am critical of his writing sometimes but I generally like his story telling. 🤭), Madeline Miller, Neil Gaiman, William Goldman
Fave animal noise: when someone's cockatiel repeats sounds or songs they've heard 🤣🤣🤣😭😭 so cute!
Random: Zac Efron is in Louisiana and I'm nervous to go out anywhere in the case I see him. I won't know what to do 😶😶😶😶😶😶😶🤣
Tagging (you are in no way obligated, this is just for fun 💗💗💗 I tried to pick some of buddies who've been around for a LONG while!) @seunghyubtual (sorry for tagging you so much! I just always see you in my notes and I love your blog 🤭🤭🤭) @owlmighty @broholdmyhand @agxntkeen @plnasma @hiddlebatchedloki @napkintr @thewriteist @valapologist @whisperasphodel @kachulein @ecuadorlady @m-etzengerstein @flying-fuckmadudes @peony-pearl @the-spachelor @thestorysoldier
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