#next cake is delivered straight to your door.
squidyyy23 · 1 year
gallacrafts: big fic energy 🎂
okay, so i actually had a non-baking idea for this month's @gallacrafts at first but then @auds-and-evens jogged my memory about the M8TE cake! and how could i resist bringing the best pal lyle's cake to life???
so, congratulations to mickey's now-plundered hole, congratulations to M8TE's celebratory milestone, and congratulations to the wildly genius, out-of-this-world amazing, cherished soul that is @gallawitchxx for creating it all!
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The candles flicker yellow and gold like Ian’s rut-aroused stare, which Mickey can still see as clearly in his mind’s eye as the sheet cake in front of him. Blue icing reads, Congrats! You got fucked! "To Mickey,” Lyle announces, dressed in head to toe leather and holding up a bulbous stemmed glass, scarlet wine sloshing about, “who finally let someone get their dick wet”—he pauses, really playing up the emotions—“inside of his tight, previously unplundered hole." -- M8TE by @gallawitchxx
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call-sign-shark · 1 year
Heaven in Your Eyes || Arthur Shelby x Reader!OC
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Summary:  Six months after being released from prison and cleared of murder charges, you and Arthur are finally getting married. All you have to do now is hope for the wedding day to be spared from some Shelby chaos. Featuring John Shelby x Reader.
Words: 6k
TW:  tooth-rotting fluff, light angst, allusions to smut, one ruined wedding cake, Tommy not being a dick for once, otherwise it's a well-deserved soft chapter to start this new act. Let's not break your heart too soon.
✞ This chapter is the beginning of Act II of Heaven in Your Eyes. The timeline is S4.
✞ Heaven is OP's original character but written with the use of « you » (Moodboard here).
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PREVIOUS || Masterlist || NEXT PART
The beating in your heart was so erratic, so fierce, that its constant drumming echoed in your skull and ears as painfully as if someone was smashing your brain with a hammer. You clenched your jaws at the painful bite of the rope the police officer behind you had placed around your neck. The way the noose compressed your windpipe, already giving you a foretaste of what was awaiting you, made the act of breathing laborious. Sucking on a sharp breath, your throat whistled like a dying bird. Down below I go, you thought while nervously playing with the wedding ring Arthur gifted you weeks ago. He had barely made his proposal when policemen snatched you from him and threw you both in jail. With your back straight and your crystal eyes glaring at the officers who were present in this slaughter room, you managed to keep your dignity. They might hang you, but they would not see you cry. In fact, if you went down they would have to watch you, so that your piercing irises would haunt them until, one day, Death would come for them too.
I love you Arthur. 
I love you Dad and Mom.
I love you little sister.
I’m so sorry I’ve failed you.
Could you ever forgive me?
Your teeth dug into the flesh of your inner cheek as seconds flew, each bringing you closer to your inevitable end. 
A far cry in the distance. Were you dreaming? Or were demons already afraid of you down in Hell?
Officer Kat Wilson’s heart missed a beat when the familiar voice boomed in the warehouse, as loud as a foghorn. The blonde policewoman turned around, eyes filled with hope as she saw the silhouette of Sergeant Moss bathed in the blinding outside light that had rushed into the place when he had opened the warehouse’s heavy doors, “Do not kill her! We’ve just received a new order from the Crown: Heaven Lavey and Polly Gray are proven innocent of the crimes they had been accused of.”  He said, forehead glistening with sweat. He had probably run as fast as possible to deliver the news quickly. Kat Wilson felt all of her muscles relax at such an unhoped-for plot twist.
“Take the noose off her neck now.” She ordered, trying his best to sound strict despite Moss standing right here,  running out of breath.
Innocent? Take the noose? Sentences were melting in an intelligible treacle because of the emotional roller coaster you were undergoing, hence you only caught a few words. When your mind finally made sense of what was happening, a long sigh came out of your quivering lips. Then, the policeman behind you set your throat free. You blinked several times and looked at Officer Wilson, who replied to your confused gaze with a faint, supportive smile illuminating her usually oh-so-severe traits. Then, she proceeded to free you from the handcuffs that were sinking into the frail flesh of your wrists. As she did, Kat brought her lips near your ear and whispered so only you could hear, “Arthur’s safe. The warrant includes the Shelby family too. I’m sorry for the mess, doll. ” 
You swallowed the lump in your throat and glanced at the woman, trying not to let too many emotions show. Not that you wanted to play the tough girl, but you were so overwhelmed by your feelings that you were not even able to let out anything except confusion. It was all… Too much. “You knew they were going to release us.” You stated with a quiet but still slightly shaky voice as the revelation struck you. 
“Let’s say I hoped they’d interrupt your death sentence in time.” Her soft yet hoarse voice replied, highlighted with a cunning little something.
Kat Wilson gave your shoulder a gentle squeeze before leading you outside the sinister warehouse, unwilling to provide you with further details. And somehow, you did not bother to ask. The only thing you wished for was to run away from this killing floor. Thus you walked bare feet on the gravel ground, the peaky sensation of the tiny stones against your flesh keeping you grounded to reality, andyou stopped in the middle of the yard. There, you threw your head back and closed your eyes,  relishing the soft caress of the wind on your face.  You breathed a sigh of relief, for the clouds above you had shifted from the sun, whose rays were warming up your frozen skin. 
You were alive. 
“Heaven!” A woman voice called you.
You reopened your eyes and looked around you, “Oh my God, Polly!” You suddenly exclaimed when you recognized her. Seeing Aunt Polly running to you and almost tackling you in a desperate hug was all it took for your emotions to finally flood you. Tears dawned at the corner of your eyes as you pulled her into a deeper embrace. Polly sobbed in your arms, her body quivering because of her cries.
“I saw them Heaven! I saw the spirits. Oh bloody hell, the spirits…” 
“I know Pol,” You tried to comfort her the best you could, your grip tightening around the poor woman in the hope of helping her calm her panic attack. Still, you knew she was shaken to the core by her freshly canceled rendezvous with Mr. Death, “Everything’s fine,” You whispered, and let one of your hands lose itself in her short dark hair, “I hear them too.” You admitted. Polly gradually grew quieter in your arms, running out of tears. Nevertheless, you did not let her go. What you did, though, was to silently thank the policewoman with your gaze, your irises sparkling with genuine gratitude. No matter her role in all this mess, you knew Kat Wilson contributed to setting you free. 
You were alive.
Alive, for sure, and indescribably furious. 
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1925 - Six Months Later 
You had been absentmindedly looking at your reflection in the mirror for long minutes when someone knocked at the door and snatched you from your contemplative state. A growl escaped from your lips for you had let everyone know you did not want to be bothered— truth be told, you needed a bit of time alone with you to soothe your anxiety. However, the uninvited guest came in before you allowed him to do so.
“True gentlemen wait to be invited before entering a room, you know? Especially when a lady is in it. ” You said with a faint smirk on your plump and glossy lips as you recognized the guest by the sole fragrances of his cologne. 
“A part of me hoped to see you undressed, that’s why I didn’t, little Angel.” The masculine voice answered, its tone filled with tease. You snorted at such a stupid answer, kinda expecting it, and rolled your eyes in amusement.
“Idiot.” You simply retorted, glancing at him through the mirror you were still facing.
“Idiot? That’s it? I’m used to better roast from ya, eh!” John exclaimed, surprised by your lack of wit. He wanted to tease you again you but your sudden silence kept him from doing so. Something was off. Worried, the young Shelby brother frowned a little bit and walked to you, not minding your desire of being alone. You jumped slightly at the sensation of his two large and warm hands squeezing your upper arms, “Oi, Angel.” He gently called, the tenderness in his voice wrapping you in a comforting haze, “Tell me what’s wrong please…” 
For sure John Shelby had a soft spot for you since the day Arthur introduced you to the family. No one had ever doubted it. Without the slightest explanation nor apparent reasons, you both immediately grew fond of each other from the moment your eyes met. In truth, your relationship with the Shelby family had been quite tricky for months following the first meeting. Most of them didn’t want you to be a part of the clan, partly due to the witch rumors around you and Arthur’s obsessive love. It was only now, a solid year and one murder later, that everything had started to flow more smoothly with them. Even Esme, who had been terrified of you and would usually avoid you at all costs, had learned to live with your presence in the family. According to Polly, you had deserved your place among them more than any other women the boys brought home. The only threat to this harmony had been and still was Thomas Shelby himself. The mutual resentment you shared for each other was rooted in deep and far too complicated reasons, the most recent one was him selling you to the police for murder charges. However, you came to terms with the idea of maintaining a mutual hatred as long as he did not step between Arthur and you ever again. 
So, apart from Tommy and Esme, you were now getting along with everyone. But with John… With John, it was unlike anything you had ever experienced, apart from Arthur. Whenever your man wasn’t there, John would do everything that was in his power to keep you company and bring a smile to your face. Not only he loved to visit you and spent his free time with you, but he truly cared for your well-being. Sometimes he would make a surprise visit to your house. In fact, he would stand there on your porch with the most adorable smile you had ever seen etched on his lips, a basket filled with food in one hand and a bottle of red wine in the other. When Arthur and you decided to leave Birmingham, your heart ached at the thought of moving away from John. Following your departure, rumors said John’s eternal smile had not be seen for weeks. However, once you had well adjusted to your new routine, even distance could not shake your unique bond: John never ceased to visit you when he could.
“What’s the matter, little angel?” He inquired, genuinely concerned by your silence and the melancholic gleam in your aquamarine eyes. 
“I’m scared John. I’m fucking scared.” You finally admitted, closing your eyelids a few seconds to take a slow inhale. The weight in your chest had vanished from the moment words left your mouth.  At such a surprising answer, the young gangster’s grip tightened on your arms and he gently forced you to turn around to face him. Still, you avoided his gaze, fearing judgment. 
“It’s your wedding day, Heaven. What are you scared of?” He carefully asked, taking care not to make you think he was mocking or judging you.
“I’m scared because now I’ve got something to lose,” You fell silent for a tiny while, fighting again the desire to remain silent, but you knew you could open up to him, “I have a magnificent house in the forest cradled by the sweet chant of a peaceful stream. I have the loveliest man I could have dreamt of by my side, who loves me to the moon and back. God, I even got a dog!” Another brief pause you took to avoid crying, “And one day there will be one or two kids…” John listened to you carefully, still wondering what the problem was, “If I'm being honest, I’ve never thought I would be allowed to be this happy. At one point in my life, I got used to the idea of dying alone,  hunted down by bad memories, and drown by guilt. But, look at me now. Look how far I’ve come… That’s why I’m scared of losing it all. Fuck, John — I’ll die without him.” 
To your greatest surprise, the young gangster replied to your lament with soft chuckles, “Heaven. I don’t know what it is between Arthur and you, but I’ve never seen a love fiercer than the one you share. Bloody Hell, you’re so addicted to each other it’s even a bit scary sometimes, not gonna lie eh,” His fingers trapped your chin in one soft movement and, with indescribable tenderness, he raised your head so that he could observe each trait of your angelic face, “Having something to lose makes you cherish what you have even more. Plus it doesn’t mean you’re gonna lose it. “ The corner of his charming lips curled in a sweet smile, “Moreover, there’s more chance for Tommy to like you than for Arthur to leave your side. He’s not gonna let you go… To my greatest sadness.” John winked at you and, despite everything, his last flirty comment managed to make you laugh.  Sometimes, you didn’t know how he always succeeded in cheering you up but still he did, “Listen, I knew you’d be a bit nervous for your wedding day, so I got you a little surprise.” 
“A surprise?” You asked, curious, wiping away the tiny tears that had formed in the corner of your eyes while being careful not to ruin the stunning siren-eyes makeup Ada did. It would be a shame to have more mascara on your cheek than on your eyelashes the day of your wedding. John walked to the door and put his large hand on the knob, looking at you to maintain a small suspense “I know he’s not supposed to see you before the ceremony but he would not stop crying without you so…” He was about to open the door when he stopped mid-action, “Oh and I’m not talking about Arthur by the way. Even though I’m pretty sure he’s also doing that.” 
“Fuck off, John boy.” You poked your tongue out, feeling cheerful and far less anxious thanks to him. He grinned in reply and finally opened the door.
“Oh! This is... So cuuuuute!” You almost squealed, for you were welcomed by the sight of Kaiser, the huge Cane Corso Arthur’s had brought home one night, sitting in front of the door with his mouth open in a big smile and with his drooling tongue hanging, “Come here big boy!” You called him, kneeling on the floor without minding your wedding dress now that your fur baby was here. Kaiser did not need to be asked twice: he walked to you and put his huge head between your frail hands to get his scratches, looking at you with so much love in his hazel eyes you could not resist smooching his wet snout “I can’t believe you’ve put a bow tie to my dog!” You laughed, “Look at this distinguished gentleman... He’s gonna steal all the women!”  The massive beast barked loudly as to agree with you. You delicately wrapped your arms around his muscular frame to hug him, the sensation of his fur against your face erasing the last bits of anxiety left in you “Oh you’re the most handsome man of the whole family, baby Kaiser... Yes, you are. ”
His tail wagged. Of course, he was!
“Couldn’t participate in the wedding if he wasn’t all fancy, eh. I've also put a fake mustache on his snout but he ate it so I gave up on the idea,” He shrugged, “I thought it would make you laugh and help you relax.” 
“Thank you, John! Thank you so much, you’re lovely I swear.” You said, looking at him with your gaze filled with genuine affection all the while cuddling with Kaiser, who seemed to be in paradise judging by his blissfully happy face. 
“So — are you ready?” John finally asked.
“Yes, I am.” You replied, then stood up and took a quick look at your reflection in the mirror to fix your long white mane, which had been styled in wavy and adorned with a few diamonds from there and then, giving your hair an otherworldly shine. As you focused on your hairstyle, John rearranged your dress. At one point, he stopped what he was doing to look at you with a dreamy expression. 
“You’re stunning, little angel. Fuckin’ bewitching.” He whispered before shaking his head, “Let’s find your man now, eh. Alright?” You nodded, the butterflies in your stomach flying at the sole mention of Arthur.
“I’m ready but before we go can I ask you a favor, John?”
“You know, I’d have loved my family to be here. Mom would have been prolly crying during the whole wedding in Dad’s arms while my little sister would have thrown white petals at everyone’s face for fun…” You let out a charming but oh-so-sad chuckle “But no matter how fiercely I’ve prayed for it I know they won’t be there. So I’ve got two choices left: either I walk alone to my husband or I ask someone to accompany me.” You had barely finished your sentence when the celeste blue of your eyes dived into the sky blue of his, “I’d like you to escort me down the aisle, John.”
He remained silent, stricken by surprise at such a touching demand.  He had not been expecting it. Words were at loss, however, they were not necessary for you to understand his answer:  as the sun rays crossed through the windows and enlightened John’s face, you could see the precious shine of one sole crystal tear running down his cheek.
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The powerful sound of the organ resonated in the whole church, the vibrations of its melody resounding in Arthur’s chest and making him tremble from within. He was standing in front of the altar with his manly hands interlocked in front of him. For the occasion, he had bought the most elegant and expensive tailored three-piece suit he had ever owned: he was dressed in all black, except for the white shirt he was wearing under. Moreover, Tommy had put some traditional white flowers in the pocket of his vest, while Polly had slipped an emerald pillar pendant around his neck and hid it under his shirt before he entered the church— a marriage blessing, from what he had understood from Polly’s emotional speech. The woman was so proud of her older nephew she could not help but already weep with joy. Arthur nervously glanced at his brother who was standing by his side, slightly in front of him at his best man’s place.  Then, his steel-blue eyes shifted from Tommy and searched for his Aunt, who sat a bit further in the audience beside Ada and Finn. To be honest, Arthur’s anxiety kicked in. The more the second passed, the more the unpleasant impression his heart was about to burst from his chest was overwhelming. Nervously spinning one of his silver rings, he tried to control his nerves the best he could but it was harder than he thought: a part of him, admittedly irrational, was terrified by the possibility of you not showing up.
What if you’ve changed your mind? What if you’ve come to the conclusion you did not want him? What if your wedding did not work out, just like his first one? Maybe the problem hadn’t been Linda but him? 
As was always the case when he was panicking, his self-whipping thoughts banged together in his skull like a hive of furious buzzing hornets. Nevertheless, Arthur knew, deep down, that you were soul mates and that there was no actual reason for you to flee. What really helped him to calm down though was taking a deep inhale and focusing on the hundred of candles’ flames that were illuminating the room with tiny dancing flames. A comforting wave of warmth almost immediately wrapped his heart as he did, for this church was the place in which you met for the very first time. He still clearly remembers the fire that had lit in his dying soul at the way your fingers grazed him when you had cleaned the blood off his face with a torn piece of your own dress. Not only had you purified his soiled skin, but then you had allowed him to put his head on your thighs and proceeded to pet his hair all the while lulling his demons to sleep with that enchanting voice of yours. From that night, Arthur made a promise to Almighty God, who had been kind enough to answer his prayers and sent him his most precious Angel. And that promise was that he would marry you in this same place to show God how well he would treat you and how happy you would be with him.
The organ roared louder in the church all of a sudden, causing him to refocus.
 You were coming.
The gangster straightened his back, quickly slicked his hair back one last time to look perfect for you, and then stared at the church’s heavy wooden doors with both anxiety and anticipation in his eyes. His blood boiled with impatience, for you had been separated for too long because of the traditional “don’t see the bride before the ceremony” the Shelby women — and John — had insisted to establish. That being said, it had been torture for Arthur, who was aching so much from your absence that he felt almost as bad as when he went through rehab. Hands shaking, cold sweat running down his back, breath hitching, Arthur could definitely not live without you by his side. — you were the most exquisite drug ever created, against which even opium could not even compete. 
The doors opened and panic rushed even more brutally into his being. At first, he thought he was about to die from a heart attack, but then, all these negative feelings vanished in dust when his piercing blue irises met your tantalizing silhouette. When you erupted from the almost supernatural light that was surrounding you, Arthur widened his eyes and stopped breathing. Here you were, your seductive body adorned with a graceful Greek goddess-inspired dress whose cut let the pale flesh of your back for the world to see while also forming a graceful and long wedding cape that was cascading down your shoulders. The whiteness of your outfit, equaling the wonderful snow-like color of your hair, was enhanced with gold jewels: armbands and a choker. One look at you was all it took for Arthur to feel the stinging of uncontrollable tears dawning in his eyes, for a tsunami of emotions had crashed in his soul at such a holy sight. As you walked to the altar at John’s arm, the wind blew in the church and made your cape dance behind you. For a few seconds, Arthur was convinced he saw wings in your back. Mighty feathery wings. 
Divine. It was the only word that came into his mind when he watched you breaking the distance between you. And the more you approached, the more he was stunned by your ethereal beauty. So stunned he had to keep himself from falling on his knees at your feet, deeming himself unworthy of standing in front of such a pure seraph. Even Tommy, whose resentment for you was a secret to none, found himself in awe at your pulchritude. He, along with the groom, had to blink several times to make sure they were not dreaming. 
Your glossy lips stretched in an enamored smile overflowing with emotions when you looked at your future husband: he was so charming in his suit that you fell in love with him for a second time. Your grip tightened around John’s arm for your heartbeat quickened until you finally rejoined Arthur. As soon as you reached him, the tall gangster took you by the hands — yours: small, delicate, and freezing. His: large, calloused, and burning. You dived into each other’s eyes, and the rest of the world disappeared. 
“You’re so handsome.”  You whispered, causing an adorable pink shade to blossom on your soon-to-be husband’s cheeks. 
“C-Come on. Did ye see yer own reflection? Ye took me fookin breath away, Angel.” His hoarse replied.
“Arthur, we’re in a church.” You discreetly snorted.
“Oh Fook. I mean shi— Whatever.” He slightly stuttered. At this moment, it did not matter that he was a grown man in his mid-thirties: he felt like a flustered teenager in front of his first crush all over again.  And to be true, so you were — to the point you both did not hear much of what the priest was saying, for you were far too hypnotized by each other’s presence as well as fighting hard against the urge of devouring each other’s lips. The only moment you both came back to your senses was when you had to pronounce your vows.
Then came the final moment.
Arthur Shelby, do you take Heaven Lavey to be your wife? Do you promise to be faithful to her in good times and in bad, in sickness and in health, to love her and to honor her all the days of your life?
I do. He answered with haste. You trapped your lower lip between your teeth, gathering all your strength to hold your emotions, but the crystal tears in your aquamarine eyes betrayed you. 
Arthur Shelby, receive this ring as a sign of my love and fidelity. In the name of the Father, and of the Son, and of the Holy Spirit.
The caress of your fingers along with the cold sensation of the golden ring on his skin sent shivers down his spine.  Observing you as you sealed your love by slipping the ring around his finger,  Arthur’s smile grew a bit larger and made his teary eyes squint, digging adorable crowfeet at their corners.
You can kiss the bride.
The priest’s last words brought him back to life — that’s what he had been waiting for what seemed to be an eternity. Unable to wait any longer, the gangster brought one hand to your cheek and broke the excruciating distance between your lips until they crashed together under a thunder of applause. The feathery caress of his moustache on your skin mixed with the sensation of his eager mouth warmed you all over. Arthur deepened the kiss by parting his lips slightly so that his tongue could find its way to yours and give it a gentle stroke. But while hungry, the press of his mouth remained chaste. Carried away by his softness, you felt your body flickering in his arms, as fragile as the church’s candle flames.
You were his, he told it to himself. And he was yours. All yours until death tears you apart.
No, fuck that Reaper cunt he thought, even Death would not keep him apart from you.
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The hundreds of candles and lanterns that were scattered through all Arrow House’s garden enlightened the night with their warm hue. Shortly before the wedding, the Shelby family suggested hosting the party in Tommy’s Mansion rather than in your place for practical matters. By celebrating your marriage in Arrow House, all the family and, by extension, friends, could reunite together without having to drive for miles. Moreover, the mansion was far bigger than your and Arthur’s house, which made the place far more convenient for partying.  For the event, all of Arrow House and its gargantuan garden had been decorated with lights, candles of every kind, white drapes, and flower wreaths that gave the place a supernatural atmosphere. The cheerful cacophony of chatter and music hovered above the garden as the guests were indulging themselves with food, alcohol, and innocent fun. Even Officer Kat Wilson, who had been invited following her implication in your release from prison, spent the whole night partying with the Shelby family.  Surprisingly enough, no one dared to disrupt the celebration with illegal activities. Just a few bets here and there. The only incident to declare had been the moment when Arthur, faithful to himself, almost smashed someone’s head in the wedding cake —he got angry when one of the guests looked at your cleavage—.  However, if Arthur failed with ruining the cake it had not been Kaiser’s case, who ate half of it by himself. 
“Where are Arthur and Heaven? Can’t believe the bride and the groom had disappeared!” Polly asked Tommy and Ada, visibly unhappy. The latter was a bit tipsy judging by the red shade of her cheeks and the glass of champagne in her perfectly manicured hand.
“Last time I’ve seen them they were dancing with flower crowns on their heads,” She hiccoughed, “I nearly died from laughing. Arthur. With a flower crown. It was so sweet and ridiculous!”
“That ain’t fun, Ada. I really need to find those stupid lovebirds. I swear I’m going bonkers: first Arthur’s tantrum, then Kaiser ruining the wedding cake, and now the newlyweds are late for the picture!” She complained. Overall, it had been Aunt Polly who made sure everything ran smoothly, hence her discontentment.
Tommy rolled his eyes at his sister’s inebriation, then he squeezed her shoulder with his large hand, “I think your question will find its answer really soon, Pol.” He stated with his quiet and deep voice as his turquoise eyes caught sight of your silhouette walking toward them, holding Arthur by the hand. You were both exchanging glances and light enamored laughters.
As surprising as it sounded, Thomas Shelby and you had managed to put your mutual hatred aside for the sake of the wedding. Of course, you were carefully avoiding each other the best you could, but when you were together in inevitable family moments, your exchanges remained polite. 
Polly turned to you with her eyebrows furrowed and pressed her fists on her hips with an angry- mother expression when you and Arthur joined the small group.
“Ah! There you are! The photographer has been fuming for half an hour! Where have you been?” She scolded. 
“We really need a map. This place is a fookin’ maze eh. We got lost.” Arthur tried to justify himself, his fingers firmly intertwined with yours, “I mean I wanted to show her the mansion but hey, I quite forgot which way to go and —“
“Arthur?” Polly cut him.
“Your fly.”  She simply stated. Holding much power, those two tiny words made Arthur almost jump. He let go of your hand in one vivid movement.
“OH FOOKIN HELL!” His gravel voice exclaimed when he looked down at his trousers. He quickly zipped the fly up under Ada’s hysterical laugh and Tommy’s mocking smirk. Admittedly, you could not help but giggle too for his reaction had been quite priceless. Oh Arthur, you thought. The only one who was not laughing was Polly, who looked at him with such a desperate face that you were sure she was about to facepalm herself. Or slap his face, it depended on her mood.
“Men and their cock, I swear. Look at you, idiot,” She said affectionately, “Your hair is all messed up! You’re going to look awful in your wedding pic!” She growled, grabbing her oldest nephew to rearrange both his hair and his tie. 
“Don’t be mean Pol, he just needed to release the pressure.” You said, watching the scene with a faint smile on your juicy and glossy lips still swollen from Arthur’s lustful kisses, “The whole speech thing worried him.”   
“Mmmpff— true.” He grunted, embarrassed.  
“Yeah of course.” The beautiful Ada started before coming to you and smoothing the folds of your goddess dress with a teasing grin “What a long and difficult way to say you just wanted to give him a blowjob.” She teased.
“Piss off Ada.” You gently retorted, rolling your eyes in a fake outraged pout, “let’s take that picture before Polly strangle us all.”
“OI. Everyone fucking gather together for the picture! Bring the damn dog too!” Tommy yelled to the crowd, “John! Made them pose in front of the mansion!” Orders flew and Peaky Blinders were soon taking the crowd in charge to help the photographer take the most perfect picture he could take. When everyone was ready, he pushed the button of his camera and, in a blinding flash, captured the most beautiful moment of your whole life in a picture you would cherish like the apple of your eye.
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“We… We really should … Like… At least try to get in bed.” You giggled, your cheeks still adorned with a pink blush. Admittedly, talking had become quite a challenge after the second bottle of wine.
“Not gonna lie, love, I can’t fookin’ get up for the life of me.” Arthur pulled you closer against his bare chest and slipped one hand into your messy long hair, not willing to move. The tenderness of his caresses made your whole body relax and you melted in the warmth of his freckled skin. To hell with the bed, you thought, the floor would do the trick. 
When the party had come to an end, Arthur had carried you bridal-style to one of the mansion’s magnificent bedrooms, despite being completely drunk. The whole walk had been tedious with poor Arthur staggering in the stairway, but you could not have cared less — you were as wasted as he was and could not walk anymore. Maybe the alcohol contest with Kat and Uncle Charlie had not been such a great idea after all… Once you reached the bedroom, Arthur and you collapsed on the large fur rug that was on the wooden floor and clumsily took off each other’s clothes between heated kisses and steamy moans. He had impatiently waited for the wedding night, calling you “Mrs. Shelby” and “me lovely wife” all the way. That being said, a few intoxicated chuckles had embellished the symphony of your love when alcohol made one of you missed the other’s lips. No one could tell how many hours went by nor how many times you made love — Not even you. You were only coming back to your senses now that you were both snuggling naked on the floor, your legs entangled and your mind still clouded with your latest orgasm.
“I don’t want this wonderful day to end,” Arthur said, his gruff voice finally breaking the comfortable and peaceful silence that had settled in the room. A slow and long exhale escaped from your nostrils at his words before you laid lazy kisses on his chest. Your lips, still hungry for him despite your drowsiness, trailed up until they reached the golden cross pendant he was always wearing. A shiver ran down his spine when you took it between your full lips and looked up to his eyes through your Bambi lashes, “Fook — you make me so… Happy.” 
“And I’ll do my best to keep you happy every day of your life.” You replied after a little while, setting the pendant free from your tantalizing mouth. “That was a pretty successful day.” 
“It was, eh.” Arthur softly smiled at your words, his piercing blue eyes enjoying your mesmerizing beauty and his long fingers gently massaging your scalp, “We got a letter and a bouquet from Mrs. Solomons, y’know. She wanted to come but her husband’s back was hurting too much. ” 
“Oh yes? Rosie is a sweetheart.”
“And her husband’s a cunt.” He growled, “Bloody bastard.”
“I know right? But she’s great. She’s been teaching me so many interesting things about feminism! Really made me want to attend her next meeting!” 
“Women… You’re all going to overpower us one day.” Arthur said, his voice tinted with amusement. His free hand quickly grabbed the bottle of whisky that was next to him and took a mouthful of alcohol.
“It would not be a bad thing,” You pressed a kiss against his chin and he hummed in response, delighted by the way you showered him with tenderness. Arthur would have been purring under your touch if he had been able to do so. It just felt good — so good the whole world could have gone down in flames he wouldn’t mind as long as you kept pampering him like you were doing. You made him feel loved. You made him feel at peace… And God knows how much he needed that. “Especially for Michael. Have you seen his girlfriend Nora? She looked exhausted.” 
“She just gave birth to her second child. Of course, she’s exhausted, love.” He said. His hand, which had been playing with your hair until then, slowly ran down your naked back.
“Hm.” That was all you replied, for you felt Michael’s girl was more than just physically exhausted. Something was definitely off in their relationship, but you did not want to mingle. “Their daughter is lovely, though.” 
“She is.”
Another silence fell in the bedroom, only embellished by the relaxing cracking of the woods burning in the hearth. Both of you had closed your eyes, slowly drifting away into Morpheus’ kingdom.
“Angel?” He called you with a sleepy voice.
“Yes, Arthur?” You answered, dozing off.
“ I’d love to have kids with ye, eh. Little white-haired and blue-eyed us running barefoot in the forest… Little embodiments of our love brightening our life.” His voice was merely a whisper now for he was slowly falling asleep, “I’ve always wanted to be a dad… but thought I was too messed up for that.”
“You aren’t.” You smiled and let your fingers lazily graze his skin, your nails crossing through his chest hairs and ending their race on his heart, right where his tattoo was “I want it too Arthur. I want it too.” 
Sleep made the last word of your sentence die on your lips. Now, the hullabaloo of the party was no more. All the remaining noises were the harmonious murmurs of your slow breathings and the lullaby sung by the fire, which had never been so comforting. 
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✞ Any comment, review, reblog, or constructive criticism is welcome. Your reactions really motivate me and keep me alive, so please don't be shy. English is not my first language.
✞ Tag list: @adaydreamaway08 @theshelbyclan @jomarch-wannabe @esposadomd @zablife @woofgocows @anathemasworld @anastasia000 @kate654 @kxnnxy @babayaga67 @meowtastick @shelbyssins @sarai-ibn-la-ahad @bluevenus19 @raincoffeeandfandoms
✞ Nora Gray belongs to @amidst-wonderland || Rose Solomons belongs to @raincoffeeandfandoms || Kat Wilson belongs to my sweet partner @callme-fox
✞ Each chapter of this series can be read as stand-alone even though it's far more enjoyable if you have read at least the previous chapter.
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fandomrose · 1 month
Neuvillette - confession.
This was supposed to be a simple and cute confession scene following my previous neuvie fic. It's fluff and angst now.
You don't need to read the previous neuvie fic to get this one but there are references and more understanding of the reader and neuvies current relationship.
^--- here is the link. (I hope it works)
But yea like I said- angst and fluff. Heavy on the readers personal issues and Neuvillette's status. I won't spoil any more.
Anyway hope you enjoy. Love you 💙
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You'd gotten a letter on your most recent trip to Liyue through Chenyu Vale.  An urgent invitation to speak with Monsieur Neuvillette. You looked over the letter again wondering what urgent matter he could possibly want to speak to you about. 
You didn't usually leave Fontaine but you were in debt to a certain tea loving living wall of muscle, and had decided to take some commissions to make the most of the trip. He had liked the tea when Clorande and Neuvillette had gifted him some a while back. When you returned to Fontaine to gift the tea Wriothsley, ever the observant one, had noted the letter, paused for a few seconds, smirked and said, "you have nothing to worry about." Then shooed you on your way. Which was odd since he always asked to have tea for longer whenever you visited.
You make it back to the surface after delivering tea to Wriothsley and immediately to the Palais Mermonia. Neuvillette had become a good friend of yours over the past few months following the end of the Prophecy. The evening in his office, comforting him when he finally broke under the pressure after Furina left made you fast friends, creating a stronger bond than you'd ever expected to have with the Iudex. 
You begin to feel nervous as you approach the Palais Mermonia, feeling a sense of excitement and dread. You had begun to grow affectionate towards the Iudex, one of the reasons you'd taken extra commissions in Liyue was to get out of Fontaine to, 'set your head straight', as you'd put it. No way you could have a crush, of all things, on Neuvillette. 
He was the Iudex and you, a humble adventurer. And is he even interested in romance? Never had a discussion on the subject came up between you, and he was always so busy. You sigh and shake your head, getting ahead of yourself and assuming things would only make things worse. You decide to just keep your emotions bottled where they could never hurt you or, more importantly, him. Because that had always worked for you, yes, definitely.
Your steps slowed as you walked into the Palais, feeling nerves get the better of you. One moment from turning back and getting to more intense bottling, Sedene skipped over to you, halting your near escape. 
"Hello, Monsieur Neuvillette has been expecting you. Please, this way." Sedene began leading you to Monsieur Neuvillette's office, your shoulders involuntarily slumped in defeat, your plans of running away thwarted.
"How was your trip to Liyue, friend? I've never been but I hear the weather is lovely this time of year." 
"Ah it was a good trip, the weather is lovely and the commissions I took on were fairly simple, Chenyu Vale is quite peaceful. They also had lovely sweet tea cakes, I would have brought you some but I had no space in my pack."
"Ah it's no trouble at all, but please do bring some next time. I do love trying new cakes. Anyway here we are, Monsieur Neuvillettes office. See you later, friend."
Sedine gives the Melusine signature wave and shoos you into Neuvillettes office. Your heart beats oddly quickly and you tell it to stop.
You walk slowly into Neuvillette's office hoping he doesn't look up from his paperwork. Unfortunately for you as soon as the door closes behind you he perks his head up and smiles at you. You feel your heart shudder gleefully at the sight, and once again, you tell it to stop. 
"Hello, its good to see you. I trust you got my letter?" Neuvillette stands and walks to one of the sofas by his desk. "Come, sit. I'm thankfully done with work today so we can chat about your trip for a while. I ordered some lovely ice water from the clearest lake in Snezhnaya for us to partake in." He sits, and you knew you were too far gone when you noticed your eyes trailing after the way he crossed his leg over the other, then the way his hand patted the space next to him.
You swallow the thick saliva that had gathered in your mouth and hurry to sit next to him so you didn't appear as out of sorts as you were. If he noticed he didn't show it and you were grateful for that.
"You haven't spoken much yet. Are you feeling okay? I know I said this meeting was urgent but if you need to rest, by all means, it can wait."
Your mind was swirling so much you didn't even notice you hadn't said anything yet. You clear your throat in an attempt to focus.
"Ah well, I am tired but I can stay and chat for a while. Thank you for thinking of me, but I'll be okay."
"Hmm" He didn't seem convinced. "Well if you say so. But if you do, at any point, feel too tired to continue, do let me know. I wouldn't want to push my dear friend just because I'm happy to see them again." Neuvillette's voice was soft but firm at once, almost feeling like a command rather than a suggestion. 
Relief and hurt prick your heart at the word friend. You tell you heart to stop being annoying and confusing. "Thank you Neuvillette but I'm sure I'll be fine. I do want to catch up with you as well. It's been a while since we last spoke. Did I tell you I went to Chenyu Vale for a few commissions outside of Fontaine for the first time?"
"I believe you did mention it shortly before you left. Did I tell you that I visited around the time of lantern rite a few months ago? The weather there was lovely that time of year, cool but not cold and that water, crystal clear. Such beautiful scenery. Was it to your liking as well?"
"It was, it’s beautiful there. The grass feels so different to run through there. And the people are so much more relaxed than they are here. Even though I was doing commissions it felt like a holiday in some ways." You started to feel relieved that this was the direction the conversation was going in, like normal and normal was good. 
"That's wonderful, I'm glad you had a wonderful time and I hope, even if you were doing commissions, and favours for our dear friend Wriothsley He did tell me about the bet you lost-" Neuvillette chuckled and the sound rattled the frayed nerves of your heart. "I hope you got to have some rest. I did notice the um- uptick in the amount of commissions you've been taking-" Oh no. Was the only thought in your mind after that statement followed by an internal sigh of relief at his hext words as incorrect as his assumption is. 
"If you are in need of funds I am happy to assist as your friend."
"No no, it's not funds. I just wanted a little time away from Fontaine you know? It'd been a while so I thought I'd excuse my trip with some work, you know how it is." 
There was still a slight frown on his face at your words. "I do understand, but wasn't it you who said if we need a break we should take a break from work as well? Please, I know this is something we both need to work on but you shouldn't work if a break is needed." It was such a soft, friendly, scolding as expected from Neuvillette. It made you smile.
"I know, I know I just had some things on my mind that's all, I needed a distraction and even my holidays have never been 'relaxing' by other people's standards, I don't like just sitting around." 
"Even so, rest is important, as you yourself said to me."
"Don't worry Neuvillette, I took care of myself and did less commissions than I usually would have done."
"And another thing-" He took a breath and turned more in your direction giving you a goblet of water. "-you said something was on your mind. Is it anything I can help with, unless you've sorted it." He tilted his head a little with a very mild look of concern. He was becoming more expressive over time as small as it seemed the process was visible to see. 
Your feel your face heat and your heart beat quicker, your body responding to the source of the issue without your permission. "Ah- no, no I'm alright. I mean the issue isn't quite sorted but I'll be fine now." You nod in what you hope is a convincing manner. However, Neuvillette raises a disbelieving eyebrow. 
"I don't want to push but for some reason I don't believe you" Curse him for getting good at sarcasm. 
"It- well it's not really anything you can do for me- or anyone for that matter I just have to sort it for myself." You look down and away from him nervously. The conversation getting too close to your self-proclaimed 'forbidden topic' 
"Can you not at least confide in me?" His voice carried a small amount of hurt in it and you recalled the night he spilled his heart to you, a relative stranger at the time. Only having met a handful of times with no deeper conversations before then. Of course it was still vague and there are things about that night that still confuse you but he did open up. And now you are friends and won't do the same, you can see why he'd be upset. Not enough for it to rain... yet. 
"I-" You sigh, not really knowing what to do from here. Do you confess and potentially ruin an amazing friendship? Or lie and possibly do the same. "It's hard, Neuvillette. I'm not used to the situation I'm in."
He nods, understanding that at least. "But you understood my situation so I'm willing to understand yours." 
Ah of course, he's far too kind. It's hard to not feel touched by his care. Even if that's not quite what you wanted right now.
"... Neuvillette.." Another look at his face made you pause, your heart pounded and the longing in your chest almost caused it to hurt, especially at the look in his eyes. Concern and something else you hadn't seen before and before you could stop yourself the words flowed from your heart like a stream.
"I love you, that's what the problem is." 
You look down, your heart pounding and eyes closed not being able to face Neuvillette after the confession but not being able to leave either.
If you'd looked at him you would have seen his shocked face, flushed cheeks and ears, wide eyes and open mouth. No other time had he made such a strong expression. And to his ignorance the clouds had brightened but rain trickled from them in a growing amount. 
Time passes in agonising silence with neither moving. The sound of the rain echoing in your ears and making you doubt your very existence. As far as you were aware rain meant negative emotions and the steadily worsening storm made you think the worst. 
Tears of your own streamed down your cheeks as you couldn't take the silence. You abruptly stand from the seat ready to leave and hide away for a while. "I'm sorry." You croak just before a large hand holds your wrist.
"Don't" you freeze at his voice. It was commanding and almost desperate. "Don't go.. I just needed to process what you said."
"It's raining.." You respond 
"What about the rain? What does that tell you?" Mild confusion in his voice made you just as confused. You still couldn't face him with your response.
"You're upset aren't you. I've upset you because you aren't interested and you don't want to hurt me so-"
"No, good heavens no I'm not upset. The rain is just.. strong emotions not negative ones."
"What then, if you aren't upset?"
"I'm.. happy- I think"
You turn to his eyes wet with unshed tears. "You think?" You say back confused.
"I think-" He repeats looking deep in thought and concern for you. "It's hard to fully understand since happy doesn't cover it all. I feel deeply affectionate towards you in a way I haven't experienced and I certainly didn't expect to feel for a human. The uncertainty comes from that knowledge to- you are human with a human lifespan. As you know I am a dragon sovereign, with a much longer life span. Would you really be okay being with someone like me?" 
Your shoulders shake at the reminder. More reasons why you shouldn't be together. "I should be asking you that. Would you really be okay with the knowledge that I'll grow old and die in your arms." 
You feel the air grow heavy and hear the rain battering the windows and immediately feel guilty. The air is tense as the pause grows until it almost becomes unbearable.
"I will bear that pain if I can experience the joy of having you at my side." Neuvillette's voice cuts through your thoughts and renders you speechless. 
"Please, there is nothing I won't do to make your life happy and comfortable."
"T-hat's .. I'm.. I'm not worried about that I know you would but.. do you really care so much you'd be willing to endure losing me?"
"I do." His voice rang simple and clean. It felt like your soul shook at his words. The words of someone accepting wedding vows at a confession. 
He stepped closer, still mindful of keeping to boundaries. 
"I love you" another simple sentence filled with more emotion than you'd ever heard him muster before and you couldn't help but respond in kind, feeling as though you might break your own heart if you spoke with any dishonesty.
"I love you to Neuvillette."
A true, wide smile breaks on his face and your heart pounds at the sight. 
"I don't know if this is moving too fast-" He begins, looking uncharacteristically nervous. "But may I-" I sigh and the rain pounds harder for a moment.
You patiently wait for him to gather his wits. 
"May I kiss you?" He finally asks softly, bringing his face close to yours.
"You may Neuvillette." You whisper, wanting nothing more in that moment. 
As his lips meet yours tenderly your thoughts are no longer on your relationship's tragic end but the beautiful beginning.
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sirenat-t · 1 year
Friendly Face (Rudolph Von Den Birkenhyde One-Shot)
Rudolph belongs to @blackmoonowl
Thank you Owl for allowing us to use your characters in our own stories!
You were a pleasant friendly face. Always helping out around the town, doing your best to make people happy. You had a delivery job for a local bakery in town and you helped prepare the pastries and get them to their customer’s dinner tables! It was a lovely job as you got to say hi to all your friends in town on your routes and you got a good amount of exercise. But there was one other reason you loved it so much. One of the bakery’s clients was the wealthiest man in town and his body guard was…well…Incredibly attractive
There was no other way to put it.
Rudolph is his name. Stoic face, straight posture, unmoving, and fierce in his gaze. He struck a little bit of fear into all those who looked at him. You couldn’t lie and say you hadn’t found yourself a bit unnerved at his ice cold stare the first time you ran into him, but over the many trips you took over the weeks you found yourself more interested in him.
His long blonde hair hair tied back in a ribbon was one of the most striking features about him. No one but Rudolph could make a ribbon look intimidating, but the elegance of the accessory just added to the mighty image of him.
Basically, you were down bad for this guy
~Welcome to the present~
You were on your bakery run again today with a few loaves of bread and a couple small shortcakes when you saw your favourite client next up on the delivery list…The wealthiest man in town! You never actually saw him in person because all deliveries were escorted to him via Rudolph. Rudolph. That’s why this client was your favourite. You got to see Rudolph again. You always loved seeing his face but you were too nervous to chat with him, but today was the day! You would actually try and talk to him! The most you heard out of him was small hums of acknowledgment when you dropped off your orders but you’d never actually heard him speak before. You were very nervous but quite excited. You made sure to put on your nicest outfit. Not too flashy, but just a little fancy.
Did you feel like a school girl who had a massive crush? Yes.
Did you feel a little ridiculous? Yes.
But could you stop yourself? Absolutely not!
You started getting closer and closer to the large steps that lead to the front doors of the mansion. As you begin your climb you started feeling a little lightheaded due to nerves. Was hair looking good? Was your outfit stained? Was there something in your teeth? No matter now. It’s too late to turn back. The more you climbed the more you could start to see if Rudolph. Standing in the same position with the same pristine uniform.
You took your final step and began walking towards the highly trained guard.
Deep breath…
“Good morning sir! It’s wonderful to see you again!” You waved and smiled your sweetest smile
A small bead of sweat started to form on your forehead.
“Ummm…I have the delivery for your boss here. If you would…like to. . .take it?” damn it, you’re losing it!
“Hm” he nodded
You shakily handed the box out of your delivery bag to the guard
“I hope he enjoys it! I also wanted to say that your uniform looks wonderf-“
You were cut off by the sound of the door closing on your face.
That could’ve gone better. There’s no time to stand around looking like an idiot until he comes back, you have orders to deliver. You readied your disappointed self and went back down the grandiose steps. Maybe next time?
~Next time arrives~
It’s been about a week since your failed attempt to talk to Rudolph, but this time is gonna be different because this time you had a secret weapon! (Not a gun) your famous Lemon Honey Lavender cakes! They had just recently been added to the bakery menu and they instantly became a hit amongst the town’s folk. Word got out and you finally had the chance to make them for the wealthiest man in town. This gave you the perfect excuse to make an extra batch and give one to Rudolph! It was a fool proof plan!
Get ready
Look good
Get your deliveries
Get out there!
After a while of hiking around town you finally arrived at the mansion. You had a little more hope in your heart that this time would be different, so you put some power in your stepped as you climbed the staircase.
There he was, like usual
You waved with the same sweet smile!
“Good morning!”
“I have the order for your boss, a fresh batch of lemon cakes”
“Hm.” He nodded
You handed him the box and kept talking, hoping to strike some form of conversation this time.
“Pardon me! Before you go, I accidentally made an extra batch of cakes this morning, so I would like you to have it. On the house, of course!”
You lifted up the extra box, but this one had small yellow flowers tied to the box in the same colour ribbon as Rudolph’s hair tie. You hoped it wasn’t painfully obvious how bad you were crushing on him.
He looked you in the eyes as he took the box. He had beautiful blue eyes the shone in the morning sun. They were akin to sparkling water in spring!
What…just happened?
All of sudden you were standing alone. No cakes and no Rudolph. He slammed the door in your face again. This time it hurt. No thank you, not a single word. You held back some tears as you regained your composure. Defeated with a broken heart, you sadly walked down the steps.
~Rudolph’s POV~
‘Why did I do that?’
He looked down at the decorated box of cakes in his hands. It had small bundle of flowers tied with a familiar coloured ribbon. None of your other deliveries were decorated, so why this one?
‘This was an extra, and she wanted me to have it…wait’
‘She made these for me’
The realization that you had spent your time making him a box of fresh cakes, and you even took the care to decorate it just for him made his heart crack with guilt. He hadn’t slammed the door on your face not once, but twice.
‘Why do I do this?’
Rudolph wasn’t stupid. He took notice of how you acted a little more shy around him. He originally thought it was because you were scared of him, but these past few weeks made him fully realize it was because you liked him…
‘She…likes me?’
He quickly looked out the front door windows and saw you walking away with your head lowered slightly. His guilt multiplied exponentially,
‘Why did I do that?..’
~Next time arrives, again~
Time for your favourite client…or…ex-favourite client. You really didn’t want to do this route again. Not after last time. But a job is a job and a job must be completed! You readied yourself for a normal day. No point in looking extra good for someone who wants nothing to do with you, right?
Not a lot of deliveries today. This should be done quickly enough. After a couple houses were ticked off your delivery list, you came up to the dreaded mansion.
‘Let’s get this over with…’
You shortly walked up the stairs and readied your hand on the box of bread so you could quickly give it over and leave. You climbed the stairs and there he was, like usual
You didn’t say a word as you pulled out the box and held it out to Rudolph,
“(Y/N), right?”
Your eyes widened, he knew your name?
“Um, ah- yes! That’s me”
He took the box and placed it on the front windowsill,
“Your cakes were delicious. I see why my boss is so fond of you and your baking”
You blushed so deep you could’ve sworn all the blood in your body was in your face,
“Oh! Well, t-thank you! I really appreciate that!…I should be going, I don’t to distract you from your job”
You turned on your heel to walk down the stairs again when you suddenly heard a sharp,
You immediately halted. His voice was very authoritative.
“I have been given a day off this Sunday, and I want to ask if you would like to spend some time together?”
You looked back at him, was this really happening? His stoic expression had some cracks in it now. His eyes were slightly looking off to the side and a small pink tint could be seen dusting his face. He looked…
Incredibly attractive
You nodded slowly,
“I’d love to…Thank you, sir!”
“Please, call me Rudolph”
“Of course! Sorry, Rudolph”
His eyes met yours,
“No, I should apologize. It was not right of me to treat you the way I did. I…have never been the best with talking”
Your gaze softened,
“It’s fine, really! Don’t worry about it” you smiled but you weren’t really fine. It still stung even after the apology. Rudolph took notice,
“I can see that you are not fine”
You stuttered trying to find ways to move past this.
“It’s fine! It’s in the past! I understand you have a very important job and I shouldn’t be taking up so much of your time! I’m even taking up your time right now, so! I’ll just be on my wa-“
He reached into his coat pocket and pulled out a small red rose tied in a (F/C) ribbon. He walked up to you and gently placed the flower in your hand. You could’ve melted right then and there.
“I want to make it up to you”
You stared in disbelief at the flower,
“You certainly have now! Thank you, Rudolph…it’s beautiful”
He shook his head a little,
“I can do more. One flower does not compare to the many smiles you have given me. Seeing you is my favourite part my job”
Do not faint. Do not faint. Do not faint.
Rudolph spoke up again,
“When are you available this Sunday, miss (Y/N)?”
You revived yourself with a deep breath,
“I’m free at sundown”
He smiled a very small, but very charming smile
“I’ll meet you at the bottom of these stairs at sundown”
You nodded as you shakily held the rose in your hands. He held your clasped hands in his own as he looked at you with his beautiful blue eyes,
“I look forward to seeing you soon, miss (Y/N)”
You couldn’t speak, you were so stunned. You just nodded like an idiot as he lightly chuckled at your flabbergasted reaction. You smiled and made your way to the steps, carefully walking down. You made it down the steps and part way across the entrance path before you realized you forgot to say goodbye! You looked backup the steps, Rudolph was looking at you making sure you got out safely.
“I look forward to seeing you too!” You called out
Your hopeful voice paired with how far away you were made him softly laugh. You looked adorable. He saluted you from way up the steps, and with the biggest happiest smile on your face, you did your best salute back. You quickly made your way back home absolutely beaming.
Rudolph almost had a heart attack from how cute you were saluting.
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madlificent · 3 months
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Morning After - Werewolf AU Clip Studio Paint Pro First | Previous The next morning, Aurora awakens from his transformation in an unfamiliar place and with fragments of his attack on Sorochi swirling in his head. - - -
“Sorochi!?” Aurora’s pained cry rang out through a thin open slit near the top of an umber steel door. Maki snapped up from her limp slouch against the doorframe and peered in through the opening, the lone warm lamp silhouetting Aurora’s bulky frame as he shot up from the bed and spun around to get his bearings.
“Where the fuck am I?” A growl rumbled under his breath. His rapidly searching eyes snapped onto the reflective cool white of Maki’s pupils shimmering back through the pitch-black opening. His right fist clenched hard and his posture stiffened, lips curling back in a scowl. “Let me out of here.”
“Sit down. You are not leaving this room in your state.” Maki’s words were delivered cold and firm, her eyes narrowing with her furrowed brow. Aurora glanced down at his mostly naked body, first noticing the dark crusty patches of dried mud and dirt caked within his shaggy body hair. It covered his calves, knees, elbows, and stomach and…. Was that blood? Heart beginning to pound against his ribs, Aurora shakily lifted his unsteady right hand before his face. Dried spatters of reddish-brown streaked across his fingertips and hand, coagulated chunks embedded under his fingernails. His knees buckled and he fell hard into the firm bed behind him, tears welling in the corners of his eyes as he found himself unable to peel his eyes from his tainted hand. 
“D-did I…?” He couldn’t stomach the word he needed to finish his question, instead stammering over himself as the tears began to roll across his cheeks. Beneath the deafening pounding of his own heart, he faintly heard the heavy creaks of the metal door over his shoulder, but he was unable to tear his eyes away. 
“I don’t know. I know she got away. I made sure she had time. But I… I don’t know.” Though Maki’s cold tone held firm as she spoke, it wobbled ever so slightly as she felt her own tears beginning to pool. Aurora was dead silent, eyes wide and tears streaming as his bloodied hand gripped absently at  his thick brown hair. Maki wiped her tears with the back of her forearm and collected herself with a heavy inhale and an equally heavy exhale.
“I told you this could happen. That if you couldn’t act, she would find out one way or another.  And your indecision nearly cost her her life!” snapped Maki with clenched fists at her side. “And now your secret is out. Maybe even ours! Do you even understand what that means?! Sorochi’s injury is bad enough, the way word gets around the whole town will know about it by the end of the day. Desmond will catch wind of it and when he does he’s coming for all of our necks.” 
Aurora firmly planted his right hand into the mattress and flung himself upright, turning to face Maki with a tight scowl. “I don’t give a damn about Desmond or your fucking pack, Maki. I don’t want to be a part of any of this! I just wanted to live a quiet life out here, marry her, and live in peace.”
Maki’s shoulders tensed up and she could feel her sharp, chipped nails digging into the soft palms of her hands. “You think I don’t understand that?! You think I wanted this?! That I’m happy with what I am?” Her piercing blue eyes cut straight through Aurora’s tense, defiant demeanor and he stumbled slightly backward as he eased up. “My father put me in charge of your lives, if I had followed his orders to the letter Sorochi wouldn’t have had the chance to find us out.” Maki’s growling rage cracked and she furiously wiped at the tears that once more rolled across her face. “But I couldn’t make that choice for you. I didn’t want to make that choice for you.” 
Both stood in a heavy lingering silence for some time before Maki once more rubbed her cheeks with her forearm and turned back towards the door. “I made sure there was a change of clothes for you in the bathroom. Clean yourself up, or don’t. I don’t care. It’s not like either of us are leaving right now…”
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riahlynn101 · 1 year
"Of Heartaches and Headaches" (15).
Chapter Fifteen
Gregory scribbled on the paper in front of him. He leaned over the coffee table, focusing intensely on his picture. It’s a family photo with Mama ‘Nessa, Papa Luis, and him. He was using a lot of blues and reds, because it reminded him of Freddy (who’s the absolute coolest), and yellow and orange (because it reminds him of Sundrop). 
Behind him, he heard Mama ‘Nessa and Papa Luis giggling about something in hushed voices. He was glad Mama ‘Nessa was feeling better now, Papa Luis warned him this morning before she came over that she might not be in the mood to play. 
Gregory understood. Sometimes he didn’t feel well either. 
For a while he didn’t feel well, at all. He didn’t like to think about that, so he doesn’t. It….it doesn’t matter anymore. 
But, to his surprise, Mama ‘Nessa came straight for him, wrapping him in a tight hug. She held him tightly, and refused to let go, even when Papa Luis said it was time for breakfast. And he made pancakes, which were the bestest food ever! But Mama ‘Nessa needed a hug. So, he hugged her back. 
Eventually though, she let him go, but not before ruffling his hair. 
He furrowed his brows, concentrating on writing his name. Yesterday, Mr .Sun had them do writing exercises to practice writing their names. He wasn’t very good at it yet, but Mr. Sun said all things take practice. 
He leaned back on his knees, looking over his work. Almost finished. He scribbled a messy three next to his name. Perfect!
“Mama ‘Nessa!” He turned around, excitedly waving his paper in the air. “Papa Luis! Look!” They both looked at him.
“Oh, what’s that, Gregory?” Papa Luis asked, gently taking the paper from his outstretched hands. He nodded. “Wow! I love all the colors you used.”
He giggled, getting to his feet. “Uh, huh! That’s me,” he pointed to the stick figure with messy hair, “and that’s you,” he pointed to a stick figure that’s taller than the rest (almost abnormally so), “and that’s Mama ‘Nessa,” he pointed to the only stick figure with (strangely) long hair. “And I wrote my name!”
Mama ‘Nessa leaned in, looking over his attempt at writing his name. “That’s wonderful! Great job, Greg,” she praised, ruffling his hair. 
“Is this a three?” Papa Luis asked.
“Uh, huh, yes. ‘Cause I’m three.”
They exchanged a look. They seemed to do that a lot around him. 
“Oh,” Mama ‘Nessa started, “I thought you were ...um…younger…”
“Nope, I am three. My birthday’s April 9th.”
“Oh, your birthday’s coming up quickly then,” Papa Luis said. “Four-years-old, wow! That’s a long age!”
“Yep!” Gregory agreed, bouncing on his heels. “Can we have a cake? Oooh with…uh…chocolate cake and chocolate frosting. Like mommy and daddy used to make.” 
“Gregory?” Mama ‘Nessa asked, lips pressed into a thin line. 
“Yeah, Mama ‘Nessa?”
She smiled. “N-nothing. Go get your shoes, it’s almost time to take you to daycare.”
He couldn’t wait to see all his friends and Mr. Sun, and even Mr. Moon. Though he was kind of scary, maybe Gregory just needed to get used to him. 
Luis wasn’t an idiot. Last night was a wake up call that, while Glitchtrap was no longer prowling around, Vanessa’s ordeal was far from over. 
He sneaked Gregory into a side door, keeping his head down while signing him into the daycare. Sundrop greeted him warmly, hugging him. Gregory disappeared into the daycare, chasing after his friends. After saying a farewell, Sundrop was greeting the next child (though he didn't hug the parent). 
Vanessa was sitting in his car, flipping through the radio stations (most of which are pure static, or sermons delivered by some particularly zealous pastors). She groaned, switching the radio off. “You survived,” she joked, tone flat. 
“Ha, ha, very funny. Now, where to? We both have until four. I would say four-thirty, but four is peak pick-up time and it would be easier to smuggle him out of the building while other parents are there.” Luis said.
“Your mind terrifies me sometimes.” Vanessa replied, lightheartedly.
“And yet, it has never steered you wrong before.”
“No, no it hasn’t.” Vanessa admitted
They sat there, in the parking lot of the Pizzaplex, looking at one another. He couldn’t help but admire how beautiful she was in the soft morning light. A car alarm went off elsewhere in the parking lot, breaking the spell.
Luis cleared his throat, starting the car. “Where to?”
“The mall across the street. We can get a few things for Gregory’s birthday.” Vanessa answered.
“Remind me again why Faz-Entertainment decided to build a mall across from an extremely popular mall?” Luis questioned.
“Because their only hobby is losing money at an exponential rate.”
Luis laughed, because with all the employees and patrons they’d had to pay out over the years (not to mention the scandals they paid off to avoid being in the media for negative reasons, again, or the various incidents that resulted in significant property damage) it was a miracle they’re still in business.
He sat outside the local mall, watching families pass-by. Pushing down the pang of hurt, it was kind of nice seeing others having a good time. He took tentative bites of his pretzel, keeping an eye out for his own family. 
(As unlikely as that is). 
A couple walked past him-and he can tell they’re a couple, because they both had that look in their eyes that indicated a certain level of adoration-and he smiled at them. They remind him of how he and his wife acted when they first got together. 
They walked past, and he took one last bite of his pretzel before getting to his feet. Maybe he could convince the mall to post missing person’s posters? It was a long shot, but the staff here were pretty easy going. At least they used to be, truth be told, he hadn’t been here for a hot minute. 
Vanessa walked through the mall, side-by-side with Luis. He idly chatted with her, but mostly pointed out the stores that he thought would have something Gregory might like.
“Oooh! ‘Ness! ‘Ness! Look!” Luis excitedly pointed at the toy store up ahead. 
“Sounds-” Vanessa stopped her reply as she caught something white in her peripheral vision. Vanessa whirled around, following the movement.
In the center of the mall was a photo booth with a line of families eagerly awaiting their turns to take their photo with-
She swallowed, eyes locking on to the “Easter Bunny.” The fur of the costume was white and its eyes were red. It shifted, turning into a bunny suit with red eyes and patched together with crude stitches. 
Her heart skipped a beat. 
“Luis…Luis…” she reached out, but she couldn’t feel him. 
“Vanessa,” A familiar voice said in a sing-song tone, mocking her. It was her. “Vanessa, don’tcha wanna play?”
Vanessa covered her ears as she sank to the floor. “No…no…leave me alone…please…”
“But Vanessa, that’s not very nice. C’mon, play with us.”
“LEAVE ME ALONE!” Vanessa screamed. She looked up, to see everyone staring at her. Luis was quickly in front of her, he offered her his hand. 
“Nothing to see here. Stop staring!” He said, waving his hands dismissively at the patrons still watching her.
He ushered her through the mall. A gentle hand on her back. 
All she could do was offer a pitiful apology. Vanessa trembled, body feeling weak after the outburst. 
She collapsed into the passenger seat. 
Luis said nothing, starting the car up. “Do you want me to take you home?” 
She mustered up the energy to stare at him. “Are you asking me?”
“Well, do you want to go home?” Luis asked again.
“Yeah, I’d like that.”
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firethatgrewsolow · 2 years
Hi I love your blog and what you write. I wanted to know why you haven’t updated the Viking story for Branwen? It would be so awesome but you busy I’m sure. Thank you! Just want to tell you I love it
Hi there! So happy you like the blog and the story! 💖💖 I'm sorry I haven't updated yet - I've been working on it, but like you said, I've gotten busy. Here's a little of the beginning of the next installment - it's not perfectly polished, but it's getting there. Thanks so much for your interest and kind message! 💕💕💕
The dwindling day was most certainly not her ally, that much Branwen knew as she crept through the stable, taking inventory of the horses that remained. All five of them, she noted dispiritedly. The stablehand was drunk, though, which was fortuitous, as it would likely take him a good while to recognize he was short one occupant. She couldn’t waste precious time on a saddle, not that she was even remotely aware of how to use one properly. The best she could hope for was a healthy steed with an amiable nature and sturdy legs. As she perused the animals, one in particular caught her attention. The mare had been studying her just as intensely as she’d been studying them. Her ears perked forward, as if she were sizing Branwen up, and she held a steady gaze, her eyes radiating intelligence and kindness. Sort of human, Branwen mused, immediately quashing the comparison. Humans were cruel. She took a tentative step closer, offering her hand, and was rewarded with a tender nudge. As she sidled up to the mare, she ran her fingers along her muzzle, and the horse nestled her head on Branwen’s shoulder. She stroked the soft, tawny coat, cementing their connection. This was the one. 
Warily surveying the entrance, Branwen disengaged the crude stall gate, a grimy layer of dust and dirt caking her hands as she did so. She pressed them against the cloak Cat had loaned her, stopping abruptly. With another brief peek outside, she rubbed her cheeks and forehead instead, soiling them as the pretty brown mare quietly neighed, ambling next to her. Using a slat on the edge of the stall to propel her, Branwen mounted the gentle beast, fear rippling through her as she coaxed her toward the door. The courtyard was no longer silent and empty, just as Cat had predicted, and Branwen had to will herself to remain calm and collected. A wild ride straight to the portcullis would spell certain doom. She had to stick to the plan, blend in, making her escape amongst the farmers and tradespeople that were granted access to deliver food and supplies. Only a slim window existed, as the barricades wouldn’t be open long, and she couldn’t afford to squander it. Delivering a silent prayer to whom she wasn’t sure, she prodded her mare to the edge of the doorway, gauging the distance to the postern gate at the end of the castle. Cat had explained that it was the least fortified, and with any luck, the guard to it would be drunk, as well. Add to that, their scrutiny was likely focused on those entering, not exiting, and the odds might tip in her favor. She tightened her cape, drawing the hood over her sullied face, and took yet another leap of faith.
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themagic-oven · 5 months
How Cake Order Online Makes Your Last-Minute Surprise Memorable?
It's normal to get caught into the storm of unexpected events and last-minute plans in the rush of daily life. One thing can save the day and make the occasion genuinely unforgettable, whether it's a forgotten birthday or an unexpected celebration- cake order online. With only a few clicks, you can make your last-minute surprise into a delicious and memorable event in this age of technology and convenience.
Explore How This Simple Act Can Add Magic To Your Celebrations!
Do you need "custom cakes near me order online" right now? If so, you should read this article, which will explain how using internet delivery services can enhance the memories of your last-minute celebration.
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1) Instant Happiness
Placing an online cake order makes you feel good right away. When considering a last-minute surprise in the past, you may have been anxious about where to find a bakery, how to get there, and whether or not they would have anything available. You can save yourself the problem by ordering cakes online. With just a few computer or smartphone clicks, your delectable surprise will be delivered.
2) Vast Range Of Choices
There are a ton of possibilities available in online cake retailers to suit every occasion and palate. You may select the ideal cake for your surprise, whether it's a traditional chocolate cake, a fanciful unicorn cake, or a personalized photo cake. The range guarantees that your gesture is not only charming but also customized to the recipient's tastes.
3) Personalization At Your Disposal
The flexibility to customize your order is one of the main benefits of placing an online cake order. Have a special message you'd want on the cake? Not an issue. Do you require a certain flavor combination? You understand. Easy-to-use customization tools are frequently offered by online cake vendors, enabling you to personalize your surprise.
4) Delivery To Your Doorstep
Having the cake delivered straight to your door is quite convenient. The cake comes to you, no matter where you are at home, at work, or even organizing a surprise party at a friend's house. You should only concentrate on the happy occasion you are about to create, without worrying about logistics or transportation.
5) A Surprise At Any Time Or Place
Surprises don't have to happen only during certain days or hours when you order cookie cake online. Since most online bakeries provide 24/7 support, planning a surprise can be done even in the early morning or late at night. You can capture the moment and make memories whenever inspiration strikes thanks to this versatility.
Last-Minute Magic- Cakes At Your Fingertips!
Cake order online has completely changed how you celebrate last-minute surprises. The process is seamless and pleasurable because of the quick happiness, extensive customization options, doorstep delivery, and simple payment alternatives. Thus, the next time you need to throw an unplanned party, consider The Magic Oven, as they will make your last-minute surprise become something genuinely special.
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Flowers Masterlist
Arabis (ao3) - 1loulu5 calum/ashton T, 1k
Summary: “So, what’s your name, Arabis?”
Or, Calum and his new neighbour meet for the first time and talk about gardening over a batch of cookies.
Birthday Cake (ao3) - im_just_a_sucker_for_bromance luke/calum E, 2k
Summary: Birfffday Cake
It's Luke's birthday and Calum decides to make it special.
flowers (ao3) - lukeashtonmeetcute luke/ashton M, 400
Summary: ashton fell in love with luke; a boy who loved flowers.
Flowers Are Your Thing (ao3) - louistomlincry michael/luke N/R, 1k
Summary: Michael keeps giving Luke flowers, but doesn't know what Luke's doing with them
He Loves Me, He Loves Me Not (ao3) - orphan_account michael/luke, calum/ashton M, 1k
Summary: It's a warm sunny day and the boys of 5SOS are out and about enjoying the beautiful weather. Taking a pit stop while being on the road to their next show, they stumble upon a secluded meadow where there are flowers as far as the eye can see. Ashton and Calum have been together for three years and are enjoying some time away from prying eyes as Michael puts some thought into whether or not his crush on Luke is going to be reciprocated. Introspection and flower child happiness ensue.
Here's some flowers to say I love you (ao3) - bitchnluke luke/ashton M, 1k
Summary: Luke gets all these flowers on the same time, but on different days. Yes, they are very pretty, but he has no clue who they are from. So he decides that on one night he's going to wait by the door for the person to deliver the flowers, but he gets more than he expected when he waits at the door for them.
i bloom for you - @sup3rbloom (haveufoundwhaturlookingfor) luke/calum, michael/ashton T, 2k
Summary: Calum storms into Luke and Ashton's flower shop one day, demanding 'fuck you' flowers to get back at his best friend.
I'll Grow This Love Like a Flower (ao3) - pitypartyof1 calum/ashton E, 1k
Summary: Smut feat. Flower Power. That's really all this is.
Roses Are Red (ao3) - mukeclemmings Luke/Calum T, 5k
Summary: Ashton and Luke open a flower shop next door to a tattoo parlor, and relationships blossom (quite literally).
The Beginning of Something Good (ao3) - RoseAmaranth luke/ashton G, 3k
Summary: Michael is the absolute worst influence. A terrible friend. Luke's regretting ever letting Mike come to his house and do covers with him. Drag him into starting a band. Pushing him to do dumb things like pranking Calum, buying a fake ID, or sneaking away from their security team.
Or like tonight, giving a whole bouquet of roses to Ashton. He really needs to reconsider his entire friendship with Michael Fucking Clifford.
there's just no getting through (without you) (ao3) - KingDabriah michael/ashton G, 2k
Summary: "Every day, I thank whoever's up there that I'm the person who gets to bring you flowers," He said softly, not really meaning to, but it kind of slipped out. It's not his fault, because how is anyone supposed to think straight when Michael Clifford is staring up at you like that, like you hung the stars, when really all you did was buy him some flowers, like you usually do every month or so.
you tend to the garden, I'll trim the weeds (ao3) - calumsbf (selvish) Michael/Luke G, 799
Summary: Michael always looks at Luke, and one day Luke looks back.
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didicakes1435 · 8 months
Delightful Celebration Cakes: Order and Delivery in Bristol
Are you ready to make your next celebration extra special? Look no further than our delectable celebration cakes, available for order and delivery right here in Bristol. cakes online Whether it's a birthday, anniversary, or any occasion worth celebrating, our cakes are the perfect way to add a touch of sweetness to your festivities.
Cake to Order:
At our cake shop in Bristol, we offer a diverse range of cakes to cater to your unique tastes and preferences. From classic flavors like chocolate and vanilla to more exotic options, we can create a cake that suits your needs. Simply place your order, and we'll get to work crafting a mouthwatering masterpiece just for you.
Cake Delivery Bristol:
We understand that life can get busy, and picking up your cake in person might not always be convenient. That's why we offer cake delivery services throughout Bristol and its surrounding areas. birthday cakes Our team is dedicated to ensuring that your cake reaches your doorstep fresh and in perfect condition, ready to be enjoyed by you and your loved ones.
Order Birthday Cake Online:
Planning a birthday celebration? Make it extra memorable with a custom birthday cake from our online selection. You can browse our website, explore our cake options, and order your favorite design with just a few clicks. Let us take care cake to order of the baking, so you can focus on the festivities.
Birthday Cakes to Order Online:
Personalize your birthday cake online, choosing from a variety of sizes, flavors, and designs. Add a special message or a photo to make the cake truly unique. We'll create a birthday cake that's not only visually stunning but also a delight to the taste buds.
Cake for Delivery:
Whether you're celebrating a milestone, a wedding, or any special moment, our cakes are the perfect addition to your event. Enjoy the convenience of cake delivery, and leave the baking and transportation to us, so you can concentrate on enjoying your celebration.
Cakes Online:
Our online cake shop in Bristol is your one-stop destination for all things sweet. Explore our collection of cakes, cupcakes, and more. With a few simple clicks, you can have a scrumptious dessert delivered straight to your door.
Cake Shop Bristol:
Located in the heart of Bristol, our cake shop is your go-to destination for all your cake needs. cake for delivery Visit us in person, explore our delectable range, and order a cake that will make your celebration truly unforgettable.
So, why wait? Order your celebration cake online, or visit our cake shop in Bristol today, and let us create a sweet masterpiece that will add a delicious touch to your special moments. With our cake delivery service, we're here to make your celebrations even more extraordinary.
0 notes
wolkanocreamery · 1 year
Wolkano Creamery, the Best Bakery in Kochi, Now with Online Cake Delivery!
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Located in the southern Indian state of Kerala, the city of Kochi was originally known as Cochin. The city's cuisine, heritage, and vibrant culture have all contributed to its stellar reputation. The city's bakeries are among its most lauded dining establishments for good reason. Wolkano Creamery is one such establishment, offering both in-store and online delivery of exquisite baked goodies.
Wolkano Creamery opened its doors as a bakery. Over the years, it has earned a stellar reputation as a trustworthy vendor of top-notch goods backed by excellent customer care. Customers may easily stop by the famous Bakery in Kochi because of its central location in the city's business district. The bakery's decor is spotless and contemporary, making the shopping experience feel as cosy as if you were in your own living room.
This bakery offers a wide variety of cakes, from the standard chocolate to more unusual flavours like red velvet and blueberry cheesecake. In addition to the regular breads and rolls, this bakery also sells pastries such as cinnamon buns, croissants, and Danish pastries. The bakers take great care to assure the highest possible quality of all baked goods by using only the freshest ingredients.
The bakery's custom cake service is a major draw for many customers. Customers may purchase custom-made cakes for special occasions including weddings, birthdays, and anniversaries. Bakers collaborate closely with their clients to perfect the look and taste of their baked goods. The bakery also provides consumers with several options for cake decorations.
Wolkano Creamery, in addition to its in-store products, also provides cake delivery in Kochi through its online platform. A major section of this service's clientele are those who want cakes delivered to their houses or workplaces. Customers may browse the bakery's inventory, make their choices, and place orders with minimal effort thanks to the site's intuitive design. Scheduled delivery, next-day delivery, and even same-day delivery are all available from the bakery.
Customers frequently utilise the web-based cake delivery business to spring a sweet surprise on friends and family. Customers may purchase cakes online for special occasions like birthdays, anniversaries, and other festivities, and have them delivered straight to the homes of their loved ones. The bakery will go above and beyond to make sure your cake gets to you on time and in one piece.
Wolkano Creamery is well-known in the area for their high-quality baked goods, but they also sell a variety of other things. This bakery sells a wide variety of artisanal breads, including sourdough, baguettes, and whole wheat. This bakery offers a wide variety of savoury pastries, including quiches, pies, and sandwiches. To ensure the best possible quality, we start at scratch and only use brand new components in all of our products.
Wolkano Creamery is a well-known bakery in Kochi, known for its tasty pastries. You may choose between in-store pickup and express shipment for these items. Guests may express their individuality via taste and style by working with the bakery's bespoke cake service. Customers who wish to wow their loved ones with a sweet treat often turn to online cake delivery in Kochi services. If you're in Kochi and craving a sweet treat, stop by Wolkano Creamery. This bakery has gained notoriety for its excellent service and delectable baked goods.
0 notes
lovetorn · 3 years
dream’s birthday bash [roommate!dream au]
Roommate!Dream x Reader
summary: it’s dream’s birthdayyyy!!!
warnings: alcohol, swearing
w/c: 2.9k+
a/n: happy birthday dream!! i’m in love w this. i hope u are too. also, there is a few references to past roommate!dream blurbs & one-shots, so i recommend reading those before you start this one or you may be a little confused at some things the characters say. thanks!! <3
roommate!dream masterlist
Dream’s birthday is something you haven't experienced yet since you moved in together in September last year.
Dream had promised the football team that his birthday party was going to be the biggest of the year, so you, being the party planner, had vowed to make it the best because Dream can’t organise—he disagreed and said that he only made you the party planner because he knows you’re good at it?? You gave him a confused look; you’ve never planned a party before.
Anyway, the 12th was approaching quicker than you anticipated and the only things you’d organised so far is the alcohol (thanks to George) and decorations. You had little notes on your phone with multiple checklists and you had yet to tick every last box off.
Organising food was probably the hardest thing. You knew that there were going to be around 100+ people squeezing into your apartment, drinking, so food is essential. You asked Dream what types of food he wanted, his reply?
“Chicken wings, not spicy.”
You rolled your lips between your teeth and nodded. Great. “Anything else? There’s gonna be a lot of people, Dream.”
He brought his fingers to rest on his lips as he thought about it. You knew when he got an idea because then he clicked his fingers and pointed at you. “Sandwiches. You know, like the little ones?”
Squinting at him, you sighed. “You think that’s going to be enough for more than 100 people?”
Dream nods. “Easy.”
You shake your head in disbelief and add sandwiches, along with other finger foods, to the list. “Thanks.”
Next to organise was Dream’s present. You spent days racking your brain, trying to figure out what he would want, eventually coming up with nothing.
So, you asked Sapnap, who was no help. “Fuck if I know, the man buys anything he wants himself these days.”
You rolled your eyes and took a trip to Target. Whilst there, you decided on an excess of small gag gifts: a Ron Swanson dishwasher magnet (so you and Dream can stop arguing over who put dirty dishes in with the clean ones), an engraved bottle opener, a ‘do not disturb sign for his bedroom door (chosen based on one too many run-ins), a Minecraft ice cube tray, a toothbrush holder (so both of your toothbrushes stop touching in the cup), and a pack of Minecraft socks.
You put the small presents into a gift bag, covering them with tissue paper, and then put in the final piece that wasn’t a joke gift—a mixtape of your and Dream’s favourite songs for his car. You brushed your thumb over the plastic case and let out a breathy laugh at the photo on the front—a selfie of the two of you in Dream's car, energy drinks in your hands and toothy grins with the text, ‘Dream & Y/n’s Gr8est Hits’ written in bright pink marker. You're excited to give it to him, but you're nervous and embarrassed, too—is it lame?
You shook your head and placed the bag in your closet.
George delivered the alcohol earlier in the day: 18 cases of beer and the same in White Claw, and a few bottles of vodka and rum for the close friends. You couldn't thank him enough for helping you, even more so after he helped put the covered trays of food in the refrigerator from the delivery truck downstairs.
You had (reluctantly) asked Sapnap to organise music because you had no time in between making sure the food order was correct and getting yourself ready. He agreed immediately and waved off your hesitance and told you he'd make the best playlist to ever exist—you put too much trust in him.
Before the party, you and Dream had taken a few shots together, just to get you to stop stressing over the planning of the party and Dream to stop worrying for you.
"Ready?" Dream smirked, his shot glass hanging loosely from his fingers. You nodded and then, at the same time, tapped the glass on the counter before you threw the shot back. The acetone taste of the vodka slid down your throats and you made disgusted faces at each other before a knock at the door indicated that your first guests were here.
Now, the party is in full swing and it's safe to say, there is definitely enough food.
When you see Sapnap at the food table, aka the kitchen counter, he thanks you for ordering non-spicy wings. You shake your head, laugh, and hug him tightly. "I'm serious," He mumbles with chicken in his mouth. "These are so~ good!"
The living room is cramped, but nobody seems to be complaining. Almost everyone from the apartment block is in your flat right now, with a few from other complexes. You lost sight of Dream a few hours ago, choosing to stay with your own friends while he hangs with his as the two groups don't usually mingle together.
“Niki!” You laugh whilst the girl finishes her second shot and passes the bottle of rum back to you. Shaking your head, you bring the large bottle to your lips, already regretting mixing different alcohols. You’d already had a few White Claws, thanks to Sapnap who kept challenging you to shotguns at the start.
Karl comes up behind you, wrapping his arms around your waist before he snatches the bottle out of your hand and takes a swig.
“Karl!” Now, all three of you are laughing together. He slides his hand off of your stomach and stands to his full height, putting his lips to the White Claw can he holds in his other hand. You warn him about mixing alcohol, but he waves you off and assures you that he's fine.
The three of you stand on the dance floor, grooving to the beat of 'Super Freak' by Rick James. You grab Karl's hand to spin him around and then do the same to Niki, laughter filling the small space you have created in the middle of the crowd. You wouldn't admit it to Sapnap, but his playlist is actually good.
"Mi Amor!" The sound of Quackity's voice pulls you from your little group with Niki and Karl and you smile when you see his wide grin as he pushes past a few football players.
"Q! When did you get here? I didn't see you come in," You engulf him in a hug and giggle when he laughs loudly.
"I came in through the window," You pull back slightly to give him an incredulous look and shake your head. God, you are tipsy. "Nahhh, I had an exam, so I just got here."
You nod and feel the rum going straight to your head. Quackity then notices Karl and Niki behind you and gives them hugs too. You watch as your friends greet each other and turn to look at the clock on the wall in the kitchen. 10:33 pm.
“Guys, it's time for cake!” You shout over the music to Niki, Quackity and Karl and they smile and nod, all three of you migrating to the fridge to collect Dream’s cake and get it ready.
You pull a 3 layered vanilla cake out of the refrigerator. It is slathered in white icing and has rainbow sprinkles on the top with the words, ‘happy birthday dream’, in piped icing. Karl's mouth waters at the sight of the dessert and when he goes to get a dollop of icing from the side, you don’t smack his hand away—you have a plan.
Other guests see you preparing the candles and lighting them and turn off the lights for you. You smile at the 21 lit candles and pick up the cake, being careful not to trip on anything.
The entire room starts singing the ‘Happy Birthday’ anthem, their phones out to film as you spot Dream’s messy blonde hair over the crowd. He scrunches his face up in embarrassment and switches his beer from his right hand to his left to give you a side hug and a peck on the cheek when you approach him. The room sings and all attention is on him, but Dream only has eyes for you as you inch the cake closer so he can blow out his candles.
After he does so, the room erupts into cheers and then you give Dream a mischievous grin. There’s a little fear in his eyes and you launch the cake towards his face. Everybody laughs and hollers when you pull the cake stand away from him to see his face covered in white icing and rainbow sprinkles. Dream stands frozen for a moment, wiping his eyes with his free hand, before he wraps his arms around your waist and pulls you close to him, rubbing the icing in your hair and on your cheek.
“Dream!” You cackle, trying to push him off, but failing and eventually succumbing to his hold. The phone torches shine brightly at the two of you as people continue filming. His laughter is music to your ears.
Dream smiles down at you, eyes lazy and cheeks flushed. “Thank you,” He whispers. Your heart flutters in your chest and butterflies swarm your stomach as you nod. Everybody disperses and carries on with their previous antics, leaving you and Dream together.
“I got you a present, I’ll give it to you when everybody’s gone.”
The sentence makes the present seem more sensual than it actually is, and it makes Dream’s heart skip a beat—but he knows it’s not what he’s thinking. You pull away from Dream and wave back at him, knocking into a few people which elicits a laugh from him as he watches.
“Dude, you’re so fucked,” George says, smirking as he follows Dream’s gaze on you. Dream elbows George in the bicep.
“Fuck off.”
“Yeah bro, if you don’t make a move soon, someone else will,” Sapnap comments, coming up to stand on Dream’s other side. The urge to punch the both of them is strong, but instead, the blonde groans and skulls the rest of his beer as he loses sight of you in the crowd.
“Bye, guys! Thanks for coming!” Dream tries his best to look composed, but he’s so drunk. As soon as the door closes, he locks it and lets out a huge sigh. You come out of your room with the gift bag in your hands. Dream raises his eyebrows and attempts to give you a surprised look. “Wow, a present?”
You giggle and lead him to the couch. He flops down, throws his feet up and puts his hands behind his head. You sit next to him and shove the bag into his hands. “It’s not much, but you literally have everything already, so this is what I came up with.”
You hold your breath and you watch him pick through the bag. A smile breaks out on his face when he sees the CD. He flips it around to show you as if you haven’t seen it before and opens the case. “A mixtape? How romantic.”
The heat that rises to your cheeks is scolding and you stop yourself from choking. Dream, however, doesn’t look at you as he digs through and comments on every item. When he’s gone through every gift, he picks up the mixtape again and looks you dead in the eyes.
“This is the most thoughtful thing I’ve ever gotten for my birthday. Thank you, Y/n.”
You’re surprised. “The most thoughtful? It’s only a CD.”
Dream’s face contorts into one of confusion. “Only a CD? You made this for me with your own blood, sweat and tears.” You wouldn’t go that far.
“Oh, well, you’re welcome, I guess,” You laugh, reaching down to grasp his large hand. The action causes Dream to tilt his head and shift closer to you.
“Seriously, thank you. You mean so much to me,” He confesses, although you can barely hear it. You feel tears pricking your eyes as you watch him wipe his own. “Fuck, why am I getting emotional? It’s that fucking vodka, that’s why.”
“Don’t make up excuses, D,” You tease, squeezing his hand a few times. He wheezes lightly then sighs. His green eyes are so bright and there’s still a little smudge of icing on the side of his nose from the cake. You reach up and wipe it away, licking your thumb beforehand. Dream closes his eyes as you do so, biting his lip as you pull your hand away. 2:29 am.
“Okay, I think it’s time to get you to bed,” You mumble as you stand up, the moment broken. Dream nods, collecting his presents and chucking them all in the gift bag before he follows you to his room, a little disappointed.
Dream stands in the doorway and watches as you pull back his bed covers and turn on the lamp on his nightstand. “Okay, I’ll leave you to it. Goodnight,” You push past him before you turn. “I’ll have Gatorade and Advil ready for you in the morning, okay?”
Dream gives you a loving smile and nods, still holding the bag in front of him as he stands in the middle of his room. “Goodnight, Y/n, thanks for everything.”
You close the door behind you and when you get back to your room, you kick yourself for not making a move. You peel your clothes off of your body and throw them in the corner of the room, the space becoming too hot for your liking—maybe it's the alcohol, maybe it's the fact that it's summer, or maybe it's your utter embarrassment and regret; you don't bother to choose which one.
You flop down on your bed, half-naked, and stare at the ceiling. Why didn't you make a move? It was the perfect opportunity—
Your thoughts are forgotten when there's a soft knock on your bedroom door. You scramble to put some pyjamas on as you call, 'just a second!', and then you're swinging your door open.
Dream stands there in his sweatpants only. You resist the urge to rake your eyes down his torso.
"Can I sleep in your bed tonight?" The question surprises you—of fucking course it surprises you! The only reason he comes to your room at night is to vent; not like this.
"Uh, yeah," You reply, cracking the door open just a tad wider so he can slip through. Once he's inside, you sigh in confusion and close your door quietly. Dream is already sorting out the bed situation behind you, throwing your hundreds of throw pillows onto the floor and lifting up your duvet so he can slip under.
You tilt your head at him when he looks at you expectantly—you assume he's waiting for you to get in bed, which you do.
You rest your head on your pillow and turn your head to look at Dream, who is already staring at you. Your skin is hot and your heart is in your throat when you see how green his eyes are in the warm glow of your lamp.
"What's up?" You whisper although you didn't mean for it to come out so low. Dream's eyes trace your face; your eyes, eyebrows, nose, freckles, lips. "Dream?"
He's silent for a while and you guess it's because he's trying to figure out his drunken thoughts. "I just wanted to be with you, you know," He says, his voice breaking slightly. You suck in a breath, turning onto your side so you face him. "You planned my party all by yourself and I'm so happy you did."
You don't have the heart to tell him that George and Sapnap helped you, he looks so content. "I'm so glad, Dreamy," Your voice is velvety, and you can't help the warm feeling blooming in your chest. Dream's eyes travel from your own to your lips and stay there.
“C’mere," Dream mumbles. You barely nod before you lean closer to him.
You can tell Dream is figuring out what to do by the way his lips part and then close suddenly a few times, so, for the second time this week, you take things into your own hands.
You scoot closer to him, your breaths mixing in the small space between your lips and his nose bumping yours. You were so close. But not close enough.
"Dream, I'm gonna do something crazy, okay? Don't hate me," Here goes nothing.
"I could never hate you, baby," Dream murmurs, adjusting his head on his pillow. The pet name goes straight to your head and throwing out any and all rational thoughts, you lean in and place your lips softly on his.
It takes him a few seconds to react and in those moments, you fear you've made a huge mistake, but when his hands find your hips and pull you impossibly closer, you're glad you kissed him—are kissing him.
This is nothing like wine night a few weeks ago.
Your hands find the back of his head and tug on his hair lightly, earning a throaty groan. The sound makes you clench your fists and pull a little harder. You move your lips across his jaw and towards his ear. "Happy Birthday, birthday boy," You whisper.
Dream lets out a breathy laugh and hugs you closer. His face presses into your neck and you feel him leaving feather-light kisses on your skin. The feeling makes you giddy.
"I'm one lucky birthday boy, aren't I?" He mutters, pecking your neck firmer now. You giggle softly, running your fingers through the hair at the back of his neck.
"You bet your ass you are."
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hotwings0203 · 3 years
Dead best husband dabi expects his wife to come home make him dinner and fuck his cock then spends the money she makes on beer
Tw:dubcon, misogyny, food play
It’s a tedious routine, almost like dreadful clockwork. You come home from your 9-5, take off your shoes, throw your keys on the counter, and not even before you make it into the kitchen is when his requests come out.
No, you say requests to keep yourself sane, but they’re actually thinly veiled commands.
“Where’s dinner? I’ve been waiting all day.”
“God, you look like a slut. Were they having an orgy at your work or somethin’? Is that what you were so busy doing all day? No wonder this place is a mess. Clean this shit up.”
“Hurry up, the lights broken. And you smell like shit, go wash-no, after you change the bulb.”
You have to look at your wedding photos frequently to remind yourself that he’s your husband, not some lowlife you picked up.
Except, every time you look at the pictures to evade his harsh insults and biting directions, it feels like the Dabi in your memorabilia sneers more and more rather than smiles.
It’s his permanent look, in fact, you’ve forgotten how it felt to feel a warmth in your heart when he smiled demurely at you. It’s hard to remember how his soft touch across your cheeks felt rather than the usual slap delivered to the sore skin.
When you walk in, he’s sprawled on the couch, a t.v remote in one hand and a beer in the other. He’s wearing a wife beater and shorts, absentmindedly scratching his balls when you utter a small “Hey hun.”
“Don’t you ‘hey hun’ me. Where the fuck were you? You were supposed to be here an hour ago.”
You stop yourself from rolling your eyes and immediately make your way to the kitchen, with him leaping up from the couch and tailing behind you.
“Don’t fucking walk away from me, what, you ignoring me now?”
He grabs the back of your neck and slams you face-first into the fridge, preventing you from opening the door.
“Ow! No, I was just looking for a snack-“
“-shut up. You don’t get to eat until I do, you cow. Or are you forgetting how this marriage works?”
He crushes your neck and leans forward to take a whiff of your hair.
“God, is that cologne? You cheating on me now?”
“No Dabi, we had a company lunch and I was just talking to some friends. Maybe that’s what you’re smelling.”
He lets go of you and throws you towards the sink. “Good. You better not be. If I find out some douchebag’s been putting his hands all over you I’ll slit his balls and make you eat em’.”
You grimace and wordlessly start putting pots and pans together, ignoring the rumble in your stomach. You didn’t even get a chance to take your suit off, but you don’t dare exit the kitchen until he’s had his fill yet.
He’s just hangry. That’s all there is to it.
Your husband scratches his stomach and ambles back to the living room, belching obnoxiously and running his hands through his unruly hair.
Hours go by as you slave over the stove, making his favorite desserts and dishes as your fingers begun to progressively cramp, your legs begin to burn as you stand and finish up. With him in the living room it’s easy to taste your own food and get some meager meal in between breaks, but you stop yourself from gorging without him.
Knowing Dabi, he’d measure how many cups of food you started cooking with and subtract it from how much remained now.
Even though it was your money that bought this food.
You’re at the sink a while later cleaning spoons when he strolls in again, crossing his arms and leaning against the entrance of the kitchen. He watches you for a couple minutes, sighing and humming to yourself as you scrub vigorously.
He doesn’t take in the copious amount of dishes you made, he doesn’t compliment how spotless the place looks despite all the cooking that went down here, no. Dabi stares at the way your ass wiggles while you work, the way your body bends attractively over the running sink, your tits brushing against the countertop.
You yelp and drop a small plate when you feel hands encompass your waist. His body is pressed tightly against yours, his hips lightly humping you like an eager virgin does. The force of his weight against you pushed you forward and you have to quickly grab onto the sink spout to avoid falling face first into soggy sink food.
“Dinners almost done Dabi, I’ll be out with it in a bit.”
“Mmmh, I’m not interested in eating that kind of food right now.”
He rests his head on top of yours and you barely refrain from screaming. What the hell did that mean? Wasn’t he the one harping on you earlier for not cooking fast enough?
“God, you look like a perfect slutty housewife right now. ‘M gonna fuck you.” He mutters as he begins yanking your trousers off while bending you further on the sink.
Your hands brace on the wet banister as you let him take what he wants. Last time you refused, he shoved one of his beer bottle necks into your pussy and made you ride on it.
“Dabi-Dabi, the food.” You try to tell him to move the dishes being pushed around from him manhandling you up on the counter but he doesn’t listen.
One plate goes crashing onto the floor, your Alfredo sauce mixed with porcelain bits.
“Oops,” he says not so regretfully. When your panties are successfully ripped down, he lifts your waist and lugs you onto the countertop, your upper half plastered on the cool marble.
His patched hands snake their way up your shirt and push the fabric up along with your bra while his now naked hips start pushing against your bare cunt.
Your exposed tits are squished down and you hiss as your body envelopes the cold counter. You try to lift your head up but he pushes you head back down.
“Uh-uh, no moving ‘till I’m finished. This is what you get for dropping food on the ground. In fact-“
His eyes catch a hold of the mini cakes you whipped up, and a sly grin on his face erupts as he looks from them to your quivering hole.
“Why don’t you have a taste of it? One down, a couple more plates to go!” You cry out in frustration as his hand swipes across the bar and sends the cake dish flying onto the floor.
He pays no heed to the defeating crash, just merely inspects his fingers that got some whipped cream on them while he smack the plate.
“A chef’s gotta taste her own cooking right? This cunt definitely looks hungry and oh so greedy right now too,” he pouts mockingly and traces his cream-covered fingers around your labia, roughly circling your clit and mixing the sweet food into the crevices of your pussy.
“P-please Dabi, don’t. We can do this after dinner, I’m so tired right now! I have to clean up this mess too!”
But no amount of pleading satiates the sadistic bastard. He just yanks your head back and shoves his fingers in your mouth when you open it in pain.
“Suck on ‘em real good, just like how you suck off your bosses. That’s how you get all this fuckin’ money right? You show a little ass, flash some tits, suck some old geezers off-and boom! You’ve got a nice house, and nice husband.” He leers at you as you choke on his slender digits.
Only when you feel like you’re about to vomit is when he yanks his hand out and wipes up another stray glob of frosting from the side of a testing plate. He doesn’t waste any time in working his fingers back inside you, a different hole this time however.
It feels so wrong with a massive creamy glob being pushed along your walls along with expert fingers that know your body inside out, but no matter how disgusting it is, he still finds your spongy area and begins stroking. The smooth filling glides up and down your g-spot as the pads of his fingers batter your sloppy pussy, and in no time you begin moaning.
“Oh Dabi, oh Dabi, fuck, please,-“
“Oh Dabi, oh Dabi,” he mocks cruelly, pinching your clit and squeezing your squished nipples as he pulls his fingers out right at the tip of your climax.
You try to turn around and plead for release but he doesn’t let you. Without missing a beat he takes his bricked up cock in hand and taps it on your ass before gliding in your weeping, cream covered pussy.
The moan you let out is so lewd that even a pornstar would be proud. You hate him, hate this marriage, hate the way he orders you around and looks down on you regardless of how you shower him with love and money.
But holy fuck, when his mushroom tip bangs against your womb like that and drags up and down your sensitive cavern you forget all the abuse.
Back and forth, up and down, sideways and forwards is the way you feel fucked. For someone who just sits on the couch all day you wonder how someone with such frame could fuck like a stallion, barely missing a beat.
“Hah, haaa fuck, you little whore, yeah, bring that ass back on Daddy, show him what you show those creepy fucks at work.” He pants and strikes your ass as you ricochet off his pelvis, his balls slapping your sticky labia.
You whine and try to wriggle out of his intrusion when he sneers the insult, but he merely cages you in between his arms and hunches over your bare body, pumping into you faster than before.
Your open jaw clacks as your tongue drops out in pleasure, his animalistic grunts and curses going straight into your ear and sending you over the edge.
He cums before you, groaning and dropping his dead weight over your suffocated body, not bothering to aid in your pathetic rubbing against his deflating dick.
“A little bit more, please Dabi? I’m so close honey-“
His fingers twitch next to you as he regains himself, exhaling through puffed up cheeks and yawning widely.
“Shut up. You don’t deserve to get off after the mess you made here.”
He peels his sweat-soaked body off of yours and tucks himself back into his pants, regarding the mess on the floor.
All your hard work, gone within a few minutes of ruthless fucking. Which you didn’t even get off to.
He fishes out a crumpled $10 from his musty shorts and throws it at your face like a cheap hooker would take.
“Here. Buy some Plan B and get me some beer. And you better not leave before serving me some fucking food, useless bitch.”
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alliedbiscuit · 3 years
msr fic / s7 post-closure but pre-all things / wc: 3398
Scully takes Maggie out for a birthday dinner, and you'll never guess who they run into.
“So, how are feeling about dessert?” the waiter asks hopefully.
Maggie Scully scoffs. “Oh, no. I couldn’t eat another bite. Maybe just a cup of coffee? Decaf, please.”
“Mom, are you sure? You should get dessert,” Dana Scully prods, stopping herself short before she could let it slip, “It’s your birthday!” The last gift her mother would appreciate is a gaggle of underpaid waiters singing some public-domain-compliant version of a birthday song while the whole restaurant turns its attention toward her. Like mother, like daughter.
Well, the daughter made an exception and found that kind of thing charming exactly once. But at least she got a nice keychain out of it. All her mother would get was humiliation and a chocolate lava cake.
As soon as the waiter leaves to fetch their after dinner coffees, Maggie reveals her true intentions.
“I was thinking we could go to that ice cream parlor down the street. If I’m going to indulge, I think I want a hot fudge sundae. Or maybe we could split a banana split?”
“Or you could get a hot fudge sundae and I could get a banana split, and we could split both,” Scully suggests.
“See, that’s why you work for the FBI.”
“Dessert Conflict Resolution was part of my training at Quantico.”
Both Scullys giggle.
“Does Fox have the same specialty? Or is that what you bring to the team?”
“Mulder’s dessert strategy is just to eat everything and then swim a mile and run five the next day. No, he’s a Takeout Menu Marksman, though. He knows where to order from and what to order so it travels the best and doesn’t get cold and congealed by the time it arrives. Might sound like a trivial skill, but it’s a lifesaver on movie night.”
Maggie continues smiling but cocks her head slightly. Dana realizes why almost instantly.
“You have movie night?”
“It’s not a set thing or anything. We just…if we’re not busy with a case.”
“You just watch movies? As coworkers?”
“As friends.”
“Just friends?”
Dana lets out a long sigh as she stares her mother down. Her mother, maintaining that gentle yet challenging grin. Dana considers her response carefully. She could offer a simple yes because that is the fact of the matter. They are just friends. She could criticize the wording choice. “Just” friends? Why does it have to be “just” friends? As if friendship isn’t somehow enough or isn’t valuable?
She could realize it’s her mother’s birthday and she’s the only other Scully woman left to confide in about matters of the heart, and although she doesn’t want to bring up the New Year’s kiss because she still doesn’t really know what it meant, maybe they both need this little gift of honesty, filled with tempered excitement and promise.
“For now,” Dana Scully finally admits.
Maggie’s grin grows as Scully just shakes her head and manages to keep her slight eye roll from reaching embarrassed teenager level. The waiter does bail her out a bit by choosing that moment to deliver their coffees.
“How is Fox doing? After his mother…” Maggie trails off, but her daughter knows not to expect any more specifics.
“Better? I mean, as well as can be expected. The thing is, right after that, he found out some more about his sister. About what happened to her. It was just so much all at once. I was really worried…”
Maggie reaches across the table to lay a hand on hers.
“But, it was almost like he was ready for it. He finally had some answers. Like it brought him some peace.”
“That’s wonderful.”
“Yeah. He needed that.”
“We all do.”
Maggie is the one to spot him first as they’re heading for the door.
“Is that- is that Fox?” she asks her daughter.
“What? No, he wouldn't…” Dana trails off as she looks straight ahead to where her mother was indicating and confirms that it is indeed Fox Mulder, standing with his hands in his pockets and his eyes trained to the floor as he appears to be waiting near the vestibule for the restrooms.
“Mulder?” Scully questions as she approaches, her voice giving away her confusion and growing concern.
His head darts up in surprise, but a beaming smile of recognition quickly overtakes his face.
“Hey, Scully! Mrs. Scully, it’s so nice to see you!”
“You too, Fox,” Maggie kindly replies, although a quick glance to her daughter confirms her suspicion that Dana is still very confused by his presence.
“Did you…did you need something?” She suddenly feels silly for presuming that he must have come there with urgent news or a case or something, but why else would Fox Mulder be at Petrino’s on a Saturday night? Did his informants trade in clandestine meetings in parking garages for family-style Italian?
“Hmm?” Mulder asks.
“You didn’t come here to find me? I told you I was bringing my mom here for her birthday, didn’t I?” He didn’t look like he had rushed to the restaurant from the office or his apartment as she had originally assumed. He had clearly shaved and combed his hair nicely. He wore an olive green sweater with dark blue jeans and a black wool pea coat rather than his leather jacket. He had definitely made an effort.
“You did, but I thought you were going out tomorrow night on her actual birthday. Happy birthday, by the way, Mrs. Scully.”
“Thank you, Fox. I’m going to have lunch with some ladies from church after mass tomorrow, so I asked Dana if we could do Saturday night instead.”
“Ah. What a weird coincidence then. I can’t believe we didn’t see you at all during dinner.”
Oh God.
Mulder was on a date.
Mulder was on a date in this restaurant on the night he thought Scully wasn’t going to be there. Mulder was on a date right after Scully had confessed to her mother (and herself) that their “just friends” status was in the process of changing. Mulder was on a date right after he’d been through so much pain but seemed to come out lighter and more open and he wanted to share it with someone…who wasn’t Dana Scully.
“So, you’ve already eaten then?” Maggie asks since her daughter appears unable to form a coherent statement at the moment.
“Yeah, we just finished. I’m just waiting for her…” he seems to trail off just to motion towards the restroom rather than say anything indelicate, but then he notices Maggie’s poorly masked look of concern toward Dana, and then he notices Dana’s completely unmasked look of shock.
And then he gets it.
“Oh, no! It’s not…I want you to meet her,” Mulder insists as he grabs a hold of both of Scully’s elbows and then glances anxiously toward the restroom door.
Dana Scully looks like she might be ill.
Thankfully Mulder only stammers a moment longer until the restroom door opens and he finds reprieve when a tall, thin woman appearing to be in her mid-60s walks through the door.
“Aunt Helen,” Mulder calls.
Somehow Scully’s eyes manage to get even wider as some of the color returns to her face.
“Aunt Helen, there are a few people I’d really like you to meet. This is my partner, Dana Scully, and this is her mother, Margaret Scully.”
Aunt Helen smiles widely in recognition, first shaking Maggie’s hand and then Dana’s. “It is such a pleasure to meet you both. I’ve heard such wonderful things.”
She lingers with her hand holding Dana’s while she says this, and the younger Scully is left blushing. She hazards a look at Mulder, but he doesn’t look embarrassed by this revelation. He holds her gaze with nothing but pride.
“This is my aunt, Helen Briggs. She’s my mom’s sister. She’s visiting for the weekend from Charlotte.”
They all kind of marvel over the fact that they were in the same restaurant and what a coincidence and oh, we were seated near the back bar, that must be why we didn’t see you and Scully is just starting to feel her pulse return to normal as Aunt Helen laments not having a chance to talk with the Scullys.
“Well, Dana and I skipped dessert so we could go to The Big Dipper for some ice cream. Would you two like to join us?”
“Oh, that would be lovely. As long as we’re not intruding,” says Aunt Helen.
“Not at all,” Scully assures her. “There is one catch, though.”
“It’s not real ice cream. It’s that Tofutti nonsense, isn’t it?” Mulder groans.
“It better not be,” Maggie insists. “I don’t know how she eats that stuff.”
Scully ignores her mother and her partner’s bad mouthing of her frozen treats as she returns her attention to Aunt Helen.
“I’m afraid if you want to come along, you will have to reveal a few good Young Mulder stories. And by ‘a few,’ I mean as many as you’ve got. And by ‘good,’ I mean the more embarrassing the better.”
“I’ll start thinking now,” Aunt Helen laughs.
“I knew I should’ve picked a different restaurant,” Mulder says regretfully.
They’ve just sat down to a small, round table for four with their ice cream when Mulder stands up to get them all more napkins, and Aunt Helen retrieves a small, rectangular piece of paper from her purse that she then deftly slides to Dana.
“Oh my god!” Scully exclaims with joy.
Staring back at her from the paper is a very young Fox Mulder. She guesses he must be around 8 or 9 in the school photo. His long, sandy brown hair falls just above his eyebrows. He doesn’t have his distinctive nose yet, but his bottom lip is already a little pouty. The real give away is the eyes. He’s grinning for the camera, but his eyes still have that soulfulness, that slight sadness.
She’s surprised. She knows she shouldn’t be. His eyes didn’t suddenly change when Samantha was taken. His eyes were probably always like that.
But she had always assumed that the great tragedy had flipped a switch for Young Fox Mulder. That before that single event, he had certainly been a perfectly happy child. Funny and athletic, popular for sure. But the humor developed as a defense mechanism later in life. And the sports were a great physical release as well as an excuse to be out of the house as much as possible. She didn’t actually know what he was like before, but now that she thought about it, home life was probably never all that great if it eventually led to a father sacrificing one child and leaving the other to always live with the guilt and loss.
It was very possible that Fox Mulder had always been a little boy with a lot on his mind.
In contrast, present day, adult Fox Mulder looks like he doesn’t have a care in the world as he returns with extra napkins, ready to tuck into his chocolate peanut butter ice cream in a waffle cone – that is until he realizes what his friend and partner Dana Scully is looking at.
“Oh come on. I was gone for thirty seconds, and you have the visual aids out.”
Scully continues to beam as Maggie finally gets a glimpse of the photo in her hand.
“Oh, Fox!”
“Okay,” Mulder said exasperatedly. “Does this meet your embarrassment quota?” he asks, looking pointedly at Scully.
“Not even close! This isn’t embarrassing. It’s adorable!”
Mulder rolls his eyes but can’t hide his bashful grin at her comment.
“It’s only fair, Fox. I know you’ve seen family photos of Dana at my house,” Mrs. Scully says, sounding like a mother well practiced in settling disputes between children.
“Just a couple. I do like that high school graduation picture, though. I still don’t know how you kept your cap on with all that hair.”
“That was the style back then. Everybody teased their hair and used a ton of hairspray.”
“I thought it might be a religious thing at Catholic school. The higher the hair, the closer to God,” Mulder teases.
Maggie and Aunt Helen chuckle, though the latter gives him a good-natured swat on the arm in admonishment.
“See, this is what I need, though. I need something from the teen years. That’s peak embarrassment fodder,” Scully says.
“If you ask our colleagues, I think my peak embarrassment fodder would come from about 1991 to present,” Mulder points out.
Aunt Helen just looks slightly regretful. “I’m afraid I don’t have many stories from those years, Dana.”
Mulder makes eye contact with Aunt Helen. “You didn’t miss much,” he insists. She looks like she wants to debate him, but he just places a hand on hers reassuringly, and they seem to make a silent agreement to not argue the point any further.
Mulder had never really mentioned any other family before. She knew his grandparents had all passed before she met him, but she had assumed, just like with everything else, that any other extended family connections had disappeared along with Samantha. That no one would know how to comfort and console The Mulders in a situation like that, with no explanation.
His aunts and uncles must have had questions, probably even had their own theories. Did his mother’s side suspect his father’s involvement, or did his father’s side blame his mother somehow? Did any of them blame…no, she couldn’t go down that route. Besides, did anyone ever suspect horrific things like that before the days of cable news and supermarket tabloids?
The point is, it was a tense situation, so Scully assumed they had all done what wealthy white people in places like Martha’s Vineyard and Boston and Raleigh did with any uncomfortable subject – they avoided it completely.
And that meant avoiding the little boy with a lot on his mind as he became a teenager with even more on his mind.
Scully had accompanied Mulder to a small burial service for his mother in Raleigh a few months ago. It was just the service. No gathering or dinner after, or at least not one that Mulder told her about. The attendees at the service were all pretty spread out, not much mingling. Again, it was another sudden loss shrouded in mystery. They all avoided particulars as much as they could.
Scully didn’t remember seeing Aunt Helen that day, but maybe she was there and just couldn’t bring herself to say anything. Maybe she wasn’t there because she couldn’t bring herself to go and then regretted it. Dana Scully didn’t know, and it didn’t actually matter. The point is that she’s here now. And that’s exactly what Mulder’s look of reassurance and acceptance seems to say.
It seems to help her perk up because she offers playfully, “Oh, what about that summer on Quonochontaug? I think you were 9 or so, and you were collecting leaves for one of your Indian Guide badges.”
“Oh god!”
“I’m hooked already. Not to jump ahead, but please tell me there’s poison ivy involved,” Scully says gleefully.
Aunt Helen’s bark of laughter and Mulder’s exaggerated eye roll are all the confirmation she needs.
“It was heavily involved! But that’s not the worst part. While he was working on his Leaf Collecting badge, he also earned credit towards his Wildlife badge when he came across a skunk in the woods.”
“No!” Scully shouts.
“Ivyed and skunked at the same time,” Mulder admits.
“Oh you poor thing,” Maggie adds sympathetically, but with barely contained laughter.
“He had to jump right from a tomato juice bath for the skunk smell…”
“Which didn’t work!”
“…into an oatmeal bath for the itching.”
“Which worked better, but I still smelled like a Grateful Dead concert.”
Both Scullys are full on giggling at this point.
“Do you remember what Grandpa Ralph said when he walked in and saw you and mom dunking me in a tub of oatmeal?” Mulder asks.
Aunt Helen pitches her voice deeper and amps up her Southern twang, “Why don’t cha dip him in some egg and flour next? We toss him in the frying pan, we got supper! We’re havin’ Fried Fox tonight!”
Now they’re all in hysterics. Even the man who usually hates his given name can’t help but laugh along, especially when it makes his lovely company so happy.
Scully enters the basement office Monday morning to find Mulder already there, flipping through an open drawer in the filing cabinet.
“Good morning,” she says cheerfully.
He looks up and smiles. “Good morning. Long time no see.”
“How was the rest of your weekend? Did you guys do any sightseeing or anything?”
“No, we just had a late breakfast yesterday before I took her to the airport, but it was good to catch up some more. She told me to thank you again for letting us tag along for ice cream. It was really nice.”
“It was,” Scully agrees.
Mulder appears to be considering something for a moment before he crosses over to the desk and picks up a small envelope.
“She also told me to give this to you,” he says almost bashfully, extending the envelope in Scully’s direction. “She told me I couldn’t look inside, and I didn’t. But I think I know what’s in there, and if I’m right, you don’t have to keep it. You can just leave it here on the desk.”
Well, now she’s intrigued. Scully opens the envelope to find a small handwritten note at the top.
“I thought you might like these. I have plenty more too, if you’d ever like to see them or want any more stories. Please don’t be a stranger.”
Scully lifts up the note to see the remaining contents inside and finds a small stack of photographs, a mixture of more school photos along with a few wallet-sized family portraits and a couple candids taken on the beaches of the Vineyard or Rhode Island, she can’t tell. But she sees the same set of eyes in all of them.
She looks back to read the rest of the note.
“I’m so glad I got to meet you, Dana. Take care!”
Below Aunt Helen’s elegant signature, she has also written her home address and phone number. Scully will have to call and thank her.
“She tried to give some to me,” Mulder explains, “but I didn’t really want…and like I said, you don’t have to…”
“No, I’d like to keep them,” Dana insists.
Mulder lets her statement hang in the air for a moment, but he can’t help but diffuse it.
“You just want more blackmail material.”
“Something like that,” Scully says teasingly, but there’s no bite behind it.
“I knew I should’ve picked a different restaurant.”
She chuckles lightly as she shuffles the photos into a neat stack to place back in the envelope, thinking that this is the point where they get back to work. Mulder stays standing in front of her and appears to be considering something again. Does he have another envelope that he’s afraid to give her?
“You know it was pure luck that we ended up at Petrino’s the same night as you. I actually gave Aunt Helen a few options and let her choose. I was pushing more for that Thai place in Arlington, just off Old Dominion. The one that’s been there forever,” Mulder explains.
“Oh, the one with the secret menu? I’ve still never been there. Can’t say I’m surprised that Aunt Helen wasn’t up for Thai food, though.”
“Yeah. Fair point,” Mulder nods for a moment too long before continuing. “Would you like to go there sometime? Like this Saturday? With me?”
Scully slowly looks up from the envelope to see Mulder’s face because in all matters, other than the divine, Dana Scully needs to see to believe. And the slightly nervous yet gentle grin that she finds allows her to believe it to be true – Fox Mulder has just asked her out on a real date.
“I would like that,” Scully says gently.
“Good. You wanna say 7:30? Or we can always figure out time later,” Mulder states, aiming for practicality to keep him from grinning like a complete idiot. He ends up grinning like a moderate idiot, but he’s okay with that.
“Sounds good.”
Yep, Scully will definitely have to call Aunt Helen and thank her.
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dreamescapeswriting · 3 years
Burnt ~ MYG [Request]
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PAIRING: Yoongi x Reader
GENRE: established-relationship, fluffy ending, running into ex, mentions of burning by accident, 
A/N: Again I used a wheel of names to select the member so that it was fair, we got Yoongi this time so I hope you enjoy it!!
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It wasn't often that you and Yoongi got to enjoy some one on one time together so going out for the morning dog walks you did every day was something that you cherished. An hour-long walk just the three of you as you spoke about anything and everything that came to mind, catching up and spending time with the one guy you loved and your dog. The two of you had made it a tradition that you would go together deciding that since Yoongi was always so busy with something in his life this was his designated time for you and only you. Of course, you spent other times together but this was always a for-sure fire plan, there was no way out of it, it was always going to happen unless it was pouring it down with rain. This morning it was bright and early, the grass that you walked Min Holly on was crisp, the air was fresh and there was almost no one around besides the other people that were walking their dogs. Yoongi and you walked hand in hand as you took Holly over a field that wasn't fair from your home, 
"I was thinking of cooking dinner for you and the boys, Friday night?" You suggested as you threw a ball for Holly she began sprinting after it wildly while you stood with Yoongi under a tree, 
"Sure. We should try and make that cake they loved the last time they were over," He suggested as he gently took your hand in his, stroking his thumb over your knuckles and smiling happily as he looked at you. He never would have thought he could be this happy again but you brought out the best in him, he hadn't been this happy since his last relationship which had ended on pretty good terms. 
"Jimin loved it, even if it was falling apart," You laughed softly, bending down to pick up the ball that Holly had dropped by your feet, you handed over the wet tennis ball to Yoongi who threw it for his dog once again, going further than before. 
"Jimin loves everything you make for him, he swears by your cooking," Yoongi chuckled, standing behind you and wrapping his arms around your body enjoying the feeling of standing this close to you. Laying his head down on your shoulder he hummed in satisfaction of the silence that surrounded you. All that could be heard was the occasional car passing on a nearby road and the birds that were waking up in all of the trees, it was more relaxing than ever.
"I wonder what's taking Holly so long to get that ball," He mumbled a few moments later when he realised Holly hadn't come bounding back over to you as he usually would, ball in his mouth. 
"Holly?" You called out, patting your legs as you both began wandering over in the direction he was last seen running in, calling out his name as the both of you waited for some kind of sign that Holly was around there somewhere.
"Holly?" Yoongi cried out as you walked down the back of some trees that were heading towards a forest-like area, there was Holly rolled over on her back and getting belly rubs from another person who was dressed in a hoodie and some jeans. 
"Such a good boy, aren't you?" You heard a female voice coo as you approach her and your dog with Yoongi, worrying slightly if she was some kind of fan that had decided to stalk out where Yoongi walked Holly. 
"Hey, I'm sorry. He's just overly friendly sometimes, I'm sure he didn't mean to-" Yoongi stopped speaking mid-sentence when he looked up to see his ex-girlfriend sitting there with his dog, all of a sudden it was like he was only there with her and her alone. The rest of the world ceased to exist as they locked eyes for the first time in over six years, you stared at Yoongi wondering why he had suddenly stopped speaking and you glanced over at the female who was staring at him. Aera. You recognised her from the photos you'd found in Yoongi's home studio, she was his ex-girlfriend and the love of his life. Her name literally meant love. The sight of them looking at one another the way they did made your heart sink, he was looking at her as if she was the only woman in the world while she stared at him like it was the last time she ever would.
"Aera this is Y/n, Y/n this is Aera..." Yoongi finally said as he tore his eyes away from her, turning to look at you briefly before his eyes were glued to her once again. You didn't blame him she had been the love of his life for years until up and leaving six years ago to move to a different country, both of them deciding to end the relationship so neither of them had to go through with a terrible long-distance relationship. 
"It's lovely to meet you, I've heard a lot." You told her as you shook her hand, doing your best to seem as polite as possible, just because they had been together all those years ago didn't mean that they would be together again now, right? 
"It's been too long, what are you doing back?" He questioned her as you began to leash Holly back up to his walking gear, stroking the dog that was with Aera as you went down onto the floor. 
"I moved back, I was done with my studying and decided I missed home," She smiled softly at him and then all of a sudden it was as if you were no longer there again, the two of them began conversing back and forth about everything she had been doing over the last few years, catching up as you began a slow walk back home being ignored by your fiancé but you let it slide. He hadn't seen her in years and they had been best friends before they dated, you had nothing to worry about since you trusted him with your life.
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"That was nice seeing her for a while," You told Yoongi as you began making breakfast for Holly, hoping to get your fiancé back into conversation with you but his head had been in his phone since getting back home probably letting the boys know who he had seen that morning. 
"Yoongi?" You questioned when he still didn't respond to you, sighing to yourself you kissed the top of his head before leaving to go and get a shower he was probably just stressed with work stuff. 
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When you woke up the next morning you expected to roll over and find Yoongi as you usually would but you were created by cold and empty sheets, he was missing with no note left behind to say he had gone into work earlier than expected. 
"Yoongles?" You called out down the stairs as you walked down them, wrapping a dressing gown around your body in case he or the boys were around the house somewhere, it wasn't uncommon for the boys to just let themselves in when they saw fit. As you reached the porch you saw that Yoongi's coat was missing along with Holly's walking gear and Yoongi's walking boots, he'd gone without you? Glancing over at the clock there was no reason for him to have gone without you, the two of you would normally wake up now and walk Holly together. There was a sinking feeling in your gut as you thought about how he and Aera had been texting back and forth all day yesterday, had he gone out with her without telling you? It wouldn't have bothered you if he had just mentioned it to you or even left some kind of note as to where he was. 
Hey, I'll make some breakfast for when you're back if you like? xx Hitting send you waited anxiously for the message to be read but it was left as delivered while you went to shower and do your morning routine before he came home. 
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"I made your favourite!" You called out as you saw Yoongi running around the house in a rush, Holly was eating his breakfast in the kitchen while Yoongi had rushed in the house to shower and change for work. It had been a two-hour long walk with Aera which didn't help ease the uneasy feeling you had but you kept your faith in Yoongi, he loved you and you loved him that was all you needed to put your attention on.
"I don't have time to eat, I'll grab something at work." He yelled out as he ran out of the house, into his car before you could even ask if he had enjoyed his walk out there that morning, you stared down at Holly sighing to yourself. 
"Guess it's me and you then," You said to him as you poured him some more water into his bowl. 
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It continued on like that all week, Yoongi would go for the morning walks with Aera instead of with you, spending more and more time with her to the point where you felt you hardly saw him unless it was for an hour at night before going to bed but you were reminding yourself that tonight was your night with him and the boys. Friday night dinners together were traditional with him and the boys and everything was perfect, you'd spent all of that day preparing the food, baking desserts and perfecting everything that the boys would be eating that night but no one showed up. As each hour passed and they weren't there you began to grow sick with worry thinking that something had happened to them, calls and texts to each of them were going unanswered but there had been no reports in the media about what possibly could have happened. 
"Here Holly," You called out, pouring some of the food that he was able to eat into his food bowl before cleaning up the dining room, blowing out candles and putting the desserts into the fridge for a later time. It wasn't uncommon that the boys would work so late they lost track of time so you figured that was all that had happened. 
That was until Yoongi walked through the door looking as though he was about to burst, he had chocolate down his chin and behind him was Aera as she struggled to stand him up straight,
"What happened?!" You panicked, rushing over to them as you helped her stand him up, struggling to carry him up the stairs to your shared bedroom. 
"He had a little too much to drink with the boys at my place," Your heart practically stopped beating as you heard where he had been and who he had been with. 
"Your place?" Your voice was strong and it didn't stutter as much as you thought it was going to, she nodded at you not seeing an issue with it. 
"He's been with you all night?" She nodded again, 
"The guys and I have a tradition, meals every Friday and we used to switch who's place we went to...I figured since I was back I could invite them to mine...I asked Yoongi to bring you but he said you were busy." You nodded along with her as she began tucking Yoongi into bed but you stared at him, the subject hadn't even been bought up around you, Yoongi had neglected to mention he was going to cancel your dinner and go to hers instead. In fact, he'd neglected to mention anything as of late as he pushed you away and hung out with Aera more than you. 
"I'll let you get some sleep, it was nice meeting you again," She hugged you before leaving, you heard her lock the door before posting your keys back through the letterbox but your eyes never left Yoongi in his sleeping form. He was sneaking around to hang out with her but why? You trusted him and he knew that he could have just told you where he was going and there would never have been a problem but now it felt as if there was something going on. Something he was hiding.
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Time went on and you began to slowly distance yourself more and more from Yoongi, you'd tried getting him to talk to you more but he was working or catching up with Aera, you had no idea how much catching up needed to happen but it was bothering you. It was as if you were no longer a part of his life, just a ghost living in his house as he continued on as everything was normal. 
"Stupid fireplace," You hissed as you tried to get the fireplace in your living room to turn on, it was one of those exceptionally cold nights where you couldn't get warm so sitting by the fire with hot chocolate and a book was something you were going to do. Normally Yoongi would be the one to sort the fireplace out but he was nowhere to be seen so you were left to fend for yourself.
Letting out a smile in relief as the flames finally caught you began to get comfortable on the floor, settling down to read when you heard a crackling noise that didn't sound great but you pushed it aside thinking it was just the fireplace in its old age. 
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Guilt swelled up inside of Yoongi as he sat beside you in the hospital bed, he'd gotten a call to say you'd been rushed into emergency services when he was with Aera and he rushed to you. Sitting beside your bed the whole night before and even now, a day later, he was sitting with you. 
"What happened?" Jimin questioned as he walked into the room to see Yoongi watching you, Jimin placed a vase of flowers down onto the nightstand at the bottom of the hospital bed. 
"I was with Aera, she must have tried to light the fireplace," Yoongi explained as he looked at the burns that were on your left leg, it was nothing major but it was still a burn that he could have prevented if he hadn't wasted so much time hanging out with Aera so much. "She's been trying to get me to be with her for weeks and I kept pushing her away," His voice cracked as he began to cry, thinking of all the times he should have been with you. None of this would have happened if he had just been there. 
"I'm sure she'll understand that you wanted some time with Aera," Jimin explained but Yoongi shook his head, 
"There's no excuse for me to leave Y/n. I love her and I just pushed her aside because of what?!" You woke up to him yelling and you whined, turning to look at him you already knew what they were bickering about. 
"She was the love of your life...I didn't want to get in the way," You breathed out as you tried to sit up, hissing in pain as you stopped. 
"You can't move yet, the nurse will need to come and check you over." He whispered as he kissed your lips softly, calling the nurse button and watching Jimin leave the room. 
"I will never, ever leave you again...I was so stupid," He mumbled to himself, beating himself up over something that couldn't have been helped, 
"Yoongi you missed her, I understand if you don't want to be with me anymore..." His eyes shot to you as he shook his head dramatically, 
"Of course I want to be with you, only you!" He cried out, taking your hand in his and smiling, kissing your hands softly.
"Then say those three words," You giggled softly looking into his eyes as he looked back at you, 
"I love you." You smiled even more, leaning forward to kiss him softly, laying back down when the nurse came into the room.
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Tagline: @lyoongx​ @mitzwinchester​ @taestannie​ @rjsmochii​ @kneel-begyourpardon​ @sw33tnight​ @sweeneyblue1​ @innersooya​ @jin-from-the-block​ @acciocriativity​ @mwitsmejk​
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cheelduh · 3 years
How to tie up a cute boy
(Highschool Au)
Pairing: Childe x fem!reader
Parts: 1  2  3
Word count: 4K
Warnings: Swearing, Scaramouche abuse, no Signora slander this time, shit humour.
Synopsis: "Why are you doing homework?" Childe groans, rolling off to the side and kicking off the blanket to expose himself in nothing but a pair of boxers. "I'm literally right here, naked and defenseless. Why aren't you taking advantage of me?"
Note: Unedited yet again besties. Tysm for reading :) I got Childe after losing him to mf MONA, istg it was the most stressful moment of my life.
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The clock ticks with its pendulum, ridiculing you as it holds the time. The gentle whirring of the air conditioning in the background serves as the icing on the cake to your pent up aggression.
You try not to glare at your phone too much after receiving a text from Childe that told you not to worry, that his dad picked him up and that he was in the comfort of his home, letting the flu blow over.
It took a lot of convincing from his part earlier that morning to get you to go back and actually attend the rest of your classes, making sure to check up on him every break plus the additional "bathroom breaks" you usually never take while in class.
"I can't let you get in trouble for me." He murmured with a small smile that pumped your blood a little faster than usual. "I'm fine, really. Don't worry your pretty little head."
You do exactly that.
You don't even know why you're so worried. He's sick, not dying. Not to mention, you aren't even his girlfriend let alone his friend to care so much. 
Your intrusive thoughts don't waste any time. You latch onto the one thought that takes over. He's probably dead. Lying in his bed in a heap of pillows, passing peacefully while his parents are in the other room. He's dead.
Okay, he's not dead. You intrusive thoughts sure do one hell of a job. He'll be fine, and in no time he'll go back to being a reckless distraction in your life that you need to surpass. Just another obstacle to add onto the list of things life has thrown at you.
But for an obstacle, he sure is kind of cute.
You refrain from bashing your head on the desk. School isn't really a preferred environment on your list of top ten places to shrivel up and die.
Speaking of death and all that is evil, why is Childe always on your mind? He takes up every nook and cranny of your day, constantly, and truth be told it's starting to boil your piss.
Every time you close your eyes you see his smug smile, and hear his stupid laugh. He's an annoying little prick who gets a rise out of exasperating you. Yet here you are, terrified by the warmth that blossoms in your heart when you so much as hear his name.
The final bell rings at long last, conveniently before you bite your tongue to avoid screaming, and not another second is wasted once you launch yourself out the door. You dodge through the crowd of students in the hall that are buzzing in excitement from it being a Friday afternoon, and you would be too if you weren't so damn hung up over a ginger with a battlekink.
Locker in view, you make a beeline and spend the next two minutes fumbling with the lock in your hands.
"Woah there cutie," Lisa speaks up playfully. "At this rate you'll break the poor lock with your bare hands."
For a moment you're surprised at her sudden appearance, but then remember that it's normal for her to worm her way anywhere.
"It's just—this lock is being dumb okay? It has no reason being a pain in my ass but it wakes up every day and chooses violence." You hiss through your teeth, a sharp metallic ring invading your ears when you lose it and jostle the combination lock against the door of your locker.
Lisa winces, but smiles teasingly nonetheless. "Want me to give it a try?"
Lisa has the door open at record speed.
"I love you Lisa." You confess wholeheartedly, gripping at your chest. "I love you so much—"
"Yeah yeah," She waves you off with a grin. "Now hurry up and go save your boyfriend from the common flu. Archons knows he won't make the night."
You flush at the word "boyfriend" and don't give much thought to the insinuation that lies within the rest of her sentence.
Sliding your skateboard under an arm, you spin on your heel just to bump straight into Scaramouche, who's won the scowl of the century on his face. He's the last person you want to see right now, but apparently the universe wants to have a pissing match with you.
"Give this homework to that idiot Ginger." He shoves a stack of papers into you. "Tell him that once he's done circling the drain, I'm gonna kick his ass." He then leans in, murderous glint in his eyes. "And if you ever touch me again I'll take a shit in your cereal. That's not a threat, it's a promise."
You shiver at the thought of him squatting on your Cheerios, hands becoming clammy as you try and justify yourself. "It was an accident."
Your pitiful excuse earns you nothing from the navy haired boy. "It'll be an accident when I murder your entire family, three generations over."
"Hi Mona!" You wave excitedly over his shoulder at the body of students that are totally not Mona. With elation he fails to conceal, Scaramouche turns to look at the speed of light.
You take the chance to make your escape—not before waving to Lisa, chuckling to yourself. He's down bad.
With great expertise you file your way through the flock of students chattering near the entrance. , you confidently place your skateboard down on the sidewalk, ready to—
Wait—where does he live again?
You sigh heavily, ignoring the sadness as you thank the universe internally for pulling the reigns on your disastrous plan. Checking up on Childe at his house? With his family present? Making a complete fool out of yourself? What are you thinking? The possibilities are horrendous. He probably doesn't even think of you like that, he just likes a challenge and you pose as one.
You turn away to make a run for it in the direction of your home, all the while ignoring the nagging worry in your chest for Childe. He's probably fine anyways, you don't need to check up on him, and if you did he'd likely find a way to spin it and tease you relentlessly.
Although somehow, the thought of being teased by him isn't as dreadful as you'd like it to be.
Suddenly, an idea graces you, one that guarantees your misery by sating your obligation to check up on Childe. A litany of curses escape your mouth. Genius really, the amount of ways you can think of doing something that'll end in your demise.
"Adeptus Xiao." You whisper apprehensively, already regretting your decision. "Adeptus Xiao." Glancing around your surroundings, you barely notice the shadow that looms over you at your backside.
"What do you want mortal?" Unbeknownst to you, he strikes out of nowhere, making you jump back several meters. You manage to muffle a surprised shriek.
Xiao is Venti's -6 ft boyfriend, the vicious epitome of an eboy. He has a scaled tattoo covering up the majority of an arm, a few piercing holes in his ears, all matched up with a disinterested look. Somehow, he always appears out of nowhere if you call out his name. It's sort of disturbing in a way.
His amber eyes pierce through you, forcing a shudder of fear and dread to lace your blood, almost as if he can sense you shittalking him in your head.
With shaky hands, you ask, "Can you tell me where—"
"You didn't even hear me ou—"
He refuses to at least pretend to think about it for a moment.
"Why?" You frown, stomping your foot on the ground childishly.
"Because." He retorts with a lack of interest, but doesn't further explain his point. English teachers must love this kid.
"Okay," You say slowly, casually inspecting his form as you come up with an idea, briefly remembering Lumine mentioning it to you. "How about I give you my share on almond tofu Tuesday."
The lack of interest on his face wavers slightly. Bingo.
"What do you want mortal?" Xiao mutters gruffly, arms crossed, face morphing into subtle annoyance.
You wrack your brain for a proper answer. You can't just outright ask him or it'll seem like you have a thing for Childe, which you unfortunately do, but you'd like to keep a semblance of integrity. Ah yes, the homework!
"I gotta deliver these to Childe." You outstretch the pile of worksheets in your hands. "Except I don't know where he lives. Can you tell me?"
Xiao's eyes glint with danger. "Did you summon me for the trivial task of giving you an address?"
You nod furiously.
"Do humans have no shame?" Its rhetorical. Expressionlessly, he closes his eyes with intent focus, doing what you assume to be locating Childe's exact location.
He blinks an eye open, reaches a hand out. "Give me your phone." Palm waiting.
You hand it over to him almost desperately.
One glance at your bubbly phone case and he doesn't even try to hide his distaste. He taps a few times, then hands it back to you almost immediately.
On the screen is maps, and Childe's home is about a fifteen minute walk away.
Your jaw drops in disbelief. "How did you do that?"
"Easy," He mutters, leaning back against the school gate as the remainder of students walk past the two of you. "Locating demons that need subjugating is but a simple task."
There's a pregnant pause. Demon.
"Childe's a demon?" You gasp, even though you've always had your suspicions. Hence the reason you invest so much in demon-cancelling charms.
"What? No." He mutters with a roll of his eyes, and you note that his irritation grows the more questions you ask. "I had a physics project with him last semester."
That's why the charms don't work.
Your mouth forms an o, in fear that if you keep this conversation going on any longer, he'll snap at you. Especially when your next line of interrogation involves how he's able to appear and disappear into thin air.
It's a magic trick you'll want to master whenever Il Dottore has another conniption fit in the middle of the hallways after Kaeya tells him he looks like he has skid marks.
"Thank you." You say instead, trying to preserve his regard, but by the time you meet his gaze he's already gone with the wind.
Childe's home is surprisingly humble, considering the amount of fat stacks of cash he carries around in his fanny pack so care-freely. It's a normal suburban home from what you can tell, a little bigger than normal with a double garage, neatly mowed lawn and a few forgotten decorations from the windblume festival. A series of water guns lay forgotten near the entrance, making their presence known when you stumbled upon them.
It's hard to remain unphased. Especially since such a normal looking home has bred someone as ruthless as Childe.
Maybe it not the home, you think. Maybe it's the way he was raised. You recall a few glimpses of his mother in middle school, but because of your worse for wear memory retention, you can't ballpark her personality type.
As your thoughts wander further down to his parents and early childhood, villain origin story and what not, you're pulled out of your concentration when the door opens. The possible implications of being here are most definitely not in your favor.
Childe's mother is a stunning woman in her mid-forties who sure as hell doesn't show it in that jaw-dropping sapphire dress, topped off with a brilliant smile that makes your knees weak. Like mother like son, you suppose.
With her sudden appearance, strangely enough, you can remember how good her tiramisu bites are.
You take a moment to respond, swallowing thickly, only to stare at her stupidly.
His mother doesn't waste another second before ushering you in, oblivious to your star-struck expression. "Y/N? L/N Y/N? My have you grown. I remember when you were only this tall." She lifts her hand up a little above her waist, the jewels on her fingers dazzling with every movement. "How is your mother doing?"
"She's doing alright, busy with the clinic." You're able to find your words, smiling back at her, able to get somewhat familiar with her warmth. "I hope I'm not intruding. Childe forgot some homework." You say, heaving the short stack up.
"Ajax?" She laughs, shaking her head in disbelief. "I can't believe he's going by that now. I wonder when this phase will be over. He may act tough but he's such a softie, has the biggest heart."
You, in between concealed emotions and giggles that threaten to leak, try to hide the oncoming grin but it's impossible. "Well he's got you to thank for it."
"You flatter me too much Y/N," She fixes the up do, pinning back the blonde hair that deftly frame her familiar cerulean eyes. "I can see why he can't stop talking about you."
Her words make you waver momentarily. The fondness you've refused to share, the drawn out stares in the halls, the lingering touches, you don't want to acknowledge it but it's there. Whatever it is.
"I'm so sorry for cutting this short dear," His mother sighs, grabbing her keys off the counter and placing her wallet in an elegant handbag. "My niece is getting married and we're already late. I told Ajax I'd stay if he didn't feel too well but he said he could handle a headache. That boy, I swear, always tries to power through."
You nod in understanding, but wait a minute. A headache?
Scrunching up your face, eyebrows furrowed, you ask. "Headache?"
She frowns, applying another layer of her rouge lipstick hastily in a nearby mirror. "I know dear, how unfortunate. The school nurse said it's a migraine, and I shouldn't fret much, but a mother can't help but worry. If only he weren't so stubborn, like his father."
As if on cue, a loud honk comes from outside.
"That must be him!" She exclaims, hurriedly sliding in her heels, turning back to look at your awkward figure. "Ajax is in his room, it's the second door to the right upstairs. I've made some lasagna for the kids, you ought to have some as well, I'll be upset if you don't—" Another annoying honk cuts her off, to which she scoffs, shaking a fist. "That old man, I'll strangle him in his sleep. I must be going now, goodbye dear." She reveals a twinkling smile at you one last time, waving a slim hand before picking up her heels and making a run for it.
The door closes with an unceremonious thud, gust of wind in its trail, leaving a bewildered high schooler in its wake.
Snapping out of your haze, overwhelming tides threaten to drown you whole. Being in Childe's home, alone, with him a handful of stair steps and a wall or two away, your cheeks are set ablaze.
Now that his mother's gone, you take a second to really look. There are a few toys littered in front of the TV, home covered in with soft throws and coordinated cushions, a lazy sectional plopped right in the middle. The marks on the furniture with all the stories, the light hued mismatched frames hanging on the walls and on all the table, so many pictures of those that resemble him, his brothers, his sisters, his family. You can almost hear the echoing laughter in the halls, the childish squeals and pitter patter of tiny feet slapping the hardwood floor.
This is where he grew up. This is where he retires to after a long day full of gratifying fistfights. This is where he was raised to be who he is today, ambitious and reckless, with the absurd dream to one day rule the world. This is his home.
It's...like being wrapped in blanket, safe and cozy, surrounded by all the love in the world.
Absentmindedly, your fingers trace the outlines of a younger Childe, two missing teeth and eyes full of dreams, hugging the side of his father's shoulder because his small arms can't wrap around them. Not just yet.
You make your way over to the staircase, which has even more frames littered across the wall, one that falls short of hiding the marks of a green crayon—another slice of domesticity you aren't quite accustomed to.
The reality sets in, and you come to a conclusion. This home is definitely not an environment for growing psychopaths, Childe just beats the odds like he beats up kids on the daily.
Your fist hovers over his door as you contemplate abandoning the sheets on a nearby table, but his mother was so sweet and polite, so incredibly hospitable, you wouldn't have the heart to make a run for it.
"I can see why he can't stop talking about you."
Three consecutive knocks. If he doesn't answer, you'll leave them at the door.
"Mama," Childe's muffled groans stem from the other side, and oh, you want to revel in the grave undertone of his voice because it's certainly not a common occurrence. "I told you I'm fine. You can go okay? I don't want you to be late, just need to sleep it off."
You blink, lips curling, and then knock again.
"Mama," He whines again, and it has you grinning mischievously. He's a mommy's boy, he has to be. The thought envelopes your heart with a newfound fondness. "Just come in and hurry."
You eagerly take in the room once you slip in, eyes scanning over every little detail, until they zero in on the heap of sheets smack dab on the single bed, a pair of feet dangling off the edge, topped with a comforter thrown over leisurely.
Childe's facing away from you, head dipped in between his shoulders, probably trying to find a position that's more comfortable. He's shivering, sweating at the same time. His mother must've been too preoccupied to notice. This isn't the first time he's used his exceptional bullshitting finesse.
"I can't believe you lied to your mother," You cross your arms, leaning back against the door.
With a jerk, Childe flings into a sitting up position, wide awake and aware of everything that is going on, a stark contrast from nearly seconds ago.
He blinks at you in shock, once, twice, rubs his eyes a bit, relaxes, then leans back, out of it completely. "For a sleep paralysis monster, you sure are kind of cute."
"For and idiot you sure are an idiot." You snort back.
"Wait a minute," He mutters slowly, jaw dropping. "You're actually here?!"
Ignoring his question, you opt to slap the papers on his desk to ignore your clammy palms. "Homework."
"And here I thought you came here all this way to be my personal nurse." He smirks, recovering from his momentary shock fairly swiftly. Doesn't refrain from giving you that shit stain of a bad boy grin, even with a flushed face and concavity under his eyes.
"I can be your personal mortician instead."
"I didn't know you were into role play babe, but I'll take what I can get." He winks, but is punished by a sequence of coughs that earn a wince from you.
"Headache?" You tease after he quiets down, but he remains as cavalier as always.
He sighs, sides of his lips still arched upwards. "My parents barely have any time to themselves, it's so hectic with the kids. What kind of son would I be if I couldn't even give them this?"
He must've threatened Barbara.
"You're," You inhale, briefly letting the silence hang between you two, mulling over what you wish to convey. sweet.
"Irresistible? Hot? Sexy?" He starts casual, arrogant smirk widening.
"Kind of not a complete asshole, is what I was going to say."
"Careful girlie," He narrows his eyes on you, playful lilt in his tone. The comforter is allowed to slip past his shoulders to reveal the goods that lie underneath, the complete naked chest of a post-puberty highschool boy who sprays too much axe. Full pectorals are something to pay for, stringed with smooth muscles that ripple their way over his toned shoulders. "If you keep teasing me like this, I can't promise I'll be the nice guy."
"One more time from the top," You bite back, avoiding staring at him for too long. "Without the congested nose this time."
With great expertise, he weakly throws a pillow at you, and you watch it exceptionally land at your feet, barely grazing the tips of your socks.
"Impressive," You whistle, not impressed.
He pouts, shivers, then is dunking his head back into the welcoming embrace of his plush collection of pillows.
With a sigh, you plop down on his chair, grab a pen and begin calculating derivatives.
"What're you doing?" He doesn't even turn your way, voice muffled.
"Homework," You reply nonchalantly, trying to calm your nerves. "unless you want me to get you something to eat, considering you puked out your gogurt on Barbara's shoes earlier. Congrats by the way, you're hit listed by her fan club."
"Why are you doing homework?" He groans, rolling off to the side and kicking off the blanket to expose himself in nothing but a pair of boxers. "I'm literally right here, naked and defenseless. Why aren't you taking advantage of me?"
He really has an IQ below room temperature.
Burying the formidable obligation to clock him in the face on behalf of society, you slowly get up to approach his bed, to which he grins widely in disbelief.
Apprehensively, you climb onto his bed, and he scoots over, excitement as clear as day. His hair's a wild mess from all the shifting, almost makes you want to card a hand through it. Your heart nestles it's way in your throat at the sight of his blazing blue eyes.
You pity him for what you're about to do.
"Relax Childe," You lean over him with confidence you never knew you had to begin with, face hovering inches before his. Your fists strategically grip the comforter on either side of him. "We have all day after all."
Although you attempt to pay no heed to his quivering hand that snakes up to find solace on your hip, you momentarily shiver at the tenderness.
He's eating this up and leaving no crumbs. Closing his eyes in anticipation, his lips tremble when he tries to close in the distance.
Abruptly, you cross both handfuls of sheets over his body, tying them securely in place to keep him docile. He struggles in your grip, eyes snapping open in surprise. "Wuh-What."
"Did you really think you had a chance?" You cross your arms, stepping back to get a good look at your handiwork.
"Honestly?" Childe huffs, struggles some in his restraints. "I wasn't really thinking."
"Typical," You scrunch your nose up, unscrunch, and then exhale. "You stay here and I'll go make you some soup. Well, not that you can really move but you get the idea."
"You're really going to leave me here like this?" He pouts cutely, melting you, and the sick bastard knows of his power.
"Relax," You wave a hand, "I may be evil but I'm not Scaramouche."
Meanwhile, Scaramouche sneezes as he tries to ask Mona out, falling straight on his ass from the kick back, making a complete fool out of himself. Mona doesn't mind though, finds it endearing.
Back at Childe's room, he raises a brow, expectant.
Going through the five stages of grief, you do something you've been wanting to do for a while, succumbing to the immense feeling.
Closing in the distance between you two, you suck in a breath and gently tilt Childe's head to the side. He blinks quickly, not quite expecting your sudden forwardness, about to say something that doesn't matter as soon as you place a tender peck on the side of his cheek.
Time stops, the world coming to a halt completely. A moment made in history, one you won't ever forget, fresh in both your minds from forward on.
And then you stagger away as if you've been stabbed.
"Soup!" You squeak, appalled by the sheer boldness of your actions. "I'll go make soup while you rest."
Childe, frozen, stares at you incredibly confused, and then beams.
Dear Archons, what have you done.
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