#ngl this concept is like really hot LMAO
p1nkmic · 2 years
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So uhhhhhh
First time posting here, let’s see how it goes!
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catboygretzky · 2 months
Exyblr Dashboard Simulator based on what I personally see on sportsblr:
📜 realexyblog
jean moreau stans make me SCREAM like you know NOTHING about that boy. like good for y'all but. i'm pretty sure no one has ever even heard him talk.
👁 jean-mor-uhoh
we know that he is french, tall, and a defenseman. we don't need anything else
👨🏻‍❤️‍💋‍👨🏻 talk-exy-to-me
*u forgot the sad grey eyes, dark hair, and bad posture.
#bout to create a whole ass man w the knowledge he's a backliner and french, watch this space
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👸🏻 kevindazed follow
if no one calls kevin day princess to make him blush what's even the point of it all. huh. what's even the point.
#🙄 better be calling that girl princess every day of his life!!!! neil do it for the people!!!!
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🫡 exyisntreal follow
hey exyblr how we feeling about neil josten being the son of a gangster
🐋 sexyexy
wasn't on my neil bingo but maybe it should have been
💃fox-me-up follow
makes this kevneil mafia au i'm working on,,,,a little awkward askdhf
🙀 catboyneiljosten
ngl. kinda hot.
#kevneil mafia au tho 👀
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🥰 boytoyjeremyknox follow
had a dream i asked jeremy knox to sign my thigh so i could get it tattooed but dream jeremy spelled his name wrong. dream me still got it tattooed tho
jerm knox fans rise!!!!! dumb blonde rep we need
😎 foxyknoxy
🏳️‍🌈 gay4stickball follow
jerm and jean bout to take over the world babbyyy!!!!
#wonder how he feels knowing your dream version of him is a himbo #i mean same lmao but whatever
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👅 nastyneiljosten
oh, you chose your favourite team based on something that ISN'T 'breedability' ??????? unrealistic
🧸 mreow-bearcats-mreow
you are not seeing heaven (affectionate)
👅 nastyneiljosten
tbf sometimes i choose exy teams bc of how good the fic for the team is.
#you chose to be friends w me so u have to deal w this
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🙈 ittybittyminny follow
love the concept of andrew minyard. like. he's 5'0". he's almost killed multiple people. his bro HAS killed someone. could be the best in the world if he tried. he's a fox, so ya know. whatever comes with THAT. ugh he's a bug i want to study............always around but never at the forefront so you don't really KNOW. he's a martyr. he’s never done anything wrong……besides the whole juvie probably/almost killed someone……he is a girl……..he is the bestest boy………..he is a malewife………he’s a poor little meow meow……probably would rip me to shreds for even THINKING that. also he's a goalie.
#the being a goalie part adds an entire layer to him #zero goaliess are at all normal #andrew minyard #psu #goalie tag
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🌸 a-softer-exy
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kevin day
#kevin day #psu foxes #palmetto foxes #exy #poetry #palmetto #edgar allen university #web weave
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elysiumarchieve · 2 years
okay here me out. This may be a bit dark. What about Scaramouche who's like a cult leader and reader is the obedient loyal follower who would do whatever Scara asks them to. The rest is up to you. You can get very creative with it. I just like the idea.
HERE YOU GO ANON i had so much fun with this oh god
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cult leader! scaramouche x devouted follower! gn! reader
warnings: scaramouche is a warning for himself, cult themes, religious themes, taking his god complex to an entirely new level ngl, is this how sumeru quest could've ended LMAO, cult au, violence?? you have been warned this man isn't too nice in this except to you (but it's super toxic like damn), idk what kind of au this is but just imagine teyvat but scaramouche has a cult, great
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✧ cult leader scaramouche is honestly such a hot concept holy shit
✧ besides that, having an entire cult devoted to him probably would make him far more arrogant than he already is in general
✧ he doesn't appear a lot before his followers nor does he make any official appearances. scaramouche enjoys being sought after by his followers and how they throw themselves at his feet when he just walks by without any announcement prior to this - it boosts his confidence knowing there are people who treat his words like they were the actual law. the fact that he's rude and violent however never changed - he doesn't really bother with anyone's wel being and he hates chatty humans the most
✧ being a discarded divine creation, he lures poor humans in with empty promises and lavish things, he amassed a rather huge following, however most of his cult is shrouded in mystery due to how unreachable he appears before everyone. cult members who join are never seen again and neither are the people trying to oppose him, as these people get assassinated if they only dare to make any moves against him
✧ those who do know him quite well however stay out of his way, knowing that a single mistake was enough to tick him off and have that person be sent,,, somewhere (where nobody has ever returned from), so not only is he arrogant and thinks of any human as pathetic, he's also manipulative and oppressive! congrats!
✧ just like most people in his cult, you too believed him to be above everything else, the solution to all troubles, something akin to a savior meant to free you from earthly matters and peril
✧ what his actual goal was? nobody knows. some might even claim he started all of this for fun, others say he started this as an act of revenge against his own creator - not that it mattered to any of you. whatever he believed was correct and not to be questioned
✧ there are only a handful of people who have actually seen him or managed to be acknowledged by him with words, and you just happen to be one of those special cases who happen to be recognised and be worthy of his attention for more than just a few seconds
✧ as his devotee, when he first laid eyes upon you and told you to follow him you did so without questioning his order in any shape or form. you weren't worthy enough to question any order he gives out personally
✧ to you, he was kind, nice, the same facade he puts up around people when he tries to gain their trust before stabbing them in the back shortly after - however, as blinded as you are by his fake smiles and soft chuckles he lets out, you're way beyond reasoning at this point
✧ he'd kindly invite you to sit with him while he's having tea, to which you agree almost too eagerly. in the end, all you did was sit next to him in silence as he spoke about things you had never heard before in the sweetest voice you had ever heard, and in the end he even shared his last sips of his tea with you before sending you off
✧ this went on for weeks, with him revealing mere tidbits about himself as it went on, you learnt more about his past, his emotions and what he really thought of the people around him - to hear from him that you were one of the only people he accepted around him almost put you in a cardiac arrest at how he said it in such a genuinely nice tone
✧ but in fact, scaramouche did take a liking to you. maybe it was how big your eyes became when you took shy glances at him, how you started shaking in sheer excitement when he spoke to you directly and asked for your opinion on things or how you played with your hands on your lap when you asked him question over question about the world - questions to which he of course had all the answers for
✧ with time, you almost spent every day with him in his chambers, drinking tea and receiving gifts from him for your devotion. scaramouche promised you that as long as you continue doing as well as you've been doing so far, he'd do anything to keep you away from prying eyes
✧ you never understood what that meant, but you also didn't question it. maybe you should've when you noticed that people suddenly went missing or how people were utterly terrified of scaramouche's sheer presence in the same room as them
✧ it was nonsense to you, he was kind, intelligent, beautiful, you'd do anything for him! even if he asked you to give up both of your hands you would do it, no questions
✧ turns out that our dear cult leader has taken such a liking to you that he started to refuse to see anyone else anymore, which in return meant for him that you also won't see anyone else other than him - but you understand, right? you wouldn't betray him and leave him behind like all of them, would you?
✧ of course you wouldn't. because what scaramouche wants, scaramouche gets, through one way or another he always gets his will regardless of what it might cost
✧ as long as you do what he says and follow him obediently so he can shelter you from the outside world, he can make sure you'll be safe (which in returns eases the dull aching in his chest he's been feeling for years now)
✧ if you ever manage to gather your courage and ask him why he decided to talk to you, you'd probably become withness of the most genuine smile he can actually muster up before telling you that there is no particular reason other than curiosity - curiosity on whether or not humans remain the same sort of stupid or if humans have the capacity to change into something worthy of his presence
✧ after all, talking to him was a gift and spending time with him was the peak of devotion - it's what he deserves for the betrayals he suffered through
✧ you, his loyal devotee who has become worthy of him, you've become his proof of his actual obsession, his search for a heart that he doesn't have and will never receive
✧ maybe his heart was never in his chest to begin with but out there, just waiting to fall into his hands just like a missing piece of a puzzle you'd be looking for and finally find under a rug years later (it might be the gnosis that he so dearly desires)
✧ if you ever dare to die, he won't have that. even if it meant dragging your spirit through the depths of the abyss and back to him, he can't have his most loyal follower die due to his incompetence or lack of surveillance
✧ cult leader scaramouche is a manipulative guy, only acting based on his whims and playing with people's life as if they were toys for him - that's how scaramouche lives his life and enjoys it, keeping himself above everyone else
✧ don't be fooled by his kind smile and tender words - underneath that facade rages cold fury that's been hidden for years with bo end in sight that he somewhat manages to calm once you're nearby
✧ whether or not this is a blessing or a curse, you might not even tell how fucked up this was. maybe you even considered his behavior as normal by now, disregarding any cruel act or decree he spoke and blindly running after him in hopes of remaining on his good side
✧ you'll only be able to tell in the end whether or not you made a good choice
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stillfrownyclownlol · 6 months
I don't like Christmas tbh but idk consider this a Christmas gift lmao
Holiday headcanons for the kids :p
-Doesn't have any strong feelings about Christmas. Kinda overstimulating for her ngl
-hates when people come carolling to the house :) like hello she doesn't need her ears to bleed as a holiday gift okay
-when she was younger she used to go to church with her parents but she's stopped as she got older
-found Santa to be a creepy concept even when she was little lol
-she doesn't really like getting gifts from people besides her parents and she has THE WORST gift buying anxiety like. She has no idea what people want 🤡
-does like the food tho. Probably the only time of the year when she'll eat more than one plate.
-Weak spot for Logan's Christmas cookies.
-he's spent a lot of Christmases alone watching holiday movies. He likes Christmas but he definitely doesn't associate it with spending time with his family or anything.
-he gives people really expensive gifts lmao. He's actually pretty good at gift giving, but he SUCKS at wrapping them, usually ends up with his hand cut up from the scissors and covered with tape.
-Loves Christmas movies, they give him a sort of nostalgia for a Christmas he never had. Really likes Elf and Home Alone (absolutely destroyed his house copying some of the traps)
-definitely the type of guy to look up weird Christmas games to play at the party because like Hell he's gonna have a boring party >:(
-Eats enough food to go into a food coma and then stays up all night anyways.
-believed in santa a littleeee too long.
-Blasts Christmas songs so loud the whole neighbourhood will hear it.
-definitely plotting how to get Ash under the mistletoe somehow (cuz he's a schemer you know it). Probably doesn't work, but doesn't hurt to try 🫠
-he LOVESSSS listening to carolling and Christmas songs. It makes him so happy <3
-Top Priority: Get an awesome gift for Lily >:) very careful with his gift shopping and he spends a lot of time for each person.
-Likes decorating the house, loves decorating the tree... likes stringing popcorn too :)
-he just really loves the cozy atmosphere Christmas brings. Likes huddling up in his blankets drinking hot cocoa and hanging out with his family ~
-Misses snow, since it doesn't snow in Georgia.
-Goes ice-skating if he can, Taylor's been teaching him ^_^
-Likes those pretty advent calendars but he has a hard time waiting for each day, so there's like a 60% chance he'll eat everything at once lol
-him and Lily dress up to take holiday photos, it's one of his favourite things to do cuz LILY LOOKS SO CUTE WITH HER LITTLE REINDEER HEADBAND AGHHH ✨️✨️✨️
-Grinch lookin ahh mf 💀 Hates Christmas cuz he's grumpy >:( He still gonna go along with everything tho cuz Taylor loves it
-Sometimes he goes to mass because Christmas is the only time he will go to church. (He has that Catholic boy trauma)
-Helps Taylor make her little nativity scene so they can decorate the house.
-Can make a hell of a Nochebuena dinner 😌 everything so his mom and sis can have a good time (They really like his bacalao, tamales, and sometimes he makes rompope)
-prefers Spanish songs than English ones (El Burrito Sabanero goes hard/hj)
-his favorite flowers are Flors de Nochebuena :>
-if you got a gift from him Taylor picked it. (It's fair since he pays for it tho...)
-She's SOOOOO GOOD AT DECORATING. She's amazing at detangling the lights LMAO When she's done with the tree, she makes it look like a work or art :>
-usually goes to mass with her mom even if she's not personally religious.
-Loves singing along to Christmas music and likes to go carolling!
-Loves giving gifts, and she really loves Secret Santa! She really likes making homemade gifts because a) it feels more heartfelt to her and b) they don't have a lot of money 😭
-Likes to make Rosca de Reyes, she really hopes she will get the little plastic doll baked in :D
-Mixed feelings about Christmas since it's a time where he gives a lot of thought to his faith (He got that queer religious trauma.)
-Goes to church with his grandparents every year even tho he has a lot of anxiety about it. His cookies are really popular at church tho :>
-Sugar fiend and bakes a lot. He loves hot chocolate, sugar cookies, Christmas pudding, all that jazz. Has a hard time picking gifts so he usually offers food! He likes fruitcake cuz he's weird like that.
-Really likes making the wreath they hang on the front door, it's like flower arranging. Puts up a lot of holly and a hidden mistletoe to surprise his grandparents ^_^
-Winter is usually a good time to stargaze, so before he met the gang, he'd stay up late to look at the sky. His grandpa usually gets him a better telescope each year :)
-he cooks gingerbread and with Taylor he likes to decorate a pretty little gingerbread house ❤️
-probably has a lot of really ugly Christmas sweaters haha, he gets cold easily!
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oceanlipgloss · 6 months
Just downloaded What in “Hell” is Bad lol this post is going to sort of be a live 'diary entry' for me to commemorate the memory so it will be looong (edit: and unhinged, too, apparently, no thanks to Satan)
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Intro: shut up how cute is this little red marshmallow his hands look like small cocktail sausages
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Update I: what the fuck this is so weird I like it
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Update II: ayeeee hell yeah it's fate
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Update III: nah man I'm fucking dying lmaooo
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Update IV: HE'S REALLY HOT. Kinda bananas, but hot. Grabbing her cheeks sounds painful though, ngl
Anyways I smell a fanfic on the way already just lemme delve deeper into the story and get to know him better first
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Update V: the angels aren't angelic at all, but okay the fuck was that, Gabriel
Update VI: bro why is everyone kissing her this is wilddddd lmao this mc is either going to be 'keep your hands off me' all the time or 'put your hands on me' all the time, no in-between
Update VII: romance at its finest
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Update VIII: come again? reminds me of the guests in mystic messenger
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Update IX: *smashes keyboard* sjnshfswpsjs that was SO HOT
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Update X: LMFAO DUDE WHAT AN MC now please screw like there's no tomorrow
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Update XI: OMFG IT'S HAPPENINGGG no the food came way too early and even though it's weird asf that they went at it so soon you will NOT catch me complaining. I love this man already and I love how they're influencing each other's emotions.
Why are his horns nutting too tho (day 2, edit 1: I get it now. Also, who knew Minhyeok would also have a horn? Iswtg man lmao)
Update XII: demon semen is the wae.
Like are you seriously telling me that every time she needs to breathe properly, a demon—which I'm sure won't always be Satan from the looks of it—has to screw her brains out? Fr fr?
You mean to say that devil nut is 'energy,' aka the key to keeping her alive in Hell, and that she's gonna somehow end up going to the other six kingdoms and getting six more different varieties of devil dick to stay alive? ROFL
And since Solomon came up with that concept to begin with, that means he's also fucked demons left and right. Time to go touch some grass this is so messed up that I like it just for that despite the discomfort. I really love the darkly realistic take on it lol
d2, e2: so apparently, getting railed isn't always the answer, because the method that was used with Minhyeok also works. Does that mean no more sex with Satan? YOUR HONOR I CANNOT ACCEPT THAT
But! Something tells me it's wrong to predict that MC won't get laid by someone else
Update XIII: thanks fam
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Update XIV: babyyy
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Oh God, at this rate perhaps I'll make more live updates to keep on my blog and laugh at later. This game is wild and funny but those sentence structures, word choices and grammar mistakes are sucking at my brain
Also, do you ever just see/meet a character and know that they're THE one in the game you're playing or whatever it is you're watching/reading even before the others are introduced? Because as far as I know, this feels like one of those situations. Satan is a fine, fine man, man. Let me get that masterlist ready
And! I wanted to say this but ended up babbling and dying and forgetting, but I really appreciate the fact that Satan is attracted to MC not because of her relation to Solomon but because of her freaky tendencies how she was watching unholy stuff when they first met. It's comforting that he likes her for her. I LOVE HIM
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And I can tell I won't have luck pulling cards in this game, but I won't give up just yet. I will upgrade the hell out of my Satan card and pray to get a good card on free daily pulls (but catch me spending my keys for an event with a great Satan card after I figure out how easy/hard it is to get keys)
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23.12.2023: gave up on the Play Store version and downloaded the EROLABS one instead. I don't see any difference so far, but reading Satan's H scene again from the start was a pleasure really nice lol
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neet-elite · 2 months
Very fucked up of the universe to put the idea of Kylar with knifeplay and bloodplay kinks into my head and force me to just go on with my day, ngl. It's such a messy concept but bro...
You cannot tell me this freak wouldn't go feral over the idea of mixing his blood with the blood of his darling. You just can't. He'd be so into that shit, regardless of where the blood came from. God, why the fuck do I come up with ideas like that, I'm literally not even that into knife- and bloodplay due to personal experiences 💀
So sorry if this ask was off-putting, I had to get it out of my system because I was literally going crazy thinking about it (•́︿•̀)
— 🐾
im definitely not into blood/knife play irl, but fictionally speaking, it can be really hot with the right characters. and kylar is one of them!!
warning: discussion of self harm. i don't tend to trigger warn, but i know this can be a very sensitive topic. general blood and knife discussion too.
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i think he'd have a cutting fetish tbh. which is also fucked up, but im saying it anyway. would love to cut your arms for you, let you cut his, or cut together. wants so bad to rub his arm with yours and share blood that way, even though that is a terrible idea lmao.
just the image of his eyes blown wide with lust, pitch black from how horny he is, tongue poking out in concentration while he cuts, cock rock hard and just leaking through his pants while you watch him. huffing and puffing and moaning every time you tug on his skin to make the cut easier for him, panting and wheezing when you stretch your arm out for him to attend to.
watching him jerk his cock to the sight of blood trickling down your arm, thirsty for a drink of it. having him lap at your bloody arm only to take his red stained tongue down to your clit.
he'd be the type to keep a blood vial necklace too i think, and would more than happily provide his own blood for you to keep one. keeps a knife on him at all times, loves sneaking off into the school bathroom with you to cut and cut and fuck while cutting ughhhh he's so gross and nasty i love him.. always cuts himself a little too deep when he cums and needs to go to the nurse </3
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theriverbeyond · 11 months
Idk about having kids, but I feel like Gideon would definitely really like kids and be good with them. Cam and Pal would both be very good with kids but I'm not sure how much either of them, especially Cam, would like them. I think Harrow being asked to keep a human child alive and well for any period of time would be hilarious and maybe heartbreaking. I work in childcare and I've been working on a project where I rank tlt characters based on how well they could keep a child alive and separately how well they would get along with said child it's very fun to think about.
I think many TLT characters would really enjoy hanging out with children in a babysitting/childcare context ngl!! I can even imagine Harrow having an okay time if she has A Job (concept: griddlehark, kindergarten teacher Gideon x middle school teacher Harrow). I just don't see (especially griddlehark) as particularly parental? Even with Cam and Pal, who do their best taking care of Nona, I just cannot imagine either as like... intentionally wanting to have an actual child LMAO. Especially in canon universe but even in AU 😭
... however.... a kidfic i DO want is Gideon Nav's Horrible No Good Loony Toons Childhood ft. Mercy and Augustine forgetting her in a hot car while they fuck in a Nordstrom's changing room. She DOES survive (she's immortal! a baby on easy mode), but not unscathed (she gets the trauma) </3
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coqvttes · 7 months
girllllll!!!! i saw the hunger games yesterday too and let me tell you, seeing tom with a blonde buzzcut did things to me I didn’t know I could feel. Usually I’m not one for the buzzcuts in general but HIM? lord have mercy. He should stay with that haircut for the rest of his life, seriously.
I actually loved the movie, it narrated like a novel and I’m a book nerd so even better, though the first part, for me personally, felt like a 2013 wattpad fic with the dialogue and acting but part two and three? it was seriously amazing, especially part three. Seeing the tyrant Snow being born was chilling with tom’s acting. What about you toots? I need your insights right now, in this instant! have a beautiful day/night (^з^)-☆
— nonnie sofi
note: not reallyyy spoilers tbh but just don’t read the rest if you wanna walk in the cinema without any expectations.
literally like the whole eminem getup was so hot for reallll hahah and then i remembered he’s coriolanus snow and was like ummm awkward…anyway-!
right! part three was really amazing and its such an important part? for me that was THE climax! like so many people said they didn’t like part three but they just don’t understand the importance and value of it! this is a prequel after all and it’s so crucial to the character development of snow.
and i read so many critique reviews and they did not give this movie justice. 65% on rotten tomatoes?? NAHHHH WHAT. they were leaving comments like “part three was boring, too much singing for a hunger games movie, didn’t understand who the main character was.” HUHHH THIS IS A PREQUEL! 😐 GUYS
i feel like most people expected that it was more of a romance film but it actually isn’t! the story utilises a romance subplot to point out how snow doesn’t actually love lucy and how he wants power of her to control her. especially in the book i think it www more detailed in how bad snow really is lmao.
i loved how different this movie was from the rest of the hunger games films. there was singing, it was more colourful and more bright? i was really expecting lots of action before i saw it ngl but i am not disappointed in this approach i think it really hit the depth of the concept of the story.
i think they did so well in both the book and film by not victimising snow, i really thought they were gonna try to humanise him and justify his actions but naww! anyway this is definitely my favourite hunger games movie and i will watch it again in the cinema to get every detail!! i really hope this revives the dystopian genre again i’m gonna get back into so many dystopian movies! 💆‍♀️
feel free to send ur thoughts guys! ♡︎
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tsukuyomii45 · 1 year
Any kid head canons for obikonan
I don't think they'd have any kids but on the off chance what are your head canons?
Ngl I've been waiting for someone to ask me about ObiKonan XD
(The hashtag "Under the Influence" contains all ObiKona headcanons/thoughts/even two fanarts and hopefully with many more art to come once I have more time)
I never really thought of their kids because they're the type to have an insanely hot sexual relationship, but if they were to have kids, here's what I've got in mind:
-They would have a son; and their son would inherit Obito's black hair or maybe a darker, mkre faded shade of purple, but he would have his mother's copper eyes and round face.
-Their child is aloof and reserved unless he knows the person well enough, which makes him very selective about who he chooses as his companion, and is also very calculative and intelligent. His smiles would only show to the closest ones around him, and that would be his mother and father, and Nagato (if Nagato is alright with Obito and Konan's relationship lmao)
-Konan's pregnancy would in fact bring her and Obito even closer to each other, because they never imagined that the two of them would ever raise a child together. Their son is the most precious person to them in a world that has taken a lot away; and luckily, his parents are one of the most powerful shinobis who would easily protect him.
-Their son would be very skilled with a sword and chain just like his father, and would learn some of his mother's potent paper techniques and use them strategically (stealthily), along with traditional Uchiha techniques for more offensive, lethal blows.
-Their son awakening the Sharingan is rather questionable, given that it usually requires intense emotion for the bloodline limit to kick in, and their son tends to be less emotional and more logical and levelheaded even in crucial situations. It would take a lot to trigger a powerful emotional response, which is something he struggles with because he is not very attached to "temporary bonds", so the concept of Obito's bloodline limit is hard for him to understand.
-This does not mean their son has no emotion or a sense of sentiment, he rather expresses his emotions privately through poetry - specifically haiku. He keeps a scroll with him that he takes everywhere during his adventures as a wandering shinobi, and it would be like a journal where he would write his thoughts and feelings in the format of Japanese poetry.
-Speaking of bonds, his deepest bonds are with Obito and Konan. Their son is a family man; he would always try to find something that would make his parents happy. As a child, he'd fold origami just to impress Konan, and he would always look forward to training with his father Obito. As a grown up, whenever he's adventuring, he'd ensure to stay in touch with his parents and even send them presents every now and then. He looks up to Obito very much as a role model shinobi, and he is very protective of Konan, even when he knows Konan does not need any protection. He is not verbal about his affections, but he tends to show it with the smallest actions.
-Their son is very sharp and observant; he is able to easily detect things that are out of order even in the slightest, which is a quality that makes him a very dangerous man.
-One ironic thing that he somewhat "inherited" from Obito is "playing games with the enemy" before delivering a lethal blow. He'd throw the enemy off with riddles, and rile them up by being condescending, before striking them down at the right moment.
-Their son's grown up outfit would be a sleeveless tight shirt, and he would wear a cloak with high collars over his outfit, a tie-in to his Uchiha blood.
-When it comes to favorite foods, luckily he is not much of a picky eater, however he prefers not to eat anything pickled.
That's all for now! Feel free to share your own headcanons about ObiKonan and spread the (hot) love!
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scalproie · 2 years
mk and subscorp!
I'll do subscorp in another ask so here's mk!
001 | Send me a fandom and I will tell you my:
• Favorite character: I sure wonder 💙❄️💙
• Least Favorite character: honestly I dont really have a least favorite character as much as I mourn their wasted potential, so to that list you can add like... all the new additions to the playable roster of mk11. and also Kotal Kahn. on paper? his concept is pretty interesting. In execution? Boring and I dont like him.
• 5 Favorite ships (canon or non-canon): subscorp because I have eyes that can see, sareehan, uuuuuuh kenshi/ermac cause I find it funny and uuuuuuuuuh idk. cageblade liutana and taneela. idk im a boring bitch when it comes to ships
• Character I find most attractive: I SURE WONDER 💙❄️💙 but ngl scorpion and kitana have it going on too
• Character I would marry: none idc
• Character I would be best friends with: I guess I could vibe with takeda? but other than that idk and idc I dont ask myself these kind of questions
• a random thought: literally the only medium on which I feel the mk storytelling can reach its full potential is in a downright animated show. Defenders Of The Realms is definitely not the perfect mk show on account on being from the 90s and very clearly aimed at kids, but it has a lot more value a lot of mk fans give it in terms of characterization, and with the success of hyperviolent and gorey shows like Invincible and the likes, WB NEEDS to greenlight a few seasons of a mk show. There is simply too much characters with their own storylines to fit in a single movie in a satisfying way, just look at the legends movies, BUT if the screentime was split in like, 60% Raiden + the shaolin monks against Outworld, 20% Cage + the special forces and 20% Ninja drama for one episode, then 20%-60%-20% the next, then 20%-20%-60% the next, well I think it could work a lot better in terms of pacing, narrative, and character development. Plus the characters of mk are SUPER SIMPLE AND BASIC, aka the best kind of character to add depths to. The games actually kind of already do that in the current timeline, focusing on only one character at a time to progress the game's story, but its held back by the gameplay, ironically, because unless you're a wierdo like me, people dont usually wanna sit thru 20min of cutscenes where the characters do nothing but talk about their feelings, especially in the haha gorefest video game.
• An unpopular opinion: hot take followed by a cold take: d'vorah owns as a character both in her unique design and her role in the story, I wish she could kill more fan-favorite characters. BUT it sucks when said fan-favorite characters could be killed by other characters with a lot more satisfying weight in the narrative and that I can think of them at the top of my head.
• My Canon OTP: lol i wish
• My Non-canon OTP: lmao💙💛
• Most Badass Character: I could be predictable and just say sub zero again but ngl half the cast are like, some of the most badass characters I've seen in a while.
• Most Epic Villain: I am partial to The Shangster, funny evil grandpa, and yknow what add Quan Chi too, but ONLY when hes funny
• Pairing I am not a fan of: lol 90% of what this fandom comes up with, it ranges from "i dont really care but cute!" to "yeah I dont see it" to "I actively despise this".
• Character I feel the writers screwed up (in one way or another): mandatory sindel mention, uuuuuuh the whole cast? at some point? Love those characters so much but theres like 11 games, 6 movies and some comics so of course Im gonna be angry with some decisions.
• Favourite Friendship: Jax and Sonya :)
• Character I most identify with: subz when hes looking at the realms merging and hes about to be crushed by the falling ceiling but hes pushed away by scorpion
• Character I wish I could be: scorpion when hes waking up off-screen in subz's arms after getting caught in an explosion of the One Being
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toboldlynerd · 2 years
hiii, it’s your secret holiday pal popping in, i’m excited to chat with you this month✨ tell me a bit about yourself!!! fav season? fav beverage? last song you listened to? best book you ever read or show you ever watched?? or whatever you wanna share 💖 hope your day/night is going smoothly!! ❄️✨
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Hiiii hello secret holiday pal!
I had a week but now it calmed down a bit and I finally got y the time to answer your wonderful asks ☺️
My favorite season changes with the actual seasons but crystal clear snowy winter days and warm summer nights with cicadas under my window are probably the best!
I'm an avid tea drinker and have a special tea box for travels, even ☺️✌️ since starting work I've become a friend of iced coffee on hot summer days (and warm coffees as a treat after work). I have a secret sweet tooth for hot chocolate but shhh, nobody knows lmao
I know that this ask was written before Spotify released its wrapped lists of the year but tbh I did hear mine today during transit and it's alright this year. My #1 is Sweet Disposition by The Temper Trap which is a throwback and a half but I do like it a lot.
Those are some of the songs living in my head rent free atm
Best show on account of it giving me a little happiness whenever and wherever since childhood? Star trek (tos, tng and disco primarily atm)
Best show to have fandom feels over and be obsessed with is currently 9-1-1 on Fox aka the gay firefighters show lmao I had them as blorbos in law for nearly a year before I caved and binged the first 4 and a half seasons in 25 days. Worth it, 9/10
I love, love, love books. There's a bookshelf filled with my favorite childhood books that always comes with me. Then there was Graceling by Kristin Cashore (a while back) which really burned itself into my memory for some reason.
My favorite color is red, was always red since I knew of the concept and I may not have an all-red wardrobe anymore (like 4yo me) but that should be a new year's resolution of mine ngl
Thank you for this wonderful ask, my dear holiday pal! I'm kissing your hands, ✨Ela
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calyssmarviss · 2 months
Okay i got obsessed again with star wars here for a minute, legit started working on tthat one fic again because my vpn was making the episode charge dreadfully slow but now i turned it off and BUCK WHAT ARE YOU DOING I MEAN YEAH I MEAN WHAT THE HELL IS EDDIE DOING THERE I MEAN GO IT FOR KING I MEAN NO YOU DON’T DESERVE IT AFTER THAT CATCH YOU LATER BUCK that was bitchy as fuck wow they’re both jealous and it’s incredible
(Much later: well this has turned into a whole ass shoke full of spoilers reaction post didn’t it)
That’s insane dialogue, what do you mean “jumping ship” and “keeping options fluids”, mhm, boys? Like on a surface level Eddie’s asking if Buck is thinking about a new career option, and the metaphor makes it not even sound that deep, but you know they have some history with the concept of leaving the 118 and it either did not go down at all or didn’t go well. So Buck’s answer is like, probably not the best one to hear if you’re Eddie Diaz, but it’s banter in front of a thir party so even if he’s thinking about that he has to let it fly. Then if you put your buddie goggles on, it can be him asking, are you interested in that guy?
That’s not Harry. Aintnoway he went through his whole ass puberty in less than a year!
Look, Bobby can spot the impostor too.
Hey girlies how does it feel to be so right and never lose? Ngl feels so good to me.
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He’s so revolted this was the perfect moment to pause at
Oh god the next frame tho.
The rope going down the pipe exept they’re both on top now
Eddie now you’re doing it on purpose. Buck just said “you never have enough friends” and you just… piled on top of it. Like. I get you, i really get you. All’s fair. But that’s Buck and you know he has abandonment issues, man.
oh Nooo
Oh you didn’t didn’t edmundo diaz
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Oh god i stopped to type and didn’t hear the dialogue yet this is insane Eddie you babby trapped him and he was your second choice and it’s your third date with Tommy already. *cough*whore*cough*/affectionate
No fr real Eddie Diaz pettiest bitch in Los Angeles. He’s gonna make Buck come to his senses the haaaaaard way.
Insane shit.
You bet he’s bothered and bewildered.
BITCHING TO HIS SISTER he’s so precious (Eddie it’s working)
Revenge of the Sith is the best Star Wars tho Buck, I’m in Tommy and Chris’s camp on this. Guess you’ll have to be the babysitter from now on.
“I didn’t have to (in the bitchiest tone Oliver Stark has ever used). Eddie, on his fridge (!) has a day calendar, under a take out menu: Thursday: BBPU, Double-U, back slash(okay you insane man), Tommy. And it’s circled.”
I’m dying and it’s from pure glee.
“Is it circled with a heart around it?”
“We have a problem.”
Yeah, that kid’s not Harry!
Lmao he’s on the run from the cops!
Yeah she can’t recognise her son because that’s not Harry!
Why is the show encouraging me???
Okay, that’s Harry, fine.
Oh now who’s inside looking in, looking through the glass closet locker room no less
Wait, isn’t that what leads to those stills i’ve seen of that convo? Are they gonna have a serious talk?
I need all the gifs from that episode.
Making sure he’s in line of sight, uh.
You’re not the one he wants Ravi, sorry.
asdfghjkl evan buckley you got it bad
Eddie stop it, you’re not looking but I’m going to have to look at Buck’s face next frame
Bros when no hoes i guess
Okay that faceblindness case is genuinely awful
Lmao are Eddie and Tommy gonna be there?
Oh yeah, here they are
This is about to get bloody
“So I’m your basketball beard. I feel so bonded.” pffFf
Oh this is both hot and kind of embar at the same time
So, what do you thought of that chest Buck, did it give you insecurities
You knkw what Eddie, you kind of deserved it FOR ONCE you shouldn’t play with the feelings of a guy that huge
Oh this isn’t good and I’m not talking about Eddie’s foot here
“So how’s he feeling?”
“I don’t know.”
That’s what i though you were going to say.
“I felt left out. I was trying to get his attention.” 😭
You know, he’s so valid for that, because Eddie’s attention on him is just… it’s always there, you know? And seeing it being, well, not there, it’s reall day and night. It feels unnatural, which is why i can’t think it’s genuine (but off brand haha). Whether it’s fully intentional on Eddie’s part or not.
Where the hell is this going. I mean the one spoiler i saw makes me think Tommy is coming onto Buck, but… look that episode went places that…. Okay I’ll just press play and see!
Buck now you’re the stop stepping a bit too close.
What is this episode guys.
Basically every line is taking me at the knees, this is so awesome.
That’s his flirting smile and i don’t know if i love or hate to see it rn.
They are so petty,
Evan Buckley you liar.
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O ye of little faith
911 is delivering
“Please call Eddie.”
And then his face did something complicated idk Buck’s got kissed by a dude and he liked it and we just got delivered an absolute mess of a situation in 42 minutes and i can’t fucking wait to see what’s next oh my god.
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hyuckmov · 1 year
hello hello helloooooo
omg so sorry it took me so long in replying to ur answer in my previous ask >< was quite busy with uni since it's almost the end of the school year hehe but on the bright side hello summer break soon 🤩
anyway, the moment mark released golden hour i already imagined the amount of fic plots that would incorporate fcking in the kitchen which ngl made me excited to open tumblr 😂
don't worry I'm quite annoying as well!! just imagining haechan's martini blue 🫠🫠🫠 like yes give us a sexy solo song that would make us all crazy please 😩
honestly i wasn't that much into the concept of himbo haechan since i haven't really read much of fics with that concept BUT HNGGGGGG THIS ONE IS SUCH A ROLLERCOASTER RIDE I LOVE IT SO MUCH! i gotta say, it has the right amount of balance between smut, fluff, and angst! SO YES I REALLY FELL IN LOVE WITH HIMBO HAECHAN HUHU SUCH A GOOD BOY 😩 he's so hot and cute at the same time like fkkssnnsbshbs so congratulations for the success of this one!~
i also want to say that this is probably my favorite lines in the fic >< (idk why it's more one the angsty scenes lmao luv it tho since i crave for them from time to time 😩)
"you're kind of mean… but i really like it. because i know it means you care about me." 
"it makes me feel really helpless. it reminds me i can't stop people from hurting you." 
- 💛
helloooo its okayyy HOPE YOU HAVE A GOOD SUMMER BREAK okieee do you have any plaaaans
omg yeah the impact of golden hour on the mark fics here has been so yummy. i've loved every single one i've read 😭 imagining haechan's martini blue having the same effect... thinking about getting drunk w haechan again .... drooling
AAAA omg thank you so so much for giving himbo haech a chance i'm so happy you like itttt your opinion honestly means so much to me so this means a lot ESPECIALLY about the balance bc u know it was my first time trying it all hehe <3 omg u picked out your favourite lines AHHHH i love that so much this is so special to me THANK YOU FOR MAKING MY DAYYY
himbo haechan is so special to me and i really never expected it and i am so so happy he is loved by u 🫶🏻 would love to write more of him if anyone would like that hehe
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ssvperboy · 2 years
Ultimate Ship Meme Christmas Edition - Grace & Skate
Ultimate Ship Meme Christmas Edition || accepting
Which one of them:
Spikes the eggnog? Skate of course. 😂😭
Hangs the stockings? Grace. I feel like she grew up helping get the house ready for Christmas, so she definitely would be the one to hang the stockings. Skate doesn’t even know what the stockings are for dkhskdja
Leaves cookies and milk out to keep up with the Santa tradition? This may seem STUPID, but Skate does it because he thinks Presley still believes in Santa ngl. He and Nolan  make it a whole thing and Presley just lets them believe she thinks Santa is real at her big age. Grace thinks this is cute af though.
“Accidentally” throws away the fruitcake: I can’t see Grace as someone who likes fruitcake at all, so her. Skate is the kinda person who would keep pastries and cakes and shit around even if he doesn’t end up eating them, to not waste them because idk, maybe someone else will have some lmao
Goes overboard on the whipped cream? Graceeeee and she would definitely go overboard on Skate’s drinks too <3
Is the inevitable Christmas Grinch? Hmm... this could go either way because Christmas could be a huge trigger for either of them tbh
Wakes up first on Christmas? Grace! 300% it’s Grace!
Rolls their eyes as the same cheesy carol plays in the stores for the millionth time? Skate but he smiles happily every time Grace sings or mouths the words 🥹
Starts playing Christmas music the day after Halloween? Graceeeee lmaooooo 
Decorates the Christmas tree? I think Grace would have the idea to and Skate would help her bc he loves her 😌
Who wears the ugly Christmas sweaters: Both of them, 300%. Skate loves an ugly sweater and Grace would wear one for the christmas spirit 🥰🥰
Picks out the holiday movies and who makes the hot cocoa: I think Grace does both, because it’s been proven that Skate can’t make hot cocoa for SHIT and he’d also let Grace pick the movie every time 😌
Starts the snowball fight: I may be wrong, but I think Grace would to try and get Skate to smileeeeeee but it could be either orrr
Drags the other under the mistletoe: Grace, because Skate still doesn’t really understand how mistletoe works dskhlksdja
Decorates the house: Grace would start and any time Skate sees her struggling, he’d jump into help!.
Hangs up the ornaments on the tree: Same concept as decorating! 
Cooks Christmas dinner: Grace. Do not let Skate cook. ever...
Invites the other to sing a Christmas duet: Grace and Skate would go 100% because it would make her happy.
Has any holiday traditions: Grace probably has the most. Skate’s holiday traditions stop at leaving cookies out for Santa lmaoooo
Who would start a food fight during baking: Skate, because he doesn’t know what he’s doing and wants to be annoying lmaooooo
Would get drunk off of eggnog: Grace, because... well Skate is Skate lmaoooooooo
Who starts putting up decorations in October? Oh God, I think Grace might want to but knowing it’s Skate’s birthday on Halloween, she wouldn’t. So neither.
Buys the advent calendars? Grace, and Skate would want to open them all at once so she would have to teach him how to do it lmaoooo
Places mistletoes all around the house? Grace, to teach Skate about how it works lmaoooo
Wraps the presents for other people? Grace. Skate can roll a blunt no problem, but you should never ask him to wrap a gift lmaoooo
Puts the final star/angel on the top of the Christmas tree? Grace, and Skate would lift her up to do it 😌
Is the one that hates eggnog? Skateeeeee lmao, he doesn’t understand it 😂
Is the one that bakes Christmas cookies for guests? Grace. There is not way Skate knows what goes into making a cookie lmaoooooooo
Sends out the Christmas cards? Grace, because she thinks it’s nice to wish people a merry christmas 🥹
Knows all the words to Twelve Days of Christmas? Grace! Skate maybe knows up to day 5 😂😂😂
Is the better snowman builder? I feel like they might both be good??
Starts snowball fights? Could be either orrrr
Is the one that wakes the other on Christmas morning by playing Christmas songs really loudly? Grace, but Skate would not wake up pissed tbh. he’d probably wake up in the christmas spirit 😂
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oreo-line · 2 years
Treasure: All to Zero | Ateez
Hey all, here’s no.3, and the origin of what I like to call, Oreo Tries To Get Into Groups; a series where I look into a group’s available discography and try to get into their music! Ateez was the first group I did for a first listen review of their full available discography and now they’re one of my ults! As always, review has been modified from the initial version for better readability.
Note: those songs with asterisks are among my favourite songs on that album, and a double asterisk means it is my top favourite from the album. Songs are rated out of 10 and are affected by how much I enjoyed each aspect (vocal delivery, rap delivery, composition/instrumentation, concept delivery through music, vibes). For this reason, the ratings are 100% biased and aren’t meant to be an objective reflection of the artistry that goes into a song, simply my thoughts, likes, and dislikes.
So here we are at the beginning of my Ateez full discog listening journey. Some of the songs I have actually heard before, whether just at random or because I found it by accident or someone sent one to me, but I’ll do my best to remember what my first impressions of them were. I hereby apologize for the paragraphs long, rambling, scattered, fangirling mess I am for all of this lmao. I have absolutely no excuses, I’m just exposing my ass.
Anyways! On to business. 
So overall, this album sounds very summer-y lmao, which makes sense bc it was released in May. tbh ik I have to be in a certain mood to care/appreciate particularly thumpy kinda EDM music but I feel like the more I listen to Ateez the less I notice or maybe I just don’t really find I’m unable to tolerate it or something? Yeah I have no idea either.
Intro: Long Journey: and suddenly, english lmao. Wasn’t exactly expecting it but sure, why not. Loving the pirate ocean sounds lol. Time to BE the pirate I want to SEE in the world ig. 7/10 bc the intro reminds me of the Wings trailers w the proper english and overarching themes and etc but I don’t wanna rate it too highly bc it’s not even Ateez on the track and also it’s an intro.
*Pirate King: Wow wait, did this song originally go this hard? I don’t remember enjoying it this much lmao but it’s kinda fire. We love and stan a solid San and Jongho vocal as well as a dance centre Wooyoung and a fun Hongjoong and Mingi verse (no I did not know their names upon first listen. yes I did go and learn their names and voices and etc immediately thereafter). But anyways, Ateez’s passion and intensity is definitely part of what I think put them on the map as such insane rookies and this is a good example of the development of that wild intense EDM kinda sound they have going on, although the lyrics seem very much like Ateez’s style. 9/10. We’re almost at the sound but not quite.
**Treasure: ...so ngl I had to go back and listen to this twice bc I kept getting distracted by Wooyoung’s dance and cool af lavender hair in the mv… I’d say I’m embarrassed, but I am. Not. I really liked Mingi’s more chill rap and also the melody of the song overall, particularly in the chorus. The chill vibes are a great offset to Pirate King’s intensity. The lyrics feel very “I just debuted”-ish, with all the drive that comes with newly debuted kids. I think this might actually be my fave track off this album? Wow when was the last time my fave track was a title track lmao. 10/10 bc no seriously I really enjoyed it. I feel like the more I listen the more I love it.
Twilight: huh the flute is cool, the jazzy feel is a nice choice and I like the piano line. This feels very hot girl summer (at twilight obviously)? Lmao. Like running on a beach as the stars come out or something? And aww the lyrics are so cute, this is totally a fan song isn’t it? Also, San’s high notes are really soothing? 7.5/10 for some sweet soothing vibes after a long stressful day.
Stay: the lyrics are cute and the melody and feel are also very hot girl summer, but like. noon this time. Very average sounding kind of pop song, but Jongho’s vocals make it stand out for sure lol. Like if this was by another group I’d probably have written it off but for some reason I don’t mind it here. 6.5/10 bc while it was cute and fun I wasn’t overly excited about it.
My Way: Wow, I really like this piano instrumental opening and the build up in the prechorus. The sax is an interesting choice lol, not the kind of beat drop you expect. I don’t really like that strange sax screech in the bg much, but I really like the melody, and the orchestration choices are really interesting. Also, Jongho’s adlibs. Enough said. Weirdly when I was listening to this song out loud there was a strange clicking sound that was audible to the left, dunno what the heck that was about lol. The lyrics to this one I think are pretty decent, very comforting. The chorus is a little cheesy, but Hongjoong and Mingi are, as always, intellectuals so yeah. 6.5/10 for the instrumentals and the prechorus that I liked, otherwise this song is kinda eh for me. It would have been lower but I particularly liked Joong’s verse lyrics and so it’s not.
Overall, not my favourite album from them, even if it sticks to its summer beach vibe fairly decently. The sound is very much a generic summer pop sound, so I can only assume its bc Ateez hadn’t yet gotten into the more experimental hardcore type stuff that they’re known for. Or maybe those are only the title tracks and all the albums are like this lmao. One thing I will say is that their lyrics are pretty consistent in terms of their content and it’s stuff I can definitely appreciate!
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At the risk of sounding like a furry, I'd love either a Robin Hood or Zootopia world in KH. And for a bunch of the main guardians to visit. For several reasons:
1. All the humans would get complete form changes but for once Donald and Goofy could stay completely the same (other than maybe getting new outfit)
2. Great opportunity to make a reference to Sora's orginal design. Riku would 100% would be a wolf. Kairi some sort of meek animal like a sheep or a deer.
3. In a Zootopia, it'd be interesting to see them tackle ~r a c i s m~ but also have Sora be on the other end of that. Like he's used to making friends easily but gets really uncomfortable with the prey animals giving him wary looks just because he's a lion
4. Riku getting caught up in a howling would be funny as shit
you had me at Riku's A Wolf
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