#no no Vash would see it as cannibalism
lost-technology · 3 months
I woke up this morning from the weirdest this-fandom related dream ever. So, in my dream, Vash and Wolfwood were sitting by a campfire and griddle talking about weird meats. They had some weird meats with them, as in meats from different animals that they were planning on cooking and eating. Vash drew out a plastic wrapped package (vacuum pack, looked like my local store brand) that looked like a pork chop, but declared that it was, in fact, human meat. He'd gotten it from a little post-apocalyptic Noman's Land shop that specialised in such things. He said that, as a Plant, he wanted to try it to see if he was compatible for eating human. Dream!Vash? What the actual FUCK?!!! And so unwrapped it and put it on the griddle and creeped out Wolfwood, but Wolfwood understood. Something like that. And then I flashed back into my body. This entire scenario was one that I was writing as a fanfic on a public counter in some kind of cafeteria at an anime convention. Above it, appearing almost immediately, was a fancomic someone else did on the upright part of the counter that recounted the events of my fanfiction (a fancomic of my fanfiction) except that whoever did it made it more Vashwood than I had intended my story, ending it with Vash and Wolfwood kissing. At the same time, I was thinking "My fanfic doesn't deserve this, it's not that good. It's not like Sin Eaters by dragonofeternal, which has a similar theme done much better." Yes, I was literally thinking of a real fic I'd read in my dream! I commented aloud on the comic that "This is more Vashwood than I'd intended, but I'll take it." As in, it's not really my ship, no one that I see as canon, but I like people in fandom shipping whatever they like and I enjoy Vashwood when it's done well and makes sense, which it kinda did in this fancomic even though it was inspired by my fanfic, which hadn't gone in that direction. Cue some snotty twenty-something with blueish purple dyed long pigtails and a Goth look sitting around nearby looking at all of this informing me "Vashwood is canon." and I said "No it's not." And she argued that she'd read some very obscure comic where it was - and it turns out we had both, by then, shifted into Batman fandom and she was referencing some obscure storyline in which Batman and Robin had fucked like animals. I further argued that I was going by a very specific canon (ala, "Batman the Animated Series" - which was somehow Trigun now), but concededed that while I wasn't as much into the deep lore of the comics, that I wouldn't be surprised if Batman/Robn (Vash and Batman now? Huh?) was canon in some form. Brain.... what are you doing?
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needle-noggins · 1 month
A Guide to eezybree's Trigun Fanfiction
Hi all! For @trigunfanfic appreciation week, I would like to do a little self-promo. I've only been writing fanfic for about a year (if you don't count my POTC fic from middle school) but it has changed my life and I'm really proud of what I've done so far. If you'd like to read some of my stuff, here's a quick guide!
Bluebells | E | Vashmeryl | 43k, in progress | post-canon Trimax, canon-compliant | Hurt/Comfort, Emotionally-driven, Character-driven. My long fic about Vash and Meryl figuring out life after Trimax. It's mostly Meryl POV, with an emphasis on her PTSD and trauma, but Vash is even more messed up. He's lost and grieving both Wolfwood and his brother, and Meryl's hangups about his nature as a plant certainly don't help their feelings of loneliness even as they're living together. It doesn't help that the ghost of Wolfwood won't leave the damn room. They work it out together while still acknowledging the things that haunt them - Vash's grief and Meryl's fear - and put on a brave face for the TV special on his life. This fic has converted a few people to see Vashmeryl, has made people laugh and cry, and has inspired a little bit of art. This fic is my baby, and I'm so so damn proud of it. ALSO: The smut is skippable!
Funeral Rites | T | Vashwood | 3k | Trimax canon-compliant Vol. 10 Burial fic. My first fic and still beloved. Vash buries Wolfwood and gets weird about it, would you expect any less? This baby is so chock-full of love and grief.
Freaks of Nurture | M | Gen/Vashwood | 2.8k | any canon. Vash gets vivisected and he hallucinates that the surgeon is Knives. Wolfwood gets triggered to hell trying to save him. This is my best and weirdest prose, and I had the most fun writing this. Dead doves abound here.
Silent Night | T | Gen | 4k | Pre-canon sci-fi epistolary-style story of Rem on the SEEDS expedition, leading up to the birth of the twins. My heaviest sci-fi with Rem's grief over her late partner Alex and regret over Tesla running throughout. I adore this fic. It was also inspired by Lenipez's Becoming Eden series, and in turn inspired another Rem-centric fic by mydetheturk!
Fresh Cut | E | Millionsummers | 5.7k | DEADEST DOVE. DESSICATED. My uhhh... body horror smut and essay on what compels me about the messed-up relationship between Legato and Knives. I wrote most of this on a plane (in public). This one is very kinky and weird and somehow hot, if you're into getting visions of your lover cannibalizing you when he comes.
Cigarettes & Saints | E | Mashwood | 3.8K | post-canon Trimax, set somewhere within/after Bluebells. Vash and Meryl visit a grave outside Hopeland and they... get weird with it. One of the tags is Outdoor Sex, and it does a lot of the heavy lifting. Wolfwood's ghost pays them a visit in Vash's butt. This sounds incredibly silly but it's very sweet and sad and there isn't a single dry eye by the end of the fic.
Growing Black Irises | T | Stryfewood | 1k | set somewhere in Bluebells again. Here's how post-canon trimax stryfewood can still win, but oh no it's painful and somehow sweet. So much yearning and regret over things never said or done.
Lightning Rod | M | Elendira POV | 1K | Trigun Stampede | Body Horror week fic; there's a dead dove in here. Inspired by Beelzebby666's Elendira/Tesla, I wanted to explore Elendira's thoughts and feelings about growing up and being experimented on, lauded as Knives' new Tesla. Compels me.
Learn to count on you (as my own fingers) | G | Vashmeryl | 800 words | Any canon. Meryl helps Vash clean his prosthetic, and it's very sweet.
Meet in the Middle (Like Pistols at Dawn) | G | Vashmeryl | 672 words | Domestic Fluff and Sillies. For the indirect kiss prompt for Vashmeryl week. I just really love writing them be goofy and sweet.
Ship to Wreck | T | Stryfewood | 1.6k | Pirate AU! Two small scenes of my pirate AU that is actually a bit more elaborate than the fic lets on. It's a fun time.
Raising Hell | T | Trigun OCs | 1.7k | If you ever had more questions about my silly trigun OC Fanny Paine, well, here's half her backstory. This was fun to write and got me out of a funk! I may write more again. I love Fanny.
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hypermoyashi · 1 month
hiiii moya!!!! Tell us about your favorite detail that youve snuck into any of your fics!! Any detail, big or small!!!
Oh man. Thank you for the ask, Tobi!!! You basically gave me a free ticket to talk about Anything I Want, and I have so many things I could chat about kegmrkemkg It's hard to pick out one detail or another because I tend to like a lot of what I write (it's catered to Me, after all), so I shall. Ramble under a read more, if that's okay lol.
OKAY SO. First thought was. How demons, specially Vash in the demon AU, work--because demon slayer canon has very strict rules on how thing works, but it doesn't often explain why things work the way they do. Which gives me a lot of room to be kind of hand-wavy with canon. (And I'm going to preface this that this is a lot of speculation for the AU and not necessarily reflective of canon in demon slayer rkengjrkengjrkeng.)
I also can't guarantee there won't be lore spoilers here (for both the fic/AU and the source), so read at your own risk!
But basically demonism was invented on accident in an attempt to cure a terminal illness, and it basically gives someone Immortality At A Cost. I think it functions sort of like a virus. Getting exposed to the blood of a demon will infect a human into become a demon, but "viral load" is important--the amount of "demon infection" determines if a demon can turn a human in the first place, and that depends on how diluted the demon's blood is from the original source. Too far, and they can't turn humans. Conversely, if a human gets Too Much demon blood at once and too much from the original source, their body changes too rapidly for it to handle, and they die instead of turning. Technically speaking, the same thing can happen to demons, too.
But all that to say, the main thing that demonism boils down to is rapid change of the body. Got cancer? Becoming a demon sure can cure that, just change faster than the cancer. Got a limb torn off? Let's just grow that right back. Need to develop supernatural powers or senses? Sure thing, buddy.
Demonism allows demons to change rapidly, but they also Need Humans to survive and have to avoid sunlight--obviously from a literary standpoint this is because they're meant to resemble western vampires, but from a functional standpoint? Sunlight I would guess is probably a glitch of rapid change? Like, when you implement coding too quickly, there are bound to be errors. If you force the body to change rapidly, like when it's converted from human to demon, then the weakness to sunlight might be an "error" in the biological code of the original demon that was then passed on to all subsequent demons, since they all came from the same source.
Feeding on humans, though? The implication I've always seen is that animal meat doesn't do it, and rotten flesh isn't as nutritional, either. So there's something about live humans that demons Need to consume to survive and grow their strength--demons can cannibalize one another, but I think they more or less just can steal traits from one another in those cases, and it's less about needing to eat then and more about assuming a trait another demon has developed through rapid change instead of taking the time to develop it oneself. We don't see demon animals, so I think it has something to do with the fact that only humans can become demons--demons can also only feed on humans, in return, so it might have something to do with the demon cells themselves running out of human cells to feed on in their host (i.e., the demon) and needing more to produce that rapid change we see them do.
Alright, but what happens when you deprive a demon of human flesh and blood? Obviously, it doesn't kill them (as we see with Nezuko in demon slayer canon). So it won't kill Vash now that he's decided not to have Anything, but then, how does he avoid the whole "going feral and attacking people anyway" thing?
Well, there is a procedure in demon slayer canon that reduces a demon's dependence on blood--this is not explained at all in canon, but I explained it by the use of introducing "antibodies" or a demon vaccination. These are demon cells that don't act fully like demon cells anymore--they were once demon cells that have changed to the point that, if introduced into a demon, it mitigates some of the impact of regular demon cells and thus lessen the symptoms of demonism (a.k.a., needing to eat people).
How did these cells come about? Well, through that rapid change of course--you'd just need a demon willing to change their cells and body in such a way as to mitigate some of the effects of the demon cells, and in this case. This is difficult in this case, I think, because to get cells that need less flesh/blood, these would need to be cells that haven't been given their "fuel" for rapid change and been forced to adapt without it. Basically, you'd need a demon willing to abstain from eating for a long time, if you see where I'm going with this.
In Nezuko's case, since she Never Ate Anyone Ever, I think her change under this theory would be forced from the fact that she never let her cells have anything to begin with. The change happened over a few years, because she Had To and she dedicated pretty much all of her energy to it. No speaking, no hard cognitive tasks, only occasional fighting and Blood Demon Art usage--she mostly just slept and only intervened in events when her brother was in danger, for the most part.
For Vash? The change would be a lot slower and a lot harder, because he has eaten at least one person, on top of having been fed blood/flesh (willingly or unwillingly) throughout his life. He also prioritizes keeping his mind sound and with it, and maintains his ability to speak and interact normally (most of the time). He also expends energy fighting, healing, and through his Blood Demon Art. So he's diversifying a bit more, and had less of a jump off point, so it'd take him much longer to get the same results. That being said, it's still definitely possible for him to get what he wants--a body not as reliant on blood or flesh (though he is still technically denying his body something it needs, it just needs less over time as his body starts working with him).
And hey, if demons can change to need less blood... Well, who's to say they can't change in other ways, too?
(demon slayer readers don't spoil it lol)
ANYWAY. Demon lore surrounding Vash in Make it to Daybreak is. Very fun to talk about. Everything above is all stuff that's been vaguely hinted at but not laid out plainly like this, but I think it'll give the non-demon slayer readers more of an edge guessing upcoming developments that demon slayer readers will already have lol. Plus it's just fun to fill in the holes on demon slayer lore with stuff that sounds neat to me.
But!!! Thank you so much for sending the ask, Tobi!!! It really made my day!!
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leoly · 5 months
2023 media year in review
Anime/Manga Trigun Stampede: Of course this is my anime of the year how could it not be. Amazing CG anime, great soundtrack, phenomenal character redesigns. Stampede Vash is societies baby girl and he deserves it.
Frieren Journeys End: Was put onto this by a friend recommendation so I already knew it would be good going in but managed to be better than I expected. Love love love the animation and character designs. I feel like it was a big year for like classic fantasy aesthetics in newer shows.
Dead Mount Death Play: Finally got onto this during my nostalgia moment fueled by trigun renaissance. Its actually very fun with the expected huge cast of crazy characters. Ive only read the manga so far but stay posted for when I get onto the anime as I am sure I will have many thoughts.
Games Baldurs Gate 3: What can i say about this game i haven't already screamed in desperation at my friends. its insanely perfect the game da4 wishes it could be. In the middle of a deep drought in classic fantasy rpg games i love it and wish larian all the success going forward.
Honkai Star Rail: I can't believe she came from behind to be my best gacha of the year but she did. The change from genshins live action gameplay to turn based may have been not great for some but I adored it. Sometimes i just want to not think when im playing a gacha yknow. Also the story is interesting so far and is playing to a lot of tropes i like so we'll see where it goes in 2024
Final Fantasy XIV: Of course my beloved, the post endwalker patches were kind of a mixed bag for me while it had a lot a liked there were also some things that ended up feeling very strange to me. I am excited for Dawntrail however and will definitely keep playing going into the new expansion.
Shows Severance: I feel like I watched this show a lifetime ago but damn what a good show i love old man yaoi and the psychological horror of capitalism.
Yellowjackets: i love yuri and cannibalism cults!!!!!!!!!!!!!! YAY!
Vtubers ment. Josuji Shinri!!! My favourite debut of this year seriously can not longer imagine tempus without him. Thank you for being my best boy and dearest wife for 2023.
Hiodoshi Ao RE_gloss has a lot of interesting members but i find ao extremely cute. I promise to study jp at some point so i have more than a vague idea what shes talking about (crying)
Nerissa Ravencroft I had been waiting for gen 3 of holoen for what felt like centuries. I'm still a bit mixed feelings on the group in general but I'm really impressed with both Nerissa's design and her amazing singing voice. I think her first 3D live will be one to drop everything for. Perhaps the Towa-sama of en?
Uncategorizable mentions: seeing mcr live, Smiskis, cheese filled mochi donuts and as always my beloved friends <3
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severalspoons · 4 years
Eye of Michael Discord Update
My friends continue to be hilarious.
Tumblr is kinda like having a diary except you can get validation. -- @pinkskyredclouds
I feel bad for Cloud. He's dealt with all kinds of crazy shit. Monsters. Horrible massages. An evil entity. Cross-dressing. -- @pinkskyredclouds
Solution to zombie nightmares: Have them salute and watch their arms fall off. -- Our Legato
Hey! It's not a Trigun tale if someone isn't depressed. -- @mrhyde786
They like to show their love by chopping their close loved ones arms off. – Dagdaddy, explaining how Knives and Darth Vader are similar 
Freud was right about one thing, though - having parents will fuck you up somehow. -- @ragtagbunchofmisfitism
The entire plot of Trigun could have been prevented with good parenting, the end -- @ragtagbunchofmisfitism
he's a sweet person.. but he's the harbinger of black holes. -- Our Vash’s description of Vash
I need a hero / I’m holding out for a heeeero til the morning liiiiight / He’s goootta be strong and he’s goootta be fast/ And he’s gotta be ready for killing tiiime! -- Vaki
Why when I was a kid, everyone was prepared for everything! Typhoons, earthquakes, and customers who go to a store to buy what it sells! –Vaki
I’m not supposed to do what’s expected. --Vaki
Me: when Vash acts like an idiot, he's largely just pretending to be anime Rem.
@mrhyde786: Everything’s going to hell for everyone in Eden.
@vash-crybaby-stampede​: ::hands you a basket:: Something to put Hell into.
Grape medicine tastes like death and the tears of small children. -- @pinkskyredclouds​
She’s cheer captain and the ghost of Wolfwood’s on the bleachers... -Me
Potatoe tomato. -- Our Vash
Two heads are better than cooked well done. -- Our Milly, screwing up a proverb
Wish I knew what Knives said in the vid. But knowing him, it’s either about Vash or vermin. The big Vs. -- Dagaddy
@mrhyde786: Okay. Thank goodness. So Actual Knives is off elsewhere, and Vash is cuddling a corpse.
Our Legato: (re: a plot point in an old rp where Knives’ body is brought in) Hey kids wanna see a dead body?
Not a fanfic without Vash and donuts. -- Vaki
Dear Brothering intensifies. -- Vaki
Me: Knives did COVID.
Dagdaddy: Knives caused 2020
@mrhyde786: Damn it Knives.
like ... maybe if having kids was seen as something like a prize... maybe people would work harder to treat them better??? -- @vash-crybaby-stampede​
a brain divided against itself can't stand. –me
Dagdaddy, on having cancer: “The ticket to your future is always blank, and as for me, well, it’s complicated.”
“I missed something while away. Knowing you all, it was meaningless.” -- Holiday Knives (Dagdaddy)
:briefly wonders if eating garbage would technically be a form of cannibalism in Knives' eyes. He dismisses the ludicrous thought.: -- The Superior Legato Bluesummers
“Hey there, Vash. You can stop hiding behind this other Knives’ ego.” --Holiday Knives (Dagdaddy)
@pinkskyredclouds: I heard that he wasn't actually an absent parent by choice, he died when Cloud was young, but i’m not sure how canon that is Me: hmm....that would be sad. was he supposed to be shinra or something? @pinkskyredclouds: We don't know. That's the thing he could've literally been anyone. Involved with Shinra? Possibly Me: It could have even been... ::dramatic pause:: ...your mom.
“Doubt isn’t a sin,” Vash said, “It’s just a part of being human.” Nick had said that during one of their philosophical debates, and it stuck with him. -- Me
Me: (Talking about Vash’s beliefs) ...But it's so different in manga vs. anime. Anime he clings to them, makes them his identity, and tries to force them on everyone else. He's like the Christian people bothering you on the sidewalk. "do you have a minute for Jesus?" no, f*** off
Dagdaddy: Knives: Do you have time to die?
@vash-crybaby-stampede: you don't get a toy with your Kinder eggs? not even on the side?
Me: nah, someone might choke and their parents might sue
Dagdaddy at 2:16 PM: Lmao They made it illegal because you couldn’t get a gun in one
I'm teaching you fuckers how to english and write a paper wether you like it or not lmao -- @vash-crybaby-stampede​, telling me what I should say to my group members for a class project === @vash-crybaby-stampede​: whose wedding? Dagdaddy: Uhhh tbh might happen to my mom and her bf Me: lol "happen to.” "What happened? I feel like I was hit by a truck." "A wedding happened to us, baby." "Oh. I guess we're married now" === Dog poop is a blessing in disguise. You can save it and throw it at your enemies to assert your dominance. -- Dagdaddy ===
What if you take dog poop, a butter knife, spread it on toast, layer it under a thick coat of Nutella, and feed it to your worst enemy to assert your dominance? -- Dagdaddy === "I don't snore, Broomhead." He mumbled out from over his cigarette. The biggest lie in the history of lies. Everyone snores. -- @vash-crybaby-stampede​‘s Wolfwood
@ragtagbunchofmisfitism: and I didn't quite sit on it. more like, i was reaching across my bed and my leg was laying across the keyboard
Me: like a cat
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fedoranonymous · 4 years
Infinite List of Beginner-Friendly Anime Recs: Trigun
Tumblr media
"I am known as Valentinez Alkalinella Xifax Sicidabohertz Gombigobilla Blue Stradivari Talentrent Pierre Andri Charton-Haymoss Ivanovici Baldeus George Doitzel Kaiser III. Don't hesitate to call."
tl;dr I questioned someone’s recommendation for someone else’s first anime on the basis that people who are unused to anime might like something that’s less than 20 hours long and tells one complete story within the first hour or so, and 20,000 words later I decided to make my own post(s) because I clearly had Feelings
26 x 30 minute episodes + 1 x 90 minute movie | watch it: netflix (?) | hulu | amazon prime | funimation 
insurance agents go looking for a legendary outlaw in the Wild West But IN SPACE (tm) so that they can accurately estimate how much damage is caused by this humanoid natural disaster. damage still accrues.
Follow the Read More for more convincing and trigger warnings (to my best recollection)
less “space western” and more “western in the space”. Other than some pieces of Lost Technology (TM) this is a pretty standard rooty tooty mcshooty until you get into the Worldbuilding
the fact that the primary cast consists of one lovable doofus who just Doesn’t Know Why Everyone Keeps Shooting At Me and two insurance adjusters who are following him around to try and keep track of how much damage he causes still cracks me the fuck up
the best excused recap episode of all time re: they’re insurance adjusters. they have to SEND the rePORT ahahahahaha brb dying
one of the official summaries called Vash “more doofus than desperado” and like. yeah. yeah. you get it.
you thought Aang’s Technical Pacifism was good but Vash manages to not kill people while creating a torrential rain of bullets. For real. If you like the idea of action movies but hate seeing blood, most of this show is gonna be excellent for you and the rest is gonna be okay to good.
Wolfwood. Just. Give me this midwestern hick priest with his drive by confessional and his money grubbing ways and his heart of gold (ThInK oF tHe ChIlDrEn) and his literal cross to bear (do not google because spoilers but yeah) and his somehow keeping up with Vash when Vash has been an impossibly skilled fighter for like 8 episodes so far. Yeah he’s only in like two episodes. He’s still a great character!
pretty much every recurring character is Wholesome As Fuck and I’m here for it. Tons of quotable moments about how you can never give up and you have to keep moving forward and the inherent coolness of people and yeah. Just a good uplifting show with a whole lot of wasted bullets.
that time Vash has to pretend to actually be every rumor that has ever been spread about him and immediately starts singing “ladee dadee died~ genocide~ ladee dadee dud~ an ocean of blood~ let’s begin the killing times” because he is actually a five year old sometimes and i love him so much
impeccable animation, character design, sound work, etc would I recommend you something that would be painful to enjoy? I mean I guess you wouldn’t know, I could have outstandingly bad tastes, but no you cannot go wrong.
“Repeat after me: This world is made of! Love! And! Peace!”
I might say “x anime did better in the US in Japan” with more or less accuracy, but Trigun abso fucking lutely did so well in the US it got a movie over a decade later because that’s how long it took for dubs to come out back in the late nineties and early aughts. Surprise surprise, Westerns do better in the West. It’s also got the violence porn balanced with a specific precious moralizing that vibes well with a predominantly Christian audience balanced with genuinely awesome humor. Trigun truly is the anime for people who don’t like anime.
Watch Out For:
General warning for violence, guns being the answer to every problem, mostly implied body horror, at least one serial killer, this might be the show with the (implied?) cannibalism someone fact check me, child endangerment (to be fair it’s the child doing the endangering by sneaking in where he isn’t wanted), alcoholism, and general rough times. There’s something really poignant that’s escaping about how God abandoned the world but us humans don’t have that luxury, it’s that kind of setup.
Honestly special shout out for the specifically very accurately Christian proselytizing considering that it’s a Japanese production and as a rule Xtian imagery in anime tends to be used like, say, grecoroman imagery in Hollywood. Occasionally accurate but usually just kind of generalized meh. It was a plus for the overall production but if you’re on my blog it might be a minus for you.
Episode 4 to the point that it’s regarded as borderline ooc. A woman is tied up in such a way that she’s dangling from the ceiling and Vash makes a beeline to try and see up her skirt. It’s an obvious gag and nothing is shown iirc (to be fair I only watched the broadcast version), but I know some folks would like the warning especially after the previous point. It’s a shame because the rest of the episode is really good, it’s an adaptation of the pilot chapter that got Trigun greenlit, but the scene is fairly standalone so should be skippable. Just look for Vash’s eager puppy look and go forward about two minutes.
Millie Tommygun, being the cheerful, optimistic one of the two main girls, can be treated kind of shittily by the narrative, which is hilarious considering Vash’s Whole Everything. I think Millie has internalized the idea that she’s the stupid one to Meryl’s Sarcastic Genius, but also Millie’s the one who figured out who Vash is first and just generally the one who calls people out on their bullshit, with a smile, which is literally their jobs. She’s never unlikable, though, unlike Meryl who needs to defrost to Vash’s Whole Everything despite having Millie for a friend. Perhaps they only just met on this assignment? Otherwise idk why Meryl ain’t used to it yet, probably some heterosexual bullshit.
Any time Knives is in the summary. Remember that “at least one serial killer” yeah that’s Knives et al. Shit has to get darker before you can see the light shining through.
Overall Trigun is such a good anime. It’s just. Have you ever wondered what Avatar the Last Airbender would be like if it was an East Asian author writing about Western tropes? Now you know.
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severalspoons · 4 years
Hauntober Prompt for 10/11: Nightmare
Legato appears in Wolfwood's dreams, with a warning. Mangaverse, volume 6. PG-13.
Warning: slight gore, body horror, borderline cannibalism, and Nick being a self-hating mess.
Nick dreamed he was in the confessional at one of the Eye of Michael's chapels. He heard someone sit down on the other side of the grate. A chill of dread ran down his spine. He greeted and blessed the person on the other side of the screen, only to hear Legato's voice.
Nick felt a pinch on the top of his right hand, and his arm suddenly rose upward as if tugged. Legato's threads.
"Don't think you can escape from what you are. You are vermin like the rest of us. A puppet," Legato sneered.
Nick found himself peeling skin from his fingertips, along his fingers, up his hands, in long ribbons, his nerves screaming with itchy sandpaper pain where his exposed skin met the air.
"I spend my life as a dog following my Lord, yearning for a look or a pat on the head. I deceived myself into thinking, he was proud of me, even needed me. And look at the result."
Legato's eyes glowed feral yellow, and his mouth opened in a crazed grin, exposing sharp fangs. Nick could suddenly see the case that held the remains of what had once been Legato. Inside was something broken, stinking of blood and bile and some sort of preservative that bathed his withered flesh.
"You may think you mean something to Vash the Stampede. But don't fool yourself, Punisher. This is your fate."
Meanwhile, Nick had peeled all the way to his shoulder, trying not to hiss from the searing pain. There was a sudden tug as Legato's threads yanked the skin off the way one would rip a piece of wrapping paper from the roll. Involuntarily, Nick's hand went to the shallow, bleeding wound, checking the damage.
To his disgust, Legato brought the strip of flesh to his mouth, and, locking eyes with Nick, began licking it, tiny drops of drool dripping from his pointed tongue. Then he began to devour it, ripping into it. Nick tried to look away, but the threads forced his head to face Legato head on, and his eyes to stay open and watch.
"You're a pawn, and soon, when our Lord is done with you, whatever's left will be crushed underfoot and thrown away."
Legato and his obsession with the dramatic. This was getting tiresome.
Legato's face turned into Vash's, but distorted. His eyes remained golden, and blood dripped from the corner of his mouth. His skin cracked as tumorous looking growths emerged -- the same ones that had mushroomed from Vash as he remembered July.
Perhaps Legato's threads were on Nick, for he cried out, pleading for this monstrous Vash to kill him. To his delight, Vash raised a pustulent angel arm and brought his hand in a finger gun to Nick's head. But instead of a "bang," there was silence.
Then Vash was gone. Nick heard Legato laughing, and laughing, and laughing...
...then he was left utterly alone in the dark confessional, holding his bleeding shoulder and crying bitter tears, though he'd scarcely ever cried since the Orphanage. All he wanted was what he couldn't have: the sweet release of death at Vash's hands.
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