#not a perfect wedding
ravencincaide · 7 months
Every little girl dreams.. 
Summary: No one dreams of this type of wedding, let alone wants one like it, and yet that’s the only one you’re getting. Or when you and Chuuya make the decision to stick to your original plan, even if it's the opposite from perfect. 
Pairing:  fem!Reader x Chuuya
Inspired by Sweetober prompt 9: Deep kissing
Warnings: Cursing and light angst
My attempt to crawl out of the writers block I'm sitting in.
Every little girl dreams about their future wedding. A grand thing with dozens upon dozens of guests gathered to celebrate the union between two souls.The westerstyle church filled to the brim. A priest at the altar and the future husband waiting patiently for his soon-to-be wife. In this grand western style church, the pipe organ begins playing the all-too familiar wedding march.The flutter of flowers and the rustling of the white wedding dress as you walk down the aisle, past rows upon rows of gleeful faces of friends and family all wishing you the best, all envying you as you slowly stroll towards your happily ever after. 
Or perhaps you'd envision a traditional wedding at the shrine dressed in layers of silk and fancy kimono swearing your oath more privately, reserved for the gods ears to hear. The celebration would come right after, where your friends and family would cheer for you as you and your beloved feed each other your first bites of cake. You could even settle for a small wedding: a private event reserved for just a handful of guests. Somewhere in exotic or exquisite flower gardens on bright green grass under the open skies. The grand dress, replaced with something simpler; like a suit or even a formal attire. 
Yes, there were many things you wanted for your dream wedding. And there were many things you were willing to compromise on for the sake of tying the knot with that special someone. Yet this– this was not something that was a part of anyone's wedding plans. A gloomy bitter seemingly unplanned union that was your reality. 
You glanced at yourself in the mirror. Your original attire was stained in blood and you were forced to improvise with what you had on hand:your workwear. A dark blue lace blouse with puffy sleeves and white pearl buttons, black skin-tight silky pants and high heels to match. You put your hair up in a bun and decorated it with matching white and blue pearls pins. You made sure to undo the top button in a feeble attempt to look less work-like and chose to forgo your usual black mafia coat. You spend a few moments wiping away the dirt from your heels and removing your chipped nail polish. As if fooling yourself into feeling pretty. you applied a small dot of the perfume sample you found in your pouch on your wrists and behind your ears. The scent was unfamiliar but not awful.  You chose to keep your weapons on you however, for a ‘just in case’ scenario. 
Then you strolled out of the cabinet-like room you borrowed. 
The small wooden church on the outskirts of Yokohama was, like you, in an equally unimpressive state. Most of the wood around the church had rotten long ago; the benches in the mass halls on either side of the isle were broken, scorched or damaged. A few paces away was a gaping hole in the ceiling. Off to the side stood the pipe orgel ready to produce music but with no musician in sight. The altar was the only piece of the church that did not suffer any damage. If anything it looked cleaned and well-polished as if the priest had taken his time to clean this spot up while the two of you got ready.
The door to the right of the altar opened and two men stepped out: the priest and Chuuya. 
Chuuya was dressed in his usual work attire which had taken a bit of beating during the previous fight: the clothes were not first freshnes with the exception of a clean white blouse underneath the gray vest. Even his black coat was ruffled; damaged from hundreds of bullets and weapons that had been sent flying towards him. Not injured but not completely unscratched either. The most pristine thing about him were his shoes: newly polished and sophisticated- a glimpse of the Chuuya you’ve always known. 
Without a word he took a few steps away from the priest and towards the nearest bench. He tosses his coat onto it, then his guns and weapons. 
“ Sweetheart I think we can survive without weapons for five minutes” Chuuya tried to lighten the mood with a joke as he beckoned you over. You followed his example of disarming yourself. Then you took his hand in yours and stepping up to the altar before the priest. 
Chuuya didn’t bother lying that you looked stunning, beautiful or breathtaking on your wedding day and you didn’t bother lying to say he looked as handsome as always. You were thankful for this little bit of truth. You did take a moment to wipe away a drop of dried blood from the back of his neck before turning back to face the man with the bible. Chuuya squeezed your hand in reassurance and gratitude, and you did the same. 
The priest ran his eyes from you, to Chuuya, and then lingered on your interlocked hands. He chose not to say anything about it.“ Are you two sure you would like to proceed with this marriage union right now and not wait until after the war?” 
You looked at Chuuya, expecting him to scream ‘are you a fucking idiot?' 'abort' or ‘too low-quality’ instead he turned to you with a serious look on his eyes and a laidback playful smirk just itching to split his expression into something more familiar, loving and playful. A controlled chaos- a fire burning for you. You replied with a small smile and a squeeze of his hand. You could see Chuuya resisting the urge to drive his free hand into his pocket in a typical delinquent style- an attempt to hide his nervousness. Although it would not have mattered if he did that : with no guests or witnesses. There was no one but the priest to judge you two. 
When the priest didn’t start, Chuuya finally broke the silence:“ if we’re going to be on the frontlines with no guarantees, then I’d much rather get formalities out of the way so we can stand together as husband and wife” 
You gave his hand another squeeze in agreement before you spoke “ Father, we waited a long time to get married. It doesn’t have to be perfect or expensive, as long as we come out of here united in the eyes of the government, emperor and god.”     
“ Have you prepared your wedding vows?” the priest asked with a small frown of disapproval. 
“Ehh we’ll just do the traditional ones, right doll?” Chuuya looked the slightest bit flustered. As if he had completely forgotten that there was more to the ordeal than just showing up in front of the priest. 
You could feel your heart drop in your stomach, anxiety spiking. Was this really all for nothing? The time you spend getting here all wasted over a forgotten piece of paper? You clutched Chuuya’s hand tighter in your own, while you silently prayed that the priest would still find it in his heart to help you two get married. 
Your prayers were answered. 
The priest opened the bible and stretched out pieces of paper towards you and Chuuya. Once copy each. “ I had that suspicion and brought copies with me. Alter them how you see fit so they feel more natural. The vows should come from the heart” The priest stood patiently as both of you read the vows through and altered them with a borrowed pen. Then he started the ceremony. 
You both stood patiently and attentively listened to the priest: out of the corner of your eyes you could see Chuuya. He was trying his best to contain his emotion, the edges of his lips just itching to spread into a wide grin or nervous laughter. Who would have thought the deadliest and fanciest mafia executive would be getting married, with no friends or family, in such a dumpy church. Indeed the thought made you want to both laugh and cry all at once. Ohh the irony of life.
At the priest's motion you turned to face Chuuya as he spoke his promises of eternal love; in sickness and in health, through sorrows and laughs. Through poverty and bad decisions as well as blessings and good times: “And I promise to love you till death do us part, my Sweetheart” 
You turned to face Chuuya as he took your hand in his hand and held it tightly. He then raised your hand and placed a golden band, adored with precious gems and intricate weaving of the metal on your finger.  
You gripped his hand tighter, your heart soaring as you recited your vows. As you spoke of your promise to love him no matter the hardships, through sickness and health, through faithfulness and betrayal, through lies and truths. “ and until death do us part, my love”
You did the same for Chuuya, raising his hand, you tugged the glove off. You felt him tense ever so slightly and you squeezed his hand again, reassuringly before slipping the thick golden band on his bare finger. “ Just once, for a few moments, let it sit on your bare skin please” And he squeezed your hand in turn agreeing and accepting. 
The priest held his breath before his face broke up into a smile: “ It is my pleasure to pronounce you husband and wife.” His eyes ran from your bright smile with tears threatening to spill from your eyes to Chuuya’s expression which matched your own. Incredibly happy, and unbelievably sad. When neither of you moved the priest urged you to, giving you his permission and blessings: “You may now kiss the bride” 
The kiss that you shared was deeper and more passionate than what was appropriate in a church. But the priest merely averted his eyes to give you some privacy. After all this kiss signified both a joyful Hello to a new beginning and a mournful goodbye..
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steddielations · 1 year
Eddie finally lets Jeff talk him into going on this blind date. It's not like he's against dating, he just doesn't expect fireworks from an hour of small talk over an overpriced dinner, y'know? Jeff swore by this guy, though, assuring Eddie that they would hit it off, but Eddie will never know because the guy doesn't show.
That's right, he gets stood up, Jeff texts him a string of apologies saying the guy chickened out. So Eddie’s just sitting there alone, trying not to sulk when the waitress asks if he's still waiting to order. Fuck it, he refuses to be the most miserable person in the restaurant, looking around to find someone equally as pathetic, and lo and behold:
Three tables away, there's a guy getting dumped.
Eddie eavesdrops because he has nothing better to do. It’s a pretty standard breakup. Sounds like they haven't been together long and things fizzled out. Neither of them seem to be invested enough to try and salvage it.
"Aren't you gonna say anything, Steve?"
No, Steve isn't. He just sits there while his former boyfriend leaves, doesn't try to stop him at all. Not in a hardened douchebag way, but in a dejected 'why do I even bother' way that Eddie knows all about.
And well, Eddie might be a cynic but his curiosity isn't dead. This Steve is far too pretty to be getting dumped in a seafood place and Eddie has to know what the deal is. It leads him right over to Steve's table. He looks up at Eddie, not quite dead behind the eyes yet, but maybe a little lonely. Just needs a spark.
"Alright well, something tells me that a stranger bugging you won't be the worst thing to happen to you tonight, so I'm just gonna take this empty seat and maybe we can help each other figure out why we're both alone on a Friday night. What do you say?"
Steve blinks, a little taken back at first, then he matches the nonchalance that Eddie's so good at faking with a smirk and a shrug, "Depends. Do you have all night?"
Turns out, Jeff was right about one thing, Eddie does hit it off with someone and it doesn't take all night. They leave the restaurant together, spend hours just walking the town and even breaking into a park after hours. It's the most fun Eddie's had in a while, and even though he doesn't get a goodnight kiss just yet, he gets a second date, which is even better.
He walks home with a skip in his step and a fire in his belly that he hasn't felt in years. He never thought he'd be so glad to get stood up before.
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loveisactivated · 10 months
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nelkcats · 1 year
Divine Signal
After Danny became king his level of meanness towards Vlad only increased. In his defense, the vampire ghost had been a nuisance for too many years to pass up, and now that he could command him the situation was hilarious.
However, at some point Vlad got tired. When Danny commented that he wanted to take some vacations, he decided to took that literally and threw him straight into a black hole, yelling "Have a good trip!", Vlad wasn't sure if the black hole was really a portal to another dimension like the rumors said but it was worth the try, is not like the King could die twice. And the stars would calm him down if it fails.
At the same time, Desiree had sneaked into Clockwork's lair to observe his time windows (something the time master was fully aware of), and heard Jason sigh in resignation and say, "I wish I had someone to love, someone similar to me" with a sad voice; Although he was good at hiding it, Jason had always wanted a romance like the one described in his books.
So of course, she fulfilled his wish. Which ended with Danny being transported to the DC universe via a wormhole and falling straight into Jason's arms, who just stared up at the sky in amazement.
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missraid · 29 days
Our May 14th, 2024 birthday 🎂 🥳 🥳 girl 👧 🤪 Mikayla Demaiter STRIPPED off her TOP and DROPPED her PANTIES today at her private home in Chatham Ontario just for us, HER FRIENDS 🧡 @missraid @mikraid2 @sexymikayla2 @sexymikayla @mikaylademaiter @mikaylademaitertribute @mikayla-demaiter-fan-page-101 @mikayla-demaiter @mikaylademaiterbest @Blindsquirrel69 @Mikraid Tumblr (dot) com HAPPY BIRTHDAY 🎂 OUR BELOVED CANADIAN NEIGHBOR & EX HOCKEY GOALIE 🏒 😘 💖 😊 ❤️
Chat with, congratulate, purchase uncensored content and bunny 🐰 🐇 tip $ the REAL Mikayla Demaiter at
https://www.Playboy.com/mikayla TODAY ESPECIALLY (and any day, she's naughty, nice, and REAL) 🎂 🥳 🎉 🎈 🎁 🎊
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asteriass · 7 months
Yandere Male Love Interests
Recommendations for series that include male love interests whose love, admiration, & devotion is so strong that it is expressed as an excessive obsession & possessiveness. Sometimes using extreme violence or brutality as an outlet for their emotions [Though the latter part is not the case for ALL love interests in the list]
[Spoilers warning for certain series later on in the list]
·˚ ༘₊· ͟͟͞͞꒰➳ Firefly Wedding
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·˚ ༘₊· ͟͟͞͞꒰➳ Love and Heart
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·˚ ༘₊· ͟͟͞͞꒰➳ The Villain's Savior
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·˚ ༘₊· ͟͟͞͞꒰➳Let's Hide My Little Brother
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·˚ ༘₊· ͟͟͞͞꒰➳It's Mine
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·˚ ༘₊· ͟͟͞͞꒰➳Abide in the Wind
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·˚ ༘₊· ͟͟͞͞꒰➳Secret Alliance
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·˚ ༘₊· ͟͟͞͞꒰➳Cheese in the Trap
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·˚ ༘₊· ͟͟͞͞꒰➳340 Days
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·˚ ༘₊· ͟͟͞͞꒰➳I Failed to Oust the Villain!
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·˚ ༘₊· ͟͟͞͞꒰➳Itoshi no Ko, Charlotte
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·˚ ༘₊· ͟͟͞͞꒰➳It Was a Mistake, Grand Duke!
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·˚ ༘₊· ͟͟͞͞꒰➳ My Dear Living Dead
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·˚ ༘₊· ͟͟͞͞꒰➳Nariyuki de Konyaku wo Moshi Konda Yowaki Binbo Reijo desu ga, Naze ka Jiki Koshaku-sama ni Dekiai Sarete Torawarete Imasu
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·˚ ༘₊· ͟͟͞͞꒰➳Perfect Mine
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totally unserious take on a chaggie wedding XD inspired by @tiny-feisty-gay's glorious idea of carmilla giving vaggie away XD XD
Carmilla: "....."
Vaggie: (dressed to get hitched) (half way out a window)
Carmilla: "...am I interrupting?"
Vaggie: "Miss Carmine, uh- No, I was just. Gonna get some air..."
Carmilla: "Two minutes before your wedding."
Vaggie: "That's- that's why I need the air."
Carmilla: "And when you don't return from your 'air getting', what exactly would you like me to say to your heartbroken bride?"
Vaggie: ".... I..."
Carmilla: "Come along." (hooks vaggie by the arm and pulls her casually away from the window) "You can explain it all to me on the way."
Vaggie: "The way- the- the way WHERE?"
Carmilla: "To the wedding arch, where your reformed snake man is waiting to officiate your vows with the princess of hell." (lifts eyebrow) "I did you both a rather large favor by helping your fight against heaven. I am calling in that favor now, and you will allow me to walk you down the aisle."
Vaggie: "Oh no."
Carmilla: "Oh yes."
Vaggie: "Wait." (digging in her heels) (getting dragged anyway) "Wait!"
Carmilla: "Why should I."
Vaggie: "The wedding- I can't."
Carmilla: "Then face her and tell her so."
Vaggie: "That’s not what-"
Carmilla: "Did you ask her to be here today?"
Vaggie: "W-we asked each other..."
Carmilla: "So you at least owe her that much. You can say whatever you like once you reach the arch, but you should at least meet her there. Don't you think?"
Vaggie: "..."
Vaggie: "You're right." (squares shoulders) "You're right- I should. And. I've been practicing the vows for weeks. I should just. Say them."
Carmilla: "Good." (at the doors) "Ready?"
Vaggie: (breathes out) "...ready."
Carmilla: (walks them out the doors and towards the aisle)
Vaggie: "-im not ready im not ready."
Carmilla: "Too late."
Vaggie: (whisper yelling) "Turn left! Left! Left left left!"
Carmilla: "No."
Vaggie: "Miss Carmine- please-"
Carmilla: "No.” (effortless marches vaggie forward) “If you didn't want me interfering with your life then you shouldn't have come asking me for help in the first place."
Vaggie: "I ASKED? I only asked you to teach me how to kill angels!"
Carmilla: "And I only agreed to teach you when you said you were looking to protect those you love. Now I have another lesson for you."
Vaggie: "This isn't the time-"
Carmilla: "Hush. You need to kill the angel in your head."
Vaggie: "The what?"
Carmilla: "The voice screaming at your about worthiness instead of love- kill it. Kill it before it breaks the heart of the woman that you love."
Vaggie: "How can I- but it's not wrong. And it's, me."
Carmilla: "And you are the one she asked to be here. Look. She's waiting for you."
Vaggie: "Charlie..."
Vaggie: “……”
Vaggie: "....she's loves people, e-even when they don't deserve it."
Carmilla: "Your entire hotel is built on proving that a lie. Are you willing to fight for her or not?"
Vaggie: "Yes! With my life, no matter what-"
Carmilla: "Then fight for her. Fight yourself, for her, or you will be the one to hurt her."
Vaggie: "....what if I lose? What I.. if she..."
Carmilla: "You can't be ready to fight a battle if you're not ready to risk losing it. Is her happiness worth that risk to you?"
Vaggie: "More than anything."
Carmilla: (as they reach the arch) (whispering) "Then you are ready."
At the arch
Charlie: "VAGGIE!” (grinning) “H-hi!!!"
Vaggie: (smiling) (melting) "Hey, sweetie." (hesitates) "…one second?"
Charlie: "? Okay!!!!!!"
Vaggie: (turns to Carmilla) "Can I hug you."
Carmilla: "You may."
Vaggie: (hugs her stiffly) "Thank you."
Charlie: (also quickly hugging them both) “I don’t know why exactly but thank you so much too!” (backs off again) "Sorry!"
Carmilla: (smiling) (hugs vaggie back warmly) "Enough.” (pushing away) “Go, now. Fight."
Vaggie: "I will.”
Vaggie: (turning to Charlie) (taking her hands) "I always will."
Charlie: (grinning) “With me? As partners?”
Vaggie: “And for you. For as long as you want, and longer. You’ve-” (voice breaks) “… you’ve been stuck with me for while already, Charlie Morningstar.”
Charlie: (tearing up) “So’ve you. And I will too. Um.” (blinking hard) “Vaggie… Morningstar?”
Vaggie: (choked laugh) “Getting ahead of the ceremony, babe, but yeah. Almost.”
Charlie: “Okay.” (sniffling) (Smiling) “Then- oh, thanks Razzle. Uh.” (at vaggie) “Gimme one sec?”
Vaggie: “Take as many as you want, it’s our ceremony after all.”
Charlie: “R-right.” (quickly dabs at eyes with handkerchief Razzle gave her before handing it back) “Then, um, that’s enough ceremony for me, to be honest. You’re enough- you’re all I wanted out of this whole wedding thing anyway, Vaggie.”
Vaggie: “…yeah?”
Charlie: “Yes.”
Vaggie: “Same. I- yeah… you..” (clears throat) “Same here.”
Charlie: “Yeah..?”
Vaggie: “Yes.”
Sir Pentious: “Awwwww.”
Sir Pentious: “…..ah.”
Sir Pentious: (shuffling note cards) “Ah, ahhh… errhm… wasss that, in the vowsss?”
Charlie: (giggling) “Well it is now~”
Vaggie: “Whoops.”
Sir Pentious: “Ah, my apologiessss !” (shuffling frantically) “I- I musssst have missssed, the update- ah, errr-”
Charlie: (laughing) “You didn’t miss anything, Pen, don’t worry!”
Vaggie: “Go ahead Pentious.” (squeezes Charlie’s hands) “We’re ready.”
Charlie: “Heh.” (squeezes back) “We.” (still kinda crying)
Sir Pentious: “Oh yess! Hmmm.”
Sir Pentious: (stares at disorganized notes)
Sir Pentious: “Dearly damned and other demons, sinners, winners, whatevers! We are gathered here today to…! To….” (flips card) “…to kiss- the, ah… brides?”
Angel Dust: “What, kiss them? ALL of us assholes? That’ll take a bit.” (ginning) “Hold onto ya lips, toots!”
Husk: “Pass.”
Alastor: “I must most strenuously decline, ha ha~!”
Niffty: “KISS THE BRIDES! KISS THE BRIDES!” (giggling)“Your death swift would be SWIFT and BRUTAL! And go GREAT with the decorations!”
Cherri: (cackling) (hollering) “You better not, Penny, you’d better not!”
Sir Pentious: “Oh… ah…”
Sir Pentius: “…they sssseem to be preoccupied with each other, in any case… erm.”
Sir Pentious: “Congratulassshtionsss?”
Charggie: (thumbs up) (still kinda kissing) (still kinda laughing and crying too)
Lucifer in the background: (HOWLING TEARS OF JOY INTO HIS HAT)
Ozzie: (same situation but with Fizzie instead of a hat)
Carmilla: (stiffly but sympathetically patting them both on the head)
Clara & Odette: (waving a pair of lesbian and bisexual flags & holding up a 10/10 score card respectively)
Clara: “…”
Clara: “…what about the rings?”
KeeKee: (walks over) (WRETCHES) (licks paw) (walks off)
Clara & Odette: (stare blankly)
Clara: “…… did the demon cat just cough up their wedding bands.”
Odette: “Apparently.”
Clara: “Aww. That’s really gross.”
Odette: “Don’t be homophobic at the gay wedding, Clara.”
Clara: “I’d never be homophobic at OUR sister’s marriage, Oddy.” (elbows her) “You know what this means?”
Odette: “Finally you are not my default favorite sister. I have to actively choose you, and the privilege can be revoked.”
Clara: “And mom can’t guilt us about wanting to walk a daughter down the aisle anymore.”
Odette: “….”
Odettte: (revises her score cards to say 100/10 instead)
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hadesoftheladies · 11 days
saying you look better without makeup shouldn't be so taboo tbh. like some women need to be told that their fake lashes and heaped foundation and painted eyebrows look objectively terrible and their natural features are hot. why can't i say that you look hot fresh-faced? because you do. forget whatever men think. those freaks would fuck a piece of abandoned carboard in a dirty street. they don't even know what a healthy woman looks like. they have literally lost all objectivity. these fools don't even know how our bodies work and you expect them to give an accurate opinion on what kind of woman looks good or healthy? they don't know shit! your pooch is actually attractive! so is your buccal fat! so is your arm and leg hair! YOU'RE A BABE! stop trying to get rid of the babe-ness!
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shivroy · 8 months
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season 1
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almightaylor · 9 months
the morning of their wedding day:
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the night after the wedding:
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emry-stars-art · 9 months
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Was inspired to draw kisses and of course they’re royal au flavored
Find the royal au masterpost here 💕
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daffi-990 · 3 months
Okay Oliver and Ryan with their dirty suits and everything is giving me major The Hangover vibes 👀.
Like what if Chim goes missing and Buck and Eddie are running around in a panic trying to find him.
Meanwhile Chim is just chilling in hospital with a juice box 🧃
Hen knows where Chim is (he called her) but she doesn’t say a word because with dumb and dumber occupied with trying to find him, she can actually get shit done 😂
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asytho · 4 months
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Thinking about angry women covered in blood 🥰
(The dress is from Robert Wun's spring summer 24 collection)
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thecitybee · 4 months
Five pizzas and a wedding ring...
Y'all this man's SWEETEST dream for the past six years has just been getting to meet her, share a meal with her, and fall in love with her in a world that never died.
Like real people do.
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jadedbirch · 2 months
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My hot wife has arranged for us to have my Noir AU (both installments) bound by the awesomely talented @fantailpress and it's SO BEAUTIFUL!!! 😭😭😭😍🥰🤩 This type of binding is called "tête-bêche" or "head to foot" and I love it so much!
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kirishimasmom · 6 months
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Konoha Hiden Cover Clear File HD Scan
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