#not eating solid food is my favorite way to be on track
melathinn · 1 year
I know I didn’t actually lose 4lbs overnight bc the nature of weighing yourself everyday is that it probably wasn’t all there in the first place, but the scale says I did so it’s a big win 💪🏾
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mouschiwrites · 8 months
hihi it’s the anon from the one req with the prime empire outfit thing :3 !! i was wondering if you could do something similar but with a reader who wakes up before them and makes them food ?? your writing is so munchable (positively)
Yaay good to have you back!!! I cannot express how joyous it makes me to know that people actually enjoy my silly scrawlings 🥹
Ninjago - Making Breakfast For the Ninjas
He is NOT a morning person
Definitely the type of guy to say “just five more minutes” like eight times before he finally drags himself out of bed
But when he wakes up to the smell of food…
And you’re not next to him…
He’s more than motivated to get up
He follows the smell into the kitchen, sighing to himself when he sees you at the stove
He approaches from behind, wrapping his arms around your waist and burying his face in your neck
“Come back to bed, my sunshine.”
“You don’t want breakfast?”
“…keep cooking.”
He leans on you, half asleep while you finish frying some eggs and bacon
He’s still a little groggy while you eat together, but you can see him waking up the more he eats
You watch him carefully, watching for any signs that might indicate his opinion on your cooking
Polishing off his first plate, Kai blinks the rest of the sleepiness from his eyes
You make eye contact, both smiling softly
Your lips curl into a bigger grin when he asks for seconds
Still, you can’t help but tease:
“What about going back to bed?”
“Nah. I’m up now. Your amazing cooking has worked its magic on me.”
He smirks as you blush, grabbing his plate to get him another serving
Watching you, he can’t help but wonder how he got so lucky
Again, he’s not a morning person, but he’s discovered his new favorite way to wake up
When Jay wakes up, the first thing he does is check to see if you’re awake
He refuses to get out of bed unless you go with him, and he expects you to do the same
So when he wakes up and you’re not there, he’s a little offended
But then some worry starts to settle in
Did something happen? Surely that must be the case; why else would you break your routine?
Hauling himself out of bed, he hurries around the house, calling your name
He perks up when he hears your response in the kitchen
Dashing in, he stops dead in his tracks when he sees you alive and well, even smiling at him from your station at the stove
You perceive his worried expression, suddenly feeling a little guilty for abandoning him in bed
“Sorry, did I scare you? I didn’t mean to. I just wanted to surprise you with breakfast.”
He sighs in relief, assuring you that he’s just glad you’re okay
He starts rambling about his dream he had, taking a seat at the table while you finished grilling waffles
He doesn’t stop (aside from a quick “thanks”) when you set his plate in front of him
But when he takes his first bite, he freezes mid-sentence
“…is it okay..?”
“Oh my Borg. Y/n. You beautiful savant. This is amazing.”
You smile giddily as he shovels the food down his gullet
When he’s finished, he reclines in his chair satisfactorily
“This absolutely makes up for getting up before me. But next time let me wake up with you, okay?”
Cole could sleep through a category 5 hurricane
He certainly sounds like one when he snores
So it’s no surprise to him when he wakes up and you’re not there
Actually, that’s what he’s used to
He’ll lumber out of bed and make his way to the bathroom, where he’ll find you getting ready for the day
That’s how you start your day: one a tad later, but always together
When he goes to the bathroom and finds it empty, he’s baffled
He stands there for a solid minute, waiting for the grogginess to leave his head so he can think clearly
Before that happens, he’s enticed by the smell of pancakes
He follows the aroma to the kitchen, where two of his problems are solved
One, he’s found you
Two, you’re making breakfast, so his hunger will soon be satiated
He stands behind you, placing his burly arms and his chin on the top of your head
“What’s cookin’, good lookin’?”
“Pancakes. You want butter and syrup?”
“Mmmm. You know me so well.”
He stays by your side while you cook, trying to keep the drool in his mouth
You make him a high stack of pancakes, which you both know he’ll absolutely destroy
Before he even takes his first bite, he’s already complimenting your cooking
The compliments keep flowing while he eats, bringing a flattered pinkness to your cheeks
When he’s done, he lets out a dreamy sigh, placing his chin on his palm, admiring you
“My partner’s drop-dead gorgeous and the best cook in the world. Wakes me up with pancakes. Pancakes!”
“Only because you deserve it.”
You share a sticky kiss that tastes like maple syrup, which silently prompts you both to go brush your teeth and get ready for the day
Zane's usually the one to wake up earlier and get breakfast started, so you'll have to be really early if you want to surprise him
He assumes you're just in the bathroom when he doesn't see you in bed, so he shrugs it off and heads to the kitchen
He blinks in shock when he sees you already there, setting the table with omelettes and toast
He hurries over to you, reaching out to take the butter from your hands, but you dodge him
"Nuh-uh, you just sit down."
He reluctantly obeys
While you eat, you can't help but notice his curious glances at you
Eventually he breaks the silence
"Why did you do this?"
"Because I love you. I wanted to treat you."
His gentle smile does little to express how touched he is
You know he's a man of few words, so just having him finish his plate is enough to tell you he liked the meal
You grin proudly to yourself as you gather the dishes
He absolutely insists on helping you clean up, will NOT take no for an answer
While you clean up together, he gives you constructive feedback on your cooking
He figures it'd be more valuable to you than just compliments
And of course it is; he's basically a master chef, and you're getting free advice
For Lloyd, having you by his side when he wakes up is a 50/50 chance
Sometimes he gets up first, sometimes you get up first
So he's not exactly surprised waking up alone
What does catch his attention is the sweet smell of cinnamon in the air
He breathes it in deeply, wondering where it could be coming from at such an early hour
Eventually he gets up to investigate, and to his surprise (and delight) there are fresh-baked cinnamon rolls on the stovetop
And who but his lovely s/o mixing cream cheese icing on the counter?
He leans over the pan of rolls, wafting the smell into his nose
The sound startles you, but you smile when you realize it's only Lloyd
"Good morning."
"Morning. Did you make these?"
"No. A bipedal horse dropped them off."
"Har-har. Well, they smell fantastic, love."
He practically begs you to let him help spread the icing
You later realize that he really just wanted to lick the spoon... and the bowl
You eat the rolls informally as you sit on the counter, not bothering to use plates
Your hands end up stickier than the rolls themselves
Giving up on licking your fingers, you finally decide to go wash up
While getting ready, Lloyd clings close to you, expressing his abundant gratitude
"The rolls were so so so good. Just like you; you're so good to me. I love you."
Apparently your gesture got him feeling all mushy, because you ended up spending the rest of the morning curled up together watching TV on the couch, receiving sporadic kisses on your hands and head
Nya likes waking up early, but she doesn't like to disturb you
She'll immediately switch to stealth-mode when she wakes up, silently slipping out of bed and into the bathroom
She doesn't even notice that you're not in bed; she's too focused on being quiet
She nearly jumps out of her skin when she walks into the kitchen and opens the fridge, only to hear your voice:
"Hey, I made parfaits—"
"First Spinjitsu Master, Y/n!"
"Pfff—sorry, my flower! I didn't mean to scare you!"
If she wasn't awake before, she certainly was now
You decided to enjoy your yogurt parfaits while watching the sunrise
Spoon in one hand, Nya's hand in the other, you watched the sky grow brighter
Occasionally you would sneak a glance at your girlfriend, smiling to yourself at how beautiful she was, even after barely waking up
Little did you know she was doing the same
You continued to watch even after your parfaits were gone
Just as the sun peeked over the horizon, staining the sky a vibrant orange, you heard Nya say:
"I love you."
"I love you too."
She brought your hand to her mouth, placing a chaste kiss on your knuckles
"The parfait was delicious. Thank you."
"My pleasure. Should we go get ready now?"
"Let's watch the sunrise for a little longer."
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Thank you sweet anon for this marvelous request! And thanks for reading, hope you enjoyed! <33
(divider by saradika)
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amazing-spiderling · 11 months
Fic authors self rec! When you get this, reply with your favorite five fics that you've written, then pass on to at least five other writers. spread the self-love ❤
HECK. Ummmm okay okay... I'll do my best.
Surface Tension
I'm taking this opportunity to highlight a fic that I wrote for an anthology I put together with a team of *very* talented writers and artists, Metal Gear Solid: Lost Years. I had wanted to tell a story about Hal's isolation and vulnerability in his youth, the aspects of his past that made him an easy target for predatory behavior- and even though this story isn't particularly long, I think it's the one I spent the longest working on (in a words per day sense). Writing this story made me dead sure that Kojima was referencing the movie "The Graduate" when it came to the Emmerichs, and I tried to channel that sort of listlessness into this story. Because it was for a zine, I don't think it got many hits or comments, so I'm putting it here now.
The Man in the Mask
My own little "hit in the face by Apollo's red playground ball" of a fic- I actually wrote this Spideypool AU to deal with my frustrations regarding the handling of asylum seekers at the border- but the pandemic aspects of the story ended up hitting very close to home for everyone just a few years later. Fun! This is one of those stories I thought of as a "weird one that nobody read" but when I looked at my actual hit counter, I saw it had proven more popular than I realized, so that's good for me? It's a bit of a bottle episode that is more about Wade and Peter than Deadpool and Spider-Man and has a more sedate tone for most of it, but I'm partial to the way the story unfolds.
Pictures of You
Another Metal Gear story, this was for the Otasune Zine "Let the World Be". I got to team up with the incredible Harshai who did the illustrations for this story in the zine. It's a collection of moments during Dave and Hal's Philanthropy days, each one with an accompanying photograph. It's a pretty soft one, but one that comes to mind a lot, especially when I'm in the car and staring out the window at the landscape, thinking about these two on the open road. It also comes to mind every time I see a ridiculous food challenge posted on a restaurant wall. I need to see about getting permission to share the art in the posted fic, because I think it really adds something, especially the last image which was a polaroid of Sunny besting Hal's time eating the enourmous burger.
Five Years Later
Yeah, it's a WIP. What are you gonna do about it? Back from hiatus, it's the second installment of a "mostly MCU compliant" Spideypool "met as childhood friends" AU that my friend @343enderspark and I have been working on for years. In this portion of the story, Wade is dealing with life in a world without Peter (oh, and half the population, I guess) and slowly starting his journey of training and eventually becoming the person he was meant to be. (And the Defenders show up because I literally could not resist.) I got to try my hand at writing a lot of different characters in this fic, so it's been fun to flex those muscles. We had a long break between the first and second chapter, but we're back on track and CH 3 is drafted and waiting on edits, so that should be out soon. :3
Home's Around the Corner (It's a Long Way There)
More WIPs? Yeah. More AU's? Double yeah, because this one is more or less an AU or an AU. XD This is a new project I'm working on with @blissful-thinker that's Earth-65 but a step to the left, where Matt wasn't adopted by the Hand, but ended up staying with the Chaste, and returns to New York City years later only to find out he doesn't really have a place in his old home anymore. (Or does he?) This one has been a lot of fun and allows me to write one of my favorite things- tired DA Nelson, and also too-big-for-her-britches Gwen, haha. It may be niche, but it's *my* niche.
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akirakirxaa · 1 year
Soft prompts: 19. 'it made me think of you.'
[Soft Prompts here! Going with my Haurch Lives AU (one day I'll give it a better name than that) post-Endwalker. There will be spoilers, even if minor.]
Akira cracked open her eyes again. Though she knew time had passed, she had little way of tracking it with how erratic her sleeping habits had been while recovering. A nearby chronometer told her it was early morning, just past dawn. She was also disappointingly alone. Before she could spiral in worry that something had happened to pull her husband away, something bad, she noticed a small folded paper on her pillow.
Please do not worry, my love. I have gone to fetch more supplies as it seems we will be in Sharlayan for some time while you recover. I'll be back soon.
It wasn't signed, but she knew Haurchefant's handwriting well. Worries eased, she carefully rolled and pushed herself until she was sitting upright, wanting to get something to drink but now eyeing the space between her and the small eating area the annex as if it were an ocean she needed to cross. Though the rolling chair the Sharlayan chirurgeons had supplied her was next to her bed, her arms were still in too much pain to propel it herself. As the drowsiness of sleep receded, she realized she had overlooked a glass full of water (and a water jug full of more besides) on her bedside table. Relieved that someone had thought to make sure she would have something to drink when she woke, she drank down most of the glass in one gulping drink, not realizing how thirsty she'd been.
"Ah, you're awake!" a delighted voice called from the door, and Haurchefant bundled into her room with various packages near-tumbling from his arms as he clung to them. He tossed them on the table before crossing to her, pressing a gentle kiss to her lips before helping her into her chair and rolling it to the table for her.
"I've dropped most of what we need at the Leveilleur estate," he explained as he started opening some of the bags she was eying curiously. "Ameliance insisted you stay there instead, so that you might have assistance with anything you require even if myself or the Scions might be occupied." The first bag contained some simple breakfast foods from The Last Stand, warm eggs and crispy bacon and bagels. Relieved that her stomach seemed to be agreeing with her today, Akira dug in while Haurchefant started on the next bag.
"I was on the way back when I spotted this in the markets," he explained, unfolding what at first glance looked like a blanket. "It made me think of you."
While it appeared to be a normal blanket, upon closer examination it looked more like a backwards robe, with the arms sewed onto the solid area and the opening clearly meant to face the back of the wearer. She set her utensils aside and reached for it; it was made of some soft and warm material not unlike her favorite blankets from home.
"I know you get cold easily," he went on. "And it does snow here on occasion. I thought that, while you need the chair, this might be easier to put on and keep on than a coat or flat blanket." She ran her hands along the fabric again, unable to meet his gaze, confronted by both her frustration of her body being so beaten up that she would need it and how touched she was that he would find such a thing for her.
"It's perfect," she finally gave him a bright smile, though she could not quite hide how her eyes had begun to mist. "Thank you."
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babyspacebatclone · 1 year
I have a very serious question, and need some help getting connected to people with relevant experience.
How do you connect to and motivate a deaf and blind infant?
We have done everything we can think of when working with this one infant at my day care for the past 6+ months.
And the growth she’s shown so far - her personality, her fierce independence, her exuberance and love of cuddles and jumping - shows we are connecting, and making gains with her.
She’s such a character, despite everything medically she’s gone through (details below cut) it’s so easy to treat her like a regular, stubborn child.
We talk with her the way we do any of the other babies, cuddle, make sure she can reach toys to chew, do our best to move her to something new when she gets fussy - generally the jumper, her favorite.
But she’s finally getting to the point where she can work on moving, and we’re struggling with reinforcing things.
She was making progress with scooting before the most recent medical crisis, but now she just seems content to focus on her fine motor (being able to hold stuff) and rolling.
She’s in physical et al. therapy, of course, but us day care teachers are getting a tiny bit frustrated with their “results” focus - when we know how much she can do when she’s not frustrated with being forced.
Full toddler stubbornness in that little body, let me tell you!
Can we grape vine this enough to connect me with disability specialists or people with real life experience with comorbid deaf blindness in infants???
I’m going to be obfuscating a lot of personal details whenever possible, because of reapect/confidentiality/etc. Because unfortunately there are some unique medical issues I want to share for context.
We’ll proceed with calling this girl Margret, and say that she’s about seven or eight months developmentally at this point (attempting to compensate for developmental stunting due to various medical crisis events).
Margret was born three months premature, with pretty much most of the associated heath concerns from that. She also, unfortunately, suffered seizures and Hypsarrhythmia (disorganized brain waves), which are associated with the two “medical crisis events” I reference.
Fortunately, she seems past the second crisis event, and is showing her personality, independence, and interests again.
Right now, the therapy specialists are focused on getting our girl on sitting and eating solid foods.
And having worked with babies for three years, I wanna smack ‘em!!! 🥴
My big thing with babies is “are they working on something?” Part of it might be my own neurodivergence, but as long as they are working at something within their developmental range, I’m happy.
Pre-Toddler “capable of learning not to do bad things,” of course (and of course I don’t let the babies get away with “bad stuff,” but I’m at the preteaching stage to make things easier for the toddler teacher later).
I’ve only had two babies freak me out for not doing something, and it’s poor Margret during her two medical crisis events and another child I, unfortunately, never got to see the resolution for.
Other older teachers keep pushing six/seven month olds to focus on unsupported sitting.
And you know what? One family had two perfect examples: the elder son wouldn’t sit because that meant staying still, and the other was so chill they just liked laying down. Both grew up to be insane movers and developmentally on track with everything else.
If a baby doing something other than what the sanitized charts say is expected? Most of the time they’re either the former - want to move - or the latter - satisfied with amusing themselves playing with their feet.
Both are building skills, and developmentally appropriate at that stage.
Generally, when I want to engage a child in sitting, I use our hanging toy gyms in front of them. The toys are up, encouraging keeping the body up, and there’s something of interest.
I don’t know how to motivate Margret with something similar, though. She only seems to know if there’s a toy when she’s able to feel it, and obviously laying down or sitting in a high chair/baby table is best for being able to keep track of a toy by touch.
As for eating… You’ll read below Margret has literal trauma about food, being force feed for health reasons, etc. I’d like her to eat, but it’s only a priority for making this easier for the adults. We have supplemented fluid we can use, I’d rather let her work on gross motor skills and being happy instead of “learning to eat [like a normal child].”
This is where I’m really asking for help: We can connect with Margret though touch and her preferred toys. I used to tap her pacifier on her cheek, try to reassure her it wasn’t the (wet) bottle and I was done trying to get her to drink.
Putting her pacifier or other toy in her hand is now the best option, she recognizes it faster!
She’s also very vocal! It’s hard sometimes to determine right away if she’s happy or sad, but she quickly makes it clear.
My favorite recently is that she will scream when she drops her “honey dipper” “spoon” we’ve been using at meal times for baby oatmeal. She’s not too fond of the food part, but she loves chewing on it! Great for teething!! She’ll throw her biggest fits when she drops it, then giggles when we get it back in her hand.
She’s learned “screams = help!” and I am beyond thrilled she’s made that connection!!!!!
I don’t know how much of her other vocalizations are similar attempts to communicate, or self soothing.
Anyone with experienced opinions, I’d love to hear them!!
I’ll try summarizing the medical background, if the details help…
Margret started at our center about six months chronologically, three months developmentally. She had some delays there, but our primary concern was eating.
Poor girl, feeding has been a struggle except for one miracle period. Lots of regurgitation, which makes her resent bottle time generally, and the more upset she is the more likely she’s to gag.
She was even losing weight for a while, so as much as I didn’t want to traumatize her I did my best to balance times feedings with listening to her feedback.
But for a bit, I didn’t overall worry. The more she fought the bottle, the more I was sure there was a person inside, and at first we got to know Margret as she started building skills.
Number one: She loved to stand. Easiest way to make her happy was to get her on her feet. She built muscle fast for all her weight issues, you could hold her by her hips and she’d be able to keep herself upright at a level you usually don’t see at her developmental stage.
Once she was big enough for the jumper, she found heaven. She will let us know if she’s done, but usually she wants to be in there until she rocks herself to sleep.
Like most babies even up to her current development level of 7-8, so I was thrilled there!
Then she plateaued, and I got worried. We noticed she almost never responded to auditory stimulation, and never focused on anything - her eyes always wandered.
For a while, I wondered if she was severely near or far sighted, which is why she never seemed to focus on anything.
Then two bad wammies.
First: Tests suggested her eyes and ears function well. Any issues with vision or hearing is in information conveying or processing.
Second: After regular EEG scans without concern, Margret began showing seizure activity and Hypsarrhythmia.
Potentially responsible for the first via brain damage, we obviously can only hypothesize.
That’s the first medical crisis in my personal experience with her.
We got her on meds, and - Margret was back! As stubborn and as curious and as energetic as ever.
She was even trying to scoot. One day, she shocked me by basically trying to pull herself into the wall mirror we have for the babies! 😊
They got her on some anti-regurgitation medication, too, and bottle times became a joy for all of us!
And then…
I don’t have the details. All I feel comfortable with saying is there were bad decisions being made about the seizure medication…
They down-titrated all of Maegret’s medications.
This period is the second crisis event, and we’ve been fighting to get back since.
She lost weight. She’s been regurgitating all her bottles again - we’ve had it as bad as 7 regurgitations while at the center, and we have to keep trying again in half an hour in a vain attempt to get calories into her.
She’s gotten back into her old personality, though, and her fine motor skills seem to be increasing! She searches for toys on the jumper, instead of needing them handed to her, and will pick up stuff on the ground if she rolls enough to feel it.
But she has no interest in scooting anymore, and when she tries to walk when held her legs are very very unstable. Her feet roll, she doesn’t know where to put her legs…
She can stand flat footed in the jumper, but I don’t think she’s fully put together how, it’s just chance.
I want her to keep making gains and showing off her skills. I want her able to move, and get even more independence.
And the older kids in the baby room are great with her, we have a 90% great group! (one stinker, but he’s a stinker to everyone, and typically prefers the active babies to rough house… lol)
I’m running out of stuff I feel safe to share/need to vent.
I just… got really frustrated with the therapy people today.
I know they want the best for Margret. But she was tired today, she did not want to sit, and it infuriates me we can’t show off the stuff she’s actually working on because they’re fixated on two narrow things.
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robinette-green · 1 year
Hey! ❤️
My comfort fics are definitely "Two Hunters and a Bloodsucker" and "Small One" ❤️❤️
Thank you for your amazing work!
Can I please get crumbs for one of this two? ❤️❤️
I wish you an amazing day ❤️❤️
Thank you for the ask! I’m so glad you like my work!
Small one’s a comfort fic for me too. I’m so glad others find comfort there as well!❤️❤️❤️
Hehe! Yes you may! Have some unedited hunters and vampire. I love writing this sweet group. They’re so silly ❤️
Clouds hung dark and low in the sky as I walked down the cobblestone streets with my hunters. Solaris had his fingers woven with mine, tugging me along as he pointed out cute little shops and restaurants along the way. Lucien kept close behind me, a solid protective presence.
I felt relaxed with them two… I felt giddy.
“I want to take you to my favorite place to eat! It’s this cute little bistro just around the corner-“ Solaris stopped in his tracks and I ran into his back with a small oof.
“Ah… maybe not…” he said softly as he turned to look down at me, brows creased with worry.
I gave Solaris a kind smile, Lucien’s hand coming to rest on my shoulder.
“I would enjoy the smell of the food and maybe even the taste even though I can’t eat anymore.” I hadn’t been around cooked food in a long time, only ever horsing away fruits and vegetables to make people think that I did eat periodically. Being able to smell fresh bread, cooked meat, garlic and herbs would be wonderful.
“But… didn’t you just eat? Lucien made you both breakfast.”
“Sol has a bottomless stomach.” Lucien murmured into my ear and I smiled as Solaris flushed.
“I-I- well, so what? The food on the road is bland and cold or burnt. I enjoy greeting to have my fill on delectable cook goodies while I can!”
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kithkinchick · 7 months
Luck's a Chance, Trouble's Sure
Chapter Two: Into the Well
Without a change of clothes this was as clean as Gayle could get. Luckily she had credits to spare from the unexpected generosity of Sarah Morgan reimbursing for her travel from Vectera. A faint memory from her past life came to her and she recalled that there were numerous shops and locations to purchase food in this District of New Atlantis 
Straightening her shoulders Gale zipped up the jacket on her jumpsuit and walked valiantly out of the bathroom heading down the hall at a quick clip she passed doors both closed and open but made no eye contact with the occupants. She jogged down the stairs and made a beeline for the front door, opening it and slipping through. She took her first deep breath of New Atlantean air, feeling like her own woman for the first time since she had woken on Vectera earlier that morning. Time felt somewhat meaningless with the change from planet to planet but as she hadn't been able to sleep yet she was going to consider it morning.
Memories of buying corporate suits at EIT clothier's stopped her in her tracks and she deliberately turned her footsteps towards the commercial district. winding her way under the large venerable tree she lost herself in watching passersby and heading towards a shop she would not have dreamed of frequenting in her past life. Walking into Outland Outfitters she spoke quickly to the man behind the counter and Purchased the first outfit that caught her eye, Loose trousers and a green top with a brown padded vest overall. it was different enough from both her corporate wear and the jumpsuit in which her life had so drastically altered recently that she felt comfortable with it. A few underthings and a set of sleepwear rounded out what she would need for present.
“Where’s a good place for a bite to eat?” She asked him idly as he packaged her purchase. She knew of some restaurants from business dinners, and was certain she could find a Chunks, but hadn’t made a habit of eating out in the past, relying on quick options and delivery so she was not distracted from the work that had felt all encompassing then. 
His hand stilled and he looked her up and down shrewdly, “It’s a little out of the way, but if you are just looking for solid food, then Kay’s Place down in the Well is one of my favorites.”
“I’m not familiar with that, never got down to the Well in the past.” If her admission to having spent time in the city before surprised him he gave no sign.
“It’s a gem, great food, run by a woman and her daughter. Kay really wants to make people comfortable and feed folks. The Well has its rough spots, but no one causes trouble there. It’s worth the trek.” He gave her instructions from the Spaceport elevator, commenting that “It’s a safer way to go, just head straight past the Surplus store down there and you can’t miss it.” 
“Thanks, I think you’ve talked me into it.” Picking up her parcel, Gayle walked out of the shop and headed for the NAT. Following his instructions she took her first steps into the Well. She sighed when her boots hit the harsh metal gratings. In another life this would have been the epitome of risk taking and danger. After recent events, she felt nothing. The blankness inside slide back in place, blocking thoughts of crimson and black that threatened to ooze through, and chilling her, despite the hot steam rising up from the pipes. 
On suddenly nerveless legs she walked forward, one step after another, until the warm neon light of Kay’s House came into view. 
On her entry an older woman walked up to her, “Nice to see a fresh face in here.” Her eyes softened with concern. “You’ve been through something dearie. Don’t you worry, I have just the thing.” Taking Gayle’s hand, she led her to a table, urged her to sit and then disappeared into the kitchen. 
Stunned, Gayle sat in the warm room and relaxed. By chance she had been seated in a corner, with a clear view of the restaurant and the door. She felt safe, and relaxed just a little. The shiny blankness receded just a bit, without any unwanted thoughts pushing to come to her attention.  
The woman who had seated Gayle bustled back up to the table, setting down a thick steaming mug. “I’m Kay, and you are welcome here. Everyone is safe here, I won’t tolerate it otherwise.” She backed up, and continued “I’ll be back with your dinner in a jiffy.”
“But I haven’t” Gayle tried to protest, but Kay was gone too quickly to hear. Not wanting to disturb the fragile internal peace that the seat and the place had given her, Gayle stayed seated, but wrapped her hands around the warm mug. Bringing it to her nose, she sniffed, not knowing what to expect, but being prepared for an alcoholic burn. Smelling only tea and lemon, she brought it to her lips, and tasted strong black tea, lightly sweetened, with the tang of citrus. Holding the mug in both hands, she watched the fan slowly spin. 
Kay returned with a heaping dish. She clucked approvingly when Gayle met her eyes, “Ah, that’s started to bring you back a little. Here’s our speciality, shepherd's pie. Warm, filling, and cozy. It’ll get your feet planted and your head straight in no time.” After setting the dish down, she squeezed Gayle’s shoulder encouragingly. 
She ate slowly and mindfully, focusing all her attention on the taste, smell and texture of the meal before her, as well as the tea, which Kay and her daughter, who introduced herself as Theresa, kept filled. 
As she closed out her bill, Kay pressed a small packet into her hand. “To help you remember us. Come back anytime.” It rustled dryly in her fingers as she shifted it to take back her credstick.
Gayle didn’t look at the packet until she was in the elevator headed back up to the spaceport. When she did she saw an unassuming pouch, sewn shut around all sides. Lifting it to her nose, she sniffed, and was delighted to smell tea and citrus. Not wanting to risk the smell in the pockets of her well worn jumpsuit, still stained and dusty, she kept it in her hand as she made her way back to the lodge. 
Once she had arrived, she hauled open the heavy door slowly, and made her way upstairs. Leaving her new day clothes in the room, she continued down the hall to the washroom, finally able to strip her filthy jumpsuit off. She didn’t look too closely at it, the blue and rust were familiar, and she didn’t want to examine any new patches too closely to see if they were dust or. She gulped. Dust or something else. She crumpled it into a ball and kicked it into a corner of the room. 
Turning on the shower, she got the water as hot as she could stand, before stepping in and letting it soak her dusty hair and run down tired muscles. She resolutely kept her eyes on the bottles set out, full of liquids for cleansing and softening and perfuming. 
She didn’t watch the water swirl away down the drain, focusing on lathering the rich soap in her hands and then working it into her scalp. The heat melted the image of the artifact she had been holding in her mind like a shield. The fear and sorrow of the day came forward, and her tears and sobs were lost in the beating rain of the shower, pounding down, though to cleanse or punish, she couldn’t quite decide. 
As the storm of emotion blew through her, she continued sudsing and rinsing, taking each limb in turn. She lifted the heavy mass of her hair to fully clear it of the floral shampoo. With the motion a heavy mass of suds fell toward the shower floor.
The sound it made was soft, a splatter barely audible in the steamy shower, but it was so like the sounds on Kreet that Gayle started.
Suddenly she was back there, the splat coming from her own blood, hitting the wall after she had been struck. The feel of suds running down her legs was transformed into heavy rivulets of blood, and when she looked down, to her horror the drain seemed to be awash in a swirl of crimson and black. 
She backed away until her back hit the cool tile of the enclosure, focusing on that feeling, and on the smell of the shampoo, the heat of the water, and the steam, so different from the flat recycled air inside a space suit.
As the suds she had melted away, she reached out for another palmful of soap. She wasn’t paying a great deal of attention to the bottle she chose, and was surprised when a musky, piney scent announced itself. She had picked a different bottle. It didn’t matter, she used the soap to scrub herself down once more, using a washcloth and rubbing harshly, bringing streaks of red to her pale skin. 
As she scrubbed she found herself mumbling “off, off, make sure I get it all off.” The words conjured up an echo from her past, a line from old literature, hovering just at the edge of her grasp. With a wry laugh she pulled the context out. “I’m no Lady Macbeth.”
It was enough to pull her back to herself, and to push the more recent memories back behind the shining surface of the artifact in her mind. She dropped the washcloth with a plop, turned off the shower, and then dressed in her new nightgarb. 
She was able to put the towels she had used in the hamper, but the thought of touching her jumpsuit made her recoil. 
“I can face that in the morning.” The group already thought her an untrustworthy rock breaker, what harm would a little laundry strewn about do for that? Soon enough Barrett would be back, whatever mistake he had made corrected, and she would be back to Argos. 
She left the back room and made it back to the room. Not her room, just the room that they were lending her. Leaving a dim light on near the bedside, she fell into a fitful and restless sleep, jolting away in fear, but calmed with the reminder of which strange place she was in, and that she was safe, from pirates at least.
On the floor below her, Vasco continued his silent monitoring of this charge Barrett had given him. He cataloged heart rate and variability, respiratory rate, temperature and movement through his sensors and their interface with the watches Constellation all wore. While not obligated to after the end of protocol Indigo, Vasco collected data, and these irregularities fit his base programming to report risks to Constellation members to the Chair. 
His data was sent to Sarah’s slate before dawn, with Gayle none the wiser.
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mycoolwritingcorner · 2 years
Buried Feelings: Facing Love at Last Chapter 4: Intervention
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Minako was sitting on her couch reading a magazine when she heard a frantic knock on the door. As she got up to check who it was, the knocking persisted like the pecking of a woodpecker.
"I'm coming, I'm coming!" Minako shouted to whoever it was outside her door. As she unlocked the door and opened it the person on the other side immediately blew past her and entered her house. Minako was startled, until she saw that it was Makoto who forced her way in. She quickly became confused, however, upon seeing Makoto pacing back and forth in her living room while muttering to herself. "Um… hey, Mako! What brings you here?" Minako asked, even though she could guess what the answer was.
Makoto stopped dead in her tracks and looked at Minako. It was at this point that Minako realized that Makoto had clearly been crying, she began to ask what was wrong but was quickly cut off by her friend, "Ami is in love with me!"
Minako paused for a moment, before breathing a sigh of relief, "Oh, so she told you. For a second I was worried something really bad happened."
Makoto was taken aback by this response, "Hold on a second. What do you mean 'Oh, so she told you'? You knew?!" She shouted at the blonde.
"Makoto, honey… it was kind of obvious." Minako said back to her, "Truth be told I thought you were starting to piece it together when we were talking on our way home last night. Granted I also thought you were gonna confide in me about your own feelings for Ami so I was oh-for-two that night."
"Wait wait wait," Makoto interjected, "what do you mean 'my own feelings for Ami'?"
"Well, I seemed to underestimate how out of touch you were with your feelings, no offense." Minako replied before gesturing for Makoto to sit down next to her on the couch so she could stop pacing.
"I… I don't know what you're talking about." Makoto said, avoiding eye contact.
"Uh huh… that's why you always sit next to her when we're studying?"
"Yeah, you're right, I always sit next to our genius friend while doing homework. You sure got me there!"
"And you always bring at least one of her favorites when you bring food to our study sessions."
"I just want to make sure she's eating enough! You know how she gets once she starts studying."
"And you usually pair up with her when we're in battle."
"Well, I mean, for the longest time she had the weakest attack out of all of us. I just wanted to make sure she was safe! Also our powers go well together!"
"Not the only thing that goes well together." Minako added with a wink.
"Oh, and also, Usagi told everyone about the time you looked up Ami's skirt."
"We have all looked up each other's skirts. It's hard to avoid when they're so short."
"True, but there's a bit of a difference between 'catching a glimpse' and 'staring intently for a solid minute'."
"... it wasn't a full minute." Makoto muttered under her breath.
"Anyway," Minako said, realizing they had gotten off track, "what happened with Ami?"
"I did what you said, I told her that I knew she wasn't talking to Rei about school and that I was worried that what was happening to her had something to do with me, and then she just tells me that she's been in love with me, like, the entire time she's known me!"
"And what did you do?" Minako asked in response.
"I… um… I ran away and came here." Makoto answered.
"You WHAT?" Minako replied in shock.
"I panicked, okay?! It's not everyday your best friend confesses their undying love to you!"
"I thought I was your best friend." Minako muttered under her breath, earning her a scolding look from Makoto. "Not the time, got it."
"I just… I had never really thought about her that way, y'know? But when she said that it was like… like a dam breaking. All these thoughts and emotions and I just… I couldn't face them, at least not all at once." Makoto explained.
"I see…" Minako stated, "I have a theory."
"Oh, do tell." Makoto said, somewhat sarcastically.
"So, based on what I'm hearing, putting romantic love aside it's at least safe to say that Ami holds a special place in your heart, correct?"
"Well, yeah."
"But you say you've never thought about her romantically."
"And it's not because of anything having to do with her, right?"
"Of course not! I mean, she's smart and beautiful and kind and… anyway!"
"And we know that it's not because she's a girl because of the massive crush you had on Haruka."
"Hey! All of us had crushes on Haruka!"
"Yes, and I think that says more about us than it does about her. But that's besides the point."
"What is the point exactly?" Makoto said, getting a little annoyed.
"My point is that maybe the fact that you care so much about Ami is the reason you never saw her in a romantic light."
"I beg your pardon?"
"Mako, it's no secret that you haven't had the best track record when it comes to love."
"Thanks for rubbing that in." Minako heard Makoto mutter.
"Is it possible that the reason you wouldn't let yourself see Ami that way, and by extension the reason you never realized Ami's feelings for you, was because subconsciously you wouldn't let yourself believe someone could truly love you the way that Ami does, out of fear of being hurt again?"
"I… I don't… I… wow…" Was all Makoto could manage to say.
"They don't call me the Goddess of Love for nothing!" Minako proclaimed proudly.
"Minako, you call you the Goddess of Love." Makoto shot back.
"Details." Minako said, "The point is, let's talk about what we're gonna do from here."
"I… I don't know what to do." Makoto said, sounding incredibly deflated.
"Mako… do you love her?" Minako asked sincerely.
"I… I think I do?" Makoto answered honestly, "My brain feels like it's inside of a blender, it's hard for me to really determine how I feel about anything right now."
"And that's okay." Minako stated, "BUT, you need to tell Ami that. I'm sure she wouldn't blame you for not having a clear answer for her yet, but based on what you told me the poor thing probably went home and cried her eyes out because she thought she scared you away."
"Oh my god, you're right. I-I didn't mean-"
"I know." Minako said, trying to keep her friend from working herself up any more than she already had, "But you just need to call her and tell her how you feel."
"Okay… okay… could I use your phone?"
It wasn't often that Ami was glad about her mother's near constant absence from their home, but this was one of those times. Sure, it would be nice to cry in her mother's arms right now but that would likely also mean explaining to her mother why she was crying, which she certainly wasn't prepared to do right now. So simply sobbing on their couch would have to do. She wasn't sure how long she had been laying there, wallowing in her own misery, when the phone rang. She decided to just let it ring. After all, what did it really matter?
It wasn't until the phone rang three more times that she finally decided it was worth the effort to get up off of the couch and shut it up, potentially with force. When she picked up the phone, however, she was surprised to see Minako's number on it.
"Why didn't she just use her communicator?" Ami asked within her thoughts. She figured it must be important, however, for Minako to be this persistent, so she took a deep breath and prepared to put on her best 'I haven't been crying for the last two hours' voice.
"Hey, Minako, what's up?"
"Um… hey, Ami."
Ami almost dropped the phone. There was no mistaking it, that was Makoto's voice on the other end of the line. "Mako?" She finally managed to squeak out after what felt like an eternity of silence.
"Yeah… yeah it's me."
"Oh, Mako, I'm so sorry." Ami began, trying to keep herself from bursting into tears again, "It was selfish of me to spring this on you and I'm sorry but please don't hate me because you're my best friend and I can't imagine my life without you and… and…" Ami could feel tears begin to roll down her cheeks as she started shaking, "... and…"
Makoto felt horrible for what she had done to Ami. Sure, one could likely understand the reason why she had run away as she did, but that didn't make the consequences any less real.
"... and…"
"Hey hey hey, calm down, it's okay." Makoto began, wishing more than anything she could be there to comfort her friend, "I don't hate you Ami, I could never hate you."
Makoto could hear Ami sniffling from the other end of the line before she responded, "You… you don't?"
"No, Ami, of course not. It's just… I… when you told me how you felt I realized I had buried some things myself. And in that moment it felt like they were all coming up to the surface and I just… I didn't know how to deal with it."
"Oh Mako, I'm so sorry I-" Ami began before being cut off.
"Please, please don't be. It's not your fault." Makoto began, before being struck with a sudden realization. She spent a moment in quiet contemplation before speaking again, "Hey, um… tomorrow's Saturday, right?"
"I think so, why?" Ami asked, confused.
"Could you meet me by the fountain in the park at around nine tomorrow morning?" Makoto asked.
"Uh… sure. Why?"
"I just… I have so much I want to say to you but not over the phone. And not before we've both had some time to calm down a bit." Makoto finally said.
"Oh. Okay, Mako." Ami said from the other end of the line. Makoto could hear some life coming back to her voice.
"Alright. I'll see you then, Ami. Goodnight."
"Goodnight Mako."
With that, Makoto hung up the phone and handed it back to Minako.
"So does that mean you've made up your mind?" Minako asked.
"Yeah… it does… thank you for helping me sort through all this, Minako." Makoto responded.
"Eh, don't sweat it. It's what I do." The blonde said, which caused Makoto to chuckle.
"Anyway, I need to get home… it's been… a long day." Makoto said while getting up off the couch.
"Alright, you gonna be okay getting home by yourself?" Minako asked, to which her auburn-haired friend simply smirked in response.
"Please, you do remember who you're talking to, right?"
Minako saw Makoto out before she collapsed back onto the couch and mimicked wiping sweat off of her brow. "Boy… I sure do have my work cut out for me."
And alas, that is where we must leave chapter 4.
But please, let me know what you guys think! Comments, likes, reblogs, etc. are of course all greatly appreciated.  
And come back next time for chapter 5: I Want to Protect You.
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Appetite for Destruction!!
She-Ra fanfiction Entrapdak Entrapdak Mini-Month Multiple characters Rated G Comedy
Summary: An Etherian festival. A pie-eating contest. A surprising contestant. A surprising outcome.   Done somewhat after a much older Season 2 fic of mine, “Pie(s) R Squared-Off,’ but in a different world / outcome setting from that, as Hordak is alive in this one. An aspect of this comes from the rumor of a scrapped idea for Horde Prime.  (Tumblr kept screwing up my formatting.  I tried to correct things, but if this posts with the italic-sentences separated all weird, I apologize. I do not know why Tumblr does this.  Pasting writing here is a nightmare). 
Prompt / Theme - Day 2- Challenge
Pie(s) R Squared Off II! Appetite for Destruction! The rusty scent of fallen leaves permeated the air at the Plumerian Fall Festival.  People were chatting, and dancing and making music.  More than a few of the newly-incorporated “spacebats” hung upside down from trees, hooking their knees over branches, biting into apples, peaches and pomegranates.   Deer-folk decorated their antlers with grape-leaves and hanging grapes from the vineyards.  Little children of all kinds ran about with colorful ribbons on sticks.   Somewhere, a kid picked up a stick, pretended it was a laser-rifle and his friend fell to the ground, pretending to be a stricken Horde-soldier.  This earned them both whispers and disapproving looks from the adults and older teenagers. They were ushered off to go ride the wooden-track ride that wended through the woods and they made haste to claim a wheeled cart to coast down the dips.   Bow was showing a group of people magic tricks with a deck of cards.  Entrapta was showcasing a harvester-bot she’d built.  Everyone was laughing and having a good time.   “Everyone!  Everyone!  Your attention please!”   Princess Perfuma had entered the glade, held aloft on a wave of thick, winding vines, which deposited her in the center of it. Everyone who wasn’t on a carnival ride or off to one of the tinkle-tinkle bye-bye zones turned to give her their attention.   “The Pie-Eating Contest is about to begin! Our contestants are ready to take their seats!  We’ve got two…”  Scorpia passed her a scroll of paper and she mumbled, reading it, before looking up, “No! Three contestants this year!”   She turned to Scorpia.  “Only three?”   Entrapta held up a hair-tail.  “I would have signed up if the pies were tiny. They’re so big, so I was out!”   “Still, only three?”   “Well, look who it is…” Scorpia said, pointing a tip of a claw to the form.   “There’s a Dark Horse… oh, gee, I hope it’s not Swift Wind…”   “Dish someboshy say Sift Ind?” a voice sounded as a muzzle turned their way, stuffed with a fresh apple.   “Nope!”  Scorpia announced. “Unless you’re in the Pie-Eating Contest.”   Swift Wind gulped down his apple. “Nope!” he proclaimed, throwing out his wings.  “I am in the cheering section!” “Don’t you remember who won last year?”  Scorpia harshly whispered.  “She didn’t even use her powers! Don’t you remember what happened?  It’s no surprise that no one wants to go up against…that!” Perfuma looked around.  “Someone, anyone?” she asked.  “We have loads of pies! Come on, Scorpia, you can take part!” “Sorry.  I love you, but I can’t go up against my wildcat. Or, you know…her…” Deer and goat-folk shook their heads. The child who’d previously been playing soldier said an emphatic “Nuh-uh!”   “I was happy to bake many of  the pies,” Kadroh, the clone formerly known as Wrong Hordak said, “but most of my brothers are still quite new to solid foods. Our insides would swell far too much with an eating contest.”   One of the clones hopped down from a tree with juice dribbling down his chin.  “Raw fruit is best! Why ruin it with baking?!”  he asked.   “Alright, alright,” Perfuma finally said. “Everyone come to the pavilion to cheer on your favorites!  And whoever the third contestant is will be a surprise to everybody!  Even me!”   The spectators gathered.  Pies were loaded upon a long picnic table, stacked and teetering in their tins.  Two contestants already sat at the ready, sneering at each other.   “You can do it, Adora! Just like last year!” Glimmer shouted.   “Get her, Catra! Show her who’s boss!” shouted Kyle, backed by Lonnie.   “Failure! Failure!” came a scratchy recorded voice.  Rogelio grumbled at the winged toddler that was hanging from his chest in a snuggly. Entrapta lifted herself up on her hair and patted Emily, signaling the robot to begin a video recording.  “No pie for you,” she said to the robot’s forlorn beeps. “I’ll give you the special oil when we get home.”   “Where’s our last minute contestant?” Perfuma wondered, ready to set the ten-minute timer.   Out of the shadows of the trees loomed a tall figure.  Steel-toed boots with greaves sank softly in the mud.  A red-lined black cape fluttered.  A pair of long ears flicked.  There were gasps among the crowd.   Entrapta wore the biggest, most devious smile. “Hordak?!” Glimmer choked.  “You can’t be serious!” “If he wants to eat pie, let him!” Bow said. Hordak sat down in the most serious manner imaginable.  “I wish to have a fair contest,” he said simply.   “Go, Hordikins!” Entrapta encouraged. He snorted and his ears dipped for a moment. The crowd went wild.   “Are you serious?” Catra demanded.  “I don’t recall ever seeing you eat!” “I am quite capable.”   “Hey, Catra, lay up!” Adora said.  “If he wants to have a little fun, let him. Besides, we both know I’m going to win.”
“Fat chance!”  
Some of the clones huddled, wondering just how their brother was going to do this.  Few of them were comfortable with an eating-contest, given their newness to the world of flavors and food.  The ones that did eat more than simple things tended to take things slowly, to savor it. Some couldn’t handle the idea of being in a contest in which one was to shovel food into one’s mouth in a rapid manner, heedless of waste.  A few had been the subject of one of Horde Prime’s more gruesome entertainments – force-feeding to test their devotion.  They were, nonetheless, interested in the contest and its outcome in their desire to learn all they could about various Etherian cultures. They simply couldn’t fathom entering such a contest themselves.  
And here their eldest-to-independence brother was, ready to take up the challenge.  
The buzzer sounded.  An assistant shoved pies to each contestant.  All of the fine fur on Catra’s face was sticky with blue syrup and berry-bits in short order.  Adora was knocking out tins and tossing them behind her like everything in them had been made of air.  
“Oh, such a mess!” groused an elderly woman in the crowd as she shook her broom.  “Messy, messy! You should chew your food!  Razz spent all day yesterday baking! And so did that nice young man!”
Hordak delicately pierced a pie with a claw and casually ate one berry.  He ate a single berry from his first pie, breaking not a sweat, no mess and clearly in last place.  
“Ha!” Catra shouted, diving into her fifth pie. “Did you plan to just sit here and mock us?”
“Nom, nom, nom, nom,” was the extent of Adora’s utterances as she polished off a seventh tin.  
“Time’s almost up!” Perfuma announced.  
“Hey, Glimmer?”  Bow said, nudging his girlfriend, “Do you see Entrapta?  I don’t like the way she is smiling.”  
Hordak was looking around in apparent boredom as he licked another berry off the tip of a claw.  
Suddenly – and no one knew what happened first: Entrapta laughed in a raucous cackle. Hordak stood straight and tall and his cheeks peeled back from his eye-grooves down to his upper lip, he unhinged his jaw and his entire mouth opened up in a snake-like maw, showing a glowing row of red teeth.  
His mouth had suddenly become larger than a pie-tin, and, in fact, larger than most Etherians’ entire heads.  
He grabbed pie after pie, dumping them from the tin into his mouth!  He surpassed Catra’s five and then Adora’s seven.  In roughly thirty seconds, ten pies had been deposited into that monstrous cavern and gulped down in a similar manner as a python gulps down a rat.  
Save for some very confused and innocent-looking clones (who seemed to think everybody knew that they could do this, if need be), the entire crowd was screaming..
Abject terror of a former Dark Lord ruled this day!  
“Are you getting this, Emily?!” Entrapta exclaimed, affectionately patting the robot’s chassis.  “This is the best social experiment ever!”  
Adora was panting and sweating.  She was panicked and was slightly glowing, as if she was ready to bring out She-Ra to protect the crowd at any second.  Catra’s eyes were as wide as the tins they’d been eating pies from.  
“You knew about this?!” Bow demanded of Entrapta.  
“Relax!” she said, “He’s not going to hurt anybody!  It’s fundamental spacebat physiology!”  
“None of us knew about it!” Glimmer hissed.
“Well, they only employ it in emergencies,” Entrapta explained.  “I guess…there never was one until now! Aahahahhahaa!”  
“Does this constitute cheating?” Scorpia asked.
Hordak put his mouth back together and carefully, even daintily, took a white cloth napkin and gently patted the tiniest of crumbs from his lips.  
“It appears as though I have conquered this challenge,” he said.  
Entrapta was freely doing an evil laugh. She pumped her fist as Hordak gave her a conspiratorial smile.  “Best social experiment ever!”  
Etherians were running about and cowering in terror.  Entrapta walked up to the picnic table and Hordak held out his hand to hers.  “Shall we go to the music pavilion for a dance?”
Emily continued a rolling recording of the complete chaos.  
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Nothing in the Parenting Books Prepared Me For This
47. Going to Work With Daddy (Again)
Synopsis: Sylvie's too a little too small for daycare, so Loki and Mobius have to take her into work with them.
Word count: 4,230
Stand Alone?: 5/7
Warnings: breastfeeding, diapers/wetting, Lokius flirting, hypnosis allusions
Notes: This is one of my absolute favorite chapters! More femme caregiver Loki and just a fun, cute plot.
Read it on AO3!
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“Can’t you just drop her off at daycare? She’s already crawling!” Loki asked. 
“Hardly! She can hardly crawl, she crawled for one toy and that was it. I don’t even know why we’re having this conversation, she’s not even sitting upright on her own, or off medication. I’m not leaving her anywhere. She’s coming in with us,” Mobius very sternly told Loki while putting on a brown jacket. 
Sylvie, during this interaction, was lying on her back and fumbling with a sensory cube in her mittens. Its jingles and bright colors seemed to distract her from whatever pain she was feeling. 
The little still refused to eat her pureed food or solids when breakfast time came. She hardly even took a bottle, sucking at it distractedly only because Loki was in the shower and not nearby for her, although she could hear the goddess singing through the wall, while Mobius sat on the bed with her cradled in his arms, rocking her gently as she played with the sensory toy in her hands, fidgeting restlessly and making baby noises while feeding.
Mobius brought way more than the usual diaper bag to the office, including a small, reclined baby seat (kind of like a car seat or baby carrier but since it was made for littles, it was larger and not really meant to be carried or fit in a car), a foldable bassinet, and the baby gym. All of which, packed up evenly into the back seat and trunk of the car. 
Sylvie still needed her mittens, but she seemed older today than she had been, even as she continued to suck on them and played with them more than she did with her toys.
Mobius brought her into his temporary conference room office and set up the baby mat and everything she’d need. He watched her from the corner of his eye while checking emails, as she laid in the padded baby seat with a blanket over her lap, gently supported as he rocked her back and forth with his foot.
Eventually, she got fussy from the lack of attention and new stimulation, so Mobius unplugged his laptop and moved down onto the floor to rub her belly and cuddle with her on the baby gym mat. He handed her a teether, since she loved them so much in her usual littlespace. 
The little girl batted at the toys and gurgled as she played on her back with Mobius supervising. 
He helped her roll back and forth to work on her mobility, talking to her as he moved around so she’d try to watch him. Continuing the play as he worked, he did what he had just a few days before, trying to get her to reach for a rattle and eventually handing it to her to shake herself. 
All the while, Loki sat with her Avenger friends, including Thor, whilst doing boring paperwork, and talking about meeting stuff that she didn’t particularly care for. She began to doodle and draw as usual, and tried to keep up conversations with her coworkers, even the ones she didn’t particularly know well. 
During a break, she sat with Kate and Clint and Yelena, interrupting their lunchtime conversation because she didn’t know where else to go. 
“Where is the other one?” Yelena asked. 
“Yes! Is she still a little baby?” 
“Em… yeah,”
“Aw, how old is she?” chimed Kate. 
“Just starting to crawl,” Loki answered, taking a long sip off her tea.
The conversation veered off track, back to casual talk about non-Loki or Sylvie related topics. 
Back in Mobius’ empty conference room, the little started to cry, not of sadness or anger but just a hungry cry as she chewed on a pacifier. She was a loud crier when this little, a scream and howl kind of baby. 
Mobius put his work on pause to get out a jar of baby food, some medication, and a bottle for her. He knew she probably wouldn’t eat the puree, but he thought it was worth a shot. 
When she didn’t take, he gave her that “it’s not your fault” kind of smile and pet her hair before shoving the medication down her throat and feeling even worse as she gagged on it and her eyes watered.
He tried giving her a bottle instead, but surprisingly it had the same effect and she wouldn’t even touch it. 
“Well,” he sighed, “guess we’re going to go find baba and get me some lunch then, because daddy’s hungry, too,” he explained as he picked her up. 
She sucked firmly on a pacifier as he held her, just barely keeping quiet as Mobius carried her around the office and found Loki in the cafeteria. 
The goddess spotted them first, though, which was quite easy when you could hear the muffled little sobs. 
She apologized profusely to the group at the table after taking Sylvie out of her fiancé's arms. “Sorry sorry, she’s been a picky one about food as of late, you know how it is.” 
But none of them knew how it was: The caregivers she was talking to never had littles small enough to need to breastfeed, and the un-regressed littles never needed it. 
“Would it be better if I sit a bit further away?” she asked. 
Loki didn’t mind feeding Sylvie, just in public? She wasn’t sure. 
“Uh… I mean, she’s a baby, you do what you need to, right?” Kate tried to reassure her, not answering the question. 
“Hm… how about this?” Loki proposed.  She propped Sylvie up, ready to begin, and pulled a blanket out of thin air, draping it over herself and her little as a bit of a privacy curtain as she lifted her shirt and allowed Sylvie to suckle. 
Loki tried to continue her conversation normally, but the fussy little dug her nails into Loki’s chest and almost chewed on her, seeming to take no heed of her caregiver’s sensitivity. Causing Loki to at least shift or sometimes take a sharp breath in the middle of conversation, if not to look down and gently admonish the girl for not letting up. 
Once Mobius had ordered food, he did join the table, standing behind Loki’s chair and rubbing her shoulders thoughtfully as a sort of apology and grimacing when Sylvie whimpered and whined, threatening to cry as she was moved to the other teat. “I tried to give her a bottle, but she just wouldn’t take it,” he tried to explain. 
“I know, love,” Loki forgave him.  “Oh, there we are,” she smiled, relieved when the process was over, as the milk-drunk Sylvie detached and seemed to sigh into her arms, still covered by the darkness of the blanket over her. 
The goddess pulled her shirt back down and swaddled the little, but instead of passing her swiftly back to Mobius she kept the sleepy baby in her lap, bouncing her leg and wiping away any dribble from the corners of Sylvie’s mouth and chin, kissing her forehead and rocking her gently until she was totally asleep, before handing her back to Mobius. 
“Thank you,” he told Loki, bending down to kiss her while taking the little out of her arms. 
Everyone at the table could see plainly as day that Sylvie was 5’7”, not tall for an adult, but definitely large to hold like a baby, and yet Mobius and Loki were incredibly neat and maneuvered her with ease. 
Everyone could see her adult size, but it went unrecognized. She felt small, perceived as nothing more than a 4 month old child, hardly more than a newborn. She probably could’ve been carried in a baby bjorn on Loki’s chest and no one would’ve batted an eye. 
The little girl sucked greedily at a pacifier like she’d somehow get milk out of it while cradled in Mobius’ arms. 
Upon returning to his office, Mobius was able to get at least some work done. Sylvie slept in her padded seat, a blanket draped lazily over the top to shield her eyes from the piercing fluorescent lights. 
Mobius smiled down at her adoringly as an excuse to get distracted from his work. 
He looked at the to-do list he had kept taped to his computer all day and suddenly came to the realization that there was nothing more to be done. 
That hadn’t happened before. 
Mobius always had something to work on. Should he ask Fury? Probably; But leaving Sylvie? He wasn’t so sure, so he took out his phone and called Loki: “Hey, yeah, I know, can you come just look after her for two seconds? She’s sleeping right now but… I just don’t want to leave her alone.” 
Loki was quick to turn up back in his masculine form, he looked a little drained and tired, but was trying his best to look like he was okay.
Mobius shot him a questioning glance. 
“Paperwork,” was Loki’s simple reply. 
But Mobius knew it ran deeper. Despite that, he took Loki at his word. “I’m going to go check with Fury about my work. Anything you want while I’m out?”
Mobius frowned. “Alright,” he conceded. 
Loki really sounded miserable. That kind of “I want to be alone right now” sulky misery that could only be fixed by being held in the arms of someone you love. 
Regardless, Mobius returned with some new tasks to add to his list in the form of heavy manilla folders, a small coffee, and a cup of tea, even though Loki had been adamant about not wanting anything. “Do you want to talk about it?” 
Loki sighed, met his gaze with pure admiration, and accepted the warm drink. “Just… frustrated,” he smiled like it was something incredibly silly. “Paperwork really isn’t my forte, you know that.”
“I do,” Mobius responded, leaning against the table. 
“And after every mission I’m practically given a stack. Apparently filling in random words isn’t helpful, and filling it out with magic is a ‘breach of contract’ and ‘unsafe’ for reasons I can’t even begin to explain,” he rambled. “So Fury’s started practically leaning over my shoulder when I work making sure I’m not dicking around with the papers or using the wrong pen, or god forbid I get up and stretch or tap my foot or glance around the room for a moment.”
“How about a trade?” Mobius proposed, nearly cutting Loki off when the poor god had to take a breath. 
“A trade?” 
“Yeah. I’ll do what I can of your paperwork, and you can do some of my ‘fetch tasks’.”
“I’m not your dog.”
“No, but you were really good at finding what we needed when at the TVA,” he pointed out. “You like your puzzles.”
“Me? You’re the detective.”
“Loki, detective work was almost entirely paperwork. You were lucky you got to see the fun stuff. But next time, just hand over the boring things, alright? Come in with a signature and I’ll take it for you.”
Loki considered arguing, considered keeping being negative. What if you write the wrong thing to spite me? What if you undermine my faith in you because you wanted it to benefit yourself or the organization? But the second the thoughts popped into his mind, they were squished down by the realization that with Mobius, these were entirely unreasonable ‘what ifs’ to consider. “Deal,” he said, setting down his cup. 
“Feel better?” 
“A bit, yeah.”
Sylvie began to stir, kicking the blankets and rattling the toys above her head. So, Mobius picked her up and tucked her head over his shoulder, just like he had with Loki so many months ago, keeping her close to his chest and trying to work around her. 
“Give her here,” Loki sighed dramatically, holding out his arms like this was such a hassle and he couldn’t believe he was volunteering to take the little he was co-caretaking for. 
His mood had improved slightly with some caffeine and the trade-off of work, but he still pretended to be grumpy as he took the baby girl. However, the facade quickly came down.
“There’s my sweet little one,” he cooed at her when her exhaustion wore off and she started gnawing at her mittens and swinging her legs. “Maybe we should sit on the floor, hm?” he asked as she wiggled in his arms. 
He moved her down onto the baby gym’s play mat, and sat hunched over with his shoulders and neck against the pool-noodle-like structure of the toy as he made illusions for Sylvie to watch and molded his hands into different shadow puppets for her to gawk at and try to imitate, reading her story after story he seemingly produced from thin air, and singing her nursery rhyme after rhyme, watching as she lit up and giggled with a new teether in her mouth in place of the cotton mittens, and shimmied, starting to move more and even slightly crawl. None which was on its own remarkable, but every time, Loki smiled proudly, genuinely, a grin which he tried to hide. 
“Wait, wait,” he told her when she started proposing new games and toys to him in her own babyish ways. 
He had her lie down so he could unsnap her onesie and check her diaper. 
“Is it time for a diaper change?” Mobius asked, looking over from behind his laptop and seemingly preparing himself to take her. 
“It is, but I have her,” Loki insisted, starting to get annoyed that Mobius was being so helpful and parental. How dare he try to outdo Loki? Didn’t he know Loki was a very experienced parent? He just… wasn’t all that good at it. 
He picked Sylvie up, not bothering to redo the snaps of her outfit and set down one of the large, metallic changing tables in the S.H.I.E.L.D. bathrooms, sliding the pad underneath her and preparing to change her. 
The process of changing a little, especially one with an especially small and deep headspace, wasn’t enjoyable, but there was a reason Loki didn’t just always outright skip the process; there was something sweet about the way she squealed at the raspberries on her belly and the way she tried to watch as he adjusted the tapes onto the plastic-y front that made the routine just slightly beloved. Something that made it soft.
He hummed softly to himself while fixing her clothes and picking her up into a hug, petting her back and trying to let her rest her head on his shoulder. 
Mobius smiled up at them as they reentered the conference room. “And here comes the princess and her royal advisor,�� he joked.
“Excuse me, I’m the queen,” Loki corrected, setting Sylvie back down on the playmat and shooting Mobius a smirk as she morphed forms and set her arms around his neck and rested her chin on the crown of his head. 
“And? What does that make me?” he asked while shuffling a few papers and punching in some numbers on his computer. 
“Hm… maybe the attractive nursemaid? A palace guard? Perhaps you’re my royal advisor,” she mused, leaning down further to tickle his neck and ears with her lips. 
The baby interrupted her thoughts with a squeak for attention, at least in Loki’s mind that’s what it was. But really, The squeak was of shock, maybe even pain, as she tried to pull herself up into a crawling position and defeatedly fell back down, her legs still not quite strong enough to support her yet, even with a little extra help from her arms. At first, she was just a little bit surprised, but then, she looked up, and felt their gazes on her, looking slightly worried and pitiful. So, she took a page out of Loki’s book, setting her face on the mat and starting to cry. 
“Hush, hush,” Loki cooed, pretending to have her usual air of apathetic swagger. But she quickly bent down, trying to soothe the baby with a motherly urgency Mobius had only ever observed in Frigga. She moved Sylvie onto her lap, wrapping her in a hug and smoothing out the skirt attached to her onesie, caressing the paper-y, strawberry-printed fabric between her thumb and forefinger in one hand while rubbing Sylvie’s belly and thighs, unsure of which one was hurting, with the other. “How about a story, hm?” she asked when the baby quietted. “I know one you like.” 
Sylvie made a little noise which Loki took as agreement. 
She did not reach for a book or even take a moment to recall or think something up. Immediately starting to speak the second she was given permission. 
A steady stream of words flowed from her silver tongue, filling Sylvie’s mind with vivid images, nearly hypnotizing her with the entrancing narration. 
Mobius was hardly safe from the spell, eventually having to throw on headphones as he found himself watching the goddess, elbows on the table and head in his hands sighing at not only the eloquence of her tale, but the beauty of her void-like hair and the way her long eyelashes fluttered every few moments. 
Sylvie seemed to focus on her mouth, the way Loki’s lips moved and her snake-like tongue flicked as she wove characters and setting. Her eyes were wide, fascinated, and unblinking as she stared. 
A steady stream of drool ran down her chin while she sucked on her thumb, too busy listening to the story to wipe it away. But Loki got it for her, not even taking an extra breath in between her words to grab a cloth out of the diaper bag, wipe off Sylvie’s chin and thumb, and press an actual pacifier into the baby’s mouth. 
For a long while, there was no noise, and even when there was, it was drowned out; it became a part of the scenery in the gentle world Loki created. The clicking of Mobius’ typing became the noise of a babbling brook and the sucking at Sylvie’s pacifier became the rustling of leaves in a forest. 
The second Loki was done, Sylvie’s trance broke. Her mouth fell open, just enough to keep her pacifier in, and she made a peep for the first time in over an hour. 
“Really? I thought it was good,” Loki laughed, pretending it was a critical comment.
But Sylvie just nuzzled herself into Loki’s breast lovingly and cooed for attention which she was quickly given as the goddess tickled her and planted kisses on her hands and knees when Sylvie playfully batted her away, howling with giggles. 
Towards the tail end of the day, as Mobius began to pack his bag, Loki nursed Sylvie once again; it had become routine for them at this point. The little girl was crumpled into a tiny ball and held next to her chest for the end duration of the day. It would almost be her bedtime by the time they’d be getting home, anyway. 
Loki pat Sylvie’s bottom lovingly and hummed further as the baby suckled and eventually became distracted with her toys, telling Loki and Mobius that it was time to go now by shaking a clear plastic rattle with colorful balls inside. It was circular with rainbow fabric flower petals on the outside. It wasn’t ideal for teething, but it sure did make noise and a rather satisfying one at that, although it was quite annoying for poor Mobius and Loki. The bigger goddess tried to silence the toy with her hand, but nothing came of it and Sylvie continued to  shake it as obnoxiously as possible. 
“Lovely baby girl, do you ever quiet for anything but a story?” Loki asked rhetorically, as she moved the little’s mouth away from her breast and Sylvie began to whine and mewl again when Loki shoved some medicine down her throat. 
“You know, I bet that yummy food daddy brought for you would probably be more filling than what I have to offer,” Loki tiredly informed her. This session of feeding had not only been shorter than the last few throughout the day, but it had clearly left Loki tired, and Sylvie unsatisfied. 
 But little Sylvie didn’t understand, not at first. She tried to latch back onto Loki’s breast through her shirt, which did not work for obvious reasons, and then as Loki pulled her away, she began to cry, the usual hungry tantrum cry Loki was so used to hearing by now. “Fine. Fine, I’ll make you a bottle,” Loki finally gave in. “Brat,” she muttered under her breath as she picked the baby up, taking her to a common area with a warm water station and mixing formula powder in. 
She carelessly dumped the water into the bottle, tightened the lid, set her finger over the hole of the nipple, and shook it up before handing it to Sylvie. The little one took it and was not burnt; Loki’s icy hands had cooled it from its initial boiling temperature. 
Loki abruptly paused before the glass door of the conference to peek in, just checking on what Mobius was doing. 
The man was packing his briefcase and looked up at Loki through the glass. 
She swore under her breath and then entered with a fake smile, setting Sylvie in the baby seat and beginning to help pack up the various pieces of baby furniture and toys. She used magic for nearly all of it and used her free hand to hold Sylvie’s bottle for her. 
Mobius helped put away the final few toys, and took the bag, but not before kneeling down by Sylvie and handing her her triceratops plush, which she absently hugged while keeping a steady, rhythmic, amount of attention on her bottle. 
“Do you think we can leave this horrible place soon?” Loki whined. 
“It’s not that bad,” Mobius smiled. “If you can pick up Sylvie, we’re ready to go. I just need to clock out,” he added, kissing his beloved goddess on the lips and their little one on the forehead. 
Loki picked up the baby girl, setting the mostly drained bottle of formula in the side pocket of the diaper bag, and took the seat with her. Why had they even brought that dreadfully difficult piece of furniture with them in the first place? Loki tucked it into a pocket dimension for easy travel. 
When Loki tucked her into bed for the second time that evening, maybe closer to early morning, finally getting the baby to fall asleep, he paused before putting up the bars. 
He mulled over a thought in his mind, and finally bit his thumb as he slowly sat down on the floor. Was this worth waking Mobius up for? Should he just wait till morning? Loki pondered as he sat crisscrossed on the padded mats of the nursery floor. Then, he pushed himself up with his hands and took a deep breath as he set his hands on the ledge of the changing table, like a genius pouring over his blueprints. He hadn’t done what he was about to do on his own before. Not entirely on his own, at least. Mobius had always been there to supervise some, if not all of the process. 
Loki continued his mental monolog, not quite letting his thoughts grow as small as he wanted them to be while he played caregiver for himself, having a difficult time grabbing the powder from underneath the table and trying his best to fluff up the diaper properly before sliding it underneath his bum without waking Sylvie.
He did his tapes haphazardly and hopped down from the table, discarding his adult clothes in a pile on the floor and toddled on his knees over to the dresser. There, he reached up to grab out a soother from a bin at the top, popping it into his mouth and then slowly opening the drawers with a watchful eye on Sylvie to make sure she didn’t wake up to the creaking and squeaks of the wood opening. He slipped a onesie onto himself and debated internally on whether to get himself a bottle or not. 
He decided not. 
Loki climbed into the crib himself and pulled the bars up, clicking them into place. He laid down, gently trying to get Sylvie to move over, which she did, lovingly and without protest, grinning and making sleepy baby coos. 
Loki pulled the blankets over himself, too, lying on his back, all sprawled out just like Sylvie. For a moment, a wonderful moment, the world felt still. Silent. Peaceful. Like it was meant to feel. The entire universe wrapped him in a hug. He knew for a minute as his mind drifted away that this was how things were supposed to be. He was supposed to be here. It didn’t matter what the sacred timeline said. He was supposed to be lying in his crib with a heavy crocheted blanket wrapped around him with a mobile over his head. This was it, destiny, glorious purpose, whatever you wanted to call it. 
Loki let out the biggest sigh in his life as contentment settled over him, and he could’ve sworn that a wide grin spread over Sylvie’s face as well as she rested a hand on his cheek with the little green glow radiating from it. She understood, she knew exactly what Loki felt because she felt it, too. 
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shorkbrian · 3 years
A Midsommar Night’s Dream
Prelude - I watched midsommar so have this.
Pairing - Izuku X reader X Todoroki males
Warnings - NSFW, dead dove, do not eat. Implied incest, cult-like behaviors. Dubcon.
Music - https://open.spotify.com/track/7clyJIrLkEbXUDwj1tC9zz?si=EK3gCdOHQ3WQeK-ed9eucg 
Izuku’s been officially dating you for three weeks.
Three weeks.
He’s known you for far longer - the two of you solid friends since you first met. The man doesn’t know when friendship had evolved into something more, but he’s sure glad it did.
You were sweet, and kind, and far too caring for your own good. You didn’t mind waiting up for Izuku when his nights ran late, studying for his masters or taking on extra shifts.
You would rub his shoulders when he got stressed, offer to make him tea or run him a bath or anything else he needed, anything to help out. You loved him, and he loved you.
Tonight was a night that many partners might fear - meeting the family.
But Izuku was hardly worried. He was best friends with your brother Shouto, a level-headed student with good work ethics and a dry sense of humor. The rest of the family couldn’t be that bad.
A simple dinner, you had told him, dress casual and no gifts required. Still, Izuku felt obligated to bring the finest bottle of bourbon his paycheck could afford him (he’d asked Shouto what your father’s favorite was, just to be safe).
The Todoroki household was impressive; massive and imposing in the countryside, surrounded by tall stone walls and looking straight out of a victorian romance novel. Izuku knows what those look like, because he’s seen them on the covers of the romance novels you like to read. He’s always doing his best to pay attention to your likes and dislikes.
“Izuku!” came your excited little voice as the door opened after his loud knock, and the green-haired man couldn’t stop himself from breaking out in a smile.
You were almost bouncing in excitement behind your older brother Shouto as he held the door open, taking the offered bottle of bourbon from Izuku with a nod before leaving you alone together in the foyer.
“Hey, missed you-” Izuku grunted as you attacked him in a hug, and a laugh bubbled out of you both when the solid man had to take a step backwards from  the push of your body.
“Missed you too! I’m so excited for tonight, it’s so good that Dad and the rest of the family are accepting you.” A quick kiss to his cheek distracted Izuku.
You were fairly comfortable with physical touch, resting your head on his shoulder, never afraid to snuggle up to his side on movie nights, or hold his hand out in public (especially now that the two of you were dating). But Izuku had honestly expected more.... sensuality once the two of you started seeing each other as lovers more than just friends.
He had asked to kiss you one night, after you’d made him dinner and rubbed his shoulders and listened to him talk about the latest subject he was studying. Izuku had felt his heart warm, like cold wax cradled over a flame, and his love for you was bursting out of his chest. He wanted to kiss you and hold you close, tell you how much he loved you.
You had just smiled shyly and shook your head, saying you wanted to wait a bit. Which Izuku understood! This was all new, going from friends-to-dating, and he didn’t want to rush you or make you uncomfortable in any way. He was willing to wait.
So the kiss to his cheek surprised him, made him stutter and blush and hug you a bit tighter.
Then you were taking his hand, leading him through the maze of a house. He couldn’t help but notice the old-timey decorations mixed in with the more modern features, but done in an elegant, timeless fashion. A good blend of old mixed with new.
Stepping into the large dining room hand-in-hand with you, Izuku was met with the sight of the entire Todoroki family.
“Everybody-” You started, catching their attention until every set of eyes was on you and the tall man by your side. “This is Izuku!”
Shouto stepped forward, closest to the pair of you, and set his hand on Izuku’s shoulder with a smile. “Glad to have you joining the family.” 
Izuku smiled back, pulling his friend into a hug and giving him a hearty pat on the back.
“This is Fuyumi-” A tap to Izuku’s shoulder had him turning around, stepping away from Shouto to shake your sister’s hand. 
“Hi Izuku, I’ve heard such good things about you.” Her voice was soft and gentle, almost like your own. Izuku could see the family resemblance between the two of you. 
“And this is Natsuo, he’s studying for his masters just like you.” A white-haired man approached him, friendly and open, ready to shake Izuku’s hand but ultimately pulling him into a hug. 
“Sorry, I’m a hugger.” Natsuo laughed, and Izuku shrugged, completely unbothered.
“Here’s Touya.” You introduced a redhead next, a man sitting almost sullenly at the table. He didn’t rise to his feet, didn’t even take Izuku’s offered handshake. 
“This is the guy you’ve been babbling about? He looks bori-”
“Touya.”  The room, already hushed, grew even more silent, almost heavy with the weight of the voice from the man at the head of the table.
The gangly redhead shut his mouth, looking ready to roll his eyes. You pulled Izuku past him towards the imposing man who was looking at the man at your side, appraising him.
“And this is my dad. Dad, this is Izuku.”
“A pleasure to meet you sir.” Izuku shook the mans large hand, and the man nodded solemnly.
“Sit down, we’re ready to eat.”
Dinner wasn’t a quiet affair. Comfortable conversation flowed easily between everyone; questions about Izuku’s degree, about his goals, his dreams, his job. He knew it was just everyone getting to know him, assurance that he was suitable for their daughter. Izuku wanted to be perfect for you, anything and everything you needed.
Enji (Izuku was not about to call your father dad) asked only a few questions, otherwise decidedly quiet at his spot at the table, chewing his food while watching Izuku respond to the rest of his family. 
It was mainly Fuyumi, Natsuo, and Shouto keeping the conversation flowing, Izuku easily keeping up with whatever they decided to talk about, asking engaging questions of his own about the family members he’d just met, laughing easily whenever you made a pun or Shouto’s dry humor jumped out.
Everything seemed to be going well. 
Fuyumi asked to be excused, saying she needed to go prepare, and Enji waved her off easily, telling you to go with her. You rose from your chair easily, but not before catching Izuku’s hand and giving it a squeeze, eyes shining as you leaned close to whisper “See you in a bit.”.
“You really love her?” Touya asked as soon as the two women left the room to go prepare dessert, leaving Izuku alone with the male Todoroki’s. Izuku assumed this would be when he gets the shake-down, the usual “Hurt her and we’ll kill you” talk.
“So much. Sometimes I feel like I love her so much that I don’t know what to do with myself.” Izuku confessed.
“She talks about you a lot. I think she feels the same way that you do.” Natsuo supplied from across the table, and Izuku felt his cheeks flush, his heart flutter. It was one thing to know you loved someone - to feel the warmth and peace it brought to your soul. It was another to know that they loved you back; it made him feel whole.
“I've seen how you treat her, I think the two of you are a good match.” Shouto said, and Izuku smiled at his friend. Shouto had been his buddy since high school, truthfully was the reason that Izuku and you had met. You’d come along with Shouto one day when he’d come to hang out with Izuku, and the two of you had become fast friends.
Natsuo was rising from the table, walking back to the little shelf along one wall where various drinks sat (and Izuku’s bourbon gift). Izuku watched the man begin to pour out a red liquid, before his attention was caught by Shouto leaving the table as well, taking his plate and exiting the room.
Then Natsuo was placing a glass of the red liquid down in front of Izuku. “Don’t worry, this is nothing more than homemade punch.” He said as Izuku eyed it.
“It’s tradition.”  Touya growled and Izuku found himself taken aback at the heat in the other man’s voice. Was the redhead angry at him for some reason? 
“Touya, calm down.” The eldest Todoroki said, and Izuku almost wanted to cower himself at the sheer dominance exuding from the powerful man. “Izuku is becoming family. You will be happy for your sister, not jealous.”
Touya huffed, grumbling under his breath before shoving his seat away from the table. “Just don’t fuckin’ hurt her, got it? She’s my baby sister.” 
“I would never-” But Touya is already storming out of the room, uncaring of Izuku’s assurances.
Natsuo sighs. “Don’t mind him, he just.... doesn’t like change.”
“What is this again?” Picking up the red drink, Izuku swirled it around the glass, trying to change the subject and hopefully smooth over the tension. Most of the tension had dissipated when Touya left, but it never hurt to be proactive. 
“It’s a tea we brew and sweeten ourselves. We grow the plants in the backyard, you’ll see them soon.” Natsuo explained.
“It’s tradition?” Izuku parroted Touya’s earlier words, before taking a quick sip. It was delicious tea.
“Yes, we like to welcome those who are approved to join the family.” Natsuo laughed a little. “Fuyumi’s husband thought we were trying to drug him. It’s really just tea.”
Izuku snorted. It tasted like tea, why would someone think the Todoroki’s were trying to drug them? Sure, the family might be a little odd, but they weren’t malicious... right?
Before he knew it, his cup was empty and Natsuo had slipped out of the room, leaving Izuku alone with the head of the household, Enji.
Where were you? And why had everyone else left the room?
“I’m very particular about who I allow in my house, boy.” Enji started, and Izuku suddenly felt.... uneasy.
“Not everyone thinks the same way as the Todoroki’s. But you seem to be a bright young man. Educated. You aren’t going to be any trouble, are you?”
The last question wasn’t posed as such. It was a statement. 
Still, Izuku shook his head. “No sir, I have no intentions of causing trouble.” Why did this casual dinner feel so serious? there was so much emphasis on being accepted into the family, on being welcomed. Izuku recognized how big of a deal that was but still... it’s not like you were about to marry him. He was planning on that a few years down the road.
“Come with me.” Enji instructed, wiping his mouth with his napkin before his impressive bulk hefted itself out of his chair. Izuku felt tiny next to the patriarch, following the man through the dark, empty house.
He wanted to ask where Enji was taking him. Where you had disappeared to, where the rest of the family had gone. But that would be rude, so Izuku kept his mouth shut.
Outside it was dark, moon shining dimly through the sky, the residual warmth of the summer day still held in the air. Izuku followed Enji through the back door, down along a path, into the plentiful, green backyard.
To a grove of trees, torches flickering from within the grove, small bushes and beautiful flowering plants dotted among the trees. A garden, Izuku realized. Those must be the plants and bushes that produce the tea Natsuo had given him.
Then there you were, in a little clearing among the trees.
Sitting on a dark blanket, knees drawn to your chest and ankles crossed in front of you as you hid your body.
Izuku started - you were naked.
Touya was kneeling beside you, a hand on your shoulder as he talked to you gently, barely sparing Izuku and his father a glance as they strode into the torch-lit clearing, Touya’s attention truly focused on you.
Shouto and Natsuo stood in the light, watching you, watching Izuku.
“What is this?” Izuku sputtered, and upon hearing his voice you looked away from Touya, a smile lighting up your face as you saw your Izuku.
“This is tradition boy.” Enji laid a heavy hand on Izuku’s shoulder. “Now strip down, my little girl’s been waiting.”
Izuku’s head swirled.
Touya stood up, shooting the green-haired man a lazy glare before moving to stand by his brothers, crossing his arms over his chest.
“Izuku...” Your sweet little voice called for him, and green eyes snapped to your form on the ground, watched as, with a nod from Enji, you slowly unfurled your body to expose yourself to your lover.
A stab of arousal hit Izuku in his gut, watching your soft-looking skin be revealed. 
Pert breasts, a squishy tummy, glistening folds ready and twitching between your legs. 
You were drenched.
There was so much shiny slick, all over your thighs and dripped onto the blanket, Izuku couldn’t catch his breath, couldn’t think straight. It was impossible for you to be that wet on your own, you must have used lube or something to prepa-
It hit him; You and Fuyumi hadn’t gone to prepare dessert.
“You just gonna stand there all night like an idiot? Take your clothes off and fuck her you dwee-”
“Touya.” Enji growled, silencing his son immediately. Then the man turned to  Izuku, easily pushing him forwards towards you. “You’ve been accepted into the family; that’s an invitation you don’t want to refuse.”
With a sigh, you easily laid down onto your back, legs still spread for Izuku to look at you, hands coming up to rest shyly over your breasts.
“Don’t do that, let him see.” Shouto murmured, and immediately your hands dropped in obedience. Shouto hummed in approval, before bi-colored eyes swept up to look at Izuku, urging his friend forward with a tilt of his head down to your form.
With trembling hands, Izuku fumbled with his pants, unzipping them with a bit of difficulty, undoing his belt, working on the buttons of his nice shirt the he had worn to make a good impression when he met your family for the first time.
It took him a moment to undress, a red blush creeping up over his cheeks and down to his chest as he bared his body to the Todoroki’s.
He didn’t think he was small, but he wasn’t big either; average. Izuku was confident in his size, didn’t really know or are how he stacked up against other guys, and the girls he’d been with before hadn’t complained.
Still, he felt embarrassed to be naked in front of other people, to be on display. But there wasn’t another option, was there? (Izuku didn’t know if that was such a bad thing)
Two short strides before dropping to his knees in front of you on the blanket, his throat dry and his palms sweaty. 
“Are you-” His voice was barely above a whisper. “Are you okay with this?” 
Your head nodded yes, a pleased, yet shy grin on your face. “Of course. I want you.”
The softness of your voice, of your body, Izuku felt dizzy as he shuffled forward, close enough to touch. Still hesitant, worried about the male Todoroki members watching from the sidelines, brain racing to work through the strangeness of the situation, the utter oddity of this... ritual that was currently taking place.
But then you were sitting up, hands circling around his neck, pressing your lips to his with crushing finality.
He was a part of the family now.
It felt good to kiss you, soft lips pressed together, little huffs of breath from your nose as you kept going. Izuku took the freedom of circling his hands around your waist, almost gasping at the plushness of your flesh, melting against you with a groan as your lips kept pressing to his.
“I’m all ready, just-just put it in.” Your breathless little confession tumbled out as soon as you pulled away from your first real kiss with Izuku, a blush high on your cheeks.
But it was Izuku’s turn to blush, sitting between your legs like a fumbling virgin. “I’m not hard yet, but I can, uhm, finger you. Or we can kiss for a little bit mo-”
“You aren’t even hard? Touya’s sneering voice cut through Izuku’s babbling. “Look at my sister. She’s fucking soaking the ground. That’s not hot to you?”
Izuku stuttered, eyes flickering down to where your legs were opened, pretty little cunt twitching. It’s like you were begging to be touched, and Izuku was a sucker for begging.
“No, that’s so hot, oh my god.” He breathed, fingers instinctively reaching to swipe through your wetness, relishing the way you gasped and shuddered as his hand made contact with your body.
“She’s so soft too, got tits like little pillows. You should lick ‘em, she likes that.” Touya continues, and Izuku wants to point out that the reason he’s not completely hard yet isn’t because he’s not insanely turned on by the beautiful creature in front of him, but because he’s feeling weirded out by all her brothers and her dad watching intently from the sidelines.
Yet he does what Touya suggests, leaning forward to put his mouth on your chest, tongue darting out to drag against your skin. 
The eldest Todoroki was right about you being soft.
Izuku can’t stop his other hand from rubbing at your cunt more firmly, feeling your little hips twitch towards him, pressing your chest more firmly into his mouth.
“She’s so pretty.” Natsuo comments, but Izuku is hardly listening when he’s flicking at your clit, nursing at your tits. “She’s gonna feel real good around you Izuku, like a new fleshlight.”
“You better breed her good, boy.” Enji booms, and suddenly you’re scrabbling at Izuku’s arms, pulling his hair, whining “Please, Izuku please.”.
“Okay, shit, let me-”
“He must be really worked up, Izuku hardly ever curses.” Shouto announces, and fuck, he’s right -  but how could he not be worked up?
Izuku is hard, blood rushing so quickly to his cock that he feels lightheaded, taking himself in hand and giving his length a few dry pumps. He’s envisioning how sopping wet you’ll feel against him, staring, drooling over your cunt.
And then he’s lining himself up, kissing you hard, and pushing inside.
“Big, ‘s too big!” You panic, tears popping to your eyes but Izuku is quick to wipe them away, cooing at you and stilling his hips.
“Oh, don’t cry! Shh, I’ll go slow, ‘m sorry, I thought you were ready-”
“Natsu-” You cried, hand scrabbling into the ground above your head, reaching, searching for your brother.
“Hey, hey, I’m here.” The man was immediately on his knees by your face, clasping your hand fervently, leaning down to put a sweet kiss on your nose. “Breathe honey, in and out. It’s okay.”
“Noo I-I.... ‘M scared, he’s-he’s-ah!” A stuttered cry broke from your chest as Izuku shifted slightly, inadvertently pushing deeper.
“No, it's gonna be okay. It's just like when we do it, yeah? He's gonna be nice.” And Natsuo is looking at Izuku, fixing him with such a pointed gaze and Izuku gets the message. He’s going to be nice.
It’s not like he wasn’t planning on it - the green haired man loves you.
But then the breath is sucked out of his chest as he comprehends what Natsuo had just comforted you with, that-that.
That you’ve fucked your brother.
“Oh my god, oh my god, oh my god.” Izuku chants, unable to stop his hips from inching back and forth, humnping into you in infinitesimal movements as arousal punches through his gut. “Sorry, I can’t stop-’h my god that’s-”
He can hear Touya cackle. “Damn, something really got him going.”
You were squeezing your eyes shut, clenching Natsuo’s hand so tight that the skin was whitening. Your brother didn’t seem to mind, more occupied with stroking your hair, eyes fixated on the soft jiggle of your breasts as Izuku humped you like a senseless virgin.
His breathing turned into wheezing, hitching when a presence was felt at his back.
“You can do better than that.” Enji’s hands were pressing against Izuku’s naked rear, making the green haired man flinch forward and away from the touch. But Enji merely pushed, propelling Izuku’s thrusts so that he would really fuck the warm, willing body beneath him.
“Izuk-Izu-Izuku-” You moaned, rocking your body to further spear yourself onto his cock, apparently finding the fast glide pleasurable as opposed to your hesitance earlier.
He leaned down to kiss you, both of you moaning into the kiss, hands wandering as you pushed to meet each other, Izuku’s stomach clenching tighter and tighter as he neared his release.
“She’s never had someone fuck her raw before...” Shouto mused, eyes glued to the scene in front of him, watching his best friend fuck his sister with the help of his family. “I wonder if it feels different.”
But his words were lost in the quick slap of skin meeting skin, Izuku’s grunts, your sweet little noises as you writhed and clutched at Natsuo’s hand, your other hand holding onto Izuku.
And then Izuku was gone, balls clenching and cock twitching inside you, pulsing as he shot his seed.
Your eyes fluttered shut, pulling your hand away from Natsuo to place it against your tummy, pressing right over where Izuku was still grinding against you. “Feels... feels so warm.”
Izuku was panting, sweat sticking his curls to his forehead, desire slowly swirling out of his body as he came. 
What the fuck had he just done?
Enji clapped him once on the back, before rising to his feet. “Welcome to the family, son.”
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cool video essays I watched this weekend
hi exactly NO ONE asked for more youtube recs but I have them
anyway this first one immediately makes the title a lie, because I actually watched Philosophy Tube's "Food, Beauty, Mind" a while ago, but it's an interesting video and I wanted to include it. I've never watched a Philosophy Tube video before, because I am nothing if not a fake and terrible leftist, but her thoughts about the shame so many women associate with food and the ways we learn to rigidly police our relationship with eating really spoke to me. this video was also the third essay/video essay to cite Heather Widdows' book "Perfect Me: Beauty as an Ethical Ideal" in a very short time period, which is absolutely why I'm currently reading it (and having THOUGHTS).
with her newest video, "How Do We Criticize Our Own?," Melina Pendulum, aa Princess Weekes, continues her streak of being right about pretty much everything. this is an interesting analysis of Being A Critic While Marginalized, and all the pressures that come from a.) the presumption that you are only qualified to speak on your own identity and b.) the presumption that you can speak for everyone of your identity (in Weekes' case, being Black and queer). also: what do you do when the bad faith attacks come from within your own community?
Khadija Mbowe's "Who's afraid of Lil Nas X?" is an excellent video for anyone who, like me, is all about anything and everything that Lil Nas X sees fit to give us (except for that NFT nonsese. I simply do not see it). Mbowe brings several Black men into their discussion to analyze what about Lil Nas X is so threatening to the brand of Black masculinity that has historically dominated hip hop and unpack what about his unflinching queerness elicits such a strong response from so many of his peers. I don't play favorites, but if I had to pick my favorite thing I watched this weekend it's definitely this.
Mina Le's 2020 video "100+ Years of Halloween Costumes" offers a quick dive into the origins of modern Halloween celebrations, tracking the custom of costumes from pagan rituals to Victorian parties to 20th century innovations like crepe paper costumes and latex masks. this is one of my favorite kind of Le videos, focusing not only on fashion and style but on the changing social trends that influenced them.
I don't know about y'all, but I fucking love Chinese food. and yes, I do obviously mean the extremely Americanized version of Chinese food, which is the only kind I've ever had access to, and which I recognize is very different than what's actually eaten in China. in their video "Why American Chinese Food Deserves Respect," Xiran Jay Zhao offers a brief history of American Chinese food trends and argues that it's as "authentic" as native Chinese food and a worthwhile addition to the culture.
okay, listen. I wasn't initially going to include this, because while the topic is intriguing (and Shanspeare's whole Look is phenomenal) I found the actual analysis in "Daddy Issues, Misogyny, and the Pinnacle of Male Privilege" to be a little lacking. there is a pretty solid recap on the Oedipus myth, and some discussion of Freud, but initially I wasn't super blown away. but then the night after I watched this I had a long and staggeringly vivid dream about my own estranged bastard father, so maybe Shanspeare was onto something after all. either way, not including it after having that kind of fucked up dream omen feels like tempting fate.
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theramseyloft · 2 years
4/8/22 Report
God dammit! I forgot to cancel the Chewy order. I'mma be up to my eyes in food.
10/8 cups of Royal Wing Classic Mix, plus 1/8 cup each of Safflower seeds, basic wild bird blend, and finch blend were given to Cheeto and Cotta yesterday.
10/8 cups total remained today.
The inside feed bucket needed refilling today.
It takes 5 measures.
It's filled with 3 measures of Versele Laga classic pigeon blend 15% no corn and two of Royal Wing Classic Mix, alternating.
Cheeto and Cotta will share 1, 1/8 cups of that blend, plus 1/8 cup each of Safflower, generic wild bird blend, and finch blend today.
Tomorrow's leftovers will be measured.
Titan is still fluffed up, hunchy, and unwell, so he and his mom will stay in quarantine.
He drank 4/5 of his medicated water.
His samples are concerningly insubstantial.
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Bruce drank half his medicated water.
All samples left since yesterday are idea in color and consistency. The untrampled ones are perfect.
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In the hand, his keel was tangible, but not sharp, thisckening at a steady gradient up his sides.
He's lost a little muscle mass during his confinement that should return with the opportunity to exercise.
High 4 on the body scale.
He has returned to the loft.
Diamond drank 2/3 of her water and appears to have tracked seeds and some trampled pieces of samples into her water dish during bouts of agitated pacing.
All samples have been trampled, but are good size, color, and consistency.
In the hand, her keel is ideally tangible. Easily found, with muscle thickening at a smooth gradient up to her sides.
There is further tangible thickening along her lateral line, where her wings connect to her torso, indicative of some excess fat.
Low 6 on the body scale.
With the space to move, I expect her to lose this.
She has returned to the loft.
Nobu drank about 1/3 of his water.
Samples range from olive green to sandy brown and remain distinctly granular, siggesting that he went from a high concentration of Safflower seeds back to a high concentration of millet.
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In the hand, his keel is tangible with thick muscle, making him feel a little barrel chested.
Maybe a mid 6 on the body scale.
He has returned to the loft.
Jack drank his dish dry. Aaaand trampled all his samples into his spilled seed and tore up his paper pacing and trying to lift the door.
In the hand, his keel is tangible, but he's barrel chested.
High 6 on the body scale.
He has returned to the loft.
Ness drank about 1/4 of his medicated water.
He's done lots of pacing and trampled nearly all of his samples, but you can still tell volume, color, and consistency from them.
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He boxed me quite powerfully when picked up!
Solid 7 on the body scale.
This is a little boy who takes after his very slender mother, so a thick barrel chest with tangible keel puts him higher on the body scale than the other birds of bulkier breed blends.
He has returned to the loft.
Titan has been moved over to the #1 slot.
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He feels a little lighter in the hand than he should. His parents are big, chesty breed blends, so what would be a solid 5 on the body scale for a racing homer is about a low to mid 4 for Titan.
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It's hard to get clear photos through the bars of the way he stands right now, but you can see him a little fluffed in this irritated defensive pose.
Thankfully, his appetite seems better.
He's eating while he's digging. Seems very excited for the smallest peas in the Versele Laga blend.
Ibis has drunk about 2/3 of her water dish, which is significantly larger than the little hospital dishes.
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Her samples are mostly wet and sloppy, but a few are more substantial and at least close to solid.
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I think she may like Jack's slightly more shallow dish.
Samples on the Loft's social surfaces range from perfect to trampled.
In the time it took me to fill the refuse bin with 2/3 of the loft's leftovers, Sterling came to see me three times.
When he wasn't on my shoulders or in my lap, he was preening my hip or side.
He's become probably my present favorite.
Jack immediately re-paired with Taffeta, who looks very happy to see him. Two more on the keeper list so far.
One of the brightest silver linings to the prospect of a long term shut down is having time to see how the young birds' temperaments develop.
Will Sterling and Orchid stay that lovey?
We'll see!
With five fairly large birds returning to the loft, feed has increased to 16 measures.
1/2 Versele Laga classic blend 15% no corn and 1/2 Royal Wing Classic Mix blended by alternating measures into a 5 gallon bucket.
Orchid spent some time on my shoulder to preen my face.
Terra hopped on my back to start an argument with Sterling over who had the right to be there, which Sterling won handily by shoving him off.
Hope sat on my head for a bit.
Observed Granite expel a huge sample, ideal for a broody hen. (Her egg is fake.)
Still no news about the fungal or viral panels. I'm trying not to worry. The last one took almost two weeks.
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silversatoru · 3 years
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birthdays don’t have to suck
fushiguro megumi x f!reader (elli)
synopsis: you get really sick on your birthday, but megumi makes sure that you still have a good day :))
t/w: fluff, reader is sick, vomiting, medicine (tylenol lol), some details pertain specifically to elli
wc: 2.2k
a/n: a small birthday present for the love of my life @megumifushi who never sleeps enough and is always sick,, i love u and i hope ur days not too bad <3
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you stared into your dimly lit laptop, red eyes squinting at the black text that sped across the screen as your fingers scrambled against the keys. you weren’t even sure that what you were writing was comprehensible at this point, but your essay that was due tomorrow morning wasn’t gonna write itself. at this point it just needed to get done, concerns of quality were thrown out the window hours ago.
aside from the burning and stinging in your eyes, your entire body ached, and you were ridden with chills and goosebumps. seemed like a fever was coming on, but you didn’t have the time or capacity to care about that right now. you’d pop a few tylenol and crawl into bed in a couple hours, and everything would be better tomorrow.
what time was it anyway? it couldn’t possibly be that late yet, right? 
you glanced to the corner of the screen, eyes falling on a bright 3:56am that made your heart sink and your eyes widen. you had a terrible habit of losing track of time and staying up into ungodly hours of the night — a habit that your wonderful boyfriend was trying so terribly hard to break. 
you glanced to your left and took in his sleeping form, his lips parted ever so slightly as he took small breaths of air. he’d be disappointed and upset with you if he knew how horrid your sleep schedule had been lately, and he’d probably blame your chills and headaches on your lack of sleep as well — which in all fairness was probably pretty accurate. 
“i’ll just finish this up real quick and then i promise i’ll sleep, ‘kay gumi?” you spoke softly, running your fingers through his soft, spiky hair. 
he was undisturbable, his mind off somewhere in a dreamland that was quite the distance from your small bedroom. and that was probably for the better, because him nagging at you to go to sleep would be too distracting for you to get your work done. 
your hands moved rapidly against the keyboard for about another hour, words spilling onto the screen until you finally hit the page requirement for your paper. it was probably terrible, most likely had a few words spelled wrong, and honestly you were pretty certain you’d repeated yourself several times, but fuck it — submit. you were typically an excellent student, so one bad paper wouldn’t kill you, and you were too tired and achy to care right now. 
you got up and placed your laptop onto your desk, plugging it in and letting a heavy sigh fall from your lips as you made your way back over to the bed. the soft blankets were therapeutically warm on your chilly skin as you crawled in against megumi’s back, effectively turning him into the little spoon and pressing your nose to the back of his neck. thankfully, sleep found you shortly after, your eyes fluttering shut as you drifted off into a much needed slumber. 
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wake up 
you woke up to small finger pokes to your cheek from megumi, his face laced with concern as your vision finally focused on his features. he bent over and pressed his lips to your forehead, pausing there for a fraction of a second and then standing back up. 
“i think you have a fever. i noticed when i woke up and you felt like a fucking space heater,” he frowned, confirming your initial suspicions from last night, “i’ll go get some medicine”.
you groggily nodded your head, shivers coursing through your body and dotting your extremities with goosebumps. your condition had definitely deteriorated overnight, your eyes stinging and a horrible nausea creeping up your throat. 
by the time he returned with the medicine you had yourself propped up against the pillows, thick blankets pulled up to your chin in an attempt to minimize the icy feeling in your body. he handed two small tylenol tablets to you with a disappointed look on his face — a look that said: i’m gonna kick your ass for not getting enough sleep again. 
“i’ll let everyone know you’re not feeling well enough to go out tonight,” he hummed as he handed you a glass of water, your brain filling with thick fog as you tried to decipher why he would need to let anyone know you were sick. 
the look of pure confusion signaled to him that you had no idea what he was talking about, megumi shaking his head before he spoke up again, “it’s your birthday, dumbass, we were supposed to get food and stuff with yuuji, inumaki, and nobara and maki”. 
forgetting about that was another habit you continued to succumb to every year.
“mm, shit,” you sighed after drinking back the pills, “i forgot”. 
“figured you would,” megumi clicked his tongue, “but i didn’t, because i’m a good boyfriend. can you drag yourself out to the kitchen? you should eat”.
“don’t think so,” you mumbled, attempting to disappear back under the blankets before he could coerce you to follow him outside of the bedroom. 
but megumi is impossibly even more stubborn than you are, wrapping his arms under your body and lifting you to his chest, “guess i’ll just have to carry you then”. 
“fine,” you let out a long groan — was it a bit dramatic? maybe. but in your defense you felt like you’d been hit with a train.
he peppered your face with kisses as he carried you out of the bedroom, lovingly setting you down on one of the high bar stools around your kitchen table. he instructed you to stay in the chair, abruptly returning to the bedroom to bring out a couple blankets to wrap around your shoulders. you were grateful for the extra heat, you body still shaking and shivering as the medications worked to cure your fever. 
megumi was a man of few words, preferring to display his love for you through acts of service than grand confessions, and this was very eminent when he wordlessly grabbed a couple pots and began cooking for you. you let your face fall onto your arms, resting your chin as you watched him silently shuffle between the stove and the pantry. the silence was comfortable, and you weren't going to complain about watching your muscular boyfriend walk around the kitchen in nothing but a pair of loose, plaid pajama pants. 
a few minutes later he was placing a steaming bowl of soup and a couple slices of baked bread in front of you, a savory scent flooding your nostrils. 
“red lentil,” he spoke as he handed you a spoon, “it’s your favorite, so you better eat it”. 
“yes, sir,” you gave him a small smile, dipping the cool metal into the hot liquid and scooping a spoonful into your mouth. 
“all of it”
“yes, megumi, i will try”
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to no surprise, the soup went down pretty fucking horribly, your head hanging low over the toilet while megumi held your hair out of the way. your throat was practically raw by the time you were done heaving and vomiting up the meal, your eyes brimming with hot tears. 
megumi tied your hair up in a neat bun so he could step away, filling up a glass with water and carefully helping you to take small sips and rinse out your mouth. he was tedious with the clean up, washing your face and helping you brush your teeth — ensuring that you felt the best you could given the situation. he then scooped you back into his arms, carrying you back to bed and profusely apologizing for making you eat the soup — but he was just trying to make you feel better, he really was doing his best.
you were ready to add today to your long list of terrible birthdays, chalking it up as another failed attempt, but megumi was not about to let that happen. he knew you had a rough history with birthdays, but now that he was here? you’d have a bad birthday over his dead body. 
he scoured the back of your fridge for ginger ale, gatorade, jello, and whatever else he could find to make you the perfect sick-person platter. and he made sure he was logged into every streaming service that the two of you collectively owned, preparing netflix, hulu, and crunchy roll so that he could easily access every single one of your favorite shows and movies. and so you spent the majority of your day tucked safely against megumi’s chest, forcing down small sips of ginger ale and watching an assortment of tv. 
your phone rang at some point — a facetime call from all of your friends who had gotten together so they could all wish you a collective happy birthday. megumi stuck a singular candle into a cup of blue-raspberry jello and ignited it with a small flame; and then they all sang the most terrible rendition of “happy birthday” that you’d ever heard, yuuji’s voice a little louder and little more out-of-tune than everyone else's.
you mustered enough energy to blow out the flame, everyone cheering while megumi shoveled a scoop of the blue jelly into your mouth. you swallowed it with a smile, praying it stayed down while everyone sent you off with an assortment of “feel better!”, “we love you!”, and “wish you were here!”
your night got pretty quiet after that, you and megumi climbing back under the covers to watch a few more episodes of your new favorite anime. it wasn’t until well into the night that he finally asked you if he could give you the presents he’d gotten for you. reluctantly, you said yes. you hated receiving gifts (it was just one of the many reasons you hated your birthday) but you knew that megumi wasn’t going to take no for answer. 
he was obviously nervous, palms sweaty as he handed you a couple neatly wrapped packages in plain, solid colored paper. they were very megumi, perfect folds with not a single crease, the paper simple yet elegant and adorned with a singular bow on top. 
you hesitantly peeled the paper off the smaller of the two, revealing a tiny box that contained a classic looking silver locket. you felt your heart pinch in your chest as you clicked the locket open and revealed two small pictures of each of the two of you. you weren’t particularly sentimental, but on top of your lack of sleep and not feeling very well, the simple gift caused few tears to well up in your eyes. but he was quick to wipe them away, insisting that you had to open the second gift first, and that birthdays weren’t meant for crying. 
you followed his instructions, ripping open the second package and revealing a larger box that contained a series of envelopes. each one was decorated with tiny doodles of you and megumi, his demon dogs, hearts, etc. they were sickeningly cute, and you immediately reached for the first one before megumi reached out and stopped you. 
“they’re not for now; they’re for when i’m gone, you know, on missions and stuff,” he could barely even maintain eye contact, his eyes dipping low as yours filled back up with tears. 
despite your lack of energy and the fever that was starting to return, you showered him in hugs and kisses after that, thanking him over and over for the most perfect gifts, and for making your day as wonderful as it could have been. 
all things aside, you were coming around to the idea that birthday’s don’t have to suck. 
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bonus: the first letter: 
to y/n:
i know im not great at telling you what i have to say through words, actually, i’m kind of really bad at it. but i thought writing these might be a nice way to try and get better? i’m not sure. anyway, i guess i’ll start by saying that you mean a lot to me, and i probably miss you a lot right now (even though ill be too afraid to reach out and say it). not sure how long i’ll be gone for at the time but it’s probably a few days at least. gonna work hard so i can hurry back to see you. 
i hope you’re sleeping enough, but i know you’re not. you never do, especially when i’m not there to yell at you. i hope you’re eating enough too. but you’re probably also not doing that. you’re like taking care of a stubborn child, you know that? but this is supposed to be a love letter so i’ll try to refrain from scolding you too much. but do try to take care of yourself. ill see you soon. 
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jayvoir · 3 years
tease — bang chan
word count: 2k words
warnings: smut, dom!chan, sub!reader, reader has an arm kink, reader is bratty as hell, lots of teasing, daddy kink, thigh riding, degradation, praising, orgasm denial, exhibitionism, car sex, filthy sex, choking
summary: teasing chan in public was one of your favorite things to do. especially when friends are present.
authors note: i’ve discovered that i thoroughly enjoy writing smut.
tagging: @jaykehoon @gukshome @lqsience
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“y/n, baby are you ready,” you heard chan call out. you two were getting ready to go out to eat with a few of his band mates, jisung, changbin and hyunjin. you were super excited since you hadn’t seen them in a while, so you made sure to dress your best. you also knew chan would appreciate the outfit. he loved crop tops on you. you were wearing black ripped jeans, paired with a solid white crop top. you decided to go with a simple pair of white adidas, your hair down.
“yeah, i’m ready,” you called out in response. you hurried out of the bathroom, and went to find chan. he was waiting by the front door and you stopped in your tracks when you saw him. he was dressed in gray sweatpants and a black sleeveless muscle tank. his arms were exposed, his veins prominent. you couldn’t stop yourself from staring, not noticing that chan had seen.
“you okay babygirl,” he asked, a knowing smirk on his face. you immediately snapped out of it, looking up to meet his eyes. you simply nodded as he took your hand and led you out to the car. you climbed in, getting buckled as chan did the same. he started the car, and turned his body around, keeping himself in place by putting his hand on the back of your seat, so he could see as he backed out of the driveway. you gulped, trying to get the dirty thoughts out of your head. however, him placing one hand on your thigh as he drove was not helping.
he rubbed small circles on your thigh with his thumb the whole ride. usually it would be a comforting gesture, but for some reason, it was getting you even more riled up. he didn’t take his hand off until he parked and you both got out of the car. he wrapped his arm around you, pulling you into him as you walked. this was also a normal occurrence, but you were shivering from the contact. if chan noticed, he didn’t comment on it, which part of you was thankful for. the other part of you wanted him to notice and take you right then and there.
chan led you inside, where the boys had already gotten a table. you and chan took your seats, which were right next to each other. ‘dangerous,’ you thought. you all greeted each other, catching up on how things have been. the waitress had come over and taken the orders, all the boring stuff. it was when she brought the drinks over. she placed all the drinks in front of everyone, a glass of water in front of chan. maybe it was the way his arm flexed when he picked up the glass. maybe it was the way he tilted his head back to drink, his adam’s apple becoming more prominent. all you knew is that you were beyond needy, and wanted to be taken care of. and that’s when the idea popped into your head.
chan hated when you teased him. especially in front of other people. however, you were the opposite. you loved getting him all riled up in public, knowing that when you two were alone once again, you would get what you wanted. you started small, placing your palm on his thigh. he simply glanced at you, not thinking anything of the action. and then you started moving your hand up and that’s when chan knew what you were up to. he grabbed your wrist and leaned over, whispering in your ear. “you better stop while you’re ahead, baby.” his words send shivers down to your spine, butterflies erupting inside of you.
you simply nodded and put your hand in your lap, acting as if you were finished. he muttered a quiet ‘good girl,’ doing his best to be sure the boys didn’t hear. a few moments later when the waitress arrived to take food orders, you placed your hand back on his thigh as you ordered. you slowly moved it higher as the boys ordered, and once it was chan’s turn, your hand was resting on his length. you gently palmed him through his sweatpants as he spoke, smirking to yourself when chan had to cough to cover up a moan. when the waitress had left, he shot you a look and you knew you were in trouble. but honestly you didn’t care. teasing chan was your favorite.
chan turned away from you at the sound of hyunjin’s voice, asking him how the new song was coming along. chan talked with the three members for a moment before you began your teasing again. except this time, instead of moving your hand up his thigh, you went straight to palming him through his sweats. he visibly tensed up, clenching one of his hands into a fist. you slipped your hand into his sweats and began stroking him under the table. he quickly gripped your wrist, trying to get you to stop, however it was already too late. he was ridiculously hard, to the point where it was almost painful. he stood up, praying to god that no one would notice. thankfully, it seemed the boys did not. only you did, and you had to stop yourself from drooling.
“excuse me, i’m gonna go to the restroom. i’ll be right back,” he said quickly, scurrying off to the bathroom. you smirked to yourself, knowing exactly what he went in there to do. until your phone went off and you almost dropped it on the floor after reading what the message said. it was a message from chan. it was a quite simple message, but you knew the meaning behind it. “meet me in the car, now. you’re in big trouble.” you could feel a rush of arousal get sent straight to your core, making you shiver slightly. you stood up and gave the boys an apologetic smile.
“i should go check on him. i’ll be back in a sec.” the boys nodded, seeming to buy your excuse. you smiled gratefully and hurried out to the car where you saw chan in the backseat waiting for you to arrive. you took a deep breath before approaching the car, opening the door, and climbing in. chan looked at you, his eyes dark, making you feel small. you shut the door and he quickly leaned up to press the lock button on the drivers side door. before you knew it, he had lifted you up, placing you on his lap. your legs were straddled on his waist, a leg on either side of his thighs. he rested his hands on your hips, studying the look on your face. all he saw was excitement.
“now where do you think you get off teasing me like that,” he asked, his voice almost venomous. you looked around, trying to come up with an answer, earning a smack to the ass from chan when you didn’t reply. “answer me princess. unless you want your punishment to be a lot worse.”
“i-i just wanted to... i just-” he cut you off, placing a finger on your lips.
“aw, pretty baby can’t even answer. you were so confident earlier, touching me like that in the middle of the restaurant. and now you can’t even speak, how cute is that?” his words sparked something inside of you, making you whine quietly. but of course, chan had seemed to hear it.
“now you’re whining? do you want something from daddy, princess?” he had a cocky smirk on his face the whole time, one of his hands slowly making its way to your heat. you gripped onto his shirt, subconsciously beginning to rock your hips into his. he bit his lip, trying to hold in a moan as he moved you over to his thigh so you could ride it. you rocked your hips back and forth on his thigh, digging your nails into his shoulder.
“that’s my good girl,” he smirked, his hands on your hips helping to guide your movements. he flexed his thigh muscles every once in a while, only doubling the pleasure, making you let out a high pitched moan. in no time, you felt the knot in your stomach begin to form, making you grip onto chan tighter. he obviously noticed, and just as the knot was about to snap, he lifted you off of his thigh. you whimpered and whined, desperately wanting the ache between your legs to be taken care of. but chan had other plans.
“you know the drill, princess. you break a rule, you don’t get to cum.” his voice was deep, the darkness in his eyes still present. “if you want to cum so bad, do it yourself,” he smirked, motioning to the bulge in his sweatpants. your eyes brightened at the suggestion, quickly taking off your jeans and moving your panties to the side. chan tugged his sweats and boxers down, his length hitting his stomach. you kicked your lips before crawling on his lap, lining yourself up with him.
you slowly sunk down onto him, making him hiss and grab a hold of your hips. once he was bottomed out, you slowly began bouncing up and down, holding onto his shoulders for support. you bit down onto your lip, hard enough to almost draw blood. you let out a few loud moans, speeding up your actions. chan threw his head back in pure bliss, exposing his neck. you took this opportunity to lean down and pepper his neck in kisses, leaving a few hickeys while you were at it. this made chan grip onto your hips tighter, sure to leave marks.
and as you began to feel the knot form and you started to speed up more, wanting to get to your release quicker, chan reached up and wrapped a hand around your throat. the coolness of the rings, the heat from his hands, and the light squeeze to the sides was enough to have you seeing stars. “i think you’re forgetting that you’re not the one in charge here. just because you’re on top does not mean that you get to call the shots.” his voice was venemous, mean. he flipped you over, your back against the seat. he hovered over you, lining himself up, and wasted no time in pushing himself in.
he quickly found a fast pace, pinning your hands above your head. not a moment later, he threw your leg over his shoulder, him going deeper. he had you basically screaming as he rolled his hips into yours, rubbing at your clit with his free hand. you felt yourself get close in no time, digging your nails into chan’s back. you wouldn’t be surprised if you drew blood. “chan i-i’m so c-close-”
“don’t you dare cum yet,” he demanded, voice shaky, signifying his release was close as well. he thrusted into you a few more times before pulling out, pumping himself and cumming onto your stomach. he started pulling his boxers and sweats back on, pulling up your panties and jeans for you. you looked at him, a pout present on your lips, making him chuckle. “princess, don’t get pouty. you break the rules, you don’t cum, simple as that.” you kept pouting but nodded nonetheless, fixing your hair to make yourself look somewhat presentable and not so fucked out. “if you’re good while we finish eating, i’ll let you cum when we get home, okay princess?” you nodded, a small smile now tugging at your lips. chan did the same, getting himself together again, and helped you out of the car, leading you back inside, to the table with the boys.
they all took one look at the both of you and busted out laughing. no matter your efforts to look normal, they could clearly see what had happened, making you blush out of embarrassment. “damn, y’all couldn’t even last throughout lunch without fucking,” jisung said with a laugh. changbin and hyunjin laughed with him, making chan chuckle softly as well.
“she broke a rule. she had to be taught a lesson.” his words were so nonchalant, making your cheeks flare up once more. this seemed to shut the boys up, making chan smirk as he began eating, acting as if nothing happened.
“i’m gonna pretend you didn’t just say that.”
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sunshinetoshi · 3 years
it was meant as a joke
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college!semi x reader (650 words)
a/n: we love a lil repition yes lol fluffy semi to reignite your love for this pretty pretty man <33 i really loved writing this one pls i love him i wanna run my fingers through his hair rn yikes
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‘it’ll be a friends to lovers trope for us, just you watch,’ you joked with your friends as you told them about the cutie you were sat next to in class.
it was meant as a joke. but you two became fast friends. commiserating over unreasonable papers and exams. side glances at unintentionally hilarious moments in class. near delirious study sessions in the library, meeting each other’s friends, and wondering if the closest fast food spot was still open. random video and phone calls to ask an opinion on daily decisions like where to eat or what to wear. and those spontaneous laugh-filled drives to get away from campus.
it was meant as a joke. but you had fallen hard for him. a fun twinkling in his eyes when someone tests his competitive nature, even if it was for how high he can pile his plate of food or who’s better at thumb-wrestling. his pout when you show him pictures of what his more out-there outfits resemble, always playing upset at your stifled laughs when he wears a turtleneck and chain that mirror a certain actor’s iconic look. his smirk when he’s the one that manages to make you flustered or his eyes softening, normally unnoticed by you, when he makes you laugh so loud you’re holding onto his arm for dear life. his soothing and impressive voice when he sings along to his favorite tracks contrasting with his willingness to scream your favorite songs with you, headbanging and playing air instruments for the full effect.
it was meant as a joke. but as you stood in front of him, the darker wisps of his hair blowing with the gentle breeze in the movie theater parking lot, you knew this was a decisive moment. the moment that could change the course of your relationship from platonic to romantic. he was standing there in all his charm and beauty that found their way through and captured your heart.
you went with a more subtle move, one that showed interest but still allowed him an anchor to ‘just a friendship’. nodding along to the story he was telling, you do a last-minute cost benefit analysis. it’s a risk attempting to turn this solid friendship into more. but looking at him now it’s a risk worth making. steadying the pounding of your heart you push yourself to lift your arm towards him. with a nonchalant smile you continue to nod as your fingers tinker with his necklace, keeping eye contact with those brown eyes of his.
there was a slight stutter in his sentence and your grin grew at the twitch of his mouth and the small furrow of his brows as he focuses on finishing his story. when he finishes, he lifts a brow at you and your eyes converse with one another, sensing the air is now different. when you don’t give in and, to your surprise, boldly keep your gaze locked on him he lets out a small huff of amusement and smirks.
he moves your hand away from his necklace and he interlaces his fingers with yours. you have to keep a gasp of surprise in as he closes the already narrow proximity between the two of you and you feel your back softly come in contact with the passenger door of his car. the warmth of his breath hits your neck and the muted smell of his cologne dizzies your head more than it ever has.
“i really hope this means what i think it means,” he whispers. a vulnerability that contrasts his previous movements now apparent, a vulnerability you’ve seen and looked to nurture just as he has done with yours. “because i’ve never liked anyone as much as i like you.”
this time you do let out a small gasp. with a smile you nod at him. because you weren’t joking anymore. not when it comes to semi eita.
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