#oc: christopher hook
twstschemer · 4 months
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Valentines from the boys! Part 1
Here we have Marcus, Peter, Christopher, Terry, Ruby, and Thistle.
Blank is from here: Link @/shinaeterii on twitter
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lucifer-kane · 3 months
post watching the saw movies and looking at christopher and being like. i finally can visualize what you look like more now. not 100%. but you're built like peter strahm.
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canthelpit0 · 2 months
Enemies (with benefits)
Pairing: Cold!Chris x Reader
Word count : 1,489
Summary: Chris and reader have always been enemies ever since they’ve known each other. neither knew why they had this burning feeling in their gut. So one day they decide to fuck it out. Until, eventually doing it regularly
Warnings: smut, p0rn with plot, a LOT of plot, angst, name calling (bitch, slut, etc.), p in v, rough x, mentions of safe word (not used), rude/cold!Chris, degration, friend with benefits, awkward, (implied) RichKid!reader, no love (😔), unprotected, creampie, no after care, no use of y/n, no oc
(A/N: this is my first ever fanfic that I’ve posted on tumblr. So ya, I’m shitting bricks. Please give me feat back on my writing, and what I can improve. Also English is not my first language so I’m sorry for any mistakes. Hope you like it!! :D)
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Ever since I can remember, I’ve known the triplets. The sturniolo’s and my family were always really close. And ever since I can remember, I’ve hated Chris.
Now, enemies was a harsh word. A bit of an exaggeration. It wasn’t like we were at war for opposing countries. We were more like rivals. In every aspect.
Sometimes it felt like the only reason Chris studied for school, was to beat my grade. He wasn’t really stupid, but he was definitely not book smart.
The problem wasn’t that. We’ve always lived normally, simply hating and avoiding each other. After all he was my longtime nemesis.
Until that one fateful night where we’d been at my house. My parents have a big business so they’d frequently be on business trips. And it just so happened that that night my younger siblings were not home, both of them being at their separate sleepovers with friends.
We’d been paired for some project. And naive me thought, that it’d be fine. We could be civil for a few hours. But I thought wrong. The hatred was too strong and the tension was too thick in the air.
Seemingly everything I did made him agitated. And vise versa.
Until he finally snapped and we got into a full fledged argument, wich turned into a yelling match. However it all went quiet when he crashed his lips onto mine.
Breathing heavily I had kissed back, hard. It was easier to battle about with a kiss, rather than screaming. And like hell was I gonna be dominated by Christopher fucking sturniolo.
So the night progressed. He had me, my face buried in the sheets babbling out nonsense and screaming his name. But not in anger like I usually would.
It had been months since that happened, and it still haunted me. The idea that it even happened. That his lips had been on mine, his dick literally inside of me, that I was literally under him, disgusts me to my core. But it didn’t matter. It was one of many times.
Sometimes it was a quickie, sometimes an all nighter. Sometimes Chris was dominant other times he was not. Sometimes it was at my place other times at his.
And it wasn’t like those cliché stories of friends with benefits where one fell in love. This felt more like an urge. Like neither of us wanted to actually hook up but we were irking to. This was better than having a yelling match. And on the rare occasions I was dominant it felt great making him shut up and take it. It felt equivalent to winning an argument. The whole point was to teach a lesson, and express annoyance and anger without directly doing that.
“Chris-“ I let out a sharp cry, even the pillow that my face was buried in didn’t really make the scream sound quieter.
His hips keep drilling into my core hitting all the right spots to make me weak in the knees.
Sex with him, objectively, felt good. In the moment. He knew how to please a woman. But he also knew that he was pushing it right now.
“Don’t fucking tell me to slow down.” He snaps his tone, and words as harsh as his breathing. “You have a safe word. Use it if you need to. And other wise, shut, the fuck, up.”
I only let out a sharp whine when he seems to pick up pace even more. He’s made a mess of me. We’ve been at this for hours. Literally.
I’ve come more times than I can count and Chris wasn’t showing any sign of stoping anytime soon.
My back arches perfectly, but I’ve been in this position for too long for it to be comfortable. Him leaning over my back occasionally leaving harsh slaps on my ass while his other hand stayed firmly im my hair.
His hand being tangled in my hair as he was both pulling it, but also pressing me down into the pillow under me.
I feel the ache in my cunt subside again, as a knot starts to form. I’m close, again, and I don’t know if I can keep going after.
“Chris” I scream his name loudly panting and moaning. “I’m- close” I can barely form a sentence. His thrust are hard enough to knock the air out of my lungs every time.
“Oh ya?” He harshly slaps my ass causing me to moan loudly. “How much more you think this pussy can take?” He huffs his tone ever so cocky.
He always did this. He liked being dominant and absolutely wrecking me as much as he can. And he knows I’m close to breaking, and that’s what makes it worse. I just know he gets a wired satisfaction out of exerting me.. using me, like this.
His hand stays firmly in my hair tugging harder. His other hand trailing from my ass to my clit as he starts to rub on it harshly.
I clench instinctively, my whining and moaning getting even louder. “I’m gonna-“ a harsh slap on my clit catches me off guard.
Chris keeps going. “Fucking slut. You like getting destroyed like this?” he mocks, his tone condescending as his pace doesn’t let up.
“Go on bitch, cum on my cock. Come again.” He urges. And the rubbing of his fingers on my clit and the relentless torture to my cunt is threatening to push me over the edge.
“Can I come in that pussy again?” He asks his voice coming out strained and harsh from the pleasure.
“Yes-“ I’m cut off, again. As i am physically not able to speak with the pace he’s going at.
And the combined pressure of everything pushes me over the edge. Suddenly the knot in my stomach snaps and my body goes limp after loud moans. He goes for a few more thrusts before I feel the familiar hot liquid fill my cunt.
After a minute where we catch our breaths he slowly starts to massage my scalp knowing he’s been pulling on it for at least half an hour straight.
He pulls out not really gently, but not harshly either.
Hook ups with Chris always felt like one night stands, when they were really regular.
I let my body fall limp fully laying on my stomach as I sigh, content in my position, not attempting to move.
I can practically feel Chris watching me.
Normally I wouldn’t be this much of a mess. But than again normally we didn’t go for hours. Normally Chris used a condom. But today was not one of those days.
Sometimes chris had enough common sense to at least pretend to care.
But right now he was just staring.
“You okay?” He asks his tone gentler and more quiet than usual. He knew he was pushing it, but did he really care tho?
I shiver as I feel his hand start to rub over my back. Ever so gently pinching the skin to ease some tension.
My breath is short as I’m still calming down not doing or saying anything else.
After a while I turn around slightly, wincing as I lay on my back. My back hurt from the previous uncomfortable position I was in.
I opened my tired eyes, looking up at him, my eyes meeting his. I knew I probably looked like a wreck right now. My hair a mess because of all the moving and position changes as well as his pulling. My face having dried mascara and tear stains on it from when I’d been crying.
I was too tired to even hide my body. I just turned around not bothering to hide my chest as I did, I was too fucked out to care.
His lips pursed, looking over my face. But he wasn’t concerned. But rather disgusted at the sight. He was glad he made me look like shit, but I could see in his eyes that he would much rather be anywhere else right now.
After sex was the worst for us.
The arguments leading up to it were normal. The sex itself was great. But afterwards…
Usually he’d leave. But today he had gone far. He’s done worse before. But every time he did he felt like he should give me proper after care. But I can see the annoyance radiating off of him, and I just know he does not want to be here.
And as harsh as it sounds, he couldn’t really care less what state he left me in. He’s told me multiple times.
“You can leave.” I mumble sighing. My throat felt horse from all the screaming, crying and moaning, that I’d been doing. I’ll need to get a water soon.
He gives me a simple nod, quickly changing, then going to my bathroom to fix his appearance.
And than he leaves.
The room is quiet. Nothing to be heard, nothing to be said.
A/N: hope you liked it, this was literally my first time writing smut🫣 also I don’t have a taglist yet, so i just added my moots. Tell me if u wanna be added, or removed :D
‼️please don’t copy my work/idea‼️
Taglist : @muwapsturniolo , @sturnad , @iluvm4ttsturni0l0 , @evie-sturns
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quotidian-oblivion · 1 year
✨Out of context lines shitpost Pt. 3✨
Part 1 | Part 2
Quo: Do you want to put the sparkles in the title like we did in- Nogolsta: Of course. We're not savages.
@mispeltnostalgia and Quo bring forth more shit.
Hello, y'all enjoy the chaos cause i know i do :) -Nogolsta
The batfam but as things we said in public and in class:
Tim: I cleaned my floor, I washed the dishes, I did my h.w, I was productive.
Jason: Damn. The motivation demon possessed you.
Tim: Yeah it did!
Jason: Meanwhile… meanwhile…
Tim: What did you do?
Jason: *softy* torture
Tim: I love that
*high five*
Dick: *Starts sinking in his chair sliding under the table*
Also Dick: *Struggles to get up. Almost dies*
Steph: look if it's wrong you can blame me. I’ll even give you a crochet hook to stab me
Jason: I’d rather kill you with words
Steph: So I'd get on OC and you would brutally murder them?
Jason: Well, I do have an OC called Steph. Well its Christopher but I can shorten it
Bruce: What are you talking about?
Jason: Murder.
Steph: Specifically mine.
Special extracts from Tim’s essay about funeral rites in Egypt:
(Please note these are some extracts from Nogolsta’s essay outline. We don’t question it.)
The brain getting removed via nose with a crochet hook and the rest of the brain goop getting washed out with 💉drugs💉.
The flank (above the hips and below the booby area) is then cut open to scoop out the entire abdomen.
The cavity is then washed with palm wine and then with a ✨spicy blend✨.
Then it's filled with nice smelling things: pure myrrh(dur), cassia (another variation of cinnamon) but no frankincense (they don’t want the dead waking up now do they? Or else it’s gonna cause another Jason Todd). Then they sew the body up.
Body is chucked in natron (godly salt) for 70 days. No longer, no shorter (just like Dick) (Or Damian).
After this, the body is washed and wrapped in linen for that mummy look we all know and love.
Middle class funerals got less care (shockingly).
The body is injected with cedar oil through the butthole and is then plugged up like the hair in the sink.
(Note: Bruce got a call from the teacher about Tim being submitted to counseling.)
Dick: *walking backwards* I will make you hydrate
Tim: No you won’t 
Dick: you don’t have a choi- *walks into bookshelf and knocks books off*
Babs: and we could just sit and read fanfiction. I’m open to any Fandom as long as no romance or smut. I’m not comfortable with that. But I'm open to anything else. Especially ✨torture✨
Damian: Did you burn the paper I told you to burn?
Steph: Yeah!
Damian: Do you still have the ashes?
Steph: What? No, I burnt it in the fireplace, I’m not scooping it out.
Damian: *sigh* a pity. I was hoping to put it in a jar and look at it every day, reminding me of my dreams.
Wally: Oh no! We haven't been unpredictable enough today! Quick! Say something shitty!
Dick: I didn't bring a sandwich because we ran out of bread at home so Alfred made me a salad but I don't want a salad, I want a ham, cheese and tomato toastie. I mean, I love a salad, but I want a toastie *starts sobbing*
Wally: I have regrets.
Bruce: *crying* Please- I will get down on my knees. Please stop.
Jason: NNJsjeuewjjJQJS EBSIWOSUEHEHBWBD RJE sndjjdidiwiwje
Jason: You have to say the ones not in all-caps quieter.
Jason: jwjduruwhsbdjriwi aanwjeiisjd NSNWOWORIRBEBSJA
Jason:*whispers* i have a torture idea
Dick: *facepalms in disappointment*
Dick: Our father has become a pigeon!
Jason: What?
Dick: *swivels phone to show a snap from Tim of Bruce with a pigeon filter on*
4 yo Damian: *grabs onto someone's leg in a crowd*
Jason: "raises the foot holding Damian with disgust* what the fuck are you?
4 yo Damian: you're not my father
Jason: I sure hope not. I haven't got any fuckers like you running around.
4 yo Damian: If you were my dad, I’d be sad.
Jason: Let’s find your dad you little shit.
Note: Nogolsta as a child was precious and savage at the same time 
Part 4
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jackiequick · 2 months
Joshua Nolan - As sweet as honey but forgetful as a wish 🍯
= Note: He is also considered an Disney/OUAT OC
-> Christoper Robin — Joshua C. Nolan
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-> How lucky I am to have something, that makes saying goodbye so hard
Full name: Joshua Christopher Nolan-Morozov
Character titles: Christopher Robin, Daring Charming, The Knight, Lost Boy
Nicknames: Josh, Col, Colten, Robin, Charming Jr, Monkey, Silly Ol’ Bear, Sweet Boy
Age: 16-22
Height: 5’9
Birthplace: The Enchanted Forest
Job: Peacekeeper, Knight, Prince
Parents: Snow White & Prince Charming — Amelia Parker & Nikolai Morozov
Uncles: Alexander Morozov (The Dark Prince), Cole Lensherr (Rumple), Captain Hook (Jeremy)
Aunts: Cinderella (Rochelle Romanoff) , Michelle Danvers (Charming) , Mal (Liane Felton)
Best Friends: Belladonna St. James — Golden Believer, Author, Black Swan
Sexuality: Into guy, girl or both?
Face claims: Jacob Tremblay (young), Alexander Calvert (older)
— Personality 🧩
He teenager with a heart of gold, yet his journey through life has been marked by shadows of loneliness and uncertainty. Despite his innate kindness and compassion, Joshua often finds himself navigating the world with a sense of hesitancy and clumsiness.
He tends to be shy in unfamiliar situations, his steps cautious and his words often tinged with a hint of passive-aggressiveness as a shield against his own insecurities. Joshua's tendency to act before he thinks often leads to moments of forgetfulness and clumsiness, with questions arising either too late or too early in conversations.
Despite these challenges, Joshua possesses an unwavering determination to put his best foot forward, even if it means following someone else's lead. However, this inclination to defer to others sometimes lands him in trouble, as he struggles to assert himself in moments of uncertainty. Nevertheless, Joshua perseveres, his resolve unshaken as he strives to overcome obstacles and find his place in a world that often feels overwhelming and unfamiliar.
In addition, he is an invitation of light with a mere sense of darkness within due to be alone for so long and fear of being shut down for being an orphan. But he has an ability you can say, he can see people’s heart sometime’s before their action.
Marksmanship (with guns)
Archery (Bow & Arrow)
Quick Thinking
Light Magic?
Favorite Things:
Reading & Writing (he has a knack for taking down notes and references to his latest research)
Movies (comedic and acclaimed action movies)
His silly old bear
His blanket with a monkey imprint
Blueberry pie
Honey with a dash of salt (or any other favorite snacks)
—Playlist 🎶
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—Yellow - Coldplay, ‘For you, I’d bleed myself dry’
—Somewhere Only We Know - Keane, ‘And if you have a minute, why don’t we go talk about it somewhere only we know’
—Slipping Through My Fingers - ABBA, ‘What happened to the wonderful adventures, the places I had planned for us to go?’
—It’s Time - Imagine Dragons, ‘Now, don’t you understand that I’m never changing who I am?’
—You Are My Sunshine - Johnny Cash, ‘You'll never know, dear. How much I love you. Please don't take my sunshine away.’
—Dear Theodosia - HAMILTON, ‘Pride is not the word I'm looking for. There is so much more inside me now.’
—Lost Boy - Ruth B, ‘There was a time when I was alone. Nowhere to go and no place to call home’
—Fight Song - Rachel Platten, ‘Take back my life song. Prove I'm alright song.’
—Stand By You - Rachel Platten, 'Cause I'm gonna stand by you. Even if we're breaking down. We can find a way to break through’
—Background 🎞️
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Growing up in the real world, he just a newborn when he came. The only thing he has of his bio parents are a blanket with his name 'Joshua C.' that had a tiny little monkey imprinted next to his name. He kept it over the years and never let it go hoping to find his parents one day and understand what happened. Growing up, he was put in the system being raised by families here and there, he found people who cared for him and others who didn't.
He was close to be adopted once by it didn't go how he might've wanted due to a few legal mix-ups that happened. He was fine with it. He stayed with a couple of good friends who's parents were more than happy to have him live with them.
There he would read comic books like marvel & dc, watch a a lot of movies like Peter Pan, Tangled, Real Steel, The Dark Knight, Avengers, Star Wars. He would grow up mixing himself with ways to escape reality by watching shows, hanging out with friends and always trying to be a good person by the end of the day. Despite it being hard, he sometimes stole from stores to survive which caused him to be treated badly for his crimes.
He wasn't the best at Math or Science to a certain extent, but he was rather good with English and History for some reason. He did trouble reading for a while, a teacher told him it’s problem with ADHD that he would have to work on later in life.
He liked art too, always doodling in his notebook. Over the years he did trying searching for his parents and wondered about his name but never got a clear answer. His last name was given by the first ever family that took him called 'Nolan' and it kinda stick with him. He liked it but he always went with the flow of it all, feeling a little numb by the world around him watching everyone pass by as he stayed in the same spot wondering what’s wrong with him.
Did he screw up somehow?
—Despite the goodness he has gotten, being lucky with things. He did have his harsh moments like shaped him into keeping a guard up every once in a while. Poor kid has had his ass handed to him more than once.
Some families that took him one just wanted the money, he tend to get bullied at school for not knowing he was, he was shy so he didn't always stick up for himself so he ended up a little bruised growing up, but he had a mouth on him for sure. He was a kid, so he may act like a baby when he's hurt or something.
Joshua may be shy, kind, a little bitter like a lemon and like to maintain a positive outlook on life but he is strong willing, doesn't like to listen at times and destroy orders if allowed to survive, he will talk back in his own way and have his mind tinkering with other ideas. He has a small drive within him to go with the flow but keep his head up and make sure to things turn out alright.
He was a trooper!
—Little flashbacks 🌌
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In the enchanted forest, when the land found out about Amelia’s pregnancy, people were overjoyed and curious. Gifts were brought by friends, polls were made on names, some of their friends went overboard with designs on the nursery and so much more.
The parents were most excited of all. With the plenty of things that happened in their world, they thought children were out of the question but fate stepped in to say otherwise. Plenty of names were made in the polls, adding middle names for good measure.
When it came to gifts, a certain women in purple couldn’t help the urge but to go shopping in the very markets for stuffed animals and clothes of all kind.
Prince Nikolai Charming walks into the nursery one afternoon as his jaw dropped finding stuffed animals of different kinds all wrapped with a bow. A bear, a tiger, a small pig, a rabbit, and plenty of others. For a moment he thought his wife went overboard when a sweet cloud of purple smoke came popping in beside him as the women inside it grinned.
“You love it?” She said picking up one of the stuffed creatures playing with it’s jaw and said, “This one is Eeyore! Isn’t he cute?”
“You spoiling my child, they haven’t even arrived yet.” He replied with a chuckle reaching for a silly ol’ yellow bear, “Aww.”
“But aren’t they darling?”
“They are. Very are more than welcome to stay in this castle.”
“Wonderful! I also have a stuffed owl being brought up soon.”
The lady of the home walked in to see her husband and friend playing with the toys as if they are were children. She smiled asking, “Did you buy the whole market?”
“Hey! When you marry a prince, you understand the life of shopping for glory items.” Said Mal with a grin, “You love it?”
“I do. Cole will have a say about this, thinking you’re doing this to have your name on the poll.”
“Oh please, we would never..I like Liana as a name.”
“I knew it.” Responded her husband with a cheeky grin, looking over at the blanket laying over the crib the the stuffed bear in hand having an idea for later. He smirked to himself.
Charming moved behind his wife, using the paws of the bear to play the drums softly of her belly hoping it would get a kick out of their son or daughter. And to their surprise, a small kick came in return that startled his wife but got a laugh out of him. Liane laughed too.
Charming laughed, “Our kid seems to like the bear. Hmm, how about Winnie..?”
“..Pooh bear..” She added running her fingers across the stuff toy.
That same night as the two parents were crawling into bed, Charming hasn’t let go of that bear since, using it to tap over his wife’s belly as she laughed telling him to stop.
But he didn’t listen as he said, “Shh we are having father and baby playtime.”
“You’re a menace to society.” She repiled in between giggles.
“I know. I was thinking, for names..Joshua?”
“Joshua? I like it—no, I love it. Our little Josh and for a girl..Nadia?”
“Oooh Nadia..how about Robin? Nadia Robin”
“Pretty works for both!”
The two of them thought name list for a moment as their child kicked their mother again. Charming laugh finding it silly how his baby thinks it funny to frighten their mother as she glared at him not finding it so funny.
She spoke up this time holding up the list as she said, “Joshua..Christopher or Colton, as a middle name?”
He thought about it and snort pretending for a moment a scenario, “Joshua Christopher go to your room, young man..yeah I like it.”
“And Colton?”
“Hmm..Colton Robin, come downstairs for dinner we’re serving chicken!”
“Oooh Robin this time?”
As the parents talked issuing out names and combinations, their son or daughter kicked every once in a while. He was like their little monkey inside their mother’s belly.
It was a late night, Amara Snow sat in the rocking chair of the nursery sewing together fabric to craft the blanket for their newly announced son.
She hummed a little tune instead of sleeping being careful with the needle saying, “You are gonna love it out here, bubba. You can jump around, learn how to read and write, have picnics outside theses walls, go to balls where you can dance past your bedtime..oh and you can hear your father sing.”
As if on cue, the man of the house walked in carrying designs he had for the blanket hearing the last part of her words.
He joked, “I don’t sing, my son.”
“Yes you do.” She replied noticing the papers in his hand, “What’s that?”
“Drawings I made for the blanket to put right next to his name.”
“Oh let me see.”
He reaches down to sit beside her, holding out the drawings to be made into patches for the blanket. One of a monkey, the other of a bear, a bird, a leaf, a crescent moon and a lovely sun.
The two of them choose the monkey to fit their little man best, deciding to place the right next to Joshua’s name in a sweet stylish handwriting. Cole wanted a settle for a stylish font for the name which was a darling choice.
“Our little monkey.” Nikolai joked resting a hand on her belly as a little punch was given in return causing him to gasp, “I thought you were asleep. Go to sleep!”
It was as if their son refuse to listen and kicked his father’s hand again. It was Snow’s turn to laugh at his reaction hearing that their son would be ground til he’s 2, if he doesn’t go to sleep. Her husband sent her a playful glare asking if she found it funny as she nodded.
“Then again, we aren’t much sleepers either hon.” Amelia added mid laugh.
“Not helping.” He respond trying to hide his smirk but failed.
They had their good times and they’re bad with little Joshua despite not being born yet. Times Amelia would feel tired, other moments across during her pregnancy having gotten into some delicate cravings and or not fitting into her old dresses.
It kinda actually kinda cute sometimes, with their friends laughing. Cole would walk into her craving salted caramel cookies in the kitchen stealing one out of her hand taking a large bite as she pouts and glares at him. Charming would admit his one of his favorite moments were the fact that she had theses cravings, which meant he can buy as many treats as he liked. She would sometimes find his stuffing his face with leftovers in the middle of the night instead of resting and he would just give her a witty comeback in return.
Rochelle sometimes find her trying to sew a dress that would actually fit as she giggled wondering, if she’s alright and needed any help as the brunette would only nod.
“Your son is killing me.”
“Don’t talk about my child that way.”
“Joshua is trying to use my body as a punching bag resulting in my sore back and the other times, I’m carving something like pie or pasta.”
“Atta’ boy, he’s going to grow up and have an amazing taste in food like his father.”
Nik would hold back a laugh at his wife’s glare knowing she means well, just tired. Other days she was rather relaxed and chilling like nothing happened, enjoying her time. Other time he would get a glare from her that was rather hilarious to him.
“Are you serious?” She added with a half smile.
He cup her face and smile, “I’m kidding, love. I know you tired but think of this as his way of entertaining you while I’m gone.”
“You’re right, I’m sorry..I’m being a whiny wife to you.”
“It’s not your fault, love. You have every right to be this way.”
“But, I sound like a little bitch..I love our son, I’m just tired..”
“It’s okay. You need to rest.”
“So do you! You have been riding your horse, watching over our friends and practicing you’re fighting with Marlene for weeks now.”
“I’m fine.”
“Nicholas. You need to sleep, I’m worried about you.”
He smiled at how his wife was able to create life and worry about him all the same time despite her tiredness amazed him sometimes. He pressed a kiss to her forehead and then one to her belly promising to draw himself a bath then get some rest later that night after dinner.
The day Joshua was born was an unexpected one. Within their friend group—found family—nothing is ever normal. Despite the circumstances of his birth and having only a few mere moments with him, a promise stayed true. Their son is a trooper no matter what and even if he felt alone in life, he never was due to his parents being there in spirt even if he didn’t know it.
Heck his dad was fighting knights with him in the hallways, holding a sword in one hand and his son perfectly safe in the other. He wiggled a bit didn’t cry, only whimpered softly at the sudden movements. Nik grinned to himself as his gaze fell to his boy.
It also helped that before closing the door to protect their son from danger, Nik reaches for his stuffed bear gently placing it right next to him, as he kissed his forehead. He smiled softly at his son sweet little face, remembering the framed photos of himself as a child at his old home when he just born.
His beautiful boy.
— Christopher Robin Era 🧸
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The years when Joshua grew into his teenage-hood, he became more angsty and spiteful than ever before. Yes he was kind, humble enough and honest to everyone he spoke to. But he never felt truly valued or part of his pack. Despite being told time and time again by his father and mother, he was loved. He couldn’t fully comprehend the fact that he was meant to be home, safe and secure with them.
Especially with having an uncle so villainous as Alexander, and his adventures to different parts of the universe.
He decided to have faith in the possibility that he would get there someday and become worthy of the title, a part of the family. Because behind the awkward charm, clumsy tendencies, witty humor and gentle sarcasm held a lost boy from Neverland who was searching for comfort. And he found that comfort in old stuffed bear, Winnie The Pooh, who was there with him since day one of coming into this world as he never let go of him. He will forever be grateful for his father, Nikolai, for placing Pooh in the wardrobe that day, as that bear stayed with since birth.
-> He named Pooh bear, Winnie The Pooh, after the first kind person who treated him fair when he was only five. His kindergarten teacher Winnifred Robinson, as she was known to be a sweetheart towards him and his small set of classmates.
She could see a lot in someone by just the slightest hint of affection in her eyes. It instantly made Joshua smile and want to see the world instead of staying silent, allowing himself to explore creative ideas such as drawing and writing.
Due to spending so much time in her classroom, he would ask him about her thoughts on life and she would respond by saying whatever was on her mind in the most profound positive voice. Her voice was like honey.
Pooh brought support, reassurance and encouragement for him. Sometimes he would cuddle up with Pooh, looking up at the ceiling and just staring down at his chocolate brown buttons as the bear listened to him. It was like Pooh understood him in more ways than one.
Growing up, Pooh became his friend, as the two were going everywhere together. Hell, Joshua would eat his honey salted caramel cookies and play pretend that Pooh’s favorite treat was honey. When he was younger, he lost his silly old bear a couple of time in foster homes, as kids would throw the bear around and try to keep him away in the backyard to be dug up later. Which resulted in him having to wash the stuffed bear later on carefully and then put him on his bed for safety reasons.
-> When he was 14, Pooh ended up with a small cut on his chest and despite all of Joshua’s efforts, his sewing skills weren’t the best. He knew Pooh deserved a chance to look good and dapper in the eyes of his peers. So he found some cherry red fabric from the store across the street and kindly asked a friend, his caregiver at the time, to help him sew a shirt for the stuffed animals.
A few days later, Pooh was given a gift for his efforts, being a little cherry red shirt that covered his chest but left his belly open in the cutest way possible.
Joshua would muttered with a smile, “..silly old bear.”
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As Joshua grew older, he became a bit colder than he expected to be but underneath that toughness, he was just as kind and loving as he used to be.
It just takes time for someone to see it, to listen and appreciate him for who he is. However to make sure he didn’t have his feelings hurt, he kept his guard up and watch his surroundings as much as possible. Which resulted in creating personas and short term alias with people he came across.
Some of alias came and went, but others stayed.
It’s how he met his first crush, Ginny Sullivan and her friends. Joshua was unsure of the girl and her two friends, so he decided to make himself an uneasy target and lie about himself.
He remembered he was rushing out of a store after stealing a small toy train, when he bumped into Ginny as she asked, “Woah, watch where you’re going, dummy.”
“So-sorry.” He said picking up his phone that fell on the ground.
“It’s cool. You’re in a rush?”
“More or less..”
“Where you headed?”
He left her on the streets alone until she crossed paths with the blonde girl again at the same spot. The second time, she stopped him, wanting to invite him out for a quick slice of pizza. He was 14 years old, he has nowhere else to be, no harm done right?
After that afternoon with Ginny, he grew to have a small crush on her. He never admitted it because he wasn’t interested in any relationship or anything, but he did regardless. She realized mid conversation she never asked him about his name, as Joshua blinked and said his name was Tim Robins.
And she surprisingly brought it.
Little did he know, Ginny was just using him to get something from the store across the street from the pizzeria. She wanted a pretty little bracelet from the back of the store. Because two weeks later of seeing each other, after a small date at McDonald’s, Ginny wanted to go to the store to buy some extra lipstick and Joshua shrugged deciding it would be a quick trip. He knew he wanted to sneak into that park on the other side of town later on, and she agreed to his request. Ginny grabbed her lipstick, an extra pair of sunglasses, a keychain and that cute little bracelet.
They were out of the store within a few minutes flat, sometime later the two of them were sitting lazily on the swings at the park, chatting and laughing. The two shared a small connection, with his parents always being busy and not having time for them (again, another lie on Joshua’s part), how they wished they could stop time and get a moment to breathe. Ginny smiled holding up the bracelet with a small chain of a flower on it, talking about how everyone is a flower and they just needed time to bloom.
Joshua felt that piece to his core and leaned in to kiss her cheek, taking Ginny by surprise as she pressed a small kiss to his cheek back.
However the moment was cut short, as two police officers found them, taking both teens to jail to be held overnight. Ginny lied saying it wasn’t her fault, that her “boyfriend wanted to treat her nice” as Joshua scoffed telling the officer the truth about what happened. That he had no idea that she stole the bracelet…
Let’s just say the next morning, Ginny didn’t talk to Joshua again and left the guy alone to take the blame. Once he got back to his foster parents, Joshua got a stern talking to and slapped for his actions, grounding him for a long period of time. Thankfully they didn’t press charges on the boy per say.
He climbed into his bed that day, laying down holding up Pooh and said, “Winnie, never fall for some dumb girl..she will just play you.”
He sighed to himself muttered, “..what am I doing? I barely go to school, don’t even bother to have friends..hell, I talk to my old stuff bear, no offense intended Pooh, I’m pathetic..”
“What does pathetic mean?” Said a tiny voice, who open the door to his bedroom with mousy brown hair, green eyes and wearing a blue dress.
His foster sister Darby, only 7 years old, who entered the room, allowing herself to sit on the bed without his permission to do so. Joshua just sighed and rolled his eyes at her explaining what the word meant as she nodded. She asked if he was in trouble and he just nodded.
“How long?” She asked pushing her bangs out of her face.
“No idea..” He answered with a sigh.
“..wh-so what are you gonna do now?”
“I don’t know. I’m screwed here..and I lied a lot about who I am..”
“Maybe you can find someone to tell you who you are?”
He scoffed, “Yeah right. The papers aren’t easy to find, Darb, I tried.”
“Well um…how about you make up a story?” She asked again digging her fingers into Pooh’s belly, “..like the drawings..”
“Like my drawings? Darb, I can’t just do that.”
“Yes you can! Like when you created those characters in your story like..um..Piglet, Tigger..and-and..”
“And Roo? The ones with Pooh I tell you about?”
She beamed and nodded, “Yes! Yes! Like the one where Pooh has a tea party with his friends and you invite me!”
He chuckled at that remebering that story, “I remember that. Pooh got his head stuck in a hole and his friends had to pull him out afterwards.”
“Yeah! You can do that!”
“..okay. Okay, I’ll bite, what would my name be?”
“I don’t know..”
Eventually he did figure it out. It took him a while, especially after his time with Darby’s parents were up, but he did. Joshua would spend time with his friends and the foster care workers, crafting little details of stories to tell one day in his book. He would sent the little drawings to the girl as she would write back in letter in appreciation for his stories.
He even wrote himself into the story as Carter Robins.
Of course, over the years after turning 15 and meeting his family, being his parents, aunts and uncles. Essentially spending some time Belladonna, finding his faith in people and understanding the truth to his history, he grew into changing the name.
He learned small details about his past experiences and hidden memories he had no idea about. Such as his full name, his skill set, his role in the world as peacekeeper among his friends and challenging his own thoughts on who he was meant to be.
It was nice yet difficult as his thoughts, opinions and feelings ate him away in confusion. He was always comparing himself to everyone else and wondered if he did belong there.
And he did. Because like anytime in Joshua’s life, it took time and patience to get to that point of acceptance in order to appreciate that account in his existence. As during an accidental encounter with Belladonna’s discoveries, two of them were sent back in time to the Enchanted Forest, before they were ever even considered ideas in their parent’s minds.
In order to get back and restore the small damage they done, the pair of friends had to go undercover as royals themselves. Thanks to Cole! Bella was not up for the challenge of disguising herself in some snarky little outfit in the beginning but as time passed she began to accept the plan.
Joshua took the lead during beginning of their trip, entering a Royal Ball (Princess Michelle’s party to where she would meet Rochelle for the first time) with Belladonna using fake names.
He announced them as Princess Leia Swan and used his middle name to refer to himself as Prince Christoper Robin.
— The Eye Are Windows To The Soul 💫
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Joshua's ability to perceive discern the intentions of others through his eyes is indeed a remarkable skill, one that sets him apart and adds depth to his character. His eyes serve as a mirror to the souls of those around him, reflecting their true nature and motivations with uncanny accuracy. Despite this extraordinary ability, Joshua remains humble and compassionate, using his gift for the greater good rather than personal gain.
His keen insight into human nature allows him to navigate complex social dynamics with ease, as he can see beyond surface appearances to uncover the underlying truths. Whether it's detecting deception or sensing genuine sincerity, Joshua's eyes serve as a guide in his interactions with others, offering him a unique perspective on the world.
One look into his eyes and you might as well served yourself a chance at being his friend or foe. It’s a pool of curiosity his eyes carry, that might even make the other wish they looked the opposite direction.
This skill not only enhances Joshua's ability to connect with people on a deeper level but also underscores his innate sense of empathy and understanding. By recognizing the complexities of human behavior, he is able to offer genuine compassion and support to those in need, making him a trusted confidant and ally to many.
In a world where words can often be misleading, Joshua's eyes stand as a beacon of honesty and authenticity, shining light on the darkness and illuminating the path towards truth and understanding.
— Overall Tale 📖
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Joshua never thought himself as wanted, valued or respected enough to be cared for. As his journey from childhood to adolescence is marked by a profound sense of longing and displacement, coupled with moments of resilience and self-discovery.
Despite growing up in various foster homes and experiencing the transient nature of relationships, he finds solace in the companionship of his cherished stuffed bear, Winnie the Pooh. Pooh becomes more than just a toy; he is a constant source of comfort and a silent confidant in Joshua's tumultuous world.
Throughout his teenage years, Joshua grapples with a sense of identity and belonging, often feeling like an outsider looking in. He struggles to reconcile his desire for connection with his fear of rejection, leading him to adopt personas and aliases as a form of self-preservation. Despite his attempts to shield himself from hurt, he remains inherently kind-hearted and compassionate, traits that define his character amidst the chaos of adolescence.
Joshua's journey is also marked by pivotal encounters and moments of self-reflection. His brief but meaningful connection with Ginny Sullivan offers a glimpse of vulnerability and yearning beneath his guarded exterior. However, it also serves as a reminder of the complexities of human relationships and the importance of trust and authenticity.
As he navigates the challenges of adolescence, Joshua discovers the power of storytelling and creativity as a means of self-expression and healing. His alter ego, Christopher Robin, becomes a conduit for his imagination and a way to explore his own identity in a safe and nurturing environment.
Yes it will take time, however he is willing to take a step forward and make himself known to the people around him that he’s here to stay.
Ahh wow that was a lot! Sorry if it was long (i might add more stuff later you knows?)
Anyways please let me know what you think in the comments bellow, let’s chat!
Tags: @gaminggirlsstuff @gcthvile @missstrawbs2001 @haleripley @starkleila @cherrysft @mandylove1000 @yetanotherwells @topgun-imagines @buckysteveloki-me @sherloquestea @nakiaswg @carellmcu @ximehs and etc
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randomestfandoms-ocs · 10 months
6 OCs for the price of one!
Special thanks to @ginevrastilinski-ocs for helping me out with these! Technically she helped me with every element of Christopher & Evander (plots, names, overall vibes) but in doing so also accidentally helped me figure out a bit of what I wanted to do with Gilmore Girls and Gossip Girl too 😅
Face 1:
1. Descendants — Prince Christopher James II, aka Topher Charming. Chad's older brother and the first born royal of his generation. Second in line for the throne of Auradon and will be until Ben has kids, Ben's chief advisor, big brother to an entire generation of royals. To try to help with Ben's first proclamation, he takes over helping the VKs adjust to Auradon, accidentally falls in love with the first boy to ever look at him and just see him
2. Gilmore Girls — Unnamed. Goes to boarding school in Europe and then to Yale, part of the LDB and very close friends with Logan, Colin, Finn, and Chilton boy. Overachiever and kind of an asshole, isn't used to people liking him for himself and not for his money so doesn't really know how to have friends but he's trying
3. Gossip Girl — Unnamed. Serena's older brother, goes to St Jude's and then Harvard, golden boy, eventual Blair ship
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Face 2:
1. Descendants — Evander Kö­ni­gin. Evie's older half brother, son of the Evil Queen and Prince John. The first born child on the isle, his mother raised him to be a king far more than to be evil. Stayed close to his younger sister but left Castle Across The Way in order to be mentored by Yen Sid, refuses to take side in any turf wars, and creates a safe space for any VK who needs somewhere to go, regardless of their affiliations. Invited to Auradon with his sister and her friends, accidentally falls for a prince who seems far too good to be true.
2. Gilmore Girls — Unnamed. Goes to Chilton with Rory and then to Yale, part of the LDB and very close friends with Logan, Colin, Finn, and unnamed blondie, always up to some sort of shenanigan but also an overachieving sweetheart
3. Gossip Girl Reboot — Unnamed. Goes to St Jude's and is part of the seven samurai. Parents are both high profile politicians, wants to go to either GW or Georgetown and then go into politics, not a fan of suddenly having his life on blast from the new Gossip Girl. Regularly hooks up with Max, eventual probable OT4 with Max, Aki, and Audrey
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500 Miles (Chapter Four)
Summary: This is Part Nineteen of my series A Herrmann/Halstead Production. It is an AU where Christopher Herrmann's mom had an affair with Pat Halstead resulting in a baby. The series follows this OC character (Rebecca "Bex" Herrmann) as she grows up and gets to know her brothers and the various Chicago teams. It is very much an AU, just to underscore that. It doesn't follow the same timeline and characters will follow different paths.
Click here for the Series Rundown where you can find the links to read all of the previous installments (which I highly recommend you do so that this one makes sense.)
Rating: Teen and Up
Relationships: Christopher Herrmann & Original Female Character, Jay Halstead & Original Female Character, Will Halstead & Original Female Character, Jay Halstead & Will Halstead, Greg 'Mouse' Gerwitz/Original Female Character, Will Halstead/Connor Rhodes, Assorted OC Couples
Warnings: Light Angst, Emotional Conversations, Dealing with Past Trauma, Minor Character Injury, Swearing, Implied Sexual Content, Kissing, An Unholy Amount of Fluff, EXTRA NOTE FOR THIS CHAPTER: Bex has a small panic attack and is helped through it.
A/N: To underscore my previous note, this is an alternate universe so things have unfolded differently. This will not follow the canon arcs exactly by any means. But I hope you'll still enjoy it!
Chapter One Chapter Two Chapter Three
Chapter Four
Sunday night and Monday passed by in a blink and suddenly, it was Tuesday—the day of Bex���s first self-defence lesson with Jay.
The plan was to meet him at the precinct at the end of his shift so they could make use of the training room there. Jay had finagled permission out of Trudy somehow. Bex didn’t know if she should take it as a sign of support from the sergeant or judgement that she needed all the help she could get.
Knowing Trudy, it was probably both.
Emery came through the door as Bex was getting her shoes on and hung her bag on the hooks with a sigh. “Oof, am I ever glad to be done with this day.” She kicked her shoes off and looked down at Bex tying up her laces. “Where are you go—oh, right, you have the thing with Jay.”
“Offer still stands,” Bex said as she straightened up. “You’re more than welcome to come with me if you want.” She’d told Emery all about asking Jay for help with levelling up her skills and Emery had been supportive, but hesitant to join in.
“I’ve thought about it,” she said. “Really.” Emery sighed. “And I talked about it a lot with my therapist.” She leaned against the wall, tilting her head back. “I think it’s something I want to do eventually, but I want—I need keep working on things mentally and emotionally first. I think putting myself in even a practice scenario fight would set me back. I’m sorry. I—”
“Hey, no.” Bex reached out and gently squeezed her shoulder. “I’m sorry. I didn’t mean to pressure you in any way. I just…I wanted you to know that it’s an option for you. Whenever you want.”
“I get that,” Emery said, giving her a small smile as she reached up to pat the hand on her shoulder. “And I appreciate it.”
“Oh! And!” Bex smacked at her forehead, cursing herself for almost forgetting this part. “Jay messaged me a list of women-only classes that he says are highly recommended. In case, if you are interested down the line, that might be something you’re more comfortable with.”
Emery gave a considering hum as she thought that over. “Yeah, actually,” she said. “No offense to Jay, but I think that would be better. Send me the list and I’ll look at it when I’m ready.”
Bex grabbed her bag, pulling her phone out and forwarding the message. “Done,” she said, shoving her phone back in the pocket. “Will’s got a late shift tonight, but I should be back in a couple of hours if you want to do something together for dinner?”
“Perfect.” Emery reached out for a fist bump. “Have fun kicking ass.”
“It’s the first lesson, Em.” Bex laughed. “I think we work up to ass kicking.” She gave Emery a quick hug before heading down to the parking lot. Her phone rang as she was getting into the Tin Can and she put it on speaker. “Hey, Chris, what’s up?”
“Hey, kiddo!” Chris’s voice filled her car and was quickly followed up by the sounds of the rest of 51 in the background.
“Is that Bex?” Uncle Mouch yelled.
“Bexxxxx! Hi! How are you?” Kelly, Matt, and Gabi called out.
“We miss your face!” Shay yelled.
“And your cookies,” Otis piped up.
“Please come bring us cookies,” Joe added.
“Enough already!” Chris hollered and Bex could picture his scowl perfectly. “Buncha hooligans with no manners. You wanna chat, you can call her on your own dime.”
“I’m scared to ask what kind of phone plan you have, Herrmann,” Otis said and then the voices faded away as Chris’s voice got more echo-y.
“That’s better,” he sighed. “Had to escape to the bunkroom so we could have an actual conversation.”
“Is everything okay?” Bex asked as she pulled out of the parking lot and headed toward the precinct.
“Yeah, no, everything’s great,” he said. “Cindy’s got an OB appointment next week so I’m going with her to that—”
“Do you need me to watch the kids?” She started mentally shuffling around her calendar.
“Nah, it’s during school hours so we’re fine,” Chris replied. Then he paused. She could practically feel him weighing his words. “You have your first lesson with Jay today, right?”
“Headed there as we speak,” she confirmed. “Don’t worry, you’re on speaker so I can drive safely.”
“Good! And I’ll hang up when we’re done so you don’t have to look at the screen. You know it only takes a second—”
“Alright, alright, I know. You’re responsible.” He sighed. “Are you okay though?”
Where was that coming from? “I’m fine,” she said. “Why—”
“Bex,” Chris said flatly. “You’re not seriously going to ask why I’m wondering.”
She pressed her lips together because that was exactly what she was going to ask.
“You went through something traumatic last week and now you’re walking into something that might help, but might also bring some stuff up at the same time,” he said. “Of course I’m gonna check in.”
“I’ll be with Jay,” Bex said, trying to reassure him. “I’ll be okay.”
“I know that, I just—” Another pause. “Don’t feel like this is something you have to steamroller through, okay? Take breaks. You’re not going to conquer it all in one go.”
Bex bit back a sigh. Clearly Jay and Chris had been having some talks of their own. Trying to push through this block was kind of exactly her plan, but she wasn’t about to admit that now.
“I know, Chris,” she said. “I promise I won’t do more than I can handle.”
How much she was determined to handle was her own business.
“Mm.” Chris didn’t sound convinced, but he let it go. “Hey, you wanna come over on Sunday?”
“I don’t know,” she teased. “I don’t want to interrupt your special Beau brunches.”
“Who said you were invited to brunch?”
“Rude!” Bex blew a raspberry at her phone.
“I’m kidding, I’m kidding,” Chris said. “…you can come to brunch too.”
“My goodness, I feel so honoured,” she said over his laughter. “I’ll be there, but I gotta go. I’m almost there.”
“Hey, what’s this?” Uncle Bo’s voice boomed out. “Baby Herrmann’s on the phone and you’re not going to let her say hi to her favourite?”
“I already talked to Uncle Mouch,” Bex said, snorting when Uncle Bo started huffing and puffing about that. “I’ll come and visit soon! I promise!”
“And I’ll hold you to that,” Uncle Bo said. “See you soon.”
“Alright, he’s gone,” Chris said in a low voice. “I know you just said Mouch is your favourite to rile him up because we all know I’m your real favourite, right? Bex.”
“You’re an idiot.” Bex laughed, waves of fondness taking the edge off the words. “I do have to say bye though. I shouldn’t talk and park. Love you.”
“Love you too, kid,” he said, ending the call.
It took her a minute to find a parking spot that would accommodate the Tin Can, but soon enough, she was headed inside 21. Bex shook out her shoulders and held her head up high.
“You’ve got this,” she whispered to herself.
Hank had tried to time things as well as he could, but he’d still ended up downstairs a few minutes earlier than he should have apparently.
“Sergeant Voight,” Platt said, eyeing him from her post at the desk. “Something I can help you with?”
“Nah, I’m, uh—I’m good.” He was saved from having to come up with an explanation when Mini Halstead chose that moment to come through the door. “Bex. Give me a minute?”
She shot a surprised look over at Platt who shrugged and then followed him into the still-empty office across from the desk. “Hey, Sarge,” she chirped, barely contained curiosity written all over her face. “What’s up?”
He leaned against the corner of the desk and did a quick inventory. The faint bruises on her cheek had already cleared up and he could almost say she looked like herself if it wasn’t for the tense set of her shoulders. Bracing herself for whatever he had to say.
Luckily, he had good news to share.
“Victim services been in touch with you yet?” he asked and she shook her head. Hank wasn’t surprised, unfortunately. That whole department was criminally underfunded and understaffed. Part of the reason he’d been keeping an eye out.
“Why?” Bex asked, concern creeping into her voice. “Did somethi—”
“Nothing’s wrong, don’t worry,” he said, holding up a hand. “I just got word Ty couldn’t make bail so he’s staying locked up until his next court date at least.” The judge hadn’t been inclined to cut the man any breaks after reading off the list of charges. “He could be let out later on,”—for overcrowding or any number of reasons—“but for now, you don’t have to worry about him.”
“Oh.” She sagged slowly, closing her eyes for a moment. “That’s—that’s really good. Emery’ll be happy to hear that.”
“And you?” Hank asked, watching her carefully. She flapped a hand at him, flashing a smile that, despite an admirable effort, didn’t quite reach her eyes.
“I’m fine,” she said. “And even better now so thank you for that.”
He was debating if it was his place to press when one side of her mouth quirked up and she got that Halstead-troublemaker gleam in her eye.
“How did you find out about it so quickly?”
“Not that quickly. Court was this morning.”
Bex raised an eyebrow, not having any of his attempt at deflection and he sighed, raising his eyes to the ceiling.
“I may have been keeping tabs on his case,” he said, knowing exactly what kind of face he was going to be met with before he even looked back and—yup, there it was. Fond smile with a hint of shit-eating grin behind it. Christ. No one could ever doubt she was related to Jay.
“Sergeant Voight! You big softie.” The grin widened as she crossed her arms, shaking her head at him.
He couldn’t bring himself to be annoyed when she sounded so pleased. “Yeah, well, apparently it takes a village to keep an eye on you, kid.”
“Ah, don’t ruin it! We’re having a moment here.” Her laughter faded away and she chewed on her lip for a moment. “Seriously, though, thank you. I really appreciate it.”
She turned to leave and Hank called out to her before she could open the door. “That really all you’ve got to say to me?”
Bex squinted at him for a moment before snapping her fingers. “Right! How could I forget?” She shook it off, planting her feet. “Okay. Ready for this? Of course, you’re not. How could you be. It’s a good one—”
“Okay, okay. So. What do you call an angry carrot?”
Trudy kept one eye on the office while she worked the desk, trying not to let unbearable urge to snoop get the best of her.
She’d get it out of Mini Chuckles later.
A raspy noise burst out of the room as the door opened and she realized it was Hank laughing.
“That was worse than the last one,” he grumbled at Bex as they came out into the lobby.
“And yet,” Bex bounced up on her tiptoes. “You laughed.”
He grunted at her and headed up to Intelligence without another word.
They had the strangest friendship.
“Hey, Trudy!” Bex waved as she wandered over to the desk. “Is Jay—”
“Waiting for you down in the training room,” she said, handing over a visitor’s pass. “Down the stairs and to the left. Can’t miss the smell.”
“Ooh, well, that sounds fun.” Bex scrunched up her nose, as she turned away from the desk.
“Hey,” Trudy called out and Bex looked back. “Kick some ass, Mini Chuckles.”
Bex whipped off a sharp salute. “Yes, ma’am.”
Trudy snorted as the kid took off for the training room. She’d been happy to help facilitate this considering what had gone down last week. It was too close of a call that had knocked everyone for a loop. Mouch’s fretting had gone down by about fifty percent when she’d told him about the upcoming lessons.
It was something more women should have easy access to. Trudy hummed to herself. There was a community program in there somewhere. She took out a notepad and started brainstorming.
Trudy wasn’t wrong about the smell.
Bex followed her nose until she found the training room where Jay…and Sam and Julie were waiting. “…hey, guys.”
Jay hustled over with an apologetic wince. “Platt got on my case about not being fully cleared yet so she voluntold Kent and Tay to help out with your lesson…if that’s okay with you?”
Sam was like another brother to her and Julie was great so she wasn’t exactly upset about it—she just hadn’t expected…an audience. Bex shook off her unease. She was being silly. “Yeah, no, it’s fine,” she reassured Jay with a smile. “The more, the merrier, right?”
“As long as you’re sure,” he said, searching her face until she waggled her eyebrows at him and made him smile. “Oh!” He leaned in, lowering his voice to a whisper. “And I heard some news—”
“About Ty?” Bex guessed.
Jay straightened up, surprised. “You already know?”
“Sergeant Voight filled me in,” she said. “Definitely a good news day.” Bex gently pushed him back into the room and dropped her bag off to the side. “Now, let’s get started!”
She greeted Sam and Julie with hugs, thanking them for helping out, and then the three of them stood on the mats with Jay off to the side.
“We’re going to start with some basic holds,” Julie explained. “Sam and I’ll demonstrate how to break them and then you can try it out.”
She began with wrist and arm holds which Bex still remembered from her lessons as a teenager. Julie walked her through all of them anyway. Bex took her turn practicing them on Sam; slow at first as she proved she knew what she was doing and then faster for a more realistic approach. And then repeat because muscle memory was important.
“I feel pretty solid on those,” Bex said as they all took a water break. “But what about other holds, like—getting grabbed from behind.”
The three of them exchanged a look and Bex pushed down a burst of irritation. She knew they were just trying to help, but— “Guys, come on,” she said. “This is what I’m here to learn.”
“Yeah, I get that, Bex,” Jay said. “But you don’t have to dive into the deep end on the first day, either.”
“I feel like diving into the deep end would be you letting me throw punches,” she teased, trying to lighten the tension in the air.
“We can try a few of the simpler ones,” Julie offered and Bex jumped on it.
“Yes! Sounds good. Let’s go.” She clapped her hands and hustled them back onto the mats, making everyone laugh.
Julie showed her a few different techniques and then carefully took her through each move with Sam. That part went fine. Textbook, even.
Then they started going through them a bit faster and with more force.
Sam stepped up behind her, wrapping his arms over hers and across her chest. He didn’t grab her face, but…it was close enough. And then he squeezed. Not incredibly hard.
But enough.
Her pulse kicked up and the sound of blood pumping in her ears muffled everything else. Jay was talking, but she couldn’t hear—she didn’t know—
Something was wrong with her lungs.
She couldn’t breathe right—she couldn’t—there wasn’t enough air.
Where was Jay? She needed—
She was alone.
The only clear thing in her mind was one voice. A harsh whisper.
Don’t make a fucking sound.
Don’t make a fucking sound.
Don’t make a fucking sound.
Jay saw the moment everything went sideways.
Sam increased his hold and Bex froze. Her gaze went hazy as she took in a breath she couldn’t seem to let go.
“Sam,” Jay warned, but the guy was already one step ahead of him, releasing Bex and moving back to give her space. Julie joined him while Jay carefully approached his sister.
She stood planted in place, chest hitching with tiny gasps. Eyes unfocused. Hands shaking.
“Bex,” he whispered, getting closer, but not touching her yet. “Bex, it’s Jay. It’s okay. You’re safe. I’m right here.”
Her mile-long stare flickered for a moment and Jay ducked his head down, trying to keep her with him. “Yeah, that’s good,” he said. “Look at me. I’m here. You’re safe. You’re okay. You’re here with me and Sam and Julie and everyone’s okay.”
He gently reached for one of her hands and her fingers clenched around his. “…Jay?”
“Yeah, it’s me.” Jay kept his voice soft. “You’re doing great, Bex. Do you think you could take a deep breath for me? We’ll do it together, okay? Breathe in, that’s good, keep it there for a second, good, now let it out slow.”
It took a few tries, but she finally started breathing normally and focused in on him. “Oh, god.” Bex pulled her hand away and scrubbed out of her face. “Shit. I’m so sorry. That was so stupid.”
“Hey, no,” Jay said immediately. He wasn’t having any of that. “That was a totally understandable response. Would you tell anyone else having a PTSD flashback that it was stupid?”
Bex’s face screwed-up and he could see her preparing to argue something that was going to give him a headache. “Don’t minimize it.” He shook his head at her. “You went through a traumatic experience and you’re doing what you can to work through it, but it’s not ever going to be a straight road.”
She sighed heavily before nodding. “Yeah,” she whispered. “Okay.”
“Now, if you’re up for it,” Jay said. “I think everyone needs hugs because Sam looks like he’s freaking out.”
Bex whipped her head up to look over at her friend who had his arms wrapped tightly around himself like he was barely holding himself back from reaching out for her. “Oh. Sam.” She held out her arms and Sam scooped her up.
“I’m sorry,” he whispered into her shoulder. “I didn’t mean—I—I should have been more careful, I—”
“Sam, no,” Bex pulled back to look up into his face. “This wasn’t your fault. At all. And now we know we just need to go a bit slower.” She hesitated. “If you guys are willing to keep teaching me, that is.”
“Now you’re actually being silly,” Julie said as she wrapped her arms around the two of them. “Of course we will.”
“I might need cookies though,” Sam mumbled. And then smiled when that got Bex laughing.
“I think that’s a fair deal.” She patted his back through one more hug.
Julie and Sam headed out shortly after that, with plans to meet up again for another lesson in a couple of days. Sam also mentioned that weight training wouldn’t be a bad idea for Bex which Jay should have thought of. She made a face at the idea, but agreed.
Then it was Jay and Bex alone in the training room. He held his arms out and she trudged forward to face plant into his chest for a hug.
“I know it’s not going exactly like how you hoped,” he said, resting his head on top of hers. “But the fact that you’re even working on this is huge. And you’re going to get there. We’ll get you there.”
“I thought I could just power through,” she muttered.
He figured that had been her plan, but knowing Bex, saying she couldn’t would only make her try harder. He knew the feeling. “I get that,” he said, patting her back. “My experience has been that it always sets you back in the end.”
She groaned and he gave her a little smooch on the top of her head. “We’re not stopping,” he said. “We just going to go a little slower and for now, I think you should go put your feet up.”
He let her go and they both grabbed their bags, heading for the door. Bex leaned into his side.
“You wanna come over and hang out tonight?”
Jay hadn’t wanted to push by asking, but he really did. He didn’t want to leave her be quite yet and making sure she was steady would help him feel steadier. “Yeah, that sounds good.”
After a brief argument over whether or not she was okay to drive, which Bex one, they made their way out of the precinct. As Bex got into her car, Jay took a moment to shoot off a couple of texts. He had an idea for something that would definitely help.
For both of them.
Mouse had grabbed his keys and headed for the door as soon as he saw Jay’s text. He didn’t even have to think before writing back a quick yes. And adding a suggestion of his own.
Within thirty minutes, he was at Bex’s place and Jay was buzzing him up. Bex opened the door when he knocked, immediately zeroing in on his bounty.
“It’s Mouse! With pizza!”
Emery and Jay cheered from somewhere inside the apartment as Bex stepped back to let him in.
“How did you—not that I’m not happy to see you,” she said. “But this is very suspicious timing.”
“Jay may have texted me that it was a good night for a pizza feast.” He passed the boxes over to her, not wanting to push too hard when they were only starting to rebuild things between them. “I got an assortment of the usuals and, uh, the cheesy bread that you like.”
“This is perfect.” Bex grinned at him before handing the boxes over to Jay who immediately disappeared to the kitchen with them. Her smile fell away when she saw him reaching for the door handle. “You’re not staying?”
“I wasn’t sure—”
“Please?” She grabbed his hand and pulled him away from the door.
“Dude.” Jay wandered by on his way to one of the arm chairs. “Grab a plate.”
“We’re having a Buffy marathon,” Emery said around a mouthful of pizza as she hopped onto the end of the couch closest to Jay.
“And Emery made brownies earlier,” Bex added before whispering. “They’re mostly edible.”
“I heard that,” Emery called out. “And you’re not wrong.”
Mouse laughed. “Okay, uh, I don’t see how I could pass any of that up so I’m in.” Bex squeezed his hand, grin growing brighter and he pulled her closer to him. “Hey, are you—uh, you doing okay?”
“Better now,” she said quietly, bumping her shoulder against his before heading off to the kitchen.
Jay caught his eye once she was out of sight and offered him a thumb’s up and a firm nod. Emery joined in. Mouse rolled his eyes at them and kicked off his shoes.
It was good to be back.
Will was in the lounge when Connor went to grab his stuff at the end of his shift; grumping down at his phone. It shouldn’t have been cute, but somehow…it just was.
“Bex sending you memes you don’t understand again?” he asked as he pulled his bag out of his cubby.
“No, it’s a text from Jay,” Will sighed, scrubbing a hand through his hair. “Bex had her first self defense lesson today and she had a flashback.”
“Is she okay?” Connor hurried over and tucked himself into Will’s side to peer at the screen.
“It sounds like it,” Will said. He showed Connor the messages. “Jay and Mouse and Emery are there, but—”
“You want to be there too,” Connor finished for him.
Will nodded, dejected. “Got two hours left on my shift though.”
“I could stop by.” The words were out of Connor’s mouth before he could stop them. “If you want? Would that be weird? I could just—I don’t know, say hi for you? Send you a proof of life photo or something.” He laughed at himself. “No, that would definitely be weird, nevermind—”
“Connor.” Will turned to him, reaching up to cup his cheek. “That would be amazing. Thank you.” Will stroked his face gently with his thumb. “I think she’d love that. I—” He cleared his throat. “Thank you.”
“Okay,” Connor huffed out a laugh. “One proof of life photo coming up.”
“Give her a hug for me too.” Will grinned at him, slipping his phone back into his pocket. His pager went off and he groaned. “I gotta get back.”
He started to turn away and Connor was about to say bye when Will whirled back around. He reeled Connor in by his shirt and caught him in a searing kiss.
Holy shi—
“I’ll see you later,” Will said, smirking as he walked back towards the door. “And I'll give you the rest of your thank you then.”
Connor wasn't about to argue with that.
Traffic was light enough that he made it to Will and Bex’s place in good time. Bex buzzed him up and had the door open as soon as he stepped into the hallway.
“Connor!” she called out. “We have pizza!”
“So I heard,” he laughed. He stopped at the doorway, leaning against the jamb. “I’ve been tasked with dropping off a hug from Will since he’s stuck at work.”
“Aw.” Bex immediately stepped into his arms and melted into the hug. He gave her a gentle squeeze and she murmured a thank you into his shoulder. “You get top marks on the hug delivery,” she said as she stepped away.
“Glad to hear it,” Connor poked his head in and waved at the rest of the group. “Hi, guys. Enjoy your pizza party.” Jay, Mouse, and Emery all frowned at him and Bex grabbed at his wrist.
“You’re not staying?”
“Oh, I don’t want to intrude.” The intention wasn’t to invite himself over when he offered to swing by. It was just a check-in.
Bex’s eyebrows furrowed together as she pinned him with a sharp look. “Intrude—Connor. Didn’t we already have this discussion?” There was no escaping the grip she had on him. “You’re in this family now whether you like it or now, but luckily—we have pizza and we’re willing to share.”
Connor appreciated her generosity, on many different levels, but this wasn’t like every other time. It was different to hang out when Will wasn’t even there. And this wasn’t like the farmers’ market either. This was Will’s apartment. It didn’t feel like a step he should take without discussing it with Will.
As much as he enjoyed spending time with his family.
…Will’s family was what he meant by that.
Not his.
Not yet.
Stop it. Connor mentally head-slapped himself.
Bex, catching onto his hesitation, pulled him inside and shut the door. She held up a finger before he could speak. “Guys,” she called out. “Connor is part of the gang, yes or no?”
“Why is this even a question?” Emery asked. Jay and Mouse had mouths too full of pizza to do anything but nod.
“See?” Bex turned to him, grin turning dangerous as she dragged him toward the kitchen. “One of us,” she said. “One of us!”
The other three picked up the chant.
“One of us! One of us! One of us!”
Connor decided to embrace his fate.
Will checked his phone as he packed up at the end of his shift and saw that he had one new message. From Connor.
CONNOR Proof of life:
Below it was a picture of Bex, Connor, Emery, Mouse, and Jay all jammed together for a selfie, grinning at the camera. Jay had sauce in the corner of his mouth.
Will laughed, texting Connor back to say he was on his way. Tacking a heart onto the end of it after only a moment of hesitation.
The heart he got back had him hurrying out to his car.
Fingers crossed they’d saved him some pizza.
Click here to read Chapter Five. Click here to read Chapter Six. Click here to read Chapter Seven. Click here to read Chapter Eight. Click here to read Chapter Nine. Click here to read Chapter Ten. Click here to read Chapter Eleven. Click here to read Chapter Twelve. Click here to read Chapter Thirteen. Click here to read Chapter Fourteen. Click here to read Chapter Fifteen. Click here to read Chapter Sixteen.
Click here to read 500 Miles on ao3:
Second A/N:
I know this fic is moving at a slightly slower pace than the previous installments, but I'm trying to take the time to focus on deepening relationships across the board and hopefully will do that successfully (while still being an enjoyable read. :D)
Coming up in the next chapter - Emery drops big news on Bex.
And here is the tag list (let me know if you wish to be added or removed):
@sorry-i-spaced, @thegirlwhowishedeveryonelived, @ivyalmighty, @thewannabewriter, @lexhalstead3, @multifandomgrl08, @sensitivemallysix, @thebewingedjewelcat, @emme-looou,
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wwwurbunnygrldotcom · 2 years
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(”I mean if you’re going to hack into my software might as well give me head first.”)
1 - 2 + UPDATE
WARNINGS- smut, mentions of pedophilia, porn, bad language, and over all not kid friendly writing!
Pairing- Han Jisung (Of StrayKids X OC/you)
Genre- Hacker AU, highschool AU, comedy, and romance.
WC- 2K
Being a well experienced hacker and coder with too much time on your hands is an interesting hobby, especially interesting when you leave your computer in your school's robotics club and come back to a strange new malware taking over your system. Who in the robotics club is responsible? Who is trying to watch me? And why?
File title; Han Jisung. Age; 17, occupation; student enrolled at Seoul high school, alias; J.ONE.
Normal kid with a normal cyber background, seemingly there was nothing special about Jisung. Except for the alarming amount of porn he watches, although I didn't expect much coming from the vice president of Seoul high school’s robotics club. 
The entire robotics club was almost built like a mini nerd cult. They never spoke to anyone other than each other during break times, the only thing making them noticeable was the fact some of their members were drop dead gorgeous. The group consisted of 8 members, all of which I've done extensive cyber background checks on.
The president or leader of the robotics club was our school's valedictorian, Christopher “Chan” Bang. Most people called him Chan since he refused to ever hear his legal name, I wouldn't want to be called Christopher either. Online or during coding he used the name CB97. He started the robotics club back in his freshman year, now that he’s graduating he’s training Jisung to take his place for the younger members. I found that out after finding a file titled, “Jisung’s growing up:(“. Other than that I found basic coding cheats for password hacking and how to take down viruses, nothing any other coding lover wouldn't have. I only found him suspicious because in order to dig my way into his system I had to jump over two firewalls, for a second I was nervous the walls were used as distractions while viruses were being downloaded onto my software. Nope. That is what made Chan even then the more interesting, he’s not smart enough to program malware, but smart enough to hide something. 
Lee Minho took the cake for the most I had found out of any of the members, certainly not anything useful but enough to make my jaw drop just a little bit. Minho, also known as, Lee Know online, had a porn and gambling addiction at just 17. Thousands of dollars spent on cam girls in the past year not even noting how much was spent on online slot machines. Unlike Chan he had only one singular firewall setup and even so it wasn't the strongest, the basic kind of software you pay some DnD kid to install for you. I suppose a lot of people who find out about another person's addictions might actually want to use it for leverage, though blackmail isn't what I was looking for. I just wanted to know who the fuck installed this malware onto my computer. Lee Minho was off the hook, although I did make sure therapist’s will pop up in his recommendations throughout all of his social medias. I think he may need it. 
Seo Changbin, SPEARB, has one of the most boring files I have ever witnessed. Yes, he did partake in illegal activity but not to the degree Minho does. The only differentiating factor between the two was Changbin had a girlfriend, making his porn searches much lower than the rest. It wasn't hard to tell when I stumbled across the homemade porn videos uploaded to his iCloud of the two, she definitely was beautiful. Inside and out, if you know what I mean. His search history consists of lists of car parts and gym plans. Now, the only thing I can see Changbin doing behind the police’s back is back street car racing. Which for the record was something I truly did admire, so I spent a little bit extra time looking at pictures of his cars and all the mods he had changed on it. Based on this I think it was the only reason why he joined the robotics club to begin with, it gave him an opportunity to get ahold of the tools he needed without seeming strange. He wasn't the one I was looking for. 
Hwang Hyunjin was a different type of boy. He was so attractive it made me blush a little bit to go through his belongings, I got to see a different side to him and to say I wasn't a little giddy was a lie. I liked going through him the most because he was definitely more clever. His passwords were much larger and harder to decipher, meaning it took my software and little longer to get through. I knew Hyunjin was a ladies man, I mean we all did. You would have to be socially stupid to not see how women flock to him like sheep, and he was good at it too. He knew exactly how to get them wrapped around his finger. He had this sort of ego online, Jiniret. He would talk to women through online dating apps, pretending to be older or even sometimes someone he wasn't at all. Whatever type of men these women were looking for they could find in Hyunjin. He was so sly with his words these women would do anything for him, send him money, buy him clothing or food, these women were utterly in love with Jiniret. I think the worst thing I had found was recent searches of plastic surgery doctors for cheap prices in Seoul. Was he saving up the money he earned from these women to change his appearance? Fortunately, Jiniret was not the criminal I was looking for. 
Lee Felix for the most part was completely normal, for a long time Felix wasn't even on the list of suspects. The only reason I had even searched for him was because he was a part of Chan’s group, making him an associate. Though fortunately I found nothing, nothing besides a pile of gay porn and test anwers for every chemistry test he has taken so far. For now, I left Felix alone. Although for safe measures I kept in touch with his digital footprint. 
Min Seungmin or known as PuppyM, was also a suspect I was less worried about. Yet again another straight A student with a perfect school record. Seungmin had a very clear interest in coding, like he had joined the group for what Chan had intended it to be. That's what Seungmin wanted everyone to believe he was, PuppyM on the other hand was some sort of viglianti online. PuppyM finds pedoflies on all platforms and baits them as a 10 year old girl, once he becomes closer with these men he lures them into cyberattacks. He gains their IP address and all data proof of their crimes and anonymously sends them to law enforcement. PuppyM was well respected and admired in this community, which was such a difference from Seungmin. What was even more surprising was he had let the youngest member in on what he had been doing, something the others hadn't done. 
The youngest being Yang Jeongin, a freshman new to the club. He joined robotics a couple months ago, I found some searches in his Google history of coding basics, which then lead me to believe Jeongin was completely new to coding and just joined to make new friends. This led my attention away from Jeongin and towards the older members, that was until I found messages between Seungmin and himself. Only two months into their meeting, Seungmin had come clean about everything he had been doing in his free time, offering to recruit him and take him under his wing. Jeongin seemed nervous at first and thought that doing something as risky as this was simply too much for him. Everything in the span of a month had changed, he went from making small actions online to big movements. It started with only speaking to one man at a time to speaking to multiple and even running fake group chats for pedophiles. PuppyM and FoxI.Ny were the perfect duo to make the internet a cleaner place for children. 
Han Jisung. J.ONE. No one has ever sent me more in a loop than he has. Jisung was no criminal, or at least with anything I had found. Though, Jisung was more clever and protective than any of the boys had been. Jisungs passwords were extensive and detailed, a long series of numbers mixed in with symbols and letters. Behind the passwords were firewalls and traps to gain IP addresses of hackers. So not only was I not able to access as much as I had wanted, but when I got as far as his messages and search history there was nothing. Nothing. No strange texts, Google searches, no dating apps, only him and his dominatrix porn. I was angry with myself for not searching harder or not even knowing enough to get past his walls, but it was too much of a risk. I was ultimately stuck, with all of the boys I had come up with explanations for their behavior easily, though Jisung seemed too innocent. Why have an alias when you're committing no crimes? Why be so secretive when there's nothing to hide? But that was exactly it. There IS something to hide.  
The blue light on my computer was starting to strain my eyes after going over my notes of the boys over and over. I was trying my hardest to make the connections I hadn't seen the first time, but nothing. I felt a little helpless but I still had options left.
Last week I bought a computer from the pawnshop, one of those Microsoft surface computers. When I had initially bought the computer they let me know the motherboard was completely busted, the previous owner had brought it in because of the infamous “Blue Screen of Death”. I thought it would be a fun side project and something to keep my mind busy, all things I desperately needed. 
After further inspection I noticed there were partially connected cables, improperly seated components, and electrical spikes and power surges. All causes for a motherboard to crash easily. I thought this would be an easy fix, though the tool I needed most was the one I didn't have. 
After school yesterday I thought I’d take the computer to the robotics club, thinking out of everyone they would be able to help with what I needed. When I had initially walked in the room none of the members were present, so at first I felt a little awkward walking in and using their tools without permission. I stood around the door for a few seconds hoping someone would show up, but atlas no one did. In my panic I decided, “Who’s going to notice?”.
After placing my personal computer and backpack on the table I began searching for the labeled baskets with the metal rods. I found the right size and started my work fixing my new motherboard. As I’m thinking back and retracing my footsteps I’m quite angry for being so careless with something as precious as my computer. Because ultimately I misplaced my computer and left it on the desk I was occupying. I wasn't so nervous someone would try and steal it because I was lucky enough to have my name engraved on the bottom right hand corner. Nor was I nervous that someone would be able to get into my computer, because just as I am able to get into peoples files, I am able to protect my own.
As embarrassing as it is, I was completely confident nothing would happen until it did. The next morning when I went to claim my lost belongings I noticed a strange file that had not been there the day before. The file wasn’t edited to have a name, only titled the the files location. I knew I was fucked the moment I clicked it and the file was nothing besides a yoga program. I was fucked because I don't do yoga, I am the furthest away from active. Someone installed a Trojan virus. 
Trojan viruses are a type of malware that invade your computer disguised as real, operational programs. Once a trojan is inside your system, it can perform destructive actions before you even know it’s there. Once inside, some trojans sit idly on your computer and wait for further instructions from its host hacker, but others begin their malicious activity right from the start. So whoever the fuck did this, did it for a purpose. They need something from me and that’s exactly what I needed to figure out. 
The robotics club became the first line of suspects from the start. Not only are they the only ones that could have had the opportunity to do this, seeing as though they meet early before school, but also the skill. That’s what led me here. Analyzing each member as if I’m the FBI, because I’m about to rain cyber hell on whoever is responsible. 
Who the fuck?!
I hope you guys liked the first chapter of this new mini series I’m starting!! I really love this one from the bottom of my heart. Stay healthy Buns, I love you! As always here is a little visual of Jisung during this fanfic!
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zoyalannister · 1 year
So, since many Gabrily are passing by this blog, I decided to post in preview the unedited Prologue of the ff.
1. The story already has a title, you will just see it when I will post it on Ao3.
2. Bridgestock became Inquisitor a few days before Matt and James's parabatai cerimony, so for the sake of this fanfic I created my OC which is only useful to bring the story forth.
3. You will understand in a moment why I say you will regret the random updates ahah
4. This is the unedited version, the one I will post on Ao3 will be better. And in this prologue there's no smut.
Gabrily prologue
London, 1895
"Let. Me. Go!"
Cecily's words were unheard by the other Shadowhunters who were dragging her through the Silent City.
"You have no idea who you are against," she went on. The rage that she tried to repress for so long was now running free. "My brother, William Herondale, is the head of the London Institute. My husband and my brother-in-law are respected members of the Clave and I myself have helped to save your lives from Mortmain's devices!"
She may as well talk to the dead bones of the walls. The Shadowhunters didn’t reply to her, but they just led her to a cell. Her heart was racing with wrath and fear, and they closed her inside. Cecily gave herself a moment to scream all her feelings.
"This is a mistake!" she yelled against the barred door. "Let me go!"
"We are going to see if it was a mistake."
A voice came from the other side of the door, and a moment later a man showed up. Despite the fact that she didn't meet him often, Cecily recognized Mr. Morgenstern, the Inquisitor.
He was holding the Mortal Sword. That wasn’t a good sign, at all.
But she was too furious to see it rationally.
"I want to see my husband and my children now," she hissed, as the Inquisitor came into her cell.
The man, on his credit, didn’t look impressed.
“I do not think you are going to meet your family anytime soon. You are accused of theft, trespass, opposition to arrest, murder–”
“I did not kill anyone!” Cecily snapped.
She didn’t care if she was disrespecting the second most important charge of the Shadowhunter society. She was innocent, and hearing all those charges–
That charge hurt the most. She didn’t kill anyone indeed, but for days she’d been trying to silence the voice in her head that blamed herself for what had happened, with no result.
The Inquisitor seemed to read her face perfectly.
"I will ask you some questions, and, if your answers can prove your innocence, you are free to go."
Cecily took a deep breath. And then another. And another.
It seemed almost impossible to keep air in her lungs.
Calm down, she told herself. She needed to give a priority order to her thoughts to find a solution.
"I need to see the Consul–"
"Charlotte Fairchild is not to lead the interrogation, since she is a dear friend of yours," he interrupted her.
Cecily had no choice. She had no time to lose if she wanted to meet Gabriel again, and then see Anna and Christopher.
That thought was a pang of pain in her heart. She hadn’t seen her children for almost four weeks now. She missed them terribly.
The Inquisitor gestured her to sit on the chair at the far side of the room, and she reclutantly held out her hands, where he placed the Mortal Sword.
It felt like many little hooks grabbed her hands' skin and started pulling. Cecily bit her lip so as not to let any sound escape her.
"What is your name?"
The Inquisitor's voice brought her back to reality.
"Cecily Lightwood, but Herondale was my maiden name."
The man nodded.
"How old are you?"
"Thirty-two, my birthday was last April."
The Inquisitor nodded again, then his gaze got sharper. These were the preliminary questions to be sure that the sword was working properly, but Cecily knew what he was going to ask.
"What were you doing in Cornwall last month?"
The Mortal Sword dragged the words out of her mouth.
"I was looking for Heavenly Fire weapons."
"Heavenly Fire–" the Inquisitor interrupted himself, then he added with irritation, "For the love of Raziel, that is no more than a children's tale!"
"Are you seriously accusing me of lying while I am holding the Mortal Sword?" Cecily asked with sarcasm.
The Inquisitor's cheek turned a light red, but he had the decency not to confirm his allegation.
"I mean–why?"
Cecily sighed. She was just wasting time.
"It is a long story, and I need to see my husband now."
Morgenstern didn’t flinch.
"Tell me the story, and if it convinces me that you are innocent, I will let you go to see your family."
Cecily snorted. It was going to take too long, but the more time she hesitated and postponed, the more she was delaying her meeting with Gabriel.
"Fine," she spat. "Fine."
She straightened on the chair.
"I will tell you the story, but as soon as I finish speaking, you will take me to Gabriel immediately."
“I promise, if I will declare you innocent. If not, you are staying in this cell indefinitely.”
She gave him a cold look, which made the man flinch.
And so Cecily began her tale.
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woodchoc-magnum · 2 years
Tagged by @tripleaxeldiaz to post five favourite fics of mine, so here we go:
light me and i'll burn for you
He was fine. Sure, the new guy and Buck seemed to like each other a lot, and when they got back to the station, they sat down on the couches together and talked – he guessed they were catching up, but he wasn't really sure. And then as they were leaving for the night, he heard Buck call to AJ that he'd meet him at the bar, so… he guessed that was a thing that was happening.
And he tried to ignore the gnawing feeling of jealousy in his stomach as he watched Buck climb into his jeep wearing a crisp white shirt and black jacket, looking as gorgeous as always.
Everything was fine.
Eddie POV + pining + jealousy + firefam hijinks - it's still my favourite fic that I've ever written?
I like writing truly heinous OC's, lol
the smoke in your eyes
They were too late.
They arrived as back-up just as the two hotshots from the 118 broke out through an attic window with two kids, and descended the ladder to safety.
That should've been him. The media was there, filming and taking pictures – those two assholes would be on television. Why couldn't that ever happen for him? The heroic firefighters from the 118, descending a ladder with children in their arms, and he was five goddamn minutes too late!
He would just have to try again.
His time for glory was coming.
Buck in danger + arson + a Jonah-style villain + suspense - it took me ages to write, and I'm still very proud of it
alone again tonight with you
He learned from Eddie what it meant to be a good father. He learned from Eddie what real, long-lasting friendship meant – he'd never had a best friend before, a person he could rely on through thick and thin. He trusted him, depended on him – but now it seemed as though Eddie was moving on without him. He'd reconnected with Ana, right when Buck was finally starting to feel like his life was on track. He was making progress, moving forward, and feeling happy, and suddenly the main constant in his life had a new girlfriend. He was floundering.
And jealous that someone was diverting the attention he usually received from Eddie away from him.
And angry at himself for feeling jealous.
Buck pining + oblivious Eddie + feelings realisation - this series kicked my ass but it was worth it in the end!
boys of summer
Eddie climbed out, watching with amusement as their friends crowded inside. Buck grabbed his arm and tugged him to the back of the van, and said, "I need to show you the best part."
Eddie followed him, watching as Buck opened the back doors and pulled them open. He unclipped a hook and the doors opened all the way, allowing a full, uninterrupted view out of the back of the van.
"I was thinking – if we're parked somewhere nice, we can open the doors in the morning and watch the sun come up," Buck said to him – his voice was low, so the others wouldn't hear. "Lie in bed. You know?"
Eddie's mouth went dry at the realisation that they'd be sharing a bed for the next two weeks.
Fluff + smut + van life + getting together - just a whole fic of Buck and Eddie making the most out of a converted van while they road trip around California
it always leads to you
Eddie's eyes flicked to him before he started reading - and to Buck's absolute surprise and amazement, Eddie almost completely transformed into a different person. He had a narrator voice and different voices for the characters, and he was animated and totally committed to the part. He had Christopher absolutely howling with laughter, rolling around on the bed in fits of giggles, and Buck couldn't help but laugh with them.
It was funny - his heart was simultaneously full and also hurting… his father had never read to him when he was a kid. Neither of his parents had. He'd always thought that was something that was just in movies or on TV; it wasn't something people did in real life.
But Eddie read to Christopher, and when the story was finished they talked quietly for a few minutes, Eddie brushing Christopher's hair off his forehead before kissing him on the cheek and whispering, "Good night, mijo."
And Buck thought, Wow.
Missing scenes + getting together - I started writing this fic the week after my mother died to try to regain some normalcy (and to take my mind off things), so it's special to me.
Tagging: @cinematicnomad @tawaifeddiediaz @buttercupbuck @sevensoulmates @eddiediass and I am having a mental blank - I've seen a ton of these today so I'm not sure who's done one!
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starryeyes2000 · 2 years
That Night In The Cave: Chapter 31
Read on AO3 or FFN
Rating: Teen
Genre: Hurt/Comfort, First Love, Romance
Pairings: Pike & Tilly; Una x OMC; Saru x OFC
Word Count: 1.8 k
Chapter Summary: The battle with the Klingons takes a turn for the worst.
Excerpt: Vayu
As Tilly climbed up the maintenance shaft, the ship continued shaking and rolling from damage, continued attacks, and Una’s hairpin turns, throwing Tilly’s body backwards and forwards and side to side again and again. Twice she lost her hand and foot holds on the rails and slid down the access ladder, her heart pounding as she frantically grabbed for anything that could arrest her fall. Once she plunged down two decks before hooking an arm around the ladder’s vertical support and wrenching her previously dislocated shoulder. Hanging there like a spider swinging in the wind attached to safety by only a hair’s width thread, Tilly commanded her body to relax and practiced the combat breathing technique Pike taught her while they were sheltering in the cave.
Mercifully, the ship’s movement ceased, and she was able to scramble to the top of the shaft and manually open the doors at the back of the bridge. But the Vayu’s pitch remained dangerously off axis.
Malie shouted, “Computer execute gamma-theta-omega12.”
A minute later Una shouted, “The Klingon ship is retreating. But why? They had us dead to rights.”
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Story Summary:
Discovery’s crew is curious about Christopher Pike's background, especially his early missions shrouded in secrecy and his atypical medical skills. After all why would a starship captain be honored with the prestigious Carrington Award bestowed by the Federation Council for a lifetime’s excellence in medicine?
Tilly has a serious and secret (so she believes) crush on Discovery’s temporary commander, Christopher Pike. Saru’s Vahar'ai has triggered his species version of puberty with Pike serving as a stand-in father figure. Pike has a second and secret mission on Discovery in addition to sorting out the mystery of the seven signals. Restless while Enterprise is docked for repairs, Una takes a vacation.
This is hurt/comfort story of dangers, heroics, rescues, awkward situations, getting to know your crewmates, friendship, dating, romance, and the trajectory of first love for a young girl as she finds her place in her chosen profession. As well as the stranded in a cave during a storm trope. Pike whump. And a shirtless Pike stripped to his underwear.
Characters: Pike, Tilly, Saru, Michael, Reno, Detmer, Pollard, Stamets, Na’an, and the rest of the Discovery crew, Una Chin-Riley, and original supporting characters.
Taglist: @arrthurpendragon @ocappreciation @ocappreciationtag @bardic-tales @themaradaniels
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twstschemer · 1 year
What dorm would your OCs be if not your assigned ones?
Peter - Heartslabyul > Pomefiore Marcus - Heartslabyul > Scarabia Christopher - Savanaclaw > Octavinelle Terry - Savanaclaw > Scarabia Thistle - Octavinelle > Savanaclaw Ruby - Octavinelle > Pomefiore Zayn - Scarabia > Heartslabyul Ray - Pomefiore > Heartslabyul Ailani - Ignihyde > Diasomnia Makoa - Ignihyde > Octavinelle Cerise - Diasomnia > Pomefiore
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melissahausen · 1 year
Aew double or nothing predictions
As always this is who I think will win not necessarily who I want to win.
1:Ethan Page and The Gunns Austin Gunn and Colten Gunn vs. The Hardys Jeff Hardy and Matt Hardy and Hook
If the Hardys and Hook win, Matt Hardy will own Ethan Page's contract:
Hardys and hook
Cause Hook hasn't lost yet really is all I'm basing this on.
2:FTR Dax Harwood and Cash Wheeler vs. Jeff Jarrett and Jay Lethal with Karen Jarrett, Sonjay Dutt, and Satnam Singh
Mark Briscoe will serve as the special guest referee:
I'm so torn on this match (you'll hear that a lot in this lol) , I want FTR to win obvz but I've a feeling JJJ gonna do it cause its been going on so long if they don't win what's the point? , I also have this horrible feeling Mark gonna get involved in the worst way, but aye I think it's gonna be JJJ
3: Wardlow with Arn Anderson vs. Christian Cage with Luchasaurus, Ladder match for the AEW TNT Championship:
Once again I'm so torn Wardlow has just won the bloody thing back but its a ladder match its basically Christian's wheelhouse ahhh I dunno, I think it's gonna be an amazing match and I'm going wardlow but it could go either way.
4: Jamie Hayter vs. Toni Storm, Singles match for the AEW Women's World Championship:
There's a rumour this match isn't happening as Jamie is injured so this is just a potential prediction lol but I think Jamie is on the best run so gotta be her.
5: Blackjack Battle Royal: 21-man Battle Royal for the AEW International Championship
I'm not writing down all the participants cause this post gonna be long enough lmfao but I think OC gonna retain , man's on his best run in his career.
6: Jade Cargill vs. Taya Valkyrie: Singles match for the AEW TBS Championship
Honestly I don't know and I don't think I care either , I love Jade but I'm so over this run, either elevate her to the woman's Championship division or make her lose , but I think she's gonna get to 100 before they do that so jade.
7: Adam Cole vs. Chris Jericho Unsanctioned match
Sabu will serve as the special guest enforcer:
I think they're gonna put Cole in the main event picture eventually so this might be the match to start it off going against a legend like Christopher. So I'm going adam Cole.
8: The House of Black (Malakai Black, Brody King, and Buddy Matthews) (c) (with Julia Hart) vs. TBA Open House six-man tag team match for the AEW World Trios Championship:
HOB obviously lmfao
9:MJF vs. Sammy Guevara vs. Darby Allin vs. "Jungle Boy" Jack Perry Four-way match for the AEW World Championship:
We all know Max gonna retain but I see some shenanigans happening, we're all expecting Sammy to side with max right? But will Jack actually turn heel tonight? , will sting get involved? Will Phil come back 🤢? There's so much potential for shenanigans to happen. But ultimately I think max gonna win.
10: Blackpool Combat Club Bryan Danielson, Jon Moxley, Claudio Castagnoli, and Wheeler Yuta vs. The Elite Kenny Omega, Matt Jackson, Nick Jackson, and "Hangman" Adam Page, Anarchy in the Arena match:
Okay so this match my god this match , last years was amazing and I think this year's gonna top it.
Who I think gonna win I'm not sure BCC can afford to lose a match and the elite are back whole for the first time in almost 3 years so do they need it? Yes , yes they do.
Another match that can lead to shenanigans, another one that might include Phil 🤢🤢
Also one that can lead to the wembley matches being planted
I'm so excited for this match incase that wasn't obvious 😂😂
Also the elite winning yep
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clottedscream · 2 years
Omg Hi, I love your ocs Peter and Winnie! I’m am so hooked!!! What is their story exactly?
I'm not sure if this is a new ask or one that I missed from back when I posted those drawings, but Peter and Winnie's story has actually changed recently, inspired by a dream I had! The first major change is that Peter is now Christopher, and they both have last names: Winnie Seo and Christopher Stuart. Initially, i had both of them meeting at an orphanage, but I've decided one of those predatory "troubled kids and delinquents" boarding schools where the parents sign guardianship over to the school is a better fit for the story I want to tell.
Winnie and Christopher were both sent to this boarding school for different reasons that ultimately boil down to them being neurodivergent- Christopher having unmanaged ADHD that causes him to lash out emotionally and get into fights at school, and Winnie being selectively mute due to her autism. Both of these traits will prove to be vital to their survival when a strange, supernatural virus hits, devastating the world's population and forcing survivors to fight against zombies who spread their infection through speech.
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Once Christopher and Winnie escape into what's left of the world, they initially build their home base in an abandoned mall. Winnie's special interest is electricity, and for her age she's a prodigy at figuring out generators and batteries. This base lasts them a couple years before fuel runs out- when they strike out once more, their final destination is to the Hoover Dam, which Winnie believes will provide them enough power for the rest of their days. Along the way, Winnie and Christopher invent their own nonverbal language- Winnie never learned ASL, so her method of communication includes silent visual cues from moving her hands or head as well as auditory cues like snapping, stomping, and so forth.
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When the virus in this universe first takes hold in the victim, there are no symptoms. But as the victim continues to talk, the disease progresses. First, the victim starts to lose their memories, and their speech becomes less coherent. Their speech becomes more and more garbled until everything else scrambles with it, leaving the victim a zombie whose only instinct is to spread its infection. (If you've ever seen the movie pontypool, it's effectively the virus from pontypool- except all spoken language on earth is effected, and not just english.) but since Winnie and Christopher don't talk, neither of them is able to incubate the virus, and the infection dies in their system and immunizes them.
Winnie and Christopher eventually run into other survivors along the way, including a deaf escaped inmate named Sawnie who becomes their adoptive father figure on the road to the Hoover Dam. Christopher is also on a search for his parents, who he hasn't given up hope on finding despite them sending him away.
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That's Sawnie, btw. I should really draw more of him, because I'm pretty fond of how his design came out.
The story is still sort of a loose mishmosh of ideas and themes, but I'm going for it being an allegory for how neurodivergent and particularly adhd/autistic people have to navigate the world differently and essentially find 'cheatcodes' for surviving and thriving in a world that isn't built for them (like how Christopher, Winnie, and Sawnie survive by communicating nonverbally). If anyone reading this knows more about neurodivergence and the politics surrounding it than me (I am neurodivergent myself, but that doesn't make me an expert) and wants to give me some feedback or advice on this story, I'm totally open for it!
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I have an oc
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Name: Macy Lancaster
Age: unsure 25-29
Sexuality: bi
Gender: Female
S/o: Darren treacy
Crime(s): Arson, manslaughter, poison,
Victims: Nat Lancaster (mother),Tommy Lancaster (father), masie Lancaster (sister,failed),Liam brookswell (unsure) and Tatiana masch (ex girlfriend)
Lore: She and Darren first met when they were both 19 at a pub they talked and hit it off, Then at 22 Macy moved to London to begin her life of crime under the name "Maxwell", she fell in love,commited Arson yadah yadah yadah but when a group of assassins go after her she flees to Ireland back into Darren's territory,it is one day until she is married to her fiance Christopher. We all know the rule "oh it's your last day go kiss people" but chris disagrees because he says.
"my brother did that and got found out by his wife,she left him"
But being her naive self she decides to hook up with Darren one last time..Then on the night of her wedding she sees him hook up with her best friend Katie. So her and Darren start dating..days later she finds her sister masie hooking up with Darren because they were married, Darren says they are divorced but they aren't just masie and Darren stoped seeing eachother,so on the day of masie's wedding Macy sets fire to the bouquet on the center table and runs off. Also there is a ring she wears which keeps her in a stable state but whenever she loses it she normally commits Arson,so when Darren finds out that a girl called Natalie has Macy's ring and he has a substitute Natalie keeps it,so Darren...kills her, meanwhile Macy commits Arson to a small cottage with her ex fiance and Katie in it.
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wagner-fell · 3 years
Spiders Are Ugly And Other Lies Capitalism Has Told Us (part one)
“Dad,” Astrid called out, shutting the coral coloured front door behind her. “Are you home?”
She dumped her cream tote bag spray painted with the words ‘Washing Machine Heart’ in big, rainbow letters onto one of the stools facing the granite countertop. The rest of the Merry Hoes followed suit. It was weird seeing a person as chaotic as Astrid in such a calm environment.
They were all spending the summer in LA with Astrid and her Dad. It had taken a while for Kevin to convince his family it was a good idea. Especially because he and Blessica had finally put years of pinning behind them. Making out on Kit’s bed at Mina’s third birthday party certainly wasn’t the way they had envisioned it but as the longing was over with, they were happy.
The Chu’s didn’t love the idea of their son living in a different country for three months with his girlfriend but we’re on board once Kevin assured them there was no possible way Blessica could get pregnant.
Kit wasn’t officially sleeping at the Yang’s but at the Institute with his boyfriend. Julian wasn’t so thrilled about the situation but Emma was. She was positively ecstatic about having a training partner as skilled as Kit was, courtesy of Jem and Tessa. Though staying a thirty minute drive away (on the wrong side of the road, Mari noted) wouldn’t keep Kit away for long. Even now he was with them instead of having his own reunion make out session.
Speaking of making out…
Mari rested their chin on the top of Astrid’s head and wrapped their arms around her middle. “Why don’t you show us your room while we wait for your dad to get home.”
It was kinda perfect, Mari often remarked, that she realized her feelings for their best friend weren’t so platonic as she previously led herself to believe at the same time they and Kit realized they were better off as just platonic.
Astrid hit her hand playfully. “That’s not fair!” she whined! ”How dare you take advantage of my constant hornyness when my God-fearing Presbyterian father could be in the next room? Shame! Shame on you, shame on your family, shame on your cow.”
“I’m pretty sure it’s ‘dishonor’”, said Kit, who didn’t even look up from his phone when he addressed her, “but go off I guess.”
Astrid looked like she was questioning all her life choices up to this point. “A white boy knows Mulan better than me.” She shook her head in disgust. Mari could feel the loose hairs of her girlfriend’s ponytail ticking her exposed collar bone. “Mulan.”
Mari laughed before softly brushing their lips against Astrid mop of bleached strands of pastel yellow, pink and blue mixed magnificently with her natural inky black.
“Is hornyness even a word?” Kevin wondered aloud as he observed the knickknacks placed at even intervals utop the kitchen cabinets. Blessica was with him. She was gazing at one of a crab steering a ship when she spotted a slim piece of paper taped below it.
“Ast,” she called. The both looked in her direction, despite Blessica needing the attention of one. “Your dad says he won’t be home till seven. Emergency at work.”
“Which leaves us more than enough time to pack and head over to meet Ty, Dru and Thaìs at the arcade,” said Kit. He finally turned his phone off and shoved it into the back pocket of his ripped jeans. “Marstrid can do the ol’ devil’s tango then catch up to us.”
‘Marstrid’ wrinkled their noses. “I thought we agreed on Astari, Christopher.”
“Astari sounds gayer,” confirmed Kevin, his eyes never leaving the miniature decorations.
“Not to be rude but why does Astari sound gayer?” asked a visibly confused Blessica.
“Because,” answered Mari, unraveling herself from Astrid to slide onto one of the bar stools and reaching into the Jolly Rancher jar, blindly searching for a green, “Astari has ‘star’ in it. Star equals astrology. An obsession with astrology is the price you pay for the gay agenda. Besides, Marstrid sounds like an old southern lady.” Then she furrowed her eyebrows and swiveled to face Astrid. “Southern is Texas, right?” Astrid nooded, a smile so big the Cheshire Cat would be jealous.
Without looking, she stuck her hand in the jar and pulled out a green apple flavoured hard candy on her first try. She held it out to Mari, who snatched it out of her hand with an angry huff.
“Hey, Ast, where do you guys keep the crisps?” asked Kevin when he finished inspecting all the knickknacks.
“Uh, under the barbecue sauce, I think.”
Kit’s eyes lit up. “So I’m sitting there”- Astrid understood what was happening in just enough time to quote- “barbecue sauce on my titties” in unison.
Mari put her head into their open palms, still sucking on the pity candy. “Why is this my type?”
“Are you sure this is the right place?” asked Blessica as Kit attempted to parallel park outside the location Ty had texted him to meet at. Key word, attempt. When Tessa had taught him to drive, he’d been such a disaster at parallel parking she had instructed him to ‘take the underground when tight spaces might be a possibility.’ Which he prided himself in doing. But this was America and the underground was called the subway, so, technically, no rules were being broken.
“Yes, Blessie, I’m certain.”
“Okay. Just checking cause a few turns back the GPS said-”
“Blessie!” He nearly crashed into the car in front of him.
“Right. Shutting up.”
When Kit managed to park with minimal damage and the three were about to exit, the voice of Nicki Minaj boomed from his pocket. Ty was calling him. He accepted the call, putting it on speaker.
“Hello Tiberius.” There was giggling from the other end of the line. A groan soon followed it.
“It’s been a year,” came the annoyed voice of Dru. “Get over your British kink already.” Kevin’s laughter echoed from the backseat.
“Hey Ty!
“Hi Kevin.”
”Hey Dru!”
“Fuck off.”
“Ouch. Why do you feel the need to hurt me so?” Blessica laughed.
“Here,” replied Thaìs cheerfully.
“Are you here yet,” asked Ty.
“Uh, yeah! We were just getting out of the rental car when you called. You didn’t tell me it was going to be crowded. I had to parallel park!”
“What are you talking about?” interrupted Dru. ”There are only four cars in the parking lot.”
“But,” Ty countered, “there are lots of Billy’s Fun Zones’ around here. You guys must have got mixed up and taken a wrong turn. I could have sworn I sent you the correct location on GPS.” Maybe Ty said more on the subject but Kit could hear anything or see anything except the superior smirk Blessica was giving him.
He covered the speaker. “Not. A. Word.” And no word came out of her mouth the entire ride to the correct Billy’s Fun Zone but the ‘I told you so’ look on her face spoke loud enough.
Kit slid back into the booth next to Ty, handing him his pretzel. Ty kissed him on the check in gratitude.
Dru and Ty were right. About this one being empty. He told him he had heard about it from Alyssa. Her pack frequented it often. They were left alone because, well, there was no one else there to bother them.
“Where are Astrid and Mari?” he asked.
“Fucking. I think. Or maybe just making out. I’ll know which one when they finish.” When Ty gave him a puzzled look he continued, “Astrid describes it all to me in full detail. I honestly don’t know whether she doesn’t have a filter or she just needs someone to scream to about how amazing Mari is.”
“Why can’t it be both?”
“True, true.”
They sat in comfortable silence for a few minutes before Ty picked up the conversation again. “When Thaìs first met Astrid, she had a huge crush on her. They got along great. I always thought they would end up together. Or hook up at the very least.”
“Huh, that’s funny,” observed Kit.
“What is?”
“When me and Mari split, I was planning on trying to set them up with Thaìs. But then I caught her ans Astrid making out in a storage closet at school. Which, in hindsight, was pretty stupid cause they were in there so I wouldn’t be sad Mari moved on when I opened the door in the first place avoiding her to call you.”
The gears in Ty’s head were visibly turning. Kit loved watching this process. An idea was forming in his boyfriend’s genius mind, he could sense it.
“What is their stance on monogamy?” he asked finally.
“Um, fuck, hold on. Mari sent me this whole speech about it.” Kit scrolled through his phone at a rapid rate before he saw what he was looking for. He cleared his throat and began reading aloud.
Mari_da_bisexual_whore, sent 1:52 AM: monogamy is just another lie capitalism has fed us
Mari_da_bisexual_whore, sent 1:55 AM: like, for example, the notion that house spiders are ugly and to be feared
Mari_da_bisexual_whore, sent 1:56 AM: it’s just to sell bug spray
Mari_da_bisexual_whore, sent 1:56 AM: same with monogamy
Mari_da_bisexual_whore, sent 1:56 AM: pointless!!!
Mari_da_bisexual_whore, sent 1:58 AM: in conclusion, if I want to join a polyam cult, who tf is the government to stop me?
Kev-Kev, sent 2:01 AM: mari please go to sleep
Bless-ing_to_the_world, sent 2:04 AM: ^^^^^^^^^^^
Mitski_my_love, sent 2:05 AM: preach!
Mitski_my_love, sent 2:05 AM: go off queen
By the time Kit was finished with his dramatic reading, Ty’s plan was fully formed.
“That settles it! We are going to play matchmakers!”
Alyssa, Ty’s friend mentioned is @thechangeling OC, not mine.
@the-blackdale @the-wckd-powers @adoravel-fenomeno @thomas-gaypanic-lightwood @illusions-give-reasons-to-live @ithurielkeepsgettingkidnapped @im-not-ruined-im-ruination @sofiatheskeleton @cncnbr @its-taff @noah-herondale-lightwood @maxboythedog @arangiajoan @shelvesofgold @book-dragon-not-worm sorry if I missed anyone LMK if you want to be added or removed from The tag List!!
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