#oc: peter hare
twstschemer · 4 months
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Valentines from the boys! Part 1
Here we have Marcus, Peter, Christopher, Terry, Ruby, and Thistle.
Blank is from here: Link @/shinaeterii on twitter
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kagrs · 9 months
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Funney Outfit for Peter.
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spinchs-field · 1 year
1 13 35! Just for whoever but I'm curious about your pirate crew :)
1 - If your oc was to host a TV show, what would it be about? Would your oc be good at it? What sorts of guests would appear? if we're talking the pirate crew, they'd all host their own show except for Madison because he's trying to lay low. Addison (the tiger) would probably host some sort of fighting show because it's the form of entertainment she grew up with. Polly (the polecat) and Peter (the hare) would host a more relaxed talkshow kinda thing with various guests; an interview kinda thing. Lucille would probably do some form of gardening or cooking show i think! they'd all be pretty good at it, i think. especially Polly, what with her being the crew's captain and all that
13 - How dangerous is your oc? Are they completely innocent, or someone to be feared? Do others know? the entire crew is pretty dangerous, but especially Addison. she was literally bred to be the perfect soldier. she grew up around other soldiers and has been fighting for almost her entire life. Peter knows her way around poisons, and being a doctor has an added benefit of making a death look like an accident. Polly grew up around other pirates, so she's very well-trained in combat. not to mention she used to be part of a Very feared crew. Lucille looks innocent, but she's gotten pretty good at fucking people up over the years. Madison is probably the least combat ready, but he still knows how to fight
35 - Is your oc a workaholic, or do they find it hard to be busy at all? Do they find it easy to relax, or must they have something to do at all times? Why? Polly is definitely a workaholic. she finds it easy to relax, but she'd prefer being busy. Addison is on edge almost constantly because of trauma, so relaxing is hard for her. she's almost always doing something. Lucille, Peter, and Madison find it pretty easy to relax, and spend a lot of time just Hanging Out. they can get their job done well, though.
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pan-fried-autism · 1 year
jack harris
Full Name: Jackson Peter Harris Gender and Sexuality: Cis guy, queer in some way Pronouns: he/him Species: Hare Birthplace and Birthdate: Homenton, Missoury, Jan 3 Guilty Pleasures: being cringe/j Phobias: Uninteionally alienating himself from everyone What They Would Be Famous For: Being in an epic fail compilation What They Would Be Arrested For: Restraining order violation OC You Ship Them With: Bunny (though she divorces him. sowwy), Commander Grizz (@ghostys-originals), and Leonid (@bowlerhatwearer) OC Most Likely To Murder Them: Not mine but Swap!Nikolai (also bowlers character) Favourite Movie/Book Genre: Liam Neeson's Every day life Least Favourite Movie/Book Cliche: None, though he could do without twist villains sometimes Talents and/or Powers: Very fast, kicks really hard Why Someone Might Love Them: desirable patheticness (cough cough Leo cough) Why Someone Might Hate Them: the someone in question is Grementine Mewton, or they don’t like his patheticness How They Change: he learns to let go of the past, of a relationship that never really was Why You Love Them: hes so pathetic
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ruffolive · 4 years
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unused sketch dump
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nevinovatsoldier · 6 years
what about a cliche camp councilor au where howard thinks tony needs to learn to be more authoritative or some bullshit like that so he signs him up to be a councilor at a summer camp upstate. of course tonys pissed about this and thankfully rhodey and pepper take pity on him and sign up as well. but because of their ages rhodey and pepper get taken on as senior councilors while tonys stuck being a junior councilor, and have to go to camp earlier for a longer orientation. even more bitter tony decides that on his last night at home hes going to watch a bunch of horror movies. horror movies that take place in the woods, or at camps. what could go wrong.
the day he arrives at camp isnt too bad he goes through the introduction orientation easily enough and makes some acquaintances with his fellow junior councilors; clint, natasha, janet, and sam. tony then is quickly reunited with rhodey and pepper, afterwards, who introduce him to their senior councilor friends; steve, carol, and bucky. tony gets lucky in his cabin placement as he gets to share one with rhodey, bucky, and 6 other little campers set to join them in a few days.
the rest of the day goes pretty easily with the junior councilors getting the feel for the camp layout and getting run downs of the rules and jobs they’ll be doing. they also all receive little booklets with all the camp approved campfire songs (nerds).
it was later that night that tony started to really regret his decision about his movie marathon. he kept tossing and turning for the majority of the beginning of the night, but it wasnt until he realized he had to go to the bathroom that he really started to hate himself. he quickly grabs a flashlight and creeps out of his cabin and practically dead sprints towards the toilets. tony must’ve broken some sorta record with how fast he finished up in the bathroom, and thinks hes in the clear of any psychopathic murders until he goes to walk out and runs right into bucky, which startles him but he quickly regains his barrings and angerly yells at him, which bucky apologizes for but also teases tony about. they banter for a bit longer until tony hears a noise in the trees behind him and tenses up. even bucky could admit it freaked him out a bit. tony tries to push bucky back to their cabin quickly so “they dont get killed by the crazy psycho” but ends up tripping and they both fall down. and thats how sam finds tony straddling bucky in the middle of the night near the bathrooms when all he wanted to do was take a piss.
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dexterouslycharming · 3 years
Poppy's EAH ocs
Augustine Ella - First born daughter of Cinderella, elder sister of Ashlyn Ella, currently dating Dexter Charming, an expert sword fighter and ice-skater, currently has a pet lion she named Theodore
Courageux Lâche - Son of the cowardly lion, big himbo, currently cursed to be permanently in his lion form, lives with Augustine Ella under the guise of being her pet 'Theodore', very protective of Auggie, bookball legend
Nacrine Neptune - Daughter of the little mermaid, kinda a badass, pro swimmer but dropped out of the EAH swim team, identifies as a rebel
Harriet Lapine - Daughter of the Moon Rabbit, transfer from Monster High, always in her own world, makes pastries and drinks that cause different effects, definitely more than a little weird
Dorian Dormouse - Son of the Dormouse from Alice in Wonderland, always sleeping, often found asleep in dorm rooms other than his own its unknown how he gets it, best friends with Maddie, Kitty and Lizzie (as well as the other Wonderlandians), a big flirt but he doesn't even realize he's flirting
Penelope Rabbit - Daughter of Peter Rabbit, a real sweet heart, expert gardener, floppy rabbit ears always, a royal
Sylvester Bishop - Son of the Mad Hatter and The White Queen, takes his destiny as the next white king very seriously, dyes his red hair white to match his mother, kinda a buzzkill
Chancellor Cheshire - Youngest son of the Cheshire cat, younger brother of Kitty Cheshire, very playful, gives people love bites, always wears fingerless gloves, likes to knead soft things, gets into trouble all the time
December 'Declan' Hare - Son of the March Hare, best friends with Chancellor, very mild and soft, doesn't encourage Chancellor antics but doesn't actively discourage him either
Tucker Belle - Son of Tinker Belle, finger guns bisexual, also a himbo, kinda stupid, a big flirt but no one wants to flirt back
Kathrine 'Katty' Boots - Daughter of Puss in Boots, cats ears? Check, a real master on the dance floor, fencing genius
Rosie Midas - Daughter of King Midas, always wears gloves, conceal don't feel, don't turn it to gold, hesitant to make friends, afraid she'll accidentally become like her father and turns those she loves to gold
Kingston White - Son of Snow White, and younger brother of Apple White. Caught up in the whole destiny conflict by associate to his family, doesn't care either way as he doesn't have a destiny, same age as Chancellor Cheshire and December Hare.
Juliette Pendragon - Daughter of Arthur Pendragon, (also known as King Arthur of Camelot). An adventurer and explorer at heart, she's always whisking her friends off an crazy expeditions
Aspen O'Hair - Son of Rapunzel, triplet to Holly and Poppy. First year at EAH but he's in the same grade as his sisters, no one really knew he existed until he transfered. Only at EAH because Holly begged Milton to let him and Poppy attend school with her. No set destiny. . .yet
Winonah Pooh - Daughter of Winnie the Pooh, delicate and easily scared, a grade above the show's main characters, hates social interaction with anyone she doesn't know
Peony Porcelet - Daughter of Piglet, bold and outgoing, doesn't get along too well with Winonah Pooh, track team captain, prefers to be in large groups
Tillie Tigger - Daughter of Tigger, uses her father's name as her last name since her family doesn't have one, sweet, love language is giving, makes sure Winonah doesn't have anxiety attacks, bounce bounce
Sorrel Rosecea - Son of Princess Rosette and The King of Peacocks, bright and bold, birds flock to him, often seen with a trail of peacocks behind him, helps out in EAH's aviary
Emmeline White - Daughter of Snow White, older than Apple, actually the next Snow White, the destiny conflict bothers her, why does her younger sister get her destiny? She's going to make it right. . .
Jeremy Cricket - Son of Jiminy Cricket, the world's morally grey, not black and white dad, rebel vs royal. . . Why can't we all be friends? Choices are hard, think carefully, skateboard king
Roman Wyllt - Son of Merlin, kinda a coward and filled with anxiety, Romeo and juliet anyone? Would die for his true love, hopes he won't ever have to though
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Psst hey! Anyone wanna send me asks about my Ever After High Oc's and the Baby Bird AU? I got more than one oc! List below.
May Hare (child of the March Hare)
Precious Charming (accidental Baby sister to The Charming sibs, next Baba Yaga)
Amadeus Hook (Child of Captain Hook, Next Wendy)
Icarus Pan (eldest son of Peter Pan, the next Hook, antagonist)
Molly Pan (youngest Daughter of Wendy and Peter pan)
Jay Grimm (Trans Man, Only child of Milton Grimm)
Moira Wolf (only child of the Grey Wolf from the Russian story of the Fire Bird)
For those who forget the Baby Bird AU is where The Evil queen (named Robin) decides to be a good mother to Raven and revamps herself with the help of friends. She ends up adopting Apple who renames herself Starling! Its an AU I came up with @calyxthenerd. Together we created these OCs.
Nana Breadhouse (Ginger's Mom)
Trapper Huntsman (the Huntsman and Father of Ginger (surogate) Hunter and Gatherer)
Merlin (genderfluid bastard that his husbands adore)
King Arthur (transman and Robin's Best Friend)
Gatherer (identical twin brother to Hunter nicknamed Garret)
Ask what you wish but for the shared OCs I will not be able to anwser everything!
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twstschemer · 1 year
What dorm would your OCs be if not your assigned ones?
Peter - Heartslabyul > Pomefiore Marcus - Heartslabyul > Scarabia Christopher - Savanaclaw > Octavinelle Terry - Savanaclaw > Scarabia Thistle - Octavinelle > Savanaclaw Ruby - Octavinelle > Pomefiore Zayn - Scarabia > Heartslabyul Ray - Pomefiore > Heartslabyul Ailani - Ignihyde > Diasomnia Makoa - Ignihyde > Octavinelle Cerise - Diasomnia > Pomefiore
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thetargaryenbride · 5 years
Dear Dad, [1]
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Summary: When a strange girl with enhanced abilities catches the eye of Nick Fury and he sends one of the Avengers to bring her under his protection, how will things turn out for them? She is... odd. There’s something mysterious - a hidden backstory. She’s wrapped securely in a seashell that starts shedding piece by piece. And inside? It’s not a pearl. 
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A/N: This story was rewritten! Many things were changed regarding the character and the plot. The story used to have 9 chapters but I have deleted them all except this one which is only edited. So I’ll be posting the rest as time goes by. As always, if you think something can be corrected in the story or if the characters are OOC, do tell me in the comments. I’m open to criticism and advice. Thank you and I hope you enjoy the new version of this story 🖤🥀
Word Count: 3632 Warnings: Violence, a bit of blood Pairing: Peter Parker x Stark!Reader OC Characters in future chapters:
Marcel Crawford - face claim: Dacre Montgomery 
Enzo Barlowe - face claim: Fredy Carter 
Theo Elsher - face claim: Noah Schnapp
Lev Marley - face claim: Aidan Gillan 
Masterlist || Chapter 2
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That was plaguing Tony’s mind.
The war. The huge army.
And most of all, the gauntlet.
The gauntlet he created. A device powerful enough to hold the Infinity Stones. What followed afterward was this one sound – the snapping of fingers.
His fingers.
And then everything was blurry and slowly darkening.
He could hear voices.
“Mr. Stark! We won, Mr. Stark!”
“Hang in there, Stark!”
“Everything is going to be ok…”
And then darkness. Endless abyss. Swallowing him. He truly felt at peace. He felt relaxed. Everything eased as it fell into silence.
But suddenly there was this jerking sensation. It was sucking at him, pulling him, tugging at his very being. And then he was choking, desperately trying to get some air. His vision was blurry again. And then it cleared. But what did he see? A graveyard. He was surrounded by perfectly mowed grass and hundreds of tombs. And it was night. A very dark night. Only the lightning bolts in the distance threw some faint light. Enough light for him to see his own gravestone.
Anthony Stark
Beloved father, lover, and friend.
Billionaire, genius, philanthropist.
The greatest mind the world has ever seen.
A true hero.
Iron Man.
“I… am… Iron Man…”
He grasped the cold stone, staring at it intently. Then he looked at his body. Perfectly intact. He grasped his hands, feeling the roughness and the realness of them. Everything seemed like a dream as he slowly stood up and started walking, all the while thinking how was all of this even possible. What happened? Why did it happen?
“Daddy!” he heard a voice. It was coming from somewhere far away.
And suddenly, he was in a place he’s never seen before. It was a white, snowy wasteland, stretching far and wide. There was a small figure sitting on the ground – a child. As he neared them, he noticed it was a little girl. She was sobbing.
“Morgan?” asked the man and the girl turned to face him. But it wasn’t Morgan. It was someone else. She immediately got on her feet and began running towards him.
But before she could reach him, she vanished into the air. 
Turning into dust.
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Tony gasped as he sat upright in his bed. His hands shook and he tightened them into fists, trying to stop the trembling. His heart beat as fast as a wild hare’s that was being chased by hounds.
“Tony?” he heard a murmur and shifting and he sharply turned to look at a sleepy Pepper.
“It’s ok, Pep. Go to sleep,” he threw her a small, tight smile before standing up, slowly walking out of the bedroom, and slithering into the kitchen to pour himself some water.
Two months.
It has been two months since the war against Thanos ended.
He had been on the verge of death. So close that he could feel its cold, bony fingers grasping at his soul. Then he had been saved by many people’s combined strength and effort – mostly Stephen Strange and Dr. Helen Cho.
He was still shaken to the core.
He was supposed to be dead. The amount of radiation that the stones flooded him with was way too much. Only people like Bruce and Thor should’ve been able to survive after a snap. Bruce had the Hulk which was ironically a creature born out of radiation. Thor was a god. He had taken the full force of a star and survived. He should’ve been dead – out like a candle blown by the wind. Yet they had been able to save him on the nick of time. But what followed was just more torment for him. All the nightmares, the guilt. They were haunting him. Steve was an old man now, close to dying. Natasha was gone too – dead. Tony was supposed to be gone as well.
His grasp on the handle of the ceramic mug tightened and he put it down harshly, the loud clank shattering the deadly silence of the dark room.
He was glad. He was glad that he was alive. He was glad that he would be able to see Morgan grow up. To see Peter grow up and turn into an incredible man. He was glad that he would be able to spend time with his family and friends without having to fear about any dangers anymore. He would finally have the life he craved – a peaceful and happy life with the people he loved.
But first, he had to go through all the survivor guilt and PTSD.
It’s not like he hasn’t had any of these struggles before. It’s just that this time they were ten times worse than what he’s dealt with before.
But time did numb the pain. Especially time spent with your loved ones. 
Tony sighed as he made his way from the kitchen counter to the living room, fully intending on crashing on the sofa and staring at the wall while his brain raced with thoughts, as he’s done every night for the past week when a shadow in the corner caused him to jump startled.
“Hello, Stark,” greeted him the person and Tony exhaled sharply.
“Fury. To what do I owe the pleasure?” he asked and the man neared the billionaire, handing him a flash drive.
“I came here because I have found something rather interesting,” started Fury and Tony raised an eyebrow. “There is a girl. We don’t know much about her except what’s on this flash drive. From the video material we managed to get our hands on, it’s obvious that she is quite a strong individual. We detected HYDRA agents not far away from her location. It makes me think that they are after her which is suspicious because we thought that HYDRA was almost done for, obliterated, thanks to the Avengers. Apparently, whatever little strength they have left, they are focusing on a wild chase for this one person,” revealed the man, and Tony huffed, taking the flash drive.
“Why do I feel like that’s not all there is?” he asked as he put a hand on his hip. “What do you want me to do about it?”
“I want you to go find her, take her, and bring her in,” drawled the one-eyed man and Tony’s eyebrows lifted once again.
“Why me?”
“Because I’ve been watching you for some time now. You are torturing yourself. You need to do something before you drive yourself crazy. I’m giving you a mission,” said the man firmly, and Tony exhaled deeply.
“What do we do about HYDRA, huh? Can’t believe they are still up and running even after what? Seven years?”
“Well, we were able to capture, imprison and kill many of their agents by 2018. We almost totally destroyed them but then… Thanos happened. And then the five years happened, which for all of us dusted ones seemed like a couple of seconds. The few surviving HYDRA agents apparently thought that the moment was perfect, what with the remaining Avengers taking care of the people and the catastrophes happening around the world, they probably thought they could start gathering people again and continue with their plans. And I do admit the moment for that was perfect… Thanos really did snap away the wrong half,” sighed Fury and Tony nodded gravely. “We should stop them before they have gathered manpower and strong individuals like this girl… before it’s too late and they are back on their feet like before SHIELD fell apart.”
“All right, fair enough, I’ll go,” Tony agreed as he stood up and left the cup on the small table, walking towards the bedroom until he halted and whirled, sending Nick a curious gaze. “Wait, where am I going again?”
“Bulgaria… Everything you need to know is on the flash drive.”
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Bulgaria, Sofia
A man walked fast, turning left and right, weaving his way through the alleys until he finally reached a dead end. You stepped from behind the corner and stood there, arms at your side, feet firmly planted on the ground as you stared him down.
“Let’s stop with the cat and mouse game, Leo,” you spoke calmly in Russian and the man chuckled.
“I wonder, though, who is the cat and who is the mouse?” he mused as he turned to face you, smirking tauntingly. Your face - schooled in an emotionless, cold mask - did not even twitch.
“Did you really think you would escape HYDRA? Even with a new ID and basically disappearing from the radar by hiding in this small country, did you think we wouldn’t use everything to track you down?” he asked mockingly and you just shrugged.
“It worked for quite some time.”
“And it fails now.”
“I’m not coming back,” you muttered.
“I’m afraid you have no choice,” he huffed in irritation and a dozen of agents appeared, surrounding you. You huffed as you watched them start running toward you with taser rods. They did not draw their guns, you observed. They didn’t want to attract attention. It was an advantage you were going to exploit.
“All right then. If you really wanna play that game,” you muttered as you cracked your neck and rolled your shoulders. You quickly grabbed two knives from their holsters on your belt and faced the agents approaching you head-on. You threw the weapons without hesitation. One embedded in the chest of a man, while the other plunged into someone’s head.
You ducked when a fist came flying your way and you grabbed the wrist of the person tightly, lifting him in the air and smashing him hard on the ground. A taser rod made contact with your shoulder blade and another with your right tight, making you hiss in pain as you whirled and kicked the two men in their malleolus, making them grunt in pain as they staggered. You knocked them out with two fast hits to their temples.
While you were busy dealing with them, more sneaked from behind you. One managed to grab you and block the movement of your arms while another, a rather huge and bulky one, came towards you. You lifted your lower body, kicking him in the throat and causing him to falter, and locked your thighs around his head extra tightly, twisting them and breaking his neck. When he fell on the ground, taking your lower body with him, you used the gravitation pull and the heaviness of his dead body and gained enough momentum to flip the guy who was holding you from behind. Once he was down, you entwined your two hands and brought them down with a battle cry, smashing his skull.
You quickly stood up ready to take on the rest of the agents, when something flew from the sky and landed close to you. The red and golden blur soon took a shape and your eyes widened when you saw the all-familiar costume.
“Iron Man,” you whispered as you watched him blast the remaining men. Leo snarled as he used the chaos to slip away, running from the abandoned alleys back to the full of people streets.
Once all the men were down, Tony lifted his helmet and turned to look at the shocked girl. You stared at one another for almost a minute before he finally spoke.
“Hi,” he managed to let out awkwardly after a long pause but you just kept staring at him. “So, um, what’s going on here?” he semi-asked and you lifted an eyebrow.
“I-I don’t know. You tell me,” you returned and he took a few steps closer, observing you. “You are the infamous Tony Stark.”
“One and only. At your service,” he bowed jokingly and the corner of your lips twitched.
“What brings you here of all places?”
“You,” he answered without a beat and your eyebrows shot to your hairline.
“Should I be frightened or honored?” you asked sarcastically.
“Maybe both.”
“Lovely. And what business do you have with little old me?”
“We can’t… exactly discuss this here,” he told you as he scratched his ear, looking at the pile of bodies, and you hummed.
“Well, um… I’m staying at a hostel so… maybe we can go there?” you offered awkwardly as you stepped over the dead and unconscious bodies, approaching the man.
“Sure,” he quipped before offering his hand to you. “Pleasure to officially meet you…” he drawled the last word, indicating he was expecting you to share your name.
“Y/N,” you uttered as you stared at his hand for a while before hesitantly grasping it. For a girl he saw throw around men like it was nothing, you had a gentle and even shaky grip, exuding a tense and, dare he say, frightened aura. 
“Well, alright Y/N… How do we reach that hostel of yours?”
“Well, it’s a bit far so…The metro?”
He raised an eyebrow at that.
“Yeah, how about no? It’s more than enough that people possibly saw me flying around. I don’t want to deal with any crowds today, ok? Let’s just go to my hotel. It’s not far from here,” he suggested and you nodded in agreement before following the man.
The two weaved through small alleyways, avoiding contact with people as much as possible before you finally reached Tony’s hotel. At the reception, nobody even asked about his guest and he simply kept walking towards the elevators with you in tow.
“Make yourself at home,” he told you after you entered the room and you looked around, rubbing the shoulder that a soldier had tased as something like a ghost pain kept throbbing underneath your skin. 
You took off your shoes and dropped your bag on one of the sofas carefully, before stalking to the bathroom to wash the blood off your hands and whatever droplets had landed on your face. Then you proceeded to go to the kitchen and search the cupboards, taking out two glasses before opening the compact, dull gray, glistening fridge, grabbing a bottle of what she assumed was water because it wasn’t a glass or plastic one but rather crystal. Apparently, the hotel had quite the perks when it came to luxury and pampering its guests.
You quickly poured the liquid into the glasses and thirstily gulped down yours before pouring yourself more. Your whole body was tense from the moment you set foot into the room because Tony barely left you out of his sight. It wasn’t a creepy or suspicious or accusing look. It was rather more of a curiosity and observation.
You watched the billionaire waltz over to the living room area and plop himself on one of the couches, waiting patiently for you, although it didn’t escape you the way he fiddled with his fingers and how his eyes would nervously dart around the room in ways of thinking how he should start this conversation for which you couldn’t exactly blame him considering the fact that you met roughly an hour ago and both had barely uttered a word to each other.
He was going to ask questions. You knew it. Clearing your throat, you approached the armchair across from the man and slowly sat down after handing him his own glass of water which he accepted with a polite thanks. 
“So…I’m listening…Why did you come all the way here from America? Crossing the whole Atlantic just to meet me? I’m beginning to feel special,” you let out a short laugh, trying to break the ice and he chuckled. There was a long silence afterward before Tony looked you in the eyes, a more serious expression covering his face.
“Who are you?” he asked with a tone that meant business and you cringed.
“I’m just… I’m just a girl who is a tad bit more powerful than an average person… That’s all.”
“Why were these people after you?”
“Probably for the same reason you’re after me,” you whispered as you leaned towards him. “Trying to recruit me.”
“So you’ve figured that out, huh?” he rubbed the back of his head bashfully and you gave him a tight smile, suppressing the tension that lingered a second ago.
“How did you find me exactly?” you asked curiously and Tony rubbed his chin, making himself a bit more comfortable as he began explaining.
“A certain someone has eyes and ears everywhere. They reported to him that you apparently singlehandedly took down a terrorist trying to perform a suicide attack. Threw him in the air so high up that the blast did not affect anything but the birds… And then you vanished.”
“I suppose the eyes and ears managed to find me by hacking all cameras located throughout the entire city?” ypu tilted your head and an amused smile grew on his face.
“That’s right.”
“And now you want to… you want to recruit me? A random nobody?”
“I wouldn’t call this the strangest thing I’ve ever done. Besides, better me than them,” he countered and you gave him a long look before pursuing your lips.
“All right… I’m in.”
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New York, The Avengers Tower a.k.a The New, rebuilt Avengers Facility
“Well… welcome to the new, old, Avengers Facility,” patted your shoulder Tony as he walked towards the entrance. You followed after him and you entered. “After the one Upstate New York got destroyed, we just decided to reuse the tower. Supplied it with everything and hired back all the people that used to work in the Facility Upstate,” he explained.
You walked through the corridors for a few minutes until you reached and entered an elevator that took you up to the highest floors. When it opened, you let out a quiet ‘whoa’. You stepped into what appeared to be a huge living space. It had leather couches in red and black, big table to the side with lots of chairs, a kitchen at the other side with dark mahogany cupboards and dark, sprinkled with white, marble counter. There were a few plants here and there. It was quite luxurious.
But it was not the furnishing and the design of the place that got your attention, per se. It was the group of people gathered in the room, scattered – some on the sofas, some on the chairs, and some by the kitchen island – all staring at you. You schooled your features and looked at each and every one of them with a calm expression, although on the inside you were frightened. Samuel Wilson – The Falcon, James Rhodes – The War Machine, Stephen Strange – the wizard, Carol Danvers – Captain Marvel, and Scott Lang – Ant-Man.
“You didn’t mention anything about a grandiose welcome party,” you whispered back at Tony and he chuckled.
“Surprise,” he sing-sang as he outstretched his arms, motioning to the rest of the Avengers who were staring expectantly at the two, faces contoured in amusement. “Meet the other Avengers, kid.”
Some uttered hi while others stayed silent.
“Name’s Y/N Y/L/N,” you introduced yourself with a small wave. “There is no need for you to introduce yourself to me. I… already know who y’all are,” you shrugged with a bashful smile before glancing at Tony. “Um… if we don’t need to have a superhero gathering right now can I… unpack somewhere? Do I get a room here?”
“Of course, kid! I have everything prepared. Each member of the team has their own floor with a bedroom, bathroom, living room, kitchen, and all in-between. Follow me,” he motioned as he started climbing the stairs nearby. You shot the Avengers one last look over your shoulder before disappearing after the man.
“Well that was interesting,” muttered Sam and Rhodes nodded.
“Did you feel it, though?” he asked and Sam glanced at him. “The air around her… there is something weird. I don’t like the vibes she gives off,” he murmured and Sam shot him a teasing smirk.
“After all these years in the army and you are developing paranoia now?”
“Takes one to know one.”
“Well, whatever it is, we can’t do anything about it. We’ll just have to wait and see.”
“Or we can use your mind-reading powers. What do you say, Strange?” the man in question opened his mouth, ready to reply, when he was interrupted.
“Why would you guys want to do that? She’s just a kid!” asked Scott incredulously and they were about to speak when Carol interrupted them.
“It’s nothing. Don’t mind them,” she sent scolding looks at the two men who lifted their hands in surrender.
“You can’t fool a veteran’s instincts.”
“All we are saying is… Don’t let your guards down.”
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philinda-ao3feed · 4 years
by Trans_and_sad
Melinda May did not know what she thought she was going to be facing when she became a caretaker/mother figure for a group of troubled and scared kids. What she did not expect is that she would fall for there other caretaker. She also did not expect to find a family in 21 damaged kids and a man with the patience of a saint but life never goes as planned for Melinda May so she should not be shocked at all.
Words: 7114, Chapters: 1/?, Language: English
Fandoms: Agents of S.H.I.E.L.D. (TV), The Avengers (Marvel Movies)
Rating: Not Rated
Warnings: Creator Chose Not To Use Archive Warnings
Categories: F/F, F/M, M/M, Multi
Characters: Teen Skye - Character, Kid Jemma - Character, Kid Tony - Character, Kid leo - Character, Teen Mira, Kid steve - Character, Kid bucky - Character, Kid grant, kid natasha - Character, kid carol, kid shuri - Character, Kid clint - Character, kid Thor - Character, Kid T'Challa - Character, Kid Loki - Character, Kid petrio, kid sam - Character, kid Rhoady, kid bruce - Character, young kid peter, Young kid Harely, kid wanda - Character, Nick Fury, May, Phil
Relationships: Phil Coulson/Melinda May, Skye/OC, More to be added - Relationship
Additional Tags: Group Home, Foster Care, Past Child Abuse, past sexaul abuse, PTSD, CPTSD, Sad, Happy, I have a plan for this I swear, Long chapters most likely, Troubled kids, misfits - Freeform, disbaled, Canon Disabled Character, Trans Male Character, Trans Clint Barton, Deaf Clint Barton, Mute Peter Parker, Mostly Mute Leo Fitz, He needs Jemma, They are all kids mostly, I chose ages to go with my story line, Scars, Hauted past, Ghost of pasts, Panic Attacks, Fighting, Bisexual Female Character, Gay Male Character, Other Additional Tags to Be Added
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ashleygren · 5 years
The last of my Aus (for now) part 2
Ok only ten left so I can talk about them more. Personally out of all the underdeveloped ones I like these ten quite a bit. I'll probably say the pairings for a couple of these stories just because I don't have to list as many of them. Without further ado lets start.
Classics zoo Au- I have like a couple classic novels (like alice in wonderland, Dr. Jekyll and Mr. Hyde, etc) and wanted a universe where the bbs bios were some of these characters interacting with eachother. The list goes as follows.
Vanoss/Dorian Gray
Delirious/peter pan
Nogla/cowardly lion
Miniladd/cheshire cat
Terroriser/the queen of hearts
Moo/wicked witch (of the west)
Basically/tin man
Cartoonz/mad hatter
Ohm/Dr. Jekyll and Mr. Hyde
Gorillaphent/march hare
Lui/the wizard
Kryoz/frankenstien's monster
The main plot of this au would center around the country of Oz and Wonderland in a cold war type of situation. The main character is Smitty and its gen/rom. If you watched marcels yellow brick road fortnite challenge you'll see why certain bois are certain characters.
Poco's udon world Au- ok this one needs some explaining. If you haven't seen poco's udon world its about this workaholic dude who comes back to his hometown to seytle his dead fathers affairs and he ends up taking care of a baby tanuki demon that can look lile a human. Its very cute and emotional and it you haven't watched it I totally reccomend it. Anyway I really wanted a story where some of the guys suddenly have to take care of children of various ages that aren't human. I'll list the names of the guys affected but nothing about thier demon kids.
There are no pairings because I wanted it to focus on how they would react to taking care of children.
Soul eater Au- the events of this au are happening years after the events of the soul eater anime/manga so while characters from it might make camoes or be referenced they aren't part of the plot. I will be changing a few things from the canon of the soul eater universe to make this au work but I'm hoping it doesn't feel alien to people who know the original material. The main character is ohm and it is rom/gen rated (theres not many pairings but they play a big role). I won't say anything about the main pairing (other than its a three way relationship).
Oc pairings
Minx and her wife (minor pairing)
Tokyo Mew Mew Au- in a previous list I mentioned that I changed the uniforms for the sailor moon au because I kept them the same in a different one, well this is that one. I'm keeping the magical girl outfits the same with minor color/shape changes and changing alot of the names (of the guys and thier attacks) the main character of this story is moo because if anyone deserves to be a cat magical girl its him (when I was thinking of this au I wasn't sure if I should keep him a cat or change it, but I fell in love with the idea because of nightfox's and jhanyartist's art of neko moo) its romantic rated. If you want to get an idea of what they will look like in this au look up the anime and you'll get a pretty good idea.
Wicked/Demonick Au- I'm a big fan of musical theatre I love the stories, the songs, some of the messages so its no surprise that when I was listening to the Wicked soundtrack while working on another au I thought of this one. The main character is cartoonz as elphaba and its gen rated (there is a main pairing but if you've heard the play it doesn't impact the story till near the end).
Steven universe Au- I was actually really hesitant to try and work on this au because I saw someone else on Tumblr (I don't remwmber who) make one and it looked really cool. I thought they could do a way better job at it than I could, but then I thought eh people write stories based on the same prompt all the time and it works because they make it thier own unique thing and i can do the same. I won't write down who's who but the main character is Marcel. Its gen/rom rated.
These four next Aus were actually some of the first ones I thought of.
HaniHaki Au- I'm gonna list the bois and let you make your own conclusions.
This idea actually has a lot fleshed out and I want to start making an outline for it. It just never feels like the right time too tho. I'm still gonna try though because its feeled with angst and fluff and I love that stuff.
Trapped in the can Au- the name says what it is. I haven't worked on this one very much. Hopefully i get in the mood to at some point.
Daycare Au- ok so i did see that someone else made an Au called the daycare au so I will be changing the make but it still takes place mostly at a daycare. Its a very cute idea exploring the different types of family that exist.
Pairings- (none of these pairings involve small children and one of the pairings is a teen/teen ship)
Rich and famous Au- basically if some of these guys weren't youtube celebrities but instead different kinds (actors, singers, etc)
Miniriser (this one will be changed because of the current real life tension between these two I just haven't decided how yet)
We've finally reached the end of the entire list and I couldn't be happier. I will be working on multiple Aus more frequently now so that no new ones pop up. Hopefully I can start adding more to the ready to be written pile amd make progress on the two stories being written right now (I am actually making progress on EF Angel and sleeping beauty chapter 7)
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in-love-and-jeph · 6 years
Fun Game i don’t remember any of the fandoms ur in but tell one of ur story ideas u get to pick which one
Ooh! Grab bag!!
Alright: Spider-Man Homecoming, Annie AU.
Peter as Annie, obviously
OC as his best friend → (Ian? Charles?) “You’ll stay up until this dorm shiiines like the top of the Chrysler Building!”
Michelle as another friend → lives in the girl’s house next door. Adjoining buildings, they find each other at night one time, they both climbed out onto the roof. Kind of friends that sit and talk and share a smoke
Ned is the kid of one of the housekeepers at Stark’s place → become best friends
Aunt May is technically an employee of Stark’s, but they’re super close. She can call him out and everything without fear of punishment. KNOWN LESBIAN. Takes care of Peter for the most part, at least at first.
Tony Stark as Daddy Warbucks or whatever the dumb fucking name is. We all know what this story is, people.
OC as Ms. Hannigan
Flash as another kid, probably the bully but LOOK we’re giving him CHARACTER GROWTH, OK
That’s all the notes I have written down! This is really just a story that I want to read, not to write, haha. ALSO I want Steve Rogers to be included as well because I LOVE HIM but I’m not sure where to put him in…
I feel like we all know the plot of Annie, so I don’t have to explain too much, but here’s my idea:
Peter lives in one of those group homes, and there’s a girls one next door. One night, he slips out onto the roof to get away from everyone, and meets Michelle. They’re a bit awkward around each other, but are friends. At least once a week the slip out and meet each other on the roof, just to sit and talk somewhere where it’s quieter and less chaotic. Peter loves his other friends, but they’re loud and obnoxious most of the time, it’s exhausting. She just keeps him sane.
Tony Stark isn’t doing so hot in the public eye, and needs a stunt to get back into their good graces. He comes up with a hare-brained scheme of adopting a teenager, and while May tells him “this is a terrible fucking idea”, it ends up happening.
Peter is a sweet kid, and May basically falls in love immediately. He’s freaking out about everything, but knows he’ll be going back soon. This is just a nice break. May is his main caretaker, and he barely sees Tony. But he becomes fast friends with the housekeeper’s son, Ned.
Peter and Tony are forced to be around each other, for various galas and stuff. Tony realizes this kid is brilliant, and just the kind of person he wants working at Stark industries. But he resigns himself to the fact that he will have to “return” Peter. He just thinks his home isn’t safe for a teenager.
It turns into an emotional goodbye for both of them. Peter goes back, dejected, and just returns to his normal life. Going through the motions, telling everything to Michelle. All that. He misses Tony, he misses Ned, he misses May.
Shit happens, and in the end, Tony ends up adopting both Peter and (by demand of Peter) Michelle. (They had a pact that they would both live together after they got out, since they were the same age and knew they wouldn’t get adopted since they were teenagers.) And everyone is happy :)
The difference here is that we know Peter’s parents are dead, so there’s no search for them.
Message me or shoot me an ask if you write this, or want a link to the google doc!!
Send me a character or a fandom I’m in, and I’ll give you one of my AUs!
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ao3feed-peppermom · 4 years
by johndeaconuwu
i’m sorry :)
Words: 738, Chapters: 1/1, Language: English
Series: Part 2 of harley keener: full-time nurse, part-time booty call
Fandoms: The Avengers (Marvel) - All Media Types, Spider-Man (Tom Holland Movies)
Rating: Not Rated
Warnings: Major Character Death
Categories: M/M
Characters: Harley Keener, Peter Parker, Pepper Potts, May Parker (Spider-Man), Aubrey Keener-Stark (OC)
Relationships: Harley Keener/Peter Parker
Additional Tags: Angst, I'm Sorry, Cancer, Aged-Up Character(s), Married Couple, Character Death, Peter and Harely have a kid, Inspired by Music
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twstschemer · 1 year
interiors: describe your OC(s) bedroom/home/or a place they consider “theirs”. what’s in it? do certain items have a special significance to your OC?
I'll go with Peter for this.
For Peter, he must have some sort of clock in each room of his home. Since he is living in the dorms currently, a clock in his own room is enough
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Uh, here’s most if not all of my main ocs names
Aiden Vince, Hunter Whitt, Kozzy Desmond, Ranger Brimston, Victor Winterland, Rei Sutanto, Ross Malakhov, August Adalwulf, Travis Adder, Christian Dupre, Crow Dupre, Arc Winterland
Lettice Aaron Kenneth Edwin (Lake), Akira Park Wang Liao, Elaine Mason, Marius Kingston, Marquise Renee Sterling Laureen (Marshall), Yeva Holland, Carter Darevsky, Percy Skylar
Piper Lexington, Trip Larssyn, Ettienne Reagan, Alistair Hare, Theo Sharp, Charo Holiday, Peter Stepanov, Andy Letscher, Christopher Deere
Colby Larnell, Ev Phillips, David Karzen, Rory Erwin, Steffan Vaskov, Dax Cordell, Issac Demitrius, Jon Lane, Reagan Daniels
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