m3ntally-unstable · 3 months
When you read a really good fic but then after ur done reading it, realising that it was a part of a series so now your dying because now you’ve ruined it.
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mysterionrisez · 3 months
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he is losing the dgaf war forever
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punkeropercyjackson · 2 months
No because it's genuinely flabbergasting how often Rick contradicts himself with calling Percabeth the perfect couple
Poseidon said 'The sea does not like to be restrained' in reference to Percy and Piper said Annabeth 'keeps him in line'.Percy directly said to Annabeth he wishes she'd be nicer to him and she responded 'I am never going to make things easier for you'.Percy straight up insulted Annabeth in his narration for not treating him like Rachel does(the 'unlike some other girls' line)and Annabeth deadass started crying because she hated that Percy's approach to their romance wasn't as direct as hers.They find eachother's interests stupid and lame.Percy is an abuse survivor and has resigned himself to Annabeth's constant hitting he never returns as seen by 'Nah,you'd just beat me up' followed by Annabeth laughing in agreement.Even after they start dating,Annabeth has ZERO trust in Percy's to be faithful to her seeing as she assumed he'd gotten with Hazel literally just for standing next to him in a friendly way and used Rachel as ammo to make him nervous on purpose for her amusement because 'you gotta keep your boyfriend on his toes' and it's topped off by the fact Percy quickly gently letdown Reyna because he remembered her.Annabeth hates her hair and traditional femininity and Percy says it makes her look like a princess and thought she looked better than normal after Circe's makeover
They give eachother ZERO character development,Annabeth intensified Percy's insecurities big time and Percy enabled Annabeth's bad coping mechanisms just as much.Percy hates masculinity and is drawn to femininity but forces himself to act and look like a guy so he can be Annabeth's ideal macho boyfriend and Annabeth quirks herself up into a manic pixie dream girl instead of acting like herself to be Percy's It Girl.Percy hates fate and destiny and he's always told Annabeth is his by people who don't even know him.They don't even have any reasons to be attracted to eachother to begin with seeing as they find the other so annoying it's hard to believe they're not actually found siblings and the fact that all the other campers kept teasing them about liking eachother only adds fuel to it!I'm fucking loosing it,'Percabeth gave me my standards for romances' is one of the most depressing ship related things you can say i'm so serious
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strangesickness · 3 months
i was talking about stan and his OCD the other day but i didn't really talk about how the other losers would act about it. so!
please remember that OCD is a varied condition and not everyone with it is like what is depicted in this post!
at first stan keeps his obsessions to himself, he's pretty aware of what is a "typical" thought process and what is his brain being kinda weird
but eventually bill finds him having a panic attack over something seemingly mundane. young stan to me had obsessions that focused on the supernatural and "curses", so something like opening an umbrella indoors throws him into hysterics
and as soon as he realizes what he's doing he's humiliated, because like who the fuck cares? everyone knows that's just a stupid superstition, and he's so worried bill's going to think he's a weirdo or a coward
but bill is like. extremely reasonable about it, i think he's used to georgie getting upset over seemingly nonsensical things (the way kids do), so he's just used to treating things he doesn't understand with severity.
maybe there's nothing scary to him about opening an umbrella indoors, but its clearly upset stan and that's what matters here. he calmly asks him what he's upset about and reassures him that if it upsets him then its important
he gets stan to talk through it, bill brings up how richie always opens his umbrella indoors but nothing bad has ever happened to him because of it, which doesn't help a ton because OCD isn't typically very reasonable, but it helps a bit, and stan calms down enough that bill bringing up richie prompts him to go off on a rant about something stupid richie did at school while bill was gone
despite not having OCD eddie gets it, especially after he finds out that he isn't actually sick
eddie is the first person stan chooses to tell about the weird circles his brain runs in, because he knows eddie still carries around his fake inhaler
eddie isn't scared of the same things stan is, but he can understand being afraid of something he logically knows can't hurt him. they're pretty good at working each other out of panic attacks because of this
(the things richie says to stan here are things you should never ever say to someone with OCD unless you have their express permission, stan finds it funny and helpful, and as someone with OCD so do i, but many will not, and talking like this could make their mental state worse and is just generally an asshole thing to do!)
on paper richie is an asshole to stan about his OCD, he calls him unreasonable, tells him he makes no sense, he's worrying over nothing, etc.
he frequently makes fun of stan's obsessions, if stan says something he thought because of his OCD richie will repeat it back to him in a Voice
but by some miracle this does wonders for stan
if anyone else was saying this stuff it would make him feel like shit, but because it's richie it's hilarious (not that he shows it)
richie assigning characters to his obsessions has managed to completely discredit some of them, and stan is straight up Not Bothered by some of them anymore because as soon as the thought pops up so does richie's voice and he can't take it seriously
there's the scandalized mother who thinks stan is a horrible person for not appreciating his meals properly or something
there's the conspiracy theorist trying to convince stan curses are real
and there's the high school coach who acts like stan is a one man army and they're going to lose the entire war if stan doesn't fold his sheets properly
stan doesn't want to give richie credit for his improved mental state because the way he did it is ridiculous, but yeah, richie and his voices have definitely helped
bev is great at Not Talking About It and Being Normal About It
stan will say something extremely concerning (use your imagination, i don't want to provide an example lol), and bev is like "yeah thats fucked up." and then they move on
he never gets the feeling she's brushing him off or anything, she'd definitely Actually Talk About It if he asked, but sometimes he just needs to get the thought out there and then immediately move on
sometimes it is exhausting to actually talk about feelings, sometimes stan just needs to express that he's feeling something, be acknowledged, then move on
"i just thought [insert concerning compulsion he doesn't want to do]" "or we could skip class and build a snowfort before all these other assholes ruin the fresh snow at lunch"
stan never feels judged in the slightest when he's with bev, and it helps free him of some of the judgment in his own mind :)
ben is so so so good at listening, not only is he just the only nice 13 year old stan has ever met, he has one of those faces yknow?
he finds himself telling ben things it took him nearly a decade of friendship to tell bill
ben is clearly confused and concerned, but he never makes stan feel like he's unreasonable
stan usually only tells his friends about his specific obsessions when they've bottled up and are about to explode, or when he's in the midst of a panic attack
but with ben he feels like he can talk about the other stuff that comes with it, the impact his thought processes have had on his life
ben offers suggestions from time to time, not all of them stick, but the ones that do really help stan out
mike finds a way to keep stan from worrying about anything at all
stan could spend all day worrying about something, and then mike shows up and explains some new topic to stan and it's like stan wasn't even stressed in the first place
stan can't even count the number of times mike has gone through an explanation of the history of derry, or what various states are known for, or the tasks mike does at the farm, or the history of some obscure scientific/cultural phenomenon
stan genuinely loves hearing about anything mike wants to talk about, but he also just finds mike to be a really engaging speaker to the point he stops thinking about whatever was bothering him
it is very much a win/win situation
sometimes mike will manage to pull him out of whatever was worrying him and get him to talk about birds and the boy scouts and they always end up having a ton of fun :)
the losers love stan and he loves them <3
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In my class they're talking about autism rn, so some ND headcanons for the boys (main 4 + Butters)
Kenny: Definitely autistic it's so obvious to me for some reason Also PTSD. Dude dies 24/7 and has an awful family life what did you expect?
Kyle: OCD, I know it's a kinda popular headcanon but still
Stan: BPD don't ask why he gives the vibe Depression too because. C'mon it's Stan he's depression personified
Cartman: D.I.D. (this is @richierambles fault btw) (disclaimer: people with D.I.D. aren't usually assholes, they're mostly pretty cool. This is just a headcanon for a character that exhibits D.I.D.-like behaviours, who just happens to also be an asshole)
Butters: Autism but a bit spicier than Kenny's (autism4autism real)
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mcyt · 4 months
i had a long winding post i was going to make that was semi-related to that last rb because it was a point i tried (and i feel like i kind of failed in getting across clearly) to make in my own post irt the cat poll and hermitblrs general attitude but i'm not really sure how to phrase it and i don't think there's anything i could say that a) provides some kind of solution or b) aren't points already made by other people. maybe i'll try to later
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spageds · 3 months
sometimes i forget that 2 of the losers r canonically neurodivergent in atleast one of the medias ... massive win
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The problem with living in Gravity Falls.
More from the Conditions AU.
One of Stans conditions is OCD that manifest in the form of daily rituals he feels like he needs to do, in a kind of life or death manner. Some of his rituals are simply a mental thing. Other ones…
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ignoremeimnothere · 2 years
Dancing In The Dark
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Another SHITE little Drabble (?) I just want to continue to actually write and post things to hopefully build up my confidence and skill. Feedback appreciated, always. Request open, always. Hopefully this isn’t too painful to read as I wrote it on my phone in the last half hour.
It had been four months since you and Sebastian started dating. The next big step was moving in with each other. You were particularly worried about this as you had always lived alone since leaving home at 18. Alongside that stress, you also had OCD, which was hard to admit to yourself but undeniably evident when faced with a routine changing event such as this.
Sebastian was the one person on this planet that you felt completely comfortable with and your OCD was something you had discussed as soon as your relationship had started to become serious. He felt it was now his responsibility to help you navigate it whilst also helping you to push yourself.
OCD getting in the way of your life was your biggest fear. So moving in together was your foot forward. However, to make this step achievable Seb would be moving in with you for the time being. The familiarity of your home and ability to keep your routine was paramount for your wellbeing, so Seb had drastically downsized his living arrangements to accommodate your needs.
Throughout the day you had taken regular breaks on your balcony to process each change you were watching. But it was getting a bit much now and the guilt of your needs started to bite. Who would actually want to move from their gorgeous town house to a basic apartment. The move would impact Sebastian’s commute to work, run route, his friends would be further away, the coffee shop he visited every morning would have to change.
‘What’s going on in that head?’ A kiss is planted on your head stopping your spiral.
‘Just thinking?’ You tilt your head up, waiting for a kiss on your lips.
‘Worrying?’ You get your kiss before moving to avoid his gaze. You were adding his records to your vinyl shelf, stacking them neatly in no particular order but enjoying snooping through his collection.
‘Oooo this one…’ Sebastian trails off before grabbing the Stevie Wonder album from you. ‘This one is what we need’.
You stare as he sets up the player. Sir Duke stars to play as his hips bounce to the sound of trumpets. He grabs your hand and practically starts bouncing you on his hip. Laughing you take more control over your moves, unable to resist a dance.
You both give the song your all, letting go of each other to jump around before you start to shimmy in sync with each other. Laugher breaks your rhythm before Seb grabs you again twirling you around before engulfing you in a hug, forcing you to surrender to his full movements.
You don’t realise it but this is Sebastian’s way of making you give up control. Physically and mentally. It’s worked every time thus far and started on your first date when you had tried to call it a night. Sebastian could tell that you wanted to stay and forced you to dance to a few songs, not quite ready to feel your absense yet.
Before you both knew it, it was late. Way too late to continue unpacking. Instead you both ordered food and spent the rest of the night taking it in turns to play ‘the chuniest chune’ sharing a bottle of whiskey that had spent far too long rotting in the kitchen cabinet.
Once it was time for bed, Sebastian helped guide you to your bathroom. Despite drinking at the same pace, you were a total lightweight and had gotten trashed, thank god Seb could hold his drink. You sat on the toilet seat while you heard the bath begin to fill. Sebastian helped you brush your teeth before you felt him rub cream on your face. Knowing how important your night time routine was, Seb tried his absolute best to remember what order you did what in before helping you wash. You sat on the edge of the tub whilst he dried you, grabbing his face you kissed him before pulling him closer.
‘Thank you’ you managed to slur. Sincerity radiated from your actions to which Sebastian responded to by picking you up and tucking you in bed before jumping in next to you.
‘Always’ Sebastian kissed you before burying his face in the back of your neck.
Your anxiety at peace once again thanks to the powers of the love of your life. Though there would be tough times to come, with him but your side you knew that moving forward with him was the best thing to do.
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one-way-to-do-it · 11 months
no but when I saw will openly talking about being diagnosed with anxiety, depression AND ocd?? ocd is majorly overlooked and misunderstood by the general public, so whenever I see someone with his type of platform discuss in a way that makes it an equal issue with the others... it just makes you feel validated and SEEN
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Rewatching Inside Job and I forgot how much I love Reagan
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STANLEY URIS, and why he’s neurodivergent.
From the perspective of an autistic\OCD person who’s favorite book is the doorstop which is IT, and who’s favorite movie is the wonderful 1990 IT miniseries.
Stanley Uris is one of my favorite characters. He’s always just spoken to me. As someone who’s always been very practical/logical, even before I knew I was autistic Stan stood out as someone like me. We share a love of birds, bell bottom jeans, powerful memory that can even hold up to Derry-induced amnesia, and have a similar "weird" sense of humor.
. Book Stan
Focusing on him as a kid since that’s when we see the most of him (poor babylove), he is shown to be the "skeptic" of the group and he desperately tries to rationalize the existence of Pennywise using logic. This fear of change/disruption to order resonates with me deeply. He loves birds a lot, (can be seen as a special interest), and so did I at that age so of course I loved him right away. (I used to carry a little green book about birds in New England from the 40s around everywhere when I was 10 and would list off facts about parakeets to any unsuspecting human who happened to come into my presence). He is shown to have an odd sense of humor, or at least different from the other losers, with his joke "kookie kookie, lend me your bones". He is heavily implied to have OCD, which makes him neurodivergent anyway, but I hold that he’s autistic, since OCD and autism can often go hand in hand, and he’s a comfort character of mine who is basically me so if I’m autistic, so is he. This isn’t primarily neurodivergence-related, but I believe he stayed back a year in school due to health problems as a kid and as someone who had a lot of those (when I was seven in particular. Asthma. Eddie Kaspbrak got to me too, I think Stephen King fucks with me on purpose.), it’s another reason I resonate with him so much. As an adult he seems to get a lot of "action" and we all know autistic people are the sexiest people alive so that’s reason enough to believe he’s got a touch of the ‘tism.
. 2017/2019 Stan
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This is the Stan I'd say is most heavily OCD, with his need to get things right, to maintain order, and an obsession with cleanliness, pushing aside his fear to straighten that scary painting and being very precise while cleaning blood off of Bev's bathroom window. He calms himself down by pressing his fingers to his temple, in what I see as a sort of self-soothing stim. He wears clean & practical outfits, which give way to something softer and looser as an adult, which is nice to see, as it shows that some of the pressure on him has loosened. Unfortunately, it’s sad too since he was the one who was arguably the most comfortable in his adult life out of the losers, but a certain call from an old friend brought everything back too soon. In the 2017 film, he keeps a lot of the traits of book Stan, though I’d say he’s a bit less childlike and more "stiff" or “prudish” than in the book, showing this Stan to lean more heavily into the boy who had to be an adult too fast. This Stan's attempt to rationalize Pennywise's appearances is still shown to be Stan trying to keep his world order in check. Pennywise is a manifestation of fear after all, and even Stan's attempt at disbelief gives It power.
. Miniseries Stan
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I don’t really care for the adult Stanley in the miniseries, and, as it is with all of the adult Stans, he’s not there for very long, so I am specifically focusing on kid-Stan since he is the best and I love his little bowtie. This Stan is the stereotyped "smart" kid, with his eloquent ways of speech and use of big words, giving expository descriptions to the other Losers like when explaining to Bev about Richie's "metabolism" *cough cough ADHD*. He, like in the 2017 film, wears formal and "adult" clothing, having him present as a man stuck in a kid's body. (Like, boy wears suspenders and a bowtie to school, I love him) This Stan is still the skeptic, and I will not be redundant and talk again about his rationalization of everyone's favorite child-eating space clown to keep his world in order. This Stan also comes with some things I see as stims! I included a picture of him fiddling with his ear when he’s under stress and he also repeats the Boy Scouts mantra-thing in the sewers, which is definitely a vocal stim to help himself calm down.
Thank you for reading this if you read this far! If you agree or disagree with this take, feel free to share your thoughts. I’d love to talk about more of my autistic (or other neurodivergent, or even queer) comfort characters. There’s a lot of other Stephen king ones I could look at, like from The Body (which is my favorite Stephen King piece and inspired the movie Stand By Me, just for reference because some people don’t know that) or Danny Torrance (or even Wendy!) from The Shining, specifically the Stanley Kubrick film. I could also look at Star Trek, with Data (my favorite!) Odo, Bashir, Spock of course, and so many more lol. I could also get into Sherlock being autistic (obviously), but to avoid bringing up middle school trauma, I will not, at least for the time being. (I could write about it if I talk about Data though because he loves Sherlock Holmes and so do I)
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whatthefuckisasweep · 2 years
ok i may be pointing out the obvious but GOD stanley putting up his bike’s kickstand is ONE THING but rewatching the scene where they clean Bev’s apartment AND STANLEY’S VERY METHODICAL WAY OF CLEANING OH MY GOD I LOVE HIM SO FUCKING BADLY IM GONNA VOMIT
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strangesickness · 3 months
cw for discussion of OCD, specifically obsessions surrounding "curses" and possession.
i think it'd be interesting if one of the reasons stanley had such a hard time accepting pennywise existed was that when he was younger he struggled a lot with other-worldly based obsessions (being convinced that he was cursed or possessed mainly), and a few years before IT he manages to sort of get a lid on these obsessions because he's become a stringent non-believer in the supernatural. he isn't "cursed", and he doesn't need to do anything to avoid being "cursed" because curses aren't real. these obsessions used to be completely debilitating for him, he ran on about four hours of sleep every day because he was afraid of being overtaken by a malevolent force while unconscious, and if he heard any superstition mentioned even off-hand, it was added to a long list of things he couldn't do/had to do to avoid being cursed. but he's finally beaten this, he hardly even worries about these things anymore because his unbelief is so strong.
and then! pennywise! and he can't even trust his own eyes anymore. and if pennywise is real, what else could be out there? if pennywise is real who's to say he won't be possessed in his sleep? who's to say stepping on sidewalk cracks is harmless? which of course sends him into a spiralling pit of denial, because he can't go back to staring at the ceiling waiting for the night to be over, he can't go back to avoiding every number even tangentially related to 13, he can't go back to the way he used to be.
i don't have a fun ending for this, he lives in fear until he loses his memories, at which point he once again becomes a total non-believer and copes extremely well with his OCD, i think he's diagnosed around 30, but he doesn't actually need a lot of help from professionals. this is another reason mike's phone call hits him so hard, not only is he remembering pennywise, he's also suddenly having to deal with a whole new type of obsession he isn't equipped to cope with.
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pizzasteveofficial · 1 year
I wanna go on record saying I very much dislike Nickacado. He is loud, annoying, very stupid, and the video of him eating Chicken McNuggets from McDonalds and wasting all of it for his stupid gross tempertantrum tirades or whatever the fuck kinda toxic bullshit him and Orlin do made me so viscerally upset and angry while I was high, I don’t think I can forgive him he crossed a line so personal to me that he ain’t comin back
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