#oh i have so many tusken thoughts
darlin-djarin · 1 year
actually you know what? i absolutely love tusken sign language. i think it's fucking fantastic how we're able to see that type of thing, especially with characters that we don't see expressions for most of the time. as a person who knows (american) sign language myself, a lot of signing is based off of non-manual signals, relying on a lot of facial expressions and often times exaggerated movements in order to get things across clearly. the tuskens way of signing doesn't rely on facial expressions, which i think is so interesting. the tuskens understood din as he signed, and since their facial expressions aren't perfectly clear either, i think it's fascinating how their language doesn't rely on non-manual signals. the creator of the tusken sign language (troy kotsur!!) is Deaf and his development of the language is so interesting to explore, especially since he said that he created TSL to be completely different than ASL. he said "My goal was to avoid ASL. I made sure it became Tusken Sign Language based on their culture and environment." and that's BEYOND interesting to explore more into. i wish to see more, and even expand on tusken culture or just signing and the cultures surrounding it in star wars. i think we could've gotten so much more if disney weren't cowards, and i just love to think about how diverse the star wars galaxy really is and how much inclusion we can see in that.
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prolix-yuy · 2 years
Soft Fires
Pairing: Din Djarin x F!Reader
Summary: You’ve learned much about the Mandalorian, but his tiny green companion is still a mystery.
Word Count: 5.3k
Warnings: Explicit, 18+ MINORS DNI, descriptions of male and female bodies, fingering (f receiving), fingers in mouths, semi-unprotected PiV sex (don’t be a fool, wrap your tool, even if you have space birth control), the Creed gets in the way, Mando hops on the struggle bus for a second, FEELINGS.
Notes: FINALLY. Finally. That’s all I’m going to say about this. I was planning to post this as a two shot but screw it, I’ve been sitting on it long enough. It’s time. 
I cannot take credit for the idea of teaching Grogu Tusken Sign Language. The inspiration came from this post and I just love it so much it’s becoming canon in this universe.
Takes place over about three weeks, after the events of Both Sides of the Door.
Cross-posted on AO3
I Think of You Series Masterlist
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So the kid is great - cute, energetic, curious, kind (when he’s not too cranky), sassy (which brings much joy to your day, especially when it’s directed at Mando), and all-around better company than most children you’ve met.
He’s got some quirks too, many of which you learn on the fly. First of all being his age.
“He’s fifty?” you say when Mando brings it up, the child sitting on the floor of the Crest and looking up at you with unconcerned eyes. Mando chuckles at the incredulity in your voice as you crouch down to look your favorite gremlin in the face. “I guess I can kinda see it, what with the white hair and all. You do look like a little old man.” The child coos curiously as you stick your tongue out at him. That always gets a giggle.
“His kind ages differently. At least I assume they do,” Mando says.
“Well now there’s no question as to who had seniority on the ship,” you say in a sing-song voice, sitting down on the floor with a thump. Mando’s head whips around as you wink at him.
“How do you know I’m not older than fifty?” he says back, an edge of teasing eked out through the vocoder.
(he’s surprisingly funny when he gets the chance)
“Oh Maker, you’re right, better compare birthdays,” you huff out, this playful ribbing growing since you’d found a place in each other’s lives. It makes the child brighten, watching you enjoy each other’s company.
Then there’s the wizard magic that scared the shit out of you one day. You were prepping some fish stew in the ration-storage-now-kitchen, stirring the pot on the nanowave stove mindlessly. A clang echoed in your ears, followed by a baby wail that made you abandon the soup and rush to the hold.
Upon inspection, you found the child looking into an open electrical panel on the wall, ears drooping in a forlorn manner. You peered over his head, but nothing seemed out of the ordinary.
“What’s wrong Bean?” you asked, putting a hand on his back. He chirped a couple times and pointed into the space crammed with wires, his face contorting. “Sorry buddy, I’m not sure what’s going on here. Care to suddenly learn Basic? Or Huttese? I know a couple of hand signals in Tusken.” You paused mid-thought at this. Teaching the child Tusken sign language to communicate could be useful. You don’t know a ton, but maybe Mando could get you a book or holovid next time you land.
(then you could learn his name, his past, what he wants and thinks)
(you could talk to him and know he understands)
Wrapped up in your train of thought, you didn’t notice the kid’s face scrunch up, eyes closing as he practically vibrated. When you did see it, worry cracked through your chest.
“Hey Bean, what’s going on?” You tried to snap him out of it but whatever was happening had his full focus. Suddenly something flew out of the panel’s guts and thwapped into his hands, knocking him over and onto your feet.
“Dank farrik!” you swore, grabbing the child and inspecting him all over for damage. On the periphery of earshot the thunks of footsteps approached.
(no no no no no what did the kid do?)
“What happened?” Mando's voice boomed in the space, whipping you around. Hands dropping to the child, he inspected him just as you did.
“I have no idea, he was making a face and shaking and then something…” Your words fell off as you both find a dirty metal nut in his hands, him turning it over with delight, if not a little sleepily. You looked at the child, then at Mando trying to piece together what just happened.
“Kid, that’s…that’s not a toy,” Mando sighed, but didn't attempt to pull it away. He patted the child a couple times before the visor landed on your confused face. “There’s…something you should know about him.”
Almost an hour later with several backtracks, questions and exasperated moments on either side, Mando finished recounting the tale of his history with the child, and the mission that brought him to Tatooine, to the Lively Bantha, and to you. You absorbed everything as best as you can, not familiar with the Jedi beyond how their influence shaped the world around you. Seeing the Force used by a child still felt like magic, and when you asked if he had any control over it Mando shrugged.
“I’m supposed to find a teacher for him, another Jedi to help him train.”
You hummed at this, looking at the oblivious child that was more the center of your world than you imagined. A holy mission fraught with dead ends and, from the hint of resentment you catch, one Din might like to fail.
(he’s taken well to being a father)
(and when you stop lying to yourself, you do kind of enjoy being his other caretaker)
Big surprises aside, you’ve adapted to having a child ever-present during your days. It’s not a life you thought you'd be living, but neither is being on a bounty hunter’s ship hurtling through the galaxy. You’re getting better at taking things in stride. And the child’s decently predictable now that you have him on a schedule. Mando had tilted his helmet at you when you asked about meal times and sleep.
“He eats when he eats and sleeps when he sleeps,” was his answer, to which you rolled your eyes.
“Maker, no wonder why he’s wired half the night. You gotta keep him on a schedule, he’s not a bounty hunter.”
“Could be if I taught him how to use a blaster.”
The silence stretched before you burst into laughter, bent in half at the idea of the kid holding an IB-94 as big as him, Mando leaning against the wall as his shoulders shook and static crackled out. The child looked nonplussed at the exchange, maybe happy as his eyes passed between the two of you.
The only thing that annoys you, that makes you want to whack your forehead against the wall and scream out the airlock, is that you have little to no privacy with the little bogwing. He sleeps with you or Mando, is up with him when he wakes early. He’s present for all meals, awake until late in the evening, and when Mando has to leave it's just the two of you constantly. It’s not that you dislike the little guy’s company.
The real problem stems from how badly you want to bang his dad.
You still feel the heft of his cock pressing between your thighs, how close you came to having him inside you again. Mando’s become more tactile with you since Nevarro, and you fear that you’re going to melt through your clothing with how aroused you are all the time. A hand against your lower back when you’re cooking and he needs something. Fingers rubbing grease or dirt or nothing at all from your skin. His new act of placing a hand on your knee as he passes you in the jump seat, hot thick fingers pushing gently into the flesh.
(and a few times when he put his hands on you just to see you react, a smug hum following.)
The child is your last (small) obstacle, one you maybe use as an excuse more than you should. You still have some light trepidation about that final step, mostly overwhelmed by the need growing between you. If you could just get the child to rest for an hour or so in the afternoon you could climb into the cockpit, straddle Mando with his hands on your hips, and ride him until you’re both spent and sated. You could finally take that step to land you back where you started all those years ago. But whenever you think of the child’s big black orbs catching you in the act it makes you want to gag.
(please don’t make me scar the kid for life)
So you wait for some of your gentle (sexually frustrated) coaching to sink in so that the (kriffing cock-blocking) child can start building up the habit. Until then your moments alone are filled with frantic fingers in the ‘fresher shower or grids against the heel of your hand so you can think straight for the next few hours.
(it will all be worth it to take your time with Mando)
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You hold your breath, trying to remain calm and bored as you watch the child’s eyes blink heavily.
(holy shit this might actually be it)
You’d worked and suffered through tantrums and fussing and stubbornness over three days while Mando brought back his latest bounty. Practically crying twice when he called over the comms to check in, his voice soothed you when you felt your last nerve tear.
(I will never tease him for his patience ever again)
But the hard work is paying off. No more late night wakeups that demanded stimulation, no more unpredictable meals, you think you might have cracked it. Sometimes it's a fake-out, which dangles you over the edge of sanity, but this would be the second instance of the child napping without argument and staying down. The last time it was for a blissful hour, which you spent monitoring him as you made a resupply list resplendent with his favorite things. He could have an army of amphibians to torture if it meant you succeeded at your task.
The telltale signs are there: the drooping eyes, the ears relaxing, the settling into the curve of the hammock. You wait a long few minutes for his breathing to even out before closing the cot door.
Heart hammering, you stand up and wipe your sweaty palms on your pants. Kriff, you hadn’t thought ahead to what you would do next. Mando’s been back from his last hunt for a full day, rested and clean. This is the best chance you’re going to get to be alone with him.
(fuck, are you wet already?)
You ascend the ladder into the cockpit, nerves making your hands shake as Mando’s frame glimmers the cockpit.
(Maker, he’s still so beautiful)
Your cunt throbs at the possibilities as you move to stand beside him.
“Everything okay?” he asks. You hum, the energy in your body threatening to make your voice shake. Mando turns his head to you, tipping it slightly.
“The kid?” he asks, and you let out a louder breath than you intend.
Mando’s visor traces your face, and you meet the darkness of it.
“You got him to sleep? During the day?”
A lopsided smile tugs at the corners of your mouth.
Mando turns in the chair, knees knocking against yours as he frames you with them. He reaches for your hands, thumbs firm in your palms.
“How long will he sleep?” Mando’s voice drops lower, a thrum of build-up coming to a high point.
“Last time it was an hour.”
His hands are on your waist, pushing you back as he crowds you up against the console. You dig your teeth into your bottom lip to keep from crying out at his touch.
(Maker, I might shatter if he breathes on me)
Mando lifts you to sit on the edge of the console, pulling himself up flush between your legs. His hands go to your face, cradling you with a tenderness that contrasts the neediness he just displayed.
“I want to fuck you at least twice if we have the time,” he says, and your eyes roll back into your head.
“Stars Mando, I could cum just hearing you talk about it,” you moan, keeping your voice low. You were not going to ruin this moment for anything.
“Me too, Mesh’la,” he murmurs in your ear, hands at your waist and unbuttoning your pants. You run your fingers over every part of him you can touch, favoring the spaces between the beskar where blood pumps and muscles flex.
He shucks your pants and underwear down your legs, tugging off your shoes and socks all in one messy bundle. The helmet locks on the vision of you he has on his knees, hands stroking your thighs in slow patterns.
“You’re even more beautiful than I remember,” Mando says, the words falling from his mouth like he couldn’t bear to keep them in. You whine, fingers digging into the fabric of his cowl, pleading for his touch. “I’ve got you Mesh’la,” he says, standing up to his full height. He strips his gloves, glorious tan thick-fingered hands taking hold of your body. One goes to your mouth, dipping two fingers in and stroking them gently against your tongue. You close your lips around him, pressing hot and wet as he lets out a broken moan. Withdrawing them, he strokes your clit in slick circles before sliding down achingly slow and burying two fingers inside you. The process is so smooth, aided by your heavy arousal, that he’s halfway inside before you can moan around him.
“That’s it, perfect girl. Fuck, you feel so good. I’m sorry Mesh’la, I’m going to have to fuck you hard and fast and cum once before I can give you what you deserve.” His diatribe is tearing whimpers and gasps from your throat as he opens you up, thumb swiping across your clit to keep your arousal high. It shudders to a stop when Mando pulls his fingers out of you, both hands curling around your waist.
“Fuck, can’t wait Mesh’la, can I fuck you now? Please,” he begs, and you wrap your legs around him to urge him on. He’s tearing his pants open, his cock painfully hard and deeply flushed. You sigh at the sight, still as thick and heavy and gorgeous as you remember. Maybe even more so, now that you can have it. He slicks his cock with your arousal, lining himself up with a shaking hand.
(Maker, the number of times I made myself cum thinking of that cock)
“Yes, Mando, please, please,” you whisper as he pushes into your tight heat. The moan he holds as he enters you starts low and quiet and builds to a desperate groan as he seats himself fully. He’s a heady stretch, forcing you to widen your thighs around him, but you’re already settling into his thickness as you tilt to pull him deeper.
“Kriff, Maker, I’m not going to…” Mando stutters as he pulls out just enough to swiftly push back into you. He hits the perfect spot at this angle, deep inside you, and the friction of the curls at the base of his cock teases your sensitive clit. You’re already trembling on the edge of your orgasm as Mando slides halfway out just to slam home again, gasping behind the helmet.
It only takes two more precise and powerful strokes for you to cum around his cock, the build up of so many weeks making you bury your face in Mando’s shoulder, shouting as your cunt grips him impossibly tight. He grunts in surprise as he falls over the edge with you, ripping his cock out and splattering his cum on the floor as you hold each other and gasp.
“Fuck, Mesh’la, I’m sorry, I should have put a seal on, I’m…” Mando is panting heavily so you cup the back of his neck, barely back from your own trip to the end of the galaxy.
“Implant,” is all you can manage, but it eases the tension in his shoulders. He strokes your hair, his softening cock slick with you against the inside of your leg. You huff out a little laugh.
“Guess we both were a little pent up.”
Mando hums with a chuckle at the end, bare hands wandering up the back of your shirt and across the outside of your thighs. You move to unwrap yourself but Mando stops you with two firm hands under your knees.
“That wasn’t good enough for you. I’m going to fuck you one more time,” he says, and there is no room for doubt in his voice. You nod, tongue swiping over your lower lip. “Don’t have the same stamina as I used to, but I can definitely get it up twice.” You’re sure he’s smirking behind the helmet. His fingers return to your cunt and drag slowly through the remains of your slick, exploring your folds with soft even touches. You run your fingers down his arms, resting on the cool metal vambraces wrapped around his forearms.
(hard and cold and practical)
“Could you take these off?” you ask, and his hand stills, helmet turning to look down at the gauntlets. “Want to feel you,” you add playfully, a finger teasing along the edge where the metal meets the fabric and flesh of the man underneath. When he doesn’t respond you look up to find Mando frozen like you asked him to remove his arm.
“I can’t,” he says, and there’s a pain in his voice that knocks the wind out of you. Alarm bells blare in your mind.
(mistake mistake mistake)
“I thought it was only the helmet…”
“I can’t,” Mando says again, and there’s more grit this time, teeth clenched as the words drag through. He’s starting to step away and your hands shoot out to grab his shoulders.
“Hey, hey, shhhh, I’m sorry, I didn’t mean to upset you,” you coo, his muscles tense and ready to flee beneath your hands. “I’m sorry, I didn't realize…I don’t know much about this,” you nod at him, all that he is and encompasses, “your Creed. We can stop, I’m sorry, we can stop.”
Mando stands his ground, your hands fisting his cowl and eyes imploring the black T that hides so much from you.
(please don’t shut me out again)
He takes a deep breath and plants his bare hands on either side of your thighs, head coming down to rest on your shoulder. Stroking your palms down his back, you treat flesh and metal as the same beneath your fingers.
(You care for everything that makes him your Mandalorian)
You both sit there in silence, your hands slowing as you let Mando take his time. He finally lifts his head and steps back into the V of your legs, hand coming up to wrap around the back of your neck. You cover his with your own, his fingers twitching below yours, as you put every ounce of empathy into your eyes, the curve of your mouth, the bend of your brows.
“When I took my vow as a Mandalorian, I swore to never remove my helmet in front of another, or to let it be removed.” He speaks like praying, his voice reverent and low. You let it wash over you, trying to convert your desires to his rules.
“A Mandalorian is supposed to be faceless, nameless. A symbol more than a man. Our Creed proves our devotion.” You nod up at the shining helmet.
(How can anyone see it and not think of glory?)
“I have allowed myself some concessions - my hands, my cock - to keep me sharp so I can provide. I’ve never removed the armor for another person.” This is almost whispered, a confession to your altar. You stroke your thumb across his knuckles and the way he responds to that small touch makes you confident.
(This is all you need)
“We don’t have to do anything Mando, nothing beyond what you're comfortable doing. I don’t want your body.” You interject when he tilts his head, a saucy smile tugging at your lips, “Well, not only your body. I want you, Mando, however I can have you. And if that means the armor stays on, then the armor stays on. I just want you.”
Mando’s forehead drops to yours, and he presses it to your skin. You smile at the secret kiss, hoping it’s enough for him to feel at ease again.
“But that’s the problem, Mesh’la,” Mando says, and now it’s sin in his voice, a dirty secret he needs to atone for, a true confession. “I want to take it off.”
Your mouth dries out.
(wants you wants you wants to break rules with you)
“I want to know what it feels like,” he says, and he wraps his arms around your back. “Even though I shouldn’t.” You hear a series of clicks, then a metallic thud. More clicks, followed by another. Then silence.
You hold your breath, waiting for Mando’s next step. You don’t want to rush him, don’t want him to regret making this choice in this moment, moments after being buried in each other’s bodies on the cockpit console. It’s not the most romantic setting, but to be vulnerable under the dome of stars feels more like an offering to the galaxy.
(let his trust in you be rewarded)
Mando’s bare hands come to lay on the tops of your thighs as he takes a half step back. You hold your eyes on his visor, feeling the calluses of his fingers scrape along your skin.
“What would you like me to do?” you ask. Mando’s helmet wanders over your body before it settles on your lap. Looking down you find large golden hands splayed wide, the sharp cut of his sleeves at the wrist, then darkness creeping up thick forearms to the dip at his elbow. His arms aren’t as bulky without the vambraces, but the bulge of muscle is still clear beneath the fabric. Strong hands, capable hands.
(he’s placing himself in your hands)
“Touch me,” he whispers, “please.”
You circle his wrist with your hand, feeling the heat and smoothness of the more delicate skin there. Mando’s breathing picks up as you let him acclimate to the sensation, the visor glued to the path you’re taking.
Carefully, you hook both thumbs under his sleeve, letting your fingers lay lightly on his forearms. Looking up at him, the visor snapping to your face, you ask silent permission. He nods, and you begin inching the edge of his sleeve up his arms.
Mouthwatering skin and a smattering of dark hair is revealed as you slowly push the fabric up to his elbow. The vista is textured with the indentations of the vambraces, few scars but an abundance of sensitivity. You begin dragging your palms back down his arm, the thick cords of muscle jumping at your touch. He's so much softer here than his hands, and you want to put your mouth on him, kiss him in a place where no one has before.
(no one has kissed his mouth either)
Mando’s breath is stuttery as you lift his hand to press against your cheek, fingers stroking along the inside of his arm.
“Thank you for trusting me,” you say, and you place a light kiss on the inside of his wrist. A rough noise comes from behind the vocoder and Mando grips the side of your head. He brings his forehead against yours and you smile, stroking the newly-revealed skin as his fingers burrow into your hair, around your neck, holding you.
“I trust you,” he breathes out, and brings his other hand to your mouth to press his thumb against your lips (every way he can show he cares).
He takes his hands off you and rolls the other sleeve up quickly, folding and scrunching the fabric so it sits comfortably at his elbows. He’s still so thick and filled out even without the armor gracing his arms, the swath of skin contrasting sharply against the darkness and shine. Your hands go to the hem of your shirt and with a moment of debate you pull it over your head, naked but for your breast band. Mando’s attention returns to you and you see his half-hard cock thicken at the sight.
“Mesh’la,” he says, and words bubble unbidden from your lips.
(It’s a time for revelations, what’s one more?)
“What does it mean?” you ask, hands gripping the edge of the console as the cool air pebbles your skin and raises your nipples. Mando settles back between your legs, and you watch how the muscles in his arm move under his skin, the twist of the finer bones in his wrist as he jerks his cock to full hardness. Lining himself up to enter you again, he slides warm palms around your back and embraces you.
This is more skin than you’ve ever had of Mando’s against your own. The glide of his arms as he feels you underneath him is strong and euphoric. It’s the softest caress you’ve ever experienced, wrapped in half of a myth and all of a man.
“Beautiful,” Mando murmurs, the helmet pressed against your temple. You can almost feel the warmth of his breath, impossible as it may be, as you put meaning to a word you held in your heart for so long. “You are beautiful…” Mando says more forcefully as he slides you onto his cock, your fingers scrabbling along his back at the sensual entrance. You can’t move, have to just take the achingly slow pace Mando is setting as his skin presses yours. “...in every sense of the word, even more.” He bottoms out, one arm pressed up your spine with a hand on the back of your head, the other wrapped around your lower back. Your legs hook behind his thighs, trying to get leverage to roll against him as he sighs into your shoulder.
"Mesh'la,” Mando moans with a strong roll of his hips. You bury your cry in his neck, bringing your hips down to meet his thrust. “You didn’t know I was saying it? All this time?” You shake your head in the cowl (too afraid to feel that desire and that pain) as he begins to snap his hips into you at a slow and powerful pace.
“I thought you knew, must have known,” Mando grunts, every plow of his cock into you long and smooth and strong. It’s more intimate, more passionate than you can bear.
“Mando…” you whine, and you feel your throat clench and your eyes water. It’s so much in such a small space, accepting his body and his words and the weight of it all. Mando pulls his head back to press against your forehead again, his hand spanning the back of your skull.
“Mesh’la, beautiful,” he says, the words punctuated with heavy breaths as he angles his hips up and into you. His pubic bone hits your clit with every thrust, the head of his cock dragging over a spot inside you that makes your body shake. Every moment is laced with pleasure, unable to pause to recover.
“Kotyc, strong,” he says, and your bleary mind grasps another Mando’a word and translation.
“Mirdala, clever.”
“Mando, please, don’t…” you moan, but he won’t stop giving you everything he can.
“Fuck, Mesh’la,” Mando punches out of his lungs as he pulls you down against him, “Take it, take it all, you can do it.” He drags a hand up to your breast and thumbs your nipple, hard circles sending the final sparks to ignite. You cum suddenly at his words, limbs locking around Mando as he chants, “Yes, Mesh’la, fuck, yes, keep cumming, keep cumming, fuck, fuck.” Your head tips back and when you open your eyes they are full of stars as Mando drags himself out of you, fisting his cock to spill on the floor a second time. You clutch at one another, breath catching on the height of your gasps.
“Fuck, I need…hold…” Mando mumbles and you feel him sway in your arms. You hold him closer, slipping an arm around his side to put a grounding hand against his back. He hums into your shoulder, the curve of the helmet warming as he presses it into your skin. His hands and forearms are smoothing over you again, savoring the feeling of skin on skin.
(what a sin)
You wait until your breathing has slowed and Mando seems to be steadier on his feet, though he’s still savoring you with his fingertips.
“Thank you,” you choke out, and Mando reluctantly peels himself off your front. He brings a hand to your face and you press your lips into it over and over. His other hand drifts to yours and laces your fingers together, tightening when you sigh into his palm.
“I meant it,” Mando finally says, cupping your chin and tilting your face to him. You meet the visor’s darkness and for a moment imagine eyes staring back at you, hardened by time but still soft around the edges. “I still do. I call you Mesh’la because you are beautiful in more ways than Basic can convey.”
You smile and take a watery breath, fanning it against his pulse.
“Careful, Mando, or I might fall in love with you.”
You’re so blissed out and loose with your orgasm that you let those words tumble from your lips. You hold your breath, skin hot with embarrassment.
(no no no you just got everything you wanted and you’re going to fuck it up with your dumbass mouth)
Mando’s fingers stroke against your jaw, the helmet tilting at the hard switch in your demeanor. He reaches over and grabs your shirt, bunching it in his fists so he can guide it over your head. You break eye contact with him, slipping your arms through the loops before you hear his voice, so quiet through the helmet as if he hopes the whisper will hide his desires from his Creed.
“Would that be…a bad thing?”
Like home on a cold day, or a smile from the child, a full-body warmth travels from the top of your head to the tips of your toes. You take the helmet in both hands, Mando flinching instinctively for a moment before relaxing.
“No, it would not.”
There may have been more words to say, but at that moment you hear a thump and a cry from the hold and you and Mando switch back to the roles you have on the Crest. Mando helps you hop off the console, careful of the mess he’s made on the floor (he’s on cleanup later) and handing you the rest of your clothes. You both redress, him reattaching the vambraces. You wonder if he’ll remove them more now, but you also know that his Creed is a comfort and a habit that doesn’t change in the course of an hour (no matter how good of an hour it was).
With a press of his forehead against yours again, he descends the ladder to tend to the child. You follow to tend to some tasks and plan your evening. You’ll teach the kid a new game, maybe see if he’ll show off his weird powers again. Then when you tuck him in to sleep (on a good schedule now thank the Maker), you’ll join Mando in the cockpit.
Maybe he will tell you more of his Creed, the importance it has in his life and how it’s shaped him.
Or maybe you’ll speak about the mission to find a Jedi for the child. It seems to pull at Mando, and you suspect there is something waiting at its completion that will test his faith. You hope you’ll be there for that, whenever it may be.
But even if you both sit in silence, letting the emotion and events of the day settle into your bones, you know it will be enough.
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“in the afterglow of an evening rain
I lay down in the grass and think of you
my body aches like an after-kiss
breaking in soft fires and wildflowers
my dear, I will always be this tender for you.”
- Sanober Khan
Episode 9 of the I Think of You Series
The story continues in Episode 10: If the Moon Walks Out
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limnsaber · 7 months
In the 1981 Star Wars Radio Drama, Luke Skywalker and his best friend Biggs Darklighter reunite on Tatooine for one last trip through Beggar's Canyon.
Biggs: Well, they're right about one thing, Luke. The rebellion against the Empire is a long way from here. You know, I doubt the Imperials would bother with this system.
Luke: But I could've sworn I saw-
Biggs: Hey, c'mon, I'll tell you what, let's take a spin in that landspeeder of yours, huh? I'd like to take one last look at Beggar's Canyon, y'know, for old times' sake?
Luke: Sure Biggs. Boy, you should've been there the other day when we ran the canyon. Fixer started bragging about how 'he could do anything that Biggs could do,' you know, so I said 'hey if you're so smart why don't you try...'
Luke: ...yeah, and Fixer just pretended it never happened. Course, my Skyhopper's busted up pretty bad.
Biggs: Oh, I'm sure that made your uncle happy.
Luke: You have no idea. I'm grounded for the rest of the season.
Biggs: Nah, nah, you oughtta take it a little easier, Luke. I mean even if you are the hottest gully jumper this side of Mos Eisley, you keep it up buddy and one day, whammo, you'll be nothing but a dark smear on a canyon wall.
Luke: Hey, why'd you want me to come out to Beggar's Canyon anyway?
Biggs: Like I said, old times' sake. I mean, who knows when I'll be back this way, right?
Luke: I guess. Well, there it is, the old stone needle. You know, you can see practically the whole canyon from this part of the rim.
Biggs: Yeah. Hah, I don't know how I lived through all the crazy stunts we pulled down here.
Luke: I remember some of those. Boy, if we had the 'hopper now we could give those womp rats a surprise.
Biggs: Oh sorry, I am now valuable property. Keeping in mind the expense of cadet training, all graduates shall refrain from unnecessary risk-taking.
Luke: You? They happen to know how many stabilizer veins you bent up on the back stretch down there? Or how about the time you almost wiped out the stone needle?
Biggs: I figured it was better not to mention those to my piloting instructors.
Luke: Boy, it hasn't been the same since you left Biggs. It's been so... quiet.
Biggs: Hah, I'll bet.
Luke: Yeah, you were always number one around here, Biggs. You were the one who made things happen.
Biggs: Well it's a big galaxy, Luke. At the Academy, everybody was number one back where they came from. All of a sudden I was just a face in the crowd.
Luke: Yeah, but you made it, Biggs. You're going to see all those places we used to talk about.
Biggs: Yeah. Luke, did you ever wonder why we're friends?
Luke: Huh?
Biggs: The rest of them, back at Anchorhead, they'll never leave Tatooine. Maybe never get as far as Mos Eisley. Have you ever thought about that?
Luke: Well, not exactly like that I haven't.
Biggs: Fixer's just smart enough to know he's better off being a big noise in a small room. Camie's dumb enough to think she's made the prize catch hereabouts, and Windy's nothing but a follower and Deak's the follower of a follower.
Luke: But- what are you saying, Biggs?
Biggs: You will make it off Tatooine, Luke. And they know it. That's why they won't accept you.
Luke: Huh. Well, they're not so bad, I don't really mind them.
Biggs: Then how come you work so hard at being the hottest pilot around, huh? Hey-- did you see that? Off in the far side of the canyon.
Luke: What, where-- Sand People!
Biggs: You got your macros?
Luke: Yeah, right here.
Biggs: Yep, three banthas and it looks like five Tusken Raiders.
Luke: Yeah?
Biggs: They're moving out towards... the wastes.
Luke: Hey I'm supposed to keep a watch out for them at the farm, my uncle said that there have been some sightings around here, I should get back.
Biggs: I don't think its anything to worry about.
Luke: Well, that's a little excitement for your visit.
Biggs: You only think this planet's boring because you've never been anywhere else, Luke. Luke, I didn't-- I didn't come home just for a visit. If I don't come back, I wanted somebody to know.
Luke: What? Honestly, Biggs, will you stop being so secretive.
Biggs: Luke, I made some friends at the Academy. And one of them will be on the Rand Ecliptic with me. At our first port of call in the inner systems, we're going to jump ship and join the Rebel Alliance!
Luke: But that's crazy! You could wander around forever trying to find them-- look, the Empire can't even find them.
Biggs: Well if we don't find the rebels then we're going to do what we can on our own! I'm not hanging around to get drafted into the Imperial Starfleet. The rebellion's spreading, Luke, and I want to be on the side I believe in!
Luke: Yeah, and I'm stuck here.
Biggs: What? I thought you were going to the Academy next year.
Luke: I had to cancel my application. You know, the Sand People acting up again.
Biggs: C'mon, Luke! Your uncle could hold off a whole Tusken raiding party with one blaster. One of these days, buddy, you gotta separate what seems important from what is!
Luke: But the farm's just about to start paying off. Look, Uncle Owen needs me one more season. Biggs, I can't just run out on him and Aunt Beru now.
Biggs: Uncle Owen, Aunt Beru, first it was Sand People and now it's the crop. Meanwhile, your application's been cancelled, Luke! Cancelled! Luke, listen to me. Your uncle uses that 'I fed you and brought you up' line to keep you here, can't you see that?
Luke: Biggs! My aunt and uncle the only family I've got, they're all I've got! And I don't care what you or anybody else thinks about me, I can't let anything happen to those two.
Biggs: Luke, I didn't mean-
Luke: Oh go on, find your rebellion! You don't think I'd like to leave? You think I like staying behind?
Biggs: I never thought that, Luke.
Luke: Well, that's how it sounded.
Luke: Here, I'll let you off by the power station.
Biggs: Thanks for the ride, Luke.
Luke: Yeah. Sure.
Biggs: Luke. Luke, I had a friend at the Academy. He used to help me through, the way I-- the way I used to help you. Just before graduation, I heard he got picked up during a round of Rebel suspects, and they said he died in interrogation.
Luke: You've changed, Biggs. You've changed a lot.
Biggs: I have been doing some thinking, Luke. But, uh-- but you're the same as ever. Hey, tell me, are you still keeping a lookout for that dream girl you used to talk about?
Luke: Hah, I'll know her if she passes by. Biggs, I'm sorry about what I said back there.
Biggs: Yeah me too. Hey, just, let's forget it.
Luke: Yeah. Will you be around long?
Biggs: No, I'm leaving on the morning shuttle.
Luke: Looks like there's a wind kicking up.
Biggs: Hm. Wind's rising all over the Empire, Luke. Even Tatooine will feel it. Sooner or later.
Luke: I guess... I won't be seeing you for a while.
Biggs: Oh, maybe someday. I'll be watching for you.
Luke: Listen, next season, I'm going to be going to the Academy for sure! No, I am, I am! Take care of yourself.
Biggs: So long, Luke.
Luke: Biggs?
Biggs: Yeah?
Luke: Do you really think those ships out there were just freighters?
Biggs: Well, not if you say they were firing, hotshot.
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burnwater13 · 5 months
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Concept art by Christian Alzmann. Scene from The Mandalorian, Season 2, Episode 1, The Marshal. Din Djarin and Tuskens are riding Bathas on Tatooine.
Grogu sighed as he remembered riding the banthas that hot day they went to find the Krayt dragon with the Tuskens and the marshal. The ride was long, and to be honest, kind of boring. Grogu wished he had thought to bring something to do with him. He missed having a datapad. He always had one at the Jedi Temple. But without one he couldn’t pass the time watching his favorite vid series: Diggle and Daggle, the Fish that fish.
Diggle and Daggle had helped Grogu through a lot of boring times. He’d first watched the show about ‘The Fish that fish’ when Peli was watching over him. Apparently the pit droids liked to watch it and Peli would play it for them as a special treat for work well done. Not getting destroyed by the Mandalorian for almost working on the Razor Crest was determined to be a ‘job well done’. 
And that’s how it started. His obsession with fishing. Well, with a vid show about fishing. He’d liked fishing before he’d ever met the pit droids, Peli, or the Mandalorian. What he didn’t like was not knowing very much about fish. Diggle and Daggle fixed that for him. 
Want to know how many types of Yob fish there are? Diggle and Daggle covered that in episode 293. Think you should know more about the bulbous fish of Coruscant? Episode 19. Curious about the luminous fish of Naboo? Episode 42. Since Grogu was interested, curious and wanted to increase his knowledge about all fish, Diggle and Daggle were his first and best resource for everything fish related. How could they not be?
For a long time his dad didn’t understand it. He would try to watch Diggle and Daggle, but Din Djarin just didn’t get what Grogu loved about the show. Why would fish teach you how to catch other fish? The very first time Grogu tried to explain it, the Mandalorian said it was not the Way. Grogu began to giggle. He explained to his dad that fish eat fish.
“I know that buddy.”
Yes, he knew it, but did he really know it? Grogu had never seen his dad voluntarily eat fish. Oh sure, maybe he’d get tricked into eating a gorg on a stick if it was coated, deep fried and reeking of hot spice. But gorgs were technically not fish. And when Grogu managed to catch a scale fish on a trip they made to Naboo, there was no way to get his dad to eat even the tiniest bit of it. 
“I don’t eat raw fish, Grogu.”
Grogu trotted over the campfire and used the Force to hold the filet of scale fish over it until it was cooked. Then he brought it back to his dad. His dad thanked Grogu nicely for doing that, but all he actually did with the fish was cut it up and push it around his plate and then the Mandalorian told Grogu it was time to sleep. Later that night, when Grogu needed to use the privy, he found the fish in the trash bin. Now that really annoyed him. He would have been happy to eat it, once he scraped the hot sauce off it. 
Then they went to Corellia on a bounty run and stopped in a great little diner not far from the starport. They had noddles with Coco Claw fish bites and Grogu noticed that all the fish bites were still left in the bowl when the Mandalorian slowly ate the noddles (one at a time! Uff, that had taken so much time) and drank the broth. That time Grogu had finished the fish bites and immediately regretted it. He had forgotten for an instant that his dad ate everything smothered in hot spices or sauces, in this case both. Uff. Thank goodness for the sweet juice concentrate the Iktotchi server had given. 
Then Greef Karga invited them to a celebration on Nevarro which included a formal dinner. Grogu had loved it. The pomp. The fashion. The celebrities. Of course his dad was one of the celebrities and so was he. It had been great until the Opee Sea Killer was presented to his dad on a platter. To Grogu’s amazement the Mandalorian had looked at the giant sea critter, shook his head, leapt out of his chair and dashed out of the room. Everyone in the room fell quiet and the high magistrate sent IG-11-M, who was there as a curtesy, to go check on the bounty hunter. 
Grogu was glad that IG had taken on that task because he couldn’t imagine what could possibly be wrong, but he was pretty sure that he’d ask his dad a question that would make things worse, instead of better. A droid, especially IG, was far more capable of being plainly factual and impartial, than Grogu. 
It turned out that when the Opee Sea Killer was prepared no one checked it’s mouth to see what was in it. When the platter was set down, a bunch of Opee Sea Killer eggs blooped out of the mouth and his dad just couldn’t handle Grogu reaching out and taking a scoop of them. Grogu was surprised that his dad was bothered by it because the Mandalorian was so happy to eat ration packs. 
Finally, they were on Cantonica. Some guy jumped bail and they caught him at the aquarium there. In the water. Grogu had explained to his dad how to deal with each and every critter and that helped them catch the guy, who was a Mon Calamari. Later his dad asked him how he knew so much about all those fish and sea creatures. Grogu had giggled and said, “Diggle and Daggle”. 
After that, Din bought Grogu a specialized datapad and got him the whole back catalog of Diggle and Daggle vids. His dad had finally got the picture, quite literally. Grogu wasn’t just watching a show. He was learning. Not just about fish but about planets, people, and methods to catch things that really didn’t want to be caught. To the Mandalorian’s surprise Grogu had been learning to be a bounty hunter the whole time they knew one another. Or maybe his dad was just surprised that learning those lessons could be so much fun and really tasty. Yum.
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jessepinwheel · 8 months
I have some disagreeing Star Wars opinions with you. But I really liked your oneshot Harmonic Oscillation. I find it extremely off-putting when I see people making excuses about the Tusken Massacre or having other people (Obi-Wan, other Jedi) find out and Anakin still getting off scot-free. (My opinion is: if people don't want to deal with the Tusken Massacre, write an AU where it doesn't happen, don't write something where the "feel good resolution" is forgiving mass murder including of children with zero consequences!)
I feel like you handled that, and depicting the selfish person Anakin becomes by ROTS (yeah, AOTC was a turning point), really well. It didn't feel like bashing, but rather a logical interpretation of Anakin's worst tendencies. The characterization felt believable.
I especially appreciate the lines "My love for you is unconditional. My lenience is not." That is powerful, and such an important concept that I feel too many people don't understand.
I don't read much swars fic (I'm kind of on and off) but when I do read it something I come across a lot is anakin confessing that he murdered a whole tribe of people and obi-wan is like oh :( but it's okay because you've stepped away from the darkness so your soul is still fine, which. no, I don't think the state of anakin's soul is really the important thing, more than the fact that he murdered a bunch of people and clearly doesn't feel like he did anything wrong, and also why the hell does obi-wan's forgiveness matter? (well we know why it's because anakin doesn't care about the opinions of anyone besides the people close to him) obi-wan has no authority to absolve anakin of what he's done, he's not the one who was wronged by anakin's murder spree--the tuskens and their tribes were.
like yes, I do think anakin could do literally anything and obi-wan would probably still love him. I mean anakin did horribly murder obi-wan's own family and that wasn't enough to make obi-wan write anakin off, but loving someone doesn't mean letting them do lots of murder forever (although anakin might believe differently)
so I wrote that little snippet. at one point I had the idea of obi-wan and bail going back in time together because their deaths occurred so close together, and while obi-wan was off telling anakin that murder is bad, actually, bail would be off telling padme that marrying murderers is bad, actually. obviously didn't write that because I couldn't come up with anything interesting to write, but that snippet would have been a scene in that story
I try not to bash characters in general (though some might disagree with me because some of the characters I write come off pretty poorly), because there's really no need to make up reasons why characters suck, and I especially don't need to make up reasons why anakin's moral fiber is about as structurally sound as an eclair. fundamentally, anakin's the kind of person who, when palpatine went "hey I'll save your wife if you kill a bunch of children", thought that was a reasonable thing to do. surely that speaks for itself.
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thewriterowl · 2 years
Would you mind giving us more of your thoughts on Din losing some of his humanity after his husband "died" on Tatooine ? 👀
(As well as he subsequent obsession when he realises Luke's alive of course~)
Oh goodie, one of my favorites XD I feel like i will keep saying the same things...but i just love it and i am sorry for being neck deep in filth like this.
TW: Dark Din, trauma, possessive behavior, obsessive behavior, temporary character death
Din would crumple, his knees giving out, when he sees the farm-stead...it is just too much to even think about. He tries to fight the idea, tries to have faith, knows if there is no body, then there is no proof. How could he doubt Luke?
Luke would never leave him...Luke could never leave him. It was just not possible. Luke understood him--understood what it would do to Din, more so than Din would understand himself. Luke is such a good, kind-hearted man who would never do anything to hurt anyone...He wouldn't just leave him.
Din isn't even aware he makes it back to the Crest and has taken off. Isn't even aware when he makes it back to the Tribe. That he had just gone almost catatonic when his people find him and get the news out of him that his One, the one he planned to marry, the one whom he would break his Creed for, whom he wanted to make a family with...was dead.
Or, they get the impression he is dead. Din refuses it. He says Luke will find him. Luke will come home. Luke was out there. His One was alive...this was just a misunderstanding. He already lost his family, his planet, his childhood and innocence, so many of his new people and family, his sanity...he's lost so, so much already....and Luke knew that. Luke wouldn't do this to him.
He tells people to help prepare for Luke to show up. For them to welcome the new member of the Tribe...it was going to happen any day now. No one really has the heart to tell him otherwise at first. People help get things ready, as if Luke would return any day with that sheepish grin and an apology for worrying Din, but he just...doesn't.
Soon, Din is growing furious. He takes mission after mission to take him off world and out into the stars to find him. He rarely brings quarries back alive. Or in one piece.
Some days, his Tribe tries to keep him at bay--and sometimes it works. He is a dangerous man, one of their best, but he cannot fight so many of them. And they are ready to break his legs if to get him to stop and take a break. Din knows he can't go and find Luke if they do that, so he stops...at least moving. he doesn't stop hunting.
He goes over so many bits and pieces of information, he studies, he becomes calculating. He starves for the day for when he can take down those that did this to his beloved.
And he knows it was not the Tuskens...he knows, anyone with any skill would've seen, it was the Empire...they took his beloved from him. They did something to him. They made Luke break his promise to always be there for Din. To never leave him, never let him lost that light he desperately needed, to always love and be there for him...it was their fault...and he was going to make them pay for it.
He grows strong, he gets people on his side, gets an army if needed, and begins to take people of the Empire out one by one...till he is known throughout the underground Mandalorian system as someone to follow...as someone who could be the next great king.
Then, of course, he finds his son and adopts him...then finds the Darksaber and all hail him as the one who will Redeem them, who will take them back to their glory days.
And then...he finds his Luke.
Luke who is as beautiful and gentle as the day he lost him. Stronger and brighter than ever...but still his Luke. His One.
His One who will be returning to Mandalore with him, who will be his Consort, and who will never leave his side ever again.
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fanfic-obsessed · 7 months
Hi! I read the Empress au about when it was posted went "oh that's cool I should find it again so I can comment on it/ask a Q and THEN I COULDN'T FIND IT and forgot the question but I found it again!
So the Q is how much is Shmi aware of the changes to her mind? Like, does she recognize that a lot of her mindset has changed, does she know why, what does she think of her past self?
Also if you have more thoughts on Tusken deities I would happily hear them? I like mythology.
Shmi is aware that she was not always intent on ruling the galaxy, and if she considered it for long enough she would realize that her intention changed during her time in captivity with the Tuskens.
However, between the month of torture and dying, not to mention the massive shift in her mind that came from Anakin shoving every ounce of Force into her body, she does not actually remember her captivity very well. So she has rationalizes her new ambition as some epiphany she had during her captivity. Strictly speaking no one, not even Shimi or Anakin, knows that she died.
Shmi is a very practical person, almost to a fault. She knows she is different but is largely ambivalent to thoughts of who she was. This change is, as far as she can tell, permanent so there is no point in dwelling on who she had been.
Oddly enough, if it was ever reversed she would have much the same attitude about who she is an what she is doing now.
For the Tuskens, it is either outright stated or heavily implied that Anakin of Canon became a god of death to them after he slaughtered the village. In this version, they watched this human bring a woman from the brink of death. This is after they saw him cut through many on his way to collect her. Thus, to the Tuskens he became a god of life and death. I was Shmi who capitalized on that t push things further, that the deaths were directly caused by their torture of her, using it to become godlike to the tuskens as well
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thesunlikehoney · 10 months
take ur fav/s between these! :D also very happy to hear ur thoughts(any)
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I am going to answer all of these because they bring me joy and because I have many opinions XD
9: Anakin killing the Tuskens. Just. I'm not upset about Anakin killing people I am upset that Lucus had him kill these specific people in this specific way for these specific reasons. Like. Come on Lucus. You're the one who showed your ass, not Anakin.
10: Oh boy. Worst part of fanon hands down is the tendency to strip away what little complexity canon gives to the clones. Sure, canon doesn't do a fantastic job with them, but there are Themes and there are Character Arcs and there are situations where the clones are in conflict with the Jedi and when they are in conflict with each other. A lot of fanon tends to ignore that and flatten the clones into a monolith.
14: One thing I see in fics all the time is Cody and Wolffe and Fox and Bly and Ponds as batchmates, with Rex as their collective baby brother. I don't know why. This is not negative or positive it's just something I see a lot that I don't really understand. It's usually sweet. I guess some fic with this hc got popular and other people started writing it?
16: I answered this in another ask but I'm gonna answer it again because there are many things are popular that baffle me. Mando clones. Like, fully embracing being Mandalorian as a community and using Mando'a fluently and respecting all these traditions and beliefs. I have written Mando clones! But I have also written non-Mando clones. And the more I think about it and write about it and look for fic that does not use Mando'a the more I wonder why this is so popular that it's virtually inescapable. Clones wanting to be Mando and wanting to have this culture and this language that could or maybe should have been theirs is one thing, exploring the complexities of what could be called a diaspora is one thing, but I have read a lot of fic where the clones are written as basically Mandalorians who just kinda happen to be in this situation serving the Jedi and it. Hm. Yeah Jedi and Mando parallels are cool but that's not. That's not who the clones are. That is not the role they serve in the narrative. Why are so many people writing the clones as straight up Mandalorians?
17: There should be more fic where Cody and Obi-Wan are not friends. That is all.
18: Davijaan. It's Davijaan it's always gonna be Davijaan I am always gonna be sad that my dude has so few fans. He's so great guys. He's a pilot and he doesn't paint his armor and he's in the background of more scenes than you would think. But jokes aside this applies to all the clone characters who are just there for a few scenes and get forgotten. Fandom shaped Fox and his two minutes of screentime into something great why can't we do that with Boost and Longshot and Hawk and Appo? All these minor characters with so much potential.
21: I said TCW show in another ask and I guess I kinda stand by that, a lot of lists say it's something that needs to be watched but honestly I don't think that's the case. I don't know. I think by and large most SW fans are pretty realistic about the quality of this canon XD
22: So there are two short scenes (if I recall correctly) where they are brought up, but the clones have identification chips in their wrists. I have seen one other fic besides mine even touch that. It's so-- there is so much there, so much to explore in regards to autonomy and personhood and the logistics of desertion. And it adds so much context to the Chip Arc. Of course Rex and Anakin and Windu and Shaak Ti were totally unphased when Fives said the clones had a chip in their head. They already had a chip in their wrist, what's one more? I wouldn't say it's my favorite part exactly but it's... I guess it's another thing fandom is sleeping on. Something from canon that adds a lot of meaning to the story for me, but that nobody else seems to even acknowledge.
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sleepymarmot · 2 years
Revenge of the Sith rewatch (liveblog & notes)
Oh look, a big rough ugly ship like in the OT! Is it one of the warships from the end of episode 2? “Oh you think there’s only one ship? Ha!” Can we wrap this up already? I hate space fights, they're so boring. Anakin seems very bored throughout the whole thing and I can’t tell if he’s supposed to be or if it's flat acting. Oh that’s a cool smooth exit, Obi-Wan
Me, coughing: Oh, Grievous is immediately relatable. Obi-Wan’s body looks really bad as the bridge falls onto it. Like that one shot of Padme riding a beast from the previous episode. Completely unmoving, like a wooden doll. In retrospect, Palpatine’s plan must have been for Dooku to actually kill Obi-Wan at the start of the fight, not just injure him. He wants Obi-Wan dead and Anakin angry and vengeful. “Kill him in revenge of your uhhhhh... hand” was really weak.
Oh, so Anakin did confide in someone about the Tuskens... and it was Palpatine. Great choice there... “His fate will be the same is ours” is said very unemotionally. Surprisingly, Christensen is worse in this movie than the previous one so far.
This whole thing has such a strange semi-comedic tone. I have no idea how to take it. There isn’t even any music for Obi-Wan and Anakin’s escape from Grievous!
“This whole operation was your idea” — once again, Anakin sounds weirdly flat, and Obi-Wan's response is recorded as if in a room with completely different acoustics with a laptop mic. What the hell is going on with the voices in this movie?! Oh my god, Windu and even Palpatine also deliver their lines like in a school play. Is there something wrong on my end? Am I brain damaged?
Padme when you’re embracing like that I don’t think it makes a lot of difference if you kiss or not
Why is she brushing her artificially curled hair??? You’d think George Lucas would learn something about women since the “no bras in space” fiasco.
“You are so beautiful.” “It’s only because I’m so in love.” “No. No, it’s because I’m so in love with you.” “So love has blinded you?” What is this dialogue?? Has George Lucas ever met another human being?? I’m not even going to criticize the acting because how the hell do you deliver that.
Is it common to sleep with no short but in full length pants?... Why does Padme’s nightgown have so many hard and even sharp parts? This couldn’t possibly be comfortable! “And if the council discovers you’re the father, you’ll be expelled...” “I know. I know.” Re: the discourse.
Anakin: I have prophetic dreams of someone close to me dying. Please help. Yoda: You fool. You absolute buffoon. Death is GREAT. I love death and dying. Not being happy when people die is a path to the dark side. (I know it’s been said many times, but FUCK Yoda.)
“I need your help, son. I'm depending on you” Oh here we go. Finally someone with social skills.
They grudgingly allow them on the Council, and then: “Take a seat, young Skywalker.” “Forgive me, Master.” Somehow this makes the difference in status between them even worse than before.
“The Chancellor is not a bad man, Obi-Wan. He befriended me. He’s watched out for me ever since I arrived here.” Buddy..... 
“I think this war is destroying the principles of the Republic.” You don’t say... It’s almost as if someone orchestrated it for this express purpose And yet. “What if the democracy we thought we were serving no longer exists, and the Republic has become the very evil we’ve been fighting to destroy?” “I don’t believe that. And you’re sounding like a separatist.” Spoken like a true soldier. Damn, Palpatine’s plan really paid off in every conceivable way... I do get why he exploded after even Padme tried to use his connection with Palpatine for her own agenda. Too bad he refuses to communicate.
Incredible how many memes came out of this single conversation! Ian McDiarmid is killing it once again. Palpatine does too, playing the boy like a fiddle. Or at least until he doesn’t really bother to keep the mask on — but by then poor Anakin is in too deep to care. One thing I want to note is that Palpatine’s tale hints that Anakin might be able to save Padme, but lose his own life — and Anakin takes this bargain. The idea that Darth Vader will kill Anakin Skywalker has been there from the beginning.
Oh wow, I didn’t realize we’d actually seen Kashyyk on screen! I thought it was designed from scratch in the games.
Oh wow the first warm words from Obi-Wan ever! Look how Anakin smiles! But it’s too little, too late!
Ooh, is that why Anakin thinks Padme is cheating on him with Obi-Wan? Because he’s present at the birth? That makes sense actually.
I don’t really get where the timeskips are placed. Was there only one, or more?
“I’m not gonna die in childbirth, Ani. I promise you.” By now, even Padme doesn’t take his concerns seriously. Both she and Obi-Wan try to give him hope, but their words are so groundless it just looks like they’re dismissing his worries.
“The Jedi Council would have to take control of the senate in order to secure a peaceful transition.” This is so funny they’re literally performing the script Palpatine laid out for them
Wow Obi-Wan sets Grievous on fire?! I did not remember that. Brutal. I hope that’s not foreshadowing for anything...
Oh, that’s a nice montage. Can Anakin and Padme actually sense each other through the force?
Dear Master Windu, I don’t think that's enough people to apprehend a Sith lord
Palpatine prepared him for this really well with Dooku It’s insane how this scene is 50% masterful manipulation, 50% mind-boggling cheese After Anakin takes off Windu’s hand, he’s so shocked by the outcome of his actions that both his mind and his body almost shut down. He can’t stand, he can’t hold the lightsaber, he’s hyperventilating and can barely speak, he’s sweating visibly. When he kneels, it’s not an ordinary formal gesture — he quite literally falls not only metaphorically but physically. I was immediately reminded of a post I’d seen a day or two before, which pointed out that Anakin at that point has not eaten or slept for a long time, and was at the brink of passing out before pledging his loyalty — and it’s visible in how he moves. There’s something Hannibalesque in the way the camera savours this beautiful man unraveling mentally, ethically and physically. “Do not hesitate. Show no mercy. Only then will you be strong enough with the dark side to save Padmé.” This only confirms what I wrote about Reva — that leveling up in a specific side of the force is a thing that actually exists in-universe, not just in the video game mechanics, and people do it on purpose. The Sith aren’t just cruel for the evulz, they specifically do things that will bring them closer to their power source.
“Many Jedi have been killed.” Great use of passive voice here, Anakin
“When my new apprentice Darth Vader arrives, he will take care of you.” Bwahaha
“He is like my brother. I cannot do it.” :( “Twisted by the dark side young Skywalker has become. The boy you trained, gone he is. Consumed by Darth Vader.” Once again I am asking Yoda to shut the fuck up. I mean, in a way it’s for the best, because Palpatine would squash Obi-Wan like a bug, but...
Alright, what are these security recordings of? Palpatine’s office? If they had access to that, why not look at them earlier? “It appears that the Chancellor is behind everything, including the war.” How did he figure that one out all of a sudden?
“I am more powerful than the Chancellor. I can overthrow him. And together, you and I can rule the galaxy, make things the way we want them to be.” THAT is the dealbreaker for you, Padme? Not the mass murder but doing it for undemocratic purposes?
Palpatine and Yoda fighting in the middle of the empty Senate chamber? That’s pretty epic. And Palpatine is destroying it! Nice symbolism.
“Anakin, Chancellor Palpatine is evil!” “From my point of view, the Jedi are evil.” “Well, then you are lost!” Obi-Wan can you please use an actual argument in this very important moment instead of going “well fuck you then”?! This guy just murdered dozens of children and choked his pregnant wife, and this is the part that offends you? It’s like Padme only cares about the abstract notion of democracy and Obi-Wan only care about the abstract ideal of the Jedi and the disrespect towards these values shocks them more than mass child murder.
Obi-Wan, watching Anakin catch fire and roar in pain as he burns alive: ah it’s nothing he’s got like a few seconds left to live anyway. Definitely not worth going down and singing my boots just to give him a mercy beheading or something. I’m off
Why did he say “operate” if Padme then gives birth normally?..
“An old friend has learned the path to immortality.” This is hilarious! Has Yoda known all along? Hey, you know how “the first Jedi you’ve met has achieved immortality via the light side of the force and could teach you" could have been a very useful thing to say to a certain someone desperately seeking a way to defy death at a certain point of this movie?! I can’t believe the hypocrisy! *to Anakin* "Immortality sucks, who cares about that!" *to Obi-Wan* "Hey good news: immortality exists, isn’t that cool!"
Why isn’t a single person crying at Padme’s funeral?
The endings scenes flow into the OT very nicely. I’m moved.
Can someone explain why McGregor and Portman are listed in the credits before Christensen? He’s the main character!
Deleted scenes:
Why the hell did they cut Obi-Wan and Anakin communicating with gestures?! That was gold. Obi-Wan: Alright, I still have much to learn. — Again, how dare they cut this?! This is not only funny but very relevant to their relationship. The beeping scene is hilarious but I can see why it was cut. They're both so phoning it in. Hayden’s eyes are just dead. Padme participating in the birth of the Rebel Alliance and agreeing to keep it a secret gives a completely different meaning to her conversations with Anakin! This scene is incredibly important but also short and has no CGI beyond the view from the windows, cutting it was a crime! Palpatine making Anakin distrust Padme’s loyalty to the Republic lays ground for their final confrontation.
The Padme subplot is essential in my opinion, and the buddy comedy is just a shame to lose. On the other hand, I don’t care about the Dagobah scene (nothing happens, Yoda just arrives there, and we already know he does), and the Qui-Gon scene (just bad).
Unlike the other two prequels, it’s hard for me to find words to sum up my experience.
I remembered this one being my favorite. At first I was disappointed and thought my memory was tricking me, but then either I got acclimatized or the movie got better. One of the bigger strengths is, surprisingly, the writing. George Lucas is as bad as usual at writing lines that human beings would actually say (that romantic balcony scene was the biggest offender). But the most fascinating thing in the movie for me is how not only the events but individual lines connect with one another into a giant web that Anakin, the Jedi Order and the Republic get caught in. It’s like a set of plot flags, a Rube Goldberg machine, a collection of Chekhov’s guns on the wall — especially if the deleted Padme subplot is taken into account. Which is why Palpatine is the star of this movie. He has achieved Magnificent Bastard status.
Obi-Wan has had an impressive amount of character development between the episodes. (Presumably, brought to screen in TCW.) I can now see him as a younger version of the person he’ll be in his show. On the other hand, the show picks up the storyline of Anakin seeking to be validated and recognized as an equal instead of an apprentice, which was the core of their relationship in AotC but is pretty much absent here, replaced by political and personal mistrust. I’ll have to process this. Obi-Wan and Anakin’s relationship has improved at last, but still not to the extent that the final confrontation of the entire trilogy being about that relationship feels earned. It’s too bad Obi-Wan finally starts getting along with Anakin on screen only a few shared scenes before doing the thing I still haven’t forgiven him for since my teenage years. I don’t remember if I ever put my feelings into my own words on this blog, so just for the record: if you purposefully let someone experience extreme suffering, you lose the right to be considered a good or even decent person, at least until you acknowledge how wrong it was and grow as a person; if that person was someone you claim to love, you lose the moral right to that claim.
The fate of the Jedi order is hard to see as anything but brutal karmic retribution. The entire order, down to every small child, pays for the mistakes of its leaders. You didn’t cultivate trust, and your political opponent did? Don’t be surprised that the person you expected to save you sides with your opponent instead. Buy an army of slaves mind-controlled to obey you? Don’t be surprised when they get mind-controlled to wipe you out.
As for Anakin... If he really was supposed to be on several days of no sleep and food by the time of the pivotal decision... I’m just saying, I get it now. Considering how angry I get when I’m hungry and how stupid I get when I need sleep and how little self-control I have when both, I get it. Moral of the story: take care of yourself while you still can, or it will be too late.
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phoenixyfriend · 3 years
I've played with transmasc Anakin and "cis dude but genuinely into the idea of getting pregnant" Anakin and omega male Anakin...
But how do we feel about transfemme Anakin?
Notes on my mind:
Obi-Wan probably dithers over it because Tradition, but lets Ani grow her hair out from the padawan cut for gender affirmation reasons. (Komari apparently wore her hair long as a padawan, so precedent!)
Obi-Wan sees Anakin sighing over holos of Padme's public speaking engagements and chooses to assume it's gender envy and not a crush, proceeds to learn how to do braids and increasingly complex hairstyles for Anakin's sake. Anakin does not know Obi-Wan is doing this until Obi-Wan is already skilled with it. I'm going to say that he asked Siri Tachi to let him practice on her since he only has so many human friends with long hair, and Quinlan's is in dreads.
Jedi Temple obviously subsidizes most elements of transition (HRT, surgeries, essential parts of the wardrobe, possibly some cosmetics?)
Obi-Wan accidentally cementing Anakin's loyalty to him over Palpatine because Palps never considered he had to learn how to be polite about gender stuff, while Obi-Wan is putting in a lot of effort.
Please understand how much I love the idea of Ani trying on makeup and the first time she gets it mostly right and is happy with the results, Obi-Wan just has a Dad Moment and comes up behind her and hugs her around the shoulders and meets her eyes in the mirror and tells her "you look beautiful, padawan" because he can't let himself call her 'sweetheart' or 'my dear' because Attachment but his voice kinda just cracks and she knows he's having a 'my little girl' thing going on 'cause his shields are down and probably she starts crying.
Whether or not Ani and Padme fall in love is irrelevant because I need Padme putting Ani in ALL the dresses. Sure, Ani's too tall for most of them but.
I feel like this would pave the way for a Girl's Night Out episode in TCW feat. Ani, Ahsoka, and Padme for sure, probably running into Ventress, maybe cameos by Barriss and Aayla. Yes, I am thinking about Leverage.
Ahsoka is overall really stoked that she gets a female master. It's all the canon Snips and Skyguygal but now there's nights designated as Girl Talk.
We'll say Anakin got to Shmi early enough to save her because reasons*, and Shmi has a lot of feelings about Ani transitioning and Coming Into Her Own. (It does take a bit to convince Owen that Anakin is, in fact, Shmi's child. Demonstrating the Jedi Magic helps.) * IDK maybe Palpatine was so caught up in trying to figure out how to balance his desire to gaslight and control Anakin with Palpatine's own original-trilogy-implied lack of respect for women and presumably trans people that he didn't time the Tuskens thing right.
Help I want to make this Rexwalker in the vein of 'boy walks into walls because his crush took her hair down after a hard fight and sure she's covered in blood but that just makes her more attractive' and IDK the clone group chat is now just Rex and Bly being bullied to hell and back by all their brothers.
Obi-Wan ends up having a network of friends that are specifically trans Jedi because they all noticed him panicking and looking up books in the archives on how to support your transitioning child and went "aw, he's trying! He... wow, he's crying, somebody help him."
Anakin's fairly public about being a trans woman? Most of the GAR knows specifically because non-cis clones all got really excited and spread the word and she keeps getting approached by queer and questioning clones for advice.
"Somehow" this aspect of her identity doesn't make it into the propaganda about the war and about The Team. (Palpatine assures her the marketing team probably thought it was necessary to keep arguments about the war from being derailed, and to protect Anakin from people who'd try to use her identity against her. The marketing team didn't care, really, but Palpatine sure told them to keep it quiet.)
Oh my god please imagine Rex trying to figure out how to put together a bouquet for a pretty girl while they're on a planet that's decent for that sort of thing oh my god I'm going to make myself cry thinking about Rex being head over heels for his general and incidentally putting in All The Effort to make sure he doesn't fuck up the gender stuff
Listen between the mental image of Obi-Wan grabbing a particularly rude senator's arm and telling them "you are aware that Knight Skywalker is something of a daughter to me, yes?" as a threat and the overall idea of Rex getting flustered by Ani, I am... I'm gonna cry, guys.
As @the-lunar-system put it:
Rex: Girls like flowers, right? Rex: But it's Anakin, she likes, like, mechanic parts, and swordplay Rex: But also I don't want her to think I'm assuming she prefers more ""masc"" hobbies Rex: But also those ARE her hobbies
(he ends up getting her a vibroblade engraved with flowers)
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sirikenobi12 · 3 years
War & the Jedi
This will be a long meta rant, FYI.
The Jedi Order, specifically the Prequel era Jedi Order, gets a lot of hate these days particularly regarding their involvement in the Clone Wars. Accusations are tossed at their feet constantly ranging from corruption all the way up to warmongering. 
Let’s first look at the Oxford English Dictionary definition of these two accusations, shall we?
Corruption - having or showing a willingness to act dishonestly in return for money or personal gain.
Warmonger - a person who encourages or advocates aggression towards other countries or groups.
The definitions of these two words are so very misunderstood when it comes to relation to the Jedi. If the Jedi are truly “corrupt” then where are the examples of their dishonesty for wealth or personal gain? In fact, I’d argue that canon (and Legends) makes a point to show us that it is the Sith who are in it for personal gain, not the Jedi. The Jedi have absolutely NOTHING to gain from this war on a personal level, in fact they are losing members in terrifying numbers.
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The Jedi are also not advocating aggression towards the Separatists, in fact what we see instead is the Jedi DEFENDING against the Separatists. I have yet to see in either canon or legends an instance where the Republic forces invade a Separatist planet who doesn’t have an army or some military involvement (i.e. weapon factories). However, time after time we see the Separatists forcing peaceful planets who want nothing to do with them to either bow to their cause or die (i.e. Ryloth, Lurmen planet, Kiros, Mandalore) the Jedi and Republic Troops will then follow the Separatists to these planets, but they try to do what they can to liberate the planet from the Separaist invasion and then they give the planet the OPTION to join the Republic for safety and economic reasons, but they never force them, as is super evident with Mandalore.
Yet people don’t seem to see this and continue to drag the Jedi through the mud. 
Here are the top 5 other “woke” takes I hear - 
Jedi are peacekeepers and should not have gotten involved:
 First things first, let’s look at the definition of Peacekeeper - a soldier, military force, etc., deployed to maintain or restore peace. 
I’d argue by that definition the Jedi were still peacekeepers, it’s true that they weren’t a 3rd party as they normally were before the war, but their position was trying to maintain or restore peace. Peacekeeper is not the same thing as a Pacifist, the Jedi were skilled warriors (training from childhood to wield a lightsaber), the difference is Jedi used their skills for defense not attack which is what we constantly saw throughout the Clone Wars. 
With regards to the idea that Jedi “should not have gotten involved” I ask you then what exactly were they supposed to do instead?
 We see at the beginning of Attack of the Clones that the Jedi are worried things will escalate to war, they have obviously gone to the Chancellor hoping that a diplomatic solution can be presented to avoid bloodshed. Or if that isn’t possible then that the Republic have some way to defend themselves other than relying solely on the Jedi (i.e. an army). The Separatists are the ones pushing them to a breaking point, were the Jedi just supposed to stand back and let innocent people be invaded/killed because they didn’t want to get involved? The Jedi were “Guardians of Peace and Justice” which means it was their duty to help bring about peace in the galaxy while also enacting justice. 
Then after Geonosis (where they lost approx. 187 members mind you) they learned that the Sith are leading the Separatist army - the Jedi are duty bound by their code to fight the Sith, they had no choice but to join the war. 
So, I ask again...what were they supposed to do instead?
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2.  Jedi used a slave army for their own purposes:
 Okay, I can (and probably will) write a whole argument based on just this accusation alone. There are so many fallacies I don’t even know where to begin but I’ll try. 
I guess my first question is the same as #1, what were the Jedi supposed to do instead with regards to the Clones? 
Technically speaking the Clones didn’t “belong” to the Jedi, they were “property” of the Republic (as stated by Lama Su in Attack of the Clones). In fact, the Jedi Council not only didn’t know about the order, they had vehemently denied Syfo Dias’ earlier request to raise an army in the first place. The Sith KNEW the Jedi would be against it, this was all part of their plan to trap the Jedi (as was EVERYTHING about the war) - they clouded the Force, they literally deleted Kamino from the Archives so the Jedi wouldn’t discover it until the Sith WANTED them to (i.e. Jango just happened to use a Kamino dart?? Come on people). Yoda even states “blind we are if creation of this clone army we could not see” he fully admits they missed it because the Dark Side was clouding their vision. 
Regardless, the army was created, there was no changing that fact. Had the Jedi not taken command of the army do you think the Clones wouldn’t have had to go to war? Do  you actually believe that the Republic who couldn’t get their citizens to give 2 craps about the war would’ve taken up the mantle and fought instead? Do you think if the Jedi were like “thanks, but we didn’t order this” that the Kamioans would’ve just let the Clones go free? 
The answer you’re looking for is...no. 
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So, like absolutely everything about the Clone Wars the Jedi did the best they could with the cards they had been dealt. They chose to lead the army on the front lines, putting themselves in just as much mortal danger as the men they were leading. They even sent a member of the Jedi Council to oversee the creation of future clones/training to ensure they were being treated humanely (something the Kamioans thought was ridiculous). They were the first to tell the clones that they were individuals, they constantly put themselves in front of their men to protect them (i.e. season 7 Obi-Wan deflecting the rocket from blowing up his men). The Jedi did what they could, just because we didn’t see on screen Jedi stopping to grieve every time a clone died did not mean that they didn’t care - real life Generals can’t stop in the middle of a battle to grieve over their fallen soldiers either, so why is it we consider it a moral crime if the Jedi don’t?
Another thing I’ll add is once the Jedi had evidence that the Clones were actually ordered by Dooku, did they immediately stop and say “oh hell no, these flesh droids can’t be trusted, we should just have them decommissioned”?? NO! They defended the Clones, stating that they were good men and should be trusted (and look where that trust got them in the end).
The Jedi were forced/coerced to fight this war as much as the Clones were!! Why are we willing to forgive the Clones, but not the Jedi???
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3. Ki-Adi-Mundi killing Geonosians was the same as Anakin’s slaughter at the Tusken camp: 
This is another moment where context is everything because there is a HUGE difference between Ki-Adi-Mundi on Geonosis and Anakin in the Tusken camp. The fact that I have to even spell it out makes me wonder how people can even dress themselves in the morning. 
The Geonosians were an opposing military force, attacking Ki-Adi and his troops. Anakin slaughtered unarmed women and children out of vengeance. 
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Now, had Ki-Adi turned to his men and screamed “to the catacombs!” brandishing his lightsaber with a murderous glint in his eyes and proceeded to cut down the unarmed bugs below the battle then you’d have an accurate comparison on your hands and I’d be appalled right there with you.
But, as it stands this is not the same thing...not even close.
4. The Jedi sent children to war: 
So, this is a tougher one and I can even understand the concerns behind it, and I even share some of those concerns. The thing I will say to this is, given what we see throughout Star Wars, what constitutes a “child” seems to be different than our own real world definition. 
Padme, for example, was 14 when she was elected Queen, and she wasn’t even the youngest ever elected. She (and her handmaids) were trained as children to defend themselves and their people both politically and in battle (much like Jedi), but you don’t hear people condemning the people/traditions of Naboo the way we see the Jedi being condemned for theirs.
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Jedi children arguably mature faster than your standard person, and with regards to Star Wars there are also species’ age ranges to keep in mind. Grogu for example is still a baby at age 50, could it be possible that Ahsoka at age 14 is on the same maturity level as a human in their early twenties due to her Togruta DNA?? We don’t know, it’s never stated other than Anakin saying something about because of her advanced skills he forgets how young she is. 
Obviously Boba Fett is treated like an adult by other Bounty Hunters - no one even questions when he picks up a job and is placed in charge of a group at age 12 or 13 (and he is placed in an adult prison without anyone questioning it). It could be that by law according to Star Wars that 13 is actually considered an adult. Throughout history (and in many different cultures) 13 was when people were considered to be “coming of age”, So, once again we’re placing our cultural biases onto a fictional space fantasy world without realizing it might not even be an issue in that world.  
But even beyond all of that I ask you again - what else should the Jedi have done? 
Their young Padawans would eventually have to grow into Jedi Knights, even before the war by the time they are teenagers they usually followed their Masters on missions (often very dangerous missions) in order to get real world experience. At the time of the Clone Wars the real world they were living in was one at war. If they hadn’t brought their Padawans onto the battlefield how else would they have learned how to strategize, or how to cope with the emotions of battle? They would’ve been ill prepared if the war had continued on for years and years as it had looked like it was going to do...once again, the Jedi had no real choice in this. 
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5. The Jedi lost their way because of the war: 
Did they though?? I’d argue they actually didn’t. We first have to ask ourselves what is a Jedi - well, according to the very first time we hear any type of a description about a Jedi they are introduced as the “Guardians of Peace and Justice for the Republic” I don’t see how the war took that away from them. 
The Oxford definition of Guardian is a defender, protector, or keeper. I fail to see how the Jedi stopped being any of these things because of the war.
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Here’s the bottom line, the Jedi’s biggest mistake was that they fell for a plot 1,000 years in the making. The Sith spent over a millenia perfecting/hatching this plan, there was nothing the Jedi could’ve done to prevent the war by the time the trap was sprung. As always, I’m not saying the Jedi were perfect (I hate that I have to always specify that when I argue that the Jedi were good), all I’m saying is they tried to do the most good that they could with the situation they fell into - few groups/characters can claim the same thing.
Everyone seems to forget that the Sith controlled BOTH SIDES to that war, there was nothing - absolutely NOTHING the Jedi could’ve done that would’ve changed or won that war. So, instead they saved as many innocent lives as they could and to me, that’s very Jedi. 
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ragnarlothcat · 2 years
1/? Ok ok but hear me out. Some thoughts inspired by your beloved fic learn your place, young one. (And this is totally au, as in no tusken massacre 😡, no going dark side) SO as you so beautifully described in that fic, Obi wan has gotten used to being on the receiving end of his Padawan’s many dreamy sighs and adoring stares to the point that he EXPECTS it almost. So imagine his utter shock when once anakin is knighted he becomes more distant. Not saying anakin doesn’t enjoy spending time with
2/? Obi wan when they get the chance or avoids him or anything but there’s definitely something different, something has changed. Where once when Obi wan pulled off an impressive flip or managed to best his former padawan in a dual in the training salle Obi wan would have been met with the most awestruck look and heart eyes, now all he receives is a quick smile, and a friendly: “nicely done, master.” Before when anakin was his padawan he would have done anything to spend every single minute with
3/? Obi wan, even going so far as to turn DOWN a chance to tinker with a new fighter jet, whereas now....one day Obi wan turns to a newly knighted anakin and asks if he wants to join him for some tea and light meditation (asking out of habit, cos Obi wan already expects anakin to say yes) he’s left standing in disbelief when he gets a quick and distracted: “sorry, master. I promised I’d meet Aayla at Dex’s” before watching anakin disappear through the door in a flurry of black & leather tabards
4/? And like... Obi wans happy with this development, right? It’s good that anakin’s gotten over his silly teenage crush, surely? They can finally be equals, with no unrequited affections getting in the way....So why does he feel so ... bereft... as if he’s lost something.. In reality, anakin looking at himself in the mirror and slapping himself on the face before he leaves the fresher to face his master each morning: “DO NOT SCREW THIS UP! We are not going to make our master uncomfortable or
5/5 drive him away with our stupid suffocating lovesickness okay!!! We will the best friend and partner Obi wan has ever had cos that’s all we can ever be and we will like and LOOK at him the most normal amount that anyone has ever liked or looked at some one else ever before!!! Don’t BE SUSPICIOUS!!!”
This is a delight to read! It does have similar vibes to my recent padawan au fic and I love what you've done here. I love Anakin trying so hard to be Obi-Wan's friend and trying to bury the crush they've both been aware of for years. And Obi-Wan realizing how much he misses Anakin's intensity and devotion in a less explosive way than in my fic? It's perfect! I don't know if you mean you're thinking of writing something? But it sounds like it would be amazing.
We love some mutual pining and misunderstandings! Obi-Wan thinking "oh...I guess Anakin moved on..." while Anakin is like "Obi-Wan seems like he's in a weird mood, probably because he can still sense my totally unwelcome love. I will simply be even more aggressively platonic!!! That'll help!!!" Ahhh, I love it, thank you for sharing 🥰
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You know it’s actually quite interesting that Anakin refers to the Tuskens as men, women and children instead of male, female and offspring. You wouldn’t call a male animal a man, but Anakin knows the Tuskens are persons. Cliegg says they “walk like men,” implying he thinks they’re not actually people, but Anakin rationalizes that they’re “like animals” because he knows they’re not actually mindless monsters. Even Padmé doesn’t recognize the Tuskens’ personhood, since she assumed Anakin felt guilty over how he felt rather than what he did. Anakin, though, saw the Tuskens for what they were and chose to slaughter them anyway.
Exactly!! I said the same thing here (in the thread about the Tusken’s sentience following the Mandalorian episode they appear in):
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“Even Padmé doesn’t recognize the Tuskens’ personhood, since she assumed Anakin felt guilty over how he felt rather than what he did.”
Oh, that’s an excellent remark. I had never thought about it in those terms but yes: Padmé saying ‘to be angry is to be human’ isn’t meant to reassure Anakin that his actions weren’t that bad - it’s to reassure him that he’s not wrong to feel, as though what he did with those feelings was inconsequential. 
Which in turns adds an interesting layer to Padmé and Anakin’s relationship: Padmé, like many people, misunderstands Jedi philosophy - and so she gives advice and reassurance that completely miss the mark. First, when she asks Anakin if he’s even allowed to love - to which Anakin gives a very pertinent answer, but then their relationship still devolves into them both convincing each other that What They Feel Isn’t Wrong, which isn’t the issue - and again here when she tells him that he shouldn’t be ashamed of feeling negative emotions - when she should have told him that it’s never too late to stop acting on negative emotions.
Because the Order never said negative emotions were something to be ashamed of (just something to be kept in check and to be overcome), and Anakin didn’t actually think that they preached emotional repression, and he wasn’t feeling guilty because he was angry and he thought he shouldn't be according to The Jedi Doctrine: he was feeling guilty because he slaughtered people - the innocent along with the guilty, without mercy and with complete abandon, taking pleasure in it. 
So yeah, I agree that Anakin was perfectly on the clear about what he did.
He wasn’t stupid, and he was a trained empath. He knew the difference between a person and an animal.
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vvitchering · 2 years
Tbobf finale thoughts real quick:
I have like 5 mins to write this before I have to get up for work so let’s go
I can’t figure out if I hated this or not
Like yeah they did end up with the same “oh they’re going to have to wrap this up REAL quick and dirty” pacing issue I’ve been worried about
But they didn’t even give us much good character stuff to smooth over the plot/pacing
Liked Din being loyal to Boba to the point where he’s willing to die but it would have been nice to have acknowledged WHY that is.
There were a lot of emotional gut punches in this episode that ended up being more emotional love taps due to lost or forgotten context and that’s….bizarre for a show as obsessed with flashbacks as this one is.
Like the only reason I even knew Cad Bane and Boba had previously established beef is because I glanced at a tumblr post about their unfinished duel from the clone wars show. That’s not the kind of fan knowledge you should be working off of…
Genuine question: how many of y’all even knew who Cad Bane was? If my brother hadn’t forced me to watch a few seasons of the clone wars I’d have had absolutely no goddamn clue who this joker was. (And I think a good percentage of Mando / TBOBF viewers may also be like me and aren’t big Star Wars buffs outside of these shows, so they’d have zero context for this interaction)
Lost opportunity to have the Tusken lady in black and the kid come back to help Boba. Yes I’m still upset about that, I was planning on dying mad about it.
Just…so very little of any of this finale made reasonable sense……..I’m gonna have to watch it again and do a play by play because it’s so jumbled in my head after one viewing
Luke really did put that infant in a ship and send him off to god knows where care of who the hell knows because he was angry he picked the beskar huh
Who’s the true baby here mr skywalker
This has been and will remain a “Luke Skywalker can fight me in the Denny’s parking lot and I’d win” house
Pacing aside since there’s not a lot to be done about that, this ep could have still been good if they’d given us even an ounce more context for some of these interactions.
It really feels like the writers were just stalling for time with this while finishing up Mando S3 which is a huge shame because this could have been GREAT as like an hour Boba Fett special or something. Trim the fat, do better with the Tusken story line, get rid of those GOD AWFUL mods, focus on what these events mean to BOBA (and Fennec), we could have had a real tight and punchy story.
Seriously fuck the mods everyone here hates the mods who’s idea we’re they
Blah blah other stuff happening I don’t even care about this nonsense at this point beyond watching my favorite little imaginary people run around on screen
Grogu should have taken the lightsaber too. Just for extra “piss off Luke” points.
I know Din didn’t take his helmet off this entire time because Pedro couldn’t actually be there to film, but I would have liked a nice helmet-less reunion scene with Grogu. Or a face reveal with Boba. I just miss Pedro’s handsome face ):
Boba did look really good this ep though 👌 and we’re almost back to his Mandalorian s2 levels of badassery in combat which was nice to see.
Bobadin shippers we won today
IM SO FUCKING GLAD COBB ISNT DEAD HOLY SHIT this was really the only thing I ever cared a little bit about djskdjsjjd
How’d he get there though
Did the townspeople bring him in? And for what? Did they know Boba had a bacta tank????
Or did Boba and co swing by and pick him up after the fight and bring him back? How’d he survive that long if it was an injury bad enough to take him out/keep him out/require the use of a bacta tank????
Oh god please don’t give him a whole ass robot arm like the fuckin mods I’ll scream. Give him a nice discreet job like Fennec’s. Please don’t make my boy cringe.
Anyway see y’all at Christmas time for Mando s3 💀
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calltomuster · 3 years
(More) Star Wars Fic Recs
[first fic rec list]
Hello everyone, hope you've been having a lovely week! Here's another list of some fics I've really enjoyed reading or rereading recently. I try to have a mix of things I don't think got enough love, fics from a while ago that deserve to be reread, stuff from writers on Tumblr, and of course, just stuff I think is great.
atmosphere level by softredscrunchie (gen, one-shot, 1k words, Obi-Wan & Satine) Obi-Wan's hurt and sick and annoyed so Satine decides to distract him by arguing passionately that Mandalore is, in fact, flat. Obi-Wan, being the nerd he is, gets more and more wound up as she refuses to back down. This fic is one of the funniest things I've read in a long while, highly recommend if you're having a bad day.
a comedy in four acts by jesuisdeux (gen, one-shot, 4k words, Obi-Wan & Dooku & Yoda) Obi-Wan and Dooku both time-travel from the point of their deaths way back to when Obi-Wan was a young Padawan. Ft. Classic Dooku glowering at a 13 year-old, caring and empathetic Yoda, and Obi-Wan flat out telling a very confused Qui-Gon that he's gonna kill Dooku.
the day begins with burning by @kototyph (gen, one-shot, 6.3k words, Obi-Wan & Anakin) This fic takes place in a world where the Jedi Order finds out about the Tusken massacre and puts Anakin on trial (internally). We start off right as the Council is delivering their verdict, and it's a roller coaster of emotions from start to finish. I like it because it does not shy away from the fact that Anakin murdered a bunch of people and there really need to be consequences for that, but also isn't just Anakin bashing. The relationship between Anakin and Obi-Wan really shines through here.
The Ghosts of Memory by @pandora15 (gen, one-shot, 2.1k words, Obi-Wan & Anakin & Ahsoka) Obi-Wan and Anakin are invited back to Naboo for the ten year anniversary of the battle. I mean, that sounds relatively benign but OOF. So many feelings. So many thoughts of what could have been. Go read this fic!
Anamorphosis by avocadomoon (Obi-Wan/Padmé, one-shot, 33.5k words) Obi-Wan and (a slightly older) Padmé keep in touch after the events on Naboo and keep their eventual marriage out of the public eye. Qui-Gon lives, but the Council still doesn't accept Anakin for training so he and Shmi are taken in by a wonderful benefactor -- Sheev Palpatine. Nothing can go wrong there, right? This is an absolutely fascinating re-imagining of the prequels era. I'm so sad it's only a one-shot, because there's so much to explore here.
on sith holocrons and misunderstandings by billowypants (gen, one-shot, 7.2k words, Obi-Wan & Anakin) As the summary says, "de-aged!Obi-Wan has the same Force bonds as adult Obi-Wan, and he does not react well." Bit of an understatement, that. This fic really makes me feel bad for both Obi-Wan and Anakin. Wrap them up in blankets and give them hugs, please.
In Control by @kckenobi (gen, one-shot, 3.5k words, Obi-Wan & Anakin) I don't normally seek out fics with young Anakin, but I love KCKenobi's stuff so I was like "I'm game" and that was most definitely not a mistake. What a cute fic this is! The basic premise is that Anakin is getting his license to drive/fly a speeder and poor Obi-Wan is dragged along for the ride, literally. Highly recommend.
always gold by @happygiraffe (gen, 4/4 chapters, 10k words, Obi-Wan & Anakin) Obi-Wan hasn't been Master to Anakin for that long before he finds out his cancer is back. Oh man. Let me tell you, I don't cry easily. Really, I don't. But the most recent time I read this fic, I had to set my phone down at the end and ugly-sob for literally ten minutes before I could properly compose myself. It affected me that much. This fic showed me the power of words. My only hope is that one day I will be able to accomplish what @happygiraffe has with this fic!
fill pages with scribbled ink by magneticwave (Obi-Wan/Padmé, one-shot, 9.8k words) If I haven't talked about this fic already on here (and I might have?) then I have committed a crime. It's another Obi-Wan/Padmé fic, which is a ship I've never had a problem with but don't normally seek out, but the ones on this list are so, so good. This fic is told entirely through comm messages, and it's such a brilliant way to tell this story. I cheered the whole way through.
having loved a little while by @giggles-and-freckles (Padmé/Anakin, 1.5k words, Padmé & Ahsoka, Ahsoka & Anakin) Okay genuinely I had a hard time deciding between the four(?) fics @giggles-and-freckles wrote for the Chaos Company Exchange because they all brought me such joy, but this one stands out. Padmé is teaching Ahsoka how to cook in her apartment and they're having a really lovely moment when Anakin bursts in and then has to try and explain his unexpected presence to Ahsoka. This story had me going "awww!" in the beginning and then dying of laughter by the end. So much fun, seriously. I laughed out loud multiple times.
If you like any of these fics, please consider reblogging so they can get more exposure! And if you noticed I missed someone's Tumblr account, or linked the wrong one, please let me know!
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oonajaeadira · 3 years
The Mandalorian Tarot: Major Arcana
If you’re following me, you know this is a Mandalorian obsessive account. I love the man, I love the show, I write a Mando-fando that is all about pining and touch. I tend to go all in when I have an interest. 
Another one of my interests? Tarot. A friend challenged me to Mandalorify the major arcana. And because Jon and Dave know their stuff and are good with archetypes (which is all tarot really is), it was an easy fit.
But. I can’t draw, so I’ve dreamed them in words and included the Rider-Waite-Smith deck illustrations that I would riff on if I could.
(All tarot illustrations by Pamela Colman Smith. All Mandalorian images property of Star Wars/Disney.)
UPDATE! @heathenashtattoos​ has taken up where I cannot and is making these cards a reality! I will post them individually and come back to link them to this post as we go.
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The story of the tarot is the Fool’s journey, the arc of becoming. So it makes sense to me that Din would be the fool. Fits even better, since he has tremendous Fool energy in his himbo tendencies, just rushing forward into situations without a lot of planning--he’ll deal with it when he’s in it--ready to rely on others to show him the way or guide/help him to the next step.
If I could draw: Din on the cliff, with his jetpack on, meaning he has no fear of falling. Instead of the bindle-stick the Fool carries, he’d have his pulse rifle slung over his shoulder. Instead of the dog nipping at his heels, Grogu. And, of course, the landscape would be Tatooine/Navaro-esque.
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The Magician is someone who is still learning to bend the laws of magic/the Universe, but very adept with their tools. Since Luke is only a few years into his Jedi training at this time, he makes a pretty good Magician.
If I could draw: Luke in his blacks, holding up his lightsaber. The Jedi symbol would replace the infinity sign. 
High Priestess is further along the path of her magic than Magician, and her knowledge is more intuitive, her skills more effortless. Where the Magician is still learning the balance of light and dark, the High Priestess knows the value and pitfalls of both. It was always going to be Ahsoka.
If I could draw: Ahsoka sitting cross-legged in meditation mode, but with eyes open and a knowing smile. Instead of two pillars, she holds her lightsabers up and parallel to each other.
The Empress is the mother figure, the energy in the universe that provides all that is needed and embodies the energy of creation. I can see the argument for Omera being the Empress--mostly because she is a mom and she’s soft and a lot of people see the Empress as a soft female figure, I get it. (And if I were to do a minor arcana, girl would show up as one of the Queens for sure.) But in the end, I gave it to Peli because she’s a recurring character, more relevant in his story, and if Din is the Fool, Peli is more an Empress to him. She’s able to be the provider of his particular needs; services to his ship to get him up flying, contact and location information, and she’s always willing to care for Grogu whenever she gets the chance.
If I could draw: Peli sitting in the dock, against the R4 unit, holding aloft a spanner and surrounded by her pit droids.
The Emperor is all about authority. And all I gotta say about Boba is BIG DICK ENERGY.
If I could draw: Just put him on the Jabba throne and let him lounge like a badass.
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The Hierophant is the keeper of traditions and a spiritual guide. As the leader of the covert and keeper of the Way, The Armorer fits.
If I could draw: The Armorer, framed by her forge, holding aloft her tools, with Mandalorian acolytes. Instead of the crossed keys at the bottom, let’s just have a mythosaur skull.
This should be obvious and I will fight anyone who says it isn’t the right thing to do. I will die for this.
If I could draw: I would actually depart from the Smith depiction and just draw them embracing or holding each other by the arms and staring into each others’ eyes. Some kind of glowing background? Maybe the egg tank?
Oh. You thought I was going to say the Razor Crest, didn’t you. Don’t worry, I have plans for our beloved craft, but it ain’t here. The Chariot can be a ride, yes, but it’s about victory. Sometimes it’s about the victory over your inner “beastly” natures. To travel to the next phase in the journey, the Fool must take on the beasts that drive the Chariot and claim dominance over them, and when he does, they will carry him to the next level. Since it’s the victory of the beastly mudhorn that brings Din to his bond with Grogu and becomes his signet, Mudhorn for the win.
If I could draw: Again, I’d probably play on Smith’s imagery, put the charging mudhorn in the middle, and replace the rams with Din on his knees brandishing the vibroblade and Grogu in his pram with his Force hand up.
Don’t come at me about including Cara. I am glad Gina got shown the door and I lose no love on that bigot. But. Cara is not Gina and to cut her out is to cut out Jon and Dave’s creation and I won’t do it.  I actually love her a lot--she’s got her flaws, but she’s sassy and strong and solid, and I would happily accept a piggyback ride from her any day. She’s also a major player in Din’s story and deserves a spot in it. Strength comes after the Chariot--once you’ve conquered the beast within, you have confident dominion over it and it becomes a companion or a tool for your use. Cara is one with her toughness, she’s used it to do some good and bad shit in her past, and she continues to wield it effortlessly and fearlessly. She is absolutely this card.
If I could draw: I would put her maybe sitting on top of the downed ATST. I’d replace the infinity symbol over her head with the one on her cheek (Rebel Alliance).
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The Hermit is a loner, yes, but in his solitude he looks within, learns from all he’s been through, and becomes wise. He holds aloft a light of wisdom and truth. This was always going to be Kuiil.
If I could drawn: Just our buddy, looking out over the Arvala-7 landscape, holding aloft an in-universe working lamp. No need to get fancy. He would want it to stay simple.
The Wheel is fate. You win some, you lose some. Sometimes you’re on top, and sometimes the Wheel crushes you beneath it. You are helpless to its roll and where you’ll land. Storm Troopers are such a sad bunch. They are keepers of Imperial Law on the ground. On a good day, they capture a Rebel or hold off an attack. On a bad day, their Moff just blasts them to make an example.
If I could draw: The wheel would just be the Imperial symbol and there’d be Troopers on and under it. Maybe the one on top is just standing there, looking authoritative. The one underneath has been blasted. Some Wheels have two more figures--one on each side--and I’d add those too. The one on the down-going side would be falling, arms flailing, blaster shooting (if only sound were available, there’d be a Whilhelm scream), and the one on the up-going side would just be dangling by one arm, along for the ride.
Well, it just feels right to make the Marshal into Justice. But it’s not just a literal translation of making sure the right thing gets done and the bad guys are punished. Justice is about wiping away emotion and making decisions with bare truth, looking at every side of the situation and understanding what is really there. And I think Cobb fits this well. He doesn’t want to give up his armor because of what it means for the protection of his people. But he’s willing to consider it, if there’s another way he can protect them. Emotionally, he doesn’t want to deal with the Tusken Raiders, but he does it because he can see it’s the best course of action. He flies into battle with the Krayt Dragon. He gives up his armor without a fight. He makes a fair trade and sees the balance in it because he walks away from the emotion and chooses the best course of action. Cobb Vanth for Justice, errybody.
If I could draw: Cobb in the Fett armor, but with the helmet at his feet. In one hand, a bottle of spotchka. In the other, the Tusken mushroom drinky thing; he’s holding them with equal balance.
The Hanged Man is not just about a dude who’s hanging upside down. (If that was the case, I would have just gone with Gor Koresh and called it a day.) Hanged Man is about changing your perspective to see things in a new way so you can grow. Many times, this growth also requires sacrifice. Over the two episodes we see Mayfeld, we know he goes from Imperial sharp shooter, to traumatized deserter, to merc, prisoner, and exonerated friend. He’s seen some shit, given up a lot, and he’s willing to see how he can be a help to others and find redemption for himself.
If I could draw: Hear me out. Take the image of Mayfeld hanging upside down from the Crest hatch into the prison ship. Mirror that above with an image of him in his Imperial Ground Transport gear. Flip it all upside down so bad Mayfeld up top, good Mayfeld on bottom, images mirrored but inverted, hence “looking at things a new way and getting everything a little topsy-turvey.”
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Death is about transformation, so it’s not always the most sinister card. But Death does not discriminate. It comes for us all, constantly stalking, and it will strike you down to serve its needs. You need to face Death to get to your redemption. But really, Gideon is our big baddie here, so why the hell not.
If I could draw: I would forgo the Smith illustration and go for the Marseilles tradition on this one. Gideon and the Darksaber replaces Death and the scythe.
Temperance is the transformation that comes after Death. Once Death has chopped your physical being into pieces with his scythe, Temperance is there to take all your pieces and put them back together into something new and better. It’s also a card that asks you to re-evaluate your priorities and see if you can find better motivations than you previously had. IG’s death and reprogramming speak loudly to me on this.
If I could draw: IG pouring the tea.
Here’s another baddie card that’s all about your worst faults, about excess and giving into the stuff that will eventually kill your soul. The Client holds on hard to the Empire, doing whatever he’s ordered to do to be one of the top dogs. And in the end, it doesn’t matter. Gideon takes him down like he’s nothing.
If I could draw: The client, wearing his Empire bling, with chains around Doctor Pershing and a rough-looking Storm Trooper.
I don’t know about you, but Chapter 14 killed me. And not because the Dark Troopers flew away with Grogu. We all knew Din would never stop at getting him back. But when the Crest was destroyed, it was like someone punched me in the soft parts, and I made a lot of severely anguished noises. The Tower is the most tragic card in the tarot. It’s when forces beyond your control make a very big (and usually negative) impact in your life and everything changes. You are left to pick up the pieces and survive any way you can with the skills and resources you’ve been blessed with.
If I could draw: Just that moment of the ray hitting our beautiful Crest, just as it begins to break apart, maybe with Din, Boba, and Fennec watching in horror in the foreground.
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The Star is hope. It comes after the biggest tragedy in the deck to tell you that not all is lost. There is always something there to live for. C’mon, kids. In this series, there was only one choice.
If I could draw: Just Grogu. Maybe drinking his soup. Or maybe he’s levitating his metal ball overhead, reaching up to it with a smile on his face. *coos*
We all like Bo Katan, sure. But remember my Clone Wars/Rebels fiends, she was Death Watch, and they were terrorists. She sided with Maul to take over Mandalore. Sure, she’s come a long way and her path is a bit more honorable now, but she’s got an agenda, which makes her hard to trust. Since the Moon is about more feminine energies and has themes of illusion and deception--things look great in the moonlight, but maybe not as they really are--Bo Katan’s our girl.
If I could draw: Head and shoulders profile, double-imaged so you see her face, but her Nite Owl helmet superimposed in profile over it. Nite Owl signet on the bottom. Possibly flanked by her two Nite Owl cronies.
Everything's sunny when Greef’s around! He’s the feel-good gramps that’s going to make any situation A-Ok! If you’ve got a problem, Greef can sort it out...or he knows someone who can! The sun is always gonna shine on you and take you back.
If I could draw: Just Greef smiling and being cheesy with the halo of the sun around him. 
This card traditionally shows the resurrected rising from the grave, ready to be judged. Fennec’s got a lot to answer for in her life, but she is being given a second chance, and my number one girl crush is going to do new and wonderful badass things with it.
If I could draw: I’d either just show her opening her gut pocket to show her new works, all full of aura, with her looking down at it reverently. OR I might do a scene of her being rescued by Boba.
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Din’s helmet is the world he lives in. But it’s also a symbol of The Way. The World represents completion, a wholeness of self and being, the end of the journey. And since Din is our Fool, his journey is an exploration of his morals and honor, what it means to walk the way of the Mandalore, and what the meaning of the helmet is for him. He may choose ultimately to keep it on and go all-in on Mandalorian-4-lyfe (Child of the Watch style), or he may understand that the helmet is just a symbol and the honor was in him all along; he can wear it or not wear it and it’s all the same.
If I could draw: The World usually depicts a circle or sphere of some kind, the symbol of perfect completion. The helmet is close enough, so it takes up the center. Traditionally, there are four symbols in the corners that give more meaning to The World, and I would replace them with The Razor Crest, Grogu, the Mudhorn Signet, and the pulse rifle or blaster. These represent his home, his foundling, his clan, and his religion, all of which make up more of the whole; what it means to him to be Mandalorian.
Challenge accepted and faced. 
Adira dops her witchy mic….
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