#oh man I don't know what this is but i hope it works
rafesslxt · 2 days
Hii! I am so addicted to your writing! It keeps my heart warm ^^
So I work in a flower shop and I was wondering if you could make anything on Mattheo x florist!reader, mostly fluff where they get to know when he and maybe theo was there looking for something for theo’s gf or like, and he met reader.
Love your work again 💞💞
[that makes me really happy to hear, thank you love. hope you enjoy and imagined it something like that 🤍]
🌻 𝐒𝐔𝐍𝐅𝐋𝐎𝐖𝐄𝐑 | 𝐦.𝐫𝐢𝐝𝐝𝐥𝐞
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「 ✦ fluff, fem!reader, different house!reader, mattheo falling in love at first sight, mattheo sending reader her fav flowers + English is not my first language + not proof read yet✦ words: 2,5k 」
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It was a beautiful Saturday today with the sun shining through the windows and the opened door to the little flower shop I work in besides school. A lot of people came in today, buying flowers for their loved ones, alive or passed.
Even tho it made my heart happy to see all these people buying flowers for their partners, I couldn't help but wonder when someone will buy me my favorites.
"Hey y/n, I'm gonna take my break since it's a bit calmer now. Can I leave you alone my dear?" Mrs. Rosewood asked me. She's in her mid 70's and also the owner of the shop, working in here with all her heart and passion. "Of course Mrs. Rosewood. I'm gonna be fine, don't worry." I gave her a reassuring look and a little smile while removing the thorns from our new arrived roses. "Thank you love, I won't be gone for too long."
I continued cutting off the thorns when I heard two young male voices coming into the shop. I put the flowers in my hands to the side and look up, seeing Theodore Nott and Mattheo Riddle. Of course I know them, who doesn't? Both of them were quite popular in my school, but from another house than mine. Slytherins.
"Dude, just pick some. I bet she won't even mind which one's as long as it's some flowers." Mattheo groaned at his best friend. "No, I don't just wanna give her something. She's special bro."
I had to smirk at the scene in front of me. It wasn't rare that especially man came into our shop without a clue. I left the counter where I stood and walked over to the,. "Hey guys, can I help you?" I questioned with a soft voice.
Both of their heads turned towards me, just now noticing me. Theo smiled at me and nodded. "Hey uhm – yeah. I wanna buy flowers for my girlfriend and don't know what to get her. I think she doesn't have favorite flowers but I wanna give her something.. special." I saw a light tint forming on his cheeks but I hid my smirk.
"Well I could tell you the meanings of some flowers and you can decide what fits the best for whatever you wanna tell her with them. How does that sound?" he instantly looked a little bit relieved. "Yeah, great. That would be really great."
I started to list some of our flowers we sell with their meanings to it but nothing seemed to fit until after a while I got an idea. "Oh my god wait I have the idea. You could gift her tulips. Each color means something different." "Really? That would be quite special, right?"
I waked him over to our tulips and started to pick some of them out of the vases. "So red means 'deep love' which obviously fits, right? Then we have the yellow ones that stand for 'happiness and sunshine which is perfect for happy occasions. The variegated ones mean 'you have beautiful eyes' because of their beautiful color patterns. The pink ones stand for 'affection and caring'. And last the cream tulips which mean 'I will love you forever.'"
Theodore looks at me impressed and starts smiling. "This is perfect, she will love this! Can you give me three of each please?" I smile back at him and start making a pretty bouquet out of the 15 tulips, adding some cream colored ribbons to the stems.
When I look up I suddenly met Mattheo's eyes, somehow staring into mine. I give him a shy smile and when Theo see's his best friends state he nudged him slightly against his shoulder. He breaks our eye contact and looks down to his feet. Did I do something wrong?
"Here, your flowers. I know your girlfriend will love them." I promise and send him a warm smile. "Thanks again y/n, don't know what I would have done without your help." And with that I give him the bouquet and he pays, leaving a generous tip which I refused to take at first but only took because he told me he would leave it on the door If I wouldn't take it. I have to admit he definitely has charm and I completely understand his girlfriend, but my mind couldn't forget the eye contact I had with his best friend.
I think I never saw Mattheo that quiet, which lets me worry I may have been boring him with all my talking about flowers. But now it was too late anyways to I tried to shake that thought off as good as I could.
The next day I walked through the halls of Hogwarts when suddenly a pretty girl stood in front of me. I think I recognize her somewhere, her necklace gives a hint of her being from Slytherin. "Hey, are you y/n l/n ?" she asks me with a little smile to her lips, tilting her head to the side a bit. "Yeah that's me, is everything alright?" I asked her kind of worried that maybe I am in trouble.
"No I just wanted to thank you. I am Theodore's girlfriend and he gave me the flowers he bought in your shop. He told me you helped him and I just wanted to tell you how much I loved them." A bright smile formed on my lips now and I nodded. "Oh I'm happy you liked them that much!" "Yes, especially the meaning behind the so, thank you again. I guess I will see you around." she politely comments. "Yeah, see you around." With that she walked away again and left me with a smirk on my lips. I'm alway's so happy when I see the reactions of the people that get gifted by our flowers.
Another day went by, the weekend over which meant I had to get ready for classes again. With a good mood I woke up my best friends which I shared a dorm with together and changed into my school uniform. First class today was Transfiguration.
I sat down next to my best friend Blair, waiting for the professor to start the lesson. "You remember when I told you that mattheo and Theodore were in my shop? I forgot to tell you that Theo's girlfriend came to me yesterday and thanked me for helping him with the flowers." I whispered to her. She turned her head to me with big eyes. "And that's something you just forget to tell your best friend? Where was your mind that you forgot?" she chuckled until she noticed my pink cheeks. "Oh my god, are you still thinking about Riddle?" Now my eyes had gone wide. "Shhhh –"
"Please open your books on page 286." Professor McGonagall started the class, just right on time so I wouldn't have to hear Blair try to tell me what a huge crush I developed in two days for him. Which isn't true I mean.
We were in the middle of class when someone knocked on the closed door. All heads turned towards it, inclusive Professor McGonagall's who spoke, "Yes, please?" The door opened and a younger boy from Slytherin, I guess from year 4 maybe, walked in with the biggest bouquet of sunflowers I've ever seen in my entire life.
"Wow.." I breathed out, stunned at the sight in front of us. Sunflowers were my absolute favorite flowers since I was a little kid and my dad planted them in our garden.
"Uhm – I'm sorry to interrupt your class Professor but.." I saw him gulping and had to swallow down my laugh. He looked so nervous under her arched brows and surprised face. ".. I was send to deliver these flowers to y/n l/n. It's a gift." What?
Now all heads turned to me, away from the boy. He walked over to me and handed me the bouquet, rushing out of the classroom. "Who the hell send these to you?" Blair gasped and gawked at all the flowers. " I - I don't know." I stuttered still too stunned to speak.
I met the gaze from McGonagall who's corners of her lips slightly turned upwards before she told the class to concentrate again and dismissed me to bring the bouquet to my room.
On my way out I smelled the, my heart instantly turning warm. Who could have send them to me? Who would know they are my favorites? I never told anyone beside my family and Blair. Was this a mistake? Oh god, a prank even?
I rushed to my dorm where the next surprise waited for me when I opened the door. What the –. At least a hundred of sunflowers were spread all over my dorm. On the beds, on the tables, nightstands, some even on the ground in white vases. Tears started to form in my eyes. Who could have done this? And how?
I mean, I wasn't even away for an hour. A half maybe? I stepped inside slowly, careful to not run over any of the flowers. The whole room smelled like them now, even with the opened windows. I think I've had never seen something so beautiful like this. I looked for any sign, a letter maybe.
Then, I found one on my nightstand. It was a little card. I opened it and read
" The most beautiful part is, I wasn't even looking when I found you."
I turned the letter around. But nothing. No sign of who's behind all of this. I took out a new vase of my own and put the flowers in my hand into it. Why is he keeping it a secret who he is?
A few days went by and I found myself working in the shop today again. The last time I was here, was when I helped Theodore. "Good afternoon." I greeted Mrs. Rosewood who already prepared some flowers. "Oh hello dear, good to see you. How are you?" I'm good, how about you? Lot's of people today?" She turns back to the flowers in her hand and answers, "No not really, I already thought about giving you a day off because I really don't know how to entertain you today."
"Ah you know I could always help preparing flowers." I chuckled, while grabbing my apron. "Hm no I'm already done with them. really dear, take a day off. And maybe spend them with your new boyfriend." she smiled at me. Boyfriend? What?
"Mrs. Rosewood, I don't have a boyfriend?" She turned to me again with a surprised look on her face. " Oh really? Then who was the boy in here ordering all these sunflowers for you?"
My jaw almost hit the floor. She know's who bought them for me? "What? You know who he was?When was he here?" I asked her eager.
"Oh it was a young boy in your age. He asked me what your favorite flowers were and what the meaning of them were. I told him Sunflowers, that's right. Right?" "Y-Yeah they are but- who was he? How did he look? I received them through someone else and all over my room but to the letter were no initials."
"Ah he had brown curly hair, brown eyes. He looked really handsome. Oh I forgot his name. Max? Matthew? Oh! Mattheo! His name was Mattheo." she smiled brightly at me while I felt all my color vanishing from my face.
Was this really a joke? But who would do this for a prank? Then a normal bouquet would have been enough. "Are you sure it's from him?" "Yes, yes I am. he was in here Saturday with his friend too while I took a break. I saw him from the other side of the street, I remember."
My heart pounded so fast in my chest I feared it crawling out of my mouth. Mattheo. Mattheo Riddle. He send them to me.
She must have seen my face because she smiled at me again. "You have a free day my dear, go talk to him." I let out a deep breath, nodding. "I - I will. Thank you so much!" And all of a sudden I couldn't stop smiling.
I almost ran towards our school, looking for the brunette boy. God where should I start looking for him? Then without really thinking about it, I walked towards the common room of the Slytherins, sporting just the person I needed right now.
"Pansy!" I almost shutout through the hall and jogged towards her just when she wanted to walk inside her common room. "Y/n? Did you already figure out it was- " "Yes, yes I did. Can you tell me where he is?" "He's inside. Should I tell him you're waiting here?" "Please, and thank you Pansy." She smiled at me and nodded her head. "No problem."
I felt like throwing up while waiting for Mattheo. Again my heart almost jumped out of my chest when he finally stepped out of his common room. He seemed nervous and scratched the back of his neck.
"Hey y/n." he nearly whispered, standing right in front of me now. "You.. send the flowers, right?" I asked him with so much hope in my voice. He nodded, a shy smile forming on his lips. "It was me, yes. Did you like them? The lady in the store told me Sunflowers are your favorites so I guessed you- " Without letting him speak his full sentence, I crashed into him and hugged him tightly, my head just reaching his chest.
"I loved them, thank you Mattheo. They are so beautiful. Nobody did something like that for me like, ever. The k you so much." I murmured against his clothes, my eyes welling up again.
He wrapped his arms around my body and looked down at me. "So, you're not disappointed that they are from me?" he softly asked. "What? How could I me disappointed at that? I have the biggest crush on you since -" I stopped myself when I realized the words coming right out of my mouth.
I slowly looked up into his teasing smile. "Hmm, a crush yeah?" my cheeks probably turned red like a tomato. he placed a hand on my cheeks and stroked it lovingly with his thumb. "I was so stunned when you offered Theo your help. I couldn't believe I never saw you before in school. I was so utterly falling in love that-"
Now he was the one who stopped mid sentence and I looked at him shocked. "Love?" He licked his lips and gulped before nodding slowly. "Yeah.. love at first sight or.. something like that. The told me it's called like that."
I couldn't believe my ears. Or my eyes. Was this really happening? "So, would you like to go on a date with me?" he asked me, still stroking my cheek. "Of course, I'd love to actually." I giggled, still wondering If this all was just a dream too good to be true.
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[I feel like the ending kinda sucked but I couldn't do better right now, damn.]
thank you guys for reading, let me know how you liked it in the comments if u want to 💛
xoxo sarah <3
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other info:
sunflower divider is by: @saradika 🌻
[taglist: @justarandomcanadiantransdude @helendeath @thatonepansexual2000 @imabee-oralizard @supernaturaldawning @sofa-couch26 @little-miss-naill @kolsangel @itsarajr @hisparentsgallerryy @slytherinscreamqueen @littlemadamred @mixvchelle @ummmmmmm-username @jeannie-beannie @belle-blue @beautywine @sagetakami @simp-for-fantasy @whyamireadingthis ]
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kaizynofsickness · 19 hours
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Satoru and reader
Synopsis: He just gets the urge to see you all chubby and complaining to him when a little mini him is kicking inside your tummy, cooking up a tiny menace. And he has to make sure it'll work.
Warnings: breeding kink, straight to the sex, short, mating press, nasty and dirty talk, pussy drunk Satoru, cock drunk, lots of needy themes, p in v, praise kink, sex pinned to a door, on the couch, anywhere to stuff you, lots of cumming, dumbification on both parties, 'atta girl' used, pet names (baby, mama, pretty girl) some degrading name (cum slut, slutty cutie)
A/N: 🎀 anon, I hope this is what you wanted. This isn't proof read, yawn. Might reread later tho (can you comment my typos or sum. Make it easy for meeee)
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Why'd you have to look so cute while you were holding your new niece, smiling as your friends took pictures of you and the tiny little baby, coaxing the child when it cried.
The sound of a newborn cry was so cute.
And here Satoru was, fighting off a major boner. And you needed to take care of it as soon as you sat on the bed—damn, as soon as you even step foot inside.
"pretty girl, hurry, let's head home." He called over to you, waving his hand by to everyone around. You trotted over, also bidding the people. But not before you smiled and bopped the newborn baby on the nose one more time.
And his cock just jumped in his pants at the sight.
You're so cute and sweet around babies. Oh, he really hopes you have baby fever.
The car ride was tense, even if it wasn't to you, he just couldn't look at you without the thought of a mix of him and you inside of your stomach, growing. It would be so cute to have a chubby brat stomping around the house and hurting their little nubs for fist and knees, crying for mama and papa to fix them up. He just got harder.
"hey, um, baby..." he broke the silence, still taking turns down the blocks in the car. You hum in response, turning to him. "Yeah?"
"do you ever... want a kid with me?" He nervously asked; he's never so timid, but with this boner and his thoughts to fill you with cum until he shoots blanks is making him hot. You noticed it easily with how tense he was, making you giggled out, "yeah, why? Want one all the sudden?"
"well, yeah," he cools down, turning the corner to your house before putting the car in park. He moves his hand to your thigh over the arm rest, his charming smile coming back. "I want a bunch of tiny ones."
You're flummoxed. "I... Didn't take you as that type of man."
"oh, c'mon! Imagine the little army!" He nudges you playfully, making you hit the car door. You scoff and roll your eyes, "you're so unserious. A 'little army', sheesh." But a small snort leaves, unable to hide the idea at how it would be cute to have your own kids with the man you love and adore. He adds, "our little army. Now, let's put this idea in drive, Kay?"
He unbuckles his seat belt, opening the door and jogging to open yours like the gentleman he is.
"huh?" You cocked your eyebrows with a weary smile. You know when he has sex, he has sex. And now you see his dumb obsession with wanting to give you his kids, you have every right to question him.
But he just walked to the house, jingling the car keys as if calling you over. And you go over.
He opens the door, allowing you to walk in first with a sweet smile on his lips, shutting the door. The atmosphere was getting tense.
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Satoru pinned you to the wall, not even letting you take your shoes off. You gasped, the aggression knocking the air out of you. You blinked, flummoxed before your small hands instinctively grab at his shirt and squeeze. "'toru—"
"shh, don't make this hard." He muttered in a low, sexual tone as he lowered and kneeled down, slipping off your sneakers for you. He looks up at you, his bright azure eyes deeply making contact. And that look say it all.
You didn't protest no more.
He quickly undos his belt, fussing with his boxers to release his aching cock, curving up and pre cum dribbling down his tip in globs. Your face heats up at the sight, but mostly your hot cunt starting to leak. "C'mon baby, undress. I wanna stuff your pretty cunt," he coaxes you, keeping his arms locked on each side of the front door.
You remove your pants, trying to match his neediness, but you just take too long.
Satoru gives up, scooping your thighs in his veiny hands, pinning you to the door. He pulls your panties to the side, placing them behind your wet folds and lining his cock up with your core.
It all happened so fast.
He thrusted his hips up into your ass, his cock filling you up and hitting your cervix hard, making you full of his cock alone. You let out a long whine in sync with his needy moan as your wet walls stretch out to fit his shape. "O-oh, fuck, finally inside you—"
He needily starts to pump you full of it, giving you no time to readjust as you grip onto his broad shoulders. He was so painfully hard, it was insane. But, no, not enough. You felt that shit grow harder inside you, making your eyes roll back to your skull, lewdly moaning and shaking.
Every roll of his hips makes you clamp down desperately, your arousal and all wetness being forced out of you cunny because his harden dick was leaving no room inside you, dripping all you juices on the floors entrance, the lewd sounds of the tap, tap making your head pound.
"b-baby, the room—"
"n-no, no, no... this pussy is right here, need to fill ya." He shakes his head at your whines, watching his cock sink in and pop out. "The floor!" You list,
He growls, leaning to your face and pressing his lips—more like smashing—together, biting your bottom lip. "Shh, pretty girl. Just moan, that's all ya need to do."
He fucks like he's sick and your pussy will cure him, barely breathing right—but he doesn't care. He's finally inside of your cunt. His uncaring actions make you clench again, and again, and—
"c'mon, pretty girl... o-ohhoo fuck, clench my cock tight, wanna stuff you full of my cum, give you my kids," he growls out, his eyebrow knitted, jaw slacked. He's no better than you went he finally hits it, like a drug.
"s'much! 'm gunna c-" you voice breaks as an unprepared orgasm crashes down, the euphoric feeling of having him fucking his cock inside you while you squirt shamelessly vibrates your soul. You eyes shut, digging into his skin as you cummed for him, squeezing his length dangerously. "Atta girl, atta fucking girl." He breathlessly coaxes you, still pumping in the inhuman pace, watching the sweet juices from you get on the floor.
"fuck, baby, I-I just cummed, p-please slow—"
He leans in to kiss you, swallowing your dumb pleads so he can rail you right, enjoying how your moans of his name muffles into his mouth, his tongue playing with yours. His hands slide up to your waist, making your body jagger down off the door a bit, sliding down on his cock.
He groans as your wetness coats down his balls, uncaring for the pool of his pre and your juices under you and him. "C'mon, mama, gotta get you comfortable,"
He thrust up into you one last time before grabbing your waist and pulling you to him, your sweat on the door when he gets you off, cock still nuzzled into you. Satoru takes you to the couch, pinning you down as he rest his elbows behind your knees, pressing you far back into a mating press.
"'toru—ah, please fuck me full, wan' to carry y'er kids!" You dumbly beg of him.
"don't need to ask me again,"
He leans his frame over your helpless body, rising his hips up before slamming back down. He rocks the couch hard, making you fear it'll break, but the incoming feeling of his seed spilling inside you makes the fear demolish. "Finna fill you, slutty cutie. Wan' it, ya wan' it?" He taunts you, moving his arms to tilt you head to his, getting a good look of your lewd face, drooling.
"yesyesyes, please, 'toru!" You whined, soft tears forming in your eyes. You were definitely desperate now, not only for his cum and the feeling of it spilling into you, but to be able to carry the kids of the strongest, birth them, and raise them. Fuck the pain, it's all this right here and now.
He smirks at your begging, chewing on his lips at the sight. "Oh, baby, you're so perfect for me... Take it all, don't waste it, wanna give it all t'ya!"
He pounds rougher, making your scream as he bullies your cervix with his angry tip. "Finna do it, be a cum slut and keep it inside." He looses it, soon spilling inside you and still fucking in, his thrust uneven and based off the need to fill your cunt, make you pregnant with his baby.
You arched your back off the couch, eyes screwing shut from the unholy pleasure racing through your body, damping the couch and pillows around. A thick ring of cum builds around the base of his cock, the pearly white smearing around his length once he pulls out.
"o-one more, mama, lemme load ya over 'n' over," he panting like a bitch in heat, pulling his cock out to watch his seed pooling from your small hole. Two slender fingers penetrate you, rubbing inside your slick and sticky walls, pushing his cum deep for ya.
You whimper, hands flying to his shoulders for support, "more, fuck me more, wan' ta be full, please." You whine, your cute eyes building up tears on your waterline, lashes damp.
You pouted for him so fucking cutely, sending all the blood to his cock, hardening all over again. He laughs through his nose, smirking down at your needy form.
But he isn't any better.
He waste no time, whispering into your ears as he pulls out his fingers, "suck em, baby."
That's all you had to hear before you opened your mouth, tongue lewdly hanging out. You feel the sweet and salty mix of yours and his arousal of that nasty sex pressing on your tongue before you suck on his fingers as if it was his dick.
You lick over his palm, going to the tip of his fingers before sucking on the flavor.
He groans at the show, your hot mouth making him wish it was his cock.
"atta baby, such a pretty girl." He cooed to you, removing his fingers to grip your thighs and fold you further, earning a small grunt from you.
His cock kissing your cunt again, finding it like a magnet. Easily, he slides his tip into your itty bitty hole, listening to the wet squelching sound and swishing of his seed inside you, his eyes rolling back from the feeling.
Like a beast, he rocks the whole fucking couch to be deep inside that pussy. The tip of his tongue pokes out, eyes shutting as he feels you clench again—oh, it will never get old.
"mhmm, s-such a creamy mess of us, us, baby... oh, fuck—" he babbles, looking down at your face.
As soon as he sees how fuckin' fucked dumb you look, eyes crossed and with such a slutty smile, he's gonna bust. "Oh, fuck..."
He goes even faster, not even thrusting into you, but needily pushing his cock deeper just to fuck cum inside you again. His speed alarms you, nails scratching the couch desperately.
"s-satoru!" You gasp, practically hyperventilating to get air, but he pumps it all out of you. He deliriously giggled at your display, "scream it, baby, fuckin' scream my name." He growls, pressing all his weight onto your small, helpless frame.
Small tears bead out your pretty eyes, finding it hard to breath a bit. But the pleasure overrides it, your pussy soaking it all up.
"cum again, cum again, cum f'me..." He fucking begs you for you to cum likes it's his orgasms. "Rub that clit f'me, pretty girl—" he chokes out,
"play with yourself."
Your weak arm moves down, fingers a bit shaky as you find your neglected bud, taking two digits and not even making patterns, just rubbing it around to feel something messily.
"'toru, finna cum on ya c-cock!" You gasp, fingers swiping your clit hard. He throws his head back again; it was just your voice sounding so hot.
"do it f'me, milk my cock, baby. Squeeze the fuck out of it, girl." He rams into you, so needy to cum and make you cum—the pussy drunk fucker doesn't even know he's about to bust.
You cream around his base, body shuddering and lagging, your fingers faltering from your ministrations on your clitoris, moaning out his name like a prayer of forgiveness. "Look at ya, baby, s-so fuckin' cute and slutty f'me, gotta keep you cumming n' screaming my name, pretty girl." He leans down, whispering all his dirty thoughts into your ears, nibbling on your ear lobe.
He was so lost in it, he cummed deep in you without warning—but you don't care. It's his cum that you both were dumbly after.
He stiffens his body, realizing that he just let out his creamy liquid in you. "A-ahh, there we go," he lewdly grins at the feeling, cumming without even knowing. "Feel it inside?" He presses his hand on your tummy, feeling his cum stirring deep into you.
"y-yeah, feel ya t'good, baby..." you pant, grinding your hips on him, "gimmie m-more..."
"more, ya slutty cutie? I just gave ya more." He mocks your needy tone, making a pout for you. "My cock got you dizzy?"
You feverishly nod, hands snaking up to his chest to feel him down.
"good thing, cuz this pussy got me drunk."
You can even call it sex anymore, both of you just moaning out for the feeling, your cervix getting hit hard now, whining at this point. Satoru just whispered your name repetitively, his cock going damn near numb as your pussy clamped down like you wanted to glue him in.
His orgasms started to chase on faster from his veins being constantly stroked by your wet walls—and he just gave in, not caring if he lasted long, not caring if he cummed before you, just caring if his cum went into you.
No words, he just spilled his release into you.
Both of you groaned at the feeling, becoming so familiar. You twitched around his cock once again, body jerking violently before you squirted aggressively against his pelvis.
It was so fucking filthy, so damn messy and lewd, it didn't make any sense.
None of you cared much as he finally slipped his cock out. No words. Just panting, small whines, sniffling from tears falling down. He gives in and lays on you, making you grunt.
His weight pushes out some of his well earned cum from your cunt, the white liquid smearing down your anus and onto the couch. "I think... You'll have my kids now." He mutters into the crook of your neck.
You weakly nod your head in response, shaky hands reaching for his sweaty snow white locks of hair, combing his hair. "m' so full..."
"ey, that's good. I wan' ya to be full of me, baby. S' fucking worth it."
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˚꩜⋆.°⭑Do not copy, translate, or steal in any way, reblogs are appreciated and allowed.
I need to be breeded now.
@lxnarphase (I just wanted to encourage this idea so bad + follow lxnar for similar content)
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Straykids favourite place to kiss you
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◇ Chan ◇
your neck is definitely one of his favourite places.
I don't mean in a sexual way (unless you want it to be 😉)
he will be obsessed with just wrapping his arms around you from behind and places little pecks on your neck.
Chan had just gotten home from the studio, and you were sat at your vanity, taking our your earrings when he came up behind you and hugged your shoulders. His head disappeared in the crook of your neck, and he began to place small kisses on the skin, making you giggle and pat his head.
◇ Minho ◇
this man would die to be able to kiss your head.
he will kiss the top of your head anywhere he could.
Stood in a queue? Smooch. He's taken a break from dancing? Smooch. About to fall asleep? Smooch.
You and Lino were waiting in line to order your boba, and he stood behind you so that no guys could look at you in your skirt. His hands were placed on your hips, and you were turned away from him, texting someone on your phone. As the next person went forward, minho leaned closer and placed a small peck on your head.
◇ Changbin ◇
one thing changbin cannot get enough of is kissing your lips.
he knows it's a little basic that that's his favourite place but he can't help it.
he just loves ur lips sm <3
will literally kiss you anywhere and in any situation.
he really couldn't care.
Changbin had been working out for nearly three hours, and you were starting to get a little worried. You know that he tends to go pretty hard when he's at the gym but never for this long. So, with that, you decided to head down to the gym and check up on him.
"Hey baby, you okay?" You'd ask, stepping up next to him by the weights.
"Oh, hey darling," he'd respondz placing a small kiss to your lips.
◇ Hyunjin ◇
he definitely loves kissing your shoulders.
like we're talking about your bare shoulders.
idk why but I think he'd have a thing for that.
hyunjin would literally kill to be able to kiss the soft skin of your shoulder.
You and Hyunjin had a routine most nights where you would shower, he works get distracted by you coming out of the shower, you'd fuck, and then you'd both get a shower together afterwards. Tonight was the start of one of those nights. You had stepped out of the bathroom in nothing but your towel, your bare shoulders open for Hyunjin to see. He practically ran over to you and stood behind you, arms around your waist as he placed small pecks to your skin, going from your jaw to your shoulder and then staying there.
◇ Han ◇
• he is OBSESSED with forehead kisses. • any opportunity he gets, this man kisses it almost immediately. • I'm talking like you two could be sitting in your room, having a nice time watching a movie together and he will just attack your forehead with kisses • definitely forgets that you have a lot of makeup on sometimes and ends up with some of it on his lips if it isn't set properly.
You and Han were waiting for the bus into Seoul to go dress shopping for your sister's wedding. It was a pretty chilly day so you were shivering a little, the thin fabric you had brought to keep you warm not doing its job. Han sees how cold you are and pulls you into his arms, your head now shoved into his chest. you look up at him and smile as he presses his lips to your forehead.
"That better for you, baby?"
◇ Felix ◇
• felix is definitely the type to love kissing you on the cheek. • he loves how much you blabber about how the freckles on his cheeks are so adorable, so he feels the need to give your cheeks some love too. • your face always goes bright red whenever he presses his lips to it, the blush making Felix feel better about what he has done
You and Felix were cuddled up together on the couch of the boy's dorm, everyone else had left to go to the studio for a few hours but Felix wasn't feeling too great so he decided to stay home. In hopes of making him feel better, you had gone over to join him on your day off. His face pressed into your neck and his soft breaths sent a tingle down your spine, you couldn't think of a better place to be. Just as the movie you were watching was getting good, you felt a silky pair of lips press against your cheek and you knew exactly who it was.
◇ Seungmin ◇
• now, seungmin. he is a simple man when it comes to kissing. similar to changbin, he also loves kissing your lips. • the feeling of your lips against his brightens his day completely. • you just know that he gets so snotty on tour when he can't see you, him missing your lips just as much as you miss his.
"Hello, my love," Seungmin says, walking through the door of your shared apartment.
"Hi!" You exclaim, happy to see him home so early.
You run over to him, taking his body into your arms and burying your head in the crook of his neck.
"Missed me that much?" He asks, laughing at you.
You giggle back, removing your head from where you had placed it to look up at him. He looked so handsome at this time, the ambience of the streetlights outside hitting his face so perfectly, the way his hair parted to reveal his forehead. You loved it.
"Stop staring and give me a kiss, baby."
◇ Jeongin ◇
• your nose. more specifically, the tip of your nose. • I don't know I just think he would feel like it is such a cute gesture and he would do anything to make you feel special. • it's just the way his hands cup your face as he leans in. • actually have my children.
Today was a rough day for you. While out shopping, you see your old friends and it reminds you of all the good times you had with them before they broke your heart. You had come home soon after and broken down into Jeongin, his words of support and comfort not having the effect the both of you had hoped for.
"Baby, I know you're not gonna believe me when I say this but it's gonna get better. Sooner or later, you're going to realise how little they actually mean and that you are so much better without them in your life."
The man grabs your face and forces you to look up at him. "I love you."
With that, he places a small kiss on the end of your nose, making heat rise up your face, and causing your ears to redden. You look so cute when you're flustered.
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ambrosiagoldfish · 2 days
hi! can i request headcanons of Adam x Male Angel! Reader who is sweet, kind and never curses? preferly sfw and nsfw but if u don't write smut for Male Reader, that's fine!
hope u have a Nice day <3
Adam x Kind Angel Reader HC’s
Warnings: General Adam TW’s, NSFW in latter half of post, He/Him pronouns with Male Genitalia. Slight Degradation/dirty talk. Fluff + Smut
Request Box: Open
Word Count: 820
A/n: thank you so much for the request! I had a lot of fun with this one! I did make it on the shorter side but that’s only because it’s quite difficult to make Headcanon’s 1000+ words without other characters but nonetheless, I hope you enjoy! Also I decided to make this little header thing for fics! I’ve seen a few others do it and the GIF’s I normally use are becoming a hassle to find. Let me know if you guys like it!
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Oh boy, this relationship really is a match that could only be made in heaven. No one would have expected Adam to date a man who is the complete opposite of him. If anything, people expected someone like him or even Lute!! But you? They never could have predicted that.
But what can you do, opposites do attract.
You’re always being so kind to him, telling him he looks handsome, helping him with any and all work he might have to do, and on top of it you bring him gifts and trinkets! Not to mention all the delicious treats you get him that are almost as sweet as you.
And to be honest, this really messes with Adam, cause you’re literally so sweet and thoughtful but he doesn’t have anything to give you in return besides sex. At least that’s what he thinks but in reality he gives you so much more than he gives himself credit for.
He plays you songs on the guitar, takes you out to fancy restaurants, and over all treats you with love and affection than any other has. But even if none of that was true, you don’t do anything and everything for him because you want something in return. You love Adam completely unconditionally.
The no cursing thing is something that genuinely gets on his nerves. Cause like, he could never. This man has the mouth of a sailor and the delicacy of a bull in a china shop. Which is one of the traits you love about him, that he says what he wants. But also you’re just like “Sir, this is not what The Father intended-“
“Neither was putting my dick in another guys ass but look, I’m still here bitch!”
And it especially bugs Adam, if instead of cursing, you replace swears with other words. Like the other day you stubbed your toe when landing on ground and Adam had fully expected for you to do what he does, which is scream the loudest swear and be pissed off at everyone for 20 minutes. But instead….
“OW Fudging chocolate chip-“
So, ever since that day, Adam has sworn to one day take your ‘cursing virginity’, at least that’s what he calls it. And he try’s so hard to do so, which is a slight bit of trouble cause he doesn’t want to like, be a complete douche to you.
So until he figures out a way to get you to curse, he’s pretty stumped at the moment. But still, he absolutely adores you.
Oh Boy x2
Everything I said previously still stands if not double the amount. This man wants to do the👏Most👏Unholiest👏Things👏To👏You👏
Loves to see your kind and sweet personality slowly crumble because of his cock.
‘Who knew you could be such a slut?’
He loves that your personality carries over during sex, you give him everything you’ve got and then some. You want to do your best for him after all.
Speaking of which, if you worship him in any way that man is cumming IMMEDIATELY. He really just wants to feel like he’s above everyone else, and Surprise surprise, he has a praise and you being the, oh so thoughtful person you are, you make sure to completely indulge that aspect of him.
You babble so much about how good his cock feels hitting your prostate over and over again. How well he’s making you feel like like the Good Boy he is. It really gets it him going.
Remember how I said he’s trying to make you lose your ‘Cursing Virginity’? Yeah well, this is how. He is SO determined to get you to spill out just one swear while he goes to town on you. Is it the most holy thing he should do? No. But how could he not fuck your brains out till you break your own moral code?
He tries so hard too. He has yet to get you there but he has come close. When he had you in a mating press, legs over his shoulders, your ankle’s lightly hitting the base of his wings with each thrust.. You couldn’t stop begging for him to cum inside you as you came for the Xth time in a row.
“Please Adam! P-Please! Fu~“ you cut yourself off with a hand to your mouth.
Adam looked at you with his signature grin, his hips not stopping their movements to pump himself in and out of you. “Was you about to say something babe?”
You held your hand against your mouth shaking your head ‘no’ clearly trying to make it seem like you weren’t about to drop the f bomb.
“Mhm, right~ let’s see if I can pry some other ‘naughty’ fuxkin’ words out of ya!” He laughs a wicked laugh as he switches the position so that he’s somehow even more atop of you. Leaving you a completely, moaning, helpless mess for him to dominate >:)
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ravenofazarath2 · 15 hours
I’ve been seeing a fair amount of discourse over whether or not Ricky September was a good person, and I feel like a lot of it takes a very black and white view of Ricky as a character.
One of the recurrent themes in this season (and, well, a large portion of the show), is the importance of hope. And I think that’s what Ricky is supposed to represent.
Hope that there’s kindness in the world.
I think we can all agree that that was basically his thing, right? He didn’t have to help Lindy through the slug monsters, but he did. He didn’t have to try to save her life, but he did.
Everyone else we meet in FineTime is self-centered, vain. Their friendships feel artificial. And that’s probably because they are artificial since they never talk face-to-face. They literally live inside a spherical object that also acts as an echo chamber they can personally curate. That’s one of the most literal metaphoric interpretations of “in a world of their own” I can think of.
And right when it seems that life this way will be the death of them all, here comes this ray of sunshine named Ricky September. He immediately shows Lindy kindness even though she’s a complete stranger. And then they hug, what is likely the first empathetic touch ever in her life. Tells her that he spends most of his time unplugged and reading and learning. He does the Doctor grabs a hand and yells run thing. And when he sees that Homeworld was destroyed, he lies to Lindy so that he doesn’t kill the hope that’s keeping her running for her life—to see her mom again.
I know can’t be the only one who thought, “Oh, maybe his kindness will rub off on Lindy, and she’ll be a better person in the end!” That’s the hope.
That’s what Ricky represents; he’s the hope that, as long as empathy exists in this world, things will get better.
Hope that people can change.
The only shadow in this perfect ray of hope is the fact that, just like everyone else in FineTime, Ricky September is racist.
His micro-agressions aren’t as, well, aggressive as Lindy’s, but they are there. His hands are fidgety and he's distracted. He's giving awkward smiles and chuckles. He does seem uncomfortable working with the Doctor.
But we know that Ricky has empathy. He shows it when he saves Lindy, but I think the most jarring example is when he says he read about manual labor and said, "That life was tough." Lindy's response. "My sit at a desk for two hours and gossip with my friends job's not easy. I get chapping." And he learned this empathy through reading instead of spending all his time online. Which is where he learned about pulse codes, too. So he's empathetic and willing to learn.
(On a side note: Lindy's lack of empathy by this point should have clued us in that she was beyond redemption)
And that's I have no doubt that, had he survived, he would have pushed his biases aside and taken the Doctor up on the offer to travel. He would have worked to unlearn the institutionalized hate he was raised in. He's the hope that people—that we can change, become better people.
Unfortunately, Ricky is just different enough for Lindy to other him in order to justify sacrificing him to save herself.
The real lesson Ricky September teaches us.
Unfortunately, Ricky being a symbol for hope is exactly why he had to die by, essentially, Lindy's hand.
Hope simply existing isn't enough to bring change. If we just sit back and hope for a better world, nothing will get done. We have to act on that hope, be that hope, because if we don't, those trying to maintain the hate will snuff us out. And not just for ourselves, but for our fellow man.
If we just sit back and hope for a better world, nothing will get done. We have to act on that hope, be that hope. And not just for ourselves, but for our neighbors, too. If we show each other empathy, we can reach more, spread more kindness, be the change.
But if there's no empathy, then there's no hope for our survival.
And that, I believe, is the lesson RTD wanted us to see.
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rodolfoparras · 1 day
OK imma be honest and little personal, before I knew a little bit more about the LGBT, I just didn't care I just knew they existed, now that im older and apart of it nothing changed ngl...just maybe a little rude with it. I'm like "Oh you're gay? Cool want a cookie?" Or "Oh, you think being gay is the devils or whoever you claim doing? Want a medal?". I don't mind having people like having something for them but a month? Sounds like robbery 2 me like, What about soldiers like I mean the good soldiers who actually fight for their people? I'm sorry, but if I could, I would make certain... things like these two have at least a week, but like I said, I don't mind it... I just find it... wrong in a way...like think about it...when something big happens in your life (if yall do it like me) we just celebrate it in like that first week, like what I mean is for the first few days it's all "WOOHOO THIS HAPPEND TOO YOU" then the rest of the week it's just "congrats". Like I remember a few years back, I'm not sure if it's still the same now. But soldiers die every day and stuff, and all they get is a day, and everyone like "poor soliders rest in peace" and then go on about their lives after a few bours or something . But the moment a Trans person got killed, suddenly everyone dropped everything and talked about it for weeks....trying not to sound harsh, but come on....
Sugar I think you have a lot of inner work to do
Pride month cannot be boiled down to a celebratory party of sexualities and genders
While yes a major part of pride month is to celebrate lgbtq people it’s also about remembering the journey as to how we got here, plenty of people literally laid their lives down so there could be a celebration in the first place sugar I don’t know if you know this but trans people would literally use bricks and drop it onto their genitals or their chest to get rid of those parts, a lot of trans people died of cancer and other terminal illnesses because it was considered shameful to treat an openly trans person no matter what severe condition they had it’s also to raise awareness of how lgbtq people of color made a lot of things possible for us, did you know that before colonization native people had woman man and then a third gender that didn’t fall in either category white, Christian cis people wiped that out because it was considered abnormal and now today we have a whole chunk of people who are seen as abnormal because that whole gender identity has been wiped out pride month is to also raise awareness to everyone who can’t live their lives like they want to. It’s like international women’s day just because women in Europe have it good doesn’t mean that it’s fine and dandy all around the world
The reason as to why people don’t care much for soldiers is that the only ones discussed are American ones- soldiers belonging to armys who have more or less started the war in different places. Never have I seen people discuss the 10.000 soldiers that died in the srebrenica genocide - soldiers- boys 18 year old boys 10.000 of them- that had to forcefully enlist in the army because their country was going through a genocide
And the reason as to why trans people get so much coverage once they get killed is the same reason as to why women get so much coverage when they get horrifically murdered by a man they’re oppressed, soldiers are not oppressed soldier more often than not are the oppressors.
With that being said I do hope you take time to actually do research on your history because the reason as to why you can be like “woo I’m gay ok let’s move on with my day” is because of thousands upon thousands upon thousands lgbtq ppl that made sacrifices for you those sacrifices didn’t happen that long ago
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neverevan · 2 days
How many times do you think Tommy looked at Buck and thought "God I hope so" before last night because I think... a lot of times about a lot of things
yyyyeah I mean, Tommy has been interested from the very beginning. like, not in the "I wanna date this person" way but in a "god, isn't he adorable? isn't he handsome? isn't he loyal? isn't he hot?" and then came the realisation that "oh wait, I could actually tap that"
lmao which okay, not to be crude, because we know Tommy doesn't go there unless things are just right (as per Lou) but like yeah, from the moment it became a ~possibility~ Buck wasn't the only one who couldn't stop thinking about him.
I mean, have you seen those lips? who wouldn't wanna ruin them? and then call him a good boy right after? Buck is a walking, talking tease and now that they're dating, he's doing it consciously. there is only so many distractions you can take up before it bubbles up into the front of your mind.
I think Tommy is patient and kind and will not rush anything, but once they are more comfortable with that part of the relationship? there will be many discussions about many different things — because remember, Buck is a little freak with a mile long list of sexual escapades and I don't think many aspects of sex would be new to him, even with a man, but I do think there would be quite a lot of matching up about what either of them is specifically into and working around that.
but anyway, Tommy has been daydreaming about approaching the subject for weeks and Buck being the one bringing it up and then not letting it go until he got a response out of Tommy... yeah, his daydreams are about to get much more graphic, is all I'm saying.
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ariaste · 5 hours
hheeyy I am probably gonna buy your pirate book regardless, because it does sound wonderful, but just so I know what I'm getting my little ace brain into: the gizmodo article you linked described Brother Julian as having "a frankly inconvenient vow of celibacy" and i had terrible flashbacks of the way the dragon age 2 fandom talked about Sebastian so like. Does Julian *also* think his vow is inconvenient, or am I going to have to go in accepting that funny queer pirates who resolve things with polyamory is worth wincing through a few conversations where his suitors just Cannot Believe someone so hot doesn't want to fuck oh my we must save him from himself or. whatever the fuck. Again, i loved A Touch Of Gold And Iron so I do trust you, but I've had authors i trust suddenly and unthinkingly have their characters spout aphobic talking points before, so i just want a warning, i guess. Thank you and I promise this isn't intended as a judgement of any kind, just me making sure I'm taking care of myself
No worries! I have not seen any of the Dragon Age 2 discourse and I don't know who Sebastian is, but I think I can sort of glean from context what you mean.
The answer about Julian is a little spoilery for mostly worldbuilding and a bit of his character arc, but not plot. I'm gonna try to put it under a cut, but tumblr is broken sometimes, so if the cut does not work, I apologize to the general public.
Julian is a monk of the Vintish church, which is sort of "what if the Catholic church but make it The Enlightenment" -- their religion teaches that the pursuit of knowledge and Understanding is deeply holy and that the Emperor of Heaven filled the world with mysteries specifically because he wanted humanity to figure out his little puzzles. Monks of this church take vows not to give up all "sinful" things, but to give up the one thing that occupies their mind above all else and causes them to be distracted from the pursuit of knowledge. For some people that might be alcohol, or gambling, or an addiction, or wearing pretty clothes, or anger/resentment, or whatever. For Julian, that thing was sex. He is the most allosexual man who has ever lived. He LOVED sex. It was a source of pure joy and delight and fulfillment for him -- he's one of those people who can find something wonderful and attractive in pretty much everyone he meets.
There were some Urgent Circumstances fifteen years ago in his past where taking that vow was preferable to the alternative that would have happened if he hadn't taken it, so in that sense it was a tool that served a purpose -- it was at one point a deeply convenient way of saving his own ass. I also think it was an important lesson for Young Julian to realize that sometimes you have to make sacrifices and that sacrifices HURT.
However, whether he would say in hindsight now that it was inconvenient... I think he has mixed feelings. He's very good at nuance, Julian is, and so he recognizes that all his experiences have made him into the person who he is and that he has Learned and Grown and Gained Knowledge Of Himself, which he does sincerely believe is a holy and righteous thing -- he deeply values the journey that he has been on. But at the same time.... at his heart he's just a fun guy and secretly an absolute gremlin in his own ways, you know? And tools that were once useful and relevant do not always remain so. Hope that helps!! I am on the ace/demi spectrum myself, so I've got some irritating experiences of the ways that people write about ace characters and try to "fix" them -- this is definitely not that situation.
Also, just cause you mentioned you're ace -- FYI there isn't any on-page sex in the book, just lots of dumb sex jokes and flirting. :)
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jennaajoseph · 3 days
ㅤㅤㅤ ❛ The beginnings. ❜ ⸻ David Loki x F!Reader.
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── ﹙౨ৎ ⋆。˚ MASTERLIST&INFO.﹚. ☆
౨ৎ ⋆。˚ SUMMARY. ⸻ You and David remembered your sweet beginnings together.
౨ৎ ⋆。˚ PAIRING. ⸻ david loki x f!reader.
౨ৎ ⋆。˚ CONTENTS. ⸻ none, mostly fluff, female reader.
౨ৎ ⋆。˚ A/N. ⸻ amazing request from anon!! (I'm so sorry it took so long) I tried a bit of a different style this time, I hope it doesn't look too bad?? I've tried to make Loki more brightful/flirty person in this. I need this man to be happy for once lol.
Work is kicking my ass lately lol, sorry for being inactive with fics, I'm still working on a few requests!! I have a few fics in my drafts I wanted to post for a long time so stay turned.
౨ৎ ⋆。˚ CREDITS. ⸻ photos - pinterest (cropped by me) , divider - @/cafekitsune.
ㅤㅤㅤㅤㅤㅤ ﹙©jennaajoseph﹚
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You laughed at another funny memory with David that you remembered. "Oh, c'mon, that was embarrassing." He covered his face with both hands, feeling embarrassed.
"What?! It was adorable!" You chuckled softly.
He gently shook his head. A small smile appeared on his face at the memory of him wearing a pink shirt to one of your dates because you once said that pink is pretty. Later, he found out that it wasn't even your favourite color at all. "Do you know how stupid I felt after?"
"I was actually amazed that you were paying attention to little things like that." You leaned a bit closer to his face.
"I just wanted to do my best." He smiled as you leaned closer to him, looking into your eyes. "Impress you, you know?"
"You impressed me a lot, just like the first time we met." You gave him a toothy grin and he raised an eyebrow.
"Was there something wrong with our first meeting?"
"You don't remember? You were so eager to keep talking to me."
"I wanted to keep the conversation going! You really interested me that day." He tried defended himself.
You chuckled shaking your head gently at the memory.
David was sitting quietly at his table, drinking coffee. His eyes occasionally landed on you from time to time. You were peacefully typing on your computer, trying to finish the work that needed to be done for tomorrow morning.
The cafe was empty, there was no one besides you and him. A few small drops of rain were softly hitting the glass windows, making it not too uncomfortably quiet.
"Anything else?" The server looked at David, holding a coffee pot.
His gaze quickly dropped off you when he heard the waitress. "Oh, no, not really, thank you."
"If you need something, I will be behind the counter." She said softly, smiling. David returned a small smile. When the waitress walked in the opposite direction, his eyes landed on you again.
Your gaze accidentally met his, you quickly turned to look back into your computer, furrowing your eyebrows. His eyes dropped to look at his half-empty cup of coffee.
Despite everything, you could still feel his gaze on you, his eyes were basically burned into you, and you felt it. Your mind was telling you that he was just another creep that wanted to say some nasty joke when the time is right, and that was the last thing that you wanted to hear today.
"Could you stop staring at me, please?" You finally spoke, and his gaze met yours again.
"I'm sorry." He said a bit ashamed, his eyes dropped down again. "I just thought that you look really good today." He added awkwardly.
"Thanks, but you don't need to burn your eyes into me." You chuckled, looking at your computer again.
"It's hard not to look at you." He gave you a small, flirty grin. You rolled your eyes.
"I didn't know I was that pretty for some random stranger." You looked back at him. A small, almost unnoticable blush appeared on his cheeks.
"What are you writing?" He took a sip of his warm drink.
"I have some work due tomorrow."
"I'm probably distracting you, don't I?"
"A little bit." You gave him a playfull smile. "I could feel you staring at me like a creep, and I couldn't focus."
He placed the cup back on the table, chuckling awkwardly. "Sorry."
You rolled your eyes, smiling and started typing on your computer again. "Next time when you stare at some random girl, don't make it that obvious or scary."
He chuckled quietly, shaking his head. David wanted to keep the conversation going, but also didn't want too sound pushy or needy. You intrigued him, and he couldn't just let you slip past his fingers. "Thanks for the advice."
You gave him a quick wink and kept writing. Despite your comments, Loki kept staring at you. There was something about you that was different, unique. Something that intrigued him.
He decided to take another shot, and kept talking, even if it was something that would make you annoyed again. "I've never seen you here before."
"Because I've never been here before." You stopped typing, and looked at him again.
"You just moved in?"
"You are trying so hard, aren't you?" You closed your computer.
"Isn't what people do when they are interested in someone?" He gave you a cheeky grin.
"What if I told you that I have a boyfriend?" You returned the grin.
He shrugged softly. "I don't know, you have one?"
"You were playing so hard to get, y/n, that's all I can remember." He said suddenly, getting you out of your thoughts.
"You were creepy."
"I was just showing interest in you." He put his arm around you, and pulled you closer.
"In a very creepy way." You smiled, laying your head on his chest.
"What exactly was creepy in my behavior?"
"The way you were staring at me, almost all the damn time."
David couldn't help but chuckle. "But in the end, you agreed for a coffee with me, don't you?" He smiled gently as you looked up at him.
"I think in the end, you intrigued me too."
"What do you think?" You leaned in your seat.
"If you had someone, you wouldn't talk to me."
"I think there's only one way to find out." He started, and you raised your eyebrow. "Would you go out for a coffee with me sometime?"
You smiled gently, he returned a smile. "When?"
"Same place at 8 tomorrow? I can pick you up."
"You are very forward, aren't you?" You stood up from your seat, and packed the device into your bag. "I will get here by myself, but thank you."
"As you wish then."
You took a few steps towards him and held your hand out. "It was nice to meet you..."
His eyes sparkled a bit, unnoticeable for you to see.
"David, David Loki." His hand squeezed yours.
"Y/n L/n."
"It was also nice to meet you, y/n."
"I hated the coffee you bought for me the next day." You blurred out suddenly, chuckling.
He sighed, rolling his eyes playfully.
"But I had a very nice time, you know?" You looked up at him. "I'm really glad that you tried to keep the conversation going."
"I'm very glad about that too." He leaned softly to kiss your forehead.
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skywqlkergf · 21 hours
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⠀ dealer!sam monroe x cheerleader!reader
⠀  ⠀    back to school
⠀  ⠀  ⠀ series masterlist
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monday morning, the kind that every teenage girl regrets. the kind where you have to worry about seeing a man you're upset with. your parents are back in town, and you have to plant a happy smile on your face.
you bound down the stairs, heading for the kitchen and getting some breakfast. you sit on the bar next to your father, he's drinking coffee and staring angrily at the wall. it's always something better left unsaid, because once he starts there's no coming back from the screaming match that's bound to happen.
as soon as you're done eating, you give each of your parents a kiss on the cheek and walk to your car. they barely acknowledge you, as per usual. little nods and hums when you speak, the only things they care for were reputations. how people see their lovely daughter, such bullshit.
once in your car, you just sigh, and start it mumbling to yourself about how this day better go half-way decent or it would be your last. it was an empty promise, but it made you chuckle dryly. you put on a playlist to try and lighten your spirits, it doesn't really work.
the drive takes entirely too long and not long enough at the same time. fifteen minutes will never be enough.
you're greeted by your friends as you exit your car, bright smiles and asking how your weekend went. lying, you tell them that it was a quiet weekend, not doing too much.
“well, you know what i heard?” the brunette spoke up, kylee, she giggled as she spoke, holding a hand over her mouth. after spending so much time with sam, you realize you don't really like your friends. losing some kind of sparkle after your deep talks, cheap gossip seems so futile.
“what?” your eyebrows raised, and worry set deep in your chest. the last thing you need is the most back-stabbing girls you ever met to know about your weekend adventures.
another one finishes for her, this time a redhead with olive skin. lila, with a bit more of an accusatory tone, “eric and sam monroe got into a fight, some people are saying it's about you.”
your world pauses around you for a moment, sam's injuries weren't from a deal gone bad, but because he was probably standing up for you. eric was always one to have to run his mouth, serves him right.
“yeah, eric had to go to the hospital. he's fine. sam is insane.” the third girl from your close-knit group spoke up, bethany. she spit sam’s name like it was a curse, and while you were deeply upset with him, you wanted to rip her head off. you swallow hard and just hum, “oh, that's odd.” it was spoke in a dejected tone. you wanted to yell at sam and thank him, maybe cry in his arms too. you felt so conflicted.
the loudspeaker garbles out, “sam monroe, y/n y/l/n, and eric taylor report to the principal’s office at once.” and naturally of course, you wouldn't be let off that easy.
you cursed under your breath, and made the walk, the girls you call your friends whispering about you as you do.
you find sam already sat inside, his eyes are puffy and he's looking right at you, but you refuse to make eye contact. eric is also there, sitting in the chair farthest from sam. this puts you between the pair. his face is different colors of reds, blues and purples, yet he still has a smug look planted on his face.
as he turns his head to give you a disgusted look, there's a very obvious print of sam's ring. you almost want to laugh. it's exactly what he deserves.
you want to look at sam, stare into his soul, hope it'll tell you something. how could he beat up eric for something that has to do with you, and then continue to abandon you. confusion floods your senses.
“i’m sure we're all aware of why we're here,” the principal finally talks, he sounds tired.
“i’m not.” you speak up, your voice firm. you'd be damned if you're getting dragged to the depths of hell because of teenage boys.
“mr. monroe, please inform, ms. y/l/n, why we're here.” the principal has a warning tone, obvious this might be the final straw for sam. and with all things considered, you're not gonna let that happen.
“i uh,” sam's hand comes to scratch the back of his neck, he shakes his head defeated. he doesn't want to tell you, you can see it in his body language. the usually confident boy is curling into himself.
you finally look at him, since he has to talk to you. your eyebrows are furrowed and he can see it, you're disappointed. or hurt, he can't exactly tell. now that you can see him, you can tell life hasn't been exactly peaches for him either. his face is splotchy, eyes red and swollen, hair messier than normal. there's even skin missing from his lips from picking and biting them. you were still hurt, still angry, still upset. however, everything in you is telling you to pull this boy into your arms.
you have to protect yourself, you can't let him hurt you. but could you let him hurt himself in the meantime? you didn't know.
after sam finally recalls the fight, leaving out the parts of weed, which you were well aware of. your heart leaped once again, this man played your heartstrings like a bass.
you gave a dirty look to eric, and a soft one to sam. you can't just hurt him when he's looking at you like a puppy that's been kicked one too many times.
“i could be wrong, but isn't anything that happens off school property not the school's business? isn't that what the school board says when a kid gets cyber bullied and they kill themself? it's not the school's fault, cause it happened at home?”
the principal sighs, putting his head in his hands. it was obvious this was being pushed by eric, or perhaps his parents. probably to get sam kicked out of school, but this wouldn't be the first time you argued with school officials.
eventually argument leads to silence and the principal waves you all out, despite eric’s disdain. you step out of the office, now a scowl on your face.
the hallway’s empty, and since you and sam have classes in the same block, you and him walk away from eric. you wait until you're not in earshot, and pull sam into the girl's bathroom by the collar of his shirt.
you can tell he wants to talk to you, to explain something away. you'd rather rip the fucking bandaid off.
“quit with the puppy eyes and talk," your voice is cold and angry all at once. sam has never even heard you use a tone close to this before. especially not with him, it made anxiety creep up his back. he hated that you were mad at him, he almost wanted to leave.
“i’m sorry, cheer, i-i,” he chews on his lip again, and you want to roll your eyes. your arms come to cross over your chest, and it reminds sam of the beginning, of how it all started.
“you, what? you're stupid? i know that. you're an ass? i know that, too. gonna tell me anything I don't know?” you're spitting venom at him, and he flinches at it. you cringe at the look on his face, you just want to shake him and tell him to make a choice.
he laughs, it's cold and dry, and sounds a bit like he might cry again, you try to keep up a harsh exterior but your resolve is slowly crumbling.
“i am, i am all of those things, and you, you're perfect and i, i, you don't, you shouldn't have to put up with me, my bullshit, i,” his voice is breaking, it's shaky, and he's shaking his head.
you scoff, eyebrows furrowing together, “really? that's what this whole disappearing act is about? because you feel bad for yourself? god, sam, this is bullshit. this is shitty, you're being shitty to me. you're right, I don't deserve this. be a fucking grown up for once in your life and take responsibility.” you're laughing, cold, like steel. your laugh comes out angry, while his was so sad.
“we had sex and when i woke up, you were gone, fucking ghost, and all because your ego is a fucking mess? you acting like some fuckboy who just learned empathy. stay the fuck away from me until you can act mature and be serious about this. i am not some goddamn plaything you can just put down when you feel like it, okay? all or nothing, I'm done doing this shit. i love you, and it's killing me." you were crying now, your tears match the ones spilling from his eyes, as you tear him apart.
you wipe harshly at the fast falling tears, “goodbye sam.” and you storm from the bathroom, out of the side door of the building. you leave the school, you don't know where you're going but you can't be here. the day's just started and you're already done.
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"He thinks his instincts might make him explode from his joy and the purrs coming out of his chest when, halfway through the night, Shigaraki loosens up and pulses out the scent of his own contentment. It blankets the nest in the scent of summer rain and Dabi all but turns into a puddle."
Dabs is so messy in this, love it. If any of the league has been around cohabitating alphas and omegas before they're probably side-eyeing him so hard 
Side note how insane must dating shows get in the omegaverse 💀
"His mouth settles on his neck, licking and nibbling at the place where his glands should be strong-- and Dabi whimpers."
Swirling him around in a wine glass. Mm notes of insecurity. Delicious
"And since you're the only alpha around, and I don't want to be fucking myself stupid while everyone else is out on the summer camp job--" 
Lmao poor shig no wonder he wore a cage. Dabi cringes at the idea of being bonded, hides his growing affection with his weaker scent, really does not give him much hope at first
I love needy shig so much, and I like how rarely you write him, he deserves to be a special treat
The position in this is so good. I'm assuming it's based off that oxygen fanart <3 
"Knot me, please, want your cum in my cunt. Pump me full of your pups --"
Oh god that's what made him cum 💀 I'm imagining him clarifying later, "No I don't want pups, you just made me that horny"
You've given me such a soft spot for the pet name precious
"After the summer camp, during my next heat, mate me?" *insert honey, you got a big storm comin gif* 
it's okay guys, I wouldn't be shocked if you've already bonded without a real bite like Ujiko mentioned. If not, can't hurt to get to know each other a little more
We LOVE messy bitch Dabi!!!! He should be a conflicted over-emotional mess who has a hard time with regulation!!! It's as what was foretold in the texts!!!
A dating show in the Omegaverse would be WILD. Like the DRAMA??? Two alpha's going in for each other because one is a service/soft top the other thinks is an omega and the other is sadist dom that everyone thinks is a bratty omega with a complex. The producers not letting anyone hook up or do anything more risqué than kissing because if they did they might figure designations out. Betas being the ones who are the best at actually guessing what everyone's designations are and consistently demonstrating the best ability to connect with the others and form strong relationships because they've been socialized their whole lives to know that they will never be an alpha or omega's first pick as a partner because they can't satisfy their instincts. Everyone tunes in for a dating show but it ends up being a social experiment lol
Tomura was bound and determined to not do a damn thing that would cause pack instability and he was absolutely not going to mate Dabi without him wanting that, a week locked in a cock cage was a suffering he would happily endure! But God damn that man's ego was getting rocked at every turn from Dabi, like how do you recover from admitting you have a crush on someone who wants to use you as a dildo and then seems equal parts disgusted and amused by your crush? Devastating, but he persists!!!
Absolutely utilized reverse cowgirl because Oxygen has done a lot of art (both newer and older) in that position and it is delectable
Lol Shig knows he's sterile, and he'd get that Dabi was just trying to play to his instincts, if anything Dabi would laugh at him because that worked and Shig would be sitting there with his head in his hands for a few seconds out of embarrassment before he pins Dabi down and gives him like 6 more creampies murmuring in his ear how pretty he'd look carrying their babies until Dabi's instincts triggered and he was FURIOUSLY going around base baby proofing things KNOWING he was being fully irrational and that neither of them actually want kids, but they have to pretend that maybe they do because otherwise the rest of the League will catch onto their breeding kink
I'm so glad that "precious" has become a staple petname for my fics and you guys like it! I live my life waiting for a gollum comment every time I use it
Lol the funny thing is that they've BEEN mated!! For almost the whole story!! Like Dabi starts calling him his alpha during his heats almost immediately and it didn't take them fucking or anything! It just took Dabi trusting Shig to take care of him and Duster proving he would do that and both of their brains latched onto each other!! But they can be official soon, I imagine in a month or two (held off by the stress of being homeless again) they have their shared cycle, take their bites, and then realize literally nothing feels different and have to go back to the doctor and he's just like: You Stupid Motherfuckers
Thank you so much for commenting!
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crilbyte · 2 days
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~Human!Adam⚡ x Reader x Human!Lucifer🪽
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Part 1 𖦹 Part 2 𖦹 Part 3 𖦹 Part 4 𖦹 Part 5 𖦹 Part 6 𖦹 Part 7
Summary: You return to the studio with Lucifer to break things off with Adam, unfortunately he doesn't take it so well.
Warnings/Promises: 18+, jealousy, love triangle, manipulation, sexual assault, oral (m receiving), violence
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Wanting to get things over with quickly, you ask Lucifer to take you back to the studio that night. You open the door to the dressing room and walk in without Knocking to find Adam sitting at the vanity, combing through his hair. He doesn't look up at first, focused on his appearance. When he finally does notice you, he raises an eyebrow at your lack of a knock. "What is it?"
You walk up to him with a frown, brows pulled together. Adam continues to brush his hair, keeping his eyes on your reflection in the mirror.
"What's wrong?" he says, still looking bored.
Without a word you drop four little pink and white sticks on the vanity table in front of him. They clatter loudly as they settle. Adam's eyebrows shoot up at the sight of them. He slowly turns to face you, his expression curious now.
"What are these?" He picks one up and sees that they're pregnancy tests, all negative. Adam smirks as he drops the stick back down on the table. "Looks like you're not pregnant," he says, his tone implying that he couldn't care less. He goes back to brushing his hair, his mind already moving on from the topic.
"Don't act all innocent. I know you took the condom off halfway through last time." You say with a grimace. “The whole this was fucked, honestly.”
Adam raises an eyebrow at your accusation, still not taking you seriously. "Oh, so it's my fault?" he says, still brushing his hair. "You act like I forced you to have sex with me. You were just as willing as I was."
"I... I came in to try and break up with you and we ended up l… doing that..." You say becoming unsure of yourself. "And then you took off the condom halfway through even though I told you it wasn't a safe day."
Adam finally stops brushing his hair and stands to face you, his expression more serious now. "I thought we had a good thing going," he says, his tone almost pleading. "You know I can give you things that no other man can. And as for the condom…”
"What? What excuse could you possibly have?”
Adam pauses for a moment, his mind racing as he tries to come up with a good excuse. "I just wanted to feel closer to you," he finally says, his voice oozing with self- importance. "I thought maybe if we created a life together, it would strengthen our relationship."
"You mean you tried to get me pregnant so I couldn't leave you," you say sternly.
Adam's face twists into a sneer at your accusation. "You make it sound so selfish," he says, his voice dripping with venom. "I was trying to make us a family. But I guess that's just too much for someone like you to handle."
You look at him incredulously. "You were trying to trap me and it didn't work." Your brows pull together and you cross your arms. "And now it's over. I... I can't forgive this. We're done Adam."
Adam's face falls at your words, and he takes a step back as if you've physically struck him. "What…? What did I do wrong?" he stammers, his eyes wide with shock and confusion. "I thought you loved me."
"Are you kidding me? Have you not been listening this whole time? You guilted me into having sex with you when I didn't want to, then lied about wearing a condom and finished inside me in the hope of baby trapping me!"
Adam's face hardens at your words. "I can't believe you'd accuse me of stooping so low as to trick you into having a child with me." Adam shakes his head, his expression hurt and betrayed. "I never wanted to trick you," he says, his voice cracking with emotion. "I just wanted you to see that we belonged together. I... I love you, and I couldn't bear the thought of losing you."
"Then what do you call taking off the condom without telling me?"
Adam's expression darkens. "I call it a mistake," he says, his voice low and dangerous. "I wanted to feel close to you. I thought... I thought you might feel it too if we... well." He reaches out to touch your arm, but you pull away.
"If / got pregnant?" You attempt to finish his sentence for him.
Adam's face falls, and he looks away. "I... I didn't think it through," he admits, his voice low and ashamed. "I just wanted you. I didn't care about the consequences." He takes a deep breath and looks back at you, his eyes pleading.
"That's just it, you didn't think of the consequences because they were all for me! *I'm* the one who would have gotten pregnant against my will, *I'm* the one whose body would irrevocably change, *I'm* the one who would have to give birth to a child that was forced upon me. And you? You could dip out at any point and leave me with the consequences of *your* choices. And that's if I even decided to keep it!? But even then you'd have forced that horrible decision on me!"
Adam's expression turns defensive, and he crosses his arms over his chest. "I didn't force you to do anything," he says, his voice tight with anger. "You could have said no." He takes a step closer to you, his eyes flashing.
You stare at him in disbelief. "You think that the literal word would have done the trick?" You ask, standing still and attempting to hold your ground. "I told you to stop, I said to wait, I was reluctant and scared. You didn't stop. You know what I'd call that?"
Adam's face darkens, and he takes another step towards you, looming over you. "I’d call it passion," he growls, his voice low and dangerous.
"I'd call it assault," you finally say in a low voice.
Adam laughs, the sound cold and mocking. "You're being dramatic," he says, waving a hand dismissively. "I didn't hurt you... I made you cum, didn't I?" He grins, clearly thinking he's made a good point.
You flush, shame washing over you. "You know that's just a biological reaction to stimulus. That doesn't mean anything." You turn away, but he can tell he's shaken you.
Adam's expression turns softer, but it's clear he's still enjoying having the upper hand. He takes a step closer to you and places a hand on your shoulder, gently turning you back to face him. "But it felt good, didn't it?"
"Stop..." You say, gently pressing against his chest, but he pushes forward until you're up against the wall. Adam grins, his eyes dark with desire.
"I don't think you really want me to stop," he says, leaning in close. He brushes a strand of hair from your face and leans in to whisper in your ear. "I don't think you really want to leave."
"I do," you insist, trying to sound sure of yourself but failing. "Please, don't do this again."
Adam's expression turns serious for a moment, but the mask quickly slips back into place. He leans forward, his hands on the wall above your shoulders. "Do what again," he asks, his tone implying that this isn't over yet.
"Please don't repeat last time," you almost whisper.
Adam leans back, studying your face for a moment. "Oh, you mean when I made you come apart in my hands?" he says, his voice low and husky. He steps closer again, his body pressing against yours. "I have to say, it was pretty hot."
You squeeze your eyes shut. "Adam, please."
Adam smirks, leaning in to nuzzle your neck. "You don't have to be shy," he whispers, his breath hot against your skin. "I know you liked it." He reaches down, brushing his hand against your thigh. "Let me make you feel good again."
"I-I don't want this. I came to break up. For real. Lucifer is waiting for-" you begin to say but he cuts you off in a rage; his face darkening and his possessiveness flaring up in an instant.
"Lucifer?" he sneers, stepping away from you. "You're leaving me for that fucking bitch?"
"Don't call him that! He's kind. And he's never forced me to do something I wasn't comfortable with." The insinuation is clear.
Adam's eyes narrow, his hands clenching into fists. "Kind?" he snarls. "You mean the man who listened in while you sucked my dick a while back? Yeah I bet he didn't tell you that." He takes a step forward, caging you in with his arms again, his face twisted in rage. "He doesn't give a shit about you! All he wants is your pussy!"
"It sounds like you're projecting, Adam," you say in a low voice.
Adam's eyes narrow at your words, suspicion flaring in his gaze. "What the fuck are you talking about?" he snaps. It's clear that he's not used to anyone calling him out on his bullshit. "You think I'm the fucked up one here?"
You just glare up at him. "Let me go."
Adam's gaze hardens at your words, his hand clenching to a fist beside your head. "Do you really think what happened before was rape? That I assaulted you against your will?"
His blunt language takes you off guard and you blush slightly, looking away. Adam's eyes narrow at you.
"Fine. You really want to call it that, then why don't I show you the real deal...?" he says in a low and threatening tone.
Your eyes dart back up to his face just as he grips the front of your shirt and, with surprising strength, rips your blouse open. You let out a quick scream, both in fear and because the tearing of the fabric pulls and hurts your skin.
Adam's gaze is dark and calculating as he looks down at the torn fabric of your blouse, his grip still tight on the collar. "You shouldn't wear such thin material if you don't want it to get ripped off," he says in a tone that suggests satisfaction at your current state. You push at his chest as he presses his face into your neck, licking and biting at your skin.
"Adam! Please don't do this," you beg, your voice weak. “I don't want this…”
"You should have thought about that before you basically called me a rapist," he says with a low tone. "If I'm gonna be labeled one either way, I might as well get one last good fuck out of the deal."
"No!" You cry out, trying to hit him to get him off you. "Adam stop!"
Adam raises his eyebrows in surprise at the sudden change in your tone, showing some resistance instead of arousal. He frowns and grabs your wrists, pinning them above your head. "You're no fun anymore," he says, reaching down to loosen his pants.
"Stop! Please, Adam!" You begin to sob, pulling at his grip on your wrists, but the considerable strength difference is in his favour.
Adam's expression changes to one of annoyance at the sudden turn in the situation. "Oh, now you're crying? You really think those tears are gonna stop me," he says, still holding you still with one hand as he uses his other to pull out his cock.
Your breathing hitches, but you manage to take in a deep enough breath for one good yell. "Lucifer!” You scream. “Help!”
Adam's expression changes to one of shock at your scream for help, and he quickly covers your mouth with his hand. "Shut up, you cunt," he hisses. "You don't want him thinking I'm actually trying to rape you, do you?"
There's a sudden loud bang from the locked dressing room door. Adam ignores it, turning back to you, his smile giving you chills before removing his hand and kissing you to silence you so his other hand is free. You feel him groping down your body, his hand rough and uncaring as it goes, eventually making its way to your skirt.
Adam smirks as he tugs at the hem. It tears easily, revealing the panties beneath. He takes a moment to enjoy the sight of you in your ripped clothes before his hand reaches down to your panties, pulling them down just as roughly.
"Aaahh! Adam, please! Please don't do this," you cry out, your tears streaking your mascara down your face.
Adam laughs, his hand reaching down to his cock again as he starts to stroke himself slowly. "You don't have a choice, girl," he says, his eyes roving over your exposed body. "Unless you want to be a good little whore and start sucking."
You look up at him with shock and fear in your eyes. Adam watches you, a cruel glint in his own.
"Don't look at me like that," he commands, his voice dripping with venom. "It's too late for regrets now. But I'll accept any apologies you might have with a little blowjob."
Your lower lip quivers but you feel yourself sliding down the wall. Adam smirks as he sees you fall to your knees before him, his hand still wrapped around his cock. He grabs the back of your head, pulling you closer to him and pushes his dick into your mouth.
“Suck it like the good little whore you know you are," he says, his voice low and commanding.
You let out a squeak before closing your eyes tightly. You don't move on your own; instead, you just keep still with him in your mouth. Your hands resting on his thighs. Adam chuckles, using the hand on your head to guide you back and forth along his cock, thrusting into your mouth with a slow and steady rhythm. He gazes down at you, seeing your tears and mascara streaking down your face. He doesn't care, as long as his cock is getting sucked.
At first, it's not so bad, *I can endure*, you think to yourself. But then he begins to get rougher. Adam grabs your head with both hands, thrusting deeper into your mouth as you try to resist. He doesn't care if it hurts, he wants to dominate you and have power over you, no longer caring about your comfort. He wants to feel every inch of his cock in your mouth; the feeling of you gagging and choking making him even harder. He looks down at you with a sinister smile.
Suddenly there's a loud crash as the door breaks open. Lucifer steps in to see you on your knees, back pressed against the wall, with Adam standing before you, his hands tight on your head, using you like some kind of living fleshlight as you attempt to fight back, trapped.
Lucifer's eyes widen, a snarl quickly appearing on his face, his breath haggard as he steps towards you, his gaze intense and eyes shimmering with tears.
"You fucking bastard," he hisses at Adam before looking back to you, his vision blurs for a second as rage takes over, his hands curling into fists at his sides. Lucifer's gaze darkens, his eyes narrowing into slits as he takes in the scene before him, his heart racing at the idea that this had been allowed to escalate this far, but in an instant, his voice booms. "Enough!"
Adam looks up, surprised by the sudden intrusion. He doesn't let go of your head but looks at Lucifer with a smirk. He ignores the anger in his voice and tightens his grip on you, pushing deeper into your throat, causing you to gag and choke. "Well look who's here, the wife-stealer himself." Adam pulls out of your abused mouth, leaving you coughing and gasping for air. He wipes his cock on your hair before tucking it back in his pants, all while smirking down at you. He turns to face Lucifer as you scramble backwards into the wall, desperately trying to cover your exposed body. “You know, I always knew you were a pussy. But look at you now, ready to cry over some piece of ass."
Lucifer's anger boils over at the sight of Adam's treatment of you, his heart aching with frustration as he watches him wipe himself on your hair. His fists clench tighter and his eyes flash with rage, his anger boiling over as he sees red.
"You son of a bitch," he growls, lunging forward with fists clenched and ready to fight, not caring about the consequences. "How dare you lay a hand on her!"
Adam chuckles. "Oh, come on Lucifer. You act like you actually care about her."
Without hesitation, Lucifer steps forward, his hand shooting out to hit him. "You have no idea what you just brought upon yourself," he growls, his eyes glowing with a hellish fire.
Adam manages to duck just in time as Lucifer's fist whooshes past him, hitting the wall instead. He laughs in amusement, "You're seriously going to hit me for touching her? You really must have feelings for her."
Lucifer snarls at Adam's comment, his chest heaving with anger as he prepares to strike again. "You do not understand the meaning of love and loyalty, you sick bastard," he hisses, his eyes blazing fiercely at the man in front of him.
Adam steps closer, a smug grin on his face. "Oh, don't tell me you're jealous of my dick," he teases. "Is it because I can fuck her better than you can?" He grabs his crotch, giving it a squeeze.
Lucifer's patience reaches its breaking point as he listens to Adam's taunts, his anger threatening to consume him.
"You piece of human garbage," He says as he launches forward once again, his fists flying as he attacks with all his might, determined to defend your honour and prove himself as the better man.
Adam manages to dodge a few of Lucifer's fists but takes a few as well. "You really think you're better than me?" he asks, amusement filling his voice. "You're so consumed by your love for her that you can't see straight. You're weak, and I love it."
Lucifer halts his attack, breathing heavily as he stares at you with a mixture of disbelief and contempt. "You are mistaken," he says through gritted teeth. "I may love her, but my love only strengthens me. It doesn't cloud my judgment or my abilities."
"Oh, please," Adam scoffs, wiping some blood off his lip. "You're so blinded by love that you can't see the truth. I'm better than you in every way, and you know it. I'm hotter, more talented, and I fuck her better than you ever could, too."
Lucifer's eyes narrow as he hears Adam’s words, a deep-seated hatred building within him.
"You will not speak about her in such a manner," he growls, his voice dripping with venom. He can no longer contain his anger as he lunges forward, aiming a punch at his jaw and connecting, hard. "You are delusional if you truly believe any of that," he growls, seething with anger and frustration.
Adam staggers back, momentarily dazed from the punch. "Ow, fuck!" he exclaims, rubbing his jaw. He glares at Lucifer with a mixture of annoyance and amusement. "Oh come on, lighten up," he says, grinning slyly.
"Lighten up...? Lighten up!? Are you fucking kidding me?" Lucifer growls, stalking closer to him. "I just had to break down your door to stop you from forcing yourself on your supposed girlfriend because she wanted to leave you!" he stops long enough to take in a breath. "And need I remind you that the reason she's leaving you is because you're an abuser! You literally tried to knock her up to keep her from leaving you!"
Adam's smile falters slightly, but he quickly recovers, pushing his chest out as he smirks at Lucifer. "Whoa there, big guy. I was just having a little fun with her, she loves it," he says, shrugging.
"You call this 'loving it'!?" he asks, motioning towards you. Adam looks down to see you with your arms wrapped around yourself, shivering on the ground. You're still pressed against the wall, makeup smeared down your face, tears still wet on your cheeks.
Adam takes a step closer to you, reaching out a hand to touch your cheek in an attempt to wipe away a stray tear.
"Baby, don't cry," he says, his voice dripping with false concern, but you flinch away from him and it sends a fire through Lucifer.
"Don't fucking touch her!" he shouts, grabbing his wrist and yanking him away from you. "You think you can just manipulate her feelings like that!?" he growls, eyes burning with anger. He turns to look at you with a softness in his eyes that Adam never had, crouching down to be eye level with you. "Are you okay...?"
"Lucifer..." you push out through sobs, reaching up and desperately crawling into his arms.
"Shhh, it's okay," Lucifer murmurs, wrapping his arms around you tightly, pulling you in close to him. He kisses the top of your head gently as his own eyes fill with tears, seeing you in such a state ripping his heart apart.
Adam watches the scene unfold, his anger turning into jealousy and confusion. He doesn't understand why this woman, who he thought he had under his control, is suddenly seeking comfort in another man's arms. He takes a step back, watching you cry into his rival's chest. He wants to grab you and demand your attention back to him, to reach out and pull you away from Lucifer, but he knows that it would only make things worse. Adam's face contorts into a mask of indignation.
"You ungrateful bitch," he hisses under his breath, clenching his fists at his sides, his mind racing with thoughts of inadequacy and anger.
Lucifer's eyes narrow to dangerous slits as he glares at Adam. "You are the most delusional and disgusting person I have ever met in my entire life. Get the fuck out of here before I rip your goddamn head off!"
Adam's face falls as Lucifer speaks, his eyes widen, and the narcissistic mask finally falls. He stares at Lucifer in shock and disbelief, his mind reeling from the sudden attack. "You-you can't talk to me like that,"
"I can talk to you however I want,"he spits back, placing a protective hand on your head. "I'm your producer; or did you forget?"
Adam seems to shrink in front of you, the confidence and arrogance that once radiated off of him finally faltering under the weight of his own shame.
"I-I didn't forget," he stammers out, looking at Lucifer with a mixture of anger, jealousy, and confusion. "Producer or not, I’m still your headliner," Adam retorts, his voice shaking slightly as the realization of Lucifer's words hits him. He tries to maintain his composure, but his ego is bruised, and he can't help but feel a sense of defeat.
"Headliner?" Lucifer repeats, his tone incredulous. "You are but a fleeting memory in my career. I have seen countless headliners come and go. You are nothing special." He raises an eyebrow and smirks at Adam's wounded expression. "Get out. I don't think either of us want to ever see you ever again. You're fired."
Adam's eyes widen in shock as Lucifer delivers the final blow. The narcissist in him refuses to accept defeat, and he tries to rally back with a defensive response. "You can't fire me," he growls, gripping the edge of the vanity tightly.
"Watch me," he replies calmly, exuding a sense of power and dominance. "You are no longer needed. In fact, I think it would be best for everyone if you left the premises immediately." He stands up, holding you close and turning away from Adam, effectively ending the conversation.
Adam's grip on the vanity tightens as Lucifer dismisses him with such ease. The narcissist in him wants to refuse to back down, but he knows when he's beaten. He can hear the finality in Lucifer's voice and sees the determination in his eyes. Adam burns with a mixture of anger and disbelief at Lucifer's words. He can't believe he's being fired and replaced so easily. He stands up from the vanity, knocking over the stool behind him in a fit of rage before storming out.
"Good riddance," Lucifer mutters, shaking his head. He turns back to you, a concerned expression on his face. "Are you alright? He didn't hurt you, did he?" His eyes scan over your body, assessing any potential injuries.
You shake your head, sniffling. "My throat is sore... but that's all," you answer.
He reaches out, gently brushing your hair away from your neck and examining the red marks left by Adam's grip. "I should have put a stop to this sooner," he says, frowning. "He has no right to lay his hands on you in such a way.”
"Please don't blame yourself," you beg. "I told you I didn't want you here when I told him. I... I didn't think he'd..." Your breath hitches as your tears threaten to return.
"I know, my dear. It's not your fault," he reassures you, pulling you into a comforting embrace. His warmth radiates through you, calming your trembling body. "It seems I may have underestimated his possessiveness.”
"He's never done anything like that before..." You sob into his shoulder.
"Shh, it's alright," he murmurs, stroking your back soothingly. "You don't have to deal with him anymore. You're safe now." He pulls back slightly, cupping your chin and tilting your head up to meet his gaze. "Would you like me to take you home?”
You know he means his home, to the penthouse, and you nod, letting him scoop you up. He carries you out of the studio, ignoring the stares and whispers of the people around. Once outside, he places you gently into the passenger seat of his car, making sure to buckle you in securely before rounding the car to get behind the wheel and driving you away from Adam and this whole horrible situation.
Lucifer managed to rock in, just in time. Hopefully he can do some good to heal our little MC's heart.
Art for Rockstar Adam by @marblescorner
Taglist: @shadowqueen1318 @liveontelevision @honestlyshamelesskid @bad-and-drawn-that-way @lonelynmisunderstood @shcrou-sei @l0liamk @tasha-1994 @cosmiccandydreamer @memoire-du-ciel @looking1016
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sleepytwilight · 3 days
An actual date
Pairing: Lilith x Sirius (I'm not good with romance)
"you good man? You've been pretty moody this entire morning." Pollux noticed Sirius change in demeanor.
"You noticed? Hah.. nothing particularly special—"
"I heard from Vega, you got rejected when you asked Lilith on a date. He was mocking you."
"..ouch." Sirius sighed. "I'm not in the mood, don't let others see my like this. I'll just know they'll make fun of me."
"Well I'm trying to help you." Said Pollux as he grabbed Sirius arm. "Come on, I set a playdate for you with Lilith."
"What? Why would she accepted—"
"Alright listen here you smarty-pants. She misunderstood your intention, she thought you were talking about dates, the fruit. Since she just learn that term of date and dates but the thing is she can't tell between them... And she don't like dates like me so-" Pollux faked a cough.
"Ah." A bulb lighten up as Sirius understands what's going on. "Oh... ... Well...."
"Yeah yeah I know. You guys need to communicate better I swear to God..." Sighed Pollux.
A little while later, Sirius is wearing his casual outfit. Pollux gave him a basket full of food for the picnic and a fresh bouquet of white lilies.
He saw Lilith waiting patiently at a picnic blanket.
'Pollux really prepared everything...-' Sirius is impressed by Pollux managed to do everything in such short time.
Lilith wears a yellow ruffle and white shorts. He never seen her wear that kind of clothing, to be honest he always seen her wearing the uniform or her only clothes that she have.
"Summoner." Sirius greet her with a smile. "For you, my lady." He handed Lilith the bouquet.
"Lilies..!" Lilith happily took it and smiles. "How did you know this is my favorite?"
"That... I noticed your scent match with lilies." Sirius quickly thought a lie, he can't just tell her that it was Pollux who chose it.
"You noticed?" She chuckles. "Thank you! I use that kind of perfume that use lilies."
"You mean I use a lily-scented perfume?" Sirius corrected Lilith. "But good job, you improved a lot at your accent." Sirius faked a cough. "May I?"
"Oh- ah right, you may take a seat." Lilith invited him to sit down next to her.
The silent was louder than Sirius thought it would be. Sirius is supposed to good at this but he feels nervous around her.
A minute had passed, they still haven't talk about anything-
Both stop when they synced.
"You go first." Sirius offers.
"Ahaha... Uhm... Sorry for rejecting you yesterday. I thought you were talking about the fruit."
"Oh, it's not a big deal. Everyone made mistake." Sirius laughed, he is not fine actually. Last night, he thought he made a horrible mistake that he could not sleep. The fact he wears concealer to hide his dark circles. "Anyway I brought lunch."
Sirius checked the basket, there are bottle of wine, two glasses, sandwiches and pancakes...
'yep, definitely Pollux and Arcturus who made this.' Sirius can recognized Arcturus homemade sandwich signature. He just hope Lilith won't notice a thing.
"Oh! Did you asked Arcturus and Pollux for help?" Asked Lilith as she look over the basket.
Sirius lost his chance to impress her again- Ahem..
"Not at all! They're the one who planned all of this. I just follows the flow." He said.
"Oh... So you didn't want this date?"
"No no, that's not what I mean. What I mean is that I was planning to take you on a expensive restaurant but they insisted I should take you out on a picnic! So I agreed because I realized you maybe like.. nature more?"
"Oh!" Lilith nodded in understanding. "Indeed you're correct! I don't enjoy being served in expensive restaurant, it overwhelm me a lot."
"I am always correct haha..!" Sirius is thankful that Lilith rejected him yesterday because that expensive restaurant was his idea in first place. "I thought since you're a princess, you'll like being treated like a princess but I just thought maybe you prefered something else."
"I mean you could've ask me but you worked so hard and even noticed the smallest thing about me, I'm happy." She smiles. "And you even brought my favorite wine!"
"Oh, of course. Since I only got my eye on you." Behind his smiles, he is in fact feels guilty for not knowing anything that Lilith likes or dislikes, he's going to give Pollux tips for this later.
Lilith chuckles, "I'll pour the wine, you can help by taking out the food." Said Lilith as she took the two glasses and the wine.
"Wait, Summoner. We have magic, why don't we just use it?" Sirius snapped his finger as the bottle of wine float and pour it into the two glasses by it self. "Impressive, right?"
"Very!" She beamed. "Magic is truly fascinating."
Sirius chuckles at her reaction, he couldn't get enough everytime she is impressed by something simple.
He took out a sandwich, try to feed her.
"Summoner, open your mouth."
"Oh-!" Lilith took a bite without hesitation, just like he expected, she will never hesitate when it come food. "Delicious! Feed me more, please!"
"Gladly." Sirius wipe the bread crumb from her lips with his fingers. He know has realized how soft is her lips is. "Right, Summoner... ... Uh—"
"You know, Phera also feed me like this and he called me good girl. At least he didn't call me good dog anymore but it's pretty weird. I'm pretty sure I am a woman now." Said Lilith. "Since Spica taught me the different because girl and woman in term-"
"That's enough Summoner, I understand...-" Sirius cracked a smile. "So you say you went to a date with Alpheratz hmm?"
"A date? Oh no, he just took me in a room and feed me cookies." Smiles Lilith, she in fact did not realized it was a date.
"... Well, my lady. I'll have a talk with Alpheratz, I'm pretty sure that bastard is stupid for calling you a good girl..."
"Shouldn't he call me good woman then?" Asked Lilith. "Should I ask Spica—"
"No, no. Don't ask Spica." Replied Sirius. "Just everytime Alpheratz try to invite you to somewhere, can you reject it? Nothing serious of course but don't you think you might waste him time since he's a very busy sorcerer..."
"Oh... If you say so then alright." She nodded.
The date went successful, they both had a good time. Sirius managed to get what he want, same with Lilith.
Pollux and Arcturus celebrated as they were watching them just to make sure everything went well.
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deuxcherise · 3 days
Collar Crimes: Red Letter
C/w: Unhealthy behavior, yandere OC, yandere male, Eris being Eris, gender neutral reader, reader has more personality in this one, comfort, fluff, angst (?), mentions violent action (such as plucking out eyes), flashback scene, may include annoying use of "my" a lot, includes a picture of a simple sponge cake (because why not? You'll see~) A/n: So I happened to come across those Chad skits from SNL (yeah, I know I'm late to the party) and I was also thinking of how Eris met the reader. So this is kind of a prequel to Weasel In, I guess? I highly suggest reading Part 1 before this, but do as you like. Enjoy~ Masterlist | Part 0 (you're here!), Part 1, Part 2
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There were many times in your life when you had almost regretted taking on this 9-to-5 customer service job.
Briiing! Briiing! Tch.
“Hello~ This is Lychee speaking~ How may I sweeten up your day today? Or is there something on your mind today that you'd like to share with me, my dear?” 
Huh... Hah... Huh... Hah...
Accompanied by some strange heavy breathing, you hear a growling male voice say, “Are you home alone–”
You immediately hang up.
No, you definitely regret taking this job, but unfortunately it pays too well for you to just up and quit. As a result, it's been a good five years since you started, and you've gotten quite good at your job.
Briiing! Briiing! Tch.
“Hello~ This is Lychee speaking~ How may I sweeten up your day today? Or is there something on your mind today that you'd like to share with me, my dear?” 
It has been a while since you've questioned your work name, but you have long since accepted it. Your company, Fruity Friends, was created by some closeted man (he has long since went public with his sexuality and is married to his highschool sweetheart. Good for him!)
He felt that people needed someone, a stranger, who they could talk to without the fear of being outed for anything. A noble endeavor, no doubt, but you believe he might've failed to account for the most… unscrupulous individuals who should be going into proper therapy instead of taking advantage of a nice-sounding voice.
Then again, being an anonymous voice on the other side of the line was far better than your last job, where you had to wait tables for the mafioso in a very, very scandalously short waitress outfit. You were quite popular because of your unintentional moe gap where you would say some of the cringiest lines in history in a cutesy voice while wearing the stiffest expression. You couldn't help how blank your face tends to be. 
You were glad that everyone else, including Remy, the most buffest chef you have ever met who worked there, were forced to share the same outfit, but you were sure that sooner or later you'd be kidnapped by one of those criminals if you continued to work there.
Of course, it wasn't easy. This was the mafia after all. It could be debated whether or not you were a good person, but you had successfully manipulated one of those dogs into letting you leave scot-free. The particular tactic you used? Uh… yeah, that's another story.
“A-ah… um… h-hi there… I'm… Eris… um…”
Some of your clientele have been nervous wrecks, so you have quite a few scripted lines to choose from. This one chose the most basic package, but you always bring your best.
“Hello Eris~ What a lovely name. A pleasure to meet you! How are you?”
You hear him mumbling to himself on the line before he comes back. “Um… is this… really confidential?”
Ah… you hope this isn't one of those perverted bastards like the one earlier. This one sounds too cute, it would be such a shame…
“Why yes, of course, my dear Eris! Everything you say here is completely safe with me. And if you don't believe me, then believe in the contract that had brought us together. There is nothing you say that can be taken as evidence! Rest assured, you are safe here with me, here at Fruity Friends.”
You hear him gasp. “O-oh…okay… Um… I-I'm… your dear Eris?”
Aww, how cute! You hope this customer becomes one of your loyal clientele. Still keeping up your cutesy persona, you answer, “Why yes. And I am your Lychee~”
“O-oh… M'kay… my Lychee…”
From then on, Eris would call for you every single day for months, except for the weekends. Calls could only last about an hour, as per the package deal, since that was the company policy to accommodate multiple customers per day–unless they were willing to pay multiple times. 
On the following Mondays, he'd call in to check up on you and pout about how much he missed you and wished you could talk to you all day every day. And you, in your persona, would reply that you wished you could talk to him all day too. 
Lychee is a cute person, someone who likes to hang out with their friends, who likes to party all day and all night, who likes to share the most scandalous gossip from their supposed life. Lychee is someone who wants everyone to like them, always doing their best to fix their reputation should they ever mess up.
You, on the other hand, couldn’t care less about all of that. Who has time to party and hang out with friends and share other people's business when you have no safety net to fall back on if you were ever to go jobless? Forget about reputation, you were already used to people making assumptions based on your appearance.
That being said, you quite enjoyed your conversations with Eris once he became more comfortable. Most of your topics ranged from philosophical takes such as:
“Which is better to eat first first? Steak or salad?”
“Depeeeends! I heard Americans usually eat salads before steaks and the French eat steak before salad. So it's up to you, really, ya know?”
“I see! … Hey, do you think graham crackers are cookies or crackers? I think they are crackers, but what does my Lychee think?”
To things that happened to him recently:
“LyCheeEeeEe!” he whines on the other side of the phone, voice clearly indicating he's been crying. “My LycheEee.”
You play along. “WhaAaaAt, my dear ErIsssSss?”
“T-there…” he sniffs. “There was-was this guy…”
“Awww, noo! What did this mean guy do, my dear Eris? Tell your Lychee.”
Once a week, Eris would encounter some mean dude who'd insult him and then he'd come to you for comfort. How he always ends up in such situations is beyond you.
And he's always… always does something about it a week later.
“My LycheEeeE.”
“YeeSsss, my dear Erisss?
“You know that one guy… you know the one I told you last week who I keep meeting in the subway, the one who kept saying I keep looking at him funny and keeps shoving me?”
“I finally ripped his eyeballs out! So he can't tell who's looking at him wrong or right anymore! Isn't that great??”
Due to the confidentiality clause, unfortunately, whatever a customer says is not liable to use as evidence. Even if it means letting a serial killer loose.
“That's greeaaaat! You feel better now, don't you, my dear Eris?”
“I do, I do! Hehe~”
Such a troubling life… You'd never admit this to anyone but sometimes… listening to him makes you feel better about your uneventful life, only having to worry about keeping your job, keeping a roof over your head, and keeping your belly full.
Besides, what's there to worry about? Your identity is unknown and your persona is too friendly to get on anyone's nerve.
“LYchEeeeE! My LyCheeEee.”
“YeeEeesss, my dear Eris? What's wrong? Tell your Lychee.”
You listen to him bawl his eyes, cooing and offer your sympathies, like a mother to a child.
“M-my best friend… he said…  he said… 
Oh, his best friend. Eris has never revealed his friend's name, but based on the description he gives you, sometimes you wonder why someone sweet and innocent like Eris was friends with someone like that.
“Aww, no! Was he being a meanie again? What did he say?”
“He said… that I should get a life and stop talking to you.”
You feel your heart drop. “R-really? He said that?”
Ah… well. It isn't the first time a customer has left you, or rather left Lychee. Lychee’s job was to help people get through difficult times, but in the end, Lychee wasn't a real person. Lychee couldn't leave their job to hang out with friends. Lychee couldn't attend parties and weddings. Lychee couldn't fall in love. Lychee was just a faceless voice who only spoke once you paid the price, and even then only for an hour or two out of the entire day.
That being said, it wasn't like it didn't hurt when your customers got on with their lives. It was just… inevitable, and you had long since accepted that. Perhaps, this was a sign that it was time for Lychee's Eris to move on. He's spent over thousands of dollars just to speak to you over several hours per day over a span of four months already, single handedly paying your entire rent. As a fellow human who has to work their ass off in order to live, you can't bear to become the reason he goes broke.
“Yeah… but I don't want to! I love talking to you, my Lychee! And you love talking to me too, right? So I don't see why he’s telling me to have a life. I am living! Ugh, stupid…”
You mull over all kinds of lines but in the end, you whisper, “... Maybe, he's right.”
“Listen, Eris-”
“Your Eris. I'm your dear Eris, my Lychee.”
His voice sounds sharp and metallic… you've ‘slipped’ up a few times, and he'd always softly correct you with his usual whiny voice. Not like this.
You cough, getting back into character. “Yesss, you’re absolutely right! My dear Eris. Sorry~ LiSteeEeen. As much as I love talking to you, I think that you're spending way too much money on me! I feel flattered and all, but you're going to go bankrupt at some point!”
Silence on the phone… until you hear him laugh loudly like you had just told him the funniest joke ever. Moments later you hear him again. “Aha… ah… Is that what you were worried about, my Lychee? Aww, you're the best~ That's why I… But don't worRrrRry~ As the eldest son in my family, I inherited everything after my parents died. Enough to last me years to the point I don’t even need to work. Money isn't an issue at all, my Lychee.”
You feel a sharp pang in your chest. “Bas-” You clear your throat, the curse word almost slipped from under your persona. “Bestieee, even if money isn't the issue, your mental health must be taking a toll. Besides your best friend and of course me, your Lychee, do you talk to anyone else?”
“... Why should I? I only need you, don't I? Also, I'm not your ‘bestieee’, I'm your Eris.”
“R-Right, my dear Eris~ I'm just saying. One day you'll want to… you know? Hug someone, hold hands, kiss, or even just… be next to someone. In person. We both know, I can’t do that for you. Don't you want a more… authentic relationship or friendship with someone? Besides your best friend. Besides me.”
A pause. “... Is this part of your character?”
You blink. “What do you mean, my dear Eris? What character?”
“... Huh… Come to think of it… I’ve never thought about it before, but is Lychee’s not your real name, right?”
“Ehhh? But it is! I wouldn't lie to you, my dear Eris.”
Another pause. “… This line is confidential, right?”
“Mmhm! Always have been!”
“Then what’s your real name?”
You pause, your eyebrows scrunched together as you hold the phone against your ear. “I… My dear Eris, I told you. It’s Lychee. Your Lychee!”
You hear him sigh, before he suddenly hangs up. You look at your phone, very confused and worried. He has never hung up on you before. Did he just… leave?
After several weeks, you figure he did just leave. Fortunately, there are always new callers on the line along with some really loyal customers who've been patiently waiting for you to pay them some attention. Still, it bothered you… but at the same time, it relieved you. He must be finally living his life now instead of spending it all on you.
It’s a shame though… He was such a charming fellow, so open with his emotions and sweet with his words. It just wasn’t the same with your other customers, which the number of clientele were going for some reason…
You finished your 9-5 job, dragged yourself out of the office to the bus stop, waited for the bus, got on the bus, waited until your stop, got off your stop, dragged yourself home, entered your home, locked your door, and collapsed on your couch, still in your work uniform. Same as usual. Why your company felt it was necessary to have a uniform when your job only requires your voice is beyond you.
You close your eyes and let yourself be whisked away to dreamland… 
Shick shick shick shick!
You wake up at 3AM, according to a glance at your clock, to the odd sound of… whisking? You slowly sit up, get off the couch, walk to the source of the noise, and find a handsome man wearing your apron, standing in the kitchen and whisking away at some white fluff in a bowl.
You rub your eyes. What the heck are you looking at?
The man stops whisking open looking at you. He smiles bashfully. “My Lychee-”
WOW! Has it really happened? You’ve finally reached the point you’ve overworking your mind and body to exhaustion! And now you’re either hallucinating things at 3AM or you’re in the middle of a nightmare! There’s only one person in the world who calls you that and there is no way in hell Eris would be in your kitchen at 3AM, covered in flour, and smiling at you like this is all normal! WOW!
You slap your cheeks with both hands. Hard.
Eris gasps, dropping the bowl of whipped cream on the counter. He grabs onto your hands and inspects your face with a worried expression. “Lychee! Are you okay? Why did you slap yourself?”
His hands feel oddly very real and your cheeks oddly hurt really bad… but there's absolutely no way Eris is actually in your home, right? Why aren’t you waking up?
“Lych–No, I should say (Y/n), right? I would call you my (Y/n), but you're already mine, so–”
Oh heck no.
You take your hands back and head out of the kitchen, take out your phone from your pocket, and quickly tap on the screen.
Briiing. Briiing. Tch!
“Local Police Department, how may we–”
Your phone is suddenly snatched from your hand. Eris looks at the phone before he hangs it up and throws it out of reach. He moves so quickly you don't have time to react once he's wrapped you in his arms. He places his head on your shoulder, his lips tickling your neck. “(Y/n)... Don’t do that. I missed you… so much… ”
You could only stand there, hands awkwardly hanging there at your sides, trying to absorb the bizarreness of this situation. “W-why are you here? How’d you get in?”
“Never mind that, your dear Eris is here now.”
You take deep breaths. “Eris…”
“That's me~ I'm your Eris~”
“Right… Uh, could you… let me go?”
“I don’t wannaaaa.”
You clear your throat, collecting yourself. “Okay, fine. Listen. I think… I get why you’re here. It’s because you like Lychee, right? Well, sorry, but the bad news is I'm not anything like Lychee. Lychee is just a character.”
“I know.”
“Okay… so that means you don’t know me!”
“Wha– What part of ‘you don’t know me’ don’t you understand? We’re strangers! You have no reason to be here.”
“Mm, sure.”
“What?” You give a heavy sigh.
“It’s not like you’re a complete stranger to me,” he starts off. “You're (Y/n). You like (favorite animal), (favorite fruit), (favorite TV show), (favorite dish), (favorite pos–)”
You begin to sweat as you listen to him list of all of your favorite items, before moving on places you’ve ordered food from, to private details, such as your age, your highschool, your address, your family home address, even your Social Security number–Who the heck is this man and how did he find these things out?
“–and that’s all I have so far. What do you think, (Y/n)?”
“Get. Out!”
He squeezes you harder, to emphasize the point that he’s not going anymore. You try to twist and turn your way out, but you find his grasp to be extremely difficult to get out of, despite how gentle he’s being with you.
“(Y/n)... You know…” he mumbles, making you still. “For the last few days, I finally realized what you meant the last time we talked. It’s true. One day, I will want to be with someone. In person. Hold hands with them. Hug them. Kiss them…”
He leans into your ear and whispers. “But I have also realized that I would only want that… with you. Only you. I love you, (Y/n).”
“I’m… sorry. I don’t…”
 “Oh, that’s okay!” He releases you and steps back, interlocking his fingers with yours instead. A blush appears across his cheeks as he bashfully looks at you with his head tilted down shyly. “We can start over. Today can be our Day 1?”
His fingers have incredible strength, you unable to escape their gentle grip. “What? Day 1 of what?”
“Oh? You don’t know?” he says, softly swinging your hands side to side. “Day 1. Dating.”
“Who says we’re dating?” you screech, wanting so badly to rip your hands away from this deranged man.
“Eh?? What do you… Ohhh! I haven't asked you properly yet, huh? Sorry, love. Will you date me?”
“No, we've just met.”
“Oh.” You can see the cogs turning in his head, before he tilts his head and giggles. “But that’s exactly why we should date. People date to get to know each other more. Silly, (Y/n). But if you need further convincing: as you can see I’m handsome, and I have money! Lots of it! You’ll never have to work a day in your life. I’ll be the best boyfriend for you.”
Tempting as that sounds, the idea of placing your life into the hands of someone else just like that? Hah! No thanks. “No.”
The cogs are turning again before he reaches another answer in his head. “Ohhh, I get it! I'm so dumb! It took me so long to realize… You haven’t realized you love me too, right? That's okay. I can wait. Hehe~”
You stare at him incredulously, speechless. What the he-
“Oh!” He drags you back into the kitchen before letting your hands go to don your oven mitts and take out a freshly baked cake to flip it over a rack. “Ta da~! Mmm, sorry. I was hoping to decorate it before you woke up but… well, who needs frosting anyway, right?”
“What… Why?”
His eyes widen in surprise. “Eh? Did you forget? Oh, love. It’s your birthday today. Happy birthday, (Y/n)!”
“Happy birthday to you~ Happy birthday to you~ Happy birthday, dear (Y/n)~ Happy birthday to you~ Now, make a wish!”
You closed your eyes, made your wish, and then blew all the candles out in one go, ensuring your wish would come true as it always does every year.
You received two presents to open. One from your Mom and one from your Dad. That’s how it always was on your birthday, or your Mom or Dad's birthdays. Just the three of you. No one else. Even now in your teens, your birthday party had only three members and that was all you wanted.
The day after your birthday, they went grocery shopping.
It was a normal day. They let you sleep in, since it was a Saturday.
You had woken up to heavy knocking on the door. The police? They came bearing heavy news.
There was a drunk driver on the road.
Your birthday was the last time you ever saw them.
Your wish didn't come true. It didn’t the year after that. And the year after that. And the year after that. It would never, ever come true ever again…
“(Y-Y/n)? Do you not like it? I’m s-sorry…”
Your vision turns blurry as memories flood into your mind. Your eyes fill with hot tears to the point it flows down your cheeks. Your face twists in agony as you try to stop the dam from breaking in front of a stranger but your knees give out instead.
Eris catches you and you both slowly sink to the ground. He holds your head gently against his shoulder, letting you cry out years worth of contained sorrows and to your heart's content as he pats you on the head, cooing at you and offering you words of comfort. He doesn’t understand, but at least you aren’t pushing him away.
Once you've run out of tears to cry, you whisper with a broken voice, “Thank… you… for the cake.”
“Anytime, my love, anytime.”
“... I'm not your love.”
“Shh, shh… Take it easy… I'm here for you…”
“Idiot… Just leave me alone…”
“I said leave me alone. Why are you still here?”
“Mm… because I don't think you want me to leave you alone right now.”
"I..." You sigh, giving up completely.
“(Y/n), before I go, would you like to eat some cake?”
“... No thanks.”
“Oh… Okay. Well, I also got a present for you too.”
“Don't want it.”
“Can't return it, I'm afraid,” he sighs dramatically. “It costed so much too…”
“... Fine. I'll take your stupid gift and eat your stupid cake.”
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bunnys-writing · 2 days
Hi there!! Its been a while since i sent a request so i hope im doing this alright qwq
Can i request for Lyney x fem!reader who is an artist (a painter specifically) who is insecure about her art and what people think of her in general? And Lyney perhaps comfort her with reassuring words a lil flower :) tysm in advanced!
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...in which Lyney finds out you're going through a bout of art block thanks to your mental health, and has to make sure his favourite artist knows how much he adores her!
(author's note at the bottom!)
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"Hello (Y/N)!"
The singsong voice of your favourite man at the door pulled you from your thoughtful haze. You looked back in your stool at him and he beamed.
"Ah, Lyney! It's not already that late, is it?"
You looked around the art room, lamenting the lack of clocks, before looking out the window to see it was still twilight.
"Ah- no no, tonight's show was cancelled. Some ruckus in the crowd drew us to a faster end than planned."
"Oh, I see. Are you and your siblings okay?"
"Yes of course, not to worry, none of us were anywhere near it."
Lyney had travelled the large room to you at your canvas, hands wrapping around your waist as he rested his chin on your shoulder.
"Hmh, not feeling much motivation today either?"
You looked at the canvas; a few light, aimless strokes of lead were the only proof you'd even touched it. You frowned a bit, fidgeting with the pencil still in your hand. "...No."
This had been a recurring issue for a few weeks now. You had always painted such beautiful works, but larely, you'd been in a rut of sorts. You'd try to get started on a piece only to fall short a few minutes in.
That's what your boyfriend knew.
What he didn't know was that the reason you continuously failed to inspire yourself to draw was because of all the raging feelings inside of you. You were a nobody in the art industry, and what was worse, you were a nobody to yourself just as much. You didn't have any real talent in your own perspective.
So you'd sit and mull over every thought, every comment, every wrong look you or your art had ever endured, and you'd only really zone back in if someone or something came up. It was a viscious loop.
".../N)? (Y/N), you're spacing out again..."
Right. Your boyfriend.
"Sorry, Lyn, I'm just a little tired I think..."
Lyney looked at you with concern. He knew you were hiding something. He knew this had started after the most recent art expedition you'd been to. You'd refused to talk about it, but Lyney was beginning to think the only way to help was to pry a little.
"(Y/N), at the gallery, a few weeks ago," You didn't catch yourself flinching until it was too late. Lyney noticed. "You came home tired and never told me what happened. Then you started losing your motivation, and now...you're barely engaging with your art anymore...What happened?"
You looked into his eyes. He looked so concerned. You looked away to mute the guilt.
"Just some critics. People were...very honest. It was a bad day, that's all..."
Lyney gently guided your chin with his hand, getting you to look at him again. His heart broke at the exhausted look on your face. Your heart broke in tandem.
"(Y/N)...You are the brightest soul I know. Your art is inspirational and moving, and...it's always such a blessing to see the world through your eyes in your paintings.
People won't always agree with me, or see your vision, but the point is that it's not their vision to understand. It's wholly and truly yours."
His other hand gently placed itself on your chest. He felt your heart skip a beat. The hand under your chin travelled up to tuck a stray hair behind your ear.
"I love your works. I love to see the fine details. I love when you explain your perspectives and your creative choices, because it's your heart on a canvas, and I get the first look. It's really one of my favourite parts about your art. They don't get that privilege, you know?"
You smiled, relaxing in his hold as he smiled in turn. He brought you in closer for a hug, and you found yourself squeezing him just a little tighter.
"Thanks Lyney."
"What can I say? You're my favourite artist in the whole of Teyvat."
Your next piece was showcased at Fontaine's next expedition. It featured spirals of purple, red, yellows and browns, highlighting a beautiful rose in the middle that was speckled with gold.
Coming up with the title was simple. It was based off of your lover, after all. Your magician, your light, your forever...
Your 'Muse'.
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Thanks for requesting!!
As an artist, I totally get the feeling of insecurity that comes with publishing any works, and sometimes it really does feel like the hours and days you pour into your craft don't end up meaning much, but as Lyney said, as long as it's your vision, that's already perfect.
Thanks for reading! 🫶
(Requests are open! Check out my pinned for more info!)
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soppsop · 8 months
i just rememberd adhd meds exist and now im upset because i could have that if it wasn't for that freakin neurologyst we went to see that told us it was impossible that i could have adhd because i have good grades in school. literally the ONLY question he asked me and immediately said it was impossible. we spent like 5 minutes there. he could've at least... explained something???? anything?????? and now i'd feel bad about asking my parents to see another neurologist because that costs a lot of money :((
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