#oh the feeling when you come back from your neighbor's funeral
fury176 · 7 months
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soupandsimple · 23 days
Feelings (with Aaron Hotchner)
[ the lead up of you and neighbor, Aaron, revealing you have feelings for each other ]
* fluff 🩶 (+ light angst)
** have never watched the show, have never wrote for him and will probably never write for him again but I’ve read a ton of his fics and had this idea and just really wanted to write it out and share it!(pls be nice)
Aaron is your divorcee neighbor; has been for about a year. Within that year, you’d say you’d become pretty good friends with him as well as with his son who he had with him most weekends. To anyone, it was all seemingly platonic from both ends. You’d bake and gift them batches of sweets and he’d take down any packages you may need sent out on his way to work in the morning…etc.
Any unspoken feelings either of you harbored unfortunately only began to come to light when his ex wife, Hayley, was horrifically killed.
Aaron came to your door as soon as he could the night of the tragedy and with glossy eyes said, “Is this a bad time? I need someone to talk to.”
“No, of course not. Come in,” your voice shook, instantly thinking the worst. “What happened Aaron, where’s Jack? Is he okay?”
“He’s fine, he’s with..with Hayley’s family,” he said, struggling to keep up his stoic demeanor before completely breaking down in sobs. “Oh Y/N.. it’s awful, it’s — … you have- you have no idea.”
That was the first night you ever spent together. He had fallen asleep on your shoulder with teary eyes as you ran your fingers through his hair to soothe him. When you both woke up in the morning, Aaron apologized for burdening you with his troubles and said he had to get going to see what was going on with the funeral preparations. Although neither of you mentioned it, there was a shift in your friendship from that day forward.
After giving him some space to tend to what he needed to do, you went over to his place.
“Hi. I was going to come over yesterday but who wants to see anyone after a funeral..” you said lightly, walking in after he gestured you inside his apartment.
“I would have loved if you did.”
You nodded and tried not to blush as he closed the door. “Is Jack here?”
“No. I’m letting him spend one last day with Hayley’s parents while they’re still in town.”
He then went on to explain how the plan was for his sister-in-law, Jess, to start coming around to help out with Jack when he couldn’t be with him but that in the meantime, he’d be looking after him while he took some time off from work while Jack took some time off from school too.
“Well I hope you know you can also count on me helping out too.”
“I wouldn’t ask that of you, but you’re more than welcome to. I know Jack loves having you around...”
You ordered takeout that night so he wouldn’t have to make dinner or be alone and before you left, promised you’d be back in the morning.
“Y/N, when you said you could help I thought you meant after I went back to work. You don’t have to start rearranging your schedule yet, I’m still going to be around for a couple of days.”
“I know…but I know you and I know you’ve been putting up a brave front for me tonight and you don’t have to do that with me. I want to be here for you to lean on these coming days.”
“I don’t-”
“I’ll be here tomorrow, and don’t forget to drink that cup of tea I made you before bed, ” you said with a quick, parting hug, leaving him no time to protest as you were already back inside your own place.
You ended up helping the following days more than he ever expected. Since you were an assistant to an event planner, you worked mostly from home making and getting calls; the hours were very flexible so it gave you the ability to do all you could for the Hotchner boys.
Meals and household chores, like laundry and dishes, were all easier for Aaron to accomplish with you around; you were such a positive encouragement for both of them as you made sure Jack stayed on top of his tasks too, like making his bed, brushing his teeth and cleaning up after himself.
Of course with being over everyday, Jack began clinging to you more than he ever used to and while you loved the little boy to pieces, you were worried if you being around so much would affect him negatively. When you expressed your worries to Aaron one night after Jack went to sleep, he immediately put them to an end.
“I don’t know if you knew this but Hayley knew about you. Jack would talk to her about you … and she enjoyed it— listening to how much you cared for her little boy,” Aaron told you as you both stood leaning against the island in his dimly lit kitchen before you left for the night.
“I didn’t know that,” you answered, eyes beginning to gloss.
So what if he left out the small detail of Hayley telling him he should ask out his pretty neighbor Jack always talked about; that wasn’t the important part of the memory, well, important for the matter at hand anyway.
“And almost every night before bed, Jack tells me that he’s happy you’ve been coming everyday. That you make him feel ‘okay-er’. Y/N, he loves you and he knows you’re not here to replace anyone.”
Mind at ease then, with a small smile and a stray tear or two, you pushed yourself off the kitchen island and hugged yourself into his chest, which he more than happily accepted and embraced you tightly into for a minute.
“Thanks for making me feel ‘okay-er’ about all this,” you said, looking up at him from where your head rested against him.
He smiled down at you and wiped a tear from your cheek. “Thank you for being here for us.”
All was well as the days went on until it was time for Aaron to return to work. Jack had returned to school the day before and since everything went smoothly, Aaron could then confidently go back to work too knowing Jack had readjusted just fine.
But that morning, Aaron took longer than usual to come out dressed for the day after breakfast, and the time frame he could use to take Jack to school before work was starting to get dangerously close to closing.
“Hey Jack, I’m going to go check on your dad. If he doesn’t come out soon you just might be late for school. Stay put while I get him, finish watching your show,” you said, tickling his side a little making him giggle as you walked off to Aarons room.
You knocked twice at his door and when he didn’t answer either time, you took a little bit of a risk and went in uninvited. What you saw was him sitting on the edge of his bed, looking down at the floor pensively, dress shirt untucked and tie undone around his collar.
“Aaron?” you spoke quietly.
“I can’t do this,” he said, still looking down.
You closed the door behind you and slowly walked towards him.
“You can’t do what?”
“Return to the real world.”
Your eyebrows furrowed a bit as you sat down next to him and waited for him to continue.
“It’s been- it’s been so great being here in the apartment with just Jack and you… in our own little private world but I’m afraid— it just all feels so different. I feel different. I don’t think I’m going back mentally the same way I left.”
“Well of course you’re not going back the same. You went through something incredibly traumatizing..”
You grabbed one of the bottom edges of his tie and looked down at your fingers as you delicately ran them back and forth over the smooth silk.
“Aaron, I know you’re a little nervous of stepping back into everyday life and I’m.. a little nervous for you too but you got this. I believe in you. You’re the best at what you do and nobody can take that away from you,” you said, letting go of the tie. When you looked up at him, his eyes were on you and seemed to be full of fondness; it made you blush.
“N-now finish getting ready so you can go drop off that adorable little boy out there in time,” you smiled, nervously standing from where you sat next to him.
As you turned to walk away, he stood too and stretched his hand out to gently grab one of your wrists. You turned back completely and both just looked into each other’s eyes for a few seconds; millions of unspoken words and emotions passing between you.
He then finally spoke.
“I really hope I’m not ruining anything but more than ever, I think it’s important to tell you I’ve had feelings for you for pretty much as long as I’ve known you.”
“I’ve had those feelings too, for you,” you admitted.
Relieved, he smiled and you did the same. Slipping his hand down from your wrist, he then took your hand into his properly and interlocked his fingers with yours.
Towering over you like always, he stepped closer and closer and slowly craned his head down as he gently placed the hand that wasn’t holding yours, behind your head. You both closed your eyes and you could feel his lips right in front of yours but could tell he was hesitant to go further.
“Kiss me Aaron,” you told him with a little tremble in your voice. And although you couldn’t see him, you felt him smile before he softly pushed his lips against yours.
Your first kiss was a tender one but after the initial pull away, both his hands landed on your waist and yours around his neck as you leaned back into each other for a more heated and passionate kiss. It was an internal struggle, but eventually you managed to pull yourself away from his lips completely.
“Jack needs to get to school,” you giggled.
Aaron rested his forehead against yours. “And I need to get to work. This beautiful neighbor of mine believes in me and I don’t want to let her down.”
“Hm, sounds like a smart girl,” you teased.
He stood tall and interlocked his hands with each of yours. “Incredibly smart, incredibly caring, incredibly attractive.. the list could go on,” he concluded, embracing you with a warm hug and a kiss to the top of your head. <3
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steddie-there · 1 year
It Sure Felt Nice When He Was Holding My Hand
Steve had finally managed to escape.
His mom was holding one of her parties again, a "summer soiree" as she called it, so she'd dressed him in pressed khakis and a butter yellow button-down shirt and "Oh the cutest little blue bow tie, Steven, don't you just look darling? Now come say hi to mommy's friends."
He hated bow ties. He always felt like he was suffocating with one around his neck.
He hated his mom's parties. They made him feel like he was suffocating, too.
So the second he saw a chance to leave, he took it. One of their neighbors had walked in with her new baby and his mother made a big production of cooing over the little girl; Steve rolled his eyes - she hated babies, Steve knew, because she always told him how messy babies were and how much she'd hated cleaning the messes he made as a baby. But, not one to waste an opportunity, the moment she looked the other way, he had raced out the back door into the woods, running as fast as his little eight year old legs could go. He ripped the bow tie off and dropped it in the yard behind him as he crossed into the line of trees.
Which brought him to now. Wandering in the woods, farther than he ever had before. He could hear the burble of a creek ahead, and it drew him on like a moth to a flame. He wanted to splash around in the water and mud, splatter it all over his pristine clothes, even though he would get in trouble for it later. He would already be in trouble for running off, what was a few more minutes added to the lecture?
But at the edge of the trees, he stopped short. Someone was already there, kneeling next to a little rowboat bobbing in the water.
Steve couldn't see their face, just that they were wearing faded jeans and big boots with the laces undone and an old two-sizes too big blue flannel shirt and they had dark brown curls just grazing the edges of their shoulders. He watched for a moment as they seemed to lay something into the boat. Tilted his head, trying to see what it was.
"What are you doing?" Steve asked, breaking the quiet murmur of the woods.
The person whirled around, hands coming up defensively, flowers scattering over the ground, and now Steve could see it was a boy, probably about his age. He had the biggest brown eyes Steve had ever seen. Right now, they were opened wide, startled at Steve's sudden appearance.
"Sorry!" he apologized quickly. "I didn't mean to scare you."
The other boy's shoulders dropped as he relaxed. "It's okay, just didn't think anyone else was out here," he told Steve, sending him a quick smile. Something about it made Steve want to smile back.
For a moment they just looked at each other.
"So, what are you doing?" Steve asked again, trying to peer around the other boy to the boat.
The boy glanced behind him, then turned back to Steve and his grin turned mischievous. "I'm having my funeral," he announced.
Steve just blinked at him. "Your... your funeral?" he asked, baffled. "But you're -"
"Dead," the boy assured him with a solemn nod.
Steve giggled and the other boy looked pleased at his reaction.
"Wanna help me pick more flowers?" he asked and Steve nodded, dropping to his knees, not caring about the grass stains he would surely now have on his pants, and gathering the little yellow blooms into his hands.
They worked in silence for awhile, until Steve asked, "So why are you having your funeral in a boat instead of being buried?" He was pretty sure most funerals involved graves and dirt, not boats and flowers.
"For the symbolism!" the boy declared, throwing his arms wide. Steve scrunched his nose, not sure what he meant by that. The boy peered at him from the corner of his eye, then whispered, "I don't really know what that means, but it sounded important."
Steve giggled again. "You're weird," he said.
Despite the fondness in his tone, those big brown eyes seemed to shutter and grow dim, the other boy shrinking into himself at Steve's words. Hastily, he assured him, "Not, like, bad weird. Good weird. Like, cool weird. Fun weird."
That earned him a wide grin and a shoulder bump.
"So how did you die?" Steve asked, leaning back on his hands and watching as the boy artfully placed both their bunches of flowers around the pillow already inside the boat.
"Carrots," the boy said seriously.
"Carrots," he nodded. "They're evil. And my wicked uncle made me eat them for lunch. So I died." He shrugged, as if dying from carrot ingestion was just a casual, every day experience.
Steve bit his bottom lip to keep from laughing again, mimicking the other boy's solemnity. "Ah, I see."
They both glanced at each other out of the corners of their eyes, bursting into snickers when their eyes met.
"Okay," the boy said, standing and dusting off his knees, not that it did much for the grass and mud clinging to the denim. "Hold the boat while I get in."
Steve moved to kneel on the muddy creek bank, grabbing the side of the rowboat and keeping it steady while his new friend stepped in and settled down with his head on the pillow. The boat rocked a little as he did, water splashing up onto Steve's shirt, but he ignored it, not letting go until the other boy had stopped moving. He sat back and brushed his hands off.
"Now what?" he whispered after a moment of silence.
"Now... I guess we sit and be sad?" the boy answered, sounding unsure and giggling quietly. He flung a hand up to his forehead dramatically, declaring, "Alas, poor me, we knew me well!" Then he wrapped his hands around a flower and laid them on his chest with his eyes closed.
Steve laughed at the dramatics, then pulled his knees up to his chest and, also closing his eyes, sat quietly for a while. He listened to the wind in the trees, to the birds chirping around them, to the bubble and splash of the water flowing around the boat.
Steve opened his eyes and stared down at the boy in the boat. His curls were spread over the flowers, eyes closed, hands clasped on his chest, and Steve sighed faux-mournfully. "I wish you weren't dead. You're funny."
The boy pursed his lips, considering. "I could, maybe, be brought back to life. If I got a kiss from a handsome prince." He cracked an eyelid open, peering at Steve. "That's you, by the way," he whispered loudly.
Steve giggled yet again. "Me? A handsome prince?"
The boy nodded, some of the flowers tangling in his curls as he jostled them. "The handsomest," he said, before closing his eyes again.
Steve considered him for a moment. He looked at the creek at his feet, then down at his not-so-clean-anymore clothes, then shrugged and stepped into the water to stand next to the boat, feeling it rise to about his waist. Resting his hands on the side of the boat, he leaned over, bringing his face very close to the other boy's. For a second, he just stopped there, feeling the other boy's breath hit his cheek.
Then he kissed him on the nose.
The other boy laughed aloud, a ringing, joyful sound that Steve thought might just be the best thing he'd ever heard. His eyes popped open and he stared at Steve, eyes sparkling, dimples framing his grin.
Steve grinned back. "So. Did it work? Are you alive again?" he asked.
"Oh, yeah," his friend answered, "Definitely." He bit his lip and seemed to be thinking about something.
Steve waited.
"You wanna get in the boat, too?" the boy finally asked and Steve was clambering inside before he even finished his question. His movements rocked the boat from side to side and they both laughed as they held on and settled next to each other, staring up at the clouds.
Steve tried to concentrate on the cloudy pictures the boy next to him was pointing out in the sky. But he could feel a hand brushing against his own and he wondered what it would feel like to hold it. He had only ever held his mom's hand to cross the street and Carol's while they ran away from Tommy when they played tag at school. Maybe it would be different, holding a boy's hand. There was only one way to find out.
He wrapped his fingers around the other boy's.
The boy paused his detailed description of a dragon he could see in the clouds, turning his head to look at Steve. Then he smiled, a small, secret smile that felt like it was just for Steve. Steve smiled back. Tangling their fingers more tightly together, they both looked back up at the sky.
Steve wasn't sure how long they lay there, talking about the clouds and the trees and their favorite places in Hawkins, but when the sun started to set, he sighed.
"I have to go home now."
The other boy nodded. "Yeah, I should go, too. My uncle is probably worried about me."
Steve grinned at him. "Not such a wicked uncle, after all?"
The boy rolled his eyes, but he was smiling. "Nah, he's pretty great, actually. Aside from making me eat carrots."
He said the last word so viciously that Steve couldn't help his laughter.
"He even said he'd start teaching me to play guitar tonight!"
"That's so cool!" Steve said. Decided not to say that all he'd get when he got home was a lecture.
The boy climbed out of the boat first, then turned to help Steve. For a moment, they just stood silently, smiling at each other. "Well, I'll see you around!" the boy says brightly, starting to walk down the creek, pulling the boat along with a rope.
"Yeah, see you," Steve answered, turning to his path home. He got a few steps away before he realized something and ran back to the clearing by the creek. "Hey, wait, what's your na - " he started to ask, but the boy had already disappeared into the trees. Steve sighed and walked away with his hands shoved into his pockets.
That night, Steve lay in bed, ears still ringing from the very loud thirty minute lecture his dad had given him when he showed up, muddy and grass stained and an hour late for dinner. He stared up at the ceiling, wondering if that afternoon had maybe been a dream. But in his mind's eye, he could see the clouds drifting past and he swore he could still feel the other boy's fingers tangled with his own. He closed his eyes and smiled. He knew he'd spend the rest of the summer locked indoors, his dad had promised that; knew if he even so much as glanced at the woods, he'd get another lecture. But it was all worth it, he decided, as he carefully tucked the memory of that afternoon and the boy with the big brown eyes and curly hair away into a safe corner of his mind.
In the fall, he looked for his friend at school, but only succeeded in meeting a girl a year younger than him, Nancy, when he mistook her brown curls for the ones he was looking for.
By the time middle school rolled around, that afternoon at the creek had been shoved so far to the back of his memory that he didn't even look twice at the strange new kid with the buzz cut, no matter how familiar his brown eyes looked from across the cafeteria.
And then high school and the Upside Down and new friends and new terrors and a morning at work interrupted by two of his munchkins desperate to prove a friend's innocence.
Which is how he found himself staring into the biggest brown eyes he'd ever seen for the first time in over a decade.
"Carrots!" Steve all but shouted as the shock of recognition began to wear off, heedless of the sharp glass at his throat. Eddie flinched back as the others stared in confused silence.
"What?" Eddie asked, baffled.
"You died because your uncle made you eat carrots. You had a funeral in a rowboat and - "
Eddie's wide brown eyes went impossibly wider at Steve's words. He cut Steve off, lowering the bottle as a shy grin crept over his face, warring with the terror still present in his stance. "And a handsome prince brought me back to life."
"It is you!" Steve beamed. Eddie beamed back, his shoulders relaxing, and Steve felt the insane urge to kiss the tip of his nose just as he had all those years ago.
The moment was interrupted by Dustin clearing his throat. "Um... what the fuck, Steve?"
Steve and Eddie laughed. "It's a long story," Steve said. Then he sobered. "And we have more pressing problems." He looked at Eddie, saw the way he curled back in on himself. Put a hand on his shoulder and guided him to sit down. "Eddie, what's going on?"
Eddie looked up at him with a gaze so haunted Steve just wanted to pull him into his arms. Settled for soothingly rubbing his shoulder.
"You won't believe me," Eddie said brokenly.
"Try us," Max told him. Steve squeezed his shoulder, and Eddie took a deep breath and started talking.
Later, after bats and battle, blood and bandages, after mouth-to-mouth and "I swear to God, Munson, if you die on me I will resurrect you and kill you again myself, don't think I won't," they're in a hospital room. It's just them, the others having gone home to sleep an hour ago. But Steve can't bring himself to leave. Can't quite bring himself to tangle his fingers with Eddie's where they rest on the hospital bed, either, although he desperately wants to.
"You know, that's the second time you've kissed me back to life, Stevie. Gonna make a habit of it?" Eddie jokes.
Steve looks up at him, breath catching when their eyes meet. Despite the lighthearted tone, Eddie's gaze is serious. Warm. Those wide, wide eyes locked on Steve intently.
It makes Steve feel brave. He laughs a little. "Actually," he says, "I was kinda hoping I could kiss you sometime when you're not dead."
Eddie's eyes widen even further before he ducks his head shyly, looks up at Steve from under his lashes. "Yeah?"
"Yeah," Steve says, finally tangling their fingers together.
And there's that secret smile Eddie has, the one that seems like it's only for Steve. "I think I'd like that," he says.
"Good," Steve whispers and leans in.
also on ao3!
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oftenwantedafton · 5 months
Triptych - Stepfather Steve Raglan/William Afton x Stepdaughter Reader x Mike Schmidt
Rating Explicit
Warnings - sexual content, bisexual characters, date rape drugs, non/dub con
Also available on AO3
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Mike has a bit of a thing for Abby’s just barely legal babysitter.
He swears it wasn’t always like this; that he didn’t just hire you because of the way you look in your Catholic schoolgirl uniform or on those days when you have gym last period and you’re wearing a polo shirt and shorts with the school’s emblem that hug every curve while leaving just enough to the imagination when he picks you up and drops you off at his house before going to work.
He definitely doesn’t jerk off in the bathroom with the door securely locked thinking about you on your knees with your pink lips wrapped around his cock. Never that.
God he was turning into such a pervert.
And this would all be bad enough, a laundry list to confess at church if he ever gets brave enough to go back, but to make matters infinitely worse, he’s kind of got a thing for your stepfather, too.
He supposes he’s always been one of those people who just follows what he’s attracted to, gender rather insignificant. In truth there’s never been a man that he’s been this hot for before, either.
It’s going to take a few beers to get Schmidt to admit that he enjoys it when your stepdad insists on picking you up, saving him another trip and more importantly providing him with another chance to admire the social worker. He enjoys it even more when the older man doesn’t just wait for you in the car and actually comes inside to chat for a few minutes. Sometimes Mike offers him a Brewski but, alas, he always declines. Steve has to do the right thing and drive sober, even though he highly doubts one beer would be even remotely enough to affect a tall drink of water like Steve Raglan.
So now the stepparent joins Mike’s collection of lewd fantasies, helping further speedrun him straight to Hell. He likes the silver eyes and the silver threads in his hair and beard and the way his hand rests splayed on his stepdaughter’s lower spine as he guides you out the evergreen shaded front door. He’s trying but failing to not imagine what it would feel like for that spread of fingers on his own spine, sliding through sweat, clutching skin, digging in when the way he works his mouth is just right and now you’re there, too, shared between himself and your stepfather and fuck, he cums harder than he ever has in his life, staring up at the poster of Nebraska pinned above his bed; at those tall, tall trees stretching up, the branches reaching futilely for Heaven.
So yeah. He’s got a lot of that Catholic guilt going on. But it’s not enough to stop him from wanting.
Another night. Abby’s tucked in and Mike’s tucking cash into your palm. Steve’s in the car tonight. Pity.
“My stepdad wanted me to invite you over for dinner next week,” you say.
“Oh. Uh, yeah sure, I’ll just have to check to see if one of the neighbors can watch Abby.”
You nod. He likes the way the struggling bulb of the porch light flickers over your features. Sometimes bright, sometimes in shadows. He can’t really see inside the car from this distance but he knows Steve is watching.
“I’ll get back to you on what night works, okay?”
“Sure. I’ll tell Steve. Goodnight, Mike.”
“Thanks again.” He watches you walk down the driveway, to the vintage luxury sedan that the middle aged man drives. He wonders how long he’s maintained it. The thing still looks like it just came off the showroom lot. A lot of time and care invested. Patience.
He wonders if maybe Steve has been waiting for another investment to pay off, too.
Mike’s not accustomed to dressing up. The last time he’d done so had been for his mother’s funeral, and that is definitely not a memory he wants to dwell on.
So he decides on a button front shirt and tie. Dark trousers. His socks are probably the worst part of the outfit. They’re mismatched and definitely not the kind of dressy ones that you’re supposed to wear. The shoes have seen better days. He’s really not much for clothes and he doesn’t spare much time taking proper care of them. They’re scuffed and the laces are frayed. There’s no hope for it. Hopefully neither you nor your stepdad will notice.
He walks his little sister next door. Says he’s not sure what time he’ll be back, maybe four hours or so.
The directions to Raglan’s house are sitting beside him on the passenger seat.
He’d spoken to Steve earlier that day to get directions. You’d given your stepfather Mike’s phone number.
His voice in person was attractive enough, Mike supposes. Sort of an odd combination of gravel and nasal, a blend of low and higher pitch when he got animated about something. He much prefers the lower tone, like the one he’d used over the phone. Practically purring like a cat. Mike had found his pants getting extremely tight with that breath in his ear.
The house is nice. Older, but tidy. He wonders if it’s ever difficult for Steve to be here since he’d lost his wife in a drowning accident a few years back. Did he ever think of dating again? Or was the memory too strong?
Mike shuts the door of his rusted sedan. It looks so out of place next to Raglan’s immaculate specimen. He feels out of place. He shouldn’t have come empty handed, but he has no idea of what wines are good and he didn’t want to bring the wrong kind. So. He presents himself empty handed, ringing the doorbell.
You open the door and smile at him. He’s only ever seen you in school clothes. Tonight you have a light pink sweater and white jeans. It compliments your skin tone well. Still clean faced, no makeup. Hair neat and tidy, nails polished to match the sweater.
“Let the man in, it’s cold out there.” Steve’s voice calls over your shoulder.
You giggle and murmur an apology and pull the door wide open, granting Mike entrance into the Raglan household.
“Mike. How are you? Come in,” Steve greets you warmly from an open doorway to the left. “You can just give your coat to her.” He shrugs out of the jacket and hands it to you, following your stepfather into the living room.
“I didn’t know being a social worker paid so well. This place is nice,” Mike murmurs. The couch looks new, plush microfiber. Bookshelves and a fireplace and art on the wall that looks like an original, not some cheap knockoff.
The tall man laughs. “Well, it’s not all from that source of income. I used to own a business. Made some wise investments. We can discuss it sometime, if you’d like.”
“What kind of business?”
“A restaurant,” Steve says.
“Must have been pretty upscale, huh?”
“Well it wasn’t a Michelin star type, no. But it was pretty, yes,” he muses, his voice softening, his eyes looking distant.
“What happened to it? If you don’t mind me asking?”
“Oh, it’s still around. Closed but…I could never quite bring myself to let it go.” He smiles softly. “So enough about going down memory lane. Have a seat. I hope you’re not going to be too upset, but we’re having dinner delivered. Work ended up being particularly busy today, and…”
“No, that fine. Whatever’s okay.” He sinks into one of the couch cushions.
“Great. Well, it should be here in a half hour or so. Want something to drink?”
“Uh, yeah, sure.”
“I’ll be right back.” He winks at him. An honest to goodness deliberate wink. Mike shifts in his seat, taking a deep breath to steady his nerves.
The phone rings after Steve leaves. He can hear his muffled voice from the other room. He drags his damp palms over his thighs. He’s so nervous.
“Hey, my stepdad said to give this to you.” You walk into the room carrying a pair of wine glasses filled with something pink that’s a shade darker than your sweater. You hand him the fuller one. “That one’s yours.”
“Oh, um…” Well. One glass of wine was fine. He’d certainly driven home drunker than that before. “Thanks,” he accepts the glass and takes a sip. Wine has never really been his thing, but to be honest, he could use the alcohol to take the edge off right now. “Does your dad—I mean stepdad—usually let you drink?”
You shake your head. “Never. But he said it’s a special occasion.” You take a cautious sip, frowning over the taste.
Mike takes another swallow, watching as you sit down next to him. So many seats available and you choose this one.
You sample more of the drink. “It’s warm in here, isnt it?” Your cheeks are definitely more flushed. Man, you were really a lightweight.
“That’s normal. You get warm when you drink alcohol. The blood vessels dilate. Maybe you should slow down,” Mike cautions.
“Sorry about that. Work. They just can’t seem to manage without my guidance.” Steve apologizes as he strides back into the room, carrying what Mike presumes is the wine bottle that you’ve been drinking from. No glass for him. He settles on the opposite end of the couch from the younger man, his thigh very close to his stepdaughter’s. “What have we been chatting about? Anything interesting?”
“Can I have some more? I’m really thirsty.” Your voice sounds…off. Not intoxicated, but something else.
“Of course you can, sweet girl. But not too much. We don’t want you passing out. At least, not quite yet.” He tips the open bottle into the now empty glass, helping you to hold it steady.
The older man takes a swig from the bottle, sighing in satisfaction. Mike can only stare open mouthed. What, exactly, was happening?
“Well, at least she gave you the right glass.”
“I’m sorry?”
Steve shakes his head. He rests a hand on your knee. “I’ll give you credit, Mike. You’ve been nothing but polite and respectful to her so far. Almost as if you’re not drowning in impure thoughts the remainder of the time. I know your type.” He smiles but there’s no humor in that curve of lips.
“I…I don’t know what you’re…��
“Oh, Mike, come on. You know exactly what I’m talking about. I’ve had to play the dear devoted stepfather who tragically lost his second wife in an accident for the last several years. Just waiting for the right moment. I think I’ve waited long enough. Don’t you agree?”
“Steve…” Mike begins, unsure of how to proceed. His heart is pounding wildly in his chest. He’s ashamed to say there’s an echo of that pulse further south, too.
“Oh, and by the way, dinner is canceled. Finish your drink,” Raglan coaches you gently. A little of it spills from the corner of your mouth.
“Did you…did you put something in…”
“Just something to relax her. I’m starting to think maybe you need some, too,” Steve manages to tear his eyes away from your damp lower lip, glaring at Mike.
“This…this is so fucked up…”
“And yet you’ve been fantasizing about it for how long now? Weeks? Months? Did you even ask what her qualifications were when you interviewed her for the babysitting job, or did you just drool over her thighs and say yes?” Steve’s hand drags slowly up his stepdaughter’s leg. Your eyes are glassy, dazed, struggling to focus.
Mike swallows loudly.
“I’ve more than paid my dues. Time to collect. You can either share in the plunder or not. I leave it at your discretion. But if you tell anyone about this, I can assure you it will be the last mistake you ever make.”
“You’re not…you’re not going to hurt her, are you?”
“Of course not. I mean, it’s probably going to be a little bit sore when I take her virginity, but, well, that’s to be expected. Maybe with the drugs she won’t even feel it. She certainly won’t remember it.” He threads his fingers through your hair. “You’ve made a bit of a mess of yourself, sweetheart. Let Daddy help you clean it up.”
He laps at the corner of your mouth and Mike’s cock lurches. He knows he should not be having any part of this, he should be calling the police, getting you the fuck away from this man, but he’s too mesmerized by the perverse scene that’s playing out before him. For him.
Steve tugs your head back gently and shoves his tongue between your lips, groaning. You don’t struggle. There is no protest. You’re soft, malleable, pliant beneath him.
The older man breaks the kiss, panting. “So fucking perfect. I’ve always loved that mouth.” He kisses you again. “Want to have a taste, Mike?”
He does.
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anothermansjeans · 1 month
Hey i hope you get your mojo back! As my personal indulagance which hopefully also help you may i please requeat 6 and 8 from the first random dialoge list with spencer read and an NONbau reader, exstra love if its an neighrbour reader!
Love and kisses ❤️❤️❤️
thank youuuuuu!!!! i also want to apologize-- you didn't specify gn or fem! reader and i was just about done when i realized i did fem!reader, so lmk and i will happily rewrite if needed 🫶
i also don't know how i feel about this but i tried lmao
also only a little proofread...
"Please tell me this is the part where my life doesn’t have to completely fall apart."
"This is the one time I’m wishing they’re calling about my car’s extended warranty."
cw: mention of family member dying, the word vomit being used
wc: 920
Spencer was very concerned. His neighbor– his very attractive, down to Earth, and kind neighbor– was frantic, eyes sunken, and just wasn't as… present as she usually is. Spencer was concerned.
His concern also may have been a bit biased because of the small crush he harbored for her… but he didn't want to think about that too hard.
He hadn't been around much recently, getting called into the BAU more often than not, but when time did allow him to linger around his building, he would see the distress on her from a mile away. The other day, right before a case, he was locking up his apartment when she was just getting home. It was quiet this time of day, but that was cut short when her phone started to ring.
“This is the one time I’m wishing they're calling about my car’s extended warranty.”
Her disgruntled mumble was pretty soft, and if Spencer wasn't right across the hall from her he wouldn't have heard it. He wanted to see if she was okay, but she answered her phone and he was being asked for his ETA at the BAU.
When that case was finally over, and he was walking back to his place, he suddenly stopped and turned towards her door. There was a package in his apartment that was placed with his mail in the mailroom, and only really looked at it last week; right before he left for a case. He would've given it to her then if he wasn't already late at the time, and he didn't feel comfortable leaving it in front of her door so this was truly the next best thing.
His plan was the following: knock on your door, tell you he has your package in his apartment, grab said package, and then leave with dignity. There was no way he could screw this up.
His knock was soft, but the way she swung open the door was a sharp contrast to that. “Please tell me this is the part where my life doesn't have to completely fall apart oh– you're not the delivery guy.”
Your dejected look caused a small ache in his chest. “No, but the delivery people tend to not come to our doors, they're supposed to stay in the mail room– you already knew that.” He was getting flustered. This was not a part of the plan. “Are you okay?” He couldn't help himself. After seeing the way you were last week, and how that hasn't changed one bit since he was gone… he really wanted to make sure all was well.
She barely waited a moment before answering. “No,” the crack in her voice was evident. “My great aunt passed and she was a horrible person, but the funeral directors were asking me which address to send the urn to and my sister stepped in making sure I didn't put mine down because I’m ‘most likely to lose aunt Pearl’s ashes’ and the rest of my family overheard and started running with the joke. With me being me I wanted to prove them wrong so I did give them my address and I still don't have the urn but they're saying it was delivered and oh my, God, I’m dumping all of this on you.” Her eyes were welled up with tears, and with how wide her eyes became he was surprised the tears hadn't started to fall. “I’m just going to… let you go on with your day. I’m so sorry, Spencer, maybe we can talk to–” she started to close the door, blocking her face that held a worrisome look.
“I have it!” It’s as if he suddenly remembered why he went over there in the first place “I’m uh, I'm assuming I have it…?”
“You do?” Her door was now wide open again, and a spark of hope was shown in her eyes.
“Yeah, that's why I came over here. I just got back from work and wanted to let you know before I grabbed it. They put it with my stuff and I didn't check it until a couple of days ago and then I had a case and–”
“Spencer?” She cut off his worried rambling.
“Could you grab it please?”
“Oh! Yeah!” He was like a baby giraffe walking for the first time. His legs were not keeping up with his body as he quickly walked over to his place, unlocked his door, and made way for the box over in the corner by his bookcase. “Again, I’m sorry. I’ve been at work more than not recently and I should've brought it over as soon as I knew it was yours but–”
“Oh, I could kiss you right now!” She grabbed the box so fast it could be considered snatching, but Spencer didn't mind.
“Maybe after I take you on a date?” What the hell was that? She was excited, he was flustered, and for him, word vomit was real. “I’m sorry, I have no idea why I–”
“Spencer…” She stopped his worried ramble once again, and Spencer assumed he died and went to Heaven because there was no way the next words out of her mouth were real. “Ask me tomorrow, when I’m not all flustered. I’ll definitely say yes.”
Yeah, he definitely died and went to Heaven, because the next day, he saw her walking back from the grocery store, walked up to her, stuttered through asking her out for real, and she said yes. Just as promised.
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st4rb3rries · 11 months
AW THE FRIENDSHIP HCS AAAA could u also write some for Tweek, Craig, and Wendy?? Thank you!!!!!!!<33
TWEEK TWEAK and CRAIG TUCKER friendship hc's .ೃ࿔*:・
pairings; tweek and craig x reader (all aged up 18+)
summary; just hc's!
warnings; slight cussing
a/n; sorry i didn't write for wendy idk how to write for her!!
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craig forced you guys into all getting guinea pigs. it was at 3am too. craig saw the 24 hour pet star and was literally begging you both to get one. obviously you guys got one because craig couldn't stfu🙄. tweek named his espresso and you named yours piggy. now stripe has 2 new friends to play with!! two weeks later stripe now has one friend to play with.
y/n and craig: "WTH HOW DID ESPRESSO DIE??!??!"
you guys arranged espresso a funeral. espresso was buried in craigs backyard. she didn't deserved to be buried in her murderers backyard. everyone was crying, but tweek was crying the most. a real one was lost that day. r.i.p espresso😔🙌.
ok hear me out, you guys have a garden at tweeks house. it's y'alls relaxing garden whenever you guys are stressed from school. and it smells like coffee cause tweeks parents grow their own coffee beans their!! you guys built this garden by yourselves. it has a mini water fountain and everything. even a lil bench. you guys mostly planted flowers there.
sneaking out to the park late at night is a thing you guys do once a week. at first tweek was skeptical because you could get kidnapped. but after a few times going he now enjoys it. you guys play hide and seek cops and robbers tag and much more. it's so chaotic too because it's at night you can't see anything. lot's of screaming is heard and the neighbors once called the cops on you guys because. they thought a murder was happening💀. you guys ran away whenever you saw blue and red lights.
on those lazy days you and tweek go to craigs house and set up his movie projector outside in his backyard. you guys lay on his trampoline with blankets and munch on snacks. ghibli movies are %100 being watched. but it's all fun and games until CRAIG starts jumping. oh nah you and tweek always be flying like 300 feet into the air. so you and tweek always get craig back with a double jump. craig finally got to visit outer space that night😍.
making coffee drinks at 3am since you guys have such a bad sleep schedule!! since tweek has the keys to his parents shop. you guys sneak in and, that's when it gets real fun and messy. you guys either make the most delicious heaven sent frappuccino's on earth. OR THE MOST DISGUESTING COFFE DRINK THAT WOULD KILL A WHOLE POPULATION. like, "no tweek i aint gonna try your coffee mayo topped with celery🙄". "i'll give you $5 bucks" "ok bet" tweek really couldn't believe you drank that. he was so disappointed in you too. you drank all that just for 5 dollars tf?? even though he was disappointed in you, he recorded you drinking it. he was laughing his ass off the whole time too omfg. the next day he was so worried because he thought you died😭😭😭. in reality you got a new and exclusive virus😍.
doing your skincare for him. i feel like sometimes his anxiety makes him break out sometimes. so he comes over to your house to ask you for skin advice and for you to do his skincare! you were so excited when he asked you that like you were screaming and jumping!! tweek didn't really get the hype though🤨. first you started off with a cleanser, then a face mask. he didn't like the consistency off the face mask because it was slimey. he was like "what am i frog🙄🙄" "yes" after that you used some serums and moisturizers then you dried him off with a fan. bro was so tired and about to fall asleep until he saw you grab more boxes. "oh jesus christ what now" "nose strips and pimple patches duh🙄" tweek actually felt nice and relaxed after you were done. it became it weekly thing for you to do his skincare. but after a while he finally does it on his own everyday. he now has the most clearest skin!! thanks you to you ofc<3
so yk how tweek has his buttons all messed up on his shirt. sometimes they pop out due to his twitches so you always sew them back on just for him. but you've been sewing his buttons on for awhile and he quicky grasps the steps very easily. after a bit of practice he learned to sew his own buttons. anyways he wanted to learn a little bit more advanced things then just sewing buttons. so you taught him more! after a couple months he made so many things. like gloves, plushies, bags and much more. but his favorite thing to do is emborder his jeans and shirts. once you guys bought each other jeans and spent the whole night and morning embroidering little things and doodles about each other. i just think this is a cute little niche thing that he does. :)
baking coffee cupcakes with him is for sure a thing you guys do. he has a huge sweet tooth! i feel like older tweek is not trying to drink as much coffee since it's been damaging him since he was a kid😭. so he starts somewhere small. you suggest coffee cupcakes since he has a sweet tooth and he loves the idea. it still has coffee but not as much. he actually created the cupcake recipe and it turned out so good!! so don't be surprised when it's 4am and you get a message from tweek that says, "lets go to walmart and get stuff for coffee cupcakes." you say yes ofc because his cupcakes are so delicious!! once you guys get back from walmart. you guys put on your matching aprons and then start baking together. tweek is the cupcake expert here so you follow his instructions. whenever you mix and measure things tweek has to watch you because. one time you put the whole bottle of vanilla extract because you were talking to him and you didn't even notice. once you guys bit into those cupcakes...... you spat them back out cause they were so nasty. this time the cupcakes turned out delicious because tweek was monitoring you😭.
so i hc that craig loves space as much as stripe so going to the space museum. are definitely things that you guys love to do and always do. you guys always go once a month if not more!! whenever you guys to the space museum, you never fail to smile at craigs lit up face when he enters🤭. his favorite exhibit is the big shuttle that takes up the whole place. the first time you guys were there you snuck onto the shuttle and toured it. it was all going until you guys got caught by security. you tried to ditch them but y'all still got caught. you both flipped off security whenever they escorted you out🙄. his 2nd favorite exhibit is the star room. it's a projector that shows stars on the ceilings and all the planets are hanging in there. there's also old love music playing in the background. this exhibit is for couples but he don't care. every time it's empty you guys pull up and start slow dancing. only for a minute because every time you see craigs serious face you start laughing and he does too. you guys can't take anything seriously😭 .
you and craig always have photoshoots with your guinea pigs. ik this sounds childish but, you and craigs love for guinea pigs are unmatched😔🙌. craig always goes to your house for the photoshoots. some examples that you've guys done are astronauts, race car drivers, and barbie and ken! and these photoshoots turn out so good im not even kidding. the accessories and clothes are hand made by y'all ofc. and the backgrounds are painted by craig. you always take the photos. craig does too sometimes but they turn out blurry. "i can take the photos this time if you want" "NO ITS OK I'LL TAKE THEM" (craig always prints out the photos and tapes it to his walls.) once stripe and piggy are done you let them run around in their own play area. THESE ARE SPOILED GUINEA PIGS. they have a bunch of toys, mazes that they can go through and much more. you and craig got jobs just so you can support your children🙌. once their tired from playing around you guys always make them gourmet food. craig also bought them little tables and chairs so they can eat😭. you guys get the best lettuce and herbs for your guinea pigs. and yk they be eating good since they're a lil chunky. you and craig always chop up all the veggies and plate them up. in the end you guys are very responsible and loving parents.
whenever it's late at night and the stars are beautiful expect a message from craig saying: "MEET ME ON KROOFTOP RN STAQRS LOOOK PRETYYW😭" you meet up with craig so he can read astronomy books to you. BUT only when the stars are extra pretty. obviously craig owns all the astronomy books so he brings that and a flashlight! you on the other hand, you bring blankets and snacks! craig always reads while you just sit and listen. you never offer to read just so you can hear his voice more🤭. "astronyisaphenonminathathathasbeen-" "WOAH OWAH SLOW DOWN" you say. craig says, "it's not my fault im a smarter intellectual and faster reader than you🤓🤓🤓" (with sarcasm) you guys also look for constellations too! craigs house is the best place for constellation sighting. "isn't that the big chipper or something like that?" "no you dumbass it's the big dipper🙄" you always stay up on his roof top until the dawn of morning. so it's a bonus that you get to see the sunrise too. "the sunrise is so much more prettier than those stars" "get out of my house"
craig has a thing for lego's so he insists on inviting you whenever whenever the lego set he got was easy enough for you to build. if the set is advanced then he'll stick to building it himself and here's why. it was your first time building a lego set with craig. it was that big star wars starship model. it was all finished and craig was so proud he could cry. ohhh but he did cry whenever you dropped the starship model on the ground. "y/n get out" "OH SHIT S-SORRY CRAIG IM SORR-" "please y/n just get out" THAT BIG BABY DIDN'T WANT YOU TO SEE HIM CRY OVER PIECES OF PLASTICCCC. once he started crying you hugged him. "OH Y/N SHE WAS BEAUTIFUL BEAUTIFUL I TELL YA!!!" you told him that you were soooo sorry for dropping it and he forgave you. (he still holds you accountable till this day) that's why you and craig stick to easy models. like the valentines models personally those are his favorite to build with you because they are cute and simple. whenever it's february craig always gets a new valentine set for each day until valentines day. whenevr it's valentines day craig got the flower lego set for you and him😳. craig will always insist to build lego's when there's nothing to do "*sighhh* im boredddd" "wanna build leg-"
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You can't just give up (Part 2: I wanna protect you)
a/n: I have been typing up a storm, I'm just trying to space out my posts but I have part 3 ready and working on part 4. I usually lose motivation by now so I'm patting myself on the back. I know to some people it's not a lot but I truly appreciate the likes and love I got from my last post, it's keeping me motivated. Thank you so so so much!
Pairing: Miguel O'hara x spider!fem (our fav 🤩)
Notes: Love constructive criticism, always looking to improve but don't be mean. I guess you can consider this angst-y
word count: 1750, I really try to make these numbers even lol
Okay, I'm done talking, Enjoy :D
Sometimes I get trapped in my thoughts, it always sucks when I need someone to pull me out at times. I sit on my couch, in *our* apartment, looking at Noah’s photo from the day he became Captain. “Noah…what I’d give to see you one last time”. I had asked Miguel for a day off to attend Noah’s funeral, he allowed it and even offered to come with me. I told him I’d be fine and he could continue his important work. The truth was I did want him to come, I wanted to hold his hand because I wasn’t strong enough to see my brother being buried by myself. I need him, especially now. He was always gentle when talking to me and considerate of my feelings. Some part of me hated it because it made me feel like a child but another part loved it because it made me feel cared for, it was how Noah talked to me, gently and sweetly. 
*Knock Knock*
I snapped back into reality, placed Noah’s picture on the coffee table in front of me and made my way over to the door. I opened it and it was just my elderly neighbor Miss Kate, for some reason a small part of me had hoped it was Miguel but that would never happen. He may care but probably not to that extent and plus he had more important things that needed his undivided attention, I chuckle to myself at my own stupidity and naivety. I smile “Good Evening, how can I help you Miss Kate”, “Oh nothing deary, your little boyfriend just got your door number wrong I was just leading him over here” that’s when Miguel stepped behind Miss Kate wearing sweatpants and a hoodie that said Carpe Diem. Definitely not like him at all. “Thank you again” he said to Miss Kate with a smile but being sure not to expose his fangs. “Of course, and y/n I am so sorry to hear about your brother, such an amazing and brilliant young man”, I look down for a second and look back up trying to smile “He really was”, “You two have a good night now”, and she enters her apartment as I motion for Miguel to enter. “Look, I was just-”, I hugged him tight. I'm sure it didn’t seem that way to him but I was so close to breaking down. “It was so hard…being there”, he wrapped his arms around me “I know” he said softly. I quickly pushed away and tried to pull myself together, wiping away any tears and tucking my hair behind my ears “Sorry, um personal space, I shouldn’t have done that” I say trying to smile once again “Um do you want a glass of water or anything?” “No, I’m fine”, “Oh okay, uh come sit” as I led him towards the couch and quickly took the picture I was looking at and hung it back on the wall. After straightening it back up I sat next to Miguel and looked at him for a few seconds before asking “What brings you to Earth-62?” “I was…worried about you”, my eyes widened. I was dumbfounded when I heard that, Miguel wouldn’t even look at me when he said that I could hear his heartbeat like crazy. He planted his face in his hands and sighs “You can hear my heart rate can’t you”, “I can hear it even when it’s not beating out of your chest” I giggle. “I just don’t want you to hurt yourself or get hurt and knowing I could’ve been there to help or protect you in some way”, I couldn’t think of a response, “I hate admitting this but I think I like you”, “Oh!” Now my heart is beating out of my chest, “This was such a stupid idea, I’m never listening to Lyla again” he gets up to leave but I grab his arm sitting him back down “It wasn’t stupid” I say looking him in his eyes. His eyes were one of my favorite features about him, they were unique and like none other that I had seen before. I smile at him and hug him, “So you hate admitting that you like me, what part of me are you so repulsed by exactly?” “Maybe the fact you can’t take anything seriously”, he says, still hugging me “Hmmm, no you love that about me” I chuckle. This was one of the times I wish I could smell, I’m sure Miguel smells lovely, maybe like flowers…everyone loves the scent of flowers don’t they? And if flowers smell good then that’s probably what Miguel smells like. Now that I think about it, what do I smell like? Stop thinking so hard…just enjoy this moment, no getting lost in thought. At least I can feel the warmth he gives off, being in Miguel’s arms felt like how coming home is supposed to feel like. I hug tighter “Please… please don’t leave me” I start to cry, “I can’t take it if you go too.” He pulls me off to look at me, I can’t even look at him, I’m a mess with pent up tears and stress just streaming down my face. Miguel cups my face to look at him “I’m not going anywhere, I’m here to stay okay?” he says wiping away my tears with his thumbs “Please don’t cry”. I nodded my head and sighed at the calming reassurance he gave me, I sat up on my knees to be at level with Miguel and placed my hands on his shoulders and slowly leaned in. As I do I can feel his hand on the side of my face, then I start to feel weird, alarmed, Spider sense! Danger is near but where? 
“What’s wrong?”
“Spider Sense…”
*Knock Knock* *Knock Knock* *Knock*
We both turn out head to the door, that’s how Liam knocks on our door. I walk over to the door hesitantly, is it Liam that poses a threat. No way, the dude is scrawny and a massive nerd. “Who is it?” “Oh! You’re actually home today, it’s Liam. Couldn’t you tell by the knock or have you erased me from your memory”, I hear him laugh. Miguel was positioned next to the door just out of sight but definitely within reach if needed, I took a deep breath and opened the door. My head is throbbing now, I peek out into the hallway looking left and right, nothing. This overwhelming sense…has to be coming from Liam.
“You okay?” he asks in a worried tone 
“Uh yeah, what’s up?” I say trying to appear as calm as possible 
“I was just checking in on you, you haven’t been answering your door or your phone lately and I was just getting worried, how are you?”
“ Sorry about that, my phone…broke and I’ve been working a lot. I’m okay though, you know just going through the motions as best as I can”, that’s believable right?
“Well I’m here if you ever need me”
“Thank you for the kind offer but I’ll be fine” I smile at him, silently studying him, I listen to his heartbeat which only gets faster by the second
“...” he looked as if he was hesitating, contemplating almost, but about what?
“Are you okay” I utter still attempting to keep my composer 
“Look, I’m sorry…” he says as he reaches behind him
I gasp and Miguel quickly steps into sight and holds my shoulder as a comfort, “who’s this?” he questions. Liam lowers his hand back down to his side, it’s gone. I feel a weight lifted off my shoulders, I can still see that Miguel is still tense. 
“This is Liam, Liam this is-”  
“Her boyfriend, I’m Miguel” he cuts me off and reaches out to shake his hand 
Liam shakes his hand “...Nice to meet you Miguel” he chuckled nervously 
“What was it you were about to say?”
“Oh yeah, um sorry to bother you but I really need some sugar, I’m trying out this new recipe and didn’t account for how much sugar was needed and ran out”
“Yeah I gotcha, one second” I walked away to go to my cabinet and grabbed what was about half a pound of the sugar, I could see Miguel glaring at Liam as I walk over and hand it to him 
“Thank you” he smiles at me
“No problem, and you can keep it too we need to go to the grocery store anyway”
“Nice seeing you again…and meeting you”
“You too, have a good rest of your night Liam”
He walked away without saying another word, I closed the door and fell to my knees. I started hyperventilating, Miguel kneeled down to comfort me. Why Liam? He was supposed to be my friend, we even hung out from time to time. What was behind his back? A knife, taser, A GUN?! What was his plan…why Liam why, kept going through my head but there was probably no good answer to come from it. I lay down in Miguel’s arms and he sat down with his back against the door, “It’s okay” he told me while he combed his hands through my hair, “I’m here y/n, I’m here.” I’m just glad he was here, who knows what would’ve happened if he wasn’t. At least an hour had passed and we were still in the same position, sitting in silence. I had calmed down after a while, and went radio silent. I didn’t…couldn’t say a word, I mean I could barely think.
“What do I smell like?”
“Well, I’d have say you smell like vanilla most of the time”
“Is that a good scent to have?”
“It’s a wonderful scent to have” he reassures me
I smile, those words echo throughout my mind as a few more silent moments pass
“Can…you stay the rest of the night?”
“I didn’t have any plans on leaving you alone”
I get up and guide him to my room holding his hand, I get in bed and Miguel follows suit after taking off his hoodie to show just a plain black skin tight shirt. We face each other, looking one another in the eyes. I curl up into his chest and hug him, he hugs me back, I feel safe. He’s the one person I can truly let my guard down with. “Thank you” I tell him, “I’m just glad I was here”, “Me too.”
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thebiggerbear · 12 days
Regarding I need your hand but I don't want to burn it.
I lost my dad to suicide in 2020 and this fic reminded me of him. I cried only once reading this (I started at the beginning and never stopped 😅)
This is now my favorite comfort fix. You were right. There was someone out there who needed his hugs, and I didn't want this masterpiece to go underappreciated. No pressure but do you know when p2 is coming out? Or if you have started writing it?
Oh, I'm so sorry!!! 🫂❤️ If you ever need anything, I'm here. I'm glad that this story was able to provide some comfort and some Beau hugs. ❤️
Awww thank you so much for the kind words!!! I don't have a date yet for part 2's posting but it is on my list as one of the things I'd like to get done in the next month. I do have most of part 2 written (and parts 3 & 4), but I will admit when it comes to the wake and funeral scenes, that seems to be where I'm struggling to put the finishing touches on the most. I'll admit, I think I've been avoiding it for that reason but I am going to force myself to push through it and get it done. I came up with this really nice and uplifting scene in the epilogue that was like a balm to my heart to write and I just have to keep that as my compass as I write the tough stuff, knowing that's what's waiting for me on the other end kind of.
Sorry, I don't know if that was much of an answer lol. So I'll just also include a small snippet of Part 2 that's also one of my favorite moments so far:
The server barely got out a greeting when Beau ordered beer and a burger. The young woman quickly jotted it down and then turned to you.
You gave her a small smile. “I’m okay, thanks.”
“What? No. Uh uh.” Beau shook his head and instructed your server, “She’ll have the same as me.”
When she turned back to you to see if that was okay, you kept your smile plastered in place. “I guess I’ll have the same thing.” She nodded and turned to leave until you held a hand up, stopping her. “Actually, can I also get some whiskey? Neat?”
“Sure. Coming right up,” the young blonde assured you. You gave her a nod of thanks.
Once she disappeared, you turned to find Beau studying you. He knew it was too early in the day for you to be drinking straight whiskey but thankfully, he didn’t mention it. “When was the last time you ate something?”
Surprisingly, you had to think about it. Was it yesterday afternoon? You couldn’t really remember right then. Another server had a tray of food he was carrying to a table not too far from yours, passing right by you. The smell of the food caused the most embarrassingly loud grumble to erupt from your stomach.
Beau’s brows arched. “That long, huh?”
“Sorry,” you mumbled, your cheeks heating slightly as you noticed the people seated at the table next to you staring.
He leaned forward and took your hand in his. “Nothing to apologize for.” You dropped your gaze to your joined hands. Out of the corner of your eye, you noticed Beau turned a pointed look on your neighbors who suddenly became very interested in their food. You watched as his thumb tenderly caressed the skin on top of your hand and you glanced up to find Beau’s soft gaze centered on you. “How are you holding up?”
This was part of the reason you hadn’t initially wanted Beau around for this, besides not wanting your two worlds to collide. Because you knew the moment you looked into his eyes and saw the deep concern staring back at you, you wouldn’t be able to lie.
You gave him a tiny shrug. “I’m not really sure,” you admitted, feeling the damn lump in your throat that just wouldn’t go away no matter how much you tried to force it to.
He nodded but remained silent, instead opting to squeeze your hand. You both stayed like that until your server deposited your drinks in front of you. You quickly thanked her and she hadn’t even gone a few feet before you drained half the glass of whiskey in one go, feeling the familiar burn travel down your throat to your stomach, lighting up the lower half of your body. And just like that, the edge you had been precariously perched on since landing back in this town disappeared, even if only for a minute or two.
You glanced over to find Beau’s eyes intent on you, his pint glass frozen in the air as if he had been attempting to clink glasses with you in a silent toast. You were apologetic, immediately regretting your rude behavior. “Sorry,” you mumbled. “I just…needed that.”
The corners of his lips tipped up in an understanding smile and he took a sip of his IPA. He gave a single nod of approval, licking his lips, before he set the glass down and picked up your hand, placing a gentle kiss to the side of it. The soft touch mixed with the whiskey burning your lower extremities shot a sudden bolt of lightning through your veins. You did your best to ignore it, though, and you definitely worked to keep the reaction off of your face. 
Beau’s sharp gaze was intent on you but all you could see staring back at you was compassion and concern. “Let’s get you fed and back to the hotel,” he murmured against your skin, his fingers lightly caressing your wrist.
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sandrabailey316 · 1 year
So, this being my first blog I've decided to do something a little different. It says to post something about yourself. So I made a friend of mine write down a list of questions that I will answer completely and honestly to. Ready? Here we go...
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Q- Have you ever been skydiving?
Me: No. I'm completely down to try it though.
Q-Bungee Jumping
Me: Yes. Off a bridge.
Q- Kids?
Me: Yes. A very beautiful, smart, successful 22-year-old daughter. I raised alone. My father was a single dad of my big sister and myself. So I kind of took a queue for single parenting from him. ( More later)
Q- Driven a tractor ?
Me: Yes..in heels. (More on that later)
Q- What is the most violent act you have ever witnessed?
Me: about 3 years back a 24-year-old guy got into a bad math deal with my neighbors and when I walked outside he was on my porch and a woman was shooting him to death they died right there. I guess I'm considered a star witness. (More on that later)
Q- Ever lost anybody close to you?
Me: my best friend died of cystic fibrosis when she was 25 about 11 years ago. The love of my life did three tours in Iraq to come home and die of a septic gallbladder. ( 5 days later I was in surgery for a septic kidney stone) My Grandpa about 4 years ago we had to have the Patriot Guard at his funeral because he was a World War 2 veteran. Not pleasant for either side. (More on that later.)
Q- Being that you were a traveling bartender did you ever date anyone famous?
Me: Oh yeah! He was a real big actor back in the '80s. All I can do is roll my eyes every time he guest stars on something. (No names, sorry.)
Q-Have you ever been stalked?
Me: Couple people actually not worth mentioning. I was also stalked by the serial killer BTK. This was when he resurfaced in the early 2000s.(More later)
Q- Anything you have been doing a lot lately?
Me: Yes. Lately I like to give to charity. I feel that we all need to do that. Pick one or two and just give if you can and give what you can or volunteer your time at a homeless shelter or anywhere. People who don't have a lot, like myself , know what it's like to be in some of those situations and now that I have a little bit. I think it's important to share with people who have less.
Q-Have a big circle of friends?
Me: No. Not too big. I have the same friends since high school and on temporary disability I don't make a lot so they're my angels. They really stepped up and helped me out. So did their families. ( My family has no interest in me. More later.)
Q- You have that incision on your neck in every picture don't you try and cover it up with makeup or anything?
Me: Hell no! I'm not going to cover up my scar. That's my battle scar. I was sick for so long. Until they found a tumor and I beat cancer on April 6th of this year so the tumor is going to be out there for everybody to see. I'm not embarrassed. (More later)
Q- Lastly, what the hell provoked you to start a blog on Tumblr?
Me: If I die suddenly somebody has to give my eulogy. A lot of people don't know a lot of things about me personally. So I want them to be able to say more than " she had blonde hair most the time.. probably."
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Still Bat-Shit Crazy...
So just to bring everyone up to speed, there are a certain number of women in my immediate circle that are still bat-shit crazy!!! On Saturday, I take my girlfriend to work and I come home to my place and lay down to get some much needed sleep. I can hardly sleep at her place. If it is not her cats running wild in her apartment in the middle of the night knocking shit over or my girlfriend’s horrific snoring, it’s her upstairs neighbors stomping about. So I set my alarm for 11am because I needed to take my step-mom by the funeral home to finalize some paperwork that proceeded my Dad’s 11/18/22 passing. This was around 7am. However, I get a call at around 10am from my girlfriend that I needed to come get her. I looked back at my phone and read her text prior to calling and discovered her patient had go into the hospital so that’s why she wasn’t able to care for her at the patient’s home. Mind you, I am dog tired and half asleep. Good news was, my girlfriend was only about 3 blocks away. I pull up and see the front door of her patient’s apartment is cracked open, so I toot my horn. My girlfriend comes barreling out the apartment talking about, “Well, that was rude...” I was like no it wasn’t. We went back and forth over how it was and how it wasn’t to the point I finally just said, “Whatever...” This pisses my girlfriend off to no end! On they way back to her place, I could already tell that if I didn’t say anything she’d be silent and just get out of the car and walk into the apartment without a word so I told her that I was sorry and that I was half asleep. I tried to reconcile but she wasn’t up for much conversation. I went back home and had planned to watch a football game with her later on that evening. My girlfriend has been acting bat-shit crazy for the past couple of weeks so I make sure to call her to make sure on whether or not its cool if I come over. She was like yeah... I take a shower, stop for gas, and check my phone only to discover that she’s like, “Well, I guess you’re not coming so I’m locking my door and laying down.” Now this pisses me off so I’m like fuck a text, I am calling! She doesn’t answer so I send a text. She returns my call and clear up the confusion, but she wants me to pick her up something to eat. Here’s where it gets good... So I get there and we’re trying to find the game and discover that her Hulu package doesn’t carry the game even though she has ESPN+. i have the ESPN app on my TV back home so try to load it up on her TV. She questions my methods saying why would you try to load it up when it didn’t work before on your TV downstairs. I was like, “Well, I got it to work later on.” The ESPN app didn’t work on her TV so she gets pissed and doesn’t like my sighs and facial expressions calling it an “attitude” and later says, “Well, why don’t you just go home and watch the game at your house! How about that?” I was simply like, “Ok”, and left. And oh by the way, I left the food there and YES she ate it (((LOL))). She proceeds to send me texts judging me on my “attitude” so at that point I have to remind her that my poor old Dad hasn’t been dead for 24hrs yet and that I just might be still in mourning so you’ll have to excuse my attitude if it seems like I have one. I already warned her the day before his passing that I could feel a spirit of anger coming over me and feared that I would spazz out on someone if even slightly provoked. I also took it step further by reminding her on how grateful to God I was that I have a home to come home to because this had made like the 2nd time she had asked me to get out of her house. And I am eternally grateful to God because its cold outside and I would hate to be homeless on these cold streets. Needless to say, she felt bad about that and later apologized for her actions. To be honest after Saturday night, I was mentally prepared for the relationship to be over. Let’s just say that I subliminally took back after accepting her apology. Then we have my mother who is still in the mental hospital. She has called me just about every day with a sincere concerns about how I am feeling after my father’s death but then her conversation turn mental when she begins to talk about topics that have no relevance. All I can do is pray for her. I love my mother dearly. Its just hard for me to process her mental illness. It wasn’t hard at all to process my father’s illness, stage 4 pancreatic cancer, because you could put a finger on it. On the contrary, no one can seem to put a finger on Mom’s illness. Then we have my step-mother. So my Dad passes on a Friday and my step-mom wants to have his memorial services the day before Thanksgiving! I am like that might not be a good time as people are traveling and working during the holidays. She holds firm. Later on her pastor convinces her to push the memorial services to the first week in December. I am glad she agreed to do that way because my Dad deserves a good turn out and proper opportunity for family and friends to make plans to attend. I could go on and on about the incompetency's of other females either in customer service or like  but I won’t. I just get so annoyed with what seems like foolishness!
0 notes
the-iceni-bitch · 3 years
I Long to Be
Pairing: Mr Freezy x hit woman!reader (kitten), Officer Bill x hit woman!reader (PG only for now)
Words: ~2.1k
Summary: Your new dynamic has Bobby ready to explode.
Warnings: explicit language, explicit sexual content (fingering, over the pants hand job, dry humping, mentions of oral and penetrative sex), emotional manipulation, reader is a massive bitch, slightly subby Bobby (what?!?!), cheating adjacent, domestic violence as foreplay, inappropriate behavior at a funeral, gossipy neighbors, SMUT!!!! 18+ ONLY!!!
A/N: This is mostly just setting the stage for the next arc I’m gonna do with our murderers but whoo boy are you sluts in for a treat! Sorry for inflicting the stache on you, but I’m just gonna lean into it.
I am no longer doing taglists so if you want to stay up to date on all the latest filth, follow my sideblog @the-iceni-library and turn on notifications!!!
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You moaned softly when Bobby pulled you back against his chest, the hand that wasn’t digging into your tit buried knuckle deep in your cunt from behind as he stroked your walls slowly.
“No marks.” You ordered when you felt his teeth scrape over your pulse, ignoring the snarl he shot you through the mirror before settling for licking a thick stripe up the side of your neck. “Don’t fucking pout at me, pretty sure even those dumb fucks out there would notice if I walked out there with a hickey. Control yourself.”
“You need to quit being a fucking bitch.” He growled when you squeezed his cock before starting to stroke it through his slacks again. “It’s been five days, if I don’t feel that warm snatch wrapped around me soon, I’m gonna fucking kill someone.”
“Then you’ll just have to wait even longer, Bobby. I told you, we’re gonna drill some fucking self control into you.” You rolled your hips into his hand when his palm ground into your clit, dropping your head back against his shoulder and purring when you felt his cock throbbing under your palm. “Plus, I’m still pissed at you for the unbelievable pile of bull shit I had to dig you out of.”
“But… fuck, kitten.” He buried his face in your hair to cover his groan when you squeezed him again, bucking his hips into your grip and tugging softly at your nipple as you brought him towards his peak. “I fucking need it. You can just suck on the tip a little, just tide me over, I’m fucking dying.”
“You’re fucking dramatic, I’m still letting you come, so quit being a bitch.” You felt warmth bloom under your hand and smirked at him, your pussy sucking on his fingers as he started fucking them into you harder until you came with a broken sob.
“You goddamn cunt.” He looked furious when you pulled away from him, growling when you wrenched out of his grip to straighten your dress out. “I swear to god, you keep fucking holding out on me and I’m gonna split you in half in front of those cunts until you’re bleeding and begging me to stop.”
“No you’re not.” You shoved your tits back into your dress and did up the buttons. “You’re gonna play the grieving husband and father for as long as I tell you, and once I feel like the fucking heat has died down enough, maybe then you can get your dick wet. But until that happens, you’ll just have to settle for hands and dry humping. Now shut up and try to look wrecked.”
He didn’t have to try, he was wrecked. Dealing with your constant teasing without being able to actually fuck you had him feeling like his nerves were frayed to the limit, and topping that off with having to play the tormented widower was testing the self control you were adamant he exercise. There hadn’t even been any jobs for him to redirect his pent up rage, so he was stuck settling for furiously jerking himself every night as he longed for your perfect, warm cunt.
You gave him a sympathetic pat on the shoulder before opening the door and heading back out to the wake, not bothering to fix your face as it fit the narrative that Bobby had been comforting you while you cried yourself out. With how haggard he was, your stupid cunt neighbors had no problem accepting when you told them that you and Bobby had been supporting each other through this tough time. 
Bobby’s jaw was clenched tight as he stood at the edge of his living room, barely paying attention to the twats who kept coming up to him to tell him how sorry they were for his loss while he watched you act like the perfect grieving friend. You shot him a glare when he tried to move closer to you, hiding your smirk behind your drink and leaning against the wall when he accepted another unwanted embrace like a good little widower.
“Hi, Suzy?” You had to act quick to school your face when you turned and found the fucking cop who had flirted with you at the damn crime scene standing there, you had not expected to see him again.
“Officer Bill!” You caught Bobby start out of the corner of your eye, shooting him a glance to settle him before turning back to your surprising visitor. “Robert’s just over there, did you need to talk to him about something? I thought everything was closed.”
“It is, and please just call me Bill.” He gave you a nervous smile and stepped a little closer to you, fidgeting with his hands as he struggled with what to say to you. “I just… I couldn’t stop thinking about you and I know these things tend to put all the focus on the family but I wanted to make sure you were ok? Since she was your best friend, I’m sure things are hard.”
Oh shit. Your flirting had worked a little too well, this boy was sweet on you. It took some doing for you to fight the pleased smile that tried to spread across your face, especially when you caught Bobby glaring at you over the cop’s shoulder when the man reached and gave your arm a reassuring squeeze. 
“It’s been so hard.” You gave a small sob and could have laughed when he drew you into his chest, burying your face in the warm planes of muscle as he did his best to comfort you. “I feel so alone now. I’d usually talk to Mary about this, but now I have no one. Maybe I could talk to Robert but he’s suffering so much worse than me, I don’t want to burden him any more.”
“God, you’re so sweet, honey.” You managed to disguise your snort as another sob, pressing your body close to his and trying not to grin when he settled his hands at the small of your back, “You can talk to me, Suzy.”
“Bill, you just met me.” This was working out great for you; a dumb cop who was already wrapped around your finger and a new way to piss off Bobby, what could be better? “I don’t want to take advantage of you.”
“Baby, no, never.” He gave you a soft smile when you lifted your head to meet his gaze, cupping your face in one massive palm and gently brushing his thumb over the curve of your cheek in an effort to soothe you. “I just wanna help, but we don’t have to do anything you don’t want, ok?”
“Okay.” You leaned into his cheek and sighed softly as you batted your eyelashes at him, it had been a while since you had played this game, but seems like you were still a fucking pro. “Thank you.”
“It’s my pleasure, darlin’.” You let him give your waist a squeeze before stepping back, your eyes finding Bobby’s and narrowing at the look of unbridled rage you found there until he was cowed. “There’s a little bakery near here if you wanna have some privacy.”
He nodded towards the gaggle of housewives that was watching you with interest while the rest of your neighbors started filtering home and you sighed, accepting his hand and letting him lead you towards the front door while you gave Bobby one more warning glance to keep him from doing something stupid. As soon as the door closed behind you the busybodies went crazy, whisper shouting at each other as they tried to keep some semblance of decorum while they packed up all the leftovers and helped Bobby clean up, or rather, did all the cleaning while Bobby started downing scorch like it was his job.
Thirty minutes later and he was finally alone, exhausted from all the unwanted hugs and sympathies he had to endure and wanting nothing more than to lose himself in you. But he couldn’t because you were still out with that fucking cop. He sulked in the chair at the front window, watching your house as he slowly drained the bottle of scotch and tried to keep himself from imagining what you might be doing with that fucker.
By the time the bastard’s car finally pulled up in front of your house an hour later, the bottle was empty, Bobby wallowing in a pool of self pity that he never would have admitted to and growling when he watched the officer help you out of the car and lead you to your front door with an arm around your waist. When he watched him give you a peck on the cheek he almost lost it, dropping the bottle and cursing when he heard it smash against the floor. At least you didn’t invite him inside, sending him on his way with a little wave before strolling into your house without a second glance. 
Bobby waited a few minutes after the cocksucker pulled away before storming over to your place, barely keeping himself together until he was able to knock on your front door. 
“Hey there, Bobby.” You gave him a wicked grin when you opened the door, stepping aside and letting him in. 
“The fucking cop?” He was itching to slap you, or maybe choke you, he was absolutely furious.
“Bobby, Bobby, Bobby.” You shoved him a little and snorted when he stumbled slightly. “Drunk again. What the fuck am I gonna do with you?”
“Fuck me.” He was so drunk he didn’t even care anymore, grabbing you by the back of your neck and dragging your face to his until his lips were devouring yours.
“Jesus, did I fucking break you, Bobby?” You chuckled when he growled in response and shoved you against the wall, grinding his hardened cock into your hip as he tried to wrap his hands around your throat. “No fucking marks! God, still haven’t learned, have you?”
Your slap sent him reeling, the only thing that kept him upright being your tight grip on his collar as you watched him with mock concern. He tried to snarl at you when you gripped his jaw in one hand, shaking his head with a demeaning tut before leaning forward to bite at his lips.
“You need to dump that fucking cop, kitten.” He purred into your mouth when you wound one leg around his hip and dragged him into you, letting him rock against you slowly with a low moan as his dick twitched in his pants.
“And you still need to fucking control yourself, instead of charging over to your single neighbor’s house like a bat out of hell right after your wife’s funeral when you know every fucking busybody in the neighborhood is gonna be watching us like a bunch of hawks.” You let him lift your other leg to wrap around him, pressing you into the wall and moaning into your neck as he ground right against your clit. “I’ll make you a deal Bobby; you manage to keep that temper of yours reined in and the neighbors off our backs for a whole month while I make that sweet, dumb cop fall in love with me, and I’ll let you do whatever he does to me, so you don’t combust.”
“You’re such a bitch.” His breath against your neck was desperate, the rhythm of his hips writhing against you growing frantic as you both neared your ends. “You let him fuck you and I don’t care, kitten, I’ll fucking kill him.”
“Aww, don’t worry baby, it’ll just be the tip.” You laughed when he snarled into your throat, forcing himself to pull back before he sank his teeth into you so you didn’t decide to torture him even more. “Look at you being so good, and I didn’t even mention your reward.”
“What is it?” Christ, you were just whipping men left and right today.
“Once I get that moron to give me his whole heart, I’ll let you help me break it.” He hit you at the perfect angle and you shuddered with bliss, your release soaking the front of his slacks as his own filled his briefs. “But in a way that keeps him wrapped around my little finger so we can use him if we need to.”
“Ugh, fuck. Fine.” He sighed defeatedly into your neck. “But if I haven’t had my dick sucked once by this time in two weeks, I’m getting a fucking toy.”
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punkrockmads · 2 years
Crash (Part 1 of 2)
Abby x Fem! Reader
(Enemies? To Lovers)
Tw: mentions of sexual harassment, car accident, major injuries, dead family member, swearing, angst to fluff, the usual
Summary: Abby, your roommate, couldn't care less about you. To her, you're just another person taking up space in her house. But when you get into an accident, Abby's true feelings come out, realizing she nearly lost you simply because she was afraid of falling in love.
You let out a sigh as you unlock the door to your shared apartment, hoping your roommate isn't home. When you enter, it's quiet, and you start to feel a bit of relief. That relief is quickly gone once you see Abby's shoes by the door.
It's not that you hate your roommate, she just hates you. For a reason you can't quite place. She's always quiet around you, rarely muttering more than a rude comment to you. She barely looks at you, and when she does, she looks past you with a blank expression mixed with... something you can't quite place that makes her pupils dilate. Usually, she just treats you like you don't exist. It hurts. It truly hurts. Especially since she wasn't like this when you first met.
When you first moved in, Abby was super sweet and kind and more than welcoming. You felt so comfortable and happy around her and she was like the dream roommate. Now, she's only like that when she has friends over. It was a gradual change, one you slowly picked up on as she built a mental wall between the two of you brick by brick. If you could, you'd move. But sadly you're seriously struggling to even make enough to pay your half of the rent.
Simple things like eating and staying hydrated have become an afterthought because of the stress. A while ago, you had fallen off a ladder while helping a neighbor fix their roofing and broken your wrist (something you didn't tell Abby about, hoping she wouldn't care enough to notice. She didn't, or if she did, she never said a word). You know nothing about roofing, you just needed the money.
Without any insurance, you're still left with bills to pay. Even with two, albeit minor, jobs you've still been struggling. To make matters worse, your father passed away a month ago (another thing you may not have told Abby) and you've been trying to save up enough money for the funeral expenses. You're just lucky to be able to pay your rent on time. Something tells you Abby would have a fit if you couldn't and you really don't want to deal with that.
You walk into the living room, seeing Abby on the couch scrolling through shit on her phone while a movie plays on the TV.
"Hi." You say, still trying to be polite like you have for months. As expected, Abby doesn't say anything back. She doesn't even glance your way. "Okay." You mumble, sighing as you walk to your room.
You close your bedroom door, groaning as you lean back against it and slide to the floor. You rest your head in your hands, a pounding headache making tears well up in your eyes. Another rough day at the supermarket. Hopefully you'll make some good tips at the bar to make up for it.
You get up, kicking your shoes off and sitting on your bed. You go through your Email, scrolling through little jobs your neighbors have asked you to do for them for some quick cash. Things like cleaning gutters, pulling weeds, mowing lawns, jobs young teenagers would usually do. You reply to a few, setting up dates before you fall asleep, forgetting to eat dinner for the 5th day in a row.
You wake up hours later to your phone ringing. You answer with a tired "Hello?" The response makes your stomach twist in anguish.
Fired. You've been fired from the bar?! For slapping some creepy dude who was sexually harassing you?!
"Fuck." You sigh once you hang up. "Oh fuck. What am I gonna do?" You cry into your hands. You decide to tell Abby right away that you might not be able to pay rent, that way she isn't clueless to your situation.
You leave your room, quietly walking down the hall to Abby's door. You knock lightly. "Abby?" You call, trying not to show that you're on the brink of tears. You hear her familiar irritated sigh as she opens the door, looking at you with her usual frown.
"I, uh." You pause, face heating up. God, why did she have to be so pretty even when she's frowning? "I might not be able to pay my half of the rent on time." You look down at the floor, embarrassment flooding through you. "But I'll- I'm gonna get it! I swear."
"What'd you do this time?" Abby grumbles, and you can sense her annoyed eye roll. "Break your wrist again?" So she did notice.
"No, I-" Abby cuts you off before you can explain.
"Or did you give yourself a concussion?" You can't tell if she's joking or not, but either way, it hurts. "Y'know if you weren't such a clutz, maybe you wouldn't be paying off a bunch of medical bills."
"Why are you acting like this?" You ask, your voice quiet. Her insults and rudeness have finally managed to break you. A tear falls down your cheek.
"What?" Abby asks, her voice laced with irritation. You look up at her, seeing something flash on her face when your teary eyes meet her.... guilt?
"What did I ever do to you?" You continue, raising your voice a bit. "You've been awful to me for months and I... I don't understand what I did wrong."
Abby stares at you with shock, asking herself the same question. What the hell is she doing? "Y/N-"
"I lost my job." You continue, desperately fighting back tears. "I hit a customer for groping me and they fired me." A fire grows in your gut, all the frustration and pain from the past few months finally being allowed to bubble to the surface. Abby stares at you wordlessly, allowing you to continue.
"I have been working my ass off day and night to pay off stupid fucking medical bills, I lost my fucking job, and I still have a fucking funeral to pay for so my own dad can be laid to rest in peace in a stupid fucking box in the dirt!" Your breathing goes frantic at this point. Abby can feel the pain and anguish radiating off of you, making her feel even more guilty.
"So I'm sorry, Abby... for whatever I did to make you hate me so much." You gasp for air, walking to your bedroom and grabbing your shoes and bag. "But maybe next time you could let me know you don't want me around instead of treating me like some kind of parasite." Your voice is a mix of hurt and anger as you seethe out the last part. Abby doesn't blame you. Not one bit. She really has been awful to you. You turn toward the front door, clutching your keys in one hand and shoes in the other.
"Where are you going?" Abby asks, worried. "It's almost 9pm."
"I'm gonna go see if I can get my job at the bar back." You explain, not bothering to turn around and face her. "I'll be back later." And with that, you leave Abby alone with her thoughts.
"God dammit." Abby whispers, tears falling down her face as she sits on the couch. "Abby you fucking idiot."
All this time, she's tried to ignore you, tried to avoid getting close to you. All because she was scared. She had fallen in love with you almost immediately and it terrified you. She thought, if you ever found out, or if the two of you ever had a falling out, she'd lose you forever. She can't lose you. She doesn't wanna lose you.
Abby sits in silence for a while, trying to figure out how she's ever gonna make it up to you. Could you ever forgive her? Could she ever forgive herself? Her phone ringing interrupts her thoughts and she rushes to her room to answer it.
"Is this Abigail Anderson?" A man's voice asks.
"Yes. Who is this."
"This is Dr. Flores at UW Medical Center." Abby's stomach drops. "Y/N Y/L/N has been in an accident. She asked us to call you."
"Accident- what... what kind of accident?" Abby's already rushing back into the living room to get her shoes on, panicking.
"A man ran a red light at an intersection and hit her." The doctor explains. "We can discuss her condition further in person if you'd like."
"Yes." Abby rushes out, grabbing her jacket and yours. "I'll be there soon." Abby hangs up, grabbing her keys and leaving. "Fuck Y/N. Please be okay. Please."
As soon as Abby gets to the hospital, she hurries to the front desk, her heart pounding in her chest. "My name is Abigail Anderson." Abby chokes back tears. "I got a call that my friend was brought here. Um- Y/N Y/L/N."
"Abigail Anderson?" A voice calls from behind her. She turns around, seeing a doctor walking towards her. She nods. The doctor holds his hand out for her to shake. "Dr. Flores. We spoke on the phone." Abby nods again, shaking his hand.
"How is she? Can I see her?" Her questions come out quickly.
"You can't see her just yet." Dr. Flores says calmly. "She's in surgery. The crash punctured her right lung. She has a few broken ribs and most likely a concussion."
"Oh God." Abby whispers, wiping tears from her face. "Is she gonna be okay?"
"For now it looks like she's going to be just fine." Dr. Flores assures. "You're welcome to stay in the waiting room. I'll have someone come get you when she's out of surgery. Does she have any other family we should call?"
Abby shakes her head. "No. No, she uh... she doesn't have anyone." The words sear Abby's heart like a hot iron, remembering Y/N telling her about her dad. Why would Y/N want her here after all the pain she's caused? The doctor nods, giving Abby a kind smile before leaving her alone in the waiting room.
Abby sits in the uncomfortable chair with her shaky hands folded in her lap. Her phone rings, but she doesn't answer. It rings again, she leaves it. Finally, after the third ring, she decides to answer. It's Manny.
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waka-chan-out · 3 years
it seems like we’re all having severe ennoshita brainrot tonight so here’s my contribution to that.
minors dni.
non-canonical timeskip.
content warnings: it’s late night parking lot car sex. do with that what you will. you also talk about getting married and he uses the word “wife” once.
You gasped and covered your face. “Oh my god, get down here now.”
Ennoshita threw himself on top of you, arms caged on either side of you. He laid there for a moment as you held back a laugh, then sat up and glanced out the windows.
“You idiot,” he said. “There’s no one there.”
“There was a car! I swear.”
“I think you’re lying to me,” he said, slouching down and pressing a kiss to your forehead. “You’re looking for excuses not to kiss me.” You laughed and grabbed his face as he shifted his lips to your cheek.
“Never! I’d never do that.”
Ennoshita shot you another smile and inhaled deeply as he kissed you again, firmly and sweetly on the mouth.
“You’re makin’ up excuses, sweetheart. Just want me to kick you out and drive home, huh?”
You laughed harder and wrapped your legs around his waist, dragging him back on top of you.
“You’d better not,” you teased. “If I go outside you’re rolling out with me.”
“Naughty. What will the neighbors think?”
“I don’t care. We won’t be doing much thinking so why should they?”
“Ah, I didn’t think of that. You’re right. Who cares. I’ll fuck you right against the lamppost out there.” He tried to press another kiss to your lips but you stopped him with a hand to the face.
“Aw, what? Where’s your sense of adventure?”
“My adventure senses end at car sex, thank you. I haven’t graduated to outdoors yet.”
“Well, I can arrange that.”
He nuzzled into your neck and teased you with his kind lips and quick tongue. You sighed through a smile and ran your hands through his dark hair.
“What is this place, anyway?” you breathed.
Ennoshita leaned up and glanced out both windows, squinting across the dimly lit parking lot to read a sign. His eyebrows raised and he stared down at you with a shocked smile.
“I think it’s a funeral home.”
Your smile dropped.
“You’re kidding.”
He sputtered out a laugh and dove back on top of you as you tried to sit up to look.
“No! You’re mine. Stay here.”
“Chikara, you ass!” You smacked his shoulder and tried to push him off.
“You’re half naked in a funeral home parking lot and there’s nothing you can do about it.”
“I can leave.”
“Be my guest but I won’t take you home.”
“Fine, I’ll walk.”
“I’ll follow you.”
“I thought you said you wouldn’t take me home?”
“I’m not doing it for your benefit. I just don’t want anyone else staring at your ass in these.” He grinned and tugged at your underwear, working them off your legs and planting a kiss on your knee. You hid your face as you laughed.
“You’re an idiot.”
“An idiot in love with an idiot.” He rifled through his discarded pants and pulled out a condom. “But one of us does have a great ass, so you’ll have to forgive me for being so protective.”
“How romantic. I think I want to marry you.”
Ennoshita grinned as he ripped the packet open with his teeth.
“Yeah? How bout it?” His eyes shut for a moment as he slid the condom over himself.
“Why not?” you said. “Just remember you aren’t allowed to invite your aunt.”
“What? Why not?”
“The first time I met her she asked when we were having kids.”
Ennoshita adjusted his weight so he was hovering over you.
“Yeah? Is that it?”
You both let out a relieved sigh as he sunk into you. His forehead tipped forward onto yours as he began slowly rocking himself inside of you.
“What do you mean ‘is that it’? That’s enough.”
“Okay, okay. Fine. Any other wedding rules?” His voice was strained and his eyes screwed shut.
“No one is allowed to wear black or white. Only colors.”
“What about me?”
“You can wear whatever you’d like.”
“Fine, I’ll wear a wedding dress.”
“As long as it’s not more expensive than mine.”
“You know I’d never do that.” His hand migrated between your legs and rubbed slow, tight circles over your clit. You tipped your head back and he took advantage of it, pressing small kisses over your neck. “I gotta spoil you on our big day.”
“What about our big night?”
“Our wedding night?” He grinned readjusted his so one arm was wrapped around your shoulder as the other hand continued to play with your clit. “I think I’ll hold you close like this. And I’ll fuck you slow at first, just like this.” He pressed a deep, lazy kiss to your lips.
“Once I’ve made you come once I’ll take you to the bathroom. We’ll have a huge jacuzzi tub and lots of candles and I’ll try to clean you up.” He sped up the pace of his hips, going deeper on each inward thrust. “But I’ll get distracted and pull you into my lap and let you use me until your legs are shaking.” He sucked lightly at the crook of your neck, bringing a slight ache to the surface.
“Then we’ll dry off and I’ll have my way with you every way and every place you want me to until we’re unconscious.” Heat was rushing through your body and you could feel his arm tensing underneath you. He laughed a little to himself before speaking again.
“And then whoever wakes up first makes the other person come so hard they forget they were ever sleeping.” His words came out in a rush as his pace on your clit increased. His pants turned into subtle groans and his lips twitched into an exhausted smile.
“Fuck,” he muttered. “Why don’t you give me a little taste of that, huh? I wanna feel you come for me.” Your body tensed and you buried your face into his shoulder, then trembled as you came. He followed close behind, a small noise falling from his lips.
You lay against each other for a moment, breathing heavily and ignoring the fact that the car windows were completely fogged up.
“I think that sounds pretty nice,” you said, breaking the silence.
“I think so too. Want to try it sometime?”
“Having sex or getting married?”
“We already did the first one.”
“Well, then you need to be patient, Chikara. My brain’s a little scrambled right now.”
He smiled and pressed kisses all over your face and neck.
“Let it stay scrambled,” he said. “You can stay my idiot wife with the nice ass and I can be your idiot husband.”
“Then hurry up and put a ring on it, Chikara.”
Ennoshita glanced at the pocket of his jacket, which had been discarded in the front seat.
“I’m planning on it.”
tag list: @ohno-otome @antiqueremains @stationery-store @tanzaniiite @imbearlythere @kitastowel @vminelove @yougivemeglobalwarming
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May I suggest the MC giving Satan one of their favorite books because they think he'll enjoy it, but Satan gets particularly blushy reading a very suggestive scene of it, thinking about the MC reading it and asking himself if they had any intention behind giving him a book with those scenes
Doesn't even need to be full on nsfw, I already like thinking about him getting all blushy about it! lol
Would be fun with other characters too, but since Satan's so big on reading I thought of him!
Thank you very much, i love your work:)<3
Awww! First my brain went to ice planet Barbarians because that is all booktok is showing me, THEN I thought about it. What if MC gave him like Pride and Prejudice or a Midsummer Night's Dream or Romeo and Juliet or The Great Gatsby. (Can you tell I am overwhelmed by the absolute cuteness of this idea and am struggling to choose 1 book?)
This fic is filled with spoilers. I tried not to be too detailed, but some I couldn't get around. I don't think this turned out exactly how you wanted it... but I hope you still enjoy it.
Maybe I could write more things like this. Satan's book reviews... that might be cool. I enjoyed trying to think like he would as he "read" the book.
I am going to stop rambling now... enjoy!
Spoilers for basically the whole book of The Great Gatsby
Brothers Masterlist | Dateables Masterlist
Satan's Green Light
Satan x MC
He stared at the book sitting in his lap for quite a while before picking it up.
"The Great Gatsby." The eyes on the front cover stare blankly at Satan as he flips it over in his hands to scan the back.
"MC continually talks about how this is their favorite book." He begins to flick through the pages as he flips in back to the front.
"I guess I should start reading. MC did say they wanted to talk about it over dinner tonight." Finally Satan opens the cover and begins to read.
It doesn't take long for Satan to get to Daisy Buchanan's introduction. He is amused by Nick's description of his cousin, beautiful but fickle.
"I seem to know someone like that as well."
He continues and is floored by the relationship of Daisy and Tom.
"MC had described this as a tragic love story, yet these two are hardly in love with each other."
His suspensions are confirmed when Tom introduces Nick to his mistress leaving a sour taste in Satan's mouth about Mr. Buchanan.
As he goes through the book, Nick finally is invited to his neighbor's party. As Nick wonders about Gatsby's life, Satan wonders about MC's choice in love stories.
"I guess human literature has changed since I last read it." He sighs and continues.
Finally some romance seems to blossom as Jordan and Nick now begin to see each other through the summer. But just as quickly as that began, Gatsby whisked Nick away to a private lunch where he kept insisting that he was a good person.
"Odd, I don't see why such a wealthy man needs to plead with a poor one unless there is something Nick has that he wants."
And that when it finally clicked in Satan's brain. Jay Gatsby was after Daisy Buchanan.
"Oh, I see... Maybe this is much more interesting than I thought."
He reads about Gatsby filling Nick's house with flowers to impress Daisy and a chuckle bubbles out of his throat.
"I can understand where you are coming from Gatsby. I would do the same just to make MC smile." A small smile of his own crossed his face and he pictured it. MC giggling and smiling ear to ear surrounded by beautiful flowers, but they outshine them all.
After the flowers, Gatsby takes Daisy to his house and shows her all the enormous rooms. Eventually the pair begin dancing and forget of Nick's existence so he leaves.
This causes Satan to think back to the first ball MC went to in the Devildom. MC danced with everyone and saved him for last. They danced for the rest of the night as if they were the only two in the ballroom. He likes to think MC saved him for last because they knew it would be anguish to be pulled away from each other.
Satan continues to read as Daisy and Tom show up to Gatsby's lavish party. Daisy and Gatsby eventually run off together as Tom is distracted by Nick and Jordan.
"I will need to remember that for the next ball... Maybe Asmo would help distract Lucifer while me and MC run off into the night."
Satan smiles, a late night rendezvous with MC doesn't sound to bad. In the book, Gatsby uses this time to plea with Daisy to marry him.
"Daisy seemed to only marry Tom out of necessity, so why not leave him."
Satan then begins to read faster as the intensity of each scene increases. Gatsby and Daisy are driving into town as Tom, Jordan and Nick trail behind in Gatsby's car. Eventually the party gets to the hotel and a verbal fight breaks out in the hotel room. Gatsby insists on Daisy never loving Tom, but Daisy says that it isn't true.
Satan can understand the betrayal that Gatsby feels, but he can also understand how Daisy slowly fell in love with Tom over time. Just like how he slowly fell for the human who loved this story so much.
Then Satan reads about Gatsby exploding with rage stating Daisy is lying.
"I guess we both have that problem, Gatsby. We always seem to hurt the ones we love the most by getting angry."
He reads further as everyone drives home. Gatsby and Daisy now in Gatsby's car and Tom, Jordan, and Nick in the other.
Satan is shocked when the group of three stumble upon a murder scene only to find Tom's mistress dead. He is intrigued when Tom tells her husband it was Gatsby who killed her.
"Wow Tom, very sneaky, but I couldn't say I wouldn't do the same if someone was threatening my marriage."
The story continues and Satan finds out that the one driving was in fact, not Gatsby, but Daisy. Eventually Gatsby is waiting for a call from Daisy so they can run away together. A call comes in and Gatsby is shot by the mistress' husband.
"Oh no. Well at least he died happy."
Satan then reads that Nick was the caller and the story tragically ends with only a few people going to his funeral, and sadly Daisy was not in attendance.
Some small tears well up in his eyes as Gatsby's few friends and family talk about him.
"He had one dream, and he couldn't even achieve that. I hope that I don't end up the same way with MC. Alone and forgotten because I scared them away." He shudders at the thought before setting the book down and looking at the clock.
"It's almost dinner. I guess I should go find MC and tell them my thoughts." Satan stands as the eyes on the cover watch him walk out of the library.
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sagittariuswritings · 3 years
Your Touch
TFATWS EPISODE 4 SPOILERS Pairing: Helmut Zemo x f!reader Summary: Y/n was dragged along Sam and Bucky’s “Zemo mission” by Bucky. She’s a mutant herself, an empath to be exact. After the blip, Bucky became her new neighbor. They became good friends, and got to know each other, and he offered to teach her self defense. When he asked for her help, she never knew she’d catch feelings for a criminal. Warnings: Language, angst, soft!zemo, fluff, and h*nd h*lding Word count: 2.3k+ A/N: I know I know I posted a screenshot of this days ago but I’ve been really busy at the barn lately and I always have to go to bed before midnight and I’m typically busy until 8pm so I’ve been really meaning to finish this!! AO3 link (not my gif)
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The new plan was for Sam to try and talk to Karli. Of course, Y/n didn’t expect Zemo to actually go through with that. Zemo called Karli a supremacist, which just about earned him a punch across the nose from her, but she held herself back - more like Bucky caught what she was about to do and he grabbed her by the elbow to drag her away like a child.
Y/n wore gloves nearly all the time, in all weather. With her empathic powers, and no one to guide her with them, she didn’t know how to control them or contain them, so she resulted in wearing gloves instead. Sure, it sucked when summer came, but in her mind it was worth it in the end.
Of course, John Walker himself had to butt in. The four of them (Sam, Bucky, Zemo, and Y/n) were on their way to Donya’s funeral, and low and behold John Walker’s been tracking them down. “Karli Morgenthau is too dangerous for you guys to be pulling this shit.”
“Ah great - How’d you find us now?” Bucky immediately spoke up when they rounded the corner to fully see John and Lemar.
“Come on, man, you really think two avengers can walk around Latvia without drawing attention?” Started Lemar, but then John butted in. “No more keeping us in the dark. You could start by telling us why you broke him out of prison.”
“Technically speaking, he did that himself-” Y/n started, but John cut her off.
“And who the hell is she?” He turned, looking at Sam and Bucky while jabbing a thumb in her direction.
“She can very well speak for herself, off-brand Captain America.” She said with her arms going over her chest. She couldn’t stand the guy already. Her and Bucky were together to watch his little football game thing, and she could practically see the steam coming out of Bucky’s ears. She could feel the anger, too. “I’m simply an acquaintance helping my friends, none of your concern.”
“None of my-” “Yes, none of your business. I know where Karli is.” Zemo interrupted him, starting to push past John, but he stopped him. “Well where?” Sam spoke up for Zemo, “All we know is, it’s a memorial, so we’re gonna intercept her there.” Lemar said something about being careful due to civilians, but Zemo, Y/n, and Bucky were already starting to walk off.
John tried explaining his quote on quote plan and that of course led to bickering between him, Sam, and Lemar. All Y/n could do was roll her eyes and earned a small chuckle from Zemo beside her. “What?” “Oh, nothing, it is just entertaining is all.” “What? Me getting frustrated or them bickering like children?” Zemo paused. “Both.”
John, yet again, tried stopping them, and having already been around their bickering, Y/n was getting fed up. This time, it was Zemo who held her back. He gently wrapped his hand around her elbow before she could speak up, and she reluctantly listened to him, letting the rest of them deal with his bullshit.
“I’ll deal with you later.” John pointed at Zemo. “Yeah, sure you will.” She mumbled, and before John could snap back, Zemo spoke up. “My associate is just up ahead.” And with that, they were finally moving again. Y/n figured there would be a trick or two up Zemo’s sleeve, but using a child to show him to the funeral was the last thing she expected him to do. As he gave her the money, she couldn’t help but smile a little. It was nice to see a man that looked extremely closed-off do something good. Maybe he wasn’t so bad after all.
Before Zemo could even speak, John cuffed him to a piece of machinery. “You’ve got ten minutes, then we’re doing things my way.” He told Sam over his shoulder after cuffing Zemo.
“Aggressive. But I get it.” In all honesty, Y/n wasn’t against this. More often than not her gut feelings were correct, and she certainly had a gut feeling that Zemo was going to do something either stupid or bad within the next hour or so.
Y/n sat down beside Lemar, bringing one knee up to her chest and letting her other leg hang off the edge of this machinery. She didn’t hate Lemar the way she hated John. Lemar seemed to have a good heart, one that was set in the right way and that wouldn’t change no matter what. He wasn’t like his associate, and Y/n could feel it. John had an aggressive and arrogant type of energy, meanwhile Lemar had a passionate and determined energy. There wasn’t a dangerous edge to the man.
The entire ten minutes - well, at this point it hadn’t even been eight let alone ten -, John paced nonstop and was driving her and Bucky insane. Her and Bucky seemed to make eye contact out of frustration nearly every time John would pace. And Zemo just stood with a grimace on his face the entire time. “Do you ever stop?” She finally said. “Stop what?” “Trying so fucking hard to be the hero of every situation.” “Excuse me?” That seemed to irritate him because he stopped pacing and came up to her, barely leaving much space between them.
“Y/n.” Bucky spoke, his tone a warning. “Leave it be.”
“No, I’m not going to leave it be. Not when I can’t hear my own thoughts over this guy making a trench in the concrete.” She sat up as she defended herself, not even bothering to look up at John when she talked to Bucky. “You try so hard to be the good guy. You have this mindset that you’re in control of everything just because you gave yourself the label Captain America. You think just because you’ve been labeled as Captain America, you can just go about bossing everyone around. You’re a spitting image of your average American, however.” With that, she got to her feet. She was smaller than him, but that didn’t stop her from continuing. “You’re a rich white man with beautiful blonde hair and sparkling blue eyes, but you think because you’re a rich white man that you can control everything. You’re one spitting image of the American Government: Fucked up and corrupt.”
You could hear a pin drop. It was so silent. Y/n could feel the pure anger in John begin to bubble up, and right when she thought he was going to hit her, all he said was “I’m going in.” She was left standing there as Lemar jogged after John, just her and Zemo being the only ones left in the room.
“That was… Impressive.” Zemo ended up speaking first. Y/n snapped her head over at him, and there were tears welling up in her eyes. She didn’t normally get like this. The energy in the room was tense and her emotions got caught in the tension. “It wasn’t.” She mumbled, a sniffle following her words as she made her way over to Zemo. “I don’t exactly trust you but,” She pulled a bobby pin out of her hair. “This is a bit much.” It took her a second, but she was able to unlock the handcuffs.
Zemo seemed to stare at the cuffs for a moment while he rubbed his wrist, his eyes meeting her own. “Thank you.” “It’s nothing. Just go do your thing and I’ll be your babysitter.”
The large metal door slammed before Y/n could follow Zemo into the boiling room, and she heard him shove things in front of the door. “Zemo?” Silence. “Zemo what the fuck, let me in!” She shoved her shoulder against the door, but it didn’t budge. “It’s for your own safety.” She scoffed. “My safety? You better be worried about your own safety if I get my fucking hands on you after this, open the door.” She heard his footsteps retreating and she slammed her fist against the door out of anger, probably bruising her hand in the process because god that hurt.
Gunshots went off. She didn’t want to leave the spot in fear of getting lost, and within minutes Bucky was jogging down the hallway. “Zemo locked me out and I just heard gunshots-” Before she could continue, bucky managed to get the door open by kicking it, then he just had to push it open. By the time they got in the room, Lemar entered from across the room and upon looking down, Zemo’s unconscious body was in the center of the room while John stood some feet away from him. “What the hell happened-?” Y/n breathed out, running down the stairs and dropping to her knees by Zemo’s body, her fingers instantly going to his pulse beneath his jaw. There was a very obvious pulse, but she was still shaken up.
Why was she shaken up? He was a bad man. He was a criminal. He used Bucky to destroy people’s lives. He was supposed to be her enemy, so why was she worried about whether or not he had a pulse?
“Karli got him.” John came up behind her, but she stood up immediately. “Would you just back the fuck off? You don’t need to butt in on everything or be involved in everything. Get it through your stupid fucking helmet to your brain.” He started talking but she turned around and got back to Zemo’s side. She lightly hit his cheek with her gloved hand, and when he didn’t budge for a moment, she muttered a sorry before slapping him. That seemed to wake him up. His head lifted off the concrete, and his eyes fluttered open to meet her own.
“Oh, good, you’re alive. Let’s go back to your home now. Bucky?” She looked up at him, a soft pleading look in her eyes that said help. Reluctantly, he wandered over and helped her get Zemo to his feet.
Bucky and Sam had left to find somewhere for food, and left Y/n alone with Zemo in his home. She didn’t mind, if anything it was her suggestion. While the pair left the building, she guided him to his couch. He originally sat up but she put a hand on his chest and gently put pressure on his chest to ease him into a lying position. “I’ll get you some ice.” She quietly said, making her way to the kitchen.
“A cold cloth, please. Not a fan of ice over my eyes.” Zemo managed to speak up, his voice drifting to the kitchen. “As long as you’re sure.” She answered, grabbing a washcloth from one of the many drawers of his kitchen.
Quietly, Y/n stepped into the living room. “Lift your head.” She ordered. “Feisty.” Was his response. She rolled her eyes and sat where he had lifted his head. “Lay back.” She ordered again. Reluctantly, he lowered the back of his head onto her lap. “Close your eyes.” “I like the sound of that.” He muttered, his lips forming into a smirk. “Keep it up and I’ll make your headache ten times worse.” She quipped, gently laying the cloth over his closed eyes. “Now open your hand for a glass.” And she gently placed a shot glass of one of his strongest alcohols in his hand. “Do you want any pain meds or anything?” She asked, looking down at him. “Your touch would be enough, mein liebling.” His voice was quiet.
Of course, Y/n wore gloves solely to not have any physical contact with anyone. She feared feeling others’ emotions, seeing as she didn’t have a clue of how to control them. She’d told Zemo that she just had sensitive skin to certain material, which she figured he didn’t buy it, but he never said anything else.
With hesitation, she removed her gloves and placed them on the coffee table to her left. “Alright.” She spoke, her voice barely above a whisper as she reached for his right hand with her own. When she placed her hand in his, she felt him flinch. “You didn’t have to take your gloves off if you didn’t want to-” She cut him off. “It’s okay, Zemo.” “Helmut.” “Pardon?” “Call me Helmut. It’s my first name. Zemo isn’t my first.” Her brows raised in surprise, but she nodded.
Within moments of her slipping her hand in his, he intertwined his fingers with her own. A soft shade of pink settled onto her cheeks, and she was thankful that he couldn’t see her.
Surprisingly, she didn’t feel anything she’d feared when she touched his skin. She could feel faint pain and sadness from the past, but she also felt kindness. “You have a kind heart, you know. You put on a stone cold expression, but you’re kind.. I can feel it.”
With that, he placed his glass on the table and very quickly removed the cloth from his eyes, even though it hurt him to move his head too much. “I knew it.” She looked at him, a brow raised to toy with him. “Knew what?” “You’re an empath.” There it was. She knew he knew. “I am.”
“Am I… Hurting you?” Her heart nearly exploded at how soft his voice was. Very quickly, she shook her head. “No, no you’re not. I promise.” She smiled down at him and her eyes softened when she saw that look on his face. He was like a completely different person. He was touch starved. It was clearer than a crystal.
“Rest, Helmut… You need it.” She whispered, leaning over to gently press a kiss to his now cold forehead.
“You don’t need to tell me twice when you’re lulling me to sleep.” He snuck a smirk in before she laughed softly and covered his eyes with the cloth once more.
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yn-ymn-yln · 3 years
hi, how are you? Could you do a second part of "One Last Goodbye Kiss" where Klaus lives and he gets married to the reader as it's said in the imagine?
Hi love! I'm good, thank you for asking ☺🤍 I had a lot of fun writing this, thank you for the request and I hope you like it!
When Our Lips Finally Met
Klaus Mikaelson x reader
*Read part 1 here*
Two years was a long time. It left too much room for change, and not enough for grief, though the grief you were facing was bound to stick with you until your final days. The seasons continued their cycle, the days bleeding to nights even though your world hadn’t shifted since Klaus’ heart stopped beating.
“Please don’t make me live without you. There has to be another way.” Gripping the fabric of Klaus’ shirt between your fingers, you pull him closer to you, resting your head on his chest.
“Afraid not love.” He’s kind enough to indulge your naïve fantasy for a moment, holding you closely he caresses the back of your head, his fingers gliding down your neck. Foolishly, you convince yourself that maybe you had made him see reason, that taking his life in place of yours wasn’t a worthy cause.
Every ounce of hope you had gathered is broken when he places a kiss to your temple. “I will always love you Y/n Y/l/n.” In the blink of an eye he disappears, the only evidence he had been there being the phantom feeling of his lips on your skin.
Sloshing through the water-logged streets of Covington Louisiana, you watch your feet as you walk, mind in a different time and place completely. You hadn’t been able to face New Orleans since his funeral, far too many memories were sowed into the streets of the city he loved. You couldn’t face his siblings either, Rebekah had been kind enough to look after you for a time, though even she had her limits on being around the woman her brother died for.
You were well and truly alone.
“Y/n! How’ve you been?” Eyeing your neighbor you give him a nod of the head, acknowledging his words without a response. The elderly man doesn’t seem the least bit bothered by your standoffish behavior. His smile remains unwavering at your silence. “Oh! Before I forget, a woman stopped by while you were at work, a blonde. She wanted me to make sure you got this.” Retreating into the apartment adjacent from yours, he returns a moment later with a pristine white envelope in his grasp.
“Thanks.” The only blonde you still kept anywhere near your personal life these days was Rebekah, and a letter was the perfect way to communicate without actually talking to you.
Dear Y/n,
It’s been far too long since we’ve seen you down in New Orleans. It would do you some good to be around family again.
You want to laugh at the oddity in her statement. You didn’t have any family as far as you were concerned, and you sure as hell weren’t going to trudge back to that city, that house, those memories. Throwing the letter on your unused coffee table, you slump onto the couch in your barren living room. Eyes scanning the cream-colored walls.
He would have hated this.
“Maybe if you were here, you would have a say in the color I keep my place. Seeing as you’re not, the cream stays.” The sentence is spoken to the open air, your words not meeting the ears of the man you wished they would. Though the interaction still brings a soft smile to your face, your body relaxing.
Your eyes drift open to the fluttering sound of piano keys. The song, one you hadn’t heard before. The tune is sweet, the gentle cords causing your body to sway ever so slightly, mind ignoring the thick haze that surrounds you. As the melody comes to a seamless halt, the haze lifts and your vision is greeted with ocean blue eyes.
Standing in the distance was the man you had fallen in love with every night since that last goodbye kiss. The prince charming of your dreams, the other half of your irrevocably damaged heart.
Klaus Mikaelson.
His gaze follows your form as you glide towards him, white dress flowing behind you. the lake he had promised to marry you on at his back. When you finally reach him the rest of the world falls away as two broken hearts mend themselves together.
“I don’t want to live without you anymore.”
“Then come back to me.”
You jolt awake to the fluorescent glow of the hall way light in your dingy apartment, when sleep had claimed your consciousness was a mystery, though your mind was far from focused on that particular detail, Klaus’ words still ringing in your head.
Come back to me.
You pick up your phone and dial Rebekah’s number.
The world may have changed as the years had passed but the one thing that never would was New Orleans. The same faces still lingered in the bars, the shops you had loved still thriving in the corners of city streets. The compound looked unchanged from the day you left, the warmth that once radiated from the walls now dulled, the lively aura of the city stopping at its entrance. Before you can lift a hand to knock, the door flies open to reveal the face of Elijah Mikaelson.
“Hello Y/f/n, it’s been a long time.”
“Elijah.” Furrowing your brow, you step past the original and into the compound’s entryway. Though you could still feel the gloom that had incased the structure, its beauty never ceased to captivate you. “How’ve you been?” You surprise yourself with the question, face scrunching at the awkward delivery.
“I’ve been well, how about you?” Clearing your throat you gaze endlessly at your fingernails, taking note of the damage you had done on the drive over.
“Uh, fine, I guess. How’s everyone else? Hope?”
“Why don’t you ask them yourself.” Again, your taken off guard when you enter the spacious living area, only to be greeted with a room full of people.
“Oh. I didn’t know everyone was going to be here.” The familiar faces of Freya, Kol, Rebekah and Hayley reassure you slightly, though the strange new ones that you’re sure had been added in your absence still make you tense.
“Were celebrating, why wouldn’t everyone be here?” It’s Kol who speaks though your attention stays on Elijah.
“Celebrating what exactly?” Anyone who had been speaking goes silent then, all previous conversations halted as everyone’s attention is turned to you.
“Me love.” The nickname turns your blood to ice, rage igniting deep within you, until you recognize just who was speaking. You didn’t believe in love at first sight, but staring at him now, heart beating, smiling brilliantly. You would never doubt it again. “Love?” The timbre of his voice sends a chill down your spine, as if you were in the presence of a ghost.
“Please tell me this is real.” Klaus doesn’t move for a moment, his eyes casting a concerned glance in your direction. “Please.” Your voice cracks violently as the silence draws on, certain that this was another cruel dream tempting you with everything you wanted.
“It’s real love, I’m here.” His arms wind around you in an instant, catching you as your knees give out. You don’t waste time asking for an explanation, his touch enough to reassure you that he was there.
“Don’t ever leave me again. Ever.” He doesn’t tell you what you want to hear, refusing to make anymore promises he can’t keep. Instead, he caresses your face, time slowing as you reaffirm the love the two of you shared. “I want to be with you forever” Your words hang in the space between you, the world waiting for your next move. “Marry me.”
Time hadn’t been on your side for two years, the days evermoving, your body aging without your permission. You wanted to get back what was stolen from you, every minute that was wasted without him.
You wanted forever.
He doesn’t question your decision, his mind taken with the feeling of your body in his arms again. Tightening his grip, his head dips down to your ear, his answer whispered for only you to hear.
“I believe I’m the one who should be asking you that love.” You place your hands on either side of his face then, eyes never leaving his beautifully blue orbs. With each passing second in his hold, it was as if the last two years had been a figment of your imagination, a horrid dream that he woke you from like he had so many times before.
“You took too long.” You giggle as the hybrid rolls his eyes in your direction, his fingers dancing up your sides. “I love you.”
“I love you more.” Without wasting another minute, you gently kiss the man before you, the world falling away, as you Memorize the moment your lips finally met.
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