#oh what i would do to have sns travel together…..
hestiashand · 10 months
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travelling together.
sasuke week day 6 — alternate ending
[ ID: a full body drawing of blank period sasuke and naruto in the woods just before dark. sasuke sits against a tree and naruto kneels, his amputated arm balancing on sasukes shoulder. both are feeding onigiri to two black cats. sasuke has pale skin and wears a dark grey sweatshirt and black jeans. his nails are painted black. naruto has brown skin, light freckles, sun spots, dimples and wears a light grey sweatshirt, pink shorts, a blue headband and blue earrings. his nails are painted blue and he has his normal length hair with roots growing in. END ID. ]
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partrin · 5 months
rinharu headcanon incoming!!!!!!
(i have too many thoughts about these two and would like to share them with people who might appreciate them):
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whenever i see photos/official illustrations like this of rin, i can't help but to think he's one of those good-looking, naturally charismatic people who also happen to be very photogenic and self-aware, i.e. they know their best angles and by god they will make sure EVERYBODY knows their best angles when it comes to selfies, group photos, the likes.
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by contrast, haru is awkward when it comes to having his photo taken. and by awkward, i mean all he can offer most times is his soul-searching stare. if he's feeling generous, maybe a slight tilt of the head and the barest hint of a smile (like it physically pains him to curve his lips more than a metal ruler). an awkward peace sign, if he's feeling extra generous (he is me. he is us. he represents a lot of us that can't pose for shit in pictures).
these two clowns somehow end up taking on the world stage together, which can only mean they travel a lot together following the end of the franchise, right? we know rin is the type to take pictures of the places he visits, whether to send them to his loved ones back home or mail postcards or update his SNS. but haru, haru is canonically illiterate when it comes to technology. sure, he's an artist - he sees things with the keen eye only a person who can appreciate beauty (squints eyes at rei) might have, and he might take photos of sceneries that he finds breathtaking (waterfalls, fountains etc.)
but he is almost never the one to initiate taking photos of people. or of himself. or of him with people.
so i imagine a lot of haru and rin's travels going like this (read it like you're listening to an audio CD):
rin: nice, isn't it? the canal. they call this the grand canal - venice's main waterway.
haru: [stares into the distance] ah.
rin: do you want me to take a picture?
haru: of what?
rin: the rubbish bin. of you, you idiot! what else?!
haru: ...oh. [fidgets in place because the clown doesn't know what to say]
rin: would be nice if you could send makoto a picture without him asking for a change, wouldn't it? c'mon. i'll take it for you.
haru: [hesitates. makes some weird low disgruntled noise of disapproval. considers picking an argument with rin - wants to insist that he does do things on his own accord without makoto having to ask, but alas -] ...fine.
rin: okay, good. go stand in front of the parapet.
(silence. a bicycle whisks by. birds chirp in the distance. rin watches as haru moves towards the parapet and stands in the center like a rigid coconut tree. he rolls his eyes)
rin: can you at least look like you want your picture taken?
haru: [grumbles] it was your idea.
rin: i know but can't you - [pinches nose] fine, fine. it was my idea. just... pose or something, at least!
haru: i am posing.
rin: no, you're just standing there.
haru: then what am i supposed to do?!
rin: tch, i swear to god - okay, how 'bout this. turn your head a little to the side.
haru: [awkwardly looks to the extreme right] like this?
rin: no, that's too much! just a little. a forty-five degree angle. show your side profile - that's your best angle. your jaw looks sharper from the left than it does from the right.
haru: like this?
rin: yes! yes. okay, now, do you know what's mewing?
haru: i... what.
rin: mewing. it's when you flatten your tongue against the roof of your mouth. realigns your teeth and helps define your jaw. try it.
haru, exasperated: rin, i don't know if-
haru: fine, fine. [attempts to follow through] is this good?
rin: yes. god, yes. okay, now do something with your hands. don't just leave them hanging next to your body like wet socks. do something with them. look natural.
haru: [awkwardly slides hands into pockets]
rin: tch, boring. do something else!
haru: but you said-
rin: haru.
haru: [narrows brows] fine. [folds arms]
rin: okay, that's- [starts snapping pics] that's good! keep doing it! look left. okay, now look above my shoulder. don't look directly into the camera. okay, now look at the floor, but like, at a forty-degree angle. look like i just casually took a candid photo of you unaware. run your fingers through your hair. good. okay, now smile. SMILE MORE. haru, that is NOT a smile. smile! yes, like that! okay good. alright! come over.
haru: what?
rin, shit-eating grin on full display: see? the pictures look so much better when you put some effort into looking like you don't want to die having your pics taken. i managed to make you look handsome.
haru: [brow twitches] i am handsome, no thanks to you.
rin: yeah, yeah, whatever. damn. i should consider becoming a photographer if the swimming thing doesn't work out.
haru: yeah, if your clients don't mind having an insufferable asshole as a photographer then sure, why not?
rin: why, you little shi-
aka i typed an entire script just to conclude that rin would probably make an amazing instagram boyfriend. (or just boyfriend. for haru. um. yeah that's it)
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tamelee · 2 years
Hi Tamelee ( ´ ▽ ` ).。o♡ I hope you’re doing good! I have a question for you:
What do you think Naruto and Sasuke’s home would look like? Like… would they live in an apartment, or a house? And where would they live, exactly?
Oh and of course, I love your art. I send you all of my support, thank you for all you creations, it makes me want to make progress in drawing! You deserve all the hot chocolate in the world
Have a good day! (^▽^)
Hi @fille-de-skroa !! (ノ´ з `)ノ💕
Hope you're doing good too dear ♡
So, I did think about this before, my first ‘Naru-tober’ drawing was inspired by a house that was in the place Konoha was inspired from. 
I don’t think it’d be an apartment since Sasuke especially would prefer some more space and Naruto, having lived in one would love to share a house with Sasuke I think. 
I would imagine that neither Naruto or Sasuke mind neighbors. Often in fanfiction Sasuke seems to live by himself in his old home or when SNS do live together it’s very isolated.. but let’s say they would be able to live together, also being Hokage/shadow-Hokage then I do think it would lean more toward a traditional Japanese style home Sasuke used to live in.
In ‘Boruto’ the homes they barely step foot in look like this:
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As you can see these homes are very influenced by their "wives", since I doubt Naruto sends a clone to water the flowers and there is a reason Sasuke stopped wearing the Uchiha symbol, but I do think it would be somewhat of a mix between these two styles. 
So I think ‘modern traditional’, but with the feel of the house Sasuke’s childhood home used to have? Because for some reason these houses lack a lot of.. privacy or something. It’s very... directly-in-your-face, on display, hi-we're-a-family, -open. It lacks a proper garden (I guess) that I think they both would appreciate. 
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Anyway I went to Google Earth and looked around in that place. (The place Konoha supposedly is based off of.) 
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These homes look very similar. I think it would be something like that with neighbors and the street on one side and private space/garden on another. Kind of like this: 
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Anime: Hyouka.
Then when it comes to interior.. the brightest thing in the whole house would be Naruto’s hair. Probably. And his clothes. (And personality.) 
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From their childhoods they didn’t have much choice, nor was spending money on decorating their place a priority, but certain elements I think, they would take with them. (Neutral colors, wood, scrolls on the wall etc- Sasuke would not tolerate empty ramen cups on the floor..)
Since together it would definitely be a place to come home to comfortably, it would be more ‘lived in’. There will be a space that holds scrolls and other Ninja tools/material. (Like a library or collection corner/room.)
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It holds somewhat true to Japanese architecture and I also think they both would appreciate open spaces and natural light.. especially Naruto. The many plants are definitely from him. Sasuke tried to keep things a bit more minimal, but in the end even he would bring things home that remind him of Naruto during missions/travels. Their home would feel very harmonious though, just like them. It’s calming even during times of chaos. 
Their home feels very personal and open. 
In the back you can look out into the garden and there will be a path that leads to the training grounds. 
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Hey maybe by being Hokage/shadow Hokage they can have their own field and blow off some steam there. 
Yeah, something like this, perhaps? *-* Not too isolated, but a little privacy when needed as well. 
Anyway thank you for everything and your support always, ily, will always share my chocolate milk (I learned that some countries call it hot cocoa) with you ♡ hope you're well, stay healthy 💕💕🧡!
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redmelawashere · 8 months
SNS 2022 Prompts week 4
Week 1 summaries are here! 
Week 2 summaries here :) Week 3 summaries reporting for duty.
Full fics can be read here on my AO3 😊
I finally completed them THE SECOND DAY OF THE SNS 2023 EXTRAVAGANZA. WHICH I WILL ALSO BE PARTICIPATING IN. Stay tuned on my AO3! Those new prompts will be uploaded as of tomorrow :)
22 - Traveling Together
In which there is a cold hotel room, Naruto starts to feel more like herself, and there is a shared moment of intimacy between her and Sasuke in the early morning somewhere in Northern Lightning Country.
(Pt. IV of the "Sun and Moon", "Early Mornings", and "Naruto Opening (Diver)" prompts and honestly, an excuse to write 3500+ words of women empowerment pwp.)
23 - Royalty AU
"I’m sorry, but not all of us are related to the King and have the pleasure of being an insolent, pompous, shithead in front of the entire continent without fear of retribution.”  She stomped past him, hoping that this would be the last she’d see of Uchiha Sasuke. Her mother tells her a week later that Sasuke has accepted the proposal.
She takes the letter, handwritten by the King himself, and rips it up into tiny square pieces
(A very loose HouseoftheDragon!AU, without the incest, and a dash of arranged marriage.)
24 - Angels and Demons
“Alright kid,” Naruto started midway through the day, rubbing her temples. “Why am I an oni?”
“Because you ensnared, Sasuke-kun! All he does is stare at you all day!”
“Ugh, haven’t you ever heard of like, women supporting women?”
(In which the Daimyo's relative is a massive royal pain in Naruto's ass.)
25 - You Bring Colours to this Bleak World
"Come with me." he commanded in a low and dangerous tone, his red eyes gleaming in the darkness of her room.
She stared at him with disbelief, not knowing whether this was yet another one of her hallucinatory dreams or some sick, twisted joke.
(The sister fic, and pt.II of “Soulmates” prompt.)
26 - First Love
He sighed heavily, pressing the heels of his palms into his forehead.
"Dobe—I didn't mean—fuck—what are we going to do with all of this? We are going to be eating onigiri for days."
(Sasuke is reminded of the fact that he was the one who fell in love first. Pt.II of the "Going on a date" prompt.)
27 - Side by Side
“You’re free to interpret it as you like.”
“Did it make you think of me?”
Sasuke froze, staring at her with piercing, obsidian orbs.
“Yes,” he admitted lowly. “Is that what you wanted to hear?”
(In which Naruto starts to feel better and Sasuke, once again, has to shake the blonde out of her ugly insecurities. Pt. V of the "Sun and Moon", "Early Mornings", "Naruto Opening (Diver)", and "Travelling Together" prompts.)
28 - Greek Mythology
“Sasuke, I’m sorry—”
“—F-fuck you.”
He has to keep moving.
(A Hades!AU for the Greek Mythology prompt featuring Zagreus!Naruto and Maegara!Sasuke instead of the classic PersephonexHades adaptation. Another yaoi fic! )
29 - Touch him and I'll kill you!
“—What are you two talking about?” Ino interjected again, eyes darting between her two solemn friends. Sakura looked at Kiba who nodded. The pinkette then cupped her hands around her mouth, whispering loudly, “we think Naruto is pregnant.”
“Oh? Tell me everything.”
(The one where rumours are swirling around Naruto and Sasuke's expanding family. If only they knew the truth was more furry in nature.)
30 - Rockstar/Band/Music AU
“Wait, your training sessions are a secret?” Sakura hissed; eyes narrowed suspiciously as she grabbed another piece of barbeque ribs.
“Jinchuuriki things you normies wouldn’t understand,” she shot back. “Seriously. You think he tells me about his music career when we’re busy beating the shit out of each other or meditating with our Bijuu? Obviously not.”
(In which Naruto lied. She did know, and accidentally became a secret back-up singer for Bee and everyone loses their goddamn minds. Crack treated seriously.)
31 - Winter
“Do you care if I record something?”
“Yes. I don’t want my fucking face all over the internet and especially in your dumbass TikTok’s idiot—which, by the way, I’m still pissed about.”
She turned to him with a raised eyebrow.
“Stupid Tiktoks? Okay, I’m sorry for posting that one video of you without asking, but I guess it's kind of funny that you think they’re stupid, considering you’ve been spying on my profile for months.”
(AKA Naruto becomes TikTok famous in the ninja world and Sasuke has had just about enough of her going viral every other Tuesday. Crack treated seriously.)
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ichinisankaku · 1 year
Event Translation - Special Edition: How to Enjoy Midsummer (Chapter 2)
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Azuma: ...Hisoka.
Hisoka: Ah, Azuma.
Azuma: What a coincidence to see you in a place like this. Are you looking for something?
Hisoka: ...Was looking at travel magazines.
Azuma: I see, that's a bit surprising. Are you going somewhere?
Hisoka: I was supposed to work part time in town, but...
I was asked if I could go help out at a separate location in a tourist spot that's a bit further away instead.
Azuma: My my, that sounds troublesome.
Hisoka: Yeah... So then, when I was thinking going so far would be a pain...
Alice said a tourist spot might have sweets that turn into marshmallows or something.
I wanted to try and research what sweets would be there, and came to the bookstore.
Azuma: So that's it. Did you find anything good?
Hisoka: ...Not yet. It's all just about the sea activities and camping and stuff... that's not what I want.
Azuma: Hmm... Perhaps you'd have an easier time finding information on the sweets there if you looked on SNS, rather than in travel magazines.
Hisoka: I'm tired of searching for magazines... 'm going back to the dorm...
Azuma: Let's go home together, then.
Hisoka: ...Did you not come to buy books?
Azuma: I wasn't really able to find what I was looking for either, you see.
Hisoka: Ah.
Azuma: Oh, that's right. I wanted to stop by somewhere on the way home.
Hisoka: Where?
Azuma: Fufu, you'll see.
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Hisoka: Didn't know there was a store like this.
Azuma: It seems it was finished recently. I heard about it from Kazu.
The bottled fruit punch here is apparently very delicious and popular.
Hisoka: Does fruit punch change with each store?
Azuma: I wonder. Maybe they use different ingredients and such. Or perhaps it's popular for its beauty.
Do you want to try it as well, Hisoka?
Hisoka: ...Yeah.
Azuma: Well then, that's one each for you and I, one for Kazu for telling me about it, and... shall we buy some for the other kids who seem they'd like it?
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Hisoka: ...
Azuma: Oh my. Are you eating already?
Hisoka: ...I'm curious about it.
Azuma: I see.
We'll start right away, then. Let's eat.
Hisoka: Let's eat.
...! It's delicious.
Azuma: Fufu, it's cool, sweet, and sour, it really is delicious. I'll have to thank Kazu for letting me know about it.
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Kazunari: Ah! Azu and Hisohiso? Havin' a good afteanoon*?
Hisoka: Kazunari?
Azuma: Speak of the devil.
Kazunari: Huh huh? Were you talking about me?
Azuma: We went to the store you told me about before. We bought some of the bottled fruit punch for you.
Kazunari: SRSLY!? I'm suuuper happy! Thankies, Azu!
Uwah, it's just as pretty and delicious-looking as I heard! So cold too~
Hisoka: Yeah, it's really good.
Azuma: Eat with us, Kazu.
Kazunari: Thank yoooou! I'll dig in, then!
*He asks if they're having "nuncha", which is short for afternoon tea. "Afteanoon" is the best I could come up with...
Chapter 1 | Chapter 3 | Chapter 4 | Chapter 5 | Chapter 6 | Chapter 7 | Chapter 8 | Epilogue
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learreal · 11 months
ModernAU SNS, established relationship. They are very much serious adults and it's Sasuke's birthday.
Naruto hesitates at first, thinking it may be too childish of a gift, but Sasuke doesn't seem to mind when he presents it to him.
Sasuke's 27th birthday starts in a café with Sakura, Itachi and Shisui, continues with the two of them going to an exhibition Sasuke wanted to see and ends up in a restaurant. It's already twilight when they get home.
Sasuke looks happy and a little bit tired. Naruto feels warm and content – something about Sasuke's soft smile and state of peace always makes him feel grateful and calm himself.
– So, I know this isn't a fancy birthday present and I do have another one in case you won't like this one but-
– Just show it already. You have a good eye for personal gifts.
Sasuke reassures and smirks at Naruto's mumbling. So cute. And then gets absolutely astounded by the gift.
A basket filled with... crochet tomatoes. In difderent sizes. With a violet ribbon on the side. Sasuke takes it and stares at the real-sized cherry tomatoes and then picks them up. They are not as light as he thought they would be. He puts them on the sofa and sits down to get to the more "your regular salad size" ones. These turn out to be very squishy! Filled with little balls they use in anti-stress toys. And at the bottom of the basket, there's a giant round tomato that Sasuke squishes from the sides.
– It's almost the size of your head.
– Meant to be a pillow, actually!
– Oh.
Sasuke realizes he haven't given a normal reaction and smiles back at Naruto wholeheartedly.
– I love it, Naruto. They're great. I'll have some at my desk! And I needed a pillow for the chair anyways.
– Yep, I got these with the fact in mind and! I actually thought that you can throw the cherry ones at me when you're mad or unsettled to ease the tension. Or squish the pillow till it's flat. It's made to restore shape afterwards.
Naruto smiles easily, freely. As always conciderate of his wellbeing and emotional state. Sasuke purses his lips. It's hard not to be touched with these gestures even after many years of being together.
Sasuke pushes back his tears and starts throwing the cherry tomatoes at Naruto. He laughs and tries to catch them, breaking the silence.
– Ow! For what!? You said you liked them!
– Usoratokachi.
– Yeah, yeah. I love you too.
Naruto catches the last one and comes closer to leave a kiss on the top of his head.
– I'll make some tea. Take your time.
And leaves the room. Sasuke sighs and hugs the tomato pillow. Squishes it as hard as possible and closes his eyes. Something about Naruto always keeping in mind the smallest things about the people dear to him. Something about the way he cares and cherishes him and their relationship felt... too much sometimes. But in the best way.
As for the gift... Sasuke gets his hands on anti-stress tomatoes and decides that one of them will travel with him to work and back. As mental support.
The tea is warm and tarts turned out to be delicious. Sasuke chuckles at Naruto trying to lick the creme from the corner of his lips.
– You're such an idiot sometimes.
– Like you're not-
A kiss seems to solve it.
– By the way, what was the other present?
Naruto makes a playful brow wiggle. Sasuke rolls his eyes.
– Guess.
– Your dumb sense of humor? Imma pass.
– Hey! Actually, something we also talked about.
It takes him a couple of seconds but Sasuke figures it out. And can't help but to laugh.
– So... wait. You're telling me you got me a basket of crochet tomatoes for stress relief and a flogger?
– Uh... yes? Whatever helps best I mean-
Sasuke frowns and shakes his head. Then takes Naruto's hand and kisses his fingers softly, looking up to lock eyes. Naruto blushes immediately.
– Thank you.
– Who's birthday is it, again?...
Asks Naruto, almost breathless. Sasuke smirks and rubs his cheek against Naruto's wrist.
– Mine.
Naruto is surprisingly good in reading between the lines. When it matters.
Sasuke matters.
– Happy birthday, Sasuke.
– Save some whipped cream for later.
Sasuke already has a plan for the other gift. And it seems Naruto is fully his for the following night.
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enhypia · 3 years
SN ; bestfriends
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bestfriends answers questions with the choice of drinking instead of answering
pairings: kim sunoo x gn!reader
genre: fluff
words: roughly 1.3k
masterlist ⸺ series masterlist
~guides and warnings~
italics - reader speaking
bold - sunoo speaking
[enclosed] - interviewer speaking
italicized bold- both reader and sunoo speaking
[enclosed bold or italics] - question (depends on who's speaking)
heavily inspired by: rec.create lie detector games, cut truth or drink
warning: contains and mentions of !!! drinking and swearing
i don't promote underage drinking, save your livers
hi i'm sunoo!
and i'm (y/n)
and we're bestfriends~
[okay, you guys were invited here today as bestfriends for a fun little drinking game, you guys aware of that right?]
we'll probably answer everything honestly
but we're still drinking
*they high-five
[how long have you guys been bestfriends?]
for about 5 years now?
6 years if you include our dead period
*sunoo laughs
[dead period?]
it was a time where our label as 'bestfriends' was basically dead
it was a year where we weren't in the same class and both of us found new friend groups
we still talked but i could count all the times we hang out that year in one hand
honestly we still considered each other bestfriends, we just didn't look and feel like bestfriends
then the 'dead period' joke was born
[did you guys fight during the 'dead period'?]
there was just tension at first but then we talked about it
like the mature adults we are
*sunoo rolls his eyes
it was a period of growth too, so we didn't fight, we just understood each other better
yeah if it happened years earlier, we would probably hate each other right now
[how did you guys become bestfriends?]
*both burst out laughing
i'm not sure if we can say that on video
no we're not cowards, we can say it
*they have the classic bestfriend eye conversation
we shared the same dislike towards a person
*(y/n) laughs
dislike is putting it mildly
shhh *sunoo does the shush gesture
so that was the main reason and then we just got to know each other better and here we are
still hating on the same people
shhh *this time (y/n) shushes sunoo
don't expose us too much
*both laugh
[how about we officially start the q&a between you guys?]
*both nod and played rock paper and scissors to determine who gets to ask first, (y/n) wins
let's see *(y/n) picks up a card and laughs after reading it
[if your significant other and i don't like each other, will you be on my side?]
you better choose carefully kim sunoo
first of all,
*sunoo drinks
okay, friendship over i guess 😒
let me finish, gosh 🙄
first of all, why would i even date them in the first place if you didn't like them?
very true, but still, you know i won't hold you back from a person just because i don't like them
yeah but i'd be on your side if ever that happens
*(y/n) grins
*sunoo picks up a card to read
i already know the answer to this one
[if i got arrested and needed 10M won, would you pay for it?]
*both burst out laughing
that's like 8,500 dollars? i could buy a car with that
i wouldn't bail you out too honestly
bestfriend who? idk them
*they take a shot for fun
[did you like me when you first met me?]
probably ?
i didn't like you when i first met you
who asked?
*they roll their eyes at each other
[why didn't you like him?]
because he was so bright and sunshine-y ?? and i'm always sus of nice people
they have bad history with fake nice people
but i eventually learned that he wasn't like that
his halo is held up by thorns
*sunoo's mouth drops in shock while (y/n) laughs at his reaction
*(y/n) pats sunoo's head as he pouts
it's okay i accept you for who you are
yah~ !
[have you ever considered to stop being friends with me?]
*sunoo does a heart to (y/n)
you know too much about me
*sunoo is shocked again
i would never release anything you shared to me even if we stop being friends !!!
*he is pouting your honor, don't tease him
*(y/n) laughs at sunoo's cuteness
i know, i know, i'm just kidding, i'll stop now.
[is there something that i could change to be a better friend?]
*sunoo drinks as revenge
*(y/n) :OO
if you stopped teasing me 24/7 then maybe i'd think you're a better friend
yah! you act like you don't do the same to me
once he-
*sunoo cuts (y/n) off by clamping their mouth with his hand
let's drink to that bestie, cheers!
*he removes his hand from (y/n)'s mouth and basically forces them to drink with him
i told you, halo held up by horns
*sunoo grins widely as if he was innocent.
[would you slap me for 10M won?]
do i even have to answer that?
let's use the 10M won to travel
let's go to paris
and then i'd slap you as well so we both have 10M won
i like the way you think
*they high five and takes a shot together
[regardless of sexual orientation, will you ever date me?]
*awkward silence
aha ha haha
*both reach for a shot, they even clink their glasses together
*after, they just smiled at the camera
[if we're still single by 30, would you agree to marry me?]
man would we even reach 30?
that's what i was thinking
if we're both single, i might think about it
let's get married and enjoy the benefits from various marriage laws
what if we end up like in those crime documentaries where you get life insurance
then you kill the partner for the money
... .. .
no murder in this household please
*they burst out laughing
[question for both: what's something you want to say to each other?]
do i go first or?
yeah, you first
okay but don't look at me
*sunoo rolls his eyes but looks away anyways
we rarely talk about our friendship because once one starts, the other teases
*sunoo laughs while nodding his head in agreement
okay uhm, you know i would never say this on a normal day but i really am thankful that you gave me the chance to get to know you, despite my initial slight hostility towards you. thank you for being by my side no matter what. and even if we constantly clown the word "bestfriend" there's no one i'd really call my bestfriend other than you.
*sunoo smiles softly
your turn. *(y/n) looks away as well, purely because they will combust if sunoo looks at them with that soft loving look
just like you said, there's no one else i'd give the title of bestfriend other than you. thank you for giving me the chance as well and for trusting me. i'm not one to talk much about what's going on with my life but you're always there to make sure i don't pile it all up and explode. thank you for being my rock.
*both eyes are glassy
don't cry, if you cry, you'll pay for my food for a whole week
don't ruin the mood, (y/n)
*they both laugh, instantly lightening up the air around them
oh wait that was the last question
we still have alcohol left
can we take this home? *(y/n) holds up the bottle of alcohol
*the crew laughs
[we'd allow it, if you answer one more question}
okay! let's go~
[was there a time where you felt just the tiniest bit of butterflies because of each other?]
*sunoo and (y/n) look at each other, both holding in laughs
*they reach for their glasses and take a shot
and that's the end!
bye~ thanks for having us!
»————- ♡ ————-«
bonus: youtube comments
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masterlist ⸺ series masterlist
a/n: for this one i wanted to keep the feelings for each other thing kind of open?? like the vagueness in those moments are up to you guys if you want to give it meaning or not. you guys are free to think if you want those feelings to be romantic or platonic.
also!!! this series is about to end omg :(( i can't believe we're down to one post before it ends aaak. thank you so much for all the love so far!! ni-ki's will be uploaded next! please look forward to it~
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captnjacksparrow · 3 years
Okay this is just for fun. I saw a NH shipper person comment on a strictly Sns platform ( don't know why they bother) say that Sasuke was jealous of Hinata. When someone else replied that he wasn't even aware of her existence and Naruto literally ignored her confession in pein arc and right away went pining for Sasuke and in the next arc, repeated the same lines to Sasuke as Hinata (guessing Hinata's lines are retconned since there's no way Kishi wrote her lines before Naruto's to Sasuke), this was their response:
no he didn’t he just forgot u can tell that he liked her because he was worried if she was injured or not and he really think Sasuke was his first ever friend that got me annoyed cause like shikamaru and choji was always there for him and he straight up and said that I love Naruto but he can be dumb sometimes and the only reason he was chasing after Sasuke was 2 things kinda 1. Was the promise that Naruto and Sakura had form the Sasuke saving arc episodes
2. So he can get there bond back together so Sasuke wouldn’t break it forever I’m clearly not dumb I actually watched the anime and fell in love with the plot and the characters instead of shipping Sasuke and Naruto for the kisses and there rivalry I ship Naruhina because hinata was always there for Naruto since they were 3? She didn’t care he had the nine tails in him she was the first to admire him and she literally confessed to him she’s a strong girl and she had a good character development Naruto will protect his friends to Sasuke he’s like a brother to him he loves Sasuke as much as he loves all his friends in the hidden leave village including gaara we all know Naruto liked Sakura and we know why but it was never confirmed that Sasuke liked Naruto but he might’ve liked Sakura in one of the Naruto movies with the actor he looked jealous Sakura was fangirling and he was like 😒 or 😐
(Anon again) So yeah.....levels of delusion are just crazy...
Gosh!!! This is not fun at all, Anon. Don't you pity me??? 😩😩😩😩
These shippers are just lunatics to the power of million.
he just forgot u can tell that he liked her because he was worried if she was injured
According to Naruto (the character's) standards, his reaction was pretty substandard as compared to how he worried for other people before. He just felt her Chakra in Sage mode and found that she was fine... Aaand that's all. He didn't even bothered to ask her 'How does she feel?'
he really think Sasuke was his first ever friend that got me annoyed cause like shikamaru and choji was always there for him and he straight up and said that I love Naruto but he can be dumb sometimes
This is what I call, 'Cockblocking'. There you go, I said it.
Before Shikamaru and Chouji gave any damn about Naruto's strength, Sasuke realized Naruto's pain when they were just 8.
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By Land of the Waves arc, he already offered up his life. So, I would appreciate them if they stop spouting such bullshit.
1. Was the promise that Naruto and Sakura had form the Sasuke saving arc episodes
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There you go, he said it. It's not for the promise he made with Sakura. He wants to do it for himself.
2. So he can get there bond back together so Sasuke wouldn’t break it forever
I don't even understand what this means. But do they even know anything about Sasuke???
I’m clearly not dumb I actually watched the anime and fell in love with the plot and the characters instead of shipping Sasuke and Naruto for the kisses and there rivalry I ship Naruhina because hinata was always there for Naruto since they were 3?
Well, that person is dumb actually. Why did that person bring up some filler shit?? I agree Anime added few stuffs in Pain Arc. But it was not when they were at age 3.. It was around when they were 6 or 7, where he saved Hinata from bullies and Hinata kept her eyes on him ever since.
She just stalked him creepily but never provided any emotional support. So, ignore that creepo.
She didn’t care he had the nine tails in him she was the first to admire him and she literally confessed to him she’s a strong girl and she had a good character development
None of Naruto's peers knew about Nine Tails until Part 2. How come Hinata knew this before?
Talk about Character Development... Pffft.... She Stalked, Naruto kun..... She Stalked, Naruto-kunnnn.... She Fainted, Naruto-kunnn She Clowned before pain, She Orgasmed over Neji's dead body, Naruto-kunnnn, Your hand is big and warm.....Poof..... She got Naruto-Kun's Duck.
Naruto will protect his friends to Sasuke he’s like a brother to him he loves Sasuke as much as he loves all his friends in the hidden leave village including gaara
Ahhh, This Brother bullshit. Nobody will declare to die along with their brother. Brotherly bond or any Sibling bond is all about protecting the younger one at any cost. Here, Naruto says,
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So, If I ever say this to my little sister, then I am the worst sister in this world. 
If I let my little sister say this to me, I would slap her so hard. 
As for Gaara,
Yes, Naruto empathized with him and tried his best to save him. When he saw Gaara dead,
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Naruto was crying. Agreed. And why is he making reference to Sasuke here??? I wonder.
When Naruto can’t stop Sasuke, 
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Naruto was Sobbing. 
So, crying for someone’s death and sobbing for someone who is still alive but travelling on the path of darkness should not be measured on the same scale, Right????
Not to forget, Naruto got hyperventilated for Sasuke when he heard that the entire world turned up on him.
Naruto liked Sakura and we know why but it was never confirmed that Sasuke liked Naruto but he might’ve liked Sakura in one of the Naruto movies with the actor he looked jealous Sakura was fangirling and he was like 😒 or 😐
Movies are not canon, for shit sake. 
Even by that logic, in Bonds Movie, When Hinata was trying to flirt with Naruto, Naruto was disgusted. So, can we accept that Naruto never liked her???
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Sasuke never looked jealous at Sakura in that movie at all. He was looking like his normal self.
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But he made jealous remark on Naruto for admiring that princess though. LOL.
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Here Sakura is also admiring about the hero of that movie but resorted back to admire Sasuke.... to show her loyal feelings. 
But Sasuke don’t care either way for her remarks. However when Naruto started to admire about the princess, Sasuke made a witty (jealous) remark. LOL
Sakura : Geez!... I want to watch that Michy Sama who played Sukeakuro a little longer. Oh, But Sasuke-kun you are the best, of course.
Sasuke : .......
Naruto : Isn’t there someone like her anywhere? If I could fight for a princess like her, being a Ninja would would be heaven.
Sasuke : Ridiculous!! It was just a movie.
So, Sasuke was jealous.... True.... but not on Sakura!!!! LOL
Again in Bonds Movie, Sasuke shutting up Hinata...... 
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Apart from the Last movie, Pinata is just a wastrel who did nothing in the Manga!!! Or Even in the movies. 
NH wankers are some buffoons who don’t have enough canonical materials to participate in a discussion and yet they make loud noise by twisting facts related to other people like Sakura, Sasuke, Gaara, Shikamaru, Choji. 
DISCLAIMER : By no means, I consider the above gifs from movies are canon. It’s just that NH stans brought up a movie crap and I am responding accordingly
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softboywriting · 3 years
Meet The Parents | Billy Russo
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Summary: You introduce Billy to your parents and it doesn’t go as well as you hope. [Billy Russo x F!Reader] [Assistant!Reader Trope] [Alternate Timeline - Castle family not mentioned/never happened] [Fluff] [Problematic Parents/Divorced] [Parents Fighting] [Language] [Flirting] [Flashback/Nightmare]
 Word Count: 3.8k 
 A/N: This is a follow up to my first fic Little Moments but can be read separately as a stand alone story. I may be doing several in a series with these two.
The office is quiet, and has been for the whole day. Billy has been out at a client meeting since you got in. Anvil is becoming quite popular in the private military market, having taken on three new contracts in the last two weeks. You're proud of Billy, he works hard to win over his clients and offer top of the line service. As the primary contact for all contracts and placements, you've gotten busy too. More business means more expenses, and more employees to keep track of. You don't mind, it keeps you active and engaged. There is nothing more you hate than just sitting around staring at the wall or watching cat videos for the billionth time.
"Hey sweetheart."
You glance up from your work and see Billy closing the office door behind him. He's dressed up, black and grey patterned silk shirt, expensive black suit, the tailored jacket over his arm. He looks positively delicious if you do say so. Those shirts are the best thing you ever convinced him to wear.
"Hey yourself. How'd the meeting go?"
"Shitty." He sneers and tosses his jacket on his office chair. He begins unbuttoning the sleeves of his shirt to roll them up to his elbows. "The guy brought his daughter."
"Okay? What does she have to do with anything?"
Billy raises his eyebrows in an 'are you shitting me' expression. "His daughter is a model. Not naturally talented mind you, paid for by her daddy. Clearly he thought havin' her there would sway me into acceptin' the number he offered for the contract you wrote up. Like he's doing me a favor."
You stand and walk around the desk, eyes going up and down his chest. "You didn't do anything did you?"
"What kinda man do you think I am?" Billy walks you back against your desk, pinning you in with his hands on the top behind you. He drops his head to yours and stares at you with those dark endless eyes. "You think I'd fuck around?"
"I know you won't, you're too gone for me." You run your hands up his back and he arches against you. "Did she try?"
"She tried. Even sat on my lap."
"In front of her dad?"
"Mmmhmm." Billy drops his face to your neck and mouths at your skin. "I don't mind a little show and tell but even I got boundaries. Parental peepshows are off limits."
You laugh softly and he brings one hand against your lower back up to pull you against him. "Take it easy. You know the rules. No relationship stuff while I'm on the clock."
He groans, pulling his head back to look at you. "I need to touch you though. I don't want her lingering on me."
"I know." You step out of his hold and he lets his hand drag across your back as you escape his grasp. "Just another hour okay? I've gotta wrap a few things up."
Billy pulls his tie loose and unbuttons the top of his shirt. "Why did I ever make these rules?" He sinks down in his chair and spreads his legs, lolling his head against the back. He really is such a tempting little tease. How could you resist a man like that? Truth be told it's hard.
You take a seat behind your desk and focus your eyes on the invoices on screen. "You made them because you want Anvil to remain professional and not a playground."
"Your bullshit."
Billy bites his lip and gives you that look. The one that says he isn't to be messed with, that he's gonna get what he wants no matter what. And oh it's so tempting to get up and go sit on his lap in that chair. It's always been a fantasy of yours. One you haven't gotten to full fill due to his rules. He's really only cockblocking himself.
"No, Billy."
"C'mon, be bad. Break my rules."
"No! You're such a jerk!" You laugh and he chuckles playfully. "We have dinner with my parents after this anyway. I'm not breaking your rules and getting all messy before we go see my parents. You hear? Parents."
"Always such a good girl."
"You like it."
"Damn right I do." He pushes up out of his chair and crosses the office to cradle your head and press a chaste kiss to your temple. "I'm gonna go home and get ready. Anything you want me to lay out for you? I think you've got a few things at the apartment."  
"The blue dress. I picked it up from the cleaners last week with a few suits. It should be in your closet."
"The one I bought you a while back for the client dinner?"
"Isn't that a little revealing for a parents dinner?"
You raise your eyebrows and he narrows his eyes.
"You're a monster." He presses his lips to your ear. "If you keep teasing me I'll have to put you in your place."
"I guess I'm a glutton for punishment."
"Oh sweetheart, you have no idea what you're askin' for." Billy kisses your cheek and steps away. "Playin' with fire will get you burned."
You smile innocently. "See you later."
"You're terrible." He goes to the door and stops, looking back once more. "But I love you."
"Love you too Billy."
"Ugh," he groans, slapping a hand over his chest. "Say it again."
"Love you?" You giggle and he acts even more dramatic, pretending to swoon against the door. "What are you doing?"
"Being you."
"Wh- you son of a bitch! Get out!" You throw your squishy stress ball at him and he cackles as he runs from the office. What a child.
"Oh, this is your boyfriend?" Your mother asks in actual surprise. As if you weren't meant to have a man that looks like Billy Russo. Truth be told you had never dated anyone half as attractive, not to you anyways. "He's so...well dressed."
Billy takes your mom's hand and kisses it politely. "We're all well dressed here ma'am. You look lovely too."
"Thank you." She flushes and giggles.
Billy gives a warm smile and tugs you closer. His hand on your back is radiating heat, its comforting. He knows you're tense. This dinner will be a strain on your nerves and he had been warned how difficult your parents can be.
"Your father should be here soon. I told him not to be late." Mom says huffily, eyeing the doors to the restaurant. You've met up with her outside and you're currently waiting for your dad to arrive. Your parents have been split for ten years and it's been hard, but not as hard as it would have been if they had divorced when you were still a young child. Well, you like to think that anyways. They waited, held on to their shit until you were graduated and old enough to understand that some people don't remain in love.
Billy leans in and presses his lips to your ear. "Are your parents going to fight? This place is very nice, I don't want to cause a scene."
"It'll be fine. They can hold it together for a few hours. I hope. Just don't mention their personal lives. It's a sore spot for mom. Dad isn't single anymore."
"Sorry I'm late." You turn and see your dad walking towards you. "Some asshole parked his Rolls Royce just on the line and I hardly squeezed into the only spot open beside it."
Mom scoffs and rolls her eyes. She bites her tongue but you know what she would say. Some comments about his truck being too damn big and a gas guzzler.
Dad puts his hand out for Billy. "You must be the lucky guy!"
Billy takes it and smiles a beautiful, toothy, shit eating grin. "Billy Russo, the asshole who parked his Rolls Royce a bit close to the line."
The way Dad's face turns pale and then red with embarrassment makes the whole evening worthwhile up until then. "That's yours?"
"One hundred percent. Bought and paid for."
"That's a beautiful piece of machinery. Expensive."
Billy leans his head on yours. "I only go for the best."
"Well you know I-"
"Oh shut up already, let's go inside." Mom says and grabs your dad's arm. "Always babbling on about shit when we've got things to do."
"Y'know what-" the conversation fades as your parents head into the restaurant. You're glad. It is bound to be petty anyways. Always was with them. Bickering children they should be called.
"Relax." Billy says in your ear, hand traveling up and down your side. "I can win over your parents for one night."
"You could charm anyone into anything and I've seen as much. You're a silver tongued sn-"
Billy catches your jaw in a light hold and presses a kiss to your lips. Your hand slides up into his hair and he grins into the kiss. "Easy now. We've not even gotten seated yet."
"Your fault."
"Usually is."
You stare at yourself in the reflection of the bathroom mirror. Dinner wasn't going so great and you had barely made it through an appetizer and drinks.
Your parents couldn't stop arguing, Billy was trying his best to charm them but apparently they're uncharmable, and you were left to play referee for your parents against each other or them against you and Billy.
It is a whole mess and you want to just leave, just walk out say fuck everything and go to Billy's apartment and go to bed. You haven't even had a chance to tease Billy like you were planning, hell, you've barely gotten a word in that wasn't defending him or fielding your parents insults they continuously hurdled over the table at one another.
The door rattles on your left and you clear your throat. "Occupied!" You shout and it stops.
It's a single use bathroom, not a multi-stall type set up. So the person outside would just have to wait until you were done having your crisis. Maybe not so fair to them but you'll be damned if you won't let yourself have a moment.
The handle turns and you back into the sink as the door opens. To your surprise it is Billy, not some worker with a key. "What the-"
"Your parents are insufferable. How the hell did you grow up with them? I mean I was in a group home and a few of the adults weren't great but holy shit they weren't my parents."
"I'm sorry."
Billy closes the door and shakes his head, taking your hands in his. "Don't be sorry for their actions. Never apologize for anyone but yourself."
"I knew this would happen. I just thought that maybe...I don't know...maybe they'd be different. Maybe they'd be proud of me, of you, so they would get along for two fucking hours."
"Sweetheart, you're nearly thirty, you're still seeking your parents approval?"
You laugh joylessly and bite the inside of your cheek. "You don't understand. You can't understand."
Billy brings your forehead to his lips and he rubs your back. He's always so affectionate with you, careful to hold and to love you like a man who never received it himself so he wants to make sure those he loves receives it tenfold.
"I understand seeking approval, but there is nothing you need approval for. You're an adult with a good job, a place to stay, an outstanding boyfriend with his own company. I'd say you're doin' alright honey."
You let out an actual little laugh, and he does too, bumping his nose against yours. "You're so full of yourself."
"You like that?" He bumps again, eyes on yours. "I said it to get you to giggle."
"You know it's a little true."
His lips meet yours in a warm tender kiss. "Confidence is sexy."
"It is."
"I could tell your parents there's a work emergency." He slides his hands over your ass and pulls you flush against him. "A real pain in the ass employee is causin' trouble."
You smile into his lips and he smiles back. "Oh yeah?"
He chuckles softly and cradles your head to his chest. "You can't choose how your family acts. Remember that. It's up to you to decide how you act, and if you want to deal with them."
"I know."
"Do you?" He runs a hand over your hair, tangling his fingers in the strands briefly.. "I know it's different for you, I can distance myself easier since I didn't grow up with proper parents. Maybe I'm cold, or indifferent but-"
"Stop." You dig your fingers into his side and he falls quiet. "Don't compare your childhood to mine. It's not fair. I don't want you to begin resenting me because-"
Billy gives you a look that is all warning and it silences you instantly. "I would never resent you for having parents and growing up like a normal kid should. I ended up in a shit situation and that is no one's fault but my own mother's. She is the only person I will ever resent." He softens, leaning in and kissing your nose. "Do you wanna ditch or go try to make something of this dinner?"
You swallow harshly and look at the door. Ditching would be easy, but the repercussions would be insufferable. Your mom would never stop calling about it, your dad would hold it over your head forever. It would be more of a disaster to leave than it would be to stay. No matter how valid the reason.
"We'll stay. I can try and redirect the conversation."
"That's my girl." He pats your cheek. "Proud of you."
Billy takes your hand and interlocks your fingers with his. "I'll take care of it. I can get them to shut up."
"If you can get a word in."
"I have my ways. Don't worry."
You cut him a look as you exit the bathroom and head for the table. "What are you-"
"Don't worry." He presses against your ear and guides you down to sit at the table.
Your parents are still bickering.
"Hey!" Billy says firmly with his hands on the table, not a yell, but enough to get his point across and the attention of your parents but not many others.
"Yes?" Mom asks surprisingly quietly.
Billy smiles and it's all venom, beautiful venom. You know this look, these eyes, that deadly grin. He isn't fucking around and the way he can express that so physically subtly astounds you. "The arguing is going to stop. The petty comments are going to stop. We're going to sit here and have conversations like adults, or you can leave and your daughter and I will have a nice dinner."
"Wh-" Dad starts but doesn't get any further.
"I am not goin' to repeat myself." Billy stands up straight and raises his eyebrows, daring your parents to say another word. The tension is thick, you can hardly breathe. Never did you think you'd have to witness Billy being like this with your parents of all people.
You grab a roll from the basket at the center of the table and pick at it. "How's work been, Dad?"
Dad clears his throat. "Good, busy. People always need an electrician for something. I did a school the other day, new classroom."
Billy sits beside you and lays his hand on your leg, thumb stroking your skin gently. He leans in and whispers "I told you don't worry." He turns his attention back to your parents. "So you're an electrician? Contractor?"
"Yeah, I work for Mundun Electric. Union job, pays well."
"And you?" Billy looks to your mom.
"I'm a medical receptionist. Clarke Center Hospital."
Billy smiles. "That's incredible. You're both hardworking people it seems, I see where she gets her work ethic. She's incredible, the best I've hired for Anvil."
You chew your lip and look down, flushed. "You're just being nice."
"I'm serious." He holds your hand up and kisses your knuckles. "I admire your dedication and the hard work you've put into making Anvil a success. Without you, I don't know where I'd be. Probably buried in paperwork."
"So you work for Billy? That's how you met?" Mom asks and you nod.
Dad raises his eyebrows.
"Dad, don't start."
Billy cuts a glare at your dad. "Don't start what?"
"Nothing." Dad says nonchalantly, eyes going to somewhere else in the room. "I just think inter-workplace relationships are never a good idea."
You squeeze Billy's hand and he just smiles oh so sweetly. "Dad, it's fine. Billy and I are both professionals. If things don't work out we'll make it work for the sake of the company."
"He'll fire you and you'll be looking for a job yet again." Mom pipes up, rolling her eyes. "See, things like this are why you can't hold a career."
"Alright." Billy says firmly. "We're done here. Ma'am, sir, with all due respect you can both go fuck yourselves."
"Excuse me!?" Dad bellows and your mom looks flustered at the use of language. "You have no right-!"
"Actually I do." Billy stands and guides you to stand with him. "I'm going to love and care about your daughter the way she should be. You two are self absorbed monsters who should have never had a child, let alone forced the one you had to live through a loveless marriage. The fact that you cannot manage to sit here and have dinner with her and myself, which mind you has left quite a first impression, is sad and disappointing."
You grab his hand and you're shaking. You don't even know what to say. It's like Billy is telling them everything you've wanted to for your whole life.
"C'mon sweetheart." He puts his arm around you and guides you out of the restaurant. You know there are people staring but it's fine. It's over now.
"I'm s-"
"Uh uh." Billy puts his finger to your lips. "No apologies. Here." He shrugs his suit jacket off and puts it around your shoulders.
"You wanna get out of here before your parents come out. Go get some burgers or something?"
You can't help the little smile that tugs at the corner of your mouth. "Pete's Diner?"
"Anywhere you like." He takes your hand and walks you toward the parking area. "Fuck this fancy bullshit anyway. I never understood the food they serve."
"Me neither. A hamburger and fries with a big ole pickle is good enough for me."
Billy opens the passenger door for you. "You're a girl after my heart y'know that?"
"I think I already have it."
He leans in and kisses your forehead. "That's for damn sure."
Midnight you wake up crying. A nightmare, a reoccurring one as it would be. Though it is more of a twisted memory than a nightmare in actuality.
You are always around seven or eight years old, it's nighttime, you've been in bed for an hour and still not asleep. Downstairs your parents are awake, their disembodied voices float through the old floors. Their voices grow louder, shouting, screaming at each other. A glass shatters and you crawl under the bed. Footsteps come closer in the hall, heavy and slow.
The dream shifts. You're not a child but an adult. Under the bed is smaller now, the footsteps grow louder. The door opens and you scream when your foot is grabbed and you wake up crying.
"What's wrong?" Billy asks, sitting up in bed abruptly and turning on the light, hand instinctively going for the nightstand where you know a weapon is stored.
You had stayed the night, both of you decided it was best to stay together while you decompress from your tragic meet the parents dinner. Didn't matter in the end though. The nightmare still came.
"Just a bad dream. I'm going to get some water." You push back the blankets and plant your feet on the cold floor. It's a nice shock to the system, reminding you this is reality.
Billy's arm snakes around your waist. "Care to share with the class?"
"It's nothing. Just a nonsense dream about old crap."
"Your parents?"
"Yeah. Um, just a dream." You yawn and pat his hand on top of your stomach. "I need water."
"Grab me a bottle?"
You end up in the kitchen, looking out at the New York skyline. His place is so beautiful. It's luxurious, and you can't get used to it. You lean on the island and sip a bottle of cold water from the fridge. You don't think you belong here.
Then the dream comes creeping back in. Rationally you know that dream is never going to become a reality. Not with Billy around.
You look back to see Billy walking in with his sleep pants low on his hips. He scrubs a hand over his face before meeting you at the island.
"Sorry, I just got caught up in the view."
"It s'okay." His arms wrap around you and he presses his face to your neck. "I love you." He whispers softly into your skin.
"Are you alright?"
You thread a hand into his hair and scratch at his scalp. It elicits a hum that's nearly a purr against your back. "Do you ever feel like you don't deserve this? Like everyday you can't comprehend that you're loved."
"I didn't think I could fall in love before I met you, yeah. I'm familiar."
"Wasn't expecting that?" He chuckles, flexing his fingers against your tummy.
You shake your head and he kisses along your jaw. "Billy, stop," you giggle as his short beard tickles your skin.
"No way." He starts walking you back away from the island counter and toward the bedroom. "I've got a disease and if I don't kiss you all the time I'll definitely succumb to it."
The two of you tumble onto the bed and he straddles your hips, mouthing at your neck and chest relentlessly.
"It's three in the morning. We need to go back to sleep."
Billy hums and settles on top of you, nose in your hair. "Sleep is for the weak."
"Then I'm weak." You trail a hand up his back, fingers flitting over his shoulder blade. His skin is so soft, so warm. "Thank you by the way."
"For what?"
"Being here when I had a nightmare."
"Of course." Billy pets your hair, stroking it down against the pillow. "I've suffered my share of them alone. I'm glad you were here so you weren't."
"Me too."
"Go to sleep." He kisses your cheek and rolls off to the side. His arm curls around you and pulls you close. "Love you."
"Love you too."
*****Note: none of my works should be posted anywhere outside of my linked accounts. I do not give permission to repost with or without credit to my accounts. Please notify me of any reposted works.*****
Header image by delicate-venus
Thank you so much for reading, please reblog to support content creators. -A
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twistedtranslations · 4 years
Cater Diamond - Full of Lies
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You can unlock this story by getting Cater’s SSR Scary dress
Big thanks to Rym and Apollo for proofreading!
Translation under the cut
Chapter 1
Main street
Cater: Oh? A message on MagiCam? Who would've thought it was that girl! How nostalgic~ The picture those ghosts took at Ramshackle dorm made our college's Halloween event trend -> Jumping onto the bandwagon and posting a lot -> Huge success for Cay's follower-catching strat! So far it's been going well but… Mixed within the comments and DMs of my new followers are a lot of old aquaintances. Even some classmates from middle and elementary school are here.
Cater: "Hey! It's been a while! Oh, would you like to come to our college? Cay welcomes every single one of you! You can always come over to hang at NRC's Halloween event!"
Cater: And now some emoji full of feelings!  (^○^)♪ (ゝω・)☆ d(’v`*)b
Cater: Everyone is really so casual and easygoing~ Well, it's easier on me, so I'm not complaining.
???: HEY!
Cater: Where did that loud and rowdy voice come from? I've got a bad feeling about this…
Front Gate
Sebek: Humans, don't crowd around the young master! Get out! Leave!
Boy A: Hey, what are you doing, sweptback bro! Don't interfere with our Draconia Challenge.
Boy B: We're putting our lives on the line to show our bravery by uploading a picture of us touching The Malleus!
Boy A: Huh, since when did Malleus disappear?! It's that sweptback bro's fault.
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Boy B: Don't be so angry. After all the effort of having a sweptback, let's show the world a huge smile on that face!
Sebek: For humans of your social standing to use the name of the Lord of the esteemed Valley of Thorns in vain…Besides, my hair is swept back like this so I have an unobstructed view to find those like you who behave rudely towards my young master! You shall receive punishment for insulting the Draconia… no, for insulting the young master. My thunder shall shock you all to bits! HAAAAA...
Cater: Okay, stop! I'm part of the Halloween Committee. It's forbidden to fight. Why don't you try talking to this lad if something's up?
Sebek: Don't interrupt me, you frolicking human! I will shock you to bits as well!
Cater: Won't you create a scandal for the Draconia family if you were to harm an ordinary human with magic?
Sebek: W-Well… You're right. Besides, didn't you just say you were part of the Halloween committee? Both the young master and master Lilia are both performing the same duties… They ordered me to listen to the orders of the other committee members. Ok, I shall talk this out.
Cater: Even though you are crossing your arms and puffing your chest out, you are being apologetic right? Anyway, these are our college's precious guests. They have no intention to harm Malleus.
Sebek: These magic-less weaklings were making a spectacle bothering Young Master with a toy. I cannot forgive that!
Cater: Malleus is like super famous, and he's an admirable being, right? So just for this festival, it should be fine to interact with our guests as a little fanservice right?
Sebek: Stop messing around. The young master is a dreadful being who makes everyone kneel and bow down to him. AND THAT'S WHY I WILL NEVER LEAVE HIS SIDE AND PROTECT HIM ALL MY LIFE!
Cater: You're just obsessed!
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Boy A: Hey, interfering our Draconia Challenge aside, what are you two squabbling about?
Sebek: Hm? You humans are still here? I told you to leave.
Boy B: Huh? You've got some nerve, talking rudely to us like that!
Cater: Come on guys. Why don't we take some pictures together since it's finally Halloween! We, Heartslabyul are those who rise from the soil in the darkness, the underlings of the night~
Boy A: Wow! Now that you mention it, you do look real good for the camera!
Cater: Cheer up everyone and gather! Let's decide on a pose~~~ Happy Halloween~
¨*shutter noise*
Cater: (Ugh… This is exhausting)
Chapter 2
Kalim/Cater/Lilia: *Sigh*… I'm tired….
Cater: This year's Halloween was exhausting. Mainly due to our guests being rowdy..
Kalim: It was fun entertaining the guests, but I was really troubled because Jamil got in a foul mood.
Lilia: Even we, three most gentle boys, have been worn down. The other students must be at the limits of their patience.
Everyone: *Sigh*…
Cater: Now that you say it, by chance all the members of the light music club are also part of the Halloween Committee. Let's have our usual relaxing tea time while also discussing some countermeasures.
Kalim/Lilia: Agreed~
Cater: I got this! Trey's home-made pumpkin pie! It's moderately sweet, so it's my favorite!
Kalim: I have kunafa. It's a cheesecake from the Scalding Sands. It's delicious when it's hot!
Lilia: Oho, these are all sweets befitting of Halloween. As the last one, I have prepared this. Licorice!
Cater: You're always bringing the same thing! You know me and Kalim don't like that.
Kalim: The smell makes my nose shrivel up~
Cater: But you know, since it's black, it does feel like Halloween. Oh, right, let's take a picture together. It's super charming to be in costume and have themed food.
*shutter noise*
Cater: #TheBestHalloween #SelfmadeCostume #HomemadeTreat #LightMusicClub #NRCHalloween
Kalim: The best? Didn't you say you were exhausted earlier, Cater?
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Cater: I never said it wasn't exciting and for things like SNS, isn't it better to exaggerate a bit?
Lilia: As expected of you. We live in a period where everyone is connected all around the world. It is most wonderful to spread happiness instead of complaints.
Cater: Oh. The picture I just uploaded got an amazing response! 
Cater: Another message from that girl. Was she the kind to keep track of people's activities?
*ringing noise*
Cater: This time it's a call. (How persistent…)
Kalim: Cater, is it from one of your friends? You can pick up if you want.
Cater: Hm~… More like an acquaintance from the past? But it's alright? We're at a very important meeting, after all.
Lilia: We are only eating sweets, taking pictures and uploading them to MagiCam though…
Cater: It's the age of social media where everyone can keep in contact at their own pace, you don't have to go through the pains of having to response in real time to a phone call.
Kalim: Do you have that many people who want to get in touch with you? You're so well connected Cater~
Cater: Well, if you look the amount of aquaintances I have, that might be true? My dad's a banker. The bank he works at has branches all over the world. Therefore, whenever he transferred to a different branch, our entire family would move with him. We moved once every two years, so I kind of feel like a pro at quickly packing things?
Lilia: Commonly said, you are a family who moved a lot for the sake of the breadwinner.
Kalim: So the reason why you have so many friends is because you have travelled around the world since young.
Cater: Yeah, the girl just now said we are friends as well. Having to change schools frequently, I got to meet more people compared to someone staying at one place. From the best to the worst… a lot of people. However, they all had something in common.
Kalim/Lilia: …?
Cater: If I left there, they remained there. That's why I'd rather have a casual and happy time with everyone than to deepen a friendship. It’s like a circus troupe, you know, having fun hanging with people all over the world and then leaving. That's why MagiCam is the best! People from my school from three years ago contacted me out of the blue. My social circle is expanding as well. Cay is getting popular!
Kalim: Even if they're far away, you don't have to hold back you know? I got it! I'll lend you my magic carpet, so you can visit your friends whenever you want.
Cater:… I expected no less of you, Kalim. I'll take you up on that offer next time.
Lilia: I feel like I understand you.
Cater: Hm?
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Lilia: The relations between humans are eternal. They are things that cannot be severed. In a new place with no trace of your existence, new relations will continue to be forged. That in itself is nature. However, I think the more precious a relation is, the more lonely it becomes. Why does it feel that way? I have lived a long life but the reason is still unknown to me. But just as Cater said, there may be a perfectly logical explanation for not getting too attached to one person in particular.
Cater: Lilia, what got into you suddenly? What I wanted to say was-
*ringing noise*
Lilia: Hello, this is Lilia speaking? What business do you have?
Cater: He just casually picked up the phone during our conversation.
Lilia: Oh, Sebek. What is it? You are so loud. Right now, I am in a meeting with Cater and Kalim. WHAT?! MALLEUS?!
Kalim/Cater: ?!
Chapter 3
Hall of Mirrors
Silver: Stop pushing. It's forbidden to enter the Hall of Mirrors.
Man A: Huh, really! I came all the way to the Isle of Sages to see Malleus Draconia.
Man B: We are doing the Draconia challenge now! Why can't we enter~
Girl C: He’s inside right! An actual Draconia, the Actual Malleus!
*Lightning and thunder*
Silver: It's a rare event that Master Malleus is participating in. He also agreed to interact with the guests... For it to come to this... Everyone, it’s better if you leave. You have angered master Malleus.
Man A: I paid a lot of travel expenses, did you know that? This is the price of fame.
Exterior Hallway
Cater: Did the visitors who wanted that  MagiCam glory end up angering even Malleus himself?
Sebek: Yes. At first he was gentle and calmed me down when I got angry… but a fool grabbed Malleus by the horns and made fun of him by saying "Look! It's a bicycle from the olden days!"
Lilia/Cater: Gh!
Cater: I don't know if they're brave or just reckless. Were the dark clouds and thunder rampaging in the sky above the Hall of Mirrors due to Malleus' anger? You don't think he overblotted, right…?!
Lilia: Do not worry. Using that amount of magic power shall not make him overblot. He is simply irritated. Back when he was young, mountains would be destroyed by his lightning whenever he threw a tantrum.
Cater: Hahaha… that's on a totally different level. I guess it was a good idea to have Kalim fetch the professors.
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Sebek: Upperclassman Vil noticed something was up and isolated the young master. He also casted a defensive spell so the tourists wouldn't be harmed. And it seemed that Upperclassman Jade is persuading the angry young master with some unique methods... Even so, those humans who can't seem to understand the gravity of the situation keep stirring up the young master, they're uncontrollable.
Lilia: This means we must use our last resort. We must put in effort to suppress the onlookers and avoid the worst situation.
Cater: Wait a second, Lilia. I thought of something. It's not like people there dislike Malleus or anything. Despite that, it doesn't mean that they like Malleus as well... They're just interested in trends. Just like my old acquaintances.
Lilia: ?
Cater: First, I'll take a picture of Lilia, who's wearing the same clothes as Malleus!
*shutter noise*
Cater: Next we use something catered to influencers. We'll elongate Lilia's picture with a photo editing app!
*swiping on phone*
Cater: Now we just add some text to finish it up. And then upload a cropped version to MagiCam!!
*Phone SFX*
Cater: #AWildMalleusAppeared #DraconiaChallenge #UnexpectedlyAtSportsGround #NRCHalloween
*Phone SFX*
Hall of Mirrors
Man A: H-Hey. Look at the Draconia challenge tag.
Man B: It seems he's at the Sports Ground now. As expected of Malleus. He's much faster than we are!
Girl C: Okay. Everyone, let's move!
Everyone: YEAH!
Silver: What happened? Master Malleus should still be in the Hall of Mirrors.
Cater: Fu. With this, I hope the storm has passed…?
Vil: Good grief. Accidents are an unavoidable part of stage plays. Letting yourself get influenced by the guests is so amateurish. My work here is done. I will return to the dorm to straighten up my appearance.
Jade: My, that was a close call. Malleus is extremely powerful. I persuaded him to the best of my abilites, trying to get him to understand. But there was no one to turn to if it had failed. Well then, I will also return to my station. I wish everyone a wonderful Halloween.
Malleus: I caused many disturbances between different racial groups during a mere school event. I should restrain myself more…
Sebek: The young master has done nothing wrong! It was the fault of those inferior humans!
Silver: The young master told us to avoid hostility between fae and humans. Why are you getting more hostile?
Lilia: Malleus. Did you forget our promise from long ago? Call for us when the tranquility in your mind is disturbed.  Even if we are not related by blood, we are still a family. Got it?
Malleus: Lilia… My apologies. To everyone.
Everyone: …
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Cater: ….Family…huh.
Lilia: But just as Cater said, there may be a perfectly logical explanation for not getting too attached to one person in particular.
Flashback ends
Cater: (That was full of lies. For a guy who grew up and lived in the same place, he never had to deal with rebuilding relations over and over…He would never understand my worthless and meaningless feelings.)
Cater: Hello, Trey. What's up? Huh? Are we doing our rehearsal for our night show at the stamp rally now? And Deuce, who is also part of the Halloween Committee, was at his wit's end due to the lack of manpower. So Ace is helping him out? Darn, Ace is definitely going to extort me for a favor later!
Cater: Argh! And is Riddle on the verge of a rampage? I'll be back soon, Trey. Please calm him down! I am currently at the site of the biggest crisis yet of this Halloween Week! No, for real! I'm not lying. That's why you don't have to be so cold to me, 'kay? URGH, TREY, YOU'RE SO CRUEL!
Cater: Now that Diasomnia's turmoil has settled, let's change the mood and continue on with work. In any case, we’ll still separate after the fourth year… It would be different if I repeated a year though. Anyway, I should just enjoy the moment to my heart's content! I'll surprise everyone with this charming skeleton costume! I'll show them what I'm capable of!
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Cater: Happy Halloween!
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ark-polaris · 3 years
Photos - Polaroid
We took a polaroid You signed your name upon it I put it in my wallet Hoping I'd see your face again
Callie found Gramps old photobooks again.
A story through the three pictures near and dear to the old mens hearts.
Octavio was already ready to just nicely curl up in the snowglobe and stay there until the weekend ended and he inevitably needed to return back to the castle again, but those plans were quicker foiled than Cuttlefish could manage to get himself in trouble.
Callie and the Cap’n, sitting together next to the snowglobe. “What are you guys doing?” The Octarian said, looming over them. Between the grandpa and his granddaughter was a photobook, filled with sights familiar to him. “Oh! Just showing Callie the photos I have! Thought it would be nice to show her somethin’ from my traveling past!” Octavio sighs, sitting down on the other side of Callie, pointing at the photo on the top of the page. “Oh! That’s where this all started!” It wasn’t long before both Octavio and Callie were both lost in the vibrant retelling of the Captain…
Octavio had been… surprised, to say the least, when Craig hadn’t shown up at the castle around their usual time. He knew it could very well be something innocuous that kept the inkling away, but he had always been there before… Even when he maybe should’ve stayed home because he was sick, but that's besides the point. “Oi, Craig, is there a reason why I had to get here myself?” “Smile!” The Octarian could barely keep himself from falling off the ladder, blinded by a flash coming from somewhere in the treehouse. “What the shell?!” His wrist was grabbed by someone, and he had to blink a few times before he could see who it was. It was Cuttlefish, sheepishly smiling at him while holding something. A… Canera? A paper was currently coming out from the underside. “Sorry! Sorry! Was testing and I set the flash wayyy too high!” He could finally climb up the stairs, sitting down and rubbing his eyes. “Ya think?! I was blinded!” At least the inkling had the dignity to look embarrassed, rubbing the back of his neck. “It’s all new, okay? Oh! Which reminds me! Let’s see how it worked out!” He ripped the paper from the canera, waving it around like a maniac, before taking a look at it. Octavio tried getting a peek too, just to see how it turned out.
...Horrible. Everything was light and washed out. His eyes were wide, and you could clearly see him starting to lose his balance. Yet, the look in Craigs eyes while he was looking was one of sheer admiration. “Nice.” “...You think it looks nice?” He plucked the photo out of the inkling's hands, holding it next to his face, raising an eyebrow. He could see the other struggling to hold his laughter. “Okay, Okay, I get your point. But, its a start. And you need a start to get better, right?!” His smile was bright, infectious, and the prince had to look away to hide the blush covering his face. “Right…” The traveler chuckled, grabbing back the photo, before putting it into his sketchbook.  He then grabbed his canera, fiddling with the knobs. The other one looks at the shore, letting his leg bounce off the side.
It isn’t long before Octavio starts getting bored and starts looking back around again. “Is this new for you?” “Hm?” “Pictures of you. Is that new? Is that something they do sometimes?” The octoling barely suppressed a snicker, looking out over the sea.
“What? You see the council taking me to a photo studio over them commissioning for a portrait? Not in your wildest dreams!” “Huh. Thought the Octarians were pretty innovative?” “That doesn’t mean the council will use it though… They are, well, rather old fashioned in a lot of area’s.” He waves his hands, trying to find the words to continue. “I’ve been trying to change some of these ways, though. It’s hard, but I’m getting there.” He smiled, looking back at the inkling, who was currently pointing the camera at him. “Oh? Were you asking that just to be the first man to take a picture of me?” He raised an eyebrow, snickering as the other started stuttering and blushing. He almost drops his canera too. “Just teasing ya, Cuttle~ Here, I’ll even make up for it by posing nicely.” The prince closed his eyes, making two peace signs and sticking out his tongue, grinning. The traveler quickly took a picture, ripping out the paper and fanning it to see the result. Octavio scooted closer, and both of them wait for the picture to fade in-
“Wait a second…” Octavio says, taking out his phone. Quite recently both Cuttlefish and Arella had gotten a hold of it, changing his profile picture to a (frankly embarrassing) photo of him…
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A photo, in the same pose and expression as the photo. Only taken at least a hundred years later. “Huh! Did you two do recreation pics?! I didn’t know you two were quite into the trends, gramps!” “Trend? What kind of trend?” The octoling shakes his head, sighing. “This is no trend, Callie. This is just pure coincidence. A funny one, though.” “That’s it indeed! Ooh, what else is in this book?” The moment he took his phone from the book, The Squid Sister went flipping through the book, before ending at a picture of the Cap’n. “Huh? This is no Shellfie? How did you take this one??” The Octo King grins, letting his hand feel around the photo “Well, it had been a long day…”
They had been working on the new turntable system for hours now. Okay, they did make something with sounds that he deemed safe for his ears, but they weren’t yet at the level he liked. Craig had given up some time ago, sitting against the wall watching him try and finish the work. Fair, according to the stories of nightmares he had had last night. He softly swore when his wrench slipped once more, before his eyes fell on something. The canera. The inkling had been making pictures of every single thing for weeks now. Plants, him, animals, him, the docks, him, the palace, him, the tree house, him, Shellendorf… There were a lot of pictures, he was saying. He picks the thing up, turning it over. He had never taken such a close look before. Slit for the paper, lens, a little peephole to focus, buttons and knobs for options he didn't know… He slowly turned one knob, noting the little flash sign next to it. He clicked a few more buttons, and pointed the canera to the inkling against the wall. Who gave a tired smile as he took the picture, flash lighting up his face. “Deciding to dabble in photography yourself, huh?” “I just wanna try.” Octavio said, ripping out the paper and fanning it, before watching the darkness fade in. He softly smiled. He was lucky, the flash had been just right, perfectly capturing the tired smile the inkling had been sporting. “And? How is the picture?” The traveler gets up, groaning, before sitting back down next to the prince, peeking at the photograph in the other’s hand. “It’s perfect.”
“Oh, right! I tried to copy that one too! To make two pictures!” The captain says, while Octavio grumbles and looks away. “You couldn’t have tested it with a failed photo first, could you? You made me scared to lose it.” Callie gasps, looking at the King. “You still have this picture?! Why didn’t you say so! Why did I never see it?!” “Because 1. You never asked me for it, and 2. It’s quite fragile.” The Octarian sighs, crossing his arms, and looking away. “I… Used to wear it with me in the turf war. I stopped when I got shot badly, though. It’s stained at the edges and quite creased, now.” Cuttlefish softly sighs, looking away too. Callie frowns. Man, the Great Turf War sucks. Not wanting them to spoil the mood too much, she quickly starts turning the pages again to find another one. Okay, nevermind, this picture was quite sad too. Why is the Dj looking like he is gonna cry every second? Why does Gramps smiling in the picture next to it feel more like a grimace? Why- She barely noticed Octavio fierceling gripping his pants, or the worried look the Cuttlefish was giving the person in question. “Those are…” “The last pictures we took before the Cap’n left.” The Octarian says, strained, gripping his pants even harder. “And before The Great Turf War started.” Callie frowns, looking back at the pictures. “It was the day before I went to join the army…”
“You’re still absolutely sure?” The voice was soft, on the verge of breaking. Unlike anything Craig had heard Octavio say. It was hard. He wanted so badly to stay, to dry the tears he knew would flow, but he couldn’t. He couldn’t just give up his dream, this opportunity. It has been the closest he had ever been. And he couldn’t give up now. “Yes. I am.” His own voice was soft, and he could see the others' lip trembling. “Hey, hey now. The moment I can, the moment I’m an actual captain, I am returning, okay?” “But what if that never happens? What if you never return?” He hugged his knees close, looking away. The traveler grabbed his shoulder, squeezing it lightly. “Tavi. Look at me. I promise you, from the deepest of my heart, that I will return. I will come back. For you, for us. Okay?” He softly sighs, before nodding, closing his eyes. The inkling puts his forehead against the others, softly sighing. “I feel like I have barely anything to remember you by…” The other sighed, grabbing the other’s hand and squeezing it. “Oh! I know! Let’s take pictures. Of each other. We can write something on it. You can look at it every time you think I’m not coming back.” The prince chuckled, wiping away tears he thought he didn’t allow to fall. “Oh? And what are you gonna do with that?” “Keep it with me and look at it when I don’t know who I’m doing it for anymore.” The octoling opened and closed his mouth several times, face like his tentacles. “Oh.” Craig softly smiled, before grazing his lips over the other’s hand. He then stood up and goes off to find his canera in the piles of packed stuff. “Just! Do any pose you want.” He softly said, pushing buttons and turning knobs until he was happy. The prince was trembling. This was gonna be the last thing they would do. This was the last photo before he would go. He barely managed to raise a shaking smile, trying to raise a hand to act like his usual self, but it felt more like a cheap imitation. Then the little snap came from the canera, and it was all over. He practically ran over to the inkling and the canera, watching the other rip off the paper and fanning it, watching the colours fade in. “I’m gonna make a copy for you.” Cuttlefish softly said, putting it in the little bath for it. Before turning the canera, giving it to the prince. It was painful to see Octavio trembling behind the canera, eyes full of tears he was holding in. Especially when he knew it was his fault. Especially when he knew there wasn’t much he could do. He tried doing a small wink, twisting up the corners of his mouth for a smile. It would look more like a grimace, anyways. It felt like ages before the photo was finally taken, and he only had to give it a glance before seeing the grimace he had feared. Oh well. Into the bath it went, and the octarian fished the other original out. “You have a pen for me then?” “Of course.” It was quickly thrown and caught, and the inkling noted how quickly the other had recomposed itself, having stopped the shaking. He had written something in small handwriting, handing it to the inkling, who pocketed it, staring out over the shore. The shore, that would probably be his home very soon. “You’re gonna be the best captain they’ve ever seen, Cuttle.” He perked up, looking at the other confused. Where did this come from? “I… I’m gonna have to work hard. Make sure your return will be worth it. I’ll make sure it’s better when you’ll return, okay?” “O-okay? Where is this coming from?” He looked away, sighing. “I know that if I don’t have a goal I’m gonna wallow in sadness. So I’m giving myself one. As long as I finish that, it’ll all turn out okay.” He gave him a soft shaky smile, tears still in his eyes. But at least they were not falling. Craig slowly leaned in, lips brushing against each other. It wasn’t long before it turned into a kiss. A small goodbye kiss, one of many. Just before Octavio had to go, he hastily scribbled a text on the back of it. ‘Don’t give up! I promise I’ll return just for you. <3’
“You never returned.” The king softly says, looking away, “The next time we saw each other was in that wretched war, and you tried to kill me.” Callie frowns. This couldn’t be it, Could it? Some sad ending? No Closure for the both of them?
No. “Technically he returned, didn’t he?” She carefully says, trying to slip the photo from its slot. Gramps turns his head to her, tilting it. “I mean, Gramps met  you, and so returned to you, in the Turf War, didn’t he? And then when you stole the zapfish, and when you kidnapped him-” the octoling visibly winced at those examples, “and at last now! Now you’re both trying to build up what you’ve two lost! I would call those either pretty big examples or at least tries to return to you!” He softly sighs, patting the Squid Sisters head. “...You’re right, somehow. He always came back, didn’t he?” “You know I’ve tried, right?” The captain softly says, looking at the octoling, who gives a small smile. “I know… I know… I think your granddaughter is right about us needing to reconnect. And… I’m sorry, for all the hurt that I caused.” “I'm sorry too.” He reaches out behind Callie’s back, grabbing the other’s hand. Who gladly lets him. Together, they look at the sunset. Finally, she manages to flip the photo. In the corner, in neat, small writing, she can just barely read: ‘Never give up (and please come back for me). I believe in you. ~Octavio <3’
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cygnetofthesea · 3 years
Happy Mother’s Day, Iris
In honor of Mother’s Day, here’s a little bit of Iris celebrating with her family. Happy Mother’s Day to all the loving, doting mothers and mother figures!
On AO3
It was the smell of fresh coffee and the touch of soft lips pressing against her cheek and lips that woke her up. She kept her eyes closed as a smile broke across her face and the kisses traveled up to her lids.
She sighed in complete and utter contentment, reaching up to thread her fingers through her husband's hair. She stroked the thick locks, feeling his hum against her skin.
"Happy Mother's Day," he greeted her softly
"Thank you. How are the babies?" she murmured, her voice raspy from lack of use.
"Perfect as always."
Iris burst out laughing, finally opening her eyes to see Barry sprawled horizontally on his side of the bed, fully dressed and his legs dangling off the side. She leaned over and kissed the space between his brows, endeared by his goofy smile.
"Perfect, huh? I mean, they are perfectly beautiful but well-behaved? I don't know about that."
"They sure take the 'terrible twos' to the next level," he agreed. "The parenting books definitely were not written with them in mind. Want to sleep in a little more? You might need it."
He brushed a strand of hair from her forehead as she shook her head. "Uh-uh, I want to see the tornado twins."
They shared a smile, remembering how Cisco gave Nora and Bart the nickname after they had started vibrating slightly in place. They found that when the brother and sister were together and playing with McSnurtle, their excitement went up a level that caused them to vibrate in place. Barry and Iris had lunged to grab them before anything else could happen but it was safe to say, they kept the babies' interaction with McSnurtle to a minimum until Cisco finished his dampening bracelets for them.
Barry's smile dropped slightly, looking off to the side. She knew that look: his speed force senses were tingling, which meant the babies were acting up again.
Barry sped away and in a flash brought back little Bart and Nora in his arms as Iris sat up in bed. Her face lit up, any traces of grogginess washing away at the sight of her gorgeous babies. Her heart felt like they had doubled in size as she reached over to grab the nearest baby, Bart.
He made grabby hands at her, settling them on her hair and locket when she kissed his chubby cheeks. She leaned over to smooch Nora's too as Barry settled in next to her.
"It’s like      your    speed force senses were tingling," he said with a chuckle. "They spotted McSnurtle."
"Mama, Snurtle play!" Nora squealed before leaning over Barry's arm and turning to her mom as though she had the turtle she so coveted.
"Sn-snurtle play, Mama," Bart repeated looking at his mom inquisitively.
Iris smooched both her babies again after brushing their wispy curls. "Not today, babes. We're going to try to make it without incident today. Ok?" she asked, nodding with a smile.
The twins were only two-years old but it didn't stop Iris from talking to them like they understood complex language. She just loved the wide-eyed looks they gave her in return. Plus, Barry more than made up for it in the baby-talk department.
Case in point, he was leaning over Nora just then, adopting a goofy voice. "You wanna pway with McSnurtle the turtle? You want to pway wid him? Yes you dooo."
Nora just gave him the same wide-eyed look Bart had just given her. "Snurtle!" she repeated as though attempting to conjure him up.
Barry turned Nora to face Bart more fully and Iris did the same with Bart. They found when they didn't get their way, the best thing to do was let them play with each other and they'd forget all about their baby plights.
Barry grinned at Iris crookedly as the babies fought against their holds to play with each other. They released them, keeping a careful eye on their crawling bodies.
"I wanted you to have breakfast in bed without interruptions," Barry said, taking hold of her hand.
It was only then Iris noticed the familiar rolling breakfast tray covered with an assortment of her favorite foods and a single frangipani that could only be found in Bali. She spotted some familiar foods that definitely were not from Central City.
"Oh my god!" she squealed, drawing the attention of her babies before they turned back to their light wrestling. "Is that pan au chocolate from Gérard Mulot?" she asked in a perfect French accent.
It was her favorite bakery in Paris that she took Barry to on their third anniversary. She had fallen in love with the place that Barry made sure to get it for every special occasion or really, whenever Iris was in the mood for it.
Barry rolled the tray over her and let her dig in. "Yup and the one from Marais, too. Nothing but the best for my beautiful baby mama," he said pressing a kiss to her cheekbone.
She groaned in pleasure as the smooth, dark chocolate blended perfectly with the warm, flaky croissant in her mouth. "Holy sh-crap. If the kids weren't here, I'd pounce on you."
"Oh that can most definitely be arranged," he murmured, wrapping his arms around her. He took the piece of pastry she offered, licking the chocolate from her finger. "Tonight, after the portraits and dinner, it's just you and me. I have a whole day planned with us and the kids, it'll be enough to tucker them out for the night."
"Oh yeah?" she asked, sliding a grape in her mouth as she looked at from underneath her lashes. "And what exactly is going to happen once the twins are asleep?"
He peeked at said twins—they were happily occupied with a Flash plush toy, squealing "Dada!"—before leaning over to lick at her lips, taking any of the residual pastry with him. He kissed her, letting his tongue slide into her mouth to taste her.
"Oh I don't know, maybe we could watch Inception and light up that oyster candle thing," he said in a deep and husky voice.
She knew he was using his bedroom voice and normally it would make her body tingle enough to tackle him, but his words made her giggle against his lips. She leaned into the kiss some more, tilting her head to take in his lips because yes, despite the humor his words evoked, she would always want him.
She pulled away slowly, watching as he took his time opening his eyes, the flutter of his lashes making her heart clench.
"You still really think it was that combo that knocked me up?"
He looked at her, his cheeks flushed with desire, but he looked sheepish. "Hey, the guy said oysters were an aphrodisiac." The guy being a young waiter at the Japanese restaurant where Barry had gone to pick up their takeout.
"Please babe, as if we ever needed any aphrodisiac. Your libido is plenty." She pulled at her lower lip. "So is mine, come to think of it. Who knew nerds were my weakness. Or maybe it's just you."
"It better just be me," Barry growled, pretending to bite her. She pushed at his shoulder with a laugh.
"Besides, it's the act of      eating oyster     that's supposed to be the aphrodisiac, not sniffing an oyster-scented candle. Which I still can't believe you tracked down."
"Ok, we can skip the oyster candle," he amended.
"And how about I give you a nice massage instead."
"Yes, please."  
 "With Inception on or off?"
Iris snorted. "Definitely off. I don't need Hans Zimmer making our lovemaking feel dramatic and scary. But we are watching it first."
"You got it." He kissed again and then grabbed a familiar looking album. It melted her heart every time she saw it and remembered the first time Barry presented it to her.
Iris has been four months pregnant with the twins and hadn't even thought of Mother's Day other than to buy flowers for Nora and Francine's graves. Despite her mother being absent in her life, she was grateful that she had at least given her Wally and been a mother to him. She had brought the flowers home only to be greeted with a huge arrangement sitting on their dinner table next to a brand new photo album.
She looked at the arrangement curiously before turning to Barry who was bringing over a matcha mille crepe cake from her favorite place in New York City. She had been craving matcha anything as of late and Barry never hesitated to speed over to Prince Tea House over in East End to get them for her.
"Hey babe, I already got the flowers," she said, gesturing at the bouquets in her arm.
He beamed at her, his eyes soft. It was that look he always gave her, that was reserved just for her: as though she was a marvel he couldn't believe existed. As though she was the impossible and not him and his speedster abilities.
"They're for you. Happy Mother's Day, Iris."
 Maybe it was her hormones—most definitely—or maybe it was that look he was giving her, but Iris could feel her eyes welling up. Barry immediately set the mille crepe down and gathered her in his arms, the flowers crushing in between them.
"You're a mom, Iris. A beautiful, wonderful one at that. You have been since the moment Nora walked into our lives that day and you deserve to be celebrated."
 She sniffled and gave him a watery smile. "And you're a dad."
Barry shook his head. "It's not the same. I…I wasn't there for Nora like I should have been, the way you were," he said with regret and residual grief. "But I'm going to do better this time around. I will be anything you and our babies need."
Iris cupped his cheek, stroking the five o'clock shadow there. "I know you will."
She knew it in her heart that he would do anything and everything for them. She kissed him softly, savoring the moment with his scent mixing with the flowers around them.
She pulled away and looked at the album. "But what's that?"
He grabbed the album and presented it to her. On the front cover, he had placed a candid picture of her, smiling brightly with a frangipani tucked behind her ear and a bundle of them in her hands. Barry had made it a habit to collect a bundle of flowers that surrounded the resort where they stayed. It was a large and private area that made it feel like they were in their own little world.
"I want to commemorate every moment of this," he said. "Just like I want to honor every single moment of our lives together. You're the most incredible woman, Iris West-Allen, and I know you're going to be the most incredible mother. I want our children to be able to see their mother every step of the way. How she carried them with love and nurtured them with the utmost care and compassion. Even while they were wreaking havoc on her hormones."
He had looked like he was going to say more, but Iris couldn't wait any longer. She took the album from him and set them on the table with the flowers and kissed him with everything in her.
When she eventually pulled away, she pressed their foreheads together, their heavy breaths mingling together.
"I love you Barry Allen."
"I love you, Iris West-Allen."
And so began tradition. Barry had taken a portrait of Iris with their camera, her wedding ring sparkling brightly as she rested her hand on her belly, curving around it as though protecting their babies. And she was protecting them, just as Barry would protect her.
This Mother's Day, they would be adding a third picture to the album, with the twins slightly bigger than the last photo.
Barry hugged her to him, the album against his chest with her image on the outside. "Ready to add to this?"
Iris glanced over at her babies fooling around on their bed and then turned to her husband, her heart full. She felt like the luckiest woman in the world.
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iamyoursinblog · 3 years
Hell girl
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Pairing: Mark Tuan x Reader
Genre: fluff, smut
Word Count:  5,4 k
"Mom, why should I do this ?!" he practically yelled into the phone. “Okay, Mom. I understood. I'll call you later." He could hardly contain his anger, not wanting to quarrel with his mother. He hung up and threw the phone on the sofa, kicking it forcefully. From anger it seemed even the air in the hall was not enough.
“This is the first time I've seen you so angry after talking with your parents.” He heard Jaebeom laugh behind him and turned to him.
“Oh, hi, Jaebeom.” He was so confused that he didn't even notice when Jaebeom came in.
"Are you okay?" Jaebeom came closer squeezing his shoulder
“Almost” he sat down on the sofa, throwing his head back
"What happened?" Jaebeom asked anxiously, sitting down next to him.
“There is one, person...” he had to make every effort to restrain himself and choose the most neutral words in the description “she is the daughter of the best friends of my parents. Every time she appeared within a radius of half mile from me, my life turned to hell. She's a devil! And so this ... decided to come to Seoul. And my mother told her friends that I would meet her at the airport and spend her entire vacation with her. For some reason my family decided that I was a personal babysitter for this mad girl !!!” he was just seething with anger.
"Babysitter? She's that so young, how old is she? " Jaebeom laughed while watching him
“She's 5-6 years younger than me,” he shook his head.
“At 5-6? Well, she's not baby anymore, she's around 22. When was the last time you saw her?"
He looked at Jaebeom in disbelief. But really, you was 22. Only now did he realize that the last time he saw you ten years ago. For him you have remained an obnoxious child who spoils his life. He remembered how you beat him, without any physical training, on your first day of martial arts training in his studio, even though he had been in for a year and was older and stronger than you. After that, all his friends laughed at him for several more months. He shook his head, what's the difference how old you were, you hardly changed. “Moreover, if she’s already an adult, then I don’t understand why I should do this at all”
"If it worries you so much, do you want me to go instead of you and meet her, what does she look like?" Jaebeom smiled, clapping his knees
“I have no idea, I only remember her when she was 12. In addition, she will complain to her parents that I personally did not meet her, my mother will kill me after” he moaned, sliding to the floor, quietly and peacefully accepting his inevitable death. He got up off the floor picking up the phone from the couch. “I'll be back soon with this crazy girl, better hide the sharp objects just in case,” he said, heading out the door as Jaebeom bursts into laughter on the sofa.
... ... ...
He was leaning on the railing near the arrival gate. He raised his collar high and lowered the hat almost over his eyes, hoping that no one would recognize him. He looked at the time, your plane has already landed. “How long can she collect her luggage? Did she bring the whole house with her?" He doesn't stop muttering to himself as people keep walking past him. One girl caught his attention, a beauty in skinny jeans and a red jacket over a cropped top. Wow, he seems to fall in love from first sight, he chuckled above himself, unable to take his eyes off her. She walked in his direction, did she really recognize him, he hoped he would be able to persuade this girl not to post a photo in SNS at least until evening. Although he was glad that such a beauty immediately recognized him, despite the fact that dark glasses covered part of the girl's face, her beauty fascinated him and he could not take his eyes off. The girl came up to him and, without saying a word, took a selfie with him, that's stunned him a little, which made him just look at her while she typing something in the phone.
“Sorry, you couldn’t uploading our photo to SNS for at least a few hours later, I’m here not officially, I don’t want a bunch of fans to gather at the entrance.” He asked politely, hoping to negotiate with this girl. “Please, and I'll leave you an autograph and buy you coffee,” he smiled broadly, trying to get her attention. He realized that he secretly hoped that the girl would agree to drink coffee with him, giving him the opportunity to get to know her.
The girl dropped her sunglasses on the tip of her nose and looked down at him before meeting his gaze, "What are you talking about, moron?" the girl answered him in a cold tone, putting on her glasses again and throwing her black leather travel bag at him. The girl picked up the phone, answering the call, heading towards the exit, while he looked in complete shock at the heavy bag in his hands, not understanding what was happening. "Yes mom. Mark met me. Everything okay, so don't worry and stop calling me every five minutes. And I love you" you hung up the phone, turning again in his direction, while he came to himself from the fact that it is YOU! And how that ugly twelve-year-old duckling from his memory turned into this fatal beauty, into which he practically fell in love at first sight?! "Are we going to hang out here until nightfall? Of course I understand the place is cool and all that, but maybe we'll go already?" you said pointing to the exit
“Oh, yes,” he muttered, still unable to come from the shock. He silently trudged towards the car. You got into the car after you greeted his manager, and he continued to stand by the car hugging your bag. The manager walked over to him and took the bag, putting it in the trunk.
"Mark, are you okay?" the manager asked him when he didn't even move
"What? Yes, let's go" he got into the car. You took off your glasses and sat with your eyes closed, why were you so beautiful. He could not think about anything all the way staring at you.
"You're staring!" you said irritably without opening your eyes
He turned sharply forward, turning away from you. What's wrong with you, - he scolded himself mentally. After drove to the agency and taking your bag, he went to the elevator “Let's go. You will have to wait for me. I have a dance practice," he said, clicking on the desired floor.
You entered the practice room where Jaebeom was waiting for the others, who are clearly late. Jaebeom's eyes widened when he saw you. Yep, apparently he had the same reaction, he laugh at himself.
“Hi, you must be ________! I've heard a lot about you, nice to meet you” Jaebeom smiled broadly as he stood up from the couch.
You came closer to Jaebeom shaking his hand and smiling broadly, which made you look even more beautiful. "Hi, me too. Wow, oppa you're so handsome. Can I take a picture with you, I'm a fan of yours” you said sweetly, and his jaw dropped from what he just saw
"Oppa?" he stared at you
“Yes, he's oppa. Isn't that how girls call handsome guys like you?” You didn't take your eyes off Jaebeom, obviously flirting with him while taking a selfie.
Jaebeom laughed, nodding his head, “Well, as you say. I'll leave you, I need to call the others and find out where they are. See you later” Jaebeom smiled at you before heading for the exit.
You waved to him and when Jaebeom left, you called your mom “Hi Mom,” you said when she appeared on the screen. “We just arrived at Mark's dance practice. He's so cute and let me be with them. By the way, he already booked a hotel for me.” You came up to him hugging him “Tell his became so beautiful, it makes to want to take him in arms, no?” you slightly pinched his cheek, smiling broadly
“Hello, good to see you,” he said to your mom, listening to her gratitude for agreeing to take care of you. After you said goodbye, you hung up, shoving the phone back into your pocket.
“I didn't even think that you could be so nice. I thought bitchiness it was your only nature" he said, throwing your bag on the sofa. You turned in his direction returning your cold look, which you gave him before." What hotel? What were you talking about? "
"You didn't think I was going to waste my vacation on you, did you?" You asked raising an eyebrow. “I have my own business here, so let's not interfere with each other. Send me your schedule so that I know where you are if mom suddenly calls. Unfortunately, we will have to have dinner together several times in order to send joint photos to our parents. I will write when I can, when I'll be know my schedule” you continued to say adjusting your makeup while he looked at you in bewilderment “You at least react somehow, otherwise I’m as if talking to a statue” you looked at him in the mirror.
“Great, otherwise I was afraid that I would have to be a babysitter. Tell me your number, I'll send you the schedule. What will you be doing, I need to know in order to answer my parents if they ask" He was not sure he wanted to know for an answer or because he really wanted to know what you would be doing.
"It does not matter. They should think that I am dragging everywhere with you. If I had said that I came here for work, they would not have let me go. "
"Work? Do you know anything other than making life difficult for others?" He chuckled. You took your black stilettos out of your bag and changed your shoes, stuffing your sneakers in your bag. In heels, you looked even sexier. Damn, what is he thinking about?
"Did you come up with a joke yourself or did you find it on the Internet?" you looked at him. "Anyway, let's keep avoiding each other." You said pretendingly smiling “Bye“ you took your bag and went to the exit “Btw...” you stopped near the door, turned and looked at him “Your face is my style” you winked and went out the door, leaving him standing in the middle of the hall with open mouth.
“What a crazy...” he muttered and sat down on the sofa. After receiving the message, he pulled out his phone.
Thank you, sonny. I was afraid that you would send someone else for meet _______. I love you.
He continued to look at your joint photo from the airport, he did not even pay attention to the fact that he was smiling so broadly at that moment. You were smiling too, you seemed so happy and friendly in this photo. He caught himself smiling all this time while looking at your photo. He closed his eyes, leaning on back, as he expected, as soon as you appear next to him, you can say "bye" in his quiet life.
... ... ...
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Thanks God, neither his parents nor yours were persistent. Five days passed, and they never called or wrote. As like you ... why all this time he couldn't stop thinking about you. He should have been glad that he didn't need to take care of you, but why then did he not feel it. He was interested in what you were doing, where you were and who you were with. You sent him your schedule, if he could call it that, it was a list of dates marked 'busy' and 'free'. He took out his phone and opened your message, you were free today. For today, his schedule is over and he may invite you to dinner, although it might be too weird. Or not ... you still need to spend time together.
I'm free tonight and not even in a terrible mood, so I can sacrifice my evening and spend it with you.
It seemed to work out naturally, he laughed, rereading his sent message. He got a reply that made him practically growl.
I pass. There are more interesting plans.
An unbearable girl, he muttered, shoving the phone into his pocket.
"Everything okay?" asked Jaebeom, who was sitting next to him.
"Yes, everything is great. By the way, we are already free today and have not hung out together for a long time, besides, tomorrow is a day off. Shall we have a party? " he raised his voice to attract the attention of Jinyoung and Jackson, who were sitting in front.
Everyone made a noise, agreeing to his suggestions, discussing where to go. “How fortunate that we didn't wash off our makeup after the photoshoot. Maybe a club? " Jinyoung smiled broadly and everyone laughed.
"GREAT! A party!" clapped Jackson.
“It’s just worth changing. Unlike our faces, our clothes don't really fit the club.” He said while examining them, and everyone laughed again.
After three hours, they finally drove to the club. Turned out to "change clothe for the club" took longer than he could have imagined. They drove into the indoor club's underground parking lot, which was only allowed by invitation. It was the only place where celebrities could relax and have a good rest without worrying about going out in the morning millions of articles with incriminating photographs. All phones and other gadgets must be lefted at the guard at the entrance. They went inside behind the manager who escorted them to the table. Great, he thought, sitting down at the table. Their table was in a place where they could see everyone, but their no one saw. He looked around the hall sipping his drink while the others discussed everyone around.
“Wow who is this? Haven't seen her before" Jackson said, pointing to the middle of the dance floor. He and Jaebeom turned their heads and he froze wide-eyed when he saw you.
"Is it not a ..?" Jaebeom said with surprise
"Yeah, she is ..." he replied staring at the way you dance. What were you doing here? A thousand questions were spinning in his head.
"Do you know her?" asked Jinyoung, looking at you with interest too.
“Yes, we know” he and Jaebeom simultaneously answered
Some guy came up to you, beginning to dance next to you, obviously trying to meet you. He didn't even notice that his fists were tightening because of it. You smiled at the guy and turned away from him, you were clearly not interested in him. He couldn't deny that he was pleased with it. Unlike this guy who continued to persistently dance next to you and flirt, not wanting to accept your refusal. His jaw tightened and he got up abruptly from the table, heading to the dance floor, when this guy ran down your back and stopped his hand on your ass. He froze when a moment later you turned and twisted the guy's wrist, forcing him to kneel in front of you. He smiled broadly, continuing to walk towards you, apparently martial arts classes were not in vain. He came up to you and grabbed the guy by the collar with force, bringing him back to his feet.
"Are there no more shorter things in your wardrobe?" he asked, giving you a skeptical look.
You tilted your head to the side, looking at him in surprise "Do you really want to discuss the length of my dress now, daddy?!" you asked sarcastically. The way you called him daddy caused a wave of desire in his body. Stop, he was distracted, he kinda angry on you.
I'll be right back and we'll discuss your ‘more interesting plans’!” he said, pointing at you with his finger before dragging the jerk towards the guards. “Throw this garbage out of here, he was touching my friend, although she clearly refused him several times before,” he said when he saw a guard he knew. After the changes, this guy was escorted to the exit, and he returned to the dance floor. “We need to talk,” he said. taking your hand and dragging you towards the back exit, where the quiet zone was.
“Mark, let me go. Where are you dragging me?!" you kept trying to get out all the way. He closed the door behind him so that no one would disturb them when you entered the VIP room.
"What are you doing here and why do you look like this?"
"I look like?" you stared at him
"Like who?" you asked angrily, and you were right, your long-sleeved dress reached almost mid-thigh and was completely covered. But it hugged your beautiful figure, driving him crazy, wanting to run his hands along your curves.
“This dress is too short. What are you doing here? "He said the first thing that crossed his mind.
“You are not my older brother or parents to tell me where to be and how to dress” you shouted at him and you were right. But why was it so angry then that instead of having dinner with him, you chose to go to the club. Why now the only thing he could feel was excitement. "What's wrong with you ?!"
"Everything !!! Everything is wrong with me! Every time you appear in my life everything goes awry! ”
“Excuse me, what? Oh god damn sorry your fucking life is disturbed by my presence, Mr. Perfect Guy! ” you walked up to him poking your finger into his chest with every word.
"Shut up!" he screamed at you, no longer able to control his emotions
"Oh, no really ... let's hear how I destroyed your ..." He grabbed you, pressing you firmly against his body, closing your mouth with a kiss. It seemed that his brain was disabled because he absolutely did not understand what he was doing now. You tried to pull away from him, but he tightened his grip on your hair, deepening that killer kiss. Everything inside him turned upside down, plunging him into an all-destructive fire, not giving the slightest hope of salvation. He enjoyed too much, the sensation of your curves under his fingers, the sweet taste of your kiss, to think about the consequences.
He ran his hands down your back, squeezing your ass and pressing your body against his hard cock. You pushed him hard, causing him to lose his balance falling on the couch behind him. You left the room without even looking in his direction. He fell back on the couch, covering his face with his hands. “Congratulations, moron! You just ruined everything, "he growled, scolding himself. What was that all about. He thought he surprised himself more than you, in the moment he kissed you. How the thought that 'maybe he likes you' turned into a 'destructive passion', from which he could not control himself. But even more frightened him that if you had not pushed him away, he would not have been able to stop himself only with kisses. He pounded his fists hard on the couch before getting to his feet and headed towards exit.
"Have not seen _______?" he asked Jaebeom whom he bumped in the hallway.
“Oh, yes I saw her. She said goodbye, said that she was already leaving because tomorrow is a busy day. Weren't you together? It seems like you left together ... "Jaebeom looked at him in surprise
"Yes together. Well, I told you, she doesn't tell me anything except rudeness "he quickly changed the subject
“I don’t know, with me she’s always cute when we talk.” Jaebeom shrugged.
“That you only saw twice in total less than five minutes, of course she’s cute with you,” he laughed
"Not only when we meet, when we talk on the phone, too sweet"
"By phone?" his eyes widened
"Well yes. We exchanged numbers on the first day while we went down to the parking lot together. She told me to tell her how you are doing, because 'that angry ass, still won't write to her.'
“You seem to know more about her than I do. Maybe then you know what kind of job? " he could not hide that it made him angry
"Yes, she is a model, but her parents are against it, so I had to lie that she was going on vacation."
"I see you are almost the best friends!" he said through clenched teeth, and Jaebeom looked at him questioningly, “I don’t feel myself well, say goodbye to the guys for me. See you" he said as he walked past Jaebeom towards the exit.
He went outside breathing in the cool air. Taking his phone out of his pocket, he dialed your number "Where are you?" he asked when you answered.
"What is it to you?" you snorted into the phone
"Let's talk"
“ 'Let's talk' , or are you going to accuse me of all mortal sins again, and then you’ll kiss me?”
"Where are you?" his tone became calm and soft, least of all now he wanted to quarrel with you
"In a 7eleven a couple of blocks from the club," you answered by hanging up. When he reached the store, a wide smile lit up his face. You sat in a chair and dangled your legs with chopsticks in your mouth, waiting for the ramen to be ready. Now you looked like that the fidget he knew. Going into the store, he bought himself food and a few bottles of beer and after paid for everything, he went to you.
“Models have an interesting diet. Ramen, gimpab, kimchi and beer. Waaaaaa, and this is at one o'clock in the morning ... " he chuckled, putting his food next to yours, sitting down on a nearby chair.
"Who would say," you said took the chopsticks out of your mouth, examining his set. "When I'm angry, I always want spicy ramen," you said smiling broadly, stirring the noodles.
He laughed when you spat the noodles back out because you burned your tongue. "What a ninny" he said laughing. Tearing off your lid from the ramen, he made an envelope and stuck it into your hand. “Even children can eat ramen without burning their tongues. You take some noodles, put them in an envelope, blow on them and then eat them. " he brought chilled noodles to your mouth. “Eat” he said, placing a slice of kimchi on top.
"Yummy" you smiled, chewing on noodles and bouncing in your chair with happy. What a cutie, he thought, watching you.
He opened the beer and put it in front of you, swapping it with your closed “Here, drink”
“I could have opened it by myself,” you furrowed your eyebrows
“Yeah, that's why it's closed. Probably you almost broke all your nails while trying to open the can" he took your hands, turning towards him, examining your manicure.
You turned back and drank a sip of beer returned to the noodles "Did you come to watch on me or eat?" you said pointing to his food.
“Eat more slowly, otherwise your stomach will ache,” he smiled and you laughed
“From trying to fuck me, you went to worrying about my stomach. You never cease to amaze me today "you spoke so calmly about it that everything inside him turned into a tight knot
"I didn't try you ..." he couldn't even finish the sentence
“Okay. As you say" you got up and came to the bin throwing out the trash. "So what did you want to talk about?" You asked when you returned to your place.
“I ... About what happened in the club” he looked at his beer, unable to meet your gaze
“So...” you answered, and he stared at you in bewilderment, “What? It's you wanted to talk,” you raised the can of beer while taking a sip
"Don't you worries about that?" he asked you
“It pissed me off - yes, it worries me - not really. Does it worries you? "
"Yes, it worries me!" he looked at you with wide eyes
"Why?" you looked at him in surprise and leaned forward, getting too close “Mark, I'm not 12 years old. Even if you fucked me, it would have happened not because I could not resist you, but because I did not mind it" you whispered in his ear. “And here is my taxi” you got up from the chair pointing to the black car. “See you” you said and left, leaving him alone.
All he could do, was look at the leaving car. “Great talk,” he muttered, tossing untouched food and beer into the bin.
... ... ...
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These few days he was more like a robot that does everything that is told to him. He stared out the window at the lights as his manager drove him home. The head was empty, or vice versa, there were so many thoughts in it that the brain stopped responding to them, simply mute it. Saying goodbye to the manager, he went into the house. You had the weekend ahead, maybe he should call you, he thought as he took the elevator to his floor. In all the case, you have to meet. He was staring at his door when he heard soft music playing from his apartment. Some of the guys came to visit without warning him, he thought, entering the code. His stomach rumbled with the smell of delicious food as he came in. "Whoever you are, I won't kill you just because of the delicious food," he said loudly, walking into the living room. He stopped when he saw you sitting on the couch. "What are you doing here?" he was completely taken aback by your presence, you were the last person he expected to see in his house.
“Is this your favorite question? Why do you keep asking it every time you see me? " you asked getting up from the couch. “I didn't know what you like, so I chose meat and wine” you went into the kitchen and turned off the oven, took out baked meat with vegetables and put it on the table.
"_______, what are you doing here?" he asked again because you ignored his question
"Preventing a zombie apocalypse?" you smiled while handing him a glass of wine
"What?" he frowned at the fact that he could not understand if he heard you correctly, "You just said zombie apocalypse?"
"Yes. Jaebeom said I turned you into a zombie. Since you are patient zero, you can still be saved. Probably. Judging by the symptoms and incoherent speech, you are doomed.” You went up to him, raised his hand and gave him a glass of wine, which he had not taken before.
"Really? Are we talking about zombies now? " he stares at you “I think I’m going crazy,” he muttered, drinking all the wine in one gulp. "Why are you here?" he stepped closer, placing the empty one on the table.
“Make a selfie for parents” you raised your phone and opened the camera. He pushed your hand away, causing your phone to fall to the floor.
“If you needed a photo, you would meet on somewhere alse, and not cook dinner with wine at my place!”
“You’re right,” you said with a malicious smile, brushing a lock of hair from his forehead. This angered him even more and he grabbed your hand with force, stopping you.
"Why are you here?" he screamed at you. He did not even understand how a moment later he found himself lying on his back with his hands pressed to the floor.
“Finish what you started” you said, digging into his lips.
His body reacted faster than his brain and he pressed your body against his, deepening the kiss. Rolling over, he was on top of you. He moaned as your legs wrapped around his waist, forcing him to rub his cock against your crotch. Pulling back for a moment, he tore his shirt violently, getting rid of it, not wanting to waste time for unbuttoning. Unbuttoning his jeans, he pulled them down to his hips. He lifted your skirt around your waist, ripping off your panties, pushing inside your pussy. He dug into your lips again, covering your mouth with a kiss as you screamed. He gripped your body tightly as you tried to pull away from him. He pushed hard at you all its length, causing your body to arched under him. He growled as you squeezed his dick hard. His head was spinning with pleasure, blurring the line between reality and ecstasy. He came out of you and pushed into you again with force. Your body relaxed with each deep thrust, making him want more and more pleasure. He pulled your blouse with force, getting rid of it, giving him access to your bare skin. He ran his tongue over your collarbone before biting it with his teeth. You hissed, digging your nails into his bare back. He abruptly left you and got to his feet, dragging you by the hand. He lifted you into his arms, pressing you against the wall again making a hard push into you. You hugged his shoulders tightly as he dug into your lips. This kiss was dizzying, revealing to you everything he felt now. Tenderness changed with passion and vice versa. It was crazy, he lost track of time.
It seemed to him that all eternity had passed, or maybe only five minutes. His moans mingled with yours as everything inside him raged, bringing him closer to orgasm. A wave of heat passed down his back, dropping down as you squeezed his dick hard, cumming hard. He wanted to hear as long as possible how you moan his name dissolving into your orgasm. His thrusts into you hardened, it seemed that something inside him snapped, releasing a wild beast that he was trying to hold back all this time. His fingers and teeth dug into your skin, leaving red marks on it. The more he fucked you, the more he wanted. His orgasm was like the horizon, which receded with each step towards it. Your body trembled violently in his hands with every thrust. He buried himself in your neck, hiding his smile. He growled loudly as he cum, filling you with sperm. The pleasure was almost painful, tearing everything inside him into small pieces. He continued to make shallow thrusts inside you, prolonging his pleasure, until he came to himself with intense pleasure. He put you on your feet, resting his hands on the wall and left a gentle kiss on your lips. He ran his hand over your body and laughed softly as you groaned while closing your eyes.
"Aren't you hungry?" you asked looking at the table with untouched food
“I'm terribly hungry. Let's continue?" he sank down and hugged your legs tightly, throwing you over his shoulder and heading for the bedroom.
"Oh my god ..." you moaned
"Sorry, babygirl, but he can hardly save you tonight" he slapped your ass and you giggled as he walked into the bedroom, closing the door behind him.
... ... ...
“You know that you look like a maniac when you smile like that?” Jackson said as he sat down opposite him. “At first you walk like a zombie for several days, now you giggle almost every second. Tell me honestly, have you lost your mind?"
He laughed at Jackson's words, it must have looked like that from the side. “No, I'm completely fine. I was treated to a delicious dinner.” He smiled broadly recalling that night. Dinner was really delicious, even though you ate it in the morning. He threw his head back on the sofa and closed his eyes, remembering how you yelled at him, saying that now you have to take a bath of bb cream, because your whole body was in red marks from his fingers and teeth. I miss you, he thought to himself. He has not seen you for several days, and why in the last days you have had more work than him. He opened his eyes when sounded a phone notification. He took his phone out of his pocket and laughed as he read the message from you. Oh yes, this is what he wanted to hear now:
I'm not hungry. Let's have dinner?
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fanficcollection · 4 years
Tumblr-Girl (Part 16)
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Tumblr – Girl (Part 16) Pairing: Misha Collins x reader Summary: unique con-experience Word Count: ~2700 Warnings!: mentions of emotional abuse, emotional manipulation, violence, slight mentions of panic attacks
Notes: Please leave some feedback!
Part 1 Masterlist  
Your PoV:
You couldn’t say anything. You couldn’t believe what happened. Yeah, sure, you read something about the SPN cast and their bond to the SPNFamily, but… no… this couldn’t be possible. You stared, first at Jensen Ackles, who entered the room first, then at Misha Collins and then at Beck. “Uhm..” you mumbled. “Hi…” you didn’t know what to say and for a few moments the room was filled with silence. “We just wanted to check on you, since we probably caused this incidence yesterday with our surprise.” Jensen said and smiled. You felt your heart rate speed up and your face tuning bright red. *Calm down* you said to yourself. Beck shot you a smile and a glance that said “It’s okay. Take your time.” You took two more breaths before thinking about what Jensen said. “Thank you.” You responded and you still couldn’t stop staring until Beck pulled two chairs to them and offered them a seat. They nodded and sat down while Beck was sitting at your bed. “So, how are you, Y/N?” Misha asked again. Slowly you got back to yourself “Yeah, I’m fine. It was just a panic attack. I’m not that good with big groups of people.” You smiled “Thanks for getting me out there; Beck told me the whole story.”
“No, problem, really. It was the least we could do for you. When can you get out of here?” Misha asked. “Hmm.. I don’t know exactly. Maybe today in the evening, but I think the nurse said that they probably will keep me here until tomorrow, just to be sure everything is okay.” You didn’t say anything of the cramps and the flashback you had in the ambulance car yesterday because you didn’t want to look like a complete freak. Then you and Beck had a nice talk with the two actors. The initial shyness and insecurities were gone after a few minutes and you had a lot of fun, it was nice to chat with them about everyday-things. To be honest you never idolized actors, not even the ones of your favourite show, they were still normal people to you, normal people with a very cool job, but normal people, maybe this helped you to keep the conversation interesting for everyone. Jensen shared something about his family and about the time on set. Beck and you told them about your studies and how you met just a day before. You noticed Mishas glance on you a few times, but maybe he just wanted to check on you if everything was okay. You didn’t think a lot about that. Suddenly Jensens phone rang, he looked at it and just said “It’s Jared, I’ve to get that one.” Then he left the room picking up the phone.
Mishas PoV
When Jensen left the room, I knew this could be the moment to tell Y/N that I was Dmitri. I thought about how to tell her, but how? There was no good way into this conversation. There was silence in the room since Jensen left. “I guess you have to do convention things today?” Y/n asked and I slowly nodded. “Yeah, in the afternoon there are some things to do, but our panels don’t start until tomorrow.” I answered. “Then why did you get here yesterday?” Y/N asked. “I mean, you could have spent this two days anywhere, you never get this early on a convention.” I looked at her a bit baffled, like she read my mind and didn’t know what to say. “Sorry. That’s none of my business.” She backtracked. “I.. I’m just curios.” I thought about it a little longer, this was the moment to come out with my secret “No, it’s okay. It’s a good question. Uhm- We… no, wait actually it was just me.. So I had to meet someone here… uhm-I planned something for this I needed some time.” I shook my head. Why couldn’t I just come straight to the point. “I see… and Jensen and Jared just were some good friends who didn’t let you down on this…” Y/N smiled. “Well, yes.. but..” I tried again, but she interrupted me and said “It’s okay. It’s your private stuff, I understand that you don’t want to tell some people, who you don’t know about it.” She smiled again. No, she didn’t understand and I didn’t know how to correct this misunderstanding. “No…, wait… I-“ suddenly Jensen came back in the room. “Misha, I think we have to go.. They need us at the convention centre.” He said and I looked at him like he told me my mum has died. “I’m sorry, Jared was very clear about it. We have to be there asap.” He looked at Y/N and Beck “It was nice to meet you, Beck. Y/N, I hope you get better soon.” Then he turned to me “Mish, I’ll get us a taxi, hurry up.” After that he shot us a last smile and left the room. I stared at the door, then I stood up, I took my wallet and pulled two of my cards out, I didn’t really think about it, but in the next moment I just did what I had to do. I took one card and noted a short thing on it “This is my private phone number” I gave the card to Beck and then took the second one, also wrote something on it and gave it to Y/N “Call me, if you need anything, doesn’t matter what, you are part of the family now. We have your back. I have your back.” Then I stood up, took my jacket and left the room after one last look back. Y/N stared at me and Beck, her friend, also couldn’t believe what happened. I smiled and closed the door after me. That didn’t go like planned, but it wasn’t that bad. Jensen waited outside the hospital; he wore his sunglasses and tried not to be noticed. I was heading in his direction, but my thoughts were completely somewhere else. Was it right to give her the card or was it a stupid idea? When I reached Jensen, he smiled at me “She is really nice. I like her, man. Did you tell her, that you are your secret guarding angel?” he teased me and I had to smile about the reference. “Hmm. I really tried, but she didn’t understand.” I answered “She thinks I’m here to meet a woman…” Jensen raised his eyebrows “Well, I mean, that’s not exactly wrong.” He laughed. “Yeah… She thinks it’s another woman, she interrupted me, when I was explaining the situation and then you came back and.. Well… This was it, maybe its better like that.” Jensen looked at me and shook his head “I don’t know.” But then the taxi came and we tried to focus on the upcoming convention.
Your PoV:
You didn’t look at the card Misha gave you, you held it in your hand and after a few minutes of staring on the closed door, you put it in your note-book, which laid on the nightstand. “Uhm. Did this really happen?” Beck asked and stared at the card in her hand. You looked at her and nodded. “I guess he liked us. And he really trusts us not to be some crazy creeps.” You started to laugh and Beck joined in. “Nothing on the con could beat that.” She said.
The rest of the day flew by, you really were allowed to leave the hospital on the same day, in the evening and for a short moment you thought about attending the Saturday Night Special at the Con, you read so much about it and you really wanted to see it with your own eyes, but on the other hand you couldn’t risk it to pass out again und cause the stuff more trouble than you did already. So you went out for a drink with Beck, she said that she had seen the SNS a few times, it wasn’t a drama to miss it this time. You let the taxi driver choose the bar and he showed you a little bar, which was very nice and not very crowded. Perfect for having a little chat and enjoying some drinks. You stayed there for quite a while when suddenly a group of people arrived. “Hmm. It seems nice, the taxi-driver didn’t lie, this place is really an inside tip” somebody said and Beck turned around quickly “That’s Richard Speight and I think the others are the people from the SNS” she said “Y/N, I think this is the weirdest con-experience I’ve ever had.” Beck laughed, “like, how can all this happen on just one weekend?” You starred at the group of people and then back to Beck. “Uhhm. I don’t know what to say.” You stated and focussed on your conversation again, you felt like the cast deserved some private time, but just a few minutes later Rob and Matt stood in front of you “Hello, would you mind if we join you at your table?” Matt asked “The rest of the tables are already occupied..” Beck looked at me and I looked at her in the same moment, then we nodded “No problem, feel free to join.” Beck said and they put their beer-bottles on the table “Thanks. So, I’m Matt, and this is Rob.” Matt introduced himself and the smaller guy, he obviously thought you didn’t know them and with a sideglance to Beck you decided to play along. “This is Y/N and I’m Beck.” Said Beck and you smiled “Nice to meet you, Rob and Matt. So, what brings you here?” You asked them and Rob giggled “The taxi-driver, we asked him for a nice, little bar, so he got us here” – “Well, same thing happened to us.” Beck laughed “We are for… well, for holidays and were looking for a spot with less tourists.” She then continued. It was a very nice talk with Rob and Matt, some time later Richard Speight joined in and brought some beer for everybody. You laughed; they told you stories from their private lives, from their travelling together and some other stuff. You still couldn’t believe this actually happened, it was your very own con-experience and it was fantastic.
When you looked at your phone to check the time it was about 3:30 in the morning. You were getting tired and so was Beck and even the guys groaned from time to time. “I guess it’s time to head to the hotel.” You said in Becks direction, she nodded and you both stood up. “In which hotel are you staying?” Rob asked, when Rich looked at him pulling the eyebrow up he realized how odd this question was “Oh.. sorry.. I.. I thought… I mean, we are staying in a hotel as well… And I thought about sharing a taxi…” you smiled about Robs embarrassment and then told them the name of your hotel “I think it would be great not to get home alone, in the middle of the night in a unknown city.” You added and Beck agreed. “Nice, that’s really nearly next to our hotel.. So let’s go” Rich said and guided you and Beck outside the bar to a taxi. When the taxi arrived at your hotel you said goodbye to the guys “It was nice meeting you, we had a lot of fun” you said to them and they nodded. “Have a good night, you two. And don’t forget: You always meet twice.” Richard laughed and gave you a wink, then they closed the car-door and headed to their hotel, which was just a few hundred meters away. Beck was still smiling “This was honestly one of the best days of my life.” She said. “Have a good night, Y/N. Let’s have breakfast together tomorrow, I’ll pick you up here at about 8:00 a.m.?” – “Sounds good, have a good night, Beck” you hugged her and then headed towards the elevator, to get to your room.
The following Sunday was nearly normal, you had breakfast with Beck, then you walked around the convention center, but you didn’t try to watch one of the panels. After the closing ceremony, you watched it on a screen in the hallway, you went back to your hotel room to pack your stuff, you got yourself late-check-out, so you could use the whole afternoon for packing and thinking about the past weekend, it was kind of crazy, but it was the best weekend in your life so far. Then you thought about the journey home, coming home in your own apartment. Your stomach hurt, when you thought about meeting Jacob again. He wasn’t a fan of this trip, he liked you to be by his side, he needed you by his side, he said that every time you talked about this trip. In this moment your phone buzzed ‘Hey babe, when are you getting home today? Waiting for you here. Ily Jacob’ you smiled. He loved you, maybe he wasn’t angry about the weekend. Maybe it will all be okay.
After you said goodbye to Beck and you promised to visit each other you took your bus home, it was quite a ride, a few hours passed and it was dark outside when you arrived in your hometown. You texted Jacob your arriving time and he promised to pick you up at the station and he held his promise. He pulled you closer as soon as he got the chance. “I missed you, babe. You can’t do that to me again” he said and you could smell alcohol in his breath. “Are you drunk, Jacob?” you asked and he shook his head “I just had one beer, let’s go home.” He grabbed your wrist far too tight and pulled you to the car, there he pressed to the car. “I missed you, you know. Because I need you, I love you, you do love me as well, do you?” he said, not leaving any space for you to move. You nodded, but he wasn’t letting you go “Say it, babe, you love me.” He said again and forced you to look into his eyes “Yes, Jacob, I love you.” When he heard that, he let go of you and put your bags in the car. “Let’s go home, babe, you have to tell me how your weekend was.” He said and you got into the car.
In the evening you told Jacob some things of the weekend, but he didn’t seem that interested so you kept most of it for yourself. Together you watched some TV and then went to bed, it was late and both of you were tired so you just slept next to each other. The following days were quite unspectacular; you weren’t in the mood to unpack your things, so the backpack just laid there at the floor. Jacob was here nearly every night, you got used to giving him what he wanted. You hated the days he was in a bad mood so you tried everything to keep him happy. One morning, a few days later Jacob tripped over your bags, you hurried to get your things and put them away “Sorry, I should have put them away earlier.” You said, but Jacob kept quiet, “I’m so sorry, are you hurt?” you asked again and after you put away the rest of the backpack you saw that Jacob got something in his hand. “Babe? Who is Dmitri?” he asked and you could sense the anger in his voice. You didn’t understand, how…? “What?” you asked and Jacob looked at you furiously. “Don’t do this to me- Who is Dmitri?” he asked again and when you didn’t say anything he grabbed your wrist and roughly pulled you close. “I thought you loved me.” He then said and in the next second you felt a stinging pain on your cheek. You couldn’t do anything but watch when Jacob threw something on you, a little card or something, then he left the place. You sat on the floor. What happened? When the pain slowly went away you took the card Jacob threw at you. It was the card with Misha Collins phone number, you looked at it closely for the first time since Misha gave it to you, it was not just his phone number, there were two more words on it “Love, Dmitri”
Tag list (let me know if you want to be tagged):
@chantelle-c333 @awolfamongstus @jannalionheart @thing-you-do-with-that-thing @evyiione @destielschild @xx-melissa-x @kcam1621 @smoothdogsgirl @kristendanwayne  @haappy-go-lucky @laffytaffyhumor @thebookisbtr@michell868 @duubaduu @darthcastiel @theoneandonlysuccubus @internationalmusicteacher @gracejo2 @nanie5  @goobykeding @captainsherlockwinchester110283 @irene-frazer @thealienplace @hey-an-original-url @youknowitsmj @anspgene @sarahbaker2010 @mimzy1994 @shore-line-jewels187 @aberrant-annie @shiivaley  @thefansomdad @vicmc624​
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serararku · 3 years
Dust to Dust
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The magic and allure of seeing dragons had long vanished. The entire trip to Ishgard was spent fantasizing about the great scaled beasts, soaring low over the earth while they belched fire and fury. She wanted to bring back the head of a slain dragon she felled herself, and perhaps a pack filled with its scales; mount that skull on the wall in her apartment, and bedazzle R’zevi with her fancy dragonscale cloak. Now, S’era would be a happy woman if she never saw another flying lizard ever again. 
Maybe if she was lucky she could find a handful of scales on the bridge and make a cute necklace.
Worst still, Ishgardian Index was… smaller than S'era expected. She's heard tales of great labyrinthine libraries stuffed to the brim with forbidden and long forgotten knowledge, rows upon rows of aisles housing countless books, grimoires, and tomes, and terrifying guardians that would make short work of any intruders foolish enough to tempt fate with their damnable curiosity. Yet when she arrived at the Index, it was no more than one curved hallway and maybe half a dozen rooms; still, with her reading level, this alone would take her a lifetime to peruse. The Barghest would return to Ishgard to pick her up in just over a week, and frankly she had neither the time nor the desire to sit here and practice reading for much longer than that; she had a purpose to fulfill, questions that needed answers, and a Tia waiting for her return. Thankfully she had a way to narrow down her search to better accommodate her time frame. 
S’era was nodding off in front of her recent book on Ishgard history. Thanks to the lessons of R’zevi and Pherond she was able to actually read the words, which in itself was exciting, but these books were insufferably boring. Page after page of fighting the Dravanian Horde, recuperating after their retreat, storing up supplies for the next attack decades later, and one again, fighting the Dravanian Horde; if it were up to S’era, she would have packed up and abandoned Ishgard after the first attack. 
Scraaatch… scraaatch… scraaatch…
Her ears perked up to the faint sound of something scraping against wood. She followed the sound to the adjacent wall, where all the books of the Ishgardian Index gathered dust. When her gaze drifted to the fourth shelf, the peculiar scratching stopped. “Rats?” S’era thought, perking a brow. “Would Ishgard even have rats?” Just as she returned to perusing this dreadfully dull book, the scratching returned- with a vengeance.
That terrible noise scraped behind almost every book and on every shelf, traveling up and down the curved hallway until it was almost deafening. “Huh?!” The Samurai slowly rose to her feet once the books began to tremble and fall out onto the floor, and her heart skipped a beat at the rhythmic mumbling coming from the walls.
"Shol uun. Veshe uun. Saal aneem-othola uun."
The shelves burst open with a piercing shriek- black talons and scaled fingers ripped through the wreckage and pulled the wall apart! Red twinkling lights flickered in the dark before the faces emerged into the light, the dragonkin snouts and malformed Elezen heads grimacing and gnashing their snaggled jaws! "NO! AAAH! AAAAAGH!" S'era stumbled back out of her chair, but the monster's outstretched hands caught both arms and pulled her toward its many hungry mouths. The largest dragon head opened wide as a tormented Elezen face shouted with a bone-chilling voice.
"BWAH-!" S'era snapped up from her nightmare and nearly jumped out of her skin. Frantically she looked around for any sign of that aberration, but there was none; only the pool of drool soaking into the wooden table, and the array of books she had combed through caught her attention. That, and the Librarian.
"I'm sorry to disturb your nap." The Elezen gave her an apologetic and empathetic smile. "This is all I could find to help your research. There are no books on this artifact you described. However, the late Alfont Vauvois mentions a gold disc in his journal here." 
“Late?” S’era asked, running her hands along her bristling tail under the table. “What happened to him?”
The woman set the weathered leather bound journal beside her, before calmly saying, “He went to investigate Bleakpoint Village about a month ago. Since he hasn’t returned, we have to assume the worst.”
The Samurai swallowed dryly as the Librarian walked off. “If he left for Bleakpoint before us…” She thought, grinding her teeth together while she plucked the journal off the table. “Was he a thrall in robes? Did we kill him? Was he one of those fused to that monster?!” Thinking about it only made her skin crawl; she could speculate all week if she wanted to, but the only way to know for sure is to return to that demented village. That wasn’t going to happen.
Instead, she slowly opened the journal and quickly skimmed the pages. Most of it was unreadable- sloppy handwriting, smeared words, and more than a few stains- hopefully from coffee. It was only the last few pages that truly piqued her interest.
I- -ust as I feare-. A c-lt devo-t in wyrm wo--hip resides in the --- If my calculati--- are correct there is - signifi--nt aether shift s---where in the snowy hills. These ---lots must be plannin- someth--g huge. I must ---d out -hat th--’re up -- before it’s -oo lat-!
S’era gulped dryly again, vividly recalling what those freaks had conjured from the depths of hell. She slowly turned the page and continued reading.
The Dragons--g War is finally over! This was supposed to be a time for c---bration! But cultists managed to sn--k in durin- the Dravanian Horde’s final --sault on Ishgard to steal the remains of Halault?! What else did Ar--bishop Thordan VI- keep secret from his --ople?! If w--- gets out that a ---ter necromancer’s corpse is back in the clut--es of his f--lowers…
No. I can’t let this stand. I will not let another tragedy befall my kin after a millennium of suffering! Someone h-- to do s-meth--g!
The Samurai looked over her shoulder at the random passersby and their quiet conversations; could any of them secretly be a cultist? Her paranoia crept up her spine and made every hair on her neck stand. She didn't want to draw any suspicion by constantly looking around, so S'era instead kept her ears pointed to the open area behind her. 
Several pages were completely unreadable, like someone came in and smeared something to destroy the ink. Yet they didn't account for a Miqo'te to use her heightened sense of sight to bypass their schemes; why they didn't just tear out the pages or burn the whole journal altogether was another mystery for another time. 
Bl--kpoint! Hidden in plain sight! With a hand--- of seasoned adventurers at -- side I'm conf-dent we can --d this horror before it be---s! Must use discretion. Must r-turn ---ault's corpse to the pit it belongs. I w--l --way- lov- --- Amette. -f I d-n't -ake it ba-- I-
The message suddenly cut off from a brown stain, but when S'era reached the last page, her heart dropped into her stomach. 
Blessed blood! Blessed flesh! Drink and feast for thou art blessed! Blessed blood! Blessed flesh! Drink and feast for thou art blessed! Blessed blood! Blessed flesh! Drink and feast for thou art blessed!
S’era slammed the journal closed and shot up from her seat. “Oh gods- that’s what they were chanting…!” She whispered with the slightest breath. “They were going to…?!”
“Is everything alright?” The Librarian asked, reappearing on the other end of the hallway. The Samurai managed to stifle her shock at her sudden return, but only barely; a part of her wondered if this Elezen was a cultist too.
“Y-yeah… but this journal doesn’t mention anything about a golden disc…” 
“Ah, I think I have something to remedy that.” She gave S’era the most disconcerting smile she had ever received, turned on her heel, and disappeared into the darkness behind the door. Now S’era was certain something fishy was going on around here.
“It’s time to get the HELLS out of this place!” Her conscience tugged on her tail and hastened her steps. S’era didn’t even bother putting the books back where she found them- all she feared now was the Librarian returning with a handful of ‘helpers’ to escort her to a grisly end. Staying in Ishgard alone was a terrible mistake- and now she was too paranoid to be of any use to the Ashen Wolves.
Her only choice was clear- continue her research away from potential harm, somewhere she would feel much safer. Preferably surrounded by people that would protect her whilst she slept.
Brief mention: @rzevi-tia-ffxiv​
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paleononnie · 4 years
Friday Five Fic Recs
So a few Bennguin fic recs to keep everyone entertained while we all social distance!  I would like to say off the top that I’m not a *huge* stickler for perfect grammar.  I joke that I can barely write myself through a scathing Amazon review (I confess so many random commas!) but as long as the story is strong and if not an AU, has a certain level of accuracy, I’m okay with that.  So just a few examples: has a passing knowledge of locations in Dallas or knows that it doesn’t tend to snow very often on Vancouver Island (edit: except in the higher elevations.  Not so much in Saanich) so there shouldn’t be mentions of Jamie or Jordie playing shinny on frozen ponds growing up.  They would have played road hockey instead.  Also just like Americans we sound different based on where we live or grew up so I’m not a big fan of mentions of The Canadian Accent.  Jamie and Jordie definitely sound like they’re from The Island (ie: you can hear it when Jamie says “I love it!” in the latest Dude Perfect Stars video or any post game scrum Jordie does ever) Tyler sounds like he’s from the GTA.  I have a good friend who grew up in Brampton too and they sound a lot alike although his seems to be somewhat tempered from the years that he’s lived in the US .
Anyhow, for this first one the picks will be kind of random although I’ll try to keep them somewhat lighthearted since I’m not sure if anyone truly wants to read apocalyptic or dystopian fic right about now and they definitely reflect what I personally enjoy so they might not be for everyone but next time if people are interested they can make suggestions for what they would like to see.  That being said, any recommendation I make be sure to check the archive warnings and tags at AO3 just in case it’s not something you’re interested in or it’s out of your comfort zone.  I’m pretty zen with alot (read: I am a fan of the sex) but that’s me.  It might not be for you and that’s perfectly okay.  Never feel bad about hitting the back button.
Romantic Motherfucking Best by lightgetsin
Jamie’s supposed to boyfriend this shit right up, and Tyler wants to see that.
This is an early one from 2014 and you might have read it already especially if you’ve been going through the tag after sorting by kudos but I think it hits alot of the right notes and considering that was from 2014, I can see how they made the interpretations and exploration of the Jamie and Tyler we see in those early interviews which I don’t think was always easy to do.  Especially with Jamie.  Yeah, they missed Tyler’s pineapple allergy but since that wasn’t well known until after the National Pizza Day clip Tyler did with SN in 2017, I don’t hold that against them. 
Sweet Sweet Love by lightgetsin
“Sweet, sweet love,” Jamie repeats, because really there’s no option here but to own it. He raises an eyebrow. “You in?” He leans closer. “Dare you.”
“Oh,” Tyler says, sitting up straight. “It is on.”
Same author but this one just cracks me up every time I revisit it.  Anytime someone writes these two goobers like the utter goobers they are, I’m there for it.  Also the Jordie in this makes me cry laugh.  And hey!  There’s podfic available too if you’re so inclined.  
Off-Ice Situation by orphan account
He waggles his eyebrows, grins and looks over at Jamie like do you want to tell them or should I? Jamie elbows him and everyone laughs, and neither one of them can stop smiling. Crisis averted.
I’m pretty sure that I recall this writer from before they orphaned their account and they had two other ones that tend to get a little more attention (aside: one which has Jamie and Katie breaking up which I figured was a little too…timely.  I might recommend it in the future once the furor dies down.) but this one is fun.  Includes one of the greatest Jamie and Tyler interactions outside of “Do you like horses?” “I like stallions more.”
Naked and Afraid by makeit_takeit
“I’m Tyler,” the voiceover says, laid on top of a still photo of a shirtless guy with a sick sleeve and a giant grin hanging by one hand from an outcropping of rock, flexing the not-inconsiderable biceps of his free arm as he mugs for the camera. The drop to the water below him has to be 10 meters, maybe more.
“I’m 26, from Brampton, Ontario, but I’ve lived all over the world.”
Jamie hasn’t really been paying that much attention - he’s eating dinner and looking at his phone, the TV more background noise than anything - but he puts his phone aside when he hears Ontario. As far as he knows, only one other Canadian has ever been a contestant on the show.
This time an AU.  Jamie the awkward family charter boat owner and Tyler the wanderlust traveler without roots…until.   I know nothing about the show so I can’t speak to how accurate a fusion it is but going into it not knowing anything, I just found it so entertaining and I could see hints of Tyler and Jamie here not that they were just characters that share the same names.                       
Door to Door by Ferritin4
“I work two jobs. I’m Tyler,” Tyler says, extending his hand. “Do you want to come in?”
Well, he’s not doing anything illegal, Jamie thinks, shaking it, because no criminal in the history of crime has ever willingly invited a cop into their house, and there is no one in the city of Dallas who hasn’t pegged Jamie as a cop within six seconds of meeting him.
Another AU.  Jamie is a detective.  Tyler is a bartender slash mechanic.  Together?  Well, they don’t fight crime but they have great banter.   It’s not particularly deep, some familiar references (ex: Jamie needs a hair cut and new clothes) but it’s light and fun.   Also starring Marshall, Cash, Jordie with special guest: Hilary Knight.
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