#oh yeah-
likesdoodling · 29 days
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The Adventures of Steve and Orphan 31-46.
Because it fits like this. *dons sunglasses. HEH >:D
Anyway. Big art improvement here, I had an artistic break-through of sorts, and it's kind of obvious, but that's just how life happens I guess. Eh. The main character's still the same so that's enough consistency I reckon.
There are a couple of kind of non-sequitur's in here, but since I did this over an extended period of time, I probably just didn't bother leading with a directly correlating narration line, since some of these were drawn like, a week/month or so apart.
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afterartist · 3 months
Me: I don’t go into too much detail when I write!!
Also me (Describing Water):
The smell of the Bowery mixed unpleasantly with the smell of the docks, having skirted around Hood’s territory to reach the wharf. Tim’s nose scrunched as his eyes watered, the thick smell of rotten ozone, seaweed and algae bubbling and writhing on the surface, waiting to tangle and drown anything foolish, or unfortunate enough to fall within its grasp, mixed with sour chemicals, bleach and ammonia mixing noxiously, coiling with joker venom and run offs of fear gas causing his vision to sway unsteadily as he landed.
The buildings that lay around the dock crumbled and shifted ever so slightly under his sudden weight, reinforced concrete brittle under the fumes of toxic sludge that made up Gotham’s Harbour.
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Have you ever wished to just- suddenly turn into just a background object?
Like, no worries and no story arcs for me, just- turn into a tree some people see in their way to work everyday
That some teenagers hang out arround sometimes, leaving candy wrappers for the wind to clean up for me
Or some couples carve their names in, and then forget they did it some months later
That birds make nests in, raise their young and then vanish, leaving the nests to slowly fall a part
that someone just decides to stick a knife in for no reason
I want to be that.
Just, existing and making some sort of change in the world, but that doesn't really mean anything to others, just to me
Present but not reactive, Irrelevant but not useless
Independent, alone but happy, not anyone's problem or solution
Just watching others grow and growing myself, but without my roots reaching too far
In a way, that's probably all I will ever achieve anyways, but is that a bad thing?
Not really, at least, not for me
I'm looking foward to it :]
Huh, my goals changed a lot
I'm sleepy, I dunno what I'm saying
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familial hanahaki w/ Danny trying to hide it until... well...
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lesbianralzarek · 4 months
"life doesnt get better, you just get stronger" does NOT include ages 11-17. life does in fact just get better from there. those years are dogshit. like, you do get stronger but its mostly just a factor of not being 11-17 anymore. positive thinking helps but it doesnt fix whatevers going on at 15, you have to brute force through that one raw
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h0rsegirlpercy · 6 months
Percy age 12: And if the mission required someone to push me down a flight of stairs for it to succeed… you’d want someone who won’t hesitate when they do it
Percy age 17:
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cinnabuncrumbs · 9 months
popular post simon petrikov getting hurt compilation GO
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nicktoonsunite · 6 months
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haleyusesherwords · 2 months
Non-redstoners trying to redstone: the magic of the glowing red ores is one of the great mysteries of the world that few have mastered. But with careful study, observation, and practice I too may be able to harness its powers
Literally anyone trying to use an armor stand: Cleo is a witch and if I touch their spell book I will die or be haunted for the rest of my days by the aftershocks of magic I will never comprehend
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acorviart · 6 months
everyone should attempt an artisan craft at some point in their life because it would cut down the number of comments questioning why handmade goods like ceramics or textile craft or woodworking are so expensive
and this is an unrealistic expectation, but I think the attempt should include seeing through to the end at least one "finished" item, no matter how clumsy or lumpy your first attempts might be. like to me, there's a huge difference in perspective between attempting to learn how to crochet or throw a pot for a few days, acknowledging that it's harder than it looks and giving up, versus committing to finishing that scarf or clay pot you started and working on it for weeks while you painstakingly learn from your mistakes and grow attached to your project while also simultaneously hating it.
once you finish the latter, your perspective changes from "why does this crocheted blanket cost $200" to "holy shit I can't believe they're charging $200 for this crocheted blanket instead of $2000" because you may have known crocheting is hard, you may have easily agreed with the idea that "handmade goods take time and effort" even before attempting a craft, but now you know firsthand the absolute time sink it takes to make things. like yeah dude, that one item took you 2 months to make and probably wasn't even an ultra complex item if it was the first thing you made, now imagine attaching an hourly wage to that time to calculate the cost (and this is ignoring every nuance of the artistic element and master crafters being able to work faster/charge higher because of their years and years of experience)
anyway this rant has been motivated by a comment I saw on someone else's ceramic post asking why a mug was $60 and they understand it's handmade but $60 just seems overpriced, and bro do you know how long ceramics take to make. that mug probably took at minimum 3 weeks between how long it takes to throw the mug, dry partially, trim the mug, dry fully, bisque fire, wait a day for the kiln to cool, sand and paint and glaze, glaze fire, wait a day for the kiln to cool, take product photography of the mug, write description and list the mug online for sale, im not even including the skill needed to complete all these steps without the mug literally exploding or collapsing while also making it an appealing piece of art, aaaaaaaaaaaaa
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ineffable-doll · 9 months
Breaking news! Fic author starts writing a fic thinking it will be short and it turns out to be long! It is not the first time nor will it be the last!
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likesdoodling · 1 year
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The Adventures of Steve and Orphan
No. 59
Alas alack- the series is ending- 
But not yet! We still have the endcard to go! Anyway, Steve is back! And confused. (Not too uncommon of an occurrence but still) He thought Master was still in prison! That was why they went to rescue him in the first place, so how did he get out? Then again... Master is amazing. So he probably made it out through sheer ‘Master-ness’. 
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bisclavaret · 1 year
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a day late to my 6 years on t anniversary ✨🏳️‍⚧️ a short comic about looking back
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just found out my cousin (who lives in England) is in the art department of a bunch of shows??? And she worked oN DOCTOR WHO? AND HAD LUNCH WITH DAVID TENNANT???? and she just told me so casually because she's interested in the art, not the show? I mean, excuse me? She worked on SHERLOCK???? FOR A WHOLE SEASON?? She worked on Peaky Blinders and Lord of the Rings and Game of Thrones??? And probably other things because she has a shitty memory and according to her everything is a blur?? AND AT ONE POINT SHE WAS LIKE: "oh and have you ever heard of Neil Gaiman?" And I was trying not to scream, because yes, of course I've heard of Neil, he's only my favorite author, I've only read like all of his books multiple times, and if you say you worked on Good Omens or the Sandman I'm going to lose it completely. So I said "yeah I've read a couple of his books," -you know, like a liar- "what about him?" and she goes "well I worked on one of his shows and he's brilliant i just can't remember which one" and i go "w-what do you mean he's brilliant? You're.. you're talking about his writing... his writing is brilliant, right?" And she cheerfully says "oh no I don't read books, I ment he was really nice and brilliant when I talked to him" and i go "WHAT DID YOU TALK ABOUT WHAT DID YOU TALK ABOUT" and she thinks for a moment and goes "oh! BRICKS" WHAT IN THE WORLD YES NO THAT MAKES SENSE YOU GET TO WORK AND TALK WITH NEIL FUCKING GAIMAN AND YOU TALK ABOUT BRICKS? NO THAT'S TOTALLY NORMAL I'M NOT MAD ".... it was what I was designing at the time, I needed to know what vibe the bricks should have. Anyway want to see the spinning fireplace I made for doctor who" WHAT THE FUCK.
@neil-gaiman do you remember any brick conversations by any chance
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townofcrosshollow · 10 months
Shocked how many people think you can just turn on a computer and leave it on for weeks or months or years and never turn it off and it'll be fine. Computers need their sleep, and sleep mode does not count
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inkskinned · 11 months
you're in the habit of denying yourself things.
if someone asked you directly, you would say that you love a little treat. you like iced coffee and getting the cookie. you drink juice out of a fancy cup sometimes, and often do use your candles until they gutter out helplessly.
but you hesitate about buying the 20 dollar hand mixer because, like. you could just use your arms. you weren't raised rich. you don't get to just spend the 20 dollars (remember when that could cover lunch?), at least - you don't spend that without agonizing over it first, trying to figure out the cost-benefits like you are defending yourself in front of a jury. yes, this rice cooker could seriously help you. but you do know how to make stovetop rice and it really isn't that hard. how many pies or brownies would you actually make, in order to make that hand mixer worthwhile?
what's wild is that if the money was for a friend, it would already be spent. you'd fork over 40 without blinking an eye, just to make them happy. the difference is that it's for you, so you need to justify it.
and it sneaks in. you ration yourself without meaning to - you don't finish the pint of ice cream, even though you want to. the next time you go to the store, you say ah, i really shouldn't, and then you walk away. you save little bits of your precious things - just in case. sometimes you even go so far as putting that one thing in your shopping cart. and then just leaving it there, because maybe-one-day, but not right now, there's other stuff going on.
you do self-care, of course. but you don't do it more than like, 3 days in a row. after that it just feels a little bit over-the-edge. like. you can't live in decadence, the economy is so bad right now, kid.
so you don't buy the rice cooker. you can-and-will spend the time over the stove. you can withstand the little sorrows. denial and discipline are practically synonyms. and you're not spoiled.
it's just - it's not always a rice cooker. sometimes it is a person or a job or a hug. sometimes it is asking for help. sometimes it is the summer and your college degree. sometimes it is looking down at scabbed knees and feeling a strange kind of falling, like you can't even recognize the girl you used to be. sometimes it is your handprint looking unsteady.
sometimes it is tuesday, and you didn't get fired, and you want to celebrate. but what is it you like, even? you search around your little heart and come up empty. you're so used to denying that all your desires draw a blank.
oh fuck. see, this is the perfect opportunity. if you had a mixer, you'd make a cake.
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