#old man x twink
scrollonso · 25 days
Hi I’d actually LOVE to hear more about the way you view Strollonso dynamic because a) the way you write about them makes ME feel insane and b) I am also attempting to write fic of these two and require all the references I can so I can feel at least marginally confident dipping my toes in rpf
Anyway keep being amazing and being awesome with your writings!! I hope we can all survive our parasocial relationship with this 20something rich white boy!!!
i have SO MUCH to say.
okay lets start off with their different instagram useage. lance hardly ever posts (averaging like 1 post a month) but nando on the other hand... (like 4 posts a week) so with this difference we get fernando mentioning and talking about and posting and praising lance and its so sweet because hes not doing it for lance to see hes doing it because he MEANS it.
then the fact that theyre so touchy for literally no reason and this isnt even new in 2017 (i believe) fernando was touching all up on lance after he got a podium and now that theyre teammates theres always some kind of contact going on (nando grabbing lances neck, arm, hands, hugging, etc.)
and yk i cant NOT mention the "happy you are not in alpine?" video because HELLO. the way lance walks over and grabs him straight away with a "yes, man" then when nando realizes its lance his whole face lights up. UGH. then when they hugged they were so close, lances lips practically against fernandos skin as he spoke like god get a rooommmmm... AND NANDOS HAND ON LANCES FACE? like he full on cupped lances cheek and the eye contact and smiles?? u dont do all this with a teammate u dont want to fuck.
then when nando won "overtake of the month" and told the woman interviewing him that he didnt vote for himself but for "this guy" (lance) like in what world are you VOTING for your TEAMMATE who in most cases is your biggest competition??
and back to their hugs, any time they hug its never a half assed side hug its always both arms tightly around eachother smiling talking chests pressed together like U DONT HUG JUST ANYONE THAT CLOSELY??
then when lance got p5 and nando got p3 (dont remember what race) and while celebrating with the team nando put a hand on his face again and one on his waist?? and people say they have a "father son dynamic" 😣
i posted abt this a while ago but them walking together is like my favourite thing ever because theyre so close and aware of eachother its like theyre two teenagers with a crush 😭 then ofc that video of nando waiting for lance because he was walking slow like ugh theyre so sweet
then we know lance obvi doesnt enjoy media much and usually has a poker face or is showing the person talking to him that he isnt enjoying the conversation but as soon as he sees fernando or he gets involved he has the biggest toothy grin on his face like i know your cheeks hurt after geeking over this man so much
and we're all aware that nando is practically known for being evil and mean and having big rivalries with his teammates (besides carlo they're my babies) but thats never been a problem with lance theyve genuinely always been just love and had this sweet bond and dynamic since before nando and lance even thought of joining aston and its beautiful
also i adore how they basically refuse to fight eachother or risk their relationship its so sweet and its a very unique thing to see because this is a sport and thats the whole point. from lance saying he wasnt going to fight because it was fernando and nando giving lance his brake information because he knew it would help it really shows just how mature they are and how in the end they value their relationship and their teams performance as a whole so they put that above fighting eachother.
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charleslovemustdie · 2 years
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champion-prism · 2 months
Crying cause y'all be talking about "sexualizing that old man" and the old man is like. 28 years.old.
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seaslugfanclub · 1 month
Get ready for the twink-off everyone, and may the best fem win…
But fr tho I just wanted to have fun using the polls option..
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cenri-monpi · 4 months
hey guysss.,,.,. hey!! hey!! guys guesss…. guess..,,., y’all guess, guess what my.. my .,.,, guess my.,,. otp,.,, guessss,..,., guess me otpp!!! guesssssss !!!
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happyvoltz · 5 months
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toxi-works-at-culvers · 7 months
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this is the dynamic
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yams-here · 2 months
you know what? fuck you *un-oldmanfies your yaoi*
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drbrightxwilliamafton · 9 months
old man yaoi
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drawing by Manuel <3<33<3<
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zoophagist · 8 months
ooc;; apparently it's dracfield week (a thing i didn't know exists) and i follow the renfield tag so my dash is just spiced up every so often with dracfield horny and man let me tell u pre-renfield 2023 me would never have believed i'd live to see this day... now that i'm here i'm mostly just bewildered
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bedruil · 11 months
Ya boi daniel has finally written fic yeehaw
Professor Rowan x Proton because that old man needs to be fucked
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4th-make-quail · 2 years
fic: Gunpowder and Steel and Seed
Title: Gunpowder and Steel and Seed
Fandom: FFXIV
Ship: Jullus/Quintus
Summary: “You’re covered in blood,” the Legatus murmured, turning his face this way and that, the blood gleaming dully under what remained of their lights.
“It’s not mine,” Jullus replied, “Ser. It’s not mine, Ser.”
Tags: blowjob, deepthroat, gun kink, dissociation, dubiously consensual deepthroat of a gun, trans Jullus
a/n: :3c listen, if ever a ship was ripe for dubiously consensual gunporn, it's quintus and fucking jullus, trust me on this ok? ok
hey guess what, there's screenshots! :3c
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venomouschocolate · 5 months
once again feeling insane
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sad-emo-dip-dye · 1 year
Bsd really is THAT story isn’t it? Mafia x detective, enemies to lovers, supernatural powers, gay gay homosexual gay, author au, found family, be gay do crime, french people, uber instincts of uber autism, old man yaoi, cats and no dogs, vampires, clowns, American capitalism, babygirls, twinks, a dragon, furries, the list could go on and on
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kennedysbaby · 2 months
“not bad.” — leon kennedy
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wc: 2.0k
pairings: di! leon kennedy x fem! agent! reader
synopsis: in the midst of a casual training session, leon accidentally throws a miscalculated punch, resulting in him needing to make it up to you, his favorite rookie.
warnings: age gap (leon is thirty-eight, reader is twenty-three). kind of inappropriate work relationship. mentor/protege turned lovers-ish? mild sexual content. leon riding his motorcycle without a helmet because he thinks he's too hot to (real).
author's note: i'm tired of pretending death island leon isn't the hottest leon. twink death dilf birth fr. also not my best work, i kind of just threw this up and wrote it in the span of two hours. i’m not too proud of it honestly.
even after long and strenuous missions, leon didn't care if you were beyond exhausted; as long as you came back relatively unscathed, you were required to show up to work the next morning. which, whatever, that was fair. it would be a little nice to catch up on some well-deserved sleep, though. the worst part is, it wasn't only mission reports that you were expected to complete—it was training, too.
sure, you might've had a teensy bit of a crush on your mentor, but this never failed to piss you off, even if he looked so good.
in the dimly lit training room, the air was thick with the faint scent of sweat and determination as you and leon squared off. you stood before the older man, a fierce glint glazed over your eyes, while leon maintained a more relaxed stance, his more experienced gaze assessing your every move.
"let's see what you've still got in you after last week's shitshow." leon teased, a smirk playing at the corners of his lips.
you shot back, "bring it on, old man," a playful glimmer danced in your eyes as you readied yourself for the impending clash. 
"old man?" leon feigned offense, scoffing in disbelief. "i haven't even hit forty yet. you're just cruel." 
you clenched your fists with a shit-eating grin, lunging forward and throwing a flurry of messy punches that leon expertly dodged—which only wiped away your smirk in an instant. your movements were fluid, visually pleasing from afar. circling one another, you searched for an opening, reaching forward with a swift jab, that he deftly sidestepped, countering with a quick jab of his own that grazed your cheek.
you grimaced from the pain, to which he responded with, "nice try sweetheart, but you'll have to be quicker than that," leon taunted, his voice laced with clear amusement. "i taught you better than this, babe."
sweetheart. babe. blush spread across your cheeks, and not from the back-and-forth punches and kicks. leon was fifteen years your senior, but unfortunately, he was also unbelievably hot—you felt so guilty for even having feelings for him in the first place. 
leon was ruggishly handsome, with long-ish dark brown hair that framed his face, and broad shoulders that made him look like he gave good hugs. plus, he rode motorcycles—that he occasionally crashed—and owned this alluring charm to him that you just couldn't help but fall for. your "little" crush had gotten so inconsolable, you started laughing at his awful dad jokes.
nonetheless, you two had established a sweet relationship built on witty banter and pretentiously deep conversations. one reassuring shoulder pat and charming smile from him and all your pre-existing daddy issues withered away into nothing. 
"oh please, i can hear your joints cracking from here," you grinned, determination coursing through your veins as you launched back into a flurry of punches and kicks, each one dismally met with leon's skillful evasion or expertly timed blocks. 
banter flowed effortlessly between you two, subtly flirtatious comments sprinkled amongst them—a mixture of teasing jabs and genuine encouragement that only served to heighten the unspoken tension.
your fellow agents on leon's team were well-aware of the evident favoritism shown towards you. unbeknownst to them, you heard their little snide comments they'd whisper whenever you breathed near your mentor. he probably fucks her, they'd say, she probably blows him. it was disgusting, and quite frankly, sexist, but you did your best to ignore them.
though, sometimes you wished they were true.
as the minutes stretched on, the intensity of your little sparring session only seemed to grow, the air thick was anticipation as you pushed each other to the limit. but, in the heat of the moment, a lapse in leon's concentration led to very dirty move. 
with lightning-fast movement, he threw a hard punch that was meant to be deflected harmlessly, but instead, landed with a sickening thud against your side. you gasped, the impact knocking the wind from your lungs as you stumbled backward, pain etched across your pretty features. 
in an instant, leon's playful demeanor vanished, replaced by genuine concern as he rushed over to you, his rough hands hovering uncertainly over your trembling form.
"shit, sweetheart, i'm sorry," his smooth voice was thick with regret as his fingers tentatively slid your white tank top up. his cold blue eyes narrowed as the pad of his thumb gently brushed over the wound, frowning at the newly forming bruise tainting your skin like mold.
you winced at the contact, but you definitely weren't complaining. a reassuring smile graced your lips as your strained eyes met his worried gaze. "it's okay," you murmured, "it was an accident." 
leon's lips parted slightly, as if restraining himself, before chuckling softly, "let me make it up to you," his eyes flitted upwards, landing upon your own—it sent a pleasant shiver down your spine. he guided you towards the nearby bench, settling himself right next to you, his free hand strategically placed on your thigh. 
i've got to use this to my advantage, you thought to yourself, before replying, "okay…how about dinner tonight?" your voice was still a little stiff, clearly still reeling back from the uncalled for punch. "i think i deserve it after putting up with your weird no-breaks-after-missions rule." 
leon wasn't an idiot. of all the things you could've asked for…dinner? he knew you weren't a goody two shoes just for the sake of it. your longing glances weren't left unnoticed, the fiddling around with the hem of your skirt, your inability to hold eye contact for more than two seconds. it was glaringly obvious. he found it endearing, and he'd be lying to himself if he said he didn't have a soft spot for you.
you really were a pretty little thing. and leon was only human. 
"dinner?" he repeated, a smirk creeping onto his lips. "that's the best you could come up with?"
you nodded, smiling as if you hadn't just had your shit rocked. leon swallowed hard, knowing damn well he couldn't turn you down. not that he really had a choice at this point.
after what was seemingly an innocent dinner together, you both found yourselves engrossed in a long anticipated kiss, standing right by his motorcycle that he surprisingly hadn't crashed. it felt so right, so perfect, like fate had written this for them, despite all odds...
"i had fun tonight," you said, looking up into his icy blue eyes, standing a few inches away from each other. your dress fell mid-thigh, tight around all the right places. 
leon felt like a creep just staring at how pretty you were. he was having an awfully hard time reminding himself that you were his protege, his subordinate. this was insanely inappropriate. but if his intuition was correct, then you definitely wouldn't mind if he made a move. 
the air was laced with anticipation and unspoken desire as he looked back down at your pretty face, eyes lingering on your lipstick coated lips. leon brought his calloused hands up, and cupped your soft cheeks, his touch gentle yet electrifying.
"i'm glad you did, pretty girl," an amused look crossed over his features as he took notice of your cheeks that were burning up from his touch.
with a shared understanding, leon closed the distance between the two of you, his lips crashing against yours and meeting in a fervent kiss, igniting something strong within you. throughout the night, your inhibitions had slowly but surely disappeared, evolving into this. 
his lips were warm against yours, his kiss both tender and possessive as he deepened the embrace, his hands roaming freely over your body, grasping at whatever he could. luckily, the parking lot was for the most part vacant, so leon took advantage of that. he didn't know what he was drunk on, but the fact that this was inappropriate had completely slipped his mind—right now, he wasn't your mentor, and he wasn't fifteen years older than you. what could go wrong? besides, it wasn't like the dso would let go of one of its founders.
you sighed into the kiss, surrendering yourself completely to the intoxicating rush that coursed hotly through your blood. leon pulled you closer, his fingers now tangled in your hair as he slipped his tongue between your lips, eliciting a content groan from you. you pressed your body against his, backing up against the cool metal of his motorcycle. his lips meshed into yours with a hunger that bordered on desperation.
leon really had been holding back this entire time.
you responded in kind, fingers desperately grasping onto his back, holding on for support. the cool night winds had both of your hair blowing softly, simultaneously sending a chill down your spine. but the heat of the moment was enough to keep you warm. 
time seemed to stand still as you lost yourselves in each other, the outside world fading away until there was only you two, bound together by an unbreakable thread of desire and longing. as the kiss only escalated, your aching need for him was only reaching dizzying heights, knowing damn well that you'd never forget this moment. a testament to your intense desire for the man you knew you couldn't have.
when you finally pulled apart, both of your breaths were ragged and hearts were racing. you shared a knowing smile with him, the feeling sending a pleasant rush through you.
"i think it's safe to say i've made it up to you," leon whispered, his voice husky with lust as he pressed his forehead against yours. "don't you think?"
you chuckled softly, eyes sparkling with affection as you traced the line of his jaw with your fingertips. "i couldn't agree more," you mumbled, your voice barely above a whisper.
his hand smoothed up your dress, feeling the area he'd accidentally punched earlier, a frown creasing onto his lips, "you holding up okay, by the way?" he asked concernedly, eyes flickering with worry once again.
"mhm, don't worry about it." you replied, grimacing a bit as he applied a bit of pressure on.
"good, good. you're a tough girl, i knew you'd take it like a champ." leon lightened the mood a bit, laughing lightly to ease his nerves.
"y'know, there's something else i'd take like a champ—" you had to cut yourself off, surprised that you'd let something like that roll off your tongue like it was nothing in front of someone who was technically your boss.
to your surprise, leon only shut his eyes, shaking his head in utter disbelief as he laughed a little harder. but he really wanted to test that theory. "you're really something, sweetheart." his chuckle alone sent shivers down your spine.
and with that, you rode off into the night, heading straight for his apartment. you wrapped your arms around his waist tightly, holding on for dear life as he sped off on the vacant highway. neither of you cared about the consequences of your actions, or how you'd be proving your teammates right. that would be a problem for tomorrow.
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jonathansthickthighs · 2 months
Yandere! Fushiguro Toji x Reader: Part Three
Description: You have a one night stand with Toji and now he won’t leave you alone.
Part 1 here
Part 2 here
Part 4 here
Trigger Warnings: nsfw, yandere, obsessive behavior, female reader, AFAB reader, toxic behavior, violence, threats, jealousy, possessive behavior, desperate toji, smut, unprotected sex (wrap it up), daddy kink, alternative universe (no curses), age gap (reader is in her early 20’s, toji is in his mid 30’s), soft toji, toji has feelings
A/N: enjoy 😈
Not edited!
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Toji watched the waiter closely from your table, alternating his gaze between the waiter and your conversation. Throughout your time there, he had been glaring daggers at the hapless waiter, whose brazen stares and pathetic attempts at flirting has tested Toji’s patience to its limits. The final straw came when the waiter’s gaze lingered on your chest shamelessly, a blatant disregard for respect that nearly shattered what was left of Toji’s composure. The self control he was practicing right now was otherworldly.
As the waiter slipped away down the bathroom hall to what Toji presumed was a back exit, he saw the perfect opportunity and a surge of adrenaline overtook him. Seizing the opportunity to confront the source of his frustration away from prying eyes, he excuse himself to the restroom, concealing his true intentions with an attempt of a sweet smile thrown your way.
Toji stepped outside. A curl of smoke wafted lazily into the night air, revealing the figure of the waiter with his back turned. With swift determination, Toji wasted no time, seizing the unsuspecting waiter by the nape of his neck before slamming him against the grimy wall, making him almost swallow his cigarette.
“What the hell, man?!” The waiter spluttered, his protests muffled by Toji’s relentless iron grip.
“You should be thankful I’m only here to warn ya,” Toji growled menacingly. “Under different circumstances, I would’ve ripped your fucking eyes out, you twink.” Toji spat out, his words coming out like venom.
“I haven’t done anything to you! Let go of me, old man!” The waiter struggled, his efforts futile against Toji’s overpowering strength. He could never scape from a man like Toji. He towered over him and he was twice his size in muscle. Toji released his hold on his neck, only to grab him by the collar, lifting him up until their eyes met.
“You’ve been ogling at my girl like a dirty pervert from the moment we stepped into this restaurant. You better stay the fuck away from us or you’re gonna force me to do what I originally had planned for ya.” Toji snarled, his voice laced with contained fury. He knew this boy had nothing on him, he could never reach his level. He had no reason to be jealous of a wimp like him, he knew you would never give a boy like him a second glance. Yet he can’t help the anger that courses through his veins when all these men look at your beauty that should be preserved for his eyes only. He just wanted to hide you away, away from all the men that weren’t worthy of being around your perfect self. You were only his.
The waiter swallowed and Toji decided to scare him a bit more by switching from the collar of his shirt to grabbing him by his neck with one hand, keeping him suspended in the air. The waiter gasped for air and his eyes widened in horror when he saw Toji pull a knife out. He traced the blade dangerously close to the waiters eye.
“Assign another waiter for us, a respectful one, at that.” Toji commanded. “And go tell your boss you quit, I don’t wanna see your face around here ever again. If I ever see your pathetic little face again, you’ll regret it.”
The terrified waiter managed to nod before Toji released his grip, allowing the trembling waiter to fall to the ground. Toji stared down at him noticing the wet spot on his pants, he had urinated himself from the terror he had caused him. Toji couldn’t help the mocking laugh that left his lips before turning away, walking towards the door.
“You’re fucking disgusting. Oh, and don’t expect a tip from us.” He joked before slamming the door closed, leaving behind and shattered remnant of a man, cowering in the wake of his wrath.
Toji returned to your table, greeted by the warmth of your smile. “Oh hey, you’re back. Everything okay? You took a little long in the bathroom.” You remarked, concern laced in your tone.
Toji, flattered by your concern, chuckled lightly. “All good, I think the appetizer the waiter brought gave me a little trouble.”
You giggled in response, raising your glass to take a sip of your drink. “Yeah, it tasted a little bit funny.” You agreed, your laughter like music to his ears.
Before Toji could utter another word, a new waiter approached your table. “How are you guys this evening? I’ll be replacing your previous waiter; he had a family emergency so he sadly couldn’t continue to service you.”
Toji interjected with feigned concern, “Damn, what a shame, he was such a nice fella. Hope everything turns out fine with his family.” He remarked, his gaze briefly flickering to yours seeing you nod in agreement, a pouty look on your face. Toji couldn’t help but get distracted by your soft looking lips. He was anticipating eagerly the prospect of being alone with you later.
“Of course, thank you for your concern,” the waiter said, visibly surprised by Toji’s unexpected display of empathy. “So, what would you like to order for your main course?” He continued, avoiding any hint of impropriety. Toji watched the waiter intently as he took the order, his hawk-like gaze ensuring that no inappropriate glances were thrown your way. Satisfied with the waiter professionalism, Toji couldn’t help but smirk, his focus returning to the delightful prospect of spending the evening in your company.
The waiter departed leaving the two of you alone once more, you seized the opportunity to delve more into Toji’s life. “So, Toji, I’ve already told you what I do for work, but you’ve yet to enlighten me about your job.” You inquired, curiosity filling your tone.
Toji cursed internally, grappling for an answer that would veil the violent reality of his occupation. He had been an assassin for twenty five years now, his training starting in his early years of life. His childhood had been marred by exploitation at the hands of his clan, molding him to the monster he is today. How was he supposed to convey the truth to someone as pure as you? Would you recoil in horror once you found out? Was he supposed to hide this from you indefinitely? He thought perhaps he could tone down what he truly did and slowly ease your way into understanding his uncommon job.
With a nervous chuckle he attempted to give you a PG description of his job. “Well, you see, doll, my line of work is not something you see everyday. I suppose you could say what I do is… locating individuals for certain parties. I get hired to hunt down people that have done very very bad things—“ he began tentatively.
You chime in, before he could elaborate further. “So you’re a detective!”
Toji couldn’t help but smile at your innocence. “Uh— not quite, doll. I don’t work for the police work or anything in the realm of law. I operate independently. Think of me as a freelancer. People hear word of me from other people and they hire me. Confidentially.”
“Ooh, you’re like— like a bounty hunter.” You mused.
“You’re pretty much spot on, sweetheart.” Toji affirmed, chuckling at your insight. Indeed was your intuition astute; he did procure, the harder part was explaining how.
“How do you manage it? You don’t kill them do you?” You quipped, a playful glimmer in your eyes. Toji felt a bead of sweat form on his brow at the inquiry. He didn’t want to deceive you, but he also needed to protect you from his world.
“Goodness, no! I just exercise the use of force. If they’re a tough one to get, I might give them a little beating, but nothing too serious.” Toji attempted to answer smoothly. He wasn’t entirely lying, he didn’t murder every single one of his bounties. Most of them, yes, but not the entirety of them.
“Wow, I’ve never met anyone like you before! I have to admit, your job sounds quite thrilling.” You exclaimed with genuine excitement as his heart leaped with joy. I’ve never met anyone like you before. He knew you were referring to his job, but his delusional mind was making him believe you were talking about him. He also felt joy watching you be so excited over something as little as him explaining his job. He relished the fleeting moment of your admiration, knowing the truth would dispel such feelings.
“It does sounds super dangerous, Toji. Have you ever been hurt?” Gods, he loved the way you said his name.
“Oh, undoubtedly, it is a dangerous field, but I’m more than capable of handling myself. I’m a strong guy.” Toji assured with a charismatic wink, basking in the shy smile that graced your lips.
“You really are.” You agreed, slowly dragging your eyes through his big, well built arms. For some reason that made Toji’s heart rate speed up. Your eyes were simply enthralling, seductive in a way that would make any man fall on his knees, weakened by the intensity of your gaze. It was causing his dick to awaken. He could feel a tent growing in his pants, his dick feeling restrained by the fabric. That familiar warm feeling in his lower stomach that only you had ever caused him was making itself present. Knowing that you liked his physique made him unbelievably horny. If you didn’t restrain yourself from looking at him that way soon, he was going to spread you on the table and slide his cock into your tight little cunt in front of everyone in this restaurant.
Those thoughts dissipated once he saw your countenance switch. “If you don’t mind me asking. Is your job the reason you got that scar on your lip?” You inquired, your tone tinged with curiosity and concern.
Toji’s smiled faltered momentarily, but he quickly tried to hide his discomfort. “No, sweetheart. I got it when I was a kid.” He watched your face fall, aware you were probably thinking about all the bad things that could’ve possibly happened to him. He despised seeing you saddened by his past and quite frankly his childhood was not something he held close to his heart or something he enjoyed talking about. He would rather keep that part of his life hidden in the back his thoughts.
“What can I say, I was a wild child. Always in trouble.” Toji chuckled, attempting to salvage the mood. You smiled at him, but it wasn’t your normal smile. He knew you could tell there was something wrong within him, and he knew you were trying your hardest to not push about it any further. He acknowledged and appreciated your respect for his boundaries.
“If it’s worth anything, I like your scar. I think it gives you character.” You winked, reaching over the table to rest your hand atop of his. Gods, was he blushing? Never in his life had a woman made him blush this way.
“You’re sweet, doll. I appreciate it.” He responded, offering you a sincere smile. He couldn’t understand how you could possibly evoke such a good, warm feeling in him. You were going to become his wife no matter what.
The waiter returned with your order and you and Toji ate in comfortable silence, stealing glances of one another occasionally. It was hard to believe for you, but you actually found yourself enjoying your time with Toji. He wasn’t as off-putting as you initially thought. Perhaps his insistence was due to his loneliness, most men his age were settled down with families. Yet, that also made you ponder, maybe he was single at his age for a reason. Doubts swirled your mind about him and yourself. You had insisted on staying single for a while, but here you were, finding yourself drawn to him. You had decided to only go out with him once, but you really desired to keep seeing him. There was something about him that pulled you to him, yet there was also a voice of caution that told you to stay away. It felt impossible to reconcile these conflicting feelings. You sensed there was something wrong with him, something that refused his soul to find peace. Perhaps it was your savior complex, but you felt a strong urge to help him, to fix him.
Those thoughts dissipated once you were back at his place.
Not even a second after Toji slammed the door closed, he was grabbing you by the waist crashing his lips against yours and you responded back immediately by opening your mouth giving him access to your tongue. He wasted no time invading your wet cavern, making you melt into his embrace. His lips felt soft, despite the scar on his lips. You liked it.
“Fuck, I missed those sweet lips, baby.” Toji pulled away growling into your lips, sliding his big hands down to your ass, giving it a firm squeeze. You moaned in response before delighting him with another passionate kiss from you. “I’ve thought about your pretty body, every single day since you gave yourself to me that night. Been thinkin’ about you, the way you took me, the way you creamed all over my dick. You have no damn clue how many times I had to jerk off thinking about you. I’ve been going insane without your pussy, baby doll.” Toji confessed between kisses, his breath getting heavier, sending electric shocks all over your body. The image of him touching himself clouding your mind with an unquenchable desire for him.
Toji lifted you up into his arms, making his way to his bedroom kicking the door open. He placed you gently on his bed, treating you like the delicate flower he considered you to be. He climbed on top of you, continuing the make out session from earlier. You started grinding your hips against his bulge, groaning at the the restrain his pants had on his dick. Your dress had rilled up, exposing your underwear to him.
Toji chuckled in amusement seeing your white panties with red hearts on them. “Those are cute, sweetheart.” He retorted playfully as he started messing with the waistband teasingly.
“Oh shut it. This wasn’t in my plans today.” You responded feign being offended, you traitorous smile betraying you. Toji laughed at your cuteness before he started leaving open mouthed kisses all over your delicate neck. You attempted to rub your thighs together as you felt your panties dampening, the copious amount of fluids making the crotch of your panties translucent. Toji grabbed your thighs firmly, forcing them to stay spread for him.
Toji pulled away from you, admiring your flushed form, letting out a hiss at how unbelievably delicious you looked to him. “You’re fucking gorgeous.” He uttered, rubbing you soft thighs as he turned his gaze to your cunt, groaning at how astonishingly wet you were. “I need to taste this pretty pussy.”
He wasted no time in ripping your underwear off, lowering himself to be within sight of the object of his desires, glistening in the arousal he provoked in you. He quickly attached his mouth to your throbbing clit, attacking it with his tongue vigorously. Toji had you moaning and squirming under him like a bitch in heat. The feeling of his skilled tongue on your clit was taking you to a perfect world where only you and him existed. You felt him reaching out to play with your breasts, your tender nipples begging for the attention. The combination of being eaten out and breast play were heavenly, driving you to begin pushing your hips against his face.
Your eyelids fluttered open to find Toji’s deep, green, gaze already fixed upon you, looking at you through his dark lashes. It had to be the hottest sight you’ve ever seen. His gaze was filled with unbearable lust, causing you to become wetter by the second, as pool of your juices forming under you. He continued quenching his thirst with your pussy as he started slowly burring a finger into your tight heat, growling against your pussy at the feeling of your walls engulfing his large finger. Excitement bubbled within him as he thought about that tightness wrapping around his pulsing, hard cock.
He carefully started adding another digit, speeding up his pace enough to make you squirm in delightful pleasure. Your wanton moans making him itch with anticipation to hear more.
“You taste so fuckin’ good, sweetheart. I can’t wait for you to make my face drip in your sweet juices. I need you to come for me. Why don’t you give daddy what he wants?” Toji almost whimpered into your pulsing clit. He could tell you were getting close, that’s why he started lapping at your pussy like it was the most exquisite plate to ever exist.
“P-please make me come, daddy. I need you.” You moaned, eyes never leaving his, the intensity of his gaze making you almost break the eye contact.
“I want you to come right now, baby. Give it to me!” He responded, his groans sending pleasurable vibrations through your clit.
“Oh fuck, d-daddy! I’m c-coming!” You announced, moaning loudly as he continued ravishing your pussy with his mouth, thick fingers plunging in and out of you. He was driving you over the edge, squeezing your tits, teasing your sensitive nipples. It was too much, Toji had your legs quivering. You came with a scream, clenching around his digits, a tide of your juices squirting all over his face. You gasped at the feeling. Before you met Toji you had never squirted in your life and yet every time you had intercourse with this man you barely knew, he always managed to make you reach your high in such way in a matter of a few minutes.
Toji pulled himself up from your cunt, licking his lips savoring your taste. “So fucking good, sweetheart.” He complimented, wiping from his chin the remainder of your juices, making you shiver at the sight. He made you reach your high so hard you could barely move, but you wanted to return the favor.
You forced yourself up meeting him face to face, exchanging fervent kisses, tasting yourself in the process. You rose from the bed onto your feet, placing your hands on his strong shoulders leading him to the bed. “Lay down for me, daddy. Let me return the favor.” You offered, biting your lip seductively. Toji followed your orders without complaints. “Why don’t we take off your shirt? It’s so hot in here.” You suggested playfully as you climb on top of him, helping him rid of it. This man was built by the gods themselves, his body turned you on like no other. You ran your hands softly through his abdominals, making Toji visibly shudder. You kept going until you reached his pants’ waistband.
“What are you planning to do to me, sweetheart?” Toji teased with a smirk, as he placed his hands behinds his head, making himself comfortable. You only responded by climbing off him, pulling down his pants along with his underwear without hesitation, letting his big, hard member out of the restricted space. You gasped seeing how hard he was and the amount of precum that was oozing from the tip. Toji groaned with satisfaction at the feeling of being liberated.
You wasted no time, lowering yourself to your knees and grabbing the base of his pulsing cock. Toji hissed, his body responsive to your gentle caresses. You began by pressing a teasing kiss to the head of his dick, an angry red color coating it. You then proceeded to lick from the base of the shaft to the tip and in that moment, you took him unto your moist mouth. You started sucking him off zealously, forcing strained moans to escape his throat.
“S-shit, baby. Sucking daddy’s dick so good. J-just like that.” He shut his eyes, basking in the unbelievable bliss you were bringing him. He gasped out when he felt you take him deeper into your mouth until he hit the back of your throat; he couldn’t stop himself from thrusting his hips into you. He then grabbed the back of your head gently to force you to remain there as he continued to thrust upwards into your mouth, his jaw hanging open in pleasure.
“Oh, that’s a good slut. Letting me fuck your pretty face.” Toji growled as he kept going, somewhat bewildered at the fact that you would were allowing him to do this to you. Nevertheless, he wasn’t one for protesting when you were giving him the best head he had ever received.
He let go you as you continued going down on him as if your life depended on it. You wanted him to come in your mouth, but your intentions lay elsewhere. You released his cock from your mouth with a wet pop, evoking a groan from Toji. You probably looked disheveled. Toji, on the other hand, didn’t agree with your line of thought. He found this to be the sexiest you’ve ever looked. A rosy hue graced your cheeks, accompanied by trails of tears running down your cheeks, your lips swollen and red, drool running down your chin. He wasn’t aware he could get more aroused than he already was.
“Please keep going, sweetheart.” Toji pleaded and you shook your head, making him growl in frustration. “Why not?!” He whined, his tone displaying evident discontent.
You giggled at his childishness. “I have something else for you.” You bit your lips, undoing your dress, exposing your nudity to him. Toji runs his tongue over his lips, eyes darkening at the sight of your wonderful body. You proceeded to grab your supple breasts, wrapping them around his cock, causing Toji’s eyes to widen. Tenaciously, you embarked on a mission to make him come on your breasts. You initiated by slowly massaging your breasts up and down his cock, making sure to squeeze them tightly around him. Toji started meeting your thrusts enthusiastically, his hips moving erratically, his hand atop of yours.
“Tell me how it feels, daddy? You like fucking my tits, don’t you?” You moaned as you continued working your tits on his twitching cock. Keenly aware that he would reach his peak imminently, you increased your speed.
“S-so much, b-baby. You’re gonna make me c-come so much. You’re gonna let me come on your perfect tits, baby?” Toji announced, his thrusts becoming uncoordinated. This was something he never expected from you, but he was incredibly appreciative of it. The sight of your breasts enveloping his cock so snug between them erased nearly every thought in his mind.
“Come all over my tits, daddy!” With that he stilled as he released a typhoon of semen on your chest, slurring out your name lethargically. Toji remained motionless, his chest rising and falling as he labored to regain his breath.
“That was so fucking hot.” Toji stated as he recovered his breath, his gaze becoming lustful as he contemplated the sight of you gathering his cum from your chest with your fingers, guiding it to your lips. Savoring his taste for the first time.
“You taste delicious. Why don’t you give me some more or it?” You smiled at him, lifting yourself from your kneeling position, to climb onto the bed on your hands and knees. Toji lifted himself to a stand, stationing himself directly behind you. He took his sweet time to appreciate the shape your exposed ass, reaching out to give the plump flesh a firm squeeze.
“And where would you like my cum now, sweetheart?” He inquired with a groan, continuing to caress your ass as he started grinding his rock hard cock against your behind. Giving a look over your shoulder, you smiled at him with heavy eyelids. If you kept giving him such glanced he was going to burst in this very moment. You were a goddess. His goddess.
You reached out to play with your pussy. “Right here.” You teased, giggling at his dumbfounded expression. “What’s wrong, Toji? Don’t you want to cum inside me?”
“God, yes. More than anything.” Toji managed to utter out, reminiscing the memories of him emptying himself in your pussy on your first time together. Allowing him to do that on your first time making love stood as the greatest gift you bestowed upon him.
“Then what are you waiti—“ Before you couldn’t finish your statement, Toji flipped you onto your back on a swift movement, settling himself on top of you carefully, making sure not to crush you with his weight. With urgency, he smashed his lips into yours, massaging your lips together into a sensual kiss. He was still astonished by the softness of your lips, enjoying the way you dragged your tongue across his scar so lovingly. Toji was experiencing such overwhelming emotions that he feared his heart could burst at any moment. He loves you. Desperately.
Toji pulled away, disappointed at the loss of the warmth of your lips, but his cock was weeping for you. He needed to feel you wrap around him.
Toji slowly started to push inside you, moaning your name as your tight heat engulfed his aching cock. He tried his hardest to not allow his heaving eyelids to block his view from your face. His need to watch your face contort with a mixture or pain and pleasure was outrageous. His cock was so big, he knew it would take a while for you to adjust yourself to it.
“T-Toji! You’re stretching me out so much.” You panted, grasping his shoulders. He finished bottoming out inside you, watching your jaw slack and squeeze your eyes shut. He couldn’t keep his eyes off your face, he could come just by staring at it.
“No, no, baby. Keep your eyes on me, look into daddy’s eyes.” Toji pleaded, hissing at the feeling of your soaked cunt clenching around him tightly. “S-shit, you’re so wet for me.” He cursed, pulling his length almost completely before thrusting back in gently, forcing a sweet moan from your lips. Your eyelids fluttered to meet his green eyes. Something about keeping eye contact with Toji as he plunged his cock in and out of your pussy made your eyes water, it was such an intimate moment.
Overwhelmed by the pleasure, tears started streaming down your face. Immediately, Toji started kissing your tears away without slowing down his steady pace.
“You’re so beautiful, sweetheart.” Toji whispered as he buried his face into your neck, peppering open mouthed kissed all over it, making sure to leave a mark so everyone knew you belonged to him. You moaned at the sensation his thrusts combined with his kisses were providing you. Toji continued lavishing your neck with kisses, lowering himself to give your nipples the same treatment. He suckled your sore nipples as he continued to work his cock in you.
“Ah, Toji. Harder, please!” You pleaded dragging your fingernails down his back. Toji complied as he turned his attention back on your face. He started plunging his cock in your cunt with rapid, smooth thrusts, getting awarded by your moans muffled by his own.
“This pretty pussy is mine, baby. I’m the only allowed to touch it, the only that can ruin it.” He grunted before continuing. “If I see you with another man, I’ll kill him!”
“Yes, daddy!” You were so fucked out of your mind, you didn’t care about any words that sputtered out his mouth. Your whole focus was on reaching your orgasm. To Toji, this was your way of agreeing to be his for the rest of your lives.
You clenched tightly around him, the arrival of you orgasm getting close. The squelching sound of his cock sinking into your wet hole filling the room.
“Tell me, d-do you want to c-come for me, sweetheart?” Toji managed to stuttered out as his thrusts became erratic, feeling his own release approaching.
“I w-want to come all over your cock.” You cried out, letting your eyes roll back at the build up you were feeling. Your legs with a quivering mess, your toes curling at the mind blowing delectation you were experiencing.
“Let’s come together, baby.” Toji commanded, picking up his pace. The moment Toji felt your cunt spasm around his cock he allowed himself to come inside you with a flow of grunts. You cried out as your clenching pussy milked him of his every drop of cum. He continued releasing ropes of his seed inside you, feeling it start to ooze out of your abused hole. Toji gave a few more sloppy thrust as you both finished reaching your high.
He pulled out of you, groaning at the sight of his cock glistening with your juices and his own cum combined. He leaned back, enjoying the view of your sweaty, panting body and his seed dripping out of your snatch.
“That was amazing, Toji.” You admitted, attempting to catch your breath.
Toji nodded in agreement, unable to say anything that wasn’t a blabbering mess. He moved to lay next to you, pulling you closer to him and you responded by snuggling yourself into his chest. Toji had to stop himself from swooning at your behavior, it was so different from that night. You were both cuddled up, relishing the warmth radiating from your nude bodies. This was all he ever needed, you completed his existence.
“How about we watch that movie now?”
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