#omg i know its been like this for a while now but i truly hate the new setup for adding gifs/images dfjhgjdhgb
michaelwheelers · 28 days
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I know who you are. You're Fire and Ice, right? In the flesh.
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taylormarieee · 7 months
Like how about the reader and carl have like a huge and hateful argument and we ignore each other and when negan comes we still ignore each other and Negan notices but when we go to sleep we cuddle because we have to share a bed?
(I added a little bit of Daryl x Reader contact in this if you don't mind anon!)
You and Carl were inseparable. You guys truly loved each other an everyone saw that but when you guys get into an argument its nothing but the silent treatment.
"Well you shouldn't have gone over the wall! God I hate looking after you!" Carl yells.
"You could have been killed omg, why do you always have to make such stupid decisions! God I hate when you do this!" He continues.
"Well guess what Carl, you don't have to always look out for me! I don't need you! I never did Carl! I hate you so fucking much!" You yell back at him.
"Well guess what I hate you just as much! I never wanna see you ever again!" He yells back.
You storm out of your shared house and of course today just had to be the day when Negan comes for supplies. God you really hated Negan and his whole clan.
God was really testing your patience today. The person you hate the absolute most just has to come after you just got into the biggest argument ever.
"Hey there teenage killer! Where's Carl, my favourite one-eyed murdurer." He says with that stupid smile on his face.
"I don't know and I don't care! I hate him! Negan just take what you need and get the hell out!" You say walking straight past him.
He sucks his teeth and licks his lips, "Ok!" He says, "Load em up boys!" He yells to his minions.
They all go into our houses and take what they want, everyone in Alexandria stands around waiting with nothing but disgust on their face.
"Theres my one-eyed killer! What's up with shorty over there." Negan asks.
"I don't care what's going on with her. I hate her." Carl responds with hatred.
"Take what you need and go Negan before my dad gets back." He says walking away from Negan towards Denise and Tara.
Your standing next to Daryl, glaring at Carl from afar as Carl does the same to you. You both ignore each other for the rest of the day.
Negan notices what's going on and so does Daryl. "What's goin on? Ya look like ya saw a witch." Daryl says.
You tried to keep a straight face but ended up laughing.
"What Daryl? What are you talking about!" You chuckle.
"You look as if ya hate witches. So tha's why I asked." He says fiddling with his knife.
"No, me and Carl got in a fight and we said some very hateful and hurtful things. So now were both ignoring each other." You say.
"That ain't gon last, not fer long." He grunts. "Oh yea? And how would you know?" You ask amused.
"Because, ya'll are on each other like flies on shit, ya love each other and one lil argument ain't gon stop tha kinda love." He says before walking away to let you think.
'No, I hate Carl! He's so annoying.' you thought, but was he really...
After a while the day finally comes to an end and the sun has gone down and everyone is heading to bed.
You haven't talked to Carl all day and that's how you liked it. You walk to your shared house hoping he wouldn't be there and he wasn't.
You took a quick shower and changed into some Pj's. You got out the bathroom only to be met with carl also getting changed.
He must have showered at his dad's house. Whatever, you didn't care anyway.
"Which side?" You say sternly not looking at him. "What?" He asks. You sigh and repeat it again.
"Which. Side! Which side of the bed are you sleepin on?" You ask more frustratedly.
He chooses the egde of the bed so you choose the side closer to the wall.
You crawl into bed with your back turned towards Carl. You sigh as his side of the bed dips. You relax as you slowly drift asleep.
You feel hands wrap around your waist. " 'm sorry. I didn't mean what I said. Do you forgive me?" Carl whispers.
You nod. "Yea I forgive you, I'm sorry about what I said, I do need you, I always have and I always will. I love you Carl." You say sweetly.
'I love you too!" Carl says before pulling you closer letting the silence guide him to sleep.
'hm, Daryl was right.' you thought before finally falling asleep.
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A/N: This can be found in my master list as "Silent Treatment". Hope you enjoyed Anon and I really liked this!
Taglist: @carlgrimesenthusiast @carlsdarling
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valaruakars · 1 year
Let's Get Physical (Part 7)
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Viktor/F!Reader || 6.3k || Modern!AU + Gym!AU || SFW
Bitches hate you for your overzealous approach to supporting your friends and deeply anxious behavior. Viktor is not bitches.
A/N: Omg. We're here. We're back on our bullshit. Thank you to everyone who beta'd and/or provided me free therapy about this for that past um... seven months. Oops. Thank you to everyone who reached out over the (unintentional) hiatus with encouraging comments and asks. I hope you'll understand why I took so long to handle this with care and unpack some of my own issues. Very cathartic. Would recommend.
Part 1 → Part 2  → Part 3 → Part 4  → Part 5 → Part 5.2 (nsfw) → Part 6  → Part 7 (Ao3 Link)
Before you know it, two weeks and a day have passed. They make no palpable difference. 
Except maybe in your quadriceps. 
The same weights you’ve been using feel almost effortless, too easy. You don’t fatigue as quickly into heavy breathing and the urge to cheat yourself a rep or two—not lunging with the dumbbell gripped at one of its wide ends, not squatting while it’s clutched close to your chest. It’s suddenly not enough. 
Nobody’s around to see it, but progress is progress. Turns out, you’ve finally graduated to heavier weights on this lonely leg day you’ve committed to. 
That’s a bit of a misnomer, though. The day is mostly past you now. It’s evening—crisp and wispy, sky like striated fire outside the garage—and as the sun sets, you’re reminded of the late start you’re up against. All because you forgot something. 
A good attitude is optional. A scrunchie you can live without. But your shoes? Leave them forgettably kicked off in two different directions on your bedroom floor and you’re fucked. It’s a small miracle you’re here, dragging around weight plates, setting up a barbell. There was a very real danger of tripping and falling into bed—totally by accident, never to get up again—when you drove home and stomped upstairs to grab them. 
But whether or not he knows it, likely the latter, Viktor keeps you accountable when no one else can. It’s because the only running you truly love is the risk of seeing him, which still requires proper footwear. And for you to leave the house. 
Though by the time you whipped into the driveway and thrust the gear shift into park, it’s empty. He’d left already; you didn’t get to see him off on his reluctant shuffle through the garage. But lucky you—he tends to come straight home after physical therapy. Call it friendly concern that you’re paying attention. 
It’s probably an odd way to think about a friend. You need to work on that. 
Your phone vibrates dully on the padded bench beside you. Nearly knocking your water over in the process, you grab it to find a text from Jayce—the usual culprit. You slide it open, accidentally brushing the top of the screen with shaky fingers. It catapults you to the beginning of your most recent messages before you can read the new one. 
Mon, Oct 10
[Jayce Talis, 5:56am]: Did you leave the back door unlocked last night? [Jayce Talis, 5:57am]: And the pool lights on? [Jayce Talis, 5:57am]: Was Viktor in the pool?
[7:32am]: Holy shit. Good morning. [7:33am]: No, no, and why do you think I know these things??
[Jayce Talis, 7:45am]: Sorry, it’s all good. He’s alive. 
[7:46am]: ???????
[Jayce Talis, 7:49am]: You guys didn’t hang out after I left? 
[7:57am]: Idk if you would consider it that. [8:02am]: But has anyone invited him to cards on Saturday??
[Jayce Talis, 8:17am]: He already said no. [Jayce Talis, 8:18am]: Although… [Jayce Talis, 8:19am]: You could try telling him it’s strip poker. Haha :) 
[8:20am]: Blocked. Reported. Banned. NOT DOING THAT.
[Jayce Talis, 8:21am]: No wait! I was kidding. He’s not a creep :(
Tue, Oct 11
[Jayce Talis, 3:38pm]: Wait did you actually block me? 
[3:50pm]: Yes.
Sun, Oct 16
[Tayce Jalis, 8:00am]: Can I have my t-shirt back today?
[8:31am]: Oh the really old anime one? I left it with some stuff to be washed, ask Viktor. [8:32am]: Maybe the dryer did you a favor and ate it. 
[Tayce Jalis, 8:34am]: Hey! Naruto is timeless.
Tayce Jalis unsent a message
Not fast enough to scroll back down, caught revisiting those unremarkable little messages, and now you’ll never know what Jayce’s butt managed to text you this time. Oh well. Keep your secrets. 
You toss your phone down behind you with a leathery slap. Back to working on the whole stop pining after Viktor thing.
Right, and your legs. 
The barbell bites into your hips as you roll it into your lap and adjust it, the bench presses into your shoulder blades. It’s heavier and harder to manage, but you do, driving down into your heels to get your ass off the ground, hefting yourself into a nice, solid bridge. From there it’s as easy as dipping your hips, which isn’t quite easy at all. No, it’s brutal. 
It burns from your core down to your thighs; has you clenching your jaw, gritting your teeth with the strain. Even your biceps are active, lifting some of the steel-hard pressure off your hip bones. 
You’re so zoned in—no thoughts, head empty except for the number six over and over until it’s seven—that you only hear the hiss of your breath in and out, the hammering rush of blood behind your ears. You don’t hear Viktor come home. 
Not until he’s standing above you.  
He had the heinous metal on metal sound in his old beige car fixed—that grinding, grating death knell in its engine. One of several potentially life threatening reasons the check engine light was always on—maybe still is. And though you much prefer him living, it’s harder to hear him coming over the steady music without paying attention. 
Bad timing for Miss Carly Rae Jepsen on your Upbeat Workout Jams playlist, considering you do really, really, really like him. Him and how he stands at the end of the bench, staring down; how he fixes you with that sliver thin smile, a manila folder tucked under the arm of his long cardigan. 
You seize with embarrassment, frozen on the upswing of your hips. “Hi,” whispers out on the end of an exhale, caught ragged in your throat. 
You can’t do pelvic thrusts in front of him. 
You just can’t. 
It’s bad enough that you’re sweaty in every skin to skin crevice and certainly flushed, t-shirt sticky and legs trembling as they hold your awkward position, but then there’s him. 
He wears that same look much better. On him, it’s healthy color across the cut lines of his cheeks; it’s still-damp curls at the nape of his neck and the jump of his lean throat when he swallows, dry when he must’ve forgotten a water bottle again. It’s suggestive. It’s hot. 
And it’s the endorphins that make you feel that way, surely, more than any affinity for men in gray sweatpants that are far more revealing than they must realize. 
You clear your throat, finding your own parched voice. “Watch your feet,” you warn, on the side of caution, dropping butt and barbell to the ground with a metallic thud. You let your head drop back against the bench pad, staring up at him with the dazed satisfaction of calling it quits. Only for the moment, of course, as you blindly feel around for your phone to turn the music down. 
And good fucking god is what you see unholy. Viktor shifts his weight before you can look away, and the ache in your core redoubles—different, deeper than any lactic acid buildup. Did his pants shrink in the wash or is it really that m—?
Nope! Absolutely not! 
You can tread no further with that thought because, really, there’s no such thing as having a platonic appreciation for your friend’s dick. Not when the friend is Viktor. 
“You’re not finished yet?” he asks. Innocent. Oblivious to your mental struggle out of the gutter. 
Typically you would be by now. Equipment racked, the citrus scent of disinfectant on your hands, picking at innocuous conversation while you walk inside together. How was your day? Did you hear they’re demolishing the old physics building? There’s a guest lecture next month that might interest you. 
“About another thirty minutes,” you breathe, “and then I’ll be done. I’m running behind.”
“Ah, interesting. That looks to me more like sitting,” he says, which is terrible enough to earn an eye roll, and snarky enough that your lips wobble and break into an insurmountable smile.
“It’s called resting, thanks. This would go faster if you stopped distracting me,” you huff, muscles loose, lips looser. 
The little spark of mirth in his eyes, so bright and awake, makes your stomach clench vice tight. “Mm. There’s no rush,” he shrugs, “but… Rio might enjoy a visit.” 
Your smile is skeptical as he pulls the file folder from beneath his arm. “Oh really?” It widens as he starts to fan you from above—chilly in the garage, but you’re still sweating buckets. It’s futile, although he’s sweet to try and help.  
He nods, gravely serious, “She told me herself.” 
You crane your neck unconsciously to let it cool the sweat that lingers there, sighing as little wisps of loose hair billow feather light and tickle your feverish skin. 
He isn’t holding it right, though. His grip is too loose on the edge.
At once, a flurry of white comes raining down on you. It’s instinct that your eyes clamp shut against the onslaught. 
“No, no, no,” he hisses as if begging could stop gravity. 
It doesn’t, of course. 
His papers flutter and scrape across the floor. An unlucky one sticks to the sweat on your scrunched up cheek. He’s quick to dip forward and snatch it back first, the easiest to reach.
You blink off the surprise and snicker, “Oh, how the tables have turned. Who’s the clumsy one now?” Rolling the barbell away over your outstretched legs, there’s nothing in its path to be crumpled beneath the weight.  
But Viktor doesn’t answer with a crooked smile or a quiet laugh, no dry wit to be found. His dark, heavy brows furrow and he insists, “No, just—just let me,” while he crouches to the ground, distributing his weight between his cane and the end of the bench. 
“It’s okay,” you insist, reaching to gather what’s scattered between you, “I’ve got it. No big deal.”
“To you,” he mutters, snatching two away before you can turn them over. Makes him lose balance. He narrowly catches himself before he can veer face first into your spandex lap,, blunt, bony fingers digging into your thigh at the hem of those skin tight biker shorts. It crushes the papers all the same. 
“Top secret nuclear codes?” you tease, drowning his muttered apologies. It sounds stupid and obvious that you’re trying to distract from the fumbling tension when his hand stays put for moments too long. Yours, too, on his shoulder to brace him. 
Just until he’s able to sit himself solidly on the ground beside you. 
He purses his lips, “My work is with reactor cores, not weapons.”
It’s only been a week since you got an impromptu lecture about nuclear fusion in the kitchen. It’s not like you’d forget so quickly. “I know—”
Impatient, Viktor reaches over your lap, too close for comfort. Whatever you were about to say is struck from your train of thought. 
His cardigan drags soft and pilled with wear across your beat up knees. Beneath it, his sweat smells sharp and strangely appealing. It’s fascinating, that draw to something so base and human. It’s unsettling, the way your heart responds like it beats between your legs.
You follow his hand, unabashedly curious, and watch him pick up another overturned paper. Below it, the next sheet is stuck face up to the floor with what you cringe to assume is a drop of your sweat, bleeding the ink of a diagram. Multiple diagrams, actually. 
Of stretches.  
The familiarity sparks excitement. 
By the time he peels up the corner of the page with his fingernail, you’re sure of what you’re looking at. It’s common ground, of a sort; the excuse to end all excuses. 
“These are from the physical therapist?” 
He sighs, sitting back in an awkward fold of spindly legs. Looks wearier, now, with his shoulders collapsed like the exhaustion of going has finally caught up. “Yes,” he admits, because you’re smart and he’s smart, and any other answer would be an obvious lie. 
You’re doing it again—digging your fingers into a soft spot that feels as ripe as it does intrusive. We do not talk about it much, he once said, but it’s hard to stop once you’ve started. You just have to know: “Do you do them?” 
His eyes cut down to the papers in his hands. “When time permits.”
“How often does it permit?” 
“Occasionally,” says Viktor, which might mean somewhere between rarely and never. 
Early mornings, late nights; classes to teach, lab hours to log, projects, papers, and a dissertation that looks done to you, but he laughs bitterly when you suggest it. Still has to find time to eat and shower and sleep, but his eyes are always restless purple and there are wrappers from meal replacement bars scattered around the house, too high calorie for Jayce to be the culprit. 
You wonder what will happen when it all catches up with him. Worse, you worry. 
Beseechingly, you reach out. Your grip is gentle as you take hold of the printouts at their edge. “Can I see?” you ask, not grabbing or pulling or taking, just there and ready. 
His lips form a tight, considering line. “If that is the last of your questions,” he slowly replies. Prickly, but relenting, he lets go before you can ever agree. 
So you don’t.  
His eyes are on you as you flip through the stack—you can feel it as a strange, shy tension like bated breath, watching and waiting. 
Page by page, it’s nothing you haven’t seen before. Some you’ve even done yourself, but with simple modifications. Hell, bridges are just hip thrusts performed flat on the floor, without the weight. Nothing he’d need help with, which is ideal when you’re not qualified to do anything but make space for him; to emphasize that he’s welcome and wanted, maybe offer up a sweaty-palmed high five if you’re feeling spunky. 
You peel your legs off the floor and resituate, tucking them as your turn to face him, direct in every sense. “You could come do these with us on Sunday mornings after we run, before you get started on work. It would make Jayce happy, and Vi has a really funny way of being encouraging—”
He pulls a face—a nose scrunched up, barely concealed, abso-fucking-loutely not sort of scowl. 
“Or…” you’re quick to try, “Just with me, when I’m here. It’ll take, what—fifteen? Twenty minutes?” 
“It’s a poor use of time,” he says. It’s as avoidant as it is clumsy, with a dismissive edge still dull enough to bruise. 
And that’s because: “You stop and talk to me for longer than that sometimes,” you remind him flatly.  
He sighs sharply, toying absently with the cane laid across his lap. “That is different.” He says it like it’s obvious; like it’s frustrating that you don’t know how obvious it is. 
“Well, what if we could do both at the same time?” you propose. After all, he’s got such a hard-on for efficiency, if that’s what’s stopping him. “I know you’re a good multitasker…”  
His jaw works, trapping his thoughts behind imperfect teeth. 
“And we probably keep this floor cleaner than the carpet…” you prod, because the silence of a man who can and has talked your ear off is disquieting; because you don’t always know when to stop; because this feels like a negotiation. 
“My bedroom suits my purposes just fine,” he says, eventually. 
But you never said which carpet. The thought of him sequestered in there, even for this, is fucking depressing. Arguably disgusting when you’ve walked across that rug and felt the grit of dirt, crumbs, and debris that the pattern hides through your socks. And worse: It’s a choice, so why is he making it? 
Abruptly, the rubber tipped end of his cane meets like against the rubber tiled floor. He pulls himself up on it with difficulty you can’t ignore, but shakes his head when you move to help. The only thing you do is hand him up the battered stack of papers, tucked back into the folder from which they came, when he stands up fully. You won’t hold them hostage, even if part of you wants to. It wouldn’t keep him from leaving, his back to you such a familiar sight. 
You just want to understand, though, if nothing else. To crack him like a cipher.  
Softer, you try: “I wouldn’t judge you.” It’s the last, desperate little thing you can think of. They’re like magic words to you. 
But the problem is: They don’t work on everyone. 
To his credit, his tone isn’t harsh. It’s indifferent, like stating a sterile fact. “This has nothing to do with you,” he says. “I haven’t skipped an appointment recently, and that should be enough.”
Indigence might suit you in those moments you grow a seedling backbone, but it doesn’t suit this. You can’t help it though. His frustration has bled into you, caught like kindling. “Is it?” 
“You and I do not share the same sense of priorities,” he replies, but it’s not an answer. Not really. 
The urge to turn him upside down and shake him until something definitive comes out is overwhelming—so straightforward until he just… isn’t. “If you’re not going to say yes or no, can’t you just lie and say you’ll think about it?” 
He looks you over inscrutably, sitting there in his shadow. “Why would you assume it’s a lie?”
“Oh, I don’t know…” you huff. But you do. Experience and a certain friend who actually bothers to text you back have given you the answer. “Jayce says you’re stubborn and I’m starting to think he’s right.” 
Viktor nods conclusively, but doesn’t care to share what’s going through his head. As evasive as ever when he cares to be, just murmurs,“You should finish this.”
And then, for a reason that is simply beyond you, says: “I will see you later.”
But for once, you’re not sure if you want to. 
You rap your knuckles against his open door. 
Seriously—who were you kidding, thinking for even a second that you wouldn’t be here, doing this?
Yes, it’s well after eight now and you’re pitifully hungry, but it wouldn’t feel right to leave without saying anything. In writing a note or sending a text, you’d simply be spelling out, ‘I’m a coward!’ in far more words. It’s best, you decide, to be polite and mature and just say goodnight despite the awkward taste in your mouth that is very reminiscent of your own foot. 
And you get to say it to his back, which should be easy. 
But then there’s Rio on his desk like a pissed off paperweight, swimming the foggy side of her holding tank—sorry, prison—without any hope of escape. They’re the angriest, most pathetic wiggles you’ve ever seen. Habitual, given how tongue-smudged and abraded the plastic has become. 
“You see?” he says, gesturing to the sound of her scrabbling in his bright rubber kitchen gloves. “It’s just as I said.” 
“I think it’s more about you ignoring her.” Rio pauses, slipping down the side. Her little face conveys it perfectly: “Father is cruel? Father is… unyielding? Father hates Rio?” 
“No, no… Although, eh, yes, I suppose she does sound like that…” he muses, nodding. “I think she must wonder those things about you, actually.”
Your shoulder hits the door frame, shrugging against it where you lean. “I probably don’t matter much to her.”
There’s a heavy pause, enough for him to breathe in and hold it. Breathe out, softly: “You do.”
And suddenly, you can’t find it in you to leave. Did you ever truly have the will? 
The truth is there on your feet—those perpetually mismatched socks. You’d hoped for this, secretly, else you wouldn’t have left your shoes off at the door.  
It’s warm when you walk in. A space heater that’s been running too long glows electric orange on the floor near his desk. Makes the smell of churned earth and vinegar cleaner that much stronger. And while the clutter is clearly endemic, it seems the fuzzy, stagnant mugs are not. They’re all gone from his desk and the bedside table, replaced by sticky notes, pill bottles, and an avalanche of papers.
You come up and give Rio’s tiny, clawed foot a high-five through the plastic. “Has she been doing this all night?” you ask, looking over. 
Knee on the desk chair for leverage, he’s elbows deep in her tank, rooting those waxen, fake plants back into the substrate with unnatural posture. It’s that stiffness you’ve always noticed—ramrod straight from the mid-spine up. It’s easier to see in profile, in a thin shirt that clings to his back, that there’s nothing visibly forcing it. 
“On and off. She tires quickly now,” he says, arranging a broad-leafed plant near her favorite rocky shelter—scrubbed clean, still damp. “When she was younger, it would go on much longer while I did this.”
“How old is she exactly?” 
His sigh is almost lost beneath the hum of the space heater. He answers, “Fifteen,” in the soft, subdued way of someone who hates to be reminded. 
There’s many things you’re too afraid to ask him. Such hits as: Why did you dig yourself a hole this deep, does Jayce text everyone about you, and would I even stand a chance if things were different? But right now, most of all, it’s how long do geckos live? 
You don’t think you’re going to like the answer. 
Viktor clears his throat. “She’s very, eh… spritely for her age,” he adds, fondly this time. 
You hum a soft sound in agreement, too shaky through the legs to squat down to eye level with her. When you bend your knees to try, you realize you’ll probably never get up again. 
He glances over as you straighten up. “You can sit,” he offers without really saying where. It’s obvious, though. The only option—his rumpled bed, never made, with all its mismatched pillows. One has definitely been stolen from the couch, three are yellowed and missing pillowcases which is… ew. 
But you’re not going to refuse. You’d like to hold Rio, after all. 
You swallow hesitation and tuck yourself onto the end of his mattress, balancing on the firm edge. At least the intrusive thoughts are fleeting. Only briefly do you wonder what he thinks about at night. What he does. What he wants for.
Not you. That’s for sure.
Your elbows lock out where you grip the ridged edge of the bed. The weight of things gone unsaid, of things left unresolved bears down; it prickles warm at the back of your neck and you can’t stand the waiting silence. 
“So…” you drawl, letting your voice fill the void.
“Are you going to hand her to me now, or…?”
“Ah, no, I’m finished,” he says over his shoulder. “She needs to go back in the tank.”
“Then why am I sitting here?” 
“Because I have something to ask you.”
Straightforward. Right. You forgot just how terrifying that can be. 
“That sounds just as bad as saying we need to talk,” you mutter, heart twisting into a suffocating, arterial knot. 
“We do, though,” he says, too literal, too preoccupied with placing Rio back in her clean terrarium to notice your soul leave your body—preemptively abandoning ship. 
But he’s merciful, at least. He doesn’t keep you in suspense. 
“I just want to understand at what point you developed such a vested interest in, eh… fixing me, I suppose,” he asks, like wondering what the weather will be tomorrow or what the dining hall might serve for lunch. Conversationally. “Did Jayce put you up to this?”
Your eyes narrow in thought. “No…?” you reply. It comes out too shifty as you toy with the serged edge of his blanket. Jayce put you up to something alright, though that hardly matters anymore. But, in a way, does this count? Would Viktor think that this counts?
“A sure answer, please.”
“It’s just that I would lump that in as part of being friends with you—except I’d call it, y’know, caring?” You draw your leg up onto the bed, closer, tucking your foot beneath your thigh. “That’s all I’m trying to do.”
Viktor flips the grate down with a finality that lights your nerves like a beacon to flee. “So he asked you to do what, exactly?” 
“Nothing,” you squirm. 
He pivots, solidly on two feet. Doesn’t sit down in the desk chair quite yet. “It wouldn’t be the first time for this behavior, and, with you, I’m sure it was not the last. Do you know that he once provided Caitlyn with a written list of topics not to bring up to me?” 
You shrug, “He’s a good friend...” 
Now you’re staring down the barrel of being just the opposite—of throwing Jayce under the bus. 
“What did he ask?” Viktor presses.
And you break. Made brittle by your desire to put him first, of course you do.  
“All he wanted was for me to give you a chance, which was pretty reasonable after you called me annoying—” that word comes out with a bite to it you didn’t intend; sensitive, sore, “—but I never told him about that. He’s just… worried about you in his own way, I guess.” 
Viktor quietly raises an eyebrow, and that’s all it takes to snap you into fours next. It practically falls out of your mouth: “He keeps texting me to make sure you’re still alive. Sometimes I think he’s joking, but then one time he told me he had a nightmare that you drowned in the pool, so part of me actually thinks he’s being serious.” 
“He is.” 
“Wait, really—?”
“Is that why you come so often now?”
Wednesday. Friday. Sunday. Monday too, sometimes, if the day before hasn’t left you sufficiently sore enough. The pain means progress. It must.
“Well, no,” you blink, “that’s mainly because I have a lot to work on.”
“Do you?”
You gesture to yourself. All of you. The way your stomach folds and rolls and fucking exists unappealingly beneath your sweatshirt when you slouch—it could be better. The way your thighs pancake out, smushed against the bed—not getting better, but discipline and toning might shape them into something near desirable. “Yeah, obviously.”
He treads lightly. “I… would not say it’s obvious.” But his eyes are cast down as he carefully removes his rubber gloves and discards them in a bucket of cleaning supplies. He’s not rude enough to agree, but you worry, in all those moments you can feel him looking at you, that he’s thinking it. After all, he’s willowy, sharp and elegant in a way you’ll never be. Soft and fleshy. Never quite right. 
“And that’s because you’re, what, zero percent body fat?” you sigh, gesturing to him incredulously. “I’m not implying that’s healthy or ideal—honestly, I’d share some if I could—but…” Your hands curl to your chest, clasped tightly in one another when there is no one else to hold them through the indignity of admitting, “I’m the one that needs fixing. Not you.” 
He was right, though, when he said it earlier. This isn’t about you. “Where did you come up with that, anyways?” you ask. 
The lines on his face, those deep, concerned creases between his brows, spell out what the fuck. You don’t understand what’s so hard about that question—what he can’t figure out, why the confusion lingers in his eyes. “This… This is the second time you’ve offered to help me.”
“I was trying to be supportive. Encouraging, even—that’s also a good word for it.” 
“It all feels the same,” he tells you, taking his turn to sigh. “Which is to say patronizing, sometimes.”
And that was not what you intended. “I’m sorry, I’m not trying to be a saint or anything. That’s not entirely it.” You fight the turtle-like urge to retract into your sweatshirt, which would arguably be more stupidly embarrassing than admitting: “I was just looking for… common ground, I guess. Ways to hang out without dragging you out with us.” 
“Are we not doing that right now?”
“Sure, but I feel bad about it.” There’s the silvery peek of his computer, buried on the desk. “I’m keeping you from more important things.” 
“You’re not,” he says—no, placates, but the disbelieving press of your lips makes him reconsider. “Well, eh, perhaps, but I can manage. I’ve dealt with Heimerdinger’s high expectations and, mm, sadistic deadlines for years. The weekends work well to make up for lost time, and there is all night after this too.”
“You should sleep.”
“I can’t. Not well.”
You give a creaky little bounce—not much of one, no spring to it—to demonstrate: “Maybe because your mattress feels about as hard as sleeping on the ground.” 
“One problem of many, yes.”
You count yourself among them, in one way or another. You’ve been leaking these awful insecurities all night. 
Is it any wonder that another slips? 
“It’s just—the last thing I want is to bother you. Everyone, really, but especially you.” 
“Is that because of me?” he asks quietly. “Because of what I said?”
Oh, you’ve carried this around since day one. Let it color his tone and his words and his actions. Let it haunt you trying to reach for others, the freshest nick in a line of scars that was never stitched properly. That’s what you get for letting all those little anxieties run wild with knives in their hands. That’s what you get for forgiving him before he ever asked for it, as if that would make things easier. For you. For him. For everyone. 
It hasn’t.
Viktor crosses the three steps between you on bare, nobby feet. His weight dips the bed beside you ever slightly, like he’s hardly there. But he is, by the way his leg bumps your knee, and you scoot over to give him space.  
He doesn’t seem to know what to do with his hands, grasping at some distant thread. They’re as awkward as he is in saying, “I can’t recall what I meant at the time, but it… it wasn’t that. It would’ve been fine if you thought less of me for it, but not of yourself.” 
You shake your head. “It’s—don’t worry, it’s not all you,” you say, softening his guilt, perhaps at your own expense. “I have a lot of anxiety, and that’s a long running thing, okay? It’s mostly… me.” 
“That’s… good to know. About you, I mean. Not that it’s—it’s good. Just, eh, helpful to know.” 
“I guess that’s generally the benefit of being upfront about things,” you shrug as if it comes easy. 
“I would prefer that, I think.”
It doesn’t, but the light, fizzy feeling of relief makes you want to try, if only to have more of it. Maybe more of his shy little smiles too. This time with more intention, and less leaky word vomit. 
“Okay…” You shift to face him fully, mirroring his posture in leaning back on your hand for support. “Then in no uncertain terms, I want you to know that I’m not trying to fix you.” Been there, done that, got the shitty dunce hat. People don’t change unless they want to. You know that. “I just wish you were kinder to yourself, but that’s on you. So if you ever decide you want better, whatever that means, I’ll be there. Only if you want me to and only on your own terms—no physical activity required.”
“I might want to consider it, you know…” His voice lowers, softer and softer with hesitation, to the point that you find yourself leaning in. Noticing, as he seems to have noticed, that your hands are a hair’s breadth apart. “As a future prospect, if anything. But you have to understand, I don’t enjoy being watched.”
“I get that.” 
“Mm, no, I imagine people stare at you for very different reasons,” he mutters. “Not pity. Envy, perhaps.”
“I promise, most people don’t want these thunder thighs,” you huff, resisting the urge to slap them like a used car salesman. These babies can fit so much soul-crushing insecurity, which is a terrible pitch, really. The occasional bouts of self-loathing are not your strongest selling point.
He lets out the strangest bark of a laugh, so dry it’s almost ugly, as if he can read your mind. 
But you didn’t mean to derail. “Sorry, continue.” 
“Right…” Viktor draws in a long breath, quiet for a moment before he figures out how to word it. “It’s as simple as that I would rather go unseen. It’s very, ah, personal. And painful, sometimes.”
You think of the age old adage: If it hurts, don’t do it. “Um, not a doctor, but I don’t think it’s supposed to be?” 
“So they say,” he nods pensively, eyes ticking over some distant thought, maybe a memory. “It wasn’t like this before. The discomfort wasn’t… serious. That’s how I was able to ignore it for so long.”
“Ignore what?”
Not the brutal slam of the garage door across the house, for one thing. The pictures on the wall must be hanging crooked now.
Viktor sits straighter—if that’s even possible—and calls out: “Jayce?”
Footsteps—softer, distant.
His eyes snap back to yours. “It’s been a week since he’s come home,” he tells you in a quick whisper. “Mm, well, in the evening. He’s here in the morning—”
“To work out at the ass crack of dawn? I know.”
“You were invited?”
“He knows better than to think I’ll get up that early. I saw on his Instagram.”
Footsteps—louder now.
Viktor nods sagely. “Ah, yes, the stories. By my count, he has written, eh, ‘rise and grind’ forty three times since the first of the year.”
“That’s…” Your math isn’t great but, “More than once a week,” you whisper back, on the cusp of giggles as Viktor nods. And then, it hits you. “Wait—”
But the footsteps have stopped. 
And instead, there’s Jayce’s stoop-shouldered figure braced in the doorway. He sniffles loudly.
He’s still dressed in the khakis and blue button down he wears to work—rumpled, sleeve cuffs smeared darker. His eyes have that red, raw, burning swell of someone who's tried very hard not to cry, and failed spectacularly. 
Viktor finds the words you’re looking for with immediate precision. “Has something happened?” he asks, voice tight, hand tighter on your shoulder as he leans around you to look his roommate over. “Jayce?”
They spend a lot of time apart. Sometimes it’s easy to forget that they’re best friends too. 
He swipes at his nose as it runs into the raw little divot above his lip. Beyond sadness, there’s a guilty cast to his dark, hazel eyes, turned down to the floorboards, but you can’t find your voice to tell him that this isn’t what it looks like. 
“Are you… injured?” Viktor tries again.
Jayce shakes his head. No. 
“Is your mother alright?” 
“She’s fine,” he rasps. “Um… Can I just—?” he asks, gesturing weakly to the two of you.
Which you think must translate to: “You want to come sit?” 
Viktor’s of course comes without apprehension, without judgment. Only with the apparent surprise that he even needed to ask. 
But Jayce, in several long legged strides, doesn’t come sit. No, he collapses face first onto the bed behind you, all broad, shaking shoulders and quiet sniffles seeping out from behind his arms. They hide his face and nothing else. Hands curling, clenching into his shirtsleeve, there’s the thick band of a tan line striped across his middle finger. 
You turn yourself around, scooching closer, folding up cross-legged to face him. 
You’ve never seen him like this—laid so low. A sweat stain blooms dark at the small of his back, up between his shoulder blades, but sweat is sweat and Jayce is Jayce. You reach out to rub his back despite it.  “It’s alright…” you whisper. Feels like putting band-aids on a bleeding heart, but it’s all you have. 
Soft cotton weave catches the peeling skin of old blisters as you soothe your hand in circles. His shirt leaches the vetiver smell of cologne, but somewhere beneath it, there’s an elegant, cloying perfume still lingers. It’s no secret where he spends most of his time these days. 
You meet Viktor’s searching eyes and mouth: Mel. 
He nods gravely as if to say he drew the same conclusion.
Say something—that’s your next silent suggestion, canting your head toward Jayce. 
But instead, Jayce takes a deep, wet, shuddering breath and asks, muffled into the mattress, “Can… Can we go to Taco Bell?” 
“Sure…” you murmur. He could’ve asked you to drive him two states over to bury a body and you would’ve agreed just as thoughtlessly. Anything he needs. “We’ll take you.”
He doesn’t move. Just sniffles at a prompting little scritch to the nape of his neck, where his hair fades out to shadowy, peach-flesh fuzz.
So you ask, “Do you want to go change, and then I can drive us?”
“Can I just have a minute? Please?”
“Why?” demands a perplexed Viktor, still soft spoken. Desperate for an answer that isn’t made of cobbled assumptions; blunt in its pursuit. 
And worried. You can tell that he’s worried. 
As if you’d been the one to ask, the personification of wet, doleful misery lifts his head and looks up at you. His face is a ruin of dark, clumpy lashes and tear-tracked skin. His lip wobbles, the pressure of withholding little sobs building, building, building. But speaking it aloud makes it real. Speaking it aloud breaks the levee. 
“I think we just broke up,” he finally whispers. 
And cries face-down for another hour after that.
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local-omen · 1 month
bad batch finale thoughts!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
first of all damn. like damn. they really did it. those crazy sons of bitches did it. they ended this beloved show in a way that was cathartic, happy, full of tension, and did all the characters justice. my faith in star wars has been restored. i am so happy
—— the tension was unmatched this whole episode. like narratively, killing off tech told us as the audience that no one is safe, there’s no plot armor. so the whole time i was like omg they’re all gonna die but they dIDNT BECAUSE THEYRE THE BEST IN THE BUSINESS AND BECAUSE THEY HAVE LOYALTY AND LOVE FOR EACH OTHER AND THATS WHAT THIS HAS ALWAYS BEEN ABOUT. LOYALTY AND LOVE. AAAAAAAAAAAAAAAA
—— CROSSHAIRS HAND IM SOBBING there is something so heart wrenching but amazing about his 'shooting hand' being taken away from him. it's like the physical embodiment of why he was created but now that he's free of that embodiment, he can choose to be whatever he wants. such a good choice narratively imo
—— that elite task force was badass i'm obsessed with their designs and their fighting styles i kinda wish we got more of them but they were also terrifying
—— crosshair finally made the shot that mattered the MOST. i love him so much. like he seriously means so much to me idec
—— still bummed that tech is actually dead (no he’s not haha loser i’m happy in my delusions). while i do think it’s technically more realistic for clone soldiers bred to die and raised with the expectation that they’ll be killed in battle to lack emotion, i think the lack of emotion this season was to its detriment. however i will say that the “clone force 99 died with tech” line was so good it pretty much made up for it lol
—— THE ENDING WAAA A A AAA A. A A A A. A AAA. A A A A A. A A AAA AAA AAA AAAA A A AAAAAA A A. omega and hera best friends confirmed. they were rebellion pilots together. omega is in the rebellion. like that is just the perfect ending to her character i can’t even. because of course she would. and i love her. i’m so proud of her. she is the heart and soul of this show and anyone who hated her is prolly feelin realllll silly right now
—— damn we’re really just not gonna know who the cx 2 operative was huh. like. he really was just a guy
—— that last shot of tech’s glasses almost got me i fr almost cried. he would be so so so proud of omega. he would be proud of all of them
—— omegas and hunters older designs mean everything to me. just. storytelling through clothes will never not be my favorite thing. her little skull patch 😭🫠 the bandana 🫠🥲
this show means so much to me, truly. it has inspired me artistically, comforted me, and connected me to some amazing people. i don’t even feel stupid for writing all these thoughts about a ‘silly little star wars show’ because damn it this is what art and stories means to people!! this is how powerful they can be! i do not need to hide behind jokes and irony to communicate how much this artistic work means to me!
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lynnlovesthestars · 8 months
Your masterlist says your requests are open so if you’re cool with it could I request a Karlach x reader where Karlach discovers the reader is ticklish and they’re embarrassed about it because they secretly like it?
omg hiii, OF COURSE I'D LOVE TO!
Edit: damn I'm an idiot, right after i posted it i realized my brain played a trick on me and convinced me that the prompt was slightly different Tomorrow I'll try and write it again so I'll fill the request properly, sorry bit it's 3:00 am lol! For now I'll still drop the one i wrote..
Pairing: Karlach x reader.
Genre: fluff.
Warnings: just a little of insecurities
Synopsys: that laugh you hate.
AN: Post act 3, i didn't like the painful ending so i decided this is how i'll headcannon it
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You swore this was heaven: laying next to Karlach as the linen sheet wrapped loosely around your bodies while you spent your time getting lost in each other.
At the end of your adventure together, you all deserved a break, and winter approaching Baldur's Gate was perfect for it.
You and Karlach had spent the first few days free from the illithid to find a tiny place to share, just the two of you as you figured out what to do.
Being the hero of Baldur's Gate had its benefits, and a spectacular discount for a house was one of them.
It was nice staying in the outer city, not too far from where Jaheira lived, so you could keep up with the antics of the harpers.
It was early, too early to get out and to start helping with the reconstruction of the city, so you did sleep in.
That's how you ended up there, Karlach hovering over you, and raking her nails along your skin.
She had been so touch starved that she'd spend days just feeling you close to her.
One morning she spent her whole time pressing sweet kisses all over your face, and caressing your cheeks, just for the sake of feeling you.
The way she giggled every time she'd realize she was truly able to feel you, was able to thaw even the coldest heart, you couldn't help but blush at it.
Her voice in the morning was unexpectedly sweet, low, just a mutter under the sheets as she held you close.
When Karlach's fingers reached your hips, and her nails started drawing incomprehensible patterns, you could feel your breath itch in your throat. Your body shivering wildly even at the smallest movement. A choked laugh escaped your lips as she looked at you surprised, yet not stopping.
"P-please stop" You tried to stop the laughter, concentrate on making your angrier face but to no avail.
"Oh what is it?" She taunted you playfully, her eyes wide and twinkling.
"Mh, is my princess ticklish?" She lowered just enough to peck at your lips without leaving your skin alone.
You wriggled under her touch, trying to escape as your expression would switch quickly between trying to be serious begging her to stop, and your uncontrollable laughter.
Don't laugh, Tav. Don't laugh. You repeat yourself trying to not embarrass yourself.
You could feel your stomach starting to hurt as the fit of laughter was almost impossible to stop, then Karlach suddenly stopped.
Her eyes softened as you laid under her, she barely held you as you regained your breath and turned your head away. From one part you wanted to be mad at her for not stopping, you HATED being tickled, from the other you shied away from the burning gaze.
If you didn't know any better, you'd think she was about to rip you apart.
Instead he eyes burned with something deeper, an affection so deep, that neither of you ever experienced before.
You both wanted to say something, but it was like the words stopped in your throats. What was lingering on your lips, those words you always feared to say, quickly became a scoff as you wanted to stir the conversation away from something you were not entirely ready for.
You kept your head away from Karlach's your arms quickly met on your chest, tightly folded.
You could feel her flopping on your side on the bed, poking your cheek just enough so you'd turn to stare at her.
She was about to ask you what was going on, if she hurt you, but you'd rather talk about the tickling problem than your feelings.
"I hate being tickled." Your brows furrowed, your face a weird mix between annoyance and the laugh that was yet to die completely. Karlach's face shifted at the speed of light. The worried look she had a moment before, made room for a bright smile.
"O c'mon, it's not that bad" She nudged lovingly, wondering whether she wanted to open her arms to you, or snuggle closer and rest her head on the nook of your shoulder.
"Mh, yes it is" You mumbled as you looked at the ceiling, it's true that you hated being tickled, but how could you be mad at such a dashing smile? You thought as you stared at the way the wood planks would be lined.
"And why would that be?" she asked, getting closer and closer by the second, until she was about to lay on you.
You wondered for a moment whether it was a good idea telling her, or if it would have made the thing just more embarrassing for you. You already wanted to hide under a rock, the idea that she heard your uncontrolled laugh, the one where you'd always end up snorting, made it even worse. Maybe taking the spot of a genie in a lamp was not so bad after all. You hated that laugh so much you could feel your stomach fighting already.
"..it's embarrassing" You admitted, your voice barely audible.
"Oh, no. I don't want to hear this excuse" Karlach sat up, shaking her head vigorously.
"It's not an excuse" You kept your arms crossed, but finally turned her way, your expression unreadable for a moment.
"Sure" She rolled her eyes. "And what is embarrassing about it?" She raised an eyebrow as she eyed you from top to bottom, or the closest thing the blankets allowed.
"The snorting" That's it, you wanted so badly to be a spellcaster, just enough so you could disappear and run away, and yet your bloodline was everything but magic inclined.
"Oh shush. Your laugh is adorable" She poked your cheek, as she already was sneaking next to you again.
An mhfp was the only sound you made as you wanted to say you didn't agree, but you already knew how it would go.
She didn't accept the idea that you didn't love something about you, and she would always do her best to prove you wrong. So for that time you skipped telling her, though it didn't matter. It was like she read your thoughts all the time, you could have sworn no one knew you like she did.
"That's it, I'm proving you are wrong" She jumped up again straddling your hips as her hands were already itching to tickle you, even saying it just as you thought she would,.
"Oh no you are not going to dare" You shook your head, trying hard to wiggle away again, failing miserably, again.
"Ah ah, you are not going anywhere" One of her hands reached for your fingers, interlacing it with hers before pulling it up just enough she'd be able to kiss your palm. And the back. And your knuckles. Just enough so you could lower your guard before letting it go and sticking again with her tickling.
This time she didn't give you time to fight the laughter, she giggled as you squealed under her touch.
Her smile was bright, like the light of Lathander. It was something that no matter how upset, sad or desperate you could be, it was always able to stir something in you, deep in your stomach, something that you couldn’t resist.
It was that smile that always coaxed you to do the dumbest things, to sleep in, to fight until the blood of your enemies covered your armors, to try and love yourself.
Cause no matter how much you'd hate you, Karlach was always there to guide you the right way. Showing you how pretty, how kind, and how cutely you laughed, always making sure that the bubbling feeling in your stomach would not die down.
Little did you know what the name of that feeling is.
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percsane · 1 year
— awkward ☆
pairing: riri williams x blk afab reader
content: mentions of sex, kissing, fluff, fwb trope
summary: (y/n) and riri love each other more than friends, but neither of them know how the other truly feels.
kendall’s note: i literally was js listening to music and heard this song and was like omg i need to write so yeah
taglist: @widowmakker @shurismainbxtch @verachii @dejaonline @msplayas @quintessencewrites @letitias-fav @0hshoot1tsl4ni @niceeeeej21
(♡) or rb! :)
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You panted, catching your breath, riding out your orgasm as you turned to riri, seeing her pull her pants back on.
“That was good, you were good..” she smiled at you, making you swoon a bit. you couldn’t help but stare at her, how she still looked amazing even after sex. 
Her light laugh broke you from your trance, coming back to reality. And the reality was, riri wasn’t yours, and you weren’t hers.
It hurt you to your core to even think that. the two of you were both ‘friends with benefits.’ And you didn’t expect that almost a year later, you’d be head over heels for your best friend.
While the two of you talked you couldn’t help but stare once again. You’ve always thought riri was gorgeous.. maybe you were a bit biased but you didn’t care, she was absolutely beautiful to you and always would be.
You leaned in for a kiss, one you wanted to be sweet and passionate.. seems as if you almost forgot that Riri Williams was not your girlfriend. 
Once she feels your lips on hers, she pulls you closer. She has one hand on your thigh and the other around the nape of your neck, pulling you closer into the kiss. When she bit your bottom lip, you knew it wasn’t going the way you wanted it to.
You hold back a moan and pull away, making riri lean in more. You put your hand to her chest, stopping her from coming closer. 
“Hey.. did i make you uncomfortable? i’m sorry, i didn’t mean to be too forwar-” she rambles on, making you shake your head. 
“no, no! it.. i just wanted to, you know just kiss.” you shrug. “(y/n).. we never just kiss..?” she states, though it sounds more like a question, letting out a confused chuckle. you then realized exactly why she’s not reacting the way you thought.. she’s not yours.
You let out an anxious chuckle and nod vigorously, jumping off the bed you two laid on, putting your pants back on. “Right.. right! What was i thinking?” you sighed to yourself, getting your things. “See you tomorrow?” You ask, making riri nod slowly.
You close the door behind you and mourned on your way back to your dorm.
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Its been a couple days since you stormed your way out of riri’s dorm. You were completely embarrassed, so you avoided her. Was it the best idea? Maybe not.. But you didnt know what to say to her.. How were you supposed to talk to her now?
You decided that you needed to focus today, you wanted to get a little ahead in your classes so you got dressed and got ready to go to the cafe.
You walked to one close by campus, studying and listening to music calmly.. That was until riri walked in. You watched her, watch you. When she saw you, she had this glint in her eyes, and you couldn’t tell if it was anger or frustration. 
She walks up to your table, sitting in front of you, and as she did you watched her. You watched how her chest heaved up and down, how she was breathing hard.. Yet she didn’t run or anything.. Hm. 
“Yo.” she was fuming.. Not because you wouldn’t have sex with her again or anything, but bcause you haven't talked to her in days, and you’ve never done this before. You knew more than anyone how much she hated miscommunication, she wanted you to be honest and when she realized you haven’t been, she got upset.
“Hey..” you murmur, closing your computer to finally face her. 
“Why haven’t you been answering my calls, my texts?? Do you know how worried ive been??” she erupted, all of her frustration finally leaving her. You knew she was mad but she looked good.. She always did. 
“Sorry.” you bounty shrug, not really knowing exactly what to say. “So.. is that all you got?” she lets out a scoff. “Unbelieveable, you go MIA and then when i call you out, you’re just sorry.” she scolds you. You both sit in an awkward silence for a second before you speak up. “We aren’t just friends riri. We both know that, and i dont think im okay with just being friends with benefits, because it’s awkward riri, its incredibly awkward and i absolutely hate it. And i regret doing this a lot, i mean.. Is it fun? Of course it is, its you.. But this is so much deeper than a friendship ri.. For me at least.” you exhale, letting it off your chest.
Once again, theres that awkward silence again, eating at you.. Then she speaks. “Listen.. Im glad you said something. I actually feel really similar.. I cant believe you let me ask you to do this because.. I cant stand it. I really love you.. And i dont wanna just be your friend anymore (y’n)..” She grins at you, chuckling at the surprised look on your face. 
“Can i be your girlfriend, (y/n)?” she asks, reaching and grabbing your hand. You smile and nod. “Uhn uhn, words mama.” she urges. “Yes riri, i wanna be your girlfriend.” you roll your eyes, watching her kiss your hand.
Maybe this wasn't that awkward..
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zeref96 · 2 months
Is it just me or i feel very bad for uenoyama
Ppl will go "stop bringing uenoyama in yuki posts" but will constantly bring yuki in uenoyama posts "ppl who said uenoyama deserves better are so stupid" and ppl will continue to trash on uenoyama whenever yuki or mafuyuki is involved im just really tired that uenoyama constantly getting sidelined for a dead character DESPITE being the mc
And MAFUYU omg throughout the manga his ASS did not DO EFFORT despite that UENOYAMA helped him through his grief, open up his feelings, finishes his dead ex's song, comforted his feelings and WAS ALWAYS THERE FOR HIM WHEN HE IS AT HIS LOWEST, and HE DID NOT GIVE ANY RETURN FOR HIM, the fact that its ALWAYS UENOYAMA THAT WILL ALWAYS DO THE EFFORT FOR MAFUYU and HE DID BOTHING TO CONTRIBUTE TO UENOYAMA,
Also OMG THE FANDOM IS INSUFFERABLE due to the CONSTANT UPBRINGING OF YUKI WHILE SHITTING ON UENOYAMA MAKES ME SO ARRRGH bc of that he and the fandom made me stop shipping mafuyama in general atp just give mafuyu a therapist atp,
personally when people say that in another universe that mafuyu and yuki will always be together but to me in another universe uenoyama will find SOMEONE who TRULY LOVES HIM AND TO DO THE SAME EFFORT TO HIM
sorry for the long ramble i just want to let this out
Anon I feel the same, the fandom loves to indulge in hypocrecy 😃 the fact that there are people who are trying to blame uenoyama for not able to communicate to mafuyu his problems and constantly blaming him for everything while mafuyu is this innocent boy who can't do no wrong bc he is sad his abusive boyfriend died is so annoying and they are acting as if mafuyama is perfect and truly love each other when it's always one person doing the effort and trying for the relationship so for me it's not surprising that ue thinks their relationship it's doomed because mafuyu doesn't seem to bother about ue, we still don't have any panel of mafuyu comforting ue or reassuring him about his feelings it's always just vague words but never truths also the fact that kizu couldn't even bother to draw new scenes for mafuyu and uenoyama or it's always drawing mafuyuki when that man has been a hindrance for the manga and mafuyu's character is so shameless, I'm just gonna say that even if yuki was alive his relationship with mafuyu is doomed bc that man was toxic and manipulative who loved to isolate mafuyu from the world, a relationship like that had no future even if he was alive but at least ue's character would have had a different future at least I know he would've taken more of the spotlight and be his own character than just being the "what if" kizu is writing, I really kind of hate his new design too bc people were saying he has the same hairstyle as that dead man when in reality supposedly his new design is for akihiko but anyways I want him with long hair now because the fandom ruins everything and I'm so happy people are starting to realize that mafuyu doesn't care about ue and had never bothered about his health or anything related to him even when ue was trying to talk to him, we just need more people to start to notice even if the wrong ones are loud, the majority of the given fandom are weirdos and love traumaporn that's they are so fixated on mafuyuki and refuse to acknowledge ue's character and his role in the story also I really hope mafuyuma breaks up so mafuyu can go to a therapist and heal but watch kizu make uenoyama apologize for having insecurities and doubts about himself to mafuyu, watch kizu make ue swear his undying love to him and carry again their relationship because mafuyu is so sensitive and has trauma and loves his dead ex, watch her insert yuki again to make him the spotlight and mafuyu a victim and the fandom start calling ue names again bc he is not a therapist.
I just want kizu to prove me wrong and make mafuyu chase after him instead of ue always doing the chasing for someone who doesn't prioritize him or value him in his life.
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crystallinestars · 20 days
Hello again, it's been a while! (since the last rants after the homophobia thing haha) I just wanted to send you and all the previous anons much love and support! I also hope that all these discussions will be seen as the humble brainstorming / sharing of experiences and ideas that they are.
As for all that was discussed before (loved the rants btw), I've said it before and I'll say it again: many people don't see stories as carefully woven threads / creative tools made by humans, they see it as tropes and mirrors. I feel like at some point experiencing stories has stopped being about "how do these things connect and what kind of interpretations can you draw from the source?" to become "what does this story says about / how can I make this story about me, myself & I?". And it doesn't help that this take echos one of the most common (but also very cliché ngl) thing that can be said about what a story is (I think we've all heard something like "stories help us learn things about ourselves").
If we go from there, what can you say to someone who sees their reflection in a story without looking or sounding like the "bad guy"? After all, how dare others question one's identity? Surely they must be some kind of puritan evil and a "x-phobe"!
I saw discussions on Twitter saying a few years ago that some people have cannibalized "leftist" jargons so much that they end up sounding like the very conservative they're trying to push back against and now "social justice" in many communities (esp in fandoms) is used as a weapon to police what everyone does in their corner, even if they're not bothering anyone else. It's too bad imo that in the court of social justice and its jargon, bullying and harrassment aren't treated as serious offenses, but I digress 🤷🏻‍♀️
Going back to the "people love tropes" thing, while I find it sad that it often seems they do not see anything beyond these tropes, a huge part of the blame definitely lies with the creators / companies providing this content. I agree with you 1000% that Mihoyo knew what they were doing with Alhaitham and Kaveh, what with how popular the phrase "and they were roommates!" has become. This is also why I hate when fandoms tell people like the bi anon for example that they should just "find other people like them in the community <3", because it essentially means "go be a killjoy somewhere else and spend your time dodging the content you don't want to see". I'm also not a big fan of popular fandom activties (shipping being at the top of the list, even if technically I don't mind hearing people talk about their hcs and interpretations, so long as they do it respectfully) so I understand how restrictive the experience can be.
And finally, the Kaveh situation. Both you and the anon made great points and frankly? Thank you so much for addressing all these things! Nothing irks me more than people going "omg x behaviour / outfit is SOO gay". I know it's supposed to be a facetious little joke originally and I'm also not here to bring justice to the pixels, but after hearing this so many times I'm starting to believe that many people genuinely think that you can identify a person's orientation just by looking at them. What happened to "traditional / straight men should embrace their 'femenine' side"? Idk, I think about this a lot and I've yet to truly gather my thoughts on the subject, but I do feel like this way of going about these things is a slippery slope leading straight into stereotyping territory.
Also, I feel you both when you say you don't think kavetham is a viable ship. It's of course a matter of taste and people are definitely allowed to play with different dynamics (healthy or not). I just think it's also a case of latching onto a trope (opposites attract maybe) and rolling with it. I've been friends with people whose personalities were drastically different from mine, and while it was fulfilling because we were constantly challenged by each other, let me tell you that this constant was also EXHAUSTING, to the point that it sometimes felt like having to walk on eggshells to keep the balance stable. So yeah, while I can see the appeal in a ship like kavetham, I'm not a fan. I could enjoy it if people focused more on the fragility and vulnerability that such a relationship can create, but alas. I suppose top/bottom discouse brings much more instant gratification.
Anyway, I think the girlies here (and all those who wish to join) should form an alliance and keep doing their things away from the drama. I'm really glad that your blog is a safe space to vent and talk about these things 💜
Glad to see you again, Anon! 💚
I never imagined that stating I'm not into BL in my bio would spark so much discussion on the topic of modern fandom culture. Not that I mind since I enjoy talking about these things, but it does make me wonder if there should be a dedicated space for it so everyone can talk about it together. In the meantime, I am more than happy to be a safe space for others to vent their frustrations and share their opinions on the topic 😊
We talked before about how people project themselves onto stories and characters, and you also made a really good addition to this that I haven't thought of before. It does seem like people stopped interpreting stories for their message/idea, and are now using it as a way to validate themselves instead. It makes me wonder what it is about modern Western culture that's pushing people to project so heavily onto entertainment media.
I won't comment too much on political jargon since I am not American, and oftentimes struggle to understand American politics. One thing I have noticed, though, is that a lot of Americans view everything around them through a political lens, even when said thing or person has nothing to do with politics. They jump to conclusions about where on the political spectrum said thing or person lies based on whether it aligns with their views, and then judge it to be either good or bad. No in-between.
And I also agree that the social justice camp has done a 180, and went from promoting equality and acceptance, to now policing everyone who doesn't adhere to their strict views of what is morally correct. It has led to a rejection of equality. I also wonder why these people feel the need to police everyone around them. Are they trying to make up for something deep down?
I am also very thankful to the anon for opening discussion on the issue of people assuming character sexuality based on physical attributes or behaviors. As we talked at length prior, the term "coding" is being thrown around everywhere to justify people's headcanons about characters. We've gone past sliding down the slope of stereotyping, because I've seen people use stereotypes to describe characters, and parade them as proof that the character is gay-coded.
For example, I saw someone say Kaveh is gay-coded because he whines and complains a lot, dresses feminine, and shows no interest in women (Said person also said a lot of other WILD things to try and defend their point. It was one of the most surreal conversations I've ever had). Some of this stereotyping started out as a joke, as you said, but lately it doesn't feel like a joke anymore.
Glad you are also of the opinion that Kaveh and Haitham wouldn't make a good romantic couple! Every time I see someone compile a list of how they're designed as a pair, and therefore meant to be lovers, I want to write a list stating why their personalities wouldn't make them work. Or if they do start dating, then why it would inevitably fall apart. But I digress.
I feel you when you say you've been friends with someone who is your polar opposite, and how difficult it can be. Though I wouldn't even call us friends because we are just too different to understand each other's point of view. It's frustrating and exhausting, for sure, which is why I commend you for being able to keep a friendship going.
Sorry for writing so much. I thought I would write less, but somehow I never can.
Thank you for stopping by and sharing your thoughts with us! It's definitely encouraging and vindicating knowing there are others who share our views out there.
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scoonsalicious · 2 months
the first thing i really want to say, i hate being right. i really hate it this time. WE WERE ROOTING FOR YOU BUCKY. I !!! WAS !!! FUCKING !!! ROOTING !!! FOR !!! YOU !!! I'll be calling you other names now until further notice. honestly, what more can I say? I basically said all the thoughts I had on my previous ask, and while at first they were based on theories, well, now they're not 😭 I'm not even mad at him anymore, I'm just so drained and tired of it all. Disappointed really. Just disappointed. I do know he didn't do the "<3" tho. Since Jethro went through his phone so she probably changed it herself. But that's the least of everyone's problem right now.
Like I said, if he had just confessed right off the bat, it wouldn't have been as bad, in my opinion at least. I mean, it's still a shitty thing to do no matter the semantics or technically, but it's the LYING. It's truly what fucks a person up. And yes with what you said!!! Brendon took so many choices away from Pocket!!! She was blindsided and manipulated to some degree and it's just. sigh. so disappointed.
Now, let me put my theory cap on because lol surprise, I have some. You said the first time didn't count. So something must've happened and I know you said it wasn't SA but sex pollen? could be? Or omg, something Hydra put because you know how they would probably want super soldiers to procreate even if it's against their will? What if Jacinta knows that code? and ..... shit, omg. wait. I just realized something. I really had to stare at my screen because this could be mind blowing but I also could be so wrong because this probably won't make any sense. BUT, (i know this will seem like i'm defending him but hear me out) if the first time wasn't his choice (not fully anyway), he probably still felt disgusted by himself that it happened. So, the second time, do you think Bob did it to punish himself? Like doing the act didn't give him any pleasure at all, just disgust and guilt and regret and actual physical pain? !!! TW !!! but kinda self-harm but in a different way? Because maybe in the back of his mind, he knew this would destroy Pocket, and the thought of that itself is so painful to him that, he did it as a way to punish himself? To hurt himself by hurting pocket? Which is a really fucked up mental gymnastic but idk okay, i have no idea how my brain works LMAO. He needs a new therapist my god. Or maybe he needs two. Or maybe I'm just way over my head and the reason the second time happened was because that was the time he saw the articles. OR could be both a mixture of both. And again, he had an actually devil in his shoulder. But still, to given in that easily. Weakass supersoldier if you ask me. Like I said, the whole "I did it for revenge" cuts differently too. Honestly just basically what i said on my previous ask hahaha
Sigh, I know there's something else going on. I know something was cooking underneath all that. I'm sure Jenny had more at play to this than Baker. I don't think she's that lucky that the universe just decided for everything to fall into place like that. I'm sure she had all the string. Like yes, I won't deny Bryan is an asshole, and he still did what he did. But still, no matter if there was something that happened that led up to the act (apart from the articles which is shitty on its own as a reason but he's a fragile weakass man so) It still won't change how he lied about it after. I do think the heaviest part of it, especially to Pocket, wasn't exactly the fact that he slept with Junia but the fact that he lied about it and covered it up.
I will add tho, as much as I am looking forward for Pocket to have her villain origin story, because she absolutely does deserve it, I'm just hoping she won't do something that she's regret later on. Though right now, I also have no idea how she's ever going to forgive him. We'll just have to wait and see as everything unfolds.
Honestly, I don't think I've got anything more to add. I'm just sitting here sighing and shaking my head as I'm typing this. Though I can't wait for the truth to unravel, because I really do have a feeling there's more than meets the eye. I'll probably pop back in if I have a new theory, but either way. You're amazing as always!
— Jnon 🤍
I think getting your posts are the favorite part of my day!
Let's address! I'm sorry you were right. I hate that you were right, but right you were. Pocket is also definitely drained and tired from it, too. Exhausted. Brutus definitely did not do the <3; he didn't even know how to unblock her. Venus Flytrap (going with a V-name this time, lol) did it all herself.
Part of what hurts Pocket so much is that Buckwheat knows her history, knows how much trouble she has with trusting people, and yet, he keeps lying. It's one of those "I lied because I knew the truth would hurt you," but he doesn't realize that the truth is so much more easy for her to digest than having to constantly wonder if he's being honest with her, just to find out he's not. One of the things they bonded over, early on in their friendship, was that they had had their bodies used by others, without their consent, so she thought he understood how important that was for her, and to have him make the same decisions her abusers did, by taking away her ability for informed consent, that's what's killing her. She thought he knew her better than that. Your theories! The "first time" doesn't have anything to do with sex pollen or Hydra. You are definitely close in that he felt disgusted with himself, which has a lot to do why the first time doesn't count. You'll have to wait until Chapter 27 to find out! It really was a happy accident for Jaeger Bomb that the articles happened. She didn't pull any strings, but she absolutely used them to her advantage. If they hadn't come out, she would have most likely come up with some other diabolical plan to get what she wanted. Pocket's going to face some dark times coming up, definitely. There will be a lot of self-destructive behavior and spiraling, but she's not gonna go full-on Thanos or anything (who could blame her if she did, let's be honest). The only person she's really going to hurt, going forward, is herself :( As always, Jnon, it is a pleasure. Thank you so much for bringing such happiness to my days <3 I love you!
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liliesonpandora · 10 months
heyy!! So I read all of your avatar fanfics and omll they're amazing!!!
And I was wondering if you could write one about Jake and neytiri, where neytiri is sick with the stomach flu and Jake takes care of her?? Ik its random but I love the wholesome Jake an neytiri ones! if you to busy and can't it ok!!👍❤💗💕
Hii omg thank you for reading all my fanfics and being so sweet 🥹 Jake and Neytiri have my heart, I wish there was more out there for them. Tysm for your request! I hope you like this one just as much as the others☺️🫶🏼
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Jake reached over and felt the absence of his wife laying next to him. He opened his eyes and sat up, trying to make out her figure in the night. She was at the other end of their home. “Neytiri?” He called to her.
When she didn’t respond, he began to walk over to her. She was hunched over, and over her shoulder he could see a bucket in her hands. He placed a hand gently on her back. “Hey, you okay?”
She looked up at him with a pained look and shook her head. He bent down and placed his hand to her cheek.
“What’s wrong, you feeling sick?”
She nodded. “I woke up because I felt pain in my stomach. Ive thrown up twice already.”
“Aw baby, I’m sorry you’re not feeling well. You should’ve woken me up.”
“I wanted you to sleep, I know you’ve been really tired lately.”
“Nah if you’re not sleeping soundly next to me, then fuck that.”
Neytiri managed a smile at his vulgar language.
“Did you eat something bad?”
“Not that I know of.”
“Hm, maybe you have a stomach flu or something.”
Jake barely finished his sentence before she hunched over the bucket once more and proceeded to throw up a third time.
Jake quickly scooped up all of her hair in one hand and rubbed her back with the other. They stayed this way for quite some time, until it seemed like the vomiting had ceased. He eventually put the bucket aside and got up to retrieve something. He returned with a water jug in his hands.
“Here, have some water. You’re probably really dehydrated.”
Neytiri gargled a mouthful of water and spit it out. Then she lifted the canister to drink the rest of the water.
“Don’t drink too much too fast. Only small sips every now and then” he warned her.
She sipped a little and passed the canister back to Jake. “I really hope that doesn’t come back up.”
He let out a little laugh. “Lets sit here for a while and hope for the best.”
He opened his arms wide, she crawled into his lap and leaned back on his chest. He wrapped his arms around her from behind, his chin resting gently on the top of her head.
Neytiri groaned and hid her face in her hands.
“What? You gunna be sick again?” He asked with concern.
“No, I just hate that you have to see me like this.”
Jake looked down at her in awe. It baffled him that she could still be so shy and embarrassed when she was nothing short of amazing in every aspect. He thought it was adorable. He removed one of her hands from her face and interlocked their fingers. “In sickness and in health, right?”
“Hm?” She asked while looking up at him, a little confused.
“Oh, its one of the vows people say when they get married.”
“Ahhh, I understand. As my husband, it is your duty to watch me vomit.”
Jake chuckled. “Pretty much.”
He felt like he’d known Neytiri for his whole life, so he often forgot that she was from a different world. Often times, it would be silly little things like this… a phrase or a food. But other times, he would think about the fact that theres an entire part of his existence that she would never truly know. ‘But that part of me is dead now,’ he would think.
Jake felt Neytiri tremble in his arms, so he rubbed his hands up and down her skin to create some heat. “You’re shivering.”
“I’m really cold” she said as she leaned more into his hold. “Thank you for keeping me so warm.”
“You’re burning up,” Jake said as he placed the back of his hand gently on her forehead. “I think you have a fever, baby… you definitely have the stomach flu.”
“Ugh, how long will this last? I’m so tired,” she said with a yawn.
“1 to 2 days, max.”
“Okay, could be worse. But my duties…”
“I will take care of your duties.”
Neytiri opened her mouth to protest but Jake spoke before she could. “End of story. Don’t worry about anything until you’re better.” He got up to dip a cloth in some cool water. He rung it out and folded it up thinly before placing it on her forehead. “Hopefully this will be okay until morning.”
“You’re very familiar with this illness.”
“Well yeah, I mean we would get sick all the time as kids.”
“You and your brother.”
“Mhm. Tommy and I would take care of each other…because we were all we had.”
Neytiri placed a hand to his cheek, wanting to let him know that she was there for him. She always felt empathetic and sad when he talked about his brother. She knew so much loss, but so did he. At least now, they had each other.
Jake put his hand over hers and locked eyes with her. When they looked at each other, they had a shared understanding. He knew he had her heart. “You should get some rest for now, lets go to bed.”
Jake lifted her up and carried her over to where they slept. She looked up at him in adoration. “Yawne,” she said to him softly. He smiled warmly back at her. After placing her down, he got into bed next to her and opened his arms. “Alright, come get this hot body.”
She smiled and settled into his chest, feeling his heartbeat against her ear. ‘So this is to be loved by him,’ she thought to herself. She surrendered to him and let herself be taken care of, something she was not accustomed to. Heat filled her body, fatigue washing over her. She let her eyelids drift down, now surrendering to the sleep. “Goodnight, my beloved. Thank you for taking such good care of me.” She told him with her eyes still closed.
“Sleep well, my love” he replied. He played with her hair until he felt her breathing slow… fast asleep.
Neytiri opened her eyes to Jake looking down at her. She had slept in his arms all night. She smiled lightly… grateful that he was always there when she woke up.
“You’re finally awake.”
“Hm? How long was I asleep?”
“About 12 hours.”
Neytiri’s eyes widened as she heard this. “What?!”
“Yeah, you were knocked out… which is a good thing. You need rest. How you feeling?” He asked while caressing her cheek.
“My stomach is still upset, but I do feel better than yesterday.”
“Thats good, you think you might be able to have some food? Just something small.”
“I dont really have an appetite but I think I feel well enough to eat.”
“I got you some banana fruit, it should be easy on your stomach.”
“When did you have time to get that?”
Jake peeled the banana and handed it to her. “A few hours ago. I got up and left you here sleeping. You didnt even stir. I came back and you were in the same position I left you in.”
Neytiri nibbled on the fruit as he spoke. She couldn’t believe that she slept that long.
“Oh, and I went and got this from your mom.” He grabbed a small bottle from his pouch. “You have to drink it twice a day to keep your fever down.”
Neytiri thought about how much he had done to care for her, and she was so thankful. “You are a gift sent to me.”
“Uh oh, I think this illness is worsening. You’re talking crazy,” he joked.
But Neytiri was serious. “Believe me when I say this, please.”
Jake sighed. It was always difficult for Jake to hear such kind words from Neytiri. He was forever filled with guilt over what he’d done. But he knew he needed to stop feeling sorry for himself, so he can be a better person for her. “I’ll try.”
This was enough for her to hear for now.
“You feel a little hot right now, so drink up.”
“Yes sir.”
Jake held the bottle up to her lips carefully until she had drank one dose. She grimaced immediately after. “That taste is absolutely horrid. If my mother was not Tsahik, I would have thought it was poison.”
“The strongest warrior I know gets defeated by bad tasting medicine. Thats an interesting concept.”
“Listen Toruk Makto… we all have our weaknesses.”
“You are mine.” He pulled her into a tight hug, not wanting to let go.
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lorillee · 10 months
btw i feel vindicated by your passionate dislike of Shelly DeKiller. It's been a while since I've played any AA games so I forget why I don't like him but since he's fresh in your memory; why don't you like the guy?
INCREDIBLY funny that you ask this right now because i literally just had a discussion with one of my younger brothers who is also getting into ace attorney about this. anyways i hate shelley for two reasons.
NUMBER ONE: what he did to maya. this is classic like "i hate the villain because he did bad things" but like . its maya. he was literally starving her ill kill him with my own two hands just for that
NUMBER TWO: he sucks at his job and is so tryhard edgy and yet everybody insists on pretending that hes SOOOOO scary and SOOOOO competent and SOOOOOOOOOO crazy like. okay. okay just look at this and tell me youre not getting second hand embarrassment
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like this is truly next levels of edgelord cringy. and the worst part is everybody ACTS LIKE IT ISNT!!!!!!! theyre all like WOOOOOHHHWWW SHELLY YOURE SOOOO COOL AND SOOO EDGY AND SOOOOO SCARY AND YOUR LAST NAME ISNT THE MOST EMBARRASSING THING KNOWN TO MANKIND !!!!!!!!
and like. hes just not good at his job. like hes really not. he literally walks around the hotel in absolutely 0 disguise other than wearing a bellboys outfit (couldnt even be bothered to cover up the incredibly noticeable and identifiable scar that literally splits his entire face in half) and takes the payment from his client in the MIDDLE of the HALLWAY??????? IN A HOTEL WHERE THERE IS AN ACTIVE CONVENTION????? FILLED WITH REPORTERS AND PAPARAZZI AND RANDOM FANS WHO ARE ACTIVELY PUTTING GIFTS OUTSIDE THE DOORS OF BOTH THE CLIENT AND THE VICTIMS ROOMS (YOU KNOW. THE ROOMS WHERE THE VICTIM WAS KILLED AND THE CLIENT IS GETTING PAID)?????????? and not only that but he literally didnt even notice when SOMEBODY SAW HIM???????????!?!??!?!?! hes just BAD AT HIS JOB!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
also bonus points for literally not even noticing that he was being recorded while he was killing the victim. like..... me when im an assassin and i dont even check the room to make sure its not bugged and then everybody is so scared of me forever because im soooo cool and im soooooo edgy and im soooooooooo shelly de killer
and also this is more of a pet peeve but people are like "omg.... hes a killer...... with a MORAL CODE !!!!!!!!!!!" because he values the relationship of trust between himself and his client but no he doesnt have a moral code he just has like. stipulations. thats....... not the. uh. same thing. though to be fair this could just be a weird translation
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golbrocklovely · 5 months
you know, I thought i might of been annoying with the amount of asks i send you, and that still might be true but people apparently love me… so im sticking around 😂 gotta build this aussie anon fandom… buy the merch (its just a tshirt with koala ears on the anon icon and ‘xplr me daddy’ across the shoulder blades)
also absolute fkn ditto to your post abt snc needing a villain era. especially colby. I learnt just the other day that apparently he goes thru this m drama every time he’s snapped with a girl. like every time, for years. that’s gotta be so horrible. like imagine being the constant reason your friends or dates get harassed online just for being around you. you’d feel like poison. i truly hope he finds someone who couldnt give two flying quacks abt that stuff. heck, if it were me (lemme dream, alright) and i knew this wasn’t just a once off thing… i was going to say my acct would be private and i’d have ‘message from strangers’ turned off… but i already have all that… Colby, I’m ready!!! lmao i jk i jk (or do I 👀)
anyway, back to colby fighting in the clubs. you said he’s possessive… im curious about that. like in a protective way over the people he cares about, or actually like “this is my person, back off” type? either way, hella shmexxyy
- aussie anon
omg this is such a long response so i'm sorry in advance lol
haha no you're totally okay to keep sending in asks. no one has a problem with it, especially me :)
and omg an "xplr me daddy" shirt would be hysterical and i'm surprised they haven't done one (even jokingly) before lol
and yes, it's not just girls colby is interested in either. it's EVERY girl - date, friend, stranger - it doesn't matter. if fans can find out who she is, they will send her hate. or at the very least bombard her with questions as to how she knows colby, what's he like, ect. it's honestly very embarrassing to be in this fandom sometimes strictly bc of that type of shit.
i've talked about how i've felt on colby's love life ad nauseum on here, but i don't mind speaking on it more. i genuinely believe this fandom needs a HUGE reality check. bc there are too many ppl in this fandom that believe they have a say in what he does with said love life. and now it's bled over into sam's.
the golden child apparently can do wrong now lol
like on xplrclub, they literally APOLOGIZED (half-heartedly, but still said sorry) for the pics of them with the girls leaking over new years. and that's just fucking bonkers to me. there is no reason two 27 year old men should be saying sorry to a bunch of random girls they have never met before and don't even know exist bc they are going out and having fun and dating. and what makes it worse is snc felt the need to do this. they don't need to explain anything to us, especially about their private lives.
and the amount of fucking fans i saw saying "well if you wanted to have a private life, keep it private. don't post things." and it's like…… idk how many times i have to say this, but SNC ARE NOT YOUR FRIENDS. them not telling you about a girl they are fucking with is not a betrayal. they don't know you. they couldn't even pick you out of a line up of two ppl. stop thinking your opinion is neccessary, especially when it comes to their personal lives. you aren't owed an explanation. idc if you've been in this fandom for years, given them tons of money, have a fan account dedicated to them on every site, repost their content all the time - NONE of that matters. you are a random person, you are a statistic. a view count. and while yes, snc care about us, that doesn't mean they KNOW you or that your opinion is VALID.
you wouldn't like a random person coming onto your account and bitching at you about your life choices, right? so why do you think snc deserve that? bc they're public figures? NOPE, not a good enough reason. you want to bitch at them about content and the choices they make on that? that's fine. but private, personal shit they do is none of your concern or business.
and i know there are plenty of fucking ppl that will call me a hypocrite bc god forbid i talk about snc's love lives - but reality is i know my opinion isn't worth shit. i'm not coming up into their comments, @ ing them every chance i get, just to give them my two cents. i do my best to keep it light hearted and silly. none of what i talk about is serious or direly needed info. which is also why i do it on a site they aren't privy to. they're not on here. me complaining into the void doesn't effect them. and i'm also extremely aware of the fact that i don't know everything. i don't know the full story, never will, and i'm not OWED it either.
sorry, that was a really long rant. but i'm just…. so done with the fandom rn lol i've been reading ppl complaining for too long about shit they don't deserve to complain about and it's just annoying at this point.
but to bring it back to your ask - i hope colby, and sam too, find a girl that fucking PARADES that she's dating him. of course, with colby or sam's consent. if i was dating one of them, i would rub in these fans' faces, and i mean that wholeheartedly. aww, you're upset i'm fucking your man? TOO BAD WOMP WOMP lmao
and as for colby being possessive, he's said it in some tweets in years' past. he's tweeted out before "Im such a protective, jealous person wow" and "I'm overly protective" followed by someone asking him "so that means if you had a girlfriend you'd protect her a lot" and he replied with "protect her with my life". so, i see him as being a very loyal person, who is protective of the ppl he deems as "his", so to speak.
in a relationship, my guess is that while he's not obsessive or demanding, he is very much like "you are my girlfriend". i don't see him to be the type to say you can't talk to this guy or be friends with these ppl, nothing like that. but he reads to me like the type to keep his arm around you while at the club, that way any guy that sees you know you're taken by him.
also side note, i know as a woman i should be like i'm my own person, i'm no one's but my own, blah blah blah. but a guy that's just a twinge bit possessive is hot. i'm sorry, it's my red flag and i know it is sksksks
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quodekash · 1 year
i went to sleep yesterday instead of watching the eclipse episode BUT im here now and ready to suffer in a good way from the beauty that is akkayan
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the parallels in this are crazy
the eclipse is filled with parallels and i love it so much
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this is so funny, akk why do you keep saying that, hes gonna keep kissing you-
I love them so much
i love the upside down kisses, it makes me think of the spiderman which makes me think of akk as spiderman which makes me think of how transmascs love spiderman which makes me have trans akk headcanons and ghjbdgfhjb i love it
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this scene is so funny
none of them even offer an excuse or explanation, they just run
what are namo and wat gonna do in the meantime while the others are doing their work 🤔🤔
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i think we all knew this would happen
lets give it up for our lord and saviour, wat
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sorry i know this is an important moment but-
but aye is just so short
and its so funny to me
even tho i know im shorter than khaotung by 16cm
its still funny
"i really want you to see them hug. theyre like two people who truly love each other but believe in different things" GRHJBSGD
i love platonic watsani moments they make me happy
some of my favourite scenes in the actual show are platonic watsani moments
theyre both my favourite characters (only by a little bit tho bc theyre all my favourite characters)
im just terrified of them being coupled together and im so glad theyve kept them entirely platonic and havent changed it at all, cos like for os2 they completely deferred off the seanmaitee train tracks bc winnysatang became a thing, but im glad theyve kept watsani's dynamic exactly the same, it makes me happy
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i know theyve been hanging out this whole time but its been ages since weve seen just these three hanging out, their little friend group who've known each other for years, and can read each other inside out
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theyve known each other for six years specifically
which is a really freaking long time
thats since they were in... year 6? BRO IMAGINE HOW TINY THEY WERE
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"i think people hate or are afraid of something because they don't really understand it" KAN SPITTING FACTS
also gotta love the metaphor
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look at how pretty this visual is
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guess who im adding to my parents-to-destroy list
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always, aye
aye, a summary: pretty
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the gender on these two is immaculate
i want their gender please
"your mouth is messy." "your mouth is messy too" "wipe it for me" "with what?" "your mouth." HHHHHHHH
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i think akkayan's cheek kisses will be the end of me one day
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there you go, communication, good job, finally
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oh you stronzo
he's finished the song, hasnt he
and hes gonna sing it to akk tonight for his birthday
all good tho, now he can date wat
sorry im being insensitive
i hope he feels better soon
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am i crying because of how much i love these two human beings? maybe.
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i find it so funny that theyre all peeing together
also having a wall separating the urinals is so smart why is that not a thing everywhere
ah shoot i ran out of images again, hang on
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landslided · 29 days
Do you have any headcanons for Johnny’s life between the end of tkk and beginning of ck? The show gives us a lot of background for his life before tkk but not so much after that
but omg, yes of couuuurse i do.
as a slight warning: canon is my sandcastle, i get to reshape it as i please, this might not be totally accurate to the info given by the show but i! don't! care!
tw: alcoholism, sex work mention, sickness
johnny did graduate high school but it was very precarious. bobby and jimmy pulled through in those last months by making the three other boys study as much as they could, tommy and johnny managed to graduate but dutch dropped out at the last second (and got his GED later, in prison).
johnny enrolled to business school because sid told him this was all he would pay for. he was more interested in a sport related career but sid told him trying for sport coach or exercise physiologist would just be a waste of time.
the cobras had a shitty rock garage band from 1992 to 1994, there are extremely cringe clips robbie would have definitely found and left anonymous hate on. johnny played the bass and sang. (robbie was upset that, yes, it was cringe, but his dad was kinda good)
johnny had messy MESSY relationships for whole of his twenties and the start of his thirties. he had a pretty serious girlfriend after his short time at business school but they broke up because he absolutely did not want her to meet his mom and it started a huge fight.
johnny also DID have relationships with men because i am of the #BiJohnnyAndAwareOfOIt school at least as he got older. he was extremely repressed in high school but had an awakening in his twenties. he and the cobras did fool around when they were younger but only johnny really seems to have stuck with it. (take that as you want)
(meanwhile to ME daniel larusso was aware that he liked men as a teenager but it didn't really become an issue until he was an adult and he is now creating levels of repression totally unreachable by the common man)
okay back to the question: johnny dated/slept with a few guys, mainly it was casual sex because he accepted he wanted to fuck men, he less accepted that he could also fall in love with them. he did have a pretty serious boyfriend who broke up with him to get married to a woman and it made johnny SO FUCKING UPSET (he couldn't really??? express it?? like yeah okay dude, it's chill we basically lived together but yeah go marry her i mean it was just fucking around right?) that he crashed the avanti. when he asked sid for money to fix it, sid said no and took the keys.
johnny had a bunch of jobs going from handyman to server, to basically anything under the sun that could pay his rent once sid threw him out. i do believe jhnny was a type of sex worker for a while although im not sure what and i don't think he stayed long.
johnny and laura were very close but as he got older, he started looking more and more like his father and it upset laura a lot.
he and shannon met in a bar, she was scamming guys out of their money at the pool table, johnny saw her and was like... i need to know her.
they WERE in love, it was genuine and real for a while but very quickly they understood they were too similar and couldn't have an actual relationship without devouring each other. they did continue to have sex for a long time because they trusted each other and stayed friends... until robbie.
when shannon got pregnant there was a moment they didn't know if it was his and johnny was like, even if its not mine i will help and it would have probably been easier for him to step up if it hadn't been his kid. shannon did a test, robbie was his kid and the mess started there.
laura got sick and it was long and agonizing. johnny tried to save face but that's truly when he started drinking (he always had a drink problem but this was the breaking point), shannon had robbie and johnny crumbled.
shannon and johnny tried to get back together for robbie but they did end up doing what they were afraid of doing: destroying each other.
for a while johnny was forcefully admitted to a psych ward by bobby and it worked as rehab for about six weeks but the moment he got out, it got worse.
meeting miguel is what saved johnny's life in many ways, however, meeting daniel larusso back in high school and then seeing him again at the dealership is what gave him the drive to keep trying (absolute spite)
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iamanonniemouse · 4 months
End of Year Book Asks
Okay, @vector-to-the-heavens, to add insult to injury, after I drafted a reply to your ask, and then tumblr wouldn't let me edit my draft but instead queued my incomplete draft, and then forced me to delete the queued post -- THEN it ERASED your ask!!!
the good news is I screenshotted my drafted reply so ALL IS NOT LOST no thanks to tumblr though
Seriously vec why does tumblr hate our friendship so much????
Anyway, you asked for 3, 11, and 16 from this list of books asks!
Putting this under a cut now cuz my ranting took up most of the post lol
3. What were your top five books of the year?
Oh man. VEC. HOW. WHY. God. Lemme see :pulls up list of the 265 books I read in 2023:
Okay, in no particular order:
Babel, by R.F. Kuang Incredible, mind-blowing, heart-breaking, just :flails: The magic in this world is fascinating in its own right but then Kuang turned it into such a pointed look at the results of colonization and how important language is to culture and identity andandand--
American Eden, by Victoria Johnson My friends know I have gotten into an absolute obsession with reading nature-related books, from the history of natural science to biographies about famous nature people to plain old books about birds and bees (literally. really.) This book is one of my favorites, it's the biography of a man who was a ground-breaking surgeon in America after the American Revolution -- who also was a huge botanist and created America's first botanical garden. (He was also the Hamilton's family doctor and was The Doctor present at the Burr-Hamilton duel.) I adored this book on so many levels, truly. It was just incredible to read.
The Scholomance Trilogy, by Naomi Novik (ssh I can absolutely count a trilogy as one book)@silverbrume has been singing this series' praises to me for AGES and I finally read it this year and WOW. It's just so good! Love the world, love the characters, love the found family, lovelovelove that it's a well paced and well tied-together trilogy where things from the first book that seemed like minor mentions turned into major plot points by book three. Just incredible and lovely and I already want to reread it.
The Seed Keeper, by Diana Wilson Really beautiful writing and so delicately handled. Speaks to so much about what America has done to the Native American peoples in terms of cutting off entire generations from their heritage with the boarding schools, and how difficult it is for someone to find their way back home when they feel so separated from it. I'm summarizing this one so bad, but just. Trust me. This book is incredible and you all should read it. I've got my MOM reading it, and she is awful about finishing books, but she is like...80% of the way through it and just keeps telling me how good it is.
Cherryvine, by Marina Vivancos Hey look since I've been reading majority MM romance I need to have at least ONE on here okay?? But more seriously, Vivancos is a phenomenal writer and almost always has stories that involve healing from past trauma/abuse. And what I love about her writing is how much she focuses on the healing process itself, and how gentle it always is. I could write you a laundry list of all the Vivancos books you should read, but that's for another post probably. This one is just beautiful though, really beautiful.
Honorable mention to The Cider House Rules, by John Irving, which honestly should be on this list but since I raved about it in my other ask response it felt like cheating to put it here again. But lemme just say -- JOHN IRVING MY BELOVED.
11. What was your favorite book that has been out for a while, but you just now read?
I answered 11 in this one but I'm going to cheat and answer again because I also read Pride and Prjudice this year and omg it was ADORABLE. I was over the moon with how much I enjoyed it. I am shamelessly obsessed with the 2005 movie (Matthew McFadyen as Darcy my beloved) and I was tickled with how many lines from the book were in the movie! Anyway, 10/10 highly recommend, it was just FABULOUS.
16. What is the most over-hyped book you read this year?
Okay, not necessarily over-hyped but I read More Than This, by Patrick Ness. As backstory, I read A Monster Calls years ago and omg. Talk about an incredible book. One of my all-time faves, forever on a recommendation list, just. Really good. And I never read anything else he wrote haha. But I heard a lot about More Than This, so I grabbed it from the library, and it was really intriguing at first. It seemed like some interesting, mind-twisty kind of story, like an inception limbo fic almost. I really really intrigued and I loved it. And then the last third of it just went....totally off the rails. Like what the FUCK. It was wild and whacky and also just so extremely violent??? In the final fight?? Like, in a way that was jarring because everything to that point had been suspenseful and tense but not gory. Anyway, yeah I was very disappointed in that.
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polaris-postmail · 10 months
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“Flowers for my Moon.”
Classmate!Scaramouche x GN!Reader
Another day in your life doesn't mean anything. You would always walk to school, not desiring to anger your mother. You never truly wanted to anger her, but it seems that for every move you make, she will always find a way to point out a mistake, even if there wasn't even a mistake. Moreover, she would constantly try to make you feel bad, and not one time did it not work. And you always felt bad for it, even though none of it was your fault. However, who was she to blame? You were just a child, and you were her own child.
You were lost in your own thoughts while walking to school, not looking where you were going. This day doesn't seem to differ from all the other days, it's always the same. You weren't feeling well again today, due to your mother offering to bring you to school. Knowing that it wouldn't come to a good end, you just politely declined her offer. And of course, she didn't take it so lightly. She kept accusing you of "hating" on her, she even said that you were just making her feel bad, making her feel as if she wasn't a good mother. You didn't want to anger her, you just wanted a good end, but it seems like you've failed. You only felt worse by thinking of it more.
Being so lost in your own thoughts, you bumped into someone while walking to school, making you fall on your behind. You were about to apologize and walk away, but then you recognized him. Sitting on the ground, you looked up at him and didn't move an inch, rendering you speechless. You looked like a statue and a fool on the ground. It was him. Your crush. Your classmate. The love of your life, Scaramouche! Your heart skipped a beat and you felt your soul leave your body as he turned around to face you while glaring.
"I... uhm... uh—" With a quick silent sorry, you immediately got up, snatching your bag away from the ground before running away. Hopefully, he heard your silent sorry, otherwise it would've been embarassing to face him for the whole day today.
It's 6:28 AM, and you've arrived at your destination, your school, your classroom. School starts at 7:00 AM, so you were quite early. Students were barely seen at that time, the only students in your room was you and your friend, Nilou. But who cares? Being early is a flex. Plus, you could even use your phone while waiting for class to start, something that you often couldn't do. But you were sweating and gasping for air, due to all the running and climbing the stairs, especially when your classroom is on the third floor. So obviously, you sat down on the first chair that you saw, took your time to catch your breath, taking five minutes off from your free time.
6:33 AM. You've finally caught your breath, and you weren't sweating anymore. But you couldn't lift a finger. Considering that you weren't much of an athlete, you had little to no stamina. 'It's 6:33 AM. No harm in taking a small nap, hehe...' You thought. But just as you were about to close your eyes, someone tapped on your shoulder, making you jolt up in surprise. All the tiredness left your body. Hell, even your heart almost leapt out of your body. "Gah! Nilou?! Don't scare me like that..." You were about to turn your head when— Ah. It's him. You didn't see or hear him enter the room before! What is he? A ghost? You felt your heart skip a beat as you felt your soul leave your body once again. You even looked like a lifeless statue again.
'What does this guy want now... Maybe it's me?! Omg, he wants me fr' You thought, even imagining an emoji with heart eyes. "Oh hi." With a simple hi, an hour conversation could start! You better get you hopes up, because this is definitely going to be good. A smile made its way to your clueless face, genuinely thinking that he would want to talk to you.
"Move. You're in my chair." He wasn't glaring at you like earlier, he just had that usual scowl on his face.
You were clearly devastated. So devastated that you were in a state of shock, causing you to only stare at his gorgeous face with a hopeless and baffled look on your face, and to stay still like a statue. You were slightly hurt by his words, also causing you to make a weird surprised face at him.
"What's with that weird face? I said move."
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