#one haven
youngveinsworld · 9 months
"It's coming out on a label called One Haven — it's pretty new. There's only, like, four artists on it now and Butch Walker is one of them," Ross told MTV News. "To be honest, the search for a label was really weird, because some of the labels that you wouldn't expect to care about stuff like radio formats were the ones that did care. They were like, 'Yeah, we love this record, but what are we going to play on the radio?' And I was like, 'You don't have bands on the radio.' "
Ryan talking about signing to One Haven in an MTV article about the Young Veins, March 2010 (x)
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assiraphales · 4 months
I love how this scene implies that zoro is a self diagnosed luffy enabler. like zoro COULD have gone with him but he specifically chose to stay behind. he took himself out of the equation completely and sent nami n sanji in his place. babygirl knows his strengths and his weaknesses i'll give him that
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overcastkid · 7 months
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ummm yeah
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hydrachea · 1 month
Thinking about Robin and Sunday's halos.
About how Robin's halo isn't a closed circle, but more like a branch forming a circular shape, where the start and stem don't touch. It's also uneven in shape and splits into three flowers, like it's allowed to grow freely, unobstructed. Something about Robin having left Penacony and having escaped the confines of her cage, being able to flourish. About her being able to let people in, and connect to them.
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Meanwhile Sunday stayed behind to be the head of the Oak family and conform to the strict role that's expected of him, and his halo is a perfectly symmetrical shape that's practically fully closed off. It's sharp, almost more like a crown of thorns than a halo. And it almost doesn't have any openings to let anything, or anyone, in easily. It actively discourages getting close to it.
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And then if you want to get sappy about, which I will - Sunday doesn't let anyone in, with that almost completely sealed, thorny halo of his... But there's an opening in Robin's halo, and so it can fit around Sunday's. Something about him always being able to find solace in her, because there's room for him in her (halo) heart always, by design.
Anyway I'm not normal about them.
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lazycranberrydoodles · 10 months
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i think the barbie movie would have a profound psychological impact on hua cheng
prev comic / next comic / follow for still more hualian barbie movie content because i am not done
bonus angsty version 🎉 i hate love expressions just a couple tiny lines on the mouth and eyebrows and it goes from silly to sad
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mrs-gauche · 11 months
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Alas, so long as the music plays, we dance.
(Cole's cryptic comments + The Song)
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pterosounds · 1 month
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Chappell Roan @ College Street Music Hall, New Haven, CT - 4/3/24 (pt 2/5)
see more in the series
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oderu · 2 months
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resident sharpshooter
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oozeandgoo-art · 2 months
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britepalette · 6 days
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One Page HAVEN is OUT
Arrive in a peaceful seaside Town, harboring terrible secrets and perils. This is a solo journaling rpg that takes place on a single sheet of paper and emphasizes drawing and sketching. Can you make it out of Town alive?
Based on the ONE PAGE LEFT system set up by M. Kirin.
Get this FREE game here:
Itch.io: https://brite-palette.itch.io/haven
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youngveinsworld · 11 months
one haven music artist bio: the young veins
the young veins' artist bio from their label's website
The Young Veins’ debut album, Take a Vacation!, played with both intellect and ambition – is a band that knows exactly who they are and where they are going.  As 23 year old frontman, Ryan Ross, re-imagines 60’s pop, tropicalia, old New York girl groups and fuzzed-out psychedelia to Nuggets-era garage rock and Stax-inspired soul, you will hear a band that is mature beyond its years and truly excited by the craft of songwriting– uncovering what came before and anxious to see what’s ahead. “We want to be good at our craft, whether it’s writing music or playing it live,” says Ross. “Jon and I just feel like a lot of bands have an either/or sort of feel – either they’re really poppy but don’t have a good vibe, or they have good vibe but the songs aren’t great. And we really wanted to avoid that. We feel like we’re trying to be the band that we’re missing right now.”
Ryan Ross spent his formidable years as the primary songwriter, guitarist and singer in Las Vegas’ wildly popular Panic! at the Disco, a band that rode to the top of the charts on dance-floor synths and impressive rock theatrics. However, over the course of two albums, Ross’s songwriting and musicianship began to evolve, mature and outgrow the stylistic bounds of the band. He and Panic! bassist Jon Walker had discovered their talents as a songwriting duo, and made the decision to step out on their own. Armed with new material, Ross and Walker made their departure, moved to Los Angeles, and formed what is now The Young Veins.
With Take a Vacation!, The Young Veins are that band. Recorded mostly live over the course of two short sessions at Castle Oak Studios and Sunset Sound in Los Angeles and produced by Alex Greenwald (Phantom Planet) and Rob Mathes (Panic! at the Disco, Carly Simon, Lou Reed) – and featuring guest vocals/instrumentation by fellow Californians Jason Boesel (Rilo Kiley), Danny and Michael Fujikawa (Chief) and Z Berg (The Like), the album is a stunning 29-minutes of deliberate and focused songcraft; concise pop and rock songs that embrace a dreamy California spirit but also epitomize Ross and Walker’s vast sphere of influence, ambition and artistry. “We wanted every song to have a different theme, like a specific subject,” says Ross, who splits songwriting duties with Walker, each helping the other hone and fine-tune initial ideas, finish creative thoughts and explore different stylistic directions. “We wanted them all to be little stories that you can picture in your head.”
From the first chord of album-opener “Change,” the record rocks, careens and rollicks through eleven songs, which grow and thrive amid Greenwald and Mathes’ minimal production. The band’s vital and vibrant in-studio performances, as well as their thoughtful use of impressive vintage gear, like the Wurlitzer, harmonium and Stylophone are lovingly interpreted for contemporary ears. From the breezy, fuzzed out pop of title track “Take a Vacation!” to the Spector-esque swagger of “Cape Town” and the jolting guitar of “Defiance” – to the gauzy, glimmering sheen of “Everyone But You” and the shimmering, “heels-over-head” love of “Lie to the Truth,” The Young Veins are an undeniably distinctive voice in music today, showing a knack for writing a timeless tune with a sweet, effortless delivery.
Take a Vacation! is both rousing and refined, boisterous and sophisticated, hard-hitting and full of heart. The album is a marriage of passion and perfectionism and through all of their songs ribbons a delight in melody. Take a Vacation! illustrates all that is special about Ross and Walker, gathering all their influences to create something truly exceptional.
The Young Veins live lineup:
Ryan Ross – vocals and guitar Jon Walker – vocals and guitar Andy Soukal – bass Nick White – keyboards Nick Murray – drums
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joelsgreys · 1 year
pains l a safe haven drabble
Post Outbreak! Joel Miller x Female Reader
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summary: When Ellie has awful menstrual cramps, you come to the rescue.
warnings/tags: 18+ only, MINORS DNI. talk of menstrual cycles, cramps, our lil baby Ellie is in pain, Joel is kinda useless but we still love him, little fluffy moments here and there. domestic fluff.
word count: 2k
a/n: so this is just a little thing based on this request right here. i love the idea of writing little extra blurbs and drabbles for this universe now that i am further into the series. i hope you like this anon, and thank you for being patient with my slow snail ass! *this takes place somewhere between the events of chapters five and chapter six
“Fuck, fuck, fuck—fucking motherfucker!”
Ellie loudly gasps out the string of profanities, clutching at her stomach as she doubles over in what you can only imagine has to be a world of pain. She steadies herself by planting one of her tiny hands firmly on Stella’s rotund side, her facial features twisted in complete and utter agony. She sucks in a sharp deep breath, her eyes squeezing tightly shut as she leaned up against the pregnant mare for support.
Letting out a small sigh, you set your clipboard down and walk around Stella and over to Ellie’s side. “Alright, that’s it,” you say, placing a gentle hand on her lower back. “You’re going home right now, missy. Do you understand me?”
“I’m fucking fine,” the teenager insists through her gritted teeth. “They’re just fucking cramps. It’s not a big deal.”
“Ellie, look at you. You can hardly even stand up straight,” you tell her, the slightest hint of amusement lacing your tone. You give her back a soft, soothing rub, prompting her to exhale the breath she’d been holding. “I’m sorry, but I just can't let you work like this today. They’re clearly hurting you very badly.”
“I’ve never had cramps like this before,” Ellie admits to you. She feels the sensations in her pelvis subside and draws herself back up to her full height. Her gaze finds yours and she worriedly asks, “Do you think something’s wrong with me?”
You hum. “No, not necessarily. Symptoms of your cycle can differ from month to month. I wouldn’t be too alarmed, not unless you get awful cramps like these each time you get your cycle.” You peer at her in concern. You’d much rather step on a rusty nail barefoot than have to take Ellie to see Luke at the clinic, but if there was something going on, you would have no choice but to take her. “Be honest. Do they hurt you this bad every month?”
“No,” she replies, shaking her head. “Sometimes I don’t even get them at all.”
You let out a small sigh of relief. “Then I think you’re just having a little bad luck this month,” you state, patting her shoulder. “The best thing for you to do is go home, get off your feet and get some rest until they go away.”
Ellie frowns. “How can I even rest when it feels like someone’s fucking twisting my insides in their hands like they’re wringing out a wet mop?”
You can’t help but to chuckle a bit at her oddly specific, yet incredibly accurate analogy. As a woman, you understand just how bad the pain could be and you empathize with her. At least when you’d been her age, you had been in the QZ where you could use your ration cards for a pack of expired Midol. “Listen, I’ll tell you what—I have a few remedies up my sleeve that might help. Go on home and I’ll swing by in an hour once I get everything that I need. Do we have a deal?”
Ellie opens her mouth to protest, but another wave of pain causes her to yelp and double over again. “Alright, alright,” she chokes out. “We’ve got a deal. Just please fucking do something to help make this shit go away!”
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Just like you had promised, an hour later, you find yourself knocking on Ellie and Joel’s front door. You’d made a couple of pit stops along the way, gathering the supplies that you needed into an old, floral printed canvas bag. 
“Peach?” Joel’s eyebrows shoot up in complete surprise when he opens the door and sees you standing there on his front porch in broad daylight. He takes a quick look around and lowers his voice when he speaks again. “Uh, not that I ain’t happy to see you darlin’, but what are you doin’ here?” The corners of his mouth pull down into a frown and a worried look flashes in his eyes as he looks over you, making sure you’re okay. “Somethin’ happen? Is everythin’ alright?”
You smile up at him softly.
By now, you’d just about gotten used to him and his overprotective nature. “I’m fine, Joel,” you assure him. “I’m actually here to see Ellie.”
He grimaces. “She ain’t feelin’ too good—”
“I know.” You hold up the tote bag in your hand. “That’s exactly why I’m here to see her.”
Joel seems to be a bit puzzled, but he steps aside and allows you into the house. As soon as he shuts the door behind you, he catches your wrist and gently pulls you towards him, swiftly stealing a quick little kiss from you. “Hi baby,” he greets in a quiet murmur against your lips. “S’kinda nice gettin’ a little sugar from you durin’ the daytime,” he jokes lightly before he steals another.
You giggle and playfully swat at his chest. “Cut it out, Joel. I’m here because I’m on a very important mission,” you inform him, taking a step backwards. “I sent Ellie home from the stables a little while ago and I told her I’d come by with a couple of things that might help make her feel better. Where is she?”
“She’s in here. Follow me,” Joel beckons to you with his hand as he leads you down the long hallway and into the living room. He gestured with a jut of chin to Ellie, who is sprawled out on the couch on her stomach, her small face buried into one of the cushions. “I took the afternoon off from patrol today. Didn’t want her to be home alone while she’s in so much pain but I’m useless. I don’t know what to do or what I can give her to make it stop hurtin’.”
“You’re not useless Joel—”
“No, he’s right. He’s pretty fucking useless,” Ellie mumbles miserably, her voice muffled by the couch cushion. 
You glance at Joel who tosses her an offended glare. “She doesn’t mean that, you know. She’s just in a lot of pain right now.” You touch his arm and offer him a small, sympathetic smile. “Do you mind if I borrow your kitchen for a few minutes to prepare what I brought?”
“‘Course not. C’mon, the kitchen's right across the way.” Taking advantage of the fact that Ellie’s face is still smushed into the couch, Joel takes your hand in his and starts leading you across the hallway into his kitchen. “What do you need, darlin’?”
“Do you have a tea kettle I can use?”
He shakes his head and drops your hand. “No, I don’t think we have one of those.”
“A normal pot will do, then,” you state, setting your bag down on the counter.
Joel nods and walks up beside you, opening one of the cabinets underneath the kitchen sink. He pulls out a dark blue pot and hands it to you. He watches as you fill it up with tap water from the kitchen faucet before carrying it over to the gas powered stove. After switching the stove on and getting a flame going, you set the pot down on top of it so the water could begin to warm up. You then reach into your bag and pull out a small plastic ziploc bag filled with loose tea leaves, dumping a few of them into the water before sealing the bag back up and setting it off to the side.
“What’s that?” he questions, curiously. 
“Raspberry leaf tea. It’s good for a lot of things, but it does wonders for menstrual cramps,” you explain briefly. You dig into your bag once more and pull out the handmade heating pad that you’d sewn together yourself a while back. Noticing that Joel’s standing right next to the old microwave on the opposite end of the counter, you toss it over in his direction, quickly warning him, “Joel, think fast.” 
He swiftly catches it in one of his hands. “The hell is this fuckin’ thing?”
You toss him a playful eye roll. “That’s a heating pad.”
Joel squeezes it between his fingers, making a face. “What’s in it?”
“Rice, flaxseed, and some lavender as well. It’ll help soothe her. Pop it into the microwave for a couple of minutes.”
He nods, doing as you’d instructed. “If you say so, peach.”
While the heating pad is warming up, you notice the water beginning to boil in the pot and start looking through his cabinets until you find a mug. You set it down and switch off the stove, asking him, “Do you have a hand strainer by any chance?”
“Yeah, think there’s one in that drawer right beside you.”
As you go about finishing preparing the tea, you feel Joel’s dark brown eyes glued to your back. Glancing over your shoulder, you meet his curious gaze and raise a questioning eyebrow at him. “What’s the matter?”
“Nothin’,” he replies, innocently. “Just can’t believe you’re doin’ all this for her.”
You laugh a little. “Of course—why wouldn’t I do this for Ellie?”
Joel says nothing. He can only smile at you.
“Okay,” you say as you finish pouring the tea through the strainer. You set the pot side and pick up the ceramic mug. “Grab the heating pad. Let’s go make little miss grumpy pants feel better.”
He chuckles and does as he is told, grabbing the heating pad out of the microwave before following you out of the kitchen and back into the living room.
“Okay, Ellie. I need you to sit up,” you announced, walking over to the couch. 
She groans dramatically, but obeys. “I swear, if you making this fucking stop, I will never in my life complain about mucking out stalls ever again.”
“Here.” You hold out the mug to her. “You’re going to drink this.”
Ellie makes a disgusted face. “Ugh. I fucking hate tea.”
You pin her with a stern look. “What do you hate more—tea or pain?”
“Fine. Give it here,” she grumbles, carefully taking the tea in her hands. She blows on it for a minute to cool it down, then takes a couple of reluctant sips. She lets out a little disgusted noise, but says nothing about it.
As she leans back against the couch, you take the heating pad from Joel’s hands and place it over her pelvis. 
Ellie groans out in relief. “Fuck, that feels incredible.”
You glance over at Joel, raising an eyebrow. “Eh? What did I tell you?”
“You’re amazin’,” he grins. 
“You’re amazing,” Ellie mimics, teasing him with a smirk.
Joel’s smile fades. “Well, that tells me she’s feelin’ better already,” he grumbles, shaking his head. 
You watch as she forces herself to drink the rest of her tea. Once she’s finished, you take the empty mug from her in one of your hands.
“Oh. I have one more thing that might help.” You reach into the breast pocket of your white blouse and produce a tiny, square shaped object wrapped in foil. “I know it always makes Dina feel better when she’s having a rough time with her monthly bill.”
Ellie unwraps it, her eyes going wide. “No way! Is this chocolate?” She eagerly bites into the corner of the piece, moaning. “Fuck, that’s so good.”
You pat her thigh. “Lay down and keep that heating pad on you. You’ll start to feel better in no time.”
“I already do,” she says, shooting you a grateful look. “Thanks.”
“Anytime, kid.” You smile and stand up, walking into the kitchen with the empty mug in hand.
Joel follows suit.
Setting the dish down into the sink, you gasp when you feel his arms wrap around you from behind. “Joel, Ellie is—”
“She ain’t gonna see,” he murmurs, pressing his lips against your neck. 
You turn around in his arms.
“Thank you,” he says sincerely, his eyes meeting yours. “For takin’ such good care of her. I don’t know what we’d do without you.”
Grinning, you tilt your head up for a kiss. 
You don’t know what you’d do without them either. 
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lovely-v · 2 months
it is WILD to me how many pieces of fantasy media have mithril. like i know that lord of the rings obviously influenced most of what we consider to be common fantasy tropes (the biggest probably being the humanoid races: elves, dwarves, halflings, orcs, etc) but mithril feels so middle-earth specific. Dungeon Meshi has mithril??? Sun Haven has mithril??? girl they dont even have Moria
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The new scene has me in a chokehold
Thank you @andengeu for perfectly capturing the momentary shock of Nayeli and Blade being close to each other, and being aware of each other.
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onaperduamedee · 8 months
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You have to trust someone at some point, Moiraine.
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nemurenaivoron · 7 months
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I been playing Sun Haven recently. Romancing local characters goes.. pretty well
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