#oooh I really like this duo
uniquevoidflowers · 28 days
SKY AND TIME BONDING (they're my favs <3) pretty please :3
The old man looked around. Most of the chain were occupied with something, chatting or working on something. He had learned many of their hobbies, trying to learn as much as he could about them.
For Twilight, he enjoyed farm activities and fishing.
For Wild, he collected and gathered what he could.
And so on. The only one he hadn't learned too much about was Sky.
Time and Sky had never been too close, save the few precious times the old man was able to give advice to him. Time thought about it.
Perhaps it was the fact that Time viewed the Master Sword very differently than the chosen. The old man looked at that blade with distrust, with resentment. Sky looked at it with fondness, and wonder.
Perhaps it was that the two were very different. Where Time would hide behind masks, Sky would greet the world with expression. Time had no doubt that the skyloftian had secrets too, but he was more open then some of the others. Whatever it was, it was a barrier Time wanted to get past. As the old man gazed upon the camp in the present, he saw Sky carving something with a dagger.
Time found himself walking over. "I take it you're making another ladle?"
Sky sighed. "Wild keeps breaking 'em. But I don't mind. I like woodcarving."
Well this was easier than Time thought.
"What do you like about it?" Time asked curiously.
"There's no time limit." Sky answered simply.
The old man could understand that. After Termina, and the three day time limit, he could understand enjoying simple tasks like these. "Good point. Mind if I join you here?" Time asked.
"Oh, no, not at all." The skyloftian replied. "It's nice to have company."
After a few moments of silence Time spoke up. "How long have you been doing woodcarving?"
"For awhile now. It's a skill they teach you in the academy...in Skyloft that is. It's optional, but I took a liking to it." Sky explained.
"I'll have to learn when we get there." Time hummed.
"I can teach you now." Sky suggested, setting down his current project and grabbing more wood.
"I'd love that." Time nodded and listened to the skyloftian as he began to explain.
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pyukumeru · 5 months
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pr · 9 months
i changed my mind, actually i do NOT embrace being weird, i would like to be normal now please.
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satorusugurugurl · 1 month
The idea of yandere gojo and geto (both at the same time) plotting against their darling reader using geto's cursed spirits to make her on them gets my mind reeling for nights 👀 wonder if my favorite writer has any thoughts on this
Perfect Prey
Characters: Yadere!Geto Suguru, Yadere!Gojo Satoru,FAB!Reader
Warnings: yandere!Geto/Gojo, manipulation, dub! con read is unaware that the boys are manipulating her! (consent is vital for me!!) double penetration, smut, mentions of wounds, cursing
Word Count: 3,404
A/N: Ah! thank you Nonnie! This made me smile! Oooh, this, this was fun. I loved getting into this! I hope y’all enjoy it!! (I really enjoyed writing for Suguru 🥵)
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“I finally got my own mission!” Geto and Gojo glanced up at you as you proudly walked into the first-year's classroom. “Took years, but I think they finally realized I’m fully capable of destroying a curse or two by myself!”
Geto gave you a warm smile, resting his chin on his fist. “Is that so? Funny, I thought we made it clear one of us was supposed to accompany you on any mission.” He shut his eyes, tilting his head slightly to the side.
“Oh, that’s a good one, Suguru!” You excitedly plopped down on Gojo’s desk, kicking your feet back and forth. “All jokes aside, they did want to send one of you with me.”
“Wanted to send one of us?” Satoru questioned, dipping his chin to watch you.
The two men watched you closely as your pretty head nodded. “Yaga said,” you tilted your chin at Satoru, “You were assigned to come with me, Satoru. But seeing as you just returned from your mission, I insisted that I could handle a couple of curses on my own.” Gojo scoffed, his head turning to give Suguru a look of disbelief. “Oh, don't look at him like that!” Sure, the duo were best friends, but their silent communication between stolen glances made you feel left out.
“I don't think me coming back from a mission, which I handled easily because I’m Gojo Satoru, of course. Means I can't come with you. They assigned us this together.” The white-haired man’s time was thick with annoyance. “For a specific reason, I’m assuming.”
You cocked an eyebrow, eyes darting between the two men. “Why would the Gojo Satoru be needed to exorcise a handful of low-grade curses?” Looking at Gojo, you could almost hear the wheels turning in his head. “You know what—why do they even send you both you're Special-grades?” Before you could question them, Geto chuckled, soft and rich.
“Ignore Satoru; he’s just being clingy. Congratulations on your first solo mission.” Pride swelled in your chest at his acknowledgment. You happily kicked your feet faster as Geto reached over, ruffling your hair. “Just promise to be careful, and if you need any help, please know we’re but a phone call away.”
“Thank you.” The condescending tone of your voice has Satoru clenching his jaw. “I’ll get this mission done so fast, you won't even notice I’m gone!”
Geto pulled his hand back, nodding, dark hair swaying as you slid off the seal. “Be safe; we’ll see you at home.”
“I will! See you both later!”
Geto smiled, waving until the door shut, and he could no longer hear your footsteps down the hall. The instant he was confident that you weren't around, his smile fell, eyes narrowed at the door. Gojo was fuming, pulling his blindfold down, letting it pool around his neck. Between the two men, their anger could freeze Hell over.
“This is problematic.” Geto rubbed at the pulsing sensation in his temple.
“Problematic? No, this is a disaster if she gets through this mission, which we know she will! She's going to get more solo missions. Solo missions turn into group missions, with other sorcerers, other men.”
“And we can't have that. No one is good enough to protect her, let alone breathe the same air.”
Gojo sat on the edge of the desk, watching as his best friend tapped his thumb against the center of his forehead. Between the two of them, they would find a way to fix this sticky situation. Their solution had to be clean. They couldn’t have you finding out that they were the ones responsible for your lack of solo missions. The two pulled strings to ensure you were always with them.
Some might call them possessive and obsessive. But they didn't see it like that. They just knew no one on the face of the planet would ever be good enough for you. You were their darling little princess. The keywords are theirs and theirs alone.
“We could tell Yaga to pull her off, tell a white lie like maybe she changed her mind.”
“No, no, that would look suspicious. She went through all the trouble, convincing him to let her go alone. After all that, for us to ask that, she would start asking questions. We can’t have her knowing we’re responsible for her lack of solo missions.”
“Okay, do you have any ideas?” When Geto said nothing, Gojo sighed, exasperated, feeling Geto’s eyes on him. “It would be easier if we showed her how ‘dangerous’ these solo missions can be.”
A lightbulb went off in Geto’s mind. “Satoru~” he purred, “that’s a brilliant idea.” The other man furrowed crisp white brows in confusion. “She thinks it’s just a handful of curses, right?”
“It would be a shame if there were more curses than she could handle,” Geto smirked, specks of black forming behind his shoulder, his curses coming to life, revealing his intentions.
Satoru grinned wide with a sharp laugh. “That truly would be a shame, wouldn’t it? Poor sweetheart will have to call us to help.” Geto nodded, motioning for Satoru to follow.
“Come on, we got shit to do.”
Later that night, you were scrambling off the ground, wincing as the fifteen curses chased you around the corner of the abandoned building. “Fuck! Fuck! Fuck!” You screamed, palms bleeding, knees scraped up as you stumbled back to your feet, barely avoiding the sharp teeth of the curse behind you.
This was supposed to be a simple job! One where there would be maybe two or three curses to take out! Three were okay! You were able to handle that on your own. But after you took them out, you suddenly found yourself surrounded by dozens of curses. All of them ranged from different grades, from four to two, but a couple gave off a darker presence, possibly special grades, which was not good.
How the hell did three curses turn into three dozen?! How could the intel be so off?! And how the hell were you going to get out of this?!
A low snarling snapped you out of your frantic thoughts before the curse in front of you swiped at your stomach with very long and very sharp claws. You dodged, falling back onto the ground, watching it close in on you. This was not good, not in the slightest, and it didn’t help that you were all alone!
Scrambling back, you pushed yourself off the ground, ducking into a room, slamming the door. “Goddamn, fuck me.” Pulling your phone out of your pocket, you called the two strongest men of the modern age. Sure, there was a one hundred and fifty percent chance they'd boast about how they were right, how you needed to listen to them, but that didn’t matter right now! “Pick up! Pick up, pick up!”
The phone rang and rang and rang. Just when you thought it would go to voicemail, the line clicked. Gojo yawned on the other line without a care in the world. “Hello~?” He cooed, listening to the raspy breathing.
“Satoru!” You gulped down breaths of air. “Toru, I need help!” You screamed as a curse slammed against the door.
Gojo covered the receiver, snickering as Geto eyed the building you were in. “What was that? You need our help?”
“Yes!” you cried out, “Satoru! Please help!!”
“Are you sure? I mean, I am considered a Special Grade; low-grade curses are something I shouldn’t worry about, right?”
Geto’s curse smashed through the door, dashing at you. He swore he could hear your scream through Satoru’s phone. His poor princess is getting chased around by his curses. This could have been easily avoided if you didn’t insist on taking on this mission alone. Unfortunately for you, the choices you made led to this outcome.
Your heart was hammering against your rib cage as you slipped and maneuvered around the curses slowly surrounding you. This was way out of your league, and you were beginning to regret now bringing one of the boys with you. Plus, Satoru wouldn’t drop everything and come running to your rescue, not after everything you’d said earlier.
“Toru, please.” Pleading was something you rarely did, but Satoru’s ego had been bruised, so you had to do what needed to be done. “Please, I'm begging you.”
Both Gojo and Geto exchanged a look with each other. “You beg so nicely,” Satoru commented, listening to a loud crashing sound followed by your curse. “I suppose I could come, maybe bring Suguru too.”
“Y-Yes! Yes, please!”
“On one condition.”
Despite the fact dozens of curses were chasing you, you stopped dead in your tracks. “Condition?! What fuckin’ condition?!”
“You never take a solo mission again.”
After this endeavor, he didn’t even have to ask you to do that. “Y-Yes! I agree. Just fucking hurry!” In the blink of an eye, the tall white-haired man teleported before you with Geto by his side. The curse that had been charging at you slammed hard against Gojo’s infinity before being forced back as the white-haired man stepped forward.
You fell to your knees, panting heavily as Geto peered down at you from over his shoulder. “Are you alright?” You just nodded your head, glancing down at your bleeding hands. “You don’t look alright.” You could smell the woodsy musk
as Geto knelt in front of you. “Give me.” He gently grabbed your hand, examining the scraps on the heels of your hand.
”Tsk, tsk, tsk.” Gojo chastised as he grabbed you and Geo, teleporting the three of you back to their apartment. “Guess your first solo mission didn’t quite go as well as you planned now, did it?”
There was no retort or sharp comeback because he was right. Even if the intel had been wrong, you couldn't handle this mission on your own. You had failed after you insisted that you could handle this mission without any hiccups. Now, that confidence was replaced with shame and disbelief. You had to call on your colleagues for assistance. After they warned you that this is something you wouldn’t be able to handle.
The two men who had orchestrated this scheme watched you with unreadable expressions—on the outside, their demeanor seemed unnerved, while on the inside, they were swelling with pride and excitement. Seeing you so distraught and broken had their pants tightening at the almost broken, blank look in your eyes.
“Oh, don’t be embarrassed,” Suguru announced, lifting you and ushering you towards the bathroom. “There’s nothing to be ashamed about. You’re not the only sorcerer who isn't capable of handling three dozen cursed spirits on their own. Not everyone is as strong as Satoru and I.”
Suguru moves to the shower, turning it on as you remain still, the events of the evening replaying over in your mind. “Suguru’s right. Not everyone would have handled a situation like that. You should be grateful, though. You’re lucky enough to have us willing to come to your beck and call.” Satoru is moving in front of you, holding your hands over the sink, running hot water over the wounds. “If we hadn’t shown up when we did, you could have died.” The truth of his words had your head jerking up, meeting crystalline eyes.
“I-I could have died.” The monotone repetition of his own words had Satoru’s cock throbbing at the broken throaty words that left your mouth.
“You could have.” He agreed, pressing his lips against your neck. “But you didn’t because we saved you.”
“I-I know.” You whispered as Geto joined your side. “You saved me.”
Hands, hot and rough, ran over the mounds of your breasts, gripping your hips, manhandling you in ways they had done in the past. There had been nights when the three of you had been so bored you just decided to hook up or when they just needed a little stress relief. This time, however, felt monumentally different. Like they were holding their breath, holding themselves back. Their stoic bodies jittered with anticipation, waiting to see what happened next.
To you, it was them being pent up, maybe the adrenaline rushing through their systems. Because if you were being honest with yourself, you felt just as pent up. Almost dying had you wanting to cave into your raw human desires. While the men standing on either side of you shared one of their infamous knowing glances. They weren’t driven by the adrenaline and passion of what had happened. Not in the slightest. No, their desire was driven by pure, unfiltered joy.
They finally had you right where they wanted you. Broken. You had lost a fight you knew you could have won. Due to them, your confidence in your abilities was clouded by a fabricated series of events.
First, you’d be broken, not taking missions alone any further. The next phase would be to distance you from the school slowly. Trying to convince you that you didn’t need to worry about working, the two made more than enough money to provide for the three of you. If all went according to plan, you would be their perfect little live-in girlfriend in no time.
What made all of this ten times better was the fact that you had no idea tonight's events had left you in their web of lust and desire. They were the spiders, and you were the poor innocent fly—a fly about to be devoured in the most primal ways imagined.
“Thank you for saving me.”
“We did save you, so you need to thank us properly.”
The men pressed lips against you, hands trailing over your body. You melted against them, gasping as hands cupped your breasts, hard cocks rubbing against your hips as they ground against you. They did save you, didn’t they? They went above and beyond to stop what they were doing and come to your aid.
“Y-Yeah, I think I will.” You whispered, turning to kiss each man on the mouth before sinking to your knees. “Please, let me thank you.”
Two thick long cock were suddenly in your face, throbbing and leaking pre-cum from angry, flushed tips. Seeing as your hands were scrapped up and ran, you took turns sucking and licking each man's cock, while they jerked off. Your tongue flicked, swirled, and lapped the two cocks, until their cum spurted over your face coating your lips and cheeks. Your appreciation didn’t stop there. You pulled both fully clothed men into the shower with you, tugging their clothes off and discarding them over the shower door.
Satoru and Suguru both help you, lifting you, your legs wrapping around Satoru’s waist as Geto’s wet, chiseled chest pressed firmly over your back. Both cock’s teased your wet cunt’s entrance, rubbing over against each other as you whined softly, tilting your head back. Their cocks both pressed past the tight opening of your pussy, stretching your walls in a painful yet pleasurable way, leaving your cock drunk the deeper they sunk into your wet heat.
A minute was all they allowed you to take to attempt to adjust yourself to the sensation of having two cocks buried inside of you. They were bullying inside of you. Satoru’s cock kissed your cervix with each thrust, While Suguru rubbed against your g-spot in the most heavenly way. Perhaps if you had been a good girl and just left everything as it was, they would have taken it easier on you. Regretfully, in their eyes, you had almost ruined their carefully constructed ploy to make you theirs in every sense of the word. Due to that, you were going to be punished severely.
Their thrusts were hard, deep, and almost painful. Fucking into you as if you were just a sex toy rather than a human being. Satoru’s teeth dug painfully into your shoulder, leaving indentations in his wake. Suguru’s mouth trailed kissed over the nap of your neck, mouth gentler than Satoru but his hands were as cruel as the white-haired man's. He pinched and pulled at your nipples, yanking them until you cried out his name before releasing his grip. The relief never lasted long; as soon as the dull, stinging sensation subsided, Suguru returned to the painful teasing.
The kisses, touch, and thrusts weren’t the only way they were mean to you. Their words stung just as bad as the scrapes on your hands and the abrasions to your knees. If you hadn’t been crying from the mere overstimulation of pained pleasure, their words might have had your eyes watering just as much.
”Our stupid dirty slut, getting herself into such a fucked up me.”
”Yes, dragging us both out to save her.”
“Then, on top of everything we did. Going out of our way to save her after she blatantly told us she was fine, she still gets fucked good like the whore that she is.”
”Yeah, she might not be able to take on a cursed spirit, but she’s sure good at taking two dicks at the same time.”
Their words had your skin flushing in shame and need, your mouth dropping into an ‘O’ as the abdomen in your lower abdomen started to tighten. “Oooh, fuk, please, ha—ah fuuck.” You were so close, so damn close to either passing out or having the most intense orgasm of your life. If you were lucky, which didn’t seem likely after all the mishaps today, maybe, just maybe, you could experience both. “G-Gonna cum, please.”
”You hear that Satoru, our little cock slut wants to cum.”
Satoru’s hips began to jerk faster, the head of his cock slamming into your cervix thrust after thrust. “Does she even deserve it?” He continued, leaving pain over your skin, his tongue brushing over the marks.
“P-Please, oooh god, please don’t tease”
“Hm, what do you say, Suguru? Nngh fuck—“ Satoru hammered his hips into you, thrust after thrust, drawing you closer and closer to the edge. “Should our precious girl cum?”
“Aaahh yes~ let her cum, make her take both our loads, then once she catches her breath, we fuck her even more.”
Reaching between your bodies, Satoru rubbed your clit, making your walls twitch around the two monster cocks inside of you. Their pace matches the others, working in harmony to send you over the edge. A scream, one that had never left you before, echoes inside the steamy shower. “C-Cummin! Cumming!” You screamed over and over until both of you stiffened, ropes of thick hot cum filling you.
“Take it bitch, take every last drop, milk me dry.” Satoru was always more vocal, nipping and sucking at your ear as his whiny groans invaded your mind.
“P-Princess, mmmhm, fuuuck.” Unlike Satoru, who was all about talking and heaving his voice, Suguru was softer, moans deep and feral, but he didn’t feel the need to announce it to the entire apartment complex. “Fillin’ you up so good~”
They both did; their hot cum leaked out of you, running down their softening shafts. In the shower, you hummed, listening to the tittering splatter in the water washing over you. The peaceful moment lasted for but a second as both men pressed kisses on your shoulder.
“You belong to us.”
“Do you understand?”
As their wandering hand dug into your skin, you nodded. Rocking slightly against them with a helpless whine. “Yes, yeah, I belong to you both!” The two friends shared a cold, knowing smirk as you began thrusting into you harder, making your eyes roll back into your head as loud moans wrecked through you. Little did you know how serious they both were.
You belonged to them in every way, shape, and form, whether you liked it or not.
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pucksandpower · 10 months
Oooh the grid kids series is pure joy! I think it's really cool idea, especially because the drivers spend so much time around one another. Can i request one where maybe back in the day, rbr!seb and y/n were the grid kids of like mark and michael and jenson and back to present times, seb's grid kids are weirded out to see jenson and mark treat seb and y/n as their grid kids please. If that makes sense
Grid Kids: Gentlemen, a Short View Back to the Past
Sebastian Vettel x wife!Reader x platonic!drivers
Summary: once upon a time, the grid parents were grid kids themselves
Series Masterlist
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When We Were Young
“Oi lovebirds! Stop canoodling in the garage, will ya?” Mark Webber chuckles, teasingly nudging Sebastian as you blush, having been caught stealing a quick kiss with your boyfriend in the middle of the chaotic paddock.
Michael, ever the protective figure, chimes in, “Leave them alone, Mark. It’s sweet. Remember when we were young and in love?” He winks at Sebastian, who grins, clearly relishing in having backup.
Jenson, leaning against a tire stack, chuckles, “Speak for yourself. Some of us still have it.” He sends you a playful wink and you laugh.
Sebastian wraps an arm around you, “Honestly, with the three of you as mentors, I’m surprised I’ve learned anything about racing.”
You smirk, “Maybe they're preparing you for the important race — the race of life?”
Mark snorts, “Deep, Y/N. Very deep.”
Michael smiles, a nostalgic look in his eyes, “You know, Y/N, you remind me a lot of my wife back in the day. Always grounding us racers, making sure our heads don’t get too big.”
Jenson nods in agreement, “True that. You have a way of making sure Seb here doesn’t drift into the clouds.”
Sebastian rolls his eyes, “Oh come on! You guys are just trying to get on Y/N’s good side because she’s the only one who brings proper coffee to the track.”
You giggle, “Guilty as charged. Can’t have my grid parents falling asleep at the wheel now, can I?”
Rain, Rain, Go Away
Sebastian and you stand with Jenson and Mark, sheltering under an awning as rain pours down, delaying the race. Michael ambles over, shaking off his umbrella.
Sebastian grins, “Typical Spa weather, huh?”
Jenson chuckles, “Isn’t it just? Every year I hope for sun by some miracle and every year...” He gestures at the rain dramatically.
You sigh, “I packed for a summer trip. Look at this!” You motion to your very damp sundress.
Mark smirks, “Rookie mistake. Always pack a wetsuit for Spa.”
Michael nods sagely, “And flippers.”
Oh Simple Thing
The smell of grilled meat wafts through the air as Jenson mans the BBQ at his home. You and Sebastian arrive, bringing along a homemade salad and plenty of sides.
“Ah, the dynamic duo!” Mark greets, pulling you into a friendly hug.
Michael points to the salad, “Trust Y/N to ensure we get our greens. Good on you!”
You wink, “Can’t have you all living on steaks and grilled chicken alone.”
As the evening progresses, stories from their early racing days are exchanged, often leading to fits of laughter. At one point, Mark shares an embarrassing story about Sebastian’s rookie mistake during a test session.
Sebastian groans, burying his face in his hands, “Do we have to bring that up again?”
You pat his back sympathetically, “It’s alright, Seb. Everyone has their moments.”
Jenson, taking a sip of his drink, adds, “That’s true. Just remember, no matter how many times they tease you, you’ve got Y/N in your corner. And that’s worth more than anything.”
Prank or Be Pranked
“Seb! Did you move my helmet?” Jenson calls out, rummaging through his locker as the five of you prepare to go karting, his face a picture of confusion.
Sebastian, feigning innocence, replies, “Why would I do that?”
You, smirking, lean in and whisper to Mark, “Five bucks says he put it on the highest shelf.”
Mark grins, “You’re on.”
As Jenson continues his search, he eventually finds his helmet perched high up, just out of reach. Michael, catching on to the prank, laughs, “Looks like our young prodigy here has learned a few tricks.”
Sebastian shrugs, “Consider it ... training. For reflexes and stuff.”
Jenson, using the handle of a dusty broom to retrieve his helmet, retorts, “Wait till you find out what I’ve done with your boots.”
Sebastian’s eyes widen in horror, “You didn’t!”
“This is going to be a long season.” You lean back against the brick wall as the overgrown children in front of you continue to bicker, fighting a smile.
Thanks for the Memories
Jenson, lounging comfortably in the hospitality area, raises an eyebrow as he watches you try to subtly wipe some oil off Sebastian's face. “You sure you’ve got him all cleaned up for the camera?”
You laugh, looking at a sheepish Sebastian who had been poking around his car earlier. “It’s like looking after a kid sometimes. He’s always getting into something.”
Michael chuckles from across the room, “Ah, young love. Sebastian, she’s got your number. But honestly, Y/N, good on you. We older ones have been trying to teach him some discipline.”
Mark smirks. “To be fair, Michael, I recall a certain someone ending up in a pool with his clothes on in Monaco just last year.”
Michael grins mischievously, “That was different. And anyway, Seb, Y/N, don’t get any ideas.”
You playfully roll your eyes, “Trust me, if he ends up in the water, I won’t be the one pushing him.”
Sebastian wraps an arm around your waist, pulling you close. “But you’d jump in to save me, right?”
You pretend to ponder, “Hmm, depends on how cold the water is.”
Jenson laughs, “Sebastian, you’ve found your match. But seriously, both of you, cherish these moments. The grid, the races, it’s all fleeting. But the relationships, the memories, they last.”
Michael nods in agreement, “Jenson’s right. One day you’ll be the veterans, guiding the young ones. Remember these days, learn from them.”
Mark clinks his water bottle to yours, “To memories and the journey ahead.”
Flintstones, Meet the Flintstones
Michael leans back in his chair, a smirk playing on his lips, “You know, when I started in F1 we didn’t have all this fancy tech and simulations. We relied on instinct.”
Jenson, faking shock, retorts, “Wait, you mean they didn’t have cars back then?”
Sebastian chuckles, glancing at you, “I bet he drove a dinosaur to the track.”
You laugh, “A very fast dinosaur, mind you.”
Mark, trying to keep a straight face, adds, “Michael, be honest. Was your racing suit made of ... loincloth?"
Michael plays along, “Yes and our helmets were carved out of stone.”
You chime in, “I heard they used saber-toothed tigers as pit crews.”
Jenson nods, “Oh, absolutely. And the pit stops? Ten minutes. Had to give the tigers a break.”
Michael rolls his eyes, laughing, “Alright, alright, mock the legend if you must. But remember, young ones, we paved the way.”
Mark grins, “And we’re grateful, old man. But don’t forget, it’s their turn now.”
Sebastian, ever competitive, challenges, “Race you to the track?”
Michael raises an eyebrow, “You sure about that?”
You laugh, “Careful, Seb. He might just bring out his dinosaur.”
Passing the Torch
Michael stands, his presence commanding the room’s attention even without a word spoken. Holding a helmet delicately in his hands, he clears his throat. “In every racer’s life, there comes a time when the tracks call to you a little less, the roar becomes a distant echo, and you realize there’s a world waiting for you outside the paddock.”
He glances over at Sebastian, then to you, emotion shimmering in his eyes. “But before I step into that world, I wanted to leave behind something, a token of gratitude and hope.”
Sebastian’s brow furrows slightly, curiosity evident. “Michael, you’ve already given so much to all of us …”
Michael interrupts with a soft chuckle, “Seb, always impatient! Let me finish.”
He then looks at you, his gaze warm and fatherly, “Y/N, you may not race on the track, but you’ve raced in all our hearts, guiding, supporting, laughing, and cheering louder than everyone else.”
“Sebastian, Y/N,” Michael continues, his voice imbued with emotion, “This helmet, from my last race, isn’t just a piece of equipment. It’s a symbol. A legacy.”
Gently placing the helmet on the table, he pushes it towards the two of you. “It’s about the weight of responsibility, the dreams it carries, the hopes it’s seen, and the love it’s felt.”
The room is silent, the magnitude of the gesture palpable.
Sebastian, clearly moved, speaks up, voice choked with emotion, “Michael, this ... this is ... I’m not sure if we can ever fill the space you leave behind.”
Michael smiles, placing a hand on Sebastian’s shoulder, then moving to hug you tightly. “That’s the thing about spaces. They evolve. They change. You two won’t fill my space. You’ll create your own.”
Pulling away, he raises his glass, “To new beginnings, to timeless legacies, and to family. Always to family.”
Back to the Future
As Max saunters into the room, he stops short, eyebrows raised in surprise. Jenson is teasing Sebastian, ruffling his hair like he’s a teenager, while Mark playfully nudges Y/N’s arm, offering her a drink.
Max blinks a few times, trying to process the scene. “Is ... is Jenson giving Seb a noogie?”
George peers over from his conversation with Lando, both their eyes widening. “It looks like it ... and Y/N’s being drawn into some sort of mock arm wrestling with Mark. What alternate reality did we walk into?”
Charles, mouth agape, chuckles, “It’s like watching a nature documentary: Here we observe the older generation asserting their playful dominance over the younger one.”
Lando giggles, nudging George. “Mate, should we jump in? Even the odds a bit?”
Before George can answer, Mick, who’s been observing silently, leans in. “Guys, it’s kind of sweet. You remember the stories they've told about the old days? This is just ... history repeating itself.”
Max, still trying to wrap his head around the scene, shakes his head with a laugh. “Never thought I’d see the day when Seb gets his hair messed up and doesn’t immediately fix it.”
Lance calls out, “Maybe we should start taking notes. This might be us in a few years.”
Grid Kids and Grand-Grid Kids
Charles saunters over to Mark and Jenson, holding up a race boot he’d just had signed by both of them. “Thanks for this, mates. It will be a special addition to my collection.”
Mark pats Charles on the back, “Anything for our grand-grid kid.”
Charles stops mid-stride, turning to look at Mark with a puzzled expression. “Your what now?”
Jenson chuckles, handing Lando a signed cap. “Didn’t Seb and Y/N mention? Since they’re your grid parents and they’re our grid kids ... well, that makes you our grand-grid kids.”
Lando bursts into laughter, while George, overhearing the exchange, raises an eyebrow. “Wait, so we’re like ... the second generation of grid offspring? This is getting complicated.”
Mick leans in with a smirk, “Hold on. So if I’m following this logic properly, that would mean double the birthday gifts, right?”
Jenson grins, “Well, perhaps but it also means double the expectations on the track.”
Lance playfully rolls his eyes, “Great, double the pressure. Just what we needed.”
Max joins the banter, “Are there grand-grid kid initiation rites we should know about? Because I’ve seen old photos of Seb and Y/N with you guys and let’s just say that fashion has come a long way.”
Mark feigns shock, “You’re dissing our style from back in the day? Careful, young one.”
Charles, cocking an eyebrow, shoots back at Max, “Especially considering the only thing in your closet is Red Bull merch.”
The group bursts into laughter, Max chuckling and nodding in acknowledgment. “Touche, Leclerc. Touche.”
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squoxle · 6 months
Your bio says I can request a fantasy if my own so here goes one…
Ummm…I think I know what u want 😏 (this is a little different from my usual, but why not lol)
"𝒯𝑜𝓊𝒸𝒽 𝑀𝑒 𝐿𝒾𝓀𝑒 𝒯𝒽𝒾𝓈" ~ 𝐻𝓎𝓊𝓃𝒿𝒾𝓃 𝒻𝒻 𝟣𝟪+
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🎵pairing: SKZ Hyunjin!bf x Reader!gf | 🎵wc: 1.1k | 🎵summary: Your boyfriend Hyunjin is obsessed with playing with your tits. |🎵cw: 🔞MDNI!! Pure smut…but mostly just tit fondling and hardcore making out...♫⋆。♪ ₊˚♬ ゚.
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You joined Hyunjin at the dance studio to watch him practice. A lot of times Hyunjin just wanted to dance for fun, but he also really liked when you joined him. To be honest, you weren't as good of a dancer as he was, but you knew how to at least keep up with him.
"Damn..." Hyunjin swore under his breath as you entered the studio.
"What?" you asked as you watched Hyunjin run his fingers through his fluffy hair.
"I kinda wish we would've stopped for coffee," he said sucking his teeth.
"I can go get some for you if you want it that badly," his eyes shot up at your comment.
"Sure," you giggled.
"Here's my card," he said before pulling out his wallet. "Just go to the coffee shop in the lobby. You can get yourself something too," he smiled.
"Alright, I'll be right back," you waved before leaving your boyfriend behind in the studio.
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You ordered Hyunjin an iced americano and got yourself an iced peach tea. You heard music playing as you made your way back to the studio. You walked in and sat against the mirror, next to the Bluetooth speakers connected to Hyunjin's phone.
"Oooh," Hyunjin smiled bouncing over to grab his drink. "Thank you~" he said cutely before kissing you on the cheek, making you giggle.
“What’d you get,” he said plopping down next to you.
“I couldn’t decide between a matcha latte and a strawberry frappe so I just got peach tea,” you said before sipping your drink.
“How do you come from a frappe and a latte to peach tea,” Hyunjin chuckled.
“You already know I’m indecisive,” you smiled nudging his shoulder.
“Hmm yeah. Well, I think I’m ready to dance again,” Hyunjin said before jumping to his feet and extending a hand towards you.
“Umm…what do you think you’re doing,” you raised a brow.
“Indirectly asking my lovely girlfriend to dance with me,” he smiled harshly showing nearly every tooth in his mouth.
You sighed and grabbed his hand as he pulled you to your feet.
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☆Now Playing: Company - Justin Bieber ☆
01:13 ━━━━●───── 03:28 ᴠᴏʟᴜᴍᴇ : ▮▮▮▮▮▮
link to the dance you did>>obviously the first duo
Hyunjin played Company from his phone, a choreography that you two had practiced a few times, but never done it completely right.
You watched yourself in the mirror as you copied Hyunjin’s moves. You danced closer to the mirror for the first few movements before stepping back to dance right next to him. There was a part where you stood in front of Hyunjin while he was down on one knee. The next move was for him to grab your hand and ease his way up your body, but he took a moment to pause at your boobs. He shook his face between your tits before rising to his feet.
You gave him a dirty look as you followed through to the next step of wrapping your leg around him for a spin. Instead of just grabbing the back of your leg, you could feel his hands caress your ass before sliding down to the normal position.
You could feel the sexual tension rising as you saw the smirk on his face. You smiled and shook your head as you continued the dance. The next few step were separate from each other, but when it was time for him to dance behind you, you weren’t surprised when he grabbed your boobs in his hands.
“Ahhh! Hyunjin! Focus,” you laughed.
You could hear his little snickers from behind as he followed you to the floor for the next step. Hyunjin decided to “improvise” by grinding himself against you before pushing himself off of you. You smirked as you did the next move, pushing yourself back on the floor as he walked closer to you, before rising to your feet.
He placed his fingers on your chin and pulled you in for a kiss. It was quick as he went into the next move, dancing with you in his arms.
At this point you could tell that Hyunjin had given up on the dance and was now just concerned with getting his lips on your body.
He held your face in his hands as he met your lips. “Touch me like this,” you said as you gently pulled away moving his hands from your face to your ass. You watched the lustful smirk appear on Hyunjin’s face as he grabbed your ass in one hand and wrapped your waist in the other. He fell into your neck, kissing everything from your lips to your jaw to your neck.
The song played continuously in the background as Hyunjin turned your body around, putting your ass against him. Now, you were facing the mirror. You watched as he wrapped one hand around your throat and the other traveled from between your legs to his favorite spot, your tits.
He massaged your boob in his hands as he fell into your lips, inserting his tongue as you grinded your ass against him. You felt as he started to slowly move his hips forward with your movements.
You were enjoying this so much you accidentally moaned in his mouth. He stopped to look at you before walking you over to the bench where you straddled him, feeling his hard-on against your folds. He pulled up your shirt, revealing your tits that he eagerly bit into while gripping your ass.
You knew it was about to get dirty quick so you pulled your shirt completely off, exposing your bra. Hyunjin smiled and reached his hands around your back to unhook your bra. The straps hung lazily around your shoulders as Hyunjin enjoyed your nude breasts.
The sound of the door opening nearly made you turn around in shock, but Hyunjin stopped you, by pulling you tightly into his chest.
“Woah! What’s going on in here?” Felix said as he entered the room. “I thought you said you were practicing the dance today,” he continued.
“Hehe…I was…but umm…could you give us a second,” Hyunjin nervously stumbled over his words.
“Sure, mate. Just so you know the others are coming up here too,” Felix chuckled before opening the door. “Don’t worry I’ll let you know when the get close,” he whispered before stepping out.
Both of you let out a relieved sigh.
“That was really close,” you said as you fastened your bra.
“Yeah, and we were just getting started,” Hyunjin added as he reached down to pick up your shirt.
He helped by pulling it over your head as you wiggled your arms through. Hyunjin reached around to pull your hair out.
“Oh hey guys! What took you so long?” You heard Felix shout coupled with other chatter.
“We’ll finish this when we get back home,” Hyunjin said as he kissed your cheek before running to open the door.
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❀ Thank you all so much for reading! Make sure to check out other works on my masterlist!
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❀ 𝚃𝚊𝚐𝚕𝚒𝚜𝚝: @chlorinecake @hoyeonheeseung @nikisdubblchococake @sussyjake @furious-eagle @cherrriesss @abbyizzy @weyukinluv @addictedtohobi @thatonenoona @wavykook @givemeyourtmihyun @jaeljn @hoonmywk @valennshit @19-yunalyn @hoonbby @frostedblankets @hoonsyo @no-mannerism @perfectxserendipity @chubbibish @ihrtlix @bunniesforsoobin @thereadersparadise @thatbooknerdfr @aiden2001 @belongstoheeseung @jakeybabe @donut-crazs @rizzhee @nikimeows @woonieees @uarmyxtae @rebecca-johnson-28 @they2luv1naia @isa-2007 @silcry @riverscafe @pearlwhitesoul @nikohiroshi @thatbooknerdfr @wonniewonwon @sughoonieeee @babyy-bambii @adrika04 @sehunsharpasseyebrows @nikisblkgf @wtfyangjungwon @fr-3-akn-4-stymf @rikiloversworld @shawyle @sunoosrightbuttcheek @uarmyxtae @lovesickxmina @urfavberry @urauntiefaye @breadlover01 @taehyunsfavmoa @skzenhalove
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onskepa · 5 months
Left behind: Prologue
Here is the first of many chapters for the long awaited series! Enjoy!
Left behind series
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Jake’s pov
Earth has always been our home. Us, humans. And like parasites, we leeched off of our provider. Always wanting more and never getting our fill. And now, what made us humans, is dying. There is little to no chance of saving it. 
As earth dies, so does the human spirit. Over mass population, consumption, greed. It is clearly taking a toll on all of us. Whenever something pure, something untouched is found, the greed of humanity taints it. Corrupt it. 
As is the youth of our children. 
With what hopes and dreams the kids have are instantly killed. The adults are blunt and cut throat in telling kids today there is no hope for earth. Being molded to think one way, molded to be fitted in a box and not have any form of creativity. To think of a certain way. 
And it is disgusting. 
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Third  POV 
After a nasty fight at the bar, Jake went home. He got the money, less than last week but it's enough for the both of them. 
Yes, both. 
After being discharged from the marines after his life changing incident, Jake sully didn't have a clear vision of what to do. Learning that his new life will contain him in a wheelchair, Jake's mind darkened and stayed like that for a while. Dull and colorless were his day. 
Would go to bars and make a fool of himself if it meant getting some attention and money for more booze. Made many mistakes in his dark days. Mistakes that aren't so easy to take back. Many regrets and doubts. But there was one thing that Jake would never see as an accident or a mistake, was his only reason to live. 
His daughter. 
A little angel sent from above to take him out of his dark days. 
Jake could barely remember the women he spent the night that conceived his child. Some faceless lady that gifted him his child. Really the only good thing left in his life. And because of his little star, did Jake push on. Still not making good choices, but hard ones to make it by.
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Jake’s pov
The door opened and I pushed myself inside. Home sweet home. A small apartment, not the best, but its plenty. 
“Daddy daddy daddy!!” I can hear my little girl call out to me. 
Turning, I caught her just in time. Quickly climbing on my lap, her little arms hugging me. “I missed you daddy!” she tells me. I couldn't help but smile widely. My little angel, my little star, a gift from above. 
“Oooh I missed you too, have you been good for Misses Morve?” I asked her, moving her little messy hair away to look at her beautiful blue eyes. She nodded fast. And on cue, the kind lady we have as our neighbor came to us. 
A nice little old lady across from our door. 
“She has been so good, I am surprised she hasn't caused any trouble, '' Misses Morve tells me. “Thank you, you don't have to watch over her tomorrow. I'm staying in” I was informed. Saying our farewells, she left our place. 
My little girl turned back to me, “daddy! I saw on the hologram that the tigers came back from the dead! I saw them and they looked so cuuuuuuute!!” 
Animals has always been her favorite thing to learn about. I buy second hand books for her. School has become too expensive for an average family. So I try my best to teach her what I know. 
“Really? Maybe one day we can go see them together” I tell her. Her eyes sparkle in excitement, cheering and clapping. Letting her chat away of what we can do should one day we go to the zoo. 
I know it might not happen, but nothing wrong with giving a little hope right? 
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Third pov 
As the father-daughter duo chatted, a sudden knock was hard on the door. Both stood silent, misses Morve just left, Jake wasn't expecting anyone else. 
Jake gave his daughter a look and quickly she left to go hide in a cabinet. Jake grabs a gun hidden from a shelf and preps it. As he got closer, another knock was heard. “Who is it?” he asks loudly. 
“Is this Jake sully’s residence?” A voice was heard. 
“Who are you?” Jake asks. 
“We are from the RDA. We came to look for Jake sully. It is urgent we speak to him”. 
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Aaaaaaaand that is all for this one! Hope you all like it cause there will be more chapters in the future! Until next time! see ya!
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milaisreading · 6 months
🌱🩷: 7th story of this series! Hope u enjoy it!
Pairings: Itoshi Rin x Crossdresser!Yn
Warnings: Reader uses she/her when I write, but the characters use he/him when talking
⚽️Blue Lock belongs to Muneyuki Kaneshiro and Yusuke Nomura⚽️
🎄Dec 16th🎄
It was the first Christmas week after the Blue Lock team had defeated the U-20 teams, and as expected, the players became quite popular, especially among little kids. So, per request of the JFA, Ego and Anri sent out the players to different schools and kindergartens to make a surprise visit this week. And today it was (Y/n) and Rin's turn, and the younger boy was anything but happy.
"Rin...can you please smile...and pretend you are happy to be here?" (Y/n) scolded the vice captain as they walked down the hallway, towards the classroom where the kids were.
"Why should I? I never wanted to go here and entertain a bunch of 5 years olds." Rin rolled his eyes and looked in disdain at his Blue lock jersey.
"I don't get it, you don't like kindergartens, yet fought with Ego-san to go here with me." Rin tensed as (Y/n) brought that scene up.
"You should have let Yukimiya come with, me as it was planned-"
"No! I refuse to go with Tokimitsu anywhere."
"That's mean. Whatever, just don't scare them." (Y/n) sighed as they approached the door, then knocked a few times.
The duo heard a woman say to come in, Rin opened the door, only to meet a wide-eyed group of kindergarteners staring back at the players.
"And your surprise guests today are Blue Lock's players, (L/n) (Y/n) and Itoshi Rin. Please behave." The older woman said softly, smiling at the two teens. The duo walked in and bowed, then (Y/n) turned her attention to the kids, who were both shocked and giddy with excitement.
"Hello! I got told that there are a lot of you who want to become football players in the future. Maann, hope we will teammates then." (Y/n) chuckled as Rin kept silent, while a few kids approached her.
"I am a huge fan! Can I have an autograph?!"
"Please teach me that cool trick you used when blocking!"
"Ooohh! Are you close with Itoshi Sae?! I heard from my niisan that you two are friends!"
"Can I braid your hair, please?!"
The kids started piling up around them, which caused the teacher to intervene.
"One after the other. I am so sorry, Itoshi-san and (L/n)-san." The woman said apologetically.
"It's alright. They are kids after all. So, do you want to hear about some of our adventures at Blue Lock?" (Y/n) said, smiling back at the kids, who nodded enthusiastically.
"Alright, we will have to sit down for thus one tho." She said, guiding one group to a less cluttered corner. Meanwhile, Rin stayed with another group, who kept asking him various things about football, his brother, and his eyelashes.
'I hate kids.' Rin fought back a frown and went to entertain the group.
"Oooh! You are able to kick so far?" (Y/n) asked one of the boys in her group, while the girls were busy either brushing, braiding or putting clips in her hair. The girl didn't mind that much and she let them do whatever while keeping her attention on the boys.
"And do you have any team you would like to join in the future?" (Y/n) asked the boys, who nodded their heads.
"My pick is Bastard München! I think Noa-san is soo cool!"
'Just like Isagi.' (Y/n) chuckled as she watched the excited boy.
"Royale is the best pick!"
"Nooo! Manshine is!!"
"Ubers has some cool designs! I want to join them and travel to Italy."
"All of them are really great choices. And what are the positions you would like to play there?"
'How is he so natural about it?!' Rin thought as he kept glancing at (Y/n) from time to time. Envying how comfortable she was with the kids, and how they were comfortable with her.
"Itoshi-san! What's it like in Blue Lock?! Could I join it?" Rin looked back at the little boy, slowly nodding his head.
"Sure. If you have the passion for it. I guess you can."
"Wwaah!" The boy cheered as another one intervened.
"Can we be teammates in the future, please!!"
"Yeah." Rin shrugged his shoulders.
"As long as you work on your skills, we can be teammates."
"Woo-hoo!" The boy, and another one next to him cheered, and Rin fought back to urge to wince.
'So loud...' He thought, noticing a few girls looking up at him with puppy eyes.
"Yes?" Rin asked, as softly as he could.
"Can we style your hair?! Please!!" The girls exclaimed, showing Rin their combs, hair clips and ties. The teen fought back a groan as he nodded his head.
The girls cheered and went to work on his hair, while their classmates started talking again.
Soon after, the duo was working on some holiday cards for the kids, while they took a afternoon nap.
"Here." Rin said as he sat down and handed (Y/n) a glass of water. The girl smiled as took it from him.
"Thank you. The kids are really nice, don't you think so?"
Rin thought for a moment then slowly nodded his head, going back to writing something on one of the cards.
"Yeah... they are funny."
The teen blushed as he heard (Y/n) laugh at his words.
"They are good kids.... they look up to you, you know?"
"W-what?" Rin looked up at (Y/n) in surprise, only to blush more as he noticed the smile on her face.
'So pretty...' He thought, gulping.
"They look up to you. Some of the boys I was babysitting said they like you a lot, but are too shy to say anything."
"Uh..." Rin fidgeted in his spot as (Y/n) returned her attention back on the holiday card she was making.
"You are enough. You don't need to chase after your brother's validation."
Rin felt his heartbeat quicken and he held back a few tears.
'I am enough... for him?'
Rin felt a wave of happiness and... relief hit him, and opted to keeping quiet after that.
Sighing, Rin finished with his shower routine and put on the pj's that Blue Lock gave them. Both him and (Y/n) had returned 2 hours ago, and when the girl finished her showering, Rin took his turn. But before he went to the bathroom, (Y/n) had told him she will visit Karasu, Otoya, and Yukimiya for something.
'Why am I so stale in conversations?' Rin thought to himself as he walked out of the bathroom and towards his bed.
"Huh?" Rin blinked as he noticed a piece of paper on his bed. Walking closer, he took and inspected it for a moment, only to realize it was a Christmas card... the one ot those that (Y/n) was making today?
It was a normal blue and white one, with a poorly drawn Christmas tree.
'Idiot can't even draw.' Rin rolled his eyes and opened it.
As he read what was on it, Rin felt his face turn red and happiness to bubble up inside of him.
'Thanks for accompanying me today! I appreciate it!
(Your initials)'
'Idiot! I hate him!' Rin thought as he plopped himself on the bed and hugged the card closer to his body.
'But... he is my idiot. Only mine.' Rin thought in embarrassment.
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inbarfink · 3 months
The Character Designer Commentary for TGAA Chronicles mentioned that Kazuma was designed with a subtle snake-motif and, like, knowing the Kind of Person That I Am that really should fire up my Unstoppable Drive to Make Good Omens AUs but also I think the main thing that has always stopped me from making a TGAA-era Ineffable Husbands AU like I’m the ones working on for Wrightworth and Klapollo is that my attitude towards TGAA shipping is a lot less ‘oooh these two characters are totally my OTP, they make such a perfect duo!!’ and a lot more like ‘Hey, I’m Ryunosuke Naruhodo and this is my boyfriend Kazuma Asogi, and my other boyfriend Barok Van Zieks and his other boyfriend Albert Harebrayne, and my other boyfriend Herlock Sholmes, and his husband Yujin Mikotoba and-“
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the-s1lly-corner · 11 months
I'm humbly requesting that a Spot x Reader. Where reader is a small time thief that runs into a the spot is unsuccessfully tries to rob them, but Reader just turns the tables. Then is like "ok you are so bad it's pathetic. You want to come with me lol?"
Spot w/ a criminal reader!
off topic from the ask but im listening to old music from like, middle school era, BROO i forgot all about half of these bangers anyways ueueueue ive been wanting to write something like this but ive kinda been swamped with asks so im glad someone requested this!! hope this is alright! honestly i kinda just bully spot in this post
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"somebody call an ambulance..! ..but not for me-" basically
honestly if you wanted to you could probably beat him up and rob *him*, even if you dont have any powers or fancy tools
but.. given how he immediately wilted and backed up and
oh my god did he just whimper
god hes pathetic
wet paper bag
you cant help but to feel bad for this loser
so against your better judgement you offer to let him tag along with you in your own crimes and
oooh my god hes a lot worse than you thought
for one it doesnt even look like he knows how to use his own powers and-
oh he actually doesnt
after a particularly pathetic display of malice he kinda just
slumps over
its kinda like looking at a wounded puppy
so, you just kinda try to comfort him, or at least try to hype him up
anyways you guys keep bumping into each other after that, you both get to know each other better. you learn about how he became the spot and how hes trying to learn how to use his holes
okay you really tried to keep a straight face anytime he bluntly said hes trying to use his holes to do things, he just says it so. casually, with no second thought that it may sound dirty
you cant exactly help him with learning how his holes work since you yourself dont have them
BUT you can help him with learning basic self defense, how to scope out people to rob, and so on
this is assuming the reader is a basic robber
im sorry my thoughts are kinda everywhere rn so i dont really. have a solid train of thought
moving on, imagine spot gets more confident in himself and his skills as a criminal and you two become this little villain duo
i think thatd be cute, actually
again like i always remind yall, spot doesnt really have anyone left in his life so hed leech onto you for dear life. its been so long since hes had someone in his life, and the fact its someone whos actively siding with him and rooting for him? again you didnt specify if this were to be romantic or platonic so this post is vague
but i feel like regardless hed form a little crush on you; like
hes just a silly guy like that
i wish i had more ideas esp since this is an idea ive been thinking of for a while but my brain is jello today, melted jello
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mysteryshoptls · 10 months
SSR Lilia Vanrouge - Beach Wear Voice Lines
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When Summoned: It's summer! It's the beach! It's an uninhabited island~! We're going to have a blast on this little vacation, Stitch! (Stitch: Wheee!)
Summon Line: I can't believe I've gotten the awesome privilege of having such a fun encounter on this strange island. My excitement just won't go away.
Groooovy!!: Let's go, Stitch! We'll rule this summer! (Stitch: Yay!)
Home: Onwards towards the beach, Stitch! (Stitch: Oooh!)
Swap Looks: Even in summer I'm cute, don'tcha think?
Home Idle 1: I didn't expect him to be able to bring down a palm tree with one hit... Kufufu, Stitch is quite the rascal.
Home Idle 2: There's kayaking, beach volleyball, and scuba diving... Ah, whatever shall I do? There's far too much I want to do while here on this island.
Home Idle 3: Riddle has a tendency of being much too serious. Spending some time away from everything on this uninhabited island may do him some good.
Home Idle - Login: One must have the courage to enjoy yourself, especially when in a crisis such as this. See, Stitch agrees with me. (Stitch: Rock and Roll!)
Home Idle - Groovy: That Gantu fellow seems like he's real uptight. We're all out here on the beach during summer, we should all be enjoying ourselves!
Home Tap 1: Stitch is a really cute fellow. I find it so soothing to just look into his large, round eyes, and admire those stunning teeth... Ah, he just bit me!
Home Tap 2: Once, while travelling in a tropical country, I became entangled with some troublesome fellows. And let me tell you, they looked exactly like how Azul is dressed right now.
Home Tap 3: Don't you think my super summer style is slammin'? Come, come, don't be so shy, take a good look at me.
Home Tap 4: Ace and I played a game of Beach Flags just a bit ago. The result? Of course, it ended with my absolute victory.
Home Tap 5: I see there are frogs and lizards here, so we should be good on sustenance. What, you don't want to eat those? It's not good to be picky like that, you know.
Home Tap - Groovy: I never thought I'd ever be able to enjoy summer on the beach like this… But thanks to that strange book, I was able to have a wonderful experience.
Duo: [LILIA]: Ace, we'll bang this out and beat 'em all up! [ACE]: Lilia-senpai, ooh, you tryin' out my catchphrase?
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Requested by Anonymous.
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chronicbeans · 1 year
Wally Darling with a Restoration Project Reader (part 2)
You found a picture of the boi!
TW: Scopophobia/Eye Imagery
🗞️ Daniel gasps in excitement, shocking everyone in the little circle you made on Finn's living room floor. He shows everyone a picture that was restored by Amy, saying "Look! We finally have a picture of just Wally Darling! Nothing is obscuring him, either! We have a good idea of what exactly he looked like!"
🗞️ He passes it around, with you being the last to hold and look at it closely. A large blue pompadour, yellow skin, a colorful outfit made primarily of primary colors. He has a smile on his face, which isn't surprising, to be fair. He also doesn't have a nose, which you think makes him stand out a little bit more than he already does compared to the rest. Something seems off about his eyes, though... Not as though they were restored properly, just... Something.
🗞️ Amy speaks up, chuckling "He has big hair, like Julie! Maybe they are kinda like a duo? The big hair crew! There was a picture that mentions that he and Barnaby are best friends, though, right? So that little guess might be wrong." Finn nods "Yep. Wally and Barnaby are best friends. (Y/N), can I ask something? (Y/N)? Earth to (Y/N)!"
🗞️ You shake your head in shock, looking over to him. You didn't even notice he was speaking to you for a moment. "Yeah, Finn?" Finn shakes his head slightly, muttering with a playful chuckle "Always spacing out..." He then speaks up, looking at you with a serious expression "Well, I have noticed how your mom hasn't been acting too kindly about all this, especially after you mentioned it was to restore Welcome Home. Do you... Think she knows something? Maybe you can take that picture to her after we photograph it and put it on the website?"
🗞️"Oh! That... I am unsure. I'll show it to her. I just think she doesn't really like my hobby. She's someone who is very... I don't know... Traditional when it comes to jobs? Would that be the right term? You know, doesn't see art as a job, or writing, like I do. You get what I mean?" Amy cringes. "Oooh... Yeah, I get it. I get it. That sucks."
🗞️ Daniel perks up "You write, (Y/N)? I never knew that! Can you help out with the blog? You can write some of the stuff on it about the show. I would myself, but my written English isn't so good..." You tense up, only to nod "Okay... I don't really like my writing, though. Finn is making the blog, right? He can go over what I write." The group seemingly all agrees to it, before you leave to show your mom the picture.
🗞️ As you walk out to your car, you look at the picture, again. Those eyes... something is off. You just know it. You stare at it as you get into your car. You almost can't stop looking. You put your bag on top of the picture, feeling as though you'd just keep staring if you don't cover it.
🗞️ It's a very short drive. Your house is only a fifteen minute drive from Finn's. You go inside, hearing your mother call out from the kitchen "I see that you finally came back! Dinner is almost ready. Come, sit at the dinner table." You take off your coat and boots, walking over to the table and placing the picture on the table.
🗞️ Your mother walks in, placing a tray of food on the table. As she does so, she sees the picture. Her eyes widen as she asks "Sweetie, what is that?" You grin widely, explaining "Oh, it's Wally Darling, from Welcome Home! He's the main guy, I think. Why do you ask? Do you recognize him?"
🗞️ Her face suddenly morphs into a grimace. Her eyes are locked onto the picture as she speaks, her voice sharp "Why are you trying to find out about this Welcome Home nonsense? You'll never know exactly what came before it was forgotten! It's pointless! Even if you find out a lot, you'll never know it all! Why risk your life in search of a puzzle, which will inevitably still have missing pieces?"
🗞️ Your eyes widen "Risk my life? Mom, what are you talking about-?" She cuts you off "If I tell you too much, you'll simply be more intrigued! I know how you are, sweetie! I love you, I really do. I know how harsh I seem sometimes... but I am that way because I know that you will just wander into danger if I don't correct you! So just... stop with this nonsense!"
🗞️ She storms off, crying out "Just eat your food! I already ate, anyways! Don't bother me with this foolishness!" With that, you hear her slam the door to her room shut. The table is now left empty, besides you, the picture, and the dinner she made. You become lost in thought. Risk your life? Over a children's show? What an odd assumption to make over a little mystery. Why does she think that you would be put in danger if you continued searching?
🗞️ She said that if she told you too much, you'd be more intrigued. Well, she already failed. As much as you are now terrified of what could happen, you are still so much more intrigued about this mystery. Looking down at the picture of Wally, you make a silent promise to figure out more about this show, no matter what it takes.
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wakandas-vibranium · 1 year
Wednesday Nights || Part Three
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Pairing: pre-outbreak!Joel Miller x Fem!Reader
Warnings: 18+ Minors DNI 👁️ Smutty smut, Kissing, Swearing, Teasing, Dirty talk, Fingering(F receiving) Unprotected p in v sex, Creampie, Praise kink, Exhibitionism
Word count: 2.7k
A/N: There will be two more chapters. So glad that y’all are enjoying this story! Please like, comment, and reblog!
part one
part two
part four
part five
Joel came back to your apartment…and kept coming back. You couldn’t stay away from each other. You couldn’t get enough of each other. You and Joel had incredible chemistry in bed, but you also had an enjoyable time hanging out outside of the bedroom. The Wednesday night phone calls continued, but eventually they stopped when he quit about six months later. He earned himself a nice promotion with the construction company he worked for and no longer needed the extra cash.��
About a month after you two first crossed paths, Joel asked you to be his girlfriend. A week later, you met his younger brother, Tommy. Tommy and you got along better than expected. Your shared sense of humor was helpful in many ways. 
You didn't meet his daughter, Sarah, until your six-month anniversary. He stressed about how your meeting Sarah had to be nothing shy of perfect. In not so many words, Joel expressed to you how mother figures were particularly hard on Sarah since her own mother took off without so much as a goodbye shortly after she was born. You were patient and assured him that the right time would come. And it did. Sarah was so brilliant and beautiful and while she took a bit longer to warm up to you, you and her eventually established a solid rapport.
Now here you were, two years later, emerging from a swanky bistro with him, his brother, and his brother's new girlfriend, Brenda. And yep, you guessed it right. It was a Wednesday night. During those hours, downtown Austin was always bustling with activity and looked outstanding. After dinner, you and Brenda told the brother duo that you didn't want the night to end, so they asked you over to watch a movie at Joel's place. Sarah was spending the night at the home of one of her fellow soccer players, so it was the perfect evening for a nightcap.
The four of you clambered back into Tommy's truck, you and Joel in the backseat. Tommy cranked the engine, and a slow jam began playing lowly on the radio as he pulled out of the parking lot. Once Tommy had pulled out onto the main road, Joel put his hand on your knee and inched his way under your yellow dress. 
It seemed only fair that Joel got his secret touches in after you teased him throughout the entirety of dinner.
You whispered in his ear about how your pussy throbbed for him and how you were wearing your lace blue lingerie. His favorite. You were both aroused and hungry for a rough fuck. The two glasses of wine you drank didn't dampen your shenanigans in the least. Tommy swung around the curve quite sharply, and Joel used that to his advantage by sliding up next to you. Joel shrugged off his coat and draped it around your knees. He put his hand back on your thigh and slowly inched back up until his thumb brushed the fabric on your clit.
“Joel,” you whispered as you gripped his wrist and squeezed your knees together to stop his shenanigans. 
"Hey, Tommy, could you turn this up a bit?" He said to his brother, as he playfully slapped your hand away from his. "I used to really like this song."
“Sure thing, hermano.” Tommy said as he twisted the volume up a few notches. 
“Oooh,” Brenda smiled at Tommy warmly, “This is such a good song, babe.” 
“Don’t close your fuckin’ legs,” Joel growled lowly in your ear and you jolted.
As Tommy turned another sharp corner, he tugged you closer to him, clutching your side with his free hand while the other dipped a finger inside you. You could feel your warm wetness against his cool fingers. His middle finger shifted inside you at a deliciously slow pace, while his thumb massaged your clit even slower. That tightly wound coil within you unraveled with the same speed as the tips of his fingers. Your skin was on fire, and the hairs on the back of your neck were standing at full attention.
“Come on,” Joel whispered, licking behind your ear, “Be a good girl and cum for me.” 
Joel placed open-mouth kisses down your neck, stopping to suck a bruise into where your neck met your shoulder. You gasped softly, biting back a moan, as a fire only Joel could light ignited inside you. You came hard, squishing Joel’s hand as your thighs squeezed together and shook. 
“That’s it, baby,” he purred, rubbing and talking you through your silent orgasm, “Let it out for me.” 
You bit down so hard on your bottom lip that you almost drew blood. You breathed heavily, deep breaths in and out through your nose. You were thankful for the loud, vibrant music playing and Brenda's sing-along. Otherwise, they would have heard what you were up to in the backseat.
“So fuckin’ wet for me.” Joel praised, eyes ablaze with a smoldering hunger. He needed to be inside you now. 
“We’re here.” Tommy announced as he pulled into the driveway and put the car in park, squinting at you and Joel through the rear view mirror before exiting the truck. 
Your eyelids sprung open and you gazed curiously outside. You'd almost forgotten where you were. Joel chuckled softly at the surprised look on your face and pulled his fingers out of you, shoving them in his mouth for a taste.
“I’m onto you, you filthy fucker.” Tommy teased his brother as he walked around the front of the truck to open the door for Brenda. 
“Mind your goddamn business,” Joel shot back, equally amused. 
“You guys coming?” Brenda called over her shoulder as she hopped out of the truck. 
Too late, you thought, delirious. 
“We’ll be in shortly.” You nodded. 
Tommy whispered something in her ear as he slammed the door shut and Brenda flushed, fanning her face as she glanced at you with a knowing look. You were way too aroused to feel any sense of shame. 
As soon as the other couple entered Joel's house, you hiked your dress up until it was rolled around your stomach, then pulled it over your head and tossed it on the car floor. You climbed into Joel's lap, and he locked his lips against yours in a passionate kiss.
"Mmm," he hummed between kisses, grabbing your ass, “You look so fuckin' sexy in your lingerie, darlin’."
"Only the best for you, baby," you mumbled, grinding down against his groin, moaning in his mouth once you felt how hard he was against your core. As the kiss deepened, you dragged your tongue down Joel's lower lip, moving your hand up to rest on the side of his neck, thumb massaging his jawline.
"Shit. Atta girl," Joel grunted as he grasped your hips and brought you down harder on his stiff cock. “Grind on my cock just like that.” 
Fuck, you thought. Even through layers of clothes, he still felt so good. Joel increased the rhythmic pressure of his crotch against your clit, and you moaned.
"Baby, please," you begged, pulling his dress shirt over his head and bending your head down to flick your tongue at one of his pink nipples.
"Goddamn,” he groaned in pleasure as a chill shot across his spine, "Please what, hmm? You gotta tell me what you want, babygirl.” 
He knew exactly what you wanted, but he needed to hear you beg for it. Beg for him.
“I want to feel it, Joel," you said, breathing heavily in between open-mouth kisses. "I need you inside me, please.”
Joel kissed you one more time before opening the door and climbing out. "Bend over," he demanded, unbuckling his belt and letting his pants and boxers fall to his ankles.
You did what you were told, turning around and bending at the waist, forearms resting on the backseat of the car, never one to deny Joel what he wanted. He smacked your asscheek, enjoying the view as he stroked his fat cock. He pulled your blue lace panties to the side and just stood there admiring your wetness.
His cockhead tapped against your folds, and you moaned as wetness oozed out of your tight hole. You were soaked for him. Joel grinned as he watched you shove your hips back against him, attempting to push him inside your wet folds. That just earned you another strike on your ass.
"Joel, if you don't fuck me, I swear to fuckin’ g—“ he drove into you, all the way to the hilt. "—Yeah, yeah,” he exhaled sharply, laughing quietly at your choked sob. 
He hammered into you at a relentless pace.
The truck rocked up and down in time to the rhythm of Joel's forceful thrusts. You both let out loud, heavy breaths as you chased each other's orgasms. In the faint lighting of the moonlit vehicle, a thin sheen of sweat formed across Joel's torso.
You hoped Tommy and Brenda understood not to come back to the driveway because they'd hear skin slapping against skin and loud moans if they did. 
"You always take my cock so fuckin' good, baby." Joel groaned deeply. 
“I love taking your fat cock, Joel." You replied, groaning even louder. Each powerful thrust that Joel gave you caused your breathing to become more rapid. 
He was truly giving it all to you, and you relished every moment. Every thrust. Every groan. Every slap to your sore ass.
“Fuuuuuck,” you cried out as Joel brushed against that sweet spot deep inside of you, making you see stars and all the fucking planets. You were so close to cumming and Joel could feel it as you tightened and spasmed around his hard cock. 
“Wait for me,” Joel rasped as he smacked both your ass cheeks with his right hand, “Don’t cum yet, baby.” 
“You feel so good, Joel.” You whined as Joel slowed his thrusts, but he still rocked into you hard and deep. 
“Hey,” he grunted softly, “Look at me.” 
You turned around and peered at him, meeting the dark, almost animalistic gaze in his eyes. He blew you a kiss before smirking at you.. You smirked back at him. 
God, you loved this man. 
And as if he read your mind, he whispered those three words, “I love you.” 
You whispered the three words right back to him, “I love you.” 
“Yeah?” He asked.
“Yeah,” you nodded before turning back around, arching your back as best as you could in the confined space, taking him deeper. “Now fuck me like you love me, Joel.” 
“You asked for it,” he warned. He pulled out of you suddenly, and before you could whine out a complaint, he slammed back into you in one swift motion, shoving you up the seat.
"Fuuuuuck!" You cried out, thrilled. You reached out in front of you to grab hold of something. Joel pounded into you so hard and fast that you couldn't find your balance. You ended up grasping a seatbelt and clinged to it for dear life. 
“Mmhmm,” Joel moaned loudly, “Give me all of that pussy.”
“Take it, baby. Take it!” You cried out. 
“Cum with me, baby.” Joel panted harshly as he rutted against you wildly.
“I’m cummin, baby.” You sobbed out a desperate moan, reaching under you to rub furiously at your swollen clit. 
When Joel felt your cunt tighten around him, he whimpered, thrusts stalling as he spilled inside of you. You whimpered as the familiar sensation of him filling you with his seed rushed over you. You rocked back against him a couple times, milking him for everything he had.
During the aftershocks, he kept his body pressed against yours, bending forward to run a line of kisses down your spine while whispering words of praise. It took a few minutes for your legs to stop shaking and your breath to settle, so you just laid there. Joel eased out of you, releasing a soft whine and adjusted your underwear before he pulled his own boxers and slacks up to his waist. 
You turned over onto your back before sitting up to find your dress. You spotted Joel's discarded shirt and jacket next to your dress and you handed them to him. 
“You think you can keep your hands off me for two hours while we watch this movie?” You quipped, the corners of your mouth turning up in amusement. 
“We’ll see,” he chuckled quietly, shaking his head in lighthearted fondness as he helped you pull your dress over your head.
After you and Joel were presentable, you scooched to the edge of the seat with your legs dangling so that he could stand in between them. Your hands clasped his face as you drew him in for a passionate kiss, "I'm crazy about you, Joel." You admitted warmly. 
His face softened, and his chestnut-brown eyes shimmered at your words of admission: "I love you too, darlin'." He said, pulling you in for a warm embrace.
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queseraone · 2 days
Random ask since we're in for such a long break: ranking of TO/Rookie pairings (up to you if that only includes regular pairings or ones like Lucy/Harper or Nolan/Tim who rode together a few times during the rookie year)? While Tim/Lucy are definitely number one for me, I also have always enjoyed Nolan and Harper so they might be number two.
Oooh fun, I love random asks! Keep 'em coming! 😘
Okay, so in an effort to not let this get out of hand, I'm going to limit myself to the longer-term TO/rookie duos—
Tim Bradford & Lucy Chen
To the surprise of absolutely no one 😂😂 Listen, even if you remove the romance—which, I suppose technically, they just did 🙈 (too soon??)—I fucking love them. Tim is a great teacher, Lucy kicked ass because of/in spite of him, and the way they've just understood each other from the very beginning created such a fantastic dynamic. I'm obsessed, always and forever. 🫶
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Nyla Harper and John Nolan
I adore Nyla, and her deadpan, stone-face, I-give-zero-fucks-but-secretly-care-a-lot attitude is such a fun counter to Nolan. I loved watching their relationship blossom from barely tolerating each other into a really lovely friendship.
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Angela Lopez and Jackson West
These two. I'll be the first to admit I don't love Jackson as much as the rest of the fandom does, but there's something so incredibly beautiful about the journey these two went on together. Angela really went from reminding Jackson that they weren't friends to having him by her side as she got married and naming her first child after him!
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Nyla Harper and Aaron Thorsen
Listen, I just love Nyla, okay? Again, it's really fun to watch her mask slowly slip away. She's so much like Tim, such a marshmallow inside, someone who cares so deeply. And seeing her exercise that compassion when it came to Aaron's history in particular was really lovely.
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Talia Bishop and John Nolan
Okay, so admittedly this might not be the most fair judgement. We only had one season of them together, and I actually really enjoyed their dynamic in that time, but... I just like the others so much more. 🤷‍♀️
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John Nolan and Celina Juarez
Sorry Celina, but you and Nolan take the last spot strictly because I think Nolan is a terrible training officer. If the TOs of season 1 could see them??? Woof. Nolan seems more focused on himself than on Celina's training, and she's floundering as a result. If any of the original rookies had fumbled even half as much as Celina, they'd have been bounced so fast.
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Did I forget anyone?? 😅
For the record, if I had included the one-off pairings, Nyla and Lucy would have landed near the top of my list. I love that mentorship between them, and I of course love them both individually too!
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soap143 · 14 days
hey, so! have you seen changbin's recent bubbles where he talks about hannie annoying him a lot? hahahahaha I wanted to request a tk fic with them, with hannie as the lee when binnie decides he's had enough of his antics ❤️ maybe jisung could do that thing where he just repeats the same thing to binnie over and over again, until he snaps haha
Hello! I know this is an old request, but I have decided to do it. Absolutely loving this duo as well lol. I feel like your idea really fits their irl personalities❤❤
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Changbin side-eyed Jisung for 100th time that evening. His bandmate just would not stop pestering and annoying him for the past 24 hours!
It all started yesterday when Han saw some silly little video on his phone and wouldn't stop repeating the annoying tiny noises he heard in it. At first, it was cute and funny. Everyone was laughing along and sometimes even joining Jisung and his little stims.
But when they all had to go off to their own dorms, Changbin realized he was stuck with a loud, restless Jisung. Chan and Hyunjin were smart enough to plan to do a sleepover at the maknae+Minho dorm. The dwaeikki hadn't thought about that...
"Hey muscle man! We're alone in the dorm tonight? That's so good!" Jisung happily cheered, jumping around and making those silly noises again.
"Oh my God... shut up please..." Changbin murmured under his breath, rubbing his temples.
The younger simply stuck his tongue out and scurried away giggling. This was going to be a long night...
The rapper had not slept well and was going to practice exhausted. Jisung had gone on with his shenanigans the whole night, not letting himself nor any other people (aka Changbin) rest.
Yet the quokka didn't seem like he was done. He kept on running around and loudly quoting the stupid video from the previous day. The rest of the members were quickly getting annoyed too, but kept quiet.
After the longest day of work, 3racha and Hyunjin came back to their home.
"Me and Hyunjin are going to grab some food with the others, ya'll hungry?" Chan asked.
"NO! Are you leaving me alone with him again?! I'm going with you." Changbin whined.
"What's so wrong with me?" Han pouted, making the best puppy eyes he could.
"Stay with him for a bit, yeah? We'll bring you guys something too." the leader pleaded "He'll get tired soon. If he doesn't, I give you permission to tire him out." said Chan with a smirk. Changbin quickly understood what he meant, smiling mischievously and looking over at the jumpy ace.
The second the two singers walked out the door, Han jumped on the second oldest member of 3rachs.
"I love you, hyung!" he sang, lovingly squirming in the curly-headed boy's grasp. Changbin in question groaned, knowing that Jisung was going to make those annoying little noises again soon.
"Beep bop, boop, boop, bam bam, bim!" the taller giggled into his bandmate's ear.
"Oh stop it, Jisung!" Changbin groaned, pushing his dongsaeng off himself.
Han simply laughed, wobbling away onto the dorm's living room area. Bin decided to follow him since he had been daydreaming about finishing this one K-drama ever since waking up.
"Move, Sungie. Wanna watch a show with me?" the dwaekki calmly offered, shoving the younger and situating himself onto the sofa.
"Oooh, yeah, I do!" Han happily bounced in his seat.
Changbin was surprised at first. Jisung had been quietly enjoying the drama playing on the TV. He was totally focused on the screen.
And just as the older thought Han's little energy burst was for sure gone, the quokka attacked him again.
"Beep beep, hyung! Boop boop, bam ba-AAAM!" Jisung tried pestering Changbin one last time when he was suddenly tightly locked into the muscleman's grip.
"This is what you're gonna get for being an ass for the past few days..." the visual of the group angrily spat through his teeth.
"Wait! I'm so going to tell Bang Chan if you hit me! He's going to murder you!" Jisung rapidly started throwing words at his hyung.
"Yeah, right. This is going to be so much worse than any beating you've ever gotten." the shorter warned, slowly pinning the squirming ace below him.
Han screamed in embarrassment, reddening up when he realized what was going to happen.
"You're crazy! You can't do this to mehehehe-HEHEHE!" Han giggled when Changbin's fingers collided with hsi sensitive sides.
Jisung flopped around, unable of escaping. The older had his wrist's tighlt gripped in one of his hands, as the other wandered around the lee's torso. Changbin had wrapped his leg around the rapper's body, making it impossible for Jisung to move around much.
"Youhuhuhu know I d-OHOHOHON'T LIHIHKE YOUHUHUHU!" Han fearlessly stated, instantly regretting it as the older's fingers dug so deep into his skin he was sure the end was near.
"What was that? Something about you adoring your hyung and looking up to him so so much?" Changbin teased, clawing at the quokka's squishy armpits.
"NOHOHOHO PLEHEHEASE I'M SOHOHORRY!" Jisung tried apologizing. He tugged and pulled at his very much pinned wrists, only realizing how immobile he was.
The dweakki smiled at the taller's poor escape attemps "You know you're not going anywhere, right?" the tickler reminded, letting go of the prodecer's wrists.
This action, however, did absolutely no good to Han. Changbin just glued both his arms onto the poor boy's ribs and agressively shook them, making Jisung see stars.
"HYUHUHUHNG S-STOHOHOP THIHIHS IS TO MUHUHCH!" Han sreeched at the top of his lungs.
The gym rat smirked at the younger's desperate screams, biting his lip and massaging deeper into the flesh.
"You like this, huh? I bet you loove this..." the dark rapper teased, switching to moving his nimble fingers all over Sung's upper body, making the younger squak and squeak.
"You're so sensitive it hurts. Imagine if someone robbed our dorm? You would tell them where every single valuable is with only a singular poke to your side..." Changbin tsked, still fastly attacking the lee's over-ticklish torso.
Bin decided to torture his favorite younger brother a little more. He sat on his hips, not even bothering to pin him.
"I'm usually never this mean, but where would you like to be wrecked for the next 5 minutes straight? Absolutely no mercy or safeword. You were far too annoying today." the older questioned, not even batting an eye at the reaction of Jisung.
"Not even a safeword? Are you out of your mind?" Han asked with the funniest expression plasted on his face.
"I wish there was a safeword for stopping your annoying butt from pestering the whole band... Now suck it up and live through it like the man you are!" Changbin yelled.
"Fine, then I choose... Legs..."
"Isn't that your most ticklish spot? You also have to be more specific; knees, thighs, feet? I don't quite understand." the dweakki attaked the boy laying below him. Even if he knew exactly what he was going to say.
"Do I have ro choose one? Can't you do both my thighs and knees?"
"I could, but then the time would be extended to 10 minutes. Is that okay?" the shorter teasingly asked, knowing he was not going to listen.
"So 10 mintes of non-stop tickling with no safeword? I can't do that! Let's do 7." the dark haired boy complained.
"7 minutes thighs and knees, plus you don't bother me afterwards. Ok?" Changbin finally sealed the deal.
"Yes. Although I can't promise you much..."
"Well if you're not completing your promise, I won't either!" Changbin said, turning to face the younger's legs.
"Waitwaitwaitwait hyung please listen to me please please ple-HEHEHEHEASE NOHOHOHOHO!!" Han immedeatly screamed when he felt someone's long fingers wrap around his hyper-sensitive knees.
"STOHOHOHOP IHIHIHI'M BEHEHEGGING!" Jisung howled with laughrter when Binnie grabbed one knee and completely focused on it.
Jisung was squirming and moving in every direction, making Changbin feel like he was riding one of those electronic bulls. The lee was trying to squeeze his knees together, bring his legs up to his chest and get the ruthless tickler off him all at the same time.
"Woah, calm down, it has only been 2 minutes bro..." the muscly man laughed at his bandmate's crazy reaction.
Changbin might've been hungry for revenge, but he wasn't heartless. He knew even someone like Jisung, who absolutely adored being tickled, had his limits.
So, he decided upon torturing the boy a little longer and wrapping it up before Chan and Hyunjin were back with their delicious dinner.
"Alright, are you ready? If you can hold it in while I tickle your thighs, I'll let you in 15 seconds." the older remarked.
"Y-yehehes please..." Jisung panted, his chest rising up and down.
The rapper started a timer before slowly and gently drawing little circles onto the inner part of Sung's thighs.
Such soft tickles made Han cutely kick his feet and grab his hyung's shoulders in desperation.
"P-please hyung-" Han breathed out, quickly shutting up before any laughs or giggles escaped.
"Five... four... three..." Changbin counted down.
Only a few more seconds left... Jisung thought.
"Twoooo...." Bin teasingly streched the last numbers out, wiggling his fingers a little faster at the ticklish skin, making Han shiver and slam his head repeatedly against the soft cushions of the couch.
"Aaaaand..." the tickler continued teasing. Just as he was abou to say the last number and end the game, Han finally giggled, unable of hadling the softness and tingliness of the tickles.
"HAHA! You lost!" the shorter happily announced, jumping up and celebrating.
"i-ihiht's not faiiir! You cheated..." Han whined, gulping the air he had been so thirsty for the past 15 minutes of the tickle torture.
"We're back! You guys want some curry with rice?" Chan loudly announced, slipping his shoes off and lifting the two bags into the air.
"Oh my, thank you Channie-hyung and Hyunjin! I'm so hungry, you have no idea. Jisung, come eat with us, you must be hungery too~" Changbin invited the sweaty and read Han over.
"Wow, Jisung is calm? Hyung, you'll have to show me your ways some day, because just two hours ago this boy was jumping around and running everywhere..." Hyunjin gasped in surprise.
"Magic" The dweakki proudly smirked.
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JFGSFGHASDGFASDHGAJSD I loved writing this sososos much ☹☹☹ Hope you guys will love it too! I've actually been quite in the mood to write these past few days, so maybe I will complete some more requests?? You never know...
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monkiebois · 16 days
For the artist ask, can I ask questions 13 and 22?
13. talk about a wip you like!
oooh~ thats hard. cause i have multiple wips im exited about right now. So i'll just talk about my top few.
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theres this one with Tangled Star MK and Nezha. I need to wrap up the lineart and then start coloring.
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theres this one where im doodling TS Nezha with an OC that was basically inspired by him. I call thier Duo WildLotus. Thier my dangerous little guys. this entire canvas is really just a bunch of doodle wips. nothing too detailed.
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This rough concept for an oc i'll get too eventually, it was inspired after watching Frieren. The pose she does while floating with her staff reminded me of this oc so i had to try it out. I need to figure out how to draw wolves though. Because while those creatures aren't wolves, thier body shape is inspired by wolves. so i need to figure out how to work it into this species and what i wanna change. thats rlly the only thing keeping me from this wip rn.
22. do you have a favorite color palette to work with?
nooooott really? I dont think so at least. I dont think i have color palletes. I've never really worked with specific color palletes before so I wouldnt know 😅
the closest i can think of is that i've noticed recently that i tend to lean towars warmer tones rather then cold.
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