#or maybe he'll be just kicked off the team and thats it
ravlykpavlyk · 4 months
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But what if Riko did kill Matt?
Imagine the angst?? Dan hating Neil, Allison (again) hating Neil, SETH hating Neil, Neil hating Neil.
Would Neil stay if he knew that Matt, the person he could genuinely rely on, was killed because of him?
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oddverse · 16 days
If there’s one thing about Pesci Prosciutto could never figure out, it’s the idea of why. Specifically, why does he dress like that?
Prosciutto’s many years as a gangster told him that to be feared, you have to look scary. To be dangerous, you have to look dangerous. That’s why he kept himself so clean all the time. What, with his well manicured, tied back blond hair, fashionable suit, and dangling gold necklace of course. He learned he had to be like this, because no one takes you seriously if you look stupid.
With the rest of his gang, it seems they learned this too. Everyone looked sharp and deadly, like a set of knives. Ghiaccio dressed very literal to the name, Melone’s style is more seductive and tempting, Risotto has his strength and eyes to do the job, hell, even Illuso and Formaggio had their styles show their danger.
But here comes Pesci! In his self-made self-botched Mohawk, old fur coat he must have worn for years, and in a heart covered jumpsuit. What is this, yoga hour? He should be on the treadmill, not on a mission!
Doesn’t he know you have to dress like this for a reason? Seriously, it’s like he doesn’t even want to try and look dangerous! He doesn’t dress to benefit his strong frame, he doesn’t dress to represent his precise stand, he doesn’t even dress to at LEAST look menacing!
Prosciutto knows Pesci is strong. He knows that he could lift a stone column like a bar of lumber. He knows he can snatch the cork off a one bottle in one piece. But he doesn’t dress like he can and as a result, the rest of the team bullies him for it! He looks weak, so they view him like he’s weak!
You dress to demonstrate you’re tough. Prosciutto thought every man in Italy knew this by now. He was SURE his father should have taught him this lesson by now. I mean, hell, prosciutto didn’t even HAVE one and he learned this. So why does he dress like that? What is he hiding? IS he hiding anything?
Your clothes are for other people so they can’t see your insides. If your insides are weak, you dress like you’re strong. If your insides are strong, you dress like you’re strong. You dress strong no matter what. You have to. Good dressings are strength. Strength is respect. And if you do not play the part, you are kicked out of the show.
IM SORRY for the wait on a reply ive just been hoarding this message all to myself trying to come up with a good response. Ive probably reread it a dozen times because its such a vivid description, and i just know Prosciutto HATES that jumpsuit. (Aside from the designer coat Pros insisted upon) He cant even look at it for long because he'll just give himself a headache trying to figure out the enigma that is Pesci. Take Risotto for example, its extreme but it sends a message, he should be trying to accomplish that!
Prosciutto wants to see the razor wire that Pesci is hiding. He knows its naivete, or just obliviousness to the precariousness that hes found himself in, Prosciutto knows Pesci thinks there will be an escape, an opportunity to leave this life far far behind, he knows thats why he wont/cant kill, hed be stuck then, the point of no return, Prosciutto also knows thats not going to be a very sustainable belief for long. Pesci has already proved to be worth the trouble however, like you said "Prosciutto knows Pesci is strong." and knowing the long road ahead of his subordinate maybe he can afford to show a little mercy in his fashion choices too.
i also know melone loves that jumpsuit
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imagines--galore · 1 year
#20 on the cliches + spencer reid please <33
Summary: Your worst nightmare becomes a reality. Pairing: Dr. Spencer Reid x Reader Rating || Genres || Warnings: M. Romance. Hurt/Comfort. Mention of blood and death. A/N: Since you didn't specify who should nearly die I opted for Spencer. Hope thats ok!
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The sound of a gun firing off echoed in the clearing.
Followed by another gun.
And as you watched the man you loved fall to his knees, your soul left your body.
A scream rang out. Loud. Raw. Tortured. Full of anguish.
It took a moment for you to realize that you were the one screaming.
Screaming as Spencer's body hit the ground.
Screaming as you felt a pair of strong arms wrap around your body, holding you back.
You kicked. You fought. You struggled.
You had to get to him.
You had to get to Spencer.
He was shot.
He was hurt.
And when the person holding you, Derek, realized that the UnSub was not getting up from where you had shot him, he let you go.
You very nearly fell to the ground as your body's momentum propelled you forwards. Towards Spencer.
You were sobbing his name as you skidded down next to him.
"Oh God!" Blood was already staining his shirt where he had been shot in the abdomen. Behind you, you heard Derek approach, desperately trying to radio for backup. But the three of you were so far out in the Woods there was no signal.
"Call for help!" You all but screamed at your friend as you quickly shed your jacket to press against the wound to try and stop the bleeding. Derek quickly ran off, leaving you and Spencer alone.
You shifted so you that his head was in your lap. "You're alright Spence. You're gonna be just fine." You reassured him as he stared up at you. Despite the pain he must be feeling he smiled at you, prompting your tears to fall faster.
"We both know you can't lie to save your own life Y/n." He said in a low voice, grunting softly as he flinched from the pain. You shushed him as you tenderly ran your fingers through his hair. "Save your strength. Derek's gone for help. He'll be back soon."
Your head whipped around in all directions, hoping to catch Derek arriving with the rest of the team and medics.
"Y/n?" God! His voice was so weak.
You returned your gaze to his. And while his shone with unshed tears, your eyes were overflowing. "You know I lo-" Your breath stuttered as did your heart as you stared at him.
"No." You shook your head. "No, Spence. This is not the time. You can confess when you're not bleeding out in the middle of nowhere." Your voice was almost angry as you spoke to him. Your jacket was nearly soaked with his blood now, and you hands were coated in it.
But that didn't stop you from gripping one of his hands and bringing it up to kiss the back of it and pressing it against your cheek. "You can confess to me over dinner. We'll both get dressed up and everything." He knew just how much you hated dressing up, which was why he smiled at you.
"That would be nice." He admitted. The hand you had rested against your cheek was warm as he began to move his fingers, gently stroking your skin.
"K-keep talking Spence. How were you going to confess?" You asked. You knew you had to keep him from loosing consciousness. His tongue darted out to wet his dry lips.
"Not over dinner." He said, his voice rasping softly. "Maybe while we went to our spot? " You nodded, a smile pulling at your lips despite the tears. "Just outside of Quantico." It was a small grassy field which was usually full of flowers during the warmer weather. The both of you would go there to just get away from the troubles of work. Or when one of you would get overwhelmed by the horrors you had to deal with given your line of work.
As memories from the space clouded your vision you bit your lower lip to keep it from trembling. "I'm so sorry Spence. I should've taken the shot." You said referring to the UnSub that now lay a few feet away with his own gunshot wound.
Spencer shook his head. "Not your fault." He mumbled his eyelids flickering. Panic set in your voice as you gently shook him. "Hey no! Spence! You have to stay awake. Stay with me Spence." You pleaded, doing you best to apply as much pressure on the wound as possible.
He seemed to be struggling to say something. His lips moved and you bent down a little to hear him properly. "I love you, Y/n." And then his head fell back and the hand resting on your cheek went limp.
"No! No! No! Spence wake up! Spencer you better wake up or I will kill you myself." With each word your voice was getting desperate and raising in volume as you shook him. "Spencer! Wake up! Please! You can't die! Not like this! I didn't say it back. I didn't say I love you back. You have to wake up!" You were nearly screaming your pleas at this point. Screaming and sobbing as you called his name over and over.
You barely noticed as Derek arrived with the medics as well as the rest of the team. You were busy pleading with Spencer to wake up.
Someone pulled you back, allowing the EMTs to look over Spencer. You heard someone ask you a question but you didn't reply.
Your eyes never left Spencer's still face as they put a mask over his nose to help him breath.
You barely blinked as he was quickly loaded into an ambulance and taken away.
His face stayed within your mind's eye as Emily helped you into the car and you were driven to the hospital.
And that was all you could see as you sat in the waiting room with the rest of the team. For how long? You didn’t know.
Though now your eyes were focused on the blood that covered your hands, arms and clothes.
His blood.
Spencer's blood.
"I-I di-did-"
Your voice was barely audible, but it prompted JJ to sit up from where she was sitting beside you. "Did what honey?" She asked, her voice soft and warm as she wrapped an arm around your shoulders.
The entire team was watching you now, worried about your state of mind. You hadn't spoken in hours.
You were silent for a few minutes before you finally spoke.
"I didn't say I love you back." Suddenly you jumped to your feet, startling everyone. Your eyes were wide, frantic and desperate.
"I need to tell him. He told me he loves me. I didn't say it back. I have to tell him."
You had barely taken a step towards the door when it opened as a doctor came in removing a surgical mask from around his mouth to reveal a small reassuring smile.
"The surgery went well. We were able to remove the bullet, repair any damage and replace all the blood he lost." A collective sigh of relief echoed around the room. Derek quickly pulled out his phone to inform Penelope since she was still at the office in Quantico.
You hadn't fathomed just how much the news would effect you. Which is why when you suddenly dropped to your knees, Emily rushed to your side to make sure you were alright. You felt light headed with relief.
The doctor glanced in your direction. "He won't be waking up for a long while since he's on a lot of medication. I would suggest that you all go back to your hotel and get some sleep. And perhaps a change of clothes and shower." He nodded in your direction.
Not surprising since you were still covered in blood.
You had overslept.
By more then a few hours.
You had been so tired the previous night, but despite that you hadn't gotten to sleep until late in the morning. When you woke up it was nearly one in the afternoon.
A little mad at yourself for not waking up earlier you dashed about your hotel room to get ready. Seems everyone else had already gone to the Hospital. Rossi had left a voicemail, saying you hadn't woken up when he came to wake you, so they had left a car for you to drive to the hospital.
Which you did in record time. Good thing it was only a small town and now a huge city. Otherwise you would probably have broken every single stop light to get to the hospital.
The reception quickly gave you the room number and not wanting to wait for the elevator, you were bounding up the stairs and speeding down the hallway towards Spencer's room.
But then you stopped.
Each room had a window that opened up out into the hall after which came the door. And you had paused right at the edge of the window. The blinds were only drawn halfway, but you could see Spencer on the bed while the rest of the team sat or stood around him.
He was awake.
He was awake and sitting up.
He was awake, sitting up slightly and smiling.
It almost felt as if a weight had been lifted from around your heart. A couple of tears pricked your eyes but you brushed them away and felt your lips turn upwards in a smile. No one had seen you yet, and you simply took the time to keep looking at Spencer to reassure yourself that he was alright.
Which is why when Hotch walked out to catch you standing there you didn't have time to react.
"You're not coming in?" He asked, his voice gentle, nodding towards the laughter filled room. Your gaze turned back towards the window. "I want to, but....." You trailed off, not knowing how to respond properly.
Though it seemed Hotch needed no explanation. He only smiled and nodded.
"The cafeteria is going to close soon if we don't go now everyone." He said, standing at the threshold of the door. There were protests but everyone quickly stood, obviously hungry. They all walked out one by one, telling Spencer they would be back soon. The first to walk out was Emily. When she caught sight of you she glanced at Hotch and a look of understanding passed her features.
She grinned widely before following Hotch as he led the way to the cafeteria. Next to exit was Derek and Penelope. Seems she had flown in earlier that day. And from the excited look in her eyes when she looked at you, told you enough that Derek had informed her of everything. She made to come to talk to you, but Derek quickly held her back. "Lets give the lovebirds some space." Penelope pouted but waved excitedly nonetheless as Derek shepherded her away.
Not before throwing a wink over his shoulder at you.
Rossi offered a nod of encouragement along with a brief embrace which you were quick to return. JJ was the last one to come out and there was a long moment of silence between the both of you. You were aware of just how close Spencer and JJ were, so her approval was what you sought more then anything else. So when she smiled and said, "Take care of him Y/n," before departing you knew you had her blessing.
A nurse passed by at that moment, carrying a tray of food. You stepped forward, offering to take the tray into Spencer's room. She was a little hesitant at first but seeing your FBI badge she handed it over, rushing off to take care of another patient.
Gripping the tray between your hands, you heaved a calming breath before stepping into the room.
Spencer had his head resting on the pillow behind him, his eyes closed.
"You know, you didn't have to be go and die just to confess to me."
And that was the first thing out of your mouth.
Not something nice and sweet or even loving.
His head snapped up to look at you. He smiled and shrugged his shoulder. "Well I had to get your attention somehow. Stating random facts wasn't working out." You shook your head at him as you walked into the room, setting down the tray on the small table attached to his bed.
"Maybe I should've been more obvious about it? I mean I did listen to you every time you did. I just assumed you knew I liked them." You admitted, settling into the chair nearest his bed. "You know I don't pick up on social cues quickly." He argued to which you rolled your eyes at him. "So my staring at you every now and then didn't comprehend in your brilliant mind that I had feelings for you?" You asked.
He pursed his lips before shrugging. "I was unsure. And since you had caught me staring at you several times I thought you knew and simply chose to ignore it." He looked a little sad saying that, prompting you to feel bad about all the times you had caught him and never realizing the true intent of his actions.
"Well then how about we stop dancing around the whole thing and once you get better we go to our spot just like you planned?" You asked, reaching out to playfully ruffle his hair. He reached up to grasp your wrist. Your smile faltered as you became aware of just how intense his gaze was.
It was enough to make you blush.
"Hopefully neither of us will have to be bleeding out to get the point across this time."
You stared at him, mouth open. He grinned impishly, now holding your hand. Your free hand reached up to smack him on the arm, prompting him to laugh out loud. "Don't even joke about that you jerk."
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scolek · 5 months
my animal crossing island might be named after onisister but there is another team in my heart. so i spent a normal amount of hours designing a ryuseitai-themed upstairs for kid cat in hhp
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and it is
so allow me to. well. to speak further in depth on this topic
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first off, the centerpiece of the whole room, the media center. they dont all get to gather in the a/v room like last year so they get this.
behind the projector is a patchwork sofa chair in the 'leaves' colorway, which combines with the loveseat, the cushion, and the barstool to form the seating arrangements. its not actually a hard and fast arrangement, chiaki radiates heat which kanata can only stand for so long, so he'll switch with one of the juniors or just kick chiaki off the couch entirely if feeling particularly puckish.
also visible here is the sushi on the kitchenette, the fries and basil-y tomato-y pizza margherita on the coffee table, and the "galbi" (carpaccio di marlin blu) and "hyorogan" (coconut cookies, i couldnt find anything that looked like shinobus actual favorite food, umeboshi. i think if i had cherry jam? closest legal relative, but still more of a stretch than the coconut cookie-hyorogan stretch. like, hyorogan does actually look like that.)
so, from here, we go to the specific areas
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a pond for pukapuka, some fish, what more could you possibly need?
though the glow stickers on the wall were probably not put there by kanata himself but rather by the person who put the rest of the glow stickers up,
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shinobu! froggie chair. another one with not a lot to point out, everythings pretty self explanatory. i was going to make this space more enclosed, because, you know, ninja, but i was running out of space. i couldve maybe done better if there wasnt a doorway in the middle of the other wall and it could be off to the side or something.
also the middle thing on the wall there is a switch lite, because im not sure how much of a gamer shinobu is but i know he was really excited when he learned hasumi-dono knew about p*kemon....
the keroppi snack could belong to either shinobu or the person on the other side of the divider,
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midori! this is an awkward photo. i dont actually very much sanrio furniture despite having the cards, otherwise i wouldve used it more here, im too lazy to scan them in. otherwise the posters of the sanrio villagers would be on the wall next to jack, who stands at the precipice of midori's chill out zone to scare off chiaki, which otherwise contains nothing but plushies, a futon to take a depression nap on, and a tv to secretly enjoy things on (which is apple shaped because midori is the produce boy).
and then across the doorway is
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see, this is a much larger space, i couldve used fewer tiles, but because i wasnt trying to replicate a set like i was for the crazy anthem one, i was actually minding the doors and windows of the space.
ok so the. the cross-stitch. ok. i thought there was like a folding fan or some framed embroidery or something, but there is NOT, so. tetora's prized gift from his beloved taishou is. cross stitch (cock (manly)).
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this is another area which is mostly self-explanatory. the thing next to the basketball is a pile of model kits, no idea if chiaki actually does those, but it is more toku merch, so.
the picture frame in the shelves is a customizable thing and i didnt vibe with any of the options so thats a. custom design i made to spice up my beaches. its transparent, so. lets just call it a shadow box displaying a shell chiaki recieved as a gift or something.
also theyre like switching leaders every project now but you see that stack of papers? you know whos probably doing like, the most of the paperwork. probably wont even let anyone else do it even if they ask. what paperwork. theres barely any paperwork theres no paperwork what are you talking about.
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saksukei · 3 years
oikawa tooru as a boyfriend
others; ushijima | tsukkishima | tanaka | kuroo
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some of you all don't understand how great of a boyfriend he'll be,,,,, aND IT PAINS ME
like oh my god
he'll ruffle your hair,,,, give you piggy back rides,,, tickle wars,,,, teasing you about how you're such a simp for him,,,, he's just the type of boyfriend that WILL leave your heart pounding
to be honest,,,, he didn't expect to like anyone,,, given that half of his time is consumed by volleyball
but his pretty boy bravado goes out of the window when he meets you oh gosh
he denied his feelings for the longest because you know,, his past experiences with relationships,,,,, but then he saw your smile and he knew he was fucked™
will go around showing pictures of you and be like
and everyone will be like “for the fiftieth time– yes.”
he uses pet names like ‘baby’ ‘honey’ ‘sugar’ ‘bubs’
you know how most of the hq boys will lend you their jacket?? yeah,,,, if you ask oikawa HE WILL EVEN TAKE OFF HIS JERSEY AND GIVE IT TO YOU
if you ever come to his matches,,,, He smirks so damn match and the opposing team gulps because oikawa smirking is not a good sign
and if you cheer for him,,,, he'll be like “YES THATS MY BABY ARE Y'ALL JEALOUS HAHA??? SUCKS TO BE YOU THEN” and the entire team is trying to stop him before he gets kicked out
oikawa loves being in physical contact with his significant other at all times,,, so holding hands, forehead kisses, back hugs are all too common
his favorite place to kiss you though is on your wrists,,, they're so delicate compared to his,,, and his hands wrap around them so easily he can't help but kiss them
dates consist of going to volleyball matches of other teams to analyze them while wearing disguises,,,, going to the park for the swings,,, going to local cafes and maybe even having study dates but,, oikawa isn't letting you study
he even loves going to watch sunsets with you
spoils the absolute shit out of you,,, flowers, matching couple outfits,,,, you name it, he'll do it
and yes, he will absolutely trap you between a wall and steal kisses I DONT MAKE THE RULES
one day,, oikawa will come up to you randomly and be like “can you wear your most expensive dress?”
and once you do,,, he'll be in a suit,,,
and then he'll play some song from the 1960’s and you two will dance around in the living room
and then he'll also take you out to dinner
oikawa loves one thing,,, and it's a very intimate thing but he loves taking showers with you,,, after his tiring day, he just wants to be in your arms and he wants you to wash his hair will he washes yours,,,, he also loves it when you give him massages
and perverts, get your minds out of the gutter
I know a lot of people think oikawa won't be loyal in a relationship,,, sorry to break ya bubble lovelies but I think he'll be one of the most geniune and loyal boyfriends,,,
yes he will have a bit of trouble trusting, especially in the start of the relationship where he wouldn't share anything at all,,, but please don't ever doubt his love for you,,,
oikawa would never cheat on you, heck he'd be showing his fan girls pictures of you,,,, he'd decline their confessions like they were nothing,, because he only has his eyes one person and that's you
on bad days, he'll bury his head in your chest,, wanting nothing more than to stay in your warmth
fights happen because you want him to take care of himself and stop with the reckless attitude
he might be a tad bit mean at first,,, but once he cools down, he'll immediately apologize and maybe even start crying,,, telling you how much he loves you and that you're right– he needs to be more careful,,,
and the next day, oikawa will start texting you what he's eating, how much he slept etc omg
if you're upset,,,, he'll do anything in his power to make you happy,,, be it kisses, shopping,,, it doesn't matter
your happiness matters so much to him,,, he'd walk on a bed of nails if it'd make you smile
you'll be there with him, laughing your asses off,,, and the only thing oikawa will be thinking is “i wouldn't rather be anywhere else than here”
he feels so warm in his chest,,, more warm than he's ever felt before,, and he thinks that you'll be the death of him,,,
all in all,, he's a sweetheart,,, yes it might be tough in the start but once he's comfortable,,, you'll be second guessing whether oikawa is actually an angel or a human being
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I'm more mentally prepared for it to not be a dinof than I was expecting. I feel like BIG kinda marked the end of that era, and now he wants to focus on using his platform to be a positive and safe space for queer people more than anything else. I joined the phamily(I love that term) after he came out, so it might just be that because this is the only dan era that I've really known the transition is easier, idrk. I joined about a week after something we want to tell you came out, and I was just in time for the stereo era, so that is a very likely possibility if that makes sense. Idk I'm just really happy to have made it in time to see the two of them happy
🥺 i knowww
i was part of the phandom for a really long time, but i was always kind of in the background and never really active, up until big came out, and then i was like oh. he's like me and made more of an effort to give it more time, and then phil, and the hiatus, and when lockdown started and i was plunged into a perpetual state i dont know please help me i dont know how to do this whats happening please i dont want to die unless its on my own terms and just general panic, and my mental health did a barrel flip off a cliff screaming sayonara, so i used their old videos, mostly the gaming channel, as a kind of anchor, and it reminded me why i cared about them in the first place! and then we got the stereos and one thing led to another and now we're here! and its great!
i completely agree with big being the end of an era, but i think i always had this mindset of oh of course he'll take a break but he'll be back and then he wasn't. and he wasn't. and he wasn't. and now he's going to be! and i never had the chance to tell myself it would be different, so i assumed it would be a proper Dan Video, maybe like phil's one year later video, and now we've hit the second anniversary!! and things are so different!
and im so happy that theyre happy, bc its honestly... amazing. like not only everything we know about them and everything theyve done and everything theyve been through, but even just the basic, overhead view of queer people living happily and healthily, and being so lovely and loved and loving, its like... i dont know, ive been taught for so long that queerness = hate. and sometimes i still struggle with that. even though i push my pride out so often and i like to think im pretty unapologetic about it, i still wake up sometimes wishing i was straight and cis, bc its so much easier. and here dan and phil are, screaming at the tops of their lungs that queerness = love, and happiness, and theyve wrapped it all up in so many different kinds of love and held it up to the world like i dare you.
and its so fitting that two years after dan came out and all of this happened to them and to us, that he's teaming up with so many other queer creators like him who have audiences who probably love them the same as we love dan and phil, who are so incredibly grateful for the simple fact of their existence, and that theyve chosen to exist in the way that they do, and theyre all going to be doing something together to kick it all off again!
and all i can really feel is love. and thats amazing
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between-two-fandoms · 4 years
Who We Used To Be (Ray/Rose/Trevor)
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As told by myself and @thesevenumbrellas tag teaming the whump in the 18+ JatP discord. Sev I swear we operate on the same braincell levels, we do be clowning. @bobbywilsonsupremacy  let us know what you think of this! I know you and I both hardcore ship Raybse.
Cover was created by @thesevenumbrellas​. Please don’t steal it.
This post got long so fair warning.
We wrote this in a discord server over the time span of hours so there’s some mistakes but i’m too lazy to go back and fix it all. Basically we tag teamed on a Raybse Trevor Wilson-centric whump story and can destroy a fandom with a single touch.
You’ll understand once you click the cut.
Don’t Steal Our Writing (but please reblog this to spread it around).
Trauma Time.
major whump warning
(Ren) Okay so if we're gonna be starting at 90's ot3 my children ray/bobby/Rose know that Ray is a panic bi and loves both of these humans very much with his whole ass heart.
(Ren) He takes pictures of his girlfriend and boyfriend while they’re on dates because he wants to capture the moments he was happy the most. Bobby always shed away from the camera burying his face in Rose's shoulder or leaning in for a kiss. Anyways as time goes by Ray notices Bobby's change in behavior. From being his go-happy-trauma boyf to being caught up in the music scene, often out at all hours to parties and label meetings only to come to to sleep on the couch, not even sharing the bed like he used to. It reminds Ray of the time when Bobby was grieving his boys. Ray hates it, but he loves bobby so he pushes his feelings aside to try and arrange more dates for the three of them to go on together.
(Sev) Ray waking up to only Rose in the bed and not Bobby, and it feels too cold in bed without him. So he'll try to call him, because it's 3am and he's supposed to be home and he's not. And Ray remembers what happened to Bobby's bandmates, and he can't admit it out loud but he's worried. Because what if that happens to Bobby? He knows it was a freak accident! What are the odds of it happening again?? But he can't shake that feeling when Bobby doesn't come home at night and Ray stays up all night worrying. Anyway he tries to call Bobby and Bobby doesn't answer. He'll leave loads of voicemails, trying not to be pushy because he knows Bobby doesn't respond well to that. But he's worried. He'll say "hey please call me when you get this." and then ten minutes later try again "hey just text me that you're safe okay?" He can't sleep because Bobby still isn't home. It's 5am. He has to go to work in two hours. Rose keeps telling him to go to bed but he can't.[2:58 PM]Bobby finally texts back. "I'm okay! Was playing with some friends, the gig went over time and then we went to  party." Ray wants to be angry because seriously? No phone calls because he was at a party? But he knows that'll just push Bobby away more!
(Ren) And so Ray has all of these festering emotions that boil down to worry and concern at the core but he's just so scared hes losing Bobby cause he never really had his own family to begin with and then one day when Ray comes home early from a photoshoot he can hear Bobby and Rose fighting over Bobby signing the contract that says he wrote Luke's songs but Ray just hears yelling before he even opens the door with his name thrown into the mix and then he gets even more scared because what if he loses Rose and Bobby? if he lost both of them he'd be destroyed. So he doesnt knock. He doesnt go home. Instead he walks around the city until he was supposed to go home originally and he opens the door and there's a sort of eerie silence in the air.
(Sev) Trevor’s unable to shake the feeling that something terrible will happen to Rose and Ray because he's with them. His entire family were killed in 1 night because he wasn't there with them. So at first he's clingy as fuck to Rose and Ray because what if something bad happens when he's not there? What if what if what if... But as time goes on the thinking flips. Maybe it's the music industry that's the problem. It's these weird connections in his head of if he's too successful, bad things might happen. But he can't quit music like that, he can't give up on Luke's dream. He owes his boys to become successful. So instead he distances himself from Rose and Ray. That way they won't be caught up in whatever bad thing is going to happen to him. He distances himself and he waits for it all to drop. He waits for the universe to punish him again.
(Ren) And the universe punishes Bobby when the tension between him and Rose tightens so much he knows there's no going back from it but he's not admitting to stealing the songs because he didn't. He helped Luke write all of the songs more than Alex and Reggie ever did, staying up late with Luke after fights with his mom and Bobby didn’t want Luke to be alone so yeah, he wrote the songs. Maybe not as much as he claimed but he sure as hell made sure his brother wasn’t alone so that counted for something right? And it did. Until Rose kicks him out of bed because she's pissed he'd even consider stealing music and he cant tell Ray because of the NDA the label got him to sign at a party when he was drunk and the only reason Rose knows about it is because she was there when he signed the damn thing and so Bobby pulls away from Ray because isnt it going to be easier in the long run? If he doesn’t attach himself to Ray who'll just get angry at him like Rose did?
(Sev) It's the guilt that grows inside of him every passing day. They're my songs too he tells himself over and over again. But during the dark nights, three glasses of whisky in when the world is getting hazy... even he can't believe the lies he tells himself. He fucked up Sunset Curve. He fucked up his friends' memories. And now he fucked up the only good thing he'd ever had. Ray texts him nonstop. He doesn't understand why Rose kicked Bobby out and he doesn't understand why Bobby listened. Bobby can't take Ray away from Rose. He's fucked up and a terrible person, but even he can't do that. He doesn't give Ray his new address. He refuses to meet up even for Ray to give him his stuff back. All Bobby can do is hold onto Ray's sweatshirt he stole away and a bottle of perfume the same brand Rose always wears. He cradles these things in his arms and cries.
(Ren) And that's the last he sees of Ray for all of 5 years, 20yr old puppy-dog eyed loving precious ray who Bobby would run to the second Rose says its okay. But rose never does. And then Bobby meets a cute blonde and six months later the barista shows up on his doorstep shoving Carrie into his arms calling her a bastard child. Carrie is not a bastard child Carrie is his and he loves her the second he sets eyes on her and so Bobby turns into Trevor when the new year rolls around and he starts his own album. It doesn’t do as well as Luke's his first album did but it was his. And then one day Trevor signs Carrie up for dance because Trisha from first grade made fun of her for not being able to do the splits and on the way out of the dance studio Trevor bumps into Ray, a terrified looking girl clutched to his leg. Carrie doesn't miss a beat. "Hi! I'm Carrie let's be friends!" and Carrie drags Ray's daughter off and Trevor shifts awkwardly and is suddenly 17 again but Ray's eyes still twinkle like the did when they were kids and he's still wearing eyeliner so Trevor almost missed it when a flicker of recognition crosses Ray’s face and a smile quirks at the corners of his lips and he says, "hi im Ray, thats my daughter Julie. Wanna go out for a drink?" With that same mischievous glint in his eye that made Bobby fall in love with him in the first place.
(Sev) Trevor almost stops breathing. He should say no. He knows he should say no. He's an awful person. He doesn't deserve someone like Ray. He never deserved either of them. He knows that. But can't force himself to say no. Maybe it's the twinkle in Ray's eyes. Maybe it's the soul crushing loneliness he's felt ever since he left them. Or maybe it's the way Carrie and Julie are giggling in the corner like they've known each other all their lives. He says yes. The drink ends up at a family friendly restaurant with both the girls in tow.
(Ren) Rose shows up because Ray the asshole apparently texted her while he was in the car saying he met one of Julie's friend's parents and wanted to go out on a date (keeping things pg ofc) aklsdf. And when Rose does show up Trevor sees how... sick she looks. How much paler she looked than she did all those years ago how - he still knew he loved her even if she still decided she hated him.
(Sev) The mood drops quickly. Trevor wants to ask about Rose, but not in front of the kids. Ray wants to ask about their past, but not in front of the kids. Rose... Rose who holds all the answers... doesn't know where to start first. She had never regretted not telling Ray the truth. She never wanted to change Ray's perception of Bobby like that. Ray who looked at their boyfriend as if he'd hung the moon. Ray who stayed up worrying all night until Bobby came home. Ray who held Bobby through countless nightmares... But that makes the truth staring them in the face so much harder. Because she never gave Ray the choice. She realized that a few years too late after she catches Ray staring at old pictures of Bobby in their photo albums. She'd made the choice for him. And then there's Trevor... still beautiful, staring at her with so much concern her heart breaks all over again.
(Ren) The tension doesn't fly over Carrie's head like he hoped it would, she talks to Julie about My Little Pony and Pokemon and High School Musical and their mutual hatred for Trisha from school but Carrie's hand never lets go of his and he finally plucks up the courage and stretches his arm out and says "we're vegetarian for the most part, hope that's okay." And a smile quirks at the corner of her lips and she asks "for the most part?" and Trevor nods and Carrie pipes up from her seat saying "daddy hates hot dogs,” in that blatant fact kind of way kids say things without realizing how problematic it could be. It wasn’t her fault though, Trevor has yet to tell her about her uncles, about how he was in a band, about how they were going to be legends.
(Sev) Rose and Ray both freeze at Carrie's voice. He doesn't know if the girls notice, because he's too busy trying to fight back the panic in his throat. It's been a long time since anyone had brought up ... what happened. It's easy to pretend it didn't happen when his name is Trevor and no one knows him. But these two people know him. They know him more than anyone else ever has. Even the boys. The truth hits him hard at that moment. A truth he'd been avoiding for almost two decades. Ray and Rose know him better than even he knew himself. Maybe that was why Rose had been so furious with him, or why Ray continued to chase after him even months after he moved out. Trevor hides the building panic and sudden realization with a smile. "What an I say," he said as causally as he can. "I'm a picky eater." A few hours later they end up back at the Molina's house. Bobby has no idea how it happened. -No, Trevor has no idea how it happened, he scolds himself. He's Trevor. He has to be Trevor. Trevor got him this far, Trevor made the difficult choices. Bobby was the one who got his friends kill and destroyed the best relationship he ever had. Still, it becomes harder and harder to remind himself of that. To stop himself from slipping into the comfortable shoes of Bobby, boyfriend of Ray and Rose as if the past 17 years had never happened. He finds himself on their sofa, a sofa that brings back memories both good and bad... he finds himself in a familiar home, his old studio just a short walk away, his ex's giggling in the kitchen as they make his coffee the way he's always liked it without asking for a reminder.
(Ren) Trevor can remember the day he stopped drinking the coffee Ray made for him, the morning after his first fight with Rose, when he wakes up cold because Rose basically cocooned herself around Ray's body, keeping her back turned to him and as much as he wanted to reach out to Ray, to hug him and comfort him and tell him it was all going to be okay... everything was too stuffy and too tense and deciding he just had to leave because he was going to suffocate otherwise.
(Sev) He should leave, just like last time. What was he even doing here? He should take Carrie and- Then Ray's in front of him, pushing a hot cup into is hands. "The girls are playing upstairs," he says. His voice is so calm, so understanding. "We don't have to talk if you don't want to." Trevor almost laughs. Because that's so like Ray. Almost a decade without answers and he's giving Trevor the option to ignore it all. To pretend like nothing ever happened. But he can't be that selfish again. So he shakes his head. "I'd... like to talk to you... to both of you."
(Ren) And then suddenly rose is eyeing him sus but he's been putting this off for to long and honestly fuck his label because they screwed him over one too many times for him to still even consider their relationship anything other than employee-client1[4:06 PM]and so Trevor takes a sip of Ray's coffee holy shit how did go so long without it?! and he explains it. he explains everything.
(Sev) Ray doesn't speak as Trevor explains. He never interrupts or even look surprised. His face is completely unreadable. He doesn't move until Trevor's done. And then once he is, he only stands up to start pacing the room. Trevor's oddly reminded of Alex as he does so,  and the memory is enough to make him flinch. "This... this is what you two have been hiding from me for so long?" he asked, voice brittle. "This is... this is what cost us... I mean..." But he can't finish. Ray just shakes his head, back to both Rose and Trevor.
(Ren) Suddenly he's seventeen again. Seventeen and a mess in Ray's arms burying his face into the man's chest finally feeling the weight of the world lift off of his shoulders and suddenly Rose is hugging him from behind, her too-skiny bone arms snaking around his chest and hugging him tightly threatening to never let him go saying "amour," and pressing a kiss to the back of his head, "amour we never stopped loving you."
(Sev)It's like no time has passed by the time he's done crying his eyes out. They're all huddled on a sofa that was always too small for three. Trevor's in the middle, clutching at them both as if they're going to disappear on him. Ray sits with his legs underneath them, his arms pulling the both of them into his chest. And then there's Rose, suddenly so much more delicate than Trevor remembers. She sits half on his lap, curled into them, her fingers knotted in his hair. "I can't believe you two kept this from me," Ray whispers. There's no anger. He doesn't think Ray's ever been capable of being angry. "I'm sorry," Trevor whispers, throat raw from tears. Ray answers with a firm kiss to his temple. "We wasted so much time..."
(Ren) Trevor just lays between them in their bed, nothing sexual and nothing tense it’s just them being together and Rose playing with his now-long hair, braiding it right down the middle despite it being too long for others to braid. Her fingers feel nice as they tug at his roots, familiar and a sense of calm washes over him. He lets ray fop on top of him like they used to, burying his head in his chest just listening to his heart beat, his steady constant breathing because Ray used to be afraid one day he'd wake up and Bobby would be dead too. Rose humming lightly, soft lullabies that chased away dark thoughts and Trevor just finds it so comforting, a feeling of home he hasn't had since the day he left and so he wraps his arms around Rose and Ray tight, promising himself he won't screw up his second time around.
(Sev) It's a few hours later when he speaks again. The girls are asleep in Julie's room (delighted at their surprise sleepover.) Ray's almost nodded off, head resting against Trevor's chest. But Rose is wide awake. She's laid out, tangled between them, eyes focused on something far away. He can see it more clearly now. The tremble in her hands, the way she's so still, the circles around her eyes. He takes her hand in his. "What is it?"
(Ren) And Trevor wants it to be a prank, he wants the sinking feeling in his gut twisting around his heart, the same feeling he had the morning of Sunset Curve's Orpheum performance coiling up his spine to go away. He wants everything to be okay, that he told the truth, that he was forgiven, that the universe was finally on his side for once but of course it's not because when has it ever been.  Rose's fingers run lightly over his knuckles and Ray wraps his arm around him from behind, his hands resting against Trevor's chest, something solid for him to focus on and as a tear starts to roll down Rose's cheek he reaches up to brush it away, running his hand through her hair only to pull out a clump as he pulled away but he couldn't run when his instincts to run kick in like they always used to do when situations turned emotional, bury it in his mind and lock up his worries like he always did but this wasn't going to be something he could run from.
(Sev) Life is not the fantasy or a fairy tale. There are no happy endings, only happy moments. He'd like to say they picked up right where they left off, Rose lived until a ripe old age, and they never fought again. But he'd be lying. It was hard to fold their lives back into place again, especially with Carrie and Julie. To just pick up after their seventeen year old selves was an impossible dream. But they could do breakfast. And breakfast became dinner. Dinner became one date which became two which became many. It took trouble and care, but they slotted themselves back into each other's lives again. There were lunch dates, and movie nights. There were late night wine dates and early morning coffee dates. They found their happy moments. A decade of separation had smoothed out the rough edges. If Trevor stormed out after a harsh argument, he'd return the next day with flowers and apologies. If Rose snapped and lost her temper, she'd take herself off for a walk to cool down. If Ray was bothered by something, he'd speak up instead of pushing it all down. They found their happy moments. And when 1 month became 1 year, they celebrated with moving boxes and a new, bigger couch. When 1 year became 2, they celebrated with promise rings and whispers of a better future between light kisses. 3 years became 4, became 5, and so on... They found their happy moments. But life is not a fantasy or a fairy tale. Their story ends in a hospital. Rose dies with both her husbands at her side, with both her daughters and son clutching on her hands. She dies with a smile on her face, knowing she is not leaving them to suffer alone. Ray and Trevor grieve together.
(Ren) And this time the girls are the ones who get into the fight but Trevor and Ray are there for Julie and Carrie no matter what they're fighting over carrie told julie she liked flynn but julie said flynn was hers first and doesnt understand how she can feel squishy love for two people. And this time the girls are the ones who get into the fight but Trevor and Ray are there for Julie and Carrie no matter what they're fighting over carrie told julie she liked flynn but julie said flynn was hers first and doesnt understand how she can feel squishy love for two people. They stick to their daughters through the worst of it but they don’t let the girl’s fighting rip into them too. It’s not what Rose would’ve wanted for them, it’s not what she would’ve wanted for Julie or Carrie either.
(Sev) And when Julie plays with her ghost band, it's much earlier that Trevor recognizes who she's playing with.
(Ren) Luke’s mad at first, ofc he is but after everything is explained and out in the open Trevor finds himself at home in a building that never felt like home despite the fact he grew up in it.
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brideofcthulhu10 · 4 years
Next up on our list my lovelies is Paul! A special thank you to @trescharmant-mydear for helping me with brainstorming ideas when writers block had me stumped! I hope you fang babes all enjoy the next boy in our child birth saga!
Lost Boys Fem!S/O Gives Birth [2/4]
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The whole pregnancy thing was undoubtedly a massive shock when you had finally told him. At first he wasn’t even sure it was his. Granted you slugged him for even suggesting you had been having an affair but he couldn’t help it! The idea of impregnation was pretty much impossible as far as they knew. He had no heartbeat, the blood in his veins was dead and black, he kind of assumed by that point his gun was shooting blanks. That is until you began rejecting anything that wasn’t blood or meat. Every day he could see more of that reality coming into play. At first he thought maybe he had just imagined it, but when your stomach grew in really sank in. 
 He was terrified beyond belief knowing he’d soon be responsible for a living, breathing thing- er baby- guh! The word freaked him out. No one even warned him what came with it. Well, Dwayne tried to but those books were nasty. Especially the pictures. Paul tried his best to sit through them but it just stressed him out! There wouldn’t be a doctor! There would be no sterilized hospital bed where a team of nurses would be on standby if there were complications- hell, they wouldn’t be able to know if there even were any complications! That’s what scared him more than anything. You both were utterly in the dark. Were you healthy? Was the baby healthy? Could this kill you if they weren't careful? Ultrasounds were out too, so he couldn't even know if it was a boy or a girl. The uncertainty of it all was torture!
The only way he knew they were still alive was from his own bizarre connection to them. Sure his mental powers were never as clean cut as David’s, but he could still feel their emotions inside you. It was raw. There were no clear thoughts. Even the emotions would pile over each other. Hungry, tired, anxious, hyper, mad, happy. It was almost like there was more than one consciousness in there, but he just figured it was your own heartbeat and emotions clouding the baby's.
Hormones were wild between you both. You wanted sex more than you ever had before, and at first he was all for it. Being the mother of his unborn child brought out a desire that was utterly foreign to him. Yeah he loved you to death before, but now… he couldn't keep his hands off of you. The first few months it was wild, but the bigger you got the more worried he was that something could happen if he lost control. Okay, well, as long as he was careful right? But, things did not go exactly to plan when a firm kick pressed on his erm… Needless to say it certainly freaked him out. Then came the morning sickness.
Fuck whatever liar came up with that name. “Morning”? Try morning, noon, night, and the ass crack of dawn. Twenty-four seven. He hated seeing you hugging a trash bin, panting between excruciating heaves that made your stomach spasm. Paul could only hold your hair back while you gurgled out sobs. It was even harder knowing he was partially responsible for putting you in this position to begin with. Afterwards he’d carry you back to your bed. Yeah, bed. All the guys had felt that you needed something way better than a couch to crash on. There were more pillows and blankets than you could count. Piles on the bed, scattered on the floor, stacked up in the corners. With a bit of searching they’d found a pocket-cave branching just off their own that kept you out of sight and even better, nearby. What Paul really couldn’t account for was how frickin’ clumsy you were! 
Oops you just banged your knee! Well looks like you accidentally nicked your hand while peeling a freaking apple! Paul nearly ripped a guys head off for bumping into you on the boardwalk just to cut in line with his stupid friends. Eventually he just refused to leave your side during the second trimester when he found a bruise on your stomach. You didn’t have the heart to tell him those were from the baby kicking. While the guys went hunting he’d just lay beside you in bed gushing over your taut belly. The baby always stirred when he spoke, even more so when he’d serenade them. His voice always made your face heat up, and inside you could feel your child eagerly pressing up. While Paul was certainly uneasy about his encroaching parenthood he was over the moon the first time the baby really kicked. Even if it seemed scary he was so excited he could hardly sleep most nights. Every day he'd wonder when they'd get here, bombarding you with thousands of questions.
"Do you think they'll have your eyes? I bet if it's a boy he'll be a bad ass like his dad, huh," he asked. There was almost a glee to his voice, it was so adorable to watch him shed that panic for just a moment to fantasize about the baby. Anything. Teaching them to play guitar, taking them on their first hunt. He didn't care if it was a boy or girl. Part of you really hoped it'd be a little girl. 
“They probably won’t get any eye color until the fifth month I think,” you’d remind him, flipping through the aged pages of a baby book. "I do know if it is a boy he's gonna be so much like you."
"Unless it's a girl," he pondered, tapping your belly like it was an over ripe melon, watching it stirr with life. "Oh god you'll break so many hearts. But no boyfriends. Or girlfriends. Only dad."
"Babe thats not gonna be for years," you assured, petting his head. "You can't keep them from dating when they're old enough."
"Uh, the fuck I can't," he retorted, his hand kicked again. "Yeah I said it. No dating for you"
As they grew you could feel something was.. Off. Granted you couldn’t do much to check but, it almost felt like there was more than one heartbeat...
Your due date was slowly rolling closer as summer shed it's long, hot days for the chilled season of autumn. Tonight was a late, stormy October night. Most of Santa Carla was holed up at home hoping it wouldn’t rain tomorrow on Halloween. Paul grumbled slurping at a blood bag laying on his side as he propped his head on his hand, currently bored out of his mind while you carved at a pumpkin with Marko. 
“I think it needs more teeth,” you’d say to yourself out loud.
Marko peeked over, titling his head to the side. “More eyes too.”
All the guys decided to stay back tonight. It wasn’t just the rain, all of them were nervous to leave you alone. None of them were doctors, but even they could tell your stomach was much bigger than expected. Dwayne was flipping through an old book while David had just gotten back from a hunt. 
Ever since you hit your third trimester each of them took turns gathering blood. A few blood bags alone would not cover it for four hungry vampires and an honorary vamp who had a ton of cravings. Instead they'd carry four or five empty milk jugs that'd be filled to the brim with sloshing, goopy red fluid. 
"Guys, you oughta go get something to eat, you don't need to watch me twenty-four seven," you insist, carefully dragging the knife through the thick gourd's flesh. 
"This wasn't up for debate last time, it’s still not now," David retorted, tossing one of the jugs Dwayne's way. Marko caught a second one, eagerly knocking back a swig. The sight made you want to throw up again. It was slow, like a thick molasses dyed crimson with globs of congealed plasma. Okay looking at the pumpkin again before you had to puke. 
"Don't worry about us, Y/N," Marko insisted with red stained teeth, tossing the now half empty jug to Paul. "It's only a few more months. Blood is blood."
Paul stood up, swooping behind you with his arms around your shoulders. "Speakin' of blood kitten, you need to eat." You looked at the jug as he set it on the table and immediately scrunched up your nose. Now, it'd been seven and a half months of drinking it, so you'd gotten used to the bizarre taste of salty, vinegary cherries with a metallic aftertaste. It always made your body heat up, the feeling itself was better than any booze you'd tried. But the texture. Oh god the fricking texture! Blobby, goopy, slimy- no! 
"Uuuugh," you hesitated, only to have Marko push it towards you. “Can’t I just have a raw steak or something, it’s not nearly as gnarly as straight blood.”
"Don't be picky, you need to eat."
You glanced back at Paul who was just pouting behind you. "Come on babes, drink up."
Once again. Thick, soupy but warm fluids ran down the back of your throat. Everything felt heated, spreading from your stomach to each of your limbs. This time you felt an ache in the base of your abdomen. It was enough to incite a small gasp. And with that suddenly each of them had sat up. 
"What's wrong, what's going on," Paul quickly asked, placing a hand over your stomach. 
Marko had stood up, looking at you with a furrowed brow. "Is it-?"
"Guys, guys," you interrupt. "I'm okay, I swear. It was just a cramp."
It wasn't even a surprise when Paul lifted you up again bridal-style. "Paul,c’mon, I’m fine, really."
"Nope, nope I am not even risking that shit babes. C'mon kitten I'll lay with ya," he insisted, kicking anything on the floor out of his way. But again it ached. This time it lasted two minutes. You clung to him, trying to take a breath. This wasn’t your average false contraction that would only occur maybe every hour. "Paul- Paul it's not stopping."
"Wait wait wait what," Paul asked in rapid following, gently setting you down. Marko had gotten up to help you stand with Paul on the other side. A sharp pain wrapped around your waist. Now another two minutes. It was enough to make you double over with your hands over your stomach. 
"Shit oh shit wait hold on." Paul was in a panic. He wasn't ready! The baby wasn't supposed to be there for another month! It was too soon! 
You, on the other hand, were far too busy trying to keep yourself standing. It wasn't just your abdomen. It was your stomach, all the way up your back, your womb felt like it was being torn open from inside. Dwayne jumped over the sofa when the two blondes failed to move, lifting you up. Your jeans were soaked, sharp pains were faster, harder, any time another contraction squeeze you let out an agonized cry. 
They all made a mad dash for your room, propping you up against a pile of pillows. "No,  no wait, don't look," you insisted to the others as Paul tried to help you get your soggy jeans off.
"I'm about to help you push a baby out, and you're getting embarrassed by us seeing your underwear," Dwayne questioned
"Shut up, turn your fuckin head," Paul snapped. Carefully he draped a blanket over your legs, pulling off your jeans. There was utter fear across his face. He was so afraid of what this could do to you.
 "Hey.. its okay," you assured him, cupping his face. Well, okay was a bit of an overstatement. Still, the tender touch seemed to provide some small ease as he placed his hand over yours. Again, you assured him it'd all be okay. Marko came running in with a bucket of warm water, David was grumbling about carrying over a mountain of towels, Dwayne leaned over Paul tapping him hard on the back of his shoulder. "Paul you need to check how dilated she is."
It was time for both of you chiming in disbelief. "No no, wait Dwayne man, I can't-!"
"If she pushes before she's ready, the baby will get hurt in the process," he interrupted him, grabbing Paul by his shoulders. "You gotta do it, man, I can't do it for you."
"The fuck, why me?!"
"Paul?!" It was your turn to question his logic and the blonde threw up his hands, clutching at his head trying to think.
"I'm sorry! I'm panicking!"
"Dude Paul," Marko shouted.
"Listen, man, this can't be good for either of them. Nut up, dude," he assured him, patting his back. Paul looked at you, still trembling on your bed. You were just as scared as him, bottom lip trembling, he could even see your shoulders shaking. "...okay…" 
The feeling was so uncomfortable. You couldn't even focus between the throbbing pains that shot up your back and the tearing pull between your legs. Tears burned your eyes, you thought you might pass out. Marko was rapidly wiping away sweat from your face, letting you hold his hand. Even if you broke it, unlikely, it'd heal in an hour anyways. 
"Okay how many fingers can you manage," Dwayne asked, getting a strange look from Paul. "Just tell me how many, you asshole.:
"It's like, all my fingers man I dunno what that means."
"Go to her man, I got this," he assured, pushing him up to you. Paul climbed up on the bed beside you holding you tightly in his arms with your shoulder nestled against his armpit with one arm over your shoulder and the other you immediately snatched his hand, panting rapidly. "Shh slow down baby, slow down."
"God it fucking hurts," you whine, throwing your head back on the pillow. Blood stained the bed, a thick pink-red spot on the blanket spreading out. Your face was completely flushed as a tight pressure slowly dragged down your back that made your toes curl. If Paul wasn't pinning you in place you would be writhing. There was a horrid fire in your body, there were no words left in you, only screams. Dwayne's urges to push were muffled, the ache in you back slowly pulled lower until you were able to hear them. A thick gurgle followed by high pitched, raspy wailing. While Dwayne had pulled the infant into a thick, fluffy towel something felt wrong. It still hurt. Your stomach felt no relief, in fact you felt it pull and ache again. "Wa...wait i.. no it's-it's not done, I'm not done," you whimper in a panic.
"Wait what the hell do you mean you aren’t done?! I thought there was just one?!”
Paul looked over at Dwayne, who in turn ran to David and passed the swaddled newborn his way much to his dismay. “Just hold them for a minute man, we weren’t exactly expecting more!
“I got it,” Marko volunteered, climbing off to bed to hold the baby carefully in his grasp. Your screams tore through, a second wave of pain reviving old agony. There was little relief as the same horrid tension in your back spread out. Paul coaxed you through it, but somehow it hurt even worse than before.
“No,” you cried, shaking your head. Your face burned, tears streaming down your face leaving your vision completely blurry. “No no no, I can’t, let me go! I can't, I can’t! Paul, I can’t-!”
“Baby, listen you can do this! You got this, yes you fucking do,” he yelled over you holding your head to his shoulder. “Listen to me. C’mon you fucking got this, kitten! Don’t you give up, don’t you dare fucking give up now!”
With everything you had you screamed until your throat felt raw, pushing as hard as you could until finally, finally… it stopped. A huge wave of relief made your muscles go limp. Two. You just had given birth. To twins. The realization had finally hit Paul asw he looked up at Marko still holding his first born. “Are they…”
“Dude, you got a girl,” he beamed, carefully passing the swollen new born half-awake clinging to the towel. Occasionally her grey eyes squinted open, making trembling whimpers until she nestled back into sleep.
You managed to catch your breath, Marko helping you lay down while Dwayne circled around with your son. A boy too. You couldn’t help but laugh through tears, finally able to see his face after so many months of waiting. Paul couldn’t even hold back tears, laughing like an idiot as he pulled you both in his arms. “Fuck man… oh shit I’m a fucking dad,” he choked out, trying to hide his tears.
“Let it out man,” Marko teased, patting his shoulders.
“Shit man I can't stop crying... they’re so perfect.” Paul ran a hand gently over his son’s head still softly crying in your arms, watching him soothed as he clung to his finger. He looked you in the eyes, both of you just in utter awe that you brought not one, but two lives to the world. Nothing but tears and smiles between you. It was October 31st, 2 am, and you had spent the past four and a half hours of Hell to bring your twins (Girl Name) and (Boy name). Paul could not even fathom the amount of love he was feeling, trailing kisses all over your lips and cheeks. “Happy Halloween, kitten.”
You couldn’t help but laugh, laying your head back against his chest just unable to tear your eyes away from your beautiful new family after so many hours of grueling pain, so much waiting, in the end it was worth more than either of you had ever dreamed.
 “Happy Halloween, babe…”
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ryvswb · 4 years
@proximio-5 Asked: Have Wash and Carolina met the girls yet?
Washington, walking alongside Carolina and Weiss on the sidewalk: Well we certainly met one of them. Wait how many of you are there?
Weiss, leading the way towards the pizza place she left Yang and the Reds at: There are four of us.
Carolina, jokingly: Well I sure hope your friends aren't as...rowdy as ours.
Weiss, as the pizza place comes into view: Oh don't worry, We've met the Reds and Blues and I can assure you that we aren't as destructive or as chaotic as these-
Weiss, stopping in her tracks, stunned at the carnage going on at the pizza place: -imbeciles...
*Weiss, Wash and Carolina all stand there in disbelief as they see Adam's unconscious body laying next to Tyrian's poorly parked stolen car, the latter fighting Yang inside the restaurant all the while Grif seems to be shooting at both of them*
Carolina: God...
Yang, brawling with Tyrian, before taking a volley of bullet, causing her aura to flicker, her eyes turning red as she turns towards Grif: WHERE ARE YOU AIMING AT!?!?
Grif, reloading his rifle: You said you're super power made you stonger when you take damage right? So by shooting both of you not only am I damaging the scorpion asshole but I'm also powering you up AND saving myself the extra effort it would take for me to avoid shooting you!
Yang, after ducking to avoid another volley of Grif's bullets: Your shots still hurt me you dumbass!
Tyrian, kicking Yang in the stomach, sending her flying into a wall: Why thank you for the assist orange boy! We make a great team you and I!
Donut, still calmly sitting in the back of the restaurant: Huuuuh Grif? I really don't mean to hurt your self esteem, but I don't think you're helping very much.
Simmons, poking his head out of his hiding spot under a table: Yeah I think you should just leave this to Yang Grif, she looks like she knows what she's doing........unlike you.
Grif: Oh shut up! If you're gonna complain then why aren't you two helping!?
Donut, in an innocent tone: I just ate! I need to digest before I do any straining physical activity!
Simmons, retreating back under the table: I-I'm huuuuuuh ALERGIC TO SCORPIONS! Yep thats it! *cough cough* sorry can't help...
Grif: I hate you both...
Tyrian, talking to himself: My my! This is almost as easy as the time I sunk Fairgame!
Tyrian, getting clocked in the face by Yang, causing him to recoil backwards and clutch his face: AAUURGH! WHAT IS IT WITH YOUR FAMILY AND PUNCHING ME IN THE FACE!?
Yang, shrugging lightly as a smirk form on her lips: I don't know. You just have a very punchable face I guess.
Donut, cheering from his seat in the back: Yeah do it again Yang! I love a good fisting!
Literally everyone else inside the building including Tyrian: SHUT THE FUCK UP DONUT!
Donut, offended: Alright you know what? Since its seems like I'm not welcome here, I'm just going to go take a light power walk to help my digestion then!
Donut, standing up with a huff and walking towards the front door: If anyone is looking for me I'll be shopping for essential oils!
*Everyone silently and awkwardly watch Donut as he walk trough the ravaged restaurant, past Yang and Tyrian, and finally, leaves trough the front door*
Tyrian, breaking the silence: Okay can we go back to killing each other now?
Carolina, meeting Donut halfway in the restaurant's parking lot, Weiss and Wash at her side: Donut! What in the world is going on in there!?
Donut, in a frustrated voice: Oh you know, just a bunch of MEANIES too busy fisting each other to appreciate my input!
Weiss, getting flustered: E-excuse me they're doing WHAT!?
Washington, apathetically: Just don't think about it. You'll learn to zone out his innuendos eventually.
Donut, slightly choked up: Now if you'll excuse me, I have some much needed theraphy shopping to do. Weiss. Agent Washington. Agent Carolina.
Donut, looking at Adam, whom is still unconscious on the ground: Mysterious man who got ran over.
Donut, walking away: I hope all of you have a good day!
Carolina: Donut wait! We need your help to stop thi-
Donut, not stopping nor turning around, choking back tears: I SAID HAVE A GOOD DAY!
Carolina, turning back to Wash and Weiss: *sigh* Great! Now what?
Weiss, in a serious tone: We need to formulate a plan. Okay...one of us stays out here to cut off Tyrian's escape, meanwhile the other two-
Washington: Whoaaaa whoa whoa! Why are we wasting our time making plans right now? The fight is already going on! Theres no time!
Carolina: Are you saying we should just waltz in guns blazing!?
Washington, as Yang and Grif can be seen fighting Tyrian trough the restaurant's windows behind him: YES! Theres six of us and one of him! We go in. We shoot him. He dies. Simple.
Weiss, in a matter of fact tone: His aura will protect him from your bullets, its not going to be this simple.
Carolina: Also I can see Simmons trembling under one of the table, I don't think he'll be of any help.
Washington, begrudgingly conceding: Alright fine. You both have a point. But we still outnumber five on one.
*Yang comes crashing trough the window, her aura breaking as she hits the ground*
Weiss, crossing her arms sternly: Now its four on one.
Washington, loosing his patience: We. Are. Still. At an advantage! Lets just go in and kill this guy. BEFORE HE KILLS GRIF. Why should we be afraid of ONE GUY!? Does he have a scary special move that shreds armor in one hit or something!?
Weiss, bluntly: He does actually.
Washington: Goddammit.
Tyrian, after he sent Yang flying through the window: Heeheehee! She's not part bird like her mom but she sure can fly!
Grif, standing dramatically at the other end of the restaurant: Finally. Now its just you, me...and Simmons pissing himself under the table behind me!
Simmons: Please don't remind him I'm here!
Tyrian, flaunting dramatically, with a huge grin on his face: Oh? Think you can take me on your own chubby boy?
Grif, tense dramatic music playing as he talks: Maybe not...I'm not the strongest. I'm not the smartest. But I have the powers of god AND pizza on my side!
Grif, taking aim: Sayonara motherfucker.
*click click*
Grif, dramatic music screeching to a stop as he realises he's out of ammo:.....oooooooooooooooh shit...
Tyrian, breaking into a full sprint towards Grif: HeeheeHAHAHAHAHAHAHA!
Grif, screaming like a little girl as throws his empty gun along with several other objects at Tyrian, whom effortlessly slashes them all aside with his blades: AAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAHHHHHHHH!!!
Pizza place cashier, his squeaky teenager voice apathetically calling to Tyrian, causing his blades to stop mere inches away from Grif's visor: Sir your order is ready.
Tyrian, reluntantly sheating his weapons and walking towards the counter: *sigh* Just as I was really getting into it.
Grif, completely frozen in place, as Tyrian casually picks up his coat off the ground, accepts his pizzas from the cashier, then leaves:...
Simmons, coming out of hiding once Tyrian is gone: Phew! Glad thats over! Right Grif?........Grif?
Grif: *faints*
Simmons: Oh great now I'm gonna have to carry you're lazy ass.
Carolina, as she spots Tyrian casually walking to his (stolen) car with his five pizzas in hand, Weiss and Wash too busy bickering to notice: Uuuuummmm guys?
Carolina, as Tyrian gets into his car and starts the engine, Weiss and Wash still not noticing: GUYS!
Carolina, taking a shot a Tyrian's car as he drives away, but failing to stop him: Dammit! He got away!
Weiss: See? If we had gone through with my plan this wouldn't have happened!
Washington: No. We could've prevented this by going in and gank him with our numerical advantage! Your "plan" would've just wasted our time!
Simmons, dragging Grif from inside the pizza place: Will both of you shut up and help me carry Yang and Grif!?
Simmons, his sarcasm causing Weiss and Wash to bow their heads in shame: Thanks for the help back there by the way.
Carolina, nodding her head at Adam, who is slowly regaining consciouness: What do we do about him? Should we call an ambulance?
Adam, slowly standing up and rubbing his face: Uuuugh...what the hell happened? *distant polka music* What the fuck is this music?
Adam, turning towards the source of the music as it grows louder, his vision blurry: Is...is this...what is this a puma or someth-
Ruby, as she unknowingly runs Adam over with the warhog, sending him flying in a nearby open manhole, excitedly calling out: WEISS LOOK! SARGE THOUGHT ME HOW TO DRIVE!!!
Sarge, sitting in the shotgun seat, his voice full of pride: And she only burned three red lights! Kid's a natural!
Carolina, in a very tired tone: What did you say earlier about your friends not being destructive?
Weiss, pinching the bridge of her nose: *SIGH*
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