#or the leader of a doomsday club
incorrect-hs-quotes · 7 months
caligulasAquarium: this is your grubhub drivver, jade. seek me outside, for i havve come
gardenGnostic: my grubhub being delivered by a wizard or some sort of apostle
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elia-de-silentio · 1 year
Episode 7: The Day That Was
We start out with a flashback, detailing who Harold Jenkins really is and his backstory; then we once again proceed on several different plot lines:
• The Anti Apocalypse Trio: Five reaches his siblings, and the day goes a lot differently. With him there, there's no despair, no acceptation of the end: everybody clings to that one chance of saving the world they have got. In the surprising absence of Luther (explain later) Diego is the one who takes up the 'leader' role, arranging for a file they need to be retrieved from the police. Allison, the only one who truly bothered to keep up with Viktor these last episodes, is able to not only recognize Harold Jenkins as Leonard Peabody, but also lead the others to his house and to the attic she couldn't explore last time she was there. In it, they find the evidence of Harold's grudge against them, but before they can investigate further, Five collapses from the wounds substained in the fight against the commission. Diego is apprehended for Eudora's murder, and Allison is left alone to go face Harold.
• Luther's Crisis with a Side Dish of Klaus: as in the Day that Wasn't, Luther finds out that Reginald sent him to the moon fir absolutely no reason. But here, there's no Allison to help him with a lovely date; instead there's Klaus, defeatist as usual. To his credit, Klaus is shocked and worried to see his brother in such a state, and tries to help him, trying to talk him out of the use of drugs Luther wants to try to forget. He ends up phisically assaulted as a result, but Ben talks him into still looking after Luther. So the result turns into: shoved into a night club with lights and strong noises triggering his Vietnam PTSD, getting into a fight to protect Luther from some hooligans, and being knocked out cold to see mystic visions. On the plus side, he finally manages to talk with Reginald, who explains the mystery of his death: he killed himself in order to reunite the Umbrella Academy for the impending doomsday.
• Viktor's Powers: Harold starts becoming very pushy in prompting Viktor to experiment with his power, to the point of letting slip his more aggressive side. He backtracks immediately, takes Viktor out to dinner, but the two end up involved in a fight with some drunkards. It's here that Viktor is properly motivated to use his power, a sound wave that phisically throws the delinquents away ... but not before they have gouged out one of Harold's eyes.
• Hazel and Cha-Cha: basically a repeat of what went on last episode, but with a revelation: Hazel also received the order to terminate Cha-Cha, and didn't. The misunderstanding continues, with Cha-Cha trying to kill Hazel out of healousy and Hazel ... just incapacitating her in return. Even when she threatens to kill him and Agnes, he refuses to kill her, and simply goes away, leaving her boubd, to enjoy his last three days of peace and happiness with his beloved.
In the flashback detailing Harold's life before the events of the show, they avoided showing us his grown-up face for a long shot, before revealing it as Leonard's, creating a nice little plot twist.
Luther: now, he always was the only one to fully believe in Reginald, the mission he had given them, and his role as Number One. Now, like last episode, he finds out that he wasted his life for nothing, but unlike last episode, he doesn't have a sympathetic Allison around. Instead, he has Klaus, whom he treats rather poorly under the drugs he assumes to emulate his 'carelessness'. If last time he had had the 'rite of passage' of the dance, here he basically does teenage rebellion: goes to a club, fully showing off his ape-like body, pumps himself full of whatever substance he can find, and gets hooked into a casual relation with an unknown girl.
Diego: with Luther out of the picture, he takes on the role of leader, and manages to, at the same time, being a complete dork ("that's what a leader does. He leads") ad actually be competent, managing to get his hands on the file they needed and find all useful data on it. He makes good calls regarding the mission, prioritizing Five's safety and essentially sacrificing himself to allow Allison to go find Viktor.
Allison: Five does the genius move to mention an actual possibility to save Claire's life, and she's suddenly a lot less defeatist and more determined to help. Moreover, being the only one who somehow bothered to try and build a relationship with Viktor, she's the one eho knows to identity Harold as Leonard, lead everyone to his house, and check that place she couldn't before. Rather than the sweet, caring but resigned side of her we have seen last episode, here we see that care turn her into a panzer.
Klaus: along with Diego, here he ends up taking a role of responsibility that he usually lacks, while the ever-serious Luther is breaking down. Klaus tries to talk him down from drug consumption, trying to get through him that 'Number Four' 's life isn't the carefree one it seems from the outside, and trying to look after him. Because of his own addictions mixed with  the Vietnam PTSD, the results are scarce. As a compensation, he ends up having a conversation with God and then with Reginald, confronting him about the abuse he put them through as children, even on behalf of Luther.
Five: acts all tough, insoiring the others to sct, for the first half of the episode; then his obsessive pursuit of his goal makes itself known in lack of care for his wound, that causes him to collapse and the others to interrupt everything in order to save him.
Ben: once again, he is Klaus' Jiminy Cricket, encouraging him to find a Luther who would do the same for him if he were in trouble.
Viktor: once again his insecurities ruin his relationship with his siblings, but we can appreciate even more of their refusalto even try to see if they have powers. He is pretty much forced at the end, when Harold's life is in danger.
Harold: here his motives are fully explained. Abusive childhood with a stereotypical father who blamed him for the mother's death in childbirth, tries to get out of here becausehe was born on the same day as the Umbrella Academy kids, gets publicly humiliated by Reg as an answer, murders his father in a fit of rage and continues growing up in the ever formative environment of jail. He approacged Viktor only as means of revenge on his family. Still, the mask is beginning tocrack: for the first time, when Viktor isn't interested in using his powers, he acts aggressively towards him, even if he covers it up immediately.
Reginald: he finally gets in contact with Klaus, and reveals the mystery behind his death. He himself istigated it, because for some reason his kids wouldn't have answered if he had just called, seriously, he had just spent a life treating them as objects! He refuses his responsibilities, but does express some concern over Luther; whether this is genuine or just a manipulation remains to be seen.
Hazel & Cha-Cha: here's where the two definitely part ways. Hazel wants a new life with Agnes, Cha-Cha has clearly a thing for her partner and doesn't react well to see her expectation deluded. She does everything she can to keep his eyes on her, even istigating him to kill her. He refuses, abandoning the life of an assassin in favor of three last days with the woman he loves, and she's left pitifully screaming after him.
The impact of your childhood on you takes center stage here. We learn that Harold is this way because of a physically abusive father; the Hargreeves, as usual, take the cake in the department. Luther finds out what his father really did to him, and the weight of all his sacrifices suddenly crashes on him, causing him to snap hard. Klaus actually gets to confront Reginald, and only finds dismissal of their struggles and Reg's own role in them.
The figurines of the Umbrella Academy that Harold had as a child. Initially instruments of escapism of a child in a bad situation, who didn't know how his idols actually lived; then burned off and destroyed as symbol of his desire for vengeance.
Fond none this episode.
Thank you for reading!
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revivemyreverie · 2 years
∅ for ur rosecrux baes opinions on cat & the hellhaven bros on arma !! (it’s a tall order so feel free to choose one if it’s too much)
NO ORDER IS EVER TOO TALL!!!!!!!!! Also yay I get to use my banners🥳🥳🥳🥳
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“An annoying pain for my files, that Chessur. She’s never revealed her unique magic, not publicly at least. It makes her an anomaly, which is never good for a researcher like me.
However, there’s always a good trait in WHA’s leaders, and Chessur is no exception. I don’t talk to her much, just like every other leader. But as her classmate, she was quite helpful when I first… arrived at this academy. And, she appears to be quite a revolutionary, almost enough for Rosecrux.
Overall, a nice girl, but I’d rather know everything about her. After all, a mouse should learn to outsmart a cat before it eats them, no?”
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“That weirdo dorm leader??
I mean, Cat’s a pretty nice upperclassman, but shes…quirky? Unique??? She scared the crap out of me once when I was looking for Tomomi once. Cat just popped out of nowhere, and I nearly whacked her with my training sword! She ended up being pretty helpful in the end, though, pointing me the right way and all.
I heard that she’s a rebellious gal, so that’s pretty cool. Maybe even someone to learn tips from! Tomomi wouldn’t like that though… eh, I’ll just tell her I was doing club work.”
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“Miss Cat… an odd maiden, but in a cute kind-of-way, no?
I heard that she and miss Ali are best friends. With how they are, it’s like they were made for eachother. It’s so sweet— and reminds me of me and Kazue! She might disagree, though.
Those tattoos… Hm~ quite unprofessional if you ask me, even as a dorm leader, and especially as a lady. They don’t make her look quite noble or anything, rather, it feels inappropriate. The only people back in my homeland who wear tattoos are vagrants and criminals. Maybe she’s having a rebellious phase?
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“A great businessman, and an even better dorm-leader. Doomsday is a fellow that I could learn a lot from. He’s certainly… eccentric, though.
He’s been offering to show me the Ink and Paint club to relax, but it’s always while I’m working, so I’ve been rejecting Doomsday every time. What I’ve heard, however, is that the drinks are phenomenal. If this rumor is true, I might ask him and his club to cater drinks for Caldera’s next party. Any price should do, they just have to be good enough for our tastes.
Other than that, he’s got quite the personality, puns and all. Mimia and Daryn don’t like the fact that Doomsday smokes, but I honestly don’t mind. I’m already used to that kind of smell back home. Of course, I don’t smoke myself, Kendrick might end up doing it then.
Huh? Kendrick’s having trouble with him?
…Haah, I’ll see if I can talk with my brother.”
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“Upperclassman Arma? He’s so cool! I’ve been wanting to visit his bar, but I heard it’s got a roach infestation. Although, maybe I can grab my group and go when it’s fixed!
…Pfft, Ahaha! Sorry, I can’t contain it anymore, the image of that buffoon’s enraged face popped in my head! He was raging and ranting when he found out I spread rumors about his little club. Truly, Arma is a good dorm leader, but he’s total shit at acting. And being bold is fine, as long as it’s not with me. It was just a few questions, too. Not my fault he’s so sensitive about lending me some dirt.
I will admit, I’m pissed that he destroyed some of my undead, but it’s fine. After all, they always come back to me~. Andreas is probably gonna give me a lecture, so I’ll stop messing with that idiot eventually. But for now? Let’s get revenge for his little fight with my corpse friends this time.”
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lcstinthestars · 1 year
Introducing Jean Grey 
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NAME: Jean Elaine Grey
ALIAS(ES): Jeannie, Marvel Girl, Phoenix 
AGE: Thirty-One
BIRTHDAY & ZODIAC: October 27th , Scorpio 
AESTHETICS: unkept fiery red hair.  Comfy sweaters and hot coffee.  a broken thousand yard stare.  a genius mind shrouded with doubt and uncertainty.
BACKGROUND: Earth 616 canon.  I’m still refreshing my knowledge on some of Jean’s canon as I’m only human (and sadly not made of unlimited time to read comics) Here are some of the highlights. Jean’s mutation manifested itself after witnessing the death of her childhood best friend.  Her powers were later suppressed for her own good by Charles Xavier.  She was recruited for Xaviers School for Gifted Children and became one of the first X-men along side Cyclops, Beast, Iceman and Angel.  Under Xaviers tutelage their goal was to help bring a peaceful co-existence between humans and mutants.   The young team was displaced in time after being approached by a ‘Future’ version of Beast who needed their help to solve a doomsday level threat developing in the future.  Jean’s time traveling unlocked her telepathy a year earlier then when she was supposed to develop it in her original unchanged time line.  Here the team met future versions of themselves and Jean was blindsided with the realization her and Cyclops were together in the future.  (albeit Jean didn’t even recognize the personality of Scott’s older self.) Jean and her connection to the phoenix force created many issues in Jean’s life.  The two seemingly intertwined on a cosmic level.  Jean at many points was desperate to rid herself of it.  Warned by the ghost of her future-self, Jean tried to prevent herself from being bonded with it in the first place.  She was sent to meet a future version of herself, which happened to just be The Phoenix Force.  Impressed and desperate to change her future she tried to alter the timeline but was prevented by the watchers and returned to her own time.   Jean graduated from Xaviers school and would later return as a teacher after receiving her own degrees while away at college.  Jean became a vocal mutant rights activist and tried to find a way to live at peace with the Phoenix force who so desperately wanted complete control of her body.   The Phoenix force would eventually be corrupted into the Dark Phoenix by The Hellfire Club and Mastermind.  The Dark Phoenix would become a dark cloud over Jean’s future.  Jean wasn’t a killer but The Phoenix had no qualms and left a trail of death in her wake when she lost control.  After her last seperation from the Phoenix Force, Jean signed up for the program in hopes of changing her future once and for all. 
 WEAPONS: She is a weapon.  
POWERS/ABILITIES/SKILLS: Jean is an Omega Level mutant without her connection to the Phoenix force giving her Omega leve powers of Telepathy, Empathy, Telekinesis  
GREATEST STRENGTH: Her moral compass 
ONE FEAR: Never being good enough 
ONE HOPE:  She can be the person everyone always saw her as. 
HEADCANON(S):  Jean has a strong head about her, which has made her a powerful but wise leader in the past.   Jean is slow to trust but once she trusts you, she would break the world to keep you safe. Jean often struggles with the fact that she was never trusted with the full extent of her powers until way later in life then most mutants.  It makes her doubt herself and her abilities 
WHAT DOES YOUR CHARACTER HOPE TO SEE THE MOST DURING THE CAMBRIA ONE’S JOURNEY? She hopes to make new discoveries and find her own way.  
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parkerbombshell · 11 months
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sunphroggy · 2 years
Dsmp Goddess of Life!Motherinnit HCs
-In the same way Kristen has her crows, Motherinnit has chickens. They carry messages for her, keep an eye on things where she can't (ie. watching over Tommy).
-Because of this, lots of chickens always flock to Tommy and follow him around. He's learned to accept it
-She is the one who gifts everyone with three lives, although during exile she wishes she only gave Dream one.
-Because she is a goddess, there are limited ways she can interact with mortals, and example would be being prayed to. However, in some situations she uses her power to speak directly to whoever she decides which manifests as her voice in their head (like DreamXD and foolish)
-She uses this ability to remind Tommy to do his chores in the middle of a war
-Her and Kristen are somewhat like sisters. Motherinnit, being Life herself, is the one who gifted Kristen and her husband with their son, Wilbur.
-As a return to this, when Tommy was born, Kristen told Wilbur to look after him, leading to the two becoming brother-types.
-The L'manberg era was the worst time for Life in her entire existence. She had to watch her son fight in a war and hope to herself that Kristen didn't come back carrying his soul.
-Pogtopia was worse. Far far worse. Seeing her boy have to sleep on stone in the cold, watching Wilbur fall further into his own madness. She tried everything in her power to speak to Tommy and let him know that everything was OK but she couldn't reach him. Tommy stopped praying in Pogtopia.
-The day Kristen came to her with Wilbur trailing behind, her first instinct was to hit him for how he treated her son.
-Motherinnit is the leader of the Tommy apologist club.
-In Exile, she would send Tommy little presents. Chickens used to appear in Logstedsire carrying flowers in their beaks, apples, cool looking stones, everything she knows he likes.
-When the lightning struck Tommy on doomsday, she got to hold him in the afterlife for a split second.
-She is the one who created the revive book and Kristen is the one who created the death book. DreamXD, the rascal that he is, stole them and dropped them to earth. Motherinnit was fine with this, thought it'd be amusing to see what the Mortals do with them, and then she learned that Dream has her book and fucking punted XD into oblivion.
-Tommy gets his temper and impulsiveness from her
-She waits night and day for when Dream ends up in limbo because she has some strong fucking words (and stronger fists) for him
-Always seen with a cup of tea in hand
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mintspider · 3 years
Tigue Tollevander
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Name: Tigue Tollevander
Age: 25
Species: Assumed Human
Place of Birth: Outworld
Resides: Earthrealm
Height: 5'5
Weight: 135
Eyes: Neon Rainbow
Hair: Sugar Pink/ Wears it in a variety of styles/ Mostly in pigtail braids during missions/ Has a love-hate relationship with bangs.
Position: Expert Theif and part-time Bartender at the Fight Club. She uses the bartending gig for insight on hot tips, potential jobs and information on the people around her. 🍵🐸
Father: (Adoptive) Mitchell Tollevander- Unknown
Mother: (Adoptive) Chivonne Tollevander- Deceased.
Sister: (Biological/fraternal twin) Sabine Tollevander - Alive (Red Dragon)
Abilities: Can alter the density of her body from intangible to diamond-hard. She has control of her powers but using them can be energy-draining especially when having to transfer them onto another person so, Kano created amplifiers for her to wear that prevent her from fritzing out on missions.
Allegiance: The Black Dragon
Weapon: Sanjiegun (three-sectioned staff). Not a normal combat weapon but being able to shift from intangible to diamond-hard allows her to maneuver the weapon with reckless abandon as can pass through her or ricochet off of her hardened form.
Fighting style: She's got a weird blend of Wrestling (luchador)/ Aikido/ Kung Fu going on.
She'll aim for pressure points/weak spots or reset buttons on her opponents to stun or down them/ skilled in submission maneuvers.
Backstory: Tigue spent a good portion of her life unaware of the true origins of herself and her twin sister, Sabine. (Which in itself is a massive can of worms that we'll eventually take the opener to).
Her earliest recollections are of being raised in a scientific laboratory. A deeply traumatic time in her life was spent under constant observation as numerous forms of mental and physical testing had been done on them for research of the unusual abilities she and her sister have.
Their only source of "normalcy" during this period coming from a scientist by the name of Chivonne Tollevander who had taken on a surrogate mother/ teacher-like role to the twins.
At the age of 6, the twins are spirited away from the lab by Chivonne to a compound owned by a doomsday survivalism cult known as Age of The Dawn (A.O.T.D) where they are adopted by Chivonne and her husband, the leader, Mitchell Tollevander.
While the twins stick close to their mother, Mitchell has a very arms-length and disdainful attitude toward the girls, more interested in exploiting their abilities than being a father figure thus creating a very strained relationship early on.
Here, the twins undergo extreme and extensive training to become what their adoptive father called "Super soldiers of the apocalypse ". Their powers are often pushed to their limits but the girls were also taught everything from wilderness survival (which includes hunting/foraging/shelter building/planting ect), weaponry, various forms of martial arts through the other members of the cult to even some medical(i.e. first aide, bone setting, wound stitching).
As she grew up, Tigue strived to be the perfect specimen under the impression that it would make life easier (it didn't) despite having conflicting feelings and doubts about the cult's initiatives.
Then came the day that her adopted mother died under highly questionable circumstances. In her wake, she left the twins a digital file that revealed many different location coordinates and a vague synopsis understanding that Tigue and Sabine were abducted by G.Nom.E. Corp as toddlers under the speculation that they were of the dwindled " Drotílea" people from a place called Outworld.
The new information confirmed the uneasiness she'd felt for so long and fueled her need to explore the world outside of the compound in hopes to find the truth about where they came from.
Mitchell, who had always been unhinged, over time, began obsessing with the idea of having the twins cyberized, convinced they would become truly unstoppable if they were no longer bound by the limits of their humanity. Tigue realized then what she'd always suspected, that it was Mitchell who had Chivonne killed as a means to remove her constant disruption of his plans and gain full control of Sabine and herself. She began preparing with Sabine to escape while they quietly fulfilled their duties, careful not to raise suspicions. They execute their plan, a little too flawlessly when they're 19, making a mock escape a week prior and then sneaking off base in the back of a weaponry truck owned by a man named Kano.
He doesn't rat them out.
Instead, Kano sees the ultimate payout knowing who the twins are and what they are capable of so, the opportunistic Australian cuts them a deal that they must join The Black Dragon to repay their debt for putting his own life in danger during the escape or he'll ship their asses right back and collect the massive reward that Mitchell put out on them. Reluctantly, they agree to the terms and Kano sends them to a smaller Black Dragon training base to fall off the radar of the A.O.T.D.
Tigue is overwhelmed but excited by the newfound "freedom". Having only lived in the lab and the compound, she learns quickly just how sheltered she truly was.
Even with all of Chivonnes efforts to explain the "the real world" to the twins,
That world is a lot bigger and complicated than Tigue anticipated when she proceeds to navigate it. So much so that she develops an almost constant culture shock despite diving into every new experience headfirst with optimism.
Within the first year, Sabine pulled a disappearing act. Communicating with Tigue only through their telepathic link but never revealing where she is or what she's up too (which in Sabine's case, is nothing good). This is when Tigue befriended Kira, a fellow Black Dragon Member and together they rise up in the ranks...
We catch up with Tigue six years after she's joined with the Black Dragon, still fulfilling her debt. At 25, She's pulling double duty as a Thief (with powers like those? natural fit.) and as a bartender at the Black Dragon's fight club, still collecting the pieces of her life's puzzle. (TBC in story 🙃..)
Physical tidbits:
Numerous silver studs and gemstone earrings in her ears.
Rocks short stiletto acrylic nails/gets cute and fun designs.
Unique patterns tattooed down some of her fingers
Little sparrow tattoos on opposite sides of her hips.
Lip and septum piercing.
Tattoo down her ribs of a Tolkien quote in elvish "All that is gold does not glitter, Not all those who wander are lost; The old that is strong does not wither, Deep roots are not reached by the frost"
Has "Your Name" tattooed on her right butt cheek in cursive/has won bar bets with it.
Back tattoo of a triangle with an animal skull in the center surrounded by flowers and chandelier Crystals dripping down.
Her black dragon tattoo is on the inside of her bottom lip because she did not want to have to see it/ Uses her middle fingers to flip it down to show.
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sam-grey · 3 years
In this essay I state my bit about the whole Ranboo-joining/avoiding-the Syndicate controversy.
Lets get all this straight:
Ranboo doesn’t like sides
This is because they creates an Us Versus Them mentality
And because he believes that you shouldn’t be against someone solely because other people think you should
On his Panic Room wall he has “Technoblade is against the Government” and “Everyone should be against Dream”
He’s told Fundy “it would be better if everyone was by themselves” meaning that you should act for yourself and not because someone with more power or charisma compels you (the basis of anarchy)
Everyone on the SMP were on sides that were against specific people/other sides except for Techno and Phil, who are against a concept
Ranboo joined Phil and Techno because he believed their job done, government over with and he wants to join them in retirement
Ranboo no longer has a positive opinion of government due to what L’Manberg brought upon itself
He knows Snowchester has a government and is preparing for enemies
At the end of his Doomsday stream, Ranboo says “I think this is a good side to be on” in reference to living with Techno and Phil
Meaning he already believes himself to be on their side, even after his rant to Fundy and his amalgamation of Ranboo’s philosophy
Ranboo is not against joining sides, he is just extremely averse to it, especially when it puts him against people that he considers himself friends with
Ranboo considers himself friends with Techno and Phil and is on confusing terms with Tubbo
Tubbo, bless his heart, is insensitive to Ranboo and who he is, including but not limited to trying to force Ranboo into remembering/forgetting things, trying to get him to go underwater for long periods of time without armour, killing Endermen in front of him to see if he would feel anything, and forcing him to spend a large amount of his time breaking various blocks at his whim
Philza and Technoblade have not questioned Ranboo about his nature as half enderman and were even the first people to ever be considerate and apologetic about killing endermen near him
They’re also the first people not to just barge into his house/shack and steal his stuff (single feather aside)
Ranboo has never betrayed them and they’ve never done anything against him personally
The only person Ranboo might consider a friend that the Syndicate would be against is Tubbo, (since so far Tommy isn’t a citizen of Snowchester and Charlie Slimecicle may or may not just move to Ranboo’s basement anyway), who has regretfully become not the best for Ranboo
The Syndicate is against government, because government has been shown to oppress and corrupt leaders and citizens alike
Technoblade and Philza don’t canonically know about Snowchester, it being a government, or its nukes
The Syndicate does not force anyone do do anything against their will
So if Ranboo were to join the Syndicate he could technically be a part of it without worrying about betraying his friendship with Tubbo
Since he would be just be on a side against the government and what it stands for, which he already is. Ranboo would not be required to do anything for the Syndicate that could be considered betrayal beyond being part of a secret club
The Syndicate could even suggest Ranboo not being friends with Tubbo (which is extremely unlikely since even when they were blatantly against each other Techno never told Tommy he couldn’t be friends with Tubbo, just that Tubbo hadn’t seemed to reciprocate the friendship from their point of view) but due to the manifesto, Ranboo wouldn’t have to listen
TL;DR: Ranboo would join the Syndicate because it’s against a concept and not against specific people.
(Shout out to Ranboo’s secret Tumblr account, I heard you only have one follower, let us follow you, weather boy)
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testingcheats0n · 3 years
Can I ask for your thoughts on why the Syndicate should be disbanded?
The Syndicate as it is can stay together because realistically it hasn't done much at all and it's as if it never existed, so I see why some people would be 'meh' about it.
Howeber, if we look at its core ideology, aka dear leader Technoblade, we see that it is deeply controlling and authoritarian. Him being in charge of anything makes me ill at ease and I would rather he stayed in his cabin forver.
1. Technoblade, in his firm belief that no one should tell others what to do with their lives is telling what others should do with their lives. By using strength, threats and coercion. A true hero. To start with he has no right to found a Syndicate- he has no right to dictate what others can and cannot do no matter how noble the intentions. It's not how things work, especially since take into account that we can count the members of each individual faction on our fingers. The Syndicate aims to control everyone's actions and that's very Technoblade.
2. It's formed by four to five people out of thirty three. That's 15% if the overall population. Three of those five have Wither Skulls in their possession as well as plenty of materials- in short, they're the richest of the rich with nuclear bombs going after people like Tommy who lives in a dirt house. Doesn't that make anyone else go hmmmmm, or is it just me? (and yes they are against Tommy, the average L'manburg enjoyer) Not to mention that two members (Niki and Ranboo) have no interest in being there, Ranboo is there just in case Technoblade finds about his marriage with Tubbo "Government" Underscore, and does something that Ranboo fully believes he will. Yes the Syndicate should absolutely be disbanded, if only for Michael's sake who is innocent and even has Phil worried for him.
3. He actively goes into other people's houses ala gestapo to inspect their property and confiscate anything "dangerous" they "shouldn't have" and that's reprehensible. Literally Dream and Schlatt did that. "Tubbo has nukes tho." Yeah and so does Technoblade, I love how everyone just forgets about the 120 Wither Skulls currently in his possession. Would Technoblade let Tubbo do an inspection in his property as he did? No. So that's hypocrisy for the long list of faults. And before someone gets a nefarious thought, Tubbo was justified in searching Philza's house, one of the three perpetrators of Doomsday. I think people forget what terrorism means sometimes because Technoblade says it so flippantly. There are rules and they apply for everyone, not just when Technoblade wants them to.
4. He is not actually an anarchist and the Syndicate has no other plans other than Government bad- which is counterproductive and damaging. :O I hear the gasps. I'm right though. Anarchists actually believe in things like communes and mutual aid and like... don't witch hunt human beings for gathering in settlements? When has he proposed any alternative to the poor delusional slaves living in L'manburg? When has he uttered the words cooperation or commune? It's easy to make a crater out of someone's home if they don't agree, but it's simply unimaginable to offer some sort of asylum or a guide to them huh? From the citizens of L'manburg's POV Technoblade practically strolled in and told everyone to disperse or else. He's all about destroying infrastructures, but has put in 0 hours of humanitarian work- the whole point of anarchism. It's like rescuing someone from drowning and leaving them abandoned in the middle of the desert, but then it turns out that someone was actually just diving. I'd spit on his face too.
5. In his mind three groups exist. 1. Him and Philza, mighty illuminated gods as the ideal of morality that can never do no wrong and always know what's best. 2. Government, everyone who has ever told anyone to do something, humanoid representations of an abstract thought. Must be expunged from the face of the earth. 3. Slave, weak homeless orphans who don't know what's good for them, but he won't hesitate to curb stomp if they get in his way by using any means necessary including the Syndicate. I hate that and I wish someone found a way to transport him back in pre-lmanburg dsmp with an empty inventory just so he sees what's it like.
6. There is no government in the smp, actually. Technoblade made it up. In his words not everyone who gathers together, lives together and has a leader is a government. "That's like saying book clubs are a government." So he agrees that L'manburg build upon cooperation, mutual aid with the grand total of nine members max at any given time is not actually a government just because they call themselves that for different historical reasons right? Right????? On the topic of labels. He can claim the term "anarchist" despite not following the ideology's basic principles, so he should allow the same with people like Tubbo (who did more than the Syndicate ever will for the lower classes of the server such as providing housing and help), right? He can be hand-wavy with the basics and the terms and whatever, but L'manburg with their "president" couldn't?
"There are structures of power though." Yeah so does the Syndicate. L'manburg and the Syndicate are literally one and the same no matter how much he wants to twist it. Do you think that Technoblade would let anyone else but him dictate what to do, or keep the Wither Skulls? No.
7. When has he used physical force, or the Syndicate's powers for the benefit of anyone but himself? When has he actually saved someone from the evil clutches of Government? When has he done any good with the god-like powers he possesses? Never. Never ever ever. All he's done is hurt others. Even Dream cared about the smp members at some point or something. He doesn't deserve to have the Syndicate at his beck and call.
8. Technoblade has no idea what the fuck he's talking about, actually. He has zero understanding of the events prior, during or post his arrival to the server. He lives in a bubble and refuses to cooperate or at least investigate others. Is that the man you want in charge of a powerful group tasked with... uh... fighting Governments? Man isn't even aware of the actual power structure of the server- am I supposed to root for him? He called Schlatt a rightfully elected president and is helping Dream, it has to be satire I'm not understanding. The Syndicate is nothing but a small footnote to the sham that is Technoblade's entire philosophy.
So in conclusion, the Syndicate is nothing but a tool for an egoistical destructive man and it absolutely deserves to shrivel up and die like the thoughtless, cruel and exploitative organization it is if it ever decides to show up and do something.
/nm i just hate pig man. just in case
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toiletwipes · 2 years
For those who want more vibes while reading this fanfic, you should listen to Skyfall by Adele at the same time!
" This is the end
Hold your breath and count to ten
Feel the Earth move and then
Hear my heart burst again "
A flash of forked and lightning and a great clap of thunder came close upon each other. The wind was sighing and sweeping the rain across the great land. The people were clobbering and clubbing against their shield wall under the sky. The sounds clinking and clashing of swords can be heard from thousand miles away.
There they stood on a podium across the battlefield. Their cold hand gripped their sharp axe. Molten-red blood splashed from their open wounds. They can smell the battleground was anointed with bowels. The putrefying stench of a thousand battles seemed to come from it. The only thing they can do just observing the battlefield.
" I've drowned and dreamt this moment
So overdue, I owe them
Swept away, I'm stolen "
They remember. The country is etched on their mind , they can still remember it very clearly. The country where they fought so hard to give independence, safety and happiness. They were once a soldier. A brave soldier who were not afraid to speak their minds and who was ready to take part in a battle. They were always ready to protect the country and the citizens. Especially the president. The president who was very charming and smart, not afraid to speak up and care for his people. People called him the greatest leader all of time.
President Wilbur Soot.
For them, he was the most beautiful person in this whole world. They both were in love, deeply in love. They promised to him that they would sacrifice the world to save him. It was a sweet promise.
Bur he didn't gave the same promise to them. Instead of sacrifice the world to save them, he choose to sacrifice them to save the world.
They still can hear his voice screaming at them and calling them traitor because one mistake. A mistake where they talked to the 'villain' President Jschlatt. They know why he got angry, because he lost his country over an election. His unfinished symphony he said. The fact that he told them he got news from Dream that they talked to Jschlatt makes him furious. How foolish of him to trust the manipulator of the server. Because of that she got revoked from the place called Pogtopia. He wished them nothing but misery.
They felt hurt and betrayed by their own exlover. A man where they once trust the most. End up got betrayed. They hate wilbur soot so much.
They don't care about the happy ghost of their ex lover asking for forgiveness. In their eyes every version of wilbur that came to them. They hate it with so much passion.
" Get ready, Dream will drop the tnt now "
" Let the sky fall
When it crumbles
We will stand tall
Face it all together "
They look up to the sky and see thousands of tnt drop over from the obsidian grid. They can hear screaming and screeching as the tnt blow up the country. Blow up the Lmanberg. They can smell the gunpowder, they can see the place got destroy.
" Let the sky fall
When it crumbles
We will stand tall
Face it all together "
They felt hysterical laughter building up inside them. It's been a long time since they laugh. They feel so good. They swing the axe to the podium stand and destroy it easily. The powerful feeling started to came back. Nothing puts smile on their face like watching this place got destroy.
" At Skyfall "
They scoff. Finally, all the misery and pain that they been through is finally free now. They feel happier than ever.
" At Skyfall "
Fuck you Lmanberg and fuck you ' president ' Wilbur Soot.
They are finally free
Not to mention them being part of Doomsday???
UGH your Mind HUGE and WRINKLY
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nyanyacore · 3 years
( i decided to try my hand at making a fandorm! i hope y’all will be interested! follow @toontasma for funny cartoon dorm shenanigans! i will be posting stuff abt the dorm on both blogs tho!)
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“Founded on the zaniness and cunning of the Toontown Judge!”
The students in this dorm usually excel in the entertainment industry and are known to be quite eccentric. Most students in this dorm will spend their time improving their skills through events and lounge work and ,sometimes, they end up being scouted by agencies.
Toontasma also prides itself in having lots of fun! There are year-round events and games that the dorm has by tradition. Students are encouraged to participate, as they can reap some rewards and strengthen bonds.
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-the vest, magic pen, and arm band are all a bright yellow! for the arm band, the stripe colors to choose from are red, blue, or green.
-the standard uniforms can be adjusted in length and in style to a certain extent! hats are optional and available!
(fun fact! it is encouraged for all students to keep their gloves on in public, since taking them off is considered a great offense)
(individual intro posts will be made later)
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arma doomsday - toontasma’s cocky and money-grubbing dorm leader! the dorm prospers under his leadership and the way he’s running the ink and paint club, he’s giving mostro lounge a run for it’s money.
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sludge - the toothy vice dorm leader and bartender for ink and paint. that follows arma’s every command without question. he seems to have a strict diet for ink and ink only.
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vera million - a gorgeous and feisty second year and a frequent performer at the the ink and paint club! she’s more than glad to mentor her underclassmen and protect them from arma’s occasional wrath.
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raymond hopps - a clumsy first year with endless hope and a dream to make a whole room of people die laughing! if only he could get people to laugh with him and not at him :(
- a jazzy spot modeled after 20/30s era speakeasies. it’s a place where students can come to be served special New Inkwell-style drinks and enjoy a variety of entertainment from jiving music to a comedy act. gossip says that there’s a secret room with a password ;)
- a bustling city where some Toontasma students seems to come from. People from New Inkwell are often referred to as “Inklings”.
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-a place where most students hang out and where the gag wall is!
a tradition where toontasma first years participate in a paint battle, splattering each other with paint to decorate their uniforms and break the ice!
a fashion event held at the end of every month, where students dress their absolute best according to the given them. the best dress students wins a shiny award and gets the honor to be on the gag wall, located in the dorm lounge.
- PI (E) DAY
a competitive game day held on march 14th that takes place across the entire toontasma campus! students are split into two teams, tasked to chuck pies at each other for points. each student hit is 1 point while the vice and dorm leaders are worth 5 points each (because they’re not easy targets ofc). the team with the most points wins and gets a favor granted by the dorm leader. students from other dorms are allowed to play if they wish but will not be spared once they set foot on toontasma territory.
lottie walters @azulashengrottoes
bonnie jones @toadodoki
hanswurst schlaff @peteza-mozzarella
vance spooner + mask @onlywished
mimi holland @leonasbitties
sophia sherwood @just-patchy
dieselle knark @circuscarnage
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octoberheights · 3 years
She’s started baking again. The other members of the Syndicate drop by sometimes to taste-test her recipes, and she shows them the progress she’s made in the construction of her underground city. They compliment the flower paths outside the city, the bridges and floating lanterns and the gorgeous high ceilings and furnishings within, the little subterranean forest and the waterfall, the decorations and details that make the cavernous space cozy. They see what she’s built and they praise her for it and it is exhilarating. She’s grown stronger day by day with the Syndicate in her corner; they pull her up to stand on equal footing with them, and when she expresses her concerns, they listen.
There are days, however, when she can’t bring herself to bake; on those days the heat of the furnace crawls uncomfortably against her skin and the knife block rattles in the corner with each item she sets down on the countertop. On those days she’ll climb. Buildings, mountains, trees—anything that’ll get her to a height where her lungs strain from lack of oxygen and the ringing in her head eases. She jumps, sometimes. They don’t know she does this. They don’t need to know; she’s strong enough to deal with that herself.
Yesterday was their leader’s birthday, and she’d left the party with leftover cake and cookies and brioche. Today is a good day; maybe she’ll share the cookies with Jack.
He’s called the harbinger, the omen, the angel of death. Crows perform at his bidding and the great, lumbering bears of the north shake the ground as he directs them. He emerges from impossible battles with nary a scratch on his body. People across the earth have speculated that he’s a demon, or contracted with a demon, or one of the acolytes of the Blood God like the Blade. He likes to collect these epithets and rumors; when his crows perch on his shoulder to recount the news of the land or messages from his allies they update him on the tales they tell of the angel. They’re all wrong, in the end. Death herself graced him with her favor long ago to act as her representative on the mortal plane.
She’s been dormant recently; her absences had never affected him so strongly before, but ever since he’s entered this land, he’s felt weaker, more fragile. He watched his son destroy the country he founded with a haze across his vision, and then he killed his own son, and the act of it didn’t register until days later. Months fly by in a blur and the only person who can enforce any sort of focus is the Blade and so that simmering anger became his own and it fed into his own pain. There was something rotting in the land and it killed his son and he felt it his duty to purge it with the same TNT that destroyed his wings. He doesn’t regret it.
Today, he finds some measure of peace in building his training room. His son is back and everything is not-quite-broken and his body still aches.
There are too many variables, too many uncertainties. He’s placed his fingerprints on too many projects and lives, and the guilt of his cooperation and his associations claws at his lungs. Dream, neutrality in the midst of war, Dream and his prison and the damned prison rules, Quackity, Las Nevadas. He doesn’t know what he considers his worst fuck-up: Tommy’s death, the torture he’d permitted in his collaboration with Las Nevadas, his betrayal of Ponk’s love and trust, or his inability to save anyone during the banquet.
The hotel stands as a testament to his failure to protect the youngest resident of the land. He plans detours around that plot whenever he travels between the bank and the prison; the little robot stationed by the hotel tells him the boy doesn’t come by anymore, and he knows automatons don’t feel emotions, but he grieves for it anyway. He sees his valentine walking along the wooden pathways and his heart aches to see the damage he had caused. He checks the prison’s security footage and he tells himself guilt has no place in his heart for what happened. He’s surprised the captain and the god and all the rest of the banquet victims still talk to him. But they do, and it gives him hope. His friends are back and free and even though one of them is trying to start a little scuffle with a god, today he’s having fun throwing weednip around and sliding down the pyramid with his closest friends.
The present’s a gift, and he intends on cherishing this moment.
He’s building a pub because Wilbur owes him a pint. He knows that man can’t be completely trusted, not now. Not since he died by his crossbow. But it feels good to be acknowledged as someone worth an apology, someone important. He has been abandoned and pushed aside and pushed into lava pits and into hell all within the span of a few months. No one cared. He hates it, he hates the way he’s been made irrelevant and a shadow of his friends’ stories. Even his plans for revenge had been inconsequential, unfruitful: the boy had lived and his accomplice had left him to brood in his own anger.
He’s held his grudges close to his heart and he’s let them fester and he won’t admit he’s tired of it all. If he lets go, then it all disappears and he’s really, truly dead, and if this is his afterlife, if all he can do is lag after the people he cares for, then it’s a fucking shit deal. So today, he’s continuing his work on the pub because he burned down his own home and because the hotel feels too sterile and empty, because he wants to have a space built with his own two hands where he can speak and someone will finally, finally listen. It’s not quite moving on. He’ll take it anyway.
She tries to live by the code of kindness and reciprocity; that’s how she lived on the high seas of her youth, or so she suspects, based on the journal she found at the site of the shipwreck. Since the day she joined this land, she has made friends and found love and taken the young residents under her wing and vowed to fight against evil. She gives stacks of items to those who need them and she fixes up the holes in the road and offers therapy on difficult days.
The world isn’t as kind as she is. A country was erased from the map for grudges she still doesn’t understand, and no one will tell her the why discs, of all things, are so important. Two boys would have lost their lives to a monster she housed, had it not been for the money Tommy paid a mercenary for his aid. She mourned the loss of Tommy’s life as she fought to keep the hotel in his name, and when he requested therapy upon his resurrection, she was horrified at the effects of trauma he’d exhibited. The friends she’d tried to pull out of the Egg’s influence celebrated a young boy’s death and killed her son. And now this man has taken her friend’s turtle hostage for no reason she can comprehend.
She’s tired. She’s breaking; they’d presumed her kindness was a weakness and maybe it is. Today, she plans on destroying the red menace on the edge of her son’s land. It’s her turn.
He’s not sure how many sandstone blocks he’s carved out of the desert at this point, nor how many quartz chips and gold nuggets he’s pulled out of the Netherworld. The villagers know him by name and chat with him when he stops by to trade for emeralds and other goods. His hands bleed gold ichor from the opened blisters dotting his hands, and burns line the edges of his fingertips. Lately, his whole world is rushing by in colors of beige and yellow, green and white and blue. The color red started it, the scramble to build more and more—and it stopped it too, if only for a little while. Ponk asked him for permission to build on his land, told him it was a gift: a peace offering and an apology and a new beginning. It’s a silly build and it doesn’t match the aesthetic of the rest of his summer home, but it warmed his heart, to see the giant red refrigerator rising up from the top of the sand dunes for the first time. Ponk built it just for him. Quackity told him he was alone, and that he didn’t matter if he didn’t assert his powers like he did in the past, and he was wrong. Ponk stays, loves him for who he is now and not for the destruction he wrought.
He doesn’t know what to do now; his father destroyed the build for some grudge she holds against his friend, and he’s exhausted. He’s tired of being pulled into conflict. A vacation from all the tension occurring on his land would not be unwarranted, at this point—a few days, a week. It sounds relaxing—and he’ll do it, he’ll take a vacation, and he’ll tell Ponk that he’s in charge of the summer home later today. He has some packing to do.
He likes to splash around the pools and fountains in Las Nevadas when he has to visit. Sometimes he’ll climb up the needle and lean on the bannisters to feel the fresh air ruffling his hair and he thinks about jumping—the air turns hot and stale and the ground burbles up in orange and red—but his brother pulls him out of it, usually. Otherwise the place is boring. He’s not allowed in the gambling den or the club, so he hovers around the forests away from Las Nevadas when Wilbur and Quackity want to speak alone.
Today is one of those days. It’s fine by him; dealing with the two of them together makes him uncomfortable, with the way they push and pull him to their sides. The cigarette smoke lingering on their breaths remind him of the ravine, the explosions from the first war-second -Logstedshire-doomsday-nukes-prison. He’s escaped, for now. The air of the forest is crisp; he can spot flowers in the meadow ahead and he plucks them to form a careless bouquet. Alliums, lilies-of-the-valley, daisies; poppies and cornflowers and dandelions. He threads them together to form crowns and rings, places one on his head and cradles the rest to his chest to stash at home. It’s been a while since he’s made them; before he moved to this land he’d make them for his brother and his brother’s father, the dogs and cows and sheep around the farm. He feels like a child again and his lips twist at the bittersweetness. He’s found himself a bubble and soon Wilbur will barge his way in to speak of his loyalties and Dream and whatever the fuck he’s stormed up with Quackity, but for now, he’ll pick flowers and make chains and chains and chains that, for once, won’t drag him down.
  Monday’s child is fair of face.
Tuesday’s child is full of grace.
Wednesday’s child is full of woe.
Thursday’s child has far to go.
Fridays’ child is loving and giving.
Saturday’s child works hard for a living.
And the child born on the Sabbath day is bonny and blithe, good and gay.
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triviallytrue · 3 years
A millenarian tone crept in, and sometimes a violent one, as at Club of the Deliverance, where a speaker saluted ‘the arrival of the day of justice [which] is rapidly coming... Proletarians, you will be reborn!’
forever irritated by the consistent presence of leftists who feel the need to talk like doomsday cult leaders. we're trying to make a more equitable society and in optimal circumstances we'd do so peacefully, there's no need for the whole "one day we will take what is ours in a glorious orgy of righteous violence" shtick. relax.
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yr-bed · 2 years
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MF DOOM, one of my favourite rappers, died in October of 2020; it was only made public on New Year's Eve. I've had this article of reminisces from fans, friends and collaborators sat waiting to be read on my Kindle since not longer after, but never got round to reading it for whatever reason. On that aforementioned sleepless night I finally made time for it and was glad I did. This anecdote from Questlove is undoubtedly the highlight of the piece for me, for all kinds of reasons:
"It was the Voodoo record-release party for D’Angelo [in 2000], and Mos Def showed up in his kitted-up, chauffeur-driven van with music blasting. He rolled down the window and said to me, 'Yo, you gotta get in here.' I tried to convey to him that Mark Ronson and I were DJ-ing the party, but he was like, 'No, man. We gotta have a discussion.' I was preparing myself for some kind of deep talk, but he just started preaching the gospel of DOOM. I’m talking a 40-minute monologue, almost something like a Jehovah’s Witness would preach, trying to convert me to a new religion. He was like, 'Do you understand the majestic gift that is Operation: Doomsday?' At the time, I had been listening to it with a different set of ears. [I said] “Oh, is that Zev Love X’s project?'
"Before Mos turned me around, my early thoughts of Operation: Doomsday, and skimming through it, were, It’s post Wu-Tang; the loops are sloppy. Anita Baker and J.J. Fad? C’mon now … I can’t spin this in the club. My initial response was more scoff than whoa. Mos was not going to give up. He memorized that whole album like his life depended on it. He memorized it like my life depended on it. He made me listen to 'Rhymes like Dimes' three times over. He was determined to convince me that it was the dopest shit out. He kept breaking it down to me until he finally planted the seed in me."
That whole scene is just highly entertaining. Mos Def with his kitted-out car, preaching the gospel of DOOM, the phrase "we gotta have a discussion." Later in the article Questlove does a successful job of conveying one of the lesser-explored appeals of DOOM, a rapper whose apparent qualities are abundant (the Dr Doom mask, the completely unique flow and war chest of references/rhyme schemes unlike anyone else before or since, his equally idiosyncratic samples and producing style, the innumerable pseudonyms and side-projects):
“I did my homework during the next six months and realized that the new persona was DOOM’s way of coping with Subroc’s death. I didn’t want to be on the wrong side of history, and [the late producer J] Dilla had already done this with me on Madlib. When I realized that what DOOM was doing was therapy for tragedy — it had been so long since I had seen somebody in hip-hop not using it as a means of escape, or survival, or monetary means to get to the next level.”
What he's referencing there is DOOM's previous life, as a sidekick to eighties hip-hop trio 3rd Base and then as a member of KMD, which ended when his cousin and KMD co-conspirator was hit by a car and killed. There was a period where he disappeared from view and, when he returned, he'd abandoned his Zev Love X persona and was hiding behind a mask. In the years following, he'd try on any number of other aliases, including an album as King Ghidorah (the three-headed enemy of Godzilla) and Viktor Vaughan, a riff on the alter-ego of Doctor Doom, each with distinct personalities, back stories, and rap styles. DOOM's music is rarely, if ever, maudlin, but the angle of retreat and reinvention after tragedy is not one I'd factored into his work before. RIP to the Villain. I loaded Operation: Doomsday, Born Like This and Take Me to Your Leader onto my phone for a walk to Highgate cemetery and had a bloody good time.
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The Red Well (Part 1) Putting God to the Test
More Ruri Action served up hot and fresh @rurifangirl
The Red Well is an immense hole in the ground where much of the water you’d seen flow through the vast Iron Dome hidden under Genji Heavy Industries was siphoned away from the City of Tokyo into the mountains near the Tama River. It was one of many of such wells. Each one of these storage tanks was actually an underground lake that was a kilometer across. The hole was just an access port. The hole was normally covered by a huge retractable lid, but it was pulled back. Along the walls of the hole, layers of scaffolding shored it up against earth movement and large lift elevators big enough to transport heavy machinery were installed on its sides.
You stood on the cross beam at the very top. The water of this well was far, far below you, looking like a round red eye. Far nearer to you was a circular maintenance floor where hundreds of members of the Devil Clan feverishly worked on this massive project that was finally coming to fruition after decades of planning. Between you and the water below were flow control gates.
Hydra had started this whole mess by drilling horizontally from the Red Well until they reached the Well of Bones: An underground crimson colored river that had mixed with magma and filled with nutrients to harbor the White King and its legions of minions. The river was diverted into the tunnel, that led to this well and thousands of dragonkin came with it. The pumps on the side of the well dumped a huge load of mercury poison into the water to weaken and kill the beasts. Then they dropped thermite bombs into the water to destroy what was left.
But Hydra had underestimated the so-called “God” as well as the Devil Clan. God survived and was swimming among the mercury and all the corpses.
While you had been happily standing on the bridge, getting married to Chime Gen, Herzog had prepared his own wedding gift. He replaced the mercury flow with a flow of deadpool fetal blood - and other nourishing chemicals - and dumped them into the well just as you were saying your words on the bridge of the Takamagahara Night Club.
The ‘God’ awakened and brought disaster to Tokyo by setting off a Mount Fuji eruption and massive earthquakes that sent a deadly tsunami right at you.
Still, you managed to survive, thanks to your newly wedded husband Ruri Kazama. Herzog summoned Ruri with the clapper and put Chime Gen to sleep. You had tried to awake Chime, but you were not enough. Ruri had carried you all the way here, because you were dying, turning into Deadpool. He pierced you with his bones, and gave you his blood that could restrain the raging dragonblood in you. But even he had to admit that only the fetal blood of this so-called God could save you. 
But Herzog would never willingly share that divine fetal blood. Ruri would have to kill him for it.
On Herzog’s command, Ruri slit his wrist and dropped his blood into the water far far below. It wasn’t enough to fill a teaspoon but the God detected it and now rushed to the surface hungrily circling. The water below was stirred up by that frantic circling and formed a huge kilometer wide whirlpool.
Herzog had since moved to one of the engineering platforms to get a better view. "It can't wait! Let's give it some challenge and see how strong God really is!" The king general shouted, "Turn on the water turbine!''
The first test began with turning on the giant water turbine in the bottom of the well. It could spin up a powerful vortex which would drag everything swimming in the water towards the bottom of the well, but the huge target swam leisurely, completely undisturbed.
"Great! Bravo! See, now!  That is something that can change the rules, and the current cannot bind it!" The King General exclaimed. "Let's give it more of a challenge!"
You lean your lips close to Ruri Kazama’s ear. “Ruri? Can I ask you? Does Herzog know all these people by name?”
Ruri Kazama didn’t move or look at you, but he did answer. “Yes. They are all Devil Clan Elites. Survivors of the purge. The best and the strongest are all that are left of the Devil Clan who aren’t rotting in the black prisons.”
You turn and look at all the people gathered and working the equipment. Some was scarcely older than you. Some looked younger.
The second test began immediately as the head of the engineering team pressed a remote control and a violent explosion set off in the water, sending thousands of tons of water and mercury rushing upward. The Devil Clan had put 12 plastic explosives in the water, mixed with tens of thousands of steel balls. The explosion, combined with the ball bearings, was no less than hundreds of military shotguns firing in unison.
But on the sonar screen, the whale-sized target once again ignored this test as it swam unaffected through the flames of the blast.
“That was beautiful! Beautiful! That's the kind of power that can change the world!" King General Herzog was so excited that his voice trembled.
“Ruri? Did they know Herzog all their lives?” You asked, resting your chin on his shoulder.
Ruri didn’t answer immediately. He just glanced at you.
For the third test, the gates at the bottom of the well opened. These gates were covered with metal mesh, designed to filter dirt. The gates were so strong and the mesh so flexible that the mesh could be compared to the toughest fishing nets in the world. A whale going at full speed would be entangled.
But the target broke through gate after gate with the ease of a heated knife slicing through butter. 
You flinch as Ruri slides you off the spines sticking out of his body. As he settles you on the beam, your wounds immediately close up within seconds. “I think I know what you’re getting at.” Ruri said.
You nod silently looking down. Your heart is heavy. Some things never change in people. This was really Black Swan Bay, all over again. You feel something touch your arm. When you turn your eyes widen. “Where did you get that?”
Ruri smiled slyly, handing you your claw dagger. “I know where you’re staying.”
Your jaw drops. But then you shut it and snatch the dagger. “Rude!”
“You were stuck to me for an entire night. Your blood should be completely replaced at this point.” He said. The bones of his body snapped like someone popping the joints of their neck. The bone spines retract back into his chest. You shudder involuntarily.
"Ten, nine, eight, seven..." The engineering team leader counted the remaining gates as the target broke through the layers of obstruction and was about to reach the surface.
The operators at the bottom of the well were ducking into safety pods. They looked like the kind made of alloys, nanofibers and high-density polymers that could even block the shock waves of a nuclear blast so long as they weren’t at ground zero. You hum to yourself and make a note. 
The thing in the lake was still swimming in the water, but its roar thundered through the underground lake. The vibrations were so violent that the storage well was on the verge of collapse. Cracks crawled up the metal sheathing of the well walls. People pressed their ears even over noise cancelling headphones. It was the kind of roar that seemed to cut through one's skull and pierce directly into the depths of one's mind. It was a kind of funeral dirge - yet joyful - roar, like the god of death cursing the world in hell.
Only you, King General and Ruri Kazama remained calm. King General stood on the platform in the middle of the well wall, looking down without turning away, like he was sitting in a VIP box enjoying a master's performance, while Ruri Kazama still stood in the rain like a lonely soul, rainwater flowing down along his long hair. You just felt sad for all these people, like a doomsday prophet on a street holding a sign that read ‘the end is near’, knowing that you were right and no one would listen.
The surface of the water burst. Grayish-white stagnant water mixed with mercury rushed up to the sky. Thousands of lung snails were driven up violently like bullets and ricocheted, hitting the wall of the well with a popping sound, their hard shells completely shattered, their bodies turned into a goo-like substance stuck to the wall of the well. A plain white shadow cloaked in grayish-white water rose up to the sky with the speed of a cannonball. But gravity quickly reduced its speed. It found support before it fell, by grabbing the layers of iron scaffolding on the wall of the well, and climbed upward at high speed. It was about the size of an orca, with an estimated weight of over ten tons, and those iron frames simply could not support its weight, crumbling in layers below it.
The King applauds vigorously, shifting from looking down to looking up, watching the large creatures devastating advance
    Snowy lights came on with sharp thudding noises, and the beast was finally presented to all eyes. It was wrapped in white filaments, looking like a giant cocoon, but with a hideously long tail trailing below.
Its movements were so fast that no one could see how such a cocoon-like thing with a tail was climbing. The long, bony tail lashed against the wall of the well, sloughing off the metal plates on the wall in rows, and the metal fragments mixed with the bodies of the lung snails as they rained down.
The four Vulcan cannons set up on the maintenance platform roared to life, pouring streams of steel into the well that exploded in gray-green smoke. 
“More mercury?” You ask.
“No. Anesthesia.” Ruri said.
“Uh…” You glance at him uncertainly. If Ruri Kazama’s rampage through the Takamagahara nightclub taught you anything, it was that dragons were something beyond any other life form. How could you knock out something like this with laughing gas?
 The cocoon coat made of white filaments was torn by the bullet rain, and the pale white hatchling experienced pain for the first time and let out a shrill hiss into the sky.
Your heart starts beating wildly and you’re suddenly filled with dread. You remembered how fast Ruri Kazama was, how deadly. How helpless everyone was before him. And he wasn’t even a full blooded dragon! Up until now, you’d only faced lowly deadpool and were barely above deadpool yourself. But deadpool were always the toughest and most dangerous compared to humans, powerfully strong and near bullet proof. Only by specific strategy, proper weapons, speed and stamina could you hope to escape with your lives against lowly deadpool.
You’d never seen a real dragon before. This was a real dragon!
The Vulcan cannons predictably failed to slow the thing down and it broke away with an unstoppable tenacity. A few Devil Clan members below you shouldered massive rocket launchers and fired. These were not aimed at the god itself, but at the stairs it used to ascend, the iron construction scaffolding, all of which crumbled in the explosion from top to bottom. The god fell with the debris of the iron frame, and the Vulcan cannons were still raining down on it.
Something clicks in your head. If you stop this thing from climbing out, that means no one else could climb out either. Your eyes roll back to Herzog who waves at you from the engineering platform.
He’s aware. The bastard.
The dragon was furious. This time it let out a roar of rage instead of a scream of pain. Pale white tentacles burst the last of its cocoon coat and violently grabbed the smooth well wall.
"Yamata-no-Orochi!" The head of the engineering team said in a groaning voice.
The myth became a reality before his eyes. Instead of tentacles, what grabbed the well wall was eight curved dragon necks. The beast with eight heads and sharp teeth bit into the well wall. Its lower limbs are deformed and short, so it uses the eight heads as feet, climbing with movements like an eight-legged spider. Those long, slender snake-like necks curled and stretched. Eight pairs of golden eyes were like candles that flooded the well with their light. It is clearly climbing up, but in the eyes of everyone it is the devil from the sky.
Only Herzog saluted with a hand over the heart, excitedly exclaiming: "What a specimen!”
Although it had  a huge body, because it is still in its infancy, that body looks withered. However, it is athletic and swift. As it crawled through cracks in the metal panels, rocks shattered, and red lwarning lights lit up layer by layer. Step by step it approached success, Vulcan cannons and rocket launchers kept blowing dazzling fire on it. Blood oozed from the god's pale scales, and part of its dorsal ridges were torn apart by the explosion, revealing the ghastly white spine. But it still climbed upwards without slowing down. It had just detached itself from the cocoon, and once it left this place, it only needed a moment's respite to regain more strength, and then it could easily destroy these tiny creatures.
“And this is a baby…?” You breathed. “God damn…”
“You understand now?” Ruri said. “You remember the history of the Light King. The Dark King took great pains to destroy her.”
“How could we ever do it? Yeah… I get it.” You answer. “Humans… can’t kill dragons.” You look down at the dagger in your hand. “Only… dragons can kill dragons.” You turn your eyes up at him. “Right? That’s why you’re here?”
Ruri’s eyes were fixed below. “We’re here…”
“But I’m not strong enough to…” You blink.
“Get ready, regardless.”
"Go! Go! Let me see how far the inquisitive creature can go!'' The king pumps his fist in admiration, his tone filled with divine wonder while also cheering like he’s at a sporting event.
A single missile exploded where the god was clinging to the wall, destroying part of the well wall. The impact caused the god to slump uncontrollably as it was unable to hold onto it. But the sharp teeth caused marks several feet deep in the wall, and it held on.
 "Awesome! That's how it should be! How can a mundane weapon hurt a god's body?" The king high-fives the engineers around him, as if he had not formulated the plan to stop the god, and he sincerely expected the thing to escape from here.
White ropes bounced off the wall of the well and wrapped around the god. The ropes were no wider than a finger but the fibers weaving them were nanofibers. Each nano-rope can lift the Trieste and countless nano-ropes form a huge net strong enough to stop a navy destroyer. The god tried to break through several times, but failed, and a single missile focused on its abdomen and exploded, blowing it into a fountain of blood. The god could no longer rise even one meter. It was still struggling though and the more it struggled, the tighter the net became around it.
"It's working! It's captured!" The cheers of the engineering team came to your ears from below where you stood on the upper cross beam with Ruri.
"Captured it? Is capturing God so easy? Wrong, so wrong!" You whisper. 
A floating arc of light flashed, brighter even than the floodlights illuminating the cavern, like the arc of a supreme sword. A second later, a neat slice severed the superstrong material and God was freed from his bondage.
Suddenly, the King started screaming in Japanese. It sounded like a rush of syllables you didn’t understand.
“In the legend, Susanoo killed Yamata No Orochi and pulled a sword from its tail. That sword was called Sword of the Gathering Clouds of Heaven… roughly.” Ruri said.
“That’s what that thing is?” You asked.
“It’s how humans chose to understand it.”
“I get the feeling I should be going to school with you and not Cassell.” You mutter.
Ruri suddenly moves as though a switch had turned on. The god had revealed its greatest weapon and was rapidly making its way up without obstruction.  Nothing can stop the god's escape any longer. Above it is the mouth of the well and once it reaches that mouth, it is free. It dances its sword tail and continues to climb. Its scales audibly clatter like chainmail, sealing its body to resist the power of a missile blasts. It traversed the flames of the explosions, and its eight heads danced wildly, only yards away from you. Staring into those golden eyes you felt a confusing mix of joy, challenge, rage and hunger.
You had fought with Chisei Gen in awe of his great strength and brute unstoppable force, but Ruri Kazama was otherworldly, hardly human at all. It was a state of mind that you never really entered, like someone who ran through blood like a child splashing through rain puddles. You weren’t sure you wanted to go there.
But Ruri Kazama granted you no choice, shoving you forcefully into the well. The wind whipped by you and you descended uncontrollably toward a gaping maw.
A chant in an ancient and mysterious language descends behind you and passes you in a roaring white shadow. 
Ruri Kazama had jumped from the steel crossbeam and landed straight towards that same gaping maw. Both of your bodies put together are only one percent of this god’s, and such tiny targets should have been ignored by the god or sliced away with a casual swing of that heavenly sword tail, but from the moment the chanting began, the narrow snake-like glowing eyes widened with awe.
Ruri Kazama’s blade spun in a horizontal arc and the pale white head that threatened to eat you a second ago rose to the sky with a gushing, spinning fountain of blood. He’d chopped that head clean off! He caught you on the crook of his arm and tossed you again.
 In excruciating pain, the god released all the heads attached to the wall of the well and surrounded Ruri Kazama who landed on one, but Ruri Kazama swung his long sword and knocked back those hardened dragon heads towards you. You immediately understand and plunge your dagger into the beast’s glowing eyes. The hooked claw catches on the orbital bone. The beast drops its head, intending to throw you into the well, but you release and go sailing to the other side. A head is chasing you to devour you but Ruri Kazama’s blade makes a dazzling crimson flash in the dark and that head's eyes wink out like an extinguished candle. 
The Deadpool’s claw is enough to dig into the armored scales. You gather courage and fearlessly score long bleeding lines as you slide down the limp neck towards the body and stab again and again and again! Both of you and the monster rolled together and descended, leaving large splashes of blood on the wall of the well. Ruri’s sword is sending blinding sparks on the scales. The god is roaring and wailing and Ruri Kazama is letting out a roar more terrible than the god every time it so much as snapped at you.
It wasn’t that Ruri needed your help necessarily. He needed an outlet for a feeling that he couldn’t understand. It was the feeling of having something and then a great hand coming to take it away from you. It was that sharp, offended feeling that brought out the greatest ferocity in the heart of every breathing thing. 
To keep what one has, every living creature will draw blood!
It wasn't a dragon slaying at all. It was monsters entangled in a mutual slaughter to tear and chew each other up. It only took ten seconds to fall from the wellhead to the bottom of the well, but it was those ten seconds of roaring and wailing that no one dared to listen to, the sound of a lifetime of nightmares, like evil spirits feasting on muscles and tendons and bleeding between their grinding teeth.
Perhaps it was a greater mistake to allow something like Ruri Kazama to live in this world than to awaken a god.
The heavy body of the god fell into the water, splashing a giant wave more than ten meters high, and Ruri Kazama hung unflinchingly on the wall of the well, his long clothes dangling, like a ghost that had hung there years ago. You were back in his arms like nothing had happened, breathing hard, your head spinning with the thrill of it all. 
But then your heart falls.
The battle ended with a tragic victory for Ruri Kazama. The god was already badly wounded before reaching the top of the well, and Ruri Kazama cut off four of its heads. But he himself paid a heavy price. His back muscles looked like they were plowed by iron, and his abdomen was left with a huge wound, but he did not show any expression of pain. He just hung there, looking up at the sky.
“He’s coming.” He said quietly. He turned to you. “You should hide.”
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landenzbux319 · 3 years
11 Ways to Completely Ruin Your GTA Online Money Generator from LINUXWALLONIE.ORG
Superstar's huge brand-new update to settle 2020 is ultimately below. The Cayo Perico Heist has landed, and also with it comes some huge spot notes and all you require to find out about the upgrade. Strap in as Superstar has launched a substantial item of web content, right here's everything about the brand-new GTA Online Cayo Perico Break-in patch keeps in mind & update. Rockstar identifies some may not wish to welcome or join details staffs simply to be able to play together.
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This phase of the break-in needs one of the most time and money.
GTA Online is all about the multiplayer experience, and also coordinating with others is the most fun you can have in the game.
Perhaps Micro SMG from Ammu-Nation, you do not need to refill frequently with an extended magazine. After you conserve some coins, you can take a look at extra pricey as well as splendid weapons. Break-ins can provide you with $400k per hr, yet you require some prerequisites to take these objectives. You require to invite your three buddies and pay an in advance expense to start the heist. The difficulty setting likewise impacts the amount of earnings you will get. There are countless heist goals, yet they become obtainable for you as you level up.
Newbies Direct To Gta Online.
Some players want to participate in roleplay, and take a trip a practical path that an up and coming criminal would certainly absorb the abyss of Los Santos. While the game was at first established before the occasions of Grand Theft Auto V, the story of even more current updates, starting with 2017's Gunrunning, takes place in their particular years of launch. The PlayStation 3 and also Xbox 360 versions of Grand Burglary Vehicle Online allow as much as 16 simultaneous players, while the PlayStation 4, Xbox One, and COMPUTER versions enable up to 30 concurrent gamers. s Chris Carter felt the "unpleasant launch" should have been postponed and also IGN's Keza MacDonald lamented her "dreadful" play sessions. Digital Spy's Liam Martin lost his character data as well as taken into consideration the technical issues towered over pre-launch anticipation. In 2020, the gamer performs a number of new work for Gerald, as well as enters a temporary conflict with the Kkangpae after they invade their individual yacht, which finishes with the gamer killing the gang's leader.
The Doomsday Heist, released on 12 December, included a new take on break-ins. The eponymous Doomsday Break-in, longer and also more profitable than any of the initial break-ins, is divided into three "acts", as well as can be finished by a group of 2-4 gamers from beginning to end.
Get hold of an additional $1m+ as well as a variety of other interesting economic alternatives become available to the enterprising business bad guy. Purchase a garage and you can begin delivering illicit freight through the air, or grab a car storehouse and you can begin stealing as well as re-selling the very best autos in GTA 5. Buy an underground shelter and also you can dip your fingers into the gun trade, or start standardizing and also marketing drugs with your very own bike club. There's a stunning variety of stuff to do in modern GTA Online so you would certainly be forgiven by having no suggestion where to begin-- and also what to concentrate on to draw out the most cash at an early stage. One of the very best tips for newbies is to stay in touch with what's happening in-game with the Superstar Social Club or the handy promo sprinkle screens that turn up while the video games tons. They'll allow you recognize what's new to the game and also, extra notably, what activities or events Superstar is prioritising, including which of them will certainly award double Reputation and also cash money.
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