#oracle class
sunbeargames · 8 months
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As I'm writing the Oracle class, I'm anticipating that lots of players will want to play a blind character. The trope of the blind oracle or blind seer is fairly popular in folklore and pop culture, and I want to accommodate players making the characters that appeal to them.
To save DMs the headache of trying to figure out how to make a blind character mechanically balanced, I'm including this optional feature in the Oracle class. If a player chooses to make their character blind, they gain 30 feet of blindsight and can spend class resources to extend that range for a short time.
For flavor, I also included the table of possible eye appearances, for players who want the nature of the blindness to be a bit more mystical.
That said, I am currently a sighted person. I'm considering hiring a sensitivity reader further down the line, but for now I figure I might as well run it by others to see what people think.
Worth noting that the blindsight offered here does not negate the mechanical effects of being blind. Characters that take this feature will still be unable to do certain things such as see distant objects or observe writing/images on surfaces.
[image description: Sightless Seer, a 1st-level optional Oracle feature. If you choose, you can sacrifice your sight. If you do so, you are permanently blinded and gain blindsight out to a range of 30 feet. This blindness cannot be cured in any way, even by a wish spell. Starting when you reach 2nd level in this class, you can use a prediction to expend 1 fate point and increase the range of your blindsight to 60 feet for 1 minute. This range increases to 90 feet at 5th level, to 120 feet at 11th level, and to 300 feet at 17th level. If you choose to be blind this way, determine the appearance of your eyes manually or by rolling on the Eyes of the Sightless Seer table below.
Eyes of the Sightless Seer, a table with 6 rows of entries under the header "Eyes".
Pools of stars, deep as the night sky, twinkling with infinite lights.
You wear a blindfold that grows stained and drips with blood as you use your powers.
A small ball of solid gold sits in each socket, perhaps etched with symbols or writing.
Your eyelids are permanently closed. Others see strange shapes moving against them.
Both eyes are of a single solid color, such as onyx black, icy white, or deep sea blue.
Your corneas are clouded and opaque, but the swirling pattern seems to slowly move.
end image description]
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jester-step · 1 month
trying to get over the anxiety of having to do a job interview tomorrow by telling myself it’s JUST like when adaine got a job at oodles of strudel
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jenn0wow · 4 months
Actually Barbara Gordon being a librarian and then eventually Oracle makes so much more sense if she was a reference services librarian lmaooo
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oracles-art-icles · 8 months
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Made some fan HTTYD tablet wallpapers for a friend!
Dimensions are 1600x2560 px
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oonaluna-art · 1 year
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My secret santa gift for my friend @classofthetitansproject ! This is her oracle OC Emily, pondering the orb.
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papaiyatree · 10 months
tried to go back 2 the swing of school doods yesterday in class :>>
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drawing this in class made me feel like i've committed 300 sins this is the hottest poison ivy i've ever drawn wtf
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halichor · 2 years
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New son just dropped, say hi to Veneth ✨ He has a different outfit now tbh but designing takes forever soooo behold
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sunbeargames · 7 months
Everything is going wrong.
Your allies are falling. Your plan is failing. Your enemies are prevailing. All seems lost.
You awake in a cold sweat, bolting upright from your bedroll, looking around to see your companions, alive and well, preparing for the day ahead. They look to you, concerned, and you begin to tell them what you saw.
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All A Dream is probably going to be one of the more controversial Oracle features, but I think it's interesting enough to at least go into the first rounds of playtesting.
Basically, this is your emergency escape when shit has hit the fan. The narrative of this feature is that the day has been a dream, and your Oracle character wakes up with the memory of this one potential future where things went wrong. Armed with that knowledge, you can inform your allies of what happened and adjust your course accordingly.
It has an increasing chance of not working each time you use it. This is very much subject to change, but I think some version of this caveat is necessary to keep the feature being fun. If it's too reliable, risks start to lose meaning, and if it comes up too often then it could just become a hassle. It should be a powerful option for emergencies, and you should have to carefully consider when to use it.
Image ID below the cut.
[Image ID: All A Dream, 11th-level Oracle feature
As an action, you can cause everything to revert to the state and location it was in at the moment you finished your last long rest. You retain your memories of everything you experienced. Each time you use this feature after the first, roll a d20. If the number rolled is equal to or lower than the number of times you have already used this feature, to a maximum of 10, this feature does not function. Instead, you gain one level of exhaustion and fall unconscious for 1 minute, or until you take damage or a creature uses its action to shake you awake. Once you take this action, you cannot do so again until you finish your next long rest.
End ID]
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wordsgood · 4 days
thinkin about an aromantic bg3 run with doli lin!tav. he’s so tired. what’s one more monstrous cursèd gift in his head, there might as well be a literal physical creature creaching around up there, this might as well happen. surrounded by horny children who need hugs and protection. unfortunately because amatonormativity he gets no special cutscenes but he could go to avernus with karlach (who is also aromantic you can’t convince me otherwise im SORRY [not].). the last time he lost a soulmate he couldn’t follow them into the dark but oh boy THIS time he’s fucking prepared! he may have terrible hips and the soul of a trophy husband and just the worst empathetic magic gift there’s ever been but he will kick demon ass for his new bestie. he might also bang halsin, who’s to say, he might feel sexy one night when the city’s making him attractively homesick instead of his usual drunken soggy-paper-bag kind of homesick. he can do what he wants. he’s surrounded by children with either too few or too many memories that constantly send him into empathy-triggered fugue states and dissociations and migraine nightmares. daddy needs a self-care night kids
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pramanixx · 15 days
i have a disease called "need to make builds for my favs in whatever ttrpg i can". thankfully with prior favs this was extremely easy due to 5e being piss easy to build in and them having fairly basic skillsets. thank god i have found other ttrpgs to love (please for the love of christ talk to me about lancer its so fucking good) and now the buildcrafting process more fun but more challenging as well. as if this wasnt enough, uh. axl 1. can cast magic at will 2. but is primarily a melee* combatant 3. (not really) 4. has time travel magic.
due to my insanities i am still attempting to build this out. i have accepted i cant just take the fast and easy route via 5e because even WITHOUT the time magic this build is a fucking multiclass monstrosity + his weapon is two-handed and 5e doesnt like it when casters wield those.
but i HAVE discovered its very possible to build him in lancer ;)
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lionbearfox · 8 months
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inktober 8: witness my pathfinder party! i've had only these weirdos for a monthish but if anything happened to them i would. be really excited about it actually. anyways, love them! my new favorite group of guys :)
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kenobihater · 6 hours
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bought a wholeass cabinet for my tarot decks and books :^)
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what if we were both followers of gods and we both took to our oaths with such dedication that we're rejected even by our fellow followers but then we found each other and saw ourselves reflected back in our wanting and needing . and what if we were both morally grey . a ha
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soylent-crocodile · 11 months
Master Seer (Prestige Class)
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(Art by Selvagemqt on deviantart)
(There is probably a reason Pathfinder doesn't really have any prestige classes that sort of generically boost spellcasting without some very specific flavor and abilities other than the core Loremaster, but this was an attempt to make one anyway. It's heavily inspired by the Oracle at Delphi, Pythia, and you'd be surprised how hard it is to find a magical-looking greek woman with a snake buddy.
Balancing this class is... interesting. As mentioned, it has a lot of abilities that help spellcasters in most any situation, so it's also a prestige class with an explicit downside- madness. The feat tax is also there.)
Diving the future is, for some, the ultimate goal of magic- the ability to see what will happen and take advantage of this knowledge for your own gain, or simply seeing the understanding of reality and the future as an end unto itself.
Master seers are those who have achieved that goal, regularly throwing their minds into the ever-splitting river of time and reeling them back; damaged, but with unparalleled foresight.
Role: Master seers see into the future to add flexibility and power to their magical arsenal, but at the cost of damage to their mental wellbeing. They are casters who are as versatile and powerful as they are fragile. Alignment: Master seers can be any alignment HD: d6
Skills: Knowledge (arcana) 5 Feats: Spell Focus (Divination) Ability Scores: Int 15 Other: Ability to cast second level arcane or psychic spells, ability to cast Clairvoyance-Clairaudience
Skills A master seer gains 2+ Int mod skill ranks per level A master seer’s class skills are Knowledge (all) (Int), Linguistics (Int), Sense Motive (Wis), and Spellcraft (Int)
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Weapon and Armor Proficiencies
A master seer gains no weapon or armor proficiencies
Upon taking her first level in master seer, a master seer chooses one arcane or psychic class to advance. At the indicated levels, a master seer gains new spells per day as though she had advanced in the chosen class. She does not gain other benefits a character of that class would have gained, except for additional spells per day, spells known (if she is a spontaneous caster), and an increased effective level of spellcasting.
Foresight (Su)
A master seer gains a pool of foresight points gained from seeing a small fraction of the infinite timelines reality takes; she can use those abilities to manipulate fate to her advantage, but at the cost of her own sanity. 
At the start of each day, a master seer heals all wisdom drain she has, then takes 1d4+1 wisdom drain. Upon being dealt this drain, she fills her pool of foresight points, which is equal to her intelligence modifier. If this drain is in any way healed, she loses her foresight points for the day.
Once per round, a foresight point can be spent as an immediate action to force a single creature within 60ft to reroll a save on a spell cast by a master seer, or to allow a master seer to reroll an attack roll and take the second result.
Augury (Sp)
A master seer can cast Augury as a spell like ability 3/day.
Diviner’s Anticipation (Su)
At level 2, a master seer adds her intelligence modifier to her reflex save.
Nevercast (Su)
At level 4, a master seer can use her foresight to have prepared a counterspell for a waiting opponent. She may expend one foresight point to counter a spell without having prepared an action to do so, although she must still expend a spell to do so as normal, such as the same spell, Dispel Magic, or a spell that specifically counters the one cast.
Twist Timeline (Su)
At level 6, if a master seer prepares spells, she may expend a foresight point as a move action to exchange one spell she has prepared for another spell on the same spell list the original spell was drawn from. She takes the usual restrictions she would when casting such a spell. 
Sudden Metamagic (Su)
At level 6, if a master seer casts spontaneously, she may expend a foresight point as a standard action to cast a spell with a casting time of a standard action with one metamagic feat that she has that does not increase casting time other than the natural increase that comes from casting spontaneously.
Extra Prepared (Su)
At level 8, during her first round of combat, a master seer may manipulate the timeline to prepare herself- or rather, to always have been prepared. She expends a foresight point as a swift action to cast a spell with a target of self and a casting time of a standard action on herself.
Dip Into Infinity (Su)
At level 10, a master seer can spend a minute basking in the infinite possibilities of time and future; once she enters this state she cannot perceive, speak, or take action until the minute is up. Upon completion of this trance, she takes an additional 1d4+1 wisdom drain and regains all foresight points spent. If she has had wisdom drain healed at all this day then she may not use this ability.
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paulgadzikowski · 1 month
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[Image description: Preview panel for the comic strip at the link below. In a split screen, on the left is Barbara (ORACLE) Gordon of DC Comics, sitting in a wheelchair in a control center surrounded by touchscreens on mechanical arms. One screen has a display of status lights where all but one is green and the other is yellow; another displays a scene of the Doctor, Charlie, and Miss Quill from the premier episode of the Doctor Who spinoff series Class. On the right is Alfred Pennyworth dusting a bust of Shakespeare. Oracle is wearing a headset with a microphone and Alfred is wearing a bluetooth. Oracle is saying, “One last thing for the night, Alfred. I have the aired episodes of Class and I can get them to you at my FTP server or on a flashdrive.” Alfred is saying, “No thank you, Miss Barbara.“ Unfortunately there are not image descriptions at the main Hero Of Three Faces site. End description.] 
The Hero of Three Faces is fanfiction crossovers, but it’s comic strips with stick figures, but they’re triangles. Preview panel only. Click here for full cartoon. Or see the on-site navigation tutorial. Or see this blog’s FAQ, or my archive tumblog’s FAQ. Cartoons may contain unmarked spoilers. Cartoons linked from Tumblr 10:00 (Central US time) daily are the previous day’s new update and the posts are pinned to the top of this blog. Cartoons linked from Tumblr 22:00 daily are from the archive and the posts are pinned only during annual summer hiatus of new updates.
Thanks for reading.
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medouse · 2 months
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twirling my hair kicking my feet hiiii babygirl love of my life my darling evil cunty wife the legend the blueprint the poor bastard that keeps getting whitewashed and disgraced in the polls in favor of that little vampiric twink hi baby i missed youuuuu
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