#out of chitaqua
The Dangers of Hope Master List
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Series Summary: When Y/N shows up at Camp Chitaqua with her little girl in tow, her bloodshot eyes leave no doubt that she's infected. Or is she? Everything Dean has come to know for certain over the last five hellish years, is about to be challenged.
Here is a map of how I've laid out the camp, in case you need the visual. 😊
Chapters under the cut:
Chapter 1
Chapter 2
Chapter 3
Chapter 4
Chapter 5
Chapter 6
Chapter 7
Chapter 8
Chapter 9
Chapter 10
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littlebluejaydraws · 9 months
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"Coming here is a privilege he rarely accords himself, and only when he's certain not to be observed; only when he is sober, only when he is clean, only when he hasn't fucked himself to exhaustion; only when the confines of his mortal body, of this camp, of this tiny world close around him too tightly; only when he can't stop himself from remembering that once, none of those things were true." Map of the World, Chapter 7
Grayscale 'cause of how Cas' night vision works. I have so many feelings about pre 5x04 Chitaqua Cas :((((
ID: Two images of the same digital grayscale drawing of Cas staring out across a moonlit landscape. He is shown at the bottom of the image, from behind, standing on the edge of a roof. In front of him are shown the rooves of a couple of other buildings and then a wall. Beyond the wall are hills, with a moon rising over them, positioned in front of Cas' head. It is crescent moon, with the old moon visible in the new moon's arms. Above this scene is the starry sky, with the milky way clearly visible and lyrics written in white over it reading: "Life in a cage/ is turning me blind/ I pace in a rage/ and I wait to die." This first image shows the full drawing and the second shows a close up of Cas, haloed by the moon. End ID.
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sodomitecastiel · 2 years
in endverse, sam says yes to the devil because he and dean split up and continue to not talk to each other afterward (hence the lesson dean learning from his jaunt to endverse being that he needs to team up with sam again and heal their relationship). but cas is with dean in camp chitaqua, and the episode “the end” comes directly after the first case dean and cas ever run together alone. so in the timeline for endverse, do dean and cas just… not stop hunting together as a team after that first case? do they keep hunting alone and growing closer and closer until the world ends and dean realizes what happened to his brother? how long did it take? how long were he and cas on the road, figuring out how they fit together and what it means? and dean would adore it, alright, he’d be falling in love teaching cas how to be on earth and making his own choices, but he’d also be feeling guilty that it’s so much more fun than what he and sam were doing — and then he’d hear what sam said yes to and the guilt would curdle into the most gut wrenching shame & self loathing that man ever felt in his life. he’d blame himself even further for it than he fessed up to in canon
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bottomcasbigbang · 11 months
Playing for Time
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Title: Playing for Time Author: sidewinder  Artist: reafre Challenge: Bottom Cas Big Bang Rating: Explicit Tags/Warnings: endverse, alternative universe: canon divergence, pregnant endverse!Castiel, alternative season 11, temporary character death, angst, secrets, post-apocalyptic survival, angelic lore, nephilim, angelic grace pregnancy, lakehouse fic (only make it endverse) Word Count: 73,000  Written/Created for @bottomcasbigbang Summary:  2014, Camp Chitaqua. Upon meeting the past version of Dean sent by Zachariah, Castiel knows only one thing for certain:
Very soon, he's going to die.
So he decides he might as well go out with a bang and enjoy one last night on Earth with this more innocent, less jaded Dean.
What he doesn't expect is for a single night of desperate passion to leave him pregnant, carrying a child who ends up saving both his and Dean's lives.
2015, Lebanon, Kansas. Castiel, Dean and Sam have been carrying on with "saving people, hunting things" along with dodging one apocalypse after another for years. While hunkered down in the bunker recovering from Rowena's mad dog spell, Cas is surprised to have another Dean, along with a heavily pregnant version of himself, come stumbling through a fiery rift and into their lives.
In the process of preparing for the birth of a powerful nephil, secrets of the past are revealed and relationships put to the test in ways none of them could have ever anticipated. Meanwhile, the threat of The Darkness looms and leaves them wondering: could this child be the one to save them all?
Link to Fic: Playing for Time (AO3) Link to Art: Art masterpost (reafre on tumblr)
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bedlund · 2 years
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let's (re)read dta in 2022
are you compelled by the fanfic series down to agincourt? have you ever felt intimidated by 1.2 million words? are you due for a reread but never really found the right time to start? this is your chance to read this story in small digestible chunks as it happens to the residents of camp chitaqua!
the first book – map of the world – starts out on august 4. much like the other well known daily substack subscriptions, you will get an email each day something happens in chitaqua. some days will be shorter, some longer and sometimes you won’t get an email for a few days. up to the end of the year the average daily word count is about 9k.
please use the tag #agincourt daily and follow @agincourtdaily for live reactions
as always a big thank you to @seperis not only for writing this incredible story but for letting us do silly little projects like this one. if you can't wait another month to read this fic (understandable) head on over to ao3 to read the full series!
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ectokelpeigh · 2 years
Hic. "Huh?"
Valerie knew it was kind of—okay, really a dick move to take advantage like this. Phantom was obviously tipsy. How a ghost could get tipsy, she'd need to investigate later. Priorities.
"When you... weren't a ghost. What did you look like?"
"I could show you."
"You can— What, you have a picture or something?" It tracked, Valerie thought. Phantom didn't exactly act like he'd been around pre-cameras.
"Well, yeah, but I could show you." He shrugged, the twisted to float belly-up through with his arms folded behind his head. All he was missing was a pool.
"Okay." Valerie said, and waited.
And waited.
Phantom kept floating, around and around her, in wobbly, imperfect circles between the city below and the stars above.
"Well?" Valerie hedged.
"Well what?"
"You could show me?"
"Yeah, I said I could."
"Will you?"
"Pfft, no thanks, I choose life." He paused. "Or I guess I choose staying dead. But I choose you not killing me."
"Why would I kill you?"
"Because you'd recognize me." Hiccup.
"You... think it'd upset me because you don't look different now? What, did you have anime boy hair when you were alive, too?"
"Pfft. No. It wouldn’t upset you. It’d do way more than that. You'd kill me because I don't look different. And once you killed me, I guess I'd look like this again, so it's a waste of energy. And I am—hic— lazy by nature." He kept drifting in circles around Valerie, speaking straight up to the stars. It would be hard to hear him if it wasn’t such a calm night, hardly any breeze, even so high up.
"So I knew you?” Valerie hedged, “And I didn't like you?"
She wracked her brain for anyone remotely close to her that had died young, and came up short. Luckily, Valerie's life hadn't been marred by that kind of tragedy.
That made Phantom pause. Literally. He stopped his circling, and turned so he was “laying” on his side, head now propped up on one fist. "I like to think you know me. But if we're having this conversation, I guess not." He frowned. His aura flickered— Valerie's never seen a ghost's glow falter. Is this is a tipsy thing?
Then Phantom smiled, and visibly brightened, like he was the proverbial light bulb. "Let's get to know each other, Red. What's your favorite color?"
Valerie's eyes tightened. She couldn't tell what Phantom was playing at, if he could play at anything in his condition, but she didn't have much to lose by playing along.
"Red." she said.
Phantom looked her up and down. "Boring."
"What's yours, green?" she fired back, pointedly locking eyes.
"Purple, actually."
"There's nothing boring about decking yourself out in your favorite color." Red was more of an accent since Technus's upgrade, but she still loved it. "Why no purple suit for you, huh?"
"Because I didn't get to pick,” he said, sitting up and crossing his arms across his chest. “Black is classic, anyway."
"Black is always in style, but I won't get a fashion lecture from someone in a hazmat suit."
"Yeah, yeah. Again, I didn’t pick. Next question: you remember that cartoon, American Dragon?"
"Do I— Phantom, what?"
"It's a classic."
"The theme song was terrible."
"The theme song was part of what made it a classic. I'd want something similar, if I had a theme song."
"You're right, I am going to kill you."
"Fine, fine! But you do remember show!"
"I wasn't denying it, that's just a random fucking question."
"What did you think of the show?"
"It was okay."
"You have a favorite character?"
"If you're angling at some Huntsgirl joke, I swear to—"
"The Huntsgirl! Yeah!” His eyes brightened. Again, literally. “I think Rose was her name? And no, I'm not making any jokes about you and her. Even if the simirali —hic— similarities are. You know. Crazy."
"Hmph." Valerie crossed her arms. "Make your point, ghost."
"Oh, so I'm 'ghost' again. Which is actually kind of funny—"
"Right. So you're the Huntsgirl. Kinda crazy that we never got to see her react to Jake being a dragon, huh? I mean, they had that whole star-crossed lover thing, and Jake knew but Rose didn't know that Jake knew."
"So you turn into a dragon? I don't see how that'd be 'too familiar' to show me. The only dragons I've met are Dora and her brother, and you're not them."
"You know, that is somehow a much more plausible explanation than what I actually do."
"You don't turn into a dragon?"
"You don't have to sound so disappointed."
Valerie glared.
"Me right now, is the equivalent of my, uh, dragon."
"This is what you turn into. Okay. From what?"
"What is Jake when he's not a dragon?"
"A dumbass."
"Now you're getting it. In fact, I think I've said enough that I should probably go hide now."
He vanished.
Valerie cursed under her breath, then laid on her back on her jet sled, one leg dangling off. She'd heard of that cartoon, but didn't remember much. She'd Googled it in study hall a couple years ago; when 'Red Huntress' first caught on, she overheard Mikey make the Huntsgirl comparison at lunch. It was around the time Paulina and company had ditched her, so she had time on her hands.
She made a mental list of what she remembered: Jake Long's dragon-ness was hereditary. She didn't know of any of Phantom's familial ties, not since his "cousin" turned out to be his clone. Valerie wasn't exactly a ghost hunting legacy herself, so that parallel was starting to feel like a dead end altogether. If anyone in this town had hunting as a family business, it was—
Rose and Jake's star-crossed lover thing...
Valerie cursed again, not-so-under her breath this time.
Yeah, Phantom was right that Danny Fenton's stupid cute face would be 'familiar'.
Phantom was also right that she was going to kill him.
Danny flew hard and fast, making four laps around the perimeter of Amity Park, trying to clear his head with the biting wind.
The more he sobered up, the more he wished he could go hide in the Ghost Zone indefinitely.
Valerie was waiting on Ops Center's catwalk.
Like a coward, he touched down and transformed around the corner before walking up to her, sneakers clanging across the metal walkway. No point in trying for stealth.
"You're dead." she said, not even looking at him.
Crap. "Debatable."
"You're going to be dead. I will make you dead."
"Can't argue there."
"I'll go easy on you if you tell me one thing."
"Uh. Okay?"
"You don't have a catchphrase, do you? Please tell me I didn't almost date a kid who shouted 'Ghost up!' or something."
Danny winced. "Yeah, about that..."
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shelikestv · 2 years
"Maybe you should have left," Dean says. 
He isn't sure if it’s an accusation. Maybe grief? No, fuck, it's always that.
Cas laughs anyway, lungs scratchy. Naked limbs and smoke wrap them hard and tight and it's these moments that feel the least secure.
Dean can be an asshole, but somehow Cas is even more of one–he huffs, shaking his head and says it:
"I know I should have."
There’s a before and after. 
Dean has never loved like this, never lost like this–before Cas, after Cas.
The night sky is smudged through the window, sun set but light not fully gone. Dean's mind feels the same--desaturated. He wants to leave, but the warm weight by his side keeps him breathing, heart beating. An angry, needy comfort. 
The overhead fan turns too slow, barely scooping air and Cas bites his lip.
"C'mere," he says, and pulls Dean in.
Nobody is the strong one here, but if there were it'd be Cas. Yeah, he might be fucked on pills, but there are places crumbling inside Dean that only he can reach. 
His hands are soft, far away.
Not long ago, he’d always stood too close, too much–before Dean, after Dean. 
The air is charcoal-ringed, moments warping, forging.
"Don't say it," Cas tenses, clamping tight lips around a cigarette and shuffling cold toes into the blanket.
But Dean’s an asshole, too: 
“You stayed, anyway.”
On the outside it looks like gratitude. They both know better. Cas’s skin has spots to prove it–Dean grips too tight inside the bedroom, and he's constantly bruising him. He never says anything, but he thinks he might need evidence to breathe. Without it Cas is too slippery. Without it, he'd fade away.
Cas doesn't complain. Dean thinks he needs it, too.
The stars in the window are starting to poke through the sky one at a time. Camp Chitaqua isn't even quiet really, but Cas is, exhaling rings of smoke and staring like he's paralyzed.
Dean crawls on top of him, diving deep. He’s kissing him hard and biting, hard and scared. 
It’s a sinking ship. 
It shouldn’t matter. 
But when he opens his eyes, for a moment, anyway, Cas is back, gaze lazarus blue. 
“Don’t leave,” Dean says, even though it’s him who feels halfway out the door.
Their skin shines and for a minute they’re the moonlight. 
Cas doesn’t break eye contact.
“I don’t want to.”
It hurts. Loss on loss, world getting smaller. 
Cas stayed. Dean needed it. Sometimes Dean wished he would have gone. 
The truth is, though, Cas never says it. 
He should have left. 
He should know it. 
He never says it.
“Did you ever want to? Would you?” he asks, weight on Cas’s stomach, legs straddled, feeling small and lost and warm.
Cas twines their fingers. The camp is descending into darkness. They’re both cracked and descending, too. 
Before and after. He’s not sure he’d rewind time, even if he could. There’s so little of it left, and it scares him how possessive he’s become of every second. 
He’s gripping too tight again. 
Cas kisses him softly, gently back. 
Sweaty foreheads connect. Cas is lucid, serious, yet soft in his jaded kind of way. Their words get lost in shadows, but this one sticks. 
One word. 
Always the same.
It’s not a love confession even if it’s meant to be. It might hurt more. It might be deeper, better. It’s a wound and it’s a promise:
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spnmarchmadness · 1 year
Supernatural March Madness: Round 1, Match 2
5x04 Summary: Dean is plucked out of his time and dumped at Camp Chitaqua, c. 2014. Croatoan has taken Kansas & Cas is no longer an angel. End!Dean is torturing, sleeping around, & sending his leaders to certain death! We always end up here! Stream DTA, sound of the summer.
6x20 Summary: Cas has made some choices. Most of them bad! Here's his side of the story. He didn't step on that fish. He watched Dean rake leaves. He teamed up with Crowley to open purgatory. He brought soulless!Sam into being. He ended up in a Portrait of a Lady on Fire ring of holy fire. You know how it is!
two edlundian essentials. but only one can win. who will YOU choose.
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dothwrites · 11 months
and then we have in the end which is ALSO a gift directly to me, straight from bedlund himself. god bless.
"the voice says i'm almost out of minutes" cas, i love you. you are THEE most character ever. his "what stuff" with his suspicious little squint. how DARE dean do something else other than attend to cas' needs. how dare! "i'll just wait here then"--THEE castiel line!
supernatural STILL has the market on creepy children conquered. that creepy little girl! and then the military coming in and blasting. love when supernatural just became a straight up zombie movie.
i always thought that this would be a great place to bring back ellen and jo. i would have loved to have seen chitaqua ellen and jo. i am satisfied with what i got but i'm also a greedy bitch and i want MORE
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bisexualvampires · 1 year
Destiny & The Destruction Of  Fate
Relationship: Castiel/Dean Winchester
Rating: E
Summary: Dean knows what happens if they lose to Lucifer. He's seen what becomes of his brother. Of Castiel. He knows the kind of man he's destined to become when the world dies because of him. It was always bigger than them.
Whatever you do, we will always end up here.
While Dean grieves for the brother imprisoned in his own body by the devil, Castiel hunts for the father who brought him back from the dead only to abandon them all. But the world is slowly ending around them, and sooner or later they have to accept that here at the end of all things, all they've got left is each other.
It's the end, baby. There's nothing they can do but brace for the storm.
Chapter 2: The Number Of The Beast (5.2k)
The Sixth Night in Camp Chitaqua
It was in the wee hours on their sixth night at Camp Chitaqua that Dean finally confessed.
Most of the cabins needed heavy repairs, so in the beginning, each housed three to five people. The smell was ripe with sweat and damp wood, the snoring loud enough to attract the dead. But it was the screaming nightmares of traumatized survivors that kept them all up at night as much as their own internal horrors.
Fall was hastening into winter, and the whistling of cold winds did little to drown out the constant drip drip drip of the leak in the ceiling. There was nothing but an old shower curtain separating Castiel’s bunk from Dean’s. It was strange how a few meters of woven plastic could make the man next to him seem a world away.
The faint tinny sounds of Dean’s headphones cut out only moments before Cas felt the kick to his shin. He sat up, tearing the blankets from his pounding chest, every nerve in his body alert. He’d never get used to this feeling; his body reacting as a separate but conjoined entity to the being he was. Fear was no longer a rational, warning response. It was a physical, aching foreboding that left him exhausted in its aftermath.
“Relax, buddy,” Dean said lowly, though there was really no chance of being overheard over the war the elements were raging against the cabin.
Cas lay back, propped up on his elbows as Dean lifted the bottom of the curtain to study him. Doleful eyes roamed over his bare chest in the faint light of the Walkman’s screen. Dean’s hair was mussed. Grown out from weeks of non-stop fighting and building, hunting and surviving. There was a hardness to the set of his jaw, a distance in his eyes, that had become permanent fixtures on his face. Castiel caught glimpses of the old Dean sometimes, in quiet moments when it was just the two of them. He saw it now, in the faint smile that tugged on the corner of Dean’s lips. In the wide-eyed stare that met his own.
Time stretched and bent in the comfortable silence between them, as though all the world and all the horrors it contained were hidden by the curtains surrounding them. It was only them; the fallen angel and the faithless man. The righteous and the damned.
Read more on ao3
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bobwess · 4 months
You wanna see a sneak peek of my Endverse fic?
They've been floating the idea of finding a place where they can gather hunters together. Safety in numbers. Bobby, Dean, Rufus, Jo, Ellen. -
“Chitaqua.” Rufus announced as he walked in through Bobby’s back door and made a beeline directly for the coffee. 
“Gesundheit.” Dean responded. 
“Camp Chitaqua, jackass.” He claimed his cardboard cup before choosing a doughnut and shoving enough things off the table to make a place for himself. 
Bobby rolled his eyes. “What about it?” 
“I made some calls last night, and the ones that went through kicked up an old camp ground, been empty for a couple years now.” 
“How many is a couple?” 
“Have some faith, Bobby. A couple, as in two…” He took a bite of his doughnut. “To ten. It’s not clear.” he admitted. 
“And this… Camp Chitaqua is somewhere you think we should be interested in?”
“You got another thousand acre fully zoned retreat center lined up just waiting for you?”
Dean looked up from his own doughnut. “A thousand?”
“You wanted remote.” 
Bobby leaned forward, a little more interested than before. “Already developed?”
Rufus spoke with his mouth full. “Most of it is woods, keeps it away from nosy neighbors. Working plumbing and electricity. Two lodges, fifteen cabins and a flat area big enough for a couple dozen tents. Mess hall, rec room, chapel.” 
Bobby shook his head. “What’s the catch?”
“I can’t believe you don’t trust me.” 
“What’s the catch.” He repeated, flatly. 
Rufus lowered his voice, looking slightly guilty. “Five hundred thousand dollars.” 
Dean choked. “Oh yeah, just half a million dollars, let me get my wallet.” 
“Hey that is pennies on the dollar, far better price than you’re ever gonna get.” 
“Something that big ain’t going that cheap without a downside.” Ellen pointed out, ignoring Dean’s incredulous look at the word ‘cheap’. 
Bobby leaned back. “You saved him from a poltergeist, and now he is gonna cut you a deal?”
“No, There is still a poltergeist. The grounds are heavily haunted.” 
Dean stared at him. “And that didn’t count as part of the catch?” 
Rufus scowled at him. “If five hunters can’t take care of a little ghost problem, do you really think we got a chance at kickin’ the devil’s ass?” 
“Alright.” Jo said, cutting through the ratcheting tension. “Let’s take the ghosts out of the equation, where is this camp?”
“Fifty miles outside of Kansas City.” Rufus dug into his pocket, pulling out a map of the state with a hastily scribbled X. 
Dean stood to get a closer look. “Anything special about the location?”
“You mean other than it’s not north?” Rufus said incredulously. “Which in case you haven’t noticed is not doing so hot right now.” 
“Yeah, yeah. But nothing else?”
“Just everything you wanted on a plate.” 
Ellen waited until Bobby passed her the map. “Assuming we scrounge up the change, how many people can it shelter? I don’t want to undershoot if we get more hunters joining us than we expect.” 
“Depends how cozy people want to get.” Rufus shrugged. “Lodges have 72 bunks each. Cabins are mostly one room.”
And tents if we got desperate.” Ellen mused.
“So a lot.” Jo crossed her arms. Hopefully way more than they needed. “Besides the ghosts, what has to be done?”
“What do I look like, a carpenter?” Rufus shook his head. “If you want a tour you gotta evict the old residents.”
Dean pushed back from the table slightly. “Are we actually talking about this?” 
Jo shrugged. “I vote we go take a look. Worst thing that happens is we kick a ghost’s ass.” She looked at Ellen. 
“Fine.” She relented. “But I got some stuff I gotta settle before we head off to go camping. Meet here again to leave first thing tomorrow?” 
“Fine by me.” Rufus said, reaching for another doughnut. “Bobby, if you don’t mind, I’m gonna borrow your tools and give my truck a bit of the love she deserves.” 
“Don’t lose anything.” Bobby said, sternly. “And put it all back where you found it.” 
“Yeah, yeah.” Rufus grumbled, holding the door open for Jo before following her out. 
Ellen hung back. Once they were alone she lowered her voice a little. She nodded back towards the stairs. “How is he?” 
Dean sighed. “Not up to this.” 
“And you?” She asked, looking Dean over critically. “You in fighting shape? I’d rather push it a few days than get you killed.” 
“I’m fine.” Dean said. He tested a few rolls of his shoulder, pleased at the flexibility he had. “Let’s get it over with.” 
“Okay.” She said. She squeezed his shoulder before turning and heading after Jo. 
Bobby closed the box on the last couple doughnuts, pushing aside. “Cas’ll be okay here for a couple days.” He settled back with his coffee. 
“Yeah.” Dean said absently. “Thanks, Bobby.” He frowned. “We really owe you.” 
“That’s what family is for.”
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The Dangers of Hope Epilogue
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Series Summary: When Y/N shows up at Camp Chitaqua with her little girl in tow, her bloodshot eyes leave no doubt that she's infected. Or is she? Everything Dean has come to know for certain over the last five hellish years, is about to be challenged.
Pairings/Characters in the series: Endverse!Dean x Reader, Emma (OFC), Castiel, Sam Winchester, Lucifer, Michael, Zachariah, Risa, Johnston (OMC), Patrick (OMC), Theresa (OFC), other survivors and soldiers.
Series Explicit 18 +/Warnings: Show level violence, some gore, angst, smut, fluff all the usual for a series of mine. ❤️ Endverse!Dean (that's a warning for his anger and callousness as well as his extreme hotness. 😁) Each chapter will have their own specific warnings.
Chapter Warnings: None.
Word Count: 5,849
A/N: So, I've had this idea for quite a while. Basically since I watched The Last of Us. I loved Pedro in the role of Joel, but I kept thinking how incredible Jensen would have been. Which then made me think of how amazing he was as Endverse!Dean which then led me to this idea. Lol! I've stolen the premise of Ellie's storyline from TLOU, but made her a grown up, a reader insert, and a love interest for Dean.
If you've never seen TLOU, don't worry - you don't need to have seen it to understand this story. 😊
I've taken some liberties with the Endverse in my story, changed a few things from canon, but kept lots of things too.
I sincerely hope you enjoy the story. It will be ten chapters and I will do my very best to post one chapter every weekend. ❤️
A/N 2: So this is it, the epilogue, the end. I'm so sad to say goodbye to this series. I've really loved writing it, even if it kicked my ass a couple of times. I know I've said this already, but it definitely bears repeating - I'm so unbelievably grateful for the love and support you've all shown this series. Thanks so much - and I hope you enjoy this little peak into Dean and Y/N's lives a decade later. This ended up about twice as long as I'd planned. Lol! Enjoy! ❤️
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Spring, 10 Years Later
The rumbling engine of the Impala was silenced as Dean pulled into the garage and parked Baby in her spot. The camp had eight cars now, so they'd had to expand the garage two summers before. The cars got shuffled around all the time, but Baby always kept her spot on the end. Everyone knew it was her spot.
The late afternoon sun shone in through the garage windows as Dean removed the keys from the ignition and pushed them back into his black, denim jacket pocket.
Sam was sitting beside him and shot him a questioning look when Dean didn't immediately jump out. “Dean?” 
Dean nodded and then looked over at his little brother. “Do you think I did the right thing?”
Sam sighed. He'd already answered this question from his brother, in various forms, three or four times. 
The Deerling Survivors Camp, a small camp located almost seventy miles away, had sent a message to Dean a week earlier, requesting a face-to-face meeting. Dean had asked Sam to come along and they'd stayed overnight at the fledgling camp. The pseudo-leader there, just a young kid who’d been thrust into the role, had asked them to let Deerling join Camp Chitaqua, and after seeing the shape of the camp, Dean had agreed on the spot.
Years earlier the four smaller camps surrounding Chitaqua had joined them, expanding the camp by miles and miles and raising the population by more than two hundred people. It had been a big decision, and Dean had consulted with the council for a couple days before agreeing to the expansion. 
It was a very good decision in the end, since they now had enough land to plant six, four acre farm plots. They made sure to rotate crops, leaving one field fallow every season and using it for grazing pasture. But all that fertile land meant that the campers all had plenty of fresh vegetables. Their expanded size also allowed them to enlarge their barn, so they could now house and care for four cows and a bull, two horses, dozens of chickens, a rooster, two pigs, and eight sheep. 
They'd bartered and traded with other camps for most of their animals or found them wandering around alone and unclaimed. But they bought their sheep from a farmer living in what used to be Iowa. A lot of farmers had started over there, scratching out a new life from the soil, now that the world had started turning once again.
Seven years ago they'd finally succeeded in producing a vaccine. It had taken a lot of hard work. For three years, every single person that worked on it did so with nothing more than a promise of a better tomorrow. 
It had taken another two plus years to get the word and the vaccine out to people, but now most of the population was vaccinated. The vaccine had also been carried overseas. They couldn't be sure how things were going across the pond because communication was still very limited. But they'd heard rumors that it was going well. 
Some infrastructure was up and running again; they had electricity in some places, and some cities had running water again. There were even some places that had phone lines connected - in and around the bigger cities where people were beginning to congregate.
Things seemed to be progressing quickly out west in the former California, where they'd reportedly started broadcasting some form of Television again. Not very many people had TVs anymore to watch, but it seemed comforting to people just to know something resembling their former lives was returning. 
Not everything was perfect, of course. There was no centralized government, or structured, widespread laws. Most areas had variations of camps like Chitaqua with leaders in charge, or occasionally small, internally elected governments that ran the camp. Lawlessness still existed in a lot of places, but it was being beaten further back every day as groups banded together. 
There were also still some areas that were uninhabitable because massive groups of Croats still roamed there. The researchers that had created the vaccine were working on a cure for those who’d already been infected, but thus far they’d proved unsuccessful. Croat attacks still happened sometimes, but the vaccine meant that people just had to deal with the bite itself, making sure it was healing properly - something that was becoming easier as medical stations were springing up in and around larger populations as well, as doctors went back to healing people as they’d been trained to do.
Chitaqua had a physician, Dr. Turner, who lived in the camp. The Medical Tent was no more and instead the doctor’s office and their cache of medical supplies were now housed in a big log structure that had been tiled inside to keep it as clean and sanitary as possible. Patrick was happy to be rid of guard duties these days, working alongside Dr. Turner to watch over the health and well-being of the campers.
There weren’t many tents left nowadays either. They had a bunch stored away in case the camp ended up with a big influx of new campers and temporary housing was needed. But most people lived in log cabins of varying sizes, dotted over the two and a half square miles of the camp. There were well over five hundred people in the camp now, since amalgamating the four other camps. They also had a reputation for being a prosperous, strong community, so people tended to migrate there as well - which continued to add to their numbers.
Now, after the meeting with the Deerling camp, they’d be adding another ninety-six people to their ranks, inflating their population to nearly seven hundred people. Dean was worried about the fact that he’d made the decision to absorb the smaller camp without consulting the council this time. 
The council was a group made up of eight other people besides Dean. Sam and Y/N were on it, as well as Brandy, Risa, Dr. Turner, and three other campers who were there representing the hunters, the farmers and the builders.
Day-to day decisions were still handled by Dean, but he relied on the council for other bigger decisions - taking their thoughts, ideas and opinions into account before he ultimately made a decision. Agreeing to take in another flock of people and develop another thirty acres of land was definitely one of those big decisions he’d normally take to the council, which was why, Sam knew, Dean had been second guessing his unilateral decision to say yes to Deerling’s request.
Sam shook his head at his brother as he answered Dean’s worry again. “Dean, you acted out of generosity, the council will understand. I can vouch for the fact that those campers need a lot of help very quickly. Those kids were starving, you could see that.”
Dean nodded. “Yeah, I know, but I just brought the camp more strain on resources with no benefits.”
Sam shrugged. “Well, there’s the land.”
Dean scoffed. “Yeah, unfarmable land that’s separated from us by almost eighty miles. And Brisbane camp sits between us and Deerling, and they already think we’re trying to take them over. Joining with a group on the other side of them is gonna make them even more suspicious and possibly turn them unfriendly.” He rubbed a hand over his face. “I should have consulted the council.”
“Dean, there’s no way the council would have opted to just let a bunch of kids and sick people die. They’re definitely going to agree with your decision, and this way you’ve simply ensured that we can get food and medicine out to them by tomorrow instead of making them wait days for it. Trust me, you made the right decision.”
Dean grunted his response, still unsure. 
Sam slapped the back of his hand against Dean’s shoulder. “Now, I’m gonna go talk with the Doc about getting supplies together and coming out there with me tomorrow. Will you talk with Brandy later about food?”
Dean nodded. “Yeah.” A smile finally lit his face. “And then I’m goin’ home.”
Sam smiled and opened his door to climb out of the Impala. “Good plan. Give Y/N and the kids a kiss for me.”
Dean climbed out too and slammed his door behind him. He called Sam back as his brother began to walk away. 
“We should also figure out a time and day to have a sit down with the new leader from Brisbane, talk with her about our intentions regarding Deerling. She’s tough, but she seems more approachable and level-headed than their last leader. Maybe we can convince her we’re not looking to take anything over.” 
Sam nodded. “That’s a good idea.”
Dean frowned. “What’s her name again?”
“Eileen Leahy.” 
Dean noticed his brother’s cheeks turn pink and he immediately turned back into an annoying big brother, his grin wide. 
“Right, right, you met with her alone last time. She’s cute, huh? Something we should know? Maybe you should invite her over to our place for dinner next week. We can have our little sit down conversation then. What do you think?”
Sam had already turned and started walking away. “You’re an idiot!” He called back over his shoulder. But Dean made a mental note to tell Y/N all about it later. 
With Y/N firmly in mind he started out across the camp. Their cabin was situated on top of a low hill in the Southwest section of the camp, not all that far from where their old red tent used to sit.
They’d built their cabin when they came back to Chitaqua eight years ago after helping to set up the research facility. The vaccine was still a year away, but they’d done all they could do and they were ecstatic that after two years of traveling back and forth from camp, gathering doctors, researchers and searching for other psychic kids, (they’d only found two others) and after Y/N had given gallons of her blood to science, they could finally come home for good. 
Not long after returning home, Y/N realized she was pregnant and Dean became obsessed with building them a beautiful home. It was around that time that the camps had all joined together and building homes for everyone became a priority of the camp. 
The builders grew in numbers as they took on apprentices and taught them the trade so that more people in the camp could join in the work. It took almost four years of constant building, but eventually all five hundred plus campers had permanent homes.
Gotta pull the tents out for the Deerling folks, Dean thought as he walked, his mind immediately occupied with figuring out the logistics of where the new campers could stay, and how they could join in the life of the camp, once they were all healthy.
He stopped by Food Storage and spoke with Brandy as Sam had requested. And just as his brother had suspected, when he explained the situation, Brandy was one council member who was very glad he’d made the decision he had. He felt more sure now that the others would feel the same.
As Dean wound his way through camp he got stopped quite a few times, people wanting to talk with him about one concern or another. He generally pointed them in the direction of the person or group in the camp that could help them. But he also got stopped by friends wanting to say hi and talk for a moment or two.
He was happy to talk, but anxious to get home to Y/N.
He looked out towards the large school building where Y/N still taught every day. The new building had been built on the site where the main cabin had been burned down. It was even bigger than the old cabin, with six rooms for the seven teachers that worked there now. 
Y/N was also the principal of the school for all intents and purposes; she and the other teachers taught over two hundred kids from ages five to sixteen. Theresa had finished school and immediately joined the staff as a teacher, working with Y/N every day and loving it. Brandy was so proud.
But Dean wasn’t surprised to see the building empty now, however; he knew it was a day off. He picked up his pace, weaving through the buildings that resided where the old tents had taken up space. 
They’d greatly expanded the food storage, and had an entirely different rations system now that fresh vegetables, fruit, fish and game made up the vast majority of their diet. Brandy was still in charge and was constantly innovating to make things easier and to stretch their food as far as they could in order to feed everyone. 
The former tent area also housed three large storage sheds, a small building that worked as an office/meeting space for whatever group needed to use it, and a small mill where they processed the wheat they grew - that process had included a steep learning curve, but they’d eventually made it work.
There was also a small, open area where a kind of market had popped up organically as the campers traded amongst themselves for things like homemade jewelry, homemade clothes, and other non-essentials.
He walked behind the buildings and began climbing the gently rising path that led to their cabin at the top of the hill. About halfway home he heard loud barking and looked up to see their seven year old Bernese-Husky cross, Clifford, bounding towards him, the way he usually did when any of the family came home. 
“Hey, boy.” Dean said softly, scratching him behind the ears. “Miss me?”
Clifford barked happily in answer and ran ahead and then back to where Dean stood, obviously urging him on towards home. Dean laughed and sped up, chasing after the big dog who sometimes still acted like a puppy.
As the path through the trees ended, opening up into their wide front yard, Dean sighed deeply. “Home sweet home.” He murmured. 
Even though he'd been away less than two days, he was still so happy to be home. He felt the peace that filled him up every time he stepped around the last bend in the path and caught sight of their home in the distance.
The way smoke curled lazily from the chimney and the scent of something delicious wafted through the half open Dutch door, never failed to make him ache to get his arms around his wife and bask in her light. Dean shook his head at his sentimental thoughts, but hurried his pace to get inside. 
As he drew closer however, something caught his attention out of the corner of his eye and he turned his head to see his son walking East, coming out from behind the house. Dean figured he was heading over to his friend Freddie's, and he was about to continue on into the cabin, but then he noticed what his eight-year-old was holding in his hand.
“Gabriel Eric Winchester!” 
Dean's voice bellowed out, freezing the young boy where he stood. Dean strode towards him, anger clear on his face. To the boy's credit, even when he turned and saw his father's anger, he still walked forward slowly, until he was standing directly in front of him. 
The gun he held, however, was tucked just behind his back, as though he was hoping Dean hadn't noticed it. 
Dean held his hand out. “Give that to me this second.”
Gabe's face fell and he brought the gun forward reluctantly, dropping it onto Dean's palm. 
Dean immediately checked to make sure the small, .38 caliber, Smith and Wesson revolver was unloaded and when he saw it was, he held it in his fist, directly in front of Gabe's eyes.
“What the hell do you think you're doing with this?”
His son's eyes were wide and they got watery quickly. 
He shrugged. “I was just gonna bring it to Freddie's. Josh said he could teach us to shoot.” He said, referring to his friend’s older brother. “Just cans on a fence.” He was quick to reassure Dean.
“And did you ask your mother if you could remove a gun from the weapons chest?” Dean asked, already well aware of the answer. 
Gabe shook his head. “No.” He said quietly.
“How did you get it?” Dean asked brusquely.
Gabriel’s voice was still soft as he admitted what he’d done. “I grabbed it yesterday when mom took out a rifle to scare away some raccoons that were trying to get into the compost. Josh said he could teach us if we had guns. So when I saw it last night I just…” He trailed off as he looked up at Dean's face.
“So what you're telling me,” Dean said quietly, “is that while your mother's back was turned you STOLE a gun and planned to use it without asking either of us for permission.”
Gabe's tears spilled down his cheek at his father's disappointed tone and accurate words. He nodded and then sniffed. 
“I'm sorry.” He said thickly. 
Dean crouched down so he could look his son in the eye. “Gabe, a gun is not a toy. I thought you knew this. It's not something to mess around with or use on a whim. It is a weapon. It's incredibly dangerous. If you'd gone off and started shooting, even just at cans, you could have seriously hurt or killed yourself or your friends. Do you understand me?”
Gabe nodded but bit his lip. “But you carry a gun.” He said, pointing to the ever present gun strapped to Dean’s thigh. “And you started using guns when you were even younger than me. I heard you talking about it to mom before. And I…” He sniffled again. “I just wanted to be like you.”
Dean sighed and shook his head. “Oh, buddy, I want you to be so much more than me. Your mom and I, we've worked really hard to make things better for you guys, to make the world safer so that when you grow up, hopefully you won’t have to walk around with a gun strapped to you at all times. It’s my job to protect the people in this camp. That’s why I carry a gun, and why I sometimes carry a rifle. But that’s not your job. Your job is to just be a little boy.”
Dean saw Gabriel pout a bit about being called a little boy. He smiled gently and squeezed his son’s shoulders. “Trust me, buddy, you should enjoy being a kid, don’t try to grow up too quickly.”
Gabe nodded begrudgingly and Dean pulled his son in for a hug. After a moment, he pulled back from him and stood up straight again, before nodding towards the cabin. “Go to your room now until supper, and when you come out, you’ll owe your mother an apology for going behind her back. Also, nothing but school and home for a week, do you understand?”
Gabe looked like he wanted to argue, but thought better of it when Dean gave him a stern look. “Yes, sir.” He said in acceptance and turned to run into the cabin.
“Gabriel!” Dean called. When his son turned back, the tear tracks on his grubby cheeks still visible, Dean spoke quietly but with conviction. “I love you and that’s why I know you can do better.”
Gabe’s face lost some of its forlorn look and he gave Dean a slightly awkward smile, lightly banging his fist against the side of his leg. “Love you too, Dad.” He said quickly before bolting for the house.
Dean shook his head and slipped the gun into his inside jacket pocket. He’d have to have a few more conversations with his son about gun safety and responsibility, but he was confident he could drill the dangers into him.
He walked up the stairs to the front door, more than ready to see Y/N and his girls. When he walked inside, however, he could hear voices coming from behind the kitchen door, and they didn’t sound very happy.
He pushed open the swinging door and saw Y/N and Emma inside. Y/N’s face lit up. “Dean!” She said happily as she saw him and crossed to the door to pull him down for a kiss. 
“Ew.” Emma said.
It was the standard reaction from all of their kids when they kissed in front of them. Emma had a hand over her eyes as Dean finished the kiss and looked over to where she stood by the sideboard that held all their plates, cups and glasses.
“You can look now, kiddo, we’re all finished.” Dean told her with a grin. “For the moment.”
Emma rolled her eyes and made Dean chuckle. Y/N frowned up at him. “Did I hear you yelling at Gabe?”
Dean nodded. “Yeah, gotta talk to you about that, but you guys sounded angry when I came in. Anything wrong?”
Y/N looked at Emma and shrugged. “I’ve been telling Emma that she needs to invite her new friend for dinner.”
Dean’s brow wrinkled as he looked at Emma. “You don’t want to bring your friend over for dinner?”
Emma looked at Y/N with frustration, clearly annoyed that she’d told Dean anything. 
Dean tried again. “What’s going on kiddo, since when don’t you want us to meet your friends? Who is it, by the way? Didn’t realize any new kids had started at the school.”
Y/N shook her head. “Jeffrey’s not a new student, he’s just a new…friend.” She said meaningfully. 
Dean caught on and his face immediately dissolved into a scowl. “Oh.” He said without enthusiasm, crossing his arms over his chest.
“See?” Emma barked out, pointing at Dean, but talking to Y/N. “I told you this is how he’d be!!”
“What?” Dean asked defensively. “What are you talking about?”
Emma folded her arms, her posture and scowl mirroring Dean’s. “You get like this every time I bring a boy home, even when he’s absolutely just a friend. You scare the shit out of them!”
“Emma!” Y/N said, reprimanding her for her language..
But Dean just scoffed. “I don’t know what you mean. How do I scare them?”
Emma glared at him. “You interrogate them, Daddy, you know you do.”
Dean rolled his eyes. “Come on, if they’re too freaked out to answer a few simple questions then-”
“Simple questions?” Emma interrupted with a humorless laugh. “When I invited Timothy Sutherland over here you forced him to sit down and answer a thousand questions about his family, his background, where he grew up, what his plans were when we finished school. He ran out of here and never looked back.”
Dean threw his arms out. “Do you really wanna date a loser like that anyway? Who can’t even answer a couple questions?”
“Ugh!” Emma stomped her foot and stormed out the back door. 
Silence reigned for a moment when Emma left before Y/N turned towards Dean, giving him a tilted smile. “So, welcome home!” She said in a would-be cheerful voice.. 
Dean sighed as he pulled her back into his arms and kissed the top of her head. They enjoyed the simple peace of each other’s embrace for a few minutes before Y/N spoke.
“What happened with Gabe?” She asked.
“He stole a gun and was gonna go shoot cans with Josh and Freddie Young.”
“What?” Y/N shouted, pulling back to look into Dean’s face.
He nodded. “Yeah, but don’t worry, I handled it. He’s in his room till supper and he’s grounded for a week. And I talked to him about how dangerous guns were. I have more conversations planned around the subject for the near future.”
Y/N shook her head before laying it back on Dean’s chest. “Good lord.”
After a couple minutes Y/N pulled away and poured them each a cup of coffee. They settled beside each other at the wooden table and instinctively linked fingers.
Dean took a sip of coffee and sighed. “I don’t really interrogate all her boyfriends, do I?”
Y/N pursed her lips. “Well, she’s never actually had a real boyfriend. And I don’t think that's because boys don’t want to date her. She’s smart and kind, beautiful and well-liked. So…” She shrugged. “It seems probable that the boys who like her are just too intimidated by her father - you know, the legend who fought monsters, Croats, angels, and WON - the soldier that leads the camp, wears a gun, and asks scary questions, all while donning a very good mean-face.”
Dean exhaled loudly, but before he could respond, their youngest child came bouncing into the room. She was just six years old, and looked so much like Emma at that age that it sometimes caught Dean off guard. 
But she was definitely her own little bundle of energy. Having never known hunger or hardship, she was all bright smiles and busy excitement. It seemed as though she’d been born smiling and simply hadn't stopped. Very little bothered her, and she was absolutely spoiled by the entire family, including their found family members in the camp.
Everyone loved Hope.
“Daddy, you’re home!” Hope shouted as she jumped into his lap.
“Oof.” He grunted as she landed hard on some sensitive places. “Hey sweetheart!” He said, slightly out of breath. 
“I missed you. Mommy said you might not come home until tomorrow, but I said that you would come home quick because you like to be home and you don’t like to stay away. Right?”
He nodded, trying to keep up with her racing words. “Yeah, baby, I love to be home.” 
Before his sentence was ended Hope was on to her next thought. “I saw Emmie running out the back door and I tried to talk to her, but she looked mad. She was sitting on the tree swing in the back and I wanted a turn, so I told her to push me, but she just helped me on the swing and then she left to walk through the front yard and leave. And when I tried to follow her, she told me not to leave the yard and to go inside and see you cause you were back. So, I did.” She paused for breath before asking, “Why was Emmie mad?”
Y/N answered. “It’s nothing sweet pea. Why don’t you help me make supper? You can shuck the corn.”
Hope clapped her hands. “Yes, I want to pull all the strings off.” 
Y/N held her daughter’s hand as she hopped off of Dean’s lap, and then leaned forward to kiss Dean slowly. 
“Ew.” Hope said, shielding her eyes as her sister had. 
Y/N smiled against Dean’s lips and whispered to him. “Go talk to your daughter.”
Dean nodded and stood up, bending to kiss Hope’s shiny chestnut curls on the crown of her head. “Hey, promise me something short one.” He said, continuing when she looked up at him. “Promise you’ll take a really long time to grow up, okay?”
She smiled at him, cheeks round and rosy. “Okay, daddy.”
He winked at Y/N who smiled indulgently. “She promises.”
Dean instinctively knew where he’d find his oldest child. She coped with stress and frustration the same way he did, the way he’d taught her to. 
He walked through the door of the garage and sure enough, there was Emma, wearing old, blue coveralls that were too big for her, and bent over the hood of the little Chevy hatchback that sat next to the Impala. He knew she heard him come in, but she didn’t say anything, just kept working. 
Dean hopped up on Baby’s hood and waited for her to be ready to talk. Eventually, she caved and looked over at him, her face slightly shuttered and a little hard to read. “Hi.” She said simply.
He smiled at her. “Hey kiddo.” He nodded at the open hood she was under. “How are things looking? Still need a new oil pan?”
Emma shook her head. “No, I replaced that last week. Risa found me one in the back of the storage shed.”
“Good.” Dean said. They were both quiet as Emma leaned back in and continued working. 
After a moment she cleared her throat. “Looks like I’m gonna need new brake pads though. Think we could go to Lowry’s and see what he’s got.” She asked, referring to a guy in Brisbane who collected car parts and often traded with them.
“Sure. I’ll be busy for the next day or so. But we can go after that. One day after school?” He asked.
Emma nodded and stood up, wiping her hands on the rag she had stuffed in her pocket. She was quiet as she slammed the hood closed and then stepped out of the coveralls and hung them up on the hook beside the door.
She wandered over to Baby and hoisted herself up beside Dean on the hood. After a moment she leaned her head onto his shoulder. “I’m sorry I yelled at you, Dad. I’m glad you’re home.”
Dean lifted his arm so she could snuggle closer, and then wrapped it tightly around her shoulders, squeezing her into his side.
“No, you don’t have to apologize, baby. Apparently I’ve been unconsciously scaring away the tons of boys who would otherwise be beating down our door. Though, if I’m being completely truthful, it probably wasn’t entirely unconscious. Cause I just know not a one of them is gonna be good enough for you.”
Emma chuckled. “I don’t think it’s tons of boys, Daddy. And I’m not interested in a bunch of boys. I’m interested in Jeffery. And I really do want you to meet him. I think if you give him a chance you’d like him. He’s really sweet and funny and just…” She sighed. “I just like him.”
Dean squeezed her again and felt his chest constrict with love and bittersweet memories, remembering how she used to crawl into his lap and let him read her to sleep. Those days were long gone, but she was still that little girl to him and she probably always would be. But he knew she was growing up and he needed to loosen his grip, at least a little.
So he sighed now and nodded. “Okay, kiddo. If you like him, I’m sure I’ll like him too. So, invite him over for dinner one evening and I swear to keep my questions to a minimum and be perfectly cordial.”
Emma laughed. “I don’t know if cordial is ever a word I’d use to describe you, Dad. Let’s just try to leave out the death stares.”
That evening after dinner, it was Gabe and Hope’s turn to do dishes. Gabriel washed and Hope dried with some assistance from Dean. As they were finishing up, Keisha and Julianne showed up on their doorstep asking if Emma was free to go for a walk around camp.
Y/N nodded when Emma looked to her for permission. “That’s fine. Be home before dark. Oh, here.” She said to the twins, grabbing a bag and passing it to them. “Take these home to your mom, it's the dress patterns she loaned me.”
Keisha went to take it, but Y/N pulled it back. “On second thought, nevermind. I’ll bring it to her tomorrow afternoon. Gives me a reason to visit and gossip.”
The girls all laughed and then waved as they headed out the door. Dean had to smile as they walked away, their high pitched voices and giggles floating back to them on a breeze. Some things hadn’t changed and he was grateful. 
Gabe went to his room to read, since he was housebound for the next while. Hope played with some well loved and worn out dolls for a little bit before they took her to her room and put her to bed. They tucked Gabe in not long after, and then took their coffee cups out onto their little front porch and sat in one of the big Adirondack chairs that Dean and Sam had built three years ago.
Y/N settled happily into Dean’s lap, her hands cupped around her warm mug. The late spring air was soft and warm, and the sounds of the camp drifted up the hill towards them. They listened contentedly for a little while as Clifford came out of the house and flopped down on Dean’s feet. 
They talked about the kids and they talked about the Deerling camp; they talked about Sam, and Y/N admonished Dean for teasing him about Eileen. 
“Be nice.” She scolded. “I hope he will bring her to dinner. If he likes her, I mean.”
They talked about anything and everything, and as the sun began to set, Emma came up the path and smiled as she saw her parents cuddled together in one chair. As much as she rolled her eyes and hid her face when they started getting kissy, she loved how much they loved each other. And she knew she’d never settle for anything less than what they had together. 
She told them goodnight and went inside, Clifford rising slowly to follow her and sleep at the end of her bed as he did every night.
Soon the fireflies were buzzing loudly and the camp was getting quiet, so Dean stood up with Y/N still in his arms, leaving their coffee cups to sit on the porch until morning. She laughed as her husband carried her effortlessly into their bedroom.
He set her on her feet and locked the door before he buried his hands in her hair and pulled her to him, crushing her lips beneath his own. Y/N moaned softly and immediately pulled off his flannel shirt and yanked his t-shirt over his head so she could spread her hands across the wide expanse of his still beautifully muscled torso. 
“God I missed you.” She breathed, even though it had only been one night. “I hate when you go away.”
He smiled against her skin as he stripped her down to her bra and panties. “Missed you too, sweetheart. Promise not to go anywhere ever again.”
Y/N laughed at his impossible promise as he lifted her so she could wrap her legs around his waist. He continued kissing her as he crossed the room and lowered her to the bed. She wouldn’t let go of him and pulled him down on top of her. 
Dean chuckled at her hold on him and then mouthed his way down her body, licking and nipping at her skin. Ten years later she still had the ability to make him instantly hard and aching for her.
They spent most of the night making up for the one they’d been apart. In the darkest part of the night they found light and life in each other’s arms and fell asleep knowing tomorrow would dawn bright and busy - filled with responsibilities, joy, love and most of all…
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Jensen RPF and Any/All Characters: @lyarr24 @lacilou @deans-spinster-witch @globetrotter28 @suckitands33 @alwaystiredandconfused @evznackles @jackles010378 @impala67rollingthroughtown @krazykelly @candy-coated-misery0731 @envyaurora95 @spnwoman @deans-baby-momma
Dean Fics Only: @roonthelittlespoon920 @slamminmine @zepskies @safiyas-world
Any/All Fics Regardless of Character or Fandom: @kazsrm67 @slut-for-evans-stan @sexyvixen7 @nancymcl @hobby27 @waywardcheshire
Everything Incl. Fan Edits: @k-slla @leigh70 @eevvvaa @kickingitwithkirk @foxyjwls007 @notinthislife50 @roseblue373 @mishkatelwarriorgoddess @avanatural @mrsjenniferwinchester @all-alone-he-turns-to-stone @deangirl96
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darkshrimpemotions · 1 year
Hi hello, I was wondering what is your favorite spn fanfic?
That is a HARD QUESTION to answer. I have so many! But I think it's a four-way tie between:
Redemption Road - The first really massive fic I ever read, it's a canon divergent fic that jumps off at the end of season 6 and takes the story in a whole other direction. It's a mystery and a horror story and a love story, all rolled into one, and it's phenomenal. Scenes and quotes from this story still live rent-free in my brain TO THIS DAY, despite me originally reading it nearly a decade ago now.
With Understanding - A crossover AU in which Castiel is an FBI agent working in the BAU of CBS show Criminal Minds, Dean is one of the FBI's most wanted, they're soulmates, and Dean...is pretty desperate and messed up. You may have heard this one referred to as the "insane Destiel kidnapping fic." I cannot say mind the tags enough on this one if you seek it out, it's so good but SO dark.
Down to Agincourt - A canon divergent AU that jumps off from the season 5 episode "The End" and follows Dean, Cas, and the other residents of Camp Chitaqua as they mark time at the end of the world. It's sweet and angsty and fun and deeply mysterious. It's a lot of people taking care of each other in the softest ways despite living in a hard world. It's over a million words and counting. It practically has its own fandom at this point, and with good reason.
The Fourth Wall - Somewhat background Destiel with foreground Sam/Lucifer. But listen! Hear me out. I don't ship it but this fic will MAKE you ship it. I swear to you. Sam tries to convince Lucifer to forego the apocalypse and it kind of works? Just click and start reading, you will not regret it I promise.
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aintahero · 6 months
/ the following are my ALTERNATE universes for dean that are open + semi-open for anyone to interact and plot within. I am constantly adding to my list of alternate universes, and I'll do my best to keep things updated this go around. but these are the ones that will get heavy attention.
main alternate universes. main meaning branched off the main time-line and directly correlate with the past events on his time-line.
no start solitary. this is a branch-off in the scenario if sam winchester had never survived the night at the nursery [ most instances he survived but was kidnapped by azazel instead of being left to be raised by mary and john ]. at the age of eight he was attacked by a wendigo scarring across his face, when he turned seventeen he got the fuck away from john. he works odd jobs, various hunts. for lack of a better term, he's an asshole and so vastly different from main dean. he prefers to work alone but with a little prompting and the proper motivation maybe he'll consider it. nomadic, 20's-30's.
reverse verse. he is a being of pure celestial energy, an archangel. [ now that i'm thinking about this verse again, I'm thinking about making him the first angel mirroring michael but I also think it's better if I keep michael instead ]. nomadic, really old. affiliated with @ichorimbrued hunter (exclusive) castiel. ♡
endverse. a season five alternative taking place between the years 2009-2015. sam winchester says ' yes ' to lucifer. the archangel michael ceases to care about the worlds problems, ignores dean's pleas of his own ' yes ' having been too stubborn. the world descends into chaos, civilization as we know it crumbles. dean forms a camp [ camp chitaqua ] of survivors and is constantly bringing in new survivors. he is given the title, fearless leader, both affectionately and derogatory. he eventually dies at the hands of lucifer.
demon eternal. (2) a season ten / demon dean alternative taking place after the events of demon dean being cured. demon has the mark of cain upon his arm, effectively granting him ALL of cain's abilities, paired with the first blade, he is essentially unkillable save for the first blade but that only works if the user has the mark of cain--- this goes for main timeline demon dean past season nine. 1. the cure wasn't a permanent fix and eventually he reverts back to a demonic knight of hell. 2. ALTERNATIVELY to this as well, demon kills crowley before he can tip-off to sam about his whereabouts and reluctantly takes up the mantle of king of hell.
huntercorp. an alternate universe where the american men of letters take a more active role in the higher up corporate world much like the british men of letters. DEAN and sam HARRISON both run the multi-million dollar company know as huntercorp, who trains + provides support for various hunters over the united states, including alaska + hawaii. if we go the platonic route, dean will be married to @blednone's abraham march.
fandom alternate universes. fandom meaning not necessarily inserted into the canon but based + inspired within the universe of an already established universe.
the hundred. he is a nightblood (natblida) from the clan of sangeda or sangedakru. it was a home-birth and he ended being an only child after mary found out he was a nightblood--- she was selfish and didn't surrender him when they came for the clan's nightbloods; she refused to let them take her son away so she didn't tell anyone that he was one. and deans father wanting to protect mary AND dean, the secret held with him too. until he was found out, they killed his parents and came for him but he escaped into the desert, he was twelve years old. for years he lived in the desert, until his favorite "star" the ark came crashing down. he intertwines himself with skaikru differently depending on who/which character i'm interacting with. there is a sub-arc that takes place long before the events of the source material (novels+show), where dean won his conclave and became heda.
detroit: become human. semi-private. he became one of the creators of androids, he partnered with elijah as a silent partner because he didn't want to be part of the face of the company of cyberlife. he is opposite thinker to elijah, in that he loves the androids, mostly because he did a lot of the mechanical aspects of building them--- a lot of the hands on.
marvel / x-men. originally this was two verses but I'm making one of them a branch-off. the main overarc-ing theme is that dean is a mutant, what he likes to call a meta-human, his main powers include fire manipulation, seismic waves, super strength, super human senses, telekinesis, I'll go in-depth at a later time. his powers manifested at a young age, which unwittingly led him to believe he's the one who set his mom on fire [ it wasn't but he still thinks it was ]. eventually, he gets sent to xaviers school for the gifted cause john just doesn't want to deal with him anymore. once dean is old enough he skips out on that and ends up in a small town doing his best to live a normal life.
pacific rim. the main part of this tenatively takes place before the events of pacific rim [ and it'll progress to a REWRITTEN, pacific rim uprising, cause what the fuck was that movie, a let down, thats what it was. ] I wouldn't classify dean was a washed up jaeger pilot but he is an ex-jaeger pilot in this verse, one of the only known people to pilot a jaeger by himself--- mostly because sam is killed during a fight with a kaiju. but when things start to get worse, he's pulled back into the efforts.
star wars. DEAN WINDSOR. previously windsorforce. he is a force-user who pulls from BOTH what others title the light + the dark side of the force---- theoretically, for all intents and purposes and again others would call him a grey jedi, however, he is descended from a long line of what others would call sith lords. his main lightsaber crystal is purple, his ancestors lightsaber was a cracked purple crystal--- and of course they each have a red one. I write both his sith ancestor and jedi dean, upon various timelines depending on which character i'm writing. my wonderful exclusive poe dameron within the rebellion timeline can be found on @ichorimbrued
star trek. he is a renowned starfleet captain of the uss impala. they are tasked more with venturing out, mapping the stars and actually making contact + hopefully peace with always being discovered races of beings. can be placed anywhere on the trek timelines. his chief engineer nova keller can be found on @ichorimbrued.
terminator verse. semi-private. I can place this along any time in the terminator franchise universe, because time-travel. dean was just becoming what society would deem a man, when skynet took over. he survived judgement day and became a prominent figure against skynet. he ends up running one of the strongest survivor + fighter camps. his human story will come to an end when he's captured and his consciousness is transferred into a newly designed terminator [ T-X900. ] but the flaw of the machines is that it miscalculated how strong his will-power was. while his terminator version does not have the complete emotions to the degree of human dean, he still feels them to a degree.
the vampire diaries / the originals. (2) 1. semi-private. dean after having a one night stand with @katerynas's katherine pierce (my exclusive katherine), she decides to turn him. he becomes sire-bonded to her ♡ 2. semi-open. dean is one of the descendents from the long line of hunters.
honorable mention semi-private: dune. dawning from + duke of HOUSE WINCHESTER, close allies to house atreides. his eyes are blue because of his addiction to spice. he possesses the voice as mary was bene gesserit. arrakis, 40's. affiliated with my exclusive @ichorimbrued's leto atreides. ♡
fandomless alternate universes. fandomless meaning they're inspired by various things in life, including but not limited to various media + art forms.
rockstar. this verse has NO SUPERNATURAL CREATURES in the plotline at all. he is a FAMOUS rockstar, who occasionally suffers from substance abuse. he's mostly a SOLO ARTIST, and a few of his albums went platinum.
firefighter. this verse has NO SUPERNATURAL CREATURES in the plotline at all. when dean is younger [ I flop between 4 years old and twelve years old ], he lost his mom in a house fire one of which left him scarred on about seventy percent of his body. when he gets older, he joins the fire academy and becomes a firefighter.
cowboy. can be set in modern day, the 80's, or the past. this verse has NO SUPERNATURAL CREATURES in the plotline at all. the one main thing I have about his verse is he always .... always has a horse named bailey. dean was a horse rancher and when he was robbed, some of his horses killed and his farm ransacked, he went on a punishment mission---- it lead him into the life of an outlaw. depending on where we place stuff, he could be fighting for his redemption after it.
surgeon. this verse has NO SUPERNATURAL CREATURES in the plotline at all. at age 4, dean learns early on that the world was not kind and will chew you up and spit you out no matter who you are. days after the fire that's killed mary, john drops him off at a strange mans house and that man turns out to be his biological father @ichorimbrued's kip wesley. he's raised by single dad kip, who is a pediatrician--- he grows up wanting to go to medical school like his father and ends up going and becoming a pediatric surgeon or trauma surgeon depending on what I feel like writing.
underground fighter. this verse has NO SUPERNATURAL CREATURES in the plotline at all. dean is a mechanic by day (some days), by some nights he's one of the undergrounds most formidable fighters, almost never loses. but constantly suffers from various injuries.
tattoo artist. this is self indulgent cause I wanted to be able to realistically give dean more tattoos, while still keeping deans beautiful freckled skin uncovered in main. this verse has NO SUPERNATURAL CREATURES in the plotline at all. he uses his artistic abilities and opens a tattoo and piercing shop called, winchester, ink and needle.
zombie verse. this verse will ONLY HAVE ZOMBIES in it, no other supernatural creature will be present. I have yet to determine how I want to go about doing this, he will awake from a coma into the world of the undead in most things in terms of most history. but i also just love anything zombies in general. so basically he's a nomadic survivor, just trying to survive. you know the usual.
royalty / fantasy. can fit into most fantasy verses. this verse will feature limited supernatural creatures unless it calls for it. most fantasy stuff I put dean into he's royalty, and is either a king or becomes a king of a kingdom. I have rare instances where he is simply a knight but he's the type of king who won't shy away from battle and will be fighting right alongside his people so I don't typically have a use for the knight one, unless someone specifically requests it. I have a chronicles of riddick verse, where dean was a royal furyian, I'll offer it if people are interested in learning about it.
serial killer. semi-open. this verse has NO SUPERNATURAL CREATURES in the plotline at all. I feel like this is just self explanatory.
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etherealxen · 2 years
Suptober22 / Endversetober Day 18 - “Not Quite a Technicolour Dreamcoat”
Two fics in ONE day? What is this madness? Although, neither of them are today’s fic since today is the 19th. But it’s still fine because I am making *progress*. This one Is a mix of three separate prompts that just screamed to go together. @winchester-reload ‘s #Suptober22 Prompt of “Tattoos” as well as @klayr-de-gall ‘s #Endversetober Prompt of “Supplies”  and a Promptober Prompt of “Ink.” 
I just...how could I not have Endverse Dean come into a large supply of ink and set up a makeshift tattoo parlour for the day and do a fun little slice of life fic? Well...what might at least count as cute slice of life in the Endverse anyway...
Title: Not Quite a Technicolour Dreamcoat”
Word Count: 6323
Rating: Mature (There is no sexual content in this fic, but they do spend the day drinking and smoking)
Pairing: Mild destiel
Summary: It's not often Dean finds ink on a supply run but this time he has and he's found more than enough to tattoo the camp with the protection they need and then get to work on a little private artwork on his favourite angelic canvass.
It was barely after breakfast when the truck that had headed out before dawn came rumbling back into Camp Chitaqua. Dean was standing in the tray surrounded by boxes with a wide grin on his face. It was unusual enough that they were already coming back from a supply run, usually they were gone all day, but for Dean to not be the one behind the wheel was even stranger still. Castiel’s eyes narrowed suspiciously from where he watched outside the main hall; he’d been helping to build a new noticeboard after their last one broke as the innocent victim in the crossfire of a drunken brawl.
The truck came to a stop nearby and drew the attention of the campers, confused by the early return. Dean pulled out an object from one of the boxes, his grin still firmly in place and held it up before shouting out for everyone to hear, “We’ve got ink! And lots of it! Shop’ll be open in thirty! Anyone without an anti-possession tatt at the front of the line, personal protection after! You’ve got half an hour to decide on placement, people!”
Dean jumped down from the tray as people began unloading and carrying the boxes to where he usually set up shop on the rare occasions they found ink to do tattooing. Cas handed his hammer to one of the other campers working on the sign and made to follow.
“Hey! Cas, what are you doing?” She held her arms wide, confusion on her face, “you can’t just bail!”
“I’m needed.” Was all he said before shoving his hands in his jean pockets and following after Dean casually. He knew the other campers found it odd; their leader never really called for him like he did other people. Instead, Cas would just show up when he was required or Dean would fetch him personally. In the early days of camp some people had made jokes about Castiel ‘following Dean around like a lost puppy’ or similar, until they started to notice that when Cas would enter the room and there’d be a map on the table for strategy planning he would look at it, exchange a meaningful look with Dean and Dean would nod say “yeah you’re right, it’s a stupid idea” and then look to him for confirmation that his next ideas were less stupid.
The more recent rumours were more simple, that the two of them were just ‘psychically linked’ or something. Still inaccurate, but with a degree of truth. Cas had always been relieved that the bond forged between them when he lifted Dean out of hell hadn’t been severed when his powers waned.
He caught up to Dean in the open area next to his cabin, set apart from the rest of the camp but with a line of sight to the main buildings and Castiel’s cabin. Dean always liked to be able to see his main points of interest. The man was fiddling with their tattooing equipment. They’d tinkered with a generator to make and store power through solar energy. During the day it would run off the sun, but make a bit more than it needed, and store the extra in a battery that would let it run well into the night.
Without a word Castiel began to work around him, setting up the bar stool that Dean liked to sit on while tattooing, the creaky wooden chair with the high back for his ‘clients’ to sit on. He also pulled from Dean’s cabin a small table and another chair for himself. He retrieved some notebooks and pens as well as some of their old journals filled with symbols and wards that they kept in Dean’s cabin for this purpose.
Boxes of ink were continuing to appear as campers unloaded them and Dean sat down on his stool to clean and sterilise his tattoo needles as Cas took his seat beside him, lounging with his feet on the small table beside the journals and pulled out his cigarettes to light up.
“I still find it hilarious,” Dean smiled at Cas, his grin reminiscent of those days so long ago when their worries were fewer and their joys more plentiful, “That of all the habits you’ve taken up since going native, you chose smoking of all things.”
Cas took a long drag of his cigarette, ignoring the people that were starting to approach, and blew smoke teasingly in Dean’s face with a smile, “it’s the end of the world, not like I have to worry about cancer.”
Somehow Dean’s smile only increased, his gaze softening at the former angel, “you do if I save you.”
...Continue Reading on Ao3! 
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bedlund · 7 months
i decided to get back into animal crossing and i was sitting there trying desperately to figure out a name short enough for my island and then said out loud "girl what you doing" and named it chitaqua. felt like i was momentarily possessed by dta dean
beautiful. it’s just like when madonna said ‘this is where i long to be la isla chitaqua’
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